Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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Plana to establish a regular line of
fast passenger steamships between
Portland and the Orient, in pursu
ance of -which the Columbia Pacific
company has applied to the shipping
board for two vessels, indicate an-
other great step in establishing the
position of Portland as a port. Fas-
eenger lines are a necessary comple
ment to freight lines and are a proof
that a port's freight traffic has
grown to important volume. For
freight traffic develops passenger
traffic by sea as it does on railroads.
It causes men to travel between the
porta at which their business is done
in order to establish connections,
,. branches and agencies. It will at
' tract tourists and students from
China and Japan to this port by
arousing their interest in the places
- to and from which they see goods
shipped. ' By providing means of
direct personal intercourse, it leads
to extension of business, to opening
of mercantile houses and to estab
' lishment of Industries.
- Portland has laid the foundation
for , passenger line in the shape f
large freight traffic with the Orient
It now has two lines operating five
vessels each to that region, and a
third to Japan by a Japanese com
pany will soon begin operation.
There will be at least ten and prob
ably fourteen cargo vessels plying
eastward across the paciiic in ad
dition, eleven vessels are' under
charter to a Portland company, a
large proportion of which ma4fe
voyages to China. There are also
fourteen vessels running to Europe
and the Atlantic coast of the United
States on a triangular route, two
running to the United Kingdom and
two to the Mediterranean. Thirteen
vessels run to California ports with
both freight and passengers, and it
is proposed to add" two more passen
per ships. In all, forty-two vessels
are running to foreign ports in the
service of Portland commerce. All
carry full cargoes, and the volume
of traffic originating in Portland is
bo great that two 12.000-ton ships
of the Steel Products company
which were sent to collect freight
for Europe from all Pacific ports
found full cargoes at this port, ex
5; cept that a small part of one cargo
was taken from Vancouver, is. C
Any doubt that this traffic will be
permanent is removed by the fact
that 60 per cent of it originates in
Portland and the immediately adja
cent territory. The port is not de
pendent on the good will of railroads
or of shippers in the interior for the
main support of its shipping lines.
- On the contrary, it provides within
. Its own trade area-E-jch a Kirge pro
portion of cargoes as attracts trans
it. ;continental traffic for export 'and
Crr" Import by giving assurance. ofregu
lar sailings. It is also the only real
pacific coast terminus of the Union
Pacific railroad, and that road will
r.Z ."De inclined to carry its export
"-fralo-hf tn PftrtlnnH fnr th rpflRnn
; that it will thereby receive all the4
--- - revenue; whereas It would have to
r-w,rjivide with other lines if it carried
rTl the traffic to other ports. For the
tT'same reason the Union Pacific
- should encourage passengers from
i-tS'," ho interior to the Orient to travel
.. by a Portland steamship line, which
:.-.,. .'.- ia in effect an extension of its own
.i' line across the Pacific ocean.
ZZZ.'." Fast passenger steamships will be
".Z tt advantage to the port because
- - they carry Mrge quantities of ex-
- press freight of high value, such as
nilk and tea. They will therefore
-wi. ... lead to establishment in this port of
r!dl-, firms dealing in those commodities.
I Every passenger that they carry will
";-ba a walking, talking advertisement
'.Z'. for the port on both sides of the
""""" ocean, from the mere fact that he
' will sail for and land at Portland;
"will see the city, will do business
;"here and will tel of what he sees
j j and hears.
! '. "? i " Although passenger liners will
! , flraw more water than cargo vessels,
!5irtnere is no doubt of ample depth in
;;;the channel for them.. While the
'-ummer freshet always' leaves de
i posits on the bars, dredging always
"begins when the river Is about ten
,' C r. feet above zero, and the bars are
! Z '.cut down as the water recedes. The
-river is rarely at zero before late
tall and early wifiter, and by that
.. time the established depth ot thirty
feet will have been restored except
; at a few points toward the mouth
; of the Columbia, where vessels can
take advantage of a tide ranging
i from four and a half to six feet. This
) ' may be necessary for only about a
; v month, for the river Remains at zero
etage about that length of time be-
i fore it begins to rise.
. Plans have been made by Major
Klattery, the United States engineer.
' and James H. Polhemus, general
manager of the port of Portland, for
complete pooling of their dredging
fleets bo that they may concentrate
" ' their efforts first on the bars below
the mouth of the Willamette, where
are the highest bars and the least
tides, and then to work their way
down tho Columbia. Five dredges.
, two of the government and three of
, the port, will begin work as a team
' about the middle of July and by the
middle of October they should have
restored the thirty-foot depth every-
. where- except whero the freshet
shoals the channel least and th
tide . is highest. At those points
work be -completed during tie
early winter, after which the whole'
fleet will clean out the lower At'il-1
lamette. When the passenger ves
sels come in September, the way will
be clear for them. ,
At the same time the channel will,
be widened to 500 feet, with the
effect that the slope of the banks
will be more gradual, there will be
less - shoaling and the established
dep'th will be more easily main
tained. The way will thus be pre
pared for deepening to 33 and later
to 35 feet, a depth which could not
long be maintained in the present
width of S00 feet.
The amount of ocean traffic now
coming into the Columbia is held by
the government to Justify continued
large expenditure, and hy bearing
half tTfte expense: the port of .port
land disposes of . hesitation on the
part of congress to make appropria
tions. Actual traffic has thus assured
a channel adequate for the largest
ships which wish to enter the river,
and opens an early prospect that
the biggest liners will run from
Portland not only to the Orient but
to all ports on the Pacific and to
Europe and Africa. The two vessels
which are now asked will be but a
beginning. "
The significance attached by
Senator Johnson's managers to , his
plurality in the Oregon primary is
obliterated by the fact that they err
in attributing it tp "the combined
efforts of his opponents." The
efforts of his opponents were not
combined, but were scattered in the
declaration of the voters' preference
for president. If they had been
combined, Johnson would have been
decisively defeated, for he is about
2000 ahead of Wood, and Hoover am?
Lowden combined polled nearly 30
per cent .of the total vote. If the
vote for all three pro-league candi
dates had been combined for one of
them, Johnson would have been
beaten by a majority of about 35,000
The real sentiment of the voters
on Johnson and his no-league policy
was expressed in the vote on dele
gates. Nine of the ten are both
anti-Johnson and pro-league, and
the largest vote was given to Mc
Cam'ant, who declared that he would
not vote for Johnson even if the
popular vote should be in favor of
the senator. The only declared
Johnson delegate was elected by
single-shooting on the part of his
The vote on delegates conclusively
proves that, if the people had voted
for one pro-league candidate for
president as they voted for one pro-
league ticket for. delegates, they
would have rejected him as well as
his policy. The moral effect of his
victory is destroyed by this obvious
meaning of the figures.
Joint ownership of homes, a sub
ject made timely by scarcity of
houses, high rents and the modern
leaning toward apartment-house life.
becomes complicated in proportion
to the increasing number of persons
it .is necessary to include in a given
enterprise. Recently in the east a
plan has been worked out which it
is hoped will overcome seme of the
obvious difficulties. It consists; of
organization of. a joint stock com
pany,, financed, in the manner usual
in building operations. An apart
ment house is designed, consisting
of a certain number of apartments
of varied size. , Subscribers receive
assignments of shares in accordance
with ttie kind and quality of the
apartments of their choice. It has
not been found hard to pro-rate
these shares equitably, taking due
account of the proportion properly
chargeable to each for factors of
common enjoyment -the 'roof, the
hallways and staircases, the eleva
tors, the basement, the janitor's
quarters, and so on. So in theory
the buyer becomes owner of the
apartment In which he dwells, to
gether with the necessary share of
its appurtenances. To that point all
goes well. ,
Complications are introduced when
the owner desires to sell. It is plain
that title without the right to dis
pose of it is a mere figment, and it
is found iri' practice also that apart
ment house dwellers more than the
owners of detached homes are under
obligations of equity to the neighbors
with whom they are in so close
contact. The value of the property
of - every continuing tenant, for ex
ample, may be gravely affected if
one of their number sells his interest
to an undesirable Individual. Those
who live In (and move out from)
apartment houses know, if they are
candid -with themselves,-that they
are- themselves Influenced by this
consideration, that they like to
choose their neighbors, and that
apartment houses have been known
to "run down" appreciably as the
result of negligent management in
this regard.
In ther effort to meet this situation
a plan has been devised that makes
the apartment owner practically the
tenant of himself. . He pays rent, but
this is returned to him, less running
expenses, in the form of dividends.
But when he desires to move, his
stock only is marketable. He may
retain this if he chooses to do so,
whereupon the vacant apartment is
rented by the managers, and he
continues to draw dividends, if there
are any, in proportion to the amount
-of his stock. He continues to be a
landlord, though no longer with him
self as tenant.
The obvious obstacle to successful
co-operative ownership of homes on
a considerable scale is Inherent in
the nature and the habits of the
people themselves. Apartment house
dwellers In particular constitute a
peripatetic element of the popula
tion. They lack the permanency of
folks who are rooted in the soil.
Changes of employment necessitate
moving, which even stock owner-
snip is not likely to restrain. Th
co-operaDvely built apartment sooner
or later becomes a renting enter
prise. The outs then cease to be
advocates of low rent and become
concerned with returns on their in
vestments. The -ins are mere tenants,
a uwurs ins enterprise was
launched. No enduring solution of
the housing problem is found.
. The durable satisfactions of home
wnership are derived from intl
mate-connection with the soil. The
plot of ground in which to potter,
and over which to exercise the right
of personal demesne, is the real basis
of pride in title.) The stockholder in
the' hotel or apartment house is not'
and cannot be the same as the owner
in fee of a city lot, however humble
the house upon it. The drift apart
mentward is the result nf ;
. . .... . . .
effort to escape from irksome details
that attend living lu real houses, but
it entails sacrifices that those who
are imbued with the ancient sense
of ownership will seldom be willing
to make. The best that probably
can be said for the new co-operative
scheme is that it "symbolizes awaken
ing of desire for independence from
landlords, but it misses the main
point We do not like, as a matter
pf fact, to co-operate in matters that
involve our privacy; we move from
apartment to apartment on .the
slightest provocation or no provoca
tion because this is true; and no title
to a home that does not approxi
mately make the head of the house
hold lord over all the domain within
its boundaries from the center of the
earth to the sky is likely, to endure
among a people predominatingly
Anglo-Saxon fn their traits.' " -'
Mr. ITRcn's latest proposed, con
stitution might,, we think, have been
written with less, attention to gross
materialism. The author of -.-the
measure that may go on the ballot
seems to assume that everybody's
first thought is of laws pertaining
to the particular job he holds,-or
vocation he. follows. - The member-
shiD of the legislature under the
terms of this interesting' document
is to be apportioned on an' occupa1
tional basis, so many to-the farmers.
so many to the farmer housewives;
so many to the cooks and waiters;
0 many to the professional men
and women; so many to the. loggers,
so many to the clerks; and' sb on.-..
On what basis is the- supposition
laid that the cooks andVwaiters, and
loggers and, clerks and' professional
men have special Interest in. laws
pertaining to their occupations? Mr.
ITRen, himself a lawyffr, has devoted
his lawmak'ng energies in -the past
not to legislation pertaining to the
lawyer's profession, but to' laws per
taining to his avocation. Lxperi
mentation in government being his
hobby, he has sought early and late
to devise Jaws that will make ex
perimentation in government . easy
for him and everybody else. .
If we are going to apportion legis
lative membership according to class
interests, let's make it on the avoca
tion or hobby basis.
The person whose mind is always
on his job is usually so prosperous
and contented that laws regarding
his kind of employment worry him
not a whit. But there are thousands
who while at work have their minds
on the baseball game, the boxing
match, the fishing stream, the auto
mobile road, the evening dance, the
motion picture theater or something
else extraneous but agreeable.
Fish and game laws occupy a
substantial portion of the code.
Why not give the fishermen and
hunters special representation in the
legislature? There ought to be a
law imposing capital punishment on
the umpire who makes a raw deci
sion. . Let s give the baseball fans a
block of votes at Salem. - The motion
picture audiences are interested in
getting what they want. Let them
be protected against undue censor
ship by having votes of their own in
the legislature. State traffic laws
pertain aJmost wholly to dr'vers of
automobiles, and automobilists pay
for the roads dash it, they are taxed
without representation! . "
Let's produce a real novelty for
the admiration and envy of the
whole world. There are the society
buds, the golf players, the jitney
dancers, the bathing beach swim
mers and paraders, the pool hall
habitues, " the book worms, -and
numerous others, to say nothing of
those before mentioned, who ought
to have a voice of their own in gov
ernment. Work and production are
the least of our worries. Down with
materialism and on with the dance.
"Bees, like people," remarks Pro
fessor A. L. Lovett in an interesting
bulletin issued by the extension serv
ice of Oregon Agricultural College,
"are always on the lookout for easily
gotten gains." The moral is no less
obvious in its application to the hab
its of bees, or to people as a whole.
than it is to bee keepers as a re
stricted class. The bee industry has
suffered in kind if not in degree
from some of the misapprehensions
that attend poultry raising. Bees, no
more than hens, have the faculty of
bringing themselves up and making
their owners rich without- the lat
ter's help. There is no more a royal
road to honey, the universal sugar
substitute, than there is to chicken
potpie and fresh-laid eggs.
Professor Lovett reminds us, how"
ever, that as a "pastime for persons
fairly adapted to the work" bee
keeping offers great possibilities.
Emphasis ought to be put on the
words "adapted" and "work." We
get nothing for nothing nowadays.
But "there is probably no section of
Oregon where a few stands of bees
cannot be successfully maintained
and in an average season made to
produce a few stands of honey." Our
farmers need to be reminded again,
as Professor Lovett reminds them,
that the bee does an incidental serv
ice, probably not far inferior to
honey production, by acting as an
agency for the pollenation of fruit
trees. The fruit grower can obtain
a double profit from his apiary, in
the honey and wax obtained and in
added yield and value of fruit
through cross-pollenation. The lat'
ter aspect of commercial fruit grow
ing has only recently begun to be ap
preciated. There is reason to be
lieve that It can be widely extended.
As Professor Lovett -observes, it Is
probably the exceptional season
when honey bees are of much serv
ice in pollenlzlng -ted clover, but
many other field crops are almost
constantly benefited. Larger plant
!ng of alsike clover, one of the highly
meritorious legumes, is likely to
mean not increased produc
tion of forage, but also better fruit
and a fair excess of excellent
No farmer, the . bulletin says,
should be without a few stands of
bees. Enough honey for home con
sumption can be obtained -from one
or two stands; we wish for the sake
of the sugar situation that there
were more raisers adapted to -the
business. The requirements, after
all, are not too complex. There Is
the "initial apprehension of handling
bees" to be overcome, which Is
largely matter of. - temperament-
Next to this come willingness. to
study and desire to work.
The beginner should view, the other side
ox xne- picture. roritaDie bee keeping re
quires ihoso study and application to de
tail:- wora ana mat, too. at the proper
time, .rarucuiany in western Oregon
where climatic conditions are not idea
and at best are variable in. the spring,
wisely administered manipulations are es-
sential to the -greatest success. Bees have
infectious diseases. It is necessary to
know aamcUiios of the nature ol these
disorders and willingness to 'combat them
if one would succeed ui a large way.
There are other reasons why bee
culture ought to be profitable." We
find them in the brief description
Professor Lovett gives of the waya
of bees. ""Any sweetened substance,"
he tells ambitious novices, "when
left uncovered in any quantity may
serve as the exciting cause to throw
a. whole apiary into great confusion.
If any bees, or a colony of bees, can
gain access to these substances, they
will be looking for more for a num
ber of days, and manyof the old
bees will try to get into nearby
hives." Tust a taste of "something
for nothing," it will be noted, dis
rupts -the whole economic scheme.
But the. honey output suffers,- of
course, and there is no evidence that
those- lost; days ever are atoned for.
As a pleasing occupation for a phi
losopher, or a budding sociologist,
we are inclined to commend apicul
ture.. There would be less said about
shortage of production if only a
small proportion, of our social re
formers- would consider the example
or the-bee.
- The veto " by Governor Smith of
New Tork of the bill intended to
repeat the daylight saving statute is
interesting'; because it exhibits day
light, saving as still a live Issue and
because it Indicates that one gover
nor is unimpressed by the contention
that it' would bel Impossible for
farmers, to adjust their schedules to
the new ..order. The popularity of
daylight saving. Indeed, had been so
general in New Tork state that a
great many cities., and towns had
enacted daylight saving ordinances
and were prepared to continue them
in force regardless of .the action of
the legislature or the governor.
Governor Smith admits that there
is a "sharp conflict of opinion" on
the .subject. The opponents of day
light saving' cling to the argument
that' they will -bo. unable to keep
help on the farm for the. hour in
ihe afternoon beyond which day
workers do not toil in the cities-and
that it ts impossible to start work
an hour earlier in the morning be
cause of atmospheric and other
conditions. The latter probably is
true in some cases; but the governor
evidently does notbelieve that farm
hands will refuse to abide by a work
schedule that is in their own interest
merely because workers in other
places are not subject to the same
rule. With cities and towns deter
mined to save daylight by local
law, he sees no reason why there
should be two sets of laws on the
subject. - .
The result in New Tork will be
that the cities will move their
clocks ahead and the country dis
tricts wili do so or not, according to
individual preferences. It is evident
that Governor Smith does not believe
a food famine will result. The
chances are that the farmers who
accept thm situation will -discover
that they are much less injured than
their self-appointed spokesmen pre
dicted they would be.
iou rnay ten your people in
America that the president of France
Is sound physically and mentally.
said. Premier Millerand, following
the episode In which President
Deschanel fell off a train.- Well and
good. But the -premier needn't rub
it in tous. so hard.
A'' shipment of California clam
pagne is on the: way from San
Francisco, to Chicago to be used for
medicinal purposes. If the boys are
able to devise any means of tapping
it en route, it is sure to be extra
dry on arrival.
The warden at Joliet penitentiary
aeciares tne honor system is
failure, tw.enty prisoners having
escaped under it. The success o
failure of the honor system depend
not a little on the warden who ad
ministers it.
It is hard to realize that an ounce
of gold costs the producer $8 or $10
more than the government buying
price of $20.67, but such is stated as
fact. The owner of a gold mine
must be poorer than the rest of us.
'the feat ot the president of
France in falling off a train coin
50 miles an hour, yet escaping un
hurt, reminds us that France is one
of the countries on Pussyfoot John
son s celebrated list.
The high cost of bridges is shown
in the plans for the new Burnside
structure, to be about a million,
while the old, built in times de
pressed, figured at $400,000.
The cooks and waiters are getting
in line with their employers. Just
that, only not sticking it on-a cent
at, a. ume; dui tney must not spill
me oeans tor a month yet.
Ed Gloss, republican nominee, is
logical successor of Constable Peter
son, who resigned. . This is not to
be taken as a suggestion, it is
mere statement of fact.
Some women in fear of one who
may become a co-respondent could
help much by staving more at home
"When the cat's away;' the mice
will play."
Mr. TTRen's plan for a closed
shop legislative body respectfully
referred to Colonel Tom McCusker
for elaboration.
The fellow who- wants to "go to
Spokane the worst way," to resur
rect a hoary joke, will have a choice
in a tew cays
New York ha3 legalized 2.75 per
cent beer. Just the same, the per
centage is In favor of the govern
Shoddy will not have a chance
wheta those English experimenters
make "wool" from cotton waste.
Wonder if the "fjrt-lng governor"
had the pilot turn a few aerial flip
flops just td-keep In- practice?
Mr. Cordray would make a bettef
weatherman and he would have an
interest in it-
Nobody Is likely to subpena Jlr.
Debs to find out his campaign ex
penditures. Let us
keep our . faith in
All is , not lost in a
- Sugar trade is a sort of stand
afid deliver, -
Stars and Starmakers.
By Lne Cass Baer. . -
Liana Carerra, Anna Held's daugh
ter, has changed her name .legally!
to Anna' Held Junior, ' and, having
come Into $225,000 of the -million-dollar
estate her mother left, she has
ought a three-act musical . comrfdy
and ts going starring next season.
She will eventually inherit the entire
estate. v
While Sarah Padden"s act was play
ing at the Orpheum In Denver last
week, the girl in the act with Miss
Padden received word of the serious
illness of her mother in Los Angeles
nd asked for her salary, 65, so that
he could go to Los Angeles. It took
the combined efforts of several Den
ver officials and the Orpheum man
ger. Max Fabish, to secure the money
for the girl, Elizabeth Page. It
seems that Joseph Hart, the New
Tork booking agent, tried to collect
all of Miss Page's $65, save 1.50. and
apply the money' on the railroad fare
of , the. rirl who. took Miss Pages
place. According to a Denver ac
count of -it. while th.e act wai on
the stage State Labor Commissioner
Morrissey, Deputy Attorney-General
Hogg and other officials were swear
ing out a writ of attachment on the
dapper English officer's uniform and
the tables, lamp and money for the
ntire act In an eleventh-hour at
tempt to secure Misa Page's salary.
She received the 65 the next day In
court and left at once for Los Air
geles. The Padden company went to
Lincoln, Neb.
George W. Lederer intends to make'
a mammoth all-star revival of "The
Belle of New York" next season on- a
scale designed to eclipse all musical
revivals yet attempted. The Shubert
revival of "Florodora" is said to be
so successful that they are endeav
orlnir to conceal the volume of re
ceipts instead of boasting of it-
Tom Barry has written the life of
Oscar Wilde into a four-act play,
which will be produced next season
by A. H. Woods. In addition to
Wilde, other historical and contem
porary characters represented in the
play, -are G. Bernard Shaw, James
McNeil Whistler, Lord Alfred Doug-
as. Marquis of Queensbury and
Algernon Charles Swinburne. Wilde's
"Ballad of Reading Gaol" is inter
woven in the action.
Mnriel Window, vaudeville head-
liner, was married last week at
French Lick, Ind., to Arthur S. Han
ford, a wealthy dairyman of Sioux
City," Ia., and has retired from the
footlights to the fireside.
m m
When Mine. Olga Petrova returns
to New York this summer she will
make a special feature. v Although
she has declared again and again her
intention of not seeking the screen,
she has let the screen seek her and
has agreed to make a feature pic
ture for some capitalists interested
in starring her: The details are
meager, but the date set for her
picture engagement is now said to
be early In July.
. .
Grace Kingsley or the Los Angeles
Times ' relates the of
news: "Let-all the girl fans now
prepare to take out their hankiea
Thrilling word is Just at hand from
New York to the effect that Richard
Barthelmes, Griffith star, and be-
loyed of . a chain of lovely young
women reaching right around the
earth, is going to marry. His fiancee
is Mary Haye, the Very prettiest girl,
ti said, who ever danced In the
Follies.' Miss Haye has been on the
stage only a season or two, always
has her mamma about with her, and
is very nice and proper indeed.
believe she contemplates exchanging
the footlights for the firelight, too.
The wedding Is to take place in
June, and when D. W. Griffith brings
his company weet next fall it is likely
that Mr. Barthelmes will be accom
panied by his bride."
Eugenie Blair has been engaged for
the cast of "The Poor Little Ritz
Girl." Lew Fields is wponsoring th
9 w w
Mitzi Hajoa and her new husband,
Boyd Marshall, are sailing next month
for Europe to visit Mitzi's people, who
haven't seen her since a year before
the war began. Mitzl was married
once before to a New York news
paper chap but divorced him a year
after marrying him. She and Mr.
Marshall were married on May 8, the
tenth anniversary of the day sh
landed in America from Austria.
Mitzl has a beautiful home at White
Plains. Boyd Marshall first playe
opposite to Mitzl in "Pom Pom" three
years ago and when Miss Hajos took
the leading' role In "Head Over'Heels'
Marshall again played opposite her.
Ethel Barrymore, who recently
closed a long and-fatiguing season in
"Declassee" at the Empire theater. Is
now on her way to White Sulphur
Springs,' where, according to an an
nouncement,- she will spend a vaca
tion of several weeks' duration. She
was accompanied by John Drew.
Nora Bayes is about to close
contract to appear in pictures, using
the Hovt : piece, "A' Contented
Woman." A test made of Miss Bayes
before the camera is reported to have
been satisfactory. It will be her first
appearance in pictures.
Mary Marble filed- a voluntary peti
tion in bankruptcy in San Francisco
last week. Her debts amount to $12,
977 and her assets given are $250, ot
which $300 ia the value of her ward
robe. Most of her Indebtedness was
contracted in Waco, Tex., where, un
der the name of Mar-Van company,
she conducted a restaurant with
Clarice Vance from May, 1918, to
October, 1918. Frank Hayden. & Co,
costumer of Iew yorn, is among
the creditors for costumes amounting
to $700 secured 'by. Miss Marble dur
ing 1917.
Clayton Kenne'dy and Mattie Rooney,
after 20 years in vaudeville, will re
tire from professional life this month,
going to a home they bought in San
Iriego, CaL They have another month
op the Orpheum circuit, which will
take them home.
"And I hope we stajthere to the
last-" savs Kennedy. "An actor who
works 20 years and can't save enough
to quit then ought to wield a brooroy
Miss Rooney (Mrs. Kennedy) Js a
daughter of the late Pat Rooney, and
was the first of his children to dance
w ith him'. She married Kennedy in
1902 and they have played vaudeyilla
ver since, .
Those Who Come and Go.
For tiir months there wu a strike
in the Tacoma shipyards and the The Oregonian. signed Harvey Eagle
penole who complained most loudly fon-
were the automobile dealers, .who had I
sold the strikers cheap cars i
basis of S50 a month installments, i
All during- the strike the strikers, ture and a dearth or such rare, up
, , . I lifting classics as "Germinal," Tn
when they could buy gasoline, "f" vie" and "Madame Bovary." "The
running the cars to deatn. nwous i
the depreciation and not making pay-
ments, while th dealers wept and I
i- n - siixlisrhts I
jjl-i-l.j u.. w Tr,eFioi roH com-
r. wav to. Vancouver!
t-.i;.,i- .hat there are I
I. .... n, n m vn, hsi ntKnu I
hirh ra certainly 1
rong in-the industrial world na
the commission hopes to discover a
t : .... - . i, . e thfl old I
.... v. ., n AiAonH nn n r 3, . :K i I
ii nnw llnr contractor!
w a j .. . 1
i, ' 'l ". l". . - o
Dlg asset Ol wo !."
great deal of allaita is ra.sea.
he way of roads, air. uimmica oays I
that 40 miles of hard surface ts being
laid this vtar. ! The n-.vement con
sists of a four-inch concrete base
with a hlnclc too: the roads are 18
fee wide with three-foot shoulders.
Watt Shlpp of Salem oealsn dyna-
mite and years ago he was a crack
bicycle racer. In those days wnen
the cycle, was a fad there were some
great races staged at the old fair
rround near Salem, with the princl-
i mv shlno and
Chester Murphy, the latter recenuj
state manager for the Hoover cam-
paign. There was Intense rivalry 1
between these two and all the fans
were divided into Murphy boosters
and ShiDD supporters. Mr. Murpny
was the first rider In Marlon county
to iira hi onrtonen-t as a pacer, rte
would let Mr. Shinn ride first, serv
ing as a wind break, and would fol
low at his heels., so that toward the
finish he would' make a spurt and
come across the line first. The former
bicycle racer is registered at the im
"It la so difficult to secure stana-
. . . - . - v. 1 I
ard sleepers that hundreds of Shrln-
ers in Texas are cancelling their
plans to attend the' convention in
Portland " reported E. L. Crocker of
Austin. Tex, at the Perkins. "There
Is such a demand for Sleeping cars -"7 tne, ouy ana recummenu in,
h h. ..n,i,,,'piiiiiitt sunnlv alvery best. But it must De admitted
sufficient number, and no one wants
to travel from Texas to Portland in
a day coach, even to attend a meet-
ing of the nobles." A Texas delega-
tion of 200, however, has been as
signed to the Perkins.
Fred C. Leftwich registered at the
Hotel Oreeon from Deadwood, b. u..
a town which occupied a greater place
in tne aime-novei inrmcra ui y 1
ago than any other town in the Uajted I
" " ' iT:," Z
be written without the scenes being
IVlill D-eiW.,d, " -rinov
6f a, quarter of a century ago has l
""""s " "
been replaced by the present-day
movie. '
Traveling from Salt Lake City via I
California in a touring car, tnere er-1
rived at the Multnomah Mr. and Mrs. I
W. B. Sutton and son, Airs. j. a. wa-
Mr. War and Mr. Sutton are owners I
of one
nn,fli0 j cait I
Lake City. After inspecting Port
land and th highway, they departed I
last night for Puget sound and Brit
ish Columbia.
When summer -visitors tire of bath-
in x they can have all the dancing
year, according to John McGraw. who
arrived from the Tillamook beach re-
sort at the Perkins yesterday. An
other big; dance pavilion Is being: built
In the hearf or itocKaway, lacing tne
railroad, and a motion-picture theater
is being erected across the street
from the church. All the cottages on
the beach are now occupied,
. . ,
Unfortunately for Portland Mr and
Mrs. J. J. Connsetto arrived at the
Hotel Portland too late to be counted
in the census. The family arrived
from the east yesterday to settle in
Oregon. There were about eight chil
dren, youngsters, and one of the kid
dies stretched out on a lounge in the
lobby told everyone that he was glad
he was through with 48 hours in a
railroad car.
L. L. Peeta of More, -who con
tracted 6000 sacks of wheat at $2.50
a bushel, is registered at the Impe
rial and Is accompanied by his fam
ily. Mr. Peetz is considered one of
the tip-top wheat growers in Sher
man county and he was one of the
sagebrush pullers. The sagebrush Is
nearly all gone- from Sherman county
now and has been supplanted by vast
areas of wheat lands.
Rod McHaley of Prairie City, an
tensive operator in- stock In Grant
county. Is registered at the Imperial.
Ha lormeny was a breeder 01 good
horses. which were In demand
throughout central Oregon. Mr. Mo-
Haley's father was a republican poll
tlcian and at one time served in the
state legislature. v
All there Is in this town are guys
trying to sell leases on land," reports
Emil Berneggar, former manager of
the Benson, to a friend on the desk.
This town of Pecos, Tex., has Inter-
etted me for just one day. It Is an
oil town, but all tney have Is one well
which is bringing 50 barrels a day. I
Mr. Bernagger has left for Fort
V orth. ' .
When the roll of the bouse Is called
in January, 1920, J. A. Wesiterlund
will not be there to answer "present."
He was the only house member of
Jackson county who did. not run for
renomination In the primaries last
Friday. Mr. Westerlund, who is
hotel man at Medford, is patronizing
the Benson.
Operating In Kansas City real es
tate is said to have made J. F. Houle-
han worth about a million dollars.
Anyway, whether- he -has that much
or not. Mr." Houlehan - rode over the
highway yesterday from The Dalles
with his wite ana iat 'oiey. the hotel-
man of The Dalles.. They ar,e at the
For a couple of years George L.
Batchelder was testing airplanes In
France for the United States. He ar
rived at the Hotel Portland yesterday
with his mother, Mrs. J. F. Batchelder,
of Hood River, and they are making
a tour of the Pacific coast before Mr.
Batchelder returns to New York,
wher he is connected with a trust
-All there is known about refining
vegetable oils. Max Boehme of Seattle
is supposed to know. .Mr. Boehme ar
rived at the Ben or? yesterday and
was taken around town to interview
a few people who- might be interested
in having him start, a refinery for
vegetable oils in Portland.
Mrs. Oeoraro R. Barnhart arrived "at
the Multnomah yesterday on her way
to Klamath Fall3 from Spokane, with
Miss R. Roberta. They wilt spend a
tew days shopping before proceeding
on their trip. . Mr. Bernhardt is in
charge of some government work in
Klamalii Falls.
Btxk Stare Keep Raw Meat Litera
ture if Public Llbrarie-a Do Not.
PORTLAND. May 26. To the Edi
tor.) A recent letter appearing in
booka Ior the peopie or Portland. He
complains of f indlnir a bountiful sup
ply of the "Pollyanna" type or lltera-
only CODy or a Life."" he complains.
"was In Yiddish; the only copy of
'Germinal' In Polish." Asking for a
copy of "Madame Bovary" he was
erven a cheap, paper-covered edition
1 , - V.-lr,,y
Too" .ldo5r- Sl t br olher
ary soula with a taste
The writer is not familiar with
"Fecundity" and "The "Soil" is willing
...... vu. . , . . . , . j ---
to forego a -further acquaintance with
tiny - is mceiy-riancea oy ino i..t..y
ortjo. wo Ida v 1 1 1 v iuubc .
-- "'- - . .. v. .. v. " '"
ncc .- .4 .... , ... V. , , i i i
vilest moods and situations, are suf-
fici - nt to damn Ktmim. Frl,maUlv.
nowev - sh- nB " - - " ,v
.H:" ' ,7- r,i- f.
and sane.
As some one said of Thackeray, it is
unnecessary- for an author to have his
hero pare his nails or bathe in public
in order to acsomolish realism.' Nasti-
Maupassant, never helped any human
being to optimistic, clear-headed liv-
ing. . Some may contend that De Mau-
passant was the greatest short etory
writer of any period; that Flaubert's
teennique has never . been equa
tne nuQcniana tne strons-
..-v tv... .
the world should they be thrown at
the average reader? I heartily indorse
the me-thed of the "old maids with
unhealthy inhibitions'" who keep them
out of sight, if not actually out of the
Mr. Eagleson is incensed because
the public is allowed to treat itself
to pictorial feasts in the local movies
that put these charming French writ
ers in the infant clcs for ingenuity in
creating sensational situations. Too
true, alas! As compared with the
.V .7. " Vs ' ' '
"Je isuied jl LQfl iiDnirics appear.
Eauleaon's charce that
the, librarians are forcing stuff of the
"Pollyanna" caliber on the unsuspect-
ing public, I wish to retort that they
are doing on such thing. On the con-
that their handicaps are great what
with those addicted to literature on
if t u p o n having Harold Bell
Wright's latest.
For those who can't find a thing to
suit them among the thousands of
books available, there is always the
pleasant alternative of collecting a
private library. The writer once saw
a copy of "Madame Bovary" on sale
nc . n: .... . ,i.i.k.
wn,n& a fr?sh ..Bovary... its
delightful contents encased in etamped
in8tead of the thumbed, paper-
covered thing, handed out by a lady
of palpable virtues, who eyes
erely and u,, unutterable things!
rjr. Kqut at Liberty on Stay of Execa-
, u Albert Cue on Appeal,
wakiwiua wasn., iviay u
ine ii,uiLor. 1 ine circulation ol h- pe
ing: that Henry Albers be pardoned
naturally brings to mind that a sim
ilar course was taken in th Or. Marie
qui case. Convicted- of sedition, this
woman was sentenced to three years'
Imprisonment and to pay a fine of
$1000. Upward of two months ago
ascertained that the pardon attorney
or ine department ot justice nau re
ported adversely on the application
and the matter was before thepresi
dent. As President Wilson cannot be
reached by mail, senator or congress
man, no further information was then
Does tho Oregonlan know if this
woman has beg-un to serve her sen
Aibers hope to bring: about a similar
I . - .-,. . . ... , ,
state of e,ffairsr In his case? It Is
my understanding- that the mandate
of the supreme court of the United
States is not sent down until the pres
ident takes some action. Judging by
the length of time jt has taken to
reach a decision -In some more
weighty matters theCe convicted crim
inals are likely to walk the streets of
Portland indefinitely.
Air. uanoe s proposal that publicity
be given to the signers of the petition
for pardon: is a good one, but It is
vastly more Important to give pub
licity to the devious methods taken to
prevent the enforcement of the laws
covering sedition and treascn.
Dr. Equl was granted a 60-days'
stay of execution pending appeal to
the president for pardon. The stay
expiree June 17. The Albers case has
been taken to the United States su
I preme court.
How many times must I patient he?
Hnm mnnv times Irv to act like Thee
Seven times now they haye treatc
me ill.
With intent to crush and to kill
I "Seven times seventy, o er Mna o er,
1 Just ase your Master who s gone be
I fore.
I E'en as your Father can perfect be.
I This is the standard for Thee.
I Thou art my guide and thou are my
I way,
My strength and eupply from day to
Even as God depended on Thee,
May I dependable be.
I'm tried and Trd tested o'er and o'er,
The heart oft -weary, the feet oft soret
But Thou art my guide, Thou art mj
Unstinted supply each day.
So I will trust and so I will sing,
F-acb day learning more, my Lord and
Until I, as Thou, canst clearly eee,
God's way best eternally.
lVonao'l Property Klarhts.
MEDFORD, Or.. May 26. (To the
Editor.) B msrrries A, and In. a few
years B dies, leaving about $3000 es
tate, that has been put in A's name.
A does not marry, but increases the
amount, till at the time of her dentil,
the estate is worth $50,000. A has no
known relative, but B's three sisters
and a brother are alive, and several
nieces and nephews. Can A will this
money and property to another person
without giving B's people a portion
of it?? SUSAN E. SAREV.
If the property was in the name of
A at the time of B's death she may
will it or otherwise dispose of it with
out regard to B's surviving relations.
Census Bureau Information.
THE DALLES, Or., May 24. (To the
Editor.) Would it be possible to get
the address of anyone by writing the
census bureau? X.
You cannot obtain addresses from
the census bureau.
More Truth Than Poetry.
By Jamea J. Montaa-ue.
When Dog Faced Dorgan fell in love
with lovely Alice Ann
He earned a handsome living as
second-story man.
But climbing porches, though a trade
exceeding lucrative
Is at the highest estimate an evil way
to live;
And so one night as he fared lorth a
portico to swarm.
His love loomed large within his
breast and moved him to reform.
For how can sinfulness withstand
Love's soft and witching art.
That kindles nobler yearnings and
Redeems the hardest heart?
For Alice said he led a strange
And quite eccentric life.
iuu 11 ne oian t make a change
falie wouldn t be his wife.
So Dog Faced Dorgan changed his
ways his love had taught him
how -
He never climbed another porch he's
picking pockets now.
Though he did excellently well In city
He fell in love with Sadie May, did
Aloysius Hicks.
And Sadie May was very loath to take
the tarnished name
Of anyone who mixed himself in such
a sordid frame.
"Tou're apt to bum around the 'ward
your work's too raw." said she,
"The hand that marks the crooked
vote will earn no chow for mc"
How love just plain, untutored love
Can change all earthly things.
It lifts the lowest soul above
The world, like soarine- n-lmri.
When once its gleaming flame flares
Within the basest breast
The erriny soul turns to the right
Ana an is for the best.
When Hicks and charming Sadie May
proceeded to the altar.
He'd got clear out of politics becom
ing a defaulter.
Bif- Boslsess Cnanee.
Funny somebody hasn't thought ot
organizing a tent trust,
Paul Jsseiea,
Secretary Daniels and Admiral Rimx.
although the war Is over, have just
begun to fight.
Cheap Stuff.
After T. R.'s man-eatinir fish, that
story about cannibals In South Amer
ica aoesn t (ret anybody excited.
(Copyright. by Bell Syndicate Tnc
By Graee K. Ball.
Yon wait for me In strange and ca.
cret places.
11" . 1 .
t." oo wnerever L may
Am I with friends
-I eee you in their
Though you elude all eyes except
my own:
You dwell upon the high and barren
mountain, '
Without a doubt yon linger In the
Your presence Is discerned In crystal
Where gushes Nature's nector boun.
Yon manifest your being In the prlm-
The red carnation speaks of you
with love:
You beckon in the sunset and the dim
That flash upon the wings of nesting
I clasp you when a litUe child, comes
To nestle in my arms. A woman's
Has hint of you ceductive and be
I look in shining eyes and you are
In spaces where the gray haze loves
"to linger.
In banks of molten gold against
the blue.
You signal me with pointing, beckon
ing finger.
You touch within me all that's fine
and true;
And through this wondrous worship
that I'm giving
To all your claims I somehow seem
to know
That in my soul real beauty, too Is
Else I would never heed your plead
ing so.
In Other Days.
Twenty-five Team Aro.
From The Oregonlan of Mar 27. 18115.
Yesterday was devoted to memorial
services in the various churches in
commemoration of the soldier dead of
the nation.
A. D. Charlton assistant general
passenger agent of the Northern Pa
cific, returned Saturday, with Mrs.
Charlton, from a visit to Chicago. '
-Thirty-five candidates for admission
to the bar will go to Salem next Fri
day to take the examination before
the supreme court.
A small blaze in Cordray's-theater
building last night called the fire de
partment out, but it was extinguished
with chemicals with but little damage
Mfty Year. AKo.
From The OreBDnian of May 27, 1S70.
Washington. Excitement prevails,
at many points because of the threat
ened Fenian raid into Canada- and
from some quarters it is reported that
forces have crossed the border. Ar
rests of a few of the leaders have
been effected.
The Willamette Iron works yester
day shipped forward for the Oregon
& California railroad the hammer of
a pile ariver weighing 2700 pounds,
which had been cast here.
An injunction has been granted by
the circuit court to restrain the sale
of fte north half of the Park block,
lyln between Yamhill and Morrison
streets, to collect a street improve
ment assessment.
Wild strawberries in abundant
quantity and good quality are ripe.
Promissory Notes' In California.
ABERDEEN, Wash., May 24. (To
the Editor.) 1. If one gives personal
notes In California and leaves the
state, do'the notes outlaw? If so,, in
what length of time? 2. Does ac
knowledgement of dept by.letter have
any bearing on the matter?
1. -It ts outlawed" after expiration
of four years from date of maturity.
2. If written after maturity the
acknowledgment arrests the running
of the statute of limitations.
Loan of Reference AVorkK.
CLATSKANIE. Or.. May 26. (To the
Editor.) I have to write a paper on .
"The I.abor Question, What It Is. and
Why There Is One." and I wonder if
you" would tell me where I ean find
books or t pamphlets. . L. A.N M.
Write to Miss Cornelia Marvin, state
librarian. Salem, and ask for the loan
.of reference material.