16 THE MORNING OREGOXI AX, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1920 Mi RS. HELEN LADD CORBETT aa given the use of her gar den for Saturday afternoon. June 5, Tv-n Misa Jean Wold will present an artistic entertainment of Greek interpretations of musical compositions portrayed by her pupils. The festival will be for the benefit of the physical education department of the Young Women's Christian as sociation. The hour set is 3:30 o'clock. A number of prominent matrons will eerve as patronesses for the affair. This week's artistic event will be the Art Museum Spanish fiesta Fri day evening, with the art students appearing in dances and picturesque and colorful tableaux. Mrs. Bruce Kester of Vale. Or., will be the honored guest at a luncheon at which Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst will preside Thursday at 12:15 o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. tea room. Mrs. Kester has been taking the state bar exam inations. In addition to being a leader in club and parent-teacher work in her locality, she is charming socially, is active in educational circles and is an ideal wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Kester will be the ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst at the Fordham apartments until Saturday, when they will go to Seaside for a brief visit. Chi Omega sorority entertained aeycral guests over the week-end at its chapter house in Corvallis. Those invited were Agnes Basler, Vera May Kelly. Kuth iiensenich, Katherine Hogshire. Dorothy Scotten, Alice WOMEN'S Cl.UB CALENDAR. Tortland Business Women's club, social hall, Y. W. C. A, 8 P. M. Portland Shakespeare Study club. Mrs. Montrose Ringler, 39 laurelhurst avenue. 2 P. M. Women's society of the White Temple, Mrs. P. B. Hilton, 387 East Fifty-second street, 2 P. M. Multnomah chapter, D. A. R.. Mrs. F. K. Beach, 2 P. M. Maytime party. First Congre gational church, 2 to 4:30 P. M. Bain of Portland, Alice McCurdy of Hood River, Amelia Babcock and Kulalla Lindsay of Salem, Madge Bailey of Astoria, Elizabeth Edwards of Vancouver and Mildred Lauder dale, Hallie Smith and Margaret fctuder of Eugene, Mrs. Dale Perry and small son George of St. Helens, and Viola Watkins of Sumner, Wash. Raymond W. Frohman. who has been writing clever interviews with motion picture stars in California, is at .Good Samaritan hospital, where he is recovering from a serious op eration and is now able to see hie friends. The dance to be given tomorrow night at Chrlstensen's hall will b. the onlv big event of the year for which the Monday Musical club's dancing department will stand spon sor and so every effort is being made to assure succee. In addition to the patrons and patronesses already an nounced the following also are work ing for the affair: Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Rose, Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Moore. Ir. and Mrs. M. M. Wade, Mrs. D. F. 8 hope, Mrs. Phillip Gevurtz, Mrs. W. J. H. Clark, Mrs. C. Meyers, Mrs. AV. A. Warner. Mrs. Joseph I.. Stafford, Mrs. Robert F. Clark, Mrs. B. H. Hickox and Mrs. Charles Fenton Jones. Mr. and Mrs. C. H.' Dexter left Monday evening for an extended trip through the east. Mr. Dexter is con nected with the freight department of the O.-W. It. & N. railway. They expect to remain the greater part of a month. Mr. and Mrs. Buy Marsh Barley will be at home soon at their new residence in Irvington. They are at present on their wedding trip. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Richard son and Mr. Barley was an attractive ceremony of last week. Members of the University club and Talc alumni are planning to attend the dinner to be given at the club house Thursday evening. The func tion is in compliment to William Howard Taft. Many prominent men of Portland have made reservations for the dinner and later will attend the lecture at the auditorium. The Portland Heights clubhouse will be the scene today of an attrac tive social event, the bridge tea planned by the Mills College club as a benent lor tno university m ure gon woman's building fund. Society has reserved tables for bridge and many additional friends interested in the club and the cause will drop in for tea. Presiding at the table will lie Mrs. C. A. Dolph. Mrs. Frederick KiU-hey, Mrs. F. M. Warren and Mrs. R. L. Benson. Mrs. O. II. Fithian was hostess yes terday at a smart tea for her daugh ters, Mrs William Bertram Watson iTauline Fithiin) and Mrs. Robert frraham Fithian tVerna Barker). More than 100 friends called during the afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Olds will entertain today for Mrs. Watson and tomorrow Mrs. H. J. Tucker will be hostess at tea for Mrs. Watson. Friday Mrs. Vitbian, Mrs. Watson and the latter's children will go to Oearhart for an outing. Three large card parties, all of which are benefit affairs for causes that are worthy, will be held today The Mills college events will attract the public to Portland Heights: the Corinthian chapter party will be held- in Laurelhurst clubhouse and the tt. Ann's society anniversary will be celebrated in the Portland hotel. St. Ann's will observe its SSth an niversary with an attractive affair, for which Mrs. P. J. Flynn will be in the receiving party with the commit tee of arrangements, Mrs. Dan McGill Mrs. J. Roe. Mrs. J. O'Connor. Mrs. .Neil Sullivan, Mr3. Donald Ross, Mrs. o. F. Toomy ana Mrs. E. R. Clary Prizes will be given by Mrs. J. P. O'Brien. Mrs. Frank Kiernan. Mrs. J D. Leonard, Mrs. C. M. McCafferty nd Mrs. Flynn. Mrs. Julius Louisson left last night for The Dalles for a few days' visit with the Misses Lang. The Corinthian Social club card party will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in Laurelhurst clubhouse. The Rose City Park club will give the last afternoon card party of the season Friday. Bridge and "500" will be played. The hostess for the after noon will be Mrs. Harry W. Lyons, assisted by Mesdames Harry J. Brown, A. Laidlaw. R. Hanson. George Carl son. "W. L. Cornell. J. B. Ofner and J. Lothrop. Women's Activities Among: the club women who are Interested in the central committee's candidal for school director are Mrs. K. S. Myers. Mrs. Charles Hart. Mrj. A. M. Webster, Mrs. W. L. Block. Mrs. W. H. Thomas. Mrs. A. F. Flegel and others. Mrs. Flegel spoke on the sub ject yesterday before the Corriente club. ' - m A birthday tea for the members of the Women's society of the White Temple will be given at the home of Mrs. F. E. Hilton. 387 East Fifty second street, north, this afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Peter Marsden, Mrs. James Failing and Mrs. W. Pear son. Mrs. W. M. Everett and Mrs. M. S. Smith will have charge of the sale of useful articles. A splendid musical programme will be rendered. Woodlawn ParentTeacher associa tion will entertain with a community cancing party in the assembly of the school on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. A. J. Poulson. chairman of ar rangements, will be assisted by Mrs. Thaxter Reed, Mrs. George Frisbie and Mrs. Harry Coleman. The ladies' auxiliary to the Oregon Greeters have elected Mrs. Victor Brandt of the Carlton hota. as a dele gate to the national convention to be held at Colorado Springs in June. She will endeavor to organize a national auxiliary. Mrs. Jessie Honeyman has invited the members of the Portland Business Women's club to be her. guests this evening in Social hall, Young Wom en's Christian association. Bruce Horsfall will talk and show his pic tures. There will be music and a so cial hour. Last Friday eveinig a regular busi ness meeting was held at the Central library at which at which the com mittee on revision of the constitution and by-laws made a report on sug gested changes. A lively discussion followed and the report was referred Mll to me committee. This report will be voted upon at the annual meeting, June 13. Multnomay chapter. Daughters of tne American Revolution, will hold their regular meeting this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Beach on i-ortland heights. A large attend ance of members is desired as annual election of officers will be held. A musical programme will also be feature. Mrs. Montrose Ringler is to enter tain the members of the Portland bnakespeare btudy club at her home js iaureinurst avenue, from 3 to 5 ociock. mis will be the final meet ing or tne year. The club and its friends are promised a delightful pro gramme and refreshments. ine Portland Woman's club will noia tne last meeting of the year on i'naay arternoon. May 28, in the ball room or the Multnomah hotel. A spe cial programme and the annual busi ness meeting will occupy the after noon. Mrs. John Thiesen. secretary of the ia iirande Neighborhood club, has an pointed Mrs. A. R. Hunter, Mrs. How ard O'Brien and Mrs. J. T. Richardson members of the transportation com mittee. These women will meet the delegates in La Grande and offer such assistance as is necessary in making tne transier from one train to the other en route to Enterprise. Another group of women, of which Mrs. O. C. Turner is chairman, will handle the transportation committee work in En terprise. The last meeting of the Portland women's club for the season will be held in Central library room "E" on Friday, 2 p. m. Members are urged to attend. Sunrise Lodge Nu. IC'o, ladies auxi liary to the brotl.erhood of railroad trainmen, will hold a silver tea at the home of Mrs. X. C. Bray, sisper of Mrs. Clara Soule, at 1016 Oantenbein avenue, on Thursday, from 2 to 5 p. m. Members and their friend3 are cordially invited. After a business meeting: at the club rooms, the members of the American educational association were guests of Mrs. Zola Somerville. at a delightful dinner party at the Xortonia hotel on Saturday evening. May 22. This is the second of a series of "Oct Tog-ether" meetings. Mem bers present were: Mrs. Zola Somer ville, Miss I.ula Coleman, Miss Xina T'earson, Mrs. J. Chitry, Miss Lucy Turel, Miss Agnes Koster, Mrs. Fran ces Morin, Miss Klizabeth Tohl and Miss Madaline Kifer. SCHOOL EDITORS CHOSEN Evelyn ration to Kdit Pacific Uni versity "Index." PACIFIC tTN'lVKRSITY, Forest Grove, Or., May '-'o. (Special.) The annual election of the staff of the Index, the college paper, resulted in the choice of Miss Kvelyn Pat ton of Forest Grove for editor-in-chief for 1920-21. Miss Patton was assistant editor this year and served as an associate editor in her sophomore year. She also is a member of the staff that is putting out the junior annual, "The Heart of Oak." Francis Taylor, a junior next year. was elected assistant editor. Charles Hancock, a member of the same class, was selected as business manager. with Glen Sheelcy of vernonia as as sistant. Read The Oregoman classified ads. TOO LTE TO CLASSIFY. MIDDLE-AiJED lady two. Tabor U4o. to keep AMt'SEMENTS. DANCING TAUGHT All dances taught In 8 three-hour lessons. Ladies $3. gentlemen $5. at L)e Honey's beautiful academy. 23d and Washington. Begin ners' classes start Mon day and Thursday eve., advanced classes Tues day eve.. 8 to 11 30. Plenty of desirable partners and prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers in a revl school. All latest steps laught. Open all summer. Phone Main 7636. Private lessons all hours. Call at once. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Matinee Daily at 2. Eveulnga at and 9 MIKE and IKE IN "FADS AIJ rotllKS." The BiB Jazi Cabaret' Show 1RIDAY. CHOKIS tilBLS" CONTEST Come to the Mountain Top to DANCE 1 ft-Piece Orchestral and Monte Aaatla In the BIk Pavilion mt Council Crest Park Hon a CC Car. A AMISIME.MS. 3 Night Sun. 15c to l.?5 Mon.-Toei 15e to Sl.oo. 4 Mats Snn.-Man.-TneK.-Wed. 13c to 75c. HOMEB B. MASON I HENKI SCOTT and I Famous MAR(,I KRITB I Amrriran KEELEB I Bai-Kan tone BtMlinafT: The RoselUu: NEU NOKWOKTU Stewart Jt Mercer: Kinocrama: Topics of tbe bay BETH BERI KOTE! ! This hhow Close With the Matinee Wednesday. May 26. BARGAIN MATINEE HEUNESUAf BAKER Tonight. All Week. Matinee Saturday, A dramatization of Mary J. Holmes i- Popular .Novel, "LENA BIVERS." VANTAGES Mat. Oail.T. 2:30. Vaudeville's Merriest M upioa! Satire, "II1S TAKING WAV." With Billy Kelly. Boyd Warren and their own company of dancing beauties 6 OTHER Blti ACTS. 3 Performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 9. YALDbl H I. I.. I'ROTOI'LAVS, Today. Tonight. THE 0VI., a miniature musical satire witli a net of Beautiful Songbirds, and six acts. MAE Ml R RAY in the fascinating picture play, "The A R C of 1-ove.' TONIGHT'S THK XIGHT SEATS NOW SELLING HEILIG TONIGHT BIG KEM'.I'IT -PROCEEDS TO- Entertainment Committee MAMMOTH VAUDEVILLE SHOW TOMGHT TOMtJHT -AISPHKS- COMBINED THEATER MAN AI.KKS. I 12 A LL.$TAR EEATIRE ACTS 12 Positively the .rentet tiulaxy I of audevill Artiatw t-vrr Shown at a Performance for j the Muoe. 1 SEATS NOW SELLING I HK;1N TOMOUHOVV K E. I M TICKETS NOW SELLING " I 1 1 ,A I I If H'dwny at Taylor nElLilVj l-hone Main 1 3 MUHTLlns TOMORROW SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. A NATIONAL M-:CESS1TV RAYMOND f" ITCHCOCli ix his bk;;kst am best MtSlt'AL IIIOVIK ti HITCHY K00 If 1 fin K XTI0RT A I KHS UMI IIOKIS UK 40 L.MJKIt 2I. KVH'S S'H.SO. St, 75-. SAT. MAT. SS.SO, 2, !..(. l. 7." 3 I ; ii !' s Heirlnnlni? THUR., JUNE 3 MPWHI, PRICK .MAT. S T. CITY ,VV:'S NOW EVET(i!i, to IH. i SA1I RDAY l ATI KK. $U..n TO Trio Meaur. I.ff A J. J. Sbnbert Prrsent thk ni;;KST sii'sicai. Sri'.lTAl'LK ON- KtHTH The . Y. Winter l.ardrn'a Passing Show 1.1 rnloHNal Sprnm. 1 2O0 ( OKtamra 200 Sinffrm. DuncrrN nnd Comedian ALL-STAR CAST, H K OKI) BY THK HOW t K IIS Willir nnd KiiErne liny CummlnEM. Will Phil brick, John Burke' 12. Winter Larrten KennticN Po- Itively the Mont torKeouR, GUttrr ItiKt ljESintic and 4mtly Attrac tion Kver Sent un Tour .othin Like It In the World. CHAT NO. 101920 On Saturday THE OAKS will introduce to Portland pleasure seekers the Adelphia Musical Comedy Co., a troupe of well known eastern entertainers who will occupy the spacious park auditorium through the summer season. With a number of important and wonderfully popular star en tertainers in its cast, the Adelphia company comes to THE OAKS recommended as the finest little army of fun and melody makers ever brought into the northwest. These merry maids and men will entertain our patrons every afternoon and evening at the park auditorium. We have extended our fullest effort to bring the vvery best entertainment available to the park and we ask for the Adelphia players a warm wel come. Come to THE OAKS today and come back again Saturday or any other day during the- season. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Manager. Carfare 6c From First and Alder house for fta AHl'SEMXNTS. Ball ase Portland vs. Sacramento TODAY Game Starts 2:30 P. M. MONDAY Game Starts 2:30 P. M. Vaughn Street Park Ellison-White Lyceum Bureau Presents WILLIAM HOWARD I Lecturing on "The League of Nations Up-to-Date" Auditorium Thursday Evening, May 27 75 $1,00 $1.50 War Tax Extra. Scat Sale Opens Meier & Frank's Monday. May 24 GLOBE Klevcnl h and W aahlnnrton. Corinne Griffith Human Collateral circle ourth at ' Waahlnsrtoa Edith Roberts "Her Five-Foot Highness" Also a Larry Semon comedy and the I'aihe newH. Open from o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. AIXTION S A I.EM. At Wilson's Auction Houia Furniture. 16U-1 71 Second st. MKKTINt. NOTICES. LADIKS NK1HT. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 21)1. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSB will cive . their monthly entertainment at Moose temple. 4th and Tay lor sts. There will be music by the Moose band. spicy programme and danc ing. All .Moose, their fam ilies and, friends are Invited; L. x. KNOWLTON, Secretary. WASHINGTON COM MANDERY, NO. 15. K. T. A special conclave will be neia j, uesaav afternoon. P. M.. Washington Miixonir hall. Order of the Red Cross. Malta and Temple will be conferred. All so iourninc Sir Knixhts cordially invited to be pres ent. G. P. KlEsMAN, Rec, LENTS LODGE, NO. 156, A. F. AND A. M. .Special communication today (Wednes day. May -'4. at 1-j M.. for the purpose of conducting "the luneral of our late brother. Albert J. Lawrence. Service Ht J. P. Kin ley's at 1 P. M. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. By order W. M. C. 3. UUSBUKY, Sec. MT. TABOR LODGE, NO. 42. A. K. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Wed nesday) afternoon. 4 P. M. Stated communication. 7:30 P. M-. Pythian temple. Yam Degree work. Visitlna- brethren L. V. JENKINS. W. M. WASHINGTON COUNCIL. No. a, R. AND S. M. Stated assembly this (Wednesday! evening 7:30. East Sth and Burnside. Degrees. Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND, Recorder. PORTLAND LODGE NO SB. A. P. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wed.), eve.. 4:30, Masonic temple. Work In the M. M. degree. Vi8ltinsr brethren -welcome v order of W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON. Sec. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 160. A. F. AND A. M.. K. 4-d and Sandy Blvd. Special tumiimiuwiuon inis ( Wednes day) evening. 7 o'clock. Work in M. M. decree Orrt.T- IV vi RUSSELL H. STEPHENS. Sec. GET READY for the big picnic given by the Masters' and Wardens' and Past Mast ers' association at Forest Grove for tne Masonic and Eastern Star home fund on Mondtty, May 31. All mem bers of the fraternity and friends Invited. SUNNSIDE SOCIAL CLUB, ORDER OF EASTERN STAR will give a card party tonight l v eanesaay), .May L'b. at 31a sonic temple. East 39th and rlawtnorne ave. REGULAR MEETING this Wednesday) eve ning at 8 o'clock. East Sixth and Alder streets. No. 17 Old bovs at it rand lodze. "when tne cats aay tne mice w,n play." A. A. K.NOBLE. X. i. S. A. STARR, Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 'J. I. i-. kj. j.. meets every Wednesday evening at S ociock in Oddfellows temple. rt'uci t. ciecuon OI OS' JESSE T. JOXEA, Sec. W. KROLL, X. O. 1 FRKE DANCE BY LIBERTY AS SEMBLY. UNITED ARTISANS, east side V. O w. nail, weunesday. May 6. EMBLEM jewelr. buttons. cHarma, pins hill street, welcome. ficers. F. be av.ii.sns. Jtsr tsrom., m 1.-3 eta st. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION G. A. R, Notice Is hereby given to the comrades who have ben appointed to visit the high schools that after printing the list of names word was re ceived that ALL high schools would hold their exercises Friday. May 28. at 10:15 o'clock A. M., instead of 2 o'ciock P. M. IV A N HOE HOMESTEAD, NO. BROTHERHOOD OK AMERICAN YEO MEN, will jrive their last card, party and dance - for the season next Wednesday evening. May 26, In the Women of Wood craft hall, 10th and Taylor. Special music has been ordered for the evening. Public is invited. Come and have a good time. Cards begin at 8:4u. Sophia Hobson. Lady Rowlna. FRlEDLANDER'6 for lodge emblems, class pins and medals 310 Washington mu DIKD. BJOKKU'ND May 21, lirJO. August U ander Bjorklund. aged :!T vearn. late of t7tt Thurman tt.. beloved brother of Lars Alfred Bjorklund and Kmest Gus tof Bjorklund. Deceased w as a mem ber of Court Seandia. No. 7. F. of A., and also f the I O. O. V. Remains at Pearson a undertaking parlors, fCussll st. at Union ave. Notice of services hereafter. O'CALLAGHAN In this city. May bo, El mer A. O'Caltaghan, aged 31 years, hus band of M. Malinde O'Call&ffhan of 5tH Syracuse Htrect, St. Johns. Or., father of John, Elmer. Patrick, and CSllcs O'Cal laglian. The remain are at Kinley'B. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. The deceased was a member of B. S. & O- Iron Workers. Local No. IT'J. GALLOWAY In this city, at her late residence. 5 Bast Twenty-fourth atreet North. May Hester Ann Galloway, aged 80 years, mother of W. S. H. Gal loway or Ml.ssoula. Mont.. A. B. Cialloway of Seattle, Wash., Jda K. Galloway and Mrs. W L Grinncll of this city, and the late Robert W. Galloway. Notice of funeral hereafter by J. P. Finley & Son. ANDKRSON At Wenatchee. Wash.. May ITU. M rti. Eat her C- Anderson, age Uti yearn, wife of H. E. Anderson. Announce ment of funeral later by the KrU'son i tiaertaKtng t:o. JANUARY In, this city. May 23. .lames January, ase f0 years. Remain; are at F. F. Dunning. Inc.. 414 E. Alder. Fu neral notice later. FUNERAL niRECTORij. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL OIRECTORS. Now locatad in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at ll'th St.. west aide. Fhon Broadway 4'.Ut. Automatic .-15-oS. The FuneraJ Home of Refinement anil litincHve Servir Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever- with any other undertaking firm. EDWARDHOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Stn. Main 5u7. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street, between 20th and 21st Streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2ll. , o7S-S,V J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main !. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE-& EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, lrtth and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 1!UJ. Automatic .2I-.J. F. S. DUNNING, INC.. 414 E. Alder. Phone East ."2. Perfect serviee. personal direction, free use or rioral cnapei and auto equipment DOWNING & McNEMAR PuriPKor to Wilson & Rosa. Multnoniwh at Knst 7th. Kaet 54. Irvington district. V T. T .TrnfTT B. Klevfnth aml ("lay. East 7ft. T is.j.i. LiatQU Broadway 1-334. A. D. KKXWORTHY & CO.. .-.SOU-tH Hi'd St., Lcnte, Tahor j'.R' A. R. ZELLER CO. 092 Williams ave Easi loss. c losij RRF.F.ZF! & SNrnnk" 1017 ncimont SKEWES I'XDERTAKIXr, COMPANY. 3d Mnut-iay. n a .'-Jul. Lady assistant. FLORISTS. 328 MorrisonSt. Portland Hotel Mar.753 348 MorrisonSt.' - stores - ' Bet.BrdwjiPark Mat257 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive floriat. We special ise in funeral designs. 141 l-z 6th, opposite .viei;r a rranas. .wain tl. JAPAN" FLORIST 16K-170 4th St., Fire house Market. All kind of flowers. Bed dint? and vesret able plants. Japanese shrubbery, nursery hiock. tuos. baskets, gar. u-M gcTOa. npeciai eaie. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 3.4 Washington. Main 26U. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrlaon at Main 77l. Fine flowers and floral de aiyna. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays 1..'0 up. Bdwy. !iS70, 4Q. Wnsh. ToXSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S7 Washington St.. bet. 4th and Sth. Main 51 Q2. A 1101. tl'KERAL NOTICES. HANSEN At the family residence. BOOfl Klfty-nlnth avenue S, E., May 1&l'o, Mrs. Esther A Iberta Hansen, aged 62 years, beloved mother of Matthew. Chor and Albert Hannen, Mrs. Alberta Svver son. Mrs. Margaret Baker. Mrs. Anna Andorwon and Mrs. Marie Anderson. Funeral services will be conducted to day (Wednesday) at '2 P. M. at Our Savior's Norwegian Lutheran church, corner East Tenth and Grant streets. Friends invited. Interment family plot. Rose City cemetery. Remains at Pear son's undertaking parlors, Russell street at Union avenue. BOYCE At the residence, 179 Caruthcrs St.. -May -t. uaiiiei r. Boyce. aged 1 year and 1 1 months, beloved In fant son of Mr. and M rn. Robert Boyce. brother of Kenneth.' Dorothy. Richard and Max Hoyce. Funeral cortege will leave the above residence today i W ednesday ), , May 26. at 1'2:4Z P. M., thence to the I South Portland Settlement church, 1st and Caruthers sts.. where services vi!I ; be held'at 1 P. M. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller A Tracey. MOSHER In this city. May 23. Carson N. Mother, aged "" years, beloved husband of Emma E. Mosher. father of Mrs. Olive B. Rippberger of Detroit, Mich, ; brother of Mrs. Eva Horton of Grand Rapids, "Wis., and Milton Mosher of Bonner Ferry. Idaho. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday). May 29. at 2 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment 'at the - Tualatin cemetery.' Grand Rapids papers please copy. Bl'FFVM At the residence. 2S4 North Twenty-fifth street. May 25. 1!20. Fred G. Buffum. aged 68 years, beloved hus band of Susan S. Buffum. Friends in vited to attend the funeral -services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Thursday). May 27. 1920. Interment Riverview cemetery. BANT A At Milwaukie. Or.. May 24. Pear! Hants, aged 34 years, wife of J. R. Banta and mother of Eva. Roy, Flossie and Bessie Banta of Milwaukie, Or. The remains will be forwarded today (Wednesday) by J. P. Finley Sc Son to Endicott. Wash., where services will be held and Interment made. MATHERLY In this city. May 23, 1920. Charles T. Matherly, aged 28 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's funeral narlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2:0 p. m. today ( Wednesday . May 26, lb20. In terment Rose City cemetery . ANDERSON At Wenatchee. May . Esther C. Anderson, aged years, wife of H. E. Anderson. Funeral services will be held today (May 2 at 10 A. M., from Dunning's chapel. Morrison at 12th at. Funeral arrangements care of Eric son Undertaking Co. WHITE The funeral services of the fate A red H. White, who died In this city Mav 2:;. 102O. will be held today (Wednesday, at 2 P. M.. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co.. cor. ad and Clay. Friends Invited to attend. Interment family let, Rivervltw cemetery. FT Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AltOlN ta i JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems established, maintained; income tax service; reicr erences. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Main "443. ALTERATIONS. tALUEa" tailoring. Perfect fitting: work guaranteed. I. Reubln, 4QS Bush-Lane bid. ASSAY LKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14-' Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. MULTNOMAH all day and Hotel Turkish baths, men; ill night. CAKPKT WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS nag rugs ail sit-- Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs" steam or drv cleaned, $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. .!-." Union ave. N. East t,". 16. B 1473. C A R PET 1 LEA N IN G. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS. WOVEN ALL P1ZES. WRITE OR CALL. PORTLAND RUG CO.. 17J K. l?th st. Srllwood C EI.LUI.OII BUTTONS. THK IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. :7 Washington. Bdwy. 43. A TKMBNT CONTRACTORS. CEMENT work of all klndr. garage and ex.-avating; reasonable. Phone Tabor CHIROPKAf TO R. O.O00 KNOW M'-Mahon. 10O Chiroprac tor. Thronga pronounce treatment best. IIIRQPQIIST ARCH SPF.C1AI-IST. WILLIAM. Katell and Florllo le Veny, the only scientific chiropod ist and arch specialists in the citv. Parlor 002 tler Iin?er bid jr.. S. W. t or. Jd and Alder. Phone Main i::01. (iiiRoponisTs. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; crna. bun ions, foot arches made to order. :1 1 Swet land bMa;.. r.th and Wash. Main 1Si. B- LOCISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A.M. 7 P. M. 440 Morgan bldg. Main 409 CHIMNKY KWEKI'K. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smoke -through rcgHtr. needs repairlnc or cleaning. Tabor RfiS. CIRCI'LAR I.KTTERS. CRAXE LETTER CO., 1010-H-li! Roya! bidg. Marshall 3Sl2. Multigraphiug, mf meographlng and mall advertising. t'OLLKf TIONS. NETH & Ca, Worcester bldg. Main 179. No collections, no charge. Etab. I f00. CONTRACTORS. FOR - BRICK WORK. tile and concrete, Woodlawn 1'30. phone Jack Wempe. DANTINC;. MRS. BAYH. 20S "Dekum bldg. Private lesons day and evening. Main 1343. BA LLROOM and stage dancing. Mis Dorothy Rap mussen. filO EHers bldg. DENTISTRY. IF YOU have dental work to be done, have tt done without pain by the nerve-blocking method. DR. A. W- K BENE, DR. E. IT. PREHN. ITa jostle Theater Bldg. 33 Washington St. IOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITV VETERINARY th. East 1S47 HOSPITAL and 21f-62. 413 Eat , ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND-. Boueht and So'.d. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. T-hnng 527-27. 24S'i Kirsl St. Main 871. 'k.3 34 N. 1st. Portland. Or. Re iki(rv!2fi tmiiiig and eiectricai repalr l KCgtJjff a specialty. See us about uti.y a nut;. Fr RTII.IKK. FiRTIIiZE your land if ou want big crops; read about M. Wonder" in our IW2V catalogue. Routledgc tsecd &, Floral Co., 14o 2d st.; Portland, Or. t'VKts. FOLEY FUEL.. Old-grow rh cord wood and country 4 foot slabwood. Ea.t 2H91. HEMSTITCHING AM) PLEATING. T. & D. HEMSTITCHING Shop; superior work; prompt service. R. 618. Oregon Kllrrs bidg., 2S7 Washington st. HEMSTITCHING, S cents per yard, plaiting at Itth and Washington. WHOLESALERS AND KXtilXKKKS- AN1 .Mll.l, 1SLPPLIKS TUB M. I..- KI.INB CO.. l-Sti-S7-8 l ront. ,KAIN MEKCHANTS. PACIFIC OIIA1N CO.. Board of Trade bids H Tt ANI CAI'S. i HAXHAUSKIi HAT CO.. Front at. PAINTS, OII.S AND til-ASsI W.P. FU1.LEH4CO.T Front and Morrison. 1 1 ASMT " SSKN At CO.. Pcnnd nnd Taylor. IXXKKAL notices. I LAWRENCE Funeral services of the late Albert J. Lawrence will be held today (Wednesday, at 1 o'clock P. M. at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cem etery. MOODY- Funeral services of the late Joshua H. Moody will be held Wednes day morning. May 20, 10 A. M.. at Port land crematorium under direction of Wilson &. Wilson, Piedmont undertakers. KHAN In this city. May 2::. Nathe Khan, aged .""ii vears. Funeral services wlli be held tomorrow Thursday . May 27. at 1! P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. FtNEKAL CARS. raj ser ALTO LIVERY. MARSHALL MOM'MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 36W Fourth St.. Opi. City Hall. Neu Bros. 15 mi1 LAESING GRANITE CO. EV TODAY. LOVELY MODERN FURNISHED HOME ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Commanding splendid view from 3 sides. Exterior and interior in best of condition. Well arranged grounds. Price $12,500 Or Will Sell Unfurnished. Terms. MRS. THOMSON 620-21 Henry Building Mortgage' Loans lswrat flatff-reat rntmi inataftmeaf rr ooacoti ir deiired. Honaisg tssii sde. IVo selsjr la eloalac. A. H. B1RRELL CO. X 1 7-219 .torYBwealera Bank HiUiiia Haraaall 4114. Prraonailv Examined FARM MORTGAGES In Sums to Suit No Better Securities. FEAR & GRAY 10'! fourth Street. LAWN MOWt.KS SHARPEN El. LA WN mowers called for, sharpened and repaired, express service; carpenter job blng. Tabor l427. MISIC TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lenns. prac tice piano. nr. day, $3 mo. Bdwy. 235-Y NlRSERY STOCK. WE CARRY a. full asfortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental tree, shrubs, roses, etc. OREGON NURSERY CO.. ORENCO. OR. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of mitiMid customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist, -M Morrison. M. -1-4. KVES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST cd with modern instruments. Glares fitted from up. A. B. HI RWITZ, optometrist, -J5 1st St. G tOKiiii RU REN STEIN, the veteran op tician, if an expert eye titter and his charges are very reasonable; satisiactlon guaranteed. :!'-6 Morrison t., near lid. ORIKNTA I. RL't;S RKPAIREI). ORI ENTAL RL'GS CI.BANKI) AND REPAIRED. KAKAUO.1AN & FERGUSON. TEN iEARS WITH ATIVKH BKOS. lul N.':Jl). PHONE MAIN PAINTINO. FIRST-CLASS inlde and outside painting, kali-omit! ing and floor finishing. Prices reasonable. Hunt c Crowley. Phone Tabor 41:iU. KAUSOMlXINii and painting very rea sonable. East 1 IS. AIN'TINi AND DECORATING. PAINTING and decorating Rose City nee orating Co.. East 44"Jt. Papcrhanging, tintinp. painting (inside, outside ) ; all our work guaranteed the bet; prices reasonable. East 440. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service: handbook free on request. MINN & CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg., TVJ Market tit.; Chicago office, room SIO Tower bldg. ; Washington of fice, room 103. 62." F st.; New York, of fice. VVoolworth bldg. H. C. WRIGHT -2 years experience U. S. and iorcign patents. 001 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway b.dg , rheumatism, stomach,' bowel, iung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PL! M RING St PPI.IES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices Stark-Lavis Co.. 183 4th. M. IV". PRINTINti. DDIUTIMP w- BALTES & COMPANY, rnilllillU lt and Oak sts. M 73, 3I1-CJ. PAINTING. PAINTING, paperhangins. John C. Con llsk. 133 ISth St. N. Broadway 2fl4S. PIANO Tl'MNfl. PIANO TUNING. SatK-facUon guaranteed .1. K. Myers, Blind School. Marshall POl LTRY fcCPPI.IKS. E V ERVTH I Sir needed and used by prac tical Douitrv keepers; catalogue free. Routledfee becd &. Floral Co.. 145 2d st. Portland. r ECO NO- H A N O STO R ES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 FRONT ST. We huv and Fell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9o72. TRADEMARKS. O R E ( ; O N TRADEMARK BUREAU. 60 1 IVnum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thn Service With a Reputation. OVI.N'O-l'ACKG-STORACE-BAGUA 1th and Kearnev. Branch 'e Bd PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 47 Uli.-an et corner 13th. Phone Broadway 1281 or Jlh. We own and operate two large clafs "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in tne city. PACKING. MOVING STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSER CO., 10.- PARK ST. Main A. 101 WOODSAU. AUTOMATIC wooda w ; even length guar anteed. Phone East 3940. MANUFACTURERS . HIDES, WOOL AM CASCAKA BAKU KAHN BROTHERS. 193 Front t. l'LHIBINU SUPPLIES ANU PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S8-ST-88 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVBRD1XO & FARRELL. 140 Front at. SASH. DOORS AND CLASS. W P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup, NEW TODAY. CHEAPER THAN AUCTION FORCED TO VACATE ' Royal Hotel, iO&v. Fourth Strp,, I. REAT SALE OF USED FUR V ITt'mr Wednesday. -May 20. Rubs and carpeta. 3 .-v, ..nora, .1 10 each: com forters i to J-50: blankets. 1 up; sheets ii 1 ljci towels. 10c; Kprines, T . "h'wjh. snaaes, r,0c: cur. tainp. '2.tc pair: dniw t modes. 1.50; iron beds. 1 to 1 stands" 50c to f; tables, electric Blobes. tettees, wuunw. covers, wardrobea . -.y. . raugt-,, toilet aets. linO' leuni. dishes, wares, in fact, everythinir ii r. unll," a 37-room hote. All must -,.aiB iur ruoming-nouse owne replenish. Dealers are invited in att.nH ti.;. ... - Take this stuff awav at nra,ti.-.nv , BUILDING TO BE REMODELED FO i c w ii;ArT. IBS M Fourth street, near Washington. Send Us Your Old Carpets (W Call and Deliver) Old Hub and Woolen Clothlaaj. EievemDie. usoii-Uotci FLUFF RUGS Kooxn-SIxe Flnff Rip, Winn, S17.S0 R.IC Raara ' All Slsra. Clotbea CHraaiac and DyelK Uepta. Mail Urdrra Scad (or Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning: xll Rnica. Steamed Cleaaed. Ul WESTERS! FLUFF RUG CO. S4 Uaioa Ave M. i'aoae East 651 W K CALL FOR VOL" It OLD CARPETS, Ruca a ad Woolea Clotklax rLUFF RUGS All Work Tnraea Oat Prvmpttr R( W.rea All siaea Mall Ordera. Send (or Booklet. Carpeta Cleaned. Laid and . Refitted. NOIl I H tJS I' Hti; to. lsti Eut tk St. fkuae kiaat S&tMk l IRVINGTON HOME Modern 8 rooms and garage, 538 K. 20th St. N.. between Brazee and Knott; newly painted, in splendid condition. owner. transierred to California, must sell at sacrifice price of $7600; half cash. See by appoint ment onij. Mala 3914. Edwardii.GoudeyCo. MOKI UAOU LOANS tiiittl Mates Bark, ttailia NEW TOIAT. 7400 ACRES Under Columbia Basin Irri gation Project All surveys have been made and recommended by the Kovernment en gineers. Same project as committee in Portland now working on. 6000 acres' level, volcanic ash soil, elevation 662 feet. Bunch crass and aerhru5h land. Excellent winter pasture lor stock or sheep. 1400 acres on the slortes of the Co lumbia river with a river frontase of thret- miles. Good roads throuch It- anri nnlv short distance to station on Milwau kee R. R. This land is also included in an other IRRIGATION SURVEY. A fine body of land for winter pas ture for stock or sheep and with a big investment future. Price $7.50 Per Acre Will Aerept Trade Tp to SO I'er Cent of Value. Ralanee Very Kaay Terms. Machines & Pratt 413 Board of Trade Rolltllnir. Port land Orejcoa, REPIPIADf, Sectional j Garages J Erected In Portla-nd or SHIPPED ANT WH KRIS, in sections readr to put trether. Kitffy for on man to erect in a day. Our cash prices. rcior direct to you. no middle man, men a GREAT SAVING Send or circular. Call at factory See life-size sample. RED I MADE 111 IMINO 10.. SIS K. 1 1th bt.. 3 blks. S. Hawthorne. fit our MiMttt oll. I'ortlunff . Oreg-WB. Attention, Garage and Senice Stations Buick Stolen Reward $30 &17 model L-4."j. 5-Da.Hen zer. fendera and hood Mack, boc'y and wheels fr"cen. paint on wheels slight ly chipprd, motometcr in hood cap. bumper in front; all Urea Fire- itone corns, non-skid, spare tire channel read, Corbin lock, gasoline tank in rear, lentcd center from ! limon Tnn. cloth ;md old. oval celluloid u imlnw rear. Dasn had VYaltham clock, speedometer, about l.VOOO mllea. Oil inrilra!ir. A mmtr V.n- gine 3 Sol 44. frame 267403, license lumbers ecoverea. K S. JACKSON. 07 Railn-ay Kxrhanf Bldir. REAL. ESTATE. ForSale BeiM.-b. Property. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOH Faint inff and Paperhangins and fumiyh material, lot located in Tillamook Beach (SaU a.rt. near station and ocean. AH 4.7, t.'rcsonian. HOOM house, overlooking ocean at Clear hart, bit; iivins room, fireplace, modern bath room and big veranda; wel 1-lighted : fumed onk and wicker furniture; ground anywhere from UOxlOO to loOxtOO, open for inspection Decoration day. '"Van Nice" cottage. Phone Kast 517, owner. LONG BEACH. WASH. Good i-room cottage, almost one aera ground, good garden soil, ciose to ocean and railroad station; orth $LO0U. For aule or trade or rent for tha aeason. Johnson, '48 Stark st. FOR SALS Or wtll rent or leas, two cholc lots 60x140 feet, at Tillamos beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and notai. AOdrea U 180. Oregon ian. for bale flat and Apartment IT petty. nAT bldg.. 2 flats of 5 rooms each, strict ly moorrn, on Tillamook st.. near I nton ave.; one Hat completely furnished; rent one and live in the other, which pays 7' on inv estment: price SloO. Tabor 64JL IXCOMH PROPERTY West side, walking distance, six flats, 17000. Phono Main 4111!. For bate -Lois. A BARGAIN. 50 101, corner 37 1 h and Tillamook ; assessments paid; $!00 cash. Owner. C L). McConahy. 917 Am. Bank bldg.. Seat tle. Wash. HAVE JS00 can equUy in $6O0 Portland Height? euxioo city view lot which l wili sell or trade for auto. This in one of the most dciratnc lots on the heights. Owner, Tabor 4Jit. $'.rtO Nea r In t erst ate and Emerson, EiOjc IO0. improvements in. paid: term. Mrs. A. E. Halliday. 003 Prospect Place, Los Angel??: Cal. FOR SALE 1 lot 50x100, Railroad Add., Sl!d and O.-W. R. & N. crossing, Monta viila. Inquire -04 Columbia st., cor. of Front. FOR SALE 5 lots, good corner; sidewalk, sewer and water; SI 100. terms. Phono owner. Sellwood 9t4. ' For feaic Houses. NEW 1RV1NGTQX HOMES. Just completed and have now for sale two 8 -room colonial homes and one li-nn. bungalow, absolutejy modern and up to th minute. If you are in the market for a home do lot fn.il to ee these. Tur ner & Winship, Guilders. Tabor 634 or Tabor ar.'4. OWNERS COMPELLED TO SEPARATE. ,'i-rooin modern with fireplare, furnact;, hardwood floors throughout. garage, Hose City Park, hard surface St., close to car; a real buy for $1700. Easy terms. J. KORB1NS, 301 -oOJ Railway Kchange. Main 70" 1. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH EVERY C O N V E N I E N CE ; KRUIT, FLOWERS AND SHRUBBERY; GARAGE; 75O0; TERMS. SOU E. YAMHILL ST. E. Mio. j,H50 R. C. PARK ; almost new, partly furnished : btith. gas. electricity, iaree corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent; move right in ; eome distance out, but fine chance for honest man with J00 to get nice little home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner. Tabor I'OTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $8000. 1 v. -story 7 -room Swiss Chalet with garage, located on 2 Vfe lots at No. 731! Talbot road, having unobstructed view of city and mountains; 2 baths, billiard room, 4 bedrooms. Well built and only needs painting. Terms. ' Tabor 407. 6 ROOMS," VACANT. " 14 block to oar line; cement base ment. Owner out of city; house in good condition. Price $18H; S3"0 cash, or will consider Ford car as first payment, oa lance fO per month. See Mr, Fisher, IMS Stark st. Main 5420. $1950 COZY bungalow, streets graded, walks in. block from paved street. 2 bedrooms, gas, bath, electricity, garden all in. berries. Immediate possession. $3oO cash. Owner, r6 East b7st South. Mount Tabor car. Phone 212-04. FOR SALE by owner, the most beautiful home in Laurelhurst: 7 rooms, fully fur nisned: hardwood floors, garage, corner lot lutfxl40 ft., at a barg-tin; S14.UO0. cash or terms. Call GOJ iiuah &. Lane bldg. Main BEAUTIFUL Rose City bungalow, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, fur nace, fireplace, east front 50x100 foot lot 4i.iW. JUH: ISSON-DODSON CO . 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37 87. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, hardwood floors, built ins. etc; all street improvements in and paid; S3o( cash will handle it; move right in. Phone owner. East 4000. HKPT BUY IN' LAURELHURST. Modern. S rooms, sun porch, full base ment, all built-ins, hardwood, fine lawn, best location. $7O0rt. BADLEY. East 8407. $50O CASH. f20 per mo., fi-room hou.-, rr car line. Lot 50x100. Main 61:7. Evening, Mais 3-ROOM cottage, close In : ej terms. Sl.jOu. cash. I aooi; J 4. A LAM EDA PARK Beautiful 7-rooin house, double garage. East 4021. j MODKIIN". up-to-date Irvington home. JC tftu ' oventngs. Bargain. K:m Iff ifif