TITE 3IORXrNG OKEGOMAX, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920 HELP WAITED MALE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION. WANTED. 71m. II road laborers for ALASKA. Tor U. S. GOVERNMENT RAILROAD under construction from Seward to Fair banks. Alaska. , EXTRA GANG and SECTION MEN lor MAINTENANCE OF WAV. Wages $5 per day; board $1.50 day. Skilled men will be given opportuni ties in their lino ot work whenever pos sible. STATION MEN, ATTENTION. Station work in the Broad Paw will be ready to let in the near future. Alen accepting laborers 'Jobs at this time will have opportunity to secure sta tion work later. For sailing dates and further Informa tion apply to Public Employment bu reau, 311 Pine st., or ALASKAN ENGIN" RING COMMISSION, Koom 301 New Postofflce Bldg-, Portland, Oregon. AUTO MECHANICS. Wanted, fir?t -class a! I -around auto mobile mechanic; good pay, most mod ern and best shop in the city to work in. steady employment to men that can snake ood. See Earl Smith, superintendent of service. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE R CO.. .East First and East Morrison Sts. Phones; East 7272. Auto. 212-16. $30O TO $500 A MONTH I Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may join the la igh -salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer In g courses of f ei ed by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WlTH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER fcCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay us a i cent until you are convinced that well deliver the soods. That's fair, isn't It? Write tor our $1 S-page catalogue. . It's free. Ask for Book No. 5. t OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO t OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. AD COX. AUTO AND GAS KNGINB SCHOOL. tJKION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. 18,287 YOUNG MEN have, In the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through, the Portland ; y. M. C. A. advisory and employment icpt. This Is not an 'agency,' and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally tur to the 'Y for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at ? resent Is far greater than the supply, ou never had such an opportunity to . itet a better position If you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ Wcnt service for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job, or seeking a fcareer? Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal Interest in you? The T. M C A. advisory and era- Fdoyment dept. can assist you in choos ng, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the sceretaria. Room 807. ARE you mechanically inclined? If so. you can earn $100 to SSOO a month in the auto and tractor business We can teach you In a short time. Practical work on up-to-date equipment, expert instructors. ideal working conditions; southern California, especially Los An geles, offers exceptional opportunities; you can cam board and room while at tending school. Write today for tree catalogue. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 818 South Figueroa, Los An geles. Cal. WANTED Drug clerk to manage; June 1 or sooner; permanent position; good hours. Store closes at 7:30 P. M. Every other Sunday off. Don't phone. Write ell particulars and state salary desired to ARTHUR THAYER. CAMAS. WASH. EXPERIENCED men's clothing salesmen; $130 per month and commission. Write box 747. giving references. FIVE MEN to work in factory in a good little tn- nnt far frnm Portland: a steady inside job for young or old. $4.30 ier dav and bonus: pleasant work ana your fare refunded. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 235 Burnside Street. WANTED Delivery man for country ctnro - nnnilH itMTfl V 1th Cetteral niCT ehandis-o business: middle-aged, married - -, - nrnforrful - must ht TCCOm mended; moderate wages, but steady job lor the right man; Chevrolet delivery car. O. F. Cady, Fairview. Or. w a YTPn r VARI.K MKX. With selling ability to represent C. J. Pamhrt jtr Co. in rural districts of Oregon and Washington. This offers an excel- in nnnnn unit v tn t he rich! in an. Ask for Mr. Ford. 70S Wilcox bldg. Main S10C. WAVTrn ti-:opt,K OK ALL TYPES ' VOU MOVING VK'Tl'r.K WORK AND SKVFHAI. HATill NG GIRLS. SEVERA1 v vat YOPXi; MEN CALL BETWEEN T 2 AND 6 O'CLOCK. 021 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RLDG. WANTED Young man as helper in cream ery, some experience required; good op- nnrinnit v to learn the creamery bust ness. Call at 240 Ash st. Address Newberg Creamery Co., Newnerg. Or. U' vt truck driver for 2-ton White. ' References will be required sa to char acter and ability to dnvo ana care tor truck. Railway Equipment Co.. Second and stark sts. WANTED A janitor, single man; good j.osltioa to the rignt man; room mr nisbed. Corner of King and Davis fits. 505 Davis-st. apts. VANT parties with dining room or res taurant experience for going f-umnier re sort; good proposition to live oucs. John " son. 243 Stark st. Main 5420. 3XU:NG MAN, about IS years old. to take ehargo of carriers and to collect; part of oaf only. J-auy ivvcgro Aosirttti, 2 Fixt st- W ANTlQJO -JJrr sser on Hoffman ; must be able bushel; steady work, wages $40 per week; eastern Oregon, AB 470, Orc- Conn WANTKD By wholesale grocery firm, as ilstam sale manager; must be experf eneea; no others need apply; good sal ary. BD 452. Oregonian. MARnWARK uackers. steady cmploymen the year around; inut have references, Apply Mr. Camp, .Marshall- ells La 15th and Lovejoy. TiiiY rtf 16 for stockroom, salary $ 1 week. Ahlberg Bearing Co., 400 Burn side st. WANTED Order clerk for wholesale drug house ; Know leage oi urug us mess es sential. Answer Art 4M. oregonian. "WWTKll First-class cutter; good salt steady position. Apply at once. Nicoll, the Tailor. 1QH 3d yt. WANTED W ashman ; mut be able fire boiler and make repairs. BJ 403, Oregon tan. paokkr wanted, wholesale millinery. An ply Lowengart & Co., Broadway and Burneide. FI RST-CLASS barber for a good country twa. Aawty o tsnen-noiu uaroers up ply Co., .ii asnmgton si. COM M ERCI AL bookkeeper. $160: lumhc bookkeeper, $1 50 ; book keeper, $125. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED wages ; 20th st. Boy must to do housework : coo have references. N tc ANTED Experienced power maehin. operator for hemstitching and scallop ing. O PiU, urcfiwi lain. WANTED Young man attending choo who desires employment anernoons an Saturday. P tv. oregonian. PAINTER Want a good painter to Pain safes: must be good striper. Call Norri Sale & Lock Co.. 10o 2d st. Alain L't45. WANTED Students to fill a c:ass in vu canizing and retreading, by a new method. 433 StarK st. jAMTOii Competent inan and wife for apt. house; no cuji-tuou io coior. Jiain LEARN tlio uIeanUmj business, write 1"8 E. Broadway. ilOT OR GIRL for apprentice Bat tea & Co.. printers. BARBER wanted, guarantee $25 $30. 53 Union avc. N. WANTED Two or more wood cutters close to town. roone xaoor imp. EXPEKIKNCKD bill clerk wanted. See Mr. Long. Jones- aiarKet. in and Aider. WANTED A janitor; living quarters fur nished and salary. uit.nancocM. at. HELP WANTED MALIC. WANTED. A man for steady employment to milk and care for herd of dairy cows on best equipped and up-to-date dairy In' Wil lamette valley, mechanical milkers used man of experience with cows and milk ers preferred; house and board furnished if desired Write or phone 258. CLOVER LEAF DAIRY, Taylor Bros., Proprietors. Coi-vaHis, Oregon. Box 62. EXPERIENCED salesmen for SILKS. LINENS, DRESS GOODS. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. Lipnian, v'ulfe & Co. WANTED An experienced mixer and grinder for paint manufacturing plant, one who understands paint production ana can take charge of department. CALIFORNIA PAINT CO.. 12TH. AND PINE STREETS, OAKLAND, CAL. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Aatombilea, tractors, vulcanizing. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tractor tusiness men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send It or call at office, 410, Oregon Institute of Technology, Y. AL O. A. building. 225 PER MONTH THE YEAR AROUND aeragea ty a number of our salesmen, young, middle-aged and elderly. Busi- ntjs neer better. Experience unneces sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You can do what other inexDerienced men have done. WashlnPtnn Vnt-sar.u- Toppenish, Wash. HE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. v,lv i- ui iiunu u. a. oovemment. Can furnish help, male or female, free of charge to either party. Men's div.. Flat Iron bldg.. 311 Pine street, phone Bdwy. 4376; women's div., 202 Artisan bldg.. Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4.60. WANTED Several young men. 18 to 25. with high school education, to work in stock rooms, exceptionally good chances to learn a wholesale hardware business. Don't apply unless you want steady work and. an opportunity for advancement. Apply Mr. Camp, Marshall-Wells Co., loth and Love joy. MOVING PICTURE ACTORS. Wanted Men and women, all tvpes, by a company now producing pictures; experience preferred but not necessary. Apply 10 to 12 A. M. and 7 to 0 P. M P. M. BLACKSTONE PLAYERS, 1029 Chamber of Commerce. A"VTED Carpenter tb manufacture at his home or shop, at odd times during next two months, from material that will be furnished. 30 double school desks of special but simple design, and all Plain work. AR yi. Oregonian. ANT ED Day clerk, out-of-town hotel, not far from Portland; must have pome previous experience and be otherwise qualified : references required; wages JOo to $73, board and room. AV 840, Oregonian. WANTED A good, hustling salesman with expeuence; local references. Call 8 to U A. M. only. Mr. Coover COOVER HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing Building. WANTED Good boy, about 19 yrs. of ace. Jiving at home and on east side. Prefer one who has studied bookkeeping; state salary wanted in letter. Y 03y. Orego nian. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANTED AT ONCE, experienced man marker and sorter to take charge of de partment: must be steady nri mnahu Wire reply stating salary expected. Troy Laundry Co.. Boise. Idaho. "Avi!. opening lor high-class acreage man. also Al house talesman WpII established firm. See secretary, Port- i.iii n ei tj oaru, uregon biag, WANTED Bookkeeper for out-of-town garage, one witli knowledge of stenog raphy preferred. Inquire for Mr. De in. ttcnson notei, touay. UUD proportion for man and wife, for man working out; fre rent and also money can lie made by wife if willing m w ui iv. i uii uire -' jiorrison St. OLNO MAN, 18 to 20 yrs. of age. living at home preferred ; steady employment and advancement. Apply to Mr. Peake. 428 Alder st. EXPEIil ENCED stove man, able to con nect all kinds of stoves and ranges. Apply at Gadsby'a shipping dept., 1st and Wash. sts. WANTED Conductors and motormen. agres between 23 and 35. Apply room 001. Electric bldg., between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. WANTED Partner in auto painting busi ness, wen e.siaousnea ; oniy $iuu lor nali interest. Call at shop at 3 Grand ave., cor. An ken y. ANOTHER- log job, good roads, short haul; can make $75 per dav; good con tract and accommodations. Service Truck Co., 227 Salmon st. Main 8154. GOOD reliable florist who thoroughly un- oersttanus me cultivation or i lower?, plants and shrubbery. Apply Oaks Amut-cmcnt Park, D. R. Ladd. WANTED at once, experienced togging bookkeeper. Address in handwriting, giving- age, experience and reference. W 1 13. Uregonian. WANTED Experienced hardware and paint salesman tor retail trade. Must be thoroughly experienced. Simons fetore. d and Alder. WANTED MECHANIC. Painter, journeyman plumber and ln- siae wircmau, out-oi-tonn work; scale. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. WANTED Japanese boy between 18 and 0 lor disnwasncr in small lunchroom; night work. 20 N. 23d st. NIGHT watchman, a good walker and can ride a bicycle; give a;sv ana weight; ref erenefs required. C oU0, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced automobile tire salesman wit n car lor city work. BF 4M5, ttregonian. WANTED Laborers for work in the city, Call at toady work, pay any time. 70 Burnside. COOK wanted for short orders from 8 1 M. to 1 A. M . daily. Apply chef, Arlington club, 200 Park st. BARBER wau ted. must be good work man, $2. guaranteed. Call me or phone. rmii neuter, linaniooK, or. WANTED Good reliable boy for delivery and all round work. Good future for the right boy. UaK st. . , WANTED Experienced salesman to sell popular l-ton ; state experience and de sire to work. Y b38. Oregonian. WANTED Platen pressman at once. Co luiunhi Paper Box Co., E. -tU Holladay ave. and WANTED Cylinder press feeder at once. Columbia Paper Box Co.. E. 2oth and Holladay ave. WANTED Buss player, city band ; good jobs. write Jvunseimann. Vancouver, w asn. WANTED A barber: guarantee 23. 60 over .i,i; would consider partner. Write or wire M. wucox, Kelso, wash. SASH and door mortiser and tenoner man, also st;ckerman for city planing mill. ;-aimon st. V AN! ku c..perienceu automobile me chanic. Niels Anderson machine shop, 40 N. L'Oth st. W ANTED Steady, experienced dish washer; no Sundays. Derick's Cafe teria, 3S4 Oak st. FORD driver for wholesale fish dellverv; good wages to competent man. west ern Fish Co., l-o rirst st. WANTED Names men over 16 wishing become mail carriers or postal clerks. $ 100-5 13- month. Av i.v, Oregonian. lelp Wanted Salesmen. KOL'H salesmen. Portland and surround lng towns, sen sure snot commutator wipers to dealers only; can carry as side line. Hardware salesman can make big money: pocwet sampie ; repiy connaen tial. BC 401, Oregonian DON T miss t bis opportunity you can make big. money, souu to too per month; goods sold on a money-back guarantee; experience unnecessary, $100 to S300 for equipment. Call 033 Wash ington, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. LA RGE corporation desires services of capable man over 25. as salesman; good compensation; permanent income. 413 Northwestern mnK Plug. WANTED Energetic, well educated sales man, high-class proposition to party that can quatuy. aii at oiw oiock fcx chatig e bid g .. from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M AUTOMOBILE salesman wanted; liberal nroDusitioa to-right man; making del eries. Elliott. Overland Co., Hood River, Oregon. WANTED Sales agent for auto accessory big chance for right party. Call 2026 E. Stark or x abor t jo. w A 'TED Experienced wholesale grocer v salesman: good salary to right man. AC 475. Oregonian. - REPUTABLE tire jobber wants one sales man for city ; very attractive offer to right party. AB 4tm. oregonian. sat.fsMEN who can sell. Call 839 Cbsm fcer flf Commerce toldg., 4th and Stark, HELP WANTED MALE. Help Won tea- Salesmen. Vv AN TED Reliable salesman with auto mobile for largest eastern manufactur ing concern in its line: this connection means an Income from $4U00 to $15,000 yearly; line staple and repeater, . re- i stricted and protected territory with lib eral drawing account. Our 'field man ager, who will be here, will work with you for a time if necessary. Good ref erences required. Read carefully. Give telephone number. AN 316. Oregonian. SALESMAX WANTED. Old estableshed silkhouse has good open ing throughout U. S. (outside of N. Y.) fr experienced salesman, commission and bonus; similar side line or those who have had experience with piece goods buyers need apply. AV S47, Ore gonian. IF you are not satisfied with your out look in your present position it might be well to make a change. We have a fine opportunity for an honest, ambi tious man between the ages of 25 and 45 years to fill a position of trust. Large earnings and rapid promotion. Appiy to H. B. Fox, 1100 Spalding bldg., be tween 2 and 4 P. AI A LARGE eastern company desires the services of three honest, ambitious sales men to represent them In Portland and Oregon. This is a real opportunity and even if employed it would pay you to investigate this: large earnings and a real opportunity for advancement. Ap ply from 2 to, 4 P. M.. 1109 tipalding bldg. WANTED Salesman that has confidence enough in bis ability to work on com mission; must have good appearance and be able to close sales for electrical household appliances; leads farnished by us. Address, stating age. experience. etc.. AH 488. Oregonian. SALESMAN with conveyance who has had experience selling to farmers; must bs able to leave city; salary and expenses. Call 603. Oregonian bldg. SALESMEN with or without car. coun try or city; side line or full (time. 773 Union ave. WANTED AGENTS. AG, E NTS at once, selling 50c per month hospital tickets. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for all de partments. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. LIPA1AN. WOLFE & CO. WANTED. YOUNG WOMEN BET. 18 AND 25,' WITH TYPEWRITER EXPERI ENCE PREFERRED. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH" CO., FIFTH FLOOR WORCESTER BLDG. TH1KD AND OAK STS. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO PUT CUFFS UN SHIRTS. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. AIT. HOOD FACTORY, 233 COUCH ST. THE OLDS, WORTMAN &K1NG STORE imuj' i ue services or .experienced baieswomen ror corsets and laces. Ap ply Superintendent's office 0:15 to 10:30 LIKE insurance company wants lady ste M"cr, permanent position, reason able hours; no fancy salary, but chance for advancement; must have equivalent to high-school education, long experience ti "ecG8Pary- Ask for Air. Day, 010 MAIDS WANTED Tor Seabeach hotel. Seaside, Or. Apply vv l ti.u Girls between the ages of 18 and 21 to enter training school for umaea. ror particulars address Matron oqmam Geueral Hospital, lloquiam. CAN use- two brichr lnriu in .n.nKinn tion office and sales work; teaching or office experience would help; no can vassing ; high grad c. BC 303, Orego- WANTED Girl or woman, pi. n cook, 11 gilt nOUSCHeeDlnff- tlir ir family good wages. 5V2 Chapman street, corner wa.mcu loung woman for very light nouseworK, no washing; two in family; will not object to one with infant or c.an liii.u, jr ivMj, oregonian. WANTED Capable salesladies"! i.lra n and renumerative work, $ to $10 dav w ,o prom , pay every any. Investi gate. 73 Union ave. a iut.L i-AUi lor clerical work. State age. education, experience and salary ' .iufc. ai nome. tsis ; Oregonian. jj l to cut and sew feathers n oe nandy with needle: steady work curier also wanted. Hartness Plume in I n. ana j amniii. WANTED Good, neat housekeeper f amaii country town '4 miles out; smal family; will be used white; light work n - " mo.; .i waitresses, Sl-.o0; good side money; l wai tresses, piw iiiu., BHiiresFPs, si. i week. LEWES EM PLO Y M E N T. All LH NbKY makers, irimnm . t. laaies wanted for out-of-town nosition Apply Lowengart & Co., Broadway and COMPETENT GIRL for housework, small ianiny. call 10 to 12, 2 to 4 today 35 Overton. WAXTKIV-An elderly ladv to care for 2 children in my home for a week or two Phone W. 456S. EXPERIENCED stenographer, dictaphone 1 ' 1 ru. --1 cnamoer or commerce bldg. SALESLADY for soliciting vacuum leaner anu Hasnmg macninen; must have sell ing ability. Call 133 Tenth st. LADY house-to-house solicitors; pleasant wora, virgin territory'; real seller. BJ 4H. Oregonian. MARVIS GOSUELL Get cither gen. del. pofUoffice. tali or phone Navare hotel Alder st. J. H. R. WANTED Dressmaker to take over shop; good location, plenty of work. 730 ',3 Mississippi ave., today. GIRI-S wanted, experienced or Inexperi enced. Independent Cracker Co., 430 E. Davis. EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator, pre fer lumber experience; also invoice clerk. Apply 027 Northwestern Bank bidg. WANTED Stenographer with perience, steady position, 9 1 o East 401. WANTED Girl or young woman to help prepare noon lunch in cafeteria. Call Main 2451. WANTED Girl to help, with general housework. Cal 1 at 1 1 13 E. Couch St.. Laurelhurst. Tabor 1478. WANTED Private secretary for whole sale grocery house ; excellent salary. Call Bdwy. 5044 WANTED 2 shirt girls, one hand ironer; steady work, good pay. Apply Oregon Laundry. ' TELEPHONE operator for large commer cial house; name salary expected, refer ences, phone number. T 28, Oregonian. BILLING operator for Rem. Wahl ma chine; give reierences. salary ana phone number. B 625, Oregonian WANTED Girl about 18 for light duties in fuel office; salary $40 per month. 414 Gllsan st. GIRLS wanted to work in paper box fac tory. Apply r. c. totettier Co., east end steel bridge. EXPERIENCED hemstitching operator, $18 to start. 350 Alorrison St., sec ond floor. DIM NO - ROO M girl. Woodlawn 2013. 1751 . Derby st.. WANTED School girl to take care of baby; good home and wages. 540 3d. WOMAN-to work in smail hotef Pho Woodlawn 4057. BOOKKEEPER wanted at Liberty Laun dry. Phone East 107. WANTED Experienced waitress. 114 N 3d st. WOMAN dishwasher, 13 N. Second st. $70 and board. Call EXPERIENCED marker and sorter. Ap piy 180 Grand ave. U. S. Laundry. STENOGRAPHER wanted In loan office. See Atr. Spalding. S2tf N. W. Bank Bldg. CHAMBERMAID. Alder sts. St. Paul hotel, 4th and WANTED Waitress . E. Morrison. for restaurant. 286 WANT first-class counter waitress. Wood's Lunch, 0th and Stark. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and t y pi st. Apply 130 First st. Main 1382. WANTED room 9. -A platen press feeder. L"U iak st. Apply WOMAN wanted to do light housework, S.iri. Knickerbocker apt?. GIRD wanted to wait on table In confec tionery store. 341 Washington at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY T A salary that is paid while you learn the business that Increases frequently as you gain experience? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE -OPE RATING EMPLOYES EARN ? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell yon the facts and wilt also explain the many other ad van tages of telephone operating Xor young: women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 601, 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak &is. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANT WANTED Waitresses and bus girls. Ow- k to tne approacning conventions ma touriKt business we will need many ad ditional girls. The positions will be per manent in most cases. Teachers and students wilt find the work pleasant and profitable during their vacation oeriou. Experience not necessary. Work eight hours per day. six davs per week, and as late as 12 P. M. Salary for w'aitresses. $0 per month and board first month, and $70 per month and fcoard second month and thereafter. Salary for bus girls. $65 per month and board. Apply any day fexcept Sunday) at the oTfice of THE BROADWAY HAZEL WOOD. 127 Broadway. Out-of-town applicants send applica tions by mail. EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR OPERAT ORS. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU B E FORE 10 :30. t IP MAN, WOLFE &. CO. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires tne services ot experienced saleswomen for laco and corsets. Apply superintendent's oilice, 9:15 to 10:30 AM. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Stale ex perience ana salary expected in first letter. Give references as to previous employment. AN 4b5,s Oregonian. WANTED One neat-appearing girl over 18 ioi- cau-jy saies gin. work six aays per week and as late as 12 P. M. Salary 65 per month and board first month and $75 per mouth and board second month an.i xnereatter. Appiy to neaa candy girl, Broadway Hazelwood. 1J7 Broad way, between 0 A. M. and 3 P. M. HOUSE KEEPER wat.ted. Reliable, expe rienced woman, ecod main cook, oref- erably 40 to 00 5 ears old, to take entire cnargc or coiiilorta ble modern home. Good waes. Apply In person to E. A. M'NDY, Care Winthrop-Hammond Co., 127 Sixth St. moving picture actresses. Wanted Ladles' and gentlemen, all types, by 'a company now producing pic tures; experience preferred but not necessary. Apply 10 to 12 A. M. and 7 to 9 P. M.. BLACKSTONE PLAYERS, cnamoer or commerce. STENOGRAPHERS AND BEGINNERS. Vacancies law, lum ber, auto, miscel laneous; register quickly; no charge for pus 1 lion. DOANE TYPEWRITER SERVICE. 203 Oak Street. LEARN COMPTOMETER. Girls under 25 years become profes sional comptometer operators and earn from 15 to $30 per week. Call or writ for details, 313 Morgan bldgJ vuminvnifier ocnoou m iss J? ranK. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in taking . charge of office. tl3; lumber stenogra pher. S130; two stenographers, bank; two comptometer, bank; beginner In stenog raphy. $75: stenographer and dictaphone operator, $00. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED PEOPLE OF ALL TYPES FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK AND SEVERAL. BATHING GIRLS, SEVER A L NEAT YOUNG MEN. CALL BETWEEN 12 AND O'CLOCK. i2l CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. ANTED Refined, neat-appearing ladles for high -class demonstrating work ; Sal ary and expenses; must be able to leave city, see iss Olewon at Benson hotel Apply 0 to 12 and 2 to 4. APPLICATIONS win be received from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good paj and steady employment. AB 302, Oregonian. WANTED Neat-appearing young lady to work at soda fountain in candy store, G to 1J p. M. Experience not necessary. Do-it phon. Rogers Candy Store, cor. Broadway and Yamhill sts. WANTED Experienced girl for confec tionery, between the ages of 38 and 21. One who understands soda fountain and fancy ice cream ilitshes. Aprly between o a m. ana j j . ji. at .j n, z.id st. EXPERIENCED typist who is willing to irin wicrio r,uiot-r isner Dining machine; must be accurate: good salary to anyone who is capable and industrious. Y 042, Oregonian. W ANTED Dishwasher; work 6 days per rtrrv, caidi f iu irr monm ana Doard Apply chef, Hazclwood, 388 Washing ton st. WANTED Immediately, names of women over .10. winning government positions, common education sufficient; $100 month up. AV 750. Oregonian. WANT two waitresses for Sunday only 2 P. AI. to 7 P. Al. Call Main 771 see Japanese tea pavifion, Council Crest parK. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander a La. Phone Alain 3450. DM car. STENOGRaFhERS for dictating maehin positions, $100 a month and better. The Kdipnone, oo; cregon Diag. WANTED Girl for soda fountain work. Alusi oe expencnL-tu. reraina iiotei Phar macy, 5th and Washington. WANTED xperienced power machine operator for hemstitching and seal lop - WANTED Young ladies to learn operat ing ou eiuwiuiuow i.uiues. f t47, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced power machine operator for hemstitching and scallop ing. O 632, Oregonian. THE Florence Crittenden Horns is ready to help any girl In distress. 055 East Uiisan. MV" car. East 31. GIRL wanted to clerk in bakery; must know how to make change and wait on trade; good wages. 147 Killings worth ave. STRONG woman as kitchen helper: no cooking. Mast Delicatessen, o23 Wash- ington. . WANTED Young girl for vaudeville com edy; no ex p. necessary. AF 4S, Orego- BUR ROUGHS posting machine operator, wholesale house; please give references, A E 47K, Orego.ii.ui. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, st.. city. WANTED A woman to work In the kitch en. Campbell Hotel. WANTE O A chambermaid, st. Phone Wdln. 2015. 51 Dtrby LADY barber at 324 Coueh st near th; 03c on the dollar; must have 'license. NIGHT dishwasher, come ready for work. 229 N. 23d. WANTED Manicurist, Benson hotel bar ber shop. WOMAN to work in kitchen from 4 to S GIRL to work In dining room; experience unnecessary. 1 auu-ueu -run no tel. WOMAN to work in kitchen. Campbell Mill nuici. WANTED At once, experienced candy HELP WANTED FEMALE. DON'T PAT TO WORK IN MOTION PICTURES. YOUR TIME AND MOXsV IS WASTED. Any legitimate producing company will PAY You instead. When eent from this office you receive pay for ' your work. Register now. 312 Artisans bldg., Broadway at Oak. Phone Broadway 1077. GIRL for general office; must have some experience in bookkeeping and typing; good position for right party. Apply in person between 9 and II A. M. Crystal Laundry Co., East 21st st. Sandy blvd. GIRL wanted. Penny Arcade. 26 N 3d st. Wanted Dome tics. WANTED Experienced colored woman, general housework, room and bath and modem conveniences ; one willing to go Seaside six weeks, family of four. Call before 11 A. M. at 493 Hassalo. corner East Tenth, or phone East 2300. NEAT, willing -girl for second work in private family. 4 adults: good home, good wages. 702 West Main eL. corner King.- Phone Main 7258. ' WANTED Woman to cook and general housework for the summer on a ranch in Hood River valley, family of three. Call between 10 A. AL and noon. Cor nelius hotel, or phone Airs. Bowe, Alain 5181). WANTED Woman to cook and keep house for 4 men on dairy farm; no objection to woman with child; wages $50 per month, board and room. Boff Bros., box 84, route'A, Elma. Wash. WANTED A reliable woman for care of two school children and assist with light upstairs work; in position where two other maids are employed. b8 N. 21st st.. Broadway 5172. WANTED by June 0, girl for general housework and help with children, good piain cook ana thoroughly experienced in car of table. Write to P. O. box No. 6Q7. Kelso, Wash. j WANTE D W tiling girl to aj&slst general housework; young couple, nice home; op portunity for high school girl who will work all summer. Phone Marshall 3408. TWO reliable girls for cooking and house work, friends or sisters prcierred; small family, good wages; references. Phone Mrs. Sharp, Marshall 5S26. EXPERIENCED gu-i for general house work; must be a good cook; no laundry work or furnace fires; wages $7. Mar. 4107. 107 N. 25th, head of Kearney. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for iignt upstairs work and assist in cart of 2 school children. bS N. 21st eU Tele phone Bdwy. 5172. . OOOO girl for general housework, sue who is fond of children; summer at Sea side; best wages, good home. 401 Kas: 36th st. AT., phone East 2032. WANTED Experienced girl to care for 10-mo. old baby. Good wanes and good home. Call at the Whitchouso Cloak & Suit Co., 342 Aider st. Marshall o026. EXPERIENCED nurse to care for children inu adsiRi witn Housework; best wages. Phone Alain 1S23. Mrs. J. W. Kosen feld. DEPENDING on her experience and abil ity, x win pay .rtj to ou monthly to a young woman to help me with my bouse work. Sell wood 1000. A GIRL for general housework, small fam ily, good wages. 205 E. 11th st., corner of Clackamas. Broadway or Irving ton car. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, family of adults. 581 Jackson sL, Portland Heights. Main WANTED Experienced cook, willing to go it?.iiueni;c .Kn anu ivear ney Hts. Tel. Marshall 3070. I WANT an experienced girl for general housework, one who likes children; will pay excellent wages. Call East 3794. S05 FOR COOK who Will heln with linuxe work. Main 5050. 243 Cornell st., head xuai snail. EXPERIENCED girl for general house, work ; wages $00 ; good rooms; modern conveniences, sua i. aa sL Alain 7850. RELIABLE giH to care for two children", 8;u anu . r-i - rencea. ir none Airs. Sharp, Marshall 5b20. ob( O.N D GIRL wanted; bewt wages; refer ences required. Apply Airs. S. Frank. 012 GIRL to assist with housework and cook 1 ing. .no laundry or furnace. Phone. Main vjiivu iu af&irii mi iigni worK In ex- cnane ror ooaru aim room; good home. EXPERIENCED girl .for general house work, no washing; adults oniy. Main 2047. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and downstairs work, wages $00. 12th and Hoyt. Mar. 805. WANTED A strong, kindly woman to care for man invalid and assist In light housework. East 2872. WANTED Girl to do general hounework. tamiiy 01 ; no wasntng; wagvft $00. 723 Schuyler st. ' WANTED Competent girl for general nouseworK; small lamily; good home for right party. 735 Kearney st. Mar. 2315. WANTED Competent maid for general housework; references required. Alar ' 2171. WANTED A girl for general housework, willing to go to Gearhart for summer. 5M5 E. 22d N. East 1400. uiKb to assist witn general Housework, no wusning or cooKing. Apply mornings, 000 Lovejoy. GIUL- for upstaira work witn 2-year-oJd child, ders. Marshall' 103:1. and to 23d and assist Fia WA NT ED A woman for plain cooking .wh.re second girl is kept. Broadway 510. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman., gen . era I housework, small family, reason able wage. Tabor 5177. WANTED Competent girl to af-slst with light lioupcttork and care of small child. Automatic 312-3. GIRL to assist with work and do plain cooking, pleasant room, modern con veniences; summer at beach. 587 6th at. CAPABLE girl for general housework small family, 'high wages. Phone Main 4i:u t. 4. .Montgomery drive. WANTED A maid for general housework; 4 -room apartment, afternoon and eve nings; free phone. Alain 7110. WANTED A competent Phone Tabor 1167. second girl WANTED Competent girl to help with general housework. Phone Tabor 3J0l. GIRL for general housework and cooklncr two In family: good wages. Alain 70s! WANTED Experienced nurse girl for two GIRL to assist in housework; no washing. WANTED Girl or woman to asUjt general housework. East 3550. YOUNG girl to assist with general houe work. East 6971. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMA LE. WANTED Business, getting field secre tary for high-grade educational institu tion. Permanent employment for man or woman coming wen recommended. CHANCE TO SAVE RENT. Alan and wife to do janitor work In exchange for 3 -room furnished flat. ciose in, west siae. a nice home. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. ELDERLY man or man and wife who want a chance to make a home for their old age ; must De nonest and trust- worthy. Airs. Tonim, ;31 E. 52d st. N, SOMEONE experienced in lumber for an. w aays special worn, raone Mr. stock. FREE apartment to a middle-aged couple ior tme ui u-it. nuu luruace. u- mor gan bidg. WANTED Strawberry pickers. June can ast weaj or xnurs. EDUCATIONAL. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business Colege. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. MISS MATTINGLY'S private shorthand typewriting sen 001 ; individual instruc tion; day and night, 200 14th near Jef- fereon. iviain )-. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, -civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day ana inin cm mi u w. wjr. vo. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's private school ; Individ nal instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 4:7. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you WUlie learnius, you set ot tools free, position secure or. a 21 I.F.ARN TELEGRAPHY Railw-v T. graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange b 1 a g. r ree ooomci. ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Fra n k K. Welles, ex-asst. s ta t aupU. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main S27. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration, jaain o-i-t. uroaoway bldg. THE International Correspondence School can raise your bji'.. -q uan st. 51SK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Ala. EDUCATIONAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE win teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men the course Is free to you. Writs or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 BurnsidssL OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuiuoo reduced this term. 233 Madison. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ACCOUNTANT having experience as office manager with several ot the largest Portland houses and who thoroughly un derstands systematizing for efficiency, general ledger-work, controls, etc.; wan H position of trust with some large Port land firm or corporation, wholesale, re tail, construction, manufacturing ana banking experience; references. - 15x Oregonian. GENTLEMAN WITH OVER 20 YEARS ROAD EXPERIENCE lrt c- FORM A PERMANENT CONNECTION WITH RELIABLE FIRM OR CORPOR ATION VHR P.ITWKR EASTERN OR LOCAL TERRITORY; HlGH-CLAsa REFERENCES FURNISHED AND BOND IF NECESSARY. HAVE NE LR FAILED TO GET RESULTS. ADDRESS AB 477. OREGONIAN. OR PHONls EAST 1024. NEAT-APPEARING man. 3S. wants per man en t hnml i k nnsition as eardener. caretaker, housekeeper of, private grounds in or close to city; adores chil dren and makes big irienas witn same. I'lense reniv stHtine Particulars and sal ary, to G. H.. room 515, care Y. M. C. A, Portland. YOli.N'fi mun who in a n cxDerienced payroll Trtnn nnrf hnnkkpcDfr desires nermanent connection with lumber company where there is a chance of advancement; city preferred, as home Is In Portland; 0 years in the lumber business; would take other kind of office work to start; be; or references. a r auu, uregoniau. MARRIED man. 35 years old, would like position withTeliable firm, nave naa s n 11m her nf Vn m' ovnprlence With DUD lie, having been in the employ of one firm for past 1 years as ouisioc man. Have car, Referenses. AG 478. Ore gonian. : WELL-QUALIFIED steward, experience In Iondnn. New York. en tea go. oouiu Ameriean u nri trans-Atlantic steam shins, now living in Chicago, desires position as such In Portland, Oregon. Address all communications Box 45b, Enterprise, Or. m EXPERIENCED ennk : man and wife want work in hotel, cafeteria, camp or ainner cook (enuntrv Dreferred. Man cook. wife helrmr or waitress. Write or phone W. S.. 1015 South Ivanhoe St., St. Johns Or. Phone Columbia 000. BY young married man of 32.. permanent work wholesale umber oil ice nreierreu. exnerieneed in trencral office and traffic work, and lumber payroll, timekeeping and office assistant; will leave town good references. BJ 404. Oregonian. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, university jr ra ri 11 ft r o . 7 var. exnerience. age married, wants position in the w-est for next year. Will remain two or more cars if s tlKfactory. Write C. A. Smith. Ruthven. Iowa. POSITION wanted In city by young mo- rhnnii-Bl fnffinfrr automobile and tra tor engineer; nine years' experience an line? of n'echanical work. Address Geo. A. Atulr, box til 3. city. CALL THE WALL DOCTOR, We specialize in cleaning decorated walif, woodwotk, floors, etc.. quickly, easily, entirely. No better work at any price. Broadway 1S00. PARTIES with mill and timber needing man to operate; like to figure with you. Contract, day or month. II. J. Brown, phone Red 6.1. Silvertuu, Oregon, Box 203. MAN would like position from 10 A. M. till 2 P. M.; do any kind of painting or kalsomining; any other job consid ered. 105 Grand ave. N. Phone East 4710. Call for Echols. ALL-AROUND handy man with tools, good painter, gardener and repair man would like position around private residence or institution; board, room and salary. BC 307. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored man wants po sition in family of adults in city; i a good cook, neat and clean and do 3omo housework; wages $5u mo. up. Phone Hroad way 1257. City references. I WANT position as assist, with an artist or painter. I have little experience in pictures ; want vtork for little money. Please write M. Gallindos, 020 Front st. WANTED- Hauling jobs for two one-ton trucks with drivers. Inquire L. Gillam, 220 ts. 5th st., after 5 P. Al. Phone Main 2137. ELECTRICIAN, experienced with install ing and maintenance of motors and electrical equipment, al?o a good pipe fitter, wants work. AJ 406, Oregonian. MARRIED man desires work on raneh near Portland ; have own furniture ; uncu-r stand poultry and stock. BF 307, Ore gonian. . 1 WEST MAGUIRB. Pintln. uaoer-hansina and tluting Phone auto. 210-77. Res. and shop. 397 East 39th st. A . ELDERLY man. gardener; care taken of lawns in in?ttiutions. or oav watenman in facto-y" all vear around job; best of rcf-rences.. AC 4i, oregonian. PUVTIXC. TIXT1NO. UP-TO-DATE WORK. It KA SON ABLE ESTIMATES, RELIABLE WORK. AlAR. 3214. EX-SOLDIER, married, muwt hay,e some work by hour or aay; garaener, put in wood and taw wood, etc 40 v -tn, cor. Pine MAN wants housecleaning. caring for lawn, any Kind 01 wora. nooni u, iuar shall 3370. YOUNG man, 30 years old. wishes clerical position lor - or a nours in evenings. Phone Automatic 21 2-05. CARPENTER, fast worker, look for snort jobs, ro pairs, iinisn. a specially. i road way 1 it. PAINTING and tinting at special summer prices ; nice worn ana goou material. Phone automatic 3io-;'. LIVE salesman with car wants itos-tion with reliable ltrm. call Mar. lu. .ve- nings. Tabor 4i2. WANTED Good home for boy of 14. on farm, where he can help lor nis upkeep. B 034. Oregonian EM PLOYMENT by elderly man, handy with tools, janitor, or general house work; refs. AF 500, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND cook with own crew geek position; 3 In crew. Room 4, Reed hotel. 4tu and cannon. YOUNG man. attending mechanical school, desires mpioy n:ni in garage uiter 4::ju P. M. daily and a.'l day sat. Sell. 2332. WANTED Work 3 or 4 hours evenings in a garage as mccnauic neiper, 1 none Marshall 770. WANTED Light work, fa- P. AI. to 12 M In answering state w ages. ais Oregonian: PAINTING and tinting, reasonable prices, Drop postal 10 jouusou, in ca. ootn st. N. CEMENT sidewalks, basements, retaining wails, runways ana garages a specialty, Tabor 0031 RE LoDEL your house now, estimates 'en by reliable builder. Woodlawn 5348. WANTED Position as lumber shipping clerk or yara loreman. av b, ore gonian. LET us dig your cesspool; price reason able. Call Main 9424. MIDDLE - AGED man desires job as sweeper In warehouse? docK. E. 7054. WANTED Night watching by reliable, experiences -"-- j. uicgonian, IF YOU want your yard graded or base ment dug can uu.-ox. MAN AND WIFE would like cooking job in "tmail saw nwii. vo. vrcnn an CARPENTER work,- alterations, repairs. Tabor wuu. HOUSE painting, signs, kalsomining. E. Giisan. Phone Tabor 206. 13: WORK WANTED FROM 6 P. M. TO sTSb P. M i onCiVJU.ii.T(. YOUNG MAN. 10. wants work in machine WINDOW cleaning, floor waxfng, genera housecleaning, expert men, labor 940: EXPERIENCED rodman wants job; out o - town preierreo. ak oregonian. CARPENTERS. Al ; work remodeling or new work; aay or contract. Tabor 0O49. JOB as cement foreman or finielier; non union. Call or write. 570 Union ave. N. CESSPOOLS DUO. WOODLAWN 5 4 83. Bookkeepers. Stenograph-re. Office. STOP BOOKKEEPING WORRY. Experienced accountant will help your bookkeeping; simple, efficient and in expensive systems installed; reasonable rates; references given. Phone 317-81. BOOKKEEPER or combination cashier and bookkeeper, age 35, local references, open :for Immediate engagement. Call Tabor 462 or address AB 47tf, Orego nian. nlan. '- SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, LADY wants day work washing and clean ing, 5Qc hour. Wdln. 5H67. WOMAN wants work by day. Wdin. 700. WOMAN wants day work. Auto. 311-57. DAI work wanted. E. &0&L SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. SITUATION wanted by a business woman one who is fully capable ot handling any work requiring tact and efficiency; pre fer work that will show results and give rapid advancement in given field; .please give particulars and salary to start in fiist letter: personal interview solicited. AH 301, Oregonian. LADY having training In care of infants. children and infirm persons, wouta tae charge of such a one going east about June 13. any point, any route, for ex penses. Address, experience. Mrs. L. W. James. Apple gate. Oregon,. References exchanged. WE have available for your call experi enced stenographers, experiencea oook keepers, also beginners. etc Doane Typewriter Service, Main 6397 CHINESE GIRL wishes position to work In store or as assistant in 011 ice. or either doing fancy work. Phone 519-SS, 11 A. M. to S P. M. ex PPRiKTKn hnnkkepoer. exuert Bur roughs posting machine operator, reaay 1 for position June 1st; references. BJ 1 402, Oregonian. TWO girts want out-of-town work: will go I to beach or mountains as waitresses. could leave June 13. AR 30o, Cregonian. EXPERIENCED comptometer operator and typist - wishes position; reierences. Phone East 5247. WANT nosition. two sisters: beach camp: competent for any kind of work. I ABjos, uregonian. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTB cur tain done up uas new. wlu can. East 6318. EMBROIDERY neatlv done: private; In itials and monograms a specialty, tau 1 mornings, 274 N. 21st St., apt. 313. LACE scrim maroulsette curtains and dra peries hand laundered by expert. East I til.tt. A YOUNG LADY wants position in an of fice; can do typing. V ood awn a2i0. RELIABLE woman wanted, Woodlawn 470S. day work. WILL board two or three children; best of care. Tabor Lit-. CATERESS prepares and serve and dinner. East 2534. luncheons ! WOM EN S397. want work by the day. Main Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. CAN take dictation at fair rate, read my notes correctly, transcribe with speed and nrcuraev. Want a Dec inner steno graphic" position ; will work hard and try. to please. Mam u'..t. BUSINESS college girl wishes position, us a beginner, in stenography ; have some knowledge of bookkeeping- Call East fr753 after 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants work to do at home. Auto. 211-40 after 6 M. . r r X- OPERATOR, typewriting expe rience, wishes positino with good firm. AG 4S2. Oregonian. E v PERI ENCED bookkeeper and stenog - runner; 'beat of city references. Alain I 2817. . STEN.. wish position; no experience. Call Main 432. , - Dress roak ere. 0TH CENTCRY dressmaking school and helpers shop; special roun-o In cutting by chart and pattern. We do hemstitch ing and buttons. 305 Dekum. Alain 22. 1RST -CLASS dreswmaking, suits, res: ses. -ii mmer voiles, altera nana or an k inns. Mrs. Kelly. 752 Vancouver, ave. Phone :,1t;-A6. rnTS DRESSLS. rl ITS MA tE AND RtMOUK.-ll'1-'' IIWDIIIORIIIR IO 1 porium uye was., una 1 i&uu. saw;. 4239. tTV.v o.ms to take In plain sewing wi 1 co w - Main 5Sttrt. ; DRESS MA KINO and remodeling, work guaranteed. E. 30th st. No. 75. East 004. rvKESSMAKING reasonable. 331 Central H KM ST I TCH1NG. 6c a yard. M. Dai ton. room am i vm. .. --........ PI. A IN sewing and men's shirts. Afn. 5, B d w y. quo- Numes. k-.-t-.-- .L'-ncrionrd ana nosnitat irameu. wishes care 01 inim v....t ratient. AJ 404, Oregonian. t x i . vr 1 C. or sick lady patients taken by ',. nrivatc re-id. Ta li WANTED By experienceu, yraaicai mirse. maternity cw" ' , House k eepe rs. YOUNG- widow wants position as nouse- Lnor in or OUt OI Cliy , Pt'""' view requested, after 12 A M Call at 441 North 22d, vytp a oinri niiddle-aced woman ni .-ii o i-ra it iica mr nouaei'-" i'R . dairies or foreigners answer; $00 per mo. xi nurroit. Multnomah. Or. Main ..al. REFlNfcU, m daie: ,7,' -''" sition as iiou-k. iy em ploy eg. x, ov, v ... , . i- -liable, woman wants house keeping ir v . - " J-I 44, urCKPmaii. COOK wants position on ranch, AF 40S. Oregonian. Domes tic. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. House-cleaning, floor-waxing and all il-Hu a-nrlt in L II c JIWino COMPETENT middle-need woman wants general housework; good cook. A o. Oregnnian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANKS Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable 1. -nurtmcnts and rials l w ith definite information pertaining to '"Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great vaiue in iiii get properly and quickly iowicu. Eighth Floor. ESTABLISHED business mar. will J- for one vear on or before June l.tu, o or b "room cottBe. Irvington Uurcl hurst Rose City. Sunnyside districts, no children. If you own the property and :z2 .ih mn call East 3103 and ask for Mr. Hawn. WANT to rent eight-room mruiMicu vrm apartment ! . ' close in, cither fast or west ' 45 Portland hotel before noon. , -v-t m .v. eouoln w ant 5 or G-rooin V i'v." nt .r bungalow, modern Call Tabor 4074 after iiionths or longer. 0 A. M. o,V ttVgeV.m.t be in location; by responsible icnau. Mrs. H. Withycombc. Phone Main SQ5a. v pnsiBLEi partv wants modern 0 room unn.mUl.ed hou.e In rood loca fonm permanent tenant: adults. Phone East -JUlu. r. . . .,.r-. t,., ..n.,r,l no children. 4 or Vrm burnished. houe or flat; con sider lease. AB ..ih-- WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room nou. Y 7l.i . ..mnnj h e Darties, no uniuruiHiicu. r ....rt " rhildren.' Woodlawn iAsO. WANTED small, furnished bungalow or to 3-7om apartment. . by couple; no jhUdren. Y 6Q4 , oretoiu . . 7 . - a r-rnnmH fumlshed w.A-1.?"T-'"'.n r Peninsula. Wdln li8. u'iWTn By June 1 a modern three or loSiSS- furnished house. East side preferred. L 603. Oregonian. n-iVT to rent 3, 4 or 5-ropm furnished ";,,.. on east side near union or ai- bena cars. AL 303, Oregonian. WANTED To rent unfurnished house, 6 to 13 rooms. cio?q " . Apartments. WANT TO RENT 4-room modern unfurnished apartment on West Side. Phone Mr. Fowler, Broadway WANTED To rent eight-room furnished house or five-room apartment, rent not over $150; close in. either east or west Giri- immediate possession. Phone room 313, Portland hotel, before noon. Kooms. - u- xtbd By young business woman. room with private family with or with out board: Irvington preferred. Ref erences exchanged. AL 30t. Oregon i T2V WIDOW ladv. room or room' and board in private family, lower floor: give price an a 1 oca n on. o. -v.. vi i- mna h. Kooms With Roara. M ID DLE-AGE D couple wih hoard and room; prcier k. . .. mm uistrici. u. j. Russell. 530 E. 60th st. N. Tabor 2 343 . WANTED Within carline of Portland, home for old lady. $23 per month. Auto. 211-61 after 7 P. M. WANTED Room and board, private fam ily; room with stove preferred. A 603, Oreffouian. WANTED TO KENT. " Rooms With Boavrd. MIDDLE-AGED man wants room and board where no other boarders. Cail after 5. W d 1 cu 1 9 2 . . Housekeeping: Rooms. BY refiued lady, 2 clean, unfur. H, rooms, reasonable. Alain 4057. FOR BEAT. MODERN sleeping room. Marshall 3323. 350 Salmon. Furnlnhed Rooms. BEAUTIFUL NEW ROOMS. $4.50 week and up. Strictly modern, newly furnished, new elevator, rooms with private bath; transient rooms $1 night. Auditorium Hotel, 206 Third St. These rooms are as nice as the Multne- man hotel has. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th st. Take Depot car to Htm and Morrison, walk half block south. Clean, modern, respectable: trmxtsia-UU 1.S0; with private bath. 2 1 FRONT and 1 back bedroom for 3 gen tlemen each, and 1 housekeeping room, Bedroom $2 a week each gentleman. nousuKeeping room montn tor eaca one using It. Phone East 6 POO. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Zfest Morrison at, at East Slxth The principal east aide hotel: dlarmV fled and refined; $1.25 per day and up; 3d per week and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Rates. 95 per week up $1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotlesua rooms. close to amusement and shopping center. BUCKINGHAM HOTPU Washincton st. at 20th, Swell ontslde rooms, S3 per week and up; transient $1 nay and up. ree pnone ana oat as. Alain 31. ROYAL PALM HOTEL. Third and Flanders, newly furnished strictly modem; new management; rates l day up. S3 week up. IF YOU want a nicely furnished sleeping or housekeeping room, witn not and co.o. water ana steam neat 00a 1 ueiay. mjl" well Hall. 207 14th. ST. PAUL HOTEL. 4tti and Alder; tele phone, elevator, not. ana coia water; i up; private batn. up; permanent, V up; private jam, .t up. HOTEL OCKLEY Alorrison st. at Tenth. Rates i a aav up. ceKiy, .-du uo Steam heat. Free phone and baths. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms, mono -uaat s. 2d Grand ave. SLEEPING or light housekeeping rooms. transient or uonuuy, very rcaonaiia. P.3 Flanders. SINGLE front room with bath, phone, walking distance, wei biuo, aar.uau 3b20. 5c. $1 DAY, $2-50 week up; outside root 4. Hotel caamac. oa near enerson. HARRISON hotel. Front and Harrison, outside rooms. .uu up; poarq 11 qeaireo. WEAVER hotel, 70S Wash. sU Desirable rooms with or witnout oatn. HOTEL ARTHUR has a permanent room for gentleman. GARLAND hotel, 25 Trinity Place Picas- nt outside rooms, -t per weett ana up. TWO very good clean rooms. 20S 17th near Taylor. LA RGE, sunny room; every convenience; ' blocks lrom alorrison st. vit inn hi. U of u rr i.hed Rooms. .OS IRVING ST., west side, walking dis tance ; quiet, private nouse ; i largo rooms; deMrablo man and wife only. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED room for rent, bath connect ing; nice summer nome ior gentleman in refined family; meals and garage if desired. Woodlawn 20. LARGE, clean outside rooms, with bath; new furniture and rugs; waiKing ois tanee. 20 E. 13th, cor. Ash St. NICE, large, furnished front room for one or two; good location. 3UU jertcr son. Phone Main 5h6. A PLEASANT front room in a private Inquire 433 Vx family of two; references. Montgomery. NICE clean front room, closo in, west tide, private family; fine tor people. Phone evenings Bdwy. 4294. TWO clean, furnished rooms, use of piano. home privileges; congenial people; itcj. rrvnrcs. 346 E. Ash. East CI 03. SM A H.. neatly furnished room with run ning water; . imks. troni .wornt-on; mui . ing man preferred. 225 W. Park st. FURNISHED room for rent. 124 K. Kth t., near Morrison. NICE -sleeping room for 1 or 2 persons. , Marshall 27S7. 3S1 Broadwa 1 NICELY furnished room, men or man and ife preferred. t'nonc .ast omo. SINGLE bedroom and garage, Eat 7860. home, Irvington. I ,.AH(;h dean front sleeping rooms, water ----- - - - 3-. vontcomery. GENT LBMAN wanting room. reiincu. mod irn hpmc near .viuit. emu, aiam w.. NICELY furnished room, west side, wag ing distance. .Main e-. . LARGE front room, twin beds, for young men; a:to single room. w I FURNISHED room for gentleman, break fast, fine location. v u in. m Kl" KN1SH ED, clean rooms for rent. a Tent h s: reet. , IN STRICTLY modern home, nicely fur nished room. rast t-:f. WELL furnished room, first class, steam seated apartment, west sine. Jiain -itw- TWO nice rooms, private famny . nom K like; reasonable, t-ee tncm. -jo- 't' -' Kooms Witn Board. WHY PAT ENORMOUS PRICKS FOR DARK INSIDE ROOMS when you can have a largo, light, airy room, modern in every rcspret, tor less money T Dining room iu connection. the ha'.v;l HOTEL, Alain 7094. CAM PRE 1 .1 HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STS. . CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best kuown residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without batn. $2.30 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTCN1 A HOTEL, Portland's downtown mgh-ciaL lamuy noiei : rooms r or single, with or without board. lor familits and business men and women. We give you all the comforts o a home. Reasonable rates. 4-ROOM modern, furnished ant., ateam heat free phone. 7t n near Niimy 1 bik. from 2 carlincs. K43 Nelson sL THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3h0 10th st. For business girls and students: reasonable rates. Mar. !- L I 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th; romos ana uoa.ro. ; uiuu cu -w -- distance. - BEAL'TIFUI.I-Y iocatod home ofiera room with excellent nome eoomng. i i-,. J9th St. Broadway 4314: ji ( j-' i M and board lor businesa irlrls: .ll modern conveniences; vs usl.w3. Jj per week. Aut- 21-874. 12 K. 7th at. CO.V KOBTAHLY modern rooms, reason- abie. flererora noteu low wewe d and d. Booms WitH Board in Private family. LARGE" attractively furnished, steam heated front room with balcony, suit able for man and wife who are employed or 2 young ladies, excellent meals, home privileges; easy walking distance. 507! Glitan st.. Broadway 430. ; fOR 2 congenial young ladies employed, front corner room in irvington nom- o young people. Good home cooking; nea carltne. Prefer phone after 6 P. AL Eas 30 406 East 16th st. North. ROOM and board for young iaay em ployed ; snare large room wiw jrow lady: piano: walking distance: nome privileges; reasonable rates. Alain 5023. 4f$ Market st. FUR RENT, pleasant room with board, private family, V block to car, walking distance, near park, west side, tine loca tion. Phone Main 4278- HAVE a pleasant room I will rent with in desirable location; C. S. pre Tabor 4216- board ; f erred. GOOD board and room, homeime, suit able two or single; no oiaer uv-xu o. Woodlawn 2340. i ROOM and board for C. S., reasonable. Call East Hi i J. CHILDREN; mother's care. Tabor 8303. Furnished Apartments. MORTON APARTMENTS Three-room fur nished apartment. dim vvasmngion sc. Main 10fr. DEN N I SON a pis.. 1027 V Belmont. 3-room furnished apt. ONE-room and kitchenette; walking dis- lance. .v-' aim m. FURNISHED apt., free light, free eas. 7 1 Thurman, cor. :id. PORTNOMAH. 4 rooms, hardwood floors. J la ana up; aumig. -w das; mm. VERY desirable, niceiy furnished three room apt. 745 Hoyt. MOOERN 4-room apt. for rent. Call Mar. 133. COZY 2-room apt., private bath and teie phone. $32.CiO. Bdwy. 4004. THE FLORENCE APTS.. 3S8 11th mU room, nicely furni-hed.