TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, 3IAY 27, 1920 10 , t OK BALR. Dogs. Babbit. Blrflfc Pet oiook. AT .STUD. AIREDALE LAD1X RESERVE, excel lent dog; fee J 20. Facilities lor keeping females. C. M. Anderson, D. V. M., J66 Kilpatrick. Wdln. "W ANTED German police dog; must be a thoroughbred doit; also female Boston bull pup with pedigree. Pet Stock Lx cbange. North 10 Benard St., Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE An Efnglish brindle bulldog, cheap; trollar and license included- Seil wood 1653. . PEDIGREED Persian cats for sale cheap; owner leaving city. Woodiawp 58. PERSIAN pedigreed cats for sale, white or orange- Tabor S35. Machinery. BAWMILL MACHINERT. 1 15-1 KM ralU. 1 new lath machine. 1 Sumner upright shingle ma chine, 1 60-b. p. firebox boiler, big, pressure. 1 Jx 13 Russell SL C steam engine. 1 32x16 Erf steam engine. X Berlin planer, second-hand. Large stock of new and second band pulleys, hatting, boxes, etc "WESTERN FARQtTTTAR MA CHLNKRY COL. EAST SALMON AND WATER STS. PORTLAND, OR. EHPNGLE MJLI Oth of best 2-machine mills !n the northwest- 2 new standard Sumner up rights. 1 100 H. P. boiler and engine, 1 log batri, Multnomah steam drag, all conveyors and belts; logs for 10 years' operation at right price. Good reasons for selling. Wdla. 3116. 1315 Wilburjj.. 1'OR SALE, half price, 10 by 14 Tacoma donkey engine, full set line and cable, Tomy Moore and other blocks; leaving city, want eeli quick. Phono E. 8225, room 1. or T. 672 Ore. FOR SALE One 36-horsepower horizontal team engine, perfect condition. Broad way Dye Works. E. 625. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co., 55 1st st. LUMBER wagons with rolls for sale cheap. Inman-Poulson Lumber Co. East 55 S3. I M'CORMICK mower, in good shape: 1 hay rake. Phone Wood lawn 242-1. Launches mnd Boasts. HOUSEBOAT Young bachelor wants to rent small lousehoat; sir.e. location or condition no object; unfurnished; might consider option to purcnase; references. Po?toffice box 412, Portland. FOR SALE Beautiful, modern houseboat with woodshed: excellent buy; cash ore ferred, but good terms considered; owner leaving city. no. a wmameite moora; Bell wood 3007. 8-ROOM houseboat, 2 two-year-old colts and 2 three-year-old colts. C. Muck. 301 S. jersey. Phone Columbia lis weeK days, and Sunday Columbia 634. FOR SALE Boat house on the Colombia slough, near Kenton ; two floats, fur nished, $130. Box. t3. North Portland. MUST raise cash, sacr'flce launch and gal vanized iron boat house. Take it quick rr $-50. Tabor 4573. fori SALE Furniture of five rooms, also quity in nrst-ciass piano; sacnlice. l oodlawn 4107. TLA T-BOTTOM row bo at for sa're, with 9ars. Can be seen at S15 E. 50th, oi ybono Tabor 402. Type writers REBUILT typewriters, all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with, carrying case; supplies for ail makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth st. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. ATI makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 2b3' Oak st. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typWritera ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments. Send for price llt. The Wholesale Tpe wrlter Co.. 321 Washington st. SMITH PREMIER typewriter. In good con dition. Very cheap. 309 11th st west aide. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 804 Oak at. KEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P., Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main 3668. FO R S ALE Typ ewri te r. 40S E. Oth st. No. 2 Monarch. M iscelLaneon s. FOR SALE- pool tables, showcases, ice cream tables, chairs, stools and soda fountain, a good small safe and Al cash - register. All these can be seen at 171 N. 6th st. FOR SALE Float, suitable, for Rose Fes tival parade; is made to fit on auto truck. In good condition and a bargain at $35. AF 470. Oregonian. FOR SALE Almost new" Duplex Alcazar combination steel range; burns wood, coal and gas: will sell way below mar ket price. Call 707 Marsliailw. SET of Harvard classics, new, half price. $42.50; go-cart, $8; baby crib, mounted on wheels. $3. 539 East 37tb st. North. Tabor 4602. SODA fountain with coils and bo at tached- eood as new. Call at 12S0 Haw thorns ave., or phone Tabor 169. Price $25. vnrt s a t.v. 50 00O second-hand bricks. tail at tne job, raimouve piant, .um a nd Roosevelt streets, evenings. Call Mar. 8657. IRON-AO P! seeder and garden cultivator, cost $25, used once, $15. Used screen doors. $2 up. 639 E. 65th N. PAIR logger's boots. No. S. in good shape, cheap. Nlhoff make. 350 Morrison. See elevator man. Main 4521. FOR SALE Store fixtures, etc, counters, shelving, scales and big Ice box. Very cheap. 530 Wash In gton st. WOOD for sale. 16-inch. 4-oot slab and oak. Phone Sell. 1349. H. G. McAUen, 4T05 53d st. S. E. FOR SALE Two-burner Perfection kero sene oil stove, good as new. Y 61, Oregonian. FOR SALE Bookkeeping set, $10. Francis Motor Car Co.. 400 Hawthorne. 8 ICEBOXES, Just the thing for grocery aiore. Mr. Wells. Columbia Beach. EDDING plants for sale. 28th and Sandy Blvd. Formerly Mat M. Smith. REBUILT typewriters, E. W. Pease & Cq., 110 sixth st. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 51S COR- : RETT BLDG. MAR, o37. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent A Awning. 1 N. 1st st COATS, turs, suits, gowns and evening dresses slightly worn. Main 9567. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, tno. t si., near Aaii, FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $l per day. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3415. 171. EG ANT eeal coatee, good styJe. Phone J ,r i'Ml1! FOUR small root beer barrels cheap. 291 i UurnsiuBBi. UAWN MOWER SHOP. 247 Grand ave. Eversharp blades installed. Tabor 3643. fi FES FOR SALE One ; 'small. P -46. Oregonian. targe and one CEMENT laundry trays. Factory, 314 E. v asn. sr. or water. OLD growth country plabwood. 4 foot, and coruwooa. m wi' FOR SALE at bargain. $1-400 fountain tor .470. terma. 22 Salmon. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Beniley Co. M. 4i07. FORALE A dandy cowboy ssaddle. cheap if tauten at once. Bdwy. 2740. CAtiP E NT KH'S bench and tools. $ 5iT; bench a'one worth that. '737 Wilson at. " F U' TCT.E FO R ! A T E . CALL MARSHALL 3111. BANIXOMK blouse-effect coat and 2-piece skirt, sire or 40. Mar. 4.iio. FISH KR AUTO BED for Ford, better than new. $14. R 2:3. Oregonian. NATIONAL cash register. 6c to $7 7.125. IS Third st. 1KI.LOWBAN milk. J4.80 per c&se. Third st. Main 7525. SHOWCASE and counter plate. Main iss Third st. ELECTRIC coffee mill, 7525. Third Ft. D. C. J 50. Main FOR PALK Ixwn 17i6. -Wicker bird cage, $2. Wood apt. 1. WHITTAUT. Anglo-Persian rug. 9x12. Mar shall 125". TA I R of Pou h & Lomb binoculars with U!"f. no trnilc. East "Ots. MA HOG A N V tinisb pfstr ped i like new. St 7l.s 1 r x t n g nil sprtngH. STF,W ART RANGE F( MX SALE. 2"." E. Brnadway. iSNGiaSH perambulator cheap, $5. East 7154. PLIGHTLT worn evening gown. K. 127fl. DIAMOND. K. Phone 18-29 after 6.30. rOB PALE. Miscellaneous. AFTER TAV K7CTT -EIGHT TEARS SUC CESSFUL, BUSINESS, Barnesr' Cash Store of Salem, Or., will retire from business on June 1st. All store flxures for sale. Lamson cable cash carrier complete, with half-horse electric motor; five lines. 32 clerks' stations, 290 feet of line: will sell for $500, which is one-third of its value; also 14 plate glass cases at low prices; one very artis tic walnut and plate-glass jeweler's wall case 19 feet long, 25 in. deep, 8 feet high, made by Lutke Mfg. Co. for Lewis and Clark fair display; original price $600, will sell for $;i!5 cash; must be within truck hauling distance of Salem, as we cannot crate cases; extra large jeweler's safe with large money cbest, made by Cary Safe Co., dimensions of body, not including wheels, height 60 inches, width 49 in., depth ::0 in.: will sell for $10nn. All fixtures must be disposed of within the next ten days. E. T. BARNES. Salem, Or. CLASSY CLOTHES READY TO WEAR. ALTERED BY AN EXPERT. OUR SUITS ARE RTRICTLY TAILORED. TVe also have a few high grade tailored suits " uncalled for. LET TJS SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE REAL MONEY ON YOUR SUIT. H. L BLUM. 164 Tenth, near Morrison, Main 27S9. BUY, SELL, RENT, EXCHANGE SHOTGUNS. RIFLES. ELECTRIC FANS. TENTS. SHOWCACES. CASH REGIS TERS, TOOLS, TRUNKS, VALISES, NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, MAIN 4405. TABOR 6708. 128 FIRST ST. fcOR SALE 2 National registers, penny up; small and large safes, floor cases. wall cases, refrigerator, small and large ice Doxea, coiiee urn. adding mac nine. computing soalus. draft arms, 3-piece mahogany set. steam table. 242 Salmon. HALL. Gas furnaces and floor beaters. Inex pensive to install, clean and healthful to operate. Phone Main 7065 for free esti mate or call 167 Park st, just south of .Morrison. SEWING machines, 'new and second-hand. oia ior less; no agents employed; com' piete line of Darts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SJSW1.NG MACHINE EMPORIUM. li0 Third, near Taylor. LADY'S tailored suit. 3-yr.-old chiFd's silk coat, 4u bundles lath, for painter's lad ders, porch siat sunshade, flower box, electric vacuum sweeper, 3 -gal. churn. -re jy. u. man box, stove, bed. 144 11th, SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second st. Phone Main 2045. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7: 40 gal.. 99; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516, HEMSTITCHING machine. practically new, $225; davenport. $30; 7-panel screens, $14; mirror. 18x40, $12; 2 large tables, $10. ISO 13th at. Phone Bread- way 305S. FOR SALE 2 pool tables, showcases, ice cream tables, chairs, stools and soda fountain, a good small safe and Al cash register. All these can be seen at 171 N. oth st. CRABS, oysters, salmon, halibut. The best, direct from fishermen, at reason aole prices. Western Fish Co.. 12t First sl, near Alder. Marshall 51S9. DISTINCTIVE STYLES and reaaonaole prices in ladieB" USED APPAREL. 1132 E. Gliaan and 39th, Laurelhurst. Tabor 2825. ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANERS for rent, $1 per day, delivered. The Electric Maid Shop, 133 Tenth st, Broadway 4024. "Let the Electric Maid do your work." FUR SALE Black Australian Beal coat or latest cut; in need of siignt repairs; win sen at joss i or ca&n. x wo, Ore gon ian NEW "SINGERS," $o down. $3 monthly. expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. is Jkiornson. Alarsnail 721, CONTRACTORS 150 new window sash and glass, just the thing for Dartitions. new houses or . building; must go as a iou tan iua uerunger Diag. bAHiis we ana second-hand; some with uurgiar cue bis, at reasonaoie prices PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 48 Front st. ELECTRIC IRON, appliances, doorbells vacuum cleaners reDaired. fivrnra . wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawo j-iot. or cast LATLaT styles full dress tuxedo suits, also silk bats for sale or rent at Barell'a ciotning store, oi so. Huunomab hoteL Olrig. TWO roll-top desks, one mahogany, one oatc; cnairs to matcn; Bargain. si N 5th. Broadway 2739. . Other office fur niture. FOR SALE 636 lbs. new raisins. Price . sioU. Ammann. JJd and L at.. Vancou ver. Wash. FOR SALE; New gas plate on steel stand $9: garbage can. $2; lawn mower. $4. i an cast BUY your plants from the grower. We win save you money. John KnaDo florist. 908 S. 1st St., cor. Bancroft st. 1 VISTA tomb, range for sale reasonable. Call at oS8 E. Everett st. Call in morn nigs. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 248 Main New and second-hand books, bought, sold ana exenangeo am suojecis. FIRST-CLASS fir wood for sale. S. R Howell, phone 36, R. R. - Wash. . v ancouver, FOR SALE Medium weight baby carriage. a iso go-cart, gooa conamon; reasonaoie. Mrs. M. J. iicuanieis. oa JfTemont st. FIRST-CLASS seed potatoes for sale. and 6 per hundred. Phone Broadway 313, call 124 North 5th st. FLY rod (tapered), line and reel, need once; cneap. au Mr. tweuogg. Broad' way isss. OXK wood ranee. 110: one fonr-hol Imm dry gas piate, o; one jo. 25 Ruud neater. rapor ui. CASH REGISTER, showcases, scales, root beer Darrei. soaa rouniain, goose necks. MUSIC written to your words, satisfaction guaranteed or no cnarge. rsowy 2655. 148 I3tn street. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk. l iiai-iop ac&, x kuo. ounuuag Ac to. Hi park st; TWO new Pyrenes, full; one bracket, on Ensign camera, one neater with good FIRST-CLASS used Singer machine. largest maae. ou. au. to r irst St., room 15. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sanay s. wasnington st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures: terms W. J. Quigley, 366 Hawthorne. East 123. mm BALE--ACTOMOB1LES. SWAP 5-pass. Overland with delivery body for 5mall Saxon. After 6 P. M. Inquire for Wood, toih ave. and G5tb st. S. E. 1114 FORD touring, good condition. Will sacritice at .i2o. lerms. 30 Grand N-, near Burnside. FORD truck, chain drive, good tires, real bargain at $500 with terms. Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. STUDEBAKER FOUR in fine condition. Will sacrifice and give terms. 3o Grand ave. N. near Burnside FORD delivery. 1017, fine condition, good tires. A real bargain. $600: terms. 30 Orand ave. N-, near Burnside. FORD delivery, panel body, Al condi tion. $450, terms. 189 Park st. NEW 1920 Ford sednn. extras $950. Kenton bldg. Bdwy. 274. lttlS CHHVROLBT, good condition. $500 casn. -is-i.L 4-CYL. roadster in running order; Wilson st. $85. FOR SALIF: Maxwell, fine condition; $400 cash. Jau auer o x-. ji. -v xl.. ,za Si. FOR SALE Dodge delivery, late model; driven s mnrs. f.aL i--1. ONE Ford bng in good running condition Call Ka?t 50. Ask for Delaney. Terms. SPECIAL built Ford roadster: baTTnio for BUG for !hIc: A-l shape; $.'I50 cash. Wdln. 2S2rt. 001 Mississippi. Call after P. M 101 NASH car. run 400O miles: perfect condition. 14'JU iN. w. tfanK jidg. piiiiE 1017 Real bargain Grocery. 11th and Columbia. Wain 225. DODGE contract. Immediate delivery, Phone Mnin 4ii-. LME Fnrd roadstr, $500; f irt-ciaa V h a p c. .B. 1517. 120 I'n ion ave. f? li SK D AN. 102O. GOOD AS XKW PRIVATE PARTY. WH1TK.-BDWY, 40. ASTT tflS- Ford roadster, fine con 1 it 11 ,: private party. b.ut oa4l. I9r FRAVKLTN touring car, hy ewne cheap for cmsh. W oodiawn 19. i820 DODGE. CALL MAIN 1152." FOB S A LB AUTOMOBILES. THREE BIG EVENTS In the Next Three Weeks. DECORATION DAY. SHRINERS AND ROS13 CARNIVAL. Now is the time to get your car so yon can show the visitors a good time. I Just look over this list and come In and prices with I Compere others. our cars 101 Maxwell touring, looks new 600 I Overla-nd model 90. overhauled, re painted . . . GOO Model 21 Hupmobile, motor rebuilt, bow 1917 Bulck touring, completely overhauled 10O ml UnrinnRAnrh iniirlnr. USt "-"w 1000 I'm hnhv'crand Chevrolet roadster 800 -1017 Studebaker touring, just per- 391S Overland model 90. low price. Overland model 78, electric lights and starter Stulz roadster. 80 miles per hour. . r.0 1 650 sool 20 New buys arriving every day. Every car guaranteed as representee CON-LEY'S USED CAR CENTER. Our New Location. 611 Burnside St.. Bet. 14th and 15th Sts. Phone Broadway Con Joy & Ar buckle. Props. COLUMBIA AUTO SALES CO. 2 Ford bugs. Packard type; $250 will nan die. Ford, good shape; $17 will hawle. Overisiud, bargain: $250 will handle. 1915 Chevrolet 4: 2f0 will handle. 1919 Chevrolet 4; 30O will handle. 1014 Studebaker 6; $150 will handle. 1916 Stude-baker 4: $250 will handle. Kimi rrkMfistr: 2fiO will handle. 1916 Studebaker deli v.; $250 will ban die. Ford ton truck; S225 will handle. Ford delivery; J200 will handle. 84$ UNION AVE,. NEAR B ROADWAY . EAST t. Open Sundays and Evenings. LAST . YEAR'S HUDSON SPEEDSTER, EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES, TWO BUMPERS: CAR" IN EXCELLENT CONDITION; TAKE A FORD AS PART PAYMENT: WILL GIVE 10 MONTHS TIME ON THIS CAR...... ..$1850 EAST 6303. 1913 HUPMOBILE BUG In At condition; I $250. Burners Ante A Body Works) 15 th and Alder, I SEn PR -RARGAINS- 1919 Scripps-Booth; 5 wire wheels and tires. S6-6 Overland, cord tires and para. new paint and top. R."-4 Overland, cord tire a 83-4 Overland, thoroughly overhauled. 1917 Saxon six; new paint, overhauled. 1917 Maxwell, thoroughly overhauled. 6o N. 2od SU Mar. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. DTTR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING JkSL.VKJ.. J.U ULUUn. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. 1918 Motor la perfect condition, body finish excellent, has bumper and extra tire. Come and Iook at a real Dargain; SU35. with suitable terms. FlWLna MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. MUST SELL AT ONCH. 191S SUPER-STX HUDSON; OVER HAULED AND REPAINTED; A BAR GAIN AT .$1750; CASH OR TERMS; PARRIES REGULAR FACTORY UUAR- AN TEE AND SERVICE FOR 90 DAYS. CALL JVLAliM Ol.kO. RTTTfTC 18 TOURING. The car is in fine condition and has I cord tires end one extra; this year's 1 lir-n- runs as eood as car possibly could and the, low price of $1200 with 1 $400 down, balance long easy terms that will d lease you. Take car in trade. 50 RED FRONT USED CAR COMPANY. BARGAIN TN 1926 MAXWELL. a .-PT tPI.T NRW CAR AT A REAL SAVING; CASH OR TERMS; CAR RUN ONLY U00 Alii-.fcis. CALL TABOR 630. on nvKRf.AXD TOURING AT $625. This light, dependable four is in fine shape; has four brand new tires and tubes, one extra tire, tub and rim. and . rAvr - rtf inished and looks new : runs fine. Take $200 down. bal. long j monthly terms that will please you. o0o RED FRONT USED CAR COMPANY. 1918 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. REPAINTED AND OVERHAULED; WILL SELL FOR $1850; CASH OR TERMS: MUST BB SEEN TO BE AP- T R H". ( 1 CALL MAIN 7979. FORD TOURING. Fine buy In lata model Ford, lets of extras, terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 240. CAN SAVE YOU $200 IN 1920 MODEL. "LpissRNflBR CAR: $100 TN EX TRAS; AM LEAVING CITY AND WILL FOR SALJi. 00 -40. 115 HUDSON 8 evltnder car, recently overhauled, new la.Krd0 ba of tires, 2 extra rims, extra tire ami one that will ormg you whib. uubB vwuvx. Bdwy. 277 1. 1 MAXWELL TOURING. Thi fjtr ia first-class everv way and will speak for itself; has new tires and one extra, and has factory finish; low price of $G75 with $250 down, baL easy; take Ford In trade. 505 Aider st. RED FRONT USED CAR COMPANY. 1919 CHALMERS HOT-SPOT. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; A BARGAIN AT $1250; CASH OR TERMS; GOOD TIRES AND REPAINTED. CALL EAST 3075. 1019 DODGE. 1918 DU1M-.E 191 CADILLAC. 1917 CHALMERS. - 1918 OVERLAND COTTNTRT CLTJB. 1SS 10TH ST. TERMS. Mar. 283., opp. library. LIGHT 6 CHALMERS, $750. Must sell mv 5-pass. light 6 Chalmers cord tires and extra. 1-inan top. plate giasa, special equipment; good condition and iooks nng v . vw. HAVE one- of the best 1917 Grant Sixes in the market ior saie: jui mwrougniy overhauled and in A-l condition. Price $550. Owner Tabor 429e. w VTY WAIT FOR A NEW CADILLAC? When I have a 1919 seven-passenger car for sale at $"400. Why wait at this price? Call 408 Flanders. DODGE roadster. 1917 model ; finish like new. Will sacrifice for quick sale at S25. See car at 21 1 wasti. st. T3 t'i c ic mAi roadster: six tires and rims complete. P. A. Schaar, owner. Broad- way 4492. wtt.i. soil mv eouitv In Maxwell touring for $200. Call Tabor 7142 or write 2016 E. Gliaan St.. cii). BUICK 6 roadster, ran only 6000 miles perfect condition ; priced right. Sable J Armstrong garage. Tabor 2651. a mi .t . A 7 7-DftR.sc ntr. model 67 : condl tion good as new. Apply Inman-Poulsen Tnragft. Grand ave. ana LMviaion St. Ri irK roadster. 1919, first-class condition cord tires, full equipped; attractive price. Tabor 7h.v. L.E WING city, will sacrifice my Stearns car. Silent Knight motor. $500. Main 5405. inl fi CHEVROLET touring, good condi tion. A bargain at $425. Terms. 30 Grand av. in., near rmiac. FORD roartutT, good condition.; MarshaU 43S2. FOR 8ALE ArTOMOBILM. BIG REMOVAL SALE OF USED CARS 25 HIGH-GRADE CARS TO SELECT FROM. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, BALANCE EASY TERMS 1"1iailii;'u -amax HERE ARE A FEW OF OCR MANY USED CARS WE OFFER FUR YOUR APPROVAL 1918 OWRLAND, 6 -pass.. 4-cyL 1018 OLDSMOBILB. 7 -pass., 8-cyL 1019 MITCHELL, T-paas.. 6-cyL 1915 CASE, 5-pass.. 4-cyL 1918 OLDSMOBILE. 5 -pass.. 6-cyL 1918 MITCHELL, 5-pasa, 8-cyL 1918 MITCHELL. 4-naaaencer. 6-CVL. coummy. 1917 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-cyL 1915 REPUBLIC, 1-ton truck. 1912 MITCHELL. 6 -pass.. 6-cyL 1918 PORD, S-paaa. 1917 CHALMERS, 5 -pass.. 6-cyL Many others to select from. PRICES $250 UP. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 4 MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON STS. PHONES: EAST 7272 AUTOMATIC iL-ltt. ETUTZt BTUTZ: 8TTJTZ1 STUTZ BUG FOR $725. HURRY IF TOU WANT TO GET THIS SNAP I SEE MATHEWS AT J. H. GRAHAM MOTORS CO., 86 10TH ST., NEAR STARK. BDWT. 323L I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT A BONA FIDE SACRIFICE STUTZ SPORTSTER. A MEDIUM WEK1HT POWKRPUL CAR OF REMARKABLE STRENGTH. STRIK- IN OPERATION; RACING TYPE, 16 VALVE MOTOR WITH DOUBLE IGNI TION; HORSEPOWER MORE THAN DOUBLE S. A. E RATING: ILL HEALTH FORCES PRIVATE OWNER TO SELL. FOR COMPLETE DATA 1 CALL McPHAIL. STUTZ DISTRIBU TORS, TENTH AND SALMON. MAIN 3237. $600.09. OVERLAND TOURING. Overhauled, repainted, new top, new tires, self-starter, new battery and guar anteed? your old car In trade, large or smau: now is your cnance. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210 Jefferson. Main 7644. FOR SALE 1917 Briscoe touring car. overhauled and in good condition; uni versal filler in tires. $500. Ford touring, all new tires and 1 nearly new extra. This car is in A-l conaition. x:ku. Buick. fine shane. Would make classv bug with very little expense. We 1 wi!4 absolutely guarantee these cars to 1 GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO 280 Front St.. Cor. Jefferson. Main 525. $1230.00. NEAR NEW STIIDKRA K KR Private car, run 5000 miles; new cord tires; late 1918 car; you cannot teil it from new; will take smalt or large car in trade and give terms; discount for ail casn. -ow nere is your nig cnance. i Guaranteed. ' UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210 Jefferson. Main 7644. gfi OVERLAND BY OWNER. Perfect mechanical condition. good finish, spotlight, bumpers, etc., cord tirs. nantasote ton. plate glass: rea sonable price, terms; will accept gov ernment Donas or omer gooa securities. Mr. Ward. Phone Broadway 3700 or Broadway 4607. MOON SEDAN. 1920, five-pass., driven 600 mi.; 5 cord tires, tire cover, bumper, 8-day clock, cut-glass flower vase, in fact, a high- grade car, iuiiy etiuippeu. mm guarantee, at substantial reduction. 65 North 23d st. Marshall 1428. THE BEST BUY IN TO.WN. A lttiiO Velie 5-Dassenger touring ear. run about IOOO niles, 400 less than list price. Phone Broadway 4557 or see it at 408 Fianders st. I DODGE sedan, 1918, best of condition; I wire wheels, one extra. W1U sell at: ance terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. I 1918 CHEVROLET touring ear, Al condi tion, my own private car; o gooa urea and all extras, runs like new; t6U0. some terms. See Morris, i3 Henry bldg. Broadway 6178. WAXT tn exctaanra Ford touring: car in excellent condition. lor o-passeng-er imj Buick baby grand or otner gooa Kina car: must be as good a. new. Pnone K. 8U25. T 672. Oregonian- tJI'TJl IT T r-.rtniae rnari.t.r fullT eOlllp- peo, seven good tires: just nsm ior rellow wno wants a bpuj ou, flee (or $425. Call French or Hendricks, Main saal. -goo 10th st. i 1912 CHALMERS roadster bug. with fend ers, o good tires, UUW, KO.n. o fornia Monday morning; $200 cash, $22j ALMOST new .W car. run oniy 600 mi, terms. fc.ast iiM- Equipped with 2 bumpers, spotlight, 5 cord tires; owner leaving city and will sacrifice. seiL 1917 MITCHELL light ft. In Al condition. by owner. vw, or inuo ir s"u- i vm ti nt er. Call at 7327 65th ave. . E.. on ML Scott car. irt fJRAT) CHEVROLET. 1918, in good condition; new tires. spotlight, extra tire; sou. owUw. Taber 3241. - OWN a Paige, buy from owner, save com- i mission, J.'i'j mouf i. Hen, suuu fully equipped, run about 3000 miles. Mar. 2Ma. T7i- D Cl ! U! flR TRADE DOOM. COUPS gnd roadster OOUy , or win .i auo cu.ii- plete for touring car. Butterfield, 443 L918 VELIB touring, rebuilt, newly painted. new tires, car guamuicni suu make me a fair offer. Apply at once. See at 408 Fianders. FOR SALI3 Cheap, 1 Reo ("-pass., 2 7- nasA. rremiers, a 12-pass touring bus. 1 Cadillac delivery truck. 78 Humbolt. Woodlawn 4743. w . oison. 1916 HI TMUdILEi in xine conaiuoo; gooa tOP, gOOa lirca, juai. o.iulcu. iuuiiB new; a bargain, terms. Phone Main 6395! ' uiYWBLL 1919, touring, good condition. wWill consider Ford in trade; balance terms. 30 Granq ave. jn., near Burnside. c xON touring, 1917; must sell: will take $000. This Is a snap. 30 Grand ave. 5sj near Burnside. MAXWELL touring, 1920, used privately. A snap at $1075; terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. BoDOE 11- This Is a snap at $850. Will give terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnside. 1917 BUICK, 6-pass., little 4; car in finest condition; 5 good tires; a bargain; terms. Phone Main 6303. 1917 DODGE touring, good condition, with 7 DODGE touring, good condition, with ngine, tire pum.i, Hartford shock sb- sorbers, $9QO. h.. "unnEL 1918 ora touring. This i- real engine: some extras; $473 cash. Call Sell wood -lit aicr v v fmuK evenings. 7-PASSENGER Loaier. fine condition, new tire. cheap. Will consider small car in tra d e. G 149. Orego man. CHEVROLET, 1918. In A-l mechanical condition. A bargain, $650. Terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FOK-D sed an . best terms. lOth s. buy In city, $650, FOR SALE er trade, a Chalmers roadster. Call 912 08th ave. S. E 6:30 P. M. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motor overhauled .................. .820 Rear axle overhauled................ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. ..... 8 Magneto recharged ft We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings. etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim Is because the MAG NETO is weak. Hav it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. LISTErr. Would you take your watch to a blacksmith to have It 1 paired? Of course you. would not. Then why trust your automobile to inexneriericed would- be mechanics when you can have un excelled automobile repairing done ner at low prices and guaranteed work. We guard against any m is understand in g- UNTVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. 1918 OLDS 8. in first-class condition. 1919 Cole 8. beet of condition. 101S Cole 8, 7-pass.. in finest of condV tion. 1917 STUD, in good condition. One 1919 Dodge roadster, best of con dition. One Cole (SO) in good condition. Will make good bug. $30O. One Cadillac 4 In good condition; sell cheap. LKSLIE GARAGE, t'&i Eat 37th St. Phone Tabor 2885. lM8 CLDS 8. In flrst-elaa. condition. 1919 Cole 8, best of condition. 1918 Colo 8. 7 -pass.. In finest of eon- U1L1UO- 1917 STUD, in rood condition. One 1919 Dodsra roadster, best of con dition. One Cole fSO) In good condition. Will maite gooa Dug. 5300. One Cadillac 4 In good condition; sell LESLIE GARAGE, 2o East 37th SL. Phone Tabor 2885. VRANSO.V USED CAR EXCHANGE. 150 Union Ave., Cor, Belmont. 1915 Ford touring, extras .$75 i 1916 Ford roadster, extras 375 I j-wio ford touring, extras 400 1917 Ford roadster 4."0 1017 Ford touring, overhauled, extras 475 1918 Ford touring, overhauled 50 1918 Ford roadster, overhauled 500 I 1918 Ford sedan, repainted 600 I 1918 Ford sedan, extras 675 v, f ora panel dellv. overhauled 4 1 Ford bug , . ..... 450 i A SNAP. AN EARLY 1919 5-PASSENGER MODEL 490 CHEVROLET WITH FOUR NEW -TIRES. SPOTLIGHT, DASH LIGHT, 2 SPARE TIRES, AUTO THEFT LOCK $650.00 $260. BALANCE IN 10 MONTHS. EAST 6363. FOR BALE 1918 4 - PASSENGER ROADSTER, STEARNS-KNIGHT SILENT MOTOR THIS CAR IS IN FIRST - CLASS CONDITION. AND IK YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A GOOD SECOND HAND CAR LOOK THIS ONE OVER AND YOU WILL BUY IT. PHONE MARSHALL 2159 OR CALL 921 YEON BLDG. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged fi we nano-iap pistons, scrape bearings. etc., wnicn insures a perfect running uiiur. uenuine r ora parts only used. ah wgri guaranteeo. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front SL Corner Jefferson. USED CHEVROLET'S. SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER ST& BDWY. 240. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN TOUR OLD I U'LX WHKKL. H. B. BLACK MA CHINE SHOP. 534 ALDER ST. BDWY. 268L OVERLAND. MODEL 9o. Looks fine and runs fine, and look o.er all the aas. see iz you can una an other one for 1650. and only $200 down, the balance easy. P. H. DUNN. OVERLAND DEALER, 18o2 East 13th st. bell wood 1M3. FIERCE-ARROW. POCR-PASSENUEH 38. A DISTIN GUISHED CAR THAT EVERYONE STOPS TO ADMIRE. EQUIPMENT FOR UNUSUAL REASONS CAN BE PURCHASED REASONABLY. TRY EVERY TEST BEFORE BUYING. SMITH. Bti.UWUUU ZuUo. HUPP TOURING, LATEST 17 MODEL. This is the big Hupp and Is first-class ery way: new tires and one extra, and the finish and general condition are fine. I will please you: tne price is low and 'r ' -nUn.. RED FRONT USED CAR COMPAjy. INSURANCES. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY". EXILE BURlvITT. AGENT. NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFF1CJS 2uS tjJSl-HG BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800, . " CHANDLER. 1918 T-pasa. touring, first -class con dition tnrougnout; live new coru tires. Price 91 MO. . - CHAS. C. PAGAN CO. INC. DISTRIBUTORS' I - . , I W il A 1 UK! x j kj a ri i.n. iiuo t-Aii ; passenger htutz, - reouiit, newly naintMl cord 1 1 res. f; soo tligh t. 6 wire wheels, price only $1 Sou. --Some car for the money, an ma r jituuera. mitt FORD touring, good shape through out. New seat covers and good tires. Only $425, $125 down, balance monthly. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder. $625 1918 MAXWELL, recently ver- nauien, new piaiuu nKa, MiVfer cord tires, new rabber-inwulated Willard battery. Phone BUwy. 2777 or Tabor 959. owner. .1918 FORD ROADSTER Just overhauled, lots of extras, good tires, everything in good shape, $500 cash. Owner, 547 4th at. Call evenings. CADILLAC bug, runs good; newly painted. Oniy 200. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder. FORD for sale, cash or terms; spotlight and lots of extras. .Call after 5 P. M., Broadway 3351. 390 21st sL N. Ask for Bowman. SOME BUT Bo lck six roadt er, bought NOV., 1 lo J " WIfc, JJ1J.I?U, new tires: looks and runs like new, guaranteed. See it at 408 Flanders. ri icK light six, 5 new tires, te.r- completely overhauled. cords on private 1 ovneT; exceptionul bargain at $ $1000. At: 4t5. Oregonian. ONE new delivery body, $75. Leslie Ga Vacc, 266 East 37th at. Phone Tabor 285. ' FOR SALE One new Republic nver been uted. $200 dibcount, 5t6. truck Tabor 1918 OLDSMOBILE 7-pass., good rubber; overhauled. Take light car in trade. Oldsmobile Co.. 37 N. Broadway. I TO TRADE 1919 Maxwell touring car for i or i .-ton inii-R, in euuq couuutoa. Phone Sellwood 1745. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS THAT ARE RELIABLE D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Open Sunday. Most all of these cars have new paint VELIE, 1917 81000 VELIE. 1919 1250 VELIE, 1919 1450 All have good rubber, tops, tools, side curtains, top slip and battery complete; OVERLAND, 1918, 85-6, 5-pass . -$ 900 OVERLAND. 1918. 90. 6-pass .. 850 OVERLAND, 1916, 95, 5-pass."... 500 MAXWELL, '17. 5-pass 625 MAXWELL. '18, 3 -pass, roadster 725 Must be seen to be appreciated. OAKLAND, '18 950 MITCHELL '17 1100 CADILLAC U2 600 STUDEBAKER. '17 850 SAXON, '17 saxon. 700 60O Buv Tour car from a reliable house. then you can be sure you are getting your money's worth. Liberal terms given if desired. Every car is guaranteed and sold on easy terms. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 68-6 North 23d st. Main 780. LOOK THESE USED CARS OVER CAREFULLY ALL AT BARGAINS AND TERMS. 1 1918 4-cyL 16-valve Stuts: lust as good as new $2500 1 1920 Chev.. a great buy 825 -1 119 Chev.. like new 775 i ii 4-uu overland roadster several extras, fine shape 650 1 1917 4-85 Overland, look it over and take it away for 775 1 1918 Mitchell 6 roadster, just as good as new 1050 1 1919 7-pas. Empire, nuff said 1475 1 1918 Ford touring 4&0 2 special Ford bugs, priced right. One goes for 600 The other for 40 1 6-85 Overland. If you see this car you'll buy it for 1075 1 crackerjack American roadster, self-starter and extras 800 1 1918 Ford Sedan. This car Just overhauled and is In fine shape throughout. We can part with this exceptional Ford for the remarkable price oe gO0 H. A M. MOTOR CAR CO. . 353-355 Burnside st. Call os up and we'll come and mt you in the car you may want. FRANKLINS Take your choice; a dandy roaasier, or a o-passenger touring; both extra equipped, good leather, and rood new tires. See the cars all week at 43 North Sixth st. Ask George for dem onstration. Broadway 1997. OLDSMOBILE COUPE. Almost new: original tires and imar and they show scarcely any wear; an exceptional bargain: easv terms Take cheaper car in trade. 588 E. 50th st. N. Tabor 6645. SEE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY for auto tops, seat covers, etc. Builders Of Gould and Gillig tops. wAauiAuiu.N ax. at 2 1ST. OLDSMOBILE coupe, 1919 model, ha per- iwi swuuiuuii, uta utren ran oniy diuu miles; price $1800. Call Broadway 1696 or Main 2021. 1919 CHEVROLET Good tires and in good mechanical condition; front bumper. upoi imm. t v, it ciir nuis ana tires. a. bargain at $650. terms cash. Call Mar shall 1703 from 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. I 1918 BUICK 6, 5-pas., all cord tires, 3 ex-. tra bavage tires; uick positive trans mission lock and bumper. A bargain at $12.0. Call owner. Main 757, or Mr. Knox at uawy Jirfu. 1919 OAKLAND SIX. $1050. fn best of condition, tires rood as new. with spare tire, spotlight, bumper. Phone Tabor 5681. 565 E. 41st st. N. 1918 DODGE touring car in excellent con dition, leather top, cord tires, new bat tery. 1920 license. Price $930, cash. Pri vate owner. Phone Main 5256. 1916 CADILLAC, good paint, fine condi tion. 7 nassenger: consider lieht cr n.T-t exchange; price $1600. Phone Main 4086, room la. I 1919 VELIE Run less than 10.000 miles. xor quicK sale win sacririce lor $1300 ; see It at Union Depot Garage, corner of a wy ana Jioyi. DODGE touring car, 1919 model ; 5 cord tires, other extra: A No. 1 condition; J"5. See car, I088 Last 19th st. North. Woodlawn 901. MAXWELL touring. 1917. best of condi tion, good tires, will sacrifice at $475; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. LATE 1019 Ford, run only 8000 miles on pavement ; over tuu worth of extras ; cheap for 8595. 990 Powell Valley road. Phone Sel. 717. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. we wreck all mattes ot cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th st. CHEVROLET 1818. $490; only run 8000 miles: tires ana car in excellent condl tion, (6.10. Call at Main 7780, or at Bdwy. 113Q. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock. right. No misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. LATE 1919 Velie car in excellent eondi I aii? .i talte smaller car as Dare n..- ment; Dodge or Ford preferred, time on baU KeiL s j a-. FOR SALE cheap. Reo. 7-pass.; 2 7-pass. Premiers: 1 l-pass tounng dus: a jaa iliac delivery truck. W. Olson, 75 Humboldt, woodlawo 4748. 1918 CHANDLER, 7-pas.enger: run 9OO0 miles: o cord tires, uuu painting- ioo; pri vate owner. Call 344 E. 49th st. Tabor 5003. LATE 1917 BUICK Light Six touring. Just I overhauled: new paint and good tires; S1U50. Will Sell. 3797. R t , . us. . Pri-tely Oood paint and good tires. A real bargain at N., near Burnside. I-ESSEX 1920, touring. In best of condition. win sen at sioiru ana Kive terms, con elder trade on smaller car. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnsiae. STUDEBAKER 1918 4 - eyl. roadster good buy; party leaving town. xnim, 125 1st st. 1916 DODGE, paint and upholstering like ewr newiy overnauiea; oaa, win give terms. raoor in do. i . i tw. iftia DODGE, new ton. fiord tlrM spotlight. Ai conamon; aa, can give terms. inwr iu. phf.VROLET touring. 1918. will sell chas sis lor oug si si.ju. xerms it aesireo. 30 Grand ave. jn., near nurnsioe. KW 1920 Maxwell, driven 500 -miles must sell at big sacrifice. Woodlawo 2387, 935 K. lUtn street Jt. ViiHii truck, cear drive, good condition. Will sacrifice at $650 and give terms. SO Grand ave. in., near nurpsiae. 1914 FORD touring car. good condition reasonable price, a. w. nane, bi4 Caruthers st. PRIVATELY owned Overland 85-4 model, good as new; a bargain. Call evenings a ter 7 o' c 1 ock. Phne East Soil. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 530 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. WE ARE In the market for used cars. Drive them in and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder st. "WILL trade splendid view heights lot, free and clear, all Improvements paid, for late "model Bulck. Marshall 1S37. A LOT in Marahfleld; will trade for bug auto or oil stock. oy nackenperg, Donald, Or. Box 25. TEN acres, irrigable land at Ellensburg, Wash.; value $.1000. Will exchange for auto. Phone Main 3890 for appointment. WA NTKD From private party, late model Buick or Chandler; must be a bargain for cash. Tabor 1543. FORD roadster or touring car; must be in good condition; must be terms. 447 E. Couch. CASftH for cars to wreck; you get action qFiick. J 633. Oregonian. VLMOST new player piano and music for ligh t car. Sell. 2940. WILL exchange first-clawi Mn work for Ford chassis. Call Wood.iawa &39L FOR SALE A 1' TOM OB I LE8. Automobiles Wanted, WANTET To buv tate car for cash. FEELEY, BROADWAY 118. WANT high grade, nearly new auto. Will put In good lot as part pay. balance cash. W. H. ROSS, ' lino N. W. BANK. BLDG- WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. S. W. Corner 15th and Washington. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. US E D FOUDS EXC LUS IV K L Y. GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists xer all makes of cars and can m&u that car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 531 Aider St. Broadway 2411. DODGE wanted from private owner, no dealers: late model. ' must be in first ciaps condition; will pay cash. Main 752. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. AU makes terms u desired. Used tors, parts, etc KAST STDK SlOTORfTCLB CO.. 44 Grand avenue. Excelsior. Hendersoa and Cleveland Agency. BEST bargain in town, 1915 twir-cyi. Pop motorcycle, just overhauled and painted, extra set cylinders, chains, etc., $t0. Tabor 513 after 5:30. LATE model Excelsior motorcycle with sidecar; excellent condition; sacniice. Owner leaving. 189 West Wygunt st. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6239l NEW cycle with motor attachment ; $0. Evening Repair store. 34Q N. 23d at. Automobiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS, OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOW N SD ALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 mode's, reasonable rate. 132 12th st., between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR H1RK. L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GAR AG EX. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. 5-PASS Dodge for hire; touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. YOUR auto repaired at your home; reliable service. Phone Tabor 1296. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouble shoot er, complete; cheap. Wm. Cook route A. box 93, Portland. rOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! 8-ton Federal Tfke new. 1-ton Federal, worm drive. 1-ton Federal, chain drive; chea-p. 1 -ton Federal, chain drive, junk price. 2- ton Kissel, guaranteed. 1-ton Kissel, a light, fast delivery. 1-ton G. M. C. good body. G. M. C-, pneumatic tires. Signal, pneumatic tires, good body. 3- ton White, good for wood hauling. 5-ton Reliance, just the truck for battl ing logs or timbers. 1-ton Denby. good buy, almost new. Studebaker delivery, electric lights and starter; very cheap; make good bug. These trucks all in fine shape. Sold on easy terms, WILLIAM L. HTJGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway, at Davis. Broadway 321. Authorized Ford Dealer, PACKARD 4-TON TRUCK Has nmp body and new hoist, good rubber. This truck is in as good condition as a need piece of machinery can be nnt I mm going to sell and will give someone a real buy. Money talks with me. If you jucmu vuaiucai fUVUO fj&SL lIO. G. M. C. 3H-TON dump body and hoist. O. M. C. 2-ton: WM1TK 1-tnn: RBfl 2-ton; FEDERAL Ifc-ton; FORD worm- orive. We are offering these and others at ridiculously low prices; a look won't cost a cent, ana you may save money. WENT WORTH & IRWIN. Inc.. 200 Second St., Corner Taylor St. 3 -TON Kleiber truck, run 4ftnn mil.a Just like new, equipped with hoist and gravel bed: on eood navinz inh is miles from Portland. Price $4700; will I uuimiunr kuio an pan payment. L. kJ. ueroer, Automatic 219-64, O.N&-TON Olds truck, almost new: extra tire and rim. all cords; also have a Ford 1 chassis and 1915 Dodge touring car. all in excellent running condition ; prices r:gnu w m. ai. .Aimer, farit Rose. G. M. O, 1919 1-ton" truck, new bodv: suitaoie naui iumiture. haul milk. This is a bargain. Sandy Garage. East 42d i. aanay oouievara, pnone Tabor 3934. Boia by owner. FOR SALE or trader 3 J4 -ton new truck. on jod ior summer; terms or trade for I cultivated acreage, house and lot dairy proposition. Box 243, St. Helens. Or. FEDERAL S-ton truck, used one excellent mechanical condition: am leav ing town; will sell for $2200. East 4541. ami niiamooK. FOR SALE BY OWVKn 1919 3--ton Packard dump trucks : season's hauling goes with truck. For particulars cell Automatic 215-05. ANOTHER log Job. good roads, short naui; can matte sa per aay; good con tract and accommodations. Service Track Co.. 327 Salmon st. Main 8154. BIG truck In excellent condition; splen- aia oarsain ana summers ion ior re sponsible person. Write Ivan Ponaldson im ew oerg. kjt. -TON truck cheap, owner leaving town. lsu oon. v uncouTcr, w rna. WANTED TO TRADE New body and coist ior a logging trailer, wain. iy. WANTED Lodging trailer. Wdln. 4810. Q&KAGE9. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cara 6th and HoyL Bdwy. 13S4. GARAGE for sale by owner; good loca tion, gooa ousinees. aii navy. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TJP TO 5 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. HERE IT IS. BEN ALDER pays highest prices for second-hand men's and ladies' clothing. Call-up Main 3 J 07 and we will be glad to come and give you a price, or call at 201 Third s;. WE WANT used clothing for cash at the highest possible prices. See us if you want to eell; prefer suits, overcoats, single coats, trousers and fur coats. Goiduaum. tne tanor, at ior r lrst sL, near Morrison. r'hone Main 738. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for I diamonds. VINES' JEWELRY STORE. z37 Wash in gton St.. cor. 3d. Main 6649. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call, aay or nignt. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORB. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld. 85 3d Bt. Main 3iSl. MULTIGRAPH wanted on rental Ftyle not material if neat work can be done with It. , uregonian. WE BUY SECOND-HAND clothing, ladies' and gentlemen's. Vv e pay tne dcsc pricue. Uall .Main - ay- -to .icum i. KEROSENE OR GASOLINE STOVE 128 1ST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798, safe Want to buy second-hand safe. Give address and phone. P 245, Ore- Ionian. ICE CREAM SANDWICH MACHINE WA.ME'L'- i w uiau, -o rirau Alain 4495, Tabor eMb. HlfiHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash, at. VVE wilt buy your old typewriters and pay you casta. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. WANTED Champion star tire and axle upsetter. .oi PORCELAIN bath Phone Main 8336 tub wanted; cheao. WANTED A smill-siued tent, good condi tion, wain. iwus. JUNK, rags, rubber, old clothing, tools. furniture, metals : good prices. 1 1. DIAMOND l'i-K. to 2-K.; must be cheap; will pay cash. .x oou, urejoniaa. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. T PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARUfi FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT 13 TOO LARG S FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. ERNEST DEEDS, 40 WASH INGTON ST. MAIN 3173. . $12.50 TO $23 FOR SECOND-HAND SUTTS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison cL, near 3d sL. Will cati day or evening. $8.5 UP TO $2&. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICK FOR MEN 3 SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3y32. S4iVi BURNSLDiS. BETWEEN 2D AND SD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and al teratlonsw any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save 8100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., 163 W. Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6529. Furniture e anted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and alt household goods, and wlU pay the highest caan prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, type writ era, adding mev chines and store and office fur niture. When you have any thing to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN WTX LEvTM HARDWARE Jb FURNITURE COw . til-2ii-iii Front Si. MARSHALL 983. GEVURTZ FURNTTURS CO WE BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD PTR N ITU RE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICKS PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OJ OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 165 STRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 5981. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASTt PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONBJ IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING TEH BUYER WITH TH3 MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST- NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3U9. WILL PAT THE HIGHEST PR1CH FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK FOR MR, OKMANDY. . WE WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. RUGS. BEDDING. ETC.. TO" FURNISH A 50-ROOM APT. WILL PAY MORE XrlAJN Ut-ALC lti. UALL U3 IMMEDIATELY AND WE WILL CON VINCE YOU ON THE PRICE WE PAY. DAY PHONE, MAIN 738; EVENINGS, MARSHALL 3484. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOvn;a, a w onir kjux a.u WILL r'AX MUAiii lilA.-N OTHER. LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL riKi.Mj liUlCtt Al orCbJ WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. SB SURE AND LET US SKIS your furniture Mid household goods be- tore you o io mo maraet ior same snd will pay Richest prices. PORTLAND ruuArruiUii aACHANGs, 208 First St. ' Main 7729. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves ana ranges ana an Kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a bouse full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. CALL MAIN 887S. We pay the highest prices for furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. KEROSENE OR GASOLINE STOVE WAMEO. J 128 1ST. MAIN 44U5. TABOR 6758. WE NBED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE ! of any description; nave tne ready cash. Phone today. Main 4-u7 or iw lrst st. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on nousenoia gooas. r-acuio coast ior- warding Co., 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WAX.T.EJV WILL PAY CASH. MAIN S332. WANTED Used furniture, Will pay best jrlces. Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALE. COUNTRY PRINTER WANTED Desire man willing to live in 300O county seat town. last on ads and good on presses; should know something of linotype; per manent job and $36 a week wages; want man who will stick. Observer, Dallas, Or. BOOKKEEPER WHO HAS HAD EX PERIENCE IN A LOGGING CAMP AND WHO CAN DO SCALING; MUST BE A SINGLE MAN; 30 MILES OUT. 708 WILCOX BLDG. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open- shop experienced boilermaker helpers; also laborers for work in city. Apply 52 Oregon bldg., Fltth and Oak eta. WANTED Office boy over 16; large cor poration; splendoa opportunity; give age, phone and salary desired. . V 645. Ore go n Ian. GOOD steady man on dairy farm to mils: cows ana general iarm worx; ;u per month, good board and room. Address box 45. Svensen, Or. WANTED Experienced salesman; to seO popular one-ton speed, truck; state ex perience and desire to work. Y 638, Ore eonian. WANTED Some solicitors for cleaning and dyeing works; good proposition. Call 832 Mississippi ave. WANTED A good barber; guaranteed. $27 per week, bo per cent over So5. iieo Union ave. North- near. Broadway. WANTED A stlckerman; $6 per day. 8 hrs.; also cabinetmaker, s hrs., xq; close In. Butte & Oak. 241 Couch st. JANITOR wanted for apt. house f rauKt understand oil burner; wife must be willing to help. Write M 174, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS clothing salesman, must be able to trim windows. r aney-isroCK-man. Upstairs Clothiers. WANTED Good painter for outside work. Call 502 Hall SC ages U a day, sev eral days work. WANTED Plasterer, repair job. Phone East 6164. or call Sli Willamette blvd. WANTED Experienced elevator operator. Apply Hotel baton. j WANTED Experienced soda dispenser. The Wisteria, pena-ieton. or. WANTED Experienced solicitor for the Pheasant Dye works. 1224 sandy olvd. JANITOR wanted. 430 E. Yamhill st, LambrooK apts. COUNTER MAN and bussboys Cup Cafeteria Co., iaa r'ark st. WANTED Bakers. Call 71 Third st. Steady work. PRINTER wanted for makeup on morning daily, j. ripune. renaieton, or. - - WANTED First-class barber. guarantee $25, 60 over 35. Kmll Febvet, Dallas, Or. WANTED A man for one week to ride a 1 Teiocipcae. aypi? eiar nirairr. I WANTED Patternmaker. Band Iron Works. Bend. Or. WANTED A bus helm an. SG6 Washlas- i st. CARRIER for route in business .district. Record-Abstract. t2 1st st. MEN wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co.. -fa, otn ana Mouaaay. YOUNG MAN for representation of paper. Y 659. oregonian. BOOKKEEPER with wholesale lumber ex- perlence. c:ty. ua ftiicox oiqg. GOOD swift messenger boy. Da vies Op tical lo-i Morgan Diug. BALESM EN. experienced or inexperienced. s:9 cnamoer tommerce, t n ana staiK. EXPERIENCED janitor and w lfe Tor high gr&de ant. King Albert Apts. WANTED All-around baker. Apply Peer less Bakery, Oregon uny. BARBER wanted, steady job, wages guar anteed. 2 9 Burnaide yt. EXPER1ENCED buker H"d sitlfimsn. VUc ln g baKery. 505 E. S ark. DISHWASHER. 1S6 Broadway,