77 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2G, 1920 7, y CORPORATION CHIEF Fate of H. J. Schulderman Is Cause of Speculation. ANTAGONISM IS ALLEGED Statements Said to Hare Been Used in Advertisements Expected to Bring HHsniissal. SALEM. Or., May 23. (Special.) Considerable specflation was rife about the capitol here today as to whether Henry J. Schulderman, state corporation commissioner, will be al lowed to serve out his present term of office, which will expire January 1, 1P21, or will be asked to resign by Governor Olcott because of un favorable insinuations alleged to have been made aah.Ht ths executive in political advertisements sponsored by the former official during his re cent campaign Xor secretary of state. Mr. Schulderman, according to local politicians, was active in the cam paign preceding Governor Withy combe's first election as governor, and was appointed state corporation com missioner by the latter official on May 1. 191 Z. lie was reappointed corporation commissioner jy Gover nor Withy combe on December 30, 3 916, and is now serving this commis sion. DtamisMal Neier Intimated. Turing the last primary election preceding Governor Withycombe's death Mr. Schulderman Is said to have made a strenuous drive on Mr. Olcott, who at that time was the most for midable candidate in the field against the late executive. This action on the part of Mr. Schulderman is said to have displeased Governor Olcott. al though no definite intimation was ever given that he would be summar ily dismissed from office. The sore which festered during the primary fight between Mr. Withy combe and Mr. Olcott as far as it involved Mr. Schulderman. is said to have been aggravated by advertise ments published by the latter during the campaign preceding last Friday's contest. In these advertisements Mr. Schulderman is alleged to have re ferred indirectly to Sam A. Kozer. successful candidate for secretary of state, as a "rubber stamp," "office boy" and "me-too" aspirant. Friends of the governor declare that these ad vertisements were published with a view of spreading the impression that Mr. Kozer, if nominated and elected, would play the Olcott political game and would be available to support the executive in all matters of political advantage. Ousting In Predicted. These men declare that Governor Olcott has repeatedly said that Mr. scnulderman is serving as corpora tion commissioner more "out of courtesy" than because he has any claim on the position and they are outspoken in their belief that the commissioner will be relieved of his duties before his present term of office expires. Governor Olcott had hardly entered upon the duties of his office last March when applicants for the posi tion started to make themselves known. Among these applicants, it is said, was D. C. Lewis, member of the lower house of the last legisla ture, and defeated in last -Friday's primary election for state senator from Multnomah county. Since then there have been other candidates for the office, one of which reached the executive not more than a week ago. Lewis Appointment Unlikely It is a foregone conclusion ac cording to Governor Olcott'a friends, that Mr. Lewis will not receive the appointment, and that it will go to some man who, in the executive's opinion, has the necessary qualifica tions and would be loyal to the pres ent administration. Governor Olcott was out of the city today and it could not be learned definitely whether Mr. Schulderman will be asked to resign or will be allowed to serve out his term. In either event, he will not be an oc cupant of the corporation department after next January according to the governor's friends. SELLING By MB PLANNED CORVALLIS REAL ESTATE MAX .NEGOTIATES FOR PLA.NE. Vendor of Benton County Dirt Says Scheme Is Feasible, After Tak ing Trip Into Cloudland. Selling, a ten-acre potato patch or a 200-acre prune orchard or a choice bit of grain acreage from a soaring airplane is a new wrinkle .in the art of real estate salesmanship, but to Walter Kvans. a real estate dealer of Corvallis, it looks better than a 10 per cent deposit on the sale of the universe. This vender of Benton county dirt is now negotiating: for the purchase of a plant: which he proposes to use almost exclusively in the sale of Ben ton county land. Several voyages into cloudland which he took last week when two planes operated by the Oregon-Washington-Idaho Air plane company were at Corvallis convinced him that the selling of real estate bv airplane is feasible. O. F. Emery returned yesterday from Corvallis and brought news of the contemplated purchase of a plane by the Corvallis dealer. As a .result of an air junket made by pilots and officials of a local air plane company to Eugene and Cor vallis great interest in aviation was aroused throughout the valley, Mr. Emery reported on his return to Portland. the time to take advan tage is now tow. ' stock up with needed things THE FACTS ARE THESE 1 For a limited time and until further notice, we offer everything we carry except clothes made to order, at 20 per cent reduction from the original prices marked on them. 2 The statement that there is 20 per cent deduction from the prices already marked on the mer . chandise means an actual taking off of one-fifth of the actual prices. There have been no changes made in the price tags. 3 This Sale is straight-forward, fair, and above-board in every particular. We never have in our history marked up goods in order to mark them down again and we never will. 4 We are not cleaning out, nor getting rid of stock. Our goods are the new and fine they are the best to be had in the world. '5 In this great movement, undertaken solely from a conscientious sense of duty, that we ought ' to try to do something to "help reduce high prices, we feel that we have a right to expect the co-operation of the public in this enterprise. 6 The time to take advantage is now stock up for your future needs. 1 How long we can keep this up cannot yet be told. . All goods priced in plain figures without alteration, so you can see for yourself the actual saving --tpi nuitahle for afreet wear, motorlnc; nod travel!!- for men and women. Thee Coati are made in London.) Cennine Kirxptlan London-made Cantelabair lolo Coat for men and women. Men' Two-Pleef I.ondon-made Snorts Suits ii it a hi r for grolf aid country wear. Honed Knit Sport Coat suitable for pro If and motorinitr. Rubber olf O'oata nd Raincoats. Shirt made to your measure from Imported Mhlrtlnsr. Kndinn Tailored Hals and Caps. fenellKh Umbrellas aad . Horse R.idinjr Crops and Walking; Sticks. Horse Rldlna TearicinBrs. Knajinh Hand-Loom Silk Ties. Kvcninar Dress Ties, limine Jacket Ties. Leather Helta. Various Leather Productions. Leather Handbags sod Traveling; Basa. Llama Wool Sweaters. Shetland Sport Waistcoat. Silk Scarfs 4 made In Switzerland . Wool Motor Wraps (made In Scotland). Hiding; lireccbcs. Soft Collars, made of French Pique, exclusive Models. Stewart (iolf Clubs. Herd dfc Yeoman (olf Clnbs. Burke f.olf Clubs. Golf Balls. MEN'S CLOTHES MADE TO OH UK It. K. S. ERVIN & CO., Ltd. Kstallshed lOOI. Second Floor Selling; Building;. Sixth and Aider Streets. P. L. NEIL IS APPOINTED Idaho Man Named on Cabinet of Governor Davis. BOISE. Idaho, May 25. (Special.) P. Li. Neil, former postoffice inspec tor, has been appointed by Governor Davis to membership in his cabinet as successor to the late J. K. White and will hereafter hold the portfolio of state commissioner of public wel fare. He took up his new duties today. "There will be no changes in the department, as it is now operated by the force that managed its affairs under Mr. White." said Commissioner Neil. "I will pick ti,the work where Mr. White laid it down and proceed to carry it on as he would have done." DELEGATES LEAVE ALTERNATES LIKELY TO SUC CEED PRINCIPALS. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-9J. Oregon Party to Be Quartered at Sherman House Special Car May Be Taken. Delegates to tha republican nation al convention will leave for Chicago in a few days. The convention will open June. 8 and there is a desire to be on the scene a day or two be fore the opening. Delegates will not worry about finding accommodations, as National Committeeman Williams has made reservations for ten at the Sherman House, which will be the headquarters of the Oregon delega tion and of other delegations from the west. D.ow V. Walker, who managed the Wood campaign in Oregon and who. Hit an instructed delegate, will vote for Johnson, will leave for Chicago Sunday night. Sanfield MacDonald, the Johnson manager, hasn't decided on a date for departure. He says that there is a desire on the part of a number of delegates and others who want to attend, the convention to get a special car and make the trip together. So far as known, all of the delegates elected intend mak ing the journey and have no inten tion of passing up the opportunity to some alternate. Under the Oregon law no provision is made for alter nates, but if the four candidates for delegate-at-large who ran next to the winners, and the two highest next to the delegates for the dis tricts, wish to go. to Chicago, Com mitteeman Williams will have them recognized and seated as alternates. An alternate has all the privileges of a delegate except voting. On the incomplete vote the men who can serve as alternates-at-large are Rand, Harrison, Boyd and Butler, with Booth and Adams in the first district; Cooper and Curl in the sec ond and Kellaher and Dunne for the third district. EXILE OF ALIENS SOUGHT BUI Aimed at Foreigner Import ing Narcotics. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, May 25. In accordance with the suggestion made by the re cent federal grand Jury at Seattle, of which K. Shorrock was foreman. Rep resentative Miller of Washington to day introduced a till providing that eny alien convicted in the federal court of bringing opium or other nar cotics into the country shall on the expiration of his prison sentence be deported. The postoffice department has re newed for ten years its lease on quar ters occupied by station A of the Spo kane postoffice at 1S16 North Monroe street, owned by the H. J. Mattes Lumber company. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070. Automatic 5S0-S5. American President Wanted. ' MANILA, P. I., May 23. Only an American will be considered for per manent president of the University of the Philippines, which position now is vacant, according to an an nouncement here today. Alexandro Hart Schaffner tMarx Clothes TlieMen WJio Come Back THIS isn't the name of a play; it is what we base our business on. Our ambition is to give you such good values every time you buy here you'll "come back for more." That's why we sell such good clothes; that's why Hart Schaffner & Marx make such good clothes. It means more business for us; it means greater economy for you. You'll see the economy in the service they give. If you don't you get your money back )9 Sam,l Rosenblatt & Co. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Fifth at Alder Gasco Building Albert, a Filipino, has' been appointed acting president pending the appoint ment of an American. "'Fighting Chaplain" Dead. AKRON. O., May 25. Rev. James M. Hanley. "tho fighting: chaplain of the 69th," died hern today of pneumonia. The Hudson Bay Fur Company Announces A AI FUR Al H Commencing today we offer, without a single reservation, our entire stock of manufactured Furs at a reduction of to SOI As the largest exclusive manufacturing Furriers of this city we feel that we should be the first to offer the public relief from the prevailing prices of Furs. We advise early selection Note These Unusual Values CO A TS $150.00 Taupe Coney Coats". $ 75.00 $150.00 Natural Marmot Coats '. . . .$ 75.00 $225.00 Kolinsky Marmot Coats $137.50 $175.00 Natural Lynx Cat Coats $ 87.50 $475.00 Hudson Seal and Squirrel Coats . $337.50 CAPES $120.00 Natural Nutria Cape. ..$ 60.00 $120.00 Sealine and Ermine Cape $ 90.00 $350.00 Skunk Cape $225.00 $225.00 Skunk Cape $149.50 $650.00 Kolinsky Cape $485.00 $500.00 Mole and Ermine Cape. .$315.00 SCARFS $ 55.00 Red Fox $ 25.00 $ 45.00 Brown Wolf $ 22.50 $ 50.00 Black Wolf $ 29.50 $ 60.00 Black Fox .$ 45.00 $140.00 Taupe Fox $100.00 $290.00 Genuine Silver Fox. . $195.00 $25.00 $35.00 $40.00 $75.00 $37.50 $55.00 CHOKERS Natural Squirrel. German Fitch Russian Fitch Natural Stone Marten. Natural Mink Kolinsky $575.00 Hudson Seal and Skunk Coats. . .$387.50 A deposit holds any article offered in this sale. Garments purchased at this sale stored in our vaults without charge .$17.50 .$17.50 .$30.00 .$60.00 .$25.00 ,.$35.00 Hudson Bary Fur; Co Leading Exclusive Furriers 147 Broadway