Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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."Mrs. Johnson and I think that
M. J. B. should be as familiar to the
East as it is to the West. We know
the advantage would be all for our
eastern brethren. The fact is we
cannot get along without it here."
Yours most sirfcerely.
iiree irao rive lrouoomcuym ircKea lmis
J. Brandenstein & Co., Office and Warehouse, 95 N. 2d St., Portland, Oregon " -
$200,00 0,000 KS-TIMATED
Uirlnvays tndor Contract in State
Will Soon Kcach AgrKregatc
of $10,000,000.
BtISK, Idaho, May 27. (Special.)
The regular Quarterly meeting of the
state cabinet was held this week.
Resolutions of sympathy were passed
because of the death of J. K. White,
commissioner of public welfare, the
first .cabinet member to die. The
cabinet went on record as indorsing
the work of the Idaho Reclamation
association in endeavoring: to get
met ion in congress t or the irrigation
of lauds.
Commissioner Hall of the depart-
jnentiuent of public works reported
highways under contract in various
parts of the state aggregate about j
$6,000,000 and that within the next 60
days contracts will be let calling for
work costing $4,000,000 more. Com
missioner of I aw Enforcement Jones
announced that the department had
been Instrumental in prosecuting 3S
for felonies, while it had gathered in
2S who were found guilty of violating
the prohibition law.
Miles Cannon, commissioner of ag
riculture, estimated that the crop
raised in Idaho this year, together
with livestock, will have a value of
$200,000, 000.
according to a letter that is being: sent
out by the commission to all doctors
in Oregon. Offices for the treatment
of industrial cripples have been es
tablished in Portland and Salem, with
Or. 'Richard B. Oillehunt in charge of
the former. Dr. F. H. Thompson, chief
medical examiner for the commission,
is directing the work of the Salem
Industrial cripples called by the
commission for examination and in
terview are allowed transportation
costs, together with 50 cents a day
for single men aid $1 a day for mar
ried men in addition to their regular
Doctors Advised Concerning New
Physio-Therapy Department.
SALKM. Or, May 27 (Special.)
Th physio-therapy department work
of the Btate industrial accident com
mission la not intended to compete
with physicians in private practice.
Three Grant County Men Arrested
on Law Violation Charge.
PKINEV1LLE, Or.. May 27. (Spe
cial.) A raid on a cache about 30
miles south of here by Sheriff Combs
and Deputy Sheriff Yancey resulted in
the arrest of three men and the con
fiscation of three kegs and about 40
bottles of whisky, valued at $1665.
The three men, Clyde Smith. Arthur
Henencrat and George Kelsey, are
all residents of Grant county. Most
of the liquor had been sold to Prine
ville customers for $30 a gallon.
Local authorities had kept close
watch on the trio for several week
and, after getting a clew, set out
Sunday morning. They found the
cache under the bank of the river..
Sigma Chi Bays Property.
May 27. (Special.) The Oregon
chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity has
purchased the house and lot occupied
by, the chapter at Thirteenth and
Alder streets, in Eugene, and two lots
adjoining, for a consideration of ap
proximately $15,000. The chapter will
form a building corporation and
erect a new chapter house some time
within the next few years. The
property was purchased from W. H.
the university, physics department,
I class of 1917. Since his graduation
he has done special laboratory work
with the Western Electric company
in New York.
Conferring or Degrees; Memorials,
and Banquets Are Among
Events . at Baker.
BAKER, Or., May 27. (Special.)
The largest paraae in Baker's history,
in which 3000 Odd Fellows and Re
bekahs, with bands mounted guards,
automobiles, was held yesterday. A
brilliantly colored airplane circled
over the city in dips, carrying Wal
ter Meacham, Secretary of the Baker
county chamber of commerce. This
marked the third day of the Odd Fel
lows and Rebekahs annual state con
vention. Muscovites caused amusement "to
thousands who .witnessed the parade.
At 9 o'clock the morning special ses
sion was held by the grand lodge to
confer the grand lodge degree, and
at 10 o'clock and 1 o'clock regular
convention sessions were held with
largest attendance of any state con
vention in Oregon history. After the
afternoon parade there was a regular
session and memorial to departed
past grand masters.
Rebekahs also held similar sessions
closing yesterday afternoon with me
morial exercises. Elaborate banquet
and Muscovite parade, were features
of the evening. The ancient degree
was conferred upon several Odd Fel
lows after the banquet and the Re
bekah degree was conferred at the
same time.
"Steve" Escapes and Terror Ensues
Among Roseburg Cats.
ROSEBURG, Or., May 27. (Spe
cial.) "Steve." a pet baboon with the
Foley & Burk carnival shows, here
for the strawberry festival, escaped
from the carnival grounds yesterday
and started In to rid the neighbor
hood of cats. He caused considerable
commotion among the members -of
the feline tribe, which were found
perched in perilous positions on tele
phone poles, fences and roofs. Then
he went into the hills east of the city.
"Steve" was at large for several
hours and the carnival company was
forced to employ a number of search
ers before he could be located.
Sheriff -Gets New Shoes
From Maker. .
Answer to Queatloa as to Taxes
on Iand Im Limn County Bring-
Bead The Oregxmian classified ado.
Xew Instrnt-tor Added.
May 27. (Special.) Among the in
structors lately added to the faculty
of the University of Oregon summer
school is Chalmer N. Patterson, now
instructor In physics at Albany col
lege. Mr. Patterson is a graduate of
Eugene Makes Preparations for
Municipal Aviation Field.
EUGE""E. Or.. May 27. (Special.)
Bonds for the Eugene municipal avia
tion field will be issued soon, ac
cording to H. E. Devereaux, city engi
neer. The tract now under operation
and which has been used by airplanes
for more than a year, consists of 97
acres and is said to be ample for all
Prospects for the establishment of
a hydroplane line between Portland
and Eugene are bright, said the city
Bishop of Soissons Dead.
SOISSONS, May 27. Monsignor Pe
chenard, bishop of Soissons, died' here
today of heart disease at the age of
78 years. He remained in Soissons
during the bombardments of the town
by the Germans during the war. -
ALBANY, Or., May 27. (Special.)
C. M. Kendall, sheriff, of Lir.n county,
has a -new pair of shoes because he
replied jokingly to what he regarded
as a joke. .
A few weeks ago the sheriff re
ceived a letter from James B. Busley,
a shoe manufacturer of Chicago, re
garding- the taxes on a piece of land
the latter owns in Linn county. It
seems Mr. Busley had never seen this
land and had received varying reports
regarding it. In his letter he re
marked that he would give a new pair
of shoes to anyone who would tell him
the truth about the condition of the
land and its value.
Sheriff Kendall gave the shoe man
ufacturer the desired information as
a matter of 'official courtesy. He sup
posed the shoe offer was a Joke and
merely the common expression of the
writer as to how badly he wanted this
Information. So after he wrote the
letter he, to carry out the Joke, wrote
this P. "My sie Is No. 11, medium
All this happened a few weeks ago
and the sheriff promptly forgot it.
The shoes.correct r,ize and well made,
arrived yesterday.
Boys Lessen Expense by Camping
Out at Xight.
LEGE, Corvallis. May 27. (Special.)
Smith-Hughes students from Hood
River, Gresham. Newberg, McMinn
ville and Corvallis will be the guests
of the school of agriculture Saturday.
The start will be made from Hood
River, the party being in charge of
R. V. Wright, agricultural instructor.
Tomorrow the five schools will join
forces and inspect the Willamette
valley farms, reaching Salem In time
to visit the farm t the state hos
pital for the insane.
Saturday will be .spent at Oregon
Agricultural college where short talks
will be given by members of the start
and an Inspection made of the col
lege farm. To lessen expenses the
boys will carry tents and bedding
and will camp at night, meals being
provided by the people in the district
in each case. y
Indian Chier to Speak.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho. May 27.
(Special.) Arrangements have been
completed by which Indian Chief Red
Fox, head of the American Tepee
Indian Christian mission, will spend
next Sunday in Twin Falls. The" In
dian will appear here in full costume.
Legion Building Planned.
TWIN FALLS. Idaho.. May 27.
(Special.) Plans practically have
been completed for the construction
of a permanent American Legton
headquarters for Idaho here. At the
recent state convention. Twin Falls
was chosen headquarters for 1920 but
it is thought that if a permanent
home is not built this year another
city will be selected for 1921. It la
planned to build a structure to .cost
over $100,000.
Phone your want ada to The Oregon
nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95.
Invigorates and strengthens the hair
follicles, and also supplies a food to
impoverished cells.
The ointment should be applied Just
before retiring, rubbing in well at the
roots of the hair, but care should
be taken not to Injure the scalp by
a too brisk massaging In the
morning the ICR E AM should be re
moved, using warm water and as lit
tle soap as is necessary to clean the
scalp. This procedure should be fol
lowed every other night for three or
tour treatments. After this a very
email portion of the ointment may
be applied to the scalp twice a week
Just to keep it moist and stimulate
a natural hair growth. At ail drug
gists. 26 and 50 ceoUk Adv.
TKere Is An Electric Store
Where Prices Are Lower
Electric Irons (complete with cord and stand) . i$3.50
No. 14 House Wire (Saturday special) per foot. -SVkd
Key Sockets (Saturday special) 50
Vt lb. Friction Tape 45d
Electric Light Globes, 10, 15, 25, 40-watt .35d
Hot Shot Batteries S3.50
Dry Cell Batteries (for door bells, gas engines) 45c
Double Sockets (for lamp and electric iron) SI. 20
Electric Light Extension (8-ft. cord and plug) -S1.25
Flashlights (largest display in Portland) . .95d to $4
We Repair Your Flashlight Free of Charge
We Guarantee Our Batteries Strictly Fresh
Gas Mantles, Burners and Globes
We Repair Electric Irons and Electrical Appliances
Special Equipment for Re-charging Magnetos
Fishing Tackle" Motor-Boat Engines
Evinrude Motors Electrical Supplies Phone Marshall 1763
211 Morrison, Near First. Look for the Sign, Electric
ug 103.01