TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1920 17 GARBAGE PLANT MTEDk SLR. BIGELOW PLAXS TO SUB MIT IDEA TO VOTERS, Incinerator Declared Inadequate While Redaction System Is Ex pected to Save Money. Plans for a garbage reduction plant In Portland to be operated in con junction with a municipal garbage collection system are now being for mulated by City Commissioner Bige Jow tor submission to the voters at the November city election. The plans are indefinite, although Commissioner Bigelow hopes to gather such information as is required and prepare a final plan before August 1. The municipil garbage incinerator is inadequate and expensive to oper ate, according to Mr. Bigelow.- Mprei than 100 tons of refuse are handled dally, an amount which far exceeds the amount estimated for the plant when it was constructed a few years ago. According to information now in the hands of Commissioner Bigelow, many of the large cities in the.United States are selling garbage collected through municipal collection and the revenue obtained through the sale of the garbage together with the saving entail.-d through the discard of in cinerators is sufficient to pay the en tire cost of free collection. SOVIET SYSTEM CHARGED Present Legislative Method At tacked by W. S. TJ'Ren. "Our present legislative system is nothing but a lawyers' soviet govern ment." declared W. S. U'Ren yesterday in addressing the Portland Press club at its noon luncheon at the Benson. He was explaining his proposed re visions, which he hopes to place on the ballot next fall. "At that the lawyers are not the real government," he continued, "their masters sit back and tell them what to do. I object to this invisible power. Until we devise a system by which we can elect a legislature we can trust we have not succeeded." Mr. U'Ken's plan involves representation by groups, automatic registration of voters, enlarging the power of the governor and other radical changes. Kx-Presidcnt Taft spoke briefly at the luncheon, touching on his experi ences as a reporter and commenting upon the present political situation. forest protection week received a boost from C. S. Chapman, of the West ern, forestry and Conservation asso citation. and Miss Marguerite Salo man. They criticised negligent campers. 40 AUTOMOBILES WANTED Owners Asked lo Donate Use of Cars for Veterans. Automobile owners of Portland are being- asked to donate the use of their machines Sunday and Monday Afternoons for the use of old soldiers and their wives for the Memorial-day services to be held throughout the city. Forty automobiles are needed Sunday afternoon to convey the vet erans' to the cemeteries, where they may lay their tokens of flowers on the graves of comrades who have passed on. The same number of ma chines is needed for the Memorial-day parade Monday afternoon. All persons who will donate the use of their cars are asked to fret In touch with V; M. Davis, chairman of the automobile committee, at Main 1590. The automobiles will be near the Fourth-street entrance of the court house Ht 2 o'clock on both afternoons. AUCTION 6ALE8. At Wilson's Auction Hons. Furniture. 169-171 Second st. MEET1NO NOTICES. PORTLAND AERIE, No. 4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLE Meets every Friday evening, 8 o'clock, in Pacific States hall, 11th and Aldr streets. H. E. MILLER, Sec. PHALANX LODGE NO. 14. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meets every Friday. 8 P. M.. at 426 4 E. Alder, cor. E. 6th. Visitors . always welcome. Open meetinc tonight: social. refreshments. . Urlng the ladles. N. E. JORDAN. K. R. & S. HASSAL0 HASSALO LODGE NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Recular meet- (' ins: toniKhc at 8 o'clock, at ; Oddfellows' temple. 226 Al der, street. Work in third decree. lsitors welcome. R. A. CLARKE. N. U. J. P. COXON. Rec. Sec. SUNN YSIDE CHAPTER, U. D. , R. A. M. Stated convoca tion tonlBht. 7:30 o'clock. Visi tors welcome. By order of E. H. P., YC. J. BRICKEL, ' Secretary. SUNN YSIDE .CHAPTER. U. D.. R. A. M.. East 3i)th and J Hawthorne- Stated convocation tonisht FrldavV 7:30 o'clock. W. J. BRECKEL. Sec ORIJGO.N COMMANDERY. K. T. Special conclave Sat- urday. May at 7:30 P. M. Ord;r of the temple. C. F. "Wl EGAXD, Recorder. PORLTAND LODGE NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Fri day) afternoon. 4:30. Masonic temple. Work in the M. M. decree. Visiting brethren wel- By order of W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON. Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Fri day) evening. 5 o'clock. East 8th and Burnside. F. C. de gree. Visitors welcome. Order J. A. RICHMOND. Sec. W. M. S ALBERT PIKE LODGE NO. 18J. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Fri day) afternoon. May UHth. at 11:30 o'clock and evening. M. M. degree. VisiLinit brethren G. W. COiJK. Sec SELLWOOD LODGE NO 131. A. F. AND A. M. Stated meeting this (Friday) evening at 3 o'clock. Entertainment and refreshments. Visitors welcome. By order "W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. GET READY for the Mj picnic given by the M..;t.r An Vv " aroens ana rast Matit- sXS7 er.- association at Forest Eastern Star home fund on Mrtn.lav ( a 1! .1, bers of the fraternity and friends invited. MYRTLE CHAPTER NO. 15. O. E. S. Regular meeting this (KridVv) evening in Pvth ian hail. West Park and Yam hill streets, at S, o'clock. le grees. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Sec. Ml'LTNOMAlj COUNCIL. NO. 14S1. ROYAL ARCANUM, meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month in the K. P. hall, at 11th and Alder sts.. at 8 P. M. CLARENCE R. HOTCHK1SS. Regent. S. M. FRfcES. Secretary. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W. O. W. temple. 128 Eleventh street. All members requested to be pres ent. Election of officers. 4 A COMMUNITY DANCE will be held in the Jefterson high school rvm. Friday evening. May 2a. from 8:30 to 11. IS. Admission U5c. K f. I K : I L A N T K R H (or lodge emblems, lass pins and medala 810 Washington at. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna, aw aesigns. Jasger Bros., 131-3 6th at. DIED. NKTS May 27. at the residence. 335 Grand ave. N. Alexander Mclnnis. aged on year. Husband or Ksther Mcinnis. The remains are at Fin ley's. Montgom ery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. GL'ERKEO In this city, May 25, Peter Ouerreo, age 3! years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 2d t. S. E., Lents. MILLER In this city. May 27, Henry Mil ler, age 80. Kexn&lns are at the funeral parlors of A. L, Kenworthy &. Co., 580:2 04 SIM St.. S. K., Lents. FUNERAL NOTICES. KNUDSON In this -city at the family residence. -474 E. Broadway. May 26. Theodore Ervin Knudson. aged 24 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Knudson. brother of Olive. Myrtle. Ruth and Floyd Knudson of this city. Funeral services will be held Saturday. May 29. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 3th. Friends Invited. Interment at River View cemetery. The deceased was a member of Portland lodge No. 55. A. F, and A. M., Oregon Consistory No. 1. and Webfoot camp No. 63. W. O. W. MARSH In this city at her late residence. 550 E. Everett st.. May 27. Emily Jane Marsh, aped 66 years, daughter of Mrs. Kosabelle Tarwood of Eugene. Or., moth er of Harry A. Marsh, ot Hoqutam. I Wash.. Mrs. Maud T. Richards and , Ethel Marsh of this city, sister of L. H. , Tarwood of Eugene. Or., and Mrs. George I Cummings of Hood River. Or. Funeral services will be held Saturday. May 21). i at 10 o'clock A. M-. at Finley's. Mont gomery at 5th. Friends invited. O'CALLAOHA.N In this city May 25. El- raer A, O'Callaghan, aged 31 years, late of SOI Syracuse st.. husband of M. Ma- linda O Callaghan. fattier of John, n.i- mer. Patrick and Uiles O'Callaghan. The funeral cortege will leave Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Saturday. May 20. at 0 o'clock A. M.. and proceed to the Cathedral. 15th and Davis sts.. where mass will be celebrated at 9:30 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment at Mt Cal vary cemetery. BJORKLl'ND May 21. 102O. August TJean- der .HjorKJund, aged lit years, late oi oio Thurman street, beloved brother of Lars Alfred Bjort-lund and Ernest Gustof Bjorklund. Deceased was a member of Court Scandia No. 7, F. of A., and. also of the I. O. 0 F. Private funeral serv ices will be conducted Saturday, May 29, at 3 P. M. from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell street at Union avenue. Interment family plpt Rose City Park cemetery. SULLIVAN At the residence, 705 Powell St., May 2, John' E. Sullivan, aged 36 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, brother of Charles Sullivan of this city. Funeral will leave the above residence today (Friday). May 28. at 0 A. M., thence to St. Philip Neri church, where requiem mass will be offered at tt-.:u A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary cem etery. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. SCHIEWE May 25, at late residence. 444 .Sumner street, Gottlieb Schiewe, aged 54 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Lena. Schiewe, brother of Mrs. Rosie Mayer, Jacob and Fred Schiewe. Funeral serv ices will be conducted today (Friday), May 28, at 11 A. M.. at Pearson's par lors. Russell at Union avenue. Friends invited. Interment at Stafford, Or., by automobile. BARRETT At the residence. 4901 Sixty sixth street southeast. May 20. 1920, M lllfta. Barrett, aired 74 vears. beloved wife of William Barret. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Methodist church. East Ninth and Mill streets, at 1:30 P. M. today (Friday), May 2S, 1020. Interment Multnomah cemetery. Remain at Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets. TATKS At the family residence. Glen morrie. near Oswego. Or.. May 26. 1020. Klien Yates, aped 03 years, beloved wife of J. H. Yates, mother of Mrs. Fred MnrHe. II. D. Yates and E. to. Yates. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman s funeral parlors Third and Salmon streets, at 2:30 P. M today Friday). May 28. 1920. Inter ment Riverview cemetery. GLEESON May 27 at St. Joseph's hos pital, Vancouver. Wash.. Margaret Glee son, aged 85 years, widow of the late John Cileeson. b unerai services win n held from Holy Rosary church. E. 3d and Clackamas sts.. today (Friday). May 28, 9 A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Remains at A. R. Zeller Co. parlors. ANDRESES At her late residence, 1264 Hawthorne ave., Augusta J. Andresen, aged 42 years. Funeral service will be held at the Portland crematorium to morrow (Friday) at 3:30 P. M. Friends invited. Please omit flowers. Remains at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors. East 11th and Hawthorne. FCNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral tervlce. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FCKKRAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee Fl'NERAI. DIRECTORS. Now located In their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th St., west side. Phone Broadway 4H0, Automatic 5-15-53 The Funeral Home of Refinement . and Di.tliicf-ive Service. Tlote We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street, between 20th and 21st Streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2091. 578-S5. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main ft. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. ltt;h and Everett st. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. F. S. DUNNING. INC.. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perlect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successor to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvington district. 1 " T T T.1 II Z"1 1 T E. Eleventh and Clay, t 781. T 18o3. vTT..,ck TZk HilfcllOUiN Rrnnriwnv vt4 A. D. KENWORTHY & CO.. 0802-04 Ud St.. Lents. Tabor 5267. AD 7CI I rn po 592 Williams ave. . 11, .CLLtH llU,Ea.t 10SS. C10S8 BREEZE & SNOOK ILsSSb: SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M 4152. A 2231. Lady assistant. FLORISTS. 328 MorrisonSt. I V Portland Hotel MaE753 c7tffi? 3 Aft Morrison St stores - ' BetBrdwy.lPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts Soltcited. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 141 'fc . 6th, opposite M!er & Frank's. Main 7215. JAPAN" FLORIST 168-170 4th t Fire house Market. All kinds of flowers. Bedding; and veget able plants. Japanese snruooery, nursery stock, tubs, baskets, gar den seeds, special sale. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. S34 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for alt occasions artistically arranged. ' CLARKE BROS, florists. 2ST Morrison St. Main TTn9. Fine flowers and floral de nisna. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays 1.50 up. Bdwy. 2870. 4B5 Wash. TOXSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. Det 4th ana oth Main Aiu. A list MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tlW Fourth St.. Opp. City Hsll. TJeo Bros. fcTb BLAESING GRANITE CO. rLr THIRD AT MADISON STREET Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. n OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all casta of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc. picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. Er O A BUNGALOW AMONG THE FIRS $3500 $1000 Cash. $20 monthly, buys this large, well-built, five-room bungalow; full basement, concrete foundation: ground 100x100, with beautiful native trees; fine lawn and garden spot. FRED W. CICItM AN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ,Secti'onal Erected In Portland or SHIPPED ANYWHERE. In sections ready to put tjfrether. Easy for one man to erect in a day. Our cash prices, factory direct to you. no middle man, me-n a GREAT SAVING. Send 'or circular. Call at factory. See life-size sample. FOR LEASE THAT 3-STORT CONCRETE BUILD ING ON GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK ST., FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY MORGAN & ATCHLY FURNI TURE CO.' WILL REMODEL TO SUIT TENANT. OR WILL LEASE ANY PART WITH OR WITHOUT ELEVATOR AND HEATING SERVICE. THIS BUILD ING HAS ABOUT 50.000 FLOOR SPACE WITH CARRYING CAPACITY OF 100 TO 125 PER SQ. FT. EDW. P. MALL 309 CHAMBER OF COM. FOR SALE GRAND AVENUE AND EAST STARK 90x100 THAT THREE - STORY CONCRETE BUILDING WITH MEZZANINE FLOOR. BASEMENT AND SUB BASEMENT. ELKVATOR AND STEAM-HEATING PLANT. CAN SELL THIS FOR LESS THAN IT WILL COST TO CONSTRUCT AND ON VERY EASY TERMS TO RE LIABLE PARTY. EDW. P. MALL 30 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Time, and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible. linnd-Wevea FLUFF RUGS Boom-Sis, Finff Rnsa. Woven. RK Rnic Woven All Sizes. Clothe. Cleaning; and Drelnjc Ueptaw klall Ordera Send lor Uouklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning txl2 Rdii, Steamed Cleaned. i.5o WESTERN I'M FF BIG CO. 64 I'ntoa Atc M. rkoae East 5ia Love joy St. 60x100 AND MODERN 10 ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS AND 2 TOILETS. NO. 634 LOVEJOY STREET. PRICE 11,000; CAN GIVE EASY TERMS. Edw. P. Mall 309 Chamber of Commerce WX CALL FOR YOIB OLD CARPETS, Rsgl and Woolen Clothing; FLUFF RUGS AU Work Turned Oat Promptly . Bss Uaga Wsm All Sixes Mall Orders. Bend for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and He fitted. NORTHWEST RUli CO. ltieS East th St. Phone tast 3SO. FLANDERS ST. $12,000 50x100 CORNKR AT FIFTEENTH STREET. $5500 Will Handle Phone 218 - 29 Mortgage Loans Uifot Interest rsitest tnatnllmeat fayssenta if dealred. Building iommm Made. No delay In cloalas- A. H. B1RRHLL GO. 117-219 Mart fewest em Ban Ik BusUdln ataraknii LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate. first and second pnortgrages. contracts. livestock, notes, etc. , F. L BOWMAN & CO. 21 0 Chun, of Com. Bids. Malm 3024. Phone your want ads to The Orego- ni&n. Main 7070, Automatic &tu-9&. jg 8LSI pm J I REDIMAUE Kl ILDrNO CO.. I L SIS E. lltli st bllia. s. Hawthorn.. J fbonti East 5114. Portland. Oregon. I JfEW TODAY. West Side Close In Beautiful 100 by 100 corner, embracing two modern residences, one of eight rooms and one of five rooms. Superb ly located for apart ment house site. From investment or residen tial angle this is ideal. Opportunity lasts but a brief time. .$20,000 Coe A. McKenna 6? Co. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522 Personally Examined FARM MORTGAGES In Eumi to Suit. No Setter Securities FEAR & GRAY r 104 Fourth Street. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS raited State-a fnic Hnildla REAL ESTATE. -Beach Property CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanglnff and furntflh material. Lot located in Tillamook Beach (Salt air), near station and ocean. AH 497, Oregon lan. . 7-ROOM house, overlooking ocean at Gear hart, big living room, fireplace, modern bath room and big veranda; well-lighted; fumed oak and wicker furniture; ground anywhere from 60x100 to 150x100, open for inspection Decoration day. "Van Nice" cottage. Phone East 517, owner. COR SALE Or win rent or twe choice lots 60x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hot. Address H 180. Oreftonlao. For bale Flat and Apartment Property. WEST - E riE FLAT. $16,500. Five apartments, four of 5 rooms each and one has 4 rooms; exceptionally well arranged, located walking distance from downtown, district handy to car and high school, St. Helens hall; present in come $200 per month. R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NORTH PORTLAND SNAP. lUOxlOO large old bldg.. Cor. Hth and Pettygrove. Owner says sell at once. See us for price, etc. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BRICK BUILDING. - Lot 50x100. Bulldlnj; .10x90.' Located on First near Burnside; e arrange very easy terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DUPLEX HOUSE, S5500. Two apartments of 6 rooms 'each, 2 furnaces, z sets plumbing, etc.: on Hi. 10th, close In; rented for $30 each. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. FLAT bldg., 2 flats of 5 rooms each, strict ly modern, on Tillamook at., near Union ave.; one flat conipietely furnished; rent one and live In the other, which pays 7 per cent on investment; price aoiuu. TaDor 8441. FOUR-FAMILY FLAT. IIIJCX). On East Burnside near Ankeny ear barns; reasonable rental; value 935 each. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY West aide, walking distance, six flata, $7500. Phone Main 4lJ. For Sate LoU. PROSPECTIVE HOME-BUILDERS. We will furnish you a first-class lot without any cash payment. After your house has been erected you can pay ua email monthly payments same as rent. We have lots which we can furnish you in almost all parts of the city. Build your home now; we will cor operate with j6hnson-dodson CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. A BARGAIN. 50x101. corner 37th and Tillamook assessments paid: $000 cash. Owner. C. L. Mcconahy, i Am. Baaa bids. Seat tie. Wash. $300 EACH 3 lots nOxlOO; large bearing zruit trees, diock iron Mt. Tabor car; all city conveniences; build a ga rage and live In it and cut the high cost oz rent. uwner, laoor ous4. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lot near the Jef ferson mgn ecnooi. auxioo; 500: 50 cash and io a month win handle. JOHXSO.N'-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Alain 3787. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. ENTRANCE HALL. LARGE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN UnsT FLOOR; FOUR BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, BATH. SECOND FLOOR; LARGE ATTIC. FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT; FURiVACE. GARAGE: LOT 73x100; $U000. PO INDEX TER. 208 SELLING BLDG. AlAIN 130U. RESIDENCE. 271-20. THE BEST IN LAURELHURST $63O0. A beautirul 7 -room. 1 -story home, with fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, all built-lns, and a garage; In a fine neighborhood. If you want a home in Laurelhurst, see this. A bargain at $6300, with $30O0 down. O. H.- SKOTHEIM CO.. 832-333 Railway Exchange. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. 7 LOVELY ROOMS. Central entrance, French doors to large dining room, beautiful buffet, charming di-ning room, large fireplace, bookcases, hardwood Doors every room, break last nook, full lot, shrubs, trees, garden, fine garage. $7500, all drapes included; $1500 cash handles, bal. like rent. East 419. 914 FRANCIS AVE. HOME FOR SALE. Eight -room bungalow, 2 rooms up. 6 rooms down; one of finest largest sleep ing rooms with large windows on 3 si(Jes; no furnace. $4200 ; large garage under house. Possession June l. terms. Owner. F. A BEND ROTH, 146 Broadway. IRVINGTON BEAUTY. $8000. Hillside view home, between Irrlngton and Alameda; home beautifully built, all Ivory, plate glass, H. W. floors through out: best view in city; full lot, fine con crete garage. McDONELTj. East 419. FOR SALE 6-room house, bath, electric lights, gas. brick basement; corner lot 48x100; 3 blks. to rar. near river, paved street. Improvements paid; $2000. JlOuO cash, balance mortgage. 7. m. F. McManus. 517 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 89. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW" Don't; fail to see it. Six rooms, three bedrooms, fine bath, furnace, fi rep face, oak floors: garage: paved st.. two blks. to car: school, college, golf club, beau tiful view. Am leaving Portland July Iwt: very reasonable price. Tabor 3900. WESTOVER TERRACE HOME. Modem 7-room house and garage, com- pieie ana mwiern in every aeian. juotf on Westover terraces; liberal terms if desired. Phone Main 3087. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES CO. OWNER MUST UNLOAD 5-room modern, hard-eurface St., close U Hawthorne, real cheap for price asked. J. ROBBINS, 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931, ttEAL ESTATE. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSS. Willamette Height: very desirable, thorough 1 v modern, best home environ ment, beautiful view of river and moun tains: splendid hot-water heating sys . tern, front hail, living room, dining room with built-in buffet and kitchen on 1st floor; three bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; attic: electric lights and gas. pol ished floors throughout; full cement basement, wash trays, etc: splendid lot. SO ft. frontage, asphalt street (paid), lots of choice roses and sbrubberv. 1 block from car. A home for ppeonle who care": fine for children. Price only (4500: terms $1500 cash, balance as mav be arranged. One could not duplicate thin property now for $tO00. Immediate possession. Can be Inspected any time up to 8 P. M. J. W r.ROSSTET. t 1053 Vaughn St. Mam outo. EOSE CITT PARK. NEW BUNGALOWS $475046500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. REASONABLE .TERM A. Five and six rooms, modern throughout, hardwood floors. Ivory finish, fireplace, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement base ment, furnace; 50x100 ft, lota, on paved streets. These can be han dled with $1000 cash, the balance In reasonable monthly payments, tor particulars call J U H ART MAN COMPANY. 7 Cham, of Com. bide. Alain 208. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE. Beautiful corner home In Rose City, full of caref ully-plunned modern con veniences, richly and harmoniously fin ished, hardwood floors in all rooms, old Ivory woodwork. French doors, large liv ing room, bookcases, fireplace, 2 baths. 2 bedrooms on firBt floor and twu on second, best of hardware and light fix tures, cement basement, furnace, garage, etc. A home beautiful and It can't be beaten lor the money. Price $9000; terms. LUEDDEMAN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. FURNISHED BUNG A LOW. Artistic u-roora bungalow with good furniture. Xlivlng room has nice fire Diaca and den. with built-in bookcases. nice electric fixtures, dining room has artistic buffet, with large plate glass mirrors, beam celling; two large, ugm bedrooms with bath between: Dutch kitchen In white, half cement bailment floor, Koort furnace, gara?a, lot 4Mxi'u, hard surface street now eolne in. S4U00, S1U00 cash, $50 momh, including inter est. 7 per cent. O. W. T. Huellhaupt i: Co., C. E Adams. 407 U. S. National Bank bidg. Broadway 3838, residence. w a :n. .hj. BARGAINS. Magnificent 0-R. home. Irvineton. $13,000. Splendid 10-R. home. Irvington, $10,000 tine -K. home, irvington. 9oW. Excellent 7-R. home. Irvlngtun. $Su00. xood tt-U. home. Irvington, $7o00. Fine 6-R. bungalow, Irvington. $7500. Good old 7-R. home, $4500. All pre-war prices, below cost. EAST J73. HERDMAN. LAURELHURST 6-ROOM BUN GALOW $1500 CASH. $50 PER MO. AND INTEREST. You can move right In; key at office. E. 3lHh and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433; evenings East 208U. THAT VACANT LOT. Wbr not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. W offer SECURITY. tiKKVlCE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Imx, 124 N. W. Bank bldg. $7000 BEAUMONT SPECIAL $7000, 6 rooms, sleeping porch and large attic; hardwood floors downstairs; 3 fine airy bedrooms: full basement, fur nace, fireplace, garage: 2 blocks to car and school ; will be glad to show by appointment. See J. A. McCarty, 270fc Stark st. Main 1700; Sunday and even ings Tabor 5057. "NEW IRVINGTON HOMES. Just completed and have now for sale two 8-room colonial homes and one 6-rm. bungalow, absolutely modern and up to ih minute. If you are In the market for a home do lot fail to see these. Tur ner & W instil p, Guilders. Tabor 564 or Tabor 2124. $60O0 Seven-room house; modern con veniences; almost an acre; large bear ing fruit trees. 31 apple. 10 cherry. 2 pear. 1! prune, 2 plum, era bap pie, quinces, grapes", raspberries and strawberries; Sox 1O0 garden spot, barn and chicken coop; 4Vz blocks from Mt Tabor car. Owner, Tubor 5Ub4. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Just completed. 6 rooms and breakfast room, extra large living room, ivory woodwork and papered. hardwood floors throughout, tile bath w-ith ex pensive plumbing, Gasco furnace, ga rage. 67if E. 10th st. North. E. Nelson, BUY FROM OWNER. Rose City Park. 6-R.. sleeping P.. steel furnace, full basement, fireplace, H. W. F.. garage, east f ron t, strictly modern. No agents. Tabor 5728. IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brasee, 6xlOO corner B. 19th. All hardwood floors, gas furnace, plates windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures wallpaper and tile bath. Very well built and for sale by owner. IRVINGTON 7 full-size rooms. 2 story, large, attractive living room, n, w. floor, lines t condition and close in; very tine large garage. 440 E. 7th st. N. Save agent's commission. See owner. 48 N. 6th st. For appointment phone Broadway 1UU7 or East iboZ. $1950 R. C. PARK; almost new, partly furnished; bath, gas, electricity, large corner lot; part cah, balance 6 per cent: move right In ; some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with. $600 to get nice little home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner, Tabor 2678. A NICE summer home on Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idalio, 3-room cottage In ex cellent condition ; front porch and good earth cellar, finest spring of water on Del Cardo bay; pure mountain air, ideal surroundings. Automatic 210-U6. $1950 COZY bungalow, streets graded, walks in. block from paved street. 2 bedrooms, gas. bath, electricity, garden ail in, berries. Immediate possession. (350 cash. Owner. 56 East 87st South, Mount Tabor car. Phone 212-04. FOR SALE by owner, the most beautiful iAm in laurelhurst: 7 rooms, fullv fur nished: hardwood floors, garage, corner ir 106x140 It., at a oargatn: $14.0U0, cash or terms. Uall 306 Bush fe Lane bldg. Main &. FOR SALE: A beautiful home of five .Atn. and sleening porch downstairs. finished attic with clothes closets, close in near Williams and Cook ave.; price $3500, wim terms. rumie j.n.t inj. TpnOM MODERN BUNGALOW. SUNN YSIDE NEAR 32D AND ALDER, Coxy 4 rooms, full cement basement, furnace butlt-ins, Dutch kitchen; sea for 13000. half cash. Call Tabor 8152. MAPLE WOOD. OR. $10-0 buya a good four-room plastered house ; for Bacrince on account of health. Inquire at store. Mapleoour. $5O0 CASH. $20 per mo., 6-room house, on car line. Lot 50x100. Main 6127. Evening, Mais 0223. GOOD 5-room" bungalow and sleeping poicn large lot, near M. V. car; reason able price and terms; Immediate pos ?es?io. Call 1911 E. Irving St. WEST SIDE, very nice modem 6-room house, garage, Kearney st, $8500; good terms. 818 Cham.' of Com. Main 8052. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, 1 acre garden, 1 acre park, barn, chicken house; $5000. Bdwy. 274. 607 Fenton bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow. 200x201 feet of ground: 21 fruit trees and small fruit. 1060 E. 39th Bt S-ROOM house, well-built, modern con veniences, west side. $1500, terms. Main 7Mtt. 1 xihoo 6-roora house, modern conveniences. 100x100 garden spot, small fruit; 4 biocka from Mt. laoor car, uwner. Tabor 59S4. ii.ufkta 5-room modern hnnvaiAU newly tinted and reflnished. $2900; illoi) casn. wn?r. v um. -wi. $2500 ROSE CITY, 5-roora, bungalow, cor ner, garage, easy terms. Owner, Sell wood 13. BY owner. $4000 for 6-room house in first ciass condition, one block SS. car. 6s5 East Yamhill Tabor 5059. $8500 100x100 LOVELY 8-room modern house, garage, splendid location, fine terms. fe!8 Chamber of Com. Main 8052. 5-ROOM cottage, close In; easy terms -$1500. $300 cash. Tabor 146. ALAMEDA PARK Beautiful 7-room house, double garage. East 4921. MODERN 8-room bungalow, Hawthorne district. uwner, pnoae Tabor Bi4o. MODERN 5-room house. 3518 64th st. & XL Tabor 8554. OWNER brand-new 4-room bungalow. Main 3783 between 3 and 5 P. M. HAWTHORNE MT TABOR HOMES TABOR 4290 RODABAUGH. 7-ROOM modern bungalow for saie, near Hawthorne. Tabor 4873. REAL ESTATE. For Savle House. HOMB BARGAINS Good d-room house, modern plumbing. 2 fuH lots with plenty of grapes and fruit. 62d and Powell road, near Haw thorne carline. A bargain at J-tkn). Easy terms. Fine Swiss hungalow, rooms, all modern, and up to date on half acre near end of Fulton carline. Price only $3S00. This house was built before war and could not be rebuilt for less than $5500 now. i Colonial residence Alameda Park dis trict, 6 large rooms, new. very artistic and up to the minute. Price $7500. A real bargain. C. PeTOtTNG & CO.. 810 Spalding Bids;. Main LAURELHURST. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. JS6OO0. We want yoti to se this modern, at tractive bungalow. You wouid never ex pect to buy such a home as this for so little money: $1000 cash will handle; hardwood floor. 2 h re pi aces, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fur nace, etc.; living room and dining room separated by French doors. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3ri)2. Brauch Office. Oth and Sandy. A BARGAIN that will be snapped up quick. 7 large rooms, hardwoou hoot., tiled bathroom, fireplace, glassed and screened porches, screens and built-in fixtures complete throughout, full base ment with plastered ce-i liners, fuel and fruit rooms, furnace, laundry trays, etc.; large double garage with wide cement driveway: lot 70x 1K; all Improvements in ana paia lor. nc jmmhi, oiu casn, balance terms. 70 Schofield pt.. one block south and half block east of Bank of Kenton. Must be seen to b appre ciated. Possession at once. . See owner on pretnls ee. or phon e Kan t 1 250. NOB HILL HOMES. Splendid alues. located In the most desirable part of the district. wesL of 23d st. $9000 $10,000 $13,000 Substantially built homes of distinc tion that would cost from $15,000 to $0. Ooo to build today. There 1m no reason save poverty for not buying at these prices. STRONG & COMPANY. 634 Chamber of Commerce. G. M. Strong. Main JoS7. F. H. Strong SELL WOOD LINE. $3MM MODERN BUNGALOW $3500. $500 cash will handle this strictly mod ern bungalow, located about 1 block from Sell wood car line: A rooms and large full floored attic, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace and ground 126 feet deep with garage and alley. Fruit trees and shrubbery. Terms almost like rent. There are few like this on the market. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.', 201-3-R-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BIG. BROAD. ATTRACTIVE ALAMEDA COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ft rooms, center hall, fine Ilv. rm. li brary, dining rm., sun parlor. 4 fine bed rms. and sip. p., hot water hat. garage. 100x100; $12,300 value for $S300. aCHAEFER. Main 666 or Bdwy. 5167. 6-ROOM strictly modern home, fire place, furnace, buffet, cabinet kitchen, double garage, bookcaHe., three bedrooms, cement basement, laundry trays, nice corner lot, 1 block from car In good district on 3!th st. $4,150, terms If wanted. Marshall 2003. IRVINGTON BARGAINS. $400 842 Multnomah at., bungalow. $A8A0 55 East 20th N.. modern. $ri35 17th st.. 5-room bungalow, garage. $ftr0 Near Brazee, 6 rooms, garage. S70O0 Ivory finish, oak firs., verv srood. $7500 6 large rooms. S. P. double gar. $8250 S rooms, modern, 17th, near Thompson. Let me show you some of these or otner gooa buys. T. B. NECHAUSEN, Main 8078. SACRIFICE IS RIGHT. $2900. 5-room bungalow, located near AT meda. only 2 blocks to car. school ana eiore: nas a oanay garage, run ce ment basement, laundry traye. fine lawi and garden. COOVER & HOLMAN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. FURNISHED Tf OMR- Very attractive six-room modern home 'near Hawthorne ave.. west oC East 30th st. Has fireplace, furnace, gas stove, three bedroom sets, all dishes complete. Owner leaving the city, offers at attrac tive price. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. GO LOOK $500 CASH. 50xlOO lot, hard surface, all paid: full basement, 5 rooms and bath below. 3 bedrooms above, newly shingled. A lit tle work will make this a good home for someone. Balance $2700 just like rent. 16 E. ROth st.. Juat off Belmont. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. M6 Abington bldg. (Sign of the horseshoe.) ATTRACTIVE NOB HILL BUY. Almost like new and we?t of 24th st.. very substantially built. 9 rms.. larce lot: cn$t $18,000: price $12,300. Posses sion 30 davs. SCHAEFER. Main 666 or Bdwy. 5167. ROSE CTTY BUNGALOW. By Owner. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet and bookcases, with beveled leaded glass, fireplace. Gasco furnace and ga rage. See this ftt 424 E. 4Uth st. N.. or Phone Auto. 324-35. Price $6000. $3400 cash. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR COTTAGE. 5 rooms and ceiled attic, cement base ment, modern plumbing, cabinet kitchen, large living and dining room, 50x100 lot, all street imp. in and paid; price $2750, terms; vacant, move in. Photo at office. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Alain 6752. MODERN 8 -room corner house, 655 East Burnside, corner East 18th. now vacant. $6000, part cash. Main 4928. MODERN Hawthorne home; fireplace, fur nace, bookcase, buffet., hardwood floor cement basement; $4L'O0; $16l0 cash $30 monthly, or with $2200 cash. $30 month ly, including interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. Large living room, center hall. Dutch kitchen. 5 bedrooms: corner lot. dou ble garage, fine location: nrice tin .no- best buy in the city. Owner. Tabor IDEAL for rest or study; new 6-room nnuse. monern in detail. laces south, large dining and sleeping porches, rest ful surroundings, grand view, desirable community, near Council Crest car: in ' eluding 4 cords- wood: terms. Phone except Sundays. Marshall 5210. MODERN BUNGALOW HOME. By owner. 5-room bungalow, garage furnace, fireplace, built-lns. Dutch kitchen.- 50x100 lot, fruit trees, berries, beau tiful grounds: 1S4 blocks west Sellwood car. Call Sellwood 1114, &U6 Ciay . bourn ave. $6000 IRVINGTON BARGAIN FINE CORNER LOT Good 6-room house in first-class con ditlon; all improvements in and paid. Call Tabor 8433; evenings East 2086. BEAUMONT. Modern 6-room house and sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built lns. Dutch kitchen, fine furnace; cherries loganberries and shrubbery. Owner. K 2604. FOR SALE In Laurelhurst, an 8-room modern house: all street improvements and taxes paid. A snap for someone if taken this week. Will make some terms with right party. Call Tabor 24C7 or Tabor 9047. IRVINGTON $4000. " 6-room modern house on Clackamas st.; fireplace, hih-grade furnace, full cement basement, built-in buffet, grained floors; $2400 cash, balance 6 per cent. Phone Tabor 2044. No agents. FOR SALE S-rm. modern house. Alberta district. $250 cash. bal. like rent; prioe less than present cost of building; house same as new; vacant. 1136 E. 15th st. N. A. M. Ho well. 401 Board, of Trade.. IN WALNUT PARK?" " $6700 Modern six-room, story and half bungalow, corner 50x100, east fac ing, hard surface street. By owner. 1125 Maliory. BY OWNER Separately or investment: Quarter block and four modern 6-room houses, fine residence section, close In. east side; never vacant: good steady in come with out worry. 3 4 7Was h l n g ton. BEAUTIFUL semi-modern. 8 rooms, built lns, bath, two toilets, gas andyMectrie ity. full cement basement, 100x150, va riety fruit, nuts, garden. 2 blocks Lau relhurst Park; garage. Owner, telephone 21 a-19. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Piedmont district, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, 60x lOO lot, terms. Main 700. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale Howes. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES OR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGHRE To But Your Home. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Try the MrOt'l RE SYSTEM of scientific HOME SERVICE! 1O0O PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sale. EVERY DISTRICT. Every type of home at price YOU CAN PAY. If necessary we will help you make your down payment. 18 automobiles at your SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. $5SOO UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL IRV INGTON HOME: 5-rm. ULTRA MODERN BUNGALOW; massive built-lns. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch. furnace. fruitroom; has HARDWOOD FLOORS: Ideal I home. We have SQ homes In this I district. I $4300 F U R"NISHKD HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, is very ARTISTIC. BOTH INSIDE AND OUT: pan eled dining room with beamed exiling, two sunniest bedrooms: SPLENDID FURNACE. You will APPRECIATE the EXCELLENT VALUE. East 51 Ft st. $2750 Here Is WONDERFUL VALUE In a modern 5-room HAWTHORNE: terms: East 37th, Just south of Hawthorne. READ THIS! $2200 On E. 2th. near Cora. Is this very attractive, modern BUNGA LOW : white enamel olumbine. electricity, gas: convenient to S. P. shops and Central Door I.br. Co.: onlv $400 down. $20 per mo. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS it: $3530 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR VIEW HOME, umisuallv artitic white BUNGALOW. splendid corner. 67Hxl00; combination living and dining room full width: white Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, cement basement : HOUSE J UST REPAINTED: ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT; EXCELLENT VALUE: EAST MORRISON. $3100 A REAL DUTCH COLONIAL. very distinctive line; cheerv fire place; built-in bookcases, paneled dining room: IDEAL DUTCH KITCHEN; three airy bedrooms, sleeping porch: HARDWOOD FLOORS; best white enamel Plumbing; HOUSE LIKE NEW: full lot. WHERE CAN YOU duplicate this value? $2150 Six-room plastered BUNGALOW riTT a 11 F rnmfnrtahlc modern. street liens paid: EASY TERMS. Pramnnt npnr Union IVfi $3150 A L B E R T A S EXCEPTION AL bargain: six room aj 1 nsw i 1VE modern home, paneled din ing room with massive buffet. m Act ivinvpnipnt floor plan; SLEEPING PORCH. 1 a u n d r v iravs. fruitroom: JUST $6O0 down. East 32d. SEE it todav! $1300 ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN 7 rooms, modern: 4 bedrooms. white enamel plumbing. gas. paved street. SEE THIS TO DAY. We have SO Albertas. $3250 WEST-SIDE SNAP! Six-room modern UNUSUALLY ARTISTIC BUNGALOW, line new: its VA CANT, MOVE RIGHT IN: terms. 1 fiit WVRT-Kl nE HOMES. $262, -1 OOXlOO MO NT A VILLA delight ful bungalows; 4 rooms, modern, beautiful shrubbery, trees, etc; Eat Clay. Til A. AVT 1VTT.T.A HOMES. $1095 Just THINK! Clever, artistic 4- room BUNGALOW ; large, nut width front Dorh. attractive liv Ing room, pretty dining room, bultt-in buTfet. Dutch kitchen, large, airy bedroom. R-set piece of white enamel plumbine: l"0x 1O0. ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT. h.A-..i. t r chicken house! GA RAGE: practically new: IDEAL LITTLE HUM r. T -M InnWIno- f rT- ft HOME COTTI blning DESIRABLE location. MODER ATE PRICE and UNUSUAL VALLE. see FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Successor to H. D. McGuire. Establifhed 18S0. "40 Years of RELIABLE Service. rm AVUT. tvlp decant home in strtcted addition, wonderful view over city; eight beautifully finished large rooms every modern convenience and artistic built-in effects, music room with attractive nook, living room with Tire place and bookcases. 10-foot buffet in .dining room, butler's pantrv. enameled kitchen, four large, airy bedrooms witn -it. v. tn tinner veranda ana sleeping porch, bathroom with complete plumbing. full-floored attic. cement basement. trays. fruit and laundry rooms and basement lavatory. Not an ordinary house, but a well-built, artis tic home, witn larse , "7 o-n..ni.- U hlock on corner. 9 frui trees, berries. grapes, shrubbery, etc. Koci-ffiee sale bv owner. See it at 6ii0 E. 31st st. Sellwood 1506. in LAURELHURST. ROSE CITY PARK and IRVINGTON. ranEinjf in price from J.'rixlO up. Many can u . n.vmont and balance about like rent. Some are new ami all are nearly new and In fine condition. Located In the best sections of these iV.0' xr. w 331 Railway Ex cha-nge bldg. Main 7511; residents phone a our T.AITRBLH t'RST. Beautiful, modern six-room bungalow, situated In the choice pan 01 wiurc. v.,, - i.Ptrn llvintr room, dandy tire place. hardwood floors' throuKhout three bedrooms on the first floor, full ec- Y.ooAmonr double Karage on a tut lot. Price $'.000: half cash, balance per cent. See this today. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Main 8150. 230StarkSt. -I rsKBT TV $2750. Walking distance. 300 fu to WR car. tn-viiin nt hard surface street, good f rooms and bath, small Raj-age fvrjJ brtr fruit trees. 544 E. 22d st. $10O0 down might take less; balance easv. SIDNEY G LATHROP. 516 Abington bldg. tSlgn or tne noracaim. TDi-ivATriv rriRX'ER. S8750. uT-n 7-i-rtom residence, beautiful lo cation. 520 East 24th st. North, comer Brazee. East 3309 or Main 4U. LITTLE HOME. $300. 50x100 lot. close In. among the trees: u blk to car: 3-room bungalow with extra floored sleeping tent: Patent toi let, gas. elect. liKhto. Balance of $.m0 pavable $15 month. 8Iph. . -AT" ROP. 516 Abington bldg. tSlgn of the horseshoe. i MODERN west side view home. J a rare grounds with great amount of shrubs, roses. natural trees and lawn; hot water furnase. large fireplace: a fine home. Price $14,000; will consider smaller house r other good property in nart: no cashVequired. Owner. L. Iv. Moore.S17Board of Trade. 6-ROOM modern, stone finish Jn living and dining room. $3600 2 blocks to Creston snool. Will take lot near or other good district and some cash as flrt payment, balance to suit. After 6 P. M.. Woodlawn6215. " IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly . har-Hwnnd floors, bulit- 1ns etc': all street improvements in and paid! $950 cash will handle it: move right in. Phone ownerLsst 4000. w r iMV.1Tn' S7O00 7-room house, perfect condition, H. W. floors first and second floors; Ivory fin ish throughout See this Mc DON ELL. East 419. Irvington. select 7 rooms, ivory finish-less than original cost; IJOOO will handle It, balance $50 per month. East 3347. 5500 MODERN 5-room bungalow, ga rage ground 100x1 00. hard surface street, 23 bearing fruit trees berries, "pwers: lit blocks to car. Richmond dl&trict- phone HMiwood2830forappointme-it. FOR SALE Small house, good bath: lot 50x156. bearing fruit trees and berries: fine location, one block to car. Price (1650. or will sell furnished. 5 E. 65th st. N "Mor.ft-j.RnnM BUNGALOW. A nicely located 3-room bongalow, large lot. close to car line, nail pay. meut. balance like rent B. M. Price & Co.. 200 Henry bldg. "Reliability. v T .RF.RTA BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, cement basement, laundrv travs. full lot. garage, fine lawn and garden. Mttreha.l303. MONT A VILLA At a bargain. 4-room modem bungalow. 2 4 blocks from car; berries, garden all In: my equity $060. Ail for $50O- Call Tabor 9Q76. BY OWNER. Business location, 5-room house. 97 feet frontage. Call 9234 Foster road. Lents. MOVE RIGHT IN" TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow, pear Union ave. and Piedmont; $350 cash will handle it. r'neme owner. r.ast FOR SALE Lot 33 1-3x100 ft. with 3 room cottage; price $2000. half cash. Sellwood 2107 FOR SALE 0S6 Union ave. orth, cot tage, five rooms, oatn. large lot. fruit, berries, teee tn is. uwner, pre m 1 sea, ROSE CITY PARK Strictly modern 7 room house on car. In perfect condition; garage. East 4921. FOK DESIRABLE homes in Hawthorne. Hone City or Alameda district from $3000 to 10000. call Tabor 350. 5-ROOM bungalow, garage. 50x100 lot. nice lawn, garden in. FhoneMarshalj 8993. HOUSE and 4 beautiful lots In Flrland Park. East lb2a. ULIL ESTATE. For Sale Hounee. NEW. modern house of six roomi and sleeping porch; fireplace in living roxmu built-lns kitchen and dining room, hard wood floors, bedroom on first floor: full concrete basement, full lot. Price $3S.0. f i rst payment small, balance at 6 per cent Nifty, new bungalow of four rooms: breakfast nook, hall and bath, large liv ing room. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, targe floored attic, full concrete base ment, stationary tubs; grounds about one acre, might divide. Close in. good dis trict. Price $."7.T.0 on very easy tervpa, O. W. Bryan. SOS Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963. Evenings. Mar. S63. WONDERFUL bargain, a -room hourt worth $."ouo and '000 of furniture, all for $30ott; house almost new, all mod ern ; full basement, wash traya. elec tric washer: one block from car; a soon as St. Johns river road is nnisnea yo can get to the city in 13 minutes; the best kind of piano. $6tK; rugs. alout $100 each: Universal range. $10; 4 brass bedsteads, springs, much built-in furniture and a great deal of furniture, too numerous to mention ; it all goss with it; come and see it; the folks are leaving city at once; price $."0O down. See G. Hofstranu, 1374 W Greeley .at. Woodlawn 5i03. . ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 7 ROOMS $3U50. OWNER MOVING TO SEATTLE. Thjs home must be sold at once. This house la oVtubie constructed, w ith full cement basement, furnace, etc. This is located 3 or 6 blocks from car. near Rose city Park school. Very liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. mrn 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 30? 2. Branch Office, 50in and bandy. . , OWNER BOUGHT LARGER HOME. CAN GIVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. HAS ENTRANCE HALL. LI N'l ROOM. DINING ROOM. BREAKFAST ROOM. K I TC HEN, FIRST FLOOR; FOUR BEDROOMS. B.VTII SECOND FLOOR: LARGE ATTIC. FL'LL-SIZfa. CONCRETE BASEMENT. GASCO FUR NACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, GA RAGE; WALKING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. MULTNOMAH ST.. NR. UNION. POlNDEXTKR. 2S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-2Q. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. ; ' That will make you a delightful horn Is offered for sale at a very reasonable price. See these 5 pleasant rooms, all on one floor; dandy fireplace, cement basement and furnace; big front porch, fine view; all improvements la and paid; In a fine neighborhood. Only S4800, with $1700 cash, balance mortgage at 6 per cent with, optional payments. MacINNIS A PRATT, Main 8S6S. 413 Board of Trade bldg. REAL HOME. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT lhOxlO; STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE ; FIRST FLOOR FINE FoK ENTER TAINING; SECOND FLOOR HAS FIVB BEDROOMS: TWO BATHS; THIRD FLOOR TWO MAIDS ROOMS. LARiid BILLIARD ROOM AND BATH; HOT W A TER H EAT. LA RO E ii AR AGE, SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POlNDEXTKR, 2U8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20. IRVINGTON. Beautiful new home Just completed; 4 large bedrooms, library, breakfast room; high class finish ; best construction throughout; price $0500. Terms, ROBERT B. BEAT. OWNER, BUILDER, 720 East 22d North. Woodlawn 4.77. BEST HOME BUY IN PORTLAND. Nothing like this for the money in the city; splendid 8-room modern house and one full block tone acre) of ground for only $6500; every variety fruit in abun dance lh full bearing and perfect condi tion; house haa bath, full cement base ment, furnace, etc; lots grape, berried and choice shrubbery; just 3 blocks from car. on E. 44th st. Hargrove Realty tjo 12U N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. 1 $2500. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. On Carson Heights, 20 minutes ,1 on Oregon Electric, with 5 Vi-cent fare; 5 pleasant rooms and bath, hot and cold water; 4 blocks to car; neatly furnished, ready to step right In and start house keeping. Can keep cow and chickens, S25u0, with SS30 cash, balance monthly. MacINNES fe PRATT. Main SS6. 413 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BNAP. ONLY $3900. Five-room bun galow ; Dutch kite h en, fireplace, basement, attic, etc.; $lluO cash. bal. $35 per month. Owner, 237 East 41th. Tabor 1037. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $5000. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow with all kinds of built-lns; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitch en in white enamel, cement basement and laundry trays, fine garage. This is a very pretty home. Come aud see lu Call Mam 5370 between 10 and 5. DON'T WORRY! The people's choice will win and so will you, providing you do not waste too much time in securing thar new bungalow In Laurelhurst; location Ideal, every modern convenience. See J. A, McCarty for full particulars, at 2T01 Stark st. Main 170o; evenings and Sun day Tabor 505L PURE ENGLISH COLONIAL, TYPE SEE IT TODAY Key at office. East 30th and Glisan sts. Less than one year old; beautifully finished in old ivory and tapestry paper; you can move right In; $1500 will han dle; a few dollars added to your Tent money will do the resu First come, first served. Tabor 3433; evenings East 2086. $0300 LAURELHURST $S500. Attractive new bungalow. 6 rooms and bath, garage, strictly modern In every detail; beautifully furnished. No. 30 Meikle place, same as 42d st. By owner. Tabor 1551. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. . $11. 0tH Vs CASH, a .T-tlMti-? rooms, llvinir room SOx?n hn firealaces first floor, two baths. second ; extra lavatories, H. W. floors throughout entire house; fine garage. heart 01 district. Mc DON ELL. EAST 419. INSURANCE. - ' FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABTLITT. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO, OFVICE. 203 SELLING BLDO. PSON1S MAIN 1800. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. A very fine home, 1 bik. from Sandy road, pretty location. lull lot. All im provements in and paid. A strictly mod ern, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, all built in features of the best. Tapestry paper, old ivorv and white finish. Very reason- ably priced; good terms. See it today. Call for owner, laoor e-tua. 100 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. Neat little 4-room cottage with sink and patent toilet, nice yard, 80x100.- ce ment sidewalks, included with the place are 2 beds. 2 springs, table, 4 chairs. 2 rockers, 1 cook stove. 1 heater and gas plate; total price $1750. Fred .W. German 1.0.. to., v. 11a.m. m v-utn. LAURELHURST. T.rnnm bungalow. Just completed Ie. gant plumbing, hardwood floors through out, tlie oainruw"!, "luo ".imnen, Wlin breakfast nook, garage. Price and terms are right. N. O. Eklund. owner end builder. Phone Tabor bsO DPitTTTFUL Rose City bungalow. 5 rooms hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases fur nace, fireplace, east front, 50xlu0-foot lot. 4-u. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main STST. T h hf, K rooms and bath, long porch nearly new. modern conv. (furniture 1: desired), big lot, near school, church, stores; country advantages right in Portland. Special discount for cash. Immediate possession. laoor PL' HZ. Avi v ir,f.o Rose City Park car. Thi is a nifty little 4-room bungalow ready n move right in; bath, gas, water, etc. Easy terms. Let us show you this. Pa cific Realty Co.. 4o9 Spalding bldg Main 847 T.iri- Ufiodstnck car to 55th St.. go north to 52d ave to 5511 52d ave and buy that modern 4-room with large floored attt. for 2 additional rooms, with 50x2u4 with fruit; a reat nunns. wuu mo v w um VERY attractive Irvington home, 7 Jovely r.m ivorv finish, corner lot. garage : this is a, complete and strictly modern home. Pacific tteaity o., aiam 0.. -aw Spalding bldg, 4:,0 NEW Rose City bungalow, whittJ enamel finish, oak floors, break f&-J room; $l"M down, balance o per cent. Tabor . OWNER, west side, walking distance; 6-1 room nouse wim ur whhu. lurniture. full cement oasernenu au wood st. Phone Marshall 46is8. - unnRRN 6-room bungalow on caved e cement basement, laundry traya. furnace. rireplace. nkPor .w-t- ROSE CITY PARK. New, 7 rooms, modern, by No agents. Tabor 1768. $1700 SMALL-house, large lot. Sunnysld car. l'U casn; oaiance as can agree. xaoor mio. MUST be sold, 7 rooms and sleeping porch auxiou ioi; coup. 00 c. ovia sc. An quire at shack north. BY OWNER 8-room house. reason abi price and terms. Call 47 E. 15th st. ttOUSE aaa lot for sale, 847 E. Bdwy, lit "Jil 109.0