10, THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, MAY 33, 1920 X.STABLI8HKD BY HKNKV L. FlTTOCaL Publlshed by Tha Ontonlan Publlahine Co., las Sixth Street. Portland. Oregon. C A. MORDEN. K. B. piper. Manarsr. tailor. Tha Oresonlao ! a member of the Asso ciated Press. Tho Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the uae for publica tion of all news dispatches credited to it cr not otherwiae credited In this paper and also the local new, published herein. All rights of republication of apeclal dispatcher heroin are aiao reserved. & ment tries to Impose economy of pa per on each other branch without practicing; that virtue itself, there ia no hope of real economy. The only hope is close scrutiny of each Item of estimates and expenditures by the Independent agencies which would be established under a budget system. (Subscription Kates Invariable la Advance (By Mail.) Xalljr, Sunday Included, on year ... Xally, Sunday included, aix montha . Dally, Sunday Included, three months. Tally, Sunday included, on month Daily, without Sunday, one year ..... Daily, without Sunday, alx month, .. Daily, without Sunday, on month. .. , Weekly, one year Sunday, one year .........- (By Carrier.) Dally, Sunday Included, one year ... Daily, Sunday Included, three montha Dally, Sunday Included, one month .. Dal) y, without Sunday, one year .... Dally, without Sunday, three montha Dally, without Sunday, one month .. How to Remit Send postoffic money order, express or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at ewner'a risk. Glv postoffice address In full, Includinc county and state. Postal, Kates 1 to 16 pages, 1 cent: J8 la 3- pages. 3 cents; 34 to 4S pages. 3 cents; 60 to 64 pages. ,4 cents; 66 to 80 fages. 6 cent: &:i to 6 pages. cents , Foreign postage, double rates. Kastera Business Office Verree Conk lin. liruuaWKH building. New York: Verres sV Conklln. Bteger budding. Chicago; . Ver. ree V Conklin, Free Press building. De- : troit, Mich. San Francisco representative. R. J. BidweU. . (8.00 4 25 .78 00 3.2i .60 1.00 . 5.00 , 9 00 , 3.23 .7S , T.80 , 1.05 . .63 THIS PRESIDENT 8TANDS PAT. President Wilson stands pat on the Proposition that the only honorable way to peace with Germany la his way. That idea is so firmly fixed in his mind that he does not deign to argue the question whether the treaty of "Versailles, unamended and with out reservations, is the only way of gaining the ends for which fought, of protecting the rights to which he refers and of fulfilling the promises he made on our behalf: he calmly assumes that to be the case TCofAiiMn rnnprtu rfeiectjl his, wav to peace and seeks to go another way, :; he blocks that other way with his vptn snri with thst atArn countenance of a dominie he tells congress that I to tak it "would place an ineffaceable " stain upon the gallantry and honor of the United States." There was a way by which the . United States could have made peace with Germany and at the same time could have protected all the rights of III!. II 11 1.11,11 mill 1 tlljltl HUTU .1 Vl 1 AVI 11, v. all the obligations to other nations , to which he refers. . That was the of the senators in the round robin of March, 1919 a treaty with Ger . many first, a league covenant after ' ward, the two being kept separate and distinct. The treaty consists of ; two parts, which have no necessary connection with each other the terms dictated to Germany and the - covenant. After fair warning from the senate, "by and with the advice and consent' of which alone he had 'authority to negotiate, he carried out . his threat to weave the two docu ments into one against the advice . and without the consent of the sen ate. If he had presented the terms with Germany for ratification apart from the covenant, there would have been little delay. Few of the Lodge reservations relate to the treaty proper, and those few were adopted by such large majorities that rati fication with them attached could have been secured. The interweav ing of the covenant with the peace terms and the president's refusal to accept any reservations which would modify It killed the treaty. All of Mr. .Wilson's fine phrases cannot . change the fact that ho is the ob stacle to peace. The last hope of peace under the Wilson administration Is now dead " killed by Mr. Wilson himself. The . United States must remain nominally at war with Germany until a new president and a new senate can agree on a form of ratification for the "Ver- ; sailles treaty or on a new treaty. ': The armistice which was originally made for 36 days bids fair to be pro longed to two and a half years or more. The powers which were granted to the president for a time of actual war may be continued through that long period of actual peace. That Is an intolerable con dition which congress did not con template when it granted those powers. The next thing on the pro gramme should be their repeal in order to bring the executive author ity into conformity with the fact of peace, for they cannot safely be left In the hands of a man of such a domineering temper as Mr. Wilson. NO HIGH FINANCE. There is no cause for hesitation In choosing between the possibility of an impaired city credit and impaired operation of the municipal paving plant. The paving plant is now confronted by one of the innumerable obstacles that always, sooner or later, confront the public's entrance "into business that is not essentially public. The plant has been awarded contracts for about $500,000 worth of work. The work, it was supposed, would be paid for by issuance of street Improve ment bonds which are a lien against the property benefited by the im provement. A charter provision limits the interest rate of such bonds to 6 per cent and requires that they be sold for not less than par. A local improvement bond that nets only 6 per cent is not at present marketable at par. Unless the bonds can be sold there will be no money with which to pay for the paving operations of the plant on the par ticular work Involved. The way out that has been sug gested is that the city itself buy the improvement bonds, using for the purpose moneys accumulating as a sinking fund to retire other improve ment bonds heretofore issued. Thus funds acquired by tax levy for a definite purpose are to be borrowed and Invested in a security which is not now marketable with the expec tation that before the money is needed for the purpose for which it was collected the securities will have become marketable. It is a specu lation, a sort of flier in the bond market, which' may turn out all right and may not. If it does not It will cause the city to default In financial obligations. It is risky and unnecessary. Portland once went into the wood- yard business and came out with a great quantity of wood that had been paid for but had mysteriously dis appeared. The city again engaged in the retail fish business. It ap parently had a whacking good trade, but when the books were closed it was found that the city had lost several thousand dollars. The exist ing city paving plant, it is our recol lection, was to have cost $26,000, but the investment has run up to $90,000. It is said that it lays pave ment cheaper than the private con tractor can or will lay it. But the same story was told of the Seattle municipal railway. It was said to be operating nicely at a 5-cent fare. An exact accountancy discovered that it was losing $500,000 a month. The city is now into the paving business on a scale not originally contemplated. Possibly it will be necessary to continue the plant in operation for repairs and mainte nance if for no broader purpose. But high and dangerous finance and undue sacrifices to keep it going to provide cheap original pavement, if indeed it truly is providing cheap pavement, are wholly uncalled for. lished volume entitled "New Italy," in which it Is shown that Italy, only a generation ago- one of the most illiterate of all nations, has accom plished marvels through building up its public schools. The sum ex pended for public elementary educa tion in 188 7 is estimated to have been 27,000,000 lire. The amount assigned at the outbreak of the war was 87,000,000 lire, in addition to 80,000,000 lire contributed by the communes separately. One result is observable in reduction of illiteracy from 72 per cent In 1882 to 38 per cent in 1915, the last year for which official figures are -obtainable. There are none in Italy, as the authors of the book point out, who regard In creased appropriations for schools as otherwise than well spent. GOVKRN.MENT WASTE OF PAPER. President Wilson's veto of an ap propriation bill on the ground that by it congress sought to usurp execu tive functions by making government publications subject to approval by the printing committee of congress may be overruled indirectly by a re strictlon on the amount of money which may be spent for that purpose. Evidence of the need for such re striction came to The Oregoman a few days ago. It is a book of 834 pages on "Government Control Over Prices" published by the war trade board in co-operation with the war .industries board. As the war ended more than eighteen months ago, ac coramg to resident Wilson, it was supposed that these ' boards had passed out of existence, but they still function. The book is a most de tailed report on the course of prices and the action of the government to control them during the war. The substance of what it contains could have been told better in a small frac tion of the space. Iot one person in "a million will even glance over all its pages. The book is almost wholly " waste paper. Congress is in no position to criti ator Smoot as chairman of the prtnt- . Ing committee has constituted htm self watchdog over the printing of- fice and frequently objects when an " effort is made to have some long document published in the Congres , slonal Record, but in his absence some senator secured consent to pub lication of the entire brief for the . wets in the New Jersey prohibition case, though it fills 24 pages of the THE TEACHER SHORTAGE. The states which, like Oregon, have taken constructive action to meet the crisis in public education have not been a day too soon in getting about it. Commissioner Claxton of the federal bureau of education, sum raarising the latest obtainable data on the teacher situation, finds tha't there are now at least 110,000 vacan cies in teaching staffs of elementary schools In the United States. The number Is likely to be 120,000, and it may even reach 150,000. Gradu ates of authorised normal schools will be fewer by 25 per cent than they were in 1916, and there will be about 16,000 of them. The largest possible number of availables of which Dr. Claxton can conceive as coming from other teacher-training institutions is not greater than 14,000, making a total of 30,000, or from less than 25 to about 30 per cent of the number required. There are 84.000 high school teachers, one-third of whom are re ported as intending to leave their professions to enter some other calling next year. The greatest pos sible number of new eliglbles for high school teaching is 9000, so that 19,000 of the 28,000 positions cannot be filled by adequately trained teach ers. Inadequacy of a policy that deferred measures for relief until the last moment is emphasized by the figures quoted. The latter do not, however, betray the full extent of the peril by which the school system Is confronted. Not-only were there between 800,000 and 400,000 chil dren who were -deprived of schooling because of schools closed as the re ults of the shortage, but, to quote Dr. Claxton further: Even more serious is the raoidlv arrow ing number of sub-standard teachers. More than half the teachers of the nation .S.in.uotk are not prepared on anv reason able basis for the work of teaching; a reasonable basis being understood to mean the minimum standard that progressive communities have long Insisted upon two years of professional training bevond the high school course. Unfortunately for tfhe , peace of mind of those who are concerned with the cost of living, the burden of lack of educational facilities is borne, by the rural districts. The cities, requiring applicants for teach ing positions first to acquire a certain amount of experience, have relatively satisfactory opportunity to choose. City parents know little or nothing of the rural problem. It probably is capable of proof that the second most important motive that draws people from the farms -to the cities is the superior opportunity for edu cation afforded by the latter. Tet the city is concerned, from many angles, with rural education. Short terms or no terms in country dis tricts persist, poor equipment is suf fered for want of funds, an unsatis factory proportion of poorly trained teachers is accepted as a measure of necessity and meager courses of study are too common. Short school AMERICAN CONTROL OF AMERICAN SHIPS. Determination of the American people to control- their own merchant marine and to use it as a means of extending their foreign commerce is shown by their proposal to have their ships classified and insured in this country, British control of the world's shipping business and com merce has been fostered by classi fication with Lloyds, a British insti tution, and by insurance in British companies. But when it is proposed to fortify American control of Amer ican shipping by like means, Archi bald Hurd, the British shipping ex pert, calls it flagwagging and tail- twisting. He tells us that Lloyds Is a private institution, "has long ceased to be a purely British institU' tion" and "has nothing to. do with either tha British government or any other government." He tells us that the sea. Is free and that government restrictions are futile. It ia no reflection on Lloyds that the American people wish to have their ships registered with an Amer ican bureau. Lloyds answered that purpose better than any other lnsti tution so long as the American mer chant marine was insignificant and so long as the United States made no effort to establish an American merchant fleet. But we have now the second merchant fleet in the world, and it may grow to equal that of Great Britain. The same reasons which caused the existence of Lloyds warrant the existence of a similar organization in this country. The American Bureau of Shipping, with which the shipping bill requires that all vessels owned by the government shall be classified, is a private insti tution, though the government is to be represented on its executive com mittee, and its success will depend on the ability and integrity of its management. Control of classification and insur ance ia one of the means by which the British merchant marine has been built up. It has given British merchants and ship owners a ready meais of gaining exact knowledge of their country's tonnage and of that of other countries, of the type of ship that is adapted to particular lines of trade and particular ports and of the commerce that is done by competing countries. That control; combined with that of cables and coaling stations, gives the British a great power over the world's trade which has gone far to establish British maritime and commercial supremacy. When the American people adopt the same means to extend their ship ping and commerce, they follow fair methods of -friendly competition. They fall in with the methods pur sued .by all other commercial na tions. Every great nation now takes precautions to retain for its own benefit its own essential resources, of which shipping is one. When Creat Britain excludes foreigners from owning mines in its territory or from managing companies incor porated under British law, though the capital is not British; decides to what countries coal shall be exported and generally enlists its government in the service of its commerce, it sets an example which the United States may well follow without being ac cused of directing its policy against Great Britain or any other country in particular. helped, but the public, we think, was the larger beneficiary. Tho distressing thought suggests Itself that the "home made" is grad ually slipping away from us. Only a favored few enjoy the old-fashioned blessings. Women who were benefited by the. exchange form of philanthropy are turning to other .and probably mora profitable em ployment. Trades and professions call them; clerical work leaves no leisure for the domestic arts; need of outside earnings Is less pressing and even necessary housekeeping Is re duced to its lowest terms. We de pend more and more on the baker for our bread, on tha delicatessen for our salads and desserts and on the neighborhood cleaning and pressing establishment for tha occasional but Indispensable bits of needlework that help us to maintain the appearance of material prosperity. Yet there still exists an insatiable appetite for thing's, made as mother used to make them an appetite not to be satisfied by the products of bakeshop or cafe teria. The army of cave and cliff dwellers In our apartment houses grows, the arts of domesticity de cline, and before we know 'it the famine in home-made products will be upon the land. BY - rnODCCTi OK THE TIMES The obligation to aid Poland to banish typhus is as pressing as was tne duty in the case of Serbia in 1914 and 1915, and- for a more Impelling reason, because, while Serbia in that period was practically isolated by the great war, numerous Poles are free to take refuge In other countries and so spread the epidemic. It is esti mated that present mortality Is at least zo per cent or all persons affected, and it is feared that, un less help is given, serious inroads will be made on the already weak. eneq population. Preventive meas ures are chiefly sanitary, but the problem is complicated by difficulty of keeping a poverty-stricken people clean and by ignorance of the masses of necessary simple measures, It is the old problem over again of filth and disease against sanitation and health, but we are debarred from holding that it is a matter In which the victims alone are interested by the fact that neglect "is likely to expose our own people to the horrors or invasion. Twelve hundred brewery workers in New Jersey have gone on strike ror higher pay. That ought to settle this talk that New Jersey is defying tne prohibition laws. If the brew ries were making real beer. I would be easy to get 1200 men to ork Jn them for nothing. The work of election boards is mple and easy and there should be no irregularities in the tally. Better pay might bring out better service, tiun is impossiDie. The man who is defeated by a small margin as recourse to a recount. A University of California profes sor has set out for the mountains to kill four grizzly bears with bow and arrow. He makes the mistake of at tributing a sense of humor to a griz ziy. we never yet heard of one that laughed itself to death. John L. Rand of Baker has nosed into success as a delegate-at-laree to Chicago and thereby a man who has battled for the party 30 years in eastern Oregon comes into a small measure of glory. Hero worship got as far last week in a sale in New York of the n iser s personal "junk" of a beer mug for $200. The buyer got it by roxy and does not need disclose his identity. Record. A few days later the drys i terms, taking the country as a whole. moved to have their brief published ! "re the rule. These are conditions also, but Smoot was on guard and objected. Thus the wets scored against the drys. As the election is pear, this is the open season for leave to print speeches that are not made, and congress will not apply to its members tha restriction which it tries to put on the government bu reaus. The waste will go on, though It has killed several hundred country papers and has driven a Louisiana editor to publish his Journal on wall paper. While each branch of the govern- which call loudest for immediate consideration. At whatever cost, there must be full-terms, with com petent teachers and practical and satisfactory curricula for every pro spective pupil in town or country. It will, of course, cost something. That the people realise this and yet do not hold baok was indicated by the overwhelming vote for the edu cation measures in the recent special election. It is, however, more than a local awakening, as we are re minded by reading a recently pub. THE DEMAND FOR THE HOME MADE. Closing of a "woman's exchange' here and 'there would not be par ticularly significant, perhaps, if it did not seem to be symbolical of a general trend. The woman's ex change originally was a semi-philanthropic institution, .designed primar ily to furnish women who had taste for indoor work with a market fo wares produced in odd- hours. Inci dentally it recognised and fulfilled a definite demand on the part of the public for goods bearing the home touch. Whether It was a bit of needle work or a glass of jelly, a patch, or a pot of beans, there were sure to be customers to whom factory efficiency and formality was anathema. We got real home-made bread salt ris ing, sometimes at 'the woman' exchanges and all sorts of delectable things that had not been spoiled by quantity production. perhaps because it never grew large enough to be Imposing tha ex change idea survived attacks made on it by economists who argued against the "pin money" standard of prices. These contended that women who were partly supported at home were tempted to offer goods below cost of production In instltu tions where living wages were paid on a large scale this would have con Mituted, it was argued, unfair eom petition that would count against better ultimate wages in industry, But the fact probably was that th public would have gone on support Ing its exchanges without placing undue weight on the price factor if It had been possible to keep them supplied. It ia worth noting that no exchange that has closed its doors thus far has dona so for want patronage. Always it has been be causa consignments were too few to make the business worth while. Women now travel in a thousand other money-making grooves. It is scarcely a century since teaching young children was practically the, only service for which a woman might accept a salary without loss of social standing. Florence Night ingale found the profession of nurs ing closed to the better1 class of women as recently as 1850. It was a brave woman who first conceived the notion that it was wholly re spectable to turn an honest penny by peeaieworx or cookery. The economi status of women has improved vastly since the first woman's exchange was founded, primarily to help needy women to eke out a living. The plan first and last has resulted in a great deal of good.- Needy women wei Democratic aspirant for presi ency refuses to talk," says a head line, referring to Mr. McAdoo. tnis is really true he is the first democrat in history to do it. Ex-Ambassador Gerard has spent 14,000 of his own money in behalf of his candidacy for president. M Gerard is almost as" much of an op timist as the kaiser used to be. Both the republican and demo cratlc national conventions are quite a little bothered by troublesome can didates. Well, there's always the Mexican method. The government experiment sta tion at Hermlston will be closed next month for lack of funds, and this in a nation that has-most of the money in the world. Official ladexer of Consrresaloaal Reo- orm Gets aiiMMO a Tear. The hearings on the sundry appro priation bill for the coming fiscal year, which were made public recent ly, revealed that Murray 8. Kless of WllUamsport. Ps- is being paid $12,- 000 a year as the "official Indexer" of the Congressional Record, Kiess got his Job a year and a half age, or after his brother. Representa tive Edgar R. Kless of Lycoming county had been appointed chairman of the house committee on printing. On the strength, of a remark by Ford, the public printer, that the work of indexing the Reeord could be done by the printing office, with out anv additional axaama to tha government, a little unofficial Inves tigation of Kiess' work was made. It revealed that since his appoint ment he has never actually indexed line of the Record himself, but has employed a staff of five to do it for him. Kiess, according to the testimony of his chief clerk, has not been Inside the Indexing office since July, al though he returns to Washington promptly at the end of every month, presumably to draw his salary from the government. - Kiess is in the graphophone busi ness somewhere in New Jersey, and is kept pretty busy with it.. Before be went into' the graphophone busi ness he was a hotel clerk. The 812,000 Is only an approxima tion contained In the legislative esti mates of Kiess' worth to tha govern ment. Actually be is allowed 11.50 for each page indexed and 3,600 more to pay his staff. A new war between north and south appeared imminent in the United States capltol the other day when Senator. Swangon of Virginia put on his war paint upon discovering that a portrait of Patrick Henry was miss ing from its place In the senate cor ridor and a portrait of Abraham Lin coln hung in its place. The Virginia senator was much perturbed and wrote an ultimatum to Senator Bran degee, chairman of the library com mittee, demanding to know what had become of the Henry portrait, why it had disappeared, if "give me lib erty or give me death" was an in-bad slogan and many other things. Things looked dark until Senator Brandegee, replying to the Swanson ultimatum, said that Patrick Henry had merely been taken down to have his (ace washed and would be put right back in his place again. Mean while the Lincoln portrait would hang in the place while the artist could give it som-i finishing touches. If so much as the1 changing of a jot of -Patrick Henry's hair or a tittle of an eyelash, Is planned," said Sena tor Brandegee, to the senator from Virginia, "you will be consulted at once." Thus war was averted. Those Who Come and Go. Gloomy is the aspect of the trav. ellng salesmen who are "making" Portland these days. Particularly de pressed are the boys who peddle the ready-to-wear garments. They com plain to the hotel clerks that they haven't been able to sell anything In Seattle and they can't get an order here. The merchants look at their wholesale quotations and refuse to buy. The salesmen have telegraphed conditions to their "house" and the wholesalers have sent them the ad- vies to stand pat. "The merchants," advise the wholesalers, "can't refuse to buy much longer, because they have to keep a stock. Keep a stiff upper llp.' Which the salesmen in terpret to mean that the wholesalers have no intention of cutting quota tions and that the present downward tendency In ready-to-wear clothing Is buttemporary. Meanwhile, however. all the salesman can do is to 'keep a close tab on their expense, account. "Taklma Is such a prosperous sec tion that its .citizens think nothing of taking a real vacation when they start out. A group of Yaklmans has arrived at the Hotel Oregon from a fishing trip in California, there being nothing sufficiently attractive for them in the piscatorial line in either Washington or Oregon waters. In the party are C. J. Lynch, who is a railroad surgeon: F. Cappleman. .who is in the confectionery business, and C. Hessey and J. D. Nichols. The quartet motored to California and drove back by way of Klamath Falls, across the high desert and Into Bend, thence to tha Columbia highway and Portland.' Following this route they report that the roads are In good condition not perfect, of course, but. very satisfactory. When they have rested, the men will move on to the Taklma country to swelter in the heat during the coming sum mer months. There is still plenty of snow around Government camp on Mount Hood. L. F. Pridemore, who is at the Hotel Oregon, says that the first car this season got through to the camp last Monday after some trouble. The road will rapidly improve as the season advances and in a few weeks will be as good as the summer tourists can expect. With the opening up of suitable weather the road work on the loop, which was interrupted by the fall storms, will be resumed. The present road contracts will probably be finished this year and it is pos sible that another section of tha loop will be placed under contract. When prohibition was ratified by the Oregon legislature W. P. Elmore lost all interest in politics. For years he was politically active on tha prohibition question and - served several terms in the legislature. Be ing a teetotaler, he made a very long and elaborate argurrent as to why the amendment should be ratified, although there waa never a question as to its ratification. As the state is now as bone dry as can be. Mr. Elmore concluded that he would not seek a nomination this year. He is at the Perkins from his home town of Brownsville. CARELESSNESS ON BOTH SIDES Instances Cited Where Pedestrians and Aotolsts Wert Indifferent. PORTLAND. May 27. (To the Edi tor.) Two news items in local papers recently set forth the circumstance of careless pedestrians who actually ran into moving automobiles, their lives being saved largely through the quick action of - the drivers of the machines, which shows that although many drivers are both reckless and careless there are hundreds of pedes trians who are equally at fault, many of whom evidently do not know where they are going or why. A few days sgo I waajrotng west on the Alder street side of Meier A Frank's when a woman came out of the main entrance walking rapidly and proceeded east while trying- to see the time of day on The Oregotvian clock. In the collision that followed har broad-brimmed hat lost the angle at whlrih aha nraf(irerl tn wean- it. and she was otherwise disarranged, especially as to her disposition. I at once apologized for the- mishap which she was distinctly responsible tor. but she was full of resentment. and, again taking tha entire blame for her carelessness, suggested to her that when in a crowd she should either look where she was goiig or stop going until she got through looking. In fact, she owes the saving of her life to the clreumstance that I am a mere man instead of a seven- passenger automobile. A short - time ago I was crosslnl Morrison street from the Northwest em bank going toward the poBtoffice and at the curb met a young woman approaching the street. She was in tently reading a letter, walking slow ly. She "kept on walking" and it was plain that tho letter wss from her John Henry she didn't know that she was proceeding across Mor More Truih Than Poetry. By .lasses J. Msataxns. A REAL JOLT. How eft are ancient dreams Ua- pelled; HOW eft are old Illusions eh.lrM Beliefs that we have fondly held. How oft they prove to be mistaken. For instance both in oroia and rhyme. We've read the offspring of a parson Waa sure, when grown to turn to crime Black crime like forgery er ar son. We've bade our progeny avoid The children of tha local preachers. Lest their young souls should be de stroyed By playing with such dreadful creatures. When burglaries have spread about The town, and i;i a panlo flung us. We've said to all our triends. "Look out! preacher's sen has come among . . us!" B"t now we find the cleric's child, ior rectitude, wins frequent lau rels. . His ways are never base or wild. And no one darea impeach his mor als. He minds his mother, goes to school. And, hard upon his graduation. Adopts and follows, as a rule. His father's pious occupation. Thus fades another fond belief That in our minds has been inherent; Statistics show that not a thief Has had a parson for a parent. It gives one very grave eoneera. Whan r.) H 1 1 1 . i n w . ... . risen street or that she waa in the gome time we may city of Portland. She was in para- " w may 00 ocked to dlse, and her life waa saved only oy That even lawvan . upset all the passengers in his car by the suddenness with which ha ap plied the brakes. Oh. no; all the accidents on tne streets are not caused by the care- lessness of auto drivers or the car conductors. And yet one morning while waiting for a car at the corner Utk Un..4unn T UT a u n, u tl-K . I ng the extent of the risk taken by 771"'" are going to both cars and pedestrians, when II summer. noticed a ear going north on Jfirtni street at a furious pace. An un- Wasted Space. broken stream of people were oss-j Prohibition Is emptying the Jails, ..., " 1 .wT.Tuul noooay seems to think of filling the driver of the car assumed thatlthem u wlth Droflteer. 8 Proarreaalag. Europe is rapidly beeomlrisr Amsrt. canized. The Italian cabinet has re- e e Sharing Oar Loxariee. With potatoes at $14 a barrel, the With 31-cent sugar and 25-cen berries, the housewife will not put up as much fruit as customary and depend on occasional "sales" to fill her stock. Sometimes it seems a young woman rather would elope than be married regularly, for the romance in it- The man, of course, agrees to any plan. If the president Instead of propos ing a mandate for Armenia had urged one for Mr. Bryar, ha would have won over the whole country. The population of Miami, Fla., has quadrupled and more in ten years. This eliminates all chance to make a pun about sour grapefruit. Two Mississippi girls, who a.re at tending a ytfung ladies' seminary in Washington, paying their first visit to the capitol, called upon Senator Pat Harrison of Mississippi before going to the senate gallery to see that august body at work. Later Sena tor Harrison, seeing the girls from the senate floor, decided that It would be very pleasant to have the two pret ty girls at luncheon with him. He went to the gallery and said: 1 would be very much honored if you young ladies would take luncheon with me." "We would be charmed," chorused 15 sweet voices, and thereupon IS pretty girls, the entire party from the seminary, rose up and Joined him. Attorney-General Palmer, who, In the main, is basing his claim to the democratic presidential nomination on an indorsement of the president's ad ministration, is following in Mr. Wil son's footsteps in another way, says the Washington correspondent of the New Orleans Times-Picayune. When the attorney-general entered politics In Pennsylvania back in the '90s he was known as Alexander M. Palmer. When he became alien property cus todian, he was known as A. Mitchell Palmer, but now all his campaign literature is being sent out with the "A" dropped, or Just "Mitchell Palm er." President Wilson was known as Thomas W. Wilson while a college student, but upon being admitted to the bar the first name was dropped and "Woodrow" came to the fore, un til now it is generally thought his parents believed one name was enough. ( It was not until recently when Governor Sproul of Pennsyl vania saluted the attorney-general. his college roommate, by the affeo tlonate term, "Alec." that attention was called toj his full name of Alex ander Mitchell Palmer. The governor of Maine was at the school and was telling the pupils' what the people of different states were called. "Now," he said, "the people from Indiana are called 'Hoosiers'; the peo ple from. North Carilona 'Tar Heels,' the people from Michigan we know s Mich-iganders." Now what little boy or girl can tell me what the people of Maine are called'?" "I know," said a little girl "Well, what are we called" asked the overnor. "Maniacs-" -Boston Herald. by the time he reached the people CoDvrlh, ,, K ., - th... wnulri hv some, hook or crook l " :. ' "J ha . ni.r. marl for him to Dass. flioate. Inc.) And there was. though he in nowise slackened his speed. His attitude plainly said: "Hey. there, get out of my way, you people. Don't you see me coming with my dangerous weapon?"' A few years ago I had occasion to In Other Days. Those Portland real estate men 111 show Kansas City something next week, and "old K. C." is not a back number, either. When the Jackson club shall meet tonight all should be harmonious, The good loser is known by his (or her) smile. The list of nominators for the San Francisco convention appears to omit the nam of one William Jennings Warwick. Everybody knew for whom Mr. MeCamant would vote and voted for him in spite of It. That is' his warrant. Mr. Griffith thinks an 8-cent fare would be about right, and apparently the voters last Friday agree with him. Th joke is on the labor temple boys with a non-union contractor doing some of the work. The appointment of Sam Koser is more reward of merit than polities. But why cross the seas to Armenia when Mexico is at our back door? " No wonder the price of coap is so high. A novel experiment of Mrs. Ernest Hirsch of Pittsburg, has proved a suc cess. Two doves owned by Mrs. Hirsch, after three weeks jof waiting. became the foster parents of a baby chicken. Mrs. Hirsch as an experi ment placed a full sized hen's egg under the mother dove. A: the time she did not believe the dove would hatch the egg and day by day watched the nest. However, tha birds alternated in sitting upon the egg and finally their patience was rewarded. A "chick" peeked its way out of the shell and immediately tried to get nut of the Best. . The other day an Indianapolis law yer took one of his women clients out to lunch. He, being discreet, decided to say nothing about the event to his wife. But the tattling friend who al ways learns of such affairs told wifey Instead, and that evening -toe was duly scolded for this misdemeanor. "But you sometimes go out to lunch with men who are our friends." pro tested her husband, "and I don't ob ject. I can't see whyyou should ob ject. Now, what Is the difference be. tween your going and my going in this way?" "Why, the difference is in the bill.' smiled the .wife. "One way you save it and the other you pay it." Indi anapolis saws Teeth appear to be troubling a great number of men these days. There is a constant trickle of out- of-towners to Portland to have teeth pulled on the theory now current that teeth are responsible for all the ills that flesh is heir to. Frank Snow, who used to be able to bite nails when he was an able seaman and later when he was a "dick," came to the Hotel Oregon yesterday from hts White Salmon. Wash., ranch to yawn In the face of a tooth car penter. J. B. GoTdthwaite of Chlloquin. Klamath county, is at the Benson with Mrs. Goldthwalte. A few weeks sgo he participated in one of the largest timber deals closed In Ore gon for the past year. ' Although a small town, dependent almost exclu sively on the forests products. Chllo quin Is shipping many carloads or lumber to the east and is one of the thriving towns of Klamath county. "We average 100 ears of hay, grain and fruits out of Hermlston a month," states J. F. McNaught. one of the founders of that irrigation 'center. "Land is selling for 1450 to 500 an acre. This is some Increase in valu ation from the days when the thou sands of acres which now constitute the Hermlston project were Just plain sagebrush and looked as un promising as the Sahara desert." Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Pickett motored from Astoria to Portland yesterday without Incident, the highway being in pretty fair shape where It Is not already paved. The miles of crushed rock which must be traversed are tough on tires, but that cannot be helped. Possibly by the end of the season the entire road between As toria and Portland will be supplied with a hard surface. H. M. Wheatley, a merchant of Sea side, motored to -Portland with Mrs. Whektley. They are at the Nortonla. Seaside expects "the season" to be in full, swing earlier this year be cause of the conventions to be held in Portland next month. Thousands of the delegates to conventions are expected to make the run down to the beach. Leaving Grants Pass at 4 A. M.. A'l Martineaux arrived at the Imperial at 10:30 P. M. . He informed Harry Hamilton that the Pacific highway is good for machines now and that it was pleasant going from Grant Pass to Roaeburg, a stretch which a few weeks ago was almost impass able owing to the mud. Mr. Marti neaux is managing the Josephine hotel at the Pass. Banker Joe E. Roman of Astoria Is at the Hotel Oregon. Mr. Roman had an experience In politics and then quit. He was a representative for Clatsop county in the 1919 and 1920 sessions of the legislature, and that proved sufficient. This time he de cided to stick to his banking and so the citizens elected a woman as his successor. Tuesly-flve Years Asa. From Th Oresonfaa of Mar S. ls5. Washington Walter Q. Graaham. be in great need of catching a west I secretary of state, died at 1:15 this side train at Derry. id roiK county. morning at bis rooms ia the Arlington l was in riaiem ana mat. statiun was i noueti. Ian mileM awav and the train was duel there in Just an hour. The livery- Edward W. Rollins of Boston, prest man !! that: for rlaubla the usual I dont of the bankiner houia of tr. tt fare for the drive he would get me I nouinj Hons, and chairman of the there in an hour, which he did, but bondholders' committee of the Port- fll tell the world" that a team Is lana i.onsoiiaate.1 Street Railwav doing some traveling to go ten miles I company, is ln ue city on business, an hour. Sunoose a man should un- dertake to drive a span of horses I It is practically an assured fact that down Washington street past the t'er- zsaya. the great violin virtuoso, will kins at ten miles an hour;- he would come to Portland during this, his first and in Jail within ten minutes. Ana trip in America. . -, nA. ,,), wAr than 1 Q.flOO auto- I mobiles dash along our streets in the Governor Lord and General C. F. business district at a lawful rat ""'" a comraanaer-m-cnier and that is an outrage on public safety. I israaier-gonerai. respectively, of the Every time a man succeeds in "ni s unru, last nigm maae puo- n..ni i.tin v" . t rt rrns ne In our uicpeuiion ox me 1st re&iment at business district and finds himself i" armory. on the curb he should fsll on his knees and thank divine grace that his chances at the Joys and sorrows of life have been providentially ex tended. . T. T. UKtK. FUND ACTUALLY CROWN SMALLER' Frasklln'a Broural Would Have Boueat More lOU Years Ago. CASTLE ROCK, Wash.. May S6. (To the Editor.) On the first page of The Oregonion, May 25, under the heading "Franklin Gift to Be used. Benuest of Philosopher in li30 wow Amounts to I86.S23, It is stated: .... . 1 1 r 11 i I. . . D-a.,lom!n A ucuucaL Ul I i iJ J '"-I'-i-----" Franklin to the city of Philadelphia toQ(ty in 1790 to be used after 100 years to I Fifty Yearn Abo. From Th Oreconlan of May 18. 1176. Chicago. Th Fenian excitement is on the increase despite the disastrous reports coming in. There is" rumor that a large number of armed men left tor the frontier. Robert Dally, who was stabbed at Cliampoeg a few days ago by O'Laugh- lin, diea Wednesday night. , Governor Salomcn and party visited Vancouver yesterday. Candidates of both parties for the legislature will sf-auK at St. Johns n,aUA llvino- In town more conven- lant and render it more aitreeable ... ... n to strangers, is to be applied by the I it's branding time In Idaho, board of city trusts to the erection 1 The hills are all agleam with grass; of public comfort stations. I The creeks are chattering as they go. Franklin may have been a great And soft mist fills 'the mountain Dhllosooher. but as a financial prophet I pass. he was a- complete failure. 'Had he I The camas flower Is blue as skies invested that 1000 for the benefit or Without a cloud or trace of storm. strangers In 1790, insteaa or Deqiream. i.s blue as bluest gentian eyes Ing it, the strangers in tne city i Which turn to ours bright and would have Deen receiving tne oene-i warm. fit 130 years. At that time. 1790, The mariposa lilies blow when a laborer got 60 cents for a More bright the bitter root's aglow 18-hour day, tne tiuuu wouia nave ac. it's branding time in Idaho. compllshed more tnan tne win today at 8 for an eight-hour day. . The larks are nesting everywhere. The philosopher better stay on nis The antelona elide o"er ths swells: Job" and the shoemaker 'stick to his There's gimp and get-there In the air. last." a. at. oiAttn-iyc i The boys are chatting round the corrals. i.avr ivomv lgak" HER PLACE I And every horse is sleek and fat; I aim ovary leuow naa nis strings , I Vn 1 V. .. r .. .. V. . .. . .. n . V. .1. If She Conanef. for Man's Jab She ' V i. . . T. i. - - ,..., Should' Kot Expect Gallantry. Or watch them "roll the steel and Wo" PORTLAND, May 37. no tne f.ai- 1 A nule a minute, for you know tor.l As I was riding homeward this it s branding time in Idaho, evening on a crowded street car i began to question the rlghtness 01 it's branding time in Idaho! the common courtesy shown to My! How I'd like to auit the town. women by the other sex, namely, the I And "fork a bronk" and let him throw offering of seats to women regara- His mettle till he settled dewn. less of age or physical ability. I am a returned soldier. When 1 returned to our Rose City from France I discovered that positions formerly occupied by men were .now held bv women. And, more than that. 10 per cent of the office force was comDOsed of marriea women wjtn able husbands. ' Does not this lead to a conditioa wharnbv It will take two ueople. man and woman, to earn the livelihood f ths family? Therefore, also, since woman Is competing with man in his former field, should she not, in all fairness, be considered as man and stand In the street car as men do without the I'd like to run in on the boys. And take a "soak" at -"Slim" anal Bill. . And add my "six-pop" to the noise. Ana nunt tne cnuck and feed my fill. And swap our new lies Just as thouerh They every one were really so At branding time in Idaho. I'd like to ride the grassy trails. near tne spur chains and the spade; And watch the "raaverjeks" twist their tans Before the branding fire is mari I want to watch some chap get piled. jr swing a loop and let it whirl; To hear former President William Howard Taft speak at the auditor lum last night, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Carter came in from Waluga and registered at the Multnomah. Waluga is a postoffice in Clackamas county and Mr. Carter is the man who sells the stamps. E. G. Ames, president of tha Puget Sound Mill -company, and Fred W. Alexander, both of , Seattle, Wash., are registered at the Multnomah. The company operates large sawmill establishments at Port Gamble and Port Ludlow, Wash. Mrs. A. A. Smith and children of Baker, accompanied by Miss Wanda Jenkins, are arrivals at the Benson. Mrs. Smith's husband was formerly representative in the legislature for Baker county. Former state Senator E. M. Rands of Stevenson, Wash., is registered at the Multnomah with his old tilllcum, E. P. Ash. who is a banker and mer chant In the same town. Mrs. R. R. Lewis, whose husband is ths president and manager of a mercantile company at Echo, Or., is an arrival at the Multnomah. C. E. Roust, manager of the Madras Trading company at Madras, In cen tral Oregon, ia at the Multnomah I while In town on business. courtesy above mentioi.ea osing i or see the cook get good and riled shown to her? AN KX-SOLDIKR I Because we guyed him 'bout his girl nelraratea National Convention). I Ah. arrowood's as white as snow. FOREST GROVE, Or., May zi. uo And uod j in everything belnw the Editor.) 1. How many oeiegates i At Dranaing time in Idaho. will there be to the republican na tional convention at Chicago? 2. How many delegates will mere De un pledged? 3. Give the name of one delegate from each state who is un- rjlede-ed. A READER FOR 35 YEARS. 1. 9M. . Ths last compilation gave the nmhr of uninstructed delegates at Oregonian should roast the tar out There were still 57 delegates to of .""!" People? There Is never I .I. e .I,.ii.. f vo, 'w appropriation for any- siem. - thing outside of Salem but what eludes a number wno nave oeen in- Marion county votes against it. I struoted for favorite sons, but are for one would like to sea those suDDOsed to give their candidate only Marion oounty voters get what is a -complimentary vote. 3. The information Is not available. GUY FITCH PHELPS. Marlon's Srlfishnrss Rails, GRANTS PASS. Or., May 26. (To tha Editor.) I just , read The Ore gonian's statement that Marion coun ty voted against all the school bills and soldiers' bill. Now. don't you think, it about time a paper like The Law on MerriasTcn. PORTLAND, May 25. (To the Edi tor.)!. Must a wedding ceremony in Oregon be performed in the county of which the bride is a resident? 2. Is it necessary that the wit nesses of a wedding ceremony have a previous acquaintance with the con tiactlng parties? - P. P. PERKINS. 1. The license must be issued tn the county of whloh the bride is a resi dent, but tho ceremony may be per formed In any other county. a. No. coming to them that is. someone In itiate a bill to remove the capttol from 8alem to Portland and let them know why. Then, maybe. In the fu ture they will realize there are ether places in Oregon . besides Salem and Marion county. CHARLES WHITE. Mind Reader Preferred. London Opinion. "Why did you ask those people to wait. Marie V "I wanted ro ees if you were in. madam." "A good maid can always tell from the look of visitors whether her mis tress is tn or out."