Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Harney, Gilliam, Morrow, Co
lumbia Still Counting.
Figures on lowdcn and Hoover Are
Xot So Complete as on Lead
ing Candidates.
"With a very small percentage of
the state vote unaccounted for the
totals on republican presidential pref
erence stand: Johnson 45,31-, Wood
43.280; Johnson's lead. 1932.
There is one precinct with fewer
that 20 votes to be counted in Mult
nomah and a very few small precincts
in Hood Kiver and Clatsop counties
to be heard from. Larger deficiencies
in the total vote exist in Harney,
Gilliam, Morrow and Columbia. From
ail other counties complete unofficial
or official returns are included in the
Figures on the Lowden and Hoover
vote are not so near complete as those
on Johnson and Wood, but the varia
tion , is not large. At present they
stand: Hoover 13,970. Lowden 15,660.
Sanfield MncDonnltl Fifth.
Revision and correction of figures
previously received and additional re
turns from throughout the state yes
terday brought about a change in the
rotative standing of the leading can
didates for delegates at large to the
republican national convention. As a
result, Sanfield MacDonald is now J
- : j-. t 1 t t I 1 .
running fifth. John j. Hand, JtsaKer,
is third high man in the count with
Conrad P. Olson, who has a lead of
about 900 votes over MacDonald, in
fourth place. Wallace MeCamant and
Charles H. Carey are . the two high"
The defeat of MacDonald is indicated
.by the caunt, which, while incomplete,
is sufficiently advanced that the John
son manager can hardly expect to
overtake Olson. If MacDonald has
been eliminated an interesting situa
tion is presented in the personnel of
the Oregon delegation to the Chicago
convention. Although the state has
Riven a plurality of probably 2000 to
Johnson, the individual preference of
nine of the ten delegates is "Wood,
while the tenth delegate, Hamilton
Johnstone, of the 3d congressional
district. Is understood to -favor Lowden.
MCnmant Heodn I.iat.
The vote for the 15 candidates for
delegates at large as fr as the re
turns have been compiled la as fol
lows: MeCamant 36.714, Carey 33.334. Rand
30.E.87. Olson 9.928. MacDonald 29.048,
Boyd 28,039, Harrison' 27.577, Butler
26,009, Cameron 25.534, MacLean 24,
426, Maris 22.670. Stewart 22,182,
Hickey 19.813, Kollock 17,419, Comp
ter 13.462.
With complete returns from 16 of
the 17 counties in the 1st congres
sional district Joel Booth has a lead
over Frank T. Wrightman for the
second delegate from this district. The
election of Walter L. Tooze Jr., an one
of the dolegates was assured from the
receipt of the first returns, but in
the tabulation of returns yesterday
Dr. Booth replaced Wrightman as the
second high man. The vote as far as
Tooze 22,739. Booth 16,825, Wright
mart 16.380. Adams 16,017. Kendall
I). J. Cooper Leads Donnell,
Later and more complete returns
from the 2d congressional district yes
terday made a change in the standing
of the candidates for delegate from
that district. D. J. Cooper now leads
M. Z. Donnell for the second delegate
ship, W. H. Brooke having a secure
lead for first place. The vote rrom 14
of the IS counties shows:
Brooke 8443. Cooper 6003, Donnell
B875. Curl 4468.
For presidential elector. "Walter L.
Robb is making substantial gains on
Charles E. Lockwood in the returns
from the counties outside of Multno
mah county and may yet defeat Lock
wood for fifth place on the electoral
delegation.- The vote as far as counted
Hume 62.691. Richardson 81.109.
Hotchkiss 49.394. George 48,472. Lock
wood 45,768. Robb 45,436, Ivanhoe 36,-
486, Hendee 35,796.
Stanfield Has Bis Lead.
For United States senator, Robert
N. Stanfield now leads Albert Abra
ham by 34.877. The vote: Abraham
29.009, Stanfield 63,886.
Congressman Sinnott has a two-to-one
lead over his opponent. Owen F.
.tones, iu the 2d congressional district.
Sinnott' s vote Is 9496 against 4895 for
Additional returns on the contest
for secretary of state serve only to
swell the lead of Sam A. Kozer, dep
uty secretary of state. Mr. Kozer
now leads his nearest opponent, Fred
Lockley, by 15.725. The vote follows:
Kozer 32,443. Lockley 16,718. Par
sons 14,234, Schulderman 13,461. Jones
12,873. Wood 10,993, Coburn 6.924.
I'ublic Service Commissioners Buch
tel and Corey are both far in the lead
of their opponents. Buchtel leads
Cousins by a vote of 52,489 to 25,451.
while Corey now has 8624 against 4793
lor Lupcr.
The vote on democratic candidates
for delegates at large as far as counted
follows: Crawford 9932, Purdy 8829,
Hidden 7853. Baldwin 7849. Hoi man
6681, Schuyleman 6626, Haney 6427,
Drain 6409. Harry 6262. Smith 4611,
' Montague 3943. Reddy 2403.
A1I State Measures Carry and John.
son Victor Over Wood.
CANYON CITY. Or., May 26. (Spe
cial.) Official count of the primary
election held In Grant county gives
the following results: Eminent do
main, yes 961, no 306; road bonds, yes
P63, no 410; capital punishment, yes
895, no 495; Crook and Curry amend
ment, yes 748, no 396; successor to
governor, yes 736, no 426: higher edu
cational tax, yes 779, no 511; soldiers'
aid. yes 728. no 657; elementary school
tax. yes S67, no. 453; blind school tax.
ves 799. no 451
Republican state and district:' For
president. Hoover 16S. Johnson 719,
Lowden 60, Wood 257; vice-president.
Lodge 463. Washington 236, Webster
224; electors, George 44S, Hendee 370,
Hotchkiss 575, Hume 660, Ivanhoe 5d7,
Lockwood 447, Richardson 562, Robb
f76; United States senator. Abraham
377, Stanfield 525; representative.
Jones 404, Sinnott 611; secretary of
etate, Coburn 68, Jones 138, Kozer 296,
Lockley 1;3. Parsons 203, Schulder
man 59, ",.'ood 105; justice of supreme
court. Bean 734. Benson 655. Harris
601. MeBride 699; dairy commissioner.
Hawley 699; public service commis
sioner, Corey 735, Luper 272, Crandall
110. Ellis 289, Hurley 716, Brattain
249. Burdick 636. Overturf 649.
District attorney. Grant county: J.
M. Blank 669. A. O. Leedy 650.
Democratic state and district: Presi
dent. McAdoo 224; vice-president,
Vaughn 188: electors, Gavin 168.' Hay-
ter 170. Hedlund 180, Miller 193.
Keames 161, Watkins 169
Chamberlain 204, Starkweather 82,
Gishan 19 Bradbury 134.
District attorney, R. N. Appling.
County officers nominated on republi
can ticket: County judge, Orrin Pat
terson; county clerk, Mabel McKern
Hilburn; sheriff, Cy Bingham; asses
sor, F. C. Mack; treasurer, Ala O. Mo
sier; commissioner, P. M. Hound; cor
oner, C. O. Guernsey. On democratic
ticket: County judge, George Ward;
county clerk, Bart Crisman; sheriff,
Jake Hamilton; county school super
intendent, Gertrude Lyon; commis
sioner, A. L. Black.
The hardest fight of the county was
between Bingham, Martin, Swick, Ma
son and 31 inn for republican nomi
nation trr sheriff. Bingham won over
nearest opponent by 126 votes. Mabel
McKern Hilbourn was opposed by
Bernice Allen for county clerk and
was elected by 433 votes after a hard
General Defeats Johnson in Offi
cial Count 1347 to 1253.
ROSEBURG. Or., May 2. (Special.)
The complete official canvass of the
republican vote for Douglas county
shows the following returns for all
Ielegates io the republican national con
vention llutler, 838: Cumeron, 703; Carey.
htvi i Cmnplon, 436; Harrieon, K-'U; Hickey,
582; Mollock, 432; MacDonald. 815; Mac
Lean, 705; Marie, 841; .MeCamant, 801;
Olson, 44; Rand, 1133; Boyd,. 1003.
Delegates from First congressional dis
trict Adams, 1140; Booth, 1088; Kendall,
080; Tooxe Jr., 1508; Wrightman. 1010.
Candidates for republican nomination for
president Wood. 13t; Johnvon, 1253;
Lowden, 444 ; Hoover, iiCtS.
Candidates for republican nomination for
vice-president Lodge, 1G2B; Washington.
676; Webster, 581.
Republican electors for president and
vice-president George, 1481; Hendee, 1123;
HotchkisH. 1803; Hume, -JllM: Ivanhoe,
1201; Lockwood. 1710; Richardson. 1771;
Robb, 1873.
United States senator Abraham 1399;
Stanfieid, 1721.
Representative In congress W. C. Havr
ley, 2823. i.
Secretary of state Ceburn, 368 ; Jones,
522; Koier, 04U; l.ockley, 326; Par&one,
049; Schulderman, lt3; Wood, 309.
Justice of supreme court Benson, 2411;
Harris, 23S0; MeBride. 2424; Bean. S4&.
Dairy and food coiumUgioner C, I.
nawiey, 2J3i,
Public service commissioner Cousin,
lhllt- lliinktal 1 11 1 1
101 fl; Buchtel, JS43.
State senator B. L. Eddy, 2651.
State representative Kennv. 88: Marsh.
1313; Nichols. 1146; Sbiria. Dili: Andrews.
Joint reoresentatlve HoDklns. 2026:
Gore. 884.
District attorney Neuner, 2557.
County Judge--Stewart, 21(W; Day, 1130.
Commlloner Kletzer. 841: Stearns.
1178; Walker, 040; Orubb, 372.
DNcnn oianner, nti4; Qulne, 1758.
County clerk- Riddle, 2711.
County treasurer Sawver. 2l2ft: Uvnatt.
County assessor Calkins, 2004.
County surveyor Frear. 2SS8.
County school superintendent Brown,
Coroner Ritter. 2861.
Complete Returns Are Announced
oh Republican Candidates.
EUGENE, Or., May 26. (Special.)
The official count on republican
state candidates was completed by
the Lane county officials canvassing
board .this afternoon. The . official
figures follow:
Delegates at large to the national
convention: Boyd, 1632; Butler, 1737;
Cameron, 1202; Carey, 1990; Coropton,
990; Harrison, 1671; Hickey. 956; Kol
lock, 799; McDonald, 1332; MacLean,
1'630; Maris, 1154; MeCamant, 1855;
Olson, 1343; Rand, 1843; Stewart, 1747.
Delegates to national convention,
from first congressional ditrict:
Adams, 2894; Booth, 2256; Kendall,
1547; Tooze, 2963; Wrightman". ;1547.
Presidential preference: Hoover,
930; Johnson, 1963; Lowden, 645;
Wood, 2816.
For vice-president: Lodge, 3077;
Washington, 1234; Webster, 945.
Presidential electors: Hendee, 2362:
Hotchkiss, 3234; Hums. 3834; Ivan
hoe, 3003; Lockwood, 3077; Richard
son. 3229;. Robb. 3289; George, 2763.
Representative in congress from
first district: Hawley, 4834. ; ' -
Secretary of etate: Kozer, 1274;
Lockley, 429: Parsons, 2535; Schulder
man, 354; Wood, 434; Coburn, 355;
Jones, 505.
Justice of suprerne court: Benson,
4481; Harris. 5781; MeBride, 4534;
Bean, 4626. " - '
Dairy and food commissioner:
Hawley, 4S50.
Public service commissioner: Cousin,
1801; Buchtel, 3019.
Representative In the legislature
from third representative district:
Three to nominate: H. C. Wheeler,
3179; S. D. Allen, 3274; L. K. Bean,
3285; Elbert Bede. 2744; William T.
Gordon, 3941.
District attorney of Lane county:
Fred E. Smith, 2665; Clyde N. Johns
ton, 3046.
Wood Receives 1650 Votes Against
635 Cast for Johnson.
CORVALLIS. Or., May 26. Com
plete official returns of Benton county
primary elections show the following
For president. Hoover 447, Johnson
3. Lowden 332, Wood 1650.
For vice-president. Lodge 1592,
Washington 483, Webster 457.
Delegate - at - large. Stewart 12o6,
Carey 12 37, MeCamant 999, Rand 692,
Boyd 645, Butler 667, Cameron 841,
Compton 479, Harrison 665, Hickey
490, Kollock 357. McDonald 442, Mc
Lean 691, Maris 650, Olson 6C5.
Delegate, 1st congressional district.
Adams 939, Booth 1296. Kenaall 862
Tooze 1239, Wrightman 778.
For senator, Stanfield 1910, Abra
ham 793.
For representative, H. C Hawley
Secretary of state, Jones 427, Co-
burn 133, Kozer 704, Lockley 534, Par
sons 620, Schulderman 294. Wood 201.
Dairy ani food commissioner, C. L.
Commissioner public service, Buch
tel 1571, Cousin 799.
Representative in legislature, E. H.
Belknap 1570, W. 1: Lafferty 1001.
County nominees County judge, J.
O. Wilson; county commissioner, J. W.
Scott; sheriff, S- N. Warfield; clerk.
Fred MiHenry; assessor, C. L. Tall-
man; treasurer. Mrs. Susan B. Taylor
recorder, Mrs. May Stoddard; superin
tendent, R- E. Cannon; coroner, M. S.
Bovee; surveyor, W. C. Galloway,
Fred Forter.
Body of Roy Dunne, Who Went
Over Celilo Falls, Recovered.
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 26. (Spe
cial.) The body of Roy Dunne. 22
years old, of Fallbridge. Wash., -who
was drowned May 5, with William
Darling, at Celilo Falls, was found
last night in the Columbia river at
Washougal by George Wing, fish
erman. On May S Darling and Dunne were
out in a boat above Celilo Falls, when
the boat capsized and they were car
ried over the falls. Darling's body
has not yet been recovered
Dunne's widow is presumed to live
in Fallbridge.
Minsky Held by-Tolice. "
Morris Minsky, a jeweler. age 26.
was arrested early last evening at the
corner of Fourth and Washington
streets bj; Inspector Schulpius.e He
was held for investigation, the nature
I of which the police would not divulge.
Outcome of Traffic Case Is
Question of Spreading; Proposed
Rise Over All Traffic In
terests Coast.
The question of whether or not pas
senger rates will be increased by the
interstate commerce commission; as
well as freight rates. In order to give
the corporations the income guaran
teed by the .transportation act, is
receiving considerable thought from
traffic men and shippers. It lias been
understood to be the thought of the
members;, of the commission to apply
the entire increase to freight traffic,
probably on the theory that the prac
tical discontinuance of low fares in
the sense formerly in common use
has taken place and that on the aver
age the Increase in passenger rates
was much higheV than other rates
when a flat rate of 3 cents a mile
was fixed for the entire country on
both interstate and intrastate move
ment. Where 2-cent fares were in
effect the increase was 50 per cent
and where 2 cents a mile was
charged the Increase amounted to 20
per cent. On the Pacifio coast and in
the Intermountain states the increase
generally was. nil, because 3 cents
a mile was the ruling rate.
Shippers Favor Average Rise-
But from the standpoint of the
heavy shipper of freight the situation
is viewed from the angle of what the
increase m rates will have to be on
the average to raise the necessary
revenues for the carriers. If applied
to both passenger arid freight traffic.
the rate will be raised approximately
17 per cent on all traffic of the coun
try. If applied to freight traffic
alone the increase will be such as to
average 24 per cent. Since the in
crease is for the purpose of increas
ing the income of the railroads as
a -whole,-'it is argued by those who
have studied the question that the
burden will be most equitably dis
tributed if applied alike, as nearly as
possible, to all classes of traffic.
The lumber inte-ests of the Pacific
northwest, as the heaviest shippers in
any particular line, have given con
siderable attention to the subject. The
West Coast Lumbermen's association
is represented by J. N.'-Teal as attor
ney, who also is representing other
shipping interests. Traffic Manager
Prebstel, formerly with the Northern
Pacific, accompanied Mr. Teal to
Washington. R. G. Donafdson of the
Willamette Valley Lumbermen's asso
ciation was the only Oregon man who
was in Washington Monday when the
hearing opened. Mr. Teal and Mr.
Proebstel were duo to arrive this
morning. George T. Gerlinger of Dal
las and A. C. Dixon of the Booth
Kelly Lumber company, Eugene, are
now on their way to be in attendance
when the commission reaches the
hearing of application of the western
Coast Risen Protested.
An angle of the situation that is of
concern to the Pacific northwest is
that the railroads in this part of the
country have had higher rates than
were in effect In most sections previ
ous to and during federal control.
The transcontinental lines servlnsc
this territory generally have shown
satisfactory' earnings, say shippers,
and should not be burdened with a
large increase in rates to furnish the
excess to the government to carry the
deficits of railroads that have been
earning lower rates.
Statistics published indicate that
whereas the railroads of the country
on an average must have income
equivalent to an increase of 24 per
cent on the existing rates, based upon
trairic as it has averaged over a
period of years, the increase neces
sary to make southern roads self-sus
taining would be on the average 33
per cent, as against a very slight in-
craese or none at all for northern
transcontinental lines reaching the
Pacific coast.-
, Group Plan Suggested.
There has been a suggestion of
groupings of the roads that would
enable a more even distribution of the
increases as required by definite sec
tions. As at present divided the west
ern, classification territory that in
cludes the entire facmc coast also
covers Texas. Arkansas and southern
territory that comes within the low
earning group of railroads. It is a
territory with which this part of the
country has only limited business, say
the experts, ana snouia not be grouped
with the Pacific coast for rate-making
purposes. The conclusion of the
interstate commerce commission will
probably be contingent upon the show
ing made by different sections in
the hearing now In progress. It Is the
consensus of opinion among traffic
men who have studied the situation
that the Pacific coast will be included
with the Chicago territory and Mis
souri valley states, with which this
section does a very large volume of
Sanfield MacDonald and Hamilton
Johnstone Are Aspirants.
If he is certified as a delegate at
large to the republican national na
tional convention. Sanfield MacDonald
wants to be chairman 01 the delega
tion. There is also some talk of
Charles H. Carey for this position, but
the sentiment points to having Judge
Carey as Oregon's delegate on the
platform committee.
The most active aspirant for chair
man of the delegation is Hamilton
Johnstone, an aspiration which appar
ently does not meet with ready re
sponse from other delegates. Mr.
Johnstone is said to be a Lowden
"plant" in the Oregon delegation; at
least, that is the view of the Johnson
and Wood men. Mr. Johnstone is
merely a delegate from a district and
not a delegate at large, and the usual
custom is to select as chairman of a
state delegation some one of the dele
gates at large.
Mr. MacDonald f iguresthat he is
entitled to the chairmanship of
Johnson delegation, inasmuch as he
was manager for Johnson in Oregon,
and Mr. MacDonald. says that this
view is also taken by his recent man
agerial opponent, Dow V. Walker, who
guided the forces lor general wood.
Telegram Received at State Head
- quarters From Candidate.
Senator Johnson, assured that he
has carried Oregon, has sent a mes
sage of appreciation to his supporters
in this state. banfield MacDonald
manager of the Johnson campaign in
Oregon, received yesterday the fol
lowing from the presidential aspirant
"To you and atl the others who
mado-the good fight in Oregon I want
to express my very great appreciation
and my heartfelt thanks. I realize
the obstacles yoti had to overcome
and the tremendous difficulties of the
contest. They but make the victory
the greater. Please convey to those
who made the good fight with you my
everlasting gratitude."
J. Brace Kremer to Make Effort to
Attend Meeting Tomorrow.
The Jackson cluh will meet at the
Central library tomorrow night. J.
Bruce Kremer, vice-chairman of the
democratic national committee, and
wno win nave charge of Uie presi
dential campaign in the northwest,
has written Eltqn Watkins. president
of the club, that he will endeavor to
Dr. Esther Loveioy. democratic
nominee for representative in con
gress, will be one of the speakers and
Mrs. Dudley Field Clark will sing.
There will be other business in con
nection with the county central com
Lynn Coovert Mentioned.
Lynn Coovert 4s being mentioned as
a candidate for secretary of the re
publican county central committee.
Mr. Coovert was with' the marines
during the war. The central commit
tee is to n.eet and organise next Tues
day night at the auditorium.
. 5000 313V MEMBERS.
120 Campaigners Sow Engaged in
Drive Prizes io Be Given to
Most Successful AVorVers.
Members of the Portland post.
American Legion, began yesterday a
three-day effort to add 6000 members
to tne legion, ino drive had its lnitia
tion at a luncheon for team captains
at the Oregon grill at noon.
One) hundred and twenty workers
took the field last night and will con
tinue thir efforts until they have
located former service men in Port
land and at the same time have called
on members of the legion who have
permitted their membership tc lapse.
On July 1 the American Legion will
niove into its own clubrooms in the
Flatiron building, leaving the tem
porary headquarters at 421 Morgan
. A gold legion watch fob, a gold
legion brooch tror women members)
or a radiator emblem will be pre
aented by Orton E. Goodwin, chairman
of the membership committee, to the
member of the legion obtaining most
new members for the Portland post.
Legion men are confident that as a
result of the campaign the Portland
post will again ttike its place as the
largest post in America.
Former service men and women may
enroll at present legion ncadquarters,
421 Morgan building, or at miller's
cigar store, Broadway and Stark
street. Men and women entitled to
join the legion are those who have
honorable discharges.
There are approximately 9000 Berv-
ce men and women In Portland who
have not yet joined the legion, it is
Division commanders of the Port
land campaign who announced their
organizations completed yesterday
are: M1S3 Ann Schneider, in charge of
he hospitals and part of the west side
residential seaticn; Dr. Guy Strohm,
doctors and dentists; Nate and War!
Wursweilar, business section; Castius
Peck, Montavilla, Rose City Park and
south Portland: Fred West, balance
west side residential section; J. J.
Crossley, Sunnys'.de, with other dis
tricts in the hands of Floyd Lynch
and J. H. Lynch.
Figures Prepared by Accountants
Are Submitted to Court in .
313O00 Suit.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 26.
(Special.) In the cases of the Siler
Mill company and the Hanlfy Lumber
company, of south uena, wasn.,
against the United States Spruce
production corporation, in which the
companies sought to collect $434,000
for alleged breach of contract, depo
sitions were received today from
General Brice P. Disque, Colonel C. S.
Breece and Colonel J. Van D'Crisp.
Colonel D'Crisp was the one who
signed the contracts and testified as
to alleged statements he made that
the government would take capacity
production even if the war should ene
the next day. . lie states mat ine
contracts called for a fixed amount
in nearly all cases.
General Disque, then colonel, denies
that he promised these companies
that "if ihe war should end tomorrow
the erovernment spruce programme
would call for full deliveries for 18
months." He says he could not re
call any statements he made to Mr.
Cramm, secretary or the company,
and that a statement he Is alleged
to have made in a speech in Aber
deen to lumbermen, to the effect that
the erovernment would protect the
lumbermen for the "next 18 months
in the event of the war ending to
morrow," was ridiculous.
A. P. Stockwell and a Mr. Stewart
were on the witness stand today and
testified that they heard General
Disque make these statements.
Figures prepared by the expert
accountants were submitted to the
court. The case probably will be
completed tomorrow. t
Vancouver Festival to Be Held Sep
tember 16 to-18.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 2S. (Spe
cial.) The second annual prune har
vest festival will be held here faep
tember 16, 17 and 18, according to
M. S. Cohen, chairman of the gen
eral committee. The committee has
collected about $4000 with which to
finance the celebration. The festival
this year will surpass that of last
year, when the Royal Prunarians,
who are sponsors for the festival,
were organized. '
There are now 75 Prunarians and
all have uniforms. They hold weekly
luncheons and if a member is ab
sent he is fined $1. This method
has been found effective in getting
out members each week.
Youths Charged With Then.
SALEM. Or., May 26 (Special.)
J. C. Keyting, 18, and Ed Johnson, IS,
both of Astoria, were arrested here
today charged with the theft of an
automobile. They will be returned to
Clatsop county for trial. The youths
are alleged to have stolen a car be
longing to George Cooper or Inde
pendence. .
Action Against Vista House
: Surprises Several.
Summons to Court Is First w
Some Complainants Have That
They Aro Suing County.
Just who is . emtiloyiiur James E.
Fenton to prosecute the suit of Noran
Withrow and other residents of Gres-
ham against the county commission
ers, former roadmaster and contrac
tors of the Vista House and Just how
some of the plaintiffs became con
nected with the case were two ques
tions that puzzled at least half a
dozen attorneys representing the 17
defendants who sat through the trial
in, judge Tuckers courtroom yes
terday. When several of the Plaintiffs took
the stand and admitted they did not
know they were connected with the
case until subpenaed ' and that they
did not expect to pay any share of
the expenses, an air of mystery set
tled around the trio of attorneys
handling the prosecution. When all
the witnesses had been heard and
argument set aside -until todav. Mis
Fenton called Will H. Bard to the
stand to state his opinion of the
value of the job, should the suit be
won. Mr. Bard placed it at $10,000.
Mr, Fenton himself was compelled to
go through a grilling while the legal
advisers of the long list of defendants
attempted to obtain from him an ad
mission as to whom the business
transactions had -been handled
through. Fenton said that he had
received a $50 retainer from one of
the- Joyce brothers, restaurant pro
prietors. Total Cost Is K,14S.
The suit involves the taxpayers'
right to question, expenditures of
public funds, it being maintained in
the second amended complaint that
the Vista house is intended as an
observatory and a monument to Ore
gon pioneers. The defense alleges it
was built for the primary purpose of
a comfort station and that its loca
tion at a sightly point called for a
substantial and appropriate building.
Total cost of improvements put in
there was $99,148.05, of which $3812.35
was raised by subscription. John B.
Yeon, who at the tjme of its erec
tion was roaamaster, testified that
but $68,274 went into the building it
self and the remainderwent toward
the :ost of the retaining wall, grad
ing and paving and would have been
necessary an a part of the road at
this point.
"It had been originally Intended to
build a $16,000 structure," said Mr.
Yeon. "but I was very much opposed
to this because of the impractibility
of a wooden building. It would stand
up against the high winds m winter
with difficulty and would not have
been suitable to the location. As high
as 25,000 pass that spot on Sundays.
We felt that there Is only one Crown
Point in the world and it would be a
shame to waste it.
"The present building has been out
grown today and the first proposed
structure would have been the worst
kind of a waste. I understand that
when It was first attempted to raise
the money by subscription it was in
tended as a memorial to the pioneers,
but when it was taken over bv the
county there was no other consider
ation but for a comfort station. All
proceedings in connection with the
erection of the Vista house were han
dled openly."
I e of Xante Aaai. '
.Nora Withrow, whose name heads
the list of plaintiffs, testified that
she signed the petition circulated by
waiter x. McwuirK, attorney, protest
ing the expenditure of so much monev
for such a building because he had
not been able to fjnd anyone willing
to put down his name at the top of
the list.
"I didn't sign the paper' or know
my name was being used uatti I I got
my Bubpena, declared M. J. Alls-
house, another of the plaintiffs. "I
don't know McQulrk, but I talked with
Mrs. withrow and she told me she
was bringing suit, but I never knew
I was in on it. I don't remember
saying I would join in.
A. E. , Kessler was another, who.
though he had signed the petition, did
not Know he was to be a plaintiff.
John Bliss had not signed any docu
ment and admitted all he had against
tne ouiioing was that u was extrav
agance and nonsense."
Mrs. Margaret Ryan took the stand.
She had never been to the Vista house
until she went last Sunday with the
Kesslers. She didn't know she was to
be a plaintiff, but had signed the
J petition because she had thought it
unnecessary to put in so much money
on lop or a mil like that. '
Hearsay Is Eaonch for Woman
"Tou could see the same things on
the road that you see from the build
ing, she continued. -
"Did you read the papers to find
out all about the place?" asked
Deputy District Attorney Pierce.
"I don't read the papers much.'
was the reply. "I didn't have to.
found ouf from hearing other people
talking about the foolishness of
spending so much money there." .
Ed Miller, banker of Gresham, was
never Inside the building- and, al
though another plaintiff, did not
know who is supporting the auit.
Others of the plaintiffs who took the
stand were F. H. Crane. Mrs. F. H
Fall for
Her Just
Like the ,
Cocoanut Did
Fell for f
This Girl V
in the CiA
South "
Sea " ' V?y
r - n
t 4 " TKM who mat; tir Kirarior r ' - - "
k IVjL their y ear-in and year-out I "
business, buy Diamonds. Note , i
the great many big corpora- I
tions that equip their cars with
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One of them, like many more, ' .1
writes "We have used Dia-
mond Tires for the past two I
years and have not had to ask I
for an adjustment. Werecom-
mend Diamond Tires to anyone f
desiring full mileage and com- V -in..., - f
Nplete satbfaction." What Dia- ' "-!V
monds do in hard, business 3 'J!':1
service they will more than do ' " V'
for you in passenger car service. 1 r'OPIl k
y ''vQfiPA I
" ' Adjustment 'Basis - ' '" - har
S.OCO mOcs for Cords . V" "V- I
6,000 mile for Fabric - .'-.'- ' V '
Diamond Tires in
Wasner Verayth. Id Mill St-, City.
Stark St Csisae, 143a 15. Stmrk St.
Hall Engiaeerinc Ct, BUIvaaUa Bybee
Barnard Winchester, . 38 Hawthorne
Selunltz Peterson. 1701 K. 17th St.
Cbu X. Beyle. ZOS5 Jeraey St- St. Johns.
Thayer Geidl. 81st K. Glisaa.
Medraeat Tire Shop, 1133 lUsisaippl Ave.
11th 8t. Canie, S3 E- lltb St.
Warslde Game. 4!1 E. Clsy St.
H. Bihp. 12 E. 6th St.
Dudley's Gnraare. 4 Alberta St. .
Sable ft Armstrong Garage, 43d M Haw
thorne Ave.
Lents Garage. Lents, Oregm.
Milwanlcle Garage. Mllwmtskie, Oregon
Peninsnln Meter Sales Co.. St. Johns,
raaeoover Tire Shop, Taaeoaver, Wash.
Crane, J. T.' Stillions, W.- J. Hillyard,
Andrew McMillan and John Bliss.
The defense called in addition to Mr.
Yeon, County Commissioner Holman.
Phllo Holbrook. W. L. Lightner,
Commissioner Muck, Fenton and Mc
Qulrk. Edgar M. Lazarus, architect
for the building, and Krederlck V.
Holman, who made the dedication
speech when it was opened, .also ap
peared for the plaintiffs.
The case will probably be conclud
ed this morning.
IS Xew Instructors and 22 Old
Contract for Coming Year.
BEND. Or.. May 26. (Special.)
Thirteen new instructors for the city
schools were elected by the board to
day, and contracts were signed with
S2 of those already on tne payroll.
The new teachers are: High school,
Emilv E. Miller ef Falls City, Or::
New List
On Sale Today
Good' Songs
Reed-French Co.
Pianos and Phonographs --12th
and Washington Streets
. Distributors
Formerly Archer & Wiggins Co..
stock and for sale
Portland dealers:
Bailey's Tiro Shop. 441 Stmrk St.
E. P. Boston. lSth ft Hawthorne Are-
P. C. Brown. 774 MUaUoipnl Ave.
In. I. Cremwell, Union Knott St.
tBoalevoxd Garage, 4Sd JB Sandy.
Covey Motor Car Co., Slot Jb Washington.
Kaot Side Auto Supply House, SS9 .
Bnnulde bt.
A. J. Gatzka. MS Hawthorne Ave.
Floyd Halladay. 170 K. 7th St.
Harmon Co 37th Division St.
Perry Garage. SeUwood. Oregon.
A. L. Harvey. 71S Alberta St.
C. P. Harris. 1S54 K. GUsan St.
Chris, C. Heick. S93 Belmont.
Irvuigton Garage ft Anto Co.t Inc., 15th
4t Broadway.
K. W. Leo ft Co- 450 Stark St.
Long ft Silva. 463 Hawthorne Ave.
The Main Electric Co., 361 E. Morrison.
Eve Roche of. Hillsboro, Or.; Ruth
Spoor of Camas, Wash- and Hilda
Williams of McMinnville. Junior high.
Clara Luther of Fossil and Mossie
Mettie of Bozeman, Mont. Grades,
Llla ' E. Allen of Goldensale, Wash.;
Beatrice Bredahl of St. , Paul; Emma
Duval of Anaconda; Julia Nobie of
Mill City, Or.; Carrie Park of Browns
ville, Or.; Lorena Phelps of The Dalles
and Pearl Spearer of Chatfield, Minn.
Instructors now on the -faculty with
whom contracts were signed are Miss
Helen Manny, Mrs. J. D. Davidson,
Miss Harriet IJmbaugh, Miss Mary E.
Cody. Miss Mabel Lorence. Miss Mar
garet Hansen. Miss Berthelda Sanders,
Miss Eva May Harker, Miss Hazel
Neil, Mrs. Majude Grant, Miss Nora B.
Mackey, Mrs. Esther C Johnson, -Miss
Esther Allen, Mrs. Clara Hudson, Miss
Flora McCorkle, Miss Ida Benson, Miss
Doris Foster, Miss Evelyn Carlson,
Miss Josephine Burgess, Miss Nellie
Tifft, Miss Veronica Cane and Miss
Nellie Pattison. "
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Do the Movies
Hurt Your Eyes?
Normal eyes will not suffer
at' the movies. If your eyes
hurt when you watch the
screen you may be quite cer
tain they need expert atten
tion and a pair of Perfect
Fitting Glasses.
Have them examined
without delay.
Eyesight Specialist
207 Morgan Bldg.
by the following
Mala St. Garage, Id ft Main Sts.
Walter B. Millar, ST TJnloa Ave.
Multnomah. Garage, Multnomah Station.
Phillip Opp, 52d ft Powell TaUey.
Taylor Motor Car Co- 12th ft Flandea.
Kobert Chlman. 11th ft E. Bnrnslde.
t'matilla Ave. Garage, 531 Umatilla Ave.
Cnlon Ave. Garage. 1 nion Ave. ft Weifl
ler St. - -
Colon Bepot Garage, Broadway ft GU
san St.
I'nlv-rnal Tire Filler Co 441 Hawtnarna
W. H. vfalungford Co- 15th ft Barn
side Sts.
West Orange Garage, Ine- Guild ft Thar
ttay . Woodrnff. 1333 K. Glisaa St.
Wyld-Williams Tire Co- lne- 14 X,
Leatrr-Heym Ce- t4 th St.
This Root Beer Barrel is in
a class by itself has led
its field for fifteen years
and is above all the most
popular today. The
is strong, durable,- effi
cient. Timed so nicely it
puts the exact quantity of
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measures it with the car
bonated water creams it
and draws it into the stein
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Order it from Spohn & 'Wing, J.
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Multiplex Faucet Co.
St. Louis, Mo.
How to Destroy a Good
Bad digestion will ruin the best dis
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ally "out of sorts" and feel gloomy,
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lieves mean headaches, biliousness,
bloating, sour stomach, constipation
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physic sweetens the stomach and In
vigorates the liver. Cleanses the bow
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everywhere. Adv.