13 TirE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MAY 2?rM920 CHIEF OF JAPANESE STORE IS OPTIMISTIC Merchant Visiting Here Hope ful Regarding Future. SOME COMPARISONS MADE A- Gil Mercantile Establishments or Tokio similar to Those or XT. s. ana Have Their Problems. Tf the every-day sandal -worn by the people of Japan cost as much as American-made shoes in these days of'Palmer investigations, there Is no doubt that the industrial accident commission if there be such in the land of cherry blossoms would list the management of a Japanese- de partment store as an extremely hazardous occupation. But the Japanese sandal is a modestly-priced Rear for the pedal ex tremities, and T. Asabuki, directing head of the Mitsukoshl company of Tokio, one of the largest department (. aores In the orient, nas a nappy, cae-free expression which belies his yers. It is only too evident that he is jot even a distant relative of Old Marl Worry. In Japan It is a custom, handed down! through - the ages, that upon entening a. building people must re movs their shoes. And a department Check Problem BIr One. "One of our big problems is the operation of a check room for cus tomers' shoes," said Mr. Asabuki yes terday at the Multnomah hotel, where he and Mrs. Asabuki have been Kucsts for several days while visiting in Portland. ' "We have an average of 25,000 cus tomers every day and to take care of their shoes and return them without confusion or mistake is a real under tnklng. Of course, mistakes some times are made but with us the cus tomer Is always in the right." Imagine the cultured American banker's wife leaving her $25 slip pers in a department store check room and at the end of her shopping receiving 'from the check boy a pair of $1.69 pumps belonging to her Scandinavian chamber-maid! -And what a bonanza that check room for shoes would be to the colored hat-boy in an American hotel. It would be just like slipping him a first mortgage on the Wool worth building plus carte blanche to the government mint. Tippln; Not Permitted. "But we donot allow our check room employes to receive tips," said Mr. Asabuki with a knowing smile. "Such a practice is absolutely for bidden." Xespite'the problem of the check room, which handles an average of 50,000 shoes or sandals a day, the department store manager or owner has escaped the troubles that beset the American department store. In Japan they do not have hordes of women shoppers elbowing each other out of points of vantage at the counter or jabbing each other with hat-pins to get the first pick from the sales tables. "In America I notice that about 99 out of every 100 customers in your department stores JHe women," said the Tokio merchant. "With us it is different. At least half of our cus tomers are men, and men, being the same the world over, naturally are easier to please." Some Comparisons Made. During his visit in Portland Mr. Asabuki has visited the several de partinent stores to make compari sons, between this country and his homeland. Except for groceries, he says his store at Tokio carries the same lines of goods as In this coun try, and the store of which he Is the head compares favorably in size with the largest stores of this city. Concerning the financial panic now prevailing throughout Japan, he has no serious fear. In fact, he expressed the belief that a moderate panic would be a good thing for the coun try. He expects business conditions to right themselves within a few months. Several months ago at Tokio Mr. and Mrs. Asabuki attended a lecture flven by Samuel Hill, who told of the beauties of the Columbia river highway, and immediately upon their arrival they were anxious to make this scenic trip. They went out the highway Tuesday as guests of Julius ju. Aieier. Company 250 Years Old. The Mitsukoshl company, of which he is now the head, is 250 years old. It employs ZaOO people and does an average daily business of $100,000, he said. Mr. and Mrs. Asabuki will leave this morning for New Tork. After visiting eastern cities they will sail for London, Paris and other cities on the continent before returning home. They will be accompanied as far as Boston by Miss T. Xakamura, who will enter a girls' college there this fall. X INTERESTING bit of romance the marriage of Miss Dorothy Ibert of Chicago and Earl S. Tumy of Medford. which will be sol emnized at noon today in Trinity Episcopal church. The bride, who is an attractive and talented girl, came west to be the truest of her friend. Mrs. Gerald Sooysmlth, and while in Oregon she decided to stop en route and visit Mrs. William Sooysmith. a prominent resid-2.it of Medford. While she was there society entertained for the Chicago girl with .dinners and teas and at one of these she met Mr. Tumy. Their engagement followed and the bride-elect came to Portland and sent for her mother, Mrs. Charles O. Gilbert, who arrived in Portland Tuesday night, and who will give her uaugnier in marriage. ine Dricle is a member of a prom inent eastern family. Mr. Tumy is in the automobile business in Medford. but he formerly resided in Minneapo lis, where he has a wide circle of friends. While in Medford Miss Gil bert was a guest of honor at a smart affair given by Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen, formerly of Tortland. The cou ple will make their home in southern Oregon after thi wedding trip. Dr. A. K. Morrison will officiate at the wedding and there will be present a small group of intimate friends. A breakfast will be served at the Port land hotel. TRIBUTE PAID A1NSW0RTH .Ad Club Friends Regret Departure of Banker. Ttegret was expressed by members of the ad club at their regular weekly luncheon yesterday at the Benson hotel on the departure of H. B. Ains worth. vice-president of the United States National bank, for Sun Kran--isoo, where he will take a similar position with the Wells-Fargo Nevada bank. John A. Keating proposed for Mr. Alnsworth a vote of good wil which was heartily accorded. In reply Mr. Ainsworth thanked the club for its tribute and expressed cor dl ll regard for the organization and lite host of friends he had found In its personnel. Urging alt pre-sent to do their ut most to aid the state chamber of rommerce in Its drive for additional funds, Harold Simmons described the jsood work accomplished. "Oregon must put this plan across, because it Is her great chance to help an or ganization devoted to a b'.gger, better commercial state," he said. Judge Jacob Kantzlcro with "Recre ation, in the Forests" as his subject, favored a union of the departments of agriculture and the Interior. iolin selections were. given during the hour by Robert Louis Barron. Miss Mary Bacon has set June 18 i the date for her marriage to Charles T. Olmstead of Cleveland, O. The ceremony will be solemnized in the bride's home, the residence of 4ier unt. Mrs. Dallas Bache. of Portland Heights. Miss Elizabeth Bacon will be her sister's only attendant. Mrs. W. T. Sexton and 'Rillv Sevtnn Jr. have arrived from Philadelnhia and are at the Portland hotel prior to taking up their residence In their jhoine in Rose City Park. Mr. Sexton is trariic manager for the rnlnmhia. Pacific Shipping company. www Miss Tsahelle Collin of Yreka. Cal ls visiting her sister. Mm. Phllir. Masher Collin, at the Multnomah hotel. St. David's parish house. East Mor rison and East Twelfth streets, will be the scene of a vaudeville and in formal dancing party this evening by the members of the Girls' Friendly- society of the parish. The commit tee .in charge of the affair is work ing hard to make it a success and as the society is practically a new organization in this city this will probably be the forerunner of many enjoyable parties. The patrons and patronesses will be Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Jenkins. Mr. und Mrs. S. Morric, Dr. and Mrs. i S. E. Josephl. Mr. anTl Mrs. D. B.I Mackle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Muckle. Mr. and Mrs. K. Strickland and Mr. and Mrs. Eccles. Those taking part In the affair are the Misses Alice Bollman. Gladys and Bess Brown, Viola and Gladys Banks, Leola Craig, Doris Henningsen. Mil dred Fallam, Marion and Ruth Jen kins. Joanna Jenkins. Barbara Jane, Gladys Kattleman, Dorothy Rhodie, Gwendolyn Stevens, Gladys Bhourt, Marjory Todd. Dorothy and Susan Taylor and Nina Toung. WWW BAKER. Or., May 26. (Special.) Miss Vera Scblaefer and W, M. Lemon, popular young couple of Baker, were quietly married yester day by Rev. Owen F. Jones, rtreotior of- St. Stephens Episcopal church. The newly weds left at the close ' of the ceremony for parts unknown. After the honeymoon they will reside In this city. BAKER. Or.. May 26. (Special.) Announcement has been made of the engagement ft Miss Mabel Steele and H. N. Endrup. and their many friends are showering them with congratula tions. Miss Steele is a popular young debutante of Halfway and her fiance well known throughout Bakei county. Attractive in its every detail was the bridge-tea given yesterday by Mttaa College club at the Portland Heights clubhouse for the benefit or the University of Oregon woman's building fund. A smartly gowned as semblage of maids and matrons en irwori the main diversion of the aft ernoon (bridge), and additional! guests dropped in for tea. Flowers ot eariy summer graced the table, which was presided over by prominent society matrons. wrhw -Una- nf England hassent a .nation to a Portland woman, and this evening at the meeting of thei Canadian Veterans' association in the Manchester building this citation will be presented, but the name Of the honored matron is 1o be kept a secret until the auspicious moment. There also will be the presentation of the milltarv cross to the next of kin to Lieutenant Buchanan. The Canadian veterans will have a concert tonight in addition to being able to witness this ceremony. On Saturday evening the regular dance will be held at the hall. 85 Vi Fifth street, when excellent musio and a happy reunion will be the feature offerings. The women's auxiliary to "the Travelers' Protective association is to hold its regular monthly dancing, party at the aiunnomari Saturday evening. May 29. This will he the last dance of a. series given i ,1,. . ii t i Hnrv Mneciai musiu 11 been provided for tnis event, aim friends ot the Travelers- i.u.. association are invited to attend. Soolety is- planning to go to the Little theater Saturday nignt to wn ness the production of Bernard Shaw enlivening comedy, "You Never Can Tell," which will be presented by the Portland Drajna league under the skilled direction If Nina Louise Great house. The play provokes laughter or excites amused attention throughout, and the. Jefferson high school players who are presenting the comedy do so with rare ease, sparkle, and intelli gence. "Tou Never Can Tell" prom ises an exceptional enlivenment and pleasure. The curtain will be drawn at 8:i0. www Mrs. George W.. Warren and Mrs. C. S. Stone of Warrenton will entertain at the opening of the Anne Davenport tea room at Seaside today and Friday , With a 1, 1 1 -. . . . , ' ....... a. . ij i, !i r: u 11. IHVliailUDS UKVB been sent to 175 guests. , www i Mr. and Mrs. Varnel Beach have gone east for a trip, and en route home 'will go to Texas for the wed ding of Elizabeth Menefee and) Thoo do re Wilcox Jr. . Mrs. Cameron Squires, in addition to her interest in the Rose Festival, is preparing some features for the soci ety vaudeville to be presented at the Heilig June 9. Miss Mayme Helen Flynn is general chairman for the vaudeville. All is in readiness for the May fes tival and dance to be given this eve ning at Cathedral hall by the Daugh ters of Isabella, the proceeds to be used in furnishing the cottage at Seaside which th Daughters recently leased; to afford their members a vaca. tion at the smallest possible cost. Miss Genevieve Ryan, president of the Daughters, heads the committee on arrangements for the festival, and a programme of picturesque attractions has been arranged, including solo and group dances, drills, tumbling, dra matic readings, - vocal solos, games and a beautiful Maypole dance.. Miss Madaline steffen of Reed college has coached the girls, and In the various figures many attractive costumes will be introduced. Fifty girls are partici pating. The soloists win be Mrs. Rose Frledle-Gianelli, M. J. Brennan and George Hennessey, Social dancing will follow. The patronesses for the evening are: Mrs. Bart Coffey, Mrs. E. Harold, Mrs. J. J. Burke, Mrs. W. J. Kelly, Mrs. Agnes Carney, Mrs. Agnes Sullivan and Mrs. Leo Cummisky. Tickets, which are 50 cents, may be had from any member of the committee or at the. Catholic Woman's league headnuarters, 287 Washington street. . Dr. and? Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe will leave today for the east and will sail from New York in Juno for a visit abroad. ' w w Tomorrow evening the Irvington club will be the scene of a benefit Wance to be given to raise funds to pay off some obligations of long standing against the club. From the money raised from this dance and from the Irvington-Alameda baseball game to be held on Multnomah field Saturday afternoon, June 5. the clun hopes to realize enough to pay off all old obligations. The affair is to include guests from all parts of the city, and will be in formal. Tickets are $2 a couple, but many men interested in the welfare of the club have paid many times that amount to help the fund grow. It is hoped1 that so many will attend that they may be able to use Thompson street between Twenty-second and Twenty-fourth street for a dance floor as well as the clubhouse floor. Members of the committee in charge of the dance include: Mrs. J. L. Bow man, Mrs. J. P. Miller. Mrs. F. C. Felter, Mrs. A. J. Stewart. Mrs. G. N. Versteeg, Mrs. L. S. Martin, Mrs. J. P. Ettinger, Mrs. W. H. Cullers. The Informal dancing party at the Portland Heights club tomorrow eve ning promises to be a most enjoyable affair. The social committee com prises Mrs. Henry A. Sargent. Mrs. M. L. Kline, Mrs. E. E. Hendershott and Mrs. W. L. Prentiss. Dancing will start at 8:45. JIIIIHIIimilHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 II I M 1 1 II E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I i 1 f I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 ( M 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiitiiimm I u aff Y. Did You Get a Dime Bank? If not, what good excuse can you offer? This small bank is such a convenient size to slip into one's pocket, a desk drawer, or keep in the housewife's dresser. And how soon it contains a dollar or two ; dimes count up very quickly and add appreciably to a savings account. You will soon have a fair-sized vaca tion fund if you begin to fill a dime bank. - So lest you forget we remind you again to come into the Ladd & Tilton Bank and procure one of these handy banks. If you have never saved, this is an easy way to acquire the habit. The man who never saves loses his own respect and that of others about him. Let this bank initiate you into the large and growing order of Savers. Ten Dimes Open a Savings Account Ladd & Tilton Bank Oldest in the Northwest v " - Washington and Third L- EMBeR FEDERAL RESERrt raaraaMsmnui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiii iimiiiiiitiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiimmi lllillllltlllltllllll8llltlllltltllt'''t't'lillllliltilllll'tlitliilllll,ttl'lllt,tllltll'lliiII'''''l: session. A programme has been pre pared which will be followed by a social hour. Dr. Esther Pohl Lovejoy WtU speak at 3 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Company E auxiliary, lG2d infantry, will meet with Mrs. B. P. Soden, 69 East Tenth street North, today for an all-day meeting, lake Irvington car Women's Activities WOMKV'S CLl'B CALENDAR. Sisters of Israel Benevolent society, B'nal B'rlth building, 2 P. M. Peninsula Lavender club, Field home. 1 P. M. Portland Woman's Social Sci ence club, room A, central. library, 2 P. M. Portland Business Women's club, Y. W. C. A. tearoom, 12:30 P. M. Company F, auxiliary, 162d infantry, 629 East Tenth street, all day. . d Alfalfa Cutting Begins. TAKTMA, Wash.. May 26. (Sue- elal.) The first cutting of alfalfa al rrady is under way in some of the districts of the lower Yakima valley. according to Manager J. L. Lytel of the Yakima project. Contracts have been made covering a considerable pert ion of rfhe first crop at prices around $25 a ton. The expectation of growers is that the 1920 hay market will opefKnd continue on high levels. Read The Oregouian classified ads. East Side Lavendar club, branch No. 1, is to entertain with its quarterly-birthday luncheon tomorrow in the East Side Business Men's club rooms. Grand avenue and East Alder. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock, 1 loiiowea Dy a Dusiness meeting and the social hour will be concluded by dancing- the Virginia reel. The Portland Business : Women's club will holi its regular weekly lr.ncheon meeting today at the Young Women's Christian association at 12 o'clock. There will be a special pro gramme. Every member is urged to come. The regular monthly luncheon of the P. E. O. chapters Is to be held in Olds. Wortman & King's tearoom on Friday at 12:30 P. M. ""Sisters of Israel Benevolent society will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the B'nal B'rltn building for their last regular meeting before the fall to Stanton street and walk five blocks west. Mrs. T. C. Allison, president of the Waverly Baby Home, called a get together meeting of the trustees and advisory board on TueSday in the Hotel Portlani. The gathering in cluded Dr. Bilderback. Dr. Patrick and Dr. A. W. Moore, who each gave a short talk on "Why a New Baby Home Building Is an Immediate Ne cessity." Betsy Ross tent No. 1, Daughters of Veterans, "will held their regular meeting this evening at o'clock in room 525, courthouse. Childrem of the Fulton Park school are to present the "Pied Piper of Hamelin." Friday evening1 at S o'clock in the assembly of the school. Many other features are also included in the programme. Officers to serve for the coming year in the Portland Woman's Social Science club will be elected at its meeting today in room A. Central library, at 2 o'clock. AH the members are urged to be present and all out standing reports will also be read. a Peninsmla Part? Lavendar club will give its juarterly tirthdav dinner to day at the Field home. Luncheon Is to be served at 1 o'clock, followed by a programme. Oak Grove-Mil waukle Social Service club will meet today at 2 P. M. at the home of Mrs. J. T. Link. Members of the auxiliary to the American Legion are conducting a membership drive with no limit set as the number of new members de-s-ired. Meetings of the auxiliary are held in the gray parlors of the Mult nomah hotel every first and third Monday'at 8 o'clock. a HOOD RIVER. Or.. May 26. (Spe cial.) At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Griffith, Mlsa Lucy Griffith yesterday afternoon because the bride of Robert Turnbull, A. Whorlow, a neighbor and Mormon elder, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull Will make their home for the time being at Arlington, where the former is engaged In construe. j tion rark. The wedding was at- Leuaeu-uni; oy memuers 01 me l i ill - ily and close friends. HOOD RIVER. Or., May 26. Spe cial.) Local friends have received announcements of the wedding of Miss Lela Kelsay, former resident of this city and The Dalles, to Jean George Hail at Holtville, cal., on Wednesday, May 12. Mr. and Mrs Hall will make their home in Holt ville, where Mr. Hall is cashier of the Frst National bank. BAKER. Or' May 26. Special.) At the MacDowell club last night Mrs. Louis Levinger was unanimously elected for president. Mrs. Percy Breck was re-elected vice-president, Mrs. T. B. Perkins was elected secre tary, and Miss .Alva Smith treasurer. RENT INQUIRY TO RESUME Mayor Promises to Call Committee Within Next Few Days. A meeting cf the committee on rent profiteering in Portland will b6 called by Mayor Baker, chairman, within m few days, according to announcement made yesterday, following a confer ence between Lionel C. Mackay, dep uty city attorney, and the mayor. Since Mayor Baker returned from California he has been so busy dis posing of routine matters that he has been unable to give time to the rent Inquiry. No meeting of the com mittee was held during his absence although investigations have been earriad on through police officers In plain clothes and Attorney. Mackay. 25 Off at CHERRY'S CHERRY CHAT Cherry's is showing a charming variety of Smart Suits at a tempting price re duction. There are scarcely two models alike, every, one dis tinctly individual, and with custom-made exclusiveness. These garments are shown at a 25 reduction from marked price, with the usual Cherry terms just a small down payment and the rest monthly. CHERRY'S, 391 Washington 1 OMPEIAN 1IYB OIL Sold Everywhere Tarzan Fans Attention! Ml By Edgar Rice Bamugha 1(1 ml The famous "ape-man bids fair to ill II - rank with the great heroes of ancient ID H! V legend in the affections of readers. la Vl Here's the latest Tarzan story the best yet. The IS - marvelous instincts, the superhuman cunning'' JM Vk and brute strength of the jungle are marshalled Jm v against the "frightfulness" of modern warfare. - Jm ttv " At all Bookstores Now yw A, C McQurg & Co feb Publishers im9 DOUBLE HONOR PLANNED Central Oregon to Celebrate JulJ 4 and Irrigation Project. PRIXEVILL.E. Or., May 26. (Spe cial.)- Plans are being made for the only celebration of Independence day in central Oregon. The celebration will be double-barreled, in honor no only of July 4 but also the comple tion of the Ochoco irrigation project dam. Good speakers will be engaged and baseball tournaments and street pport illlllllllll ml am' I 1 ' lli!?' I . SShtomato sMWm Ask Your Grocer li in in utisi i a 9 9 1 1 a A FOOL AT 40 it is an old proverb that every man is either a fool or a physician at 40. Well, I fooled along for 40 years in the practice t pharmacy and" the study of medicine and. therapeutics before I discovered the wonderful pre scription for Number 40 For The Blood. There is more of this won derful prescription sold and used by the people of our home city than all other blood medicines combined. It is indicated in all depraved condi tions of the system; in- blood troubles, in sores, ulcers, eczema and skin dis eases in chronic-rheumatism, catarrh, constipation, stomach, kidney and liv er troubles. J, C. Mendenhall, Evans- . y- I,, -, I, ,- llir- m ,! , -- rl - - Go Thru Your Cook Book Today and Make Thes.e Saving Corrections Your preserves, cakes, etc., will prove deliciously sweet when made with UVUU3 To) It immensely improves so many recipes you'll be surprised! Get the Crimson Recipe Cabinet by sending us a Crimson Ram bler Syrup label and 10c. CONNER & CO. Portland, Ore. Illlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltltllllllllllllllllllllll djastasMaaglBgMiBaPBMTBaAWIiMMI1 win constitute part of the amusement. Ball teams from Bend, Redmond and Maupin will compete. . In addition to the celebration, Prlneville will hold its first annual round-up at the Interstate fair grounds, July . 3 and 4, under the management of W. T. Ray. with J1000 in premiums being offered. sworn to make London dry. Brewers and licensed victualers have hired architects to plan large, airy public houses, where food as well as drink can he obtained. School Census Shows Decrease. ABERDEEN. Wash., May 26. (Spe cial.) There are 400 children of school age in Aberdeen, according to the annual school census, just com pleted. This is 41 under last year. The heaviest increase was in the west end. showing 716 children as against 677 last year. The largest family founl by the census enumerator had ten members. Two families had nine. The remodeling of London saloons to make them attractive forms part of the scheme evolved as a counter- move to the prohibitionists who have Used for 70 Year Thru its use Grandmother's vouthful appearance has remained until youth has become but a memory. The soft, refined, pearly white appearance It renders leaves the joy of Beauty with you for many years. mm rr!-S3 J C kicker and ey tk more beautiful 1 r an ever reiore ville. Ind.. 40 years a druggist. "I suf fered from 12 to 18 months with nervous breakdown, said by phys rians to be sciatic neuralgia, causin general toxic poisoning. Seeing you advertisement In thft Han Antonio Ex press, I called on Dr. A. M. mshe Hrugtrist. He recommended Number 40, which I hfe been using for three months and I have received great ben efit from it. Sleep well, good appe tite, have gained several pounds, get up feeling fresh every morning. Have no pains. My nervous system has be come nearly normal." Respectfully. J. I,. Dupree, 1715 Common St.,- Houston, Texas. Sold by Laue-Davis Drug Co. Adv. - WiUroot UUpiU SfutmtxM WiUraoc Shampoo Cake "Wildmot Hair Tonic If these Vildroot pro- ' ducts do not help your hair more than anr other similar products, we will par your monet back. ' A sit your drugsist, barber ox hairdreaaer. w"e otold not fuarantee satisfaction ot money back if we did not wae alcohol in Wildroot, as alcohol adds an indis pensable antiseptic quaU ity tothewortderfultoriie Value of 'WUdroot itself. "My head itched unbearably and my hair was coming out by the handful. A few applications of Wildroot loos ened and removed quantities of dan druff the itching stopped. Today it is thicker and more beautiful than ever." : Wildroot is a guaranteed preparation which removes the scaly, itchy crust of dandruff and allows nature to pro duce the thick, lustrous hair normal to any healthy scalp. Try this treatment: Moisten a cloth with Wildroot. Then wipe your hair from roots clear to the ends, one strand at a time ; then you will see how beautiful Wildroot will make your hair. WILDROOT CO., INC, BUFFALO, N.Y. Wildroot Liquid Phmroo or Wildroot Shampoo Soap when used in connection with Wildroot Hair Tonic, will hattea the treatment THE GUARANTEED "HAIR TONIC