Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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News Print Supply Welcome
to Country Press.
Releases Made by Owner or Chicago
Dally Sews and Others Prove
of Immense Value.
t CHICAGO, May 26. Victor 5". Uw
. son, publisher of the Chicago Daily
, News, has released 100 tons of news
print to be distributed to smaller
; newspaper which are In need of sup
s' plies and are reported to face bus-
pension if immediate assistance is not
given them, it was announced today.
A number of newspapers through
out ine country are wiinoui imu tuu-
. necuons, according to J. Ij. r earing,
western manager of the International
- Paper company, who said that the ac
tion of Mr. Lawson and other large
puuiiffnere in releasing pari ul tncu
tonnage at the request of the Inter-
. national Paper company. George .
Mead . company and other concerns.
' bad saved the lives of many papers.
Mr. Fearing, who asked Mr. Law
son to release the tonnage, said he
found him anxious to co-operate in
the plan for newspaper relief. At
Mr. Iawson's request the paper will
said this action and that of other
large publishers had already had a
softening effect upon the "spot mar
ket and that there were indications
. of an early adjustment of the news
print situation.
Mr. Fearing said that so far as
possible the distribution of the paper
would be effected through the com
mittee on news print supply, with
which the Inland Daily Press asso
ciation is affiliated.
W. E. Carpenter of the Lincoln
(111.) Courier-Herald said that more
than 60 daily newspapers had been
saved from suspension through the
efforts of the committee on news
print supply, and that the generosity
of Mr. Lawson, following the action
; of other publishers, would be gener-
ally followed throughout the coun
; try, bringing relief to the smaller
newspapers which have no contracts
with paper mills.
Hays went out there In the interest j
of harmonv and compelled the two I
factions to compromise on the basis ol j
putting on the delegation 1-3 Johnson I
men and 13 anti-Johnson men. 4
Faithful Pot at 40.
Without goinsr more minutely Into
Johnson's actuarial basis, it is prob
able that Johnson will not have in
the convention more than 40 delegates
who will be for him at heart, who can
be depended upon to stay with him to
the last ditch.
Now this raises the real question.
When- politicians and loosely informed
commentators talk of Johnson's
"throwing his delegates' here, there
or elsewhere, for "throwing his
strength" here, there or elsewhere,
that is for the most part sheer non
sense. Johnson is lucky lr tie nas
40 delegates that he can depend upon
even to stay with him to the end.
For trading purposes. Johnson has
no chips, but. even without having
delegates to trade with, he can still
influence the course of the balloting
strongly. The really important Ques
tion is what will be the destination
of these 118 Johnson delegates after
they leave Johnson and more impor
tant yet at what point will they leave
him? Must they wait until he releases
them or can they choose their own
time to leave him? These questions
wtll have conclusive effect on the
fortunes of the other candidates at
various stages of the convention.
Withdrawal Time la Key.
If Johnson or any other candidate
is permitted to choose his own time
to withdraw, that, act of withdrawal
cannot, be done, even if Johnson eo
wishes It, without helping one of the
other candidates and Injuring an
other. If the withdrawal is made at
the close or a certain ballot It creates
what may be. a conclusive realign
ment on the next ballot. Obviously
there is abundant justification for
the Johnson delegates who at heart
are for some other candidate to choose
their own time for leaving Johnson
and going where their votes will
count as they want them to count.
If Johnson were permitted to do so
he might by holding on to a certain
point defeat Wood; by releasing them
at another point he might give Low
den the prize, or vice versa.
It is an- important and delicate sit
uation. The solution of it must be
made with due consideration for not
justice merely but fair play as re
gards Johnson. But with equal cer
tainty considerations of fair play do
not call on the convention to let
Johnson have all the power he might
readily have to name one candidate
to defeat another, if he is permitted
to have unrestrained power to 'hold
his delegates beyond a certain point
or to release them at another point.
Law Is Constitutional, Says
New York Tribunal.
Three Sections of Measure Declared
Inoperative by Indiana Judge
in Miners" Cases.
country, entail a heavy cost and in-1
volve us- In complications for a long
time to come."
Mr. Taft left this morning lor
English Newspaper Doeg . Hot Ex-
- pect Favorable TJ. S. Action.
LONDON, May 26. Cabled reports
that there is no chance of the United
States congress acting upon Presl.
dent Wilson's recommendation rela
tive to an American mandate for Ar
menia are accepted by the Chronicle.
which is generally supposed to reflect
Premier Lloyd George's opinions.
Urging the necessity of some man
datory starting: work In- Armenia
without delay, the Chronicle asks
what nation will do this, and adds,
"who but America can?"
RAILRUAUS DU NOT (Month-End Clearance Sale
Operators Give Views on De
mand for Billion.
(Continued From First Pase
Nibley and President Smith of Salt
Lake City, who. after being taken
over the valley, on an inspection tour,
all said that the valley was peculiarly
adapted for the growing of sugar
beets. Later, when the successful cam
paign for acreage was nearly over,
Mr. Gore testified. Bishop Nibley told
him that Medford would have to put
up $250,000 to get the factory. Mr.
Gore was still testifying this after
noon when the hearing, which will
last through several days more, ad
journed tor the day, and he will re
sume the stand Thursday morning.
"When Mayor Gates resumed the
stand the forenoon he testified that
he talked with Alexander Nibley in
the spring of 1S16, while Colonel
Munday was In New York trying to
get beet seed, in which Mr. Nibley
said that Mr. Mundy could not get any
beet seed as his company had covered
all Xhe beet seed in the country,
hence he was not afraid of Mundy"s
plan to establish an independent fac
tory in the Rogue river valley. Under
cross-examination Judge Stroup. the
company's attorney, asked .Mayor
Gates: "You think it was a mistake to
locate the factory in Grants Pass?"
"Yes. I do. Why even the company
admitted :t Iirtcr, was the reply.
"Yes, we admit it was a mistake,'
hastily rejoined Judge Stroup, who
could go no further as Attorney
Beer, for the commission, raised
strenuous objection to both the ques
tion and answer.
Chairman of Commission Says No
Machinations Back of Probe.
WASHINGTON. May 26 Charges by
Senator Smoot, republican, Utah, that
the federal trade commission investi
gation of the Utah-Idaho Sugar com
pany was being used in opposition to
his re-election were denied today by
Houston Thompson, acting chairman
of the commission.
"The commission has already rig
orously refrained and has so advised
Its employes from taking part in any
matters of a political nature in its in
vestigations and trials of cases or
other matters before it," said Mr.
Thompson in a letter to Senator
. Further denial of the charges was
made by Henry Ward Beer, the com
mission's attorney in the sugar cor
poration case, who was named in Sen
ator Smoot's statement.
M r. Beer telegraphed the commis
sion that when he received a message
from George E. Sanders of Salt Lake
City, stating '"if you keep going for
two months it will cost Smoot his
seat." he telegraphed Mr. Sander:
"Commission not "interested In poli
tical situation."
Mr. Beer added that he also ordered
Sanders to appear immediately in
Oregon as a witness in the case.
Frederic Beach Jennings Taken by
What Is Described to Be
Paralytic Stroke.
NEW YORK. May 26. Frederic
Beach Jennings, member of the law
firm of Stetson, Jennings & Russell.
died at his home here today. He was
stricken last Sunday by what was
described as a sort of paralytic stroke.
Mr. Jennings, general counsel for
the Associated Press,- International
Paper company, Erie railroad and va
rious other companies, was a director
of numerous corporations. : He also
was a trustee of Williams and Bar
nard colleges. He was born in Ben
nington Center, vt in 1853.
In connection with the death of
Mr. Jennings the executive commit
tee of the board of directors of the
Associated Press today adopted the
following resolutions:
"The executive committee of the
board of directors of the Associated
Press In session assembled have
learned with profound grief of the
death of Mr. Frederic Jennings, .gen
eral counsel of this organization. Mr.
Jennings had served with distin
guished ability and efficiency in this
capacity for more than 20 years and
had won alike the admiration and
affectionate regard of his associates.
We recognise the great loss which
the Associated Press has sustained
a loss which in even larger measure
has fallen upon the legal profession
and his fellow citizens. To the be
reaved family we tender our heartfelt
sympathy." ,
Special Train of 2 5 Tank Cars
i Dispatched to Refinery.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 26. A spe
ial train of 25 tank cars of gasoline
and kerosene was dispatched .by the
Standard Oil company late today from
its Richmond refinery for Sacramento
valley points to assist in relieving the
The Southern Pacific announced
that it had expedited the .dispatch of
the cars to Richmond to make up the
train and that instructions had been
given all along the route to facili
tate the distribution of the gasoline
and kerosene. ,
NEW YORK. May 26. The Lever
act was declared constitutional as a
war measure in an opinion handed
down late today by the United States
circuit court of appeals in the case
of C A. Weed & Co.. Buffalo, cloth
iers. . The opinion, written by Judge Mar
tin D. Manton, affirmed the decision
of Federal Judge Hazel, who refused
to enjoin. Federal District Attorney
Lockwood of tne western district of
New York state from proceeding
against the company, charged with
The law was declared constitutional
as a war measure under the opinion
and the court held that "the failure
of the senate to ratify the peace
treaty with the German government
Indicates that congress treats the
war as continuing and demobilization
as incomplete."
Varlona Facts Considered.
The opinion holds that wearing ap
parel, declared to be a necessity,
comes within the sphere of war legis
lation and such legislation. It adds,
does not Interfere with the police
powers of the state.
In determining 'what Is an unjust
and unreasonable rate the court held
that many elements may be submit
ted to a jury, "the cost price to the
merchant, his overhead charges, his
rent and what is a customary and
usual margin of prifit as It exists In
the trade." The length of time he
carried the article and his Interest
charges may also be of Importance,
the opinion said.
INDIANAPOLIS, May 26. United
States District Judge Anderson In
federal court late today overruled
the demurrer filed by Charles Evans
Hughes to the finding of the court
this morning which sustained five of
the counts In the indictment charg
ing 125 coal miners and operators
with conspiracy to violate the Lever
Sections Held Invalid.
Pleas of not guilty were entered by
the attorneys for the defendants with
five exceptions and November 8 was
the date set for the trial. Defendants
in Illinois. Ohio and'-Missouri have
brought proceedings to resist being
Drought into court here. Only de
fendants residing In Pennsylvania and
Indiana were in court today.
The indictment against the bitu
minous miners and operators was an
outgrowth of the strike last fall and
originally contained 18 counts, based
on the Lever act and the criminal
code. .'
Judge -Anderson today, however,
acting on a motion made May 7 by
Mr. Kusrhes. chief counsel for the
United Mine Workers of America,
quashed 13 of the counts in the in
dictmenb and at the same . time de
clared unconstitutional three sections
of the Lever act sections 4, 26 and
amended --section 4. Five counts in
the 'indictment based on section 9 of
the Lever act the court held to be
WASHINGTON, May 26. The su
preme court was asked today by the
government to expedite a decision on
appeals from federal court decrees in
Colorado holding unconstitutional
portions of the Lever act designed to
prevent profiteering. The proceed
ings grew out of injunctions granted
the A. T. Lewis & Son Dry Goods
company enjoining enforcement of the
"Some federal courts which have
passed upon the legislation in ques
tion have upheld its constitutionality
while others have ruled adversely
there, the government's motion said,
"The result - is much confusion and
uncertainty to the embarrassment of
the government and the public."
Executives to Expect Honest Serf'
If Increase Is Given, Asserts '
E. T. "Whiter at Hearing.
First Authentic Details of Tragedy
Brought by British Pro
vost Marshal.
VICTORIA, B. CV May 26. First
authentic details of the killing of
Admiral Kolchak, former head of
the All-Russian government, were
brought here today by Captain Wal
lace Ian Webb, provost marshal with
the British forces and head of the
international . military police in
Siberia, who arrived from Vladlvo,
stok aboard the liner Manila Maru.
Captain Webb was in Irkutsk at the
time of the tragedy.
Without trial, he says, Kolchak and
Premier Peppeliayeff or Irkutsk were
taken out and placed before a revo
lutionary firing squad. Kolchak asked
he were to be given trial and when
nformed in - the negative he asked
permission to see Madame Kolchak,
which request also was refused.
Give me a ciragette," ho then
calmly asked, and with steady hand
he lighted it and faced the squad, in
differently awaiting the end. Pep
peliayeb, screaming for mercy, at
tempted to run away and was shot
own in his tracks. Kolchak, smoK-
ing his cigarette, calmly awaited the
volley which would drive him Into
ternity. A dramatic scene followed.
The order was given to fire and the
firing squad refused to obey.
Kolchak continued to puff away at
his cigarette.
Incensed at the refusal of the firing
party to obey, a commissary strode
forward, pushed Kolchak's head back
nd blew bis brains out with a re
Continued From First Pse. )
within their aggregate conscience. I
happen to have made an intimate
study of the Michigan delegation and
my belief Is that of the entire SO del
egates from Michigan, probably not
more than one and certainly not more
than three voted personally for John
son in the primaries. All the rest
voted for Wood. Lowden and Harding.
If to these three you add those of
the Michigan 'delegates who for rea
sons of personal conscience or local
politics think they ought to go along
with Johnson farther than the early
ballots, the number at the outside Is
not more than eight. The real lean
ings of the Michigan delegation, ac
curately classified, are probably eight
for Johnson, 14 for Wood, four for
Lowden, one originally for Harding
and probably now for Lowden and
three now doubtful as between Wood
and Lowden.
Nebraska la Same Boat.
Without going into details to the
same extent it, is possible to say
that Johnson's 1 delegates from Ne
braska are in rougniy tne same suua
tion. Johnson's ten delegates from
North Dakota are in the same sltua
tion to even a greater extent. Some
believe that the North Dakota dele
gation will not even vote for Johnson
, on the first ballot although that
. failure would be an outrage again
both the spirit , and the letter ot
North Dakota primary law. Johnson
has not even the 26 delegates from
his own state of California firmly
for- him.
Some - months ago when the Call
fornla republican leaders were snarl
lng among themselves. Chairman Will
ury to Decide if 7 0-Tear-Old Man
la to Pay for Alleged Attack.
THE DALLES, Or.. May 26.
Special.) Whether George A. Harth,
70-year-old resident of this com
munity and former Tygh Valley
rancher, shall pay 125,000 for an
alleged attack upon Mrs. Ida Collins
is now up to the jury, ths case hav
ing gone to the jury late this after
Arthur A. Collins, husband of the
woman alleged to have been attacked.
took the stand and testified yester
day, as did his wife.
They told of the alleged develop
raents In the case.
Harth entered a general denial to
the charges brought by Mrs. Collins
through .her. husband. Witnesses for
the defendant testified that although
they" were near by they heard -no un
usual noise nor Screams. Dr. Paulsen,
for the defense, testified" regarding
Harth's physical condition.
Southern Presbyterians to Slay
With World Movement.
CHARLOTTE, N. C May 26. The
general assembly of the Southern
Presbyterian church, after an all-day
debate, voted tonight against with
drawal from the interchurch world
An attack on the interchurch world
movement was launched in the gen
eral assembly by Dr. Joseph I. Vance
of Nashville, who declared "a lot of
money has been wasted by officials
of the movement" and said It wos
now enveloped in a "crisis of severe
and widespread criticism."
White Funeral Held.
The funeral of Ared H. White,
father of Adjutant-General and Hal
M. White, was held yesterday at the
Skewes undertaking chapel. The
Christian Science service was used..
The rooms were filled with flowers.
The pallbearers were Dr. O. W. Mack.
nr. E. E. Chase, Dr. H. Silverwood.
William Reidt, W. S. Threlkeld and
E. C. Calloway. Interment was in
the family lot in Riverview cemetery.
Continued From Flryt Pare.)
the president's request adversely to
Senator Williams of Mississippi
was said today to be the only demo
crat committee member favoring as
sumption of a mandate.
Mandate Over Armenia Wonld
Mean Sending of Large Army.
ABERDEEN, Wash., May 26. The
United . States car.not undertake
mandate for Armenia under th
leaguo of nations since this country
is not a member or. the league, accord
ing to William H. Taft. former nresi
dent, who lectured here last night. Mr.
Taft said he was not certain whether
the mandate should be undertaken un
der any circumstances and that h
was inclined to agree with W. -J
Bryan, who yesterday announced his
opposition to the mandate. Mr. Taft
said, however, Armenia should be
helped because conditions there were
about as bad aa they could be, but
that the mandate was "open to dis
"The Armenian question," he said
"Is too complex to say off-hand
whether we should accept the man
date proposed Dy Mr. Wilson. I no
tice that Mr. Bryan is opposed to it,
and I am Inclined to thlntc Mr. Bryan
is abcut right. If President Wilson
had Included Turkey In bis proposal.
perhaps I should favor the sugges
tion. To undertake a mandate for
Armenia would mean the dispatch of
, a laree part cf our army to tha
Temporary Restraint Asked in
Christian Science Litigation.
BOSTON, May 26. J. Weston
Allen, attorney-general ot Massachu
setts, filed in the supreme court to
day a bill in equity asking that the
various parties to the involved Chris
tian Science litigation be temporarily
restrained from further prosecuting
their suits and ordered to plead to
his bill forthwith as defendants.
The attorney-general in his bill
serts that the various suits, however
decided, will result in only a partial
determination of the broad questions
in which the public "as indefinite
beneficiaries" of trusts created by
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, founder of
the Christian Science church, la Inter
ested. He asked the court to declare
the first church to be a public chari
table trust.
at Alder
CHICAGO, May 26. Fair wage in
creases for the 2,000,000 railroad em
ployes In America are not opposed
by the railroads, the labor board was
informed by E. T. Whiter today In
closing his reply to the demands of
the men for Increases In pay which
it Is said will total f 1.000,000.000 if
granted. '
Mr. Whiter, chairman of the com
mittee representing the roads in the
hearing, said that in return the rail
ways expected honest and consclen
tlous work from the men and that
each employe would "feel obligated
to give efficient and ungrudging
The roads are opposed, however,
to some of the demands because they
"are unjustified and not upheld by
the facts in the case," he said. They
also are .opposed to the Incorporation
of the national agreements entered
into by the federal railway adminis
tration -into any awards made by the
board, he continued.
Few Deal With Wages.
Most of the agreements deal with
the right of organization and similar
matters In only a few cases deal with
wages, he said.
The presentation of the railroads'
testimony In the hearing was finished
today, and tomorrow the rebuttals by
the employes will start.
Mr. Whiter, in closing his case,
took up the demands of the marine
employes and the shopmen. He cited
both of these as cases in which the
granting of the demands would be
unfair to the roads and in some cases
to the men themselves. He pointed
out that heretofore the wages of ma
rine and harbor employes had been
settled locally, a plan which had
proved advantageous to all, he said.
The men now demand that the wages
received in the San Francisco harbor
be taken as a basis of adjustment,
as these wages are higher than are
paid in any other harbor in this coun
try, he told the board.
San Francisco- Is Cited.
The futility of granting these de
mands is shown by the fact that the
San Francisco employes refuse to join
with the employes in other harbors
in their demands, he said. "They
realize that because ' of local condi
tions they should have higher pay
and are not willing to have other
employes placed in the same basis.
They insist that their case shall be
treated individually."
In discussing the demands of the
shopmen. Mr. Winter pointed out
that the car repair men, most of
whom are unskilled workers, he said,
demand the same pay as received by
skilled employes. The demands of
the shopmen range from an increase
of from 20 to 45 per cent over pres
ent wages, he said, and they already
have been granted increases of from
108 to 2S1 per cent over the rate paid
In 1915.
Mr. Winter pointed out that the
pay rolls of the roads already have
been increased by 1,000,000,000
since 1914.
-The mightiest sale we have held in all our thirty years is now in
full swing. For weeks we have been planning an. event that
would be worthy of our month-end sale.
Now we are ready with values that will be talked about from one
end of Greater Portland, to the other. Values that would have
been nothing short of sensational even in the days before the war.
Glance over the lists that we publish below come and see our
window displays today And above all, come looking for the very
wonderful offerings this month-end sale brings you.
$ a 85
Trimmed Hats
Two Prices
$0 65
These trimmed hats
are the most mar
velous you or 1 we
have ever seen at
this price because
they are worth from
$7.50 to $12.50.
Has that are hats Beautiful
hand-made hats that are more
charming and distinctive than
any $20 hats you- could find are
in this assortment; For that
reason we have taken many of
our $20 hats and re-marked
them $8.65 for this month-end
$2 65
Stunning Banded Sailors
; for Sport Weat
Two Prices
Many of these hats
were marked $7.50, but
to do something real
we have re-marked
them for the month-
end sale $2.65.
Legion to Dance at Wind emu Lh.
The Portland post of the America:
Legion will give a big benefit ball in
the big open-air pavilion at w inae
muth Saturday night, this event be
ing the formal opening of the season
at the river resort. The two next big
occasions will be the holiday dance
next Monday afternoon and night and
one to be given Saturday. June 8. by
the Multnomah club. All is in readi
ness for these features, special music
bavins' been arranged for. Refresh
ments will be provided in the pavilion.
Boats leaving the foot or Morrison
street will take passengers direct, or
Windemuth may be reached by tne
Brooklyn cars to Woodward avenue
and by launches from the foot of
Woodward avenue.
Truck Suit Is Won,
VANCOUVER, Wash.. May 28
(Special.) Henry Knippel of Port
land, suing D. G. Lebb, et al, for
the possession of a 6200 truck, in
the superior court of Clarke county,
today was given Judgment for the ma
chine by a Jury. This is the case in
which a number of trucks were re
moved at night from the Diamond T
garage in Portland of which August
Junge Was "proprietor.
S. H. green stamp for cash.
Holroan Fuel Co Main (S3, 60-11.
Lieutenant to Help ex-Service Men
in Getting Sues.
ROSEBURG, Or., May 26. (Special.)
Lieutenant M. Tundberg, represent
inz the northwest division of the
service and information' branch of tbe
war department, spent the. day in
Roseburg organizing a local commit
tee to assist ex-service men in adjust
ing claims. -
An effort Is being made by the war
department. Lieutenant r -Lundberg
states, to settle up all claims by July
1. and to assist in this work a com
mittee . is being appointed in each
community consisting of representa
tive men to interview each ex-soldier
and find out- whether or not he h
received the allotments, liberty bonds
or travel pay due him, and If not, to
have the matter adjusted as 'quickly
as possible.
Brewery Workers Strike.
NEWARK,' N. J., May 26. Appro!
mately 1200 brewery workers in this
city, Jersey City, Paterson, Elizabeth
and Harrison, Including brewers, bot
tlers, machinists and firemen, struck
today because of the New Jersey
Brewers' association had rejected their
demands for wage increases ranging
from 6 to 10. .
Montana Man Gets Job.
WASHINGTON, May 26. George Q.
E. Neill was nominated today by Pres
ident Wilson to De receiver of public
moneys at Helena, Mont., vice Frank
F. Steele, resigned.
Smartest styles are these $5.85
sailors for sport wear the nar
row straight brim, the droop,
the bell crown .and the large
sailor are all marked $5.85. You
know they are reduced from $10
to $12.50.
Misses' and Children's Hats
$ 0 85
Patent Milans
Smart hats for misses and children cannot be found any
where at less than $7.50 for these fine Patent Milans in
all styles and colors month-end sale price $3.85.
Buy Your Furs Now
This Month-End Sale .
Saves You 25 to 35
40 Animal Scarfs to $100 Sale Price
pnYM n black, brown and taupe
Wolves in black, brown and taupe
Lynx in black, brown, taupe and natural
25 Capes to $100 Sale Price
r itcn, MinK, okuiik ana
20 Stoles to $100 Sale Price
Fitch. Milk.'
and Skunk
Mole, Seal
15 French Coney Coats to $125 $ 50 25 odd Fur Collar $795
Sale Price Pieces f
Special Discount on All Fur Pieces and Coats
Colored Silk Umbrellas Included in 0ur Month-End sale
Three Big Specials
50 Umbrellas, formerly $10.00 sale price 5 n-
50 Umbrellas, formerly $12.50 sale price. . .$8.
50 Umbrellas, formerly $15.00 to $16.50 sale price. . . . .$10.00
All these specials have tips, ferrules and handles of bakehte.
Read The Oregronlan classified ads.
about thesi
An Unusual Opportunity
WANTED- A live firm of brok- -ers,
preferably made up of two or
three energetic young men, to take
ona well-established Pacific coast
line for 'distribution in Portland
and vicinity. A real opportunity
for the right firm. See Bronson .
Smith at the Multnomah hotel Sun- -day.
Eletric Percolators
Are attradive, economical,
Expert coffee makers will tell
you they operate on the correct
theory. Automatic cut-offre-moves
all possibility of
their burning out. ,
Electric Gifts Are Appropriate for the June Wedding
"Buy Electric Goods From People Who Know"
1D4v-'5X2? ST. MT.'WASrh G &TAKK
w v SSr rw fc 5tv -w f9
l V V ,5" ' "! " . DeeF-Cnrve Lasea IS
V--r; ' 1 'A I Are Better. w
-S x' X TraaemarK,Regristered
Trademark. Registered
Thoroughly experienced
Optometrists for the exami
nation and adjustments
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