THE MORNING. OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, MAT 2C. 1920 17 REAL ESTATE. For Sale LAROK'ST HOME SELLERS ON THE PAfinr COAST. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McOriRB To Huv Your Home. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR, A HOME? Try the M.-GHRE SYSTEM of Scientific HOME SERVICE! J 000 PHOTOGRAPHS of Homes for Wale. EVERY DISTRICT. Every type of home at price YOU CAN PAY. if nerpssary we will help you make your down payment. IS Automobiles at your. SERVICE. Open Evening and Sundays. $5.S00 I'XrsUALLY beautiful irv- TNGTON HOME: S-room ULTRA M a it w. tt v hi : v : i r 1 w - m hr- Bive built-ins, Dutch kitchen, Bleeping porch, furnace, fruit room, HARDWOOD FLOORS. Ideal home. We have 50 homes 'in this district. $4300 F U R N" I S H E D HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, verv ARTISTIC. ROTII INSIDE AND OUT; pan eled dining room "with beamed ceiling, tw o Funniest bedrooms. SPLENDID FURNACE. You'll APPRECIATE the EXCELLENT VALUE. East .".1st st. $3650 QUA I NT. U N U S U A L HA W THORNE. WITH A SHELTER ING ROOF; 4 rooms, convenient ly arranged, large floored attic, lOOxlOO; TERMS. East 30th. We have 137 Hdwthornes. $2750 Here is WONDERFUL VALUE In a modern j-rnom H A W THORNE, terms. East 37th, Just south of Hawthorne. READ THIS! $2200 On E. 2th, near Cora, is this very attractive, modern BUNGALOW; white enamel plumbing, electric- itv, gas; convenient to S. P. shops and Central Door & Lor. Co. ; onlv $IOO down,' $20 per month. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN: YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO 1 MISS IT! I $3550 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR VIEW HOME; unusually artistic white BUNGALOW; splendid corner, 674x100; combination living: and rtining room full width; white Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, cement basement; HOUSE JUST REPAINTED; ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT; EXCELLENT VALUE! E. MORRISON. $3150 A L B E R T A S EXCEPTION AL BARGAIN! 6-room . ATTRACT IVE modem home; paneled din ins room with massive buffet, most convenient floor plan, SLEEPING PORCH, laundry travs, fruit room. JUST $0U down. East 32d. SEE it today! $1000 ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN 7 rooms, modern: 4 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, fas, paved street. SEE THIS TO DAY. We hve SO Albertas. $3250 WEST SIDE SNAP! 6-room, modern UNUSUALLY ARTISTIC BUNGALOW, like new. IT'S VA CANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. TERM S. lOO WEST SIDE HOMES. $2026 109x100 MONTA VILLA deMght f ul bungalow ; 4 rooms, moacrn, beautiful hrubbery, trees, etc East Clay. 70 MONTAVILLA HOMES. $1995 Just THINK! Clever, artistic 4 room BUNGALOW; large, full width front porch, attractive liv ins room, prettv dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, hi t pe, airy bedroom. 5-set pice of while enamel plumbing: looxlOO; ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT, ber ries etc.; chicken house? GA RAGE; practically new; IDEAL LITTLE HOME. $1S00 There's 10 FRUIT TREES, full lot, ATTRACTIVE 4-room mod ern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, GARAGE. One of Mt. Scott's TO bargains. $3100 A REAL DUTCH COLONIAL, vr-v (HRtinrtivR lines: cheery fire place; built-in bookcases, paneled dining room; IDEAL DUTCH. I KITCHEN; 3 airy bedroom, i sleeping porch; HARDWOOD FLOORS; best whito enamel plumbing; HOUSE LUCE NEW; full lot; WHERE CAN YOU duplicate this value? $2500 O RAY SHINGLED II A W . THOKNE; 4 attractive rooms, bmlt-ins; an ideal little home. E. 34th st. $2150 ft-room plastered BUNGALOW COTTAGE, comfortable, modern, street liens paid; EASY TERMS. Frmont, near Union ave. HIGH DISTRICT are" at a PRE MIUM. Just like new bung-alow 6 rooms, modern, large front veranda, built-ins, splendid cp ment basement: terms. CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL. Peninsula nark, LIBRARY and car barns. THIS VALUE CANNOT OCCUR OFTEN. rt $9$0 You can BUILD ADDITIONS TO THIS LITTLE 2-room home, ON FULL LOT on Wasco St.; white enamel bath, patent toilet. NEAT AND COMFORTABLE. If tou are looking for a HOME com bining DESIRABLE location, MODER ATE PRICE and UNUSUAL V ALL fa,, see FRANK!.. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington btdg. Main 1068. Successor to H. D. McUuire. Established IS SO. "-40 Years of RELIA B I E S erv i c e . HERE are a few good buys in and near the Hawthorne district. We are located in the district and know best values. We will be glad to show you these and many others, of which we have photos tor your inspection. $25O0 Here Is a very cozy little 5-room cottage, located between the Hawthorne and Sunny side car lines and west of East 3 2d ?t. ; it has gas, electric lights, full basement, several fruit trees and plenty of room for a gnrage. The street is paved and paid lor. This Is a very nood buy, requires $1500 cash paymept. 3750 For this price you can obtain an excellent 0-room home near Lau rel hurst park on a full 50x1 00 lot. It has 3 dandy sleeping rooms and bath upstairs and 3 rooms down. The living room is !arj,'f. Dutch kitchen, Jiiil cement basement and a Rood furnace. The house is doubWs constructed a ml in good f nape. We invite our early inspection, as it Won't hi long; $1000 cash will handle. $4200 Are yon looking for a large j uouit?. n in, nui u ii 10, iDLiiicu In the Hawthorne district and pear the cur. It is a well-con-simeted house and has 4 room? downstairs and 5 rooms up. It has double plumbing, buiit-in buffet, cement .basement and a double garage. The lot is 43x 100; $l3lHl cash. $4750 Locatcfl in Waverlcy Heights Is a beautiful new 5 -room bunga low, it lias hardwood floors-, huf ;t, I'ircp.ace, bookcases, a largo 1 : vi ii g room aero.-s the iron l ; 1 eu u i i Tn My f in i.-hed in old ivory. A IHiteh kitchen with bicakfast iicmk and an excel lent tull ce ment ba se rn c nt with w as h t ra y s ; uiii ante. The bathroom has exceptionally Rood fixtures; ro q.iires $1500 cash; ready to move rijiltt in. .1. A HVHHEiiL. 10SO Hawiliuriip Ave. Tabor SS92. "The Stucco Of Tjcc." ROSE CITY PARK. $7O0 cash. ba!an.-i $25 iermonth. In tcrc nt. bins a modern cot i as kitchen. Vren porch, large li ft. lot; chuken good bath, pulliiiaii , h windows. sleeping room, etc., on 50x1 on- 1 houe and run. '4 block i f ron pavement, 6d tit.: price t' 3 bio near . sale, $2500. '(. t AMI, b.V.anc terms, buys a well -const rue tod uni'inihed tl-toum house, fireplace, bath, good bascirunt, etc.; il H n 1 MO-i'l. lot. 1 biock 10 i 11a met to blv d. ; price 5 1S00. S"C Mr. Christen son, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1741'.. 410 Henry Bldg. . AM OFFERING A H E A I T I F U L PUN- ' l.tV IN lilYINOTON AT AN EN- : CEPTiON ALLY LOW I'liH'E AND EX-i TREMKLY EASY TERMS; IX THIS HVNGALOW YOU WILL KIND BAUD- I V Ol 1 K I a tO US I X E'V E IX Y ROOM, . Fl REPLACE, H tOKCASES, HI" FEE l". ' COMPLETE P C T C 11 K I T C H K N. ' -BREAKFAST NOOK. FILL CEMENT, BASKS1ENT AND UAHAUE. Till-' MIST HE SOLI) AT ONCE. PHONE; TABORJ50. i ' "SUNNVVIPE BUNGALOW. Here i.-1 a vo:y attractive home, five 1 rooms and reception Jiall. one floor: fui: ' cement basement, white enameled I plumbing, a rt iwl ic I) irht f:lurcs. sunny j bedrooms. I Hitch kiichen. This home j . 1 ,t .1 i ffi .1 : t m .1 1,.; ' an v where for the mono : price 13500. only $M0 down. bHlanee like rent. M. E. DeJOlCE CO.. Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1G3L HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE, ttigamic value hre. Choice 50x100 Corner lot in the heart of Hawthorn:: K rooms. :t rooms and muMc room down. 4 bedrooms up. All street liens paid. I Money back guarantee on this hnnie. j I'Oced to sell m one wecK sure at $341)0 500 takes- it. C A K E Y -S A V I Of ; E CO M PAN Y. 219 Railway Exchange Bids. Main 7487 JiOE CITY F.UXOALOW. jl.,m0 $1500 CASH, lodrn 5-room bungalow on paved St.. tiard wood floors", fireplace buffet and ! r-ooKi-ase ; wincuy modern ana 111 rir!t--1nsf condition. This Is a real t;nap at $,vin L'-t ii w rlii'w you. ' I, E V E 1 . A N O - H E N I E R S N ('. CI '2 R.i i: way Kxcli. bide. M a i n KT-M!. IRVINGTON $75nu. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors In all rooms. 2 firepla. es. full ce ment baenient. furrace. wash trays, gH rage. A bargain; $2000 don 11. l.fFPDFM INN CO Mr. NY. CIS Chamber of Commerce. Alain tii6T. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. - OWNER'S SACRIFICE. CAN'T BUILD FOR $9000 TODAY. I will Bell my 8-room all modern home in the heart of Ladd's addi tion for $G7cO; $320O cash. Have just spent $400 in repainting- and interior redecorating. A contract or's estimate on the actual cost of building this home today is $'J000. Here is what it censists of: FIRST FLOOR Large reception nail, living room with fire place and bookcases, dining room with panel wails and beam ceiling, built-in buffet, music room, all oak floors with mahogany Inlaid : cove ceilings downstairs, large Dutch kitchen in old Ivory. art craft breakfast nook, toilet room. . SECOND FLOOR 3 light bed rooms with large closets; screned-in sleeping porch, bathroom 10x12 with 2 bev eled mirror, clothes chute and large leaded glass win dows. In the hall is a mas ' sive linen closet. Entire sec ond floor, except bathroom. Is in ivory. THIRD FLOOR Is one big room about 1 8x30. nicely tinted. Basement is full cement. Royal furnace, cement laun dry traya, gas range in base ment for laundry. Entire bouse is double constructed, . double walis and double floors. Garage, paved sts. and paved hlley. All liens and taxes and assessments paid In full. I must ell this property at once. Call at 595 Elliott ave. or phone Sellwood 3G02. Owner. ROSE CITT SNAP. $5500 TERMS. Strictly modern 5-room bun galow, corner lot on paved streets, all assessments paid. Owner leav ing town., must sell at once. Hard wood floors, fireplace, ivory fin ish, built-ins. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, H-B. pipeless furnace, gas range and water heater, linoleum, shades, curtain rods and drapes included with place. Phone us at once. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 7 Chamber ol Commerce Eldg. Main 20S. WHT PAY RBNTT That's tt, why pay rent when you can buy a place like this for S1S50, $500 down and the balance at $20 a month and interest? Neat, cosy little California bun galow on 40xl20-foot lot. only 2 blocks to Woodstock car; large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchenette and 1 bedroom. An ideal home for a small family. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bids. Main 208. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Artistic 5-room bungalow with good furniture, living room has nice fire place and den. with built-in bookcases. nice electric fixtures, dining room has artistic buffet, with largo plate ' glass mirrors, Nam ceiling; two large, light bedrooms with bath between ; Dutch kitchen in white, half cement basement lloor, good furnace, garago,. lot 40x100, hard surface street now going in. $4000, $1000 cash, $.0 month, including Inter est, 7 per cent. O. W. T. Iluelihaupt & Co., C- E- Adams. 407 U. S. National Bank bldg. Broadway 3838, residence, Wd'n. .14.1:. A BEAUMONT BEAUTY. G rooms and sleeping porch; large liv ing and dining, solid oak floors, fireplace, built-ins. large Dutch kitchen, 3 dandy bedrooms with large closets and fine bath and toilet up: fuil cement base ment, irays, furnace, full lot ; 4 blocks to car; all improvements in and paid. This Is surely a buy at $5750, $1500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. Attractive well appointed 2 -story home just painted and decorated inside and out, on Lovejoy near 24th st. Center entrance hall, very large living and dining rooms, library,- pass pantry and kitchen downstairs : 4 nice large bed rooms, sleeping porch and 2 baths, on second floor; maids' rooms and bath oi third floor; old ivory finish, oak floors, fireplace and furnace; room for garage. Price $15,000. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407 "university park. 8-room bungalow, corner lot 68x100 feet ; garage ; only one block from car line and overlooking Columbia park; en closed sleeping porch; full concrete basement ; fruit trees and rose bushes; house partly stone construction, $45O0. COE A. McKENNA & CO., S2 Fourth St. Main 4?22. 7S Lombard St. Col. 638. 8 ROOMS. BARGAIN. Exceptionally well built; 5 years old; modern, very conveniently arranged; fine view, right on good car line and hard street ; immediate possession : $4500, terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. IRVINGTON CORNER. Just what you are looking for:- nice home in rine locality ; G lartie rooms, hardwood floors throughout. 50x100 lot. Owner has moved away: immediate Pos session: for quick sale $7500; will make att met ive terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO.. 2S4 Oak St. Marshall 756. UNIVERSITY PARK. Beautiful 7-room bungalow with front and rear sleeping porches, lot 50x150, full concrete basement, fine fireplace, furnace and in a nice neighborhood; $ 1000. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4 322. 7tS Lombard St. Col. 63 S. WHY PAY RENT when you can buy 5-room bungaioir ... ---.oo t-'im fueh nd ier month? i ,ni .vi tV Too. full basement, all mod- . .(.! Ktnicainvi' is t oca ! "ri on East Alder and Slst si. ; snap. Inquire 20 JO E. Stark st. Phone labor o4 or all. Geo. F. Barrenger. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? w iisirn and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans, . and finance, csiauiisneu ih "e 1 offer SECURITY. ice., SATIS FACTION. L. K Bailey Co.. Inc.. 024 N. W. Bank bldg. ST. JOHNS. Com pletely furnished 4-room bunga low itb screened sleeping porch : ga riige; on, paved street and car line; lot inxlOO: price $3200. COE A. McKENNA z CO., ft 2 Fourth St. Main 4522. 7 US Lombarxi. - Col. 638. ROSE CITY PARK. Six-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors thrnu snout, all In test built-ins, cement basemen l, Kos furnace. Inssrte all refinished. must sell Immediately, Itavlns ci:: price $5750; or completely furnished, $05uO. buy direct from owner and save commission. Tabor 7277. FOR SALE Five-room bungalow in the heart of St. Johns: lot 100x120, one block from car line: full bearing cherry, apple pear and plum trees, good garden and berries. Phone Columbia 55S; no agente. BUNGALOW HO M E $ 1 500 . Non-reMdent ownrr will sell on very ea terms to right party a very at tractive 5-rooin bungalow at 556 E. 40th M North near Braze. DO NOT D1S TCUR TENANT. Phone Tabor 407. Ll" RELH I" RiST. 7 rooms, i-leeptng porch, 'built-in conveniences, hardwood floors downstairs: beautiful yard, garage. For quick a"c. J2500 cash. bal. like rent. 6 per cent. East SIX rooms and bath, gas. electricity, hot and cold water, full ceineift basement; 2 blocks to car; 20 minute from center of city. Seen by appointment. 150. AH 4n6. Orcgonian. GOOD 5-room bungalow and sleeping potch. large lot. near M. V. car; reason able price and terms: immediate pos session. Call 1011 E. Irving gt. MO E RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow, near Union ave. and. Piedmont; 5350 cash wiil handle it. Phone owner. East 4UU0. QWXER. west sine, walking dlsta nee; -room house with or without furniture; lull cement basement. -50 Wood St., Phone Marshall 4HSS. FOR SALE My equity in a well-built modern a -room nousc, 9140U. By owner, oodiawn -t-1;. 1 ALBERTA 5-room modern bungalow, I ntswly tinted and refinish-d. $20u0; 1150 ( cash. Owner. Wdln. 2034. FI V E-ROOM cottage; full corner lot. two blocks car. M t. Scott district : bargain. $2oo. East 707S. MODERN 6-room bungalow on oaved st. ; cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace. Tabor 2G94; "HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4291 RODABAUGH. , 7-ROOM modern bungalow for t-aic, near Hawthorne. Tabor 4S73. UuUt aua iot for sate. S47 E. Bdy. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 S WETLAND BLDG. IRVINGTON. No. 403. At $4500 this 7 -room bunga low in this location, surrounded by good homes. Is a genuine, bona fide bargain. Poor health is causing the owner to place It on the market at this price. It will be a delight to show you this home. No. 402. $6500. Mr. Homeseeker, this ft-room fully modern house in this re stricted district on 50x1 OO lot is another of our many bargains we are offering you today. This is close in and con venient to the business district. It can be had this week at the above price. No. 390. We have been authorized to place this beautiful home, which is lo cated in the best part of this most de sirable district, on the market at the remarkably low figure of $7000. This was built a few years ago when ma terial was cheap and the best of every thing was used. The house has B rooms elegantly finished and delightfully ar ranged; the rooms are ali large and airy, the lawn Is well kept, and has some rare roses and shrubbeiy. Very reason able terms can be had. We shall be glad to arrange to show you this place by appointment. No. 291. $4t00. Here Is a moderately priced, strictly modern home of 7 -room bungalow type; it has a nice large liv ing room, dining room, kitchen that Is a delight; four nice airy sleeping rooms with closets, bath, furnace and fireplace. A large garage; 1 blocks from car line and everything Is In good shape. Let us show you this place. HAWTHORNE. No. 395. $10,000. This beautiful two story 8-room house, which is strictly modern, weil located. In a very desirable district; the interior is well arranged. Entering from a large front porch into the reception hall with -its cozy alcovs you pass into the large living roem with its beautiful beamed ceiling and cheerful fireplace: it is so weil arranged you have every convenience that can be placed In a modern home; the library, the dining room with its buffet, the large kitchen with its many cupboard, coolers and work table, the large screened porch In the rear; four large sleeping rooms on the second floor. A magnificent home for the most fastidi ous. One block from two car lines. We will be giad to show you this place by appointment. RICHMOND. No. 400. $3o0u. The owner of this place called us up by phone and said to sell It for $3300. We asked what was the big idea, and he replied. "We need "the money." So you are getting this for several hundred dollars less than origi nally asked. This is a snap and won't last. HYDE PARK. No. 401. $6500. For this wonderful 7-room up-to-the-minute bungalow, with its large living room 28 feet long. Its beautiful sleeping room Just off the liv ing room, with French windows, the diner and large kitchen with many built-in cupboards and coolers; every thing for convenience. It has hardwood floors and. is perfectly finished. A splen did furnace and fireplace to keep you warm ; a good cement garage, and one block, to the car line. English language Is a failure in trying to describe this modern home. Come in and arrange to see it, PENINSULA. No. 404. $U50. and only $50O dow-a for this good 7-room house-in the future Industrial district of Portland; 1 block of car line, 2 blocks of school; lot 6ix 109; garage on alley. If you care tor the Peninsula district, see this piace. LINCOLN. No. 410. This Is a real home and a splendid buy en East Ninth street; six room bungalow, nice, full front porch, living room, dining room, kitchen, re ception hail and three sleeping rooms; full basement, concrete foundation; con venient to the car line and the Highland school. This Is a very good buy; in fact, a real bargain. Price $3400, terms. SUBURBAN HOME SACRIFICED. The owner instructs us to cut the price of this fine home $5000 in order to eeli it before Jurve 1, and he has legiti mate reasons for sacrificing it for $30u0 les than the house could be built for today. These figures are based on the estimate of one of Portland's best archi tects. The location Is ideal; the bunga low was planned and built by a master; every convenience of the artistic mind and the mechanical hand has been wov en Into the arrangement of this superb home. The two acres of ground has been most beautifully laid out with drives, walks, shrubbery and flowers; 26 'bearing fruit trees of great variety and berries of ail kinds, which cannot be excelled. One block off the highway and one block from Lakewood station. We believe this buy cannot be duplicated anywhere today. The price, $15,000, Is far below the value; with about $5000 for the first payment, exceptionally good terms may be had on the balance. Words cannot describe this place. , If you will come to our office we will be glad to go into details and show you some views and drive you over to see this home. Come soon before It Is too late. IRVINGTON PARK ADDITION. IVs BLOCKS TO CAR. Let us show you this bargain for $2850. Large cozy living room -with fireplace and built-in book cases, dining room with buffet, kitchen, 2 sunny bedrooms and bath. This place has been given the best of care and is In excellent condition; $1000 cash needed, bal ance 120 per month and interest. J . L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. IRVINGTON. Beautiful new home just completed; 4 large bedrooms. Horary, breakfast room; high class finish ; best construction throughout; price $0500. Terms. ROBERT B. BEAT, OWNER. BUILDER. 72U East 22d North. Woodlawn 177. HEIGHTS HOME $6500. An unusually well built 2-story 7-room house located on choice view lot where Willamette heights connects with West over, having unobstructed view of city, mountains and river. Modern except no hardwood floors; 4 bedrooms, fireplace, good furnace, beautiful improveea grounds with stone wall. Easy terms if wished. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 40L DANDY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 nice rooms, hardwood floors, tapes try pa.per. fireplace, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays. This is a charming little home; $750, terms. THE - LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Lfrg. Main 6015. cciient uuiiumun. vrjr large rooms t... .it fill irrniinlii onH chni.kA.ii verv best construction. Want offer. Tabor 407. Terms. DON'T WORRY! The people's choice will win and so will you. providing you do not waste too much time In securing that new bungalow In Laurel hurst; location Ideal, every modern convenience. Se .1. A. McCarty for full particulars, at 270 Stark st. Maln 1700; evenings and Sun day Tabor 5o57. PURE ENGLISH COLONIAL TYPE -SliK IT. TODAY Key at office. Last 39th and GUsan sis. Less than one year old: beautiful !v finished in old ivory and tapestry paper;. . iiiv v. fi hi. ... , c 1 n in nan- die; a few dollars added to your rent money will do the rest. First come, first served. taDor evenings East 2os6. IN CO M E P R OPERTYj Two furnldhed homes. 5-room bunga low with furnace: garage. 9-room hom living room. fireplace. dining room bedroom, breakfast room on first floor; suitable for two families. Nice lawn fruit trees and shrubbery. Rents for $l Owner leaving city. .o0. terms Mrs! G. H. Fiiddcn. 1063 Montana avenue f u-w,, .1, J -Tl IHL1. Neat little 4-room cottage with sink and patent toilet, nice yard, SOxlOO, ce ment sidewalks. Included with the place are 2 beds.' 2 spring. table. 4 chairs. 2 rockers. 1 cook stove. 1 heater and pas plate; total price $1 750. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. BEAUTIFUL Rose'City bungalow. 5 rooms hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, fur nace, fireplace, east front. 5oxl00-foot lot. $4750. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 377 THREE rooms and bath. long porch, nearly new, modern con v. oTurniture if .desired), big lot, near school, church, stores: country advantages right in Portland. Special discount for - cash. Immediate possession. Tabor 9282. $2600 5-ROOM. double constructed bun gaiow. 2 corner lots, alley, fruit, shrub bery of all kinds; terms. Tabor 7O05 5415 Foster road. PIEDMONT Bt'NGALO W $ 55 0 , Attractive llj-story 7-room bungalow on large lot with lots of trees and shrub berv. at No. 1321 Rodney Ave. FUR NISHED: 4 bedrooms. A real snap. Terms. Tabor 407. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. AH furttlabed. corner double garage; hardsurfacc street; has fireplace, fur nue and all built-ins. Price only $4650. Broadway 3Q1. Owner just vacated classy 2-story 6 room house with sleeping porch and ga rage at No. 1175 Est Davis, near East 3tth. Repainted, decorated and in ex- rooms. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. Buy direct from owner, save commis 1 ston: 6-room house. 10 blocks from .lef-fers-m high. Modern wit h full cement basement. . Phone Mnin 92QS. i 6-ROOM collate. 13th. near Market, good condition $590. Phone Main 254,. " . REAL ESTATE. For Ssde U oases. IRVINGTON -ROOM BUNGALOW, $7,150. - VERY LIBERAL TETRMS. ONE OF IRVINGTON'S FINEST BUN GALOWS! We just can't overdescribe the beauties of this splendid home. This was built by one of Portland's best builders. The interioir furnishings and decorations are superior to that found in many of the more costly homes. There is an exceptionally large living room separated from the dining room by French doors. The kitchen is the very acme of convenience and of course there is a convenient breakfast nook. Yes, there is a garage. Now, if real, down right value and exceptionally liberal terms appeal to you, then for goodness sake get busy get in touch with us at once; probably never again will you have an opportunity like this one. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 8092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. NOTICE! HOMESEEKERS! For your convenience we will keep our picture display room OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. Every district, every type of home, every price. Take advantage of these delightfully long evenings and come down and LOOK FOR YOUR HOME. Come THIS EVENING, and a car will TAKE YOU right out to look, at homes of your choice. 18 Automobiles at Your Service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, i LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Third, bet. Washington and Stark. HERE'S BIG NEWS. ROSE CITY PARK. $4200 Who's going to be the lucky one? This bargain is going to be sold today and we urge you to see th is as early as possible. Lo cated below the hill 2 blocks Sandy, 5 rms., large living rm., hardwood floors, fireplace, gas heat, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, 50x100 lot, fruit and shrubbery. Street Improve ments in and paid. Owner leav ing city. Terms. Call Main 802 lor appointment. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HALF WAY TO SELLWOOD. $3200 A good buy in a weli-built, sub stantial 7-rm. home; 4 bed rooms, white enamel Dutch kitchen, good basement. Fine level lot 84x125, large bearing fruit trees, berries, fine lawn and flowers; 4 blocks Sellwood car, 12 mln. out. No incumbrance to assume. $1000 down, easy balance. Just the place to beat the high cost of living. Call Main 802 for ap pointment. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. $7000. OWTCER BOUGHT LARGER HOME, CAN GIVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. HAS ENTRANCE HALL, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM, KITCHEN, FIRST FLOOR: FOUR BEDROOMS. BATH SECOND FLOOR: LARGE ATTIC. FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. GASCO FUR NACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. GA RAGE; WALKING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. MULTNOMAH ST.. NR. UNION. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE, 271-'0 COLONIAL HOME. Center hall-, French doors to living, dining and arched pergola; sunroom, 3 bedrooms, doubie sleeping- porch, all In old ivory; all floors hardwood; hot-water heat; garage; curtains, silk drapes and linoleum free. $1)500. East 1347. WEST SLOPE MT, TABOR Beautiful 7-room bungalow, finished In old ivory and to a queen's ta.-ue. In material. In quality of workmanship, in arrangement, neatness and surroundings, this is the prettiest bungalow in this exclusive district. Not a single detail is missing to make this strictly modern. Beautiful lot 50x135. If you are look ing for the best this will satisfy. Pries $8800, reasonable terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. 95500 MOUNT TABOR $5500. 7 roomy and sleeping porch, modern, beautiful living room and dining room, fine kitchen, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays; attractive lawn, with several big full-bearing cherry trees. This Is a finely constructed home and far below market value; must be seen to be appreciated. Owner leav ing city. M. E. DeJOICB CO.. 222 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. EAST SIDE, WALKING DISTANCE. Modern 6-room 2-story home oil Wasco st. We have never had the equal to this buy before in close-in property. Hardwood floors, full cement basement; street Hens paid. $4(100 with small down payment. Immediate possession. Act quick here. tfeeing Is buying. CAREY-SA V DOE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7437. $2250 -YOUR OWN TERMS $: 250. :.j2ClUt, V 1TM BEKKIES. 8-room. double-constructed, plastered horse, small basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas: large lot 05x100, all kinds of berries. You haven't any ex cuse to talk high rent when you can buy a house like this on the easiest terms. Main 7067. Marleld or Williams, 820 Cham, of Com, bldg. $200 DOWN. Real buy in Mt. Scott, modern bun galow, combination living room and din ing room, Dutch kitchen, 2 light airy bedronms.-bath and toilet, full lot. This is $2500 property being sacrificed to raise a little ready cash. $2000 is the special purchase price. CAREY-SA VIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7. $;i)5oo. A L A M E T A. "REA VTTFUL VIEW NEAR CAR: BEAUTIFUL. LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. KITCHEN BREAKFAST ROOM. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FOUR BEDROOMS. BATH HOT WATER HEAT. GARAGE. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. POINDEXTER. 20X SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SQ I. RESIDENCE, 271-20 $200 DOWN. In the Alberta district we have an opportunity to ffet a 5-room modern bungalow at a pick-up price. Very nifty, best modern plumbing, fruit trees, $-000bry herriea near cr and school. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. $.1675. FORECLOSURE. WHQ WANTS THTS" -ACT QUICKLY $.M CASH-. 7-room artistic bungalow, fireplace, sip. porch, modern: c'ojse in. Main 403 G. C. GOLDEN BERG t Abington Bldg. t ".:5 Yrs. In Portland." IRVINGTON C OT -O N I A L BU NALOW Beit valu, includes screens, linoleum, new gas range, heater, elc. : six lovely roomp.' screened sleeping porch ; garage Old-ivory finish. art paprfr, French doors, fine oak floors, flrepiace; located near 18th and Siskiyou.. Main 8078. BUY FROM OWNER. Rose City Park. C-R. sleeping P.. ste1 furnace, full basement, fireplace, H. W. F.. garage, east front, strictly modern' No agents. Tabor 572.S. $1000 SNAP ! 4 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, mod ern; 50x100, . paved;' fruit, close In Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington Bidg. "35 Yrs. in Portland " FINE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Five rooms and bath, nine modern bungalow, with furniture. 100x100 lot with fruit and berries; all for $3."o' Equity $1050. A snap. Prentiss. 615 chamber of Commerce bldg. EXCEPTIONAL bargain. must se;i at once. 5-room cot tape. bath, toilet gas electricity; fruit. 51x100 lot, paved t paid; cloe in, E. 11th st. X ; $50 easy terms. 03 Spalding bldg or phone Eat 5919. $.-20f) TERMS. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Unexcelled value, up to the minute 52d st. Main 4n.-; G. C GOLDENBKRG Abington B;dg. "35 Yrs. in Portland." $2200 $300 DOWN, balance like rent!" 7 room modem house, only 5 years tf!d; full plumbing, gas and electrioitv; 5 blocks to Montavilla earllne. near Lau ren h urst- Inquire 302 Pine or Bd w v 429::. MT TABOR CITY VIEW HOME. Strictly modern ft-room house in the nicest section of Mt. Tabor-Hawthorne, near car line and among the finest homes in he city; price $6000. Owner Tabor 4296. IRVINGTON. J7500 New five-room modern bunga low with garage, nicely finished and complete in detail. For appointment call Taggart, Main 27. CLASSY 5-room bungalow, nice neighbor hood, lovely corner Int. on paved street and c:rline. Price $:tnno. cash T.nn. E. .1. Geiser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. BY owner. 40iO (r 6-room house in fir.t olai condition, ono bok SS. car. 85 East Yarnhin Tabor 5159. $K500 1 00 x 1 0O LO VELY S - too m mVdVrn house, garage, splendid locat Ion, fine terms. f1i Chamber of Com. Main ftn.2. nVE-ROOM house. Nath: t side cheap. Terms, gonian. fruit trees; AR 3!. Ore- BEAL ESTATE, For Sale BUNGALOWS! BUNG A LOWS ! BUNGALOWS ! BUNGALOWS and HOUSES to suit any purse. They arc all priced right and a glimpse down this list should convince anyone that there la no profiteering here. We have photographs of these and lots of other places and Invite you to call at the of fice in person or by phone. $2000 1 -story. 6 rooms and sleeplnjf porch, lot 60x174, fireplace, bath and toilet, wire for electric lights, and gas In. full basement, concrete foundation. chicken house and yard; $500 cash, $30 monthly. $'--25 5-room cottage with H acre of ground, lots of fruit, modern chicken house. 14x36; $700 cash, S25 monthly. $2300 5-room plastered cottage with gas, electric lights, bath and toilet; lot 50x100: assorted fruit trees, plenty of berries, near Twohy Bros.; $200 cash. $20 mo. $2300 An extraordinary well-built, nifty little 3 -room bungalow-type of cottage with a full acre of ground. In a eood location: tu for cooking, B bearing fruit trees, I a- young ones; strawberries, cur- 1 rants, apples, etc. First-class chicken house with room for 300 chickens. Here is a young farm right In the city; $1000 cash. $15 monthly. $2500 5-room plastered house with 100x100 lot, "plentv of fine fruit, on paved street, 2 chicken houses, close in; very good value; $500 cash, $25 monthly. $2500 Large 6-room cottage with bath -and toilet, electric lights and gas. lots of built-in conveniences, some fruit trees, good garage with lights and water In same. Range and linoleum goes with the place; $1000 cash. $20 mo. $2000 2-story 9-room plastered house. with concrete foundation. full basement, cement floor and laun dry trays, bath and toilet. 6 bearing fruit trees, some berries; $500 cash, $25 monthly. $2650 4-room- plastered cottage, with bath and toilet; groend 45x225 ; large chicken house with water piped to each pen ; also electric lights, lots of fruit; $500 cah, $20 monthly. $2000 An extraordinarily neat 7-room house on car line. In Woodlawn. House Is modern, has fireplace and furnace. An exceptionally good buy. $1150 cash. $25 mo. $3050 5-room bungalow with exception ally large rooms, large floored attic with room for three more houses; splendid garage with ce ment runways; lot 60x120; $1550 cash, balance 3 yrs. at 7V. $3200 A practically new, newly-wed, apartment-house type of bunga low; splendid pergola entrance. Murphy disappearing bed, dress ing room, large living uora with fireplace and seat; Pullman buffet kitchen ad breakfast nook, built-in table and seats, beauti ful, lot on paved street and car - line; $300 cash, any large month ly payment will do, $5200 5-room plastered bungalow with concrete foundation. built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, ground 100x160, 22 bearing fruit trees, consisting of prunes, apples, pears, etc. A miniature ranch in a good district; $1000 cash, bal ance to suit. $3250 A remarkably well-built 7-room house with sleeping porch, dis appearing bed, fireplace, large ciosets. gooa view, concrete re taining wall; house alone cannot be duplicated for $4500; $150 casn, su monthly. $3250 5-room modern bungalow, with good garage, fireplace, complete - hot water heating system, full basement, concrete foundation. sua ana eiectric lights, bath and toiiet; to car, in good dis triot; $1000 cash. $25 monthlv $3500 An exceptionally well-built and attractive 5-room bungalow, with wonderful ivy -covered cobble stone fireplace, cobblestone porch supports, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen. built-in buffet, book cases, full-length mirror, beamed ceilings, built-in ironing board, wash trays in basement; lot 50x100 with wonderful view of snow-capped mountains; $8 00 casn, Daiance monthly. FRED W GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. CLIP THIS NOW LAST APPEARANCE. HAWTHORNE. LOWER MT. TABOR DISTRICT. East 50th, paved street, between two fast car services. Mt. Tabor, Hawthorne; school '2 blks. : nest stores lu blks: a sfx-room modern, cozy bungalow, built for every day use when thev built houses; economic heat, good basement. tttic. built-in . convenience?, extras hrown In; cash terms, reasonable price to suit. Bring your wife, make a Dni job of It. 237 E. 5Qth st. BEST HOME BUY IN PORTLAND. Nothing like this for the money In the city; splendid 8-room modern house and one full block tone acre) of ground for only $050o; every variety fruit In abun dance in rull bearing and perfect condi tion ; house has bath, full cement base ment, furnace, .etc.; lots grapes, berries and choice shrubbery; just : blocks from car. on K. 44th st. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4JIS1. $2475 VACANT VACANT $2475. A BARGAIN. ON TERMS. WHY TRL TO RENT? 6 rooms, full basement, electric lights, gas. fine plumbing; corner lot 50x1 in), 7 fruit trees. This house is in finest con dition, just newly tinted and decorated and nothing lacking. A beautiful lit tie place at bargain price; terms. Main 7l07. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Com, bldg. . BARGAINS. Magnificent fl-R. home, Irvington. $lS,oon. Splendid 10-R. home. Irvington. $10,500 Fine 0-R. home, Irvington. $8500. Excellent 7-R. home, lrvingtou. $S500. Cood 0-R. home. Irvington. $7500. Fine 6-R. bungalow. Irvington, $7500. Good old 7-R. home. $4500. All pre-war prices, below cost. EAST 273. HE RDM AN. r,"i V. 12TH ST. NORTH J6300 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON' $0500., VACANT STRICTLY MODE K.N. 7 rooms, strict iy modern, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fire place, hdwd. firs..; In finest condition ; iust newly painted and decorated and rcH My a splendid buy : on terms. Slain 7O07. Mariels or Williams. S20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $440(. It is verv Important that you snould know about this fine 6-room bungalow with full basement, hdwd. floors, fire place. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet and bookcases, cosv den. A happy, snappy Uttte home. Only $4400, terms to suit. Nelson, with O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. 332-33 Ry- Exch. bldg. Main 5109. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 1I)5n YOUR OWN TERMS $1950. NEXR PENINSULAR UBR. CO. MILL. S-ronm house, vacant: plumbing, gas, etc Just newlv painted and papered in :.".. fnn'riitmn! several fruit trees; near Willamette blvd. This is no man sion but beats renting, and is worth the monev Main 79V7. Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham. ofCoin. bldg. VROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. yiRi.A-n STATION B LOG K CAR. r ...inn- mom with fireolace. full cab inet kitchen, bedroom with nice closet ; bath, toilet and laundry: cement bas- . ttrte fixtures: fine lot on corner. 90x1 00: J25O0, $2O0 ca;h. bal. $25 p.r month and 7 per cent Interest. ir.mvT-vnvr mc.HT IN. a T-rvi " 'two-storv house, half base- , .mAr T-'xi' : oaved streets, on ."i--. t-v.nft :ioo cash. $25 per mo, i ' iAt invtriA: cood cement basement, near 'car; $1SOO. $350 cash. $20 per mo. t vtc-p qt X TV. LAND CO., Main 5429. 24S Stark Street. " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. - Strictlv roodern'5-room bungalow with all kind's of built-ins; hardwood floors, 1 1 huffet Dutch kitch en in white enamel, cement basement and laundry trays, fine garpge. This is a very pretty home. Come and see it- Call Main 53Q PPt"er" 1TJ tit 'NO M.O.W. vacant, ready to move In "VfLV cir-m .! and $25 per month, int. f twt cent. Fine fixtures, good plumbing, All rooms nice and clean: 1 block: car. Price $2750. Phone owner Tabor 604. i r, 1.- a v T.rftnm storv and half bunga kw close in on 24th sl; full lot and bamnt; improvements in and psld; near car -and school ; $5750; $70O cash, rent terms on balance. . INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5420. 24S Stark St. IF YOTT WANT a strictly modern 6-rm. bungalow In good district on ri. 27th St.. near Fremont, for only $6500, terms If wanted, call Marsh. 20o3. 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. MT. SCOTT AND 63D $1C00. 50x100 lot. house has bath, toilet, elec tric, gas, full basement, sidewalks; $o00 CMh. SM1TII-AVAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW SUNNYSIDE NEAR 32D AND ALDER. Cozv 4 rooms, full cement basement, furnace, built-ins, Dutch kitchen; setl for $3000. half cash. Call Tabor 815a. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Piedmont distrb-t ; h. w. floors, fire place, furnace, rinnt basement, 50x1 OO lot, terms. . Main 7o0. BEAL ESTATE. SEMT-SURURBAN. COUNTRY LIFE IN CITY LIMITS. A "MOST desirable seven-room home in PERFECT condition and modern In every degree; full cement basement, fine furnace, wash trays, extra toilet. First floor, large living room with fire place, dining room, pass pantry, kitchen, bedroom and large sleeping porch. Second floor. J nice bedrooms, large bath, ample closets. Approximately one-fourth acre of land, large double garage, chicken house with cement floor; fine garden and flowers, fruit In bearing. This propertv is located on paved street, with city water, gas and elec ' trlcity, convenient to both high and grade schools. m It cannot be duplicated for $10,000 and has cost the owner considerably more than the price named. If sold at once will accept $d500, with reasonable terms. . . SAM NORTON. 610 Henry Bldg. Broadway 2326 WTT.T. MWTTR HPIRHTS. $4500. Very desirahle. thoroughly modern house of 5 rooms and bath, splendid hot water heating system, front nail, living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor, two bedrooms and hewing room (or small oedroom). with ample closets and bath on second floor, large attic, electric lights and gas, polished floors throughout, full cement basement, wash trays, etc.: splendid corner lot. 80 foot frontage, esphait street (paid) lots nr nnri lribbrv. Best home en vironment, most beautiful view. This ; Is absolutely one of the best home bar- gains in Portland and must be seen to be appreciated. Price only $4500. terms, j $1500 cash, balance as may De ar ranged. Immediate possession. Can be inspected Sunday. J. W. Crossley, ltK3 Vaughn st. Main 6073. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOWS $4750 650O. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. REASONABLE TERMS. Five and six rooms, modern . throughout, hardwood floors, ivory finish. fireplace. Dutch kitchen with breakfust nook, cement base ment, furnace; 50x100 Tt. iota, on paved streets. These can be han dled with $1000 cash, the balance in reasonable monthly payments. For particulars call J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 20ft- ROSE CITY PARK. B-KUUM BUNGALOW. $4250. Hpr f nllr. la an eToentlnnallv at tractive bungalow, ideally located in 1 Rose City Park district. This splendid home has a large living room extending the entire width of house, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. Full lot, with paving and sewer assts. paid. See this today. A.-G. TEEPE CO.. Branch Office, 50lh and Sandy. 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3U92. $5S00. . $5800. ROSE CITY PARK. The interior of this 6-room California bungalow is the prettiest we've ever seen; the large living room with tapestry paper and artistic lireplace is especially beautiful; there are 3 bedrooms, hot-air heating system, basement, garage; the lot, a corner, is a regular little park of shade trees. If you can pay $1 5O0 cash phone today for car to show you. HOLDEN & KOHLMAX, 228 Ch. of Com, bldg. Main 65 50. GOOD substantial 6-room hou?e, walking distance; 3 large, light rooms, reception i hail nod pantry first floor; 3 well-ven- ! tiiated bedrooms and bath on second floor, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, woodlitt. The lot fs weil improved with beautiful lawn, tree roses, fruit trees, grapes and berries; you can get Immediate possession; $1500 cash, small payment every six months; S4iuu; streets nara-sur:acea ana paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ONE-THIRD ACRE $3150. j A LITTLE CITY FARM. ' 6-room colonial bungalow, good con- dition. corners on two hard-surface j streets, 4 blocks to car, chicken house 1 and run. garage, garden partly in. 4 i fruit trees, beautiful shade trees. Being 1 sacrificed to get money to put lij busi ness. $050 cash. Balance easy pay ments. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. ' ' 104 Fifth St. Main RS69. $0500 ROS E CI T Y C500. A new and up-to-the-minute bunga low ; furnace and fireplace.- beautiful hardwood floors, all built-ins, cabinet kitchen, full - cement basement, wah trays, etc. ; all finished in ivory and white enamel ; 50x100 lot, garage, full cement runway ; hard-surface st. and sewer in and paid; reasonable terms. KUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. KOSh- CITY PARK. Better than new; 5-room bungalow on paved street; oak floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, ail bullt-ins. large Moored atfic. cement basement with trays, nice lawn, beautiful roses and shrubbery; the type of bungalow selling for $0u0U in this district. Owner leaving, will sell for S50O0 if Bold quickly. A bargain for someone. Tabor 7625. 087 E. 57th St. North. ONLY $750 CASH. ONLY $750 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. Here is a real bargain: On 44th st. we have a 6-room home . with fireplace, Dutch "kitchen, cement basement, 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch on upper floor. The price is only $3900. Hurry, see It today. HOLDEN & KOHLMAX. 228 Ch. of Com, bldg. Main 6550. ROSE CITY PARK. One of the finest ft-room modern homes In Rose City. Oak floors, fire place, all the built-ins. finished in nat ural and white, furnace, SOxJOO lot, paved street, 2 blocks from R. C. car. on 02nd st. N. A wonderful buy at $4750. $1500 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6569. $000 $300 DOWN boys a 5-room house with bath, base ment, on a 5oxloo lot on paved street and car line, just 15 minutes run into town. This place has ail kinds of fruit trees, good garden pot, monthly pay ments to bo made to suit the buyer; cheaper than rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. . Main 3787. IRVINGTON HOME. A most beautiful 8-room with large den or library. Parquet oak floors, 3 fireplaces, furnace, 5 bedrooms, finest 100x1 OO corner lot. with garage, lovely shrubbery and flowers. You cannot ap preciate this home until you step inside, $ 15.000 ; very easy terms. THE FRED A JACOBS CO.. I04 Fifth St. - Main 6569. LAUR ELHURST 6-ROOM BUN- G A LO W $ 1 500 CASH. $50 PER MO. AND INTEREST. You can move right In ; key at office, E. 39th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433; evenings East 20S& $7000 BEAUMONT SPECIAL $70O0. 6 rooms, sieeplng porch and large attic; hardwood floors downstairs: 3 fine airy bedrooms; full basement, fur nace, fireplace, garage; 2. blocks to car and school ; will be glad to show by a ppointment. See J. A. McCarty. 270 tark st. Main 1700; Sunday and even ings Tabor 5o57. A FINE 7-room home. 3 blocks to Jeffer son high school. 1 block to Miss. ave. car; strictly modern and in excellent shape: 50x1oO corner, paved st. The price is a bso 1 u te ly r ig h t. $4WM). $ 1 ,"00 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bidg. Main 6915. THOROUGHLY modern west-side bunga low, old ivory enamel, fireplace, large buffet, hardwood floors, many built-ins In kitchen; cement basemen t," full plumb ing, attic; 50x100 lot; on good car; $4500, $1000 cash, balance $30 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON- CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA PARK. On 2Sth st., block from car. A fin square substantial 6-room house with rirepiace.- ail tne nuut-ins, furnace, fin ished in old ivory. 50x100 lot, paved streets. : low casn. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St, Main 669. FOR $500 DOWN. Mere is a ime 4-room Dunca ow n corner lot, .iust 2 blocks to car; has cob blestone lounaation. iirepiace. built-in kitchen, full basement, laundry trays ana lOiai price oniy -.o. 1 J Ol I N SUN - DO DSON CO. , W33N. W. Bank BJdg. n 3787 $35O0 5-ROOM well-built bungalow: full basement, concrete foundation: cround lonxicO. with beautiful native trees, fine lawn and garden pot; $500 cash, $20 mommy. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 CHAMBER UK COMMERCE. 3-t;ouM nouse. weu-Dui it. modem con veniences, west side, fi.iun, terms. Main M OT BRN district. 8-rom Owner, bungalow, Hawthorne phone Tabor 514. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Home HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. Ton should see some of the homes that we have to offer. You would foriret the possibility of these homes being sold aa less price. Why. these; homes, when com pared with what you have seen, would make thes-e "Reduced Price Sales" bv our clothiers iook like an actual increase. When we can show you homr at the , same price aa thev sold before , the war. what bejtter do ou want? True, we cannot do this In a home just completed, but if you are satisfied with a home 4 to 6 years old. then we are specialists in what you desire. $4200 A rooms and bath, bunsralow. 4 rooms down, 1 up. lance It vine room across entire front, dining room with buffet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, beautiful grounds 60x 127 with oak. cedar and doewood trees, roses, vines" and shrub berv. This home has a hot water heating system that would cost over $ 10O0 to Install. Con venient to Vancouver - car and .Tefferson high school. Terms. $450O 6 rooms and sleeping porch with furnace, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash traj-?, garage, donbiy con structed. 50x100 lot: terms. $3500 Buys rooms and bath with at tic for three additional rooms if desired. Built ins. fireplace, full basement. street improvements pa id. terms. SUNN YS1DB HOME. $4200 Sold for this place before the war. 6 rooms and bath with fur nace, buffet, full cement base ment, wash trays. saraie. lot 43 1-3x100. with paved street in snd paid for. Possession June 1. Terms. CKOVELAXD PARK. $4050 5 rooms and bath down with at tic for three additional rooms if desired, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. Dutch kitch en. .50x100 lot. street improve ments sll In; terms. Come In and inspect our photos and listings of the best buys available in the district you desire. 7 salesmen with au- tos at your service. J. A. WICK MAN COMPANY. 204 Ry Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 and 533. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW FLATS. ATTRACTIVE BUY AND HOME. Here is a very well-built, large two flat home; each a S-roouji flat and ar ranged like a 5-room bungalow, polished light fir floor throughout, linoleum on both kitchen floors, 2 baths. 2 wod-llfts. full semi-cement basement. laundry trays, etc.. and all in first-class condi tion. Very attractive lot with fine shrub bery and beautiful view of mountains: located among fine homes Just 1 block from car, close to school. Only $50O; very reasonable terms. If you are look ing for a nice home and income, don't fall to see this. C. A. WARRINER. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $2200. . R-ROOM BUNGALOW. ' OPEN FOR INSPECTION From 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. Today. A very nice 5-room bungalow, almost new; must be sold at once. We are of ferinr this at a orice that will vO Quick ly, good white enamel plumbing. Dutch Kitchen, gas ann electricity; corner mi, street paved and paid : ash $600. bal ance $20 per month. 12iil Francis ave.. corner 42d st.. 1 block north ot Wood stock car. METZGER-P A RKER-FERGUSON CO., 209 Oak St. Maili 3534. CLASS Y LITLE BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER Located on choice corner lot with paved streets, all paid for. Desirable, close in district, near beautiful Laurel hurst Park: a cosy, modern little home, easy to care for; just right for young couple; large living room, built-ins. ivory woodwork, fireplace, furnace, etc.: sure to please you. A dandy buy. Owner. Ta bor 51 6! or Broadway 421. 6-ROOM strictlv modern hom fireplace, furnace, buffet, cabinet kitcln n. book cage, 3 bedro 3ms. cement basement, laundry travs, double garage, nice cor ner lot. 1 block from car. In good dis trict on 39th st. $45-.n. terms if wanted. Mr. Smock, Marfh. 2003. REDUCED FOR CASH, l-story house on elevated corner lot; fine "view, up to date; hot water heating svstem. fireplace, cement garage, built in basement, screen back porch, white enainei kitchen and bath ; 5 rooms lirst Moor; large unfinished attic, larce base ment, fine chicken house ; $3250 cash. Phone' Tabor 4752. $42.10 HAWTHORNE DTST. $4250. Hi sacrifice: owner leaving city; will -sell his beautiful 5-room bungalow, lo cated in best part of district -n paved st.; assessment in and paid; only 5.000 cash, bal. $3. a month, including inter est. Come e:rlv if you a bargain. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 Oak st. Bdwy. 4133. IRVINGTON BEAUTY. ssooo. Hillside view home, between Irvington and Alameda: home beautifully built, all ivory, plate glass. H. W. floors through out: best view in city: full lot, fine con crete garage. Mc DON ELL. East 419. MODERN 7-room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, built-ins. cabinet kitch en, four bedrooms, large bath, garage. 100x1 0O garden and small fruits, near car; $3950 and terms. EDWIN JACOBSON. 719 Spalding bldg. Main 5642. WESTOVER TERRACE HOME. Modern 7-room house and garage, com plete and modern in every detail. 10,. Cumberland road; one of finest locations on Westover terraces: liberal terms if desired. Phone Main 3007. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES CO. $2500 LAU RE L HURST S250O. Bungalow. 4 large rooms, both and laundry trays, paved streets, fruity two blocks to car: terms. EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5612. 4-ROOM bungalow style house, with 2 unfinished rooms upstairs, gas and elec trtcitv. basement, full plumbing, garage, 40xl20-fnot lot: $2900. $050 rash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S.. INCOME PROPERTY. Corner. 70x100. 3 S-room houses In very good condition, large monthly In come ; would make ideal apartment houe suite. $20. 000. terms. THOMSON. 02Q-21 Henry Bldg. WILL trade 8-room modern houe and garage, good location, walking distance, for stock of men's clothing, furnishings or shoes. Inquire 221 Morrison. J. M. Karo. No agents need apply. IRVINGTON 7000. 7-room house, perfect condition. H W. floors first and second floors; ivory fin ish throughout. See this M c DO N E LL. East 419. ONE-HALF acre, modern 5-room bunga low, barn, cnicnen nous-e. " -s- -"V" garden, near car and school; $3,00. $10O0 ensh long time on balance. INT E RSTATE LAND CO.. 24 Stark st . FOR SALE by owner. 2 attractive lota With four-room nouse. an HinuB or rruit and berries, four blocks from Broadway car 959 E. Slst X. RESTAURANT, live eastern Orepon town, readv for business; owner must sen ac count health: J.50. terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 21S Stark st. $2750 HA WT H O R N E $ 2750. Good 5-roo"i house with attic, fine cor ner lot, 5Oxi00. Assessments paid, terms. 350 E. 37that. Key next door. I R V T NOT O N Modem home. - everything verv best condition, lot .Wxino. all im provements in. 250 will handle. THOMSON. 020-21 Henry Bldg. 734 E. RURXSIDE, NEAR E. 22D. Large S-room hoouse with 4 bedrooms. In splendid condition throughout; lot 4x 100; price $4000. East 2871. MODERN BUNGALOW. Five rooms besides bath and at tie ; restricted district: price S2650: good terms. Phone Sellwood 1365. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow with front hall large attic, cement basement, fur nace: $4500. 1184 Mixter St.. neartffth st. TO CLOSE ESTATE. Will ell 5-room house. Sow E. 30th st., n-ar car line. h. s. St.; $lSOO. East 2S7I. NOW VAC AN 2W0. 6-room house, newly painted. In fine s h a pe. E. 30th and Bnrnsulo. East 28.1. vor ciLE 9S6 Union ave. North, cot- tage flvrooms. bath, large lot. fruit, berrk8 See this. Owner, premises. ROTC CITY PARK Strictly modem 7 room house on car. in perfect condition; parage. East 492L vol- DESIRABLE hom-s in Hawthorne. Rose City or Alameda district from $300 to"""- 6 ROOM house for sale, less than cost, lit 50x1 00. place for gsrage, plenty fruit trees Call at 390 E. 10th st cvKk ROSE CITY, 5-room bungalow, cor ner, garage, easy .terms. Owner. Sell- wood ROSE CITY PARK. New,' 7 rooms. modern, by No agents. Tabor 176. v0ft GOOD house. 2 acres, herriep, gaen 0wcgo Lake, near electric. Main 3Vii2 McFARLAND, 2ns Failing bldg. jj70O SMALL house, large lot. Sunnyside car $2fl0 cash ; balance as can agree. Tabor 6193. tTROOM bungalow. 200x201 feet of ground; 2 fruit trees and small fruit. loin E. ?.'M b. MODERN 3 room house, 3518 tMlh S. E. Tabwr S554-. REAL KSTArK. "ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW .60O0. Here, folks, is surly one of Ros City Park's best buis. We are offering: one of the most beautiful bungalows in this popular district. We just can't over describe tli is beaut If ul bungalow. Draw on your Imagination ss much as you like picture a home you would like and here you will find it. If through the medium of this advertisement, we ar: successful In getting you to Inspect th: property and If you have the cash to handle the owner's equity thn we hae made a sale. twiU be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPK CO.. 284 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. NOTICE! HOMESEEKERS! For your convenience we will keep on- picture dlsplav room OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. 1O00 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR S A LE. Every district, every type o' home, every price. Tak advantage of these delightfu-lv long evening and come down and LOOK FOR YOUR HOME Come THIS EVENING, and a car will TAKE YOU right out to look at homes of your choice. 18 Automobiles Your Service. FRANK L. McGUIRE To TtuV Your Home. largest home sellers on - tup: faciei: coast. Abington bldg Main IOCS. Third, bet. Wa-Mnprron and Stark. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE. Beautiful rornrr home In Rose City, full of caref ully -planned- modern con veniences, rlchlv and harmoniously fin ished, hardwood floors in all rooms, old Ivory woodwork. French door", large liv ing room, bookcases, fireplace. 2 hath? 2 bedrooms on first floor and . two on second. be-t of hardware and light fix ture, cement basement, furnace, garage, etc. A home beautiful and It can't h beaten for the money. Price $9OO0; terms. LUE DDE M A N COMPANY. 91.1 Chamber of Commerce. Main 697. IT'S ALL TTERE. $4009. $tooo. COMPLETELY FURNISH ED. , Nicelv located in the Sunnyside dis trict: 6 moms and large den on first floor; 2 large bedrooms above ; full ce ment basement, all good furniture and all in good condition. On hard surface street and room for garane. clear of all inenmbrances; nulck possession can be had. Easv term.. CV A. WA RRINER. RITTKR. LOWE : CO., 20T-S-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Nice 6-R- IH-tory house. In first class condition; vacant and ready t move Into: white enamel throughout ex cept kitchen; elec, bath, basement, cor ner lot 90x100: 8 bearing fruit trees, ber ries, good chicken house and run. large garage: on Killlngsworth ave. and East 9th. Price $3750. nbont half cash : no better home in Portland for the money. Kev at cur office. GRUSSI & BENNETT. S18-21 Board of Traue. Main 74Sfc REAL HOME. BETTIFUL CORNER LOT 100x150; ctf! 1CTI.Y MODERN RESIDENCE: FIRST FLOOR FINE FOR ENTER T V I NINO : SECOND FLOOR HAS F TV FI BEDROOMS: TWO BATHS: THIRD FLOOR TWO MAIDS ROOMS LARGE" BILLIARD ROOM AND BATH; HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POTXD ENTER. ?OS SELLING BLDG. MAIN IStiO. RESIDENCE, 271-20. TERMS LIKE RENT. $3000 WEST SIDE $3000. Seen rooms nd full basement, hard ' surface streets. In and paid; full 50x1011 lot. beautiful unobstructed river view : elear of all Incumbrances : $700 cash, balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. R1TTER. LOWE &r CO.. ooi3-r,-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. ROSE CITY REAL BUNGALOW, ; rt Trffe besviitlful rooms with all kind of built-ins: charming living room 1x2l. laundry room on flrt floor, large base ment. Gaco furnace, cheerful Tireplace. hardwood floor throughout : garage. beautiful grounds, looxioo. This is a real home. $7400. half cah. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. , 104 5th St. Main6S09. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, heart of Sun nyside: living room, dining room, kite!'.- en. nea rooms, uai 11. i 1 1 . 10 u .... , .- travs. 1 ru it trees, street iiniiniTciucni.- - paid; concrete foundation, cement base- -ment; 3 Mocks tonr. Why pay rent . $3150, $1500 cash. This is not an out house and In excellent condition. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main S7S7. $25nn FURNISHED BUNGALOW. On Carson Heights, 20 minutes oti Oregon Electric, with 3H-eent fare: 5 pleasant rooms and bath, hot and cold water; 4 blocks to car; neatly furnished. . ready to step right in and start house keeping. Can keep cow and chickens $2300, with s0 cash, balance monthly MaclNNES & PRATT. Main 3SR. 413 Board of Trade Mdg. ' YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY. Fine 40 acres-, near Estacada. good house, barn and ch icken bouse, all kinds of fruit and berries, running water, two springs and well, beautiful view of mountains and surrouuding country : very productive land. Is owned by widow who is not able to care for it; price $6500, cash $15O0, bal. long lime. EDWIN JACOBSON. 71 Spalding bldg. Main 562. IRVINGTON. ENTRANCE HALL. LARGE LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM KITCHEN FIRHT FLOOR: FOUR BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. HATH. SECOND FLOOR: LARGE ATTIC. FTTLL-STZE CONCRETE BASEMENT: FURNACE. GARAGE: LOT 75xH0; $OOo. . POJNDENTER. 2f'R SELL1N. BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE. 271-20. MODERN 1-tory. 5-room bungulow. living room, dining room, .kitchen. 2 bed rooms, built-in bookcases, buffet, mod ern plumbing, concrete basement finished in stained oak and wliite enamel : J-j block to car; $3850. $ 1 TOO cash, bal ance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. Wv. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. ROSE CITY PARK. $4250 Buys 5-room bungalow. with hardwood floors, fireplace, nit built-ins, wash trays, strictly modern "except furnace. large living room, street improvements all In find pnfd. .T. A. WICK MAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1Q94 and 53. A TT ENT I ON A 7-room house, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. buMt-lns. Dutch kitch en, full basement, wash trays, etc.; 50x TOO lot: Mdewalks and sewer In and paid: on East Lincoln st. Price only $5000, $700 down, bal. like rent. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. $2900 O-room. story and haK bungalow, rOx1ort lot. living room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, bath. concrete foundation, double constructed. 2 docks to car. $550 : balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $6250. TWO-STORY. STitlCTLY MODERN. FINE LIVfN'G ROOM. DINING ROOM, DUTCH KITCHEN. THREE BED ROOMS AND GLASSED-IN SLEEPING PORCH. BLOCK CAR LINE. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1-SOn. RESIDENCE. S71-20. NICE 6-room house, corner lot, paved st. and walks in and pa Id ; cement base ment, laundry trajs. This house is clean as cart be and ready to move into; only $3500 $1000 down. Marshall 2003. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 3500 CASH. 5-room modern cottage, good condi tion; 59x100 lot. paved si., all clear. 3 blocks to car, W. of 31st, $2900, small cash payment, bal. $20 a month; no mort gage. W. D. TABOR 4299. 1046 HAWTHORNE HIGH UP AMONG THE FIRS FOR ONLY $1400. Four-room plastered bungalow with bath and toilet, gas. city water and hard road to the place. 64x100 lot, some f ruii beautiful view, some terms. PRENTISS. 613 CHAM OF COM. BLDG. ' ROSE CITY. 8-room modern bungalow, all built ins. beautiful fireplace, fine furnace, streets in and paid, near car and west of 45th st.; the price is on'y $4750. Terms. EDWIN JACOBSON. 71 Spalding bldg. M aln 564g 8-ROOM MANSION $89"5fT 7 $15,000 Mt. Tabor Home for $S05O. This is worth while, large ground; va cant now; like new. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland. $r,OOfyT3 IRVINGTON RA RGA IN FINE COlt N E R LOT Good 6-room house in first-class con dition : all improvements in and paid. Call Tabor 3433: evenings East 20S6. i-.gOO BUYS 7-room home, with 80x100 lot. only 1 block to car. Gas stve and heater included. Thicken bouse and fruit. Terms. .1. A. WICK MAN COMPANY. 201 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and 583. IN WALNUT PARK. I ;TOO Modern six-room, story and half bungalow, corner Mix 100. east fac ing, hard turrace -street- By owner. 1125 Mailory. - . WEST S IDE. verv nice ,nrol-n 8-room bo US', pa ra AT. Ken rnf st . SK.OA ; &,; terms. S1H Cham, of Com. Main gftOJ.