.: .-i. : - ..J-..- ..-. ?... - i - i - TIIE MORXING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 3,- 1920 -i i V.il .. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale LARCKST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Over 10UO PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR BALE. SEE FRANK I,. McGUIRE. To Buv Your Home. s Are you LOOKING FOR A HOME? IT'S easy If vou TKT THE McO LIRE SYSTL.M ! 1000 PHOTCXiRAPHS of homes chosen from ever'v district In the fit v EVERY KIND OF HOME. EV KRY MOIRRATK PRICE. We GIVE SATISFYING SERVICE. If necesfar, we will help you make your down pay ment. IS AUTOMOBILES at Your Service, open EvenlnKS and Sundays. A MACHINE WILL. TAKE YOU OUT TODAY! $5230 ONE OUT OF 1000! SPLENDID duplex tn the HEART of beau tiful LAURELHURST: -family dwelling: art Klass bookcases, massive leaded class bullets, model Dutch kitchen: furnace: A VALUE THAT CAN'T BE DUPLICATED! A sacrifice, he lne a niortuane tale. BESIDES HAVING a lovely home, you can pninv an income of $.0 per mo. tlAWTIIORXE HOMES. We have an avalanche of THESE POPULAR HAWTHORNE HOMES! Surelv from amonc our splendid list there's ONE HOME you'll WANT TO CllflOSK. . Here Is a WONDERFUL ALLE tn a modern 5 - room HAW -THORN E : terms. East 37th. Just south of Hawthorne. 13130 A L B E R T A S EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN: six - room ATTRAC TIVE modern home: paneled din inc room with massive buffet: nmst convenient floor plan: SLEEPING PORCH, laundry travs. fruit room. .IURT SfMO down. East SEE it todav! 12100 S-room COMFORTABLE ALBER TA. 80x10(1; trms. 13300 ll'ST ACROSS THE MORRI SON BRIDGE on E. Alder st.. near lr.th. close to Hawthorne p--ammar and Washincton hiKti schools. 1 block from tar. full lot. Is this verv attractive bunira. low cottitKc: neat and cozy: fire place; white enamel plumbinc. etc. Street liens pa'.d. 'OJ A I. ONE IS WORTH THE PRICE. minor inovtoii rflrncr t -i..c i BEARING' FRUIT, berries. a";1 a -ro,.m PRACTICALLY J-hW- modern Kunualow: wnne Juici. kitchen. 3 sunnv bedrooms, full cement basement: white enamel PlumhlnR. e 1 e e t r 1 c I t y. uas: TERMS. An exceptional BAR CAIN. too WEST SIDE HOMES. $3250 WEST SIDE SNAP! Six-room modern. UNUSUALLY AR TISTIC BUNGALOW: like new-: ITS VACANT: MOVE RIGHT T N T E R M S. 12-00 IOO down. WAVE Fl LY-RICH-MOND, 5-room modern home: white enamel pluml'in elec tricity cas. full cement basement. l.ooli'AT THIS BARGAIN NOW! East 2Hth. Tf vou xro lookinc for a HOME m- MninK DESIRABLE location MOOKR- ATE PRICE ANDD T'MSI AL NAl.ll.. nme In and see o.ir ll homes for snlo. EVERY DISTRICT, every kind of home. SEE FRANK T-. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home Abintrton bldK. Main in,8. 4(i Years of RELIABLE Service. 1RVINGTON. onTn r-.,.t ..ine enoms. central en ,.;,ce ivorv and mahoBany. olate alass throuKhout; no Barase; $200 ca ""jsod.C-Beautiful view home between Alameda and IrvinKton: overlooks six -. .( entire citV. II. Vi - floors . , ...i..... i full lot. uaraixc. i in .-.no One of the prettiest corner son a baths. cMra laOatorv. H. v-.flo" ,...."i . i, nerfect condition: lull lo$13 3rtMMoVtCaperfect 8-room home: .. ...iernrs. tiled bath. H Vv?rfloorr sun room, pas furnace, laree . 1 - i-rtiinc... iras ranue. water nimei, "lit r neater ' -EAST 419. " I II V I N OTOX 0 ROOMS. STHIOTIA' MODERN TIer. folkn. Is positively the bent lmme i .: i..i.1finn- K !nree rooms a sleepins porch; full 'f.'sf"'"VaSv parat ; lllis Home in - uts: built by present ownci .-.i iiv anv oiner. rsnu -w rooms ; no detail (.1 comion . lence iihs ip.-ei. - - ...v.. r.iilv si.Sihi under the price of i. ' :.r t-...-e.i fne stile in IrvinKton similar ihiii-.t u... .. .. - .. All we ask Is a chance to show you, well let this home speak tor ltsen. O. G. MCORMIC CO. 212 WashinKtpn St. . ' Main 8220. " r. o s e i" itt nt'X('.Ai.n w 5 ROOMS STRICTLY MODERN i:iUACF PAVED STREET. Here folks, is that attractive buncalow you have been unable to find: .1 rooms . .( larire trlassed-in breakfast room; other homes such as this are priced at about jrt.'jOlt; our price for this unusunllv attrac tive llllllL'll nw Is Oil V .ioo. f.t'l"" All on one floor: lare sleeplna rooms pood ganiKe: street imp. and sewer are nil in and Included in price. Let us -how you today. You won't have to look any further. G. G. M'CORMIC CO. 2 12 Washlnwton st. Main S220. FAMILY TO EDUCATE? These homes. 3-minuto walk from grammar school nnd walklnp distance to Franklin hlKh and Reed college 10020rt. bunealow. hot-water heat, fireplace, S. front. 20-ft. alley; fruit J130 last vrnr: hfdly trees ready to market. 100x20.'. five-room bouse and 2-room house, newly painted and tinted; $230 worth of friiit per year. 100x100. K-room. double-constructed bouse, hardwood floors; lots of fruit, roses and -Karape. Hy owner, phone Automatic 222-40. or 4P.10 43d ave. S. E. 4-4100 IUTYS a bungalow of 5 romos and hath down, with on room ami sleep ing porch up: furnace, fireplace, all bullt-lns. hardwood floors. large living: room ; convenient to llaw-thorne-avo. car and Franklin hlRh school. Call and see our photos of homes for sahs 7 autos at your service. .1. A. WirKMAN CO.. ?04 ny. Kx-h. HIdg. .Main 5S:i and 1004. Ill V from owner, new 4-room bungalow; "h all modern conveniences, brea klast Toom, Putth kitchen, full cement base ment. flreplRi'e, Uvinn: room papered, bedrooms and bath tinted; woodwork finished In Ivory ; In rd wood f !oorn throughout; exterior Ftucco plastered: all Improvt ments in and rmld for. Price, everything complete. $40.".n. $1J,"0 cash. Feo owner nt the place, 60t( E. 47th st. M. Hose City car. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS. jM0 S4 $l.Vt will handle this 9-rm.. R apartment house, completely furnished. Present incomo is $80 per month. This in a good proposition wherf you can live In one apartment and rent the other two and let ,hem pay for the place. One Ylk. from the rnrllne on paved st. and Well located. Price sr.fi'.O. PAOlTC AORNCT, INC.. Swetland bldg. 'IRW PROPERTY Beautiful home between Westover Ter race and Willamette Heights; will sell either furnished or unfurnished: 8 lovely rooms, sleeping porch, 4ot .V2xl 10, elegant grounds, choice fruits; words cannot ex press the beauty of this modern home. Sen it and be convinced of the bargain at $12.r.00. furnished, on terms. , T H OM SON . 620-2 1 HEN RY B LDO. MODERN west side view ome, laree fine grounds, full of shrubs, roses and nat ural trees; hot-water heating plant, larsre fireplace. 4 sleening rooms. 3 very larce porches, with fine view of city, can be used as sleeping porches. Price $14.00: consider other good property Tn part pav : no actual cash required. Owner. Ti. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. A RARE BARGAIN. Artistic bungalow. 0 large rooms and very modern, heauUf ul grounds and on paved st reel: Roselawn avenue, close to 1 'nion Ave., Walnut Park section. Price only $420u. Terms at 0 per cent interest. Must sell on account of sickness. See Mr. De Young. 810 Spalding bldg. Main 73M , or Sellwod 2528nlgh ts. $nnfi. ALAMEDA. BEAUTIFUL V-TKW NE A R CAR: BEAUTIFUL LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. HARDWOOD FLOORS, 4 BEDROOMS. BATH HOT WATER HEAT: GARAGE; IMMEDI ATE POSSESSION. POIN DEXTER. L'iW SELLING BLDG M A I N 1 800. RES ID E NCE 271-1 8 " BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. In the beautiful Eastmoreland dis trict. Six rooms. 3 bedrooms, fine bath: oak floors. fireplace, furnace, garasre. extra built features. Paved St.. school. college, golf links: beautiful, expansive view, superb location. Owner leaving city July 1. Appointments, call Tabor 3i,0L $1000 5-ROOM R. C. buncalow: terms. $17f 8-room R. C. bungalow; terms. $.liMHi 7-room R. C. bunxalow : terms. $oon R-room R. C. bunKalow. $suo 5-room Peninsula bunKalow. Number of wast side homes, modern. E. G. ADCOCK CO.. M. 0S14. Tabor 5205. 513 Dekum Bid. FIVE rooms, bath, toilet, electric Hunts, close in. paved streets, tiled kitchen and bathroom; $260. $:t00 down, bal. month ly. 702 Title & Trust bldg. - FOR SALfi ft-room house with sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace, all built ins. lrvineton district. $SO0 down, bal ance terms. 905 East Broadway. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. -R. SWELL BUNGALOW. $3000 Fine bungalow : furnace ureplace, oak floors, all built-ins. cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, trays; In fact nothing missing; corner lot. paved on one side: all liens Paid: on E. 31st and Tag Eert; 1 blk. to car; J1500 cash and $'25 per mo. 7-R. HOUSE. 33D. NR. HAWTHORNE. $5300 Nice 7-room house; furnace, fire place, cabinet kitchen. cement basement, trays, full lot 30x100; liens all in and paid: on 33d, half block south of Hawthorne. SWELL 8-H. HOUSE. '24TH. NEAR HAWTHORNE. $10.000 Strictly modern in every way: hitch-class neighborhood, near the Burrell home, just south of Haw thorne ave.. on 24th; will take nice 5 or tt-R. bungalow as part payment. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31S Board of Trade Bids. Main 7432. SUNXTSIDE BUNGALOW. J350C Here Is a very attractive house, five rooms and reception hall, one floor; full cement basement, white enamel plumbing, artistic light fixtures, sunny bedroom, ideal Dutch kitchen . This house you will find it difficult to dupli cate anywhere for the money; onlv t.oo down. On Yamhill, near 40th, and only three blocks from Laurelhurst park. $3750 5-room bungalow on 38th, near Hawthorne; Dutch kitchen, fire place, built-in buffet, full ce ment basement, furnace, garage, full bearing fruit and berries; cash, $1500. M. E. DeJOICE CO.. 222 HENRY BLDG. BPWT. 1631. IRVINGTON $S300. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, large liv ing room, dining room, den and Dutch kitchen on first floor. 3 bedrooms and glass enclosed Bleeping porch on sec ond floor: woodwork in white enamel. hardwood floors, fireplace, all neces sary Kullt.lti foil epment basement, fur race, garage. Located in beat part of Irvington; good terms. 1 irst time ot tered. LTJEDDEMANN COMTPAXT. 913 Clmmber of Com. Main B0C". l.AltREI.miRST HOME. ft-room Rtftrv and half semi-Colonial, beautifully finished inside and out. in terior In old ivorv. 3 light airy bed rooms, and sleeping porch, oak floors downstairs, full cement Daserrrent. tur nan. missive fireplace, large living rooms, all street liens paid in full. This home cannot be duplicated in iaurei hurst for the money. Price $6250. Terms. C BF.T.S V1IW,E COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74R7. BROOKLYN. No. 343 $1300 cash and a balance of $33(10. good terms, for this R-room semi modern home on East 8th St.. near Woodward. Three rooms and a reception room down and 3 sleeping rooms, bath and closets up. Full basement, conoret foundation, garage, fruit and berries: on carline. An attractive house and worth the money. TACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. Swetland bldg. ROSE CITY BUY. If you are looking for a real home In Rose City Park, we have it: large, airy rooms, glassed sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, oak floors, full cement basement, wash trays. r,ox lOO lot. garage and runway; hard-surface street and sewer In and paid: easiest ktnd of terms. Price (illOO. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. (Possession in one week.) """ EASY TERMS. $3000- EAST BURNSIDE $5000. Here is a well built and nicely ar ranged 8-room house, strictly modern nnd located among the nice homes on E. Burnside St.; clear of all city liens; just 1 blk. from car. $750 cash will handle, bal. almost like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $4o00. $4000. ROSE CITY PARK. Here is your opportunity: Good R-room home. 3 rooms down, oak floors, moo ern built.-in.s. living room across front of house, cosy fireplace, cement base ment, furr u e. 3 light and airy bed rooms on upper floor. Don't overlook this. HOLDEN KOHLMAN. 22S Oh. of Com. bids. Main n.-.-.n. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern G-room bungalow and sleep ing porch, 1 block Broadway car: has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, liOxlOO lot, good garage, shade trees, lawn, etc.: ail improvements in anl paid. A real bargain at $(toOO, terms. See Mr. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. $5500. ONLY $1000 DOWN. $5500. ROSE CITY PRK CORNER. 0-room 2-storv house, ideally located below the hill: oak floors, every built- in. artistic fireplace, cement basement, furnace. 3 bedrooms arid sleeping porch upstairs: paving in and paid. Very at tractive home. HOLDEN KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 550. R.-.K50. IF INTERESTED TN PURCHASE DIRECT FROM OWN BR. OF NEAT MODERN HOME CONSISTING OF 0 ROOMS AND INCLOSED SLEEPING PORCH. ON ROSE CITY CAR LINE. 1 MINUTES FROM CENTER OF CITY. AT A TRICE OF $51)50, ON TERMS, PHONE P. ROADWAY 288. OWNER MITT UNLOAD. HEIGHTS PROPERTY $1000 DOWN Nine-room modern, new, unobstructed view, large living room, dining room Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms with built-ir wardrobes. 2 fine - bedrooms, a pleasure to show; $100 down: $10 per month. J RORBINS. 3O1-302 Railway Exch. Main 7931. J43,0 ROSE CITY $43r0. Here is a sna p. Owner needs monev to meet a mortKare !n the east. ill pel! 7-room. hardwood floors, furnace, white enamel, larjre lot with fruit, fine lawn, '-a block from Sandy. $1."00 down balance monthly. Weller A Rlnehart, "Main 4."03. Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME $4000. 7 rooms, with full cement basement furnace, sleeping porch, parage larjre enouirh for three cars, with cemen dHvewav; lot 50x100. HKXRY W GOODARD, 243 Stark St. ;tf CASH bandies th!?. 7-room -modern burpalow. Dutch kitchen, sras. electric Itv In nf fruit miisf xcr 1 f i re this nea home on account of poor belllth. price St'Jloo; owner. Also some furniture. Call Tabor 2763. LAURELHURST. A REAL BARGAIN Rr OWN PJR TERMS. 1015 CLACKAMAS. PHONE MA 1 N 2 4 SO BEAUTIFUL, modern houseboat, city wa ter. Ras and electricity, stationary tubs, newly painted, all or partlv furnished. This is a complete livtnic unit. For rale by owner for cash or will give terms like rent to responsible parties. East 226. 9 ROOMS. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. 9-room modern residence, also 4 attic rooms, just off Washington -t. on 21st; now vacant: large lot; honest value $15,000. Price for few da vs. 10.500; terms. Call today. 46 N. 21st st IRVINGTON 7-ROOM HOME. EMPTY MOVE IN. $7000. This artistic home. Ivory throughout. H. W. floors 1st and 2d floors: 1 block Irvington school. Owner. East 419. NEW, MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $2800. T,eavlng city, yes, $2800, sacrificing this beautiful place. See it; $1000 cash, balance any way. Mar. 3022 today. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Modern 8 rooms, best condition: sun parlor, all conveniences, fine location; preat bargain at $70Oo. Will trade for smaller house. East 8407. 4-ROOM bungalow; built-in bookcases and beam ceiling.- large fireplace with gas heater inside and gas-range included; an ideal place for children. Price $1870, with terms. Tabor 4714. FOR SALE ft-room modern buncalow, all built-ins. fireplace, hardwood floors, ce ment basement and furnace : $4500. terms. 2-7 E. 52d St.. 1 blocks north of Haw thorneave. Owner. East 1608. ROSE CITY PARK. Artistic bungalow. 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, garage, fine lawn and trees; a splendid home, furnished. 510 East 44th N. Tabor 2891. SELLWOOD. 8 ROOMS, $2750. PAVED STREET. Real home, Lexington ave., vacant; fruit. $7M cash, balance to suit. Mar shall 1022. - MO NT A VILLA snap $033 equity in 4 room modern bungalow. 50x100- ft. lot, 24 blocks from car; berries and garden. will sell for $570. Tabor 9076. KENTON. " For sale, six-room modern home: hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace and close to carline. Pearl O'Neill. Wdln. 4038. WEST SIDE bargain: six flats, well built; $M000; will" pay itself out; will make in dependent living. Main 3787. IRVINGTON, great bargain in my beauti ful home! am leaving city. Owner, East S015. 4-ROOM new modern bungalow, close in, bargain Owner. 5u3 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE by owner Well built modern 5-room house and garage. Wdln. 42J9. OWNER, brand-new four-room bungalow Main 8783: between 3 and 5 P. M 4-ROOM house, bath, toilet and lavatory. 6722 57th ave. Owner. Cheap for cash. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houi IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. . $10,500. Tou who are looking for a beautiful irvington home in the choice location or the district cannot afford to miss see ing this. Most beautifully-arranged and exceptionally well-constructed. To start with we have fine hardwood floors throughout, large living room with book cases and large stone fireplaces, large center hall, oak paneled dining room with beautiful built-in buffet, full bulit ln Dutch kitchen. finished in white enamel, nice large sunroom. 4 nice bed rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor and maid's apartment of 3 finished rooms SI1,,? tlor. Full cement basement with bj lard room, nicely finished off ' with billiard table and all; good built-in fruit room and A-l furnac with instan taneous gas heater, ail connected and m fine shape; very attractive yard with nice lawn, shrubbery and double garage. Now. if you are looking for something of this kind, don't linger, but see this at once. Can be seen by appointment only. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Beautify Portland. POSH! 1 T T V $4473 Here Is the bungalow complete and accept our guaranteed statemeut that we have not seen its equal for the price this year in .Rose City. Built less than a year. Five rooms built in old ivory, hardwood floors throughout, French doors, all the usual built-in effects, and then some; fireplace of attractive de- -s sign, splendid furnace, full cement . basement with concrete wash trays, garage and runway. Paved streets all in and paid for. Located on 64th st. Convenient terms. You'll have to hurry to get this. CARBY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. . LAURELHURST. One of the most charming residences in this district, something different; you won't find another one like it. A few of its attractive features' are the rich old ivory woodwork, hartiwood floors, large, living room, mammoth fireplace, artistic French doors, handsome light and plumbing fixtures; a garage and beautiful grounds; near the park. Owner having purchased larger home is going to sell. Your opportunity. LUETJDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6JX17. BUNGALOW FLATS. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT DISTRICT. This beautiful home consists of 2 5-rm. apartments, built and arranged like 2 5-room bungalows, fireplace, 2 baths, 2 wood lifts, etc.: built-in Dutch kitchen, full semi-cement basement, full ;uxl(iu lot with attractive lawn and shrubbery, close to school and car and surrounded by beautiful homes; clear of all en .cumbrances. Only $300 and easy terms. f C. A. WARRINER, RITTER LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. COMrKKTELY FURNISHED, MOVE RIGHT IN. Vou cannot bo wrong here. A nicely arranged well built homo and nicely lo cated in the Sunnyside district; 0 rooms and large den, 1 bedroom on 1st floor, 2 above; all good furniture and in good Fhapo; full high cement basement, hard surfa.ee sts. all in and paid; owner leav ing city; reasonable terms can be had. Let us show you thts today. Price $4uu0. C. A. WARRIXEIt. RITTER LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ' I3U00 LET us show you this attractive home-like bungalow with fcoxloO lot, fine hedge, Jawn, roses, trees and slirubbtfcy; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, large attic, floored with best-grade fir. This is a rare bargain and we will be glad to show you. See our photos oi. oesi nomes tor sale. J. A. W1CKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Honte." 04 Ry. Exch. Bids. Main 3s3 and 1094. VACANT BUNGALOW. Attractive well-built bunKalow, close in on an ilea ave., near Fremont. combination living and diuing room. white enamel Dutch kitchen, two liRht airy bedrooms, bath and toilet, cement basement, paved streets -paid in full; UUHt one and one-half yars; I30U cash, move in today. Price cut from 320ti to &oo lor quicK action. CARBY-SA VILOE COMPANY, 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74R7. HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAIN. Let us Phow you this corner home of 6 rooms and bath, built ins, rireplace, paneled dining room, hardwood floors, full base 'ment, wash trays. Remember, this ia a corner near 'Hawthorne ave.; imps', all in and paid. Terms. J. A. WICK M AN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main and 1094. ONE-HALF ACRE $:t20O. If you are looking for a real little sub urban home, here you are; one-half acre. ait in garden, 22 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc. ; 5-room house, bath a-nd basement : in very best of condition ; 10 minutes' walk to car; will take auto to uhju as part payment or sell on reason able terms. K UMAX ELL & RUMMELL. -i toiarK st. $4SOO. 9I00O CASH. ?4S00. ROriE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 beautifully arranged rooms finished in ivory throughout, exceptionally large l ivtng room with artistic fireplace, ai built-ins, 2 large, airy bedrooms, beaut i ful oak floors; very attractive home in side and out. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 22.N Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 6i."0. $200 DOWN. in the Alberta district we have an opportunity to get a 5-room modern bungalow at a pick-up price. Very mny. oent mouern plumping, iruit trees, shrubbery, berries, near car and school $2u"u. CAREY-SAVTDGK COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487 (1MH) A NEW listing, never before ad vertised ; 4 rooms and bath down 2 rooms up, bath, gas and electric lights ; on Altuna ave., near Hus sell st.; terms; lot GOxyo. with Iruit; improvements paid. J. A. W1CK.MAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main r.83 and 1094 OWNER Nice 7-room house, basement. electricity, gas, fruit. Sellwood 618. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH, k $4000. 1 Two acres with house, barn, chicken house and other buildings and has an abundance of currants, apples, apricots, prunes, pears, goose berries, straw berries, raspberries and blackberries; place in hiKhly developed condition. Crops go with the place for quick sale ; terms. Near Multnomah station, 2 blocks to car. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. THIS IS THE 5 ACRES YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Located only 2 hi mi. from city limits on fine 'oad. 5-room house with bath, toilet, pressure water system. 4 A. un der plow, family orchard, barn, chicken house, garage. R. F. D. and city phone. Price only $4500, H cash. F. L. EDDY, RITTER LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. And two acres right at Bryant station. Oswego line ; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, reception hall, white enameled kitchen, pantry, bathroom, hd. wd. floors, fire place, furnace, cement basement, electric lights, telephone; modern in every de tail: easy terms. For particulars see owner on property, or telephone Oswego 352. N. Lauryy. owner. SUBURBAN HOME H -acre and 5-room house, close to Estacada car and paved road ; gas and electricity, all kinds of berries and fruit. Price $2oo0, very easy terms. Photo at office. CLE VE LA N D-HKNDERSO N CO., 212 Railway Exchange bldg. RYAN PLACE. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, big fire place, cement basement. creek runs through the place; one biock to station; 2 1-12 acres of ground. KEMP & WALSH. Suburban Homes Only. Main 3439. Multnomah. OSWEGO LAKE ACREAGE. Just the place for this hot weather; boating, bathing and- fishing and a fine place to have a garden and raise chick ens; only $400 per acre. Close to Lake Grove station. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Com. Bldg. $1000 CASH payment buys my new mod ern and up-to-date 7-room home on hard surfaced boulevard at Multnomah station. All city conveniences, .such as gas, electricity ana city water. Balance can be arranged. See owner. 204 Henry bldg. Broadway 6425. MODERN country home with or without acreage: 8 rooms, bath and toilet, con crete basement, electric lights, furnace and outbuildings; north of Columbia highway, on 82d st.. 4 mile from city limitR 516. Orevonian. " 5 ACRES FOR $750. '-' PAYMENTS LIKE RENT. -Close to S. P. electric 12-cent com muters' fare ; level, second growth, fine for chickens and berries. Owner, B00 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. FINE T1GARD HOME BARGAIN. One acre, ngnt on the highway; new house, garage, iruit and he men. Don't miss in is. S. S. Prentiss. Olo Chamber of Com, bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES. and acreage, well located, near car line. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." ACRE, bungalow, all kinds bearing fruit, English walnuts: no gravel; good view. ' Alberta car; $3000, terms. Residence, Main 1377. JBE.L ESTATE. Buourbaa Homes. NORTH PARKROSE ACRES. NEW TRACT JUST oVeNEO. $330 TO $950 PER ACRE. EASY TERMS. .. NEAR SANDY BLVD. 400 acres. 2 blocks north of Sandy- blvd. (Columbia highway), lost a little over a mile outside city limits, wonderful garden soil fsilt land), most of the tracts are cleared, some have timber; Ideal location for berries and garden truck, a fast-growing and prosper ous section, low county lax, no street improvements to pay. This Is a wonderful investment oppor tunity as this land is selling for about one-fourth of the price of south Parkrose. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE ON SA.NDY BLVD. AT END OF PARKROSE CAR LINE. OPEN EVERY DAY. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. SPANISH LOG BUNGALOW. 1U acres of fine loam soil, located close to ata-tlon- 12c commuter's fare. 40 minutes out; good county road ; lots of snaae and iruit trees, a very attractive Spanish bunaralow. with large living and dining room. 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on the. first floor, lots of room upstairs, fine fireplace, electric lights and good fixtures. Price JuUU, terms, Personally inspected. Photo at office, JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. SnvDERl.AND ACRES. Located between E. 29th and 33d sts., on Columbia boulevard, 3 blocks from 2 city car lines. Alberta and Woodlawn 1 to 5-acre tracts, some in cultivation. others beautifully wooded. Prices range from $So0 per acre to lo73. These prices include Bull Kun water anu eietm ticht. An oarh tract Whv EO 3 Ot miles further out and pay more? Terms 20 per cent cash and 20 per cent per year. bee H. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN. 508-9 Lewis bldg. Broadway 50S1 FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 acres, located on a cood macadam ized road, within 10 minutes" walk from Oregon Electric station, soutn ot n irani : all umlr cultivation and the fin est kind of soil; large baering orchard. Rood attractive fi-room house electric liKb t can be had. Price $: SO. easy terms. Photo at office. Personally in spected by Marsters. with JOHN FERGU SON. Gerlinger bldg. For Sale Business Property. BUSINESS PROPERTY. A client has instructed us to sell her apartment property, located on cast side, walking distance, consisting of 4 flats of 5 rooms each, fireplace, bath, toilet, laundry trays and basement for each apartment. Also adjoining apartment house of 3 apartments, each with bath, toilet, trays and sleeping porch, on cor ner lot looxloO. near lot covered with bearing fruit trees; price $18,000. 1-3 down, balance 6 per cent. E. P. DK E W , 304 Lumberm ens Bldg. RESTAURANT for sale, good condition; the owner must sell at once on account ot" sickness; rent x."V0 a month: 2 fa years' lease; receive from $"." to $100 a day; doing good business. Rood locatioa. Louis Missirios. 95 Grand ave. FOR SALE. A 2-story concrete building, located at Centralia, Wash., 60x100, with 3 iots ad joining; good manufacturing site; can get trackage on 3 railroads. -A 646, Ore gonlan. STORE with living room above: must sell: cheap tor cash; Mt. Scott. Tabor 4O90. For Sal -Acreage. IDEAL LAND FOR STOCK OR DAIRY lo0 acres logged-off land only JO raiies from Portland, accessible by auto or train: V mile from station; better than haif good plow land. 20 acres level along fine creek that crosses place; several springs; 1000 ft. from school and rural delivery, store handy; lots of open range adjoining ; soil cannot be be:i ten any where. Price $20 per acre; $104J0 cash will handle. LLEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ONE ACRE WITH FINE BUNGALOW. 3-R. bunsralow and attic, fireplace, t-e ment basement, hot and cold, water, bath, toilet, fcarace: A A. suuds. bal. in war den; near Powell Valley road and Buck ley ave.; good road all the way from Portland ; price $3700 for house and one Here or J4 acre extra in fruit for $4i.o. $.i00 cash. bal. to suit at 6. Ask for Mr. Covvgill. with GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31S Board of Trade BUIg. Main 74-i2 10 ACRES. KOIIPHKL .;00o. Located 2 miles from 4th-st. electric, Ti acres under cult i vat ion, 3 acres pus ture. 2 acres timber: living stream, fam ily orchard and berries; 4 -room house. 2 cows 1 heifer, team and ch ickens. necessary farming implements and toois, crood gas drag saw. Price $:.O00, terms 1G0 cash, balance reasonable. l.l.'KDDKM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. i.oGdED-oF? lands. Tracts. 5 acres up. located within 39 mil nf Rfrtland. on railroad: good soil in mrit 'Mmtv of water: work near hy ; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to 303 per acre LEUDDEMANN CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerct. $r,0 LOCATES YOU ON 2 ACRES. Kiirht at electric station, east side, nea Base Line road; lies fine, nice grove tim hr Your I'liunop to Cet a piece o acreage ' right. Price $100, terms $00 cash and J0 monthly. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES ON BUCKLEY ROAD. ALL C 1 .hi A R ED FOR ONLY $2000. This is right on macadam road, all level, no buildings, but at this price you can afford to build. Will consider bungalow and pay some difference. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. o.vE nd one-fourth acre. line soil blocks from school and station, 1 block from hishway. new 3-room house, fin large living room, gas in. city water can be had. price iu.u, one-nan casn. Hesgard with COE A. McKENNA-& CO., 82 Fourth St. FINE suburban, home with 1 acre or less. Bbaring fruit trees, grapes, oerries am shrubs; also nice garden; 1 block of sta tlon on Orexon City line; good value fo the price. See me for close-in acreage tracts. T. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Come quick; 20 acres proven ground. Archer Co., Texas; cost mm ; nrr Rcr: now worth $00. but cannot make this year's payment; will viva 3,i interest to someone to make th navment. For information see Ban la 2034 Salmon at. orcaU M am 20o. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for salo to settlers oniy; easy terms, in w nrice. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write tor map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEl'SEK TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., u acoina, vvasn. 3 ACRES, fine soil, lots of fruit, 5-room house, barn, garage, cnicsien house. fine chiken ranch, only 8 miles ou Price $1650, hair cash. Hesgard with COE A. WrKRNNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. o ACRES- Improved, close in on coo navfd road: lu-room house witn all cit conveniences; all kinds of fruit: will divide into 2 Vi-acre tracts or sell th whole cheap for cah. 6504 82d St. S. E. Tabor 2300. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. 4 acres, 3-room house, between Mul nomah and Tigard; just the place for man with an auto. KEMP & WALSH. Main 3439. Multnomah. s ACRES on beautifully situated Mt. Ta bor, specially priced at $1200 per acre; wonderful chance for home site. Hart. " 910 Chamber of Com. Phone Mar. 1085. H A LF ACR E S . fruit and nuts; $10 pay ments; also improved places: terms. Ai berta car. R. W. Gary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. . ; SACRIFICB Choice 15 near Vancouver: ideal location, good buildings, surround t Inga; barsain, $3500. 141 East 69th N. Tabor 7055. FOR SALE 20 acres about A miles east of Mt. Angel; has one house; $700. less for cash. By owner. 554 Prescott at. . 10 ACRES, short distance east of Monta villa; ' $3000. Owner. 910 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1685. 2 y ACRES, end of Hawthorne fine, sac rificed at $2000. Can't be equaled. Hunt, 10 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 1585. 4 ACRES, Mllwaukle, some timber: .$2700; want house, will give or take difference. Woodlawn 6260. 16 ACRES In Bitter Boot valley. Montana, for sale or trade. 673 Mississippi ave. HALF ACF.ES More or Hawthorn e 31 r Owner less. 71st. near East 3S60 FOR SALE Good cranberry land at II waco. Wash. Call Woodlawn 4U3S- REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. $1600 22 acres. 11 miles from city limits: fine drive; nearly level; 4-room house, chick, house, spring water, pipe for same ; 7 acres cleared, some orchard. Move ngnt in, BeautUul location. Hail cash. j $133 acre. 20 acres; 200 in crop: 40 In clover, 40 timber; beautiful buildings, new, and plenty of them, short distance . of west side paved highway. Move in and take the crop and you'll have left a farm worth $20O per acre; $20,000 can stand at 0 per cent. 714 acres, all clear but 14 acres tim ber; AuO in cultivation: large buildings, in fair condition: splendid soil, no white land; surrounded bv farms you cannot buy for .less than 100 to 20u per acre. The pick of the Willamette valley. Only $To per acre. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. SUBURBAN HOME, consisting of large tract oi highly developed . ground witn dandy 6-rm. cottage, collection of scien tifically arranged chicken houses, brood er house, incubators, supply and tool houses and all things necessary to an up-to-date chicken ranch; about 30 bear ing fruit trees, a great deal of small fruit, which I must sell on account of poor health ; also 400 full-blood white Leghorn chickens; also considerable fur niture. Price 5300. Cannot take less than 12000 cash. For particulars see Mrs. Iians Frederickson. corner Gates road and Powell valley road, 2 blocks south of Belle Rose station on the Esta cada car line, or call on my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg.fc 127 Park st. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. We have over 500 small places, with in 20 miles of Portland. Some real close in. all have buildings: some on the paved roads and close to electric trans portation. Photos of all at the office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. llomesteada, RelinquiHuments I CAN LOCATE YOU ON A GOOD HOMESTEAD IN THE PORTLAND OR hU&K B L" RG LA X D DISTRICT. I AM FAMILIAR WITH ABOUT 600 GOOD FARM TRACTS FROM W HICH Y O U M AY MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE GOVERNMENT OFFERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO EX-SEKViCE MEN AND WO MEN. COME IN FOR FREE IN FORMATION. ANDERSON. 531 RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG. For Sale -Farms. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. lOO-acre farm, only lo miles from heart of Portland: laree dairy barn and silo. 7-room bunsalow. with hot and cold water, fireplace, gas for lighting and cooking, 2 fine sprhMs with natural dam and trout lake. Family ore-hard of assorted fruits in bearing. aio small fruits: 25 acres lie with gentle slope to the river and on Columbia hishway ; balance fine bottom land; Rood for al falfa and truck farming: also has Co lumbia river f rentage : 70 acres clear; about 40 acres cultivated; lo acres corn. 10 acres oats and vetch. L5 acres seeded to oats, balance in pasture. Some fir and cottonwood timber. 20 hlsh -grade Hoi stein cows. 5 heifers. 3 good horses, 2 sets harness, 2 wagons, disc, mower, rake, 2 harrows, silage cutter, new 8-h. p. gas engine and all small tools. Price complete; $h0.(mh; terms. H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." Lewis Bldg. Broadway SOSl. FINE FARM, WASHOI'GAL, WASH. 246 A., 210 A. level, 36 A. rolling, 93 A. under plow. 40 A. good timber, Al soli. 9A miles from Washougal : all kinds of outrange; 5 A. prunes, family orchard, near school, 2 fine creeks, well fenced, 2 wells, good roads. 6-room good house, large stock barn, with stanchions for 50 cows, granary, all oulbldxs., all farming Implements complete. 3 good mules. 3 milch cows, 40 choice ewes, 3 O. A. C. sows. 1 O. A. C. boar. 1 steer. 2 calves, 2 dozen chickens. 30 A. oats, 6 A. rye, 1 A. spuds, 40 A. clover. 8 A. timothy, 40 A. hay. Price $20,oou; $14,000 cash. bal. 10 years 0 per cent. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg TWO UP-TO-DATE FARMS FOR SALE. 120 acres, 100 acres in crop ; modern 9-room house .two good barns and silo, pressure water system, piped In house and barn; improvements cost more than S8OO0. This farm is on good hlghwav, 2 miles from pavement. 1 ijs miles to S. P. electric station, near Corvailis. Or. Price $10,000. including crop. 320 acres, 180 acres In cultivation, balance in oak and ash timber and pas ture; new. modern 8-room house and up-to-date barn, two other stock barns: Im provements cannot be duplicated for $10,000. This is one of the best farms in Lin n county. Price for only a few days. $100 per acre. C. S. GILSON. Phone 494-R. Albany. Or. A BEAUTIFIXT, 7S-ACRE FARM HOME. OUT BULL RUN WAY. ON HARD ROAD. Splendid soil; lies good; in cultiva tion and crop, potatoes, ciover. vetch, barley and oats, splendid 3-acre orchard. all kinds of fruit; balance pasture, some limber; abundance of UOil Kun water piped into house, barn, water trough. milk house; seven faucets outside wher ever needed ; beaut if ui grounds ; good big tea.m, wagon and harness. 3 good co ws. 7 h ogs, of) c h I v k e n s. plows, har row. liayiH ke. cream separator, smal tools and household furniture: 1 mile to olcetrii: station and school. Price $12,- oO. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg 40 ACRES, located 2 4 miles from New- oerg. ijreKon; ..; acres unuer cultivation and in crop of wheat, oats, corn and po tatoes ; small bearing orchard, half -acre Rtrawberries. blackcaps, some logan berries; good well, rocked to ih top. All of this ranch can be en! tivated : ti-room house, ceiled and papered; barn ind oth er build i Tigs. The crop is included, a Iso team, wagon, harness. 2 cows, harrow, plow. rake. :;nn cine kens. 2 nizK. etc. Price S.SOoo. $4tt(0 cah. or will consider a house in Portland or acreage. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. NEAR AMITY, OREGON. 113 acres, located on county road; SO acres can be cultivated ; 103 acres of pasturp; fenced hog tight with woven wire 42 inches high and barb wlre,oa ton: SO acres hilly land; well and wind mill; one spring on the place; Roud loam soil; 14 fruit trees; some berries; cream route and mail route ; 3-room house barn 2234; 2 chicken houses. Price $40 per acre : $2.tOO cash. Personally in specled. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bide. 40-ACRE EQUIPPED RANCH WITH MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. ONLY S3200. Water piped In house from a fi-ne big STr!nf?: bath, toilet, hot and cold, water, including furniture, garage, barn, 2 good fresh cows, 1 heifer, 2 horses. 3 hops, chickens, some farm implements; good 40 acres: 30 acres lie fine; good soil few acres In cultivation : some more easy to clear; balance rolling pasture, all fenced, on R. F. D.. 42 miles from Portland, 3 miles from store, 1 mile to school. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 40 ACRES, all nnder cultivation; good ret of farm bldgs.. family orchard, woven wire fences, splendid neighborhood, close to school and church. 5 miles from A 1 bany. BUY THIS ON YOUR OWN TERMS. WILLAMETTE VAT.LEY LAND CO.. 203 First National Bank Bldg.. Albany, Or. JUST a short way off th Newberg high way we have 75 acres. 45 under cultiva tion and in crops. 4 acres in prunes. 1 ii family orchard. good 4-room house, large burn. Will take a house to $3000 and $1000 cash; mortgage on balance fo good term ot years. i nis is a goo farm and worth investigating. STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FINE 10-acre tract south of Beaverto 3V. In clover, young orchard, some ber ries. nice little bungalow, new barn, eood well. ras en trine for numpin . water. You will make no mistalee tn thi place for $4000. $1000 cash; good time on balance. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOU SALE: The beautiful Crane island i the San Juan island ktoup. contalnin 220 acres: 30 acres In cultivation : ideal summer home. 90 miles from Se attle and 35 miles from Bellingham, . Wash. For further particulars addres J. C. Hammond. 1S08 14th ave.. Seattle, Wash. OVER 1300 acres, fine stock farm, well located, in central vN illamette valley price much below its actual value. . owner cannot operate it longer; some livestock and farm equipment; fine liv ing stream; some trrnher; gooa road. I. G. DAVIDSON. 393-ACRE farm, 8 miles from Salem. clos to rood town: 160 In cult, and crop, fai buildings, spring water piped into build ings. all good land, lot or fine plume an wood on place. rnce w per acre, no trade. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 160 acres wheat and coal land in North Dakota. Will sell cheap if sold at once. J. M. Gelfins. Columbia City. Oregon. WANT city property, $OO.OO-$75.00O; will exchange 240-acre farm with bearing Delicious orchard. P 610, Oregonian. BAROAIN, about fiO acres rich bottom land, mile station. $100, $300 down. Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermens bldg. REAL. ESTATE. for Sale -Farms. A RARE CHANCE. 4S0-acre wheat and alfalfa rarm In the Big Bend country. Washington, on high way; 300 acres in wheat. 40 In rye. 10 oats. 6 alfalfa, at least 40 acres can be : seeded to alfa'fa and Irrigated: plenty' of water, good house, large new barn with concrete silo, fine root ceiiar. ice- ' house, blacksmith ehop. wagon and ma- . chine sheds, summer kitchen, . chicken 1 houses and other outbuildings; spring water piped in yard; all farm machinery. including H interest in combine: tools too numerous to mention: Mi acres hot- . torn land fenced hog-tight. balance barbed-wire fence; 15 good young work horses. cows, 7 head young stock, 1 fine bull, some sheep, a lot of hogs, j chickens, geese, five passenger Maxwell auto; also 10 acres leased land. Im- provements on this place could not be 1 put there for less than $15,000. See for .-nn-if Th voliid r.nnnot be aDDre- I elated without seeing. The soil is rich and lies fine. Price, with every thir.z. $75 per acre, terms. Outlook fine for good crop. For further iniorination see PEPER & RICHARDS. f08 Buchanan Bldg 15.000 ACRES of good farm land. located In one of the best dairying counties oi Oregon; about half of the land is de nuded of timber, and some adjoining land la under cultivation; about to re old at the exceeding low figure of lo per acre. This is one of the best. nn k vA-w hii npnnmi 1 1 nm in the Pa cific northwest today. By reason of the death of one of our chief stockholders we are compelled to make a sacrifice ot thts choice farming property. The land will be sold on easy terms, and with every privilege that might be necessary for marketing the same by a promoter or immigration agent. For particulars write or call on BEN BEiSLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st., Portland, Or., who is""our representative and has exclusive control of the property. West ern Oregon Land Co.. owners. AX EXCELLENT" INVESTMENT. KLICKITAT COUNTY. WASHINGTON. 100 acres fine soil near Lyle, Wash.; 15 acres nine-vear-old apple orchard. Soitzenberc- and Newtowns. extra fine condition, crop last year over 3oOO boxes, sold at $2 per box Lyle: 8 acres in al falfa, 4 acres pasture, 15 acres general croos. 15 acres slashed and burm-d fcood pasture, balance scattered pine, oak and maple ; good six-room house, barn, hoghouse, machine shed, large ap ple house, etc. ; ample water anu im-a riiKtrict for all kinds of fruit and stock price $20.00o, on very good terms and will consider modern seven-room resi dence, good district In Portland, as part payment. DONALD MACLEOD, 10O2 Spalding B!dg. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 87 acres. 50 acres in cultivation and In crop. 15 acres of oak and fir timber. balance stump pasture, about 50 acres bottom land, balance sliehtly rolling. barn 30x60, with root house, hoghouse and otner outbuildings. 2 wells and spring. Included are 3 horses. 7 milk cows. 2 bulls. 2 Jieiftrs. 1 steer. 2 brood sows. 1 0 oiirs. some chickens. Full set of farm implements, included gasoline wood saw, separator, .plow, discharrow waeons. liuev. etc. ' This is Just 3'- miles from Oregon City. Price, complete, Sl.'i.OuO $6000 cash. Terms on the bal ance. This is a verv decided snap and must be seen to be appreciated. Photos at ortlce. rrta w . ucrman o., Cham, of Com. WHEAT RANCH. 1452 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 1100 acres under cultivation. 585 acres in crop, balance in summer fallow drilled well with abundance of water fenced and cross fenced: 12-room house barn and all necessary outbuildinss. 30 horses. 30 head of cattle. 65 hoKs. trac tor. truck, header, wagons, threshing outfit complete." and all equipment neces sary to operate farm. Price 65.Q00 will exchange for a valley farm. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 First National Bank Bide Albany. Or. 40 ACRES 2 miles from Oregon City. Bes of soil, fine fir timoer in one corner. fenced. Rood sprine. some fruit, ver good 6-room house, hot and cold water, hn t h. new barn. hoc house. chicken house, fine pressure water system ; also all Tarm machinery, cream separaro IWd crinder. washing machine, etc. Th is a fine place, loeattd on fine road, close in and priced right. $12,500, 4 cash. Hesgard with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM FOR I offer for sale acres In one farm, all under high state of cultivation and all In crop; bottom land, level, on good road, two miles from town, one mile from Pacific hishway. good six-room house, spring water, larse barn and some stock. $100 per acre with crop and stock. Have smaller tracts for sale. R. D. WALKER. Gaston. Oregon. A REAL BARGAIN; MUST BE SOLD. 200 acres. 10 acres of timber, balance under cultivation; good set of tarm bldgs.. family orchard; located Just north of Albany; can be bouuht for $100 an acre for short time only. WIT.LAMKTTR VAT-LEY I.AN'M CO.. 2u3 First National Bank Bldg.. Albany. Or. $9 AN ACRE. 14 Mi acres In prunes. 132 in niL 7n acres of rich river bot tom land and under cultivation. balance open pasture and timber. iHentv of wa ter, fair set of farm blds.. located milt s of town on good rock road. croD goes if taken at once terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAN V CO.. First National Bank Bldg.. Albany. Or. READ ANI INVESTIGATE. i-'K'R WHEAT RANCH. Bargain in 170 acres, well ienced. fair bu dines, only 1 mnes irom L.aro. vvan - nintnorl and retidv for cultiva tion. immediate possession; will consider good six-room house in gooa aisinci m irtinnri as part payment; price $."i0 per acre. DONALD MACLEOD, lOO'-i Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, stock and dairy Piinrh ". JUTPS. anou l Wt in cu ii iv n ti on balar.ee pasture; about 1.000.000 feet of timber: orchard and berries, good huse hot and cold water, good outbuildings ;i barns' and silo; 300 yards to R. K. station can be bought with all stock and imniminis. full line of tools, horse. cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, chickens, tur. keys. etc. ; price $75 per acre. Inquire AV SIS, Oregonlan. 39 ACRES $1600 cash or bonds, or with a hord or m ik eoais a.urv: nm iana. less than 3 miles of Toledo; 10 acres of good seeded pasture, fome slashing, gar den, young orchard, lots of berries, build in cs. county road, springs; about IS n.-r-M tillable: don t write for curiosity no agents. Better come and see. John Steiger, Toledo, Or-, box 10o. FOR SALE 120 acres land, sandy clay, 60 cedar timber, good barn, running water vcar around, one team, wagon, crop in and one-half miles off Pacific hich way. three-fourths mile to good school. Price $boOO; $0000 cash, balance on rea sonable terms. Hiram Turner, Toledo, Wash! n gton. y a k i ma v Alley farm" Twenty acres, all in crop, neat 4-room cottage, good outbuildings,- mile from town, shade tsees, family' orchard, under government canal, fully paid water right, S7050. terms. Call or write for infor maiiom re booklet, price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co., M3 Selling bldg. 1"0 ACRES In Nehalem county. Tillamook. V W ht, or the S. W. Vi, and the W. of the N. W. Vl of section '2'J in town- bin 3 N.. rsnge 10 west of Willamette meridian; tlOuO cash, F. W.. box ttL Nehaiem, Oregon. 40V. ACRES, nearly all In cultivation, good buildings, adjoining a nice town. Best of soil. Must sell this in the next few days. Price $10,000. V, cash. Hesgard with COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St, H0-ACRE DAIRY FARM. On Columbia blvd. ; no city assess ments: cltv water, house, barn, fruit and other improvements; Jli.nou, terms. R. W. Cary, litltt N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1043. on irRRS. 1R miles S. E-, at station: 4 in young fruit and walnut trees, 50 bearine: buildings, water, wood, near school; $700, matic 213-06. terms or trade. Auto- X INK ACRES FOR $000. On S. P. electric, close to station, store and school, worn nearny ; price aoo, $75 down, 6 years on baTance. Draper, 401 Board of Trade bldg. 90 ACRES, -0 acres cultivated, commercial timber, orchard, house, barn ; sell or 4PJ- for Portland property. L. P. Mil lion, 977 E. Burnside st. East 8364 alter Sunday. $300 DOWN ON 38 ACRES. Good soil, about hair in cul.; 2 good springs; price w per acre, xouv down, 8 years time on balance. DKAPEK. 401 Board of Trade. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to 'JCO0 per acre: easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, ail sixes. McFarlana. i- amng bldg. WANT 40-acre farm up to JflOOO; have $1500 to pay this fall; no Oregonlan, down ana can nay more agents. Address N OtlO. RKAL ESTATE, For Sale IMPROVED 60-ACRE FARM. BIG SNAP FOR $S2o0. Right at Liberal station a-nd on the main highway between Oregon City an-d Molalla; extra choice location in a highly developed farming section. A good 7-room house, large barn, sev eral other buildings, all fenced and crosa-fenced. All rn cultivation ; level, rich land ; just enough slope for good drainage. Can give immediate posses sion. "Analyze the value. Only $137. r0 per acre for fine cleared land with good im provements thrown in. There is no clared land in this section under S2oo per acre. For quick stile this place is slashed so It's the biggest farm bargain in the state. KASER & RAINEY. S22-7 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. UST THE FA R M YOU 1LAV E BE E N LOOKING FOR. ONLY 12 M ILKS FROM COURT HOUSE, IN WASHING TON COUNTY. 1 o acres, improved with modern build in ks, 80 In high state of cultiva tion, 79 more in excellent pasture. 30 of which could be put under cultiva tion at very little expense; crops all in; 20 acres of fine beaverdam: place is all well fenced and cross-fenced. 8 acres in prunes, in fine condition, S-room house with bath, toilet, sink, cement, etc. Large barn to hold 80 tons hay and stall 35 head of stock; good 60-ton silo, all out bui Ul ings. good running water year around, with this goes 2 cows, 2 horses, some chickens, 10-20 mogul trac tor with plows and discs, iit-w this spring; full set of machinery and tools, including ensilage cutter, manure spread er, root cutter, hay tedder and many other extras: e verv thing included for $26.M0, $10,000 will handle. If it wasn't that owner's wife has recently become an invalid this place would not be for sale. STEWART & BUCK. 313 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water; good soil. tillable: employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. S3 H 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 192o, BY FRANK L. McGUIRE, LARGEST HOME SELLKRS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try our live, ef ficient method of home selling. Our record : 869 homes sold durrng 1919. 9 homes sold in one day. March 8. 112 homes sold in March. 004 homes sold to date thl? vi-ar. Have you a house To SELL? It's sold If LISTED WITH US. WE NEED IT TODAY. We personally inspect and photograph every HOUSE listed. A LL photographs are displayed in our large showroom, which is contimnUiv thronged with EARN EST HOME BUYERS. If you cannot come down, telephone and we'll Kladly rail. Our service is free. No eh a rue except the standard rate of 5 per cent in the event of a SATIS FACTORY SALK. IS experienced sabs mtn with automobiles to work on the SALE OF YOl'R HOME. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO SELL YOUR HUM E. Abington Bldg Main 1068. Open Evenings and Sundays. WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW . We are selling more homes than ever; are better equipped to bandie vour prop erty than ever bf fore. We tvill call, photo and appraise your home free. If llbted at our appraisal price your home Is &b good as suld. We advertise exten sively : have seven salesmen with autos to show vour property. We have cash buyers waiting. Phone us. Do it now. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Alain 10U4 and 5 S3. " WANT A HOME. We have a client for a modern 6-room bungalow, must httve 3 bedrooms, no ob jection to one upstairs ; must be in good location on paved st. and have ga rase or room for one. If you have one that answers the above description and is priced right tor cash, phon Main Suj and we will show you we nit-an business. iEO. T. MOORE CO., 1X) 7 Veon Bldg. SELL NOW. We make quicrt sales because we do not list more properly than we can give our personal attention. If you want to sell immediately our appraiser will call. WELLER A RUN li HART. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4303 A SIX or seven -room modern house on fuil lot. H. W. floors, furnace and fire place, convenient to school and carline and on a paved street, at not more than $.'000. Can pay $lOO0 cash, balance to suit. If you have a real house and no shack call Woodlawn 4i5;i. gli ACKS" AND SMALL HOMES VVANTED. Price must be right and terms very easy. We have so id over UOu homes in the past year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W. German Co., 7i chamber of Com. 1 WANT one acre ground fcui table for chicken ranch outs id? city limits, not too far out ; prefer location w here city water can be gotten: stale price and lo i alion. D t3s, oregoman. 1 : E A L ESTATE SAI.KSMA N W A NTS POS I TIC' N . 0 yours experience in Port land ; has new Oakland car. I' dOD, Orcgonian. A NO B HILL HOME A or niire must be first-clnss in every a; and all conveniences. Not to VJ0. rooms ; garage exce d LOT In Row City Park below the hill, for cash: give lowest price and locaLiou. AJ 4. Oregonin. W ANT 50 x 1 00 I o t close to Sandv blvd.; spot cah. must be sacri f ice ; east front. Phone East 4."2i before. 10 or alter V WANTED or 0-room bouse, east or west side, close in: pnr- $.im0 or u-ss. E. J. UEISElt. 417 Chamber of Com. Farms M anted. SMALL improved country home; u moMts. ii. S. H'-: E. -1st st. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT to rent equipped farm on shnns. beginning this f all ; thoroughly .mipe trnt and reliable; can give personal and bank reference. AV Slitf. Oregoniai. TIMBER LANDS, WE HAVE for sale several good sawmills from 5-M to 40-M capacity. If you are In t lie market we would be glad to have you come in and look at our list. Her mann & Jcc. 42ti Lumbermens bldg. EXCEPTIONAL MILL SHOW. " ' Are you interested ? Forty-five mil lion fet nf choicest yellow fir fn Clack amas county. Mostly level ground. Ex cellent show for a mill. Lumber easily and cheaply gotten to railroad bv a flume, which is already built. Timber stands one mile from county road. Easy terms. H. E. Noble. 310 Lumbermen's bldg.. owner. FOR SALE Frr stumpage. 3-mile haul by auto truck to deep water, $3. Watta & Price, Srappoose, Or. TO FXCHANfiF REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Readv aaln. Your proposition can be matched if it's meritorious ; no junk wanted. Properties valued at $riKi0 and up I will be glad to handle. Call fur M r. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTM ENT CO.. Broadway Q43. . 410 Henry bbig. WANT w e i 1 - i rn p ro v e d farm home from $T70 to per acre in Willamette valley up to $25,000; will turn in modern suburban home, hardwood floors, fur nace, firep'ace, etc., and 3 fully improved a:res as part payment, balance in cash. HENRY W. OODDAKD. 243 Stark St. VI LL exchange my Minnesota wheat and flax lands for small ranch, garage or city property. Give full particulars first letter. H. If ADR ATH. i Thief River Falls. Minnesota. WANTED To trade 5-passenicer. late mod el automobile (or bungalow or resi dence; must have at leastr 5 rooms, strictly modern; will pay difference in cash. Call at 525 AIderst. FOR EXCHANGE Four lots University Park, clear; will trade for southern Cal ifornia city or farm and assume to $4000 on improved. Geo. Cutshaw. Forbes Field. Pittsburg. Pa. FOR SALE or will trade for farm or cltv property, two 4 sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000.000 feet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or. SO ACR ES near Estacada : R-room house, running water; price f .looo; will ex change for vacant lot or house equity. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Com. To EXCHANGE for a good used car. my equity in an unfinished house, acre. lot and Dear in s iruu. r muiib ca.ti oo.u after 7 P. M. Tabor 1G79. 100 ACRES. Clearwater Co., Idaho ; some timber; $2400, will trade clear for Port land and assume. Woodlawn 0200, 870 Williams ave. . FOR SALE or trade. 40 acres of unim proved southern Oregon land: price $12u0. 5311 7 2d st. aE. Phone 220-15. 1 ACRE and buildings in Mt. Scott ds trtct; will trade for timber land. Lock box 25, Donald, Or. EXCHANGE- two lots in Jonesmore for acreage near electric railway; owner only. Call Tabor 2321. TO EXCHAN-IC REAL ESTATE. WE have 98 acres stocked and equipped Tor J80OO. Will take a house in Port land to $4.tK, small amount of cash, mortgage on balance at 6 per cent. Crops are all lh. Good family orchard, water piped to buildings, etc. STEWART & BUCK. 3 1 5 N or t h western Bank bldg. 2-STORY building. 5 Uvinr rooms, lot &0x 3 on, for small farm in Oregon, from Portland to Ashland. 164 Beech st FOR KENT FARMS. IMPROVED 10. near Vancouver, rent $170: i0 near Oreson City. $iso; 10 near Cres-we!l-Eugene. 6 orchard. $175: sell at tractive terms: accept tcood residence. 141 East Wth North. Tabor7055. LEASE or sale, 208-acre stock farm. An derson. 5SO East 4th North. TO EXCHANGK MISCELLANKOVS. FOR SALE or trade, electric hotel bus. Miller body, in good repair; well suited for eas bus. Teiephone Main 2493. FOR SALK. Horses. Vehicle, Livestock. HA E 10 head of marcs and geldings, heavy-boned chunks, left, four 7 years old; three well matched teams, gra vs. browns and bays. This stock Is grain fed and ready for hard work. Remember, all horses sold guar anteed as represented. Four sets of new heavy harness, with col lars. $S5 a set. Liberty bonds represent cash. H. Harn, E. 0th and Hawthorne. t,c.oENT1RB DAIRT HERD. BEST herd in Columbia rountv of hlKh-Rrada Holsteln cows. Registered Holstein bull. hiKli-erade Holstein cows, from 2 to 6 yours: 1 reentered Holstein -J-year. 2 Ayrshire. 2 Durham cows. Entire herd was tuberculin tested th.s week with no reaction. 21 head now mlikinK. guaranteed to Kive H0 Kal. ier day. Income over M0 Der month. 5 more to freshen within two weeks. Lease has run out: must sell entire herd, result of many years' breed ing, at reasonable urico. M.ARRACCI & CUZZOLIN.Warren. Or. I HAVE one "s Guernsey cow; a nice. biff. younff Bentle cow; a hcacy rich milker. One Lrindle cow. fresh: cow and calf. !to. 2-year-o!d Jersey sprinjrer. cheaD. One biock S. P. depot, llilwaukic. Henri Smith. Oregon City car.- bull SALE At bargain, black Percheron mare, ti yrs. obi. weighing l.oo; also Per cheron mare, 4 years old. weighing laoo; huve moved from countrv and will sell cheap. 2-l Oibbs St., South Portland c.ir. FO R REN T F i fty head of horses, stock just oi t work in eastern Oregon ; rea sonable rental if in good hands. Applv P. O. box 3S. Hermiston. Or. Ml sT SELL at once 3-inc'n farm wason. A 1 condition, with pole. 2 ex tra shafts. Call paint store. 05 Russell st. In quire for Mrs. Lock. JERSEY COW, giving better than 4 gal Ions milk. Four blocks west and one south of Oak Grove station. Harley t "please. FOR SALE Black gelding, s yrs.""o:d. weight 1400 lbs., suund and true. $150 J. M. "Overhoiuer, Tigarq. or. 1. O. Sherwood. HORSES and mules with narnes for hire in car loads. Williamson ranch. Lain rop. Cat. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid, lor dead cows and crippled horse. Phuct Mtlwaukle tiU-J tor results. Fo R SALE Three teams with harness, barn; E. tith and Ivon sts. Hotmail Fuel Co. GOOD pasture for rent; four-mouths-old pigs tur sale. $7 and $S each. i Wni. 11 1-1 tier t, Bea verton. Or., R. No. J. FOR SALE DO yearling wethers. Inquire Tidwell A Caswell. N. Portland. Wdln. 24t0 or dln. tiJ-b after 5. " FURNITURE wagon, trucks and light equipment ; must be moved quick ; make us an otter. Broadway 703. PASTURAOE at Laud's Canyon farm, close In ; no business Suuuays. Main 4 s l GOOD cows, just fresh, one heavy milker and one fami.y cow. 3 to 4 gallons. ytiS Powell Valh" road, cor. 32d st. WE BUY and sell cuttle, tneep and goat. Oamt.beM-Phe.aa Land fc Cuitia Co., touci bidg. FOR SALE MilK ccw, 4 years oldT$D5, hbo 37th st. S. E. DEAD HORSES '.alien quickly; cash for dead cews Tabor 42U3. DEAD horses, animals named away free. Portland Ketiuermg Co.. Wood. awn 2t) 2CU0-LB. team for sale. CoW' with calf for sale, 109 E. Yamhill st. at 1117 Floral ave. I'ianot, Organs and .Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CoT CLOSLNG OUT. Boudoir upright piano, cash $ 61 French upright piano, cash ....... . 7,1 $3'io Gray & Co. upright, cash lit) 54."( Haliett A: Davis upright, cash.. 145 S1J." Dunham Co. upright. carh.., lrt. $175 ILtUcbt Davis upright, cash.. 1P5 47. Davis A: Son upright, cash 215 jt.ViO Kimbail Co. upright, cash... Ui5 K75o Stein way i Sons upright, cash.. I'l'rt $75t Hava A: Co. player piano, cash.. 3l5 , $:oo Thompson player phino, cash... 4:;3 $ Uhmi Sing'-r plujt r piano, cash 4'.5 Parlor organs $11. $J5. $35 to $45 Pianos stored. 75c month. Piano bought umi sold for cash only.. 10:t 1 ot h bi. at Wa.ih. and Stark sta. $15 and $-5 cash sends home a piano. $25 and $50 cash s mis home a player piano, balance $10 to $20 monthly. sen wan Piano Co., 101 1 tnth st. at Stark. PIANOS REDUCED. Positively every used piano reduced. Cheapest in town. See them and be convinced. Guaranteed. Terms given. Singer, plain mahogany $J V ictor. cab; a' t grand oak Emerson, almost new Bailey, mahogany, a snap Hack ley. mahogany Irving, oak, big bargain Bollerman, oak Universal player-piano 325 375 225 275 240 250 423 SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 4th Su bet. Wash, and Alder. SPLENDID toned. excellent mahogany phonograph in very good condition; only used a few months ; fine assortment of records, brush, nerdles, etc. U ner met . with reverses and says to sell to highest bidder. Must b sold by June 4th. See phonograph headquartei s. ;id floor. Ore gon Filers Music 1 louse, 2b 7 Washington st.. below 5th. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Victrola type eioc trtc phonogr ph, si Ightly used but can not be told from new. Large assortment of recoil's, needles, etc. When new this cost $215. owner says discount $-0 tor immediate sale. See 3d floor Oregon Filers Music House. 287 Washington st.. below 5th or telephone Main ll2:t. CAMPING and canoe phonographs, slightly used but motors in perfect condition, splendid tone, some $ 14.5m, $10 up to $35. J ust a few left. See phonograph head quarters, 3d floor, Oregon Eilers Music House, 2-S7 Vs Wa shin g tun st.. below 5th. NEW PIANO. $100 DISCOUNT FOR CASH on standard matte new piano. This ts an honest proposition. Look into it if you have the cash for a piano. $525 for $425. AO 420. Oregonlan. LOWER PIANO PRICES. $225 and up, good standard used piano bargains. Beat prices in town. See them. Terms given. SEi BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-127 4th St. bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; beat propo sition Main 8580. SEIBEKLXKG-LUCAS MUSIC CO- 125 4th st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victroia and records; our proposition win piea.se you. beiDer 25 4th st. Mala 856. WANTED Square piano with good rose wood case to be rebanished for a table. Will pay cash or trade talking machine Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill st. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash; get our price. Selberllng-u-cas Music Co., 125 4th St. Main 8580. RENT A PHONOGRAPH WORTH BUY ING. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 YAM HILL. A FINE mahogany piano cheap. 1401. Main FINE mahogany piano, reasonable for . cash. 12SH 13th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. -WILL pay good price for a good concha- shell horn. Box 100. Boring, Or. STEIN WAY piano, only $100; on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $550 FINE Kingsbury piano, only $225.; terms given. 312 Worcester bldg. H $175 BUYS fine sweet-toned piano. Kimball ., make, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Piano, pay Call Marshall 5701. cash it bargain. SNAP Brand new piano, never used, $200. to sell at once. 312 Worcester bldg. Furniture for Sale. MUST dispose of household goods this week, leaving city; furniture, dishes, etc. No dealers. Tabor 1310. Ipso Belmont. FURNITURE and H. H. goods, 735 Over ton St.. IP A. M. to 4 P. M. SOME good furniture tor sale, 1204 Mlxter L G 8129. . - -It: : 1 i . -' '" "'. - - .