Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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The games are only played through
five Innings, as It is necessary to hold
them in the evening. - The second
game of the series Js to be played be
tween the juniors and senious this
week. -
- Batteries for the sophomore rook
game: Sophs, Krink and Powell:
Rooks, Angle, Cook and Clarke and
Rankin. Umpire, Hubbard.
women's singles and. -women s dou
bles. The tournament will be con
ducted under the rules of the United
States National Lawn Tennia associa
tion. Two More .Teams in 'League.
Two more- teams have been added
to the northeast section of the Port
land Junior league. The two -teams
are the a Montavilla juniors and the
Holladay juniors and they will meet
Sunday and Mondy In a two-game
series on the Jefferson high school
grounds. a
Japanese Sh i( Out Chicago.
Catfin Wolfard Beats Goss in
Handicap Tourney. -
More Than 1000 Entries in
Track and Field Games.
Seal Pilot Fined for Protest in
Bc"aver Game.
ager Charles Graham of the San Fran
cisco club in the Pacific Coast Base
ball league, was suspended today for
The Chicago university baseball team,
which is making a tour of the orient,
was defeated, 2 to 0, by the Japanese
team of the University of Waseda at
Tokio yesterday, according to a Tokio
cable to the -New -World. Japanese
language newspaper here.
Junior Star May Be Sent Here
I'rom East to Try and Show
Locals Points of Game.
38 Institutions Score Points
Contests Since Opening
Events in 18 76.
r ..
J uvaw wtmm jm ijjm' ammmmimmmmmmm
Playing the same steady and con
sistent game that has placed him in
the foremost rank of local tennis
players, Catlin Wolfard yesterday
afternoon defeated Walter A. Goss in
the finals of the annual spring handi
cap tournament of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club in straight
sets, the scores being 7-5, 6-2. 6-4.
By winning this event Wolfard ob
tains possession of the Alma I. Katz
trophy for one year. Goss handicap
was owe SO 3-6 and Wolfards owe.
40. These were the heaviest handi-j
caps of the tournament.
Goss, who holds two legs of the
cup, made a valiant effort to win the
match, as it would have given him
the coveted trophy for good.
Lead Bandied About.
Goss started out well in the. first
Fet, taking two games. Wolfard won
the next three, gaining the lead. Goss
tied the count by winning the next
same. The players split on the .next
pair of games and the score stood 5
all. Wolfard . then settled down and
won the next two games, giving him
the set, seven games to five.
Goss won the first game of the
second set, but Wolfard took the lead
in short order, taking the next two
arnes. Goss took - the next game,
"making the score stand two apiece.
Wolfard won the set by taking the
next four games in a row. The set.
score was 6-4.
Wolfard piled up a lead of three
rames in the third set and then
- dropped the next two. Wolfard took
two more and Goss took two more.
,,, Wolfard took the next game hand-
- ily, and with it the set and match
,, Score 6-4.'
v Gosi Is Outclassed.
Goss was outclassed by his younger
opponent, but kept fighting hard
- throughout the -entire three sets.
.1 Wolfard played a smashing game,
driving the ball to the back line on
many occasions. His lobbing was
"-nearly perfect, and when forced to
use it he played them deep in the
court. .
, Wolfard has developed a wonder
ful forehand drive, placing the ball
well to the back and corners of the
court. This stroke will be a source
"of much discomfort to the players
who will meet him in the coming
mm tournaments.
" Throughout the match both players
executed some very difficult shots,
bringing loud applause from the large
gallery- that was on hand.
If plans of Walter A. Goss, north
west sectional delegate of the United
States Lawn Tennis association, and
Julian S. Myrick, president, go
through as expected, the followers of
the racquet game in this part of the
state will see one of the best of the
junior players of the east in compe
tition in local tournaments.
Junlod Star Wantrd.
ZZ. They had planned on having Alfred
H. Chapin Jr. tome west, but at the
last minute he decided to go abroad
with his family. Chapin will be re
membered, as the player who defeated
1'hil Neer, the local tennis star, in the
junior championships at Forest Hills,
N. Y. He is rated fourth In the na-
tional junior event.
The association is now endeavoring
to get Harold Taylor, well known
throughout the east for his playing
in junior competition, to make the
trip out here and impart a few bits
of knowledge to the local players as
to how the game is played on the At
lantic coast.
Mr. Goss - is .lmost assured that
Taylor will be the player selected, as
, he would make a wonderful opponent
''"lor the local stars.
Jiifty Suits Designed That AVill
Advertise Portland, School,
and Various Firms.
- Portland may have an opportunity
JT. to make a bid for fame through
a baseball team other than the Port
'land Beavers if the plans of certain
parties interested in the national pas
time materialize. The plan which
Kill Ellsworth, coach of the Frank
' lin high school baseball team; Jack
illra lioutledge, president of the Port-
fc-lHnd Baseball association, and Dallas
y. Simonsen, secretary of the same
organization, have in mind is to se
lect an all-star baseball team of this
season's players and take them on a
trip through the middle west, playing
nign school, and small colleges and
returning by the way of California.
To receive the necessary financial
w backing for such an undertaking the
"team will hare to have the support of
'. the Tortlaud Chamber of Commerce
and other local civic organizations.
. The i matter has been taken up with
. these organizations and the result of
"' the project awaits their reply.
Letters have already been written
'to several large middle west cities
asking the advisability of making
such a trip and the replies in each
case have been favorable. If the local
organizations sanction the trip, the
tt.irt will be made immediately after
the school term ends the early part
of next month. The plan is to take
12 players, and they would be accom
panfed by Ellsworth as coach and
i financial manager, Simonsen as a pub
. licity agent, and Routledge, who will
- deliver lectures at the various stops
on the industrial resources of Oregon,
The players themselveB would be
-walking advertisements, wearing
"rosebud on the cap of their uniform,
the name of the school which thev
represent lettered on the front of the
uniform and on the back the name o
a. local product or industry. The jauu
would prooaoly require about fou
w eeks, the team going as tar as
' Senior Classmen to Show Game's
' Fine Points This AVeck.
Corvallis. May 26. (Special.)
The sophomore baseball team d-
feated the freshmen in the first game
of the inter-class series, here Tues
day evening. 11 to 3. . Most of the
winner's runs came in the first in
" ring, when they kaot-ked Angle out
ft Um cox and accumulated ten tcor
(Top) Walter Goss and (bot
tom) Catlin Wolfard former
and present state tennis
champion who met yesterday
In lVJits rup finals nt Multno
mah clnb, Wolfard winning,
7-5, 6-S, 0-4.
three days and fined $50 by William
H. McCarthy, presidentf the league,
for protesting a ninth-inning decision
of Umpire Bason in last Sunday
morning's game between the San
Francisco and Portland teams. When
O'Connell, the San Krancisoo player,
slid into the home plate after making
the circuit fiom first base, he was
sailed out by Eason. Graham's vig
orous protest followed. The run would
have meant a victory for the team.
'Jack" Bale and Canny Crew Plot
Downfall of Rival Suburb
at Baseball. V
A. J. "Jack" Bale, captain of the
Alameda Park baseball team which
will play Irvington Saturday, June 6,
on the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
club team in a contest which is being
staged, as a benefit performance for
the Irvingtor. club, has issued a call
for practice session to be held Monday
and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock
and Saturday afternoon. These get-to
gether meetings wilj be held on the
grounds of the Alameda school, where
the candidates for the team will be
given a thorough try-out and in
structed in some of the finer points
of the grand old pastime, such as the
right end of the bat to grasp when
at the plate and to run to first base
and not to third when tae ball is hit.
The "old" 1920 rules of nine men on
a team and three strikes are out while
four balls entitles; the batter to a
base will be followed out to the let
ter. The pitcher will also be com
pelled to pitch the ball the full dis
tance to the plate and will not be al
lowed to relay the horsehide.
At the first meeting held in the
Alameda schoolhouse the ' following
organization was periecteo: A. J. tsale,
captain and manager of the team:
L. I). Roberts, secretary; r p. Teb
betts, booster committee; Dr. Charles
J. Smith, water boy; W. J. Ball, grand
keeper of the bats; Dr. B. K. Scott.
ambulance and Red Cross service.
The material for the team includes
some 25 prominent residents of Ala
meda, who have already signified
their desire to return once more to
their school-boy days. It Is desired.
however, to have as strong a team as
possible and "Skipper" Bale- has in
vited all the neighbors of the Ala
meda Park district to turn out. Wives
and small boys, are especially needed
to lend advice and encouragement-
Walter A. Goss, one of the commit
tee in charge of the benefit game, an
nounced yesterday that the Irvington
school orchestra will be on hand to
furnish all the latest popular hits
while the players waltz around the
bases. William H. Boyer will be pres
ent to load the grandstand in songs
and cheers.
Managers Clamor for Services of
Albany High Pitcher.
ALBANY, Or.. May 26. (Special.)
Arthur tseamis. AiDany nign scnool
pitcher, who has been making a pher
nomenal record this season, is already
receiving opportunities o enter pro
fessional baseball. One such offer
came from Manager' McCredie of the
Portland team of the Pacific Coast
league, giving Beamis an opportunity
to report to Portland next spring
after being 'farmed out for season
lng during the coming summer.
Beamis does not plan to accept any
offer at present to enter professional
oasebaii. as he desires to attend col
lege next year. He will graduate from
the high school this year.
- College- Baseball . Results.
At Princeton Georgetown 6, Prince
ton 6. -- .
At Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1
Fordham 0. (Ten innings). ,s
At Cambridge Harvard 1, Holy
Cross 0.
-At New Haven Tale 12. Williams 1
At Ithaca Cornell, 6; Bucknell,
(12 innings).
.Salenf Beats Silverton.
SALEM. Or.. May 26. (Special.)
The Salem high school baseball team,
In a somewhat one-sided e-xhibitio
here yesterday, defeated the Silverton
high team by a score of 16 to 0. Th
fc-aleni boys made -15 hits. Olson an
Harwood and Harwood and Olson
were the batterie for the locals,
while Ringle and Gill pitched and re
more than 1000 entries the 44th
annual track and field champion
ship games of the Intercollegiate
Amateur Athletic Association of
America will be staged at Franklin
field here on Friday, and Saturday.
In maiy respects the meet will be the
most important held by the associa
tion in some years. The performances
of the winning athletes take on added
interest due to the proximity of the
Olympic games and the college track
coach whose pupils succeed in captur-
J ing the point trophy and champion-
BHip will ciauu vu- ,'i iii.i.-i.i-..-
candidate for the position of trainer
of the American Olympic team which
will represent this country at Ant-
Since the initial meet in 1S76, Har-
vara has won the greatest numper oi
championships, the Crimson total for
the past 43 games being 13 victories.
Cornell and Yale are tied for second
place with nine victories each and
Pennsylvania is a close third with
ght- Cornell has won the last nve
games, the Ithaca university recora
running back to the 1914 meet. Ow
ing to the war the title contests were
ot held in 1917.
Thirty-eight colleges have won
points at these games since the open-
ng contests In 1876, Yale leaamg
with 767 7-60 points. Harvard comes
second with 679; Penn third with 600;
Cornell fourth, with 513 and Princeton
fth with 366. Michigan has accumu
lated 215 2-3; Pittsburg 30 and Cali
fornia 63 "A among the teams which
have entered from territory outside
of the eastern section of the "country.
Th list of winning colleges since
1876 and the "i. C. A. A. A. A. records
to date follows: -
Winners of I. C. A. A- A. A. Championship
1M8 V. of Fa.
1M U. ot Pa.
100 IT. of Pa.
877 Columbia.
878 Columbia;-
1879 Columbia.
1U01 Harvard.
11)03 Tale.
11)04 Yale.
1!M1S Cornell.
Uo Cornell.
J!07 U. of Pa.
11IOK Cornell.
3 909 Harvard.
1910 U. of Pa,
lllll Cornell.
1912 U. of Pa.
1913 U. of Pa.
114 Cornell.
1913 Cornell.
11 Cornell.
1918 Cornell.
1919 Cornell.
1J-80 Harvard.
1881 Harvard.
HS'J Harvard.
KH3 Harvard.
18S4 Harvard.
885 Harvard.
1886 Harvard.
188T Yale.
1888 Harvard.
889 Yale.
890 Harvard.
1891 Harvard.
8911 Harvard.
893 Yale.
84 Yale.
185 Yale.
898 Yale.
1897 V. of Pa. .
I. c. A. A. A. A. Jteeoro to uwf.
100-vard dash. 9 4-5 seconds B. J. Waf
ers, Georgetown university, New York city,
May 31, 1896; B. c. Craig, Micnigan, am-
ridge. Mass., Alay ZJ. itfiL; J. r.. raiier-
son, Pennsylvania, Cambridge, Mass., May
31, 1913. .
220-yard dasn. -1 l-a seconds a. J .
Wefers, Georgetown university. New York
itv Mav 30. 189B: R. C. Craig. Micnigan.
Philadelphia, Pa., May '28. 1910, and Cam
bridge. Mass.. May 27, 1911; D. F. Lipuin-
cott. Pennsylvania. Cambridge, Maas., May
31, 1913.
440-yard run, 47 2-5 eeconus James is.
Meredith, Pennsylvania, Cambridge, Mass.,
May 2T, 1916.
Half-mile run. 1 minute 53 seconds
James K. Meredith, Pennsylvania, May 13,
One-mile run, 4 minutes 14 2-5 seconds
P. Jones, Cornell, Cambridge, Mass.,
May 31, 1913.
Two-mile run, 9 minutes 22 25 seconds
I. C. Dresser, Cornell.
Running broad jump, 24 feet 4K inches
A. C. Kraenzlein, Pennsylvania, New
York: city. May 27, 18HU.
Running high lump, feet 44 inches
W. M. Oler, Yale, Philadelphia, Pa., May
. lUla. .
Putting the shot, 48 feet 10 inches
R. L. tteatty, Columbia, Philadelphia, Pa.,
June 1, 1912.
Throwing the hammer. 165 feet i ineh
Harold P. Bailey, Maine, Philadelphia, Pa.,
May 29, 1915.
Pole vault. 13 feet 1 Inch R. A. Gard
ner. Yale. Philadelphia, Pa., June 1, 1912.
120-yard hurdle,' 15 seconds FreH s
Murray. Leland Stanford, Cambridge,
Mass., May 27, 1916.
2JO-yard hurdles, 23 3-5 seconds A. rr
Kraenzlein. Pennsylvania. Jvew York city.
May 28, 1898: J. 1. Wendell. W.l.v.n
Cambridge, May 31, 1913.
One-mile walk. 6 minutes 45 2-5 nam-Hi
- w- B. Fetterman Jr., Pennsylvania, New
xora city,, jw ay zh, J88.
Manager on Visit to California to
Enroll Mounts and Riders.
In negotiation toe several Important
entries to the night horse shew of th
northwest horse show association, to
be held at Multnomah field during the
weeK oi tne snrme convention. T. T.
Strain, manager of the show, is now
in San Francisco. He will return the
latter part of the week.
bouthern California is almost as
well known as Kentucky Tor the s-u
perlative character of its horses, and
Mr. Strain has been for some time in
correspondence with San Francisco
and Los Angeles owners, as well as
witn tne oincers or a noted cavalry
troop at Presidio. During his present
visit he expects to enroll numbers of
famous mounts and riders of Call
rornia to coma here for the show.
Schndtzu, Tennis Champion, Goes
Into "World Semi-Finals.
PARIS, May 26. Zeno - Schmltzu
Japanese tennis, player, champion of
Japan and India, is the sensation of
the world hard-court title tourna
ment here. He re-ached the semi
final round yesterday by eliminating
Nicholas jsiisnu, the Koumanian star.
in a five-set match, which the latter
defaulted, due to exhaustion. Schmitzu
took the second and fourth.
All English playerB had been elimi
nated and there were no American
Tale 'Varsity Captain to Complete
' American Quartet.
NEW" YORK, May. 26. Charles S.
Garland of Pittsburg, captain of the
Yale university tennis team, was
chosen unanimously today as th
fourth member of the United State
tennis team which will sail for Eng
land next week to compete in the
Davis cup matches.
The other members chosen eom
time ago, are William M. Johnston,
William T. Tilden IL and Richard N
Williams II. ,
Tenn-is Tournament Announced.
SALEM. Or., May 26. (Special. )-
The Salem Tennis club has announce
an all-city tennis tournament to be-
played - on th state hospital courts
commencing , June 3 and continuing
for four days. " There will be fou
events, men's singles, men's doubles,
Harry Brandt, Several Times Mo-
. torcycle Champion of North
west, Is Entered.
Bob Newman, one of the most pop
ular motorcycle racers ever developed
here, will be on hand for the coming
12th annual race meet at the Kose
City speedway next Sunday and "Mon
day. Newman will -riot only enter the
majority of events, on the two days'
bill which permit the use of high-
powered machines, but. will also at
tempt to beat an airplane in a special
three-mile race on each of the two
days of the speed carnival.
Harry Brandt. Red. Cogburn. Ed
"Berreth and other well-known north
ern stars have tasted the spotlight of
speedom in racing circles the past
nine years, but it is doubtful If any
of these ever broke in so sensation
ally as Bob Newman. Newman is
still a novice In the racing game, this
only being his third year on the track
and his second year of professioneri
going. Newman first sprung into
prominence -at the annual Decoration
day meet in the Rose City speedway
two years ago. when he copped nearly
all of the events for novices. Last
year he not only won in the novice
events, but branched out as a regular
driver, and to the surprise of the en
tire speed fraternity won the north
west championship in his second year
astride a racer. Newman i- a heady,
fearless driver and never hesitates in
taking a chance on the turns. He
broke into some real fast company in
the world championship races in Los
Arigeles last season, after winning
ere, and is a favorite in the coming
event on the local dirt ovaL
Harry Brandt, former northwest
title holder, who suffered a broken
leg in last year's meet, will make an
tner try for his lost laurel
Other well-known riders who have
entered up to date are Ed Berreth.
y-ab Eppensteln, Walt Hadfietd, Frits
UDert, "Hutch'' wollsifer, -Red" Cog-
urn, Paul Remalcy, Mickey McDon
Id. C. Christensen. J. L. Vail. J. W.
Mathena, George Fisher, "Toimg"
Spencer, Joe Rinard. Charles Figone
Joe Schantin, Chris Steinich, W. R,
Axm. Ed Holmes, "Kid" Milburn, C.
nunc. Jack Lamb, Louis Fontana, W.
fatterson, A. J. Weiss, L. G. Gar-
row, J. Bacany and George Spencer.
The entry blanks of several out-of-
own riders are expected. -
Albany After Washington's Scalp.
ALBANY. Or.. May 26. (Special.! I
Albany high school baseball team is I
now seeking a game with Washington I
nign school of .Portland. Coach Brum
baugh believes his players can hold I
their own with any high school team
Oregon and wants to meet the I
Portland champions. Albany already I
has defeated Columbia university.
McCredie After Dodger Fielder.
Brooklyn has offered an outfielder!
named Hood to the Portland Coast I
eague ball club and) if Manager Mc- I
Credie's investigations prove that he I
has sufficient class to make good in I
the Pacific Coast league Mack will!
buy his release, he announced last!
Abbott Heads Oregon- Squad.
EUGENE, Or., May 26. Leith Ab
bott, a junior from Ashland, Or., was
on Tuesday elected caption of the
University of Oregon track team for
1921. Abbott is a half-miler, having
won that event in a majority of the
meets in which' the University of Ore
gon participated this year.
Pasco 5; Toppenlsh 1.
PASCO, Wash.. May 26. (Special.)
Pasco defeated Toppenish on the
local grounds Sunday. 5 to 1.
Coast League Gossip.
"f)OLLIE ZEIDER has been released
It unconditionally by Del Howard of
the Oakland club. Rollie refused to
carry, his own bats and-uniform to
Stockton for the Sunday morning
came with Sacramento, so, Howard
sent him- home to Oakland and later I
gave him walking papers. Zeider was
not of much use to the Oaks except in
a managerial capacity, so his temper
amental outburst will not weaken the
transbay bunch to any extent.
, Casey Smith has taken Cullop's
place as pitcher lor the wellsville
club of the cache valley league in.
Idaho. The Salt Lake club got put an
injunction restraining Cullop from
playing with Wellsville, so the recal
citrant hurier had to go back -to the
Bees or grab a shovel and work.
Dr. Charles H. Strub, one of the
owners of the San Francisco Seals, has
gone east to arrange with some big
league club for extracting- a couple
of first-class pitchers. Doc's" busi
ness is extracting things and he fig
ures he will be able to do a little ex
tracting from either the Chicago or
the Detroit club. In fact. "Dor makes
no effort to hide the fact that he
wants to Vut in under McCredie and
perfect an- alliance with Detroit that
will be mutually beneficial. Strub is
the coast magnate whom Judge Mc-
.Credio almost walloped at the annual
meeting because he wanted the Bea
vers to open the season in Portland
the middle of January or thereabouts.
Art Kores, former Portland infield-
er. is now with the Toledo club.
Whenever Kores had a good week
with the Beavers Mack had to get him
a special cap made of India rubber or
else Kores would have bad to go
bareheaded. ' '
With the Semi-Pros.
IG BILL REID of the Multnomah
Guards is rapidly southpawing
himself and the Guards to fame.
Lefty Heiman. Kid Brandt and Stei-
ger, who startetl the season with
Sherwood, have transferred their ser- I
vices to the newly organized Kendall
Station team. ,
"Texas" Robbins twirled for Perry-I
dale against Dallas last Sunday. His I
1 strikeout record for the game was IS I
and ont of four trips to the plate he
connected for a home run, triple and
single. After the game the citizens
of Perrydale wanted to elect him
' "Carl Mays" Schwartz has finally
hooked on with the. Astoria Centen
nials and is slated to start on the
mound for Manager Fred J. Brown's
tribe next Sunday against the league
leading Kirkpatricks.
- -Southpaw
Pape has been elected
captain of the Hood River team. The
Apple Pickers will entertain the Port
land Iron Works aggregation this
Sunday. ' .
Outfielder Ingle of the Portland
Iron Works is out for a slugging rec
ord. His record for the season to
date is eight hits out of thirteen trips
to the plate.
Manager Sexton of the Hillsboro
American Legion toseers has released
First Baseman Arias for insubordina
tion. This is the first instance in
Kempton IX.
Japorite ijoung
man's stqle in
Soutliern Pacific Company
is read to ;
move promptly to any point in tliis
state or any o tiler state it serves
and Fuel Oil
offered it for shipment and is ready
to do all in its power to remedy any
existing shortage witli good service:
semi-pro baH this season where a I routine of drawing up' a schedule for
player Has been released for not liv- I this Sunday's games, there were also
Ing up to the law as laid down by a j several protests turned in by the
manager. . , managers of the teams as a result of
I last Sunday's games. "Cap" Larison,
Mondaynight was a busy-one fori ground tender of the new ball park at
the officials of the Portland Baseball j Columbia Beach, and "Whit" Whittle
association. Outside of the regular I say, secretary of the Multnomah
They come from all parts of the Pacilic Coast. When you have tried everything on the Rheu
matic Calendar, and give up as" a hopeless case, come and see Jack King- No cure, no pay. I
have cured over 1800 cases to date, -without a single nriss. It is 1,he world's greatest rheumatic
cure, and no one can dispute it. It is my own discovery. Over 30 years' experience.
Sale rights for Canada sold to Herbert Simpson for $10,000, who will operate in Vancouver, B. C
Australia and South America rights for sale.
Best References in the Country. Hours: 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Gentlemen Only.
s Phone Broadway 1473
Guard organization, were pressed Into
service by President Jack Ira Reut
ledge and Secretary Simonson, - in
clearing up the large amount of work.
Berry, the Multnomah Guards sec
ond sacker, has hit his stride and Is
fielding and hitting like a demon.
ceivcd lor the visitors.