20. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920 HELP WANTED MALE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTETUOR, ALASKAN ENGI.N Htt-wl-MU COMMISSION. WANTED. TlaHroad laborers for ALASKA. TT S r.HVRHVV KNT RAILF.OAU binder construction from Seward, to Fair banks. Alaska. EXTRA GANG and SECTION MEN ?or MAI.VTENANXE OF WAX. Wafel $5 per day; board (1.50 day. BKliiea men win ue giveu iiw ties In their line of work whenever pos sible. STATION MET, AUtM l 1U.1. Station work in the Broad Pass will bo ready to let in the near future Men accepting laborers 'jobs at thl time will have opportunity to secure sta tion work later. For sailing dates and further Informa tion apply to Public Employment bu reau, 311 Fine st.. or ALASKAN ENGLVRING COMMISSION. .oom no i rsew fostomce xiuk., Portland, Oregon. ATJTO MECHANICS. "Wanted, first-class all-around auto mobile mechanic; good pay, most mod ern and best shop in the city to wont in, steady employment to men that can make good. See Earl Smith, superintendent of service. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. East rst and East Morrison fata. Phonas; East' 7272. Auto. 212-16. 30O TO S5O0 A MONTH! Are you earnlnz that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if yoK take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses tf fpi A bv the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESS UL. GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER feCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay ts s cent until you are convinced that we 11 deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't It? Write tor our $1 83-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO ORTTr.nu V. Y-CIT RVIPH MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE crunnT. TTNTON AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. i e oct vnrivn itrRN Vra V tn Iho nnnt 1 1t vpa T-o hen ftSflSted in finding positions through the Portland T. M. C A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally tur- to tne 1 for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present Is far greater than the supply. iou never naa sue a an opporiumu get a better position if you are prepared for It. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job. or seeking- a career? , .Have you discovered where you in in r Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of viae experience wno win iao pe"""" interest in you? Th e T. MCA. advisory and em- Filoyment dept. can assist you in cfaoos ng. and can help you find the place ior wmcn you are oes utiea.. a m service Is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the sceretaris. Room 307. WANTED. A man fnr steadv emolovment to milk and care for herd of dairy cows on best- equipped and upto-date dairy in Wil lamette valley, mechanical milkers used: man of experience with cows and milk ers preferred; house and board furnished if desired Write or phone 2.8. CLOVER LEAF DAIRY, Taylor Bros., Proprietors. Corvallls, Oregon. Box 82. WANTED Drug clerk to manage; June 1 .or sooner; permanent position; good hours. Store closes at 7:30 P. M. Every other Sunday off. Don't phone. Write all particulars and state salary desired to ARTHUR THAYER. CAMAS. WASH. KXPKRlkTED men's clothing salesmen; 3 130 ncr month and commission. write box 747. giving references. i WANTED An experienced mixer and n-rln ..r- rnr n nt manuiaciunnK Diani. One who understands paint production and can take charge of department. CALIFORNIA PAINT CO.. 12TH AND PINE STREETS, OAKLAND, CAU AITTOMOTI VK SCHOOL. ,iitminbll-. tractors. vulcanizing. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics. Is super vised by leading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students do t-ra.ctW-B.1 reoatr work. i rco tuition x-service men; c!!p this ad. Send it or r.all at office. 416. Oregon Institute of Technology, Y. M. C. A. building. FIVE MEN to work in factory In a good I ttJ nn-n. not rar irom ronumu Hleady Inside job for young or old, $4.30 per day and bonus; pleasant woru auu your fare refunded. 235 Burnside Street. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, r tv nr Hort ana u. a. uovenirneni. Can furnish help, male or female, free of charge to either party. Aien a aiv Vlat Iron hldr.. 311 Pine street, phon Bdwy. 4376; women's div.. 202 Artisan bid?.. Broadway and Oak, Phone Bdwy. 4:9. wiNTun spvpral vounz men. IS to with hicrn McDnoi caucaiion. 10 worn stock rooms, exceptionally good chances to learn a wholesale hardware business. Don't apply unless you want steady work nd an opportunity lor auvancemens Apply Mr. Camp. Marshall- ells Co. 15th and Lovejoy STEADY man wanted take permanent chiiT'i'tt BTtnn firriinrv. nun Jiiea huh nr- cial information furnished. Experience rrtt t-enuired. Cash weekly. if a per manent, profitable business interests you, give this a trial. itaKima a,ey s e ry , Toppentsh. w ash. WANTED Delivery man for country store, one acquainted wun genera. i mer chandise business; middie-ased. married man preferred; must be well recom mended; moderate wages, but steady job for tho right man; Chevrolet delivery car. O. F. Cady. Falrvlew. Or. WANTED C A PAB LE MEN. With selling ability to represent C. J. Rambo & Co. in rural districts of Oregon and Washington. This offers an excel lent opportunity to the right man. Ask for Mr. Ford. 70S Wilcox bldg. Main JS106. , WANTED PEOPLE OK ALL Tl PES FOR MOVJMi r"U 1 L iti!- utiiv aau SEVERAL BATHING GIRLS. SEVERAL NEAT YOUNG MEN. CALL BETWEEN 1L' AND G O'CLOCK. 521 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. WANTED Presser on Hoffman; must be able to ousnei : steady worn, wages -u per week; eastern Oregon. AB 4To, Ore Konian. HARDWARE packers, steady employment the year arouna; must nave reierences. Apply Mr. Camp, Marshall-Wells Co., 15th and Love joy. WANTED Order clerk for wholesale drug house; knowledge or :rug o us in ess es sential. Answer .t uregonian. WANTED First-class cutter; good salary steady position. unce. Nieoii. the Tailor, lus ad st. WANTED W ashman; must be able :"ire boiler and maite repairs. bj 403, Oregonian PACKER wanted, wholesale millinery. A ply Lowengan oc o., cioaonay a Burnside. COMMERCIAL bookkeeper. $160; lumber DOOK kee per, i .m , uuv tv tveeycr. io. JUl Northwestern BanK Diug. WANTED Boy to do housework ; good wages; must ne reierttnces. bo rs. Oth st. i'TF.R Want a eood painter to naint safes; must be good striper. Call Norris Safe & Lock co.. iuj -a Main .045. LEARN the vulcanising business. Call or write loa m. upjuawuy. liOY OR GIRL for apprentice. Baltes & CO.. printers. WANTED Two or more wood cutters close to town rnone 'laoor t4o. i:VPERIHNCED biM clerk wanted. Mr. Long. Jones' Market. 4th and Alder. WANTED A janitor; living quarters fur nished and salary. .'ti4 riaticock st. WILL sell or trade car for painting house. Call at 1394 E. 19th st. S.. after 6 P. M. TRUCK buyers best contracts in state . See Wright, 71 Broadway. Bdwy. 2162. KITCHEN porter. Campbell-Hill fcoteL HELP WANTED MAT.li, WANTED A first-class shoe man, to take charge of department; state previous connections and give full details as to ability. R 63S. Oregonian. IF STK.TOGRAPHERS, INVOICE CLERKS, BOOKKEEPERS, OFFICE MEN. ACCOUNTANTS WITH LUMBER EXPERIENCE. WE CAN PLACE YOlT PROWPTIT MANY DESIRABLE POSITIONS OPEN IN AND OUT OF THE CITY. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 708-9-10 WILCOX BLDG. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE .m-"- ue services or experienced salesmen for wash goods and domestics. ppJy Superintendent's office, S;15 to 10: J0 A. M. Al EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, cupola a.iftv iiiun, iounory. Ex-service men. register with us for any kind of work. Free service . KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 205 Beck bldg Bdwy. 1367. MOVING PICTURE ACTORS Wanted Men and women, all 'types, by a company now producing: pictures; experience preferred but not necessary. Apply 10 to 12 A. M. and 7 to 9 P. M.. P. M. BLACKSTONE PLAYERS. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. EX-SERVICE MEN'S FREE EVENING SCHOOL. Conducted by the Knights of Colum bus for ex-service men. State aid for Oregon men. Many new courses now starting. School 200 Grand ave. North. Downtown office. 205 Beck bid. A OUNG man who has $150 to invest can secure the agency for a well-known brand of carbon papers and tvpewriter ribbons which will pay him $150 to $200 per month; free office rent and phone; a good chance to get Into business for yourself. 708 Wilcox bldg W ANTED Carpenter to manufacture at his home or shop, at odd times during next two months, from material that will be furnished. 30 double school desks of special but simple design, and all plain work. AR 397, Oregonian. WANTED Day clerk, out-of-town hotel, not far from Portland; must have some previous experience and be otherwise uuaiuiea : reierences required; wages uv iu v ' uoara ana room. A V 849, Oregonian. WAMED Three men with autos or light trucks; want men interested in a future to sell ErafOnolas to farmprs anH small towns; $75 per week possible; one posi tion open wimout auto, call forenoons, room 420 Spalding bldg. MOTION PICTURE ACTORS. Wanted Men and women for motion picture work. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. and 7 and 9 P. M. Blackstone j-layers, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Good boy, about 19 yrs. of age, one who has studied bookkeeping; state waatea in letter. 630, Ore go nian. . HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOTJ nun j uuiiS l tim J OB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. niiic-ij a i uiNc. experienced man uiu.rH.er aau sorier to UKe charee of de partment: must be steady and capable. Wire reply stating salary expected. Troy x-.a.uury -Q.. JiOlBC, -taano. V ANTED Expert orchard man to handle large orcnaro on some mutual prouiable basis; all equipped ready for work. This is a wonaertui opportunity for right man WAV ti opening for high-cia5s acreage uian. aiso ai nouse salesman. Well established iirm. see secretary. Port lanOKeaity Board, Oregon bldg. WANTED Experienced ledger clerk, cap- iuie ui Iannis cnarge oi ledgers; state experience and salary expected ; give miciumiu numuer. av uregonian EXPERIENCED stove man, able to con nert all kinds of stoves and ranges. Apiy at uaasoy s snipping dept., and Wash. sts. W ANTE r MECHANIC. Painter, journeyman plumber and in side wireman, out-of-town work; scale l'l"3 '-'j fsuu mug. WAMLU Conductors and motormen afips between 4J3 and 35. Apply room vvi, ciectric oiag., oetween y v. M. 2 I. AI. A.NUIHbR log job, good roads, short naui, can mane itt per day; good con tract anc accommodations. Servv Truck Co.. 227 Salmon st. Main 8154, OPERATORS for machines, working con ditions good. Apply at Manjhall-st. en trance, near 14th. Portland Cordage to. VV ANTED Experienced young man i grocery ; must nave good references also must be able to drive car. 219 v a in hill. WANTED at once, experienced loggln bookkeeper. Address in handwriting. giving age, experience and reference. W l uregonian. WANTED Experienced hardware and paint salesman for retail trade. Must be thoroughly experienced. Simons Store, d and Alder. WANTED First-class. all-amunrl chanic, one familiar Franklin oreferre Apply Braly Auto Co., 0O1 Washington st. ask ior loreman. BARBER wanted in good town 80 miles from Portland. Apply Jacob Miller Bar ber buppiy Co., Jd st. BRIGHT BOY, 18 years of age, for rail road office work, $2.55 per day. Apply room t, iNonn canK aepot. BARBER Steady job; 2 Saturday men. o. n. nu wa.ru, sec. Piaster xiaxbers as buciauuu, iiu tin si. wdiimimn, gooa waiKer and can rmo a uu-ycie, kivh ana weight; ref' erences retjuireu. juu, Uregonian. WANTED An experienced automobile t salenan with car for city work. 4tftt. Oregonian. WANTED Laborers for work In the city, a.w v v iv, j kiiy lime. can 270 Burnside. CREW manager to cover Portland : Kood piupumuuii ur u uBLier. xiarrj x" ecnt WANTED One or two teams to yard c uar joic uy me iuoi, lUio LnaniDCf ot commerce Ding. WANTED Union painter to contract painting on excursion barge Blue Bird. Phone East 2102. COOK wanted for short orders from 8 P. M. to 1 A. M. daily. Apply chef, Arlington club. 209 Park st. BARBER wanted, must be good work man, $25 guaranteed. Call me or phone. Emil Heusser, Tillamook, Or. WANTED Platen pressman at once. Co in in di a. .fa per isox Co., E. 25th and Holladay ave. WANTED Cylinder press feeder at once. Columbia raper Jtsox CO.. E. 25th and Holladay ave. WANTED Bass player, city band; good jobs. W rite Kunselmann, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED A barber: guarantee $25, 60 over SvJo: would consider partner. Write or wire M. Wilcox. Kelso, Wash. WANTED Experienced automobile me chanic. Niels Anderson machine shoo 46 N. 20th st. WANTED -Names men over 16 wishing nail carriers or postal clerks, month. AV 755. Oregonian. become 1 $100-$133 BOYS about 18 years old for factory work. APPiy in person. American 3 ox & Crate Mfg. Co. WANTED Man for night shift, work very tiuns. Apply 21 E. 8th st. MANAGER for cafeteria. Coffee Cup Cafeteria Co., !-. Park st. WANTED A platen press feeder. Apply room if, -oo oak st. Help Wanted Salesmen. FOUR salesmen, Portland and surround ing towns, sell sure shot commutator wipers to deaiers only; can carry as side line. Hardware salesman can make big monev : pocket sample : reply confiden tial. BC 401. Oregonian. DON'T miss this opportunity you can make big money. $500 to $600 ner month: goods sold on a money-back guarantee; experience unnecessary, $100 to s.iuu ior equipment, van t33 Wash ington. between 10 A. M. and '2 p. vi. WANTED En ergetic, well ed ucated sales' man. cign-ciass proposition to party that can qualify. Call at 610 Stock Ex- change bldg.. from 9 A. M. to8P. M. WANTED Sales agent for auto accessory: big chance ior nam party, van 06 E, Stark or Tabor 4736. sii.iiNMKN' who can sell. Call 839 Cham her of Commerce bids., 4th and Stark. HELP WANTED MATB Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED. Oid estab!eshed silkhouse has good open ing throughout U. S. (outside of N. Y.) ior experienced salesman, commission and bonus; similar side line or those who have had experience with piece goods buyers need apply. AV 847. Ore gonian. you are not satisfied with your cut- look in, your present position it might oe wen to make a change. We have xme opportunity for an honest, ambi tious man between the ages of 25 and 4o years to fill a position of trust. Large earnings and rapid promotion. Apply to H. B. Fox. lioi Spalding bldg.. be tween 2 and 4 P. M. A LARGE eastern company desires the services of three honest, ambitious sales men to represent them in Portland and Oregon. This is a real opportunity and even if emnlovH it - i -,- a investigate this: large earnings and a real opportunity for advancement. Ap- Piy from 2 to 4 P. Jd.. 1109 Spalding J fcO Salesman that has confidence enougn in nis ability to work on com mission; must have good appearance and be able to close sales for electrical household appliances : leads furnished by US. Address. KtAf ln acrn -nei.i-. etc.. AH 488. Oreeonian. LARGE corporation desires nrvin. - capable man over 25. as desman- compensation; permanent Income. 413 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED AGENTS. ANT several food house. in.hK, vassers, men or women; easy seller and big proQt. See Sherman. 1212 Guco Didg. GOOD live man for f.f.t-eii;n- -t;.i experience not necessary, small capital required. -oars, toss, Seward hotel. 1 AGENTS at once, seiline 50c n-r month nospital tickets. 501 Corbett bids. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. WOMEN BET. 18 AND 25. WITH TYPEWRITER EXPERI ENCE PREFERRED. APPLY CHIEF OPPP 4 J. nittu ANU OAK STS. FOUR experienced bus eirls. Sftn. h housekeeper on fruit farm; cook on ranch, 2 men, $50; 2 waitresses for re sort: 2 waiters fnr hnf.i aIa v.--. . chambermaid for hotel, $60: second cook ana dishwasher, resort; pastry cook, city, $21 week. 301 Raleigh bldg.. 37 Washing-ton st. . WANTED By large automobile firm, gen- utii-e gin ior nan aay work, morn ings or afternoons; a permanent posi tion to right party. Answer in own handwriting-, statins: age and experience. A bs., Oregonian. MAIDS WANTED For Seaside hotel, Seaside, Or. Apply MOTION PICTURE ACTRESSES. wanted Ladies and gentlemen for motion picture work. Appiv between 10 and 12 A. M. and 7 and 9 P. M. Black stone Players, 1029 Chamber of Com- jiierte. WANTED Good healthy woman for out- iae w orK on Oairv farm : adv nwnr: must be able to milk 8 cows; good board ...u iuu. w u, uiuiiiu. xox -ao, oven sen. Or. WANTED 2 experienced women for kitch en work, $60 per mo. and meals for J good worker. Apply to chef, 8 to 9, ui -ix ui i - a. an.. Hotel Benson. WANTED Stenographer for temporary twsition. saiary 5o per month. Rail road experience preferred, but not nec- essary. can vim wells Fargo bldg. a . 1 c l ai once, ior permanent po- siiuu, expenencea stenographer and dictaphone operator. Call room 711 iviectrie Didg. WANTED Experienced lady cashier, also aDie to xase aictation and operate tyoe- vnier; preier one living with parents-; give reierences. v bt3. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced ledger clerk, cap tne. 01 taKing cnarge 01 ledgers; state experience ana saary expected; give igicpnone numper. A f 47-. Oregonian WAMhU Lady to work in store, general mercnanaise, in small town, central Ore gon. Phone Marshall G737 Thursday morning. LADY experienced in "resort hotel man agement would ilke summer nosition good appearance, can handle public: ex. ceiient reierences. v Boa. Oregonian. WANTED First-class chocolate dipper must be neat and quick, one used to handling hand rolled crocolates. Vol, Candy Co., No. 7 E. 2sth st. North. WANTED Dressmaker to take over shop goo aiocauon, plenty ot work. 7i3 Mississippi ave., today. GIRL for Dennis Confectionery store. 13th and w astnington. in o experience quired. Broadway 614. WANTED Girl for doctor's office; must Know now to operate typewriter; btatc experience and age. AF 472, Oregonian. WANTED Operator on power machine. Apply buo Worcester bldg. Adrian Neck wear Co. COOK for a family, no other work re quired. Apply to Mrs. Burrell, 828 Haw thorne ave. Phone East 37. Gl R 1-. for telephone. some experience Peoples Market and Taylor. grocery preferred. Grocery Co.. First YOUNG girl for doctor's office, no experi ence required. .f none Alain alter 10A.M. WANTED Experienced waitress for soda lountain and lunch counter; no Sunday work. Apply Woodard, Clarke Ac Co. MARVIS GOS.VBLI Get letter general de livery postoffice. Call or phone Navarre hotel. Alder St. J. H. R. WANTED 2 experienced women for drap ery womroom. jti. penning it fcons, oth and Washington. WANTED Thoroughly experienced cash ier and wrapper for department store. Simon's store, 2d and Alder. WANTED By June 1. good reliable grad uate nurse for general night duly. Phone Oregon City 384. WANTED Thoroughly experienced finish ers and helpers on gowns, 302 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Young lady for light duties in f ineof f ice ; salary $40 per month. 414 Glisan. PORTLAND surgical hospital wants tray girl and woman for sewing, etc. Phone Bdwy. 1266. GIRL to answer phone, one who has some knowledge of typing. Apply at 325 5th st.. between o and a. av. BILLING operator for Rem. Wahl ma chine: give references, salary and phone number. s 00, uregonian. WANTED Girl about 18 for light duties in fuel office; salary $40 per month. 414 unsan st. GIRLS wanted to work in paper box fac tory. Apply F.. C. Stettler Co., east end steel bridge. EXPERIENCED hemstitching operator, $18 to start. Dvyz iiorrison st.. sec ond floor. WANTED School girl to take care f oaoy; goou nome mm utageij. o-t aa. WOMAN to work in small hotel. Phone Woodlawn 4Uoi, EXPERIENCED marker and sorter. Ap ply iou x 1 aiiu a v c . 0. Littunary. WANTED Waitress for restaurant. 2S6 E. Morrison. GIRL for errands, chance for advance' ment. 350 i Morrison st. Room 203. WANTED Girl to work In dining room. Campbell notei. WANTED Woman to do light housekeep- ing. Call 3o Knickerbocker apts. WANTED A platen press feeder. Apply LADY barber at 324 Couch st.. near 6th 65c on tne aoi.ar; mu?t nave license. WOMAN to work-in kitchen from 4 to P M . cam pug 11 n 111 no tel. GIRL to work in dining room; experience unnecegsai y . -"i-,"1' ui noiei. WOMAN to work in kitchen. Campbell Hill noteu SEAMSTRESS wanted for steady employ ment. 221 flttOCK DIOCK. WOMAN dishwasher at. once. Call 2S3 Grand ave. HOUSEK BEP ER. family of five ; Irvlnsr ton. Call East 5427. WANTED Bus girl. Shamrock Cafeteria, cor. 12th and Stark. WANTED A Main S247. masseuse hours dally. WANTED Jan i tress for office building, steady position. 605 Couch bidg. WANTED Experienced chambermaid; c o me ready to work . Foster hotel. WANTED An assistant landlady for all around work In hotel. Call 385 ' 4th st. EXPERIENCED mangle folder wanted. 245 Everett. Opera House laundry. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co., E. 25th and Holladay. ' EXPERIENCED girl as soda dispenser. 341 Washington st- . I GIRL wanted. Penny Arcade. 26 N. 3d et. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO IOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? A salary that is paid while yea learn the business that increases frequently as you sain experience? DO TOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE-OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell yon the facta and will lso explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for youijg women. Apply at Telephone Company, Room 601. 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park sad Oak dia. I THE PACIFIC TELE PHON B . 4k TELEGRAPH COMPANY. DON'T PAY TO WORK IN MOTION PICTURES. YOUR TIME AND MONK" lis WASTED. Any legitimate producing y company will PAY YOU instead. When ocui irom mis oizice you receive pay for your work. Register now. 312 Artisans bldg., Broadway at Oak. Phone oroaaway 104 1. EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR OPERAT ORS. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU BEFORE 10:30. LIPMAN. WOLFE EXPERIENCED GIRL TO PUT CUFFS I ON SHIRTS. J s: H 1 I STEADY EMPLOYMENT. MT. HOOD FACTORY. 233 COUCH ST. THE OLDS, WORTMAN &. KING STORE requires tne services of experienced saleswomen for corsets anrt An- ply Superintendent's office 9:15 to 10:30 A. Al. I .ArtKiKKUKP Btenoeranhnr. Sta.ta perience and salary expected in first letter, uive references as to previous ciuyiuymeni. a. oregonian. MOVING PICTURE ACTRESSES. , wanted Ladies and gentlemen, all types, tty a company now producing pic tures, experience preferred but not necessary Apply 10 to 12 A. M. and to tt P. M.. BLAQKSTONE PLAYERS. i-ty iia.moer 01 commerce. LIFE insurance company wants lady ste- nograpner, permanent position, reason able hours; no fancy salary, but chance for advancement ; must have equivalent to high-school education, long experience not necessary. Ask for Mr. Day, 610 uiini 01 iraue. STc"ri?PHf' .e1X-P-e.ri,enctd in, taking cnarge Ot Oltice. Sli:.: umber Ktnmrra pher, $130; two stenographers, bank; two comptometer. DatlK ; beginner in steno raph3', $75; stenographer and dictaphone opt-iuiur, iu. oua rsortnwestern fana oiag. STENOGRAPHERS AND BEGINNERS. V acantiet law. lumber, auto, miscel laneous; register quickly; no charge for DOANE TYPEWRITER SERVICE. - v- t k. oireec. LEAR N COMPTOMETER. Girls under 25 years become profes sional comptometer operators and earn from Sin to $30 per week. Call or writ for details, 313 Morgan bldg. Comptometer School. Miss Frank. WANTED PEOPLE OF A LI, TYPES FOFC MOVING PICTURE WORK AND SEVERAL BATHING GIRLS. SEVERAL NEAT YOUNG MEN. CALL BETWEEN 12 AND 6 O'CLOCK. 51 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG - GIRL for general office; must have tome uApenence in nooKKeeping and typing: good position for right party. Appiv in person between 9 and 11 At M. -Crystal Laundry Co., East 21st st, Sandy blvd APPLICATIONS will be received from young women aged 20 to 30 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pay and steady employment. AB 392 Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED typist who is willing to ivttiii w operate c 1 not -i-'isn er billing machine; must be accurate; good salary to anyone who is capable and industrious. Y 642, Oregonian. wAM'fcD Uirls between the ages of IS and Jl to enter training school for nurses. For particulars address Matron Hoquiam General Hospital, Hoquiam, WANTED Young woman for very light uoubewuin. no wasnine: two in lumllv will not object to one with infant or &man enna. at- 4uu, uregonian. MILLINERY makers, trimmers and sales- tauies wan tea ior out-01-town oositions Apply Lowengart & Co., Broadway and GIRL wanted to clerk in bakery; must n.mv uu iu iu.n iuuse ana wait on trade; good wages. 147 Killings worth WANTED Immediately, names of women over 10, wismng government positions. common education sufficient; $100 momn up. a v tn. vregonian. WANT two waitresses for Sundnv- nniv -. i. iu x . Aiain (iie or s(4 Japanese tea pavilion. Council Crest para. AN girl in need of a friend apply to ino n.: aiiun ai injr ioLue nome, iay fair and Alexander sta Phone Main i-JviU. UM till . STENOGRAPHERS for dictating machine positions, a montn and better. The taipnone. ju- uresoa 010 g. WANTED experienced power machine opeunui iwi uciiiaiutiiiuii ana scailoD ing. O ,632, -Oregonian. THE Florence Crittenden Home Is ready 10 inn j s 1 uiairs- moo r;sst EXPERIENCED stenographer, dictaphon operator, preierrsd. , 1 Chamber of commerce mug. SALESLADY" fot soliciting vacuum cleaner and wasning mac nines; must have sell ing ability. Call 133 Tenth st. EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator, pre ier iuniu-i -p-i i-ute, u.iE)o invoice clerk. Apply 627 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Stenographer with some ex perience, steady position. $75 to start East 401. WANTED Girl to help with general housework. Call at 1169 E. Couch st. Laurelhurst. Tabor 1478. WANTED Private secretary for whole sale grocery house ; excellent salary. Call Bdwy. 5044. TELEPHONE operator for large eommer . cial house; name salary expected, refer ences. phone number. T 208, Oregonian DINING-ROOM giri. Woodlawn 2915. 1751 Derby st.. Wanted Domestics. UiKLi ior upstair- wora and to assist witn .-year-oiu i;',1"- -a and Flan ders. iarna;i tooo. WANTED competent gin to help with general pouneourn. rnune tabor Q261. GIRL for general housework and cookinsr. two in-latitiu . wages. jiiain 7828. WANTED Experienced nurse girl for two mall cniiaren. jmr, ii. GIRL to assist in housework; no washing. 674 Everett st. COMPETENT second girl. Mrs. R Koehler, 172 N. 10th st. Broadway 3120. GIRL for light housework; good watrpf, nice home. 334 Jackson st. Main 7090. GOOD girl ior general nousework: nice room ana pain. luii cast 1 . WANTED Girl or woman to assislt with general nousewora. .cast oo. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wan ted Domes tics. NEAT, willing girl for second work in private family, 4 adults; good home, good wages. 702 West Main st,. corner King. Phone Main 725 S. I WANTED Woman to cook and keep house ior men on dairy farm: no objection to woman with child; 'wages $00 per month, board and room. Boff Bros.. box S4, route A, Elma, Wash. WANTED by June 9, girl for general housework and help with children, good plain cook and thoroughly experienced in care 01 taoie. write to f. o. dox No. 607, Kelso, Wash. I WANTED ; Girl or woman, plain cook. light housekeeping; three Wi family, good wages. 512 Chapman street, corner i-.au re i street. Alain tMU3. " WANTED Willing rlrl th ajif noral BQusewors; young couple, nice home; op portunity ior nign scnool girl wno win wora au summer. rhone Marshall 3468. TWO reliable girls for cooking: and house- inenus or sisters prererred; small family, good wages; references. Phone airs, snarp, Marshall 526. EXPERIENCED giri for general house work; must be a eood cook: no Inundrv lurnace nres; wages Mar. 4197. 1P7 N. 2uth. head of Kearnev. a. (juuu girl tor general housework, one wno is 1 on a or children; summer at Sea side; best wages, good home. 4al East xotn st. in., pnone blast 2U32. WANTED Experienced girl to care tor x-mo. 01a oaoy. uood wages and good home. Call1 at the Whitehouse Cloak & Suit Co 342 Alder st. Marshall itt2. EXPERIENCED nurse to care for 2 children and assist with housework; test wages. t-none warn Mrs. J. W. Rosen- feld. DEPENDING on her experience and abil ity, 1 wili pay $50 to $60 monthly to a young woman to help me with my hou&e- w urK. aeiiwopq iuw. A GIRL for general housework, small fam ily. gOOd wages. 93 E 11th Rt rnrnxr of Clackamas. Broadway or Irvington car. WANTED An experienced girl for gen- vra.i uuueeworKj zamuy 01 adults. 581 Jackson st., Portland Heights. Main 2957. WANTED Experienced cook, willing to go . ca.L ... nediuence .oin ana iwear ney sts. TeL Marshall 3070. 1 WANT an experienced girl for general nuuewurn, one wno iiKes cniiaren; wuj pay excellent wages. Call East 5794. WANTED A woman for plain booking where second girl is kept. Broadway oil). $GG FOR COOK who will help with house work. Main hk0. 243 Cornell bl, head Marshall. WANTED A young girl to assist at housework in 4-room apartment; sleeu at home. Inquire 304 Highland Court. WANTED An experienced girl for general nousewora; wages to. Phone Marshall J7ad. COMPETENT girl to cook and do the general housework in small family of adults. Phone East 5879. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; wages $60; good rooms : modern conveniences. 408 N. 32d st. Main 7839. RELIABLE girl to care' for two" children. .. .1 a. r 1 . ' h cm. 1 tx " . irirreutea. X Iiuue AITS. Sharp, Marshall 5823. GIRL to assist with housework and cook ing. No laundry or furnace. Phone Main 2300. WANTED Girl to do general housework. ramiiy or 4; no washing; wajes $00. 723 Schuyler st. WANTED Competent girl for general nousework; small family; good home for right party. 735 Kearney at. Mar. J315. WANTED Competent maid for general housework; references required. Mar. 2171. GIRL to assist with general housework, no wasiung or cooaing. Apply mornings. 69! Lovejoy. WANTED A woman for plain cooking wnere bcvoiiu gin is aept. Broadway 519. WANTED Competent girl to assjst with Usui, nouneworn ana care ot small child. Automatic 312-38. CAPABLE girl for general housework small family, high wages. Phone Main -o-j MODigomery drive. W AN TED A maid for parlor and dining room worn. jvxrs. jri. w . Corbett. 189 r ix in street. GIRL for housework ; no cooking 794 Lovejoy st. Main 247. ELDERLY woman to do general house- wora. can J Washington st. MIDDLE-AGED lady to keep house for Tabor 945. WANTED A competent girl. Phone Tabor 1167. YOUNG girl to assist with general house work. East 6471. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMA LE. WANTED Business, getting field" secre tary for hicjh-grade educational Institu tion. Permanent employment for man or woman coming well recommended. AH 4S9. Oregonian. ELDERLY man or man and wife who want a chance to make a home for their old age; must be honest and tru.st- wortny. .airs, 'lomm, ai K. o2a st. N. PHOTOPLAY writing taught. 3L2 Beck Ding. r-aciuc rroauctions Co.. RmH. way 1677. Write or call for free book let jy. SOMEONE experienced In lumber for 30- w aays special wora. r none Air. Stock, coiumoia MALE or female solicitor; splendid oppor tunity ior one wtning to nustie. A 520, oregonian. FREE apartment to a middle-aged couple ior care 01 nana anu lurnace. Wk AJ or gan Diag. EpUC ATION'AL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. give you s set of tools and soma pay wnne learning, positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men the course is free to you. Write . or call for particulars and catalogue. - -surname su POSITIONS ASSURED EVER Y GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business Colege. Portland. Enroll am time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. I OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks: scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; poltion guaranteed; pay wane learning; tuition reduced in is term. aiaaiaon. MISS MATTINGLY'S private shorthand typewriting school ; individual instruc tion; day and night. 269 14th near Jef ferson. Main J8a LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeeo- ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teacners. aay ; ana nig 1. iiir-ii iu w. w y. uuoo. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school ; individ ual instruction. 122Va Grand ave. J. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you wliile learning, give you set of loots free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. tree uounicu ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. J YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your -. j. -""73 ti. FISK Teachers Agency journal bldg. Ma. 1 4835. Teaching positions, free registration. SITCATIONS WANTED MALE. PAINTING and tinting, reasonable prices. Drop postal to juduuu, 111 jl. oota st. N. CEMENT sidewalks, basements, retaining wails, runways anu garages a specialty. Tabor 90 3L REMODEL your house now, estimates given oy renaoie uunuer. w aooiawn 5348. WAN l-j rositiou srnpping clerk or yara loreman. av e, ore go n ia n. MIDDLE-AGED man desires Job 1 sweeper m a-r-im---, .., c. n. YOUNG man wishes to drive delivery truck. can iauor u.o. MAN AND WIFE would like cooking job . n smai 1 sawmm. -o. oregonian. CARPENTER A-l worker, finish exp.. repairs, iciire . -nut l"coc. --wy. uo. WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, general house cleaning, expert men. Tabor 9462. CARPENTER work, alterations, repairs. Taoor gwg. HOUSE painting, signs, kalsomining. 132t E. tiiisan. rl'OiiB iauor ;oo, WORK: WANTED FROM & P. At, TO 8:30 p. M E 272. OREGONIAN. KALSOMINING. pslnting. plaster patch ing, reasonable. Main 2865. REGISTERED pharmacist. relief open date. AC 486, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED rodman wants job; out of "town preferred. AE 467. Oregonian. CARPENTERS. Al ; work remodeling or new work; day or contract. Tabor 9040. CESSPOOLS DUG. WOODLAWN 5483. SITCATIONS WANTED MALE. WE ACCOUNTANT having experience as office manager with several 01 tw Portland houses and who thoroughly un derstands systematiing for efficiency, general ledger work, controls, etc.; wanV position of trust with some large Port land firm or corporation, wholesale, re tail, construction, manufacturing ana banking experience; references. - l-i Oregonian. YOUNG man who is an experienced payroll man and bookkeeper desires peruif" connection with lumber company where there is a chance of advancement; city . f 1 v. 1. In Pnrrlnnd: O years in the lumber business; would take other kind nf office work to start; best of references. BF 399, Oregoniam WELL-QUALIFIED steward, experience in London, New York, Chicago. South American and trans-Atlantic steam ships, now living in Chicago, desires position as such in Portland. Oregon. Address all communications Box o. Enterprise. Or. r -v i tj t itNT r rnnlr! man and wife want work in hotel, cafeteria, camp or dinner cook (country preferred). Man cook, wife helper or waitress. Write or phone W. S., 1015 South Ivanhoe at.. St. Johns Or. Phone Columbia 909. . BY young married man of 32. permanent work, wholesale lumber ofTice preferred; experienced in general office and traffic work and lumber payroll, timekeeping and office assistant; will leave town; good references. BJ 404. Oregonian. NOW IS THE TIME to have your home cleaned and reno vated. We will clean your walls, ceil ings, woodwork, floors, etc.. and it will be done right. No Job too small or too large for us. Broadway 1SP6. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, university graduate, 7 years' experience, age 19, married, wants position in the west for next year. Will remain two or more years if satisfactory. Write C. A. Smith. Ruthven, Iowa. . POSITION wanted In city by young me chanical engineer, automoone anu tor engineer; nine years' experience all lines of mechanical work. Address Geo. A. Muir, box 613, city ALL-AROUND handy man with tools. Sood painter, gardener and repair man wou.d like position around private residence or institution; board, room and salary. Be 397, Oregonian. , WANT steady work for light delivery Ford truck or will sell at reasonable price: 1920 model. Phone automatic 313-71, 412 Flint st. . WANTED Hauling jobs for two one-ton trucks with drivers. Inquire L. Gillam. 229 S. 5th st,, after 5 P. M. Phone Main 2157. ELECTRICIAN, experienced with install ing and maintenance of motors and electrical equipment, also a good pipe fitter, wants work. A J 496. Oregonian. MARRIED man desires work on ranch near Trti-llnrir have own iurnuure. "" stand poultry and stock. BF 397. Ore gon la n. WEST MAGUIRB. Painting, paper-hanging and Phone auto. 21-77. Res. and shop. 391 East 3th st ELDERLY man. gardener; care taken ot lawns in Institutions, or day watchman n factory; all year around job; beat of references. AC . urenuuwi. KX-SOLDIER, married. must have some work by hour or day; Krdener. put in wood and saw wood, etc, 40 k E. 2tn. cor. Pine. rvDpRiKvnrn motion cloture -operator, year experience, warns- iu wuiiv " , r and Sundays In or out or town, o, Oregonian. GARDENER. Al. single, experienced in all hrnnrhes. want dobhiuu m v. place; reliable; reierences. A 525. Ore- go man. wivTirn FViitinn as extractor man in some laundry. Marry . JVTr 390 Glisan st. Phone BroaQn SEWER connections. cesepoois. raised, cement worn b008- . Z . Z..mrno. .nravinx done. Phone ivJZw -AMI. At your service; right prices, .vrivn TlMTTMl X-P-TO-D ATE' WORK REASONABLE, ESTIMATES, RELIABLE. MAR. 214. x -rMTxi o v.an ol"d. wishes clerica' nosition foV 2 or 3 hours iu evenings- Phone Automatic 21'--bo. or roll, reasonable. Call atter o:.u. PAINTING and tinting at special summer prices; nice wora Phone automatic 316-oJ. HIGH SCHOOL graduate desires work in office; willing to work and learn busi es, can Loimim' "" tipi KSR bov wants any Kind snon- 1 " - . . - ... a w v tifiA rv hour wora anr -v gon ian. , feur; make own repairs , V 661. Oregonian. WANTED Good homo for boy of 14. on farm, wnere ne tu -""ww B 63 4. Oregonia ,..t.i avmvvt hv elderly man. hand with tools, jam ior vj ' ' " work; refs. Ar sou, uregonian. ii.i .ABnnND cook with own crew seeks position; 3 in crew. Room 4, Reed bote 4th and Salmon. YOUNG man. attending mecnanicai Bcnoi desires pmpioyirwu i" " " p. M. daily and all day bat, wen. - WANTED Work 3 or 4 hours evenings . earaco as mechanic's helper. Pho Marshall 770. WANTED Light work, 6 P. M. to 1 In an werius Oregonian. Itookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. 57ttv-K-- MEN'S CLEARi- ttuuoa, Main 81U ana eiai, Can Furnish STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, ACCOUNTANTS, INVOICE CLERKS. GENERAL OFFICE MEN LUMBER OUR SPECIALTY. IN OR OUT OF THE CITY: BOOKKEEPER or comb nat on e&ibier and DOOKKCtyt i , .- . TT ooen for immediate engagement. Call Tabor 462 or address AB 476. Orego nian. nian. ; - STOP BOOKKEEPING WORRY. Experienced accountant will help your bookkeeping; simple, efficient and in expensive systems Installed; reasonable rates; references given. Phone 317-81. EXPERIENCED LUMBER MAN. STENCHjnArneiA, " w ' . ' . , AND INVOICE CLERK, WANTS POSITION IN OR OUT OF CITY. MAIN 8106. MR. GIBBONS, YOUNG MAN. experienced clerical, sales manship, cashier, desires work up to 2 P M. ; references. rnono uri. Main 5072. room L SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. CHINESE GIRL wishes position to work either doing fancy work. Phone 519-88. 11 A. M. to 8 f. -1. RELIABLE woman wishes cleaning oy hour or aay. Vi peoples apartment a specialty. Mar shall 3325; . j YOUNG lady desires position in doctor office; ver iyei- . of handling collections. nian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper, OUl OI lUWM 1 references, AB 486. Oregonian. rwn .ririx wnnt out-rof-town work; will go V. w !: -Aimtilm as waitresses could leave June 15. AR 3tf5. Oregonian. YOUNG lady would like to learn a good paying trade; would like ma 1 wagei while learning. Af a-o. , v.vpf.rieN'CED comptometer operator and typist wi-ii-- wv , . Phone fciast ot. , .. . t 1 ; tvt siHers camp: compeiem w AB 468, oregonian LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will call. Ease 8518. ; wr-ir- -i - -tiv rinnp ! nrivate itlals and monograms a specialty. Can mornings. 274 N. si it. apu , .--,- -nd dra - lace, scrim '"-y, Z"-t f perles hand laundered by expert. East 61 VERY experienced wom" vLt arouna. aay "- 2034. m . WANTED-i-Position by experienced lady cook, any sie -Oregonian. WILL board two or three children; best 01 care. a-wi. WORK by day.' 50c hr.. carfare, lunch. Mrs. riarrifcon. rva-u o-.-. WANTED Washing-. ironing. cleaning, plain sewing. Phone East 8492. CATERESS prepares and serves luncheons and dinner. -aat YOUNG girl wants position in Washing ton, w ooaiawn o- t. Lady wants elevator or office work, thor oughly competent. Bdwy. 3253, fbom 4. WOMEN want" work by the day. Main 3397. WOMAN 311-57. wants day work. Automatic HOTEL housekeeper or manager, rooming or apartment noune. -i --. WOMAN wants work by day. Wdin. 790. SITUATIONS .WANTED ITMALE. m have available for your call experi enced stenographers, experienceu Door keepers, ai?o beginners, etc Doane Typewriter Service. Main 6397. EXPERIENCED maid general housework ; 4SS. Oregonian. desires position ; good wages. AB WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother - Is away; references. Woodlawn 1611. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 708-9-IO Wilcox Building. Main S196 and 8197, Can Furnish Stenographers. Bookkeepers. Account ants, Typists, Comptometer Op erators. Office Women. PROMPT SERVICE. NO CHARGE. P. B. X. OPERATOR, typewriting expe rience, wishes positino with good firm. AG 482, Oregonian. LADY typist wants general office work forenoons or copying to be done at home. M ain 9209. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of city references. Main 2817. Dressmakers. 20TH CENTURY dressmaking school and helpers' shop; special course in cutting by chart and pattern. We do hemstitch ing and buttons. 305 Dekum, Main 622. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, suits, dresses, summer voiles, alterations of all kinds. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver, ave. Phone 316-06. COATS, DRESSES, SUITS MADE AND REMODELED. Dressmaking Dept.. Em porium Dye Wks.. 549 Morrison. Bdwy. 4259. LADY wants to take in p'.ain sewing or will go out. &H) Jefferson at. Phone Main 5S66. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out bv the day or taae in sewing. Tabor 736. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, work guaranteed. E. SOth st. No. 7o. East 694. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 311 Central bldg.. Tenth and Aider. Alain 3408. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, make-over. fter 7: 3 per day. aeiiwooa leu. HEMSTITCHING, 6c a yard. M. Dal ton. room zoi uroiaway- lamniu Didg. PLAIN sewing and men's shirts. Apt. Bdwy. 34TS: URSE Experienced and hospital trained. wishes care ot invalid cm id or elderly patlent. AJ 44, uregonian. PARALYTIC or sick lady patients taken by graduate nurse; private res id. Tab. ". PRACTICAL nurse desires position. Phone East 7211. C 506, Oregonian. Housekeeper. EXTRA sood mlddle-axed woman with girl v yrs. or age. ior nouseKeeping: no dairies or loreigners answer; ou per mo, Mrs. Barrett. Multnomah. Or. Main 384 WIDOW, with boy 8 years old. wants po sition as houseKeeper tor o or re spectable gentlemen; in city preferred. AF 4 1 3, Oregonian. YOUNG widow wants position as house keeoer in or out of city; personal inter view requested. Call at 441 North 22d, after 12 A. M. AN elderly, reliable woman wants house keeping for widower or worainw woman. H 244. oregonian. Domestics. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS- TABOR. 4W1 House-cleaning, floor-waxlmr and all kinds work in the home and office. WANTED TO BENT. Houses. WANT TO LEASE FOR TEAR Viillv rnnriern. well loci. ted 5 or 6-room bungalow and garage. Will take best nosible care of nronertv. Have no chil dren and can furnish best of references. In answering give full particulars, to cation and amount of rent desired. 662, Oregonian. ESTABLISHED business man will lease f.r nn a i- nn rr hpfnrp June lain or 6-room cottage, Irvington, Laurel hurst. Rose City. Sunnyside districts; no children. If you own the property an axe the right man can r-asi xw aw ask for Mr. Hawn. PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN DESIRES TO KKM A r UK. 1 nil d i.' n. v r NISHED FIVE OR SIX-ROOM BUNG A LOW for an Indetinite period. nave children, but will take excellent care of place. Now or by June 10th. Marshall 21HKI, Mr. Brown WANT to rent eight-room furnished house or five-room apartment for the summer, close in, either east or west side; im mediate possession. --- luum Portland hotel before noon. WANTED By careful adult family or three, modem rurnisnea or umuniin-u hmica nr blv moms: must be reasonable: .vprv care will be taken: references 1 given. A 633. Oregonian. tt- a vr l' r t runt strictly modern unfur nished 6 or 7-room house in desirable district, preferably Irvington: immediate oossession; not over 50. East 4512. p-coA-si ri.R nartv wants modern - " r... -, i.ii tA h-u-A in .eood loca- 1 tinn: permanent tenant; adults. Phone East 2015. WANTED By couple, no children, 4 or 5 unfurnished house or flat; con sider lease. A E 470. Oregonian. wr vTF.n To rent 4 or 5-room house. i, n furnished: responsible parties, no children. Woodlawn 6389. mt MTL-n av .inn i modern three 01 fni.p-rnnm furnished house. East side preferred. L 613. Oregonian. WANT to rent 4 or 5-room unfurnished house near Mississippi car o iw Call Sellwood 648. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room house, unfurnished: responsible parties, no chil dren. Woodlawn 6389. WANTED Unfurnished 5 or 6-room mod ern bungalow; responsible party. East 7849. WANT 5 or 6-room unfurnished house In. Irvington or some good district. rank L. McGuire. Main IPGS. 5 OR 6-room modern bungalow, for fam ily of three: must be first class: will tsv cood rental. Phone 312-71. . k ,- --m furnished nouse m Irvington or ome good district. Frank D. McOUire. aiam want to rent 3, 4 or 5-room furnished house, on east -- -. -- berta cars. AL 393. Oregonian. WANTED To rent unfurnished nouse, o to 15 rooms, cios'e iu. . r :. WANTED To rent six or seven-room lur- nished nouse uy - ' Apartments. WANT TO RENT 4-room modern unfurnished apartment on West Side. Phone Mr. bowler, Broadway 2265. WANTED To rent eight-room furnished house or live-room p-riiuiu, mi over $150; close in, either east or west side; immediate possession. Phone room 313 Portland hotel, before noon. FURNISHED apartment or bungalow by young couple for occupancy June 24; west side preferred. F. O. box 5. city. Rooms WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms in fomiiv vhir child can board while -Mhor 1 emnloyed. Prefer west side or close-in east side. Tabor 7247. ROOM near Kllling.sworth and Union; con- 1142. Rooms With. Board. YOUNG man wants room and one or two meais a day In beautiful home. AG 42, Oregonian. . FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth. Rte- si a day up. wecKiy. oo ud. Steam heat. Free phone and baths. EARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and uleening rooms. Phone East 2L 71 Grand ave. ONE nicely furnished room o. suitaote Tnr zenuemen, . $2.50- 331 hi Montgomery st. SINGLE rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, fireproof bldg. Market st. TWO outside sleeping rooms, reasonable; walking distance. 715 Everett, cor. 22d; bis. irom --u-.... 3820. ?- 11 DAY. $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. w a rrISON hotel. Front and Harrison. outside rooms. $2.50 up: board if desired. tv HAVER hotel. 708 Wash. st. Desirable rooms with or without bath. HOTEL ARTHUR has a permanent room BAGGAGB and furniture moving for gentleman. r.iBl.AND hotel, 25 Trinity Place Pleas. ant outside rooms.. $4 per week and TWO very good clean room a 208 17th it, near Taylor. lVrGE. sunny room; every convenience; "7 V blocks from Morrison st. :u'. 11th st. 3 ROOMS and bath, modern; no children, no dogs. 404 13th. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFUL NEW ROOMS. $4.30 week and up. Strictly modern, newly furnished, new- elevator, rooms with private bath; transient rooms $1 night. Auditorium Hotel, 208 Third St. These rooms are as nice as the Multno- mah hotel has. HOTEL ARTHUR, 10 11th st Take Depot car to 11 and Morrison, walk half block eoutn. Clean, modern, respectable: transient. $1.50; with private bath. 2- HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison st.. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Rates. $5 per week up. Si day. Fire proof: large, attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusement and shopping center. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. Washington st. at 20th. Swell outside rooms. $5 per week and up; transient SI day and up. Free phone and baths. Main 31. ROYAL PALM HOTEL. Third and Flanders, newly furnished strictly modern; new management; ratos $1 day up. $5 week up. IF YOU want a nicely furnished sleeping or housekeeping room, with hot and cold water and steam heat, don't delay. Max well Hall. 207 14th. ST. PAUL HOTEL. 4tn and Alder; te.e- pnone. elevator, hot and cold water; $1 up; private bath, $2 up; permanent, up; private bath, $9 up. Unfurnished Rooms. 08 IRVING ST., west side, walking dis tance; quiet, private house; 3 large rooms; desirable man and wife only. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. WI LL give room in nioo home, 30-min. car riue, to a iaoy employed wno win act as companion to a young lady; must furnibh reierences. AH 478, Orgeonian. TWO VERY NICE rooms. 1 very large front room suitable for 2; 1 small room, bright and sunny; pleasant family; nice surroundings; near cars. East 60IO. FURNISHED room for rent, bath connect ing; nice summer nome ior gentleman in re lined family; meals and garage if desired. Woodlawn 21. TWO business men with references can se cure very desirable room with ail mod ern conveniences, close in, west side, Broadway 4574. LARGE, clean outride rooms, with batb ; new furniture and rugs; watKtng dis tance. 20 E. 15th, cor. Ash st. NICE, large, furnished front room for one or two ; gooa location. oiw jcuw son. Phone Main 5806. SLEEPING porch wtih 2 beds and sitting room ior gentlemen; also single room. 5! North 2oth st. COMFORTABLE room. Nob Hill district; waiKing distance; vacant June x. ain 04 so. N ICE sleeping room for 1 or 381 Broadway. Marshall ziti. LARGE, clean front sleeping rooms, water in room. a4 Montgomery. GENTLEMAN wanting room. refined. mod ern home near Mu i t. club. Alain boa NICELY furnished room, west side, walk ing distance. Mam 8t4. FRONT room, next bath ; steam close in. 2V5 12th st.. apt. 1. CUBAN, sunny room, walking distance. 346 Columbia tL Marshall 2077 CORNER room in pieapant apt., nice lo cation. Call Bdwy. 134 evenings. NICELY" furnished room, men or man and wife preferred. Phone r.ast tolUo 1N STRICTLY" nished room. modern home. East 6820. nicely fur- FRONT room. $10 a month, elcc, phone, bath. 392 4th. TWO small sleeping rooms, $1.50 and $2 per week. 170 17th St. NICE large front room for 1 or men. 473 Alder st, on corner. gentle- FURNlSHED room for rent. 124 E. 15th St., near Morrison. East 7168 Kooms Witn Board. WHY PAY ENORMOUS PRICES FOR DARK INSIDE ROOMS when "you can have a large, light, airy room, modern in every respect, ior less money? Dining room in connection. THE HAZEL HOTEL. Main 7094. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HO YT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NOHTCN I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-claes family hotel; looms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and busincas men and woman. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. . THE MAR TH A WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th; romos and board ; modern conveniences; walking distance. BEAUTIFULLY located home offers room with excellent home cooking. 14 J in. 19th st. Broadway 4314. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Aut. 21-074. 12 E. 7th at. COMFORTABLY modern rooms, reason able. Hereford hotel, 735 Hoyt, between 22d and 2od. Rooms WitH Board in Private Family. . LARGE. attractively furnished, steam- healed front room with balcony, suit able for man and wife who are employed or 2 young ladies, excellent meals, home privileges; easy walking distance. 567 Glisan st. Broadway 2458. ROOM and board for young lady em ployed; share large room with younjc lady: piano: walking distance: home privileges: reasonable rates. Main 59.23. 468 Market sL ROOM and breakfast, country home: two ladies or man ana wne. v 00a 1 awn 250 after 5 P. M. or Sunday., GOOD board and room, homelike, suit able two or single; no otner Doaroora. Woodlawn 2340. . ATTRA RCTIVE room, good board; suita ble two persons, labor 8-06. - iast oth. w ROOM and board for C S., reasonable. Call East 2119. ; CHILDREN; mother's care. Tabor 8505. Furnished Atartments. ELBRIDGE APARTMENTS. 3-room apt. In modern brick building; all light outside rooms. 274 N. 21st St., near Northrup. Bdwy. 4730- 4 NEW. desirable 3-room outside apart ments, completely lurnisiieu. pri vac bath, laundry. $35 186 Sherman st. Marshall 3083. BENSON Apt.. 205 N. 20th st. ; three- room furnished apt.; private uatn anu phone; adults only; price $40 per month. Telephone Broadway 4448. ONE and two-room apartments, everything: Fhone Broadway 1465. ."" . TT BONNIE BRAE A PA furnished, reasonauie reiiu iu lauuers. RTMENTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment. $50 per month. 514 Hancock street. CLEAN housekeeping apts., walking dis tance; pnone, neat, electricity, mornings bet. S and 12, call Bdwy. 3240. LUCRETIA COURT APTS., LUCRETIA PLACE, NEAR WASH. MARSHALL 1513. LORENZO APTS., 427 Salmon st. Phon Main 8678. 1 -room ana Kitcnenette, front basement apt. ; adults. - WANTED Lady to share 2 -room apt. Ref erences exchanged. lutn si., apt. U. Call between 0 and 10:30 A. M. SAN MARCO apts., cor. E. 8th and Couch; fumisued J-room apt.; pnaie oatn ana phone. Price $40. East 1090. I PEABODY APTS., 19th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat; reasonable. Broadway 1546. 1 ROOMS and apartments, bachelors pre ferred. o4os w asnington st- jrnone Bdwy. 14S. . MORTON APARTMENTS Three-room fur nished aparimenu o- vvMexiington el. Main 1082. I iENNISON apts.. 1027 Mi Belmont. 3-room furnished apt. ONE -room and kitchenette; walking dis- tance. aa ami su PORTNOMAH. 4 rooms, hardwood floors. $45 and up; adults. 200 East K'tH. ALCO APTS.. E. Couch and Unfon ave. Nicely furnished 2 -room apt., reasonable. I ..ROOM front furnished apL, modern. BUCK APTS., 30 N. -nst st. I .-ROOM apartment, l a month: chil- dren welcome. Phone 3223. 31.6 Hall t. COZY" .-room apt., private bath and tele phone. $32.50. Bdwy. 4064. Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 380 Stark. NICELY" furnished 2-room apts. 44 11th up. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, $19.50. all complete; concrete bldg. COMPLETELY furnished aparimenL, free phone. Auditorium Court Apts. 2-ROOM apartment for rent, one large room, kitchen and bath. Main 359.