Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Old Grudges of Officers Aired,
Says Chief.
Letter From Admiral A. M. Knight
Withheld Irora Committee,
Virtual Accusation.
WASHINGTON, May -J4. Secretary
Daniels accused the senate naval in
vestigating committee today ol "dig
King: up ancient history" and "airing
the grievances and grudges of dis
gruntled naval officers." The accusa
tions came during a long series of
questions from Chairman Hale re
garding disappearance in 1914 from
the files of the navy department of a
rletter from Kear-Admiral Bradley
Kiske on na.val oreoared neps.
Sir. Daniels said he had no objec
tion to prolonging the hearings by
going back as far as 1914. but he
did not see how the matters referred
to had any bearing on the question of
the naval conduct of the war. Chair
man Hale replied that he was seeking
to show that Secretary Daniels was
-warned by his chief technical ad
visers that the American navy was
not prepared for war previous to the
entry of the United States into the
WlrbfaolrilnK Virtually barged.
The. chairman virtually charged Mr.
Daniels at another point with having
withheld from the senate a letter
from Rear Admiral Austin M. Knight,
written in August, 1914, advising the
immediate withdrawal of American
battleships from Mexican waters and
the preparation of the navy for pos
sible eventualities resulting from the
world war, then just beginning. To
support his contention. Senator Hale
read a senate resolution asking for
communication from the navy gen
eral board regarding war prepara
tion of the navy and a reply from Mr.
Daniels declaring that he had no com
munication bearing on the subject.
Admiral Knight's letter, the chairman
said, was in Mr. Daniels' possession at
the time and bore vitally on the sub
ject of preparedness.
Secretary Daniels in reply said he
had not considered Admiral Knight's
letter as an official communication
from the general board, had not con
sidered that it related to preparation of
the navy but was rather an elabora
tion of Rear Admiral Kihke's insist
ence that the battleships in southern
waters be brought home at ones.
Old Controversy Renewed.
Cross examination centered largely
today around the old controversy be
tween Secretary Daniels and Rear
Admiral Kiske regarding reorganiza
tion of the navy department and plac
ing responsibility and authority for
the entire direction of the navy in the
hands of a naval officer.
Characterizing Admiral r'iske as a
"monumental egotist." who "bored me
to exhaustion." the secretary said the
officer was actuated by a desire tod
"Prussianize" the navy. Chairman
Hale announced that, in view of the
gravity of the charges. Admiral Kiske
would be given an opportunity to ap
pear later and defend himself.
Miss Sibyl Mitchell Praises
Tanlac for Her Present
Splendid Health.
The remarkable reconstructive pow
ers of Tanlac are further evidenced
in the case of Miss Sibyl Mitchell, a
popular young- lady, residing with her
mother at 2725 Fairmont street, Los
Angeles, Cal.
"Before I began taking Tanlac." said
fellas Mitchell, -I was in e dreadful
'state of health and my condition could
not possibly have been much worse.
J was awfully blue and despondent,
and had just about given up all hope
of ever being well again. But now,
after taking only four bottles of Tan
lac. I feel as well as I ever did in my
life, and have actually gained eight
een pounds In weight.
"Three years ago I suffered a nerv
ous breakdown. Then, on top of this,
about a year ago I had a severe at
tack of the flu, and was left in such
a rundown, weakened condition I was
in bed for four months, unable to
walk a step. My appetite left me
entirely, and I was so weak I could
hardly raise my hands, and it was
even an effort for me to talk. I was
so awful nervous that the least little
noise or excitement caused me to
tremble like a leaf, and it was ut
terly impossible for me to get a ood
night's sleep.
"I had tried many different medi
cines, but nothing seemed to do me a
particle of good. At last a girl friend
urged me to try Tanlac, which I did.
and 1 commenced feeling better with
the first bottle. As I continued tak
ing it I continued to improve, until
now I have a fine appetite, can eat
anything I want and everything
agrees with me perfectly. My nerves
are as steady as can be, and I sleep
so soundly my mother says she can
hardly wake me in the morning. I
just feel so good and- am so full of
life my friends say I am like a dif
ferent girl. It is a real pleasure for
me to recommend Tanlac after the
wonderful benefits I have received
from it."
Tanlac is sold in Portland by the
Owl Drug Co. Adv.
91000 from a fund in the police de
partment and thus robbed the com
missioner of public affairs of his
chance to protest against reaching
into the general fund to pay expenses
of "imported coppera."
Eastern Outfitting Company to
liive Credit on Old Clothes.
The Salvation Army and near east
rrlief committee will receive the bene
fit of the old clothing, hats, shoes and
garments turned in for a credit on
the purchase price of new garments
at the Eastern Outfitting company,
beginning today.
This firm has called upon those who
buy new garments to bring in their
old clothes and will credit them with
a value on the price of the new. On
eu it s. dresses, raincoats and furs on
purchases amounting to-$37.50 and up
credit of $10 will be allowed, and on
purchases of loss than that amount a
credit of $5. On all men's hats and
chocs a credit of l will be given for
the old shoes or hat, even if it is a
last year's straw that may be a
little the worse for wear. On women's
waist .s. petticoats and sweaters
amounting to $15 or over a credit of
?2.50 will be allowed and on purchases
of these garments for less than that
sum a credit of SI for the old article.
Carelessness Causes Dcathof 23,000
Persons, Says Jay Stevens.
"More than 23,000 persons were
killed last year through fires that
originated because of carelessness,"
was the statement of Jay Stevens,
former fire marshal of Portland, at
the weekly luncheon of the Rotary
club yesterday at the Benson hotel.
"The American people suffer a loss of
more than $300,000,000 annually by
fire, 99 per cent of which could be
prevented," he added.
L. A. Nelson, representing the "West
Coast Manufacturers' association
spoke on "The Forest Product In
dustry' and he urged the club to get
behind any agitation aiming at in
creasing the appropriations for the
fighting1 of timber fires.
John K. Iee followed Mr. Xelson
and delivered a tribute to the scenery
of this state. C 1 a y t Williams,
Rotarians' district governor, explained
the extreme difficulty of his job and
was roundly sympathized with by th
assembled "brothers." Krnie Downs
ot Victoria, the composer of "I Don't
Want to Go Home," and Ed Baker of
Shanghai created enough laughs for
a regiment when they started on
their reminiscences of past conven
tions. A dinner dance for next Tuesday
evening was announced at the close
of the programme.
Joker"' in Latest City Ordinance
Is on Commissioner.
The city council yesterday passed
an ordinance appropriating $1000 for
the payment of expenses incurred by
detectives who will be assigned to
, Portland by San Krancisco, Seattle,
Tacoma and other western cities dur
ing Shrine week.
Contrary to the usual custom, this
particular ordinance, introduced by
Mayor Baker, contained a "joker."
The "joker" was on Commissioner
When Mr. Bigelow heard the first
section of the mayor's ordinance read
he began preparing for an address
on "economy.
Just as he was ready to take the
floor. Council Clerk Orutze read the
last section, which transferred the
Display to Be Arranged by Fes
tival Center June 21 and 22.
The Portland Rose society has de
cided definitely to hold the annual
show on June 21 and 22. The affair
promises to be the greatest yet dis
played by this organization and will
be an out-of-door setting, staged with
oriental lueas, including- a tea gar
den, where tea will be served after
the visitors have viewed the displays.
The society will see that hundreds of
roses are given away to the visitors.
The ehow will adjoin the festival
center and the donors list, which h
just been completed, includes the fol
lowing: Mesdames J. C. Ainsworth,
Thomas Kerr. Henry Ladd Corbett,
William T. Wheelwright, W. B. Ayer,
Peter Kerr, Theodore B. Wilcox. Jo
seph . Nathan Teal. Edwin Caswell,
John Ethrldge, Walter Taylor Sum
ner. J. V. Cobbs, William S. Ladd,
B:iliott Corbett and Miss Henrietta
Failing, Messrs. Eric V. Hauser, H. J.
Blaesing, Charles Dant, Frederick V.
Holman. Felix Friedlander, J. A. Cur
rey, Julius Johnson, E. L. Kraley and
Julius Li. Meier.
For Pain, Colds, Neuralgia,
Toothache, Headache
College President Aked to Suggest
Students for Annapolis.
LEGE, Corvallis, May 25. (.Special.)
Senator Hawley of OregMi has tele
graphed .President ICerr asking for
recommendation of qualified young
men who would accept if given ap
pointments to the Annapclls naval
academy. The telegram reads:
"1 am requested to nominate three
principals and nine alternates to
raval academy at Annapolis before
June 2. May bo accepted by certifi
cate from colleger-, universities and
technical schools accredited by aca
demic board. Shall be glad to receive
recommendation of quali tied young
men who will accept if appointed.
Since time is short, kindly wire gov
ernment, giving lull names, dates of
birth and relative rank. Each young
mna should take ir.edical examination
to determine physical condition be
fore his name is sent in.
Senator Chamberlain a!sb ' tele
graphed asking President Kerr to
name o:i principal and two alternates.
MISS0 :Wb Miijfpff
ill IMWy UOeS . - jissgesT cs;
WM Wh-rrrA TUX MULTr-nurnp. GRAPH write. It certain- . "ifcft X,"J& I
' W Unless You Need It "'; " '
Ray E. Leslie, Branch Manager
401-402-403-404 Oregon Bldg.
Portland, Oregon
Telephone Broadway 3-328
nint it urn
You want relief quickly and safe
ly! Then insist on "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," stamped with the "Bayer
The name "Bayer" means you are
getting genuine .Vsplrtn prescribed by
physicians for over eighteen years,
and proved safe by millions of peo
ple. For a few cents you can get a handy
tin box of genuine "Bayer Tablets of
A spirt n containing twelve tablets.
.Druggists also sell larger "Bayer
packages. Aspirin is the trade mark
- Mayer lanufacture of Monoace
tlcacidester' of sialic-j licacid. Adv.
tJeorgc Daly Accused of Takinj
Check From Stolen Letter.
KUGKNE. Or., May 25. (Special.)
Ueorge Daly, who is wanted -here
for forgery, was arrested at Olympia.
Wash., yesterday and will be brought
back for trial.
According to Sheriff Stickels. Daly,
who is thought to be a transient, a
few weeks ago took from the post-
ofrice a letter addressed to another
person and containing a check for
1200 on a Lane county bank. It is
alleged that he forged the indorse
ment to the check and cashed ft
When the addressee inquired as to
his check and letter in which it wa
enclosed the crime was discovered
but Daly had disappeared several
days previous. .
Band Concert Will Open feature
Event at Peninsula Park;
Children to Participate.
"The Imperial Potentate." the new
rose grown here this year, will be
dedicated at Peninsula park June 23.
The programme will start at t
o'clock with a band concert, followed
by the awarding of prizes tor tne
roses. Under the direction of Robert
Krohn. supervisor of physical train
ing in the public schools, there will
be a rose drill and Maypole dances.
In which 320 schoolboys and girls will
The folk dances, which will be a
special feature of the programme,
will include Nixia polka, harvesters'
dance, oats, peas, beans, mulberry,
blackbird and bleking.
More than a score of Jefferson high
school girls will give the "gypsy"
dance." and two score Washington
high school girls will give an esthetic
dance. Games and races will follow.
In the Maypole dances the schools
and teachers under whose direction
each will work will be:
Mount Tabor. O'Brien and Dobie: Ken
nedy. Isaceon and Hancock: Fernwood.
rvm; Eliot. tVrig-ht; Homestead. Sega.i ;
Sannyside. Schmeer; Kerns. McKenzie;
Woodlawn, Leasing: Highland, Hunter;
Peninsula. Lucas; Ockley Green, Foster:
Thompson. Bryan; Richmond, Finley;
Shaver Kirkwood and Johnson; Vernon,
Peters:' Buckman. Grout; Buckmin, Palm
er: Kenton. Whfttier.
mill resumed sawing yesterday, after
a "shut-down of two months, due to
the scarcity of red cedar timber.
Manager I'red Moore, to keep the mill
in operation, secured a cedar supply
on Willanch inlet, where the bolts
must be hauled five ""ilea by truck
and thence to the mill by water, a
distance of four miles. .
Reports from many sections indicate
the cedar supply along this part of
the coast is being exhausted, although
there is a considerable amount avail
able in the territory between the
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Vsnaturc of
C. A. Smith Plant Knds Shut-Down
Due to Lack of Red Cedar.
MARSHF1ELD. Or.. May 23.
(.Special.) The C. A. Smith shingle
invigorates and strengthens the hair
follicles, and also supplies a food to
impoverished cells.
The ointment should be applied Just
before retiring, rubbing in well at the
roots of the hair, but care should
be taken not to injure the scalp by
a too brisk massaging In the
morning the KREAM should be re
moved, using warm water and as lit
tle soap as is necessary to clean the
scalp. This procedure should be fol
lowed every other night for three or
four treatments. After this a very
email portion of the ointment may
De applied to the scalp twice a week
just to keep it moist and stimulate
a uatural hair growth. At all druggists-
is and sU eeuta Adv.
Dellcatelr soft and refined
la the complexion aided by
Nadine Face Powder
Thlm exQuUit beautifier Im
parts an indefinable charm
a charm and lovalineaa
which endaro throughout
tha day and linear ia tfao
Umpqua and Siuslaw rivers, adjacent
to the Southern Pacific railway.
Says Mrs. Staples of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. .
Taunton, Mass. "I could not at
or deep for Biz months, bad fainting
BpeiiB ana couia
It coolnas ! raft-Mblnc
nd It cannot barm the ten
d crest akin.
Sold In lt3 green bs at
leading toilet counters or by
mail 60c
U.S. A.
If BraU
Sold by stout-l..von lrn to.' tNortnern I
Pacific Pbarmac. Perkina U-jtel Phar-
niavy. IrvincUm Pnarmac1 ana
I toilet counters.
not walk vr i t h
out help for three
months, caused
by female trou
ble. My cousin,
who was a doctor,
told me to take
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and it
helped me great
ly. Then during
the Change of
Life I used the same remedy. I am
seventy years old now and am able
to do my own housework and walk one
mile to church every Sunday morning
and evening. I am recommending the
Vegetable Compound to my friends
having the same troubles as I had.
Your remedy is the best on earth. I
cannot find words to erpress my grati
tude to it. Mrs. St;sa C. Staples,
157 B. School St., Taunton, Mass.
The reason that thousands of wo
men from all parts of the country
write such grateful letters is ' that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound baa brought health and happi
ness into their lives, once burdened
with pain and illness such as displace
ments, inflammation and ulceration.
VVhv don't you try itt
Man Loses Hundreds
of Dollars
"I am sorry I did not hear of Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy a few years ago.
as it would have saved me several
hundred dollars. Five years ago I
suffered from indigestion and severe
bloating. I grew worse all the time.
My doctor said an operation would
be all that could save me. I took a
course of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy
Instead and for the past year have
been entirely well" It is a simple,
harmless preparation that removes
the catarrhal mucus from the intes
tinal tract and allays the inflamma
tion which causes practically all stom
ach, liver and intestinal ailments, in
cluding appendicitis.- One dose will
convince or money refunded. At all
druggists. Adv.
Easiest Way to Remove
Ugly Hairy Growths
(Beauty Culture)
Here is a method for removing hair
or fuzz that is unfailing and is quite
inexpensive: Mix a thick paste with
some powdered delatone and water
and spread on hairy surface. After 2
or 3 minutes rub it off, wash the skin
and every trace of hair has vanished.
No harm or inconvenience results
from this treatment, but be careful to
get genuine delatone.- Adv.
A Certain Jtellef for Fever
bhani, Conwtlpmtion. Mead.
ache. fetoniarb Trouble.
Tee'thine; DifHtrdrrs. and le
atroy Worm.. They Break
DP Cold in 24 hours. At
all drufnriftK. S a m n 1 e
. mailed llttK. Address.
MOIHJfcHi GKAX CO. ja ito. . X.
Cocoanut Oil Makes
a Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keep hair in good
condition be careful what you wash ,
it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos -
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle and
is very harmful. Mulsified cocoanut
oil shampoo, which is pure and
greaseless, is much better than any
thing else you can use for shampoo--ing.
as this can't possibly injure the
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two
teaspoonfuls will make an abundance
of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses-'
the hair and scalp thoroughly. The
lather rinses out easily and removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and It leaves It
fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage.
You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil
shampoo at most any drug store. It
Is very cheap, and a few ounces is
enough to last everyone in the family
for months. Adv.
For the Thin and Bloodless!
Trade Hark
0.'t cc..t
r Ufc.UI.M
The thin and bloodless, with pale
cheeks, white lips and frail angular .
physique, of this community have
been much interested in the reports "
ot phvsicians and others concerning,
the effectiveness of the treatment for
increasing the red and white cor- x.
pucles of the blood, thus adding
color and weight with its accom- -
nanving vigor to the depleted system. .
A gain of from 10 to 30 pounds is .
not at all unusual where the treat-
ment is regularly used for several., .
months, while the color improves al
most from the beginning. Most good " ;'
apothecaries supply it in the form of -three-grain
hypo-nuclane tablets, put ' J'
u-p in sealed packets with directions
for home use. Its action aids assirai
latton and absorption ot the food .
eaten very promptly. Adv.