21 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, MAT 2S, 1920. W Or V FOR BENT. Booms With Board in frivate Family., IjARGE, attractively furnished, steam htated front room with balcony, suit able lor man and wife who are employed or 2 young ladies, excellent meais. home privileges; easy walking distance. Glisan st. Broadway 248. ROOM and board for young lady em- nlz-vi.,! ohur lWf TOOIll 'With VOUHi lady; piano; wa.king distance;- home privlieges-; reasonable rates. Mam 4i-S Market at. ' . EXTRA Ia.rt?e front room la private fa-m-iiy. plenty of heat, hot water; meals ii desired, close in on aaat aide; -phone Tabor 51b3. ' ROOM an d board for working girl. 30 per month; walking distance. 56lf Fifth street. WANTED Boarders and roomers, gentle men prelerred; walking distance. 38 Grand ave. N. Phone Jast2o0; tiOOD room and board for two men, $75 per month, walking distance. SOWi 5th street. ' GOOD board and room, homelike, suit able two or .single; no other boarders. Woodlawn 234i). KOOM and board for C. S-. reasonable. Call Kaat 21 lu. Fun-tot AiirtmenU. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store ; good surround in gs. strictly mod ern ; 2 and JJ-room furnished apts.; all 'outside with French doors and balcony. Permanent and trensient. VERT attractive 6-room duplex furnished apt. for rent. Call Mr. Failing. Main 140. evening Bdwy. 2tj0u. HIGH CLASS. 1 small apt., also furnished room and bath, also suite for gentleman or lady employed; references required. Marshall 28J0. Jj'L'LTON apts., 1023 Macadam street, 15 ifiin. car serviue; 2-room neatly fur nished apartment; Main tibi3. East 5215. BELKNAP APTS., completely furnished room for light housekeeping. $15. includ ing light, cooking gas. 1ST 17Ui St., near "Yamhill. SHEFFIELD APTS. Four rooms, strictly modern, first-class condition ; good oak furniture. Main 2274. ' COMPLETELY furnished modern 2-room apt. ; Wilton carpets ;.. private phone and bath; only 7 minutes' waik. Call Main . 1Ta- . SHEFFIELD APTS. Four roomis. strictly,, modern, first elass condition; good oak furniture. Main 2274. 4 NEW. desirable 3-room outside apart ments, completely f urnished. private bath. laundrv. $33. ISO Sherman st Marshall 3UM3. - BENSON Apt.. 205 N. 20th st. ; three room furnished apt. ; private bath and phone; adults 'only: price $10 per month. Telephone Broadway 4448. NEWLY-FURNISHED ants., hot and cold water, modern in every way. rent $20. 62W First st., 2 blocka west of ship yard. LEEDS APARTMENTS 3 rooms and bath, modern, fireproof, clean, reasonable. 210 Mark e t st- ' nrv.i. APT 7'tO E A NKENT. Modern, comp. furn., 3-room apt., light. clean, airy. Adults. Last iftus. fiuUTH HAMPTON APTS, light. airy. front corner, 4-room apt t.. cor. Hal. Main 31oo. $60. 414 lUth ONE and two-room apartments, everything furnished, reasonable rent, aiv riauuers. Phone Broadway 14t5. BEAUTIFULLY furnisrhed 2-room gas, light, heat furnished, west Phone Broadway 22t0. apt., side. CLEAN housekeeping apts., walking dis tance; phone, heat, electricity. Mornings bet. 8 and 12, call Bdwy. 3240. TH RKE? rooms, sleeping porch, private bath and toilet, no children, no dog. 4t4 13th street. , LUCRETIA COURT APTS.. LUCRKT1A PLACE, NEAR WASH. MARSHALL 1513. LORENZO APTS., 427 Salmon st. Phone Main 8678. 1-room and kitchenette, front basement apt.; adults. WANTED Lady to share 2-room apt. Ref erences exchanged. 2SS 10th st., apt. 20. Call between 9 and 10:3u A. M. UTHli'TI-V niodrrn 3-room furnished apt Adults only. 727 Milwaiikie st. Phone Sell. 8.. . '. , S ROOMS and sleeping porch. 512 Han cock, apt. 7. for June. July and August. Call alu rnoonH. . 5o. NEWLY furnished 2-room apt. 22 14th st. NK-e walking distauce lrom Lhe cen ter of town. a m tu r.'it ni.. cnr. E. 8th and Couch ' fiim is hod 3-roont apt. : pri va te bath and phone. P i i co $ 4 0 E h s t 1 990. FUllNlSHKD 2-rom outside apartment. Phono forenoons, Broad way 3r.8. PEA BODY APTS.. ltn and Upshur Housekeeping at-artmonts. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat; reasonable. Broadway 1546. ROOMS and apartments, bachelors pre frrtid. 545 V Washington st. Fhon Bdwy. l-js. ' a i t 'd A PTS.. K. Couch and Un.'on ave N tVoly furnis-hod 2-room apt., reasonable. LAHtiK front room floor; will I'e v;ica and kttchc firs od Monday. 12th, i-JtOt'M front HI"("K A PTS.. f urn i.shod apt., M7 N. 21st st. PiMlTNOMAIT 1 rooms, sloeptmr porch, lmrdwnod floors; adults. 200 v.. i..th 8-ROOM furnished art'.. 60. Juliana apts. 45 Trinity. Mar.. XHsii. bAGGAGB and furniture moving. Phone Broadway 4ll. Alert Transfer. 389 Siar. NICELY furniahod 2-room apts. 44& 11th street. UN ION AVE. and Killinsa worth, J 19.50, all complete; concrete bldg. COMPLETELY furnished apartment, phone. .Auditorium Court Apts. 2 ROOMS for married couple; refs. Tabor Until riibUeu apartments. v a A x T J nno 1. modern unf urnishe irAin heated 5 -room apartment; o0. AJ 4ii7, trpgonln. WRKNZO A PTS., 427 Salr Main i7S. 2-routn apt., phono; adults. ion st. i'h water, light VWi 2-foutn unfurnished apts.; clocmo rancfs, free phone. 662 Glisan. tel. Rdwv. 2034. " IN P1UVATK home, can chickens and saragc. 1- have - garden, 21 E. Main st. 4-ROOM unfurnished .apart., with porch. 170 St. Clair st. Marshall 3555. 4t- R OM un furnished aparuuent. Marshall 133. Furnished or I'nfurntMied Apart mm U. j A EGEK Apartmmt. 70i Washington st. : will have several apartments ready for occupancy on or about June 1; caj make reservations now. -ROOM suites, also 2 unfurnished rooms; light, water and telephone included. Phone East 3'J45. - " Flats. 4-ROOM flat. $20 ptr month; lease for one oar or more; must hae at least 2 months' rent for security. 63 East ttth st. N. Call between 1 and 5 F- M. Mi ibLillN 5-rooni f'.at. newly papored and pain led. 2!2 ' M;irpln si., lo.u of Hiilsey, only 1" minutts' walk to Union df'Uot. East 3U2. 5-ROOM upper hat h ; oa Wl! East 4316. flat, K-i-S eievtricity and j .iams-avc. car Lin;. Phone 5-KOOM unfurnished flat porch: adults only. At 7 Phone Macsh-ill ;;7i:t. with si w ping 15 -. Roosevelt. T,o 5-UOOM upp E. 1Hh. K. 2215. ;r corner flat. 31 S W K LL 7 - room f ;t t . 1 1 v i n it . . bet. iind 23d. No children. Mar. 4761. W VXST SI O V - 5-room flat. cor. College. $25. Cail r.ext door. Furnished Flats. FURNITURE for sa!e. f'at for rent; this is a snap for someone, nice, large. 5 room lower fiat, all In perfect con dition aud a real home with pient of fresh air; money talks. Mr. Jones, at 421 Burnside WILL LEASE my 5-room furnished flat. coin pi t i wun steeping r . ' July. Au trust, to ret-:. paxty. per month. Apyly 26S East 3tith, Hawthorne ave. $00 near MODERN 6-rortin furnished flat for rent,i Willi ail or part lunaiure enc iuti 16th St., wcsl side. Mar. 3350. FOR RENT Furnished or for sale, cheap. 10-room flat. Call Broadway 364S.' FOR RENT Furnished lower flat; no chil dren. Plione East 3124. " . ' ; ,v 4 ROOMS and bath, neat, clean: distance; $'.;6: adults. . Enst 77 Hottsekoepiog Rooms. NlCKLY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 314 Columbia st.. cor. 6th. FRONT K. K room, nicely furnished. 512 Clay at. FI" H N I SHED housekeeping rooms $15 up. 349 Jefferson. Main 1662. FOR RENT. Housekeep'c Booms. TWO LOVELY well-furnished H. K. rooms, , front room haa 6 nice large windows, kitchen has 2; gas range, electric lights, bath, walking distance, clean. Mar, 103o. BARKER apaVtmentsri86Sherman street, 2 front rooms, newly decorated, com pletely furnished, gas range, electricity, laundry. Marshall 39S3. 2-ROOM furnished apartment with pri vate bath, also single houseKeeping ana Bleeping rooms. Call at 395 6th st. 2 A.N'D 3 large, well furnished housekeep ing apartments; new furniture and rugs. 20 E. loth, cor. Ash st. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar.: furnished H. K. roams, $15 up, Including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. noiT.ir. K'EEPINO rooms, newly tinted reasonable. 550 Couch street, block of icth and Washington. TRlTN'k'R and bazeaee delivered in down town district for 25c; auto service. Phone Main 205. SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms. 81:: nor month and ud. 2bU Market sL, bet. iid and 4th, near public auditorium. LA RGE Binsie and double, furnished, un furnished;, running water; modest prices. 163 1st st. TRUNKS ' delivered In downtown alstrict for 25c. Auto service, phone Bdwy 2445. NICE single rooms, reasonable; hot water always; will like,them. 655 Flanders. liAGGA GB and furniture moving; phone Broadway 4oT. Alert Transfer. 3S9 Stark. FURNISHED H. K. room; no objection to one or two children. 421 E. Morrison. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 515 v ista ave. i-none Main tun. ON E single housekeeping room at 509 Davis si., 2 blocks from Wash, st. VERY clean 3-room apartment. 208 17th st., near Taylor. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family 2 LARGE rooms and kitchenette, fireplace, first floor, front; Nob Hill district, DM car line; heat, gas, electricity, phone and bath furnished. 656 Glisan. $17 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 127 E. loth st.. bet. Morrison and Al der sts. ONE large, modern, furnished housekeep ing room with kitchenette; also a sleep ing room. East 802i. LARGE front room with kitchenette, bath. 1876 Chapman, near Yamhill. Main 208. TWO larce housekeeping- rooms, clean. well furnished, all conveniences, suitable for 3 people. 03 N. 20th st. CLE N, light front room and kitchen. 331 mn st. TWO rooms, furnished, housekeeping; pri vate Dam. Address u tussen st. UNFURNISHED apt., private home, quire at 155 N. 23d St. TWO clean, completely furnished H. K. rooms, with two closets. 307 Market. BASEMENT H. K. room 147 N. 17th, Bdwy. 2894. for bachelors. S. H. K. room, gentleman, everything- fur nished. ia . xamniii, corner zwtn. TWO rooms, nicely furnished, electric lights: $15. 507 Mississippi avenue. ON E or 2 H. R., with garage, close in. 201 Third st. W. R. H. , tel. M. 3669. NEAT single housekeeping room, $10 per mo. 206 lath st. Mrs. . M. uay. Houses. FOR RENT OR SALE Vacant 8-room modern home, newly painted and dec orated, old ivory and white throughout: hardwood floors, furnace, full basement. cement floor: wash trays; 1 bedroom and bathroom first floor; extra lavatorv and toilet and 3 bedrooms and closets 2d floor: garage for 4 autos. lot 50x100. 127 E. 32d st.. near Laurelhurst Park and 1 blk. Sunnvside cars; terms. L. E. STEINMETZ, owner. 406 Gerlinger bldg. Main 8091 or Tabor 324. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNISHED. 5-roora corner, on Albina. 2 blocks south of Killingsworth. Union Safe De posit & Trust Co., Broadway 43. 284 Oak st. cvin t o a otA . .nn-li1a W-v 7.rnnm house m desiraole difrtrict: .. f uii particulars by calling Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7976. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELBCI'KHJ ligni service. Broadway 580. A 6747. FOR RENT Semi-modern 6-room house. one floor; 1 block W ooastocK, car. i io E. 27th st.; $20 per month. Call Sell wood 1569. 414 MARKET, corner of 11th street, 14- room modern home, JIOO. ienaid wood ward, agent. 104 Second st. Main 1436. LA Rf?K 8-room house, suitable for two families, close in. desirable district: W a month. Cobb Bros., 263 Oak st. WEST SIDE. 8 rooms, ivory finish, fur nace, bookcases, hardwood floors; buxiuu lot. Jrtent aiain LOCAL and long-d (stance moving and haul- in cr: rirst-claps eauiDment. ureen J ran. Co., 202 Alder st. Main 1261. 572-61. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. W. truck Service Co., 40 2d st. i'hone Brtwy. oii MODERN 5 bungalow, bst cmidi attractive terms, $2850. t ion ; $40; Tabor 705 6 ROOMS for rent, $14 per month, for colorrd people. Phone Broadway 4229 or 273 V Burnside, SMALL house at Bertha. Or. Inquire at 512 K. 28th st. North. STOHE build in (r for business onarters. Woodlawn 5 101. 8-ROOM house. 389 Grand ave. 3d st.. cor. Oak. Apply 81 NICE, clean rooms, first floor: small fam ily; carline. paved st. Woodlawn 3210. SEVEN-ROOM house, 90 North 16th St. K ey next door. Furn Ished Hooir HOUSE, nio.tly furnished, oak and ma hogany, fine etchings and engravings; 7 rooms, west side, good location, adults, $75, 3 months in advance; Mar. 5215. Main 5-73. FURNISHED HOUSE. $75. 9 Will lease 6 months or more my nice ly furnished I rvington home. 5 rooms, garage, fruit, corner, close in: prefer no small children. 554 Tillamook, cor. 13th. SIX -ROOM cosy furnished home to re sponsible adults by June 1, east s-f de; $45 per month. Write R 637, Oregonian. 9-ROOM furnished house and garage, west sidp; immediate poesdon: lease till Oct. 1. $150 per mo. Broadway 540. 9-ROOM furnished house and garage, west sid. immediate possession, leae till Oct. 1; $150 per mo. Bdwy. 540. E1jEtANTLY furnished house for re-nt for 3 months startrng June 7, $45 a month; 5 looms, modwn. i44 Emerson st-4-RM. nicely furnished house. K. Clay and St h St.. $45. Frai-k L. McOuire, Main 1 oi. SrX ROOMS of beautiful laurelhurst home for July. Aug.. possibly Sept., $75; reforem-s. Tabor 6286. 5KO'M furnished hou., wnrnr 46" t h st. S. 7141 after 9 A. M. $35, Including E. Call Tabor Ft' ivN fSHKD 6-room house, modern, two blocka from car. Bdwy. 1010. 6- ROOM furnished house, immediate pos sfsion. Marshall 17 55. 7- ROOM house, modern, with garage; fur niture for sale. East 7176. FURNISHED hous to rent, $20. ( sts.. Osweco. Or. Summer Resorts. MODERN cottage Main 4008 at Seaside for rent. i I rAlATT AicCuJlZ'fcA and ! ' Mp iksr J r in i - i r ' v r i l . -oi h l. i m ww. FOR RENT. Summer Resorts). GEARHART. "FTm REXT OR FOR SALE. Beautiful cottage of 5 rooms and sun j room with lu windows facine ocean on . Cottage ave.; large living room. large servants quarters, completely furnished with linen, silver, blankets, lots of '. crockery, glassware; furnace, coil In fireplace ; every modern convenience ;" living room furnished in Chinese grass and willow furniture; dozens of pillow, lamps, etc. Parties purchasing can have noswpsfiinn Julv 15. or for rent for the month of August. Now open for inspec- i tlon. Mar. 4472 bet. 9 and 9:30 A, M. j only. MacLEATSTS CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. j Only 5 cottages cow left to rent for I this season: boating, swimming, fish- 1 ing; 45 minutes from downtown; reached I from Osweo station on Fourth-sweet I red electric line; auto route west side Willamette river. Mac Lean. 507 Lewis bldg. Phones:. Broadway 5000 and Oswego 431. - J : HOT SPRINGS HOTEL, STEVENSON, WASH. In the center of the beauties of the Columbia gorge, near the "Bridge of the Gods.'' The place for your summer outing. Meals the best. SEASIDE Del Mar Apts.. cor. 3d st. and 2d ave., now open ; comp. furn. for 4 p eo p ie; day or week. . FOR RENT Store room In concrete build ing; good place lor dry goeas or general store. Phone Woodlawn 5338. $25 STORE, west side, close In. 23sr4 feet. xaoor ill. STORE or office room, machinery district. 63 First st. inquire 224 nnesL FOR RENT Space for cigar stand: no agents. Main . LARGE store. 52d and Sandy blvd., $17.50. 51a Corbett biag. aiarsnau wi. Office. SPLENDID OFFICE PROPOSITION AVAILABLE. Office for rent in first-class building In center of city, with telephone and office service Included, at reasonable price. Additional desk space available in ad joining office if desired. , Phone Main 8196-7, or call at 708-15 Wilcox bldg.. Sixth and Washington. riKKtr ROOM FV R RENT. Desk room available in first-class of fice suite in center at city; two trunk H nhnne -erviee and office service In cluded. Furniture may be rented if desired. Phone Main 8196-7 or call at 708-15 Wilcox bldg.. Sixth and Wash. FURNISHED 1-room office for rent in, Wilcox bldg., ready to step into; will full nr rent furniture. Call at 1015 Wil cox bldg., or phone Main 74tf before June L nKSK" -- delc rdrca In modern office, in eluding telephone service; central loca tion. Alain FOR RENT A few desirable offices. Pan ama bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Tt TCERY Bakerv. valuable downtown location. busy place: also delivery. Here is ex cellent opportunity to get good shop and .-(TiriT hoiiprv Rliine account health and selling very low; agents and flivvers don t answer, please, aiean uusiucsh ouu T 630. Oregonian. CAFETERIA and home bakery on main thoroughfare Industrial district; doing K10fr.- livirnr rooms with fur ; . . t-.i.,H'i in rt-iok- rent S35. Will lt -asona.ble and eive some terms. 861 Sandy blvd. East , 5402 AT INVOICE, one of the best cigar and poo! halis on 3d street; if you want a money-maker, see this. BROWN & BIDDLE. Mar. 3331. 324 Railway Exch. Bldg. WOOD AND COAL. A growing business, $800 buys equip ment and wood on hand ; can contract for plenty wood; $400 month clear profit. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. LUNCH COUNTER. Owner leaving state, will sell business clearing $200 month over expenses; price $1000; stand investigation. Room 511 Railway Exchane r GOOD location in South Portland; also west Killingsworth, for bakery, butcher shop, barber. pool room ; good induce ments to right parties; low rent; good building. Johnson, 243 Stark st. WILL let a contract to haul merchandise the vear around to a party who can finance himself and can .put adequate equipment on the work ; 90 por cent paved roads. Answer P. O. box 184. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate business get advice of Portland Reaitv Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1902. I NEED 6 trucks immediately for road work $3.75 per hour; guaranteed job furnished with each 3H-ton truck pur chased. R. E. Harness, city. Bdwy. 1572. ask for truck talesman. GROCKRY AND MEAT- Doing between $8000 and $9000 monthly; transfer cor ner good lease; agents don't answer; this is an investment, not speculation, Y 618. Oregonian WANTED Expert orchard man to handle large orchard on some mutual profitable basis; all equipped rrady for work. This is a wonderful opportunity for right man. T 641 Oregonian WE HAVE a good business proposition to offer a man or woman who has a small automobile and $300 or mre; you handle your own money. Call 71j Wil cox building. " WEST SIDE CIGAR STORE. Especially well-located, $40 day sate-; good fixtures, a bargain. Price $1600. Call 511 Railway Exchange. 150 LIGHT grocery, conf., and good fixtures, fine location, rent $35, 2 nice living rooms. Harper, 422-23 Henry building. . CONFECTIONERY and grocery; will sac rifice best located cash business west side apt. house district, for cash: make us an offer. Phone Main 4557. ME AT MARKET, especially good location. 860 daily cash; lease; owner will invoice; this is a snap. Room 511 Railway Ex change. , PORTLAND party has two sections val uable Texas land. While digging water well it accidentally caught on fire. Need money to develop. AJ" 497. Oregonian. FOR SALE Gnod lease on 7000 square feet ground floor in center of business district; must act quick. AR 471, Ore cnnlan. DRY GOODS FITSINESS FOR SALE OOOD LOCATION. DOIN'5 GOOD BUSI NESS 377-370 COMMERCIAL STREET. ASTORIA. OR. FRANK GOW' & CO. CASH and carry grocery and confectionery, on one of east side business corners, old established place; am going east. Phone Tabor 865. No agents WILL SELL working Interest in good-pay ing cafeteria: state eoerienri as man ager and give references in first letter. Y 597. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for automobile business: r-an rlar $200 month; oniy $450 re quired Call room 401 Dekum bldg. SHOE SHOP Good location, gnod busi ness. Call at Braymond Leather Co., 2d and Oak. A CASH grocery for $l5o0; clean stock; $2-V) month clear profit; has 3 living rooms. Room 401 Dekum bldg. SMALL, busy restaurant for sale: low rent; terms. 375 Front st. FOR SALE Bakery equipment and re volving oven, cheap. 803 Alberta st. FOR- SALE Home bakery and confec tionery; fine location. Phone Wdln. 53iP, BARBERS I have two shops, will sell one: I can run but one. Call 254 lst st. ' 5. hi C-r X yjijyj y j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERIES. SHOO or Invoice. 2 nice living rooms and bath: rent 25. - $2400 or invoice. 6 modern Mvinar rooms: pales $50 to 970. $5500 clean stock: would consider ex change for residence of equal vaL $12,000 stock, fixtures and buildings. 6 modern llvine rnnmn with built-ins and hot-water beat, or S7000 for real property and stock at invoice. Carry groceries, meats and notions. Would consider residence up $4500. COUNTRY STORE. $5500 stock and buildings, lot lOOxlOO. on main paved road and electric Just the right distance from Port land. Sales $70 to $100. CONFECTONERY. SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS. $1050 Close in. west side: rent $75: lease. IRK East side. conf. and light grocer ies. Living rooms, fine place and low rent. $4000 West side extra good bay. 2 llvlns: rooms, sales $75; rent $40: lease. Others at various prices. RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH STANDS. $550 East side, close in. Keeps two people busy; low rent. $850 West side. 12 stools. 6 table. Busy place: some terms. $1500 West side, busy place and a money maker: low rent. MISCELLANEOUS. $500 Concrete biock machinery outfit, complete. v $1800 or invoice, paint and paper shoo. stock and equipment. Out of town. $3500 Extra good tire and accessory - business. Authorizea agency tor Gates half-sole tires. A money maker: see this. SEE BROWN & BIDDLB. 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Marshall 3331. (No. 17.) EBRE is some-thing- worth, looking up. A fine new bulldrng. concrete and tile. 75x84 ft., 2 stories: first floor has garage and machine siiop. Present owner has agency for the Chevrolet. Dornr fine business. Second floor has dance hall and dining and other necessary rooms; plumbing all in, city water and electric lights. Also a modern 7 room house, with bath and toilet on first fioor, one large room up stairs; lot 100x100 ft.. facin: side street in rear of- garage build in?. The garage faces on paved Btreet, in a small town on the North Bank hig-hway and railroad. Price about $30,000, depending on the amount of mock on hand at the time of the sale: half cash, bal ance terms at 7 per cent. RICHTETt & FOX, WashougaL Wash. THRSR ARE BONA FIDE. A 2-mil lne haul, all season's work. $2 per thousand ; good roads and fine accommodations for living; $2250 will handle- All season's work for lop hauling for 3 trucks and trailers, $2.50 per thousand 3-mile haul, good roads; $2250 will ban die each truck. AH reason's work- on road construe tion; $2uu0 will handle this truck. Gary Coast Agency, Inc., 71 Broadway. Broad way 2162. SAVE snlendid lumber haul for two 21 ton trucks with trailers. Pays $4.50 per l(Ho ft.: 5000 ft. to a load, or SZ2.MI. Can make 3 trips in 10 hrs.. realizing JG7.50 ner da v. earnine for the double equfpment $135, per day. Job to last throuehout the vear: srood srravel road good contracts. See Purdy. Tabor 1344 evenings, or Broadway 1j72 days. FOR SALE Hydro-electric power plant and system in Idaho, operating in three towns and serving power and lights for ' a 1400-aere orchard tract ; good propo tiition. Will sell all or controlling: inter est, or will trade control for good ranch or other good proposition; none except those who mean business need write. AV 850, Oregonian. SEASIDE restaurant, the M. and B. one oi xne oesi paying restaurants in sea . side; five-year lease, rent $85 per year beats 40 DeoDle. clears over SJ0O0 oe season; place fully equipped: two living rooms, bath and toilet. Must sell on ac count of death. Price $3500 cash. quire 2j4 Third St., cor. Madison. $1100 RESTAURANT, good location, do inc Kood business, lone lease, equipment worth S20OO: must sell this week; JSOO cash, balance $300 easy payments. See Morris, 423 Henry bldg. WILL trade 8-room modern bouse and Karaite, cood location, walking distance, for stock of men's clothing, furnishings or shoes. Inquire 221 Morrison. J. M, Karo. No agents need apply. FIRST-CLASS business invoicing about $13,000 for sale; year's sales $80,000; fine Idaho town. write .Hoagson, scnnrni w hipkey, Gooding, laano. HERE'S a money-maker and a snap -$5500. $1000. cash. 11-room modern house, full lot. on 6th st. west side. Main 42"53, Mrs. Ryan. ANOTHER log Job, rood roads, short haul; can maKe per aay ; gooa con tract and accommodations. Service Truck Co., 227 Salmon st. Main 8154. MJLLINERY stores listed for sale in good live towns in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Apply tor particulars Lowengart &. Co.. Broadway and Burnside, TO LEASE One of the best locations In Seaside, Or., in front of the finest bowl ing alievs on the coast: can be used for anything- I. W. Blaney, h$y Broadway. FOR SALE, at CotumMa Beach. Ice cream concession : 34 -foot frontage, good build ing and equipment; well insured. Call Guy Lawrence, Wdln. 4024 $1700 CONF., cigar store in heart of city, doing good business, long lease, rent $40; must sell this week. See Morris. 423 "Henry bldg. $37,00 GREENHOUSE, fully equipped. In good location, 100x120 ground, good buildings. CHAS. R1NGLER A CO., 225 Henry bldg. iO0O RESTAURANT in heart of city. well equipped, doing good business; $400 cash, balance easy payments, aee ar per. 423 Henry bldg. WANTED Concessionaires to bid on sales opportunities on excursion barge Blue bird, fnone r-asi io. VULCANIZING. . Storage batteries, electrical business for saie cheap. S5o Mississippi ave. IF $35 PER DAY on a log haul that $1500 will handle looks good, see Smith at 1021 Main St., Oregon uty. RESTAURANT doing good business; will jwll on terms or take house in ex change. Apply 473 Washington st. $1500 BUYS one of the best restaurants on Washington st. Good lease. See Brown & Riddle, 324 Railway Ex. bldg, T t - r- i u v v -r dnifiir pnnl hn-ln- rant -. mint he Bold this week; leaving town; some terms. Owner, 291 1st St. $175 BUYS good west side restaurant, rent $15. See Brown & Biddle, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER Erlkson's White Shield Maternity Home, 798 E. 72d N. Phone C. 1279. , m GOOD auto repair shop, new building, close in on west side; icwmw --r sale. T fiiR, Oregonian. . FOR SALE Pressing, dressmaking and -hemstitching parlor, good Iocs tion. rent reasonable. Phone Broadway 3058 FOR SALE At once, stall with three-year lease in Liberty market; inquire Liberty m a r k ejtf 1 a ris it. FOR SALE Grocery doing rood business; mu!t be sold at once because of illness. Inquire SSd and L st.. Vancouver. Wash. SUBURBAN ral e-tate salesman wanted, excellent opportunity for thoroughly ca nabie salesman. AF 471. Oregonian. POLLY AND HER PALS l.. aas. AAtW AT3tt- X) -OJdAWlLt AWL'.THti , I OVVX BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. (No. 2&. TELEPHONE system for sale, about 10O miles; 3 exchanges 2 magnetos and 1 battery. One board is B. R. and two are Western Electric. The system takes in two towns, one of about 700 population and the other about 23tH. There is about city phones and switching- for . about 20 rural telephones. Also connections with long-distance linos. Price $X5.0O0, about $10,000 cash, terms on balance. R1CHTER & FOX. Wa&hougal. Wash. cTnr-tr rX7 vcPfTT A AT DIRE FOR SALE. 16100 stock of staple mercnuuuiw sale at 6 He on the $1. invoiced ac cost not present-day prices and big portion of stock spring and summer merchan dise. Consists oi piece ruuus, iv of shoes, lota of underwear, hosiery, cor sets, notions, some men's furnishings, hats, overalls, etc. On display at our sample room. Portland, Or. J. H. Mc SEASIDE RESTAURANT. One of the best-nyiying restaurants m Seaside, Or., on Broadway st. ; five-year lease; excellent location: seats 40 people; clears over $3000 per season.. Place f uUy equipped; must sell on account of death. Price $3500 ca3h. Inquire 254 Third st., cor. Madison. Tel. Main 5071. Call after 10 A. M. , BAKERY Bakery, valuable downtown location, busy place; also delivery. Here is ex cellent opportunity to get good shop and window bakery; selling account health and selling very low; agents and flivvers don't answer please. Mean business only. Box T 630. Oregonian GARAGE. $2750 for stock of tires and accessories, oils, pumps, five-year lease, low rent, storage for 45 cars, concrete bu.ldmg. Any good business man can hapdle. if you are an experienced operator you can buy half interest. Weston & Co., 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. SNAPS FOR TODAY. Confectionery, west side location... 400 Confectionery and light grocery, east side Grocery, busy east side location... - 1-0O This is only a few of them. Call ana see us. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. FOR SALE The only tire and vulcanizing K nop in Deal town in crmi-i lots of repair work and good tire sales. For equipment, vuicaniains BlunAv, v ished work on- hand and businet3. ONLY $1275. Not a better buy on the coast. ADDRESS CLARK'S TIRE SHOP. Prineville. Or. GARAGE FOR SALE. -On west side hignway about 40 miles from Portland; brick bldg. 100x100 feet: good location; will give terms on part, or will sell equipment and stock and ia hn ii nff f rarer xo -en JW rated In Carlton, Or. Address G. H. Carl. Dallas. er. ARE you profiting by the big iiuciuaii- in the grain, stoca aim " Opportunities almost daily for Dig profits. Join our trading association now. become a profit-sharing member. Mem berships $25, no further liability. tor particulars inquire manager, 216 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. MOVING PICTURES. $2750 for a well equipped house in fine suburban district. This will pay $2uO or better net. We will rent you a going picture show with privilege of buying. Weston & Co.. 1215 N. W. Bank building. . A GARAGE SPECIAL. Large concrete bldg., full of storage and good repair business, working o men; also sell tires, gas. oils, etc.; $000 month clear profit; on account of sick ness, will sell cheap. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. OLD ESTABLISHED TRUCK AGENCY FOR SALE. Territory Includes Oregon. "Washing ton and Idaho, good paying proposition: nthor lines demand our attention. AJ 386. Oregonian FOR SALE New shingle mill now run ning steam drive, new saws, everything first class: plenty of first-class timber close by. This is a fine buy at $-'fo0. terms to suit. Call apt. 3.- phone Main 5157. A PARTNER WANTED. Owner of 30-car garage needs a part ner to sell the gasoline, oils, tires, etc., as he is busy repairing autos and can t look after front end. Can make large profits. Call room 401. Dekum bidg. WANTED Up-to-date merchant for coun try store in one of the best farming communities In Willamette valley; good building, low rent; postoffice in store; present nrm reunu uv;V. -T . Write W. S. McClain. Buena ista. Or. GARAGE. 60x125 brick build in g. has 40 cars steady storage, full list machinery, does welding and accessory business, a big money-maker. Rent only $80. Price is low. Room 511 Railway Exchange. BAKERY for sale, good '-ration: will se-U at a bargain, ggaiijtf Business Opportunities Wan ted. HAVE $500 and services to invest In refs. 560 estanllsned paying oumuesa . Borthwlck. Hotels and Rooming Howes. 1- rtOOMS. all H. K.. rent $40; income $166. besides own apt. ; very homelike place, furniture very good; not a vacancy in 2 years, $1.00. terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG ipi ptm F.'T HOUSE for tale: 22 rooms. steam beat, not ana roiu water m i nnts 2-vear lease, rent $55: price $2150. terms. Phone East 3101. or call at East 6th st. N.. cor. Burnside. 10-ROOM house for sale, completely fur nuhfri for four families: two bathrooms furnace; nice corner lot. 35x100, west side: walking distance, good income; price $6250. East 1668. p.trvr T-t din-Ins: room, oia estaonsnea business; fine place for man and wife m growing town. Phone Springfield 26. Springfield Hotel, Springfield. Or. APARTMENTS, $13,500. INCOME. West side, corner, brick, oak furni ture, $50,000, terms. Owners, AF 373, Oregonian. por SALE Furnishing and lease of a 65 room hotel, dining room included. A coart town of 3500. write AV 8a. Ore gonian. WITH terms can buy elegant furniture and rent a 7-room modern flat or 17 rooms on Broadway; rent $4o with in come. Owner. Main 3483, KOONtlNG HOUSE, S rooms, walking dis tance, good location, all furnished, tent only $25. Price $430. Other bargains. Garland, 201 3d. at. I 9fi.Tt(V)M transient hotel in the cent i of city. 2V-yar lease, rent $R0. Price $3000. You will have to hurry to get thi". SIMMS. 425 C. of C. Main 427 i 37 VACANT ROOMS, west side, and 21 rooms of furniture; 5-yr. lea-e and 2 months rent paid ; all for l0O. See Mrs. Thompson. 620 Henry bldg. SIX H. K. and 4 sleeping rooms, fur nished; hot and cold water, bath; west side. Phone owner. Broadway 3869. MRS. M. B. LENT. M. Hotel and apartment-house broker. S23-4-5 wortn western ttatiK mag. FOR best bargains in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg. I AM In the market for a hotel or room ing house, 10 to 40 rooms. Miss Moyer, uroaoway z. 7-ROOM furnished house. Applv Latx. care Sealy Dresser io.. or tiagar at Gearhart. 12 ROOMS, close in; clears $100 month; 51 i m. WKi Kpaiamg mag. SUNSETS ARE GREAT REMINDERS BY CLIFF STERRETT, BCSINESS OPPOBTOTTIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. HOTELS. -$12,500 buvs extra good furniture and fixtures, complete, of 130-room hotel in good west side location, in four-story brick building; hot and cold water in every room. N. W. heat. Clearing $2000 a month. Rent $800: 5-year lease. Own er been here 10 years and wants to re tire. - BROWN A BIDDLK. 3 24 Ry. Ex c h. Bldg. Marsha:! 3351. HF.Hl.rS A GOOD BUY i -. wnnma rtia nr nt Ktore and garage. Ta nf a 1 1 tt ' rpsi Aumn t fully equipped, rents for $40: store and fia ra.ge, $S; good steady tenants of the lo loenltiir rnimn brinB over $175 1 bOt and cold water in all rooms, 2 private baths, 2 public; garden, chickens, -trice f oil i MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. I minw w.VTRI. ON WASHINGTON ST. We can show you a swell place with fine furniture on Washington street, clearinar $450 a month; steam heat: 10 baths, hot and cold water, in all rooms in fact, a modern plac: 3-year leaae $7000: a real snap. k r- RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street IS ROOMS, apartments., rent $70; clears about 1125 and own apt.; electricity, gas. xmvA hpat i s-'OOO- terms 19 rooms. fttim : rent KIOQ: clears S200; furniture very good; electricity, gas, furnace or stove heat, dandy location, rnce u. Can handle with $2300. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. IF YOU WISH to pi tv rm SELL Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywnere. see W n i er nnM WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. R1TTEK. LOW Hi t 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bld r.rw iD SMALL TRANSIENT. 26 rooms, central, 2 -year lease, rent reasonable. Price $3000. cash $2oOO. . Near depot, small hotel; 16 rooms and office, rnt $35: vary well furnished, takes very little casn. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 12 H. K. rooms for sale by owner. Run -in- rn inr pMitrallv located bet wee 5th and 6th su. linen, new drapery ii o a-1 1; Hannratori rpnt 45. nets $10 0 $1200, terms. Sacrifice for quick sale. Inquire 333 Railway Ex. bldg. duavp. Ma-v (we call for particu lars) if you want to sell your hotel, rooming or apartment nouse; quic- ber MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BY OWNER 12 rooms, modern; furnace. eleclricitv; newly tinted, clean nouse-LUnin- a ntR 1 1 350 if taken at once no shoppers need apply. Call mornings bet. 8 and 12, Bdwy. 320. LOST AND FOOD. THE following articles have been found on cars of the P. R.. L. & p-Co, .May 26: 1 purse, fountain pen. flashlight. 2 pr gloves, 2 baskets, bottle, levei. no i is a o-oa hnrket. raincoat. 2 baseb: Kt. n lunch bnxps. suitcase. 10 um breilas. Owners may obtain property ai First and Alder sts. FOUND Between Vancouver and La ipr nriA ftnitpaso containing lady s cloth- ing and nurse's equipment. Owner may have same by paying for this ad and notifying the SL John Motor to., -.eiso, wash. LOST On May 26. a black pocketbook. between first counter In Lipman & won h in Wnshinclon st. am AUrriwn and Park. Reward. Fhon Broadway 1121. LOST Oregon license plate No, T9359 and wire wheel for Win ton car with General cord tin. between Astoria. Return to Macy & McKinnon. At.u, Morrison st Main 706. Reward. SMALL black purse containing about $35 on rtpnoL Morrison car. uevwecu si Frank s and Glisan st.. Tuesday. Re ward. Phone Broadway .lxoo. LOST Monday morning on Cornell road, ,i- h-nu.n he&d. white body, lather collar with bell on and harness Reward. 66 Northrup st t -to- .r-,.-av wnrklnr lad V. $20 b on Washington St.. between 5th and 20th . - : .i . , T -,r 1 Sit nil I Ml- ADL Phone Marshall 677 and receive reward. WILL party who picked up bfack walrus purse in Majestic theater Wednesday night return same to Mrs. Jack Crowly, N orris hotel, room 33? Reward. LOST Brown silk bag. Wednesday eve ning, containing vvonaer miiuuerj it- ceipt and gold band ring. Call Main 5923. LOST Tuesday afternoon, a lavaner wun bird engravea; very ur Piease return to 250 V. Narulla sC Re ward. LOST teeth replaced without pain by tns nerve-blocRing metnoa. t- a, w Kfene. Dr. E. H. Prehn. Majestic Theater bldg. 351 Washington. LOST Sorority pin, set with pearls and a diamond in center. vameu . ----.- Finder please call Main 11J; liberal re ward. LOST Small black male Scotcn lerrier puppv; liberal reward ior r-.jm. " H Krllv, 891 Westover road. Phons Main 5!i95. . LOST A black silk purse, with steel beeds. on or near -tn ana aion iwu . Return to 186 5th st. IXjsT Corner 1st and YamhilU Wednes- dav. blue learner nanuunx. ,T, working woman. Leave Oregonianf flee. TAKEN by mistake, a blue silk umbreua at the Portland noiei, wfunww noon. Please call Automatic m-S6. LOST A gold knife in Laurelhurst P8-1" Tuesday evening, r mv" i S-4'. and receive reward, LOST Bill folder with $10 bill, between Victoria Shoe Shop and Lipman s store. Phone Tabor 2966. ON MONT A VILLA car, May 26, Panama hat; phone owner, F. C. Young, immi gration service, Dro-ujoo, SMALL gray writing book, between Yam hill street and depot. Return to Waa- sermen, Lenox hotel. r -WT- natwn 3d and 5th on Yamhill. package containing 5 yds. pongee silk. Main 2642. LOST A bunch of keys on a belt clasp one- having the number "R. R. B. - Finder please can iast i.b. LOST A pur.se in Imperial hotel, small amount or money, -.. pera; valuable to owner only. Reward. L,)ST Snapftl fonntaln pen. Shrine em blem without cap, between 12th. Main a n d Hot'jl Portland. Notify Bdwy. IMS. I75sT -a Shepard pup about 4 months old. Re t u m to -i isibi v v ward. Phone EaPt 7533. Srj'lXj-y0'riCKS' Proposals Invited. STATE OF ORRHON PROPOSALS FOR SUt'ULS. The Oregon State Board of Control will rcive sealed bids on June 16. 1920, at 2 P. M.. for furrtlshing supplies to the various state institutions- consisting of drVKomls. clothing, furnish inprs. grocer ies, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, sta tionery, crockery, plumbing, etc.. for the seml-an-iuat period ending December 31. H20. Specifications and schedules will i. fiiT-niRhd urton anoTlcatton to the secretary at Salem, Oregon, also from the trade and Commercial Bureau of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified ehwk representing 10 per cent of the whole amount of bid. payable to the OrecoTi State Board of Control, which shall tx held as a guaranty of the faith ful performance of the contract. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. GOODIN. secretary. Ore-gon State Board of ControL SPKCIAI. NOTICKS. Proposals Invited. CITY OF BUHL. IDAHO. c-.t 1 o-tii h rftt-fivpd at tne office of the clerk of the city of Buhl. Idaho, until 2 P. M. on the 7th day of. June 1020, for the furnishing of ail ma terial and the con-truction 01 a v..-, works svstem consisting of cast-iron water mains and service lines, and repair and enlargement of city concrete reser voir, as shown on the plans now on iuj with the clerk of the city of Buhl. Idaho. Plans and specit icaiions mu u -V and form for proposal on which bids must be made mav be obtained upon application at the office of the city clerk, or of E. J. Baird. Buhl. Idaho. Parties desiring plane and, specifica tions for their personal use mav obtain them .from the engineer on payment ui Ten ($10 Dollars. The right is reserved, to reject any or all bids. By order of the city council. N. O. THOMPSON. Mayor. O. T. KALI.VA. Cltr Clerk. BAIRD ENGINEERING CO., Engineers, Buhl. IdahtK Miscellaneous. KDEMTTION OF MULTNOMAH AMA TKL'R ATHLETIC CLUB 6 FIRST MORTGAGE 20-YEAR GOLD BONDS. Notice is hereby riven that bonds of the above issue have been drawn for redemption in conformity with the pro visions of a certain deed of trust secur ing said bonds, dated September 1, 1910, and that the bonds so drawn will be paid by Multnomah Amateur Athletic club at the office of Security Savings A Trust company In Portland. Oregon. September 1, 1920, upon the surrender of the bonds so drawn at par and accrued Interest to said last-mentioned date, after which date interest thereon will cease to accrue. The bonds so drawn for redemption are as follows: Numbers 7 and 31 of the par value of $50 each; numbers 76. 106 151. 209, 218, 234. 235 and 20 of the' par Value of $100 each; number 372 of the par value of $500, and numbers 426 and 532 of the par value of $1000 6BCUR1TT SAVINGS & TRUST CO., Trustee. By R. G. JtTBITZ, Secretary. rftted at Portland. Or., May 27. 1920. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that I. W. M. Dawson, will, on Tuesday. June 1. 1920 begin proceedings to sell for storage charges that certain Butck automobile bearing 1919 Oregon license 72150. which Is now stored on my premises at 266 11th street. Portland. Or. Dated this 21st day of May. 1920. W. M. DAWSON. Phone Main 1323. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MU.Mil. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in wasnington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and cond mortgages and sellers contracts. F. S. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE $3000 to loan on good security; commission. BC 398, Oregonian. Money to Loan on Read Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 64 per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any-multiple thereof account principal, semi annually and reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS". Will loan GO per cent value house and lot at Bht to 7 per cent. You pay one half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest. You have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple tnereoi montniy. interest reauceu. ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. ' Five to ten-year period; 51, and 6 per cent. Same repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308. Suite 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The beat and easiest melhod of paying a loan Is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per mon.l. for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. Citv or farm. Liberal repayment prtv- COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES 91 Thin StreeL Main 30fi7. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth st., fortiana. or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 21 7 Northwestern Bank Bld. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, PER CENT, 6 PER tKM. i fbH CBi.M'. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 84 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE loans on Improved farm "and city propeny. in.vui-.um i vutt " lege' no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. - 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN en real, estate security st going ra of interest. OTTO & RAKKSOV REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estste. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live- tnrV. notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. $400. $500. $600. 80O. $1000, $1200, $1500, JITtWU and up, mi--, huh iv cuon Mv off $1O0 or more s t any Interes date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 13 0. MONEY TO LOAN en Improved city property and also pro-ved farm property. Current rates. WM. Mc MASTERS, 331 TT. S. National Bank Bldg. BUILDING and mortgage loans on Im proved property; prompt service, low rates. Pacific Building A Loan As-ocla tlon. 1333 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 298. CITY AND FARM WANS. No Delay. No Delay. No Delav. $1000, $15O0, $2000, $300O and UP. We loan our money on real estate. H. tES!TON 615 CHAM. OF COM. $300. $400.- $500,. $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, or com. Main 6445. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGEE CO., 222 Cham, of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MONEY on farm and Improved clty prop srty. K. K. Baxter. 1203 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent, Louis Salomon & Co.. 408 Sellln g bid g . FINANCIAL. -Money to Loan on Real K.ta, $60. OOO TO LOAN ItTsumi to "suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G RECK, 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. $50i. $1000 AND upward on Improved real it-. lavoraoie terms ; no delay ; no brokerage. John Ba i n. 507 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSI NESS MEN TO PROTECT BORROWERS, LOANS MADE ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY. PIANOS, VIC TROLAS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITURE, 394 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN.. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY , AT LEGAL KATES. QUICK SERVICE? -YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. ViCTKOLAS, REAL ESTATE BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on -your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you ' more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their own note. Rates reasonable. Private offices. Ail business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum Blug. Marshall 3286. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transact ion Btrictiy contidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. V e also loan on household furniture pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED. 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN n diamonds. watches, jewelry and bonds; legal rates;-all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 3d St., cor. ' Washington, Main 6648. MONEY to So.n on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; articles held a year; estab iished 18SS. Dan Marx & Co., 28 Wash. GEO. HARVEY Loans money on house hold goods: legal rates. Tabor 380. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl- ture; legal rates. 208 Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. $15,000 WANTED at 6 per cent on brend new 2 -story con crete factory building and 6 acres of land, valued over $00,of3o; first-class loan. Fred W. German Co., 732 C. of Com, bldg. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing germicidal and In vis:-, orating douche, a great aid in leucor reha and female disorders; 50c and $1 per box. Sold by Portland Hotel Phar macy. $841 SELLER'S equity on house and 1 lots, payable $20 monthly, including interest; will sell for $725 cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANTED $20uO on new 5-room bungalow at Miss. ave. and Lombard at 7 per cent; no brokers. East 70O2. Levjgon. WANT $2000 on brick building in good country town. Marion county. BC 4do, Oregonian. WANT ED Loan of $4 000 or $3500 at 6&. on business property that coat me S1L500. f. o. uox uot. joruand. WANT $600 four months; will pay private party security . At 37L Ore gonian. WANTED $600, first loan, 7 per cent, inv PoveQ acre; ctose in, labor lwti. SEE OREGON INV. & -MORTGAGE CO. 222 Cham, of Commerce, 4th and Stat PERSONAL. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless Dentistry absolutely pert formed by the nerve-blocking method, without after-effects; let us prove It to you. We make X-ray examinations of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations; wepecialiae in firat-olaes dentistry at reasonable feea DR. A. W. KEENB. DR. E. H. PRICHN. Majestic Theater Bldg. 351 Wash. DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR IS THE SCALP S CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. $2-00 PER JAR. Get it at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO., BOO Union Ave. N.. 425 St. James Plao Portland. Or. Chicago. 111. DR. W. A. TURNER resumed practice: specialist kidneys, constipation, diseases ot women, bed wetting in children; drugless methods; inexpensive office, low fees. $5 week up. 2o7 Fourteenth st. Main 1153. BATHS- Steam baths and massage, new equipment- spotlessly clean; 10-th floor Brondway bldg. Marshall 3187. Trained nurse in attendance. Dr. Laura JbL Down Ing. LADIES' and gentlemen's Panama, straw. felt ana beaver hats Cleaned, blocked, dyed and renewed; buckram, net ana wire frames. LaFrance Hatters, 372. Morrison St. I GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions. Ing. nans, warts ana moiea aosoiuteiy; new invention, no pain, no soreness. Lowest prices in town. Consultation free. Here 12 years; arches fitted. 503 Dekum bldg. BUY YOUR SUMMER FURS AT THE FUR SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderate prices. Above high rent, below high prices. 606 Swetland Bldg.. 5th and Wash. L MONK Y-MAKKR See us regarding a novelty for Shrine convention. Big profit in it. Live wire only need apply. Phona W oo d 1 awn S989, after 4:30 P. M. i KB VET & HANNEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, finest stock human hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546 DR. J- W. BA.TDORF, D. P.. 304 Dekum bldg., nervous and chronic disease; NEW METHODS. 1 to 4 P. M. Main 11 bO. Bring thi- ad for free examination. si GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLoT.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wsh. Bwy. 2824. BATHS Steam baths, chiropractio body massage and vibration. Dr. . Margaret ' Haynie, Main 1765. 215 Swetland bldg. Open evenings. Trained nurse assistant. MATH1LDM ARNESEN Medical gym nast, graduate from Norway; steam baths, siientific massage, electricity. 305 Columbia bldg. Main 2839. Ladies only. R ETHEL A. SACRY treats corns, in growing nails; pedicuring and manicur uig. iu A. M. to b P. At Mar. 3376. 605 Raleigh bldg. CALL E. 8584 to have any kind of beauty wora oone; un.u ujc.u maaing over old hair specialty. WANT i nf ormation of Chart es Parrtah. Mrs. M. r-riu-, uw , uoi ur gon City, Or. 1 GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours - to o or oy appointment. Phono Main 1041. Office 308-C Third st. PILES cn be permanently cured without operations. wi -mm ir. Ajeaxw 2.4 Morrison at. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by Xv neeci ien iiieinwi , -i -i u. .osie s in ley. 514 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 6368. MASSAGE, baths for constipation, -stom ach, kidney, rneumansm. ur. ina Sor ftks e n. 5Q8 Panama bldg. Prugieaa p h y. SCALP treatment, facial massage, elec trical treatment, steam bath and mas sage. Ethel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg. WHO can give a good girl a good home and education i ror particulars write M rs. L. W. Wright. Centrall a. Wash. CLAIMS made good or no pay. I cure dandruff, stop falling hair vand grew, hair on bald heads. 314 Mad cay bldg. ' ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. . Dr. Ironsides. 300 Broadway bldg. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 822 Fliedner bldg. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BB CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Fiff. 844 E. 33d. Bell. 2213 mornings. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera tion. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. Al MASSAGES. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN 8366. JANE SHOP Marcelling, water waving and manicuring. Main 5518. SCIENTIFIC massage. Dr. Ovidia La roe n. 427 Morgan bldg. Main 1900. ETHEL'McCOY. chiropodist, 609 Buchanan bldg- Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5076- CLARA write to R. Address BD 446. Ora gonian. . BODY massage, violet ray. 10 A. M. to-4' P. M. daiiy. 400 More an bldg. Main 7o7y V