THE 3IOBMXO OREGOXTAN, TIITJKSDAT, MAY 27, 1920 V VATICAN IS VISITED BY BRITISH ENVOY Mission Supposed to Bear on Irish Problem. GREAT PRESSURE EXERTED Dublin Castle Anxious to Prevent Archbishop Mannli From Going to' Ireland. to catastrophe. I replied: Tou let os drift Into catastrophe.' " Another document gives an account of the conversation between Field Marshal von Hlndenburir. General Ludendorff and Chancellor von Beth- mann-Hollweg at Pless.on-January 9, 1917, at which Von Bethman-Hollweg said: "U-boat war is the last card. It is a very grave decision. If the military authorities regard it as in dispensable I am not in a position to deny it" Von Bethmann-Hollweg also said: "America's aid. if she comes in. will consist of foodstuffs for England, financial assistance, flying machines and a volunteer army." Von Hindenburg: "We will fix them all right. The opportunities for. un restricted U-boat war are as favor able now as they ever will be. We can and must carry it out." 1 SUGAR BROKER PROTESTS fCopyrlsht by the New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) LONDON, May 26. (Special Cable.) Great interest and curiosity attach to the recent Journey of Arthur Bal four, former premier, and until re cently foreign secretary to the Vati can where he has had an audience with Pope Benedict XV. This diplo matic mission is expected to have a very significant bearing on the Irish problem and the relations of -England and the Vatican as they are af fected by the political activities of Sinn Fein. Mr. Balfour was undoubtedly sent to Rome after San Remo with the hope of forestalling a visit of the Irish bishops summoned there for the canonization of the Irish saint, Olive Plunkett. The Idea was to influence the pope to Induce the Irish hierarchy to disassociate itself from Sinn Fein, if not to denounce it, the correspon dent on the Daily Mail in Rome writes: "1 understand that Arthur Balfour's long audience with the pope last week was devoted chiefly to a government statement of the case of Ireland, and that his holiness will tomorrow hear the other side from the Sinn Fein leaders assembled here. He has al ready conferred with the Irish bish ops. It is possible that the pope may express to the Irish pilgrims his de sire for Irish peace." Attempt Latest of Many. One of .the main planks of British hostility to home rule is that it means "Rome rule," but Mr. Balfour's visit is only the latest-of many attempts of the British government to enlist this supposedly baneful Vatican power on their side. With Leo XII such an ef fort practically succeeded, but the re ception of the pope's intervention by Catholic Ireland is not ll'sely to en courage Benedict XV to follow his example, even if he is so disposed, of which there is no evidence. When Cardinal Secretary of State Merry Del VaL whose angliphile ten dencies are well known, ordered that Archbishop Stoner, dean of the Eng lish Catholic hierarchy, be the cele brant of high mass at the Plunkett canonization ceremony, the Irish bish ops entered a strong protest that an Englishman should be thus associated with this Irish canonization, and Merry Del Val was forced to com promise by naming an Italian prelate Instead. Archbishop Mannix of Melbourne, now enroute for Ireland and Rome via the United States, is the leader of the Sinn Fein movement in Austra lia, where, according to Agency dis patches, his departure from Mel bourne was marked by scenes rival ing those when Premier Hughes re turned from Paris with the rich prizes he secured fy Australasia. The British government is anxious that Archbishop Mannix be prevented from going to Ireland, but Mr. Bal four, on the contrary, found that a powerful influence is being exerted in the Vatican to secure for him the suc cession to Walsh as archbishop of Dublin, the latter being disabled by age and enfeebled health. Archbishop Mannix. as aggressive a Sinn P'einer as the archbishop of Dub lin, would give a new and still more carious turn to events there, and his mere visit to the country is causing the gravest apprehension at Dublin castle. KnrplUa Xloaali Invited. An invitation has been addressed by the British government to the leader of the Egyptian nationalists, who claim independence for their country, to come to London to negotiate terms. This action is thought in some quar ters to prelude a similar invitation to Sinn Fein. The Egyptian nationalists replied that they must have an out line of Great Britain's ideas of the terms of peace before deciding whether the journey is worth while. This invitation follows the futile at tempt on the part of the Milner com mission to get into touch with them In Kgypt. Similarly- it is rumored that Chief Secretary Hamar Greenwood in Ire land has fruitlessly sought negotia tions with . thp Sinn Fein chiefs through an unofficial intermediary. Sinn Fein will .only deal with duly accredited British representatives. and win decline all meetings even with these until Britain's army of oc cupation is withdrawn. Thus a com plcte deadlock has arisen and is likely to continue until either the Sinn Fein is beaten or the British government is convinced that war on Ireland is not worth the candle. CHARGES AGilSST REFTVERS HELD rXTKHJXTJED. Caoner Doubtful About Cost of Refining Justifying Present Price of Commodity. HOOD RIVER, Or, May 26. (Spe cial.) A recent statement made by H. F. Davidson, blaming sugar' refin ers in part for the serious situation in canning circles at present brought a response from H. M. Haller of Port land, of the Kellcy-Clarke company, manufacturers' agents, who repre sent sugar refiners. Mr. Haller wrote: . "The refiners are not making as much profit today in refining and selling sugar as. they did in 1P1S under government supervision. The cost of refining has materially in creased since 1918. "I read with interest your remarks to the growers and I think they were timely. If the jobbers and retailers stock up heavily this year on high priced goods which cannot be used, prices in the future will go much lower than they would otherwise." - '. Replying to his letter, Mr. David son, who is vice-president of A. Ru pert & Co., one of Oregon's largest canners, 3aid: "Taking your statements in the ab stract, I should say that no complaint could be made acainst the refiners. On the other hand, I am still of the opinion that sugar is costing the pub lic too much and am very much in doubt about the cost of. production and refining justifying such prices." Mr. Davidson cent the letter from Mr. Ha-ller to the head office of Ru pert & Co., and the following comment was made by Walter A. Frost of the sales department of the "I have no dcubt that Kelley Clarke's figures are absolutely correct, and they say figures won't lie, but it has been proved that they will, at times, and I don't think there is any question about the refiners inakin enormous profits cn sugar at present. In any event, I can't see why Mr. Haller should rush into print to de' fend the refiners." U'REN HAS RftDlCUL PUN PRESENT FORM OF STATE GOV ERNMENT WOULD BE UPSET. I want Portland mothers to know the benefits of this real clothing sale In dollars and cents the volume of men's business naturally is greater, but the ratio of savings is just as great in the boys' clothing as in the men's! Portland mothers and fathers, too can buy during this real cloth ing sale the finest and best boys' clothes in America at reductions of 20 and more. Here are the country-famed Skolny Clothes and the wonderfully good Wearpledge In sured Clothes for boys at prices which make generous buying an im perative duty. If I had boys I'd buy suits in pairs and in trios at such prices! So let the mothers come with their boys! The second floor holds the boys' and young men's clothes. Steady and continuous buying con tinues in the men's department. Last week's arrivals served to fill up the depleted ranks. There are actually regiments of suits here from which to choose. The reductions begin at 20, but they average much more! Suits for Men and Young Men Including Hickey-Freeman, Skolny, L System. - . $40 and $45 Suits . $30 $50 and $60 Suits $40 $65 and $70 Suits $50 $75 and $80 Suits $60 Boys' Belted Suits With one and two pairs of "knickerbockers" All $15.00 Suits at $9.65 $16.50-$18 Suits $13.65 $20-$22.50 Suits $14.65 $25-$27.50 Suits $17.65 $30-$35.00 Suits $22.65 Suits for Juveniles All Suits up to $7.50 re- fc a duced to Dtt.OO All Suits up to $10 re- ti T Q r duced to J) ,OJ All Suits up to $15 re- CT duced to . ... J7aOD All Suits up to $20 re-A f o Qr duced to J) 1 JiOD It's an Opportunity, Men, in Real Clothing Sale! This Men's Colossal Shirt Sale Regular $3.50 and C O A T? $4 Shirts bZ.4t) Regular $5 and ?6 t o O E? Shirts PJO0 Regular $7.50 and fi Jt r p $8.50 Shirts O4.00 BEN SELLING "isas Clothier Morrison at Fourth Scheme to Be Submitted to Labor Council and if Approved Pe titions to Bo Circulated. W. S. TJ'Ren has devised a pro gramme for the absolute upsetting of the present form of state government and if the central labor council likes the proposition, petitions to place it on the November ballot will be circu lated. If the labor council does not approve, the measure will be held in reserve for the 1932 ballot, explains Mr. U'Ren. Under the proposed measure, the state will abolish the senate and have legislative body- of 100 members; the legislature is to elect the gov- mor for an indefinite period. Instead of registering; as republicans and democrats or other party affiliation. voters are to register according to their line of work. Here is the way the legislature is to be composed un der the U'Ren plan: Fourteen fanners. 14 farm house wives. 5 farm laborers, 4 tenant work ers. 3 merchants. 2 manufacturers, 7 railroad and other transportation workers, 3 mall clerks and salesmen. loggers and sawmill workers, 3 professional men (capitalists, law yers, doctors, bankers, priests and editors). 20 town dwelling house wives, 2 women factory workers. 3 women clerks (stenographers, sales women and school teacheis), 1 for fishermen, 1 for actors and other the atrical employes, and 1 for personal and domestic servants. The measure is sponsored by the peoples' power league and among the advocates signing an introductory let ter are Otto Hartwig. George M. Orton, W. E. Kimsey and Dr. C. H. Chapman. DILEMMA IS NOT FEARED! 30 CONTRACTORS FOR CITY AP- PEAR BEFORE COUNCIL. SECRET PRDTOCDL PUBLIC GERMAN TJIOAT WAR PLANS ARE REVEALED. Documents Show Von' Hindenburg AY il ling to Go Any Length to Bring End of Fighting. BERLIN. May 26. (By the Asso ciated Fress.) Secret protocols on the submarine war now published elude an account of the conference held at Piess on January 8 and 9, 1917, between 1- leld .Marshal von Hindenburg. General Ludendorff and Admiral von Holtzendorff and other naval officers. Admiral von Holtzendorff advocated unrestricted U-boat war, about which however, he asserted the German em peror and Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg seemed to be lukewarm. During the course of the conversa tions. von Holtzendorff said: "What shall we do if the chancello refuses?" Von Hindenburg: "That is what bothering me, too." Von Holtzendortr: "Then you mus become chancellor. But von Hindenburg repeatedly re fused, saying he could not talk in the roichsiag. Finally the fie Id marshal said: "Well, then we will stick to gether, it must be. We reckon on ar with the United States and have made all preparations. Things cannot et worse. The war must be short' ened by every possible means." Then Von Holtzendorff said: "-Hi majesty is not familiar with the situ atlon and the sentiment among hi own people." Admiral von Holtzendorff went on "Dr. Helfferich ( former vice-chan New, Important Train Schedules TO GIFTS OF ROSES URGED By All Means Oblige Requests of Visitors, Says Mrs. Lowenson. If visitors to Portland during Rose Festival week ask local residents for a bouquet of roses by all means oblige them, urges Mrs. George Lowenson, 7S4 West Main street. ' During the 1919 festival two young women stopped at her residence and wanted to buy a bouquet of roses. Mrs. Lowenson presented the sisters with large bunches of the "Thousand Wonder" climber, which they sent to their mother at Shoshone, Idaho. Yesterday she was surprised to re ceive a letter from one of the girls, asking her to order a root or slip of this same rose. , "We do not have the beautiful , flowers in Idaho as you have in Port- I land." writes the young woman. "I tried all last summer to get a simi lar rose climber. to yours, but I could not find any to compare to your beau tiful Thousand Wonder climber." 46 TO GET DIPLOMAS La Grande High to Pot Oat Largest Class in History. LA GRANDE, - Or., May 26. The largest senior class in the history of the La Grande high school will be graduated Friday, when 46 students will receive diplomas from J. E. Rey nols. chairman of the school board. The high school orchestra and glee clubs will furnish music and Prof. E. T. Reed, college editor, Oregon Ag ricultural college, will deliver the commencement address, "The Making of a Man." Miss Lucile Taylor, a junior in La Grande high school, will sing. Honor students in this year's class are Misses Marcella Berry, Bessie Walker and DeLoris Pearson. No Worry Expressed Over Inability to Float Improvement Issne Until Market Improves. Contractors building sewers and constructing streets for the city of Portland are not worried over the in ability of the city to dispose of its improvement bonds. Thirty contract ors appeared before the city council yesterday and were told that tne city would not be in a position to redeem improvement warrants when due un til such time as a market appeared for city bonds. Thee contractors also were told that arrangements could be made for the exchange of warrants for improve ment bonds, and in most instances the contractors seemed disposed to accept the city's offer. No general understanding was reached between the contractors and the city, however, it being agreed that each contractor would submit a letter to the department of public works designating Just what he would do in connection with every city con tract that he had been awarded. Ail such letters will be submitted before next Thursday afternoon, when another meeting of the council and the contractors is scheduled to be held. Dan J. Malarkey, attorney for Shea Bros., requested a ruling from the city council on its attitude on appli cations 'for extensions of time. Mem bers of the city council withheld any general rule, informing the con tractors that extensions if applied for would be considered separately. 100 yards, are believed to have been carried away in an automobile. t: The concern has offered a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of the thieves with 10 per cent addi tional for goods recovered. T. Shirota, 305 First street, reported that his clothes cleaning establish ment was entered and a gold wrist watch and overcoat and a pair of pants taken. The tin shop of C. J. Johnson, 348 First street, was en tered. Nothing was missing. CARS STALLED ON STREET Eugene Continues to Feci Acutely Lack of Gasoline. EUGENE, Or., May 2. (Special.) The gasoline shortage in Eugene con tinues and every day cars are seen stalled on the Mxeets or country roads because of empty tanks. Last Sunday many owners drove into the country as usual, taking a chance on having enough fuel to bring them home. Some got back, but in other cases the cars are still on the road side, miles from the city: The driver of one of the big tank trucks supplying the retail dealers and garages with gasoline said yes terday that every day a number of cars follow him around to the differ ent stations to be first to get a supply. 13 CLOTH BOLTS STOLEN Firm Offers $100 Reward for Con' viction of Thieves. The theft of 13 bolts of cloth worth $4000 was reported to the police yes terday by the Portland- Wool Ware house company, 105 Union 'avenue north. The front door of the establishment was forced and the bolts of cloth some of which contained as high a "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. S St H . jreea Holman Fuel Co. Adv. stamps for casb Maln lit. 6C0-X1. A iw iais bii m "janoerin.1 After an application of 'Danderine' you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besidss eveiy hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color Montavilla school auditorium ' the community organization was perfect ed, constitution and by-laws adopted and officers elected. The citizens of Montavilla, one of the largest suburbs of Portland, through the medium of the league, intend to advance the In terests of their residential and busi ness section. The officers elected for the ensu S year are: I. C. Cunningham, pres ident: H. E. Giles, vice-president: J. E. Springer, secretary; Fred Kobins. treasurer. The next meeting will be in Montavilla school auditorium on the evening of June 29. Among the first aims of the or ganization is the establishment of a municipal playground for children. Assurance has been given by City Commissioner Pier that the establish ment of such a playground already is under advisement and will be pre sented to the council with favorable recommendation at an early meeting. New School Being Built. HOOD RIVER, Or., May 26 (Spe- WELFARE LEAGUE FORMED Montavilla Citizens Will Advance Interests of This Section. At a meeting of the Montavilla Welfare league Tuesday night in the TVTO man "reaped ever life's g r e a test rewards, either in money, h a p p i n ess or the . e s t i mation of his fellow man, with out playing his part in the work of bet t e r t n g his com munity.. Such work as the. members of the Portland Cham ber of C o m m e rce are doing. Join Year Chamber of Commerce TODAY! WILLARD SERVICE Ninth ad Everett m V Spokane. St. Paul and Chicago on and After Sunday, May 30th VIA SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLE RY. All trains to and from Spokane and east will use the Union Station. LEAVING PORTLAND Through Trains No. 2, Leave Union Station 7:10 P. M, "ORIENTAL LIMITED" for Spokane, Glacier National Park, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, via Great Northern Ry. and Burlington Route east of Spokane. Arrive Spokane 6:50 A. M. Equipment consists of drawing room standard sleeping car and dining car service through to St Paul and Chicago, tourist sleeping car to St. Paul, observation sleeping car and coaches to Spokane, and Spokane to Chicago. This train continues as the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" for Yellowstone National Park, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, via Pasco and Northern Pacific Ry., until June 6th, on and after which date the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" will leave Port land 9:15 A. M. as S. P. & S. Ry. train No. 4. Sleeping cars for Central Oregon points continue on No. 2. No. 4, Leave Union Station 9:15 A. M-, instead of 7:55 A. SL, a Fast Day Train for White Salmon, Lyle, points east thereof, and Spokane. Arrive Spokane 9:05 P. M. Connections at Spokane for Montana, St. Paul and East. Equipment consists of observation parlor car, dining car and coaches. On and after Sunday, June 6th, this train will be the "NORTH COAST LIMITED," via Northern Pacific Ry. and Burlington Route east of Spokane, for Yellowstone National Park, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, carrying drawing room standard sleeping car and dining car service through to St. Paul and Chicago, observation car, tourist sleeping car and coaches Spokane to Chicago. Local Trains No. 6, New Train, Leave 7:35 A. M. for Lyle, Goldendale and intermediate points. No. 8, Leave 5:45 P. M. for Fallbridge and intermediate points. "ARRIVING PORTLAND Through Trains No. 1, Arrive Union Station 7:45 P. M., "ORIENTAL LIMITED" from Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Glacier National Park and Spokane, via Great Northern Railway and Burlington Route east of Spokane. Leave Spokane 8:00 A. M. Equipment consists' of drawing room standard sleeping car and dining car service through from Chicago and St. Paul, tourist sleeping car from St. Paul, observation car and coaches Chicago Qfid St. Paul to Spokane, and Spokane to Portland. This train continues as the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" from Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Yellowstone National Park via Northern Pacific Railway and Burlington Route east of Pasco, until June 6th, on and after which date it will arrive Portland as S. P. & S. Ry. train No. 3 at 8:00 A. M. No. 3, Arrive Union Station 8:00 A. New Limited Train from Spokane, Pasco, Central Oregon, Lyle and White Salmon. Leaves Spokane 9:00 P. M. Equipment consists of observation sleeping car, drawing room sleeping car (tourist sleeping car beginning June 7th) and coaches. On and after June 7th, this train will be the "NORTH COAST LIMITED," via Burlington Route and Northern Pacific Ry., east of Spokane from Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Yellowstone National Park, carrying drawing room standard sleeping car and dining car service from Chicago and St. Paul, observation car, tourist sleeping car and coaches Chicago to Spokane, and Spokane to Portland. i Local Trains No. 5, Arrive 9:30 A. M., from Fallbridge and intermediate points. Central Oregon ' connection on No. 3. No. 7, New Train, Arrive 6 :55 P. M-, from Lyle and intermediate points. No. 3, Formerly Arriving at 7:30 P. M., from Spokane, will be discontinued. STATIONS Spokane Trains Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 use Union Station, local trains use North Bank Station, Tenth and" Hoyfc streets. TICKET OFFICES . Consolidated 'Ticket Office, Third and Washington streets, Union and North Bank Stations. cial.) The Baldwin Sz Swope Con. struction company, a local firm, has received the contract for construct ing a new two-story-school at Mosier. The new building will be of concrete and tile, two stories high. The firm has started excavation for, the new building. Lord's Nephew Buys Farm. LLOY DM1XSTER, Alta. F. J. Det mold, nephew of Lord Reading, .lord chief Justice of England, Is buying a farm m this district from the Cana dian Pacific railway and will engage In mixed farming, which has made this district so prosperous and widely known. 1 1 'JYour Last Chance to TODAY AND FRIDAY ONLY .T .OBBBr'W m il 'I L II 1 fc I li J B V 5r LAST TLMES TODAY AND FRIDAY NAZIMOVA The Incomparable, in "THE HEART OF A CHILD" A Living Human Romance Adapted From Frank Danby's Celebrated Book Coming Saturday "THE IDOL DANCER" See On With the Dance A story of high lights on Broadway. Faster, faster they go and then the abyss. COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA Afternoons and Evenings Orchestra Matinee at 2:30 Afternoons - -- -- -- -- - 25c . Nights ------- 35c and 50c G O- -TODAY i. Fimim for Yum as Oae ( the Foamiest Fareea Et Staicrd v "MRS. TEMPLE'S TBLEGRAM" at Last tm Pictures, W ith Bryant Washburn and Wanda Hawley DOVT MIFF THIS 0"E BEGINNING SATURDAY ALICE JOYCE in "DOLLARS AND THE WOMAN" 1 1P :ED io4.o L cellor) said to me: 'Your road leads and thickness.