THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, 3IAY 27, ' 1020 17 JfEW IODAI. HOUSES AND GARAGES. Section House No. S26-P. v The house pictured above is a port able garage converted into a h&use. Wo manufacture this model in three sizes of one, two and three roomp. The price ranges from $125 to S375, according to size and kind of floor, doors, windows, etc, A saving feature about our con vertible garage homes is that they cannot outlive their usefulness. If you decide to build a more pretentious Ready-Cut home at a later date, you can easily convert, your garage home back into a garage by removing the two four-foot sections at one end and replacing them with a pair of garage doors. Made in several styles. We will eroct this house here in Portland or ship it anywhere f. o. b. cars, with complete instructions and plans for erection. Write or Phone for Catalog;. Elwood Wiles & Son 80S Tide Trust Bid. Phone Main 4124. Mode! No. 50 (Ready-Cut) on ex hibition at 1 001 Union ave. X. See It Today. A BUNGALOW AMONG THE FIRS $3500 JtOOO Cash, $20 monthly, buys this largre. well-built, five-room bungalow; lull basement, concrete foundation; sround 100x100, with beautiful native trees; fine lawn and garden spot. FRED W. GERMAN CO, 7TI2 Chamber of Commerce. iSectional Garalesl Erected In Portland or SHIPPED ANYWHERE, In sections ready to put together. Easy for one man to erect in a day. Our cash prices, factory direct to you. no middle man, me-n a GREAT SAVING. Send for circular. Call at factory. See Ufe-sise sample. R EDI MADE BCILDING CO., S15 E. 11th St.. 5 blks. 8. Hawthorn Phone East 6114. Portland, O rerun. Apartments $13,500 INCOME Corner, Brick, Oak Furniture $50,000 Terms Owners AF 373, Oregonian Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Rum ana Woolen Clothlnar. We Make Reveraiule. Hand-V ovr FLUFF RUGS Hoom-Slze Fluff RKa. Wuven, ' J 17.50 Tlajc Rnci Woven All SUe. CInthea Clean lnjr and Define Depta. Mali Ordtra Sseiid fur Buoklec Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning: sl2 Ruica. Steamed Cleaned, t.5u WKSTERS FtlTP RUG CO. MlnluaAveN. fkone blast OSie L For Sale or Trade FINKUT JiTOl'K on ntlHY IIAVCH 1 ORK.I.OV. Consisting of Si)0 acres, with ample range adjoinins: 300 acres in cultivation. Improve ments first-class, new and mod ern, with up-to-date machinery and implements. This fine property is offered for sale to close an estate. An exchange of well-improved city property wtli be considered as pa.rt of purchase price. Donald Macleod IOOI-Z Spaldinu UuilcIinK. WJC CALL VOH. VOIR OLD CAKI'KTS. Ilujcs and Woolen Clothiaic i LUFF RUGS All Uork Tvrned Unt Promptly Has Kusa Uovea All Slaea Uall urdera. Send lor Booklet. Varpeta t'lenned. L,aid aad Kefltted. NOHTHUEST Rli; CO. INS t:ait 8t St. 1'buur fciaat 3U. NEW BUNGALOWS They are up-to-date. You will be surprised. See them at Greenwood andx Gladstone avenues. Owner on ground evenings. East 1096. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans tatted stair o-k Biaildlsis Phone your want ada to Tho Orogo Bl&ii Main 7070, Automatic 560-9. i JfEW TODAT. I Mortgage Loans J LwCait Interest rateat Inatallmeat a j payment a If desired. Bolldlajr loams made. No delay fa cloalngj A. H. B1RRELL GO. I xn-illt Aurxtaweatera Bank Uulluiajf. Marshall 4114. Personally Examined FARM MORTGAGES i Sums to Suit. No Better Securities. FEAR & GRAY 103 Fourth Street. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Bench I'roperty. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR ' Painting and Paperhanglng and furnish material. Lot located in Tillamook Beach fSalt air). near station and ocean. . AH 497, Qregontan. T-ROOM house, overlooking ocean at Gear hart, big living room, fireplace, modern bath room and big veranda; well-lighted ; fumed oak and wicker furniture; ground anywhere from 60x100 to 150x100, open for inspection Decoration day. "Van Nice" cottage. Phone East 517, owner. LONG BEACH. WASIL " - Good 5-room cottage, almost on acre ground, good garden soil, close to ocean and railroad station ; worth 2000. For sale or trade or rent for th season. J ohnson, 248 St ark st. FOR SALE Or wfll rent or leaxs. two choice lots 60x140 feet, at TUlamoalf beach, on board walk, county road and) railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. Address H ISO. Oregonian. k'or bale Flat and Apartment Property. W.EST-SIDE FLAT. 16,.i00. Five apartments, four of 5 rooms each and one has 4 rooms; exceptionally well arranged, located walking distance from downtown, district handy to car and high school. St. Helens hall; present in come $200 per month. RITTER. LOWE A: CO.. 2Qt-3-j-7 Board of Trade Bids. BRICK BUILDING, Lot MbtlOO. "Building 5Ox80. Ideated on First near Burnside; arrange very easy terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DUPLEX HOUSE, $5500. Two apartments of. 6 rooms each, 2 furnaces, 2 sets plumbing, etc.; on E. 10th, close in; rented for $30 each. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bld. FLAT bldg., 2 flats of 5 rooms each, strict ly raoaera. on 211lamoolc St., near union ave.; one flat completely furnished; rent one and live in the other, which pays 7 on Investment; price $27o. Tabor Ma. FOUR -FAMILY FLAT. Jor.oo. On East Burnside near Ankeny ear oarns; reasonaoie rental; value X3j each. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. INCOME PROPERTY West side, walking distance, six Ilats, stood. fhone Main 411. For Saie Lots. ROSE CITY SNAP 500. BOxlOO. on East 50th. near Brnadwav paved st. and all improvements in; price ior quick sale sauu, plus si3 city liens. URUSS1 & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. IDEAL LOCATION". Beaumont district, 50x100, improve ments an in. first lot tiMO. itt. diock 144) south of 63S E. 45th street N. Terms to suit. Mr. Ward. Phone Broadway. afuu or sroaaway 46UT. A BARGAIN. 50x101. corner 37th 'and Tillamonrtc; assessments paid; 900 cash. Owner, C. D. McCon&hy, 817 Am. Bank bldg.. Seat tie. Wash. $300 EACH 3 lots 50x100; large bearing fruit, trees, 2 blocks from Mt. Tabor car: all city conveniences: build a 1 rage and live in it and cut the high cost of rent. owner. Tabor &y4. $0.0 Near Interstate and Emerson, 50x 100. improvements in. paid: terms. Mrs. A. E. Halliday. 003 Prospect Place, Los Angeieg. jaj. FOR SALE 1 lot 30x100. Railroad "Add. 82d and O.-W. R. & S. crossing. .Monta villa. i -.-.Inquire 204 Columbia bL, cor. of etotvi. For Sale Housea. HOMES EEKERSI Onr spacious display room with over 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SAI-.K is open EVERY EVENING AXD SUN DAT FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE. Within few minutes you can find many borne: that will meet with your requirements. and an experienced, courteous salesman will take you rlffht out to see them in a machine. Come this evening. FRANK 1; McGUlRK. LARGEST HOME SELLKU ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Abfnrton Bidsr. Main 1068. Third, bet. Washington and Stark. XKW T.ArTRET.HTJRST BUNGALOW. Ultra modern, eastern oak floors tn lariro Hvinir room nd dlnins room. Wit Kronen doors between : crnuine whft hemlock floors in bedroom and halls fnU-lonrrrh Krpnch-nla.te mirror on ha door, tiled bath with floor tub. break f nnnlt- ri ioininc whito enamel kitch en. furnace, fireplace, basement, laun ht-i' rai pflnrreiR txirch. ffamee: locat ed" at E. Flanders. Owner and builder. Main ' 4of:. Tabor 84J. 5-ROOM modern bungalow near Hawthorne car. H. W. floors, paved Ptrecti. and a barwain at j,V6o. on ea?v terms. See it to dav. Tabor 3083. THOROUGHLY modern west side bunga iriw. old ivorv enamel. lireDlace. In buffet, hardwood floors, many built-in in kitclien. cement basement, full plumh in. attic. 0txl0O iot, on sood car; $4500, $LOO0 cash, balance ..u per moiun. JOHXSON-DODSON CO.. t;:;rj N. W. Bank Bids. Main 37: HOME. SMALL INVESTMENT. 5-room cot lane. Brandon street. Ken ton district, cood plumbing. electric lights, corner 3;tx65 feet, both streets ha rd surface, paid in full ; place in ex i-fllf-nt condition: nrice Sl!0."0. convenien frms. A. H. Birrell Co., 217 N. W Bank bldp. Marshall 4114. 014 FRANCIS AVE. HOME FOR SALE KiKht-room nu-ng-aiow, 4 rooms up. rooms down: one of finest largest sleep ina room) with large windows on 3"sides no furnace, $4L00; large garage under houae. Po!stssion .inne I. terms. Owne F. ABKNDROTH, 146 Broadway. FOR SALE fl-rnom house, bath, electric llchty. esLK. brick basement: corner Jo 48x100: 3 blks. to car. near river.- pave street, improvements paid : JliOOO, $1000 eajh. balance morteaRe. Tic. M. McManut. 517 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 8 - "HIGH UP AMONG THE FlRSFOtt" ONLY $1400. Four-room plastered bungalow wit bath and toilet, gas, city water and hard road to the place, 04x100 lot, soma fruit beautiful view, some terms. PRENTISS. 613 CHAM OF COM. BLDG SOME FINE HOME THIS. 7-R, moderu, with furnace and built-in conveniences. large lot some bearing fruit, close to car. This home i bar era in Mount Scot Terms. Last opportunity at the price. Tabor 8JL'. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Don't fail to see it. Six rooms, three bedroom?, fine bath, furnace, iireplac oak floors. icaraEe: paved st.. two blks to car: school, college. ao!t club, bea tiful view. Am leaving Portland Ju 1st: very reasonable price. Tabor 3100 BEAUMONT. Modern 6-room house and sleepin nori'h. rirenlaee. narawooa noors, out ins. Dutch kitchen, fine furnace; cherries, loganberries and snruDbery. owner, Lt04. FOR SALK in Laurelhurst, an 8-room modern house: all street improvements and taxes paid. A snap for someone if taken this week. Will make some terms with riirht party. Call Tabor 1M07 or Tabor tH'47. " IRVINGTON $4000. 6-room modern house on Clackamas St.; fireplace, high-grade furnace, fuli" cement basement. ium-:n ourtet, grained floor; '- cash, balance 0 per cent. Phone Tabor 044. No agents. KOR SALK 8-rm. modern house. Alberta district, f-M ca.h. bal. like rent; price less than present cost of building: house same as new ; vaca nt. 11 3 K. ISt h at. N. A. M. Howell. 401 Board, of Trade.. IN W ALNUT PARK. $6700 Modern six-room, story and hail bungalow, corner 60x100. east fac ing, hard surface street. By owner. ll.'o llaliory. ROSB CITT PARK $-2.V. 4-room - modern bungalow, bath.- elec tricity, gas. .Vx1O0 lot. facir-r east, lots of fruit and berries. Tabor 47O0. BT OWNER. "Business location. r-room houpp. t7 feet frontage. Call Foster road. Le&ts, REAL ESTATE. For Bale Houses. A REAL SACK1KICE. This Is a fine proposition in a 2-fam-ily residence that will pay $70 a month. Separate front entrances. & rooms down and 4 upstairs in each apartment; in fact, each apartment is complete with every convenience; built-lns and closets, cement basement, nice tawn and 4 big bearing fruit trees, lots of garden space. Street paved and paid. On carline and 2 blocks from school, in choice section of Sell wood. Price J 5000, t00 cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent. Phone Main 524, or see us at once. RALPH HARRIS CO., 81' 7 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE! You are cordially invited to look over our display.. Come and SEE loou PHOTOS. HOMES AT PRICES YOU CAN PAY! it it s a HOME too desire, and your mind is in doubt, just call FRANK. L. McGUlRK and a machine will take you right out. (We are OPEN EVERY EVENING.) J? RAN K. L. AlcGLIRiS. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. xnira, Det, wacntngton ana aiars. BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW .Built 4 years, best location in tose City Park; cool in. summer; on the hill, near Alameda drlvn: artistic, corr home: hart rl intanr-n tn par. T.ivinr room, din ing room, : bedrooms, hath, uutcn Kitcn- en and a break taet nook, iinisnea m white enamel. There are hardwood floors. all buiit-ms, fireplace, good furnace, ce ment baMtiiAnt laundrv trava. fruit cel lar, wood lift and &. double garage. Price terms. STKU.W ft CO., 634 Chamber of Commerce. G. M. Strong. Wain 25S7. F. H. Strong. 4 IRVING TON BARGAINS. Strictly modern 8-rm. house on 2ith st. H. W. floors throughout. 4 fine fireplaces, modern furnace, everything built in. sleeping porch, large corner, paved streets, shrub bery and lawn. This place will be sold at a bargain to responsi ble parties. Tator 3089: Mrs. Lucius. -- COMPARE WITH US. S 6500 LA U RELH URST S tfoOO. Location, construction, arrangement and all of the best; strictly modern I throughout, 6 rooms, sleeping porch and music den: hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences and fireplace; full cement basement, turnace. garage, paved sts., ail in and naid: close to Laurel hurst Park; reasonable terms, xou get your moneys worth here. C A. WARR1NBR, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 6-room Colonial house on 10th st. H. W. floors, fireplace. Gasoo fumace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, paved Btreeta, garage and every thing up to the minute; 1 block from Irvint,; m car. Easy terras and reasonable price to responsi ble parties. Airs. Lucius; Tabor 30S9. THIS AD IS NOT TO GET LISTINGS. IF YOU HAVE A PLACE L1KJ3 MY CLI ENTS WANT. PHONE OR MAIL FL'LL DESCRIPTION. WANT ONE HOUSE WITH AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS. ANOTHER WITH SIX OR MORE BED ROOMS. MUST BE STRICTLY MODERN AND WELL LOCATED. MY CLIENTS MEAN BUSINESS AND WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IF SUITED. POINDEXTER. 2W SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE 271-20. $5850 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. "We have 8-room bungalow that we mutt sell this week or it soes off the market; has fine -hardwood floors In den. hall. Uvinjr and dinina rooms. beautiful fireplace and buffet, all built- lns with full cement basement and fur nace; you will like this bungalow when you see . it ana better still, the price, $5oo. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. Nice 5-room bungalow, 50x100 lot, close to car ana store, nicely lurnished, I for only $'270. I have many others 1 from $1800 each to $o000 on which I can quote a homeseeker very reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. BIG SNAP 5-room bungalow, 60xl20-ft. lot. fine shape, vacant, wen locaiea; some snap at $2250. 6-room modern house, fine shape, walking distance. $2700. Also a 5-room cottage, walking j distance. Price 20O. Also n-room cot- tatr romnletelv furnished, walkinc dis tance, $:io00. Also 5-room modern bun- I ealnw. lot 100x125 ft., price 12600. The r all trood buvs and on eapy terms. Call at 406 Hawthorne ave., and v will show you. Modern 7-room house on Halsey st. This place is strictly up-to-date. Fireplace, furnace. H. W. floors, large shade tree paved streets, exclusive district. Good terms and reasonable price. Ta bor 30Sy; Mrs. Lucius. - $0."M)0. ALAMEDA. BEAUTIFUL "VIEW, NEAR CAR; BEAUTIFUL. LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. KITCHEN, BREAK- A ST ROOM . H A R D W OO D F LOO R S . 4 BEDROOMS: BATH. HOT WATER HEAT. GARAGE. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. POINDEXTER. 28 SELLING BLDG. MAIN TSO0. RESIDENCE 271-20. SIX FINE HOMES IN NICE RESIDENCE SECTIONS. 1 6 to 9 rooms each, all In nice con dition and modern in all respects; prices from Sr.500 to $6250 on all of them. We want to show you these buys and it will be worth your while to look at these places before you purchase. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., M." Fourth St. MODERN, well-built. 6-room bun galow on lot 100x100. Beautiful shade trees, nice chicken boue for 2n chickens: 3 blocks from car. Price $3.00; terms. Main 7141. Mr. Ackley. WOVE RIGHT IN. Just 2 blocks -from Laurelhurst Park tnri sam from Mt. Tabor and Sunnyside cars. Abundance of large good bearing fruit trees and a good 6-room cottage with floored attic; balance to suit; price $2000. C A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUNNYSIDE SPECIAL. 2-story, tt-room modern home, oak floors, furnace, large living room, lx24. inlaid linoleum on bath and Kitchen. all street liens paid in full, house built only four years. Vacant; immediate possession: priced at $3250. very small down pavment reouirea. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7487. TERMS LTKE RENT. $3000 WEST SIDE $3M0. Rpvpn rooms and full basement, hard- surface streets, in and paid; full 50x100 lot. beautiful unobstructed river view, clear of all incumbrances; $700 cash. balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IN IRVINGTON. ALAMEDA. LAUREL HURST OR ROSE CITY. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH THREE I OR FOUR BEDROOMS: PREFER BI N- OATiOW. BI T MY' CLIENT WILL BUY I TWO -STORY HOUSE IF SUITED AND I WILL GO AS HIGH AS Xlft.tHJO. POINDEXTER. 2S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE 271-20. KENTON. Cozy 5-room bungalow on beautifully wooded lot. 50x100. newly finished throughout: fireplace, .porcelain plumb ing, built-in outcn Kitcnen, pavea street. H Mock from car, i diock io scnooi. $500. TermB. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ATTENTION A 7-room house, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, built-lns. Dutch kitch en, full basement, wash trays, etc.; 50 x 100 lot: sidewalks and sewer in and paid: on East Lincoln st. Prico only $iuOu, lion aown. oai. ime rent. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL. '474 Stark st. $3000. $750 CASH. $3900. KMBE K 1 1 l r Alti. If you are tonkins for a 6-room home below the hill, in this exclusive district, look no further. Large li vinz room, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, w ash travs. sleeping porch. Investigate! HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. TRVINGTON. ENTRANCE HALL. LARGE LTVING ROOM, PINING ROOM. KITCH KN KIRjiT FLOOR: FOUR BEDROOMS. SLKKPING rORCb. BATH. SECOND FLOOR: LARGE ATTIC. FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT: FURNACE, POINDEXTER. -JOS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 100. RESIDENCE. 271-20. $6006 IRVINGTON BARGAIN FINE CORNER LOT Oood 6-room house In first-class con dition: ail improvements In and paid. Call xaoor .i; evenings cast .'use. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoof. TRVINGTON 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. S7330. VERY LIBERAL TERMS. ONE OF IRVING TON'S FINEST BUNGALOWS! We just can't over describe the beauties of this splendid home. This was bulit by one of Port land's best builders. The interior fur nishings and decorations are superior to that found In many of the more costly homes. There is an exceptionally laree living room, separated from the dining room by French doors. The kitchen Is the very acme of convenience and. of course, there is a convenient breakfast nook. Yes. there is a garage. Now. if 1 rinVTieivht voliia or.H ront V liberal terms appeal to you. then for j . goodness sakes get busy get in toucn with us at once. . Probably never again will you have an opportunity like this one! , A. G. TEEPE CO.. ,264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. ; Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW FLATS. ATTRACTIVE BUY AND HOMK. Here is a very well-built, large two flat home; each a 5-room flat and ar ranged like a 5-room bungalow, polished light fir floor throughout, linoleum on both kitchen floors. 2 baths. 2 wood-lifts, full semi -cement basement, laundry trays, etc., and all In first-class condi tion. Very attractive lot with fine shrub bery and beautiful view of mountains; located among fine homes Just 1 block from car, close to school. Only $5800; very reasonable terms. If you are look ing for a nice home and income, don't fail to eee this. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $7000. OWNER BOUGHT LARGER HOME, CAN GIVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. HAS ENTRANCE HALL, LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM, KITCHEN. -FIRST FLOOR; FOUR BEDliOOMS. BATH SECOND FLOOR; LARGE ATTIC. FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. GASCO FUR NACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS, GA RAGE; WALKING DISTANCE, EAST SIDE. MULTNOMAH ST.. NR. UNION. POINDEXTER. aOS FELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE, 271-20. IT'S ALL HERE. $1000. $4000. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Nicely located in the Sunnvside dis- I trict; six rooms and large den on first noor, large Dea rooms above, full ce- : ment basement, all good furniture and all in good condition. On hard-surface street and room for rare tze. clear of all incumbrances. Quick posesslon can be I iiuu ; Kuusy lernu.v C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE St CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 4200, $4200. You won Id never rnrt tn s. room bungalow with all the features of a much higher priced home In the most desirable part of ROSE CITY PARK. All ! large rooms, kitchen, bedrooms and bath j In white, oak floors, 15x27 living room 1 across front of houae. fireplace, buffet, cement basement; convenient to car and school. HOLD EN & KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. EXCELLENT HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 5-room. .i-story home on East Taylor St.. 50x100 lot, paved street, all liens paid In full, fine fruit trees, berries, garden and shrubbery; the uDStairs is used as two housekeeping suites, renting ior the lot alone is worth the money. House is in fair shape, though not strictly modern; price $2000, $1000 aown. mortgage oac k ror oaiance. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange bidg. Main 748" 7-room strictly modern house on Wasco st Fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, good cement base . ment, paved streets, restricted dis trict. Price only $55U0. $1000 down. $50 monthlv payments. Mrs. Lucius; Tabor 3089. $3000 $350 CASH. LOOK! FOLKS. 215x200 7-rra. plastered house In ele gant condition; electricity and gas, full' set plumbing; basement, attic, a diks. car. 20 fine fruit trees : house now vacant. Get in before fruit la ripe. This place la a bonanza, for the price asked and lust look at the terms. Main 4SU3. - CI C GOLDENBERG. Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland." IRVINGTON. Beautiful new home just completed; 4 large bedrooms, library, breakfast room : high clas finish; best construction throughout; price $9300. Terms. ROBERT B. BEAT. OWNER, BUILDER. 723 East 22d North. Woodlawn 177. TlFiST HOME BUY IN PORTLAND. Nothing like this for the money in the titv nif-nriM K-room modern nouse ana one full block (one acre) of ground for only $6500; every variety fruit in abun- aance m luh me tinn hni)s has bath, full cement base ment, furnace, etc.; lots grapes, berries and choice shrubbery; just 3 blocks from car, on E. 44th st. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. $2300. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. rn Carson Heights. 20 minutes on Oregon Electric, with 5',-cent fare; 5 pleasant rooms and bath, hot and cold water; 4 blocKs to car; neatly rurnisnea, readv to step right in and start house kppn'iair. Can keep cow and chickena $2500, with $850 cash, balance monthly. MacINNKS c rKATL, Main 3808. 413 Board of Trade bldg. " SUNNYSIDE. $3130 5-room modern bungalow, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, two hcrirnnmii. lavatory. laundry trays, fruit trees, concrete foundation, cement base- tnAtit 3 blocks to car; street improve ments paid; excellent condition, $1500 cash, terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 833 N. W. Bank Bid g. Main 3787 $4200. S4200. I irs t:i i i r a iv i . Here Is a beautiful 8-room California hnti?ninw in first-class condition inside and out. all the little conveniences to 1 make this a real home: cement base ment, larsre living room, artistic fire place, all built-ins. Investigate'. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 22S Ch. of Com. Bid g. Main 6550. 121)00 STORY and half bungalow. . rooms. living room, u in ins rwrm. "in iicm, i r bedrooms, 50x100 lot, basement, concrete foundation, cement sidewalks, graded utreet, two 'blocks to car; an excellent place for a man working in Vancouver shipyaras. .. cn. .lOlTNHON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank- Bldg. Main 7S7. i?rwv. riTT PARK BUNGALOW. A very fine home. 1 blk. from Sandy road, pretty location, full lot. All im- M,aront in and Twild. A strictlV mod ern. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, all built- in features of the best. Tapestry paper, ni.i ivorv h ml white finish. Very reason ably priced; good terms. See It today. Call for owne r. Tabor 821)2. """ ATTRACTIVE HOME. Beautiful home on 33d St., located on corner lot, house has 7 rooms, sleeping nrrh iianiwnnd floors. fireDlace and Dutch kitchen. In fact, all conveniences that make an up-to-date and attractive J home. This place is really worth $5000, I but owner will sacruic ior (.u. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. FOR $5C0 DOWN. Wre 1a a. fine 4-room bungalow on I corner lot. Just 2 blocks to car: has cobblestone foundation, fireplace, built- in kitchen, full basement, laundry trays and total price only $2250. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bld-g. Main 37S7. PIVR-BOOM MODERN BUVGALOW. One of the choice east side-Mt. Tabor view properties. If you are a straniser in rhA citv and desire to locate in choice district with best of neighbors and not a congestea aistrict. xnis ptop ortv will anneal to the most fastidious. Deal with owner. 733 Northwestern Bank building. . LAURELHURST. 7-room bungalow, just completed, ele ffnnt niumbina. hardwood floors through- tii hath room, fine kitchen, with Kairfnt nnnk. earace. Price and terms are rieht N. O. Eklund. owner and builder. Phone Tabor 6a0. $25U. WW t'AtH. j -room nouse, iui, tMuuiuuig. cement sidewalks, concrete foundation, two blocks to car. easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37ST. ONLY $15C0. Rose City Park car. This is a nifty little 4-room oungaiow reaay to move right tn; bath, gas, water, etc. Easy trms. Let us show you this. Pa cific Weaity Co., 409 Spalding bldg. Main S47. J14.V) ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Cozy 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, etc. : basement . garage; nice full lot. garden, lawn, shrubbery; quirk posses sitfn; why pay rent. Tabor 0o"9. - : . TAKE Woodstock car to 55th St.. go north to o-a ave to ;o i k-u ave anu ouy luhl modern 4-room with large floomd attic for 2 additional rooms, with 5ix204 with j fruit; a real home. Deal -with the owner. . VERY attractive Irvington home. 7 lovely rooms. Ivory finish, corner lot. garage: this is a complete and strictly modern home. Pacific Rcaity Co.. Main 47. JOS ppaliimg mag. $42.V NEW Rose City bungalow, white enamel finish, oalc floors, breakfa-st . room: fl?r0 down,' balance 6 per cent. Tabor 747. RA L ESTATE. For Sale llowee. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 614-20 S WETLAND BLDG. IRVINGTON. No. 403. At $4500 this 7-room bunga- homes, is. a genuine, bona fide bargain. 1 Poor health is causing the owner to t place It on the market at this price. It i. ue u uengm io snow you iuw uumc No. 402. $ti500. Mr. Homeseeker, this i 6-room fully modern house in this re- i trioted district on 50x100 lot is another of our many bargains we are offering you today. This is close In and con venient to the business district. It can be had this week at the above price. No. 390. We have been authorized to place this beautiful home, which is lo cated in the best part of this most de sirable district, on the market at the remarkably low figure of $7000. This was built a few years ago when ma terial was cheap and the best of every thing was used. The house has 8 rooms elegantly finished and delightfully ar ranged; the rooms are all large and airy, the lawn is well kepi and has some rare roses and shrubbety. Very reason able terms can be had.- We shall be glad to arrange to show you this place by appointment. No. 391. $4800. Here Is a moderately priced, strictly modern home of 7-room bungalow type; it has a nice large liv ing room, dining room, kitchen that Is a delight; four nice airy sleeping rooms with closets, bath, furnace and firepiace. A large garage; 1 ha blocks from car line and everything is in good shape. Let us show you this place. HAWTHORNE. No. S05. $10,000. This beautiful two story 8-room house, which is strictly modern, weil located, in a very desirable district; the Interior 1 well arranged Entering from a large front porch into the reception hall with Its cozy alcove . you pass into the large living room with its beautiful beamed ceiling and cheerful fireplace; it is so well arranged you have every convenience that can e placed in a modern home; the library, 1 the dining room with its buffet, the large kitchen with its many cupboards, coolers and work table, the large screened porch in the rear; four large sleeping rooms on the second floor. A magnificent heme for the most fastidi ous. One block from two car lines. We will be glad to show you this placa by appointment. RICHMOND. No. 400. $3300. . The - owner of this place called us up by phone and said to sell It for $3300. We asked what was the big idea, and he replied, "We need the money." So you are getting this for several hundred dollars leas than origi nally asked. This is a snap and won't last. HYDE PARK. No. 401. $6500. For this wonderful 7-room up-to-the-minute bungalow, with its large living room 28 feet long. Its beautiful sleeping room jut off the liv ing room, with French windows, the diner and large kitchen with many built-in cupboards and coolers ; every thing for convenience. It has hardwood floors and la perfectly finished. A splen did furnace and fireplace to- keepfeou warm; a good cement garage, andne block to the car line. English language Is. a failure in trying to describe this modern home. Come In and arrange to see it, PENINSULA. No. 404. $3150, and only $500 down for this good 7-room house in the future inaustriai aistrict or fortiana; i. diock of car line, 2 blocks of school; lot 60x 109; garage on alley. If you care for the Peninsula district, see this place. LINCOLN. No. 410. This- is a real borne and a splendid buy on East Ninth street; six- room bungalow, nice, run tront porcn, llvinff room, dinlntc room, kitchen, re ception hall and three sleeping rooms; tun basement, concrete inundation ; con venient to the car line and the Highland school. This Is a very good buy ; in fact, a real bargain. Price $3400, terms. SUBURBAN HOME SACRIFICED. The owner instructs us to cut the i price of this fine home $5000 in order to sell It before June 1, and he has legiti mate reasons for sacrificing it for $300 lew than the house could be built for today. These figures are based on the estimate of one of Portland's best archi tects. The location Is ideal; the bunga low was planned and built by a master: every convenience of the artistic mind and the mechanical hand has been wov en Into the arrangement of this superb home. The two acrea of ground has . been most beautifully laid out with drives, waiks, shrubbery and flowers; 20 bearing fruit trees of great variety and berries of all kinds, which cannot be excelled. Ore block off the highway and one block from Lake wood station. We . believe this buy cannot be duplicated anywhere today. The price, $15,000. Is far below the value; with about $5000 for the first payment, exceptionally good terms may be had on the balance. Words cannot describe this place. If you will come to our office we will be glad to go Into details and show you some views and drive you over to see this home. Come soon before It is too late. CLIP THIS NOW LAST APPEARANCE. HAWTHORNE. LOW K Ft MT. TABUK DISTRICT. East 50th, paved street, between two fast car services, Mt. Tabor. Hawthorne; school 2. blks.; nest stores 1 blks; a six-room modern, cozy bungalow, built for every day use when they built houses; economic heat, good basement. attic, built-in conveniences, extras thrown in; cash, terms, reasonable price to suit. Bring your wife, make a final job of it. 237 E. 50th st. ' REAL HOME. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT 100x150; . STRICTLY- MODERN RESIDENCE; Fl RST FLOUR KIN E FOR ENTER TA1NING; SECOND FLOOR HAS FIVE BEDROOMS; TWO BATHS; T.HIUD FLOOR TWO MAIDS' ROOMS. LARGE BILLIARD ROOM AND BATH; HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE, 271-20. PENINSULA 8-ROOM HOME. Substantially constructed modern home, near St- Johns car in Peninsula district, large lot. 133x10 0 ; 4 bedrooms, each light and airy, with big closets, massive fireplace in living room ; price here is almost a giveaway. $3250, $700 down, balance $"-i5. including 6 per cent interest. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange bidg. Main 7487. DANDY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 nice rooms, hardwood floors, tapeB try puper, fireplace, buiit-ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays. This is a charming little home: $o750. terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6013. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $50t)0. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow with all kinds of buiit-ins ; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitch en in white eiia,m el, cement basement and laundry trays, fine garage. This is a very pretty home. Come and see It. Call Main 5370 between 10 and 5. DON'T WORRY! The people's choice will win and so will you, providing you 3o not waste too much time in securing that new bungalow In Laurelhurst ; location Ideal, every modern convenience. See J. A. McCarty for full particulars, at 270 Stark st. Main 1700; evenings and Sun day Tabor uO. PURE ENGLISH COLONIAL TYPE Kv at office. East 39th and Glisan sis. Less than one year old; beautifully finished in oia ivory ana tapestry paper you can move right in; $1500 will han dle; a few dollars added to your rent money will do the rest. First come, first served. ianor um, evenings cast uss. INCOME PROPERTY. Two furnished .homes. 5-room bunga low with furnace i garage, 0-room home, living room, fireplace, dining room, bedroom, breakfast room on first floor; suiable for two families. Nice lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery. Rents for $t)2. Owner leaving city. $050, terms. Mrs. G. H. Fadden. 103 Montana avenue. $100 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. Neat little 4-room cottage with sink and patent toilet, nice yard, 30x100. ce ment sidewalks, included with the place are 2 beds. '4 springs, table. 4 chairs. 2 rockers. 1 cook stove. 1 beater and gas plate; total price $1750. Fred W. tierman Co.. 73- Cham, of Com. BEAUTIFUL Rose City bungalow, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, fur nace fireplace, east front. 50xlu0-foot lot. $ - JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. THREE rooms and bath, long porch, nearly new. modem conv. (furniture- if desired), big lot. near school.- church, stores: country advantages right in Portland. Special discount for cash. Immediate possession. Tabor 9282. s-600 5-ROOM, double constructed bun galow 2 corner lots, alley, fruit. Shrub bery of all kinds; terms. Tabor 7065. 5415 Foster road. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. Buy direct from owner, save commis sion; 6-room house. 10 blocks from Jef ferson high. -Moaern wun run cement basemen t. Pho n cM ain OOS. - 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. $1on MT. SCOTT AND BSD $lftO. -50x100 lot. house has bath, toilet, elec tric, gas, full basement, sidewalks; $300 sli IT IT-WAG ON E R CO.. Stock Kuch. Ou"nER. west side, walking distance; 0 . room house with or without furniture; full cement basement. " 250 Wood st., Pfne Marshall 4GK. I jioDERN 6-room bungalow on naved St.: cement ba.emcnt. laundry trays, furnace. fireplace; Taboritaii HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4i -F.ODABAUGH. 7-ROOM modern bungHlow for fcale. n Hawthorne. Tabor 4873. HOC and lot lor sale. 847 . 'BUy. BEAK. ESTATE. Tor Sale House. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. lOOO PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Try the McGUIRE SYSTEM of scientific HOME SERVICE! 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sale. EVERY DISTRICT. Every type of home at price YOU CAN PAY. If necessary we will help you make your down payment. " 18 automobiles at your SERVICE. Opeu evenings and Sundays. $5800 UN US U A LLY BEAUTIFUL IRV INGTON HOME; 5-Tm. ULTRA MODERN BUNGALOW; massive built-ins, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch,' furnace, frultroom; ,nas HARDWOOD FLOORS; ideal ' home. We have 50 homes in. this district. $4300 F URNISHED HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Is very ARTISTIC, BOTH INSIDE AND OUT;, pan eled, dining room with beamed ceiling two funniest bedrooms; SPLENDID FURNACE. You will APPRECIATE the EXCELLENT VALUE. Eart Mst'st.. - $2750 Here Is WONDERFUL VALUE In a modern 5-room- HAWTHORNE; terms; East 37th. Just south of Hawthorne. READ THIS!. A - $2200 Ore E. 20th, near Cot's. - is this very attractive, modern. BuNGA LOW: white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; convenient to S. P. shop and Central Toor A. Lor. Co. I only $400 down.$20 per mo, TH IS IS A REAL BARGAIN YOU CANNOT AFFORD. TO $3550 REVVUTIFUL MT. TABOR VIEW HOME, unusually arUstic white BUNGALOW, splendid corner. 67x100; combination living and dining room full width;, white Dutch kitchen, sleeping , POfch, uemeht basement; HOUSE JUST REPAINTED; ABUNDANCE OK FRUIT; EXCELLENT V ALL E; EAST MORRISON. $3100 A REAL . DLTCH ' COI-OMAL. v very, distinctive line; cheery fre place; built-in bookcases, paneled - dining room; IDEAL DUTCH L iM-'uirv" t h r- airu bedrooms. sleeping 'porch; HARDWOOD i. i nni!S- l.pst white enamel plumbing; HOUSE LIKE .NEW; full lot. WHERE CAN OL duplicate ;his valuer $2150 Six-room plastered BUNGALOW COTTAGE, comfortable., modern. street liens paid; rA&x in.Ra. irmnn 11 a a i- I'ninn ave. J3150 A L B E R T AS EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN; six-room ATTRACT t v it. nHrr hnm mine led din Ing" room with massive buffet, most convenient floor plan ; m vitptvp. porch, laundry trays. frultroom; JUST $00 . - ir-ot X2d. SEE it today! S 1S00 A LBERTA HO ME B A RG AIN 7 rooms, modern; 4 bedrooms whit mmM DlumbinK. wi, Bivd street. SEE THIS TO- t a v tv hftva SO Albert as. tvorn i.cT.srnii: SNAP ! Six-room modern UNUSUALLY ARTISTIC BUNGALOW, like new; VA CANT, MOVE RIGHT IN; terms, inft wirTJurnF. HOMES. $2625 100x100 MONTAVILLA delight ful bun era low; 4 rooms, moueru, beautiful ehrubbery, trees, etc. East Clay. 70 MONTAVILLA HOMES. $1095 Just THINK! Clever, artistic 4 room BUNGALOW; large, full width front Dorch. attractive liv i -. t.nnm nriitv dinine room hiHit-in huffet. Dutch kitchen, large, n'.ry bedroom, 5-set piece of white enamel plumbing; 100x 100. A1L.I'A.nv r v , u -1 am - rhirkpn hOUFe. A- LITTLE HOME. rr ar innkirc for a HOME com hinin ni.Nin a RLE location. MODER ATE 'PRICE and UNUSUAL VALUE, see FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington tldg. Main 1063. Successor to H. D. McGuire. Established 18M. "40 Years of RELIABLE Service. NEW. modern house of six rooms and sleeping porch; fireplace in iivinK room built-lns kltcnen ana amins mom. daas1 rinnra hdmom on first floor -fnii concrete basement, full lot. Price $3850. first payment small, balance a 6 per cent. M N if tv, new bunRalow of four rooms .rramt nnnk hall and bath, larce liv Ing room. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, ia finnreri ttir f ull concrete base ment, stationary tubs; grounds about one acre. miRht divide. Close in; good dis trict Price $5750 on very easy terms. O W Bryan. 50S Chamber Of Commerce WONDERFUL bargain, a " -room house worth $5M)0 and $2000 of furniture, all for S5UOO; house almost new, all mod ern ; full basement, wash trays, elec tric washer; one block from car; as soon a St. Johns river road is finished you can get to the city in 15 minutes; the beat kind of piano. $0OO; rugs, about $100 each: Universal range. bra.'s bedsteads, springs, much built-ifl furniture and a great deal of furniture too numerous to mention; it all goes with it; conte and see it; the fo.ks are leaving city at once; price $2.t.O aown. See G. Hoistrana. w.w Woodlawn 5005. , MOUNT T ABOR BUNGA LOW. . That will make you a delightful home is offered for ale at a very reasonable price See these 5 pleasant room, all on one floor; dandy fireplace, cement basement and furnace; big front porcli. fine view; all Improvements in and paid; In a fine neighborhood Onlv $4800. with $1700 cash, balance mortgage at 6 per cent with optional payments. , MacINNIS & PRATT, Main SS0S. 413 Board of Trade bldg. ELABORATE ALBERTA HOME. Here is a large, spacious bungalow, G rooms, beautifully finished-, equipped with furnace and tireplace, full cement basement with laundry trays. 5 rooms down, bath and toilet, one finished and two unfinished up: built only a few years and in Al condition; parage, fine fruit tre, garden; convenient terms; price $"95CAREY-SAVfDGE COMPANY. -219 Railway Exchange bldg. Mam ,4f. ROSE CITY PARK. $;;400 buvs a dandy 5-rodm bungalow on 10txl00'-ft. lot; house is double con structed, has built-in bookcasrs. buffet. hpxmpd ceilings, mout-fii b- -"- tntr includinE wash trays. A good buy at "$340: terms if desired. N. 1. Farnsworthw.u. THE ACREAGE MAN. r,08-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway ;'0m . HAWTHORNE SNAP. ONI.T $3900." Five-room bunsalowr : Dulch kllrhfn flreplace. basement, attic, etc.. 13' cash P month. Owner. East 47th. TaborJIBjtl i ' it.Rir RTt ft-room modern homo on East 21st St.; has all modern beautiful 'ouxlOO corner; street improve ments are in and paid; garage; a Bood buy at 4J..: terms .. sea N 1. Farnsworth. with bee . A DRYER. THE Af'RBAUS 1A.. r,nS-P Lewis Eldg. Broadway .V)S1. oh'qp PITY PARK. A -room house with sleeping poreh. full cement basement, wash trays, all IrV.a. ' fireo ace. oak floors, etc; 50x100 lot. garage; hard-surface Ftreets and sewer In and paid : possession ?: ift Price $6000, easiest kind of " RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st jtR.-,00 LAURELHURST RSO0. Attractive new bungalow. G rooma and bath garaire. strictly modern in every detail" beautifully furnished. No. SO MelUle place, same as 42d Bt. By owner. Tabor 15a!. ; ' ; IRVINGTON RJ5.M- HOME. 8 artistic rooms, living room 30x0, ha. fireplaces first floor, two baths. sVcondT extra lavatories. H W. floors throughout entire house; fine garage. heart of rt'strk-t - McDOXKU- EAST 419. ROSE flTV DISTRICT. 4-room bunttasow. corner lol. Dutch enamel plumbing, retnejit basement. 6 nice fruit trees, berries and lawn: 1 blocks to car and school: good chance umfoDe tit own their own home; very eaaj M. DhAn. Tlie'. 1 .iuire tl'J K. i-.lfi - rose CITV PARK. " Beautiful new ."i-room burga!ow. oak floors fireplace, built-in bookcases, buf fet ivory woodwork. Dutch kitchen, brclikfast nook, eight airy bedrooms, ce ment basement, wash trsy-. large attic, full lot on paverl street; owner, 7'0 F 'd st. N. Tabor -JJS-I. INSURANCE. F1RK AtTOMOBILK LIABILITY. ' exile Bl'RKETT. AGENT NEWARK KIRB INSURANCE CO OFFU'E 2"H RELiaNU BLUG b'iOSB WAIN 1S00 ROSE CITV VATIK. New. 7 room, modern. by No ueems. Tabor 17S owner. 1 170(1 -t-M AL.L house, large lot, Sunnyside . .r cash balance Tabor 4U3. -..:,m( ROSK CITY, 5-room UuiikhIow. cor "ncr. parasc eiy lenu. owner, fcell wuod US. . , REAL ESTATE. For Sale ROSE CITY SNAP. j. $5500 TERMS. Strictly modern 5-room bun- galow, corner lot on streets, ail assessments paid. Owner leav ing town, must sell at once. Hard wood floors, fireplace. Ivory fin ish, bullt-ins. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, H-B. plpeless furnace, gaa range and water heater, linoleum, shades, curtain rods and drapes included with place. Phone us at once. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20& FURNISHED BUNGALOW. "Artistic 5-reom bungalow with good furniture: livina room has nice . fire place and den. with built-in booKcases. nice electric fixtures, dining room ha artistic buffet, with large plate glass mirrors, beam ceiling; . two large, light bedrooms with bath between: Dutch kitchen In white, half cement basement floor, good furnace, garage, lot 40x100, hard surface street now going in. $4000. $1000 cash, $50 month, including Inter est, 7 per cent, O. W. T. Huellhaupt Co., C. E. Adami. 407 U. S. National Bank bldg. Broadway SS5S, residence, Wdi 343. : , A BEAUMONT BEAUTY. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; large liv ing and dining, polid oik Moors,, buiit-ins. large. .Dutch kitchen, a dandy bedrooms .with large closet and line bath and toilet . up; full cement base ment, trays, furnace, full lot; 4 blocks to car;, ril improvemems in ami viu. This is surely a buy at $5750. $1500 cash. J THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. BARGAINS. Magnificent 0R. home, Irvinirton. $13,000. Splendid JO-R.- home. Irvington. $10,uOO Fine 0-R. home.- Irvington. $S300. Excellent 7-R. home, irvington, $S500. Good-0-R. home-. Irvington, $7500. Fine 6-R. bunga-Iow. Irvington, $7500. Good old 7-H. tioma.$45O0. All pre-war prices, below cost. EAST 7J. HERDMAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. 8-room bungalow, corner lot 6Sxl00 feet; garage: only one block from car line and overlooking Columbia park: en closed sleeping porch : full concrete basement : truit trees and rose bushes; house partly stone construction. $4500. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth SL Main 4522. 768 Lombard St. Col. 638. 8 ROOMS. BARGAIN. Exceptionally well built; 5 years Id; modem, very conveniently arranged; fine view, right on good car line and hard street; Immediate possession; $4o00, terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. YrVTVTCRRTTT PARK. Beautiful 7-room bungalow with front and rear sleeping porches, lot 50x150. full concrete basement, fine fireplace. furnace and in a nice neighDomooa 4UCOE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4.VJ 2. 76S Lombard St. Col. 038. IRVINGTON $7500. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors in all rooms. fireplaces, luil ce ment basement, furnace, wash trays, ga rage. A bargain; $Jo00 down. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apart meats, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plana and finance. Established ten years. We iffer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc. N. W. Bank bldg. 024 ST. JOHNS. Completely furnished 4-room bunga low with screened sleeping porch; ga . rage; on paved street and car line; lot 4uxl00; price $3200. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 70S Lombard. . Col. 638. NEW IRVINGTON HOMES. Just completed and have now for sale two S-room colonial homes and one 6-rm. bungalow, absolutely modern and up to ih-- minute. If you are in thu market Tor a home do ot fail to see these. Tur ner & Wlnship. Miildera, Tabor 56J4 or TabuV 2124. lRVINXiTflN COLONIAL BUNGALOW - t value, includes screens, linoleum. new gas range, heater, etc.; six lovely rooms- screened sleeping- porch; garage. Oid-ivorv finish, art paper, French doors,, fine oak floors, fireplace; located near ISth and Siskiyou. Main b078. East 314. BUY FROM OWNER. Rose City Park, G-R. sleeping P., steel furnace, full basement, fireplace, H. W. F., garage, eat-t front, strictly modern. No agents. Tabor 5728. HOSE CITY PARK. Six-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, all latest buiit-ins. cement basement. Fox furnace, inside all refinished; must sell immediately, leaving city; price $5750: or completely furnished, $050', buy direct from owner and save commission. Tabor 7277. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH EVERY CONVENIENCE; FRUIT. FLOWERS AND SHRUBBERY; GARAGE, 75hu. TERMS. 800 E. YAMHILL ST. E. 1155 1(;(0 R. C. PARK : almost new, partly lurnished ; bath, gas, electricity, larye corner lot; part cash, balance tt per cent; move right in; some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with $00 to get nice little home; good neighborhood near school. Owner, Tabor 2ti78. 6 ROOMS, VACANT. 1 V block to car line ; cement base ment Owner out of city; house in good condition. Price $1800; $:5u cash, or will consider Ford car as firt payu.ent, balance. $20 per month. . See Mr. Fisher, 24s Stark st. Mam 542M. $1950 COZY bungalow, streets graded, walks in, block from paved street. 2 bedrooms, gas, bath, electricity, garden all in, berries. Immediate possession. . $350 cash. Owner, 50 East 87s t South. Mount Tlior car, phone 212-04. FOR SA LE by owner, the most bea utlf ul homu in Laurelhurst: 7 rooms, fuliy fur nished : hardwood Hours, garage, corner lnr 100x140 It., at a bargain ; S14.UU0, cash or terms. Call 300 Bush 6c Lane bldg. Main 5. : IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-roorn bun galnw. strict 1? modern, furnace, hardwood floors, built lns etc.; all street improvements In and cald: $050 cash will handle it; move right In. Phone orvtier. Eat-t 4000. FOR SALE Five-room bungalow in the heart of St. Johns: lot 100x120. one uinrk from car line; full bearing cnern apple, pear and pluin trees, good garden and berries. Phone Columbia 558; no agents. VINE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Five rooms and bath, nice modern bungalow, with furniture, lOOxlOu 1 ..n i f rii i r and berries : -all for Equity $1050. A snap. Prentiss. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON. j7-,00 New five-room modern bunga low with garage,, nicely finished and complete in detail. For appointment call Taggart, Main 27. LAURELHURST. 7 rooms, sleeping porcn. built-in conveniences, hardwood floors downstairs: beautiful yard, garage. For '' quick sale. J-liUM cash. bal. like reut. d per cent. East oil-. SIX rooms and bath. gas. electricity, hot and cold water, full cement basement: 2 " blocks to car: 20 minutes from center of citv. Seen by appointment. olOO. AH 4.S0. Oregonian. ' 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. SUNN1 SIDE NEAR 32D AND ALDER. Coxy 4 rooms, lull cement basement, furnace buiit-ins. Dutch kitchen: se.l for $JOO0 half cash. , Call Tabor 112. S.VrO CASH. ' f20 per mo.. 6-room house, cn car line. Lot 50x100. Main B127. Evening. Man 522:. GOOD r-room bungalow and sleeping ..K Lie. lot. near M. V. car: r.a.nn. able 'price and terms: immediate pos session. '"'JJ'-L'-iL Irving st. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow, near Union ave.. and Piedmont: $;lr0 cash will handle It. Phone owner. East 4OO0. SALE My equity in a well-built modern -ruMn .-.w. uner, Woodlawn 4J10. AL-tiEHT- .'.-room modern bungalow, newly tinted unci refinisueti. $2UO. 1 10U cash. Owner. Wdin. ZiKi. BY owner. $4000 for -room house in fir.t cla.r;s condition, one bio. -it lis. car. ba.i Eafct Yamhill Tabor 5059. g.-,iw llOOxloo LOVICLY S-room modern houso. caras. splendid loca tion, fine t, nns. M8 Chamber of Com, Mam 80:. FIVE-ROOM cot tape; full corner lot, two tilotks cur. Ml. Scott district; bargain, $jm.P. ist T'.tTS. 0- KUO.M rottaKP. close In ; easy terms; 1.V0. 0 csh. Tabor 14G. ALAMEDA PARK Beauiiful 7-room houae, double garage. East 4!21. .MOUKKN. up-to-date Irvington home. E. o'.a e ening. Bargain. MODERN 8-room bungalow. Hawthorn district. Owner, plion Tabor 014. SEAL ESTATK. For Sale Uoosea. " SEMT-STJBTTRBAN. COUNTRY LIFE IN CITY LIMITS. A MOST desirable seven -room home In PERFECT condition and modern In .. every degree; full cement basement, fine furnace, wash trays, extra, toilet. First floor, large living room with fire place, dining room, pass pantry, kitchen, bedroom and large sleeping porch. Second floor. 3 nice bedrooms, large bath, ample closet. Approximately one-fourth acre ef land, large double garage, chicken house with cement floor; fine garden and flowers, fruit in bearing. This property la located on pavwd irtreet, with city water, gas and elec tricity, convenient to both high and grade school a It cannot be duplicated for $10,900 and has cost the owner considerably mora than the price named. If sold at once will accept $6500. with reasonable terms. SAM NORTON. 610 Hwjry Bids. Broadway 1326. SIX-ROOM MODETCf HOUJTB. Willamette Heights: Tory desirable), thoroughly modern, bert home environ ment, beautiful view of river and moun tains; splendid hot-water heating syw tem. front hall, living room, dining room with built-in buffet and kitchen on 1st floor; three bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; attic; electric lights and gas. pol ished floors throughout: full cement basement, wash trays, etc: splendid lot. SO ft. frontage, asphalt street (paid. ' lota of choice rosea and ehrubbery. 1 block from car. A home for "peopl who care'; fine for children. Price only S4500: trmi $1500 cash, balance as mav be arranged. One could not duplicate this property now for $6000. Immediate possession. Can be inspected any time up to 8 P. M. J. W. CROSS LET. 1035 Vaughn St. Main frOTS. ROSE CITY PARK. $5350. MODERN BUNGALOW GASCO FtTR NACE: Here, folks, is one of those real, niftv, double constructed bungalow homes. This Is not a large bungalow, but never have wo had a more com plete one to offer. You will find here every conceivable convenience ever fea tured that one would naturally expect to find in an expensive home, even t an instantaneous hot-water heater. May we not have the pleasure of showing you ? A. G. TEEPK CO-, mm 204 Stark SL. near Third. Main 3 02. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. ROSE CTTT PARK. NEW BUNGALOWS $4750 $6500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. REASONABLE TERMS. Five and six rooms, modem throughout, hardwood floors, ivory finish, fireplace, Dutch kitchen with break tast nook, cement base ment, furnace; 50x100 ft. lota, on paved streets. These can be han dled with $1000 cash, the balance in reasonable monthly payment. For particulars call . J L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Cham, of Com, bldg. Mam JOS. $6500 ROSE CITY 650w. A new and up-to-the-minute bunga low ; turnace and fireplace, beautiful hardwood floors, all buiit-ins, ca-bmetr kitchen, full cement basement, wash. r trays, etc.; all finished in Ivory and white enamel; 50x100 lot, garage, full-' cement runway; hard-surface st. ana sewer in and paid; reasonable terms. r RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. ROSK CITY PARK. Better than new ; 5-room bungalow on paved street; oak floors, firepiace, Dutch kitchen, all buiit-ins. large floorea -attic, cement basement with trays, nice m,v lawn, beautiful roses and shrubbery; the tvpe of bungalow selling foi $6000 in this district. Owner leaving, will sell for . $5000 if sold quickly. A bargain tor . someone. Tabor 7825. -S7 E. 57th St. North. ' ; LAURELHURST 6-ROOM BUN GALOW $1500 CASH. $50 PER MO. AND INTEREST. You can move right in; key at office, E. 30th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433; evenings East 2080. PARTLY furnished 6-room house, modern. on E. Belmont near -.m. itiu-i-ng dining room set. kitchen range and come kitchen furniture. wood heater, rugs, chairs, hall tree, two bedroom sets and bedding, only $3200. No incum brances against the place. Make us an offer on terms. Can give immediate possession. See ATCHISON. 20-4 Henry bldg. ' $7'!00 BEAUMONT SPECIAL $7000. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and large attic; hardwood f ioors downstairs; 3 fine airy bedrooms; full basement, fur nace, fireplace, garage; 2 blocks to car and school; will be glad to show by appointment. See J. A. McCarty, 270fc stark st. Main 1700; Sunday and even- ings Tabor 50o7. A FINE 7-room home. 3 blocks to JefEer FOr, high school. 1 block to Miss. ave. car; strict I v modern and in excellent shape: 50x100 corner, paved et. The price ia absolutely right. $400t. $1500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. $tio0J Seven-room bouse; niouern con veniences;- almost an aire , .tn w tc. - t, ing fruit trees, 31 apple. 10 cherry, 2 pear 2 prune, 2 plum, crabapple. quinces, grapes raspberries and strawberries; 50x. loo garden spot, barn and chicken coop; 4V. blocks from Ml Tabor car. Owner, Tabor 5!!4. . " IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Just completed. 6 rooms and breakfast room, extra large livine room, ivory . -? vii.nH work. and papered, hardwood floors throughout. tile oatn witn ex- pensive plumping, umbco , rase. oi- c. i-... . , owner and builder. - IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROO!i HOME. - ;-i I ocated 684 Braiee, TJxiOO cornel K. . 19m All hardwobd floors, gaa furnace, llates windows, garage. Splendid light fiitures7 wallpaper and tile batn. Very ..v, well bulit and for tale by owner. irVlNOTO.N 7 full-aiJie rooms. 2 story, large attractive living room. b. w. floor. ZZ nnest condition and close in: very fine larire Karaite. 440 K. 7 til it. N. 8a ve ir.e.. . B ."mlinn See owner. 48 N. ' t t tith st. For appointment phone Broadway l'j'Jl or East 0852. HWTHORNE DISTRICT r.00 CASK. 5-room modern cottage, good cend:-tion- oOxlOU lot. paved St.. all clear: 3 blocks to cir. W. of 31st: J2900 small ,a"h pavment. bal. 2t) a month: no ;,7Ar-eae W. D. Rodabaugh. TABOR 4299. 104tt HAWTHORNB-. r JTlCE summer home on Lake Coeur d'Alene Idaho, o-room cviw "ellent -condition; front porch and good ear'.h Del Cardo bay; pure mountain , a.r. surroundings AuJomatic210-oG ideal MT. TABOR BUNGALOW rooms 2 sleeping porches. 2 ire nlees hot-water heat. rooms. P lot" fine view; non-resident wants !HKofferV For further information call E Bankus. phone 2lo-4g evcnu.a. of five rOK o.-m . . downstairs. T.?Fn. ..Vh C lothes closets, eloa. in near .wu.. "TSZkZ &!. with terms. Phone East 3500. TTT c ,' TO RR1.1. .. S l,-oon. house, modern. Rose City Park. , . a snap. 4000. some terms. A real snap. KOBDINS. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7Jol. t- J hardwood floors, mod- 5-ROUJi hn,.i,. cement base- em, iirepi-c. near car: 350O. terms. flT" N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37SL Tabor 322. tlH-,0 BUYS cottage at 82 E. 1 Out-of-town owner Instructs us pos. this, week Term, 1 Tatn-tIi. to dis to suit. H.L.r, " ill not last lonlC. ener mwk - !r ,-Sec AteMton. '4 Henry bldg ri HOI'S E and 2 lot on corner. M. V. : district Kaa" electricity, cement base- fnent 'biWlt Ins; ell plumbing tixture . and sewer connection; x dik- cr. JI-J-43. vi pi kWOOD OR. $10 buy a- ffooa four-room plastered houae; for wcritice on acSount of health. Inquire at atore. Map lew o od . Or. w i.';t side, very nice mut-mi n o-rw.. house garage, Kearney st, boOO; gooa terms. SIS Cham, of. Com. Main 8032. jrRbOirrnodern bungalow. 1 acre garden. 1 acre pnrlt, barn, chicken house; $3000... Bdwy. 74. 6i7 Fentonblds. 6-ROOM bunsalow, 200x201 feet of ground: - J1 fruit trees and small fruit. 10GO E. 5gthst. " ' - S-ROOM house, well-built, modern con- e rninnces, west side. $KU0, terms. Main si'i. . jlsH ti-room bouse, modern conveniences,-- looxluo garden spot, small fruit; 4 biocks from Mt. Tabor car. Owner, Tabor MODKRN 5-room house. 351 S 64th at. S. S. . Tabor 8554. OWN EH brand-new 4-room bungalew. . Main il&'J between 3 and 1. M. i-3 a it:. im i o5.o I