Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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Returns From Entire 22 Pre
cincts Complete.
County treasurer Peterson 1174,
Johnson S50.
County assessor Davis 1043. Cooper
County commissioner Kelly 1212.
A. Schanno 587.
County coroner Charles N. Burget
1021, L. A. ChaDman 830.
County surveyor 1621.
No official report on the democratic
results in Wasco county is yet available.
Sam Kozcr Beats All Opponents in
Race for Secretary of State;
Beau Also Favorite.
; Over
ttvivf.ville. Or.. May 25. (Spe
WPrimarv election return-
all the 22 precincts in Crook, county
iouuw; 1 1 m 1
Delegates to the repuDiican
,.ti.n. Rovd 16a: iSULlCI .
Carmeron 121; Carey 158; Compton
hi; Harrison 117; Hickey 68; Kollock
71; Macdonald 73: MacLean a .
MAimnt 117; Olson .
i - d . . . tin
nii.rati'i to national revu"""
ron vu Ltuu j ' " 1 1.
trict: Brooke 235; Cooper v-
feS; Donnell 206.
f a fnr i-miblican I'0111'1'
tkm for president: werperi
T.n.Hn 147. and Leonard wooo.
Candidates for repuDiicai.
(ion for vice-president: Lodja i-u.
u: !.t ins and Webster bO.
RpnnUican electors ior io.-
and vice-president: Ueorse
dee 176; Hotchkiss W lu25
Jvaohoe 181; Lockwood a"."
unn 95K: Kobb 233:
For republican unitea w1"
lOI. .nisi .. ...
For republican reprcienmu-
conpresa irom bbcomu wio-.-.
Secretary of state: Coburn, 44; Jone
r. 157: LocKiey u",
60-! Schulderman 12. and Wood 41.
T.. ..... aunrnmn hj u i i. . . - -
xt,..,.. :f4; Lawrence J., narria ,
Dairy and food commiuomuvi. -
Hawley 249.
Public service commisaionc
k,ini- seventeenth district: Upton
350; Wiley 71.
Representative, twtmy-iu"
- - a ; i. dm
trict: Rrattam zus; isuruica.
County offices: sncnir, johh "-""
68; treasurer. A- n. bo..
. . a . V Charl-
KChool supennttiiu'.iii, - -
ton '66; J. E. Myers , i-umu....
eioner, Herman is., aiich
r irtmrtfrra t ic national i,ujm.u-
rleleeates: Baldwin 183: urawwro
-a i. "iilmni. 44: Montague 28
Purdy 112; Reddy 3-; acoujrem
TAmf..atir neiecrates w "-l-',J"&1
.i rnr nomination for presl
rfnt ond vice-Dresident from Becond
...;.,oi district: Aker
Blakeley 143; Kins 106; Peterson 64
Skiff B2; Young; b.
Democratic nomination for pn
dent: fcAdoo 194.
,.iTr.aidpnt: Vauchn 149,
For democratic electors of presl
j.t ind vii-K-nresident: Gavin lol
vivter 158: Hedlund 171; Miller 174
xj .. . 148- Watkins 122.
nmorratic United States senator
n !n2r Starkweather 58.
. lemocratic United States represent
atlve, second district: Uratiam io.
Representative In twenty-first dis
r? l.T "Rrudhurv 132.
District attorney, Wirta 250: sheriff,
Olson 219: clerk. Battles
surer, LaFollette 156;
assessor, Foster 248.
Eminent domain over roads, yes 460
so, 182.
t. imitation of four per cent
inrixhtrdness. yes 478: no 191.
rtestorine capital punishment, yes
J1R. n c 24.1.
Crook and Curry counties bondin
amendment, yes 501; no 163.
Successor to governor, yes 394, i
23, 1.
Hicher educational tax act, yes 43
i n H i .
Soldier's educational aid, yes 388
no "-.7.
Klemcntary school fund tax, yes
4S:: no 212.
Blind school tax measure, yes 547;
no 151.
284; trea
Reams 128
Johnson Polls 911 Votes to 22 6
Ballots for AVood.
(Special.) Complete returns from all
5 precincts in Klamath county Kive
for republican delesrates-at-larse:
Boyd 480, Biitier 272. Cameron 14.
Carey 274, Compton 129. Harrison 368,
icionald 509. McLean 245, Maris 322,
McCamant 373. Olson 260. Rand 471,
Stewart 286, Hickey 230.
Delegate, second district Brooks
805, Cooper 676. Curl 179. Donnel 426.
Presidential preference Hoover i
33, Johnson 911, Lowden 216, Poin- !
dexter 275, Webster 216, Wood 226.
Vice-president Lodsre 569, Wash- !
ington 135.
Senator Abraham S19. Stanfield
Representative Jones 347. Sinnott
Secretary of state Colburn 238,
Jones 177, Koaer 337, Lockley 123,
Parsons 260, Schulderman 109, Wood
Public service commissioner Corey-
OS. Luper 268.
Presidential electors Gcorze 650.
Hendee 436, Hotchkiss 743, Haine 769.
vanhoe 508, Lockwood 570, Richard
son 730, Robb 736.
Joint state senator Upton 268,
Wiley 998.
State representative Bratlin 554.
Bairdick 481, Overturf 949.
District attorney C. C. Brower 664.
William Marx 676. In the only race
for a county office, Lloyd Low re
ceived 517 votes for the republican
nomination for sheriff and John Far-
neJl 359.
Democratic returns were:
Delecratcs-at-larce Baldwin 310.
Crawford 177. Drain 10S, Haney 60,
Harry 80, Hidden 103, Holman 104,
Montague 59. Purdy 148. Reddy 102,
Sehuyleman 113, Smith 66.
Delegates, second district Aker 66.
Blakely 113, King 142, Paterson 117,
Skiff 95, Tounc 119.
Kenator Chamberlain 261. Stark
weather .129.
The results on measures were: Road
ndebtedness limitation, yes 117. no
370; capital punishment, yes 789. no
Ji; successor to governor, yes 112d,
no 28d; higher educational tax, yes
14fl7, no 320; soldiers' educational aid.
yes 105.., no 434; elementary school
tax, yes 1332. no 296; blind school tax,
yes 1366, no 255; eminent domain over
roads, yes 1161, no 303; Crook and
Curry county bonded indebtedness,
yes 825, no 265.
diers' educational aid, yes 1217. no1
423; elementary school tax, yes 1288,
no 360; blind school tax, yes 1544, no
Democratic delegates-at-large to
national convention, Baldwin 268.
Crawford 259, Drain 176. Haney 102.
Harry 85, Hidden 192, Holman 114,
Montague 39, Purdy 210. Reddy 57,
Sehuyleman 122, Smith 78.
Delegates, second district, Aker 98,
Blakely 215, King 195, Peterson 171,
Skiff 40, Young 36.
Bend city 821,000 bond Issue to pur
chase park, yes 806, no 296.
C. T. Bonney, Defeated, Would
Head Wasco County Schools.
THE DALLES, Or., May 23. (Spe
cial.) Although defeated in the pri
mary election for nomination on
the republican ticket as a candidate
for county school . superintendent,
Clyde T. Bonney, former superintend
ent of Wasco county, today announced
his entry into the fight at the polls
next November, seeking the office of
county superintendent.
His announcement renew, an old
fight with the county court.
Caterers Threaten to Go on
Open-Shop Basis.
Complete Union Count Official.
LA GRANDE, Or.. May 25. (Spe
cial.) Complete official returns for
the democratic ticket in Union county
give, delegate-at-large (democrat),
Harry 146, Hidden 259, Holman 178,
Montague 93. Purdy 290, Sehuyleman
203, Smith 167. Baldwin 237. Crawford
612, Drain 144, Haney 148. Second con
gressional district. Skiff 500, Young
72, Aker 98, Blakeley 173. Kine 216.
Peterson 245. President, McAdoo 571.
vice-president, Vaughn 420; electors,
Reames 362, Watkins 390, Gavin 398,
Hayter 350, Hedlund 402, Miller 426,
senator, Chamberlain 476. Stark
weather 177. Representative, Gra
ham 473.
Aubrey R. Watzck of Portland Is
Chosen to Conduct Informa
tion Work in. Oregon
Johnson Receives 401 and Wood
86 in Presidential Vole.
LAKEVIEW, Or., May 25. (Spe
cial.) Complete returns from Lake
county follow:
President, Johnson 401, Wood 86,
Hoover 37, Lowden 33. McAdoo 199.
Vice-president, Vaughn 18L Lodge
227, Webster 74. Washington 62.
Representative. Sinnott 35, Jones
119, Graham, 190.
Secretary of state, Koaer 224, Par
sons 78, Jones 71, Coburn 36, Lock
ley 33, Wood 26, Schulderman 21.
Public service commissioner, Corey
89. Luper 88.
Electors, Hotchkiss 819, Hume 305,
Robb 298, Richardson 284. Lockwood
226, George 201, Invahoe 164, Hendee
153. Reames 203, Hedlund 201, Wat
kins 195, Miller 183, Gavin 168, Hay
ter 167.
Delegates, Hickey 175, Kollock 93,
MacDonald 284, MacLean 82, Maris 98,
McCamant 191, Olson 62. Rand 156,
Stewart 87. Boyd 198. Butler 119,
Cameron 72, Carey 70, 'Compton 38,
Harrison 147, Holman 56. Montague
54, Purdy 98, Reddy 65. Sehuyleman
50, Smith 67. Baldwin 200, Crawford
113. Drain 69, Haney 79, Harry 61,
Hidden 98.
Four per cent limitations, yes 54
no 239; capital punishment, yes 539,
no 248; higher education, yes 463, no
248; soldier and sailor education, yes
451, no 222; elementary school, yes
469. no 239; blind school, yes 553, no
rear that the ex-service mens
bonus bill, which is now being con
sidered by congress, will interfere
with measures which will benefit dis
abled ex-servico men of the country,
has caused a national committee.
which will campaign against the
passage of the bonus bill, to be or
ganized in the United S'.ates, Colonel
Henry L. Stimson bein the national
Aubrey R. Watzek of Portland, has
been appointed chairman of the com
mittee which will attempt to lead
the fight against the bonus bill in
According to the statement which
outlines the aims of the national
committee, the disabled men of the
country are not greatly benefitted by
the provisions of the present bill. In
the bill all ex-service men receive
the same rating and the same bonus.
The national committee urges that
congress abandon for a time its con
sideration of this bill and turn its
attention to the discovery of some
method whereby the disabled men,
about 641,000 in number, may be re
lieved by an adequate compensation,
Also the committee asks that the
measure for vocational training of
the disabled men be passed Immed
iately. The bonus bill as now drafted
would not begin payments until next
year and the committee says that
many ex-service men who are in
capacitated are in straitened circum
stances. Work will be started at once in
Oregon to influence citizens to notify
their representatives in congress to
urge consideration of a bill which
will aid the disabled ex-service men
of the nation without further delay.
Water Applied For.
Johnson Receives 830 to 777 for
Wood All Measures Carry.
THE DALLES. Or., May 25. (Spe
ctal Ry a scant margin of 53 votes.
Senator Johnson of California ob
tained the preferential nomination of
Masco county for republican candi
date for president of the United
States, according to complete offi
cial returns given out today by the
county clerk's office. Republican re
sults follow:
For president Johnson 830 votes.
Wood 777, Hoover 201. Lowden 150.
Vice-president Lodge 1005. Elwood
Washington 358. Webster 277.
Amendment extending eminent do
main Tes 14 92, no 675.
Four per cent state indebtedness
limitation Yes 1436. no 807.
Canital punishment xes lo09, no
Crook and Curry counties bonding
amendment Yes 1079, no 623.
Succession to governor Yes 1283.
r.n 9.
Higher educational tax act Yes
14S3. no S18.
Soldiers, sailors and marines edu
national bill Yes 1266. no 927.
Elementary schooL fund tax bill
Yes 1501. no 769.
Blind school tax measure Yes 1620,
no 600.
Delegates to the national conven
ton Butler 1228, Raud 638. McCam
ant 551. MacDonald usz, Boyd 623
Carev 530. Cameron 447, Compton 214
Harrison 351. Hickey 277, Kollock 307,
MacLean 402, Maris 302. Olson 301,
Steward 382.
Delegates from the second congres
sional district Donneu i. J
Cooper 924. Brooke 911, Curl 399.
For electors of president and vice-
president Hume 1184. George 1061
Robb 1054. Hotchkiss 996. Hendee 772,
lvanhoe 937, Lockwood 941, Richard
ton 953.
United States senator Stanfield
1152. Abraham 956.
United States representative X. J.
Sinnott 1503, Jones 445.
Secretary of state Sam Kozer 467,
Lockley 456, Coburn 114, Jones 183,
Parsons 196, Schulderman 105, Wood
Justice of the supreme court Bean
1370, Benson 130a, Harris 1290, Sic
Bride 1440.
Dairy and food commissioner C L.
Hawley 1413.
Public service commission Corey
827. Luper 661.
State senator, 16th district Xick
elscn 1448, Egbert 1243, Roberta 1147,
Gill 888.
District attorney Childers 151S.
' County clerk Crlchton 1653.
Sheriff Chrisman 1634.
Superintendent of -schools Grone
ald 1440, Bonney 199.
Complete Official Republican Tab
ulation to Be Announced Today.
BAKER, Or.. May 25. (Special.)
Complete official returns from all 41
precincts in Baker on democratic bal
lots gave: Delegates to, national oon-
ention. Drain, 312: Haney. 239; Har
ry, 59; Hidden, 458; Holman. 360;
-Montague, 144: Purdy, 659; Reddy,
81; Sehuyleman, 403; Smith, 2oi;
Baldwin, 443: Crawford, 837; Blakely,
32ti; Kins, 690; Peterson, 315; Skiff,
699; Young. 155; Aker, 233. For pres-
dent, McAdoo, 1055. For vice-presi
dent.' Vaughn. 815. For presidential
electors, Hayter. 6S4; Hediund, 797,
Miller, 836; Realties, 675; Watkins,
57; Gavin, 705. For senator, Cham-
berlin. 1010; Starkweather, 446.
For representative from second dis
trict, James Harvey Graham, 1012.
For county representative from 26th
district. Frank C. McColloch, 1266.
For district attorney. W. S. Leven,
!5. For county Judge, William
Duby, 858; J. B. Messick. 1031. For
county commissioner. Henry Leon
ning. 665; Arthur Oliver, 998. For
county clerk. A. B. Combs, 1636. For
county assessor, W. A. Baird. 1040;
J. C. Browning. 423; C. E. Coles. 304.
For sheriff. George A. Herbert, 1170;
13. B. Jackson, 637. For county school
superintendent, Nettie Canady Bus-
ard. 707: Gertrude Hodges Parker,
115S. For county coroner. Earl F.
Wes, 1162.
The complete official republican
count will be announced tomorrow.
SALEM, Or., May 25. (Special.)
M. L. Kimmel and Clarence J. Green
of Glide have filed application with
the state engineer covering the ap
propriation of water from several
small creeks tributary to the North
Umpqua river for domestic use and
irrigation purposes in Douglas coun
ty. Ida E. McConnell of Jordan Val
ley would appropriate water from
Cove creek for the irrigation of 100
acres of land in Malheur county.
Restaurant Owners, However, De
clare Schedule Must Be With
drawn by Jnne 1.
A new wage scale, covering in
creases of approximately 25 per cent,
has been presented by the joint ex
ecutive board of the cooks union ana
of the waiters and waitresses' union
to Portland caterers, to become ef
fective June 1.
Unanimously the caterers have re
jected the demands, which they fle
Clare imrossible, and In return the
caterers have demanded that the pro
posed schedule be withdrawn not
later than June 1, declaring that If
this Is not done the entire catering
system will go upon the "American
plan in industry,' which means that
the unions as such will not be recog
The Joint board of the unions will
meet tonight to consider the reply,
while the caterers will assemble in
extraordinary session today to con
sider ways and means.
Union Man Denies Demands.
Ernest H. Williams, secretary
treasurer of the waiters union, as
serted that no demands have been
made. He declined to discuss any
proposed wage schedule for June 1.
No strike was contemplated, he said
A strike would be impossible, he
asserted, "were there even intention
of calling one, which I do not admit,
for there is a 30-day arbitration
clause in the contracts the unions
have with the caterers."
"We understand the situation thor
oughly, " said J. H. Coe, president of
the caterers' association. "There is
an arbitration clause, it is true, but
we realize that it is the intention
of the unions to carry this matter on
until just before the Shrine conven
tion and then precipitate a strike.
Unions have repudiated arbitration
clauses before.
"We do not Intend to have a strike
precipitated. For that reason we
have notified the unions that the de
mands must be withdrawn not later
than June 1, or on that date the
American plan in industry would b
inaugurated in all Portland restau
rants." Dated May 17, the following letter
was delivered to all cafeterias, res
taurants and hotels:
"We herewith submit for your considera
tion and approval our amended was
scales, effective on and aftr June 1, 1B20.
Trustlne you will give this matter your
earliest possible attention, and again
thanking you for your very cordial and
generous co-operation In the past, we wish
to remain, very reppectf ully.
Caterers of Portland are a unit, it
was declared, in declining to accede
to the demands made upon them.
"As a mailer of fact," said Mr. Coe,
"restaurant prices are at the' limit
now. The larger restaurants could
meet the scale demanded by a rise in
prices. many or us now pay more
than the scale and would not be af
fected, unless we chose, but the hun
dreds of small restaurants are the
ones attacked. I know of scores of
Instances where the owners make less
money a week than they pay their
cooks. '
The proposed schedule is divided
into a series of classes:
It provides for wages of $18 to $21
for 8 hours work for waiters and
waitresses, $21 to $24 for counter
work, boys and girls, combination
work (cooking, waiting and dish
washing). $4 to $5 a day. Extra time
is scheduled for $1 first hour and 60
cents each succeeding hour.
ClniMificatlona Are Varies.
In men's resorts the schedule calls
for $24 to $26. The cafeteria scale
is from $16 to $19. The proposed
schedule for cooks ranges from $30
for a butcher to $45 for a chef in class
opposed by some of the union offi
cials. One leading Portland restaurant Is
J- 1 J.
.us c.hipc
in bottles for
h at fountains
an d on dr&iidbt
Hires contains juices fjly roos
harks, herbs and berries
a. t
AA, $22.50 to $40 In class A, $21 to $35
In class B and $30 in class C.
To the figures paid or asked for
should be added $8, the average cost
to the individual of a week's meals,
the caterers point out.
It is declared that the action taken
by the joint board of the unions is
run on the open-shop basis already
Bend City Bond Issue to Purchase
Park Carries 806 to 296.
BEND, Or., May 23. (Special.)
Complete official returns for Des
chutes county on candidates and
measures are as follows:
Republican county offices District
attorney. C. S. Benson 418; A. J. Moore
447, W. P. Myers 312.
County Judge, R. W. Sawyer 1031
sheriff, R. E. Roberts 1040: clerk. J
D. Davidson 493, J. H. Haner 840.
Treasurer. L. L. Fox 652, C. M. McKay
708. School superintendent, J. A.
Thompson 794. Mrs. Gertrude Whltels
660; county commissioner, E. E. But
ler 354. Charles A. Carroll 432. John
A. Marsh 449. Coroner, C. P. Nlswon
ger 1015.
State measures Eminent domain
for roads and ways, yes 1322, no 302;
4 per cent road bond limitation, yes
1330, no 380; capital punishment, yes
936. no 788; Crook and Curry counties
bonding, yes 943, no 347; successor
to governor, yes 1135, no 424; higher
educational tax, yes 1341, no 383. Sol-
eWil.ey B. Allen .
-JlP 1
Reduce the High Cost of
Ladies' and Men's Suits
We make to order from your own
material or cutting and fitting only
2d Floor, Medical Bldg. Main 8133
Satisfaction, comfort and delight come with the ownership
of a small Grand Piano. Satisfaction in its musical quali
ties, comfort in its grace of outline and appearance, delight
in the knowledge of a long-cherished hope realized. In the
we offer a piano that has earned by quality alone the
enviable position of an absolute leader in its class and at
its moderate cost. Thoroughly, substantially, honestly
constructed, it pleases in tone and in every quality that
endears it to the musical home. Sold on payments.
aai rauuseiaeo. ojuojum, I
and Is not affected, nut pronably 85
per cent of the restaurants and eat
ing places are unionized more or less
thoroughly. The owners assert that
Portland is in no humor for a rise in
wages, for they assert-that thousands
of patrons have been driven away by
increased costs and prices.
The demands were originally pre
sented to individual caterers, but
these advised the union tjoard that
any action taken would bo taken by
the caterers' association as a body.
The demands were then laid before
F. E. Beach, secretary, last Saturday,
were later considered by the execu
tive board of the caterers, which
Monday put the matter back into tha
hands of the unions.
Sold Everywhere
1 1 1 m The economy of suc-
I fj cess baking proves
I 7 1 iif Uniformity of
I ''; jjl M Qtynfa Flour
I J ' -,yn i. i ' - J'--a i f 1 1 m i.iJ jjg and 49 lb. sacks at J
I jjj j!L yOUr neret srocet" yr