Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1920, Image 1

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    VOL.. LIXNO. 18,5GG
Entered at Portland Orej?on)
Postoffice as Second-Class Matter.
$500,000 IS LENT
Cincinnati Manufacturer
Also Makes Gift.
Palmer's Expenses Are Re
ported to Be $59,610..
Alleged Underpayments of Income
Tax Occupy as Much Time as
Campaign Expenditures.
WASHINGTON, May 26. Colonel
"William Cooper Proctor, Cincinnati
manufacturer, who has been described
as "the angel' of Major-General
Leonard Wood's Ohio campaign, testi
fied today at the senate investigation
of pre-conventlon political financing
that Ijo had advanced J500.000 to
Wood's national organization. He es
timated that contributions from all
other sources would not inakej as
The committee of inquiry also went
Into the expenditures of three other
candidates during the day. C. C. Car
lin of Virginia, former representative
and manager of Attorney-General
Palmer's national organization, testi
fied that its cash expenditures had
been 159.610.
James W. Gerard, former ambassa
dor to Germany has spent - $14,000
all his own money as a "presidential
candidate, according to his manager.
S.. T. Jones of Dea Moines, la., while
Representative Louis Crampton of
Michigan said about $13,000 had been
spent in his state for Senator John
son, republican, California, this total
not . being included for the Johnson
national campaign account previously
fixed at J6S.138.
Mr. Carlin was questioned more ex
tensively about alleged underpay
ments of income tax by the Crucible
Steel company and Mr. Dupuy, former
chairman of the board of directors of
that company, than he was concern
ing campaign expenditures. He told
the committee that the largest con
tributor to Mr. Palmer's campaign
was Mr. J. Guffey, who gave $10,000
and who was identified as a promt
ncnt oil man.
Gift Also Made.
This name became confused with
that of Colonel James McClurg Guf
fey, former democratic national com
mitteeman from Pennsylvania, . and
Mr. Carlin-eaid afterward that Colo
nel Guffey was the man he had in
mind. It developed subsequently,
however, that the contributor was
Joseph l- Guffey of Pjttsburg, also
an oil man and a former democratic
national committeeman from l'enn-
sylvan ia.
Colonel Proctor testified that be
hides advancing $."00,000 to General
Wood's campaign fund, he had made
a contribution of $10,000. He object
ed to naming other contributors, say
ing that the men charged with han
dling the campaign finances would
give names .and exact amounts
Urged by members of the committee,
however, be eaid that Ambrose Monel
had given $20,000 and that William
Wrislcy, "a fellow like me," and "Mr,
Byllesby, a New Tork banker," had
been largo contributors.
Stout Spent on Publicity.
The witness said that his own ad
vance of money to the general's cam
paign had been "as idealistic as giv
ing to the Red Cross during the war
and added that be "intended to ad
vance as much more as he felt would
be proper."
A suggestion that his advance had
been "underwritten" by a group
very rich men was sharply denied by
the witness.
Giving general details of expend!
turcs. Colonel Proctor said that "60
to 10 per cent was spent on publicity
and educational campaign work" and
that the national organization had
gone into 47 states, spending proba
bly an average of $8000 for each
state. Local organizations in eight
or ten states financed themselves, he
aid, but he again indicated he would
leave to others full explanations.
"Men don't like their names used 1
this connection." the witness said
wben pressed for name: of contribu
tors, "and it is embarrassing to me
when there are other sources."
The witness said he did not have
personal knowledge of any other
large contributions, adding, "our
treasurer will tell you exactly." Sen
ator Reed took up the point.
"I only know of a single large sub
scription besides my own, that is
definitely," Colonel Proctor said, "that
was $2.000 from Ambrose Monel."
Senator Keed demanded further
"I do net know definitely about
subscriptions." Colonel Proctor said.
'The trouble Is, men do not like to
have their names mentioned in a con
nection of this kind."
"We've insisted on it With others,"
Senator Reed said.
"Well, there's a fellow named
Wrigley," Mr. Proctor said.
"William WrigleyT" Senator Reed
I put in.
"Yes, he's a fellow like me," Colonel
Proctor replied.
"How much?" asked Senator Reed.
Other Help. Too.
"N'ow, I don't kndw," Colonel Proc
tor said. "I've personally done no
soliciting. I'm perfectly willing to
give this, though it's a little era
barrasring when you will have the
(Concluded sa Face S. Column &)
Government Making Effort to Pre
vent Attempts to Destroy Prop
erty and Take Reprisals.
LONDON. May 26. More troops are
I being dispatched to Ireland to combat
the property destruction and similar
movements which are continuing
Unexpected orders were received to
day at Aldershot for the Cameron
Highlanders to leave tomorrow for
service in Ireland.
The evening? newspapers all give
this development special prominence,
it being added that not only is the
garrison in Ireland being increased.
but that steps are being taken to
replace the younger soldiers by bet
ter disciplined troops in order to pre
vent reprisals such as have occurred
n the past.
Senate Committee Deckles to Elim
inate Appropriations.
WASHINGTON, May 26. Elimina
tion of appropriations for Pacific
coast submarine bases at Los Angeles,
Cal., and Port Angeles, Wash., was
agreed upon tentatively today by the
senate and house conferees on the
naval appropriation bill. Pacific coast
members said an effort would be
made to restore the items in the
Another tentative agreement was
made regarding the proposed naval
base near San Francisco. The con
ferees decided to strike out the
$1,000,000 appropriation for prelim
inary work and arranged to substi
tute a commission of three senators.
three representatives and three naval
experts to investigate available sites
cn San Francisco bay and report to
congress by January, 1921.
Heavy Speculative Buying Prompt
ed by Reports From Germany.
NEW TORK, May 26. Buying of
German exchange unparalleled since
the armistice was reported by deal
ers in foreign bills today, forcing
marks up to 3.15 cents apiece, said
to be the highest quotation in more
than a year. It contrasts with the
minimum quotation of 1 cent last
Purchases ran to large individual
ots, in soma Instances approximat
ing i,ooo,uuu marts. much or tne
buying was believed to be specula
tive and based on reports that Ger
many's industrial condition is show
ing decided improvement.
Largest Consignment Ever Brought
to San Francisco Arrives.
tramp steamer Charlton Hall, bound
from far eastern points to Havana,
put into this port today to discharge
3.500,000 English pounds or $13,480,-
000 in treasure consigned to the
United States mint. It was the larg
est amount of treasure brought into
the port at one time, according to
the marine department of the Cham
ber of commerce.
Federal Reserve bank officials here
announced that the treasure is in
tended for ultimate receipt by the
Federal Reserve bank of New Tork,
Another Retail Market at Spokane
Announces Reductions.
SPOKANE, Wash., May 26. A sec
ond retail meat market here today an
nounced reductions in the price of
pork chops, beefsteaks and some
other cuts of beef and declared that
further "substantial reductions" in
the price of meat may be expected
within the next two weeks. '
The drop In beef prices averaged
2,,4 cents a pound, it was stated.
Democratic A-pirant for Presi
dency Refuses to Talk.
PASADENA, Cal., May 26. William
Gibbs McAdoo, formerly secretary of
the treasury and director-general of
railroads, arrived here today for "a
few days' rest in California," he said.
Ho declined to discuss politics, and
would not admit, newspaper inter
viewers said, he was going to the
democratic national convention at San
Army Observation Machine Taken
" In Stockton, Cal.
STOCKTON Cal, May 26. The big
army observation truck which made
the trip from Spokane. Wash., to
Stockton with the coast Ad club cara
van, has been stolen from in front of
a local hotel, where it was left for a
few minutes by Sergeant Sink, In
The machine was the typical army
drab, with "17. S. A"' in white.
Baron Gonzuke Hayashi Succeeds
Viscount Suterui Chin da.
TOKIO, May 24. (By the Associat
ed Press.) Baron Gonzuke Hayashi.
former administrator of the province
of Kwantaung. South Manchuria, was
today appointed Japanese ambassa
dor to England,
lie succeeds Viscount Sutemi Chinda,
Republicans Joined by
Leader in Treaty Fight.
General Democratic Opposi
tion to Measure Develops.
Fnrf irMfona Are President's Mes-
sage Will Be Considered
Briefly, Then Tabled.
WASHINGTON, May 26. Demo
cratic opposition developed today to
President Wilson's request to con
gress for authority to accept a man
date over Armenia.
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, ad
ministration leader in the peace treaty
fight, joined .republicans opposing the
measure and there were indications
that other democrats would stand with
him. The meeting of the house foreign
affairs committee, called to obtain the
views of Secretary Colby, was post
poned because of the secretary's in
ability to attend, but there were many
informal conferences by botr. parties
t which members expressed strong
objection to any proposal which would
send American troops to Europe or
Reqirat to Be Tabled.
Chairman Porter indicated that the
president's message would be con
sidered briefly and then laid on the
table, which would end it.
Inasmuch as the senate has failed
to ratify the treaty with its league of
nations covenant, republican members
of the house committee declared there
were legal objections to the presi
dent's proposal. They contended that
to accept a mandate would be like
doing indirectly what congress had
not permitted to be done directly.
The house committee is not ex
pected to meet until Friday, but the
senate foreign relations committee
probably will take up the mandate
question tomorrow.
The president was asked In
resolution introduced today by Rep
resentative Mason, republican, Illi
nois, for full information as to the
cost and number of troops required in
connection with his mandate proposal.
HltrheoclE Voleea Disapproval.
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska said
he did not expect to support President
Wilson's request for authority to ac
cept a mandate over Armenia.
"I understand other democratic!
members or tne toreigii relations com
mittee also will not give their ap
proval," said Senator Hitchcock. The
senate committee plans to dispose o
(Concluded on Pace 2. Column 8.)
................. .
- .V. ........ . ....................................... ....................... ....
Both of Old Families; Parents Ex
press Surprise bat Xot
NEW TORK, May 26 Confirma
tion of the marriage at Elkton, Md.,
today of Edith C. Gould, daughter of
George Jay Gould, to Carrol L. Wain
wright, both of 'New Tork. was given
here tonight at the Fifth-avenue home
of the young woman's parents. It
was announced that a telegram had
been received from the couple saying
they had been married. '
'The family was greatly surprised,"
said the statement. "There is no par
ticular reason for the elopment. The
young man has always been accept
able to the family. The family wishes
them all success."
patch from Elkton, the Maryland
Gretna Green, says Edith C. Gould,
said to be a daughter of George
Gould and Carrol L. Wainwright, both
of New Tork, were married there this
afternoon by the Rev. John McEl-
moyle at the town's Presbyterian
The couple arrived in Elkton by
automobile and after obtaining a mar
riage license motored to the manse.
where the clergyman resides. The
bride gave her age as 18 and the
bridegroom said he was 21.
Immediately after the ceremony, the
newly wedded couple left - Elkton in
their motorcar. Young Mr. Wainwright
is the son of Stuyvesant Wainwright
and a grandson of the late Bishop
Wainwright of New Tork and is a di
rect descendant of Peter Stuyvesant,
founder of New Tork.
NEW TORK, May 26. Stuyvesant
Wainwright. father of Carrol Wain
wright, declared late today he had no
knowledge of his son's marriage in
Elkton today to Miss Edith C. Gould.
He added that his son was out of town
but that he did not know his where
abouts. He declared he was not acquainted
with any of the Gould family and did
not know his son was engaged to Miss
Population More Than Quadrupled,
According to Census.
WASHINGTON, May 26. Census an
nouncements today were:
East St. Louis, nL 66,240; increase.
8193, or 14 per cent.
Fulton, Mo. 5595; increase, 367, or
7 per cent.
Norfolk, Neb. 8634; increase, 2609,
or 43.3 per cent.
Miami, Fla. 29.549; increase, 24,
078, or 440.1 per cent.
Florence. S. C. 10,968; increase.
3911, or 55.4 per cent.
Senate Approves Sundry Civil Ap
proprlation Measure.
WASHINGTON, May 26. The $440,
0.00,000 sundry civil appropriation bill
the last, of the regular annual gov
ernment supply bills, was passed by
the senate today.
The bill was then sent to confer
Reductions "Bring People Down
Town With Idea of Buying"
Asserts Retailer.
OMAHA, Neb., May 26. "Omaha re
tailers did from 2 to 2?4 times the
volume of business since the big re
duction sales have been in progress '
they did at any normal business
period before In the same time," said
J. W. Metcalf, secretary of the Asso
ciated Retailers, today.
"The sales have helped business
generally by bringing people down
town with the idea of buying. One
shoe dealer told me he had sold 20
per cent more shoes during this peri
od than before.
The largest store of those which
have been giving horizontal discounts
today announced its 30 per cent re
duction would not prevail after next
Saturday. Two other stores made
similar announcements.
Portland Consumer Soon to Pay
30 J Cents, According to Notice.
Word of another advance in sugar
prices was received by wholesale gro
cers yesterday. The California &
Hawaiian Sugar Refining company
made the announcement that it would
probably put out a quotation of $27
a sack the latter part of the week.
The present wholesale- price of su
gar in the Portland market is $24.25,
which is based on the cost of the. sup
ply which was purchased some time
Should the California company car
ry out its latest threat the price will
not become effective until sugar
bought on that basis is received, and
when it comes the consumer will pay
the retailer about 30 H cents a pound
for his sugar.
Surgeon Takes Arrow for Bears;
Pistol for Emergency.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 26. With,
the intention of slaying four grizzly
bears with a bow and arrows. Dr.
Saxton Pope, practicing surgeon at
the affiliated colleges of the Univer
sity of California, left here today for
Yellowstone Park. W. W. Sargeant,
secretary for the California academy
of sciences, announced.
Dr. Pope, an expert in archery, and
his companion, Arthur Toung, will
carry automatic pistols also, but these
are to be used only in case of emer
Lump Sum for Rivers and Harbors
Proves Obstacle.
WASHINGTON, May 26. Conferees
on the rivers and, harbors appropria
tion bill failed to reach an agreement
today and decided to report a dis
agreement to their respective houses.
An understanding was reached on
the general provisions in the bill, it
was said, but the amount of the lump
sum appropriation proved the obsta
cle. The houso. bill fixed it at $12,-
000,000, while the senate bill provided
for $24,000,000.
Medford Hearing Said to
Be Political Shield.
Official of Utah-Idaho Sup
ports Claim With Messages.
Testimony Against Company Re
veals Plot to Kill Independent
Rogue River Project.
MEDFORD, Or. May 26. (Special.)
Investigation of the Utah-Idaho Su
gar company by the government, ac
cording to charges today in the hear
ing before the federal trade commis
sion. Is a mere political shield behind
which the efforts of the democratic
administration to defeat Senator
Smoot for re-election are being veiled.
This accusation was made by Alexan
der Nibley of Portland, son of Bishop
Nibley of Salt Lake, manager of the
Utah-Idaho company.
In support of this charge Mr. Nib
ley and his brother, Merrill Nibley of
bait Lake, assistant manager of the
company, made public the texts of
telegrams which passed between Hen
ry W. Beer, special attorney repre
senting the federal trade commission,
and George E. Sanders of Salt Lake,
one of the chief witnesses for the
government in the hearing recently
concluded there.
Teta Made Public.
The hearing here was called pri
marily to complete the testimony of
banders given at Salt Lake City and
aiiow tne company to complete hi
cross-examination, but he has not ap
peared, ana is not expected to.
The telegrams presented- by Mr,
Nibley follow: f
kwi, Idaho. May 13, 1920.
oeorge banders, care Dr. Snow, 60
Urst avenue. Salt Lake, Utah. Ex
pect to close, leaving here Saturday
What do you intend to do regarding
Medford and Grants Pass proposed
hearing? Wire me collect. BEER
"Federal Trade Commissioner.
"SALT LAKE CITT, Utah., May 13
1920. Henry W. Beer, special coun
sel. federal trade commission, Rigby,
Idaho. Do not know what to advise
you about proposed hearing at 'Grants
Pass. Think you ought to have about
three weeks from now. One of you
investigators should be there a week
in advance lining up witnesses. Don
be In too big a hurry to finish your
case, as public sentiment is fast
changing and almost entirely for gov
ernment prosecution. Sugar magnates
anxious for you to get through. Palm
er should keep you on the job. 1
you keep going for two months It
will cost Smoot his senate scat. Bet
ter kill some time with Washington
authority. Ogden tomorrow.
The outstanding feature of th
hearing today on the conspiracy in
restraint of trade charge against the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company before
the federal trade commission was the
testimony -relating to the alleged
quashing of the independent beet
sugar factory project of Colonel J. F.
Mundy in which a number of other
Medford people were interstd, by cor
nering all oi the ocet seed in the
It had been proposed by Colonel
Mundy " and his backers to put
through this independent plant after
the Utah-Idaho company bad decided
to locate at Grants Pass.
Beet Seed Declares! Cornered.
Mayor Gates, who was on the stand
again today, testified that Alexander
Nibley of the company told him in
1916 that his company, the Utah-Idaho
Bect Sugar -company, had bought up
all the beet seed for three seasons
ahead. Evidence was given that the
Colonel Munday factory project.
which was In process of organization
and into which Frank Owen of Med
ford had put between $25,000 and
$30,000, was given up when it was
found that someone had f ornered all
the sugar beet seed.
In refutation of the Utah-Idaho
company's claim that it moved its
factory eventually from Grants Pass
to Toppenish, Wash., ' because th
Rogue river valley could not grow
enough beets. Professor Reimer, head
of the southern Oregon experimen
station at Talent, told of his success
ful growing of sugar beets both at
the station and various other parts
of the valley.
Mayor Gates had testified prevl
onsly as follows: "Mr. Storrey, the
company's expert, had passed favor
ably on all the land signed up around
Medford in December, 1315, and Janu
ary. 1916. Our farmers planted 800
acres to sugar beets the first season.
I shipped beets raised just outside of
Medford to the exposition at San
Francisco which won first prise.
gold medal and certificate. That
must have been some beet!"
W. H. Gore Testifies.
W. H. Gore, the Medford banker an
member of the legislature, told about
talking with officials of the Utah
Idaho company during the local cam
paign to sign up enough acreage to
insure the company's factory bein
located at Medford, Including Bishop
(Concluded on Pag Column l.
Efforts to Lift Yacht Trophy Re
newed After Over .Six
Year Period.
CITY ISLAND, N. Y., May 26. Sir
Thomas Lipton's challenger for the
America's cup was launched here at
high tide tonight, at the yards of
Robert Jacob, where she has been
since last November.
The green racer, bearing Sir
Thomas Lipton's private signal and
the burgee of the Royal Ulster Yacht
club, slid down the ways and hit the
water at 7:15 p. m. As she took her
first plunge since being altered, her
crew and the representatives of Sir
Thomas sent up a cheer. They all
were of the- opinion that Shamrock
IV Is the most dangerous yacht that
ever has come after the America's
As 'she slipped down the ways.
Shamrock IV looked an entirely dif
ferent yacht from the one that ar
rived from England in August, 1914.
The yacht's bow and underbody have
been changed so much that she never
would be recognized by yachtsmen
who saw the craft six years ago. Six
tons of lead have been cut off the
forward part of her fin and "lagged
to the bottom of the keel. Her bow
has. been changed from a scow to lines
resembling an extreme racing cutter.
All agree that she has been wonder
fully improved.
Wife of Evangelist Proud of Hood
River's Vote for Wood.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. May 26. "Ma"
Sunday is here on a business trip from
Oklahoma City, where her husband.
Rev. Billy Sunday, will remain until
June 20 conducting evangelistic serv
ces. After a few days spent in look
ng after details of their Odell ranch.
Mrs. Sunday will return to Oklahoma
We are proud that Hood River
county folks gave Wood a handsome
majority," says Mrs. Sunday. "We do
not believe that the Oregon election
will have any great national signifi
cance. Most Americans, we think, be
lleve as Hood River county folks
Direct Law .Held to Defeat Real
Will of Voters.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 26. Repub
licans of Washington were urged to
secure the repeal of the direct pri
mary law, which he characterized as
an "instrument to defeat the real
will", of members of political parties,
by William, Howard Taft In an ad
dress at a reception given in his
honor, by King county republicans
here tonight.
Mr. Taft, who earlier in the even
ing delivered a lecture on the league
of nations, left tonight for Portland,
Th Weather.
YKS'VEftDAY'S Maximum temperature.
dd degrees; minimum, degrees.
TOUAY'S Showers; southwesterly wines.
Former Premier Balfour of Great Britain
visits Vatican to discuss Irish problem
with Pope. Page 5.
More troops are ordered to Ireland. Page 1.
Hun envoy letters laud Colonel House.
Page 16.
Hitchcock joins republicans In opposition
to Armenia mandate. Page 1.
State department orders investigation of
latest Mexican atunaplng case. Page 3.
"Angel" tells of advancing- $500,000 to
wood campaign and promises to do bet
ter if necessary. Page 1.
Daniels says probe unjust and unfair.
Page 8.
Johnson strength held to be transient.
Page 1.
Big publishers release paper and save
many small newspapers. Page 2.
Rich New York couple elopes to Maryland.
page J.
Omaha dealers say sales boom trade.
Pase L
Challenger for America's cup launched at
t-uy lsiana. page l.
Courts in conflict as to constitutionality of
ijever act. rage -i.
Railroads do not oppose wage rise. Page
Pacific Northwest.
Street-car company again asks rise. Page 7.
Sugar probe held aimed at Senator Smoot.
Pago 1.
Red soviet in Seattle federal jail aids In
prisoners' escape. Page 6.
Eddie Shannon, here to met Joe Bn1a-
min, hopes for match with Benny Leon-
am. Page 14.
Coast league results: Portland fi. Sacra
mento 2: San Francisco 7, Oakland -
Los Angeles 6, Vernon 9; Seattle 1, Salt
Lake 4. Page 14.
Catlin Wolfard defeats Waiter Goes for
club tennis title. Page 15.
More than 10O0 entries received for rollegl
ate a-ames opening at Philadelphia to
morrow. Page 15.
Commercii.1 and Marine.
Demand lor cereal carriers s met and
scramble for ships seems to be over.
Page 22.
Cereal crop prospects in Oregon are sat
isfactory. Page 23.
Short covering sends dp corn at Chicago
Page 23.
Stock trading la broader and bonda ad
vance. Pise 23.
Portland and Vicinity.
Head of Japanese department store visit
ing here takes optimistic view. Page 12.
Delegates to real estate convention start
east today. Page 9.
Farmer blames his downfall to movies.
Page 13.
Highway commission to map out road pro
gramme. Page 9.
Johnson's lead now 1932. Page 4.
West as rate unit urged by coast shippers.
Page 4.
Mystery prevails at trial of suit against
commissioners over Vista bouse expense.
Page 4.
Wallace McOamant declares he will not
support Johnson at convention. Page 6.
General Barnett says marines did -Dot win
war. Page 22.
More testimony given la Pittock will casc
Tage 8.
Applicant for divorce says wire trained son
as pickpocket and shoplifter. Page IS.
Cooks say tney do -not intend to strike and
are willing to arbitrate. Page 22.
Scattering After First
Vote Predicted.
Eight of Michigan's 30 Ex
pected to Stick.
Nebraska, North Dakota and Even
California Delegates May De
sert, Is Outlook.
(Copyright by the New York Evening Tost.
published by Arrangement.)
(Special.) The Oregon returns are in
and Johnson definitely has won the
state. This is Johnson's last oppor
tunity to make any addition to his
delegates except one minor and In
clusive primary in the south. It is
therefore an apprcpriate time to ex
amine into .lust what . Johnson's
strength in the convention is, and how
much he will be able to do with it.
This question will be one of the con
clusive elements in the strategy of
the convention.
Johnson won the Oregon primary
but only one of ten is for liim. That,
unhappily for Johnson, is the story
nearly everywhere. His popular vote
in the primaries has been nothing less
than sensational; but, measured in
terms of delegates, they are much less
Ex-President -Taft expresses the
Oregon result In the words: "There is
only one Johnson man on the delega
tion. The others will leave Johnson
as sdon as they can." Mr. Taft says
this, as the context shows, in a spirit
of exultation.
Exultation -FaMU- Matter."
Whether this kind of exultation on
the part of republican leaders who
don't like Johnson is wise is a fam
ily matter and persons outside the
party do not need to take any part
in it. But it is fair to say that quite
apart from partisan consideration this
attitude of- Mr. Taft is. to say" the
least, not sportsmanlike.
When a candidate makes a race
such as Senator Johnson has made
without any help to speak of from
the local party organization a race,
as Senator Johnson expresses it.
"personally initiated and personally
conducted" when a man makes a
race under these circumstances and
is attended with sensational success
the better qualities of human nature
tend to applaud him and wish him
well- Public exultation over the fact
that circumstances beyond Johnson's
control prevent him from getting the
full measure of delegates that his
success with the people entitles him
to is, to put it on the mildest basis,
dubious sportsmanship.
Without getting further into this
aspect of the case it is possible to
say fairly confidently that the more
practical republican leaders do not
share Mr. Taft's point of view and
will not treat Senator Johnson ia
the spirit of Mr. Taft's utterance.
Quite the contrary in fact. There is
a phrase frequently heard among
republican leaders to the effect that
"Johnson can have everything but
himself for the presidency. He can
write the platform, he can be th
vice-presidential candidate and he can
name the presidential candidate."
' Johnson to Have t'hance.
This way of saying it is, of course,
a deliberate exaggeration, for none of
all the prerogatives will be turned
over to Senator Johnson. But he will
be taken into the party councils and
he will be given-an opportunity to
demonstrate the fullest strength hs
has without being defeated by hostile
manipulation of the delegates on th
part of leaders. In fact, your corre
spondent's expectation is that at some
stage in the convention Johnson will
be given a vote quite in excess of the
lis delegates who are lined up as
Johnson delegates.
But what the present article aims
to deal with is not the merits or de
merits of Johnson and not the wisdom
or unwisdom of the attitude of other
leaders toward him; this article aims ,
to deal solely with Johnson's statis
tical strength in the convention. This
aspect will have vital bearing in the
convention as a whole quite apart
from the degree of Senator Johnson's
personal success. The vital question
and a most vital question it Is is,
as commonly expressed, what John
son will do with his delegates after
and if he knows he cannot win him
self. The question has particular in
terest just now when many of us
are amused o see other candidates
making friendly approaches to the
man from California. As bearing on
this .question let us consider the ac
tual basis of Johnson's strength.
True Supporters Few,
Johnson has 188 instructed dele
gales, but of these only a fraction
are really Johnson men at heart.
Consider the Michigan delegation for
example: Johnson won the Michigan
primary and won it spectacularly.
The 30 delegates from that state are
bound to vote for him on the first
ballot. But the question of how long
after the first ballot they will con
tinue to vote for Johnson is wholly
(Concluded on Pase 2. Columa l.