Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 25, 1920, Image 1

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    1 . "
VOL.' LIX XO. 18,5G4
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Postoffice an Second-Class Matter.
Hope of Wood Forces for
State Upset.
All Others in Race Are
Running in Circle.
5000 Ballots Probably Are
Yet to Be Reported.
Other Counties Prove to Be for
California!! to Remotest
Corners and Lead Grows
It was a favorable day for John
Bon in the belated election count yes
terday and as the day wore to a
close the California candidate had
widened his lead over Leonard Wood
until it stood at 953. The count on
the two candidatesj then stood, John
eon 42,864, Wood 1,911.
These figures include complete un
official returns from 16 counties
Benton, Coos, Deschutes, Jackson, Jef
ferson, Josephine, Lincoln, Linn, Polk,
Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Washing
ton and Yamhill the official canvass
for Sherman county and Multnoruah
county complete with the exception
of one small precinct.
Farmer Vote Disappointing:.
The returns as they came in upset
the hopes and predictions of the
Wood supporters. They had argued
that in the Johnson counties the be
lated vote, being from farming dis
tricts, would be more on the Wood
order, and they counted on the farmer
vote in the Wood counties to increase
the Wood lead there still more. But
the Johnson counties seem to be
Johnson to the remotest borders and
In the Wood counties the farmer vote
has not materially helped the Wood
Complete returns from Coos county,
where Johnaon ran well above Wood,
helped greatly to increase his lead,
and the new figures gave bim small
1 sains here and there in various coun
ties. Rural Vote About Halt.
How great a vote remains to be
counted can only be guessed at. It is
Indicated, but it is not certain, that
the vote outside of Multnomah county
did not run much over SO per cent of
the registration. On that basis about
6000 votes are still to be reported.
In general. Hoover and Lowden to
gether are polling about 30 per cent
of the recorded republican vote. On
euch a calculation there would remain
less than 3500 votes to be divided be
tween Johnson and Wood. It would
require an unusually strong Woo?
vote, as the votes have been running.
for him to overtake Johnson in 3500
votes. So the sum of the day's count
tends to remove lingering doubt as
to the outcome and indicates that the
republicans of Oregon have instructed
their delegates to the national con
vention to support Hiram Johnson.
Standings Are t'Hkaafcd,
Additional returns compiled yester
day failed to make any change in the
standing of the leading candidates
for delegates at large to the re
publican national convention. Wallace
McCamant, Sanfield MacDonald
Charles H. Carey and Conrad P. Olson
continue to lead the field of 15 candi
dates. John L. Hand of Baker is run
nlng in flfth place. He is 1934 votes
behind Olson. Although Rand is run
ning strong in several of the outside
counties where the count has not been
completed, it is doubtful if he can in
crease his vote sufficiently to dis
place Olson as one of the four dele
gates at large. The vote so far as
counted follows:
Hutler .. . , ,
Cameron ..
Mac Lean .,
Slrw.rt ..
Hit-key ...
Kollock ...
Compton ..
21. C
1 5.60B
For delegates from the first con'
gressional district, two to be nomi
nated. Walter L. Tooze Jr. and Frank
T. Wrightman are leading, although
F.. J. Adams and Joel Booth are both
less than 400 behind Wrightman. The
vote as far as counted:
Tooze H.OSl
IVrlEhtman 14.24
Booth .'. I3.SH0
Adams 13.K..I.
' Kendall 10.278
Brooke and Donnell Hold Lead.
W. H. Brooke and M. Z. Donnell
continue to hold the lead for delegates
from the second congressional dis
trict. The incomplete vote gives:
Rrooke 4T.47
Donnell :.S-
Cooper 3r.4
Curl 16iH
Neither did later returns yesterday
change the relative standing of the
five leading candidates for presiden
tial electors. The incomplete figures
Indicate the election of Joseph Hume,
John Y. Richardson. M. C. George,
Clarence R. Hotchkiss and Charles E.
Lockwood. although Lockwood is
leading Walter L. Robb by only 1750.
The vote as far as reported:
Hume 41.SA4
I:jt-iiardson 41,71
Ccorgo 41.4SS
tCont.uucd on Page 0. Column 4.)
Sherifr Convinced I. W. W. Mur
der Suspect Killed Self Xear
- Oakvill-e, Wash.
HOQUIAM, Wash., May 24. ISpe
cial.) A body, practically identified
by Sheriff Bartell as that of Ole Han
son, alleged to have been an I. W. W.
participating in the Armistice-day
murders at Centralia, Wash., was
found by a rancher northeast of Oak
ville late today. Suicide was indicated
by the finding of a 32-caliber auto
matic pistol near the body and of a
bullet of the same size in the head.
The man had been dead several
months and the body had been badly
mangled by wolves.
The rancher found the body in dense
woods a short distance from the vil
lage of Oakville. which is in the east
ern end of Grays Harbor county. The
body was brought to Aberdeen to
night, and Sheriff Bartell sent a tel
egram to Sheriff Perry of Lewis coun
ty asking complete data on Hanson in
an effort positively to establish iden
tification. Ole Hanson, following the murders
on November 11, 1919, in which four
members of the American Legion, par
ticipating in a parade, were shot, fled
from Centralia and was pursued by
posses, but succeeded in eluding them.
A suspect was arrested, but proved
that he was not Hanson and was re
Attorney-General Disclaims Blame
for Slacker's Escape.
Colonel T. Q. Donaldson of the In'
spector general's department. Wash'
ington. and Colonel A. B. Cose of the
army general staff corps, arrived to
Cay in connection with the
partment's inquiry into responsibility
for the escape of Grover C Bergdoll
from two army guards here Friday.
Bergdoll was on an alleged "treasure
hunting" furlough.
No trace has been found of tbe
WASHINGTON. May 24. Both the
army intelligence corps and the de
partment of justice were forewarned
that Grover C. Bergdoll, draft evader,
planned an escape, Attorney General
Palmer declared today, disclaiming
responsibility on the part of the de
partment of justice for circumstances
which permitted Bergdoll to get
Increases Announced Despite Xew
' Declines In Wheat.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 24.
(Special.) The price of bread went
up 2 cents today to 12 cents, the high
est it has been. Recent alleged in
creases in coat of wheat'flour, sugar,
paper and labor were given as the
One baker announced that he will
hold his price to 10 cents as long as
present supplies last. The price of
bread recently dropped from 11 to 10
MINNEAPOLIS, May 24. Flour
made a further decline in price at the
largest Minneapolis mills today, fam
ily patent flour being quoted at (14.75
to $15 a barrel in 98-pound cotton
sacks in carload lots.
Mill Company Manager t Face
Manslaughter Charge.
OAKLAND, Cal., May 24. After a
gun trap set tn his otnee naa ex
ploded and killed Theodore Wieck, 14,
son of Henry Wieck. a cook em
ployed at a restaurant, F. L. Parker,
manager of the Eureka Mill & Lum
ber company, Oakland, threw the
body in the estuary. He later told
the police of the crime. The body
has been recovered and identified
Police say Parker will be charged
with manslaughter.
The gun had been set for a burglar
who it was-supposed had been steal
ing from the office. The boy had
gained entrance through a rear win
dow. The gun exploded when the
door was opened.
Airplane Bearing Governor Reaches
Stockton at 2:40 P. M.
STOCKTON. Cal., May 24. Governor
Ben Olcott of Oregon, with Lieutenant
R. M. Kelley as pilot, reached Stock
ton at 2:40 P. M., today b - airplane
after a flight which extenled from
the Canadian boundary. The air
voyagers made Euger. Or., yesterday
and today came on to Stockton with
one stop at Red Bluff.
The trip was in honor of the Pa
cific Coast Ad club convention in
Stockton, at which many northwest
delegates are in attendance.
Hearing on Charge of Profiteering
Begins at Med ford.
MEDFORD. Or., May 24. (Special.)
The federal trade commission will
begin hearings In Medford tomorrow
on charges of profiteering preferred
against the Utah-Idaho Beet Sugar
company. The hearings will be held
in the federal building.
Alexander Nibley is here as a wit
ness for the company, and George
E. Sanders of Salt La,ke City, for
merly of Medford, is one of the gov
ernment's -.-Itnesses,
Newbury Called Piker in
Orgy of Spending.
Names of Large Contributors
Offered Senate Inquiry.
Senator Ioindcxter With $75,000
Shown to Be Third In Amount
Actually Expended.
WASHINGTON, May 24. (By the
Associated Press.) Evidence that
$404,984. 7? had been spent in behalf
of Governor Lowden, republican, of
Illinois, and a charge that the outlay-
in the Ohio primary contest between
Senator Harding, republican, and
General Leonard Wood made Senator
Newbury's Michigan campaign "look
like a piker," marked the opening
today of the senate's investigation
into pre-convention campaign expen
ditures. Frank H. Hitchcock, former post
master-general, appearing as the rep
resentative of General Wood, threw
but little light on the gennral's cam
paign expenses, and Senator Hard
ing's manager will be examined later.
as will several Wood managers.
Friends Give f3.-i.rf 23.
L. L. Emmerson, secretary of state
for Illinois, speaking for Governor
Lowden, came armed with records and
canceled checks and gave figures.
names, dates and localities. Of the
total spent, he said, $379,175.78 was
contributed by the governor himself.
Friends gave $35,825, be testified, be
fore collections were stopped on or
ders from Governor Lowden.
Detailing expenditures, Mr. Emmer
son testified that a total of $156,243
was sent into different states, the
Michigan primary campaign with
$39,141 taking the most.
The Lowden committee, he said, had
sent $38,000 into Missouri. Senator
Reed, democrat, questioned him to de
termine the method of its use since
there was no primary election.
"Getting out the Lowden sentiment
was the purpose," Mr. Emmerson said.
adding that it had bepn successful be
cause the delegates would support
the governor's candidacy.
Delea-ate Cost lfMH Eack.
"Cost about a thousand dollars a
delegate for Missouri's 36," comment
ed Senator Reed.
E. H. Moore, who testified to con
tributions of about $22,000 to the
campaign for Governor Cox, demo
crat, Ohio, charged heavy expendi
tures in the republican primary con
test in Ohio and provoked a hot par
tisan strife.
He told the committee Colonel W.
C. Proctor was "the angel" of General
Wood's campaign In Ohio. He testi
fied to extensive newspaper advertis
ing in the primary fight. He was in
terrupted by Senator Spencer, repub
lican, Missouri, who said the witness
(Concluded on Page 14. Column 3.)
Akron, O., Shows Largest Per
centage of Growth Among
100,000 or Better Places.
WASHINGTON.' May 24. The popu.
lation rank of the cities will show a
large number of changes when the
statistics of the 1920 census have
been completed.
Several cities have moved up into
the 100.000 class, in which there were
50 municipalities in 1910. Some of
the cities of that class, whose 1920
populations have been announced,
have outgrown others In the came
class, while some, having less than
100,000 ten years ago have taken
rank well up among the country's 50
largest cities.
Akron," O., has shown the most
growth among the larger cities. It
has passed eight cities having 100,000
or more in 1910, whose 1920 popula
tions have been announced.
The rank of the various cities can
not be determined until statistics for
all have been announced.. New York.
Chicago and Philadelphia, first, second
and third cities of the country, will
continue to rank in that order, but
the rank of other cities is uncertain.
From statistics announced some of
the changes shown in rank are:
Portland, Or., passed Denver, Colo.
Washington, D. C, passed Newark,
N. J., Cincinnati and New Orleans.
. Newark, N. J., passed Cincinnati.
Camden, N. J., passed Albany and
Spokane. Nashville, Tenn., and Al
bany, N. Y.. passed Spokane, Wash.
Cities of 100,000 or more popula
tion in 1920 which have been an
nounced with their 1910 rank and
1920 population include:
City Rank. Pop.
Baltimore, Md. .....
St. Louis. Mo.
Pittsourg. Pa ,
Milwaukee. Wis. ....
.... 4th
.... 8th
.. . .13th
588. 193
41. .;(
Washing-ton. t, C. .
Newark. N. J.
Cincinnati. O
New Orleans. Ia. .
234. SILT
I. "JI.03fl
1 35.SOB
11. 3(19
II. -..777
U 2.479
Minneapolis. Minn.
. ..18th
Seattle. Wash ......21st
Indianapolis. Ind. ......... ,12a
Jersey City. N. J 19th
Portland, Or 2nth
Toledo. 0 30th
Louisville. Ky 24th
St. Paul, Minn ...20th
Denver, Colo. ............... 27th
Oakland. Cal 32d
Akron. O 81st -
Syracuse, N. Y 34tU
Memphis. .Tenn. ........... .37th
Dallas, Tex 58th
Dayton. 0 4:id
Bridgeport. Conn , 4.tth
Hartford, Conn. ............. Mst
Scranton, Pa . ...3Sth
Paterson. X. J. ............. .40th
Youngstown. O 7th
Springfield, Mass BOth
Trenton. N. J. .............. 52d
Nashville, Tenn 4r,th
Salt Pake City, Utah ,-7th
Camden, X. J . . . . . stith
Norfolk, Va Sad
Albany, N. Y. .. .......... ijOth
Ioeli. Mass.' .......... ,4nt-h
Wilmington. Del. ........... el fit
fcpoKane. wasn. ......... 48th
Kansas City. Kan 6-th
Lad, "11, Rushes Into Home and
Smothers Flames for Woman.
ABERDEEN, Wash., May 24. (Spe
cial.) Miss Lenora Landers tonight
was in a critical condition at Aber
deen hospital because of burns re
ceived when her clothing caught fire
as she stood in front of a range at
the home of her brother, William
Landers, 704 East First street.
If she recovers she will owe her
life to the presence of mind and
prompt action of little Lloyd Davis-
court, 11-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Daviscourt of the Abcr
deen bakery. When her clothes
caught fire she tried vainly to ex
tinguish the flames by beating them
rout with a towel. Hearing her
screams for help young Daviscourt
rushed into the house and wrapped
the burning girl in) a blanket. The
flames were checked.
Women Wait Signal to Leap Into
Water; Engineer Receives
Severe Burns.
- w
TACOMA, Wash., May 24. (Special.)
Sixty Tacomans. members of the
Mountaineers club, narrowly escaped
death yestefday morning, near Port
Ward, when they were, trapped a mile
from shore on a blazing launch, with
a heavy w-asft - tossing the ' craft
dangerously about, and waves enter
ing the craft.
Strapping life preservers about
them, the women members of the
party crowded . on the forward deck
and awaited a signal to leap into
Puget sound. The men, also wearing
life preservers, fought off the flames
that threatened to consume the little
launch Fossberg.
The sudden ignition of a can of
gasoline with which Eaginecr Dem
ming was attempting to prime the
engine after a big wave had washed
into the engine room and stopped
the motor, started the fire.. The
flames from the gasoline spread to
the clothing of Demming.
Attempting to fight them "ott. eye
witnesses who told the story in Ta
coma today, say the engineer ran
towards the forward aeck of the craft.
The blazing gasoline started to spread
to various parts of the ship and it ap
peared to those who described the ac
cident today that the entire launch
was being consumed by fire.
After several thrilling minutes,
during-which it was feared the engi
neer would be burned to death and
the launch destroyed, the fire was
The launch was only slightly dam
aged and proceeded under its own
power to Port Ward, where Engineer
Demming was taken to hospital and
his burns dressed. The launch then
proceeded to Chico. where the moun
taineers left it for a hike.
Charles Gels Begins Year Term for
. Rifling Mall Boxes.
For lifting letters not his own from
apartment house mail boxes, opening
and reading them, Charles Gers of
Portland yesterday began a 12-
months' prison sentence.
Geis enlisted in the army but was
discharged as a result of illness. His
attorney pleaded mental incapacity
and endeavored to have the young
man sent to a hospital for treatment.
but Judge Bean declared he had no
authority for such action. ""v
"General Business Conditions" Is
Given as Reason for Lay-Off.
MARLBORO, Mass., May 24. The
three shoe factories here of Rice &
Hutchins, Inc., will be shut down for
a week beginning Wednesday, it was
announced today.
"lienerai Dusmess conditions' were
given as the reason. The plants here
employ 2500 persons.
Twenty Escapes in Week Recorded
for Escape-Proof Building.
JOLIET, HL. May 24. For the sec
ond time since the erection of the
first unit, convicts proved architects
erred 1 when they claimed the new
penitentiary was escape-proof. Six
men were missing today.
This makes a total of 20 men who
escaped since a week ago Saturday.
Congress Requested to
Authorize Action.
President's Message Likely
to Be Pigeon-Holed.
Nations Struggling for Indepen
dence Declared Looking to
United States for Aid.
WASHINGTON, May 24. Authority
to accept for the United States a man
datory over Armenia was asked of
congress today- by President Wilson.
The executive said he was conscious
he was "urging a very critical
choice," but that he did so "in the
earnest belief it will be the wish of
the people of the United States that
this should be done."
The president's message was read
in both houses, but was discussed in
neither. Each referred it to its com
mittee on foreign relations.
Some senate republicans predicted
that the-, message would lie in the
senate committee indefinitely.
Chairman Lodge, of the senate com
mittee, had no comment to. make. In
the past, he has declared emphatically
his opposition to such a mandate.
Harding; Opposed tn Mandate.
Senator Harding, republican, chair
man of the committee which Investi
gated Armenian affairs, said he would
never- consent to take a mandate over
Armenia and added he did not think
the senate would consent.
Senator Harding is the author of
the resolution adopted by the senate
congratulating, the Armenians on the
recognition of their Independence and
asking the president to send a war
ship and American marines to Baku.
The president referred to this resolu
tion -in his message, but senators
pointed out this measure was" adopted
as a substitute for one by Senator
Williams, democrat. Mississippi, pro
posing that the United States become
the mandatory for Armenia.
Arbitration Doty Accented.
The president Informed the senate
that he had accepted the invitation
of the allied supreme council that he
undertake to arbitrate the questions
of the boundary between Turkey and
Armenia, saying he had thought it
his duty "to accept this difficult and
delicate task."
Provision for mandates is made In
the peace treaty and it is set forth
that such mandates shall be executed
under the league of nations, -but since
the United States is not & member.
administration officials said if con
gress decided that the United States
should act for Armenia, the treaty
provisions would be waived in this
The question of a mandate over
Armenia was discussed in the report
of tlse American mission to Armenia,
headed by Major General Harbord,
recently presented to the senate. The
general estimated that acceptance of
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
Johnson Not Only People's Choice,
but Also Only Candidate of
Ability Held Showing.
CHICAGO, May 24. Senator Hiram
Johnson's headquarters issued the fol
lowing statement on the Oregon presi
dential primary:
"The Oregon -victory has much more
significance than the winning of dele
gates. It means that Senator Johnson
has beaten the field and has upset the
combined efforts of his opponents.
Both the Lowden and Hoover forces
threw all their strength to Wood and
it was "anything to beat Johnson.
"With practically no newspaper
support and with a meager volunteer
organization, the entire opposition,
with Its highly-organized and sumptu
ously-financed forces, was repudiated
by the plain citizens of the state.
"The state of Oregon has translated
into fact the proposition that Hiram
Johnson is not only the choice" of the
people, but is the only candidate
whose ability and principles will en
able the republican party to carry the
pivotal and doubtful states."
Store Owner Burns Complete Rec
ords by Mistake.
FOSSIL, Or., May 24. (Special.)
Complete returns from 11 precincts
out of 12 gave Johnson a lead of
three votes.
In Rock Creek precinct, with about
ten votes, the tally sheet and books
were burned, leaving no record. The
polling place was in a grocery store
at Antone, and after the ballot was
counted the Judges and clerks left the
ballots, tally sheets and poll book
on the table without posting an ab
stract of the vote on the outside of
the building as required. When the
owner of the store opened the build
ing the next morning, thinking that
the papers on the table were left
over matters, he burned them up,
leaving no record of the precinct vote.
New York Legalizes Beer Contain
ing 2.75 Per Cent by Weight.
ALBANY, N. Y.. May 24. The
Walker bill waa signed by Governor
Smith today.
The law legalises the manufacture
and sale of beer containing not more
than 2:75 per cent of alcohol by
Federal Buildings at Chicago May
Have to Go Dirty.
CHICAGO, I1L, May 24. Scrubwo
men, elevator men, janitors and win
dow washers In the federal building
will resign July 1 unless they are
granted an increase in pay. Custodian
Charles Nagel said today.
The Wexther.
TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, 60
degrees: minimum, 44 degrees.
TODAT'S Cloudy. probably showers;
westerly winds.
French president falls from speeding car,
but escapes serious injury. Page 2.
Bolshevikl attack on 90-mile front. I'ago 2.
Huerta of Sonora named president ad in
terim of Mexico. Page 3.
Daniels clashes with leader of senate
probe. Page 2.
Wilson asks congress for right to take Ar-
men lan mandate, rage i.
Lowden's campaign bill is S404.9S4. rage 1.
Possible labor wage increases not con
sidered In railways' petitions for rate
rises. Page S.
Freight congestion declared beginning te
break. Page B.
Full-grown lion causes scare in New Tork
hotel. Page a.
Mr. Hoover's charges result in sugar
probe. Page 6.
John W. Oavis Is declared to be democrats'
best bet. Page 1.
Johnson headquarters elated by Oregon
victory. Page 1.
1920 census changes standing of cities.
Page 1.
Johnson denounces profiteering and an
swers charge or radicalism. Page 7.
Paclfie Northwest.
Sherman county first to complete count.
Page 5.
Tacoma outers, adrift, face death in blaS'
ing launch. Page 1.
Billy Gibson will direct Joe Benjamin
fight. Page 13.
Body, practically identified as Ol Han
son, Centralia murder fugitive, is
found. Page 1.
Former Champion Chandler Egan likely
to play with W'averley club In July
tournament. Page 12.
Beavers open at home today tn series of
eight games. Page 12.
Washington crew defeats California by
scant six feet. Page 13.
J. B. Troeh blazes way to 1920 Oregon trap
title. Page 12.
Commercial and Marine.
Heigho due June IS to take cargo of flour.
Page 20.
Wheat grading to be demonstrated at
northwestern sbipping points. Page 21.
Corn advances rapidly at Chicago with
short covering. Page 21.
Stock market Irregular with lighter .vol
ume of dealings. Page 21.
Portland and Vicinity.
Bootlegger tries to sell whiskey to Internal
revenue officer. Page 10.
Wood forces will not concede victory to
Johnson until last returns are In.
Pag 6.
Mr. Redfield scores U. S. isolation policy.
Page 10.
Old veterans to visit schools Memorial day.
Page 11.
J. L- Meier to bead chamber of commerce
campaign. Page 9.
J. K Gill building sold by Masonic associa
tion for 1150.000. Page 7.
Politicians all at sea. says Ole Hanson,
former Seattle mayor. Page 4.
Johnson keeps lead over Wood. Page 1.
Mill destroyed by fire to b rebuilt soon.
Pge 20.
Contractors notified City cannot redeem
warrants Issued for work. Page 20.
Hearing begun in Plttock will case.
Page 4.
Chamber of Commerce to drive for 4000
members this week. Page 14.
McAdoo, Palmer and Cox De
clared Getting Nowfiere.
Latest Possibility Is Regarded as
Having All Wilson's Good Quali
ties Xonc of Bad Ones. '
(Copyright by the New Tork Evening Poet.
Published by arrangement.)
WASHINGTON, May 21. (Special.)
The announcement of the New .Tork
Times In behalf of John W. Davis
is important political news. ' It is so
not only because of the standing of
the Timee and the impressiveness of
its utterance, but also because of the
inherent worth of the suggestion and
most pointedly of all because of the
peculiar timeliness of the event in
relation to the present situation In
the democratic party.
The present democratic situation la
tripartite race between the three
men and their friends who get no
where, but go round and round in
wandering circle. The ccir.para-
tively even deservlngnesj of the
three men largely accounts for this.
The considerations which determine
the relative - standing of McAdoo,
Palmer and Cox are not based on
statesmanship nor on large Issues
nor on superior ability of any one of
the several men compared to the
Candicfnten Considered Weak.
It is not even based on political
expediency, not even on consideration
of party success in the coming cam
paign. Most of the democratic lead
ers recognise frankly the Improb
ability of beating the republicans .
with, any one of these three men
There is a Phrase that has gone the
rounds which you hear successively
from the partisans of each of tha
three. They say:
"Let us nominate a clean candi
date on a clean platform and take a
clean licking."
The thing that gives comparative
ly even strength to all three is the
very lack of consideration of Issues.
statesmanship or traditions. The can
didacy of McAdoo and Palmer and
Cox are based almost wholly on con
sideration of personal and factional
Palmer Han More V rlends.
Palmer is ahead tn the race be
cause he has more friends among the
democratic leaders and for no other
reason. He has more friends be
cause, he has been in Intimate per
sonal relations with the democratic
committeemen for a longer time and
because he has been more generous
and punctilious about party regular
ity in the dispensation of the large
guaranty of patronage that he has
happened to have at his disposal.
Most of the personnel of the active
workers for Palmer are men who are
beneficiaries directly or indirectly of
his administration of the alien custo
dian office.
McAdoo is now last in the race be
cause he was niggardly about patron
age and wanting in faithfulness, ac
cording to the partisan standards of
national committeemen and co-chair
The specific episodes which- has
recently set McAdoo particularly in
the rear, by reason of the hostility
of the party organization of his home
state, hangs almost wholly upon the
charge that he has been instrumental
in defeating the wishes of the demo
cratic political machine in ICew York
in the matter of the appointment of
a federal judge with a salary of $6000
a year.
Cox Peraonally Popular.
The strength that Cox has rests
largely upon the personal popularity
among democratic leaders of his prin
cipal backer, E. II. Moore, demo
cratic national committeeman from
Ohio, and Mr. Cox' own personal popu
larity among democratic leaders
throughout the country with whom
he served in congress a few years
Everything in the democratic situ
ation, as it exists today is personal.
The democratic leaders are going
about the nomination of a candidate
for president in the manner of col
lege boj's selecting a president for a
sophomore fraternity. Carter Glass
tries to get the Virginia delegates
for McAdoo because he is a friend of
McAdoo. Ex-Representative Carter
prevents this and gets tbe bulk of
them for Palmer, because he Is an old
congressional comrade of Palmer's
and has other reasons for being
friendly to him.
Maryland) Move Considered.
Ex-Ropresentative Covington tries
to get Maryland for Palmer, because
he, too. is an old congressional com
rade of Palmer's and an appointee of
Palmer's jn the latter's office as
alien property custodian. He is suc
cessfully opposed in this enterprise
by Governor Ritchie because Gover
nor Ritchie is a friend and ex-associate
of Bernard Baruch in the war in
dustries board and Baruch is a friend
iConcluded on Page 2, Column .)