THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2G. 1020 11. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Citr Editor .'Main 7070. A BOSS Sunday Kditor Main 70,0. A firw. Aovrrtlsina- Department. .Main 70.0. A WMJo Superintendent of Bldg...Main 7070. A 609a AMUSEMENTS. HRTLTO ) Broads ay at Taylor) Shrine benefit show. Tonight. ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. This afternoon. BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker Stock company In "Lena Rivers." This afternoon and tonight. LYRIC (Fourth and Stark) Musical com edy. "Fads and Follies." Three showa daily at 1 7 and 8. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 6, :45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays continuous 1:15 to 11 P. M. PA.VTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2:30. 7 and 0:05. COUNCIL CREST Free amusement park. Take "CO" cars. Morrison or Washing ton streets. THE OAKS Amusement park. Tree ad mlnaion until 5 P. M., except Sundays and holidays. Take cars at First and Alder. THRIFT STAMPS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office. Oregpnlan. After they had already spent in the neigrhborhood of three months in the county jail Jack Andrews and Ber nard! Lustigr. two youths who pleaded pjuilty to simple larceny, were sen tenced yesterday by Judgre McCourt to 30 days more. While in Tacoma early in the year they found a travel lers" check "book in the wash room at a soldiers' and sailors' club. They proceeded to use up the blank checks, signing the name of Ludwig Burke. Andrews spent 100 days in jail and I.ustic was there SO before brought up before the judge. Sentence was fixed upon recommendation of the Brand Jury. Motor k-xi-t-ivr to Speak. A. It. Kroah of Chicago will speak at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday night at S o'clock on the subject of diver sified farming and specifically, on the topic, "Motorize the Farm." Mr. Kroah is an expert on the subject of motor izing the farm and he is reported to have a most interesting message for every person interested- in this im portant subject. His purpose is to show how greater farming efficiency may be attained by use of motorized machinery. The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock and the general public is invited. Platgrouno Ordinance Is Up. Ordinances authorizing the purchase or condemnation of five playground sites will be placed before the city council this morning. One ordinance providing for the purchase of a tract of land In North Portland was with drawn by City Commissioner Pier, be cause members of the city council have not yet viewed the property. The districts in which sites are to be considered are: Woodstock, 15 acres; Montavilla. 11 acres: Richmond, two blocks: Clinton Kelly, ten acres, and Mount Scott, nine acres. Suit Filed to Recover Land. Be cause they claim they were cheated on the exchange of property in Ore gon for what they, supposed was farm land in Alberta, Canada, Lesley A. Smith and wife have filed suit to re cover their former place in Essex park through rescinding the deeds. The Canadian land was owned by Rudolph and Ottillie Pachkofsky. The plaintiffs claim that only 20 out of 160 acres in the piece were plow land and that the rest was either hills and ravines or swamp. Alleged Reckless Driving to Be Investigated. al-'otes G. Tsabanoglou of Hillsdale, (ho is said to have knocked down Mrs. G. L. Carey of Eugene, Or., twice with his automo bile at Sixth and Stark streets Mon day night, will be given a hearing in the municipal court today on a charge of reckless driving. He was released on his own recognizance yesterday by Judge Rossman. Mrs. Carey re ceived bad bruises but was not seriously hurt. Jurt in Damage Suit Obtained. Practically all of yesterday was con sumed in Judge Stapleton's court ' in securing a jury for the case of Alfred Davidson against the Portland Gas & Coke company. The plaintiff seeks $15,000 damages for injuries received when he was employed by the com pany to remove a mechanical con veyor on a high wall. He stepped on a piece of timber, mistaking it for part of the scaffolding and it gave way under him. Harrt Trot Again Arrested, Harry Troy, a negro, who is under indictment here for having narcotics in his possession, was arrested yes terday at Seattle on the same charge. accoraing to telegraphic advice re ceived by the United States attorney Troy has been at liberty under bonds since his indictment by the last grand jury. He pleaded guilty to a similar charge in the federal court several months ago and escaped with a fine. Abram Vogt Deported. Abram ogt, who entered this country illegally from Canada, has been de ported by R. P. Bonham. chief of the local immigration service, who re turned yesterday from Canada. Vogt's i wife and four children were returned with him. The family located at The Dalles after entering the United States. Father Appointed Administrator. Mat Clark was yesterday appointed administrator of the estate of his son Kussell. and an order was issued by juage Tazweu lor sale of the property in oraer to satisfy creditors and pay funeral expenses. Appraisers appointed were Joseph O'Gorman. W. R. Harris and Joseph Burke. i"khea las ei cured. Come and let me help you maintain your neaitn ana De convinced. I am not paid for giving pain and depression. i as, oniy a smau ree because I give in my treatment comfort, pleasure. service and freedom. Dr. C. Smith, dentist, 310 Bush & Lane bldg. AU V. Prohibition Inquirt to Start. In estimation or more than a score of pronionion violations will be under taken by the federal grand iurv whirl. has been called for June T. The grand jury has been recessed since its recent start in the shipyard inquiry. It is not believed the shipyard probe will be started again by this jurv. Mother and Son Made Executors. Orders for the appointment of ad ministrators of the late Charles Starker, who died -May were filed J'eJe..r.?ay- The PrPei-ty is valued at J4O.000 and is to be divided among the widow and five children. V. A Starker, a son. and his mother are made executors. Milk and Rest Cure, for the tired rorn-out, run-down individual who has lost his bearings in the wear and tear of life. The Moore Sanitarium Kast 4,. office SOS Selling buildine' asdn, 6101. Adv. ' Seasidr Via Atjto. Cars leave for Astoria. Seaside and way points at 10 A M. daily from 125 th street (near Washington). For rates and reserva tions telephone Mar. 4381, Shepard's Auto Bus lines Adv. Ir Ion contemplate having new Math fitted see Dr. K. C. Rossman the plate specialist, and learn of the many advantages possessed by a scien tifically fitted denture. 307 Journal bldg. Adv. Soller Cafeteria, 145 Third street between Alder and Morrison. Good meals at reasonable prices. Adv. KlMkERiii Coal. Carbon Coa. Bin agents. 321 Hawthorns are h... 118. Adv Freb Dance by Liberty Assembly United Artisans, east side W. o W ball. Wed., May 26. Adv. Offices. Several large suites for rant. Fenton building;. Adv. Auto Driver Fined. John Hixon, 1 294 Larrabee street, driver of an auto- i mobile which collided with a motor cycle side car and injured two peo ple at the intersection of Albina and Alberta avenues, May 15. was fined $25 on a charge of failing to give right of way by Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday. Hixon's machine struck the motorcycle side car driven by T. A. Huffman, 975 Vancouver ave nue, injuring Mrs. Huffman. Follow ing the collision the automobile plunged over the sidewalk into a stone wall, striking a pedestrian, J. B. Lewis, 572 Sixth street, and breaking his ankle. Hixon was arrested by Investigator Freiberg of the traffic bureau, following the accident. Pharmacists to Receive $175. MemDers of the local branch of Ameri can registered pharmacists will re ceive $175 monthly according to a statement sent to the men by offi cials, representing the employers. In the event that they do not receive this amount, they are requested to ask for an increase. The clerks voted to ask a minimum of $175 per month, at their last meeting. Ross Plummer of the Druggists' association in a statement yesterday said: "In few lines of business are employer and employe in such close touch as in the drug game. I look to see a satis factory settlement of this question." Judge Addresses Italians. Judge McCourt gave a talk, frequently in terrupted by applause, on "The Loyalty of Italian-Americans." at the Italian American day celebration, held Mon day evening at Swiss hall. Mayor Baker Introduced Judge McCourt and In his brief introductory address dwelt on the friendship that has existed between Italy and the United States for a century and more. Peter Perenno, editor of "The Federation," a local Italian publication, dwelt on the true Americanism of native-born Italians who enlisted during the war. After vocal and instrumental num bers, dancing was enjoyed. Soft Drink Vendor arrested. William Lahey. proprietor of a soft drink establishment at 381 Fast Burn- side street, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of violating the prohibition law by Lieutenant Robson and Patrolmen Xutter and Harms. The arrest was made after the policeman had taken samples of the "grapo" and cider sold by Lahey and had it analyzed, they reported. Both, they said, registered a high percentage of alcohol. Lahey gave $250 bail and will appear in court today. New Larch Trail Cleared. Led by Frank Riser, a number of the men from the Trails club journeyed to Larch mountain last Saturday night and passed Sunday on the new Ridge trail between Angers Rest and the summit, clearing more than half a mile of underbrush. 'A rain dampened the crowd, due to a shortage of tents. A path will be cleared in two or three more trips and the hiking public will have access to several miles of hitherto impassable country. Autoist Is Arrested. Walter A. Wood, 202 West Eleventh street, St. Johns, was arrested yesterday by Investigators Freiberg and Tully on charge of having defective brakes on his automobile. His automobile ran dawn Mrs. L. B. Goff. 406 Van couver avenue, at the intersection of Holladay and Occident. Mrs. Goff sustained a bruised right leg. Aid Society to Meet. The 34th an nual meeting of the members and trustees of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society of Oregon will be held Tues day, June 8, at 8 P. M.. on the second floor of the old postoffice building. During the meeting two trustees will be elected. Art interested are invited to attend. Robbert Suspect Held. William Whitney was arrested yesterday in the park block by Lieutenant of De tectives Maloney and held on a charge of having robbed the residence of James Manary. 1512 Yamhill street. an April 12. Jewelry and other arti cles were taken from Manary's house. Lace From Nazareth. The ladies of the Catholic parish at St. Helens have a shipment of beautiful Armen ian lace made by the Sisters in Nazareth. It will be sold at the store of Atiyeh Bros., oriental rugs, 10th and Alder streets, beginning June 1, at 9 o'clock. Adv. Robbert Suspects Held. Clyde K. Harrow and Arthur Van Gleet, 18, were arrested yesterday by Inspectors Morak, Howell and Van Deusen and are being held on charges of having robbed two rooms in the Sargent hotel, Grand and Hawthorae avenues Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red. wash cleaned. Cartozlan Bros. Inc.. oriental rugs and carpets. Wash., near 10th.- Adv. Dancing at the Oaks tonight and Saturday. Adv. SPEND DAY IN MOUNTAINS Arrati Wanna Hotel Opens Xcil Saturday. The Arrah Wanna hotel, located on Salmon river In the Mount Hood dis trict, opens for guests Saturday morn ing, May 29. Chicken dinners and hot gingerbread, along with all the trim mings, will be served by Mr. and Mrc George Spencer to their host of friends and guests. To insure accommodations for Dec oration day reservations should be made to Mrs. Spencer, phone Tabor 6288. or information wi.ll be given by cashier at the Brownsville Woolen Mill store. Main 732. Adv. YSAYE-ELMAN Mail Orders Eugene Ysaye and Mischa Klmaii in joint recital, at the Heilip: June 2. one appearance only. Floor S2.60, balcony $2.50, $2, $1.50. Send orders, check, self-addressed, stamped envelopes to Steers & Coman, Columbia bldg:. Adv. BICYCLE BOYS WANTED Two races each day, Saturday, Sun day. Six prizes. Racing boya ad mitted free. Speedway track. Adv. Tax on Print Paper Proptfs-ed. WASHINGTON', May 26. An excise tax on print paper to curtail con sumption will be one of the recom mendations of the senate manufac tures sub-committee investigating the print paper shortage. CARD OF THASKS. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all our relatives and friends who rendered assistance and sym pathy, also ror tne oeauttrui noral offerings in our recent bereavement. MRS. H. HANSEN AND FAMILY. Adv. CARD OK THWKS. We wish to extend our most heart felt thanks to the many friends who extended their sympathy and floral offerings in our sad bereavement. HEI.KN WIGGINS, FRANK WIGGINS. Adv. BEAVER DOARD FOR BETTER WALLS AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEN & CO. X. E. Cor. 2d and Taylor Sts. HENRI SCflH FAVORITE SIXOER CLOSES ORPHEUM EN GAGEMENT THIS AFTKRXOOX. Benefit Performance for Shrine Entertainment Committee to Be Staged Tonight. The Orpheum show of which Homer B. Mason and Marguerite Keeler and Henri Scott are the joint headliners will be presented for the last time in the Portland engagement this after noon, staging of -the benefit perform ance for the Shrine entertainment committee tonight necessitating clos ing of the Orpheum show with the matinee. "Married." the one-act comedy being presented by Mason and Keeler. is listed as one of the greatest laughing acts in big-time vaudeville. The theme Itself is comical and the funny situations in the hands of Mason keep the audiences in continuous laughter. Henri Scott, noted simper, on Orpheum. Mason, and Keeler were among the first to present a bedroom farce in vaudeville and their expert handling "married" is refreshing throughout. Henri Scott is making his first Orpheum tour having been booked by Martin Beck direct from the Metro politan Opera company In Xe'v York. He sings several selections and his vaudeille repertoire shows the mar velous range and beauty of his voice. Scott Is one of the big hits of the show and he responds graciously to encores at every performance. The other features of this show are Beth Beri. a California danseuse, who is assisted by Jay Velie and Paul O'Neill in a high-class and magnifi ciently staged act and Ned Norworth, who with the assistance of a pianist and Evelyn Wells presents a series of novel comicalities that win out bursts of laughter. Industrial Club Sends 1 to O. A. -C KENT, Or., May 25. (Special.) The Industrial club served lunch at the close of community meeting In ffcontft Bb&rge ton tbt Q&& taetx Hrs -- sv 0 ALL What U. UNITED STATES ARMY See Oar Windows Light Weight FELT HATS for summer wear. In pearl grays and light tans. Lioji Quality, Trimb'.e, Mallory and Stet son makes. $7 to $10 Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland. MORRISON at FOURTH S. & H. Stamps given. the school auditorium on the eve of the primaries. The proceeds will be used to send one of the club members to Oregon Agricultural college for a two weeks summer course. Grace L. May, county superintendent of schools, and Z. Marie Hager of the Grass "Val ley high school faculty gave short talks on the educational tax measure. MAYOR SEEKS REVENGE JH ITCH COCK SLATED FOR PAX XIXG THIS WEEK. Comedian "Spotted" Portland" Civic Head and Rapid Comedy Followed. It was two weeks ago at the Colum bia theater in San Francisco, that Raymond Hitchcock, star comedian In "Hitchy-Koo." spotted Mayor Baker of Portland in one of the boxes. Just by way of diversion, Mr. Hitchcock first informed the large audience that the heavy gentleman garbed in full dress in the lower left hand box was the mayor of Portland and then proceeded to introduce, at long range, the mayor to army and naval officials who were in the theater. Following this introduction, Mr. Hitchcock continued to amuse the WHO IT MAT eOHCflnC" " the Army BORN abroad, unable to read or write Eng lish, a day laborer, unfitted for a good job, Carl Nielson joined the United States Army. A few months ago he received an honorable discharge. In one year he rose from private to corporal, then to sergeant He has learned Eng lish. He has become a trained mechanic, a valu able American citizen. Ask if there's a vacancy lor you in our new, democratic, peace-time Army. S. Army Recruiting Station Worcester Building, Third and Oak Sts. Portland, Oregon When Buying a Piano Good Quality Is Real Economy Most people buy a Piano once in a lifetime. They start out to buy where they can "do the best" (as they think), not where they can "get the best" (as they should). The attribute "best" to many usually means the lowest price. Now pianos, like everything else in this world, are priced according to their intrinsic worth. They cannot be made to sell (and endure) at the prices which some unscrupulous dealers offer them. The "cheap prices" are for "cheap pianos" beware of them, because the instruments soon give out, sound tinny, become un playable and you have to buy another new Piano. Why not buy a good piano in the first place? It will be real economy to consider quality as well as price. A good dealer carries several grades of Pianos when measured by price. You may not be able to afford the most expensive but you will be able to buy accord ing to your purse the buying will be made easy by convenient term payments and what you buy will have Quality will give service will cause you no regrets. Dealers in Steinway and Other Pianos, Pianola and Duo Art Pianos, Aeolian Player Pianos, Player Rolls, Vic trolas and Records, Music Cabinets, etc. I Sherman, play & Go. i B5 Sixth and Morrison Streets ni H (Opposite Postoffice) JS CH SEATTLE TACOMA SPOKANE ? crowd, not infrequently at the ex pense of Mayor Baker. Tomorrow Mr. Hitchcock opens a three day engagement at the Hellig. The mayor has" addressed a letter to Mr. Hitchcock, containing a letter of introduction to Chief of Police Jenkins, to be used, as the mayor puts it, "in the event that you are apprehended out after hours." But the mayor has given consider able thought to pulling something on Mr. Hitchcock which will sort of re pay the comedian for the fun that he gained through "kidding" Portland's mayor in San Francisco. Mayor Baker refuses to divulge his plan, although he admits that he is plan ning on seeing "Hitchy-Koo" again and will try and even things up when he does go. Read The Oroponian classified ads. TO-DAY Sergeant Trained mechanic Has learned to read and write English In perfect physical condition Has saved $250 did for this man WEARING APPAREL STOLEN Thieves Show Preference for Shoes, Shirts and Collar Buttons. The showcase of the Moyer Cloth ing company, 81 Third street, was broken into during Monday night and six pairs of shoes taken. The same thieves are believed responsible for breaking into the showcase of the Palace Clothing company, 90 Sixth street. Four shirts and a quantity of collar and cuff buttons comprise the loot. Louis Rumpakus, 2S3 Grand avenue, reported to the police that his place was entered during the night and a suit of clothes taken. F. A. Hirte, 40 Willis boulevard, re ported the loss of .a horse, either Htolen or strayed. Lead good healthy Ufa Learn a trade or get a schooling Get military training Be with men from your own home State nere are your Home State Regiments of the Regular Army t Infantry Now at Camp Lewis. Wash. 33th Infantry Kow at Camp Lewis, Wuh. 37th Artillery. C. A. C Now at Camp Lewis, Wash. 15th Cavalry Now at Fort D. A. Rusaell. Wyo. 8th Engineers (Mtd.) Now at El Paso, Tex. 7Sth Field Artillery Now at Camp Grant. III. 1(1? ' 11: 1 ii if I AliivaysWeitome if 11 f 1 tr'A i "Yon little rascal plmyed' alone the war. didnl you? H lllll 1 1 1 III I! I U I j. J I Kept grandma waking 1 Oh well, it's ill right. Because til j II II lj jljl j i II Z C ALU EY3 ET' f II Iy. BAKING POWDER i m t'. J. is always riarht. Ifs worth waitinir for. Always wet 1 1 1 II j II II fr" i lr-1 come. .Never shirks its work. Never faiia. -Never III I I I I A V 1 a wastes minutes or materials .and I know its pure and 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 il! I v Ps"3 "1 wholesome, as Calumet contains only such ingredients 1 1 III II I I till I T ,,":? . fl as have beec approved efitciauy by the U.S. Food I lllll I (II 5 ' 1 .. I Authorities." ; ill III LHSSH ' I - 5 Yen save whn you &r ityou m tehtn yn as tfc InTrVlll! US I V I f ' HIGHEST 2522 Jj TlimIimT - --- M-"- - iifj-fl f- in 3 The CHENEY The spirit of music, joyous as the song of hjrds, lives in the Cheney. Transcendent beauty of tone, the gift of acoustic science, and fine art in cabinet making, give the Cheney unique dis tinction. Prof. Cheney, the skilled violinist, has built an instru ment free from the objectionable scratch and grind of the ordinary phonograph. Come in see and hear the Cheney. 149 Sixth Street Portland SHE IS A MIXTURE OF Vivacious France Languorous Java Inscrutable Samoa AND MUCH f SH1MMIE i HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, f tut off Union Square Famous for good tenric. eemtart and exceliaat cuisine at reasons. hie prices. Rates from $1.75 a Day Brtakfast 40c and 75c Lunch 60c: Sundays 76c Oinnar $1.25; Sundays $ I. eO. Municipal Car Ifna direct to doer. Motor bus meets trains and ateaatsrs. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged crirelty to animals. Offices, room 160 courthouse. Phone Main 37 from 8 A. M. to S P. il. The society has full cnarge of the city Fiound at its home. 635 Columbia bou evard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Does for sale. Hoe ambulance t for sick, or disabled horses. Small i animals painlessly electrocuted where for. All 'dead animals, cows, horses, etc. picked ud free of charare. M 41 I i - STEWART "DRINTING is the fifth lare- est industry in America. For over twenty-five years it has been the principal part of our business. 1. Our Printing, Book&fru&n; and Paper Ruling Departments provide under one roof every facility to produce Quality Print-inw nnrl ftive 5w?nr?rt?- ESTTMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED Glass & Prudhomme Co.? ' 547lt(lAJWr Qtuttm BOOKBINDERS DESKS FILING CABINETS Last Winter when other fuel proved more or less insufficient, Good Coal kept your house warm and your pipes from freezing Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 '2 First St., Portland, Or. Phone your want ads to Tha Orego- nlan, Main 7070, Automatic Jbu-a.