THE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAX, FRIDAY, 31 AY 21, 1020 HELP WANTED HALK. CARRIERS wanted for Oregonian routes in all part of the city. Route on west fide, profit ?50 Route in St. Johns, pro tit .......... . Koulfl in Mt. Scott, profit 30 Rou te in I rvingmn. profit........... 4 Rou to in Sunny. side, p ro n t 35 Apply City Circulation Dept., room 203 Oregonian bldg. IiEFARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ALASKAN ENTtlNBLitiNG COM MISSION. WANTED. Railroad laborers for ALASKA. For U. S. GOVERNMENT RAILROAD under construction from Seward to Fair banks. Alaska. EXTRA UANG and SECTION MEN for MAINTENANCE OK WAIT. Wagei $5 per day; board $1.50 day. Skilled men will be given opportuni ties in their line of work, whenever pos sible. STATION METN, ATTENTION. Station work in the Broad Paw will be ready to let in the near future. Men accepting laborers 'jobs at this time will have opportunity to secure sta tion work later. For taiiing dules and further Informa tion apply to Pubitc Employment bu reau, ail Fine st., or ALASKAN ENj TN" RING COMMISSION, lioom 301 New PostoTfice Bids.. Portland. Oregon. $.100 TO $500 A MONTH I Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may join the high-sa.aried. skilled-mechanic ranks if yot take advauiae of the gaa engineer ing courses ofiei ea by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OK THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MOKJfi SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN AN K OTHER bCHOOL Investigate, enroll, and don't pay na a cent until yott are convinced that we'll oeliver the goods. That's fair, ien" It? Write for our $1 b--pag catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No. 5 OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. AD COX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET 18.2b7 YOUNG MEN bave, in the past 10 years, been assisted in finding oositions through the Portland Y. M. O. A. advisory atiU employment dept. This is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged EmDluVtrs naturally tur. to tiie " Y" for m"n because we appeal to the best type of men and boy a. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre tar i os. room 3t7. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service lor ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a job. or seeking a career 7 H.ive you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem, conf Idem tally, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest in you ? The Y. M C. A. advisory and era- filoy merit dept. can assist you in choos ng, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the sceretaris. Room 307. FOUR pood salesmen, must not be satis fied with less than $:h0 per month. A hip- thing for the right parties. Apply between 0:30 and 11 A. M.. 501 Man chester bldg. WANTED Male stenographer for out of town by one of the largest operating lumber companies in Oregon; must be experienced: good Opening tor good man. B 209, Oregonian. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Auto.nobiles. tractors, vulcanizing. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading aulomohile and tractor tusiness men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free -tuition to ex-service men; clip this ud. Send it or call at office. 416, Oregon Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A. building. WANTED By large business establish ment, a thoroughly expn-ienced general ledger book kct per ; one who understands controls, trial balances, etc.; splendid opening for right party. Address T -'51, Oicsonian. YOUNG MAN FOR POSITION" AS STOCK C LE R K FO R LA lie; E ELECT lilCA L M A ' U KACTiJ REii, ONE WITH SOME EXPERIENCE PREFERRED; A NOMI NAL S LA R Y TO ST A I IT, W FT U A GOOD CHANGS FOR ADVANCEMENT. MUST FURNISH FIRST-CLASS REF ERENCES. ADDRESS Y 25!, OREGO NIAN', GIVING PHONE NUMBER AND A DURESS. $23 PER" MONTH THE YEAR AROUND averaged by a number of our salesman. oung. middle aged and elderly. Busi ness never better. Experience unneces sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment glial anteed trees, shrubs auJ vines. You can uo what other inexperienced men have done. Washington Nursery Co., rnppenish, Wash. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE re u. res the services of an experienced freight checker for sidewalk. Apply su perintendent's office, 0:15 to 10:0 A. M. LARGE wnoleale house needs a young man as ledgi-r clerk; permanent position w ith a house ;f national rcputa tion. Rapid advancement promised to the right 1 arty ; want answers on ly from those v ho are willing io start sin:M! and work ip. State .i;e and salary expected.. L 47, oregonian. W AN 1 ED oung man familiar with tvoe- wiiWr hilling, a'so must have traffic ex peri nee; opportunity for advancement lor ket-n business fellow : iartie who: fe male hi-use. StiiLe experience, references and give phone. UJ 4uJ. Oregon Un. oen oi waxes, good Clean p.ace; party must be clean and neat and milk about i!5 cows. Apply Sat. or Similar A. M. at Fern wood Dairy, 15 Union ave., Port land. See Mr. Shafer. MECHANIC First-class motor car repair man. must be familiar with ail standard makes of cars, good trouble-shooter, ubiu to scrape and fit bcarrngs; steadv work, good pay. Fred Dundee, Broadway at Glanders. Ft KST-CI.ASS automobile start lightiun' and ignition mechanic; no ol iicmI ppi v. SUNSET ELECTRIC COMPANY, i'lli and Glisan Streets. WANT several good house-to -hou.-e can vassers, men or women. Easy seller atid big profit. See Sherman, 1212 Gasco bldg. WANTED Linoty p operator evening dally ; eight hours ; union: $;tt. ; ft mate: good working conditions. Adc.ress Turn., .Marsh He id. or. JA VITOR Night work. 1 1 P. M. to R A. M.; elderly man living near 20th and Sanuy prelerred. Room if desired; wages 75 per mon i h. East 737?. BA LESM A N wanted fr electrical house hold appliances. Dig demand: liberal commission. Electric Maid Shop, 133 loth st. EXPERIENCED deliver boy with biovcle. steadv ; all-day position. Lubliner, Flor ist. 32S M'Tiison. JANMTOi! Competent iiau and w ii for ,use; no objection to color. Main W A N T K F Preiser t o mac Mine. V a ncou ver I K. Ninth, Vancouver. Wash. Phu LOG Tiaul'ng make $0 Truck Co., con t rait, short m day ; long jr haul: ca rv,c . Salmon st. Main M5 4. W ANTKD-I-tcy to do housew ork ; good vgs: must ltav references. S5 is; .11 st. rOOD barber Tor .-Ktitrdav; -i guarantee at Phiiadcipln.i st., sh. Johns. V ANTED Fir-it-el is plater and polisher Give full particulars in first letter Post office box S7. A' ANTED Experienced power machlna "I'frimr "T m-m r-i 1 n-ri i n B and Sea'.OU- Oregoirian. TWO ti-.imiind machine men for cabinet work. Apply at Aladdin Co. miiis. .North Portl.ind. WANTED YOU Ni"S MAN TO DRIVE DODGE CIGAR PKIJVBRV. APPLY LANG i. CO.. 1ST AND AN KEN V. WAXTWP Students to fill i cr. u izn i? a d re-t read ing, xucUwd. 453 Stark st. cass iu u i by a new HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED trimmer; -Show.; must Ltd writer and -window be thoroughly experi- enced. Wanted -man. - A good, live advertising Wanted Young man about old to assist window trimmer. 18 years SIMON'S STORE, Second and Aider. BRASS POLISHERS Experienced lumber stenographers, experienced. gardener, metal plater, experienced; experienced grocery salesman, saw filer, typists, dic ta ph one. Learn while vou earn. Our FREE EVENING SCHOOL, . conducted for ex-service men, offers a large va riety of subjects. Enroll at any time. School 20O Grand avenue North. Ex-service men register with us. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EM P LO YMENT S KRV ICE. 25 Beck bldg. Broadway 1367. WA NT ED. BOY 1R YEARS OF AGE AS OFFICE MESSENGER. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 5TH FLOOR WORCESTER BLDG., 3D AND OAK STS. Bookkeeper, wholesale. LBR.. A-l $200 STENOGRAPHER, LBR.. IDAHO. . . $ 1 50 STEXOORA I'H E R. LBR.. CITY $125 CLERK. RY. RATE E X PERI ENCE . $1 1 8 BILL CLERK. PRODUCE 1O0 UP OFC. CLK-, GOOD PENMAN, 18-21. $85 BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 703-U-10 Wilcox Bldg. A MAN with good personality, accustomed to meeting the public, for collection de partment for a large retail store. To one possessing energy and tact an op portunity is offered for a permanent-executive position. State fu!l particulars in own handwriting as to experience age and give phone number. J 634 Oregonian. WANTED Several young men, IS to with high school education, to work in stock rooms, exceptionally good chances to i earn a wnoiesaie naru ware nusiness. Don't apply unless you want steady work and an opportunity for advancement. Apply Mr. Camp, Marshall- Wells Co., loth and Lovejoy. PLANING mill grader for flooring, ceiling ami siuing. rst emcient man able to grade 7..00o feet daily, obtaining good inspection reports mr.nthly supervisor of c raner: wanes $ t. CROSSETT WEST E K N LU M BE R CO., W AUN A, OR.. 73 nines ueiow iron lanu. on h. f. ac. n. Ky MOVING PICTURE ACTORS. Wanted Men and women, all types. by a company now producing pictures ; experience preferred but not necessary. Apply ju to 12 A. M. and 7 to O P. M P. M. BLACKSTONE PLAYERS, 1029 Chamber of Commerce. LUMBER stenographer and dictaphone op erator, $135: assistant bookkeeper, out of town. $150; bookkeeper and office man ager, city, $150; general office manager and bookkeeper, lumber, $225. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Experienced wholesale sales man; one familiar with talking machine business; state experience and reference. H 250, Oregonian. WANTED Mechanic or donkey doqtor Xor lodging camp. Must urderstand gas en gine: married man preferred. Address Ed Pratt, care Snow Lbr. & Shingie Co., Littell, Wash. MAN or woman wanting home in sub urban place for taking care of house and flowers from June until September: small wages and board. Address H till, Oregonian. WANT boy. 17 or IS years old. for position with established fire insurance company: experience not necessary: good prospect for advancement for bright, active young man. D 1M7. Oregonian. RELIABLE party to list business chances for real estate company. 401, Stock Ex change bldg. 104 ACRES, about 25 clear, 5 miles S. E. Estaeada; work In mill on adjoining property ; $25 per acre, terms. 45 4th st. Ask elevator man. WANTED AT ONCE Four first-class open-shop experienced mine drillers and two mine blasters, for out-of-town work. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak. RELIA BLE party to list business chances for real estate company. 401 Stock Ex change bids. IAX capable of teaching vulcanizing and retreading; must be thoroughly capable njan, of high character. see Employ ment Secretary. Y. M. C. A. vV ANTED 3 barkers and 1 swamper, 3 men to work tail end of mill; free rent of houses to married men. 318 Railway Exchange bidg. EXPERIENCED TAILORS CAN FIND STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT TH3 BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS. 3D AND MORRISON STREETS. WE have log hauling work for 3 trucks and tractors. This is a 3-mile haul. J'-'.tuO will handle. Gary Coast Agency, Inc., 71 Broadway. Broadway 21 02 HAVE ail season's work for one truck and trailer hauling logs 1 S miles. Good pay. Gary Coast Agency, Inc., 71 Broad way. Broadway 2162. GET into the trucking business now. Have all season's work for ore truck on road construction. S20O0 will handle. Gary Coast Agency, Inc., 71 Bdwy. Bdwy. 2102. rOA BINET MAKER," 1 wood cutter. I wood working machine man. Apply 1104 Ye on bids., Saturday afternoon. WANTED Cylinder press feeder. Apply foreman prsi-room, Portland Printing Hou.-e, iaylor st. YOUNG MAN who is a good typist, who has had some grocery experience; $100 to start. 7l3 Witcux bltlg. MACHINIST First class, "must be fa miliar with lathe and bench work. Fred Dundee, Broadway at r landers. BOY to run one-floor waterpower ele vator. Apply Levitt's. 4th and Wash inston sis. EXPERIENCED wirerrT&n wanted in val ley town. State wages. A V &ol. Ore' gonian. FIRST-CLASS barber, near Portland; $30. !V'r over $4n. Chance to make good money. inquire iU'.i spatoing oiag. YOUNG MAX. 15 to 20 years old. wanit-d on farm. For information cail 305 Yam hill st. Ask for landlady. W ANTED Watchman, must be able lire boiler and .make repairs. Oregonian. BJ 463, WANTED- Pastry cook or baker's heiper who lias had experience. M 645, Ore gonian. PRINTER to take charge of shop: good job for right man; state experience. BC 404. Oregonian. PORTLAND HOTEL dining room 3 bus boys, $70 and board. Don't phone; ap ply head waiter. WASHER- wanted, one who thoroughly understands washing automobiles. Ap ply supt.. Maniey Auto Co. AUTOMOBILE mechanics wanted, pood on floor work. Apply supt., ley Auto Co. I those Man- BARBER wanted for Saturday, nte. 120 2d st. fT guar- K ITCH EN HELP wanted. Lunch. 332 Washington st. Leigh ton s BA KBKR wanted, h i t or full day. steady; Saturday man. 3;9 E. Morrison at. M A N to wash dishes a nd keep kitchen e;ean; good salary. 348 Alder st. FIRST-CLASS barber, steady job; also Saturday man. 244 Alder st. COMMISSARY man. Apply Mr. Johnston, Coffee Cup Lunch Room, 133 Park st. HORSES HOER wanted. T. W. Johnson, Aumsv ine. Or. BOY to help in dining room, 5 :30 to 8 M Campbell llili no tel. EXPERIENCED bakers wanted in and out of town. Apply 71 3d. JANITOR M-ist be able to wash windows; $75 per month and room. 705 Davis apts. W A NT ED Experienced farm hand. Hol mun Fuel Co.. t4 5th st. wanted; steady job. est I'ark. WA NT EI" SS. 17 -Barber. Saturday ; i Fourth street. guarantee 2 SASH and Uo or, tenoner men. Sa I mon st. WANTED First-c)aSs all-round cookT and board. Call 71 Third st. EI.IVERY BO llods-on v'o.. 3: wanted. Apply Irw in Washlngioii ft. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 152 4th. JANITOR and helper -in bakery. 251 vintTicor W A NTKD- Experienced fa!esnan for mn"s furnishing dept. Roberts Bros. WA NTED or nior wood cutters; Phone Tabor 1645. lone to lown SERVICE CAR driver wanted. Apply supt.. Maniey Auto Co. EN fKRlKVrir.n h.mMnian i a n ted "at" t he Hotel Arthur, E us cue, ureguu. HELP WANTED MALK. STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk with large lumber manufacturing company in city. Must be experienced in lum ber business and capable of producing results. Excellent opportunity for ad vancement to young man with progres sive ideas. C 272, Oregonian. WANTED A good, hustling salesman with experience; local references, tall a to a A. M. onlv. Mr. Coover, COOV UR & HOLM A N. 3:2-3-4 Failing Building. WANTED Man, or boy over 17. for fd factory. Aiusx be a goo a w o r k c r and handy. 05 Union ave., corner East Oak. WANTED First-class il-round cook, $150 and board. Call 71 Third st. EXPERIENCED coatmaker. Main 329. Help Wan tea Salesmen. A LA RGB eastern company desires the services of three honest, ambitious sales men to represent them In Portland and Oregon. This is a real opportunity and even if employed it would pay you to Investigate this; large earnings and a reai opportunity for advancement. Ap ply frcm 2 to 4 P. M.. 1103 Spalding bldg. WANTED Middle-aged salesnan to call on tne nomes ( married man wiin teacn ing experience preferred); guarantee salary and commission to party that can qualify. 610 Stock Exchange bidg. SALESMAN with conveyance wno has had experience selling to farmers; must ba able to leave city; salary and expenses. Call 603. Oregonian bldg. SALESMEN WANTED. Are you a man that is capable of doing things? If you are, call and pee me. I have & chance for you. Call 702 Spalding bldg. Ask for Mr. Stranahan. SALESMAN Handle Sure-Shot timer wId- ers for Fords; sell dealers; big profits. Territory open In Washington a d Ore gon. Only one on market. A 644, Ore gonian. REPRESENTATIVES wanted everywhere, selling auto accessory; no experience necessary to make $75 per week. 71 1 Clinton st. LA RGB corporation desires services of capable man over 25. as salesman; good compensation, permanent income. 413 Northwestern Bank bldg. GOOD hustlers, opportuntly to make $ 10 to n a aay. rail in A, M., Stock Ex change bldg., room 206. SA LESM AN wanted ; liberal commission": can average $10 per day. 414 Railway LIVE house-to-house canvassers: new easy to sell: big money to hustlers. J , Oregonian. AUTO able salesman for the city ; must be to deliver the goods; experienced preterred. Call Main 2417. SALESMEN who can sell, ber -of Commerce bldg.. Call 30 Cham 4th and Stark. FARM AND ACREAGE salesman 404 Couch bldg. A GOOD live real estate salesman with car. Call at 4Q4 Couch bldg. sr&UALi . salesmen call at room ISO jiener notei. 100 profit. 286 Grand. WAN TED A C FATS. LIVE SALES AGENTS. GET BUSY. IT HAS COME. Shave With Electricity. Lek-Tro-Shave Razors. ALGRAT COMPANY. 155 Broadway. Portland. Oregon. Exclusive Distributors. MULTNOMAH county Is open for selling agency of one of the best motor trucks on facmc coast. r or particulars ad dress AL 401. Oregonian. AGENTS at once, seilmr 50c per moot a nospltai tic Rets. a01 Corbet t old. HELP WANTED FEMALE, STENOGRAPHERS AND BEGINNERS. Vacancies law. lu timer, auto. miKeel laneous; register quickly; no charge for position. DOANE TYPEWRITER SERVICE 203 Oak Street. BOOKKEEPER. $150; bookkeeper and general office work, $1 00; lumuer sten- cgrapner, $l.i; two law stenographers, f i"". uiciapnone operator, situ; clerical St.. out-oi-town stenographer, $150. 301 w . nanK uiag. LADY stenographer with Ediphone and snortnana experience m mercantile lines position reaoy June 1; salary in keeping with experience. In replying state years and lines of business experience and sa " ' j lAycLicu. jx. .. vregonian. wa.v liu a. graauate nurse for surgery in Huspaa., aiso a woman, strong, middle-aged, to Uelo take care of nurs ery of 25 Infants. .Must be fond of chil dren. Apply to St. Agnes Convent, Park riace, ur. WANTED CaDable voune woman for of fice work; knowledge of stenography and typewriting noi necessary; state age. ex , perience and salary expected. Address, KJvuiK itjtpuonu numoer, am. 4ou. ore son Jan. vA.iri experienced saleslady for no tion dept.; must be, Al stock keeper. one who is familiar with cash and wrapping prelerred. Add v II r k'nn Simon's store, 2d and Alder. WANTED A young girl "to "assist with housework in four-room apt. by the day, go home nights. Apply mornings. High land Court Apts.. Giisan and 22d st apt. 3046. Main 1664. W ANTED Refined, neat-appearing ladies for high -class demonstrating work ; sal ary and expenses: must be able to leave city. See Miss Olesoii at Benson hotel. Saturday. 0 to 1. APPLICATION'S wiiT bis received from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pa and steady employment. AB 392 Oregonian. W ANTE D One girl to work in rough dry starch room and 2 girls on mangle, 1 shirt girl and 1 gir! to work in towel supply. Experience not necessary. Crys- tal laundry. East 21st and Sandy. NEAT alert young lady, some selling ex p?ience preferred, for reta il shop, sal ary commensurate. Apply Central Coffee Shop, Central public market, 4th and Yamhill st. WANTED Good stenographer for per manent position; stale, age. experience, salary expect and phone number. Ad riress P. U. box 332. city. ANY girl -in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home May fair and A iexander sts. Phone' Main 3450. DM car. WANTED Immediately, names of women over 16. wishing government positions, common education sufficient; $100 month up. AV 756. Oregonian. WILL give room and board in good home to school girl in exchange for !l;ht housework. W. A. Bartlett. Mar. 6VJ0. 350 Alder. STENOGRAPHER for general office work; stale experience and nature thereof; sa.1 ary to begin $75. C 275. Oregonian. OPERATORS on power machine and hand sewers; pressers on ladies' coats. 82 hr 5th street., room 504. EXPERIENCED hemstitching operator; out town; $25 . week. Inquire Meier 4k Frank, hemstitching. WANTED Some solicitors for cleaning and dyeing works: good proposition. Call 832. Mississippi ave. LADY for alteration room, one that can work on men's clothing preferred. Call at 3SH E. Morrison, near Grand ave. HELP for quick sewing on doih ; steady Phoenix employment if adapted. 304 bldg. COOK wanted at room and board. Kaiarna, Wash. once. $-75 per month. Write Hotel Kockritz. VA NTED Girl for general confectionery work and soda fountain; some expert -ence. Call at 753 Washington, cor. 23d. WANTED Experienced power machine operator for hemstitching and scallop i n g O 632, Oregonian. W A NT E D 2 wa i tress. 50 peT month, hoard and room, in suburbs. Call W'.iT. Rogers Hotel Co., 1214 N. 4th st. EXPERIENCED suit and cloak saleslady. Salary no object, and a permanent posi ti'in. The Mode. 3-"o Morrison st. OlKLS v enced. Davis. anted: experienced or inexperi Independent Cracker Co.. 430 E. POWER machine operators wanted : must understand making awnings. Columbia Awning & Shade Co.. 1SS 2d St. WAITRESS, 3 for S hours?" rnufTbe ex perienced and good on checking. Ca'l mornings. Acme Restaurant, 01 N. Ot h. HAIR-DRESSER Alder st. and manicurist, 34 V WANTED Woman pastry took at once. A 1 Lunch. 353 Yamhill st. GIRL to help i not necessary dining room; experience J 1 Washington street. W ANTr.D Ex peri enced Hotel Arthur, Eugene waitresses at the Oregon. W A NTE D good w-aj Experienced chocolate dipper; ?s. 273 Russell st. WANTED A capable girl for second work. Sellwood 151. , DPTA P HON E opera tor; lumber office $QO to start. 7s Wilcox bldg. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Lunh. "32 Washington st. Leighton's W ANTE D -E x perienced Seward hotel. waitress. Apply EXPERIENCED elevator oner tor wanted. Apply R12 Railway -Exchange. WOMAN to h1p wiih hntjnwork on' farm. Frank Foster. Powell Butto, Or. WANTED A kitchen Pitl. Phone Mar. helper private hos- L'i-iUW AU1B. wanted. 2b 3 Grand ave. HELP WANTED FEMAIA. DO TOU WANT TO EARN GOOD SALA RT ? A salary that Is paid while you learn the business that increases irequentiy as you gala experience? DO TOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELE PHONE -OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN T And what excellent opportunities they tfave for promotion to execu tive positions? WHT NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell yea the facts and will 1fo explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for )ourig women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room OOl. 6th Floor Telephone Building, Pa' nd Oak Su. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONB TEL.Br.RA PIT COM PA NT GIRLS for factory; good pay. easy hours, Saturday na It no Idavs. Anpiy t Ail. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED AT ONCE STAGE AND MO TION PICTURE ACTRESS: EXPERI ENCE UNNECESSARY BIT PRE FERRED; C.IRLS FOR BEACH MOD ELS. PHOTOS IF POSSIBLE; CAN PLACE ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK, SINGER OR DANCER. ANSWER UCICK. CHAMBER OF CO M M E RC E . OPEN BETWEEN 12 M. AND 10 P. M. THE Meier & Franit Co. require- the serv ices ct one experienced corset sales woman. Twi experienced saleswomen for lace deDartment Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services or experienced sales woman for riiVbon department. A p piy superintendent's office, 9:15 to' 10:0 A. Al. THE OLDS. WORT MA N & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced stenographer and typist tor mall orde department. Applv nt superintendent' office. 9:15 to lO:0 A. M. STENOGRAPHER Bright beginner if competent to take dictation; state whether experienced, salary and tei ptione number. BD 4l2. Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman willing to go to j ear hart to assist in care ol J sma children ; good wages. 053 Bryce ave. Broadway car. Mrs. Alersereau. WANTED Well-educated, neat appearing young woman ior coi lectin g ; good sal ary. Call Portland Press Ciub, 2d floor Eias bldg., Broadway and Stark. STENOGRAPHER with lumber experience for billing and general otuce worn. An swer stating age and salary expected references required. AG 45a, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced candy an fountain girl, light work, good p. ace tu right party. Apply in person, Confectionery. a05 Alder st. GI KLi having had power machine ex perience can find steady employment a1 tne Brownsville w ooien Alius, sa an Morrison sts. WANTED Girls to worn in all depart ments in laundry. Appiy at State Laun - dry, 305 Last Broadway. LADY for alteration dept.; one experi eiiceu in men a uusneting prelerred. fa E. 756 after 7 P. M. WANTED Waitress; fl4 per week, room and board. 1751 Derby st. Phone Wood lawn 2Ulu. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleslady wanted. -Appy jj w asnmgion. 10th st. BOOKKEEPER, with some experience as a stenographer; state experience and salary desired. AM 4o3. Oregonian. WANTED Presser to operate uressmtr ma chine. Vancouver Dye Works, lo E. Ninth. ancouver. Wash. Phone 209. TYPIST wanted, shorthand unnecessary. Appiy at Aladdin lo. otuce, rnorib Port land. in one wood law n MtiO. WANTED An accordion player and trap drummer: good salary. See Walker, Ar lingion no tel. ixtn ana Everett. WANTED Y'oung ladies to learn operat ing on embroidery machines. P 647, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced girl on coiiar machine. Yale Laundry Co.. 500 E. Morrison. WANTED A nat, active, experienced gir!. retail bakery; $16 to start : hours 0 :30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. AN. 458 Oregonian. WANTED Experienced power machine operator for hemstitching and scallop ing. O 632, Oregonian. WANTED Chorus glris for road show. See Walker, Arlington hotel. Sixth and Everett s.s. WANTED Experienced hemsljlch -operator. White sewing machine store, 241 Alder st. - WANTED First-c;as w a ges. Add r ess M rs. maiceiter; good Williams. A. M Jensen Co. Walla Walla, Wash. GIRL for housework in small family; good wages. Apply Fashion Cloak Suit Co.. 304 Washington, cor. ltith. WOMEN for steady Inside work. Western Oregon Handle Co., East 31st and Sandy boulevard. WANTED First-class marker and sorter. Good wages to competent worker. BD 445. Oregonian. THE Florence Critteuden Home is ready to help a-ny girl in distress. 953 East tiiiean. "ilV" car. East 316. GENTLEMAN wants lady dancing part ner; mud know late steps. Address AV 152, Oregonian WANTED Girl - general housewoTk 3 adults: good wages. Apply mornings 712 W. Main st EXPERIENCED .hematltcber. bidg. 509 Royal TEACHERS . register free. Many calla West more Agency, Spokane, Wash.' PRIVATE home for children, st. Marshall 2162. T14 Everett HELP WANTED The Crescent Lauudry, East 3lst andA1d.r. WANT woman for housework on farm" good wages. Phone Marsh. 6I30. COOK for small institution; no objection to woman with child. 742 Overton st. OOOD FUTURE for one with ability AN 401. Oregonian. WANTE D Girls .for 41 9hw'. See' Wal ker, Arlington hotel,6thfcand Everett. WANTED Experienced salesrady for dru and confect ionery. Call Tabor 2;04. WANTED An experienced girl for mangle. Yaie Laundry Co., 50u E. Morrison. WANTED An experienced hand Ironer. Yale laundry Co., Son E. Morrison. GIRL to help in dining room, 5:30 to P. M. Campbell Hill hotel. YOU NG LADY sol citor for congenial work. P 240, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED elevator operator oosilTOi'. - Eawt 2846, apt. 303. wants WAITRESS wanted; must be experieneed, Cat 'n Fiddle, 145 Broadway. WANTED Chambermaid. Martha Wih ington. 3aQ loth st.. cor. Montgomery. MANICURIST wanted Bank Barber Shop. at Northwestern A TRKSES w anted, 545 ! t all 1 1 :::o a. M. GIR LS for shirt spntlal. I'. S. ork : experience not es Iaundry. 1h0 Grand ave. EXPERIENCED ma-kcr and sorter. U. Laundry. IbO tiiaud ave. HELP WANTED KKMAI K, SEWERS. EXPERIENCED. Apply Factory, NO. S4 FXXST ST. NORTH. WANTED. YOUNG WOMEN BETWEEN IS AND 20 YEARS AS INSIDE OFFICE MESSENGERS. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR.. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 5TH FLOOR. WORCESTER BLDG., D AND OAK STS. WANTED- Competent stenographer, am bi lious, pnyslcaliy fit. with gool judg ment, willing to work for promotion, ad vancement to secretary-president's of fice ; one usd to or willing to live In country town near metropolis; no objec tion to beginner having innate business qualities if reasonably accurate and in- J te rested in work; state experience and J salary expected in iirst letter. Ftrsi State bank, Gresham. Or. WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS; STEADY PO.- 1TION. PLEASANT SL RROUN D- A NCE M ENT. EXPERIENCE NOTIhaVK opening for N El "ESS A R Y. WORK EASY TO LEARN. APPLY IN PERSON. TAKE ROSE CITY OR MONT AVI LLA CAR TO E. 10TH ST., WALK 2 BLOCKS SOFT II TO EAST 10TH AND PINE. TROY LAUNDRY CO. WANTED. YOUNG WOMEN BET. IS ANI 25, WITH TYPEWRITER EXPERI ENCE PREFERRED. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 5TH FLOOR. WORCESTER BLDG.. 3D AND OAK STS. WORLD- WIDE corporation has a posi tion in their office for a young lady as stenographer; prefer one witli some experience, although this is not neces sary to right party. Position Is perma nent and advancement to right party is promised. State salary expected in your answer. L 64N, oregonian. MOVING PICTURE ACTRESSES. Wanted Ladies and gentlemen, all types, by a company now producing pic tures, experience preferred hut not necessary Applv IO to 12 A. M. and 7 to P. M-, BLACKSTONE PLAYERS. 10 29 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED One waitress. $0 per month and board first month : i0 and hoard second month and thereafter. Work 6 days per week and as luta at 12 P. M Good chance for promotion to girls who appiy tnernneives. Appty i ne iiazeiwoou, 3SS Washington St. after 11 A. M. EXPERIENCED fur operator.- Permanent position. Best wages. Apply Mr. L.iidwig Hirach, t ourth t loor, Meter At cranK to. EXPERIENCED stenographer: prefer one who has had experience in typing state ments. Marwick, Mitchell & Co., 1426 N. W. Bank bldg. - Wanted Domestics. WANTED Experienced woman. general linuxpwor inr rum v of lour: one Will ing to go seaside for six weeks: good home with room and bath for right party. Phone East 23i0 or call 43 Has salo. cor. E. 10 th, WANTED A eirl or rniddleasd woman to help on a ranch, and iook alter in-3 children. Good home. W rita to Mrs. C L. Johnson, Troutdale, Or. Route L box 1 2. GIRL wanted for plain cooking and soTh housework ; four in family ; no wash ing. Sundays off. Good wages. Main 2868. 715 Flanders, cor 22d st. WANTED Maid for family of 3; must b good cook and house Keeper. Wagvs $50 a mo. If unwilling to do washing do not apply. Last 84S7. WANTED Girl to assist in home arid care lor 1. (-month -old child while mother teaching piano, in exchange for piano lestons and pin money. Phone E. 4 WOMAN willing to go to .G-arhart lor cooking and housework; good wages. 95:; Bryce ave. Broad v. car. ilr. Merse reau. DEPENDING on her experience and abil lty, I will pay 0 to uO montniy to a young woman to neip mu witn my Douie work. Sellwood 1019. EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking und general housework ; one who is willing to go to Seaside July and August; wases $ou. Alain om. YOUN( GIRL to assist with housework uo wasiiing and furnace. Ca 671 facnuyier. or. 9 th. East 3746. WANTED Experienced, girl to cook and do general housework ; family of 2 adults. Phone East 53 9. MOTHERLY woman to care for and board boy age 6; give particulars. R 24 Oregonian. WOMAN to assist with general housework in exchange for self and rrus hand's rooms and board. Phone Mar. 2781. GOOD, competent houseaeeper in care of two children, age 7 and 9 years. Tabor 3624. WANTED Girl for general housework, small house. 3 In family; Irvingtou dis trict; good wages. East 2803. WANTED A competent girl for cooking and downstairs work ; good wages. Cah Main 8333. GI RL for light housework, good wages, good home. 334 Jackson, cor. W. Broad way. Main 70O(l. WOMAN wanted for general housework; best of wages; one in family. Call Col. 72 L WANTED Young girl to help with bouse- work and care of two children. 723 Schuyler st. WANTED Experienced cook, willing to go to Gearhurt. Residence 25t n and Kear nev sts. Tel. Marshall 3079. WANTED Girl to assist general house work, family two adults; no wasiiing; good wagts. Telephone Main 0521. WANTED Experienced maid for general housework ; good wages. Apply 5S0 E. 22d st. North. WANTED A good housekeeper; good w-Hges; middle-aged lady pi eierred. tall 6715 57th ave. S. E. Mrs. H. C. Wflley. EXPERI ENCED nurse girl to take care of baby. Not over .".0 years; good home and wages. Call Marshall 5026. GIRL to assist with work and da plain cooking , pleasant room, modern con veniences; summer at beach. 5S7 6th t WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work : comfortable room, good wages. jain 333. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen eral housework. 460 E. 15th North. East 6071. COMPETENT girl fo cooking and house work; wages $65 all summer at the beac... 704 Irving gt. Auto f.11-82. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. Call Sellwood 313 mornings. Wage s 50 to 0Q. GIRL for 3 to 4 hours' housework in the morning in exchange for room and board and some wages. 730 Kearney. WANTED A competent girl for general housework and cooking, at 735 Flanders. M a in 4SP3. Refere nee 3. GIRL to assist with housework, small family, small house, good wages. Main 2004. GIRL or woman for general housework, reasonable wages; small family. Call Tabor 5177. V ANTE D G i rl for genera 1 small family; good wages. 4124. housework. Call Wdln. WANTED A woman to assist with t'ght housework and care 'for children. Main 600. WANTED Lady to take care of and board 2 girls. 3 and 12 years old. C 274, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and down-stairs work; wages $60. Portland heights. Marshall 805. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Apply Nortonia hotel, 11th and Stark. WANT a girl for general housework in small family; 30 laundry. Main 9.Y28. GIRL for general housework; summer at Seaside, East 40S5. WANTED Good, competent cirl for gen eral housework. Apply 735 Kearney st. WANTED work. M - Competent irshall 4546. girl for second P08 Overton st. WOMAN for general housework mo. Phone SclL351 9. W .TED Second girl. Phone mornings. Main 100. WANTED Cr with some xpericne- to assist with generalhouse work. k. 4774. AN elderly lady to do light housework, no washing. Call Columbia 316. WANTED A capable housemaid. Phone tie 1 1 w ood 151. C I b for general housework, where day woman is kept. Ta boj-WP. jj Al D for n"1 housework, gw edish preffrred. 755 Ere re 1 1 . M at 14Xj. GIRL to as.-ist with hou&ework. no wash ing. 4 Everett st. GIRL for general housework and rooking two In family: good wages. Main 7:2S WANTED A girl for general housework; uo toufcon- Tabor 1167. HELP WA NT ED IEMA LB. J Wanted OgniwUc. i MOTHERLY .woman, must be fond o! children, to take care of three children 4 and boy 2. No housework except to gel lunch for s.f and children. Large grounds In exclusive district. Lovely place to spend the summer. Hours 7 A. M. to i P. M. and Sundays tree: good home to right party. State sal ary desired, references. W 110, Ore gonlat;. ' CLASS A chef and wife. In or out of city: wait r-? s or maid, can take full marge. A -l-i, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALK OR FEMALE. REGISTER now for motion picture work; a large Portland producing company now preparing a feature p-cture ; will use our list iu casting exclusively. 312 Artisans bldg.. Broadway and Oak. WANTED Girl or young man. off ic position. Must be good at figures and have some knowledge stenographic work. Good hours. Permanent posi tion for right person. Reply in owe baud writing giving references and slat ing salary expected. Alt 454. Orego lii ii. man and wife, cooks or bridge gang, sma 1 crrw; good pay. :ail W. F. Rogers Hotel Co., 12 N. 4tn. MARRIED oouulu to manage apartment house; busbar J cn be employed tlse- STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Inquire U4 Columbia St., between 4 ana X' I., room lol. FREE apartment to a middle-aged couple for care ot nails and luruace. 304 Mor gan bid,;. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE a 111 teach you the trade m b weeks, give you a set ol tools and som pay Mhiie leaiuiug. losiL.ons tenured, ore guu ex-ui vie nieu too coui se is tree to uu. write or call for particulars aud catalogue. 234 lurnsiue u " POSITIONS ASSURED EVLiil oKADUAAt. OF Xtiull NKii- WALKER Business toletij, Portland. Enroll in, tin.t:. Te.egi apny, stenography, ban kind, oooakeepnig, secretarial. 1 ree cata.ogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you tne uuu in o eett, caii .oa i.c uiassuge specialty; towia tree; puUions guaiauLeeu, pi whue lear.itug; iuuwu rcduceu this term. 233 Madison, LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep- mrf. stemjgrapay. cv ii si ico, ec.ip iai. special courses; expert teachers, day anu uignt. Eutotl no w. 13d w y. 3ot3. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss liucKei s private sciioo.. inuiid ual insti uctioii. 1--V Graid ave. L, 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays ou while learning, give you set oi tuoU fret., poaitiou secured. 3& N. 2d st. LEA I tN T ELEG R A P H Y : Railway Tsl araph lustitute, 434 Railway Lxchau.e oiog. Free booklet, ROCK yT"mGUNT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free, 1 rank K. W e.ies. ex-asst. iat tm p t Mgr., N. W. Bali . blug. iain S-6. Y A T ES -Fl S H E 1 i Tea c hers" A ge ncy Fr e registration. Main 624. Broadway blug. F1SK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Ma. 55. Teaching positions, free registration. THE International Corresponde-uce Schools can raise your saJary. 265 oaa SlTtATIONS W A N T E D 3 1 A L E. WANTED Work by young man; fcood salesman, have' Ford roauster or ngiit deliver. Will go on road with car. No investments; must have wage guar antee. What have you? B 09. ore gonian. CLEANUP WEEK every week with us f. ..intP.i. tiaoered anu timed walls" our specialty. Waxing floors and general house-cleanln ff . No better work at anv price. Call Broadway 1800 ior tree estimate. . SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, university graduate. years' experience, age -J, married, wants position in tne west for next vear. Will remain two or more years i satisfactory. Write C. A. bmita. Ruth yen, Iowa. WANTED By O. A. C. student, work on dairy farm: Expert milker. Worked lor O. A. C. dairy department one year. Iteferences. Not afiam of work.. u 25th St., Corvaiiis. WANTED Position as salesman with lo c il wholesale house; have had years ex perience in grocery business; nave my own car: can give best ot references, p 64S. oregonian. RELIABLE- married man. employed eve nings, would like some steady day work between the hours of H and 4; years of experience in retail grocery; can drive car; handy geuemdy. Marshal oj. WORK WANTED tor Ifc-ton truck, ex press, city and country iu '. T- ..... hour; special rate to aiern . S '5. N B. Stearns. H. J B 5&0. Leuta station. Tabor 3060. WEST MA'jUIRE. Point in uauei'-daiigiiu. and V ating Phoue auto. 210-77. Ues. t Ues. and shop. 3t East 3tftn st. MAN a-id wire cooks, man good bicker, want position in gcod hotel or camp; beat of references. Answer AV to-O. Oregoiuaa ; REGISTERED druggist open lor posit.on. young man. single. 10 yeais experience: first-cIasM reitrences. A V ore gonian. . - PrTnTter at home In either end of country 'newspaper office, wanta situa tion. Address with particulars O 620. Uregonian. YOUNcTchristian man wants light work, if possible outdcors. in city .Phone labor 2012 or write Wm. F-, 4b24 both st. &. E.. city. BOY 15 healthy and clean, needs work ' . hma wanted more than large pay: can come at once. N. N.. Bridal Veil. Oregon. FOREMAN auto mechanic, well Informed in general repairing. machinist and competent to handle hign-grade serv ice. J. King. 200 14th st. Main 6470. EX-SOLDIER, married, must have some work by hour or day; Srdenr, put in wood and saw wood, etc., 40 E. 2th. cor. Pine. TRUCK drivcr wants work in .lty; voun rr-an- 11 Vt'lTs A Itl iciivs " . -. ami 'tractors: ex-soidier. 3y5. Phone Main YOUNG MAN. army reservist, wishes worn from 11 to 2; not particular. Phone Bi uadwayJU 1- MAN and two boys want contract peeling piling or other good contract; state price. B 606, Oregonian. FTOOR waxing, window washing, wood work; vacuum cleaning; housecleaning. Taoor 22UO evenings. POINTING. TINTING. Up-to-date work; reasonable estimates; reliable. Marshall 3214. MVRRIED man. age 40. wants work 4 or 5 hours evenings; janitor, elevator oper ator. etc. Call Tabor 232L CVRPENTER. fast worker. Interior re pairs, eSDecially contractor or private party. Bdwy. 71ft. POSITION as truck driver; two years ref ence in city. D E. Harrison, telephone Automatic 211-27. I WANT a job hauling cord wood with a -ton truck In city or out. Call Mr. Hyskell at Broadway 3014. CARPENTERS who need a man as helper drop "me a card. O. Wilson. 528 Irv ing st. WANTED Job driving light delivery; I am an experienced drivenr call Tabor 8701. ask for Charles E. Kreigcr. JTyKAR experienced tractor man wishes job on any make of tractor. Address Ed 'Michel. 700 E. 30thst. N. pTlNTING "and "tinting at special summer 'prices; nice work and good material. Phone Automatic 3 10-59. WANTED Good home on ranch for husky boy. 13 yrs.; some experience. P 651. Oregonian. -.,-,- v with left band on at tne wrist wants work as watchman or light work. East DRIVER with l-ton truck wants jobs hauling, local or long distance. Cail MarshalI4-65. p. ivtiv . ; and tintingreasonable prices. Drop postal to Johnson, et. N. 171 E. OSth JAPANESE boy after 10 A. M- wants short-hour work A R 452, Oregonian. EI DERLY MAN wishes janitor work. Writcor call after 3 P. M. 432 4th St. TECHNICALLY TRAINED with - Pvr.erience. H ::. Oregonian. selling YOl'NG man with light csr wants employ me 11L Addrjess N 635, Oregonian PAINTING, tinting work; reasonable. best material; best 1 anor ..vol. GARDINER Lawns leveled, seeded and rolled. E.tst 6206. bet.6 and 8 p. J. HOUSE painting, signs, feaisnrnintng. 132ft E. Giisan. Phone T bor 206. CONTRACTORS and builders: beach tiouscs a , Fpecialty. Phone East 6107. W UK WANTED FROM fl P. M. TO 8:30 M E 272. OREGONIAN. CRPBNTKR work. HltetLious, 'Tabor Or.o.. j K.SsFUuL. dug.. WoodUu 54. SITUATION'S WANTED MALK. YOUNG MAN. 22 years of age, willing to work and lots of pep. Good education, some experience as mechanic, vulcan izer and floor salesman. Desires con nection with large automobile or ac cessory house, a place with chance for future the main object; not a position Best of references. With a little train ing can make a good salesman. Ad d ress W. S., 302 7th ave. w wis ton. Idaho. A NEAT-APPEARING young man desires a clerical position with a corporation that is in need or an ambitious young fellow that will work hard to advance. Have had one and one-half years' busi hess administration at codege; have also had two years' retail soiling experlrnc. Will furnish best of references. Y" 201. Oreenian. WELL-QUALIFIED steward, experience in London, New York. Chicago. South American and trans-At'.antic steam ships, now living in Chicago, desires position as such In Portland. Oregon. Address all communications Box 4M. Enterprise, Or. YOUNG MAN. 35, with lumber payroll, timekeeping and commissary experience and experienced In general office work, correspondence, etc. ; references. Can leave town on 7 or 10 days' notice. E 257. Oregonian. GOOD, experienced Japanese cook wishes situation. Address S. Harry. 58 N. 4tn st. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Off if e. BUSINESS MENS CLEARING HOUSE Emplovruent Special is'.s. Main 81'.K-81'.t7. 78-n Wilcox Bldg. ORGANIZED By BUSINESS M KN For BUSINESS MEN. Stenographers. Bookkeepers. Accountants, Tvplsts. Invoice Clerks, Office Men. FURNISHED PROMPTLY". NO CHARGE. WE SOLVE YOUR EMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS. AN all aiound office man. bookkeeper and accountant, desires employment with good firm where there is a chance for h d v ncement. A ! 12. Oregonian. BOO iv KEEPER 15 years' experience of fice manager and creo it man ; can f u r -nish bond and local references. VV 229. Oregonian. BOOK KEEPING. accounting; reasonable rates. Main 5119. Soldlerw and Sailors. EX-SERVICE man, 22 years of age. wouid like work in garage; have had some ex perience; would like to get into repair dept. of a reilahle company: am a good and witling worker. AG 457, Oregonian. CA RPENTERS. new work ; da; Al work remodeling or contract. Tabor 949. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. TYPIST would like to 4a ke home some copying, including letters and addressing envelopes; letters- at 5nc a copy, en velopes. 50c a dozen. Further Informa tion call Tabor 8SS7. SCRIM curtains, draperies. nand laun dered; a'so ladies' and gents clothes; work guaranteed: prices reasonable. Sell wood 3400. MOTHER and daughter.' experienced camp cook and helper, can handle 25 men : ttatf wages. Address M. E. Mitts. Cor nelius. R. 2. care A. F. Eisclier AN ELDERLY woman wants to keep house for gentleman with one child or wo: king woman. Phone Columbia 6u. .1 035. Oregonian. LACE SCRIM. Marquisette curtains hand laundered by experts; called for. , Call East 6106. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tan, j done up like new. Will cail East 853 8. L.A DY wants housecieaning, other woris. hours, day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. GET our estimate on your house-cleaning: prices are ns tit ana oesL oi woia guar anteed. Marthaii 3419. WANTED A place to tae care of chil dren evenings while mother is away. References. Wood'.awn 1611. SCHOOL TEACHER, take charge of good home for summer, consider boarding owner. P 11. Oregonian. GIRL IS, wants office position with chance for advancement; can type, good at figuring. Woodiawn o. LADY"- will cook plain dinners or wait table. Call Wdln. 5075. 7 A. M. or 0 P. M. . LADY" wishes work part of day or wil! work all day Saturday in small store o r baker y East 2S33. GOOD cook wants position on ranch near Portland for 6 men ISO. or lo men in amp 175. AH 461. Oregonian. WOMAN Boy ft. wishes permanent house keeping position. Country preferred. Broadway 43G9. EXP coiortd woman wants day work; 30c hour. N 632. Oregonian. WOMAN with child wants day work. Au tomatic 311-57. Wl DOW wishes to take chary: ment house. Marshall 2230. of apart Apt. 32. GOOD ironer. cleaner; no big washing; no washing woodwork. Tabor 1526. six" hours work, experienced, ironing pre ferred. Main 6602. JAPANESE young woman wants position, do housework in city 208: 1st st. YOUNG lady wishes to work by day. Johnson st. Main 7123. YoUNG woman wants day's work. 40 centfa aour. Phone Wdln. 43t0. CATER ES3 prepares and serves luncheons and dinner. East 2534. STRONG LADY would like day work. Phone East 68S4. WANTED Laundry or general housework at 43c per hour. Tabor 310. EASTERN girl wants genernl housework, small family. 330 E. Broadway. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. BCSINEBS MENTS CLEARING HOUSE. Employ ment Specialists. Malta 81ltt-817. 70S-10 Wilcox Bldg. O RG AMZKIJ Ry BUSINESS MEN For BUSINESS MEN. Stenographer-1, bookkeepers, account ants, typistu. billing clerks, comptometer ofrice wemen FURNISHED PROMPTLY. NO CHARGE. We Solve Your Employment Problems. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper aesires posi tion; capable of taking complete charee of books; best of city refeiences. E 636. Oregon 1a n. .EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer, "bookkeeper, invoice clerk, wants position in or out of city. Main S106. Ask for Gibbons. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer desires lew nours ui a. a. uign-a. a n. 453, Oregonian. GOOD bookkeeper wants set of books to keep evenings. Cail Tabor S041 after 6 P. M. STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST Experienced; some bookkeeping: wiUing to learn dic taphone. Marshall 327. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher, best of references. Main 2M7. Al STENOGRAPHER would like work mornings. Can meet the publjc. Eaat 007. LAW stenographer, experienced, well edu cated, executive ability. Tabor 3273. TYPIST wants any kind of office work, forenoons. Main 9200'. YOUNG girl wishes general office Call Friday morning. Main 6S15. Dremmaken. 20TH CENTURY dressmaking school and helpers' shop; special course in cutting by chart and pattern. We do Jaemstitch ing and buttons. 305 Dekum. Main 622. SEWING SHOP will make coverall aprons for cafeterias for 75c; plain rompers, gowns, chemises, petticoats, for 50c. 118 16th st., near Washington. COATS! DRESSES SUIT S MADE AND REMODELED. Dressmaking Dept.. Em porium Dye Wks.. 549 Morrison. Bdwy. 4259. DRESSM A KING and suits. remodeling. Mrs. Tanner. 554 V Williams ave. Phone East 5370. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, work guars n teed. E. 30th St. No. 75. East 614. H EM ST t TCH I NG. 8c a yard M Dai ton. room 201 Broad way-Yam hi 11 bldg. PR ACT1CA L nurse wants position ; excel lent reference. Phone Wdln. 1241. PHONE Marshall 340 for a trained under graduate or practical nurse. CAPABLE Infant and child's nurse wants position for June 1st. E 518. Oregonian. Housekeeper. HOUSE K EE PING Few men. $ 1 week ; comfortable home; am capable; go any where; give particulars. R 276, Orego nian. A LADY of refinement wishes position as housekeeper where she can have a little girl w i th her. J W3. Oregonian. OomtNttlr. J THE VERIBEST A INDOtV CLEANERS House-cleaning, floor-waxing and all kinds work in the home and office jnVTKD TO RK.T. Ha WANTED Five-room, houw or bungalow, with or without garage, by June 1. Phone East tilTl. VTED -Modern, f urn Ishrl Ti sr fi. house, eaf-t side preferred. 00 -r before Juue 1 by rbpoiiib part. Ea&t 37Uu. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED. BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY. R OR 6-ROOM Hol'SK OR BUNGALOW FOR EITHER SHORT OR LONG TIME: BEST OF REFERENCES, PHONE BDW Y. 3169. BY responsible couple, furnished or unfur nished house or bungaiow, 5 to 8 rooms: must be modern and in desirable dis trict, not necessarily close in. Phone East fr453. WANTED. by young coupie with no children, a nicely furnished five-room house in suburb for period of 6 months, must be clean and modern; given. G ;:3. Oregonian. WANTED To rent eight-room furnished house or five-room apartment, rent not over Jl.tO; close in. either east or west side: immediate possession. Phone room 313. Portland hotel, before noon. BRANCH manager of auto company wants 5 or 6-room furnished house or bunga low, for short or long term; will guar antee perlect care. Broadway 3160. BY 1st or 10;h of June. 5-room house. Richmond. Woodstock or Sell Wood pre ferred ; permanently : w ill lease. Cal 1 Taoor 207 7 bet. 11 and 12. WANTED To lease for at least one ear. a small house with garage, in desirable loeation. Responsible couple, no chil dren. G S9, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house. 6 to S rooms, modern, not over 15 minuies" walk Is aud Alder: responsible party ; adults. D 517, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house, about 5-6 rooms, between Portland and Oregon City ; adult family ; reiiable party. D 2.'5. Oregonian. IF YOU are looking for a good tenant, six mon t hs" rent in advance, u nt urnished house or bungalow with garage, -cail East 7423. - WANTED To lease a 4 or 5-room unfur nisheo our xa low bv y ouitg married couple. Phone East 3401. WANTED fy jv.mig couple with baby. 4 or furnished or unfurnished modern house. W din. 352 1 . WANTED By June 1 a modern three r four-room turntshed house. East aide preferred. L 6'.'3, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room house, fur nished or unfurnished; wlil lease; adults. Phone Tabor 972. FOR summer months, small bungalow, furnished, in or near PortJsnd. best oi care: no children. M 293, Oregonian. WANTED To rent strictly mod.-rn 7 or S-room house, close in; will pay $75 to $ luO per mo. : relerences. Main 8221. WANTED To rent unuirnished house, G td 1 5 rooms, close in. Broadway 2'fS4. WILL rent small ifurnished. part or turnished house. Taber, Woodiawn 2511 Apartments. WANTED To rent eight-room furnished house or live-room apartment, rent not ov-r $:50; close in, either east or west s:de; immediate possession. Phoue room 313, Portland hotel, before noon. 1 too ma. SLEEP1 N"S room facing east, wunted by single man, 35. who is out of town 4 or 3 days each week. West side location, soinewheres on the 24th st. or Depot aid Morrison car line. Room must be conv emeu i to bath room, with warm Muter at all hours. Priv ate residence only. Y 520, Oiegouian. WANT 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms in apt., fiats or private home, by widow with 2 children. 8 and 11 yrs. ; must be clean ana modern; best of references. C 216. O rt i; nan. MOTHER and son want 2 clean H. K. rooms; must be reasonable. t'none a&t 3M. - WORKING girDvvfshes room with kitchen ette, on east side, near R. C. car line. A J 456, Oregonian. QUIET, elderly couple would like down stairs 2 or 3 rooms, private home pre ferred, on east side. M OJP. Oregonian. ONE large unfurnished room for light housekeeping. East 3u6t. Mrs. Mattspn. Rooiim "With Board. WANTLD By the 25th. by man of mid dle age. employed nights, room and board in quiet home; prefer p.aee where I can have meals at io A. M.. 3 P. M.. carry lunch ; will pay $ 10. Marshall 17i3. bet. 1 and 2 P. M. or D 51H. Oregon ia ik ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman; pre fer private home where there are no other roomers. AL 450. Oregonian. " Busine-as Places. WANTED To rent 2 offices on second or third fioor of downtown office bidg. Phone Tabor 7074. Housekeeping Room. WANT furnished or partly Turnished light H. K. room for eideriy lady, near Broad way carline; rent $15. Alameda or Irv ing. Woodiawn 1 5i0. FOR REM. TWO very good clean rooms. Near Tuiur. 20S 17th St. Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. $3 WEEK. Meam heat, hot and cold water, newly furnished, new elevator, all modern. TRANSIENTS. $1 PER NIGHT. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH ALSO Special rates where two take one room TAKE MY TIP Th fciSE ARE RIGHT. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 20S 3D ST. NETHERLANDS HOTEL. 126 13th St.. cor. Washington: homelike hotel for discrim inating people. Phones, private bath, steam heat with reasonable rates. Com fort and courtesy our motto, HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk half block south. Clean, modern, respectable, transient. $1.50: with private bath. $2. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st.. at East Sixth. The principal tast side hotel; digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week and up. ANSONIA HOTEL 124 14th -L. at Washington. Rates $5 per week up. $1 day. Fire proof : large, attractive, spotless rooms, c.osc to amusement aud shopping center. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. Washington st. at 20t h ; permanent and transient rooms, with or without bath; rea&onable rates. Main 31. ROYAL PALM HOTEL. Third and Flanuers, new.y furnished strictly modern; new management; rates -$1 day up. $5 week up. IF YOU want a nicely furnished sleeping or housekeeping room, with hot and cold watr and steam heat, don't dciay. Mai wei' Hall. 207 14th. ST PAUL HOTEL. 41- and Alder; te.e phoue. elevator, not and cold water; l up , private bath, $2 up; permanent, -up. private bath, $'J up. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth. Rates $1 & day up. Weekly. $4.50 uo. Steam heat. Free ph o n e and baths. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms, aruoiiv -ast 1. axi Grand ave. SLEEPING or light housekeeping rooms, transient or monthly, very reasonable. 653 Flanders. 75c. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cad.Uac 3d near Jefferson. 5 ROOMS, modern, 10 minutes' walk busi- . nes center. 561 - HARRISON hotel. Front and Harrison, outside rooms. $2.50 up; board if desired. HOTEL ARTHUR HAS TWO $3o ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. ON E front housekeeping room on third t ioor, $14. 6-5 Washington. WEAVER hotel. 70S WabU. st. rooms with or without bath. Desirable b U RN ISH ED housekeeping room. 509 W. Davis st., two blocks off Washington. TWO rooms connecting with bath for one month; bargain. Broadway 2U$2. CLEAN, lovely front sleeping room, $1:0 655 Washington. CLEAN, fu rnished room, hot and coid water, phone and bath. 303 West Park. LARGE, pkasant room for two gentlemen; fireplace: walking distance. 733 Everett lufurnbdied Rooms. 2 UN FURNISH ED rooms upstairs. Call after 5 P. M. 321 Delay st. M. J. Larghausen. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED room, steam heat, private, family, walking distance. 6i Flanders si. li d w y. 370. PLEASANT, well furnished rooms, mod ern conveniences, easy walking distance. 547 Yamhill st. CLEAN room clo.e In. home privileges to right party. 525 Everett st. 20 14TI1, NEAR J.effHrson: cnoice rooms, a 1 k in g distance. Main 3S03. NEAT furnished room, convenient to bath. Rroa d way 1 50O. Wal king diatauce. NICE front room In modern home. 683 E. Salrpon. , East 710O. BEAUTIFUL tarre front room, also small room. 108 mil N. Bdwy. 4251. 2 NEWLY furnished bedrooms for 2 or ; alvo garage. 234 K. 28 tb st. Tabor 3304 FRONT room, hath and phone, walking distance. East 34'.ki. SINGLE bedroom and garage, private home. Irvingtou. East 7h60. BE A UTI FULLY furnished, sloping roo m . 221 10th ta.-g St. f r o n ' I FURNISHED ro,i tuvu aparUu.nL idem dOAu- U.ursL.aU -15.