12. TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. MONDAY. MAT 31. 1920 MW TODAT. STREET'S IRVINGTON HOMES I Have Insprctrd Back of the Follow ing Can Rmmmfii Them Extra -ooil . Beautiful Modern Home. ISth. Near .Knott 50, 75 or, 100 feet. 17500 to $9500: east facinsr. One double - size bedroom, two others and si. porch. Bis: closets, ir we show you THROUGH this home, you- will buy it. New Colonial We have several most beautiful new colonials and Dutch colonials, priced at $9500 to 1 1,000. We will be pleased to show them to you. They are GOOD and BEAUTIES. Your Home Beautiful The above, at No. 774 Thompson St., is the most vcostly and most beautiful small to medium size home in Portland, now for sale at $20,000 below YOUR archi tect's est imatc of replacement cost. large mahoanv living room, oak den or library, 20x32 billiard -room, danc ing hall or library in basement, with oak floors and fireplace; American Radiator vapor heat, with gas for fuel; cou-ple of all-tile baths and all tile kitchen: sunroom or breakfast room; one bedroom is. double size, with fireplace; hardwood floors throughout except si. porch. Artis tically decorated with silk tapestry wall coverings. Most costly construc tion. A Home of Hare Beauty. Charm and alue for You If on Can Buy the Very Bent. By Appointment Only. 4 not her One of TrrinKtoa's Many Costly and Beautiful Home- South west corner 23d and Thompson. A home of character fireproof, irpkeep proof, hardwood finish, hot - water heat, costly plum bin jr. These are samples of many Buys in Best Home at 2000, 24,000, a5,000, 24i.OOO, 927.AOO, JK35,0OO. 5750 Good small home near 18th and Thompson belongs to owner In JjOS Anieies. j'uii cement oasemeni Fox furnace. One bedroom Is large. Very fine garage. 3, "ftikWiwfjeSisi IWs. if fnt $? , New I.lMtlna;- Fir Time Offered. The above beautiful home. No. 530 K. 20th No., in the pink of condition, and the pink of location. Center en trance, large living room, den In rear, three bedrooms, big si. porch, good attic. IOOxIOO, S. E. Corner K. J7th and Broadway. e".00. Good old house. Will you fix the house up a little and live in it or rent it until the ground sells at $15,000 or $20,000? Beat Apartment-House Site. Three Splendid Homes. S. E. Corner East 13th and Hancock sts.: No. 566 Hancock.. $5500. 394 K. 13th No., garage incl., $6000. 398 li. 13th N., garage, corner, $6500. Real homes, built for present owner With plenty of money, when good ma terial and workmanship were avail a hie. Walking distance to city and near Irvington school, car, Broadway car and the business conveniences at K. 15th and Broadway. Shall we show you through? (You know noth ing by looking at the outside of a good home.) By appointment only. Iliintrnlow First Time Advertiw No. 650 Weidler St.. just listed by los Angeles owner. sy appoint inent only. Mortgage Foreclosure 100x100. fe. W. corner 19th and Schuyler; large 8- room home, needs fresh paint and paper, but IS tSOOD. One of the best ultimate apartment - house sites Irvington. While yov live in the house the ground value will enhance enormously in the years ahead. Yours for $8500. all liens paid. Better be first than sorry. r-00 No. 522 East 27th X. A large modern oungaiow. mortgage forecio sure ; immediate possession. 4r.4H A Snap 907 East Broadway by appointment only. Modern six room corner home, full cement base ment, good furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, den, sleeping porch, good attic. $,".VM Fine home in East Irvington on suxiuu corner, an liens paid in rui very large living room. 7.00 Old ivory and enamel, beau tlfully papered, thoroughly modern, gooa Diuiaro room, buxtou.. A Wonderful Corner Home, IOOxir0 X. W. corner 21t and Hancock. Ex cellent floor plan, best construction. By appointment only. R. T. STREET GOOD HOMES HE A ITOR Fast ISth and Broadway. t MM. Residence, Faat 42M. Eas FOR SALE EIGHTEEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Large lot: located at 28th and Alder sts. Suitable for residence, rooming- house or sanitarium. Terms to suit responsible part v. Inquiro NEDRA COMPANY 214 PAI.U1.U BllUIIVt. Edward E.Goudey Co. HORiUCK LOANS Halted St.te. Mn-k Bulldlas REAL. ESTATE. For (sale Brmvn Praprtr. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting mnd P&ptrhangtng and furnish material. Lot located in Tillamook Beach (Salt airt. near atation and ocean. AH 497, Qregonian. TOW 9 ALE Or will rent r leas. rJ etasle lots Oxl40 feet, at niiamooa each, en board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and batsL Address K 180. Oregon lan. FOR SALE At Gea-hart. 9-room hoitse. . bath, toilet, hot and cold water, electric lights, woodshed: partly furnished: own ers have moved aav; fine for renting. A bargain. Tabor 1821. ROCK AWAY BEACH. Best lot In tract; on walk: beach front age, and cleared: owner will sell cheap fur .cssh: terms If desired. Marshall 4827 after 6 P. M. or Sundays. FOR SALE or rent. 6-room furnished cot tage at Ftrga. Inquire M. A. Warner. 708 E. Main St. SEASIDE House and lot, DftxlOO. Fourth ave.. 1 block from ocean; reasonable for quick sale. T 639; Oregonlan. 7- ROOM furnished house. Apply Latx, at Sea ley -Dresser Co., or F. L. Hagar, Gear hart. . 7-ROOM furnished house. Apply Lata, car Sealy-Dresser Co.. or Hagar, at Gearhart. Ft5r SALE 7-room cottage, cor. lot, 7th J3 " mi ave. and 3d at. Box 316. Seaside. REAL. ESTATE. For bale Flat and Apartment Property. ON E apt., best location; income $133 month, with garage and garden all in: lot 50x100; $6000 will handle; balance easy terms or will take small borne close In as part payment. See owner. 540 j Stark, j FLAT bldg., - flats. 5 rooms each, strictly modern, Tillamook St., near Union ave.; 1 flat completely furnished; rent one, live in other, which pays 7 on invest ment; price $5630. Tabor 6441. t or -Bulnets Property. 10! 10&! 10l i OPPORTL'X.TT FOR $100 TO $3000. I Why be "-a;;-! led with eve or t?o wnen vour mono will earn 10? and more for you. with equal or greater safety? DO NOT BE SKEPTICAL. The truth cannot hurt you. Many thousands are making more than 10. It will be a pleasure to tell you. See J. H. Mc Kenzie, 906 Gasco bids. FOR SALE. A 2-story concrete building, located at Central la. Wash., 60xlOO. with 3 lots ad joining; good manufacturing site; can get trackage on 3 railroads. A 646, Ore gonlan. ' GARAGB or business corner. East Broad way and First, 100x100; also 50x100 cor. adjoining on Weidler st. Together or separately, at a very low figure. J. B. Kennedy. 329 Salmon st. Main 4.89. For bat Lota. PARKROSE TRACT. EAST TERMS. 130x300 feet. 3 blocks to car line and near Craig road, south, front, some fir trees, water and gas con nections in street; $10O down, $20 per month. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Parkrose branch office on Sandy blvd. at end of Parkrose car line. FOR SALE by owner, choice east front lot on East 4lst street, between Tilla mook and Thompson, close price if taken at once. Call Broadway 642. NUMBER fine building lots, Clinton St., near 43d, Richmond district, $500 each. Terms. Tabor 5361. LOT on 66th st. near Sandy. Will take liberty bond. Box 280, Camas, Wash. JIT. TABOR Fine residence lots, facing west. East 42S.. For Sal. -Metises. LOVELY IRVINGTON HOME. Center entrance hall, French doors, breakfast room, built-tns, linoleum, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fruit room and tight coal bin, 2 fire places, hardwood stairs and floors, five rooms upper floor, cement garage shrubs, built 2 yeara. 616 East 16th N. Owner, East 4288. HAVING BURIED MY "WIFE I am compelled to sell my beautiful 6 room home, 3:17 East 34th St., which is on of Hawthorne's prettiest streets, large living room, fireplace, furnace. In terior finish in dark oak and old Ivory, nice porches, lot 50x108 feet ; fruit and berries, house in Al repair and must be sold. Please look at it. Tabor 1137. 814 FRANCIS AVE. HOME FOR SALE. Eight-room bungalow, 2 rooms up. 6 rooms down; one of finest largest sleep ing rooms with large windows on 3 sides; no furnace. $ 1200 ; large garage under house. Possession June 1. terms. Owner. F. ABENDROTH, 1 46 Broadway. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $ll,U0O CASH. Eight artistic rooms, living room 30x20, has two fireplaces first floor,, two baths, second; extra lavatories, H. W. floors throughout entire house; fine garage; heart of district. McDONfiLL, EAST 419. NOW VACANT. 7-ROOM HOUSE. FINEST CONDI TION. LARGE. ATTRACTIVE LIVING ROOM. H. W. FLOORS, GARAGE, 440 E. 7th st. X., near Broadway car. This place is a bargain, and your own terms. Owner, East 5852 or Broadway 1917, for appointment. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into' incom:? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 921 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN seven-room house; good condi tion, nice lot. paved street, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, garage, etc. all complete. Two blocks to tar. four blocks from Jefferson hirh school. $4800. See it today. Owner, 95 East Emerson street. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Only 2 years old. between Broadway lines; all oak floors, 2 fireplaces, 2 batbs, enameled in old ivory ; artistic paper; owner leaving cty; chance for first -class house at very moderate price. E. J . Mautz, Broadway 5522, or East 5031. IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazee, 75x100 corner B 19 th. All hard ood floors, gas furnace, plates windows, garage Splendid light fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Vry well built and r r sale by owner. $S50 IOOXIOO. tent house, some furniture. gas and water, cmcKen nouse. iu rine fruit trees; easy terms. Best offer takes it today. Woodstock car at the corner 65th and 65th ave. Make offer today. Might exchange. Main 6795. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $350O. 5 rooms and bath, full cement base ment, corner, hard -surfaced street, all assessments paid. This is a bargain. Owner. 1381 East Lincoln st. t-.onn fi-ROOM. lot BOxllu: H. S. Btr-t. sewer in and paid, 2 blocks of Sunnyside car. $600 casn. u nis must De sold quick is reason why it is selling so cheap. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. MONT AV ILL A I will sell my equity ii a xlY-rnom house, bath and toilet. Ur trie, lterhts. cas and phone, streets Dnvcd. on carllne. connected with sewer: might consider Ford as part pay. Call Taoor -7142. LAURELHURST. A REAL BARGAIN BY OWNER ; LEAVING CITY; ELEGANT. MODERN 7 - ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE; TERMS. 1015 CLACKAMAS. PHONE EAST 5542. WEST SIDE Modern 6-room house for sale by owner. $1000 down, balance like rent. Inquire at 383 N. 25th St., or Bdwy. 21U4. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-room bungalow, modern; corner lot; streets paved and paid: 3 blks. to RC car line; no agents. Tabor 5205. SEVEN-ROOM furnished house, 3 blks. Hawthorne. Sunnyside car lines. 1 blks! Sunnyside school; room for garage. Ta , bor 956 . MODERN 5-room bungalow, porcelain bath, 100x100. No. 1080 East 26th st. North. Price $3250. Terms. Call Mar shall idii, owner. $2000 7-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100; liberal terms; si reel? biiu wem paia. inis is a grana oargain ; &unnysiae car. J. p. McKenna. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. WEST SIDE HOME. 46x100. Tenth street, modern 8-room residence, bargain at $5500; terms. Don ald Maclcod. 1001-2 Spalding bldg. MODERN 6-room house and garage; on corner 39th St.. In Hawthorne district; some terms. Address box 211, Gresham. Oregon. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow, near Union ave. and Piedmont: $350 cash will handle It. Phone owner. East 400O FOR SALE by owner, 6-room bungalow cottage. 1086 E. Aider. At home Sun days and evenings. FOR SALE 5-room house and sleeping porch; bathroom, full basement, fruit trees. 148 E. 34th st. FOR SALE 6-room modern house, on carllne. This is a bargain, and will give good terms. Phone Sell wood 3317 $4000 100x200 ft. lot. 7 rooms and sleep ing porch; lots of fruit and chicken house. 4703 59th ave. S. E. WS car. FOR sale at a bargain, two lots, 3-room house, gas and water, on car line. Phone Woodlawn 2092. NEATLY furnished cottage for sale bv owner. Call evenings after 6. 12S7 East 12th st. North. Woodlawn 4286. 6-ROOM bungalow. 200x201 feet of ground; 21 fruit trees and small fruit. 1060 E 39 th stL ONE 5-room. also 7-room flat, new.v fin ished; yard, garden. Brooklyn district. Bdwy. 5157. 6S6S Joqi iimui-sx. ,s-a efn j-o -gg -t(ooq 9uo 'no-.-poo.i svs-ta -Ifr-MI Q wnoq uiooj-9 joj 000t-t Jumo jig rer "uipav jujo n. OCTTt TO06CI pus-tfiida put peiu-.. Xau uTjaunq ojapotu Uiooj-o YIH3iI"Y 5-ROOM, modern bungalow. Carolina and Kelly. $23du. owner, aits uorbett b.dg. $1400 100x80 LOT. 4 rooms, berries, gar. j . .mat ' T rirtl- 1 '. 7-ROOM modern house, concrete garage Tabor 2331. -ROOM cottage, close In : easy OWNER, brand-new four-room bungalow Main 3783. between 3 and 5 P. M. 4,-ROOM new modem bungalow, close la. . i -ivn- soa niiiim BARGAIN HUNTER See the today. AM 401. Oregonlan. . exchanges HOUSE ana lot tar sal, 847 & Bdw?. REAL ESTATaV For Sale Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Over 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOME3 FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. MAGUIRE 1 To Buy Your Home. it'J rou BOOKING FOR A HOME? SYSTEM 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS . of Si0" rDnx-frt??! ver?r district In the EVERY KIND OF HOME EV ERY MODERATE PRICE We G1VR 5iTwnTThI3f SVlCIfnecess'ary ment. ou make your down pay- 18 AUTOMOBILES at Your Service Open Evenings and Sundays. A MACHINE WILL TAKE YOU OCT TODAY I f $4200 A DREAM ROSE CITY; massive Pillared front and side porch: 5 rooms; spacious, airy; WHITE Dutch kitchen: HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT: Close tYOU LL LOVE THIS AR TISTIC LITTLE HOME: a ma- xftoewUlake you out TODAY! 430O DON T BUY ANY FURNITURE! w?he.re;ln ono of our splendid HAWTHORNES ; very artistic, both out and in: paneled dinlns room with beamed ceiling; two sunniest bedrooms: fine furnace, loull APPRECIATE THE EX CELLENT VALUE! E. 51st. ?-io0 Here is WONDERFUL VALUE in a modern 5-room H A W THORNB ; terms. East 37th. just south of Hawthorne. m kVe ALBERTA HOMES. We J i5 A completely furnished home. A 5-PASSENGER Studebaker car. 2 garages, lot 80x100. street liens I 2ald- A BARGAIN. Glenn ave. I $2600 tt-room ARTISTIC PENINSULA HOME; 3 sunny bedrooms, con venient kitchen; CLEVER BUI L.T-INS; cozy den. fireplace. SLEEPING PORCH: 1 block to car. LOOK AT THIS. Owner must sell! WE HAVE many remark . abIe bargains in PENINSULA. $2200 $400 down ; WAVERLY-RICH-. IION'D; 5-room modern home: white enamel plumbing: elec- triclty. gas: full cement base ment. LOOK AT THIS BAR GAIN NOW! E. 29th. l-75 $400 down; 80x120; 5-room home: living, dining rooms, convenient kitchen ; 2 airy bedrooms: close to Mount Scott car. $209.'. 100x700 corner: PLENTY OF BEARING FRUIT, berries, and a fi-room PRACTICALLY NEW. modern bungalow; white Dutch kitchen. 3 sunny bedrooms, full trnment basement: white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. TERMS. An exceptional BARGAIN. $1995 Just THINK I Clever, artistic 4 room BUNGALOW; . large, full width front porch; attractive liv ing room, pretty dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen: large, alny bedrooms. 5 set pieces of white enamel plumbing; lOOx 100; ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT, berries, etc.; chicken house: GA RAGE; practically new; IDEAL LITTLE HOME. If you are looking for a HOME com bining DESIRABLE location. MODER ATE PRICE and UNUSUAL VALUE, see FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. -Abington bldg. Main 1068. Successor to H. D. McGuire. Established 1880. "40 Years of RELIABLE Service." $4200 ABSpLUTELY the best buy in the city today. 4 rooms and bath down, with one large room that could be divided into two rooms up. Living room across entire ' front, fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath down, cement basement with hot water heating system, which will save you enough on your fuel bills to pay your taxes. This home is situated among the natural trees, iyith a beautifully landscaped lot 60x126. It may interest you to know that this place was planned by a lady, artistic and practical, for a home, and it is in every sense a true application of the word home. Only 20 minutes" car ride from the heart of the city, beau ( tlfully situated and a home you can well be proud of. You could have done no better had you pur chased a home 2 years ago. This home is absolutely .without an equal for the monev. Terms. .1. A. W1CKMAN CO., "Shortest Wav Home." 204 Ry. Ex. Bid g. Main 1094 and 583. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $5500 for a 6-room with flrnlo fur. nacc, on E. Broadway, lot 30x100; terms. $5500 for a 7-room with furnace, fire place, lot 50x100, with fruit and berries, on Wasco street; $1000 cath $6000 for a very fine modern 6-room, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, ga rage ; a beautiful home on Multnomah St.. $2000 cash. $6000 for a 9-room. furnace, fireplace, lot 50x100; on Holladay ave.; "-, cash. ior a oeautlful modern up-to- , pinK or condition; lot 50x100. with garage and near Thomp son; cssh. Phone Mar. 829. - F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exch. OWNER NEEDS MONET. 6-room, 1 -story, modern, cost to day . a r.nrt ,6-room, IH-story. modern, cost to- ay 4.OO0 Double garage, cement driveway.. 500 50x100 corner lot, Williams ave 2.500 Total cost to build todav $11000 ALL FOR $6500. TERMS. Improvements in and paid, no mort gages, no liens, absolutely free and clear. Drive by 646 Williams ave. and 282 Mon roe st. and look at them. WELLER & RINEHART. 212 -Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 4503. CLASSY LITTLE BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER. We invite you to come out Mondav ind look it over. Choice corner, paved streets all paid, desirable close-in location near beautiful Laurelhurst Park, convenient to Sunnyside car, best service in city. A light, cheerful and cozy little home Just right for young couple. Compact, con venient and easy to care for. Stucco exterior. unique design, large rustic porch, large living room, ivory wood work, fireplace, furance, etc. A dandy buy. Sure to please you. 1123 East Alder st.. cor. 3Sth. Tabor 5169 or Broadway 421. WALKING DISTANCE. $4000 Just a few blocks from Glisan bridge on East Side: 2-story. 6 room modern home. French doors, oak floors. Inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bath, inverted light ing fixtures, furnace, full cement basement: no carfare needed here. Easy terms. CAREY-SAVIDGE CO.. Main 74S7. 219 Railway Exch. bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. J50OO You should see this nifty 6-room home; alt on one floor, lot lOOx 109.6, with 8 fruit trees and ga rage. Furnace, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment. This home has just been newly painted and decorated throughout and is absolutely the best buy in this district. Iet us show you. Vacant, move right in. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 1094 and 583. PORTSMOUTH. New five-room bungalow with attic and full basement; a few feet from car lint and on a paved street; the. rooms are sensibly laid out and the entire1 place is very comfortable and inviting; $3300 $500 down. COB A McKENXA A CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 768 Lombard St. Col. 638. - $4800 ONLY $1000 DOWN $4800 ROSE CITY PARK SPECIAL Here is the 5-room bungalow you have been looking for; finished in ivory throughout, spacious living room, hand some buffet, oak floors, cozv fireplace Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fur nace, beautiful Uwn. shrubberv and flowers; see this classy home today HOLDEX & KOHLMAN, 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 6550. $7000. ALAMEDA PARK STRICTLY MOD ERN TWO-STORY RESIDENCE. LARGE LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM THREE BEDROOMS. FURNACE HARDWOOD FLOORS: GARAGE HOUSE NEWLY PAINTED INSIDE A. (JL 1 . J tL, -OSSISSIOX. SOME TERMS. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. PRICE $43,000. VALUE $65,000. Owner has left Portland : for quick sale will sacrifice his beautiful country home of - acres; 15 minutes drive oh paved street. CatI at 270i Stark st. and see Mr. ueianunty or pnone tor appoint ment. Main 170O. Eve. East 20S6. BY OWNER New, modern, 7 rooms and sleeping porcn. it nas ail tne built-in conveniences and all up to date. Come out and gee it. 188 Laurelhurst are. FOR SALE in Irvington. large, modern, fi- room house, corner lot. IOOxIOO, near school, fruit trees, garden, chickens. $7500. CBJl c.. ifJ aiter rj sur.aay. 4-ROOM modern house, with garage. 5412 45th ave. S. E., Macadam street; $2O00 cash. Mount Scott car to 54th st. FOR SALE A 7-room bungalow m Rich mood drtnot. Call asmer. Main 625a, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -H oases. LARGEST HOME SELLERS OX THE PACIFIC COAST. Over 10OO PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE . FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Are you LOOKING FOR A HOME 7 ITS easy if you TRY THE McGUIRE SYSTEM! 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS., of homes chosen from everv district in the city. EVERY KIND OF HOME. EV ERY MODERATE PRICE. We GIVJfi SATISFYING SERVICE. If necessary we will help you make your down pay ment. 18 AUTOMOBILES at Yoor Service. Open Evenings and Sundays. A MACHINE WILL TAKE YOU OUT TODAY ! 100 WEST SIDE HOMES 100 $9000 BEAUTIFUL 9 -room HEIGHTS HOME, ultra-modern; splendid massive bullt-ins. artistic fire place, LUSTROUS HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, lovely interior finish: 3 porches com manding a WONDERFUL, unob structed view. THIS EXCEP TIONAL HOME IS SACRIFICED for a QUICK SALE. NEW X-AURELHURST BUNGALOW. THIS STRICTLY MODERN BUNGA LOW HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. WOODWORK IN THE OLD-IVORY ENAMEL; LARGE LIV ING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE; FRENCH DOORS LEAD TO ARTISTIC DINING ROOM. WITH HANDSOME BUFFET, FULL DUTCH KITCHEN, PRETTY BREAKFAST NOOK. LARGE PLATE-GLASS WINDOWS; INDIRECT LIGHTING FIXTURES, WALLS PA PERED WITH TAPESTRY. YALE & TOWNS SOLID BRASS HARDWARE. GLASS KNOBS. TILE BATH. PEDES TAL LAVATORY, INLAID LINOLEUM IN KITCHEN; CEMENT' PORCH, LARGE ATTIC. DIAMOND FURNACE. GARAGE. THIS IS A REAL HOME $7350. TERMS. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. 1 1 GO LAUREL-HURST AVE.. CORNER OF 39 TH STREET. OWNER ON THE PREMISES. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Artistic 5-room bungalow with good furniture, living room has nice fire o'are and den. with built-in bookcases. nice electric fixtures, dining room has artistic buffet, with larg plat glass mirrors, beam celling; two large, light bedrooms wUh bath between ; Dutch kitchen in white, half cement basement floor, good furnace, garaga. lot 4Uxluo, bard surface street now going in. $4000, $1000 cash. 3Q month, including inter est, 7 per cent. O. W. T. Huellhaupt Co., C E. Adams. 407 U. S. National Bank bldg. Broadway 3838, residence. am. ;'4Jo- l BARGAIN that will be snapped up quick. 7 large rooms, hardwood ftoora, tiled bathroom, fireplace, glassed and screened porches, screens and built-in fixtures' complete throughout, full base ment with plastered ceilings, fuel and fruit rooms, furnace, laundry trays, etc. large double garage with wide cement driveway: lot 75x100; all improvements In and paid for. Price $8000. $3000 cash. balance terms. 70 Schofield st.. one block south and half block east of Bank of Kenton. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Possession at once. See owner on premises, or phone East 1250. ST. JOHNS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED bunea low of four rooms and screened sleeping porch ; garage to match house ; paved street; on car line; 40x100 lot; fine dis trict; this is a bargain; $3200; $L0OO aown. COE A McKENXA CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 768 Lombard St. Col. 638. $4500 BUYS my modern 6-room house with iu-iuu teet or ground on East Taylor, near tsth st.; house practically new, has very modern convenience and could not be built today for $4500, but I need the money and will sacrifice for a quick deal. I am out of the city on my farm. and cannot see you personally, but jf you win can on my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. he will give you particulars about mt property, u. a. uunn, owner. IRVINGTON. ENTRANCE HALL, LARGE LIVING it kju ja, XJi.N i.u KUU31, KITCHEN ON " rv o i r LiKjkj k ; r oUK BEDROOMS SLEEPING PORCH. BATH. SECOND FLOOR: LARGE ATTIC: FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE GARAGE. LOT 75x100; $9000 POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG .MAIN 18O0. RESIDENCE 271-20. MODERN 6-room house, newly tinted and painted, awnings and complete screens; one bedroom down, 2 bedrooms upstairs; iniaid linoleum in kitchen ana bath, Ruud heater, sewer connected, full ce meDt basement; block and half to good tar line, easy walking distance to Jef ferson high. Peninsula park and Pied mont car barns; price $3000, terms Pnon; owner, Woodlawn 457. THREE nice houses for sale by owner, on Lancaster st., in the Kenton district. 8-room house for $ 850. 4-room house for $1200. 7-room house for $1900. Good buys, all of these. J. S. Allen dale, owner. If interested call on my at torney at 404 Piatt budg., 127 Park St., for information. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY EXILE BURKETT, AGENT. NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO PHONE MAIN $1800. OFFICE, 208 SELLING BLDG. TWO GOOD HOMES' SACRIFICED? I have bought a (ar n and want sen an extra goon "JToom home on Commercial sc., near; library and Jef ferson high, and my 7-room home on m. l ayior, renting ior ju per month. Garage for each. See owner, 6X11 Stock Kxchantje oio g. NEW IRVINGTON HOMES. Just completed and have now for sale two 8-room colonial homes and one 8-rm. bungalow, absolutely modern and up to tho minute. If you are in the market for a home do lot fail to see these. Tur ner & Winship, builders. Tabor G6J4 or M anor u i. NEW IRVINGTON HOUSE. Corner lot. double garage. 8 rooms. 1st and 2d floors; maid's room and play room 3d ; oak floors, ivory and paper. 2 fireplaces, first-class beating plant. $2500 casn. oaiance siuu montniy including In terest. Immediate possession. E. J. Mautz, K. otMi, or Broadway 5522. IRVINGTON. NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. Large living room, center hall. Dutch kitchen. 5 bedrooms: corner lot. dou ble garage, tine location: price $10,500: best buy In the city. Owner. Tabor 5UW4 or Manor jil-4. IDEAL for rest or study ; new 6-room house, modern m a e tall, races south, larce dining and sleeping porches, rest. fut surroundings, grand view, desirable community, near Council Crest car: In cluding 4 cords wood: terms. Phone except eunoays. aiarsnaii jio. LEAVING city, will sell my beautiful room modern house with 100x140, good location, aouoie constructed ; ail hard wood floors, plate glass, floored attic, full basement, furnace, fireolace. two toi!ets; big bargain. Call owner. Main 8105. NICE summer home .on Lake Coeur d Alene. Idaho, eroora cottage in cnilent condition; front porch and aood earth cellar, finest spring of water on Del Csrdo Day; pure mountain air, idea. surroundings. Automatic iw-utj. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictl modern, furnace, hardwood floors, built ins. etc.: all street improvements in and paid; 9hj casn win nancue it: mov right in. Phone owner. East 400Q. BEAUTIFUL Rose City bungalow. S rooms. Tnardwooa iioors. ouiict. dookcuh. rur- nace. fireplace, east front. 50xl00-foot lot. $4750. JOHXSOX-DODSOX CO.. 633 K. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S i.ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW C11KSYR1DE NEAR 32D AND ALDER. Cozy 4 rooms, full cement basement. furnace, bunt-ins, uuicn Kitcnen : for $3000. halt casn. tan laoor aiua. it'kt 2 blocks from Sandy blvd.. in At tractive o-room oungaiow-styie nouse hardwood rioors, cream enamel through out; tor saie oy owner. aoor Hi tin, ' FROM OWNER. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, modern throughout; ft diock to ttose City car cash or terms. laoor iw. (4250 NEW Rose City bungalow, white enamel i inwn, uu i a, oreaaiasx room; $1750 down, balance 6 per cent. Tabor i-4.. FOR SALE Strictiy modern 5-room bun galow, interior newly decorated; garage Fine- st. GOOD 5 rooms, attic, full basement, all modern in every way; lot 40x124. I must se.l. going away. a aoor bi2, or East 54th st. 4-ROOM bungalow, with large attic. Haw thorne district; fine neighborhood, $2500; this is a bargain. See owner, 749 E. Davis street. FOUR-ROOM house, ktlchen; lot 50-xlOO; $1500. $600 down, $15 per month. Phone Tabor 7242. call after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Irvington, 6-room modern bungalow, close in. by owner; terms. Phone Tabor 492. MODERN 6-room bouse: easy payments; cloaa la. Phone Cb X. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A TRINITY OF HOME BARGAINS. Willamette Heights Cozy little mod; ern house of 6 rooms and bath, splendid ' not water heating system, full cement basement, wash trays, asphalt street paid, beautiful view, fine neighbor hood ; lota of roses and shrubbery, im mediate possession. Price for Quick sale $3950. Never offered before for less than $4500. A big bargain and nice lit tle modern home for somebody. Another Willamette Heights home at 1105 Franklin street: 7 large rooms, bath and separate toilet, grand view over the city, paved street (paid), large attic, full cement basement. 50x100 lot. Immediate possession. Price $6000. This would cost about $0000 to duplicate. 5-room house. 871 East Irving street, near 28th; hardwood floors, newly dee orated throughout, full cement basement, wash trays, dandy garage, fine 50x100 lot. paved street patd). 2 big bearing cherry trees; a "spick and span" Itttla home, close in. Price only 43650. S10O0 cash, balance very easy. The above are all culled bargains and very desirable in every way. All can be inspected any day up to 8 P. M. J. W. CROSSLEY. 1053 Vaughn st. Main 5073. RARE ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4475 Here is the bungalow comnlets and" accept our guaranteed state ment that wa have not seen its equal lor the price tnis year in Rose City. Built less than a year. Five rooms, interior in old Ivory, hardwood floors through out, French doors, all the usual built-in effects and then some: fireplace of attractive design, splendid furnace. full cement basement with concrete wash trays, garage and runway, paved streets all in and paid. for. Lo cated on 54th st. . Convenient terms. You'll have to hurry to get this. CAREY-SAVIDGE CO.. Main 7487. 218 Railway Exch. bldg. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. $42.V) TERMS $4250 $4250 TERMS $4230 426 E. JESSUP ST.. ADJOINING PIEDMONT. Just completed, strictly modern R reom bungalow, large sleeDtng porch, reception hall, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects, electric fixtures and plumbing complete; paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement (cemented). Ivory and white enamel fin ish throughout: most artistic bungalow for the price now on the market: others are asking $5500. Four car lines: 50x 100 lot. street work paid. Take Wood lawn car to Jessup st. then go one hloct east of Union ave. See this today. Own er on premises 12 to 5 daily. Phone East 4526 before 11 or after 6 for d pointment. AT A BARGAIN. ATTRACTIVE modern 9-room house in nerfect condition: convenient, comfort able, up-to-date; large reception halt, den. attic play room, enameled kitchen and bath, furnace heat; lawn ; choice roses. Central location, east side, near Ladd s addition. Price reduced to $o00, Terms arranged to suit. For further In formation, phone Broadway 120. If ou want a real substantial home, one which is situated on property continually In creasing in value. Dhone above numoe for appointment to see this house wah owner. No signs; no agents. THIS IS A GENUINE BARGAIN. DON'T DELAY. ROSE CITY PARK. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW; JUST COMPLETED; LARGE LIVING ROOM AND DINING ROOM, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, BUFFET, SEATS AND CABINETS. TWO BED ROOMS WITH BUILT-INS. WARD ROBES. BATH WITH FINE FIX TURES. SLEEPING PORCH. LARGE KITCHEN, FULL OF BUILT-INS WITH BREAKFAST ROOM IN CONNECTION; ENAMELED IN IVORY THROUGHOUT. FULL BASEMENT. IN FACT EVERY THING COMPLETE. AN IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE IN; THE BEST LOCATION IN ROS E CITY PA R K v $5900 ; TERMS. OPEN THIS AFTERNOON AT 386 E. 52D ST. N. DEAL WITH OWNER. TABOR 7882. SPECIAL IRVINGTON. 7 rooms. Ivory finish and oak floors throughout; garage, finished last October. Fine draperies and linoleum Included. Tile bath with shower. Owner must give up for business reasons. $100U cash, $90 monthly. East 3118 for appoint ment. UNIVERSITY PARK. Five-room bungalow in beautiful con dition ; large living and dining rooms, modern kitchen and airy bedrooms, full basement; fine fireplace; some fruit trees; 5Oxl0O lot; $33U0; $1000 down. COE A McKENNA fc CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 768 Lombard St. Co!. 638. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Just completed; 5 rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen with breakfast room built In. white enamel finish, tile fireplace, full cement basement. hard-surraced street all paid, modern in every wav. located corner 2 th and Fremont st.r-i eroaaway car. owner. Tabor 7726. call 215 Washington bldg. PARTED ONES COMPELS OWNER TO SELL. A real 5-room modern house Rose City Park, all hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, practically new. worth $.;50O. We can sell you the house for $4500. J. BOBBINS. 1 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. IRVINGTON. MODERN TWO-STORY RESIDENCE HARDWOOD FLOORS. FOUR BED ROOMS SECOND FLOOR. ONE BED ROOM FINISHED IN ATTIC; FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. FUR NACE. GARAGE; $750l, TERMS POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-18. CLASSY MODERN BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful corner lot, 6-room, strictly modern bungalow, full lot, all improve ments in and paid. Very best location. Moderate price. Liberal terms. Owner Tabor 8292. IRVING-TON. Fine modern 7-room residence. Thomp son at., near school; den. fireplace, good furnace; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, hard-wood floors throughout : immediate possession. Price $70O0, terms. Donald Macleod, 1001-2 Spalding bldg. $1900 R. C. PARK; almost new, partly furnished; bath, gas. electricity, large corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent: move ngnt in; some aistance our. but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nloe little home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner. Tabor 2678. ELEGANT home sites; river front and river view, ana other acreage near Ore gon City electric line. Six-room house East 36th st. Two lots Benedictine Heights. Business property Mifwaukte. Ristey. Starkweather St Black, 602 Broadway bldg. FOR SALE Three unusual homes close in, on rorunnu neiKnis, many reason ably priced on Willamette Heights; one vacant lot on Portland Heights that is second to none from view point or de sirability. Phone J. M. Berry, Marshall 1684. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR. To settle an estate I am authorised to sell a lovely home at an exceptionally attractive price. Pictures and further information at Room 437, Northwestern Bank bldg. Tuesday. COSY 4-room bungalow.. 50x100 lot, full cement basement, laundry trays, panel dining room, bullt-ins, Dutch kitchen, large chicken house, fruit. Snap, $1850, $675 cash. Tabor 4807. HANDSOMELY furnished 6 rooms, walk ing distance, west side, with wonderful view; most modern duplex bouse In the city; lease ior one year to adults; ret erenccs. Owner, Main 1528. $2350 FURNISHED. 6 rooms and bath. electric lights and gas, 50x1 OO lot. 1 block to car and stores, close to school; one third cash, balance same as rent at 6 per cent. toi. n oDoiiuci ave. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. Attractive. semi-rural surroundings Ideal for children; $1875. including gas range and fireplace. Terms. Tabor 4714. MUST raise some money, will sell our 5-room plastered house, 1 blk. from Mt Scott carline. for only $1300, worth $20O0 Inquire 990 Powell valley rd. Phone SelL 717. MONTAVILLA At a bargain, 4-room modern bungalow, 2H blocks from car; berries, garden all in : my equity $565. All for $500. Call Tabor 9076. ANYONE wishing to buy homes or fur nished homes In the city or suburbs, acreage or well Improved farm will do moll by calling Tabor 8944. LEAVING city. 6-room house, cement basement, corner lot, improvements an in: close to car. Snap for cash. Falling st. LOVELY 8-room Portland Heights home, $11,000; one $45O0; one $2850. East side bungalow, $2750. Tabor 6337. MUST be sold. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, 50x100 lot: cheap. 834 E. 39th st. In quire at whack north. FOR SALE My equity. $1500, in a well built modern 3-room house. By owner, Wdln. 42JA. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale A TRINITY OF HOME BARGAINS. ' Willamette Height Cosy little mod ern house of 6 rooms and bath, splendid hot water heating system, full cement basement, wash trays, asphalt street paid, beautiful view, fine neighbor hood, lots of roses and shrubbery, im mediate possession. Price for q.utck sale $3950. Never offered before for less than $4500. A big bargain and nice lit tle modern home tor somebody. Another Willamette Heights home at 1105 Franklin street., 7 large rooms, bath and separate toilet, grand view over the city, paved street (paid), large attic, full centpnt hsem-nt 50x100 lot. Immediate possession. Price $6000. This would cost about $9000 to duplicate. 6-room houra. 871 East Irving street. near 2th; hardwood floors, newly dec orated throughout, full cement basement, wash travs. dandv earaee. fine 50x100 lot, paved street (paid), 2 big bearing cherry trees; a "spick and span" little home, close in. Price only $3650, $1000 cash, balance very easy. The above are all culled bargains and very desirable in every way. All can be inspected any oay up to f. ju J. W. CROSSLEY. 1053 Vaughn Street. Main 5073. $700 DOWN ROSE CITY PARK Not many on terms like this one. new bungalow. 5 rooms, breakfast nook & attic, furnace, fixtures Jt shades, old ivory finish through out, corner lot. in 2 weeks this place will be ready to move into and now is the time to buy. Price only $5350, easy monthly pay ments. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Branch office, 45th A Sandy Blvd. Call Tabor 2904. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW $1500. 5-room, semi-modern bungalow, with OUXJ.UU lot, plastered, toilet, bath, no tub. gas, some fruit, chicken house; $400 oaiance per montn. LOTS CV ITRI'IT 13"..n 6-room plastered house, bath and toi let, basement, with 100x150 ground chicken house and run. 17 assorted bear ing rrult trees; $500 cash. WOODLA WN RUNG A LOW X500 5-room plastered house, modern, with ioc ouxvo, a blocks from Woodlawn car, an in good condition: $3O0 cash. MONT A VILLA BUNGALOW $1200. 5-room plastered bungalow Wttht 50 100 lot. concrete foundation; $54 cash. r rv iirri III on in. FRED W .GERMAN, 732 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $850 CORNER LOT N E A R CARLINE. S. W. corner of 53d and Stanton Sts. (east front), lot about 2 ft. above grade, bond assessments onlv $150. now is the time to buv lots. Thin is a snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. MOVE right in; 5-room furnished, modern uouoie-constructea bungalow, 12 bearint fruit trees, lots of small fruit and hritb bery. newly painted in and out, Dutch Minen, in wnite enamel, ana sleeping porch, cement basement and furnace. electricity, paid for two years; firnishe with new, high-grade furniture dishes ana cooKing utensils, chickens Included -t tit f-vto cash. balance, $30 per month, including 6 per cent interest. Phone Tabor 1235 Saturdays and Sun days and after 7 P. M. week davs. by owner; no agent. 6725 86th st. S. E. UNIVERSITY PARK. Seven-room, 2-story bungalow, with front and rear balconies, large porch, fine fireplace and furnace; large lot, 50x150 feet, full concrete basement, al together delightful; absolutely worth tht price asked; $4OO0. COE A McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4322. 768 Lombard St. Col. 638. $2900 LET US SHOW YOU this nifty, well-built home of 3 rooms and den down and 2 rooms and bath up. White enamel dining room with butfet, fireplace, garage, corner lot. one block to car ; terms. New carpets in living room, also stair carpet included in price. J. . WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 and 583. 1-3 ACRE TRACT IN MT. SCOTT. IJJ,.0 Fine corner propertv on GUh st : sidewalk In and paid: 4-room bungalow with toilet: soace for bath available: fruit trees: fine i garden In; terms. 1 CAREY-SAVIDGE CO.. ' Main 7487. 219 Railway Exch. bids. TO SETTLE ESTATE WILL SACRIFICE FOR CASH. 5 houses, located on the corner ot Borthwick and Graham ave. Al! 5-room cottages, paved st. Mr. Carpenter, or Painter: Here 1 your chance. "Do your own fixing up. 235 feet of hard sur face street; $5C0Q for the bunch. Look m over, or call E. 3595 or E. 5307 HOAGLIN BIRD. 565H Williams ave. ST. JOHNS. Fin eight-room, 2-story house on cor ner lot 94x100; built-in Dutch kitchen and many convenient features; fruit trees; $3300. only $500 down. COE A McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 768 I bombard St. Col. 638. $9500. A LAMED A. BEAUTIFUL VIEW NEAR CAR; BEAUTIFUL LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, HARDWOOD FLOORS, 4 BEDROOMS, BATH. HOT WATER HEAT: GARAGE. IMMEDI ATE POSSESSION. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 180O. RESIDENCE 271-20. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 366 East 53d Street North. Come and see this 6 rooms and sleep ing porch, absolutely double constructed with furnace, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays. This must be sold at once: come and make offer. Owner on premtses all day Sunday. Vacant and open for in spection. ROSE CITY PARK. A fine new bungalow. 5 large rooms, breakfast nook, large attic ; ivory and mahogany finish. H. W. floors through out: a real home to please in everv de tail. A real bargain; immediate sale. See it at - uotb st. N. Phene Ta bor 4367. IRVIXCJ-OX COLONIAL BUNGALOW. 7 LOVELY ROOMS. Central entrance. French doors to large u i iu ii 5 ruoin. urauuiui ounct, cnarming dining room, large fireplace, bookcases. hardwood floors every room, breakfast nook, full lot, shrubs, trees, garden, fine garage. $7500, all drapes included; $1500 casn nancues. oai. nice rent. .ast 419, $4900 ROSE CITY $4900. A brand new 5-room bungalow, on wonderful view lot: hardwood floors, fire place, complete set of built-ins through out; all cement basement and full lot. rree ana ciear, uu gown. WELLER ft RINEHART. 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503 $300 CASH. $20 and interest monthly buys from owner attractive oungaiow. bedrooms, bath, gas, electricity, berries, garden all in. Mount Tabor or Montavllla car 56 E. 87th st.. near Mark. Phone 212-04 A real bargain at H'.-o. BUNGALOW for $2750. $450 down; located at 1125 East 29th st. X. Immediate possession. WEST SIDE. Three houses on the corner of Kelly and Bancroft streets., must be sold to settle up an estate. Will give you the very best terms, weea oays, Main 5456. 1125 Oasco biqg. SEVEN rooms, bath, large sleeping porch, fine garden and new. close to good schools, one block from car. near 57th and Belmont In Mount Tabor. Will sell at bargain, with 60x100 or 112x100 to suit purchaser. AJ 301. Oregonlan. $i:600 5R OO M . lot 45x100, on west slope of Mount Tabor. $175 cash : owner out of city; should sell for $3250. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 39th 13 yeara Tabor 6493. $000 7-ROOM. lot 75x108. on west slope OT Alt. iftoor, .uv tiasii . wine UKe a look at this, it Is a splendid property. J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Six-room house, two bedrooms and sleeping porch; price $2800. on very easy terms. Main 6b82 Sunday morning. Weekday. Main 5436. 1125 Pasco bldg. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, strictly mod em except hardwood floors ; must be sold; make me an offer. Call and see at 366 East 58d st. N. Owner. GOOD 5-room bungalow and sleeping poich. large lot. near M. V. car; reason able price and terms; immediate pos session. Call 1911 E. Irving st. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOU$$ TABOR 4299 RO DAB A UGH. REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK, 6-"koOM BUNGALOW All rooms on one floor, corner lot. below the hill on 47th St.. place occupied about one year, ex ceptionally well constructed, now complete: all details for comfort have been skillfully attended to, east front, good garage, fine as sortment of young imported shrub bery. Price $760. Call Tabor 2904. evenings Tabor 8380. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Branch office, 45th Jc Sandy Blvd. READ CAREFULLY A GENUINE BARGAIN. A MOST desirable seven-room home in PERFECT condition and modern in every degree; full cement basement, fur nace. wash travs. extra toilet. Large living room witn fireplace: din ing room, pass pantry, kitchen, bedroom ana tares sleeping porcn on iirst iioor. Three nice bedrooms, bath and toilet on second floor; ample closets. About one fourth acre of land, larae double ra rage, bearing grapes and other fruit. choice flowers. Paved street, convenient to both hlrh and -trade schools. This property has cost far more than the price asked and could not be dupli cated for over $10,000. If sold at ones price $6500. with reasonable terms. SAM NORTON, 610 HENRY BLDG. Broadway 2326. Sunday and Monday, Main 4099. A BEAUTIFUL HOME BARGAIN. 6 rooms and fine garaga. Rose City Park district ; living room has artistic fireplacj built-in bookcases, hardwood floors. Dining room has beautiful buffet. narawooa rioors; Dutch kitchen witn breakfast nook all in white; mapls floors, one bedroom and bath room downstairs, bath room has maple floors; two large bedrooms with beautiful sleep ing porch upstairs, full basement, cement floor, laundry tub, fine furnace, hard surface street. This home is modern in every detail, and a bargain for $5300. $1500 cash, $35 month with interest at 7 per cent. O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT CO., i E- Adams. 407 U. S. Xat'I Bank b"dg. Broadway 3S38; residence. Wdln. 3433. FINE HOME, SUPERB VIEW, $1000 DOWN. I-ocated on Willamette Heights. 7 rooms, each surpassingly lovely ; hard wood floors, white enamel finish, plenty of closets, wide verandas, garage con nected to house, lot 66x115. fine fire place, furnace, and panoramic view of mountains and city; $8000. $1000 down, balance $50 monthly and interest. Mahonev, COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St., Main 4522. Evenings and Sunday, Columbia 638. GARDEN SPOT. $1200 Price Is cut for quick sale: owner must-have some cash quick: here Is a neat 5-room home built only a few years and completely re tinted inside: ground 75x100: strawberries, raspberries and fruit worth $1000 on this place: Ideal place for a cow and chickens : several blocks from Montavllla (ar: $30O down. CAREY-SAVIDGE CO.. Main 7487. 219 Railway Exch. bldg. I AM compelled to sell my modern 5-room bungalow, with large tract of ground, on corner of two prominent improved roads, 3 blocks from Multnomah station; must move within the next to days, and will sacrifice at this time: have a fine garage and my ground is in perfect condition; all of the conveniences necessary for an ideal suburban life. For particulars see my agent. BEN R1ESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. He will gladly show you my property, or call on him Sunday at his office on the boulevard. $7000. OPEN TODAY. 2 P. M. TO 5 P. M., 8(i8 MULTNOMAH ST.. NEAR UNION, WALKING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE; STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM RESI DENCE. FOUR BEDROOMS. HARD WOOD FLOORS. LARGE ATTIC. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. GASCO FURNACE. GARAGE; VACANT, IMME DIATE POSSESSION. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-13. CLOSE TO ST. JOHNS. 9-room house, newly painted and pa pered. near the industrial district i block from boulevard; fine for a larg family: price $1600; $250 down. COE A McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 768 Lombard St. Col. 638. REAL HOME BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT 100x150 STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE; FIRST FLOOR FINE FOR ENTER TAIN ING : SECOND FLOOR HAS FIVE BEDROOMS. TWO BATHS; THIRD FLOOR TWO MAIDS ROOMS. LARGE BILLIARD ROOM AND BATH: HOT WATER HEAT: LARGE GARAGE. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-18. MT. TABOR HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. Located on the corner with wide view of the mountains. 7-room house, living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom, lavatory on first floor. 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch upstairs. Hard wood lioors. fireplace, turn ace. garage Price $5000. half cssh. Phone Tabor 3810. NEAR PENINSULA SCHOOL. Splendid 7-room bouse in excellent condition; one block from car line; this is exceptional value at $3000; $500 down COE A McKENNA t CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4322. 768 Lombard St. Col. 638. 7-ROOM modern bungalow for sale, near Hawtnorne taoor -tau. Suburban Homes. FIVE-ACRE BARGAIN. On 91st St.. north of Glisan. about 5 blocks;- 3 blocks to 6-cent car line. Montavllla car; about two acres of all kinds of bearing fruit, about the same acreage in differ ent kinds of berries, all fine loam soil, no rock, all In cultivation : small house and barn. This is not view property, but if you want the best of soli, where you can make a good living, if you wish, from the land, then here is a great bargain at only $5500. with easy terms. PHONE EAST 894. DESIRABLE, LOVELY, CONVENIENT. IMPROVED TRACT OF 22 ACRES. All level, rich soil, 3 miles from Broad -vra v tirl-re. close to Rose CitV Park. Modern 12-room home with every de sirable convenience, surrounded with lawn, shrubbery, fruit and berries. Seven-room bungalow and cottage on back portion. Model dairy barn, another barn, chicken runs, brooder house, large up-to-the-minute orchard in bearing, berry patch, clover, garden. This plantation is a fine gentleman's home as it is, could be cut into several exclusive tracts. Shown onlv by appointment. -E. P. DREW. 304 Lumbermens Bldg. FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. By owner, quarter acre with lights, water, gas. phone, bath, garden in and up. chicken house and hens, berries, 3 walnut and prune trees; block from Cap ital highway, near car, 5 He fare; 15 min. to city : good school; price $2800, SHOO cash. bal. terms, or will sell un furnished. If you are a buyer and not a shopper, call Main 1569 for further in formation. NIFTY 7-room modem bungalow, double constructed tnrougnout. just outside citv limits at Capitol hill on Oregon Electric. 6c tare; 3 blocks to station: city water and gas: fireplace, good basement, beau tiful view. Only $2650 for quick sale: small payment down, bal. on easy terms. Main 4U53. or Inquire at station. 10 ACRES. Fine buildings; all in cultivation, the best of soil: fine orchard, in crop, good water with pressure tank, good macadam road, close to car line, east of Park Rose: $700 per acre: very easy terms, or will take part trade. Owner, oil E. 60th X. Tabor for SALE by owner, nearly new 1 u, story house and acre on red electric, 2 blocks from depot and I block from paved highway ; some lurmture if ds sired ; price reasonable, terms. R. Ras- musfeen, Aloha, Or. TEN-ACRE HOME. Located near the city, well improved, all In crop; near schools, store, etc., it is the best little home buy we have of fered; only $475. half cash. Cobb Bros., 263 Oak st. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES, and acreage, well located, near car lire, from lSOO up. Inquire 3d house north of liisley station, on Oregon City car line, sisn "Alder Brook.' REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. NORTH PARKROSE ACRES. NEW TRACT JUST OPKNTfiD. $550 TO $90O PER ACRE. EASY TERMS. NEAR SAXDY BLVD. 40 acres. 2 b'ocka north of Sandy blvd. (Columbia higbwav), jnst a littie over a mile outside city limits, wonderful garden soil tsilt land), most of the tracts are c.esred. some have timber; ideal location for berries and garden truck, a fast-growing: and prosper ous section, low - county tax. no treet Improvements to pay. This . is wonderful investment oppor- ' tuntty as this land is selling for about one-fourth of the price of south Parkrose, PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE OX SAvNDY BLVD. AT END OF PARKROSE CAR LINE. O PEN" EVE RY DAY. J. L. HARTMAN COWPANT. Xa. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. For Sale Acreage, 20 ACRES 12 MILES SOUTHEAST OF PORTLAND. Practically all in cultivation and cropa. Good spring on place that runs vcar round. Fair barn and all fenced. Right on hard-surface road and car line. Price very low, $2.25 per acre. Half cash will hsndle. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 0th Floor, Swetland Bldg. Evenings, Automatic 219-19. OX CAPITAL HIGHWAY. A short walk beyond Multnomah, wa are of f ertn g our choice half acre con-. -silting of 132 ft. on the blvd. and 140 ft. in depth, with shade trees, several fruit trees, berries and 3-room house, at the low figure of $2000; $750 cash, balance in first mortgage now on the property. Clarence Haffenden. owner. BEN R1ES LAND. agent., 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park. BIG SACRIFICE. 7 acres fine garden land; Joins city limits of Oregon City: all in cultivation; large new barn: no other buildings; all fenced: city water, electric lights; no finer soil than this; is worth $7O0O; mtg. is $2500; wi'.l tako $600 catsh for eqully. AL 397, Orcgonian. 6000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. SOMETHING CHEAP. lO acres. oa county road. 1 mile from R. R. station and postofftce; close to school: IS miles from Portland; $60 per acre. Owner. H. EMBREE, Bsrton. Or. ACRES, improved, close in on good paved road; 1 0-room house with all nr conveniences; all kinds of fruit ; . wili divide into 2 H -acre tracts or sell the whole cheap for cash. 6504 82d St. S. E. Tabor 23o5. $750 GENEVA ACRES $750. Located near Lenta Jetn., water, light, hard surface, easy terms, Lents Jcta Merc Co.. Tabor t.168. 30 ACRES. 18 mi. S E. of station; V- in young fruit trees: buildings, water, wood, near school. $S500, terms or trade. Automatic 213-06. OREGON CITY carline, Rislcy station, one acre with 6-room modern house; all in cultivation ; a snap. East 797S. FOR SALE 20 acres about 3 miles east ot Mt. Angel: has one house; $700. less for cash. By owner. 554 Prescott st. 160 ACRES in Bitter Root valley, Montana. for sale or trade. 673 Mississippi ave. HALF ACLES More or less. 71st. near Hawthorne ar. Owner. ast 3860. Fruit and Nut Lands. WE HAVE as fine loganberry, blackberry and raspberry land for sale as can be found anywhere ; $1000 for 20 acres. $250 cash, balance to Fuit. Lee-Robert--son Co.. 4!3 Corbett blug. BARGAIN HUNTER See the exchanges toda AM 4UO. oregonlan. For haie Farms. BY OWNER Save commission. A dandy 30-acre farm. 20 cleared, balance nearly cleared; crop in; 5-room house, large barn, silo, chicken house, runs all fenced; fin' soil; 2 acres strawberries, orchard; 4 fine Jersey cows, good team, O. 1. C. brood sow. farrow soon; 100 chickens, cream separator, gas engine. 2 wagons, buggy, mower. 2 -horse cultivator. 12 inch plow, year's wood, all other tools, close to school, church and store; near paved road. All for $650O; take house to $3000; some cash, bal. terms. Come to Vancouver, then to Orchards, then 2 miles northwest to place; on Sefton car to Orchards. J. R. Gillihan. R. 6, Van couver. Wash. GROCERY store and home.' and good spring, 2 Inches water ptpe all galvan ized pipe, high pressure, and 32 acres; 5 acres been cleared, and 300 fruit trees 8 years old in good condition ; land cleared; and good pasture; three cows, young Holstein stock; 12 town lots. 50x100. This place is situated seven miles up. Scappoose, Oregon. Is near the , place; Spitzenbergs. etc.; grocery store; all fenced and cross-fenced ; also big barn and other outbuildings: for $500O. cars stop. Portland Southwestern R, K. Co. Tony Danese. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 50u fine farm.s : my years of- experience are worth mauy dollars to you and It costs yon nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE. 40 acres, located 1 miles from Bat tle Ground and 80 rods from hard-surfaced road; good farm buildings, fam -Lv orchard and small fruit; price for ten days $4000. To see this is to know that it is an exceptionally good bargain at the price. w. b. Mccarty. BATTLE GROUND. WASH. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last great block of Canadian Pacific Railway com pany's reserve lands, remarkablv chean. on long and easy terms. Landseekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Cal garv. Alberta, on Saturday. June 5th. Reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Exchange bldg. L. p. Thornton, -district representative. DAIRYMEN, TAKE NOTICE. I have for sale a suburban dairy, con sisting of 14 acres of ground, house and barn; also about 20 acres under leae for pasture: 11 cows, horse, wagon, crates, bottis and route. Present in come over 6O0 per month. Everything goes for $4000. Big bargain, GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. FOR SALE 120 acres land, sandy clay, 60 acres improved. 1.000.000 feet fir and cedar timber, good barn, running water arnund.- ona team. W &rrt n tmn ln- one and one-half miles off Pacific high way, three-fourths mile to good school. Price $8500; $5000 cash, balance on rea sonable terms. Hiram Turner, Toledo.. Washington. YAKIMA VALLEY FARM. Twenty acres, all in crop, neat 4-room cottage, good outbuildings, mile from town, shade trees, family orchard, under government canal, fully paid water right. $7950. terms. Call or write for infor mation, free booklet, price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 512 Selling bldg 120 ACRES, in Nehalem county. Tillamook. N. W H or tne . w. , ana tne w. -of the N. W. of section 22 In town ship 3 N., range 10 west of Willamette meridian; $10uo cash. P. W., box 61. Nebalem. Oregon. EASTERN Oregon wheat ranch. 320 acres; 160 acres seeded to wheat, good condi tion. Small house, barn, windmill, fenced and cross-fenced: 3 miles from railroad and station, on good road ; $15 per acre. $2300 cash, long time on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark st. 1 HAVE a 325-acre dairy ranch to dispose of at a bargain; 25 miles from Portland. Also 61 acres of fine wheat land in Union county, Oregon. If interested call at 513 Dekum bldg. ' CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $-000 per acre; easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all Bies.McFarIand, 209Failing bldg. COOS COUNTY FARMS the cheapest and best in the state. Write us for prices and descriptions. Coos and Curry Land Co.. Myrtle Polnt,Oregon. 10 ACRES. Mount Scott, near Lents; house, barn. 80 fruit trees, berries, fine water; high-class neighborhood. Cash or terms. BP 403, Oregonian. 160 ACRES. Nortons, Lincoln Co.; 33 slashed, finely wate.-cd; bouse, barn: $lo acre, some terms. Owner, Tabor 146. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running aater- good soil. tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83H 3d st. iriBEFARM LISTS. San Joaquin valla tersaa, Paul Kosaier. ti toe ton, Ci