Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Mrs. Cameron Squires Is
Chosen by Committee.
Censorship on Entries of Floats
Will Be More Rigid Than.
Ever for Decorations.
Tall, stately and fair as a lily.
Queen Claire will rule the court and
all the. great domain, with its thou
Bands of loyal subjects who will be
In Portland for the 1920 Rose Festi
val. For her majesty this year will
be Mrs. Cameron Squires (Claire Wil
cox), one of Portland's popular young
society matrons. Mrs. Squires was
cnosen yesterday for this honor at
the meeting of the executive commit
tee, which was attended by about 50
of the prominent women of the city
who are working for the success of
the big festival event, and who are in
charge of details for the floral pa
rade. The committee met in the home
of Mrs. Helen add Corbett.
Marriage Brilliant Event.
Mrs. Squires is the daughter of Mrs.
Theodore B. Wilcox, and is active in
patriotic and civil work as well
being a social favorite. Her marriage
was a brilliant event of a few seasons
ago. She is, in addition to being at
work for the Rose Festival, a member
of the committee that will stage a
society vaudeville on June 9 for the
benefit of the woman's building of the
Ijniversity of Oregon.
Keen interest is being shosn In the
Rose Festival floral parade. The com
mlttee having charge of the private
entries, schools, women's clubs and
organizations and communities, head
ed by Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. met
at Mrs. Corbett's home yesterday and
discussed plans. The executive com
mittee included Mrs. Corbett, chair
man; Mrs. Thomas Honeyman, vice-
chairman; Miss Valentine Prichard
secretary, and Mrs. Lucius Allen
liewis, Mrs. W. B. Aver. Mrs. Guv Tal
bot, Mrs. George Boschke, Mrs. Law
rence R. Wheeler, Mrs. T. B. Wilcox,
Mrs. Edgar B. Piper, Mrs. Edmund C.
Oiltner, Mrs. F. J. Cobbs, Mrs. Max
Hirsch, Mrs.. Joseph N. Teal. Miss
Failing, Mrs. Henry L. Corbett. Mrs.
C. S. Jackson, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch.
Mrs. Andrew R. Porter, Mrs. C- C.
Colt, Mrs. W. C. Tunks. Mrs. David
Honeyman, Mrs. W. D. Wheelwright,
Mrs. Fred Morris, Mrs. J. D. Franklin
and Mrs. J. R. Bowles.
Another Committee Announced. .
A committee on the qjieen and at
tendants includes Mrs. David Honey
man, chairman; Mrs. Henry L. Cor
bett and Mrs. Josephine Andrews. Mrs.
Squires will be the queen and her at
tendants will be Miss Virginia Mears.
Miss Nadine Caswell. Miss Katherine
Ainsworth, Miss Elizabeth Bacon, Miss
Suzanne Caswell, Miss Elizabeth
Boschke, Miss Elizabeth Shepard of
Orange, K. J., Miss Rhoda Rumelin,
Miss Katherine Hart and Miss Louise
Linthicum. There will be two other
attendants from out of town. A beau
tiful float will be the all-important
attraction of the parade.
Mrs. Lawrence Wheeler is chairman
of the committee on banners. A
censor committee of six has been ap
pointed. Entries Censorship Strict.
The censorship of entries will be
more strict than ever. Unless a float
is properly decorated and unless all
entries can pass they will not be ad
mitted. The committee on schools is
headed by Mrs. G. J. Franke. The
committee on women's organizations
has as Its head Mrs. Edmund Giltner.
For each district there is a special
committee as follows: Nob Hill, Mrs.
William Wheelwright and Miss Jean
Mackenzie; Irvington, Mrs. William
Woodward; Westover and Cornell
road, Mrs. Norris Gregg; Willamette
Heights. Mrs. Gilbert Durham; Port
land Heights. ' Mrs. Lloyd Smith
Twenty-fifth and Lovejoy. Mrs. Julius
Ijouisson; Kings Hill and Arlington
Heights, Mrs. Edward Jorgensen;
Laurelhurst, Mrs. A. C. Holmes; East
Moreland and Reed Colloe, Mrs. H. B.
Torrey; Mount Tabor. Mrs. J. C. Elli
ott King: Milwaukie, Mrs. J. D. Kil-
prreen; Rose City Park. Mrs. Philo
Jones; Ladd's Addition. Mrs. Fuchc
Waverlcy and Carthwick, Mrs. Victor
Johnson; Oswego. Mrs. Howard Pet
tinger; Sellwood, Mrs. C. I. Sersunous:
Beaumont. Mrs. F. C. Barnes: Wood
lawn. Mrs. W. W. Williams; others to
be named later.
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Costs Motking
To Try
T$YTH EVERT CAN of Dependable goes
tKis guarantee If after using Hal tke contents
of the can you are not satisfied, tnen return the
remainder to your' grocer and he" will refund
3? our money.
We couldn't afford to make suck cut iron-dad guarantee
unless Dependable is all -9e claim it to be.
Do your shoes wear through
like this?
Xotlcc PcsigrnccI to Guard Against
Ho petition oT Copalis Diator.
. ABERDKKN. Wash.. May 5. (Spe
cial.) Load limit siprns are beinK
mado by the county engineer for every
bridge in Grays Harbor county. These
sina will tell the maximum load
-hich can be taken with safety over
each bridKO, and are Intended to pre
vent a repetition of the accident a
Copalis bridge i few weeks agro,
when the bridge collapsed under the
weifrht of a truck-load of lumber.
Some of the new sins already have
been placed.
Slprns pivlnp directions and dis
tances will also be prepared soon and
will be placed at road intersections.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
ninn, Main 7070. Automatic ER0-9r.
lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
f Land Isj Given to Government
Difficulty in Continuing Pro- .
jects Is Foreseen.
SALEM, Or.. Slay 25. (Special.)
That it is contrary to the best in-
erests of the state to increase further
the untaxed area of Oregon by cedlag
o tue federal government landB em
braced in Malheur lake to be known
as the Roosevelt bird refuge, was
voiced in a letter prepared here to
day by Percy Cupper, state engineer,
and addressed to Baar and Cunning
ham, consulting engineers of Port
Ceding ot these lands to the gov
ernment will go before the voters of
the state at the November election
and was initiated through petitions
filed with the secretary of state by
the Roosevelt Bird Refuge associa-
lon of Oregon. (
In my opinion, the passage of this
bill would place in the hands of the
federal government the absolute con- i
trol of all unappropriated waters, j
tributary to Malheur lake," said Mr. i
Cupper in his letter. "The principal
streams involved are the Blitzen and '
Silvies rivers, from which a consid
erable area has been irrigated and
along which additional irrigation de
velopment is contemplated. Eighty
thousand acres of land along Silvies
river recently have been included in
an irrigation district and it is pro
posed t construct one or more large
reservoirs on this stream for the
storage of water for irrigation pur
Certain riphts have been initiated
on both the Blitzen and Silvies rivers.
which may take precedence over the
conveyance of these lands and water
to the federal government. Should
the people enact this meaure, some
plan would doubtless be evolved to
question the validity of these filings
and thereby exclude any development
which would interfere in any way
with the bird reserve.
the opera house Thursday evening.
The class this year will get out "Ka
waco," the high school annual, dis
continued Turing the war. Miss Flora
Dessenberger, youngest member of
the class,, won the honor of valedic
torian and Miss Matilda Smith, salu
tatorian. Flora Dessenberger, Ma
tilda Smith, Bessie Buffon, Anna
Gloor. :. Saima Toivonen, Aino Toivo
nen and Ralph Harpole comprise the
Vaudeville Houses or City Will
Furnish Programme.
Headline acts frcm the vaudeville
houses of the city, with Henri Scott,
the famed baritone, and the Al Kader
chanters us special features. Will
comprise the Shrire benefit show at
the Heilis theater tonight. The en
tertainment is being staged by the
theatrical managers of Portland to
raise funds for the Mystic Shrine en
tertainment fund.
Decorators will put the finishing
touches on their work in the theater
tonight. The Heilig will be resplen
dent in Shrine colors and emblems.
together with special electrical set
tings installed for the benefit revue.
The Al Kader chanters, under the
leadership of A. E. Davidson, will sing
the 1920 official Shrine song, written
and dedicated to the Mystic Shrine by
Henry Murtagh.
Law Professor Nominated
for Constable.
Sam BaM Warner ef Univeritlty
. of . Ore-icon Appears on Demo
cratic Ticket.
Frank Wilcox received their high I
school diplomas. Both young men are I
planning to enter the University oft
Oregon next fall.
May 25. (Special.) When Sam
Bass Warner, professor of law in the
University of Oregon, gets down to
the fag end of the election returnB in
his morning paper, he's due for one of
the surprises of his career.
Professor Warner was not an active
candidate for the office of constable.
In fact, by no word or aot did he allow
anybody to get the idea that he might
be prevailed upon to make the race.
And yet Sam Bass Warner appar
ently has been nominated for con
stable on the democratic ticket. Here,
according: to some of Professor War
ner's many friends among the law
students, is a clear case of the office
or, rather, the nomination seeking
the man. It did not require a large
number of votes to land that particu
lar nomination, and law students are
suspected of haVing led a movement
to give their professor a Btart in pub
lic life. The official count is expected
to prove Warner the winner.
Just to show that this was not a
partisan matter, some of Mr. Warner's
friends voted for him on the republi
can ticket also. He did not. however,
succeed in annexing that nomination,
which probably gives him a chance
to wriggle out of serving. Mr. War
ner is a graduate of Harvard and of
the Harvard law school, leaving no
doubt, the students say, of his quali
f icatlons.
Head Loader Killed.
ABERDEEN, Wash May 25
(Special.)' S. A. Palmes, head loader
at Schafer's camp No. 6, near Mon
tesano, did Saturday from injuries
received when a lead line broke and
struck him on the head. Death-took
place but a few minutee after the
accident. Mr. Palme? was unmarried,
but has relatives at Mud Bay.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-85.
. Two Graduates Get- Diplomas.
GRASS VALLEY, Or., May 25.
(Special.) Commencement exercises
were held last Friday evening in the
new high school auditorium. The
Grass Valley orchestra funilshea
snecial music. Dr. U. Dubach from i
j Oregon Agricultural college gave t' '-'
1 address. Clarence Anderson and t
Atiyeh Bros:
Oriental Rugs
The great variety and as
sortment evident here in
our displays of rare
especially notable in de
' sign, make and color com
' bination sufficient to
satisfy perfect taste for
any decorative purpose ;
light, medium or dark col
orings in small, medium or
lai-ge designs in every size.
You will enjoy seeing
Atiyeh Bros,
If so, you probably hare a callous on
the sole of your foot directly above
the worn spot on the sole of your
This spot wears through because
one or more of the bones in the ball
of your foot is out of normal posi
tion and lower than those on either
side of it.
The abnormal pressure on Ifbis spot
besides making the shoe wear out
quickly, may cause Morton's toe or
other pain at that point. Frequently
a callous forms on the foot. In time
the callous becomes very sensitive.
The distortion may cause pain in the
toes, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, hip,
back, and sometimes in the back of
the neck. "
You can avoid tills by wearing Wiz
ard Lightfoot Adjustable Arch
Builders and Callous Relievers in
your shoes. .
Beneath - these all - leather Arch
Builders and Callous Relievers are
overlapping pockets, so located that
inserts of any desired thickness can
be placed in exactly the right spot
to support the dislocated bones in
normal position. Adjustments are
simply made by shifting inserts or
changing their thickness.
Being all leather, Wizard Lightfoot
Adjustable Arch Builders and Cat
ions Relievers are light, flexible and
are worn m. the shoe without one
being conscious of thctn.
Wizard Ijghtfoot Arch Builders and
Callous Relievers are sold by leading
dealers everywhere. Usually where
they are sold there is an expert who
has made a study of fitting them.
If there" is no such dealer near you.
write the Wizard Lightfoot Appli
ance Company, 1627 Locust Street.
St. Louis, Mo, or 926 Marbtidge
Bldg., New York City. Ask for
"Orthopraxy of the Foot" a simple
treatise on foot troubles. No charge.
ZS3Xi telW ti
10th and Alder
Clothing Salesman Arrested at
Apartment of Two Girls.
George Shinkers. clothing salesman,
was fined $100 and sentenced to 7
days in jail yesterday in municipal
court on a charge of drunk and dis
orderly conduct following: an escapade
which resulted In his arrest early
yesterday morning at 69 north Twen
tieth street.
A quantity of moonshine and two
pretty girls. Misses Grace and May
Jones, are said to have formed two
of the attractions at the party at the
girls apartment
Iuring the excitement, Shinkers
locked one of the girls out in the hall
with the result that she had to climb
back through the transom, according
to the police. The police were finally
Grace Jones also was arrested for
drunkenness. She Was released by
the judge. She is a waitress 34
years old.
Shinkers is 44 years old.
Don't ask for
Crackers say
Snow Flakes
iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
With your fingers! Ton can lift oft
njr hart! corn, soft corn, or corn be
tween the toes, and the hard skin
calluses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle ot "Freeaone" costs
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callus. In
stantly it stops hurting, then shortly
you lift that bothersome corn or cal
lus richt off. root and all. without
one bit ot pain or soreness. Truly!
K o- bump us 1 AdT.
Deputy Attorney Thinks Victim
"Crooks" Is Boob."
Oscar Turner, negro, who Is charred
with- larceny in connection with the
disappearance of a wallet containing
J1J0 and a watch belonging to John
Peterson, lumber piltr of Mill City,
will be riven a hearing in the munici
pal court today.
Judge Rossman yesterday released
Mrs. Minnie Clifton and Mrs. Laura
Si sco who helped Peterson at 605
Pettygrove street last Friday at the
time the money and watch are said
to have disappeared. Turner is said to
have taken Peterson to the address.
In asking that the women be re
leased yesterday Deputy District At
torney Deich expressed the belief that
Peterson was aa much a "boob" as
they were "crooks.
Kalama High Graduates 7.
KALAMA, 'Wash., May 23. (Spe
cial.) Rev. Dr. Brooks of the Metho
dist church of this city delivered the
baccalaureate sermon to the 1920
class ot the Kalama high scnnol. com
mencem.' exercises will be held la
fllSJlill l SOLES?
J 1 i f f if I 111 Vf jl
Are They Worn at the
tTca fmii iswi
Gfaaver Wafers
A Sparkle
of Salt
If so, the trouble originates with either the fitting of the "shoe"
as to style or size or the direct result of some form of foot
trouble, or both.
If your shoes look like above illustrations, come in and have
our Foot Specialist examine your shoes and feet; he will tell you
what causes your troubles and a way for relief with Wizard Foot
Appliances and ,
Titiw Uacait
Coco ut Waf era
Owtwe Hawass si
a fresh-from-tbe-oven crispness that is
daintiness itself Snow Flakes make the
Eimpiest foods taste better.
Tbear-ffcwor is deKoous!
A Corrective Shoe that we stock in several lasts, high and low.
Sole Agency
Morrison, Near Broadway