THE 3IOKMXO ORKGOXIAX, FRIDAY. 3IA Y 21. 1920 T ' MURDER TRIAL ARE MUDDLED Stanley Brown Case Is ceded by Witness. Im- ttant to the people of Oregon. Gen j era! Wood's reply follows: ; "The subject is one of very great 1 imnortanrp and nno n-hirh rfnnirK thorough study of the questions at I i issue. "I believe in rational conservation I conservation which will tend to the upkeep of our forests through effect- ive protection against forest fires, proper reforestation and thorough re forestation. In - other words, steps must be taken to keep up our forests to an extent sufficient to meet the demands of our people. On this point there can be no possible question. If uniform and adequate state legisla tion could be secured, legislation the stability of which could be guaran- ; teed, I can see no objection to state legislation. "With reference to the question of federal legislation for government i control of privately owned timber ! lands, I do not think this is neces- ! sary. Provided the states will take the necessary steps through the ap- I plication of intelligent and forward- : looking policy to insure the protec ! tion and reforestation of timber lands i necessary to meet the demands for ! timber. In other words. I don't be- I lieve in an unreasonable degree of i governmental control, but I do be MT. CLEMENS, Mich., May 20 (Spe- lieve in the necessity of taking steps cial.) Failing memories- and troubled ; looking to maintenance of sufficient minds impeded the taking of testi- j forests in this country to meet the mony in the case of Lloyd Prevost, : present and prospective needs of our f-harged with the murder of J- Stan- j people. This can be done without un ley Brown, in the court of Judge Fred , due hardship to the individual or the S. Lamb Wednesday, only three wit- state, and should be done, ncsses being heard. Stanley Prevost, J "The question of incomes to be de ncphew of the accused, was again un- . rived from sale of timber on national tier fire in Wednesday's session. Stan GUN IS NOT IDENTIFIED Stanley Prevost and Chum Io 'ot Reveal Methods of Question ing bJ" Grand Jury. i : chum, delivereu 10 nis uncie -i revolver which the latter had , f nim with the request that he 1 J ADVICE O.X MEAStRES. If you are willing to accept The Oresonian's recommenda tions, an easy way to keep them in mind is to remember that only one "no" 309 no) is ad vised. Vote "yes" on' all other state measures and vote "yes" on the three city measures. ley had previously told the jury that he, together with Joseph Obrecht. his school chum, delivered to nis incie Lloyd given ii Drocure shells, The forenoon examination of the nephew by the prosecution was de voted to an unsuccessful effort to have Stanley identify a sun which the state contends was used in the killing. When asked regarding cer tain details he answered that he etidldn't lust remember. The witness was turned over to the defense in the; afternoon, session. He apparently was ; timber reserves within state limits is worn bv the long questioning of the ! one which it seems to me can well be prosecution. Cross-examination was j worked out . etween the federal gov nt nrninnireri for this occasion. Ques- ernment and the state. tioning of the nephew was intended by the defense to bring out me mein- ods of examination during the secret srand jury investigation into the Brown murder. Uncertainty Is Anserted. "Were yoK placed under oath." he was asked. t "I couldn't say whether I was or not, I'm not altogether sure about it," Prevost replied. He declared that he was called before his questioners at 10:30 in the morning and had not been, excused until 10 that night. "I was led into the prosecutor's room, then taken out and put into a little room, and then somebody else brought in. I was worried, confused, and even frightened," he told the jury. "I didn't even go to supper." The defense questioned him con cerning the gun which the prosecu tion charges was used in slaying brown. "Is this the revolver which LJoyd gave you to take home and fit with bullets?" the defense questioned. "I have not had time- to go into the matter. I am simply giving you my first-hand impression." IS REPRESENTATIVE RE NOMINA TION BELIEVES CERTAIN. "No, it is not the gun which he manes. that Sunday night. It was: expeci Many Letters Received Commend ing Stand Against Plumb Plan League Legislation. ORKGOXIAX NKWS BUREAU. Washington, May -.-Representative McArthur expressed himself as sat isfied with his prospects for renomi nation by the republicans of the third Oregon ' district at tomorrow s pri- to be jenominatcd," said tele- favo Tn lighter- had a larger barrel and was i Mr. McArthur. "Letters and a 32 caliber not a 3S." ' sr4"is that have reached my desk . i during the past few days indicate that Chum (.Of on Stand. ;a majority of the people of my dis- Walter Selk. a worker at the Mounl: trict are in sympathy with my stand Siemens poiicry hiiu a ciiuui vi Stanley, followed the latter on the witness stand. Selk, according to the testimony of Stanley Prevost Tues day, was the boy who felt of the gun in his pocket. He told the jury that the first and second times he appeared in the grand Jury probe he held back the truth, but on the third oc casion he came through. He testified when questioned by Judge Lamb that he was a little excited at the secret hearing and admitted that he felt better In the courtroom than during ihe questioning in the prosecutor's chamber. He told the jury that Stanley Prevost told him tlfat he was going to take the gun up to his uncle at the Kdison after they met at the Owl drug store and that the nephew declared that he would return in a few minutes and go to a show. 'What, in your best estimation, mas the size of the gun, the prosecu tion interrogated. '"As far as I could judp.e it was a 3S-calibcr. t could tell this by feel ing of the stock of the revolver he replied. Joseph Obrecht. who accompanied the nephew at the time of the de livery of the revolver, followed Selk. He declared that he knew both boys quite intimately and they chummed around considerably. Obrecht failed positively to identify the gun which the prosecution had offered in evidence. MOTORIST NOT BLAMED PORTLAND MAN FOUND DRIVER OF AUTO CAUSING DEATH. for the rights of the public, against special privilege legislation demanded by the Plumb plan league and other selfish interests. I have received hun dreds ot letters from residents of my district who have heretofore opposed me. but who are now with me in this fight. "Public business has detained me in Washington and I have Jor-e no cam paigning except through my address to the people through the medium of the state voters' . pamphlet and the papers of my district. I have had no campaign organization or paid work ers, but have been supported by loyal friends as any man ever had. I wish to take this opportunity to thank them, one and all, for their ef forts in my behalf. "I have avoided combinations, slates and short tickets, and have kept out of all other fights. I wish my can Uidacy to stand or fall on its own merits. If the republicans of my dis trict decide to nominate either of my opponents, the successful candidate will have my support in the November election. I have no feeling whatever against either of my rivals, and they are clearly, within their r-ghts in en tering the race. This a free coun try, and any man can be elected to public office if he gets the necessary votes. lnquc-t Held M. A. Own bc Milton Sunday Ocr I tod y of 3 1 r Killed Near Carver Murder Case Being Heard TWIN FALLS, Idaho. May 20. (Special.) The jury in the case of the state vs. A. W. Carver, charged with the first degree murder of a Basque herder in a quarrel near Bliss several months ago, has been selected. Wit nesses for the stale were introduced today. Carver, who is a newcomer, was unable to furnish bond and re mained in the county jail. Wlio Stands Back of J Your Clothes? When you buy clothes here you buy more than mere Clothes, you buy sat isfaction you get it m the style, the fit, the fabric, the' wear '' We sell the best we can get and as low as we can the best value for your money 4 , " Hart Schaffner & Marx stand back of us, thus you have double protection. There is no limit on our guarantee of satisfaction. You say the word, if you are not satisfied money back. LAST DAY O -"QRLOFTE a Li S 1 A, SATURDAY TOMORROW "THE SAGEBRUSHER THE PHOTOPLAY OF THE NOVEL BY EMERSON HOUGH Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Fifth at Alder MARKET BODY PROPOSED M EASCRE TO UO BEFORE VOTERS IX AOVESIBKR. Taxpayers' League AYould Have Commission for State to Assist In Distributing Products. SALEM, Or., May 20. (Special.) Creation of a state market commis sion, is the purpose of a measure initiated by the State Taxpayers' league, for which a ballot., title was prepared today by Attorney-General Brown. The measure will gro before the voters at the general election in November. The' essential part of the ballot title, as prepared by the attorney general follows: "To create a 'state market com mission,' establishing: the office of state market director, at a salary of $4500 a year and secretary at a salary of $3600 a year, defining: the duties and powers of the commission to be to assist in economical distri- Copjrlfht ert8chnerMirx I 'f JT ' XJ 4 t f , ' f itettJ'-. fymMmmmAl .. Sharpens Vision . " "31 x , PCr sal t-.j S.. ! i".(V, - 1 1 II iftiiWi J m Did vou read the "Soul Child" in the Saturday .vJi5iAarT5-' i mi i i "ill .-v y i p;.-! i i Gasco Bldg. market conditions, encourage co operation among producers, distribu tors, and consumers, mediate disputes when requested, . supervise markets and co-operative associations, issue labels in certain cases, inspect prod ucts in storage, warehouses and com mon carriers, authorize hiring attor neys and other employes, provide for appropriation of $50,000 to cover ex penses through year 1922, and pro vide penalties for violation of the act.'" . . A proposal to establish a state market commission came up at the 1919 session of the legislature, but was defeated. Turner Store Robbed. SALEM. Or., May '20. (Special.) Robbers last night entered the I. R. Romerston store at Turner and ap propriated merchandise and money aggregating a value of several hun dred dollars. The theft was reported to the sheriff today. Japanese Exodus Continues. HONOLULU, T. H., May 20. The exodus of 'Japanese from the Ha waiian islands continues. Since the be ginning of the year. 1480 Japanese have gone back to Japan and scores button of products at fair prices, dis- are leaving whenever transportation peminate information concerning Ion boats bound for Japan is available. Helps Weak Eyes Relieves Sore Eyes Bon-Opto gives quick relief to in flamed, aching, itching, burning, work strained and watery eyea. Best drug giata recommend and guarantee satis faction or will refund your money. Dow V. Walker For Delegate the Republican elegate to the Rep National Convention. - A United Republican Party" (Two to Kleot. (P8. Adv. by Charles S. Barton.) Did you read the "Soul Child" in the Saturday Evening Post of March 27th, in which. Emerson Hough vividly described the filming of his cele brated novel, "The Sagebrusher"? SEE IT -OUR SECOND BIG SPECIAL- AT REGULAR PRICES imimimi MILTON. Or., May 20. (Special.) No blame was fixed for the death of Mrs. Martha Ann Ownbey. who was kilted in an automobile accident near here Sunday night, by a coro ner's inquest held at Frcewatrr Wednesday. It was found that Mrs. t Walter D. Mann, 23. machinist New Member on School Board. CKNTRALIA. Wash., May 20. (Spe cial.) I'erey Ferrier has been ap pointed on the Toledo school board by Miss Z. May Meighen. county super intendent, to fill an existing vacancy. K. K. Underwood has been appointed to fill a vacancy on the Napavane board. The Tilton and Shoestring school districts have voted to consolidate. Couple Wed at Redding. driven by Thomas Rarclav of Port land. Rev. J. K. Ownbey, widower of the dead woman, was hurt when his wife waB killed. Rev. Mr. Ownbey and a party of friends were returning home from services at the New Home Baptist church, walking along the roadway. They apparently were blinded by lights of the approaching automo bile, according to testimony at the inquest, and were unable to escape the car which was being driven at high npeed. Mrs. Ownbey was drag ged about Uo feet before the car could be stopped. Her neck was broken. Kev. Mr. Uwnbey was thrown to the pavement receiving injuries about the head. Mrs. Ownbey is survived by four daughters and a son beside her widower. The son is Charles Own bey of New Home, and the daughters are Mrs. Walker Williams and Mrs. Jesse Nipper of Buell. Idaho. Mrs. Arthur Baxter of Ferndale. Or., and Miss Florence Ownbey of New Home. from Portland, and Miss Ina Gould, 21, of Grants Pass, were married here Wednesday by Rev. C. L. Ford, yhey left on a wedding trip to Los Angeles. Read The Oregonian classified ads First With the Latest Player Roll "Hits' A -in m GUTEBSgJi "-vr SEE IT STARTS TOMORROW WASHINGTON STREET CORNER WEST PARK 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. 3IARSHALL 5533 7 WOOD ANSWERS L E. BEAN GKNERAL IKliES RATIONAL COX'SEFXVTION" Ol' TREES, rolicies of Slates Must lie Far-feee-Ing for Present and Future Needs Is View Stated. EIERGSEHE OlEAMI KEROSENE KREAM invigorates and strengthens the hair follicles, and also supplies a food to impoverished cells. DIRECTIOS'S' The ointment should be applied Just before retiring, rubbing in well at the i roots of the hair, but care should be taken not to injure the scalp by a too brisk massaging In the morning the KREAM should be re movea, usmjc warm water and as lit tle soap as is necessary to clean the scalp. This procedure should be fol lowed every other njgrht tor three or four treatments. After this a very email portion of the ointment may be applied to the scalp twice a week just to keep it moist and stimulate a natural hair growth. "At all drug Kist&. 2a and 50 cents. Adv. SHOTLB HAVE IMS FLAYER PIANO Every home needs a Player Piano. Needs it for the real good "that it does, for its educational value, for the enter tainment it offers and for the comfort and relaxation that it affords. Needs it for the wealth of good music that is stored within it, for the power it brings any one to interpret at will the masterpieces of the piano literature of the world. . 'THE EDPH0NA PLAYER PIANO sim- Mte ovprv reauirement of the musical home. Its plicity of control, ease of operation and particularly its Interpretive qualities make an instant appeal, while its beauty of tone and appearance especially attract. Moderately priced and sold on payments. El'UENE, Or.. .May 20. (Special.) Louis E. Bean of this city today re ceived a letter from General Leonard Vood in reply to a letter sent to each of the presidential candidates whose names appear on the Oregron batiol. asking them their attitude on imb!;' land questions, which are to. ir.i. - MY campaign for district attor ney has been clean from start to finish. My friends and ac quaintances have been mighty loyal. To every one, I offer my sincere thanks. STANLEY MYERS. if:id Adv. by Stanley Myers.) MORRISON ST. AT BROADWAY -HA30N AND nAnLM PIANOS ntlliliiilfllilt(ii''tillllilililiiiltlfillfilllllliiiiiiltlllillltllll liillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllltlllliir? IrinxnsB wtcowsr 1 of Soldiers Misled Be others on t Under a slogan of "OVER THERE" a candidate is seeking to defeat Walter H. Evans for renom ination as district attorney. This candidate served during the war as a lawyer in the Army Medical Service in Washington, D. C, Okla homa and Texas at an advanced salary. His nomination would displace four assistants in District Attorney Evans' office who saw service under fire. raid AdT. by Walter II. Etm,' Portland. r . ri- FOR SBHJRniRES Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug store for 33c. or extra larga bottle for $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES llen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to le shaken into the shoes and sprinkled In the foot-bath. The Plattsburg Camp Man ual advises men In training to use Foot Ease in their shoes each morning. It pre vents blisters and sore snots and relieves painful, swollen, smarting feet and takes the btinff out of corns and bunions. Al ways use Allen's Foot-fe&aa to breaJt i new shoes. Adv. THE MILK OP MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE PP010NGS TOOTH UFE SOLO EVT&VWKERC