Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 29, 1920, Image 1

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    VOL. LIX NO. 18,568
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Postofflce as Second-Class Matter.
'Futile Legislation,' Says
Federation Chief.
$50;000,000 LOST BY
$300,000 NEEDED
State Emergency Board
Called to Salem.
Law Protects Labor, Asserts
Governor Allen.
Statement Touching "Divine Right
to Quit Work" Brings Cheers
From Big Audience.
NEW YORK, May 28. The rela
tions of capital and labor; the right
to strike and it3 legitimacy as re
gards the effect on the public; the
Kansas' industrial "court law and its
significance to the future of the
-working man. were discussed from
all angles in a remarkable debate to
night in Carnegie hall between Sam
uel Gompers, president of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, and Gover
nor H. J. Allen of Kansas.
Governor Allen's main contention
was that government has the right
to protect the public against strikes
when its welfare is imperiled, while
Mr. Gompers held to the argument
that no law can prevent a man from
stopping work if by doing so he may
benefit himself and his family. Mr.
Gompers labeled the Kansas indus
trial court law the "un-American
slave law," and Governor Allen de
clared he had taken away from Mr.
Gompers his divine right to order -a
man to quit work.
Cheers Punctuate Oratory.
The oratory of the debaters was
punctuated with frequent cheers and
boos by adherents of each side and
occasional questions shouted from
the floor and the balconies. '
In support of the right to strike,
Mr. Gompers declared that the coal
miners strike took boys from the
mines; that the textile workers'
strike brought children from the
mills and put them in schools, while
the strike in the needle trades broke
up the sweat-shops when laws had
failed to do so.
Governor Allen's industrial com
mandment was "you shall not con
spire to "shut down the industry
necessary to the welfare of the
"When the general public says we
have had enough of this," he said,
"Its over."
"nivine Right" Questioned.
"Who controls the divine right to
quit work?" Governor Allen asked.
Ho was answered with cheers and
The debate oalled for no decision.
the committees in charge having pur.
posely divided the house equally be
tween supporters of each speaker.
Allen Scores With Friends.
Mr. Gompers, in championing labor's
privilege to strike, electrified his
partisans when he said with evident
emotion that the workingman who
wouldn't try to benefit his condition
was "a poltroon to himself and to I issuea. Alter mis rennancing, uooo
society." I year outstanding capital will be $128,-
Governor Allen scored a point withV
his friends with the assertion that if
there is to be a government of justice
there can't be any part greater than
the whole. He alluded to the attitude
of the American Federation of Labor
in the approaching election towards
unfriendly office holders as a "move
ment to unionize the congress of the
United States."
The Kansas court does not perse
cute labor. Governor Allen said, but
it protects labor against capital, cap
ital against labor and the public
against either or both.
A feature of the debate was Allen's
efforts to get Gompers to answer this
"When a dispute between capital
and labor brings on a strike affecting
the production or distribution of the
necessaries of life, thus threatening
the public peace and impairing the
public health, has the public any
rights in such a controversy or Is it
a private war between capital and
labor ?'
Uompfn Withholds Reply,
"If you answer this question in the
affirmative. Mr. Gompers, how would
you protect the rights of the public?"
The labor leader declined to an
swer it, asserting that it was a catch
At another time, whjle Mr. Gompers
was referring to the poverty of some
workers, a man in the gallery shouted
"How poor are you?"
Gompers was plainly angered at the
question.. He demanded the man's
name, amid shouts of encouragement
from his followers, and when the
labor leader had referred to the dis
turber's remarks as a "cowardly, un-
gentlemanly insinuation," the labor
men shouted with glee.
One ahouted:
"You tell him, Sammy, that's the
stuff." ,
Governor Allen, in conclusion,
charged that Gompers' "remedy for
war is more war."
"Mine," he added, "is peace condi
tioned on the impartial judgment of
responsible government."
Mr. Gompers and Governor Allen
walked on the stage shortly after 8
o'clock, while the audience rose and
cheered. Each was followed bv a
.(Concluded on Pas 9, Column 6 )
Temporary System Held Xeeded to
Afford Protection Against" At
tempts at Deflation.
WASHINGTON, May 28. Represen
tatives of the farmers' national coun
cil appealed today to the senate bank
ing committee for emergency legisla
tion setting up a temporary rural
credits system to relieve farmers and
cattlemen from the effects of efforts
toward deflation fostered by the fed
eral reserve board. The committee
was told that unless such aid was
provided, a great reduction in agrl
cultural products would result with
ultimate increased cost of foodstuffs
to consumers.
The spectfic proposal was for crea
tion of a revolving fund of $25,000,000
or more to be available for loan to
farmers under federal farm loan
boards' administration.
Senator Hitchcock, democrat of Ne
braska, joined by Senator Capper, re
publican of Kansas, asserted that
Governor Miller of the Kansas City
reserve bank had- put in effect a re
discount rate in connection with de
flation efforts that made agricultur
ists pay from 9 to 10 per cent for
money. The rate was higher than
that imposed in other reserve districts
where similar conditions prevailed
Senator Hitchcock said.
Senator Kendrick, democrat of
Wyoming, agreed with Senator Hitch
cock that the Kansas City and Dallas
re-discount rates had presented
shock" to the cattle-growing indus
try. Local banks would not accept
cattle paper, he said, and were calling
loans o:i such security.
He s;iid the price of cattle on the
hoof had dropped 37 per cent in the
last few months, but that this was
not reflected in the cost to the con
Any Corrections Will Be Reoo;
nized by District Supervisor.
HOQUIAM, Wash., May 28. (Spe
cial.) Word has just been received
from J. W. Livermore. district super
visor of census, that the federal gov
ernment is willing to recognize
amended census of Hoquiam, if the
present municipal recheck of add!
ticr-al names is duly verified.
The census gave Hoquiam a popula
tion" of 9850. v In order to obtain a just
count and at least raise the numbe
to the 10,000 class, the city commls
sion and civic bodies opened a cam
pa'gn for rechecking the population.
It was then found that whole families
had been overlooked. Prominent cltl
zona and old-timers who had been i
tne directories lor years had neve
seen the census man.
Goodyear Stockholders to Get 15
Per Cent Dividend.
AKRON, Ohio, May 8. A. Seiberlin
president of the Goodyear Tire an
Rubber company today announce
that directors had declared a stock
dividend of 150 per cent payable to
common stockholders of record Jun
14. The dividend totals $31,133,250.
The directors, to get additional
financing made necessary by a re
striction of credits, also voted to sell
$10,000,000 in common and $20,000,000
in preferred stock, authorized but un-
557,250. The company now has a sur
plus of $43,000,000.
Fred Co'ley Defeats R. R. Bresheare
of University of Idaho.
EUGENE, Or., May 28. Fred Coley
of the University of Oregon won the
annual interstate oratorical contest
here tonight, being awarded the prize
over R. R. Bresheare of the University
of Idaho. Kenneth Cole of the Uni
versity of Washington, who was to
have taken part, did not appear.
It is announced that if he has a
valid reason for not being here, a
separate contest will .be held between
Oregon and Washington at some fu
ture date.
Wyandotte, Mich., Increase 5564
or 6 7.1 Per Cent.
WASHINGTON, May 28. Census
figures announced today follow;
Brookline, Mass., 37,748; increase
9956, or 35.8 per cent.
Newton, Mass., 46,038; increase 6232,
or 15.7 per cent.
Peabody. Mass., 19,552; increase
3831. or 24.4 per cent.
Melrose. Mass., 18,204; increase 2489,
or 15.8 per cent.
Wyandotte. Mich, (revised), 13.851;
increase 5564, or 67.1 per cent.
Sheep, Ejected From White House,
Disturbs Callers at Mansion.
WASHINGTON, May 28. A blooded
Shropshire lamb, one of President
Wilson's flock of sheep, slipped Into
the White House executive offices
today and made an unannounced call
on the clerks there.
He finally was ejected, but took up
a station Immediately in front of the
entrance of the offices, keeping the
White House policemen busy convoy
ing callers. . .
Vanguard of Republican
Delegates Gathers.
National Committeemen Issue
Statements on Outlook.
of Convention
Political Pot
Johnson Manager Optimistic.
CHICAGO, May 28. The vanguard
of the republican national convention
forces descended on Chicago today
and tonight presidential row was
buzzing with the gossip unfeashed by
a dozen national committeemen and
several score of their political fol
The developments of the evening
Announcement by J. B. Kealing of
Indiana that the coming convention is
to be "free and open" and that the
voting majority of uni jstructed dele
gates who make it so are to be or
ganized to select the candidate "who
will appeal most strongly to the vot
ers on election day."
I.owdrn Trend Reported.
Assertion by Robert H. Todd, na
tional committeeman from Porto Rico,
and several other party leaders that
there is a "visible trend toward Gov
ernor Lowden."
Declarations by campaign managers
of Senator Hiram W. Johnson and
Major-Leonard Wood that the pros
pects of their candidates have mate
rially improved.
Clarence B. Miller, acting secretary
of the -national committee, arrived
today with a trunk full of briefs in
122 contests which have been filed at
Washington. Twenty-three, addi
tional contests are to be filed from
Texas. The calendar of contests in
cludes 56 "delegates in states which
have elected more than the conven
tion call provided for, and Mr. Mjller
reasserted today that such excess del
egates will be removed by the na
tional committee if the delegations
themselves fail to act.
Coolidee Mentioned mm Mate.
Statements issued by several na
tional committeemen and party lead
ers announcing they had discovered
a growing trend toward Governor
Lowden for the presidential nomina
tion was regarded along the row as
the outstanding development of the
day. In, every case the name of Gov
ernor Coolidge of Massachusetts was
coupled with that of the Illinois ex
ecutive as a possible running mate.
R. H. Todd of Porto Rico. A. T. Hart
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 3.)
Product Declared to Contain More
Than Prescribed Weight in
Water; Fines Possible.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 28. Inter
nal revenue officers have detained
400,000 pounds of butter in Seattle, it
became known today, on allegations
that it contains more than 16 per cent
water. The same officers are taking
steps to detain other large quantities
of butter now in possession of Wash-.
Ington and Oregon manufacturers.
The butter detained here Is largely
that which has been , shipped, to
Seattle commission men from Oregon,
it is said.
Some of the samples are said to
have shown IT and 18 pounds of
water to every 100 pounds of butter,
a condition declared to be an im
position on the public
Creamery men here have received
word that several cars of butter were
seized at Seattle, but some of them
doubted that the quantity was so
large as reported. It was their belief
that the butter was the product of
half a dozen or more creameries in
Oregon, Washington and Idaho. In
the case of previous seizures the
butter has been reworked and - put
back again on the market, and it Is
presumed that the same steps will
be ordered in this case.
As for action against the manu
facturers, creamery men say this will
depend on the government's findings.
If there is evidence that the exces
sive moisture in the butter was due
to mechanical error, the butter
makers may be let off with a light
fine, but if their action was Inten
tional they cannot expect to get off
so easily.
Candidates at Los Angeles Enter
"Gentlemen's Agreement."
LOS ANGELES, CaL. May 28. The
high cost of political campaigning is
being combatted by four candidates
for the office of associate justice of
the second district court of appeals,
who, it became known today, have
entered into a "gentlemen's agree
ment" to make use of no mass meet
ings, posters, placards or billboards,
but to confine their activities to
hand cards.
Although political opponents, these
four candidates lunch together daily
and discuss one another's campaign.
They are Associate Justice Thomas,
incumbent; and Judges Works, Weller
and Craig, of the Los Angeles county
superior court.
Deposed Emperor Said to Be Doing
Excellent Job With-Shears.
LONDON, May 28. William of Ho
henzollern, former emperor of Ger
many, is trying his hand as a tailor,
according to a Central News dispatch
from Amsterdam.
He is cutting out patterns for many
new suits with which he is going to
stock his wardrobe and the dispatch
Quotes a trade paper as declaring; "he
is excelling at the job."
fill '
Filibuster by Representative Mur
phy Forerunner of Fight; Rule
Suspension Planned.
WASHINGTON, May 28. After
weeks of committee hearings, cau
cuses and negotiations, the soldier
bonus bill will be taken up tomor
row by the house. Its opponents
were prepared tonight to make a
bitter fight to delay action on the
bill or to prevent its passage, but
conceded they would be defeated.
As a ' forerunner of tomorrow'
fight. Representative Murphy, repub
lican, Ohio, today conducted a fili
buster against transaction of any
business definitely stopped on assur
ance from house leaders that the
soldier bill will go on t'.e floor to
morrow. The chaplain's prayer was
delayed for half an hour by the fili
Chairman Campbell of the rules
committee announced tonight that he
would open tomorrow's session of the
house by presenting a resolution
suspending all house rules for the
next six days.
The suspension programme will re
quire a two-thirds vote to" pass the
bonus bill, but Mr. Campbell said that
enough democrats would join with
the majority republicans to pass the
bill after debate.
Lap in Rome-Tokio Flight Com
pletcd in 2 Hours 19 Minutes.
SEOUL, Corea, May 26. Lieutenant
Masiero, one of the Italian aviators in
the Rome to Tokio flight, reached
here today from Wuju, on he north
west frontier of Corea, making the
flight of about 235 miles in 2 hours
and 19 minutes. Lieutenant Ferrari,
another of the competitors, who was
obliged to alight on the way, arrived
after a flight of 3 hours and 4 min
The Rome to Tokio fliers received
an enthusiastic welcome, tne recep
tion committee being headed by Gen
eral Atsuno-Miya, commander of the
army in Corea. The airmen were pre
sented with bouquets by Japanese
girls. The aviators will continue their
flight to Tokio by way of Fusan, on
the southern Corean coast, and Osaka.
McXary Bill Reported by Senate
. Agriculture CommKec.
WASHINGTON. May 28. By a vote
of six to three, the senate agriculture
committee today ordered a favorable
report on the McNary bill providing
for an export embargo on eugar.
Those supporting the bill were Sen
ators McNary, of Oregon; Capper, of
Kansafe; Kenyon, Iowa, and Norris.
Nebraska, republicans, and Harrison,
MissiSBipi, and Kendrick, Wyoming,
democrats. Senators Smith, of Geor
gia; Smith, of South Carolina and
Ransdell, of Louisiana, democrats,
opposed it.
Before taking final action, the com
mittee amended the measure so that
it would not except sugar sent to
the United States by foreign countries
or their nationals, to be refined. Early
senate consideration of the bill is
planned by Senator McNary.
Educational Aid .Act Costs
More Than Provided.
Portland's Bill for Expenditure In
Connection With Cedars Will
Be Discussed.
SALEM,- Qr.. May 28. (Special.)
Deficiency appropriations estimated
at more than $300,000 will be asked
at - a special meeting of the state
emergency board to be held in Salem
on Friday, June 4, according to an
nouncement made by officials here
today. Issuance of the call for this
session was one of the first official
acts of Sam A. Kozer, secretary of
state, after taking his oath of office
Approximately $250,000 will be
sought, to insure operation of the so-
called soldiers', sailors' and marines'
educational aid act, passed by the
voters of the state at the special
election on June 4, 1919. There has
-been expended under this act $480,
000, including $198,087.07 derived from
a two mill tax levied on all the asses
sable property in Oregon for the year
1920, and the appropriation, of $250,-
uuo authorized at a special session of
the legislature last January.
April Bills Not raid.
Because of the gradual increase in
the school enrollment of persons en
titled to benefits under this law, the
funds available have dwindled to he
extent that the secretary of state has
been unable to audit all of the claims
for the month of April received from
the various institutions where the
men are getting training. This de
ficiency already totals in the neigh
bo r hood of $250,000.
' Based on the costs of operating this
law In the past. Secretary of State
Kozer believes that between $250,000
and $300,000 will be needed to provide
financial aid for the education of the
ex-service men until January 1, 1921.
At that time approximately $400,000
will be available under the act. due
to the action of the voters in author
izing an additional tax of 2 mills at
last Friday's special election.
The legislature also meets in Jan
uary, and will be in a position at that
time to take care of any deficiency
appropriation, that is made by the
emergency board at its meeting next
Under the educationalvaid act ex
service men are allowed $25 a month
in case they attend school 60 hours
a week. Those attending school less
than that number of hours receive
compensation in proportion.
It also is expected that the emer
gency board will be asked to appro
priate at least $5000 with which to
compensate the city of Portland for
caring for women committed to the
Cedars from outside of Multnomah
Cedars Claim Camlnc IT p.
In a letter received at the execu
tive offices today. A. F. Flegel. presi
dent of the Oregon Social Hygiene
society, said that the state board of
health had approved the claims of the
city for the care of state charges at
the Cedars, but had declined to audit
the books. He declared the matter
was reaching a critical stage, with
the result that the usefulness of the
Institution might be impaired.
Governor Olcott today sent letters
to Mr. Flegel, Mayor Baker and mem
bers of the state board of health,
asking them to be present at the ses
sion of the emergency board and
submit their case in detail.
Appropriations of at least $10,000
may be asked by the state forestry
department to pay the costs of oper
ating the airplane forest fire patrol
service until such time as the mea
sure now before congress is ap
proved. Five of the state Institutions also
are said to be running behind and it
is predicted that their deficit, based
on the costs of operation for the last
eight months, will total more than
$30,000 by January 1.
As is usually the case when a call
goes out for an emergency board
session, there are likely to be a num
ber of other requests for funds pre
sented for consideration, according
to the official. The emergency board
is composed of Governor Olcott, Secre
tary of State Kozer. State Treasurer
Hoff, W. T. Vinton, president of the
senate; Seymour. Jones, speaker of
the house; Dr. J. C Smith, chairman
of the ways and means committee of
the senate, and Herbert Gordon,
chairman of the ways and means
committee of the house.
Resolution Ottered Dealing With
War Time Legislation.
WASHINGTON. May 28. Repeal of
all war-time legislation was proposed
today in a joiat resolution introduced
by Representative Connally, demo
crat, Texas.
The repeal would be effective on
.final passage of the resolution.
Forty Per Cent of New York's Ex
port Business Diverted to
Other Atlantic Ports.
NEW YORK, May 28. Fifty million 1
dollars, according to the estimate
made yesterday by railroad officials
and members of the Merchants" asso
ciation, is the total of losses suffered
by business in the present series of
longshore, harbor and railroad strikes.
One of the experts who has been
directing the fight of the Merchants
"During the complete railroad tieup
this port's business losses were about
$1,000,000 a, day. Since the resump
tion of service the persistence of some
of the yardmen in remaining out and
the manner in which the marine strik
ers have curtailed lighterage traffic
have caused a daily loss of about
"These figures do not take into ac
count the losses in wages suffered by
the strikers or the throwing out of
work of many men in trades im
mediately connected with the harbor
and longshore trades. Hundreds of
plants have either shut down alto
gether or are operating only on part
time because they cannot get raw ma
The wage losses have been esti
mated as follows: Longshoremen,
$2,000,000; harbor men, $612,500; yard
men . and other railroad "outlaw"
strikers, $420,000.
It is estimated that there are still
on strike 6500 coastwise longshore
men, 2500. marine workers and 2000
yardmen. In addition, there are about
1800 union truckmen who refuse to
handle goods at the piers involved in
the coastwise strike.
Four coastwise lines are affected
the Clyde. Mallory, Southern Pacific
and the Ocean. The 'Old Dominion
line a month ago was compelled by
the strike to give up its' coastwise
traffic and engage in deep-sea serv
ice. .
Deputy Public Service Commission
er Barrett said that about 40 per cent
of New York's export business has
been diverted to other ports, mostly
to Philadelphia and Baltimore, in the
present emergency."
Lower Prices on Later Allotments,
However, Expected.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 28. The al
lotments of sugar that will be forth
coming in the next few days will be
offered at a price higher than the
present $23.75 a hundredweight, but
subsequent allotments will be lower
in price because of a decline In the
New York market, H. Clay Miller,
chairman of the federal fair trade
commissipn for San Francisco, an
nounced here today.
A cargo of 2000 tons of white sugar
arrived from Java today, the first
shipment of its kind in a number of
years, according to shipping men.
Canners were said to be contracting
for the Java eugar.
Additional Millions Asked to Pay
Claims for Insurance.
WASHINGTON. May 28. Postmaster-General
Burleson asked congress
today for an additional appropriation
of $1,000,000 for payment of claims
resulting from loss of domestic mail
Recent freight and express embar
goes, he said, had added tremendously
to the volume of insured packages.
The Wemther.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
tio degrees; minimum, 47 degrees.
TODAY'S Probably showers; southwest
erly winds.
Temporary rural credits system asked by
farmers, Page l.
Senate probers hear testimony regarding
big McAdoo slush tuna proposal. Page 6.
Shippers warned to aid railroaaa Page 2.
Navy investigation by senate ends. Page 3.
Virginia democratic platform indorsed by
Wilson. Page 6.
House fails to override president's veto of
peace resolution. Page 4.
Secrecy of McAdoo boom is baffling.
Page 2.
Bonus measure to go before wiouse today.
Page 1.
Another tumble in prices la coming.
Page 3. .
Samuel Gompera. and Governor Allen of
Kansas debate anti-strike law. Page 1.
Fifty millions estimated loss to New York
. by recent harbor strikes. Page 1.
Vanguard of republican convention forces
report Lowden favor increasing. Page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Burns cattle and horse raisers' session sets
new record. Page 7.
State emergency board called to meet in
Salem next Friday. Page 1.
Northwest butter detained in Seattle on
charge that it contains more than pre
scribed weight of water. Page 1.
Mayor Caldwell and ex-Mayor Hanson
wage war over purchase of car line by
Seattle. Page 4.
Swimming classic scheduled for tonight.
Page 12.
All fighters In good condition for meet
next Friday. Page 13.
Pacific Coast league results: Portland 7,
Sacramento 0; Seattle 11. Salt -Cake 8;
San Francisco 1. Oakland 4; Los An
geles 3. Vernon 1. Page 12.
Pennsylvania first in track tryouts. Page 12.
Commercial and Marine.
Grain corporation preparing for 'end of
its career. Page 19.
Corn breaks on unfounded report of strike
settlement. Page 19.
Stock market strong but less active.
Page 18.
Four vessels to take on big cargoes here.
Page li
Portland and Vicinity.
Mr. Plttock's will upheld by court. Page 2.
Taxpavers must act to provide for school
needs, says A. C. Newill. Page 10.
Traffic hureau report shows 0S79 arrests
and S31.1D6 paid in tines in 13 months
Pass, 11.
Stale senate presidency competition keen.
Page lo.
S. J. Adams probably electee delegate from
Flrkl district. Page 3.
Banner of Experience Is
Lowered at-Match.
Pupils Make Lone Error in
300 Odd Words.
Small Champions Gleefully Note
Mistakes by Grown-Ups Lad's
Break Bodes Evil.
The old tradition that parents know
more than their children was forever
dispelled in Portland last night.
The eighth-grade champion spellers,
gathered from the Portland schools,
overwhelmingly defeated in a great
spelling bee the picked spellers of the
Neighbors of "Woodcraft.
Thirty-six women did their best to
uphold the banner of age and expe
rience and 56 13 and 14-year-olds
proved that youth has its day.
Award Made on Pereentsgr.
In 33 tense minutes, keen with ex
citement, the children made but one
slip in the 300-odd words presented,
while 11 mistakes were scored up lo
the charge of the women.
So the judges' award, which wtss on, . - -
a percentage basis, read like this:
Children 99.3." "
Neighbors of Woodcraft 92.4.
Ask not who was the unlucky lad
who misspelled "recommend" with one
Ask not which was the school
he represented. Late last night he
and his school were endeavoring to
slink into obscurity. And certain dire
threats were made as to what would
happen to the young man when he
appeared in the neighborhood of the
school Tuesday morning.
Rnles for Bee Simple.
The rules were simple. The words
had to be taken in rotation from the
third speller by E. H. Whitney, as
sistant superintendent of scliools.
Mr. Whitney first called a word. Then
the candidate for glory must pro
nounce it and then spell it. To spell
incorrectly or not to pronounce a
word were faults. Each side was
asked a word alternately.
The women spelled nine words)
wrong and failed to pronounce two; '
total fault score 11.
"Absence" was the first word, and,
through a long list of "A" to "chief
and "Christmas," which had to bo
spelled with a capital "C." the spell- .
ers hustled.
For perhaps 50 words, each side had
a perfect record.
Develop" Cannes One Error.
Then came from the official: "De
velop." "Devellop," came haltingly from aj
"She's wrong!" screamed at least
50 childish voices.
"Especially" proved a tough one fop
another woman, but she managed to
get through, probably calling to her
aid many a long siege in good old,
McGuffey or, mayhap, Watson's.
Then came "recommend" and a lad,
fell down.
The score was one all.
"Though" was called. Glibly and
gleefully a woman spelled it.
The judge did not notice anything
wrong, but some 40 kiddies did.
"She didn't pronounce it!" they
Another Word Not Pronounced.
The judge ruled with them, but the
woman who had been tripped could,
almost be heard to wish that she had
some of those "young "uns" at home
with a slipper.
Stunned by the disaster which had
befallen the forces of the grown-ups.
a moment later another woman failed
to pronounce "principle." Score three
to one.
And here let a secret be told. The
word "agency" was called. A youth
made it eftrrectly, but failed to pro
nounce it. Fifty-five youngsters en
deavored to show indifference. They
had all noticed the fault, and neither
judges nor their opponents caught the
terrible fault. When the next word
came, the children could be heard to""
heave a sigh of relief in unison.
Then disaster fell upon the women
In fact, disaster succeeded disaster.
Two "la" Pat In Calculation.
One woman spelled "consideration
with a "c" in place of an "s." An
other declared that "calculation" had
two "1b."
L Both sides waded successfully
through "vehicle" and "scheme." but
old Mr. Nemesis was stilt on the trail
of the elders.
"Aqueduct," pronounced Mr.. Whit
ney. "A-c-q-u-e-d-u-c-t," was the re
sponse. There was a mad burst of applause
not only from the contesting children
but from the few hundred other chil
dren crowded into the big Neighbor
bors of Woodcraft hall, where the
contest was held. ,
, "Intelligence" was prefixed with
the letter "e" by the next speller, and
when the children and the judge ruled
her wrong, she violently disagreed
with their authorities. In her family
it will certainly be "entilligence."
"Alterations" went bad next. Let
us draw a veil over what happened
to "diphtheria." It was a ghastly at-
(Concluded on Page 3, Column 4.)