r STREETCARCOIflY AGAIN ASKS RISE THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920 member of the commission already has gone on record in favor of a 7-cent fare and 1-cent charge for transfers. Mr. Williams, at the time of his election over Frank Miller, made hia campaign on the platform that 6 cents was too much for a 6-cent ride, and he is not expected to Join with Mr. Corey. This would leave Mr. Buehtel the deciding factor in dis posing of the present application. GRIFFITH SEES 8-CEM FARE Hearst's Magazine a Liberal Education! Measures' Defeat Brings New Petition. EARLY HEARING EXPECTED Chairman Buehtel of Public Serv ice Commission Ixoked Upon as Deciding Factor. SALEM, Or., May 26. (Special.) Defeat of the three measures designed to furnish financial relief for the Portland Railway. Light & Power company by the voters of Portland at the special election last Friday has resulted in another application for increased rates on the traction lines of the corporation being filed with the Oregon public service commis sion. The application was received here today, and probably will receive the consideration of the commission within the next few weeks. Similar application was filed by th streetcar company late last year, and in February a hearing: was held in Portland. On March 23 an order was issued by the commission in which it was recommended that the matter of furnishing financial relief through the purchase of the rails of the corporation by the city, elim inating of bridge tolls and free trans portation be referred to the voters. This order was signed by Fred G. Buehtel, chairman of the commission, and Fred Williams. In a dissenting opinion H. H. Corey favored a 7-cent fare on the traction lines of the com pany, together with a charge of 1 cent for transfers. M eannrea Embody Recommendations. The recommendations of Mr. Buehtel and Mr. Williams were embodied into measures by the city attorney of Portland and submitted to the voters there at last Friday's election. All three of the measures were defeated by large majorities. "In the tabulations, statements and estimates of operating revenues and expenses submitted at the time of the previous investigation of the corpora tion's financial condition, reads the application received here today, "and especially with reference to the re port submitted by J. P. Newell on behalf of the city of Portland, it was estimated that revenues from opera tion of street railways during the year 1920 would be equal to the rev enues for the year 1919 based upon a continuance of the existing 6-cent fare, and in accordance with the said estimate the evidence before the pub lic service commission demonstrated that the loss in operation of the street railways of Portland on said basis would exceed $1,000,000 per year." Quarterly Revenue Compared. A comparison of the revenue of the treet railways of Portland for the months of February, March and April of 1920, with corresponding months of 1919, is set out in the latest appli cation of the corporation, as follows: 1f20. 1919. Decrease. February. .$"37.S;:r.40 f35S.271.15 $20.4:W.73 March 337.108.36 397.028.46 19.1)20.10 April 37G.S4o.31 382.921.00 7,075.74 The first 24 days of May, 1920, ac cording to the application, show a de crease in excess of $5000 below the revenues for the first 24 days in May, 1919. Regarding this falling off in revenues the application says: "It is apparent that no relief has been secured through increased traf fic, and on the contrary traffic haa slightly decreased since the last hear ing. Wages of employes of the street railway department have not de creased since the previous hearing. Such changes In wage scales as have been made have been increases. "Maintenance expenditures have been held to a minimum and it is of vital importance to the continuity of service that there be an immediate considerable increase in expenditures for maintenance of the street railway property. The losses in operation now being experienced are but a continu ation of a long period of loss in the operation of the street railways of Portland and the financial endurance of your petitioner is now exhausted." Mr. Rarbfrl Deciding; Factor. At the Investigation into the claims made by the railway corporation in its application, it is probable that the commission will not ask for any tes timony dating back, of the last hear ing, but will confine its probe to changes in the condition of the com pany's finances since that time. Considerable interest attaches to the outcome of the pending investiga tion for the reason that Mr. Corey, a President of Company Makes State ment Following Filing. Defeat of the street railway relief measures proposed by the city coun cil to the voters, together with an nual deficit of more than $1,000,000 is the reason for the immediate appli cation by officials of the Portland Railway Light and Power company for a rehearing on the rate case. "The sword has long been over our heads," said Franklin T. Griffith, president of the company, yesterday. "The voters knew through figures de veloped at the last rate case hearing that the company was facing an an nual deficit in excess of $1,000,000. "And with the defeat of the relief measures prepared by the city, I per sonally can see nothing but an eight cent fare to absorb the deficit." It is not believed that the public service commission will be forced to spend any great length of time In reviewing the case, in the event that the application for a re-hearing is allowed. All facts and figures have been developed by the commission and the last order issued by the commis sion is held to have intimated that defeat or the relief measures would necessitate an increased carfare. NAVAL VACANCIES FILLED WALTKR DEV JR. AND FRANCIS " GARDNER ARE APPOINTED. Senator McXary Names Portland Youths to Enter Academy at Annapolis June 14. Xews of the appointment by Sena tor McXary of Walter Chester Dey Jr. and Francis Hartt Gardner, both 18 years old, to the United States naval academy at Annapolis was re ceived last Monday, by the successful candidates. The new term starts June 14. and they will leave June 8 to enter. Walter Dey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dey of 689 Irving street and has been attending Lincoln high school, where he is president of the Hi-Y's. a student organization. Krancis Gardner lives v.'ith his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gardner, at 562 East Ash street and has been a student at Oregon Agricultural col lege. He formerly went to Washing ton high school in this city. The appointments were not compet itive, but came direct from Senator McXary. William H. Kendall, son of Mrs. H. F. Kendall, 587 East Fourteenth street Xorth. has passed successfully the examinations for entrance Into West Point military academy and is a presidential-appointee to that school, ac cording to a message just received from the war department. Young Kendall is a former student of Wash ington high school and the University of Washington. He plans to leave to enter West Point about July 1. I EKD f makes sturdy people lis Jlrfog?3fr. 4ftC'irf f) ' The steam cooked C and double to as ted J O AT: F O QD t0 Aged Friend of University . .Insists on Voting. J. D. Myers. Inable to Walk to PoIIk. la Taken by Automobile to Show Hla Intereot In Higher Education. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, May 25. (Special.) One of the friends of Oregon who - insisted on going to the polls last Friday to make his vote count for the University of Oregon on the millage bill proposition was J. D. Myers. 81 years old, who helped build Dead" hall, the first building on-the campus, back in 1876. Mr. Myers tried four times to walk to the polls from his home, three blocks distant, but his great feeble ness made this impossible, and he finally went in an automobile. He re turned home happy in having been able to help the institution in which he had so long been interested. Mr. Myers came to the United States from Switzerland and is a pioneer of L.ane county. He was an Indian fighter, and surveyor in early days. .Mrs. Frank barrord. wife of one of the business office staff of the univer sity. is his daughter. Obituary. Bloyd and Lois Garnet, who. were victims of the fire at the W.-H. Bloyd home early Sunday morning, were held from the Christian church this afternoon by Rev. W. H. ' Andrews, pastor of the local church, and Rev. Goodwin, pastor of the Castle Rock Christian church. The grirls were members of the Christian church. Interment was in the I. O. O. F. ceme tery. Mrs. Bloyd, who was burned and injured, and Miss Helen Bloyd, who was severely burned, are re ported to be somewhat improved. OREGON" CITY, Or., May 26. (Spe cial.) Got t hid Conrad, a resident of Stafford, Clackamas county, died in this city Tuesday. Mr. Conrad came to Clackamas county about ten years ago and pur chased a little home in the Stafford section, where he had since resided. He was sing-le. The funeral will be held from the Holman & Pace chapel tomorrow at 2 o'clock. CENT R ALIA, Wash., May 26. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Jessie M. Edwin of Bur lington. Vt., died suddenly Tues day at the home, of her sister, Mrs. Rachel M. Woolsey, in this city, where she was visiting. The body will be sent to Burlington for interment. Mrs. Edwin was TO years of age. HOQUIAM. Wash"., May 26. (Spe cial.) Clarence McMasters, a resident of Hoquiam for many' years, died Monday night at the age of 58. ' a. I SALEM. Or.. May 26. (Special.) DEFAULT DECREES GIVEN MARRIAGE TIES FOR EIGHT COUPLES ARE SEVERED. Second Hearing Granted Alberta Weller Two Cases Are Taken Under Advisement. John M. Williams. -Oregon pioneer of was convicted for non-support. Others 1850, died Monday night at the age of Treceiving decrees were as follows: 91 years. For several years he was deputy assessor of Linn county. - Mr. Williams was born in Missouri and was a member of the Baptist church. After leaving Albany he lived in Port land until coming to Salem. He is survived by three children, J. B. Wil liams, Portland: H. L. Williams, and Mrs. Martha L. Brink of Washington. At HOW DIAMOND STAR REGAINED HEALTH Followers of major league baseball! a till remnber Joe Armstrong, whoN lives in Spokane. Wash., where he is engagetl as a painting contractor. Mr. Armstrong recently recovered from en Illness which threatened to com pletely undermine his health and he now f Jels practically as well as he did in hi most active days on the ball field. Discussing his illness recently at his home. No. 126 'i West Second ave nue. Spokane. Wash.. Mr. Armstrong said : 'I have always lived an active out door life and I think the work 1 am now following was a contributing cause of my breakdown. My blood became very thin and I felt myself growing weaker from day to day until I lacked my customary energy. I became nervous and could not sleep. Then I became fidgety and did not know what to do. My appetite was poor and food did not agree with me. 'One day a friend of mine said he knew the very thing to help me and on his recommendation 1 began treat ment with Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. In a very short time I was convinced that the pills were all that he had claimed for them. My appetite im proved In a week and then I found that 1 could sleep soundly and felt rested in the morning. Gradually my nerves gained strength and now I am almost as well as 1 have ever been. I have told others about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for 1 know that they are a good tonic." To build up the blood there is one remedy that has been a household word for a generation. Dr. Williams' Pink 4'tlls for Pale People. They tone up the entire system, make the blood rich and red. strengthen the nerves, increase the appetite, put color in the checks and lips and drive away that unnatural tired feeling. Plenty of sunlight, good, wholesome food and fresh air will do the rest. A valuable booklet, "Building Up the Blood." will be sent free upon re quest. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will be sent . by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price CO cents per box. by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady. N. V. Adv. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., (Special.) Mrs. Sarah L. pioneer, died at her home here Mon day. The funeral was held Wednes day from the Christian church of which Mrs. Knox was a life-long member. Rev. Mr. Kellems of Eugene officiated. Interment was in the Masonic-Oddfellows cemetery. Mrs. Knox was born in Iowa January 31, 1850. Mr. Kaox died in 1901. Surviv ing children are: Miss Mamie Knox of this city. Roy R. Knox- of Albany, Mrs. E. C. D. Price of San Francisco and Frank Knox of this city. ii. v a(,u, wasn.. May zs. (Spe cial.) Mrs. James Matthews, long a resident of the peninsula at Ocean Park, died at her home Friday even ing after a short illness. Three chil dren survive, two sons, James and William, and a daughter. Mrs. Emma Whealdon of Nauel; also several grandchildren. The funeral was held Sunday with interment in the Ocean Park cemetery beside Tier late hus band, the Rev. James Matthews, who died 14 years ago. ABERDEEN. Wash.. May 26. (Special.) Carl Larson, over SO years old. a naturalized citizen who for many years had made his home on the Harbor, was. found dead in his lodgings Monday by Rev. O. W. estung of the Swedish Lutheran church. Mr. Larson had been con fined to his bed about ten days, and it is believed he died some time be tween Saturday and Sunday morn ings. The dead man has a sister in Oregon and funeral arrangements will be deferred until she can be found. Mr. Larson, according to his papers, had been naturalized 28 years. ABERDEEN". Wash.. May 26. (Spe uial.) Mrs. Maggie Ether Phillips, 40 years old. wife of Charles D. Phillips, is dead after a protracted illness. Mrs. Phillips has resided in and near Mon tesano for the past 27 years. At one time she was a teacher in the Aber deen schools. Funeral services were held Monday from the Christian church at Montesano. Mrs. Patrick Calloway. who has been seriously ill for several weeks at her home in McCleary, following a long period of illness, is dead. Mrs. Calloway came here in the early days, settling on the Mox Chen a lis river. Burial will be at Klma. Mrs. Nessie Elizabeth Fadden. wife of William J. Fadden of Cosmopolis, died Saturday night at the family residence. Her widower and two small children survive. INDUSTRY MAYBE ASKED Penitentiary Manager Kxpected to Make Recommendations. SALEM. Or., May 26. (Special.) Dr. R. Lee Steiner. who was tempor arily in charge of the state peniten tiary following the resignation of R. L. Stevens as warden, said today that all information gathered on his recent visit to prisons in the eastern states would be turned over to L. E, superintendent of 41 siates wouia oe iu 1 Compton, present May 26. he penitentiary. Knox, a p it js understoo ood here that Mr. Compton, acting on information re ceived from Dr. bteiner, will recom mend the establish men-t of at least one industry at the prison. This, it is supposed, will require an appropria tion which will be formally requested at the next session of the legislature. Eight default divorce decrees were granted yesterday by Presiding Judge ile Court, and two others were taken under advisement after the usual Wednesday grist had been gone through. A second hearing in the suit of Al berta Weller against Henry C. Weller also was (granted, and the judge set aside his former order denying a de cree and giving the divorce. Weller was overseas as a cook in the army and declared himself to be suffering from shell shock. When Mrs.. Weller first appeared, complaining. .of cruel and inhuman treatment and being forced to live wit, her husband's dis agreeable relatives. Judge McCourt denied the decree and ordered the de fendant in to hear the statements. The man declared he would not live with his wife again. - Olive Duncan was granted a divorce from T. E. Duncan, who not long ago Antonio Forlice, from Mrs. F. F. For lice: Verdi Tite, from George Tite; Arthur . I Paughborn. from Alice Paughborn; Edward Peterson, from Mrs. F. F. Peterson; John W. King, from Mrs. L. R. King; Mary M. Rack et, from Oscar Hacket, and Anna Sonnekes from F. J. Sonnekes. Judge McCourt took under consid eration the complaints of Kittle C. Harris against J. I. Harris and Nellie . Jones against Ernest G. Jones DALLES TO DIG TUNNEL Movement Started to Increase City's Water Supply. THE DALLES. Or.. May 26. (Spe cial.) To increase the city's water supply the water commissioners to day decided to run a tunnel through the solid rock near Hansen's mill on hte - east fork of Mill creek, about 15 miles from this city. Bids for the work will be called about June 5. The tunnel will be rushed to comple tion in order that the city may have more water durins the summer months Experts say that when completed the tunnel will insure a eix-inch stream of water. KELSO, Wash.. May 23 The funeral services (Special.) for Goldi four Hard Working Heart By Le H. Smith, M. D. The heart is a won derful double pump, through the action of which the blood stream is kept sweeping round and round through the body, at the rate of seren miles an hour. A healthy stomach turns (he food we eat into nourishment for the blood stream and the nerves. No one suffers from colds or catArrh who has plenty of red blood corpuscles and a good digestion. Catarrh in all its forms is a stagnation of the blood. Introduce pure sm, and health is assured. Ir. Pierce, pave to the public an altera tire and named his "Golden Medical Discov- r." It is sold by all druggists the world orer in tablets liquid, and is just the thing to put the body in the best of coivdfeio. It is a tonic, alterative and nervine, which contains DO alcohol, and has the ingredients printed on the label. "Golden Medical .Discovery" assists the digestive functions, as similating the food and taking from it what is necessary for - . . . , . . , . - . feeding the blood. iTtus tne wooa wkos on a new vigor ana vi tality. This corrective remedy nature put in the forest for keeping us heakhy. One feels strong, vigorous and full of "pep," instead of weak, nervous and "played out." Send 10c for trial pkg.. oi tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Baffalo, N; Y., or, send for a free medical bocjdet on any disease or free medical advice. rtj S red blood into the sysl n over fifty years ago, fill blood tonic which he How Many of Us Are Really Honest? Do you always hunt up the con ductor who forgot your fare? Or return the book you borrowed? Gr admit the suit you are trying to sell is not a perfect fit? Where is the dividing line between actual dishonesty and mere shrewdness between sharp practice and good business? What would you do in each of the thirty-six delicate situations described by Edgar Mott Woolley in his article "-Diogenes with a Searchlight?". See Page 21, Hearst's for June , lit m m nm "It was after midnight when he descended to the floor of the mill. Suddenly there stood in the middle of the floor a woman with her hair hanging down and wounds on her head." GHOSTS MAKE GOOD DETFXHWES By Sit; Arthur Conmrt Doylm Hmrwt'm for Janm "We were hidden in the bashes close behind the tank when the train rolled in. We waited until the angina had taken water then we slipped out of oar hiding- place." MY CAREER OF CRIME jtaonymeue . Hunl'i for Jane In Hearst's for June Sir Hall Caine Blasco Ibanez Bernard Shaw Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Senator Hiram Johnson Donn Byrne Robert W. Chambers Roland Pertwee Edward Mott Woolley Maurice Level Walt Mason Dana Gatlin and many other notable contributors Did You Ever Want to Be a Bandit? Did you ever plan to be a train rob ber when you grew up? Doctors, lawyers, ministers and other re spectable citizens who failed to re alize this natural boyhood ambition may yet enjoy a vicarious thrill by reading "My . Career of Crime," the autobiography of a train robber which starts in Hearst's this month. This exciting narrative and inter esting study of criminal psychology is, for obvious reasons, published anonymously. See "I Rob My First Train," on page 12 of Hearst's for June "I came to mvseif nnder a pile of wreckage. Agonixed calls for help filled the air. Be tween two beams that crossed over my head I could see a little bit of sky. It a mused me." THE. 10:50 EXPRESS By MMttrrom Lmwmt Hrwtm for Jan He Never Drew a Salary He went into business for himself at an age when other boys were playing marbles today be provides jobs for 100,000 men. He saved Hoover's Belgian Relief Fund with a gift of $100,000 he spent $1,000, 000 from his own pocket postpon ing Russia's impending collapse, thus saving many American lives. He is one of America's greatest business men yet he is so modest that not one man in a thousand has even heard his name. See "He Never Drew a Salary," in Hearst's for June mm - I "Against the bare wall toodTisaa, both t extended, her hands flat against tba plaster, and each hand transfixed and pinned against the wall Dxa lenue. &neeUng-atherteet SANANG, SLAYER OF SOOLS By Jtobcrt W. Chmmbwm TTmrnrufB for Juom A Government Based on Humanity What is the secret of Senator John son's phenomenal victories in the Republican primaries ? Why did he carry Michigan by an overwhelming majority? Why, when his name was not printed on the ballot in Illinois, did 53,000 citizens take the trouble to write in his name, giving him four times as many votes as were cast for Theodore Roosevelt in the Illinois primaries four years ago? If you want to know what Johnson stands for read his article "Two Challenges to My Americanism," in Hearst's for June Remorselessly he spread out before the court the whole story of her past.' THE MASTER OF MAN. The New Novel by SIR HALL CAINE. TF you are easily satisfied if you aren't always on the lookout for a better maazme you won't want Hearst's this month or any other. But if you really want the works of the world's great writers, the words of the world's great thinkers don't fail to make sure each month starting today with the June number of your copy of AMagcuzine, withaMissioix On Sale at All News Stands