Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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They were married in 1917 and have
no children. The wife says Mclntyre
left her in April. 1918.
Old Poor Farm Tract Probably to
Be Ren tod to City.
A 220-acre tract of land on the
Canyon road, comprising: the old poor
farm, will probably be rented to the
city of Portland for park and play
ground purposes by the county com
miBsionerfl. at the next meeting:. A
nominal sum will be charged for use
of the land. The matter was brought
up at yesterday's session.
The commissioners have voted to
give all county employes who wish
to enlist in the national guard two
weeks pay and time off to attend the
national guard encampment, in lieu
of vacations.
out of danger, according to report of
physicians yesterday.
He is still weaK and it will be come
time before he will be able to go to
his office again, but his recovery is
considered merely a question of time.
Mr. Fenton suffered an attack of
pneumonia following an operation for
appendicitis. For a time his con
dition was considered critical.
pointed to serve out his term, which
ends January 1. Ed Gloss, another
deputy in the same office, received
the nomination for constable in last
week's election and is believed to
have a good chance for election.
Mr. Peterson is to become superin
tendent of the Northman Publishing
company, which issues a Scandina
vian paper. He was one of the un
successful candidates for nomination
as sheriff at the primaries.
Attorney Weak. Bnt Ianger Is Past,
Physicians Kcport.
W. D. Fenton, Portland attorney,
wbo has been suffering from an at
tack of pneumonia at his home, 110
East Sixteenth street, continues to
improve and is now considered well
Charles Honcynian Appointed to
Serve- Out Term.
Constable Mark W. Peterson yester
day tendered to the county commis
sioners his resignation, to become ef
fective at once. Upon his recommen
dation one of the deputies in the of
fice. Charles -J. Honeyman, was ap
Germany Will Participate.
BERLIN. May 25. The British
charg-e d'affaires has been notified by
the German government of its accep
tance of the entente's invitation to
participate at thy conference In Spa.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nlan, Main 7070, Automatic 660-95.
Warrants Issued for Work
Cannot Be Cashed.
Read The Oregon lan cljrsified ada.
illllllllllillllllllllli!lilllil!illlllllllllllil!l!!ill!llll!llllljjlllllllllllllll All Charge Purchases Made Today Will Go on June Accounts,-Payable July 1
Agreement May Be Made to Accept
Improvement Bonds 'at Par
and Accrued Interest.
Contractors building sewers and
streets for the city of Portland will
be called before the city council this
afternoon and told that the city will
be unable to cash warrants issued to
them upon the completion of their
con tracts.
The formal announcement will be
made In order that they can file writ
ten statements on their plans, al
though all the contractors not only
are aware of the situation, but in the
majority of instances have arranged
for financing: their work.
City Plant Likely to Suffer.
Despite assurance from City Com
missioner Barbur yesterday that the
city paving- plant would be able to
continue without difficulty, it is cer
tain that because of the inability of
the city to market its bonds, the plant
will suffer seriously.
Commissioner Barbur proposed to
utilize money from the improvement
bond sinking fund for investment in
new improvement bonds as the means
of financing: the paving- plant. Such a
plan is said to be clearly legal, but
would require action by the city coun
cil. Commissioner Barbur admits that
there is little hope for a market for
city bonds until after January 1, 1921.
Inasmuch as money in the improve
ment bond sinking fund is for the re
tirement of bonds when they mature,
Jrt Is the actice of the city council
to invest such funds in easily nego
tiable securities.
Device Considered Dangerous.
As no one is in a position to state
when the bond market will readjust
Itself so that city bonds can be read
ily sold, it is considered by some city
officials a dangerous practice to in
vest such funds in bonds which can
not be sold on the market at the pres
ent time. The elty paving plant has
contracts amounting to approximately
City Commissioner Bigelow and
City Attorney LaRoche yesterday for
mulated an opinion which, if adopted
by the city council, will permit pri
vate contractors to exchange contract
wurrants for improvement bonds, if
such contractors will bid at par and
accrued interest.
Such an exchange would allow the
city to cancel the warrant without
necessity of raising cash and would
also enable the city to dispose of its
improvement bonds in conformity
with the provisions of the city charter.
EE S. & H. Trading Stamps Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month Stamps Given on Cash Purchases Amounting to 10c or More: EE
Try Our Special Shoppers' Luncheon Served From 11 to 2 Daily in the Basement Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Shoe Shining in Basement E
Desertion After He Took Loaded
Gun Away From Irate Spouse
-'". Also Is Charged.
Hut a few months of married life
were sufficient to convince Morris
BUckmaa that he had made a serious
mistake, according to statements in
his divorce suit filed yesterday against
hva Blackman, whom he wed on Feb
ruary 21'. He says that his spouse in
formed him she had married him out
of jealousy and that she "could get
a man lor a husband instead of a
"When the plaintiff asked Mrs.
Blackman to brush his coat she re
sponded that she "was not a servant."
One night toward the end of April
she cot up and threatened to leave
home about 12 o'clock. She finally
did so away for good. Blackmail says,
after he took a loaded sun from her
and made her anjrry.
Cruelty and threats to kill are
irlvcn by Ttuby M. Nagele as her rea
sons for wishing a divorce from Otto
M. Naisele. whom she married June
It. 19 IS, in Vancouver. They have
one child. Alimony amounting to $25
monthly and suit money are asked.
Anna B. Mcltyre filed a divorce suit
aeainst tieorge W. Mclntyre yester
iav. divine: desertion as her urounds.
V -TV; f.y
Some Good Songs
' Hand-in-Tland Again
lSSiSj By Campbell and Burr
i .n nidi x want is l ou
.By Charles Hart
f Hiawatha's Melody of T.ove. .
18660 I'm Always Failina- in Love
i w t i t ne n hPl Fa ln'.
I Uirl By Klliott Shaw
("Wonderful Pal
I By Sterling Trio
1S631 -I There's a Lot of Bhie-Kved
I Mary's Uown in Maryland
I By Shannon Four
f Lullaby Blues
1Sj33, By American Quwrtet
I When the Bees Make Honev
I ..By Irving and J. Kaufman
How Sorry You'll Be. Wait'll
You See.. By Esther Walker
lS857-He Went in Liike a Lion and
Came Out Like a Lamb...
By Billy Murray
Wait and See.. By Henry Burr
1S544 Tears of Love
By Charles Hart
I Love You Just the Same
Sweet Adeline
1S642 By James and Harrison
Pretty Little Rainbow
By Sterling Trio
Was There Ever a Pal Like
You By Henrv Burr
15634 You're a Million Miles From
By Charles Harrison
fBuddha. . . By Peerless Quartet
181)33 Let Me Dream
.By Sterling Trio
A Picture of Dear Old Ire
1&234 land.... By Charles Harrison
Love Will Find a Way
By Reed Miller
While Others Are Building
Castles in the Air
14633 By John steel
.Bye-Lo By Vernon Dalhart
, 149 Sixth Street
Be twee a Morrison and Alder
Mask o' Uth is the modern, scientific method of non
massage. It is nature's natural massage an instantaneous
rejuvenator, both chemical and mechanical in action. Dem
onstration daily in Beauty Parlors, Second Floor. Mme.
Bernice in attendance from 2 to 5. Don't fail to attend!
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Glenwood Butter, 2 lbs. $117
Model Grocery, 4th Floor
No delivery of Butter except with other purchase's made
in the Grocery Department. Glenwood Butter is put up ex
pressly for this store and is always uniform in P" " rT
quality. Specially priced for today's selling:, 2 lbs. DxX I
Shop by the Clock and SHARE in These Extraordinary Savings-
All Items Advertised Below Will Be on Sale for ONE HOUR ONLY at the Prices Quoted. Positively None Shown or Sold Except During the Hour as Indicated.
No Telephone, C. O. D. or Mail Orders Filled and We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity to a Customer.
Hourly Sales
In the Basement
All Items in this space will be
on sale from 10 to 11 A. M. only.
Dresses $11.95
Basement Women's Dresses of
Wool Serge and Wool ' Jersey.
Large assortment of smart styles
for street wear. Embroidered and
braid trimmed. Sale, Q" "I Qf?
10 to 11 A. M.;. each -LA'
Bloomers 79,
Basemen t Women's Bloomers
made up in excellent quality pink
muslin. Elastic at waist and knee.
All sizes. On sale from FJCkf
10 to 11 A. M. Special at C
Toilet Paper
Basement Good grade Crepe Toi
let Paper, put up in large size rolls.
Not more than 24 rolls to a cus
tomer. On sale from 10 P"1 flft
to 11 A. M.. 24 rolls for D1UU
Neckwear 10
Basement Broken lines and odds
and ends of Women's Neckwear
mostly collars. Many pretty styles
to select from. On sale - Q
from 10 to 11 A. M. Special 1
Diaper Cloth
Basement Diaper Cloth at a spe
cial low price for one hour. Fine
soft quality. Put up in sanitary
package. One piece to a customer.
On sale from 10 to 11 IQ fTQ
A. M. 10 yards for only 5&Ji)
Women's Vests
Basement Women's Sleeveless
Vests with plain yokes and dainty
crochet edge. Good quality pure
white cotton. All regular - Ckn
sizes. 10 to 11 A. M.; at A7C
Art Ticking
Basement Fancy Art Ticking of
fered at a low price for one hour,
10 to 11 A. M. 33 inches wide.
Beautiful assortment of pat- QQ
terns to 6elect from; a yard 071y
Hourly Sales
In the Basement
All items in this space will be
on sale for one hour only, 11 to 12.
White Shoes S1.98
Basement Women's White Canvas
Shoes with plain toe, Louis or mili
tary heel. Also White Sport Shoes
trimmed with buck and d" QQ
tan leather. Imperfect -BJ-0
Curtain Goods 15
Basement Curtain Scrim in sev
eral pretty floral patterns in blue,
rose and yellow. Just the thing
for the summer cottage. "1 C
Priced special at, the yard
Men's Hose 17
Basement Men's Black Cotton
Hose with reinforced heel and toe.
Not all sizes but splendid quality.
On sale for one hour today, "
11 to 12 A. M. the pair
Middies $1.00
Basement Girls' Middy Blouses of
good quality plain white material.
Sizes 6 to 12. Also blue and white
striped Middies in sizes (!" ff
14 to 20. Priced special Di-vJU
Aprons 39
Basemen t Women's Aprons of
good quality Checked Percale
made with or without bib. Trimmed
with braid and piping. On 0(L,
sale from 11 to 12; special 07
Dresses $35
Basemen t Women's Tricolette
Dresses in several attractive styles
and the latest colors. These are of
fine quality and are fl?OK rtfl
extraordinary values at 0OJVIV
Waists $2.45
Basement Georgette Crepe Waists
in white, flesh and a good range
of other colors. Embroidered and
beaded models. Many QJK
different styles. Special
( J 1 tO P M.
Hourly Sales
In the Basement
All items in this space will be
on sale for one hour 1 to 2 P. M.
Rompers $1.00
Basement Children's Rompers in
neat attractive styles. The ideal
play garment. Striped and plain
chambrays with -contrasting trim
mings. Sizes from 2 to (J" ff
6 years. On sale at only Ol.UU
Boys' Waists 29d
Basement Extra special offering
in Boys' Waists for one hour, 1 to
2 P. M. Good quality plain and
striped materials. Nicely OQp
made. Sizes 6, 7, 8 only, at
Overalls 79
Basement Boys' Blue Denim Ov
eralls on sale from 1 to 2 P. M.
Made with bib and with suspenders
attached. Sizes range from f7Q
4 to 10 years. On sale at
Bloomers 59
Basement Children's Black Sateen
Bloomers specially priced for the
Hourly Sales. Cut in good full
styles with elastic band at FTQ
knee. Sizes 4 to 14. On sale 0C
Blankets $2.95
Basement Not more than two sold
to a customer. Fancy Plaid Blan
kets; size 64x78 inches. These are
the double kind and are
of medium weight. Pair
Towels $1 Doz.
Basement Plain white Huck Tow
els in nice size for individual use.
Limit one dozen to a customer. On
sale for one hour only, P" ((
1 to 2 at special; dozen wl.UU
Childs' Dresses
Basement Children's Wash
Dresses of gingham, chambray and
percale. Nicely trimmed with con
trasting colors. Sizes P1 ff
2 to 6. On sale, 1 to 2, at wl.UU
I I 2 to 3
Hourly Sales
In the Basement
: All items in this space will be on
sale for 1 hour only 2 to 3 P. M.
Table Cloths $2.75
Basement MercerizedTable Cloths,
size 64x71 inches. Shown in beau
tiful patterns, with rich satin fin
ish. Woven patterns, not
hemmed. On sale at
Fancy Beads 35
Basement These are the kind of
Beads most stores sell at 50c.
Large assortment to select from.
Various shapes. On sale for QfT,
1 hour, 2 to 3 P. M.; strand OOU
Handbags 89
Basement Women's Handbags and
Purses priced for quick clean-up.
Several different styles in this as
sortment. Some with inside QQ
fittings. Priced special,.at OI7C
Hose 79 Pair
Basement Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hose with double sole and toe
and lisle tops. Blue, gray, taupe,
light brown and field jCkn
mouse. Priced special, pair '
Bloomers 59
Basement Women's Jersey Bloom
ers in black, white and pink. Made
with elastic at waist and knee.
Full assortment of sizes to CQn
choose from. Special, pair tJ7U
Men's Shoes $4.98
Basement Men's Dress Shoes of
vici kid and calf. Black and brown.
Samples, therefore sizes are some
w h a t broken. English flj A QQ
and broad toes a pair Dx0
Bedspreads $2.98
Basement Full size Bed Spreads
with cut corners and scalloped
edges. Shown in several pretty
patterns. Size for double bed. On
sale for one hour, from d0 QQ
2 to 3 P. M. at, each D&VO
n A
jf 3 to 4pm
Hourly Sales
In the Basement
All items in this space will be on
sale for one hour only 3 to 4 P. M.
Union Suits 50
Basement Women's Gauze Union
Suits in low neck, sleeveless style,
with dainty lace trimming at knee.
Also with cuff knee. All P
sizes in the sale. Special at
Vests 49
Basement It will pay you to buy
several of these fine Vests. Made
sleeveless style. Extra good qual
ity white cotton. Full range 4Q
of sizes. Priced special at -'
Boys' Suits $2.25
Basement Boys' Khaki Suit s
coat, pants, hat and leggings. Very
desirable for vacation wear. Sizes
for boys 6 to 12 years DO OfT
nf ace. On Rale, a Snit D&lO
Dresses $1.39
Basement Girls' Wash Dresses
specially priced for one hour 3 to
4 P. M. Latest styles with fancy
pockets, belts, etc. Sizes P" OQ
6 to 14 years. Special at Di-07
Brassieres 50
Basement Women's Brassieres of
fancy pink mesh material. Front
and back closing styles with elastic
inserts. Sizes from 34 up Kflf
to 44. On special sale at
Auto Coats $14.95
Basement Women's Coats for auto
and outing wear. Made up in good
heavy mixtures; some are unlined,
others are lined. All I- A QC
sizes. Priced special at
Corsets 75
Basemen t- Coutil Corsets with
rust - proof boning. Medium bust
models with short and medium
length skirts. All sizes from FJTZn
19 to 30. Priced special at
4 to 5 pm.
Hourly Sales
In the Basement
All items in this space will be o
sale for one hour only 4 to 5 P. M.
Men's Hose
Basemen t Men's Black Cotton
Hose seamless, with reinforced
heel and toe and elastic ribbed top.
Sizes 10 to WVx. On Q" fj
sale for one hour, 7 pairs wltUU
Union Suits $1.29
Basement Men's Union Suits of
gauze and open mesh fabrics. Short
sleeves and ankle length. Cool and
comfortable for warm (J" QQ
days. Priced special at U J-
Men's Shirts $1.29
Basement Men's Work Shirts of
good quality material offered at a
low price. Cut full and well made
in every particular. All fl" QQ
sizes. On sale for 1 hour D
Romper Cloth 35
Basement This is our regular 55c
grade. Unexcelled for children's
play garments. 32 inches wide.
Light, medium and dark
stripes. Priced special at
Tub Waists $1.39
Basement An odd lot of Women's
Tub Waists priced for quick clear
away. Voile and other sheer ma
terials. Many pretty Q" OQ"
styles in the lot. Only DJ-0
Basement Bed Pillows filled with
sanitary feathers and covered with
good grade ticking. Full 3 lbs. in
weight. Siz.e 19x26-inch. P- QQ
On sale special, each Oifc7
Longcloth $2.49
Basement Fine quality English
Longcloth at a special low price.
Slight imperfections near selvage.
36 inches wide. 10 yards CQ AQ
to the piece Special at VilV
Women's Silk Dresses
In This Season's Best Styles and.
Colors Splendid Quality Taffetas
and Messalines Basement Special
Basement Sale of Enameled Ware
A timely Sale of Double-Coated Enamel Cooking Utensils will be held today in the Basement Housewares Store. On account of
slight imperfections this ware is sold as "seconds" and the sale prices are about half what first quality sells for. Supply your needs.
Lipped Sauce
1-quart Sauce Pans 25
2 -quart Sauce Pans li1)C
2 M -quart Sauce Pans 3o
3 -quart Sauce Pans 39
3 -quart Sauce Pans 45p
Covered Sauce
3-qt. Covd. Sauce Pans 68
4-qt. Covd. Sauce Pans 78 S
6-qt. Covd. Sauce Pans 98
1 -quart Pudding Pans 2o
12-Inch Wash Basins at 39
Preserve Kettles
3 Sizes
6-qt. Preserve Kettles 48
8-qfc. Preserve Kettles 8
10-qt. Preserve Kettles S8
1-qt. Double Boilers 79
2-quart Coffee Pots at 73
Tea Kettles
4-quart Tea Kettles at 89
5-quart Tea Kettles $1.00
6-quart .Tea Kettles $1.25
Dish Pans
10-quart Dish Pans at 78
12-quart Dish Pans at 98
Notion Day
Bargain Circle
. Main Floor
Ribbon Wire white or black. 3 A
yards to the piece priced special -x-
Carnation Curlers, brown, black 4
Net Shopping Bags, 35c grade at 23
Twilled Tape, 24-yd. pieces, each 25
Dress Weights by the yard in black
and white. Regular 20c quality; now 10
Shoe Laces 30-inch length for Ox
fords. Brown, chocolate, tan, black 7
Whisk Brooms in any style or JQ
size. On special sale today; only 07C
Bathing Caps 2 for 25c
Bargain Circle, First Floor A small lot
of 1919 styles in Bathing Caps go out
for quick sale at a fraction of former
prices. Various colors in the as- QC
sorttnent. Priced special, 2 for J
Basement Millinery
Any Trimmed Hat
Every Trimmed Hat in our Basement stock is included in
this sale. We expect to close out hundreds of them at this
price, for there are models which were formerly on sale at
prices ranging up to $7.98. Banded Sailors in plain colors
and many with white and black facing Flower-trimmed
Hats and Ribbon-trimmed Hats in great variety. Colonials,
Droops, Turbans and many other styles, both large and
small. Black, rose, tan, brown, red, blue, etc. Choice $5.00
Children's Hats
at Special Prices