THE MOKNING OREGOSUX, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1920 21 61 TO BE EXPLAINED Federal' Grades Will Be terpreted to Shippers. In- SERIES OF TRIPS PLANNED mornlnff. A better smppxnff fiemtnd has trengrthened the market. White Salmon berries sold at 16.23. A shipment of Bin sen berries was on the market and held at 7.50. . Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. ;Balances. Portland 9.tfiV5.411 2.4:i0,925 Seattle 6.976.0SS 2.13S.855 Tacoma 8S9.6H 176.835 Spokane - 2,473,296 1.013,107 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain Flour, Feed, Etc Noon session. Merchants Exchange. -Bid- Supervisors Will Devote Xext Month to Demonstrations ia Wheat Producing Districts. At the request of a number of train doalers located at country shipping points. the federal grain supervision project of the bureau of markets. United Slates de- ! partment of agriculture, has scheduled a series of meetings for towns in the Pacific Northwest wheat producing areas, to in terpret the federal grades for grain and explain and demonstrate their correct ap plication. At the same time it will be possible to correct an erroneous impres sion that appears to exist among some growers that the federal grades go out sf existence w.Hh the grain corporation a May 31 of this year. This Important work, which has to deal with the enforcement of the grain stand ards act as passed by congress, will oc cupy the greater part of the month of Juno. Th following towns are Included In the Itinerary., which has been divided Into three trips, to- be made simultaneously by representatives from the Portland. Se attle and Spokane supervision offices: June 1 Watervilie, Wash. ; Rosalia, The Dalles, Or. 2 Mansfield, Wash.; Tekoa Wash. 3 Hartline, Wash.; Garfield, Maupln. 4 Bphrata, Wash. ; Endlcott, Oats May. June. July. No. 3 white feed.. -.69.00 t9.50 $70.00 No. J blue" . . 67.00 67.50 64.50 Standard feed 60.00 66.00 63.50 Corn 4 No. 3 yellow 72.00 70.00 Eastern grain, bulk: Corn No. 3 yellow 74.00 .-71.00 69.00 Government basis. STOCK LIST IRREGULftH BOXD DEALINGS ARE LIGHTER WITH PRICES "STIEIiD IX3. " Call Money Easier bat Time Funds Are Scarce Deflation of Credits Proceeds. KB5W YORK, May 24. The session of the stock exchange today wu devoid of especial features, aside from the super- uciai cnaracter or the trading. Financial, industrial and commercial developments over the week end seemed to offer little relief from recent unsettled conditions. Efforts to place a favorable construction on l he low rate for call loans, which re newed at 6 per cent, the easiest Monday quotation In several weeks, met with scant success in-tho face of further stringency of time funds. Deflation of credits mad additional WHEAT- 1TT.OT7R Fninllv n.tentjt. S13.75. bakers' "1 hard wheat, S13.7a; best bakers' patents. I progress under supervision of the ..federal (13.73; pastry flour.; granam. e 111. 60: whole wheat, $11.85. Wash. June June Wash. June Wash. June S Odessa, Wash.; Colfax. Madras. June T Wilbur, Wash.; Dayton, Wash.; Condon. ' June S Daveport, Wash.; Fomeroy, Beppner. June 9 Harrington, Wash.; Lewlston, Athena. June 10 S Prague, Wash.; Culdesac Ida ho: Walla Walla. June 11 Ritzville, Wash.; Ilo. Idaho; Pendleton. June 12 Llnd, Wash.; Nei Perce, Ida ho. June 14 Washtucna, Wash.; Grange vllle, Idaho; Enterprise. June 13 Connell. Wash.; Cottonwood. Idaho; Imbler. June 16 Eltopia.. Waii. ; Ia Grande. June 17 Pasco, Wash.; Genessee, Ida ho; Baker. June - 18 Uniontown, Wash.;. North Powder. June 19 Mabton, Wash.; Moscow. June 21 lone. June 22 Grass Valley. DKMAND FOR WHEAT 18 LACKING MI1.LFEED Prices, f. o. b. mill! Mill run. 54&55 per ton: rolled barley, $72 73: rolled oats, S7374; scratch feed, $91 92. . . ' ' CORN Whole. I78M71I: cracKea, HI npr ton - . HAT Buying price, f. o. b. Peruana-, Alfalfa, sas; cheat, 125; valley timothy. Dairy and Country Produce, BUTTER Cubes, extras. 49c .per pound; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots. o-ic per pound; cartons. 53c; half boxes, c more; leas than half boxes, lc more; but terfat. No. 1. 5152c per pound at sta tions; Portland delivery,- 61c . EGGS Buying price, current receipts. 37c Jobbing price to retailers: Candled, 41c: select. 43c CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets, 32c; Young America. S3c; long homs, 33c. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point Triplets, Sic; Young Ameri ca. 32Ac per pound. POULTRY Hers. 32034c; broilers, 85 40c; ducks. 40w30c; geese, nominal; tur keys, nominal. -jr. VEAL Fancy, 18c per pound." . ? t- PORK. Fancy, 21c per pound. board. Signs of a brmlc m the freight blockade were apparent, but merchants at Important eastern and western centers exported fur- iner Diminution of activity and slower collections, attributed partly to the price- cutting crusade. The one. consnlcuouslv irtmiir stock was Atlantic Gulf, which closed at a gain of almost 9 points. Sales were 700.000 shares. dealings In bonds were relatively light. the liberty and vlctorv Issues vleldinar part of last week's advance with several of the toreign war issues. Total sales, par value. S17.2u0.OOO. Old United Statea bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. J.ast Hlrh. Low. Sale. 8X1 gs 375 374, 37H 131 129 4 ISO 87' 82 is 89 57 12S S3H Am-Beet Sag. Am .Can Am Car el Fdy Am H & L pfd Am Int Corp. Am Loco .... Am Sm Rfg Am Sugar . . .. Am sum Tob. Am Tel TeU Am Tob Sec . . Am Woolan . . Am Z L Sm Sales. 1. nno 4.B00 2.SOO 2, BOO .- 900 500 1.000 2O0 l.BOO 3.700 13,500 300 3, 200 l.noo 2 S3 14 . .974 13 H 55 K 73 fruits ana v eatecables. FRUITS Oranges. 5.257.73: lemons. So.23ti.50 per box; grapefruit, 3.308.50 per box; bananas, lU'sWllftO per pound; apples, $2.754.50 per box; strawberries, California. 4 per crate; Oregon. .504j 7.50 per crate; cantaloupes, 4 per crate. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 3'4i4c per pound: lettuce. 33.50 per crate; cucum bers, ll2.50 per dozen; carrots, ?44.50 per sack; horseradish, 25c per pound; gar lic, 5060c per crate; tomatoes, 93 per box; artichokes, $1.50 per dozen; spinach, 6&7c per pound; rhubarb. 34c per pound; peas, 1012c per pound; asparagus, $1.75 2.25 per dozen; beans, 20c per pound. POTATOES Oregons. S77.50 per sack: Yakimas, $7.508; new California, 110 ll'c per pound. - ONIONS Yellow Bermudas. $2.50 per crate; white, $2.502.75 per crate; red. $3. 5 per sack. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane, granulated. 24c per pound; extra C, 23.85c: golden C, 23 c: yellow I, 23. 60c; cubes, in bar rels, 23.10c. NUTS Walnuts. SesSc; Brazil nuts. 35c; filberts, 35c; almonds, 38$?38'c; pea nuts, lSiU'ltlc; cocoanuts, $2 per dozen. SALT Half ground, 100s, $11.25 per ton; 50s, $18.75 per ton; dairy. $27.75 per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 153tc per pound. BEANS Small white, 7Hc; large white, 74c pink, loc; lima, 13c per pound; bayous. 11 c; Mexican reds. 10c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 39 050c. Anaconda Cop. Atchison A G & WISS -1.900 1634 Baldwin Loco. 43.1IK ' 10911 tsait ec unio,. . J ' 1 Beth Steel B. 13.20O B & S Copper 200 Calif Petrol .. 8l0 Canadian Pac 2O0 Cent Leather. 4,700 Chandler Mots 7.200 Ches & Ohio. . SOO Chi M & St P. 2,700 Chi & N W . .. SOO Chi R I & Pac 8.200 Chino Copper. 2,800 Col Fu & Iron 600 Corn Products. 5.8O0 in Local Little Interest in Other Cereals Market. Although corn and oats bids were higher en the local board, there appeared to be but slight interest in the market. Wheat was particularly dull and buyers would not consider former prices. Offers for bulk corn were $101.50 higher than Sat urday and feed oats ranged from un changed to 50 cents higher. Barley was easier. Broomhall says ths official Argentine surplus for export is 72,364.000 bushels of wheat. 237,149,000 bushels old and new corn, 40,489.000 bushels oats. A large part of the old corn crop is in very poor condition, while" the major portion of the new supplies have not been sufficiently dried. Argentine charters are very dull. with prices unchanged to the continent. Shippers have paid 130s per ton for up- river, equal to about $24.50. Australia shipments last week were: Wheat to United Kingdom, 88,000 bush els, to continent 808,000 bushels, to nou Kurope 360,000 bushels. Terminal rece'.pts, in cars, were reported by the Mercnants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flr. Oats. Hay. Portland Monday 70 Year ago 9 Season 10 date 8333 lear ago 7404 Tacoma Saturday 23 Year ago 15 Season to date G930 Year ago. .... .5369 Seattle Saturday ..... Year ago 6 Season 10 date 6095 Year ago 5341 FLOCK PRODUCTION HOLDS STEADY Wheat Receipts From Farms Show Slight Increase. The 54th weekly bulletin covering wheat and wheat flour movement throughout the United States for the week ending May 14. 1920, In comparison with figures for the same period a year ago, follows: Bushels.- 1920. Wheat receipts from farms Wheat receipts from farms prev. week Wheat receipts lrom farms June 27 to May 14 753.0S8.OOO Flour produced dur ing week 1,898,000 Flour produced dur ing prev. week.. l,895,0O0 Flour produced June 27 10 May 14 . . . 117.96S.0OO Total stocks wheat all elevators and mills 19.130.000 Total stocks wheat all elevators and mills prev. week. 127.006.000 Change ior week. decrease 7. 876.000 Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 4n44c: skinned. 39 G45c; picnic, 26: cottage, 38c. LARD Tierce basis, 25c; compound. 24c per pound. DRY SALT-Short. clear backs. 25629c per pound; plates, 2.1c. BACON Fancy, 48t56c; standard. 35 46c per pound. Hides and Pelts. HIDES Nominal, on account of unset tled condition of market. PELTS Dry pelts, fine and medium long wool, 23c; dry pelts, coarse, long wool, 16c 1 23 6 13 2 21 2 5 179 3S.-.S 495 2184 101)2 2697 737 3156 1 11 .. .... 3 1 93 3134 176 833 45 .. 195 1:115 24 H "i 244 1144 643 1214 97 1349 597 2553 cases. 5.287.000 6.086. 0O0 1919. 2.103.000 2.168.000 715.719.000 2.671.000 2.553.000 109.766.000 S3.287.O0t 95.Vil.OO0 12.664.000 Barrels. Exports of wheat and flour July 1, 1919 to May 14, 1920, amount to 99.683,000 bushels of wheat and 18,320,000 barrels of flour, making a totaf equal to 182.123.000 bushels of wheat, compared with 154.717, O00 bu&hcls of wheat and 24.010.O00 bar rels of flour last year to May 14, which makes a total of 2b2.762.000 bushels of wheat, last year's total flour exports in eluding American relief administration and American expeditionary force shipments. The first 14 days of May last year are pro- 1 rated from the monthly report. KUG BtVlNli I'KItE IS KtDlCEO Dealers Offer 37 Cents for Today's Re ceipt Butter l nrhanged. The egg market was reported weaker with a lighter demand and a greater loss on receipts. The buying -price was 38 cents and will be reduced to 37 '.cents day. Cube butter sold for the most part at 49 cents, with the undertone of the mar ket somewhat easlor. ' Poultry was In small supply and steady. Dressed veal was sharply lowsr at 18 cents. Pork was unchanged. Small Decrease lit Wheat Visible. The American visible wheat supply com pares as follows: Hops, Wool, HOPS 1919 crop, $1 per pound: 1920 contracts. 73c; three-year contracts, 45c average. MOHAIR Long staple, new clip, 40c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 11 54 12c; No. 2, lOo per pound. CASCARA BARK Per pound, old peel. 12c: new peel. 10c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, nominal: valley medium. 35c per pound. GRAIN BAGS Car lots, 21c, coast. Oils, LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.98; raw. drums. $2.03: raw, cases. $2.13; boiled, bar rels. $2; boiled, drums. $2.07; boiled, cases, $2.13. TUKriSKiiSE Tanks, 12 "O $2.41. - ' COAL OIL j Iron barrels, 14tt17c; oases, 2734c. . 1 GASOLINE Iron barrels, 27c: tank wait- ons. 2ic; cases, 39Vc FUEL OIL Bulk. $2.1Q per barrel. SAJT FRANCISCO PBODCCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruits. Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. May 24 Hi.ft Extra grade. 54 Vic; extra firsts. 53 wt Eggs Fresh extras, 4c; firsts. 42c: extra pullets, 39ic: undersized. 32e Cheese Old-style California flat, linn 28c; firsts, 24c: Young America. 2Wr Poultry California hens, large. 366t39c- small, 2931c; strictly young roosters, 45'48c for good; old, 17S19c: fryers, 40j 43c: broilers, large, 3337c: small 30ijj32c; geese, per lb. 3032c: ducks, 26(21tc; pig eons, per dozen, $2,503-3; squabs. 55&6OC per lb. Vegetables Beans, winter. 79c: Ken tucky Wonders. ll124c; wax. 710c per lb.: bell peppers, per lb.. 10(jpl5c for small; 2030c for large: Chile, 25c; tomatoes. Mexican. nominal: southern California fancy. $3(13.25: green, $1.5O02; potatoee, rivers, $7.50r8.25 per cental: Netted Gems $7.75fe8: white. 78c; onions. Crystal White, $1.502 per crate; new red, $2.50 3: Australian brown, per cental, $6.60g)7; cucumbers, natural growth. $250fe'2.73: hothouse, $3 per box; artichokes. $5fe8 per large crate; lettuce, $1.301.75 per crate; asparagus. 7S8c; fancy graded. 9 10c: green asparagus. 46c: green onions, $2 ft 2.25 per box; celery, per crate, $24; fancy. $46; peas, per lb., 3'g'4c; carrots. ::..-ufa4; oeeis. .ou per sack; summer squash, per crate. (161.5j: Italian. S1.25 Crucible Steel. 18.21)0 Cuba Cane Sug 3. 300 Erie 1.500 Gen Electric. O0 Gen Motors . . 27. 000 Gt No pfd ... 3.100 Gt No Ore ctfs 900 Inspir Copper. 8.600 Int M M pfd.. 2.20O Inter Nickel.. 3.000 Inter Paper . . 2.800 K C Southern. 600 Kennecott Cop 1,300 Louis & Nash. 70O Mexican Petrol 14.70O Miami Copper. l.iuwi Mid states Oil Mldvale Steel. Missouri Pac..x Nevada Cop. . N Y Central.. N Y N H & H Norf & West. Northern Pac. Ohio Cits Gas. . Okla P & Rfg. Pac Tel Tel Pan-Am Pet.. Pennsylvania .. Pitts & W Va. Ray Con Cop. Reading Rep Ir & Steel Roval Dutch . Shat Ariz Cop Shell T ft T . Sin Oil 1 Southern Smith em Rv. S O of N J pta Studebaker Co Texas Co .... Texas si Pac.. Tobacco Prods Transcont Oil. Union Pacific. U S Fd Prods. U S Ind Aleo. U S Retl Sirs. U S Rubber . .. V S Steel do Pfd Utah Copper.. western union Westing Elect Willys-Overlnd 5,300 1,600 1.300 2.100 1.400 3.200 200 a. 40O 900 2,500 1.900 39,000 8.S00 BOO 1.900 7,800 12.600 9.000 4O0 . 6O0 Rfg 76.600 Pac. 9.200 . 1WM1 1.KO0 IOI 1JL 36. OOO 62 Vi 33.9O0 4o 9.O0O " 39 2.100 4.S00 3.9O0 1.000 7.200 5. J OO 8.400 74.300 1.2O0 - BOO .. 100 1.900 4.900 ltO , 8 I - ' 2014 28 1144 64 124 51 3H4 77 33 14 30 30 no 122 ' 40 H 11V 141 2514 717, S4Vi .-.0 81 '4 " 16 66 4 15 25 1?17 20 29, 41 24 11 67 -27 88 !4 in .394 ' ' . 41 - 98 y, 39 2S'4 81 B-nt 116V4 9 73 30 92 21 Low. 88 H 37 4 129 4 80 89 56:4 124 83 U 92 i- 62 i. . '. 4, IS 54 77 153 107 - 30 . 85 2014 26 114. 62 12054 30 30 76 32 -. 30 29 88 115 48 ' 11 140 24 71 34 48 79 16 64 34 25 97 166 18' 27 40 23 11 ' 66 27 88 71 H 38 .334 . 39 93 37-. 2714 84 113 9 73 28 90 20 . 1L . 59 -44 3S 82 13 113 8'i SO S'J 57 124 So 92 52 33 77 163 109 '4 30 86 20-4 26 114 63 50 30 76 33 30 30 90 120 49 11 140 24 71 34 49 80 16 63 15 25 ; 97 171 28 41 ' 23 11 66 27 71 an 4 41 98 '4 38 27 16 80 6 113 9 73 29 91 20 lot 60 43 39 63 13 114 57 82 cago spot market, although slightly firmer. failea to follow the recovery In futures while St.. Louis reported a little better demand and prices 1 cent to 7 cents higher.- There was no export demand to speak of for small ' grains. The upturn in futures today Has quite natural, but inasmuch as it was based on technical conditions and not a change In the actual condition, we are of the opinion that the bearish factors will again predominate and bring about a downward revision of prices to a more equitable reeding basis. , Oats Futures showed ready response to I the upturn in corn, easing off toward the I finish on the weakness displayed in the cash market. Elevator interests were again offering oats in store free to teams ; at May price to 1 cent over. The visible increase of over 2,000,000 bushels was larger than expected. The declining ten dency should asrain be n-m m H .fTM tn- dajrs upturn. . I Provisions Liquidating aaVea and llsht support featured the OMnlnr of h market. but the strength In grain brought in buy ing by local shorts. Selling by packers checked the upturn. Hog movement is fairly good and promises to Improve. "saaintr futures ranged as follows; -f -CORN. Onn Hf,h T 'a,y 11.78 $1.85 11.78 July 1.58 1.63 1.58 Sept.... L49 1.54 L49 . OATS. My .i7 1.00 .97 July 85 .80 .8514 SeDt 73 .75 - .73 MESS PORir July 33.50 34.50 33 ISO Dt 33.23 34.50 LARD. -Tuly.... 20 75 01 in ft Sept.... .... 22.02 2LBO SHORT July.... 17.85 18.25 17.85 ePt 19.05 1152 Cash prices were: - "''" No. 4 northern spring. $2.80. COrn NO. 3 mi.ail .1 1,1. 1 .... n- yellow, $1.91l.i2. ' whi"r7lN01i! U.0IS1.03; No: ye No. 2. $2.04. Barley $L40; 1.55. Timothy seed I0ffll2. Clover seed $254jpa5. Pork -Nominal. Lard- $20.32 fibs 17,ai18.25. Close. 1.83 1.61 L51. -. .99 .87 .74 84.50 83.20 21.17 21.97 18.22 19.0S WHY Municipal Bonds give you an actual larger re turn than high yield tax able bonds. , Aside from the fact that municipal bonds are classed as among the best and strongest securities in the world,' they also offer actual net yields that are greater than high interest bearing corporation or foreign government bonds. The reason is because municipals are -z i' Income Tax Exempt Beckuse they are not so taxed our 64 municipals give a return equivalent to a taxable bond yielding 7.30 to a man of a $10,000 income, or a bond yielding 8.02 to the man with a $25,000 income. As a man's income in-' creases so does the attractiveness of a municipal bond grow as an investment. iMailiiiiliiiiWI i ! l-J A FINE INVESTMENT rU3 III 1- M -iri - - - - - r iiliiSS NORTHWEST MUNICIPALS YIELD Y PER CENT Tax Exempt. City of Rupert, Idaho These are special assessment lyonds (pavingrt. were bought a such and are for sale as such. Dated A agnxt IK. 1919. Kstimxted Matwrlrles 1921-39. llrnomlvatloa SIOOO. Price to Ret 794. IN these bonds Is offered the combined advantage of maximum yield, low price, absolute safety of investment and the opportunity to put your money to work building -up a splendid city in an unusually rich section of the Northwest- The Judicial Brat of Minidoka County. Rupert Is situated tn one of the most highly developed irrigated districts of the west, where large crops are harvested. The citv has every modern advantage in the way of improve ments ana is very prosperous. Principal and semi-annuai interest payaoie Rupert City Treasury or New York. Telephone or Telesrrapa Orders at Osr Kxpejue. Grain at San Francises. SAN 'FRAxnisnn M m ni . Wheat. S.l Hti -'-.1 -..... i -- $3.40i3.50; barley, feed, $3.40'33.5O: corn. t-antornla yellow.. $3.653.75; rye. $3.23. Hay -Fancy-wheat hay. light, five-wire bales. S38&41 per ton: Nn. 1 vhnni or wheat and oat ha v. LISA? 38 Mo 9 S39a 35: choice tame, oat hay. S37ta40: other hay, - $33 St 37 : alfalfa hiv s:tntfc:t2- at-nelr hay, $2932; Oregon wheat and oat mixed, $2932; No. 1 barley straw. 70c $1 per bale. - We Have a List of Splendid Municipals Rate Maturity 21-'33 37-'39 '33-'38 '26-'38 '21V30 Amonsr them are: Adams County, Wash., Roads 6 Columbia I it. Dist., Wash. 6 tMneville, Or. (Funding) 6 Bench Canal Drainage, Wyo. 6 Cashmere, Wash., Imp 7 Yield 5.50 6.25 6 6.25 6.50 Camtm. I OmcMiuiom evpoctASt Morris Brothers his Tfio 7ramwrcMijmcwaf Jiondlhuse SEND FOR A LIST TODAY Seattle Peed and Hay. SEATTLE. Wash.. 24. CStv de livery:. Feed '.Drill. $52 per ton: scratch feed, $89; feed wheat, $99; all grain chop, $80; oats, (78: sprouting oats, $81; rolled oats; $89: .whole corn, $83: cracked corn, $85: rolled barley, $78: clipped barley. $83. nay eastern Washington timothy, $47 per ton;- double comnresaed. S5L: alfalfa. $48; straw. $18. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 24. Barley, 91.63. Flax, No. 1. $4.4564-50. $1.25 D ninth Linseed Market. DTJLUTH. Minn., May 24. Linseed. $4.40 f4.47. SHEEP WEAK AND LOWER PRICES OFF 50 CENTS TO AT STOCKYARDS. $1 BONDS TRUSTS ACCEPTANCES ' Lumbermens Bldjj 4 mixed. 31 mixed. 35 mixed. 3 mixed. 5 mixed. 7 mixed. 20 mixed. 27 mixed. 12 mixed. 7 mixed. 1 hoir. .. 13 hou. 8 hogs. .. 20 hogs. 11 hoes. .. 14 hog's. .. 79 boss. 15.00 J 5.00 15.00 15.00 13.00 14.75 13.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 13.00 14.00 13.00 13.00 12.00 13.75 13.00 6S 14 114 58 .". A S3 , 80 Vi 73 71 V 105U. 105i A ","07 8214 82' 46 Vs 17 16i .91.90 Anplo-Fr 5s . . . -R4.50tA T ft T cv 66 Ho na 4 84.00! AtnK gen 4s 70 do 1st 4 ..85.52 U R G con 4b. 59 do 3d 4s. ..8S.50.N P 4s do 4th 42s.. -85.10, N P 3s Vic?orv 3VS ...06.0iPac T T 6s. do 4s .... -.9.18 iPa eon 4s.. TJ-S 2s reS....10l IS P cv 6s do coupon ..101 ISo Ry 6s US 4s rcS..--105!U P 4 s ...... do coupon ..i'Muooi an 8s reg. T7 - U S Lib 349 do isi -s. 91 Vx 90 Vi lorv 68 82 14 46 17 88 93 87 69 60 76 '83 94 78 , 73 89 !n Cattle and Hogs Are Steady and Unchanged Liberal Re ceipts Oxer Sunday. There was a rood run of stock at the yarb3 yesterday. 101 loads arriving, of which 25 went through. Price held their own In all lines except the sheep and lamb divisions, where quotations were re duced 60c Cattle were steady with a good demand. Among the sales was a bunch of 19 head of top grade cows, aver againg 1100 pounds, which brought $1L They were grass-ted. with a little hay. and were shipped in by J. I. Wen of Maupin. The hog market was also steady. Receipts were 2103 cattle. 228 calves. 870 hogs and 1803 sherp. The day's sales were as ioiiowi: Pan do coupon Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, May 24. Closing quotations: Allouez Ariz Com . . . Calu & Aris. . Calu & Hecla Centennial . Cop Range Kast 1JUUB . Franklin . ... Isle Royalie . Lake Cop . . . Mohawk .... 30 North Butte ... 17 Old Dnm 25 58 Osceola ........ 30 J29 Qulncy 60 11 Superior .'. 4 38 3up & Boston... 8 12 (Shannon 1 2ttah Con. ...... 6 28 Winona ....... 50 3 Wolverine 15 60 Greene Can .... 29 Money Exchange, Etc EW YORK, May 24. Mercantile Mnar 7. Exchange. strong; sterling 60 day bills 3.81 ; veommercial 60 day bills on banks 3.81 : commercial 60 day bills a ki demand 3.86: cables 3.87. - "Francs. demand 13.52: cables 13.5a -RciiriH-n frans. demand, 13.02: cables 13.00, Guilders, demand 30 7-lrt; cables 36. L.ire, demand 1 8 42 ; cables 18. 40. Marks, demand 2.49; cables 2.50. Drachmu 8.65 New Tork exchange on Montreal 10 discount. Sterling reacted slightly in the late deal ings. Demand 3.85; cables 3.86. Government bonds irregular; railroad bonds irregular. Time loa-ns (tone) strong; 60 . days, 90 da vs. six months 8. Call money steady; high 6: low 6; rul ing rate 6; dosing- bid 6: offered at t; last loan 6. Bank acceptances 6. Bar silver 51.01. Mexican dollars 73fc. - Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 110 Libhy. McNeil A Libby 22 National Leather . 11 Swift International 36 z1.30. Fruit Oranges, cording to size; lemons, S3.25-S5; bananas, central May 24. 1920... May trt. 1919... May 27. Itl8... May 28. 1917... May 29. 1916... The corn visibl e Is Bushels. .37.M7.0rtO ,27. HI -V OOO . 1.533.000 . 26,478. out .44.801.000 3.39U.0OO Decrease. 84 5. 0O0 6.121. OO0 ;t:i.ouo 3.615.000 537.000 bushels, a decress or 001.000 Dueheis. Oats visible. 6.S0L.0O0 bushels, increase 2.007. 0O0 bush els. Rye visible. 10.051.000 bushels, de crease 1.170. 0O0 bushels. Barley visible. S,b39.0OO bushel, increase 478.000 bushels. Strawberry Market Firmer. Trie strawberry market was firmer and will be higher again today. California old at t and wUl b quoted at 4.25 this navel. $4.50(96.50, se vaJenciaa, 4. 50(55.50; grapefruit, $2.50 (6-3.50; America. 84x9c: Ha waiian, 10c per lb.; pineapples $40 per do7..: apples. Newtown Pippins, 3 V--tier. 3tf3.25; 4-tier, $3'3.25; 4 -tier, " 52.50 62.75; rhubarb, per box. $1.502 ; straw berries. Peninsula and Watsonville, 60i75c per drawer for 8-oz. bskts; 85c 1. 10 for 12-ox. baskets; loquats, 10 12 c; avocadoee. per doz. $37; apricots, per lb.. 12c; Imperial valley, per crate, $4.50 j:5; ciwrnes, purple Guigne, 1517c per lb.; S2&2.25 per drawer; white, nominal; figs, black, $2 02.50 per box; white. $2; gooseberries, per lb., 5497c; cantaloupes, per crate, standards, $810; ponies, $74$ 8; fiats, $2.50; peaches, per box, $2. 5043. Receipts Flour. 5646 quarters; wheat, 10 centals; barley. 8380 centals; oats, 23 centa'.s; beans, 636 sacks; corn. 3375 cen tals: onions, 637 sacks; potatoes, 100 sacks; hay, 122 tons: eggs, 87.570 dos ; hides, 46S rolls; oranges, 10OO boxes; live stock, 550 head. Coffee Market Stronger. NEW TORK, May 24! The market for coffee futures opened unchanged to 20 points lower under July liquidation, but soon rallied owing to the advance in Rio and reiterated reports of cold weather in Brazil. There was some covering and trade buying on the advance .which car ried July contracts up from 15 to 15.25 and December from 14.83 to 14.98. The close was a snade otT from the best on some positions, but showed a net advance of 10 to 15 points. A private cable from Brazil sam ine mansei was firmer on the cold weather and reports of frost but many lota! traders were inclined to ques tion the probability of any serious dam age to new crop prospects. May, 15.15; July, 15.30; September. 14.95; October. 14.93; December. January and. March. 14.94. The local spot market w reported in poor demand at 15 for "Rio 7s and 23 to 24 for Santos 4s. Hops, Ktc, at New York. NEW W'RK, May 24. Hops steady; stste and Pacific coast. 1919. 95c$1.05; 1918. 90 995c Uidea, wool, unchanged. SHORTS COVER FREELY CHICAGO CORS MARKET HAS SHARP ADVANCE. Wet Soil Conditions Hinder Plant ing and This Has Bulllish . Effect ou Trading. CHICAGO. Mar . Reports of plant ing delays throughout Important sections had a decided bullish fnfluence today on the corn market. Th. close was nervous T4 to &4c net higher with July 11.61 tc i 1 St and September tl.50 to tl.Sl I iij r. finished unchanged to 3c up and provisions varyine im ou gecim. id c EflTTnward swings In th. Cora market, with shorts covering freely, began almost Im mediately after the opening and with no liquidation in evidence, continued until just before the close. Buying attained Its greatest impetus simultaneously with gen eral notice of gossip that to an unusual .tent wet soil conditions had been hindrance to getting "the new crop into the ground and that the sucaess of plant in- would in a large measure depend on the amount di m tue ni ten davs. . Talk of export business in wheat and rv. attracted attention. . - In oats, as well as 4n corn, there Is extensive covermg oy snort.. . Packers buying made provisions average higher. . The Chicago market letter received yes terday by overoeea at uwu to. ol Port land said: Corn Pressure- was less pronounced the outset sod th. market responded readily to buying by last week's sellers. There was no change of consequence la the news, except that complaints of de- laved planting were somewhat numerous. news .as raiiier iiiieu. i ciu- 4 steers . 4 steers. 7 steers. 24 steers. 7 steers. 27 steers. 7 steers. "!7 steers. 30 steers. .2 steers. 1 1 steers. 22 steers. 4 steers. 1 steer. . 11 steers. 1 steer . . 6 steers. ;t3 steers. 32 steers. 41 steers. 25 steers. 4 steers. 4 steers. 25 steers. 1 steer. . 12 steers. 15 steers. 10 steers. 5 steers. 7 steers. 11 steers. 14 steers. 1 steer. . 1 cow. . . 1 cow. . . 1 cow . . . 2 cows. . 2 cows. . 1 cow. 1 cow. .. 12 cows. . 5 cows. . 2 cows. . 10 cows. . 11 cows. . O COWS. . 2 cows. . 10 cows. . 1 cow. . . 1 cow . . . 2 cow. . 1 cow . . , 18 cows. . 9 cows . . 21 cows. . 1 cow . . . 1 cow. . . 1 cow. .. 7 cows. . 1 cow. . . 1 COW. .. 6 cows.-. 2 cows. . 1 cow . . , 1 cow. . , 8 cows. . 5 cows. , 1 cow. . 1 cow ... 2 cows. . 4 cows. . 1 cow . . . 2 cows. . 2 cows. . 2 cows. . 1 cow . . 1 cow . . . 5 cows. . 1 cow ... . 4 cows. . 1 COW, . i 1 cow . . . 11 cows. . 1 cow . . . 19 cows . . 3 calves. 10 calves. 1 calf... 1 calf . .. 10 calves. 4 calves.. 2 calves. 5 calves. I calf. . . 5 calves. 5 calves. 1 calf... 8 calves. . 1 bull... 4 bulls.. 1 bull... 1 bull. .. 1 bull. .. 1 bull. .. 1 bull.. 1 bull; .. 1 bull... 1 bull. .. 1 bull. .. 1 bull. .. 1 bull... 1 stag. .. 16 mixed. 17 mixed. II mixed . Wt Pricel 810 $10,001 5 hogs. . 73.1 B.UO'BT hogs. . 11.3 .11 1 hogs. . 11.351 5 hogs. . 1 1.35:60 hogs. . 107 1132 11 50 1125 1011 940 905 1095 1123 1012 1090 870 1128 1140 io.- 1025 1023 1075 1070 757 969 1012 .850 1133 1132 87M 705 637 1075 1053 970 890 looo 970 920 815 lOOO 130 900 940 925 105 Wt Price. 1U8 113.00 183 15.00 11.85 12.00 1 11.00 r. i 2 hogs. '. T 6 hogs. . . 70 hogs. .. 11.15161 hOBS. .. ' 11.001 9 hogs... 10.251 7 hogs. . . 10.75126 hogs. ... 8.251 2 hogs. . . 10.731 2 hogs. .. 9.001 6 hogs. . . 11.2.lls nogs. ll.tfo 11.50 11.50 11 10.00 10.501 3 hos. . 2 hogs. - 2 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 12 hogs. . z hogs. . 11.001 9 hogs. 10.0OI 11.25 12.00 8.00 8.2i 6.00; 11.2.11 1 hog. 10 hogs. . 3 hogs. . . 2 hogs. . . 8 lambs.. 8 lambs. .. 6 lambs.. 12.0O3 lambs.. 9.0o;l lambs.. 5.00I3- lambs.. A ftn'292 lambs. 6!50tl'-'nib" 7 OOI 3 lambs.. j .-, 4 lambs.. 8'.65 Jambs.. 10.0O' J lambs.. 8.00i- "".. a nni 8 Iambs., 838 875 105B 610 9U0 1015 .890 996 970 935 870 280 440 947 920 HO 795 860 970 650 750 880 1130 970 ' 8S0 1000 790 1130 730 946 820 750 986 1310 977 1OR0 430 6118 1050 1100 126 79 250 110 270 135 265 196 100 188 828 3KO , 270 720 480 710 1420 139U 1640 1630 630 1910 1450 1220 1310 1410 1070 535 640 470 12 lambs.. 1 lamb. .. 1 ewe. . .. 9 ewes. .. 1 ewe. . .. 5 ewes. .. 9 ewes, 8.75 10.25 8.25 5.00 8.75 10.2 o J3 year! . io'.bo'J2Kr;- 9.75!rS yearl 9.75 8.25 7.50 5.00 5.00 8.50 7.0O 8.00 9.25 . 6.00 6.0O 7.00 9.25! 10.50, 9.50 10.501 27 steers.. 10.50 8 steers.. 800 1 steer... -50 2 steers.. 4.00 1 ,teer... 10.001 g steers.. 8.0O' 16 steers.. 8.00124 steers.. 6001 9 steers.. 11. 001 25 steers.. n oun I steers.. 29 yearl. . . yearl 14 yearl.. . 6 yearl... 6 yearl. . . 3 yearl.. . 1 buck. .. 2 bucks.. 2 steers.. 2 steers.. 1 steer. .. 1 steer. .. 2 steers.. ill steers.. 1 steers.. 1 3 steers.. steers.. 133 386 187 242 455 125 850 200 20O 148 J 85 340 235 1S1 208 20 190 195 195 150 250 195 580 168 203 165 . 70 73 : 60 : 87 - 83 54 66 . 68 80 65 50 55 71 61 53 80 70 127 130 150 171 83 93 81 83 82 85 93 65 120 93 190 115 1065 1020 1180 820 8HO -070 1031 1063 13.50 13.00 15.00 14.75 11.00 13.50 12.50 14.50 14.75 15.00 15.00 12.50 15.00 14.90 14.75 14.50 14.60 14.50 14.00 14.75 14.75 14.50 12.50 14.75 14.75 14.75 13.50 13.50 11.50 14.00 13.50 13.0O 14.00 1$ 50 14.00 14.00 11.50 11.00 14.00 14.00 11.00 14.00 4.00 8.00 8.O0 8.00 5.50 10.00 10.00 I. 0.00 II. 0O 11.O0 11.00 11.00 8.00 10.50 10.50 6.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 11.50 10 00 SOO 11.65 12.00 12.50 1086. 11.50 991 12.00 642 7.00(24 hogs. .. 196 530 7.6025 hogs... 243 957 9.00117 hogs. 205 1086 01.00171 hogs... 196 1030 10.001 7 hogs. .. 305 740 7.0O1 5 hogs... 172 463 7.65I 1 hog 450 461 7.00168 hogs. .. 18 795 6.251 7 hogs... 288 630 6.751 2 hogs. .. 130 320 13.001 3 hogs... 4.3 206 15.001 7 hogs. .. 2.4 151 13.50I 2 hogs... 4S0 185 15.00115 hogs. . . 125 327 13.00I lhog.... SOO 150 15.00153 hogs. .. US 187 15.001 lstag... 490 livestock prices at the Portland tocK yards were as follows: Best grade, pulp-fed steers Choice steers Oood to common steers. Medium to choice steers - Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows, heifers Fair to medium cows, heifers. Cinners - - - - Bulls Prime light calves M?dium to light calves Heavy calves Stockers and feeder. Hogs . Prime mixed Medium mixed .............. Smooth heavy ........- Rough heavy PUs. Shep - - tjambn ...................... Cull lambs Y-aarhngs - Wethers Ewea Iambs. steady. Short Teraa wetners. .10.35; ewes. $8.50; California, ,15.75; coats, strong; top packers. S5.2o. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Wash., liar 24, Hogs Re ceipts. 80 head; steady. Prime. $159 15.50; medium to choice, S14&15; rough heavies. pigs, S12013. Cattle liejeipts. 504 head: market steady. Beef fteers, $12013; medium to choice. $1012; common to good, $7,500 10: cows and heifers. $10,25410.75; com mon to good, $7910,; bulls, f7.uo8.50; calves, at.uuio. $12.25 13.00 11.0011.50 11.O0 11.50 10.00ft 11.00 9.00(91000 8.00 9.00 10.25 r 11.00 8.00 9.00 7.O0 8.00 rv.oota 6.00 6.OO0 .oo 12 00 19 16.00 9.00 IS 12.00 6.50 8.50 7.50'tf 8.50 14.50015.00 1 4.O0 14.50 H.OOrt 13.00 12.00 13.75 13.OOW14.00 9.00(8 11.00 9 00 it 10.00 9.0011.00 5.000 8.50 Chicago livestock Market. CHICAUO, May 24. Cattle Receipts 18,000 head. Heavy beef steers, slow, bid ding lower: others mostly steady, with bulk at $11-12.75: heavy choice cows and canners steady; other she stock steady to strong with bulk butcher cows $8.r.0 10 50; bulk canners a"nd ctrtters. $57.40; bulls, strong; oalvos and feeders, steady. Hogs Receipts 47.POO. mostly 10c to 1 lower.' Top. $14.75: bulk, light, 14..W 14.15; bulk, SOO ponnas ana over. 4.25; pigs, mostly sieaay, wuu mini siraM. at $11.6012.50. Sheep Receipts K'.ww neaa. very siow. holding for steady prices: blading lower; few common lambs sold at $13. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, May 24. Hogs Receipts 10.500 head; market slow. 10tr25o lower. Ship ping demand light. Top, X14-Z3; Da IK. $13.50fl4. Cattle Receipts, wwi neaa: market ror heavy steers, slow, lOoloc lower; best les. $12.15; yearling ana outcner biock. steady, veals 75c higher. Top. $12.5; stockers and feeaers dun. wean. Sheep R.cetpts 4500 neaa; market aun. 50a lowsr. California spring Iamb. $16.60. Kansas City 1.1 veatoek. Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Majr 24. (TJ. S. bureau of markets.) Cattle. 11.500 head; better grades beef steers, steady; others. 26c lower. Choice handy steers, $12.75; top yearlings. $13: butcher cows, steady; yenls and calves uneven wltn stock strong. Sheep Receipts. 15,000 head: sheep and Eastern Dairy Produce, NEW YORK. May 24. Butter, steady. CTeamery hiatier than extras ftseazc: creamery extras 61 c; first 57 o H c : packing stock, current make No. 2, 40 Vs q tic. Kggs. unsettled. Storage packed extra firsts 494Wc; firsts 44W45V.C: fresh gathered extra firsts 44S4Jt45c: firsts 42 to 44c. Cheesy steady. Stabl. whole mirk flats neld specials white and colored 3132c: ditto average run 30c. State whole milk flats, current make speciala. white and colored 8VO2VC CHICAGO, May a. Butter, unsettled. UTeamery 42 w .wc. gs. higher. Receipts 25.7.1.) cases: firsts 40h-41c; ordinary firsts 36&37c; at mark. Oil Res Included 38i40c; storage pactted 4ji"t.'Mc; storage packed firsts Naval Stores. SAVAKNAH, Ga.. May 24. Turpentine, firm. $1.83; sales. 101: receipts. 224; j snipments. bifo; stock. 1311. Rosin Firm; sales, 889; receipts, 802;: shipments. 1503; stock, 18.816. Quote: ts, $14. 4U; V, rJ, f , ti. $17. 60; H, $17.65; I. $17.70; K. $17.80; M. $18: K. $18.25; WU, $18.50018.56; WW, 18.76919. 8.50 6. 00 1 8.25 7.00 11.00 14.001 10.001 14.00 7.00 8.00' 12.00 7.50 12.00 15.00 1 14.00 9 CIO1 6.00 8.50 6.60 6.001 7.25 7.50 . 8.0O 7.25 6 cows 1 cow . . .. 3 c.ows. .. 2 cows. . . 8 cows. . , 1 cow. . . 2 cows. . . 1 cow . . .. 1 cow.... 6 cows. .. 2 cows. 1 cow. . .. 1 cow. ... 2 cows. . . ' 1 COW. . .. 2 cows. . . 2 cows. .. 1 cow .... 1 cow. ... 2 cows... 1 cow . . .. 2 calves.. 4 calves.. 2 calves.. 8.K0I 1 bull 6.001 5 bulls. .. 8.001 1 bull 8.25 1 bull.... 7.251 1 bull. .... 8.001 1 bull. v.. 7.25 1 bull 6.501 5 mixed.. 8.00! S mixed.. 6.00 27 mixed.. 7.001 4 mixed.. 851 1030 11S5 940 931 -092 1174 10O4 1 1 22 1025 923 900 7R 840 957 1080 IOIO 1090 910 802 745 1030 530 919 1010 885 1050 6S0 790 640 750 220 162 185 1410 12B0 1240 850 1160 1140 1030 832 6.50 883 795 Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. May 24. Evaporated ap ples quiet; California, 11014c; stats, 13 w lc. Prunes active; California, 99 290; Ora gons. llttu22c. Peaches firm; standard, 17H19e; onoice. ih02oi4,c: raijcy. ivB2ie. GRINNELL WhenA Km Stmts the Wm Storm 10.25 11.60 ll.OO 10 00 10.50 11.60 12.00 1 1.50 12.00 11.50 10.00 IO.OO 9.00 10.50 11.00 11.00 1XAO 1O.0O S.23 7.00 9.2 9.00 8.00 7.50 6.50 ll.OO 11.00 10.00' 8.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 8.00 8.2S 8.00 7.00 7.50 8.60 8.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 2,000 men xnH see the business efforts of a life-time destroyed by fire this year. The insurance companies will return them a part of their actual property loss, but they can't repay them for the equally large losses due to lost "profits, interrupted, opera' tions, and general demoralization. Make your own business SAFE witi Grinnell Automatic Sprinklers. Ask your insurance broker. ' GRINNELL COMPANY of Thb Pacipic 1517 L. C Smith Building Seattle, Waahingtoa Toppenish 7 Washington 1 to 10-year Serial Improvement Bonds Denomination $200. Ma ture serially September, 1920, to September, 1929. Toppenish is the second city in Yakima county. It is the trade center for an immenselyproductive ag ricultural section. Three great sugar refineries are ' at and near Toppenish. The refinery of Utah Idaho Sugar Co., at Top penish cost $1,250,000. New agricultural lands to the amount of 80,000 acres adjacent to Top penish have been made available for irrigating by the recently c o m pleted government irri gation canal. Price 100 to yield 7 Income Tax Exempt. Call or write. mm :w pveoa Freeman Smith Camp CO. Harris Bloc. S69-11 Stark St.. TV. Vtfth i Tel eon. .a Broadway BU4 OoaQuasml FREE Counsel of Leading Manufacturers and Jobbers, on Vital Business Problems Think of having your 1920 business course charted out by the keenest and most successful minds in every line of trade; of being able to get the unbiased advice of real leaders on Buying and Selling, Terms of Sale, Col lecting, Borrowing, Measuring the Credit Limits, etc The tremendous value of such data to you individually as well asthe whole business world is obvious. Yet it is now at your disposal, if you are a manufacturer, jobber or banker, in the form of a condensed report, which will be sent you frtt upon request. No copies sent to retailers or private individuals. Tell your ste nographer to write or phone for a copy this day. AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK E.M. TREAT. mesidenT ISSUES STANDARD UHUMtTID NUCIU R. T. MacRILL Board of Trade Bldg Portland, Oregon Phone Main 1179 A Diversified Investment Seven Issues Yield Ranging from 6 to 8.25 I Translated into dollars and cents $7000 face value of these securities which we have selected and recommend would cost $6702.00 and would produce an annual income of $470.00. Principal thus invested would be protected by strong security and earning power, experience and successful management, and broad diversification of interests. Your income of $470.00 would be dis tributed over ten months of the year. The short term issues included in this group are due in a few years. Other issues distribute the in vestment over a longer period with high income return for years to come. Complete information regarding each of these issues, the properties, and their earnings, will be sent on request for OB-305. Aeerved latere to date of Bsirekaae to Ve ssdri Bonds The National City Company Correspondent Offices In Over B Cities P.rtlaad - Yen Balldi.c Telephone Main (072. Acceptances Preferred Stocks . FACTS 526 LXBBT. MrVT.H.L J-IBBT. CHICAGO. DIVIDEND 0. A4. Dividend at pik-ty cents ( ,rj per snars on ins capuai bich-'k ot i,iooy, Mc Neill A L.1by will be paid on Juiv 1. 1920. to stockholders of record June 5. 1920. as sbown on tne dooks ot tn. compsnv. Stock Transfer Books will bs closed tbe close of business June 5th. lD'u, and reopened on July utn. llfju. UAKSV WILLIAMS. Secretary. A N absolutely safe six or seven per f- is wiser than a .A- -Jk. investment 'reasonably safe" eigrht per cent in vestment. It is not well to take any chance for a difference of one or two per cent. Qarstens & farles, Incorporated Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Third Floor U. S. Bank BIdg. Broadway 4108 REMOTE POINTS NEARER Formerly It was an all day trip to Astoria from Portland; now, by auto mobile, it is a pleasant four-hour drive, and the round trip is a day's An tin ir. since the high way is paved with WAR REN 1TE BITUUTHIC WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS TIEXJJINO v 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks .Lewis BIdg., Portland, Or. a