TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920 21 COURT IS I'l AS LIE IS PASSED Zimmerman Murder Trial Witness Is Accused. "HUSH" PROPOSAL DENIED Girl Declared to Hav Said She Was Xot One Money Could Buy, When Approached by Balkin. fsPRlNGFIELT. Mass.. May 20. (Special.) Superior court -was in an uproar today when the lie was passed between the district attorney and Peter Balkin. a witness in behalf of Miss Jennie Zimmerman, who is being tried for the murder of her cousin, Br. Henry K. Zimmerman. Order was quickly restored by the high sheriff. Prior to the testimony ot .BalKin Miss Zimmerman was again on the stand. She wae asked by the district attorney if she had not said to a man named Silbert, "If I could see Dr. Zimmerman crippled for life I would be satisfied." The defendant smiled wearily as he answered, "Certainly not. I never knew Silbert well enough to discuss my personal affairs with him." Miss Zimmerman retained her self-possession throughout her testimony and answered the district attorneys ques tions responsively and without hesi tancy. Relation Held Admitted. Peter Balkin, & friend of both the Zimmermans, In whom the defendant bad confided, testified concerning a visit to Ir. Zimmerman. "When we parted," the witness said, "Dr. Zim merman eaid, "Tell Jennie not to worry. Everything will be all right. I will come to see her myself to night.' " Dr. Zimmerman admitted his rela tions with Miss Zimmerman, though he asserted she could not prove them, the witness declared, and said he vis ited Dr. J. M. Cornell, Dr. Zimmer man's brother-in-law. "Dr. Connell offered to pay Miss Zimmerman 1200 if she would leave the city." the witness said. He re peated the offer to the defendant, who said scornfully, "Balkin, you should not talk to me like that. Da I look like a girl that money can buy?" Balkin told the Cornells of the re sult of the interview and Mrs. Cornell said, witness declared, trial it Jennie Zimmerman made any trouble for the doctor they would have her In Northampton, to which witness re sponded, "Maybe." Marriage Offer Told. It is not uncommon for Jewish young men to make offers of mar riage through a third party, witness said, and Balkin was asked to ap proach Miss Zimmerman on this sub' ject in behalf of a prosperous Chico- pee man. "I am a ruined girl," Miss Zimmer man said to the witness tearfully. "How can I look such a man straight In the eye after what I have gon through?" "Didn't you have a talk with me when Mr. Tilton and State Detective Manning were present?" District At torney Wright asked, "and didn't you tell us that you went to Dr. Cornell with an offer to fix it up for J500?" "No, sir, I did not," Balkin de clared, with spirited emphasis, "what happened was that Mr. Tilton asked me if I had made any such offer and I told yeu then that I did noth lng of the kind." At this juncture the witness, the district attorney and counsel for the defense were speaking at once and the hum of voices was heard among the spectators. Sister Gives Testimony. Miss Zimmerman's sister, Annie, testified that in March, 1919, the pris oner called up Dr. Zimmerman and asked him to come to see her. When he came the two soon became angry. "I heard Dr. Zimmerman say to Jennie. 'If you make a scandal about this I'll blow your brains out' " insanity experts will be heard to morrow, after which the common wealth will offer evidence in rebuttal. It is doubtful if the case goes to the Jury this week. TROUSERS TAKEN IN RAID All Men In Pullman Arc Forced to Remain in Bed. TOI.rTPO. O., May 20. Male occu rants or a r'ullman car in the yards nere were lorcfd to remain in bed this morning after a thief ransacked the coach and fled with an armful of trousers. The norter later found the missing trousers under a freight car. The pockets had been turned inside out. FRENCH WAR BRIDE DIES Mrs. Eton Helene Mitchell Passes Alter Brief Illness. TIOQl'l AM, Wash., May 20. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Kvon Helene Mitchell pretty young French war bride, who tame to the harbor with her younsr husband a few months ago. died last night after a briet illness. She was 13 years old and met her husband w-hen lie was serving in France on si-tive service, besides her widower, fche leaves a baby. Mrs. Mitchell was learning F.nclish rapidly and made a wide circle of friends. She welcomed her residence in America. She often expressed the ambition to become old enough to vote, "just once," to see what it was like. Railroad Klcc-ts rircMor. PKXVER, Colo., May 20. The an nual meeting; of the stockholders of the Colorado Southern railroad was held here today. Directors were elect ed as follows: Howard Elliott. James N. Hill and Jackson K. Reynolds of New Vork; A. D. Parker of Philadel phia; C. W. Bonn and Ralph Budd of St. Paul: C. a. Bnrnham, Hale Holden s nd O. M. Spencer of Chicago and J. H. Bradbury and Robert Rice of Denver. Spokane Clothing Reduced. SPOKANE. Wash., May 20. The pvice rutting movement here spread today with the announcement by a largs cloth-.nis store that all its lines 'xcept "contract goods" would eo on ale today at a 20 per cent reduction. line laraa. department store yesterday innounced a 20 per cent reduction. fective today, and another said the mo reduction would go into effect rxt Monday. Assault Trial Today. Vlto Moosa, who struck and serlous lv injured a tellow workman, Bento' Norelll. In a fight at the Clark Wil son Lumber company at Linnton. where they are both employed, will be tried in the municipal court next Thursday on a charge of assault and battery. His bail was placed at $1000. ISorelli was reported to ha-ve sus tained a fractured skull from beinS struck with a board. HOQUIAM CHECKS CENSUS Effort Being Made to Raise Popu lation Above 10,000. HOQUIAM, Wash., May 20. (Spe cial. Whole families missed by the census are being- checked up by the municipal recheck el Hoquiam s pop ulation, in an effort to raise the offi cial number to more than 10,000. The census save Hoquiam 150 short of that number. Mayor Philbrick has established census bureaus at the postoflice library, city hall, merchants' club and police station. It is now found that a number of homes were not included in the count, and the number of names is piling up dally. When the city Is satisfied that every unchecked name of the census is turned in, application will be made for a federal recheck. ROBBERS PLEAD GUILTY Trio Who Looted Express Office Sentenced Immediately. SPOKANE. Wash.. May 20. Harry A- Peterson, Albert B. McGirt and George H. Cole, the trio who were alleged to have robbed the American Railway Express office in the Great Northern station here a week ago, pleaded guilty today and were given immediate sentence. Peterson was sentenced to 15 years at the Monroe reformatory; MoGirt two to la years at Walla Walla and Cole from one to 15 years at Walla Walla. Peterson was in charge of the office at the time of the robbery and his share in the plot was revealed in McGirt's confession at Yakima a few days later. The men took in excess of $10,000, of which all but $141 has been recovered. 65 PER CENT VOTE TAKEN Marlon Political Leaders Make Forecast of Balloting. SALEM, Or.. May 20. (Special.) Because of the fact that there are 14 candidates for the five seats in the lower . house of the legislature from Marion county at tomorrow's primary election, political leaders predict that not less than 65 per cent of the regi tered vote in this county will be cast. In Salem chief Interest centers about the contest for chief of police, five candidates being in the field for this office. Auto Plunges Into Creek. ROSEBURO, Or.. May 20. (Special.) While attempting to prevent a col lision when an automobile rushed in ahead of them as they went on the north end of the Deer creek brid late yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bullock and little son of Seattle narrowly escaped serious Injury or death when their car plunged through the railing and over into the creek bottom. A row of trees at the foot of the embankment prevented the car from turning a somersault. The oc cupants were bady shaken up and th car considerably damaged. Workers Back on Job. TACOMA, Wash., May 20. (Spe cial.) Ironworkers employed In th construction of the W. R. Ru3t build ing went back on the job today, leav lng the question of wages in th hands of an arbitration committee. The men quit work a week ago las Monday because their checks for th previous1 week were made out at $7 a day instead of the new union scale of $8. Cement finishers who likewise had a wage dispute on the same jo placed the matter in the hands of an arbitration board. Rev. E. O. Eldridge Funeral Today The funeral of Rev E. O. Eldridge, pastor of the Seaside Methodist Epis copal church and formerly the pasto of the Mount Tabor Methodist churc for five years, will be held from th Mount Tabor church at 2 o'clock to morrow. Interment will be in th Mount Scott cemetery. Dr. J. T. Abbett will conduct the service, as sisted by Rev. J. C. Spencer of Albany. Dr. Eldridge was pastor at Roseburg before coming to Portland. Pomona Meets at Ridgefield. RIDGEFIKLD Wash., May 20. (Special.) Ridgefield high echool glee club, under the direction of B. 1. Gaukel, gave several numbers at the all-dav meeting1 of the Pomona grange, which was held at Sara, AVash., Tuesday. The club will sing at the commencement exercises May 21. Dr. Hill of Vancouver will de liver the commencement address. John M. Green Dead. John M. Green, prominent member' of the Portland typographiiia.1 union, and for years superintendent of the Portland Printing House, died Tuesday at Kmanuel hospital. Funeral services were held yesterday at 2 o'clock at tho Portland crematorium. Mount Tabor lodge of Masons officiated. Mr. Green is survived by his widow, Mrs. Hettie Green, 715 Johnson street. legion at Rldgefield Klects. RiriGKPIELD, Wash., May . 20. tSpecial.) At a regular meeting of the American Legion po.st here last night the following officers were elected: Georgo R. Thomas, com mander; Charlos Settner, vice-com-rrander; K. L. Sackler, adjutant; Ken neth Short, finance officer; James Kiley, historian; Benjamin Rich, chap lain. Reckless Driver Fined. Klwood H. Wiles, who was arrested on a charge of reckless driving by Pa trolman Stanton of the traffic bureau. following an accident in which he ran down and injured Mrs. 1 K. Payne of the Wagoner apartments, at Mor rison and Klla streets, April 20. was fined 130 by Municipal Judge Ross- man yesterday. Threat to Kill Reported. A patrolman has been detailed to watch the home of John M. Pipes, at torney, at 562 Carlton street, in re sponse to requests from members of the family, who have notified the chief of police that someone has threatened anonymously to kill some one at that place. Mr. Pipes Is ill at the borne. Boy on Skates Run Down, ROSEBURO, Or., May 20. (Special.) In an attempt to cross the street on roller skates last evening in front of an auto, 6-year-old Frank Evans, son of a local train dispatcher, was knocked down and run over by the machine. Fortunately the youngster was not badly hurt, although the front of the car ran over his shoulder. Mining Yacht Reported Safe. MIAMI. Fla., May 20. The yacht Grey Duck, missing since Sunday with 23 persons on board, is safe in har bor at Bimini. Bahama islands, an airplane returning from that place to I jay reported. RISH "GREET" MINISTER Sin AUCKLAND GEDDES RE CEIVES KRAXKXIX MEDAL. Ambassador Surprised at Weird Descriptions Which Fill American Newspapers. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. May 20. Sir Auckland Geddes, British ambassador. came here yesterday to receive from the Franklin institute for Sir Charles Parsons of England the Franklin medal awarded him. A party of Irish sympathizers appeared in front ol the building carrying banners bear ing inscriptions demanding ireeaom for Ireland. The police kept them moving and gave them no opportu ity to heckle the visitor. Americans and British should seek to dispel "the cloud of misrepresenta tion and misunderstandings which tends to separate them." Sir Auckland Geddes declared. The ambassador said that never has It been so imperative tht relations between Great Britain and the United States remain cordial. There are no misunderstandings that 1 know of," he continued, "no lack of complete cordiality, yet many of your newspapers are filled with strange verbal pictures of what the British are or are not doing, which make me rub my eyes and wonder how, when and where such surprising stuff can be written. There are news papers in England only a few, thank God! that are filled with equally weird descriptions of the United States, its motives and plans." It the hope of peace is to be ful filled, the ambassador continued, it necessary that one nation see the good in others. 'It will be all evil If that feeling is changed into one of less cordiality." Sir Auckland said. "Its existence is an asset to you and to us." Gasoline Famine Averted. HOOD RIVER, Or.. May 20. (Spe cials A gasoline famine here has been averted by drawing a cuppiy from White Salmon, Wash., where the Standard Oil company has a distrib uting plant. Local dealers have brought hundreds of gallons from White Salmon by motor truck. Deal ers today wrote to state authorities asking if they would be responsible for a cent a gallon road tax on fuel brought from Washington. Irrigation Project Planned. ROSEBURG, Or., May 20. (Special.) A. C. Marstera of this city proposes to irrigate more than 6000 acres of land lying1 north of Upper Klamath ake. He proposes to construct a ditch 5 miles long, the entire project to cost $40,000. AMUSEMENTS. CHAT NO. 71920 Today will be a big day at THE OAKS. But tomorrow and the next day and the next will be bigger. THE OAKS improves every day more of the beauties of sum mer are installed by nature's hand with the passing of every day. To supplement what nature has done to make this the most beau tiful pleasure place in the nation we have spared no effort to make the big park as complete as money and energy will make it. These things have been done for YOUR pleasure. Come to the park before 5 P. M. and pass through the big gates free of charge. Enjoy yourself thorough ly. The carfare is 6 cents from First and Alder. Admission is free to 5 P. M. daily, except Sun days and holidays. JOHN F. COED RAY, Manager. Ellison-White Lyceum Bureau Presents WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT Lecturing on "The League of Nations Up-to-Date" Auditorium Thursday Evening, May 27 73tf $1.00 $1.50 War Tax Extra. Seat sale opens Meier & Frank's Monday, May 24. Mail orders accepted now. Address Ellison White Lyceum Bureau, Broadway Bidg. Add 10 war tax and enclose stamped envelope. Tonight and All Week Williams Ave. and Stanton St W. O. W. Maytime Fair 2-BIG FREE ACTS-2 Fun Galore. Tonight Rose City Camp Night Tonight Joyful dancing in the big pa vilion 10-piece orchestra and Monte Austin Hop a CC Car to Council Crest Park AMUSEMENTS. I T I7TT T ( Br'dway at Taylor AllilXlvJ Phone Main 1 TONIGHT, 8:15 TOMORROW -SPECI I. PRICE- MAT. TOMORROW, 2:15 . The Favorite Comedians KOLB d DILL In the Temperance Play with a, "Kick." "WET AND DRY" CATCHY MUSIC. GIRLS. FUN. Evenings. 2, J1.60, 1, 75c, SOc. Tomorrow's Matinee: $1.58. $1, 50c Tickets Now Selling. BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY BAKER Tonight. All Week, Mutineer Saturday SUE WALKKU IN HKK hl.ttA out of her window, over the roof into Lite wrong room. , hue nail a bow in her hair. PantageS Mat. Daily, :30. "THE LICK OF A TOTEM" With Harry liirard and Agmee Cain Brown. THE JAPANESE REVl K With the Mw York Company. OTHER BIO ACTS. 3 Performances daily. Night curtain at T and 9. Today, Tonight, THE KUVCAFD HII.- TUCS, 12 people, 12; 7 attractions. 7. Edythe Sterling. "The Ono Way Trail." 3 Nights Son. 13e to 1.2J Mon.-Taes 15c to t.oo. 4 Mats Hnn.-Maa.-Tiiea.-Wed. 13c to 75c HOMER B. MASON I HENRI SCOTT and 1 Famoitf MARI.IF.RITE I American KEtLKK Baa-Baritone Sadtnoffi The Itosellaa: NED NOHWORTH Stewart & Mercer: Kinogrsuiia: Topics of the Daj BETH BERI KOTB1 I This Show Clown With tho Matinee Wedneaday, May 26. CIRCLE Fourth at1 W aahlnartoa Irene Castle "The Amateur Wif e" Also a Oreater Feature Comedy -HOME RBKiV And the Fathn KvIm. Open from tf o'clock in the morning until . o cioca. ot me toiiowing morning. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY ' . Matmoe Dally 'at S Evenings at 7 and 9 Laugh with MIKE AXD 1KB in THR ROYAL ODKSSA- FRIDAY CHORUS OlKl-ti- CONTEST GLOBE Eleventh at Washington. Bert Lytell IN Lombardi Ltd, Phone your want ads to The Orego-I nlan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE A. A. O. X. M. E. Stated session Saturday. May 22, !:(.. at 8 o'clock P. M.. Pythian Building, West Park, and Yamhill sts. Ho- cial and entertainment. Visiting nobles cordially in- vitea. By order of the Potentate. HUtirl J. BOYD. Recorder. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77. W. O. W.. will in itiate a class of candidates at their hali. E. tith and Alder, this tFriday) eve ning. EiMertainment com mittee has provided spe cial entertainment, mem ber, of W. O. W. only. Vlsitinr mpmhers welcome. J. C. WILSON, Clerk. PORTLAND AERIE, No. . FIIATERNAI OROER OP EAGLES Meets every Friday evening, 8 o'clock. In Pacific States hall, 11th and Alder streets. H. E. MILLER, Sec W A S H I N G T O N COM MANDRY. K. T.. No. 15. A upecial conclave will be held F.day evening. May -1. at 7:JO P. M.. East Sth and Burnslde. Order ol the Temple win oe conferred. Candida-.-, report at T o clock P M sharp. A large attendance desired. tr. moM.iv. Q p EISMAN Hecorder. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 48 A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Frldayt afternoon. 1S:4S o'clock. Bast 8lh and Burnside sts.. to con duct the funeral of Brother J. H Hayes, late of Vesper ladge. No. S84. of GaJeiburg, III. Funeral committee pleaae lake notice. All M. M. invited Tour aiilo will be appreciated. Order W. M. auto wiu oo H RICHMOND, fcee. GET READT for the big " nlrnic riven by the Masters' , and Wardens' and Past Mast ers' association at sorest Grove for the Masonic and Eastern star home fund on w i -.- -m. v ui Members ox tne Ira- lernity nd friends Invited. 8 ELL WOOD LODGE NO. 131, A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial meeting this tFriday evening at T:30 o'clock. Work ut M d.eree. Visitors wel come. Kelreshments. By of J. H. isUTLt-K, sec. PORTLAXD LODOB NO. 53. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Friday! evening, 8 o'clock. Masonic temple, visiting brethren wel come. By order of W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON. See. ALBERT PIKB LODGE NO. 13. A. F. AND A. M Spa. cial meeting this tFrlday) evening at 5 o'oloek. . A. degree. Visiting brethren we! come. U. W. COOK. Sec ROSE CITT CHAPTER NO. Rg, O. B. S. Stated eommuni cation this (Friday) evening, 8 o'clock, Pythian tempia, West Park and YamhllL De- grees and social. By order of W. M. M. a. HOWATSON. Sec WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 5. WOODME.1 OP THE WORLD, metis every Friday igbt at W. O. W. temple, 12 11th treet si soembera weleome. Kum to Kama r,day night. M. L. BARBU8. Clark. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charma, pina, designs. Jaeger Broa., V1"? 6Lh SU FRIED LAND FIR'S lor lodge emblems, claaa pins and medals, SKI Washington ai. der W. M- TOO LATE TO CI-ASSWY. TOUNG woman, with year-eld babv irtrl, dssirea position as housekeeper for gen tleman In city. 4712 IS. 6lh at. S. E., M. S. car. Al'CTIOM SALES. At W IlinTl'. Anvttnn Ttan a. 1 A. M, Furniture, lft-17l Second at. DIED. CONNKI.L Tn this7ity. May 20. Henry . onnell. aged tw year: husoana of Julia Connell. and brother of Junes Connell. Grand Rapids. Mich. The deceaei was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Walla Walla. Wash. The remains will be forwarded by McEntee & killers to Spokane. Wash., where interment will take place. ANDERSON In this elty. May 20. at the family residence, 9ti4 E. Sixth at. N.. Hans Anderson, afte 71 years, husband of Johanna Anderson. Remains at Fin ley a fnneral parlors. Notice of funerai nereaiier. ueceased member of Lolum bia lodge, A. K. and M. TOEL In this cit. Xlnv "ft T fn... T. oei. asea o years, late of the Perkins hotel. The remains are at Finlev's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice ot funeral nereaiter. Fl'N'EBAL NOTICES. HANSEN At the family residence. 7fV4 5-ith avenue S. E.. May 1. Rev. Hans Hansen, aped 83 years, beloved husband of Louisa Hansen, father of Mrs. Mary L,. oiaiiett. John ti. William A Rpn la in fn H.. Heln C. and Louis H. Hamen, 11 of this citv: brother of P?tr Hansen. Seattle. Wash. Funeral services will be conquctert Saturdav. May at 1:30 F. M., from the German At. K. church, cor ner or Kodney avenue and Stanton street. Friends invited. Interment Riverview cemetery. Remains at Pearson s under taking parlors. AuuoU street at Union avenue. HOWLAXD Tn this city. May 17. Elvira lireene riowiana, affed u years, late of tn Mann nome. mutner ot i-iarry ki How land ol! Oakland, Cal.. and muter of Mrs. M. A. Holt of Fall River, Maas. Funeral services will be held Friday, Aiay at a.av o ciock at riniey g, .Mont gomery at firth. Friends invited. In terment at itiver view cemetery. ; WIGGINS In this city. May 18. 1920, Creorse B. Wiggins, aged S years, be- iovea n utoa na or i-ieien Wiggins ana brother of Frank Wiattins of Akioria. Or. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman'a funeral Darlors, Third and Salmon sts., at 1:30 P. M. to morrow t Saturday.), May mzz, l-u. in terment Lone Fir cemetery. GOULD May 19. 1920. Mrs. Anna M uouia, iate or 37 Jarreit street, aged bu years 11 months 19 da vs. Funeral services today (.Friday). May 21. a P. M., from R. T. Byrnes' residential parlors. UOL Williams avenue at Mason street: concluding services at the Port land crematorium. Friends invited to attend. FITZGERALD At Sandy. Or.. May 19. diary Fitzgerald, aged years, beiovea wife or Hugh Fitzgerald. Funeral serv ices will be held todav (Friday). May 1. at St. Michael's church at Sandy. Or., where requiem mass will be offered at 10 A. M. Interment at Sandy. Or. Ar rangements in care of Miller & Tracey. I RINEMAN In this city. Mav 18. Carrie L. Kineman, aged til years, mother of Mrs. Klla Hooker of Joplin. Mo. ; K. W. and F. S. Kineman and Mrs. B. L. Stanford of this city. Funeral services will be held Monday. May 24. at t):30 o'clock A. M.. at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Gtli. Friends invited. Interment at Salem. Or. MARSHALL In this city. May 19. John tn. 3i a r una u. aged no years, or iuiuo 65th ave. S. fe. The funeral services will be conducted Saturday. May --. at 2 P. M.. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthv & Co.. 5)2-04 u2d st. b. fci.. Lents. Friends invited to attend. In terment Mr. Scott Park cemetery. DIEI3 May 19, at Ridgefield. Wash.. Al- xrea Aionzo Knox, aged c3 years ana a months; brother of Mrs. G. Stackpole and the late Mrs. J. fcl. Hazeltine. Fu neral services today (Friday) at 'i P. M. in the Presbyterian church, at Kidgeiield, Wash. HATS In this city. May 16, 1020, John H. nys. agea so years. rrienas invited to attend the funeral services at Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts , at 1:30 P. M. today (Friday. May 21. Ill 20. Incineration Portland crematorium. u.ut-1 Funeral services of the late u-naries tvura win be held Saturday. May 22. at 2:30 o'clock P. M at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. incineration at tue Portland crema torium. TRUMBULL Tho remains of the late r ranees irumtiuii were forwarded Thurs day. May 20. at 1 A. M.. to Parkland. Or., where services and Interment will take place. Arrangements in car of aimer at iracey. I DOWNING The funeral services of the late Rose Downing will be held todav ( Friday . May 21. at 1-80 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. interment iuverview cemetery. . HOLLAND Funeral Mrvlcea ot the late JSlvira Oreene Howiand will be held to day Friday) at --to P. M., at Fin.ey'a, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. interment at Riverview cemetery. FL'N'EBAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. . FUNERAL, DIRECTORS. Dunning &'McEntee UMihAL DIKKCTOK8. Now located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at l'Jlh st., west side. Vhone Broadway 430. Automatic 54r5b. Xbe " u neral Home of Keiinecuent and OiHtinctive (Service. Note We have no brant-lies nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for lrs. Independent Funeral Directors. W&shiogton fatreet, between liuth and -1st Streets, West Side. Lady Assistant Main 21. 878-85. J. P. FINLEY Sc SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Momgomir y t Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home, ldlh and Everett sts. Telitrjhone Broadway lilSa. Automatic F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Aider. J'hone Kast 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successor to Wilson & Rnss. Multnomah at East 7th. East 04. lrvlngton district. PT T TT,T'TJ F.. Eleventh and Clay. . 1-1. Ji.Il(.Uli East 7sl. T 18:i3. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Sta, Broadway 2o:4. A. D. KEN WORTHY A CO. :-04 ttid iSt., Lent. Tabor 5267. A. R. SELLER CO. 693 Williams ave. East 10S8. C 1038. BREEZE & SNOOK Imont. B SKEWE8 UNDERTAKING COMPANT. 3d and Clay. M. 41fti. A -J-Jl. taqy. assistant. FLORISTS. 328 Morrison St. .nu..j uAt w,nt ' it' rWI lldl IU RUIVl 1 UU.f AR Morrison St -stores - BelBrdirjclPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts soiicnea. Smith's Flower Shop Pflrtlnnrl'i' nrnr:rf1vfl florfrTt. We tTr?eial- Ize in funeral dtrigri. 141 Vt 6ta oppoulLtt ileier St, Frank a. Alain t Jla. JAPAN FLORIST 163-170 4th t., Firehouee Market. All kinds of flowers. Bedding! and vegeia ble piants. Japanese thrubbrry, nursery stock, tuba, b&akeLa, gar- den Beeas. epciai saio. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. M Washingten. Main 29. 'lowers lor all occasions artistically arranged CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays $1.50 up. Bdwy. 2S70. 485 Wash. TONSKTH FLORA L CO.. 287 Washington su, bet. (inland 4th. Mam IUJ. A. H4L f7 l-rteX n Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month er year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting system mioiticu maintained: income tujt service; refer ences Concord bids., -d and Stark. Mam 744:;. . ALTERATIONS. LADIES- tailoring. Perfect fitting; work guaranteed. 1. Keubin. 4us Bush-Lane Dig. ASSAVKKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second uoia, Sliver ana platinum pousnt. ilULTXOilAH Hotel TurkiaH baifa. men; ail ay tnd ail night. . CARPET WEAVING. DjmC The kind that wear th best ar fllfUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. former ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting anu resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1M 8th su Phone Kast 30SO. B 120 FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Kag rugs all sizes Mull orders prompt Send for Book.eu 9x12 rugs s tea m or u ry cleaned. l.0. FLUFF ItUG CO.. 54-56 Union ave N. Kast 6ol6- B 14.5. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANINU. FLUKP AND KAU KUGS. WOVEN ALL SIZttza. WHITE OH CALL. POK TLAN i HUCi CO.. E. 17tu st. Seliwood 3622. CARPET SWEEPERS REPAIRED. AUTHORIZED BisseU carpet sweeper re pair agency; all parts furnished. 61 Morrison st. CELI.rjl.oiI BUTTONS. THE IRWIil-HUDSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. -Bdwy. 4o4, A 124. CEMENT CONTRACTOR. CEMENT work of all kinds, garages and excavating; reasonable. Phoua Tabor ttu.U. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.0UO KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment heat. CHIROPODIST AKCII SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny tne only scientific chiropodist and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Cier linger hidg., a. w. cor. 2d and Alder. CHIROPODISTS. UK. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns,. bun ions, loot arches made to order. fewetland bidg.. Sth and Wash. Main 1081. DK. B. LOUISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A. AL to i r. M. 410 Morgan bids. Main 4as. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3883. CIKCILAB LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal oiaa. .Marshall 5b3. Multigrapnmg, mimeograpning and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. .no collections, no charge. ustaD. iuu. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, tile and concrete. pnone jack wempe. woodlawn enju. DANCING. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and evening. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Mis Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Ellers bldg. DENTISTRY. IF YOU have dental work to be dons, have It done without pain by the nerve-block lng method. DK. A. W. KEENE, DR. B. H. PREHN, Majestic Theater Bldg., 331 Washington St. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROPE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 413 Iast 7tn. feast 1847 and ziu-evj ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 5-'7-27. 248 Vi Fisst St. Main 871, H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO 34 N. 1st., Portland, Or. Rewinding- and electrical repair in- a specialty. See us abou new or used motors. Bdwy, FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if you want bi irons: read about "G. M. Wonder" in oui lfJ.M catalogue. Routledg-e Seed A Kloral Co., 145 lid st., fortiana. ur. FUEL FOI-Er FUEL Old-growth country slab- wood, 4-ioou rnouo r.asi -oux. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL ritPPLlES. THE M. L KLINE CO.. S4-g-S7-ga Front. ORA1N. IEKCHANTS.e PACIFIC G RAIN CO.. Board ol Trade Bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 63-SS Front st. PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER sr CO.. Front and Morrison. CO.. Second and Taylor. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tWt fr-out-th St.. OPP. CttT Hall. "Ncu Bros. PS' bLaesing GRANITE CO- nJ THIRD AT MADI5QW STREET Rates (or Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. Lity and bunday Per line One time Ijc Two consemtWe time IO Three consecutive times 80c Srvrn eonseeutive times 63s The following clu.h I float ions excepted, the rale of wIimIi i 0c per line per day: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. No ad taken for lew than two lines. Count aix words to the lino. Advertisenients (except "Person als" ami "tiitnalinns Wanted" will be taken over the telephone if the adver tiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted aver the phone, hut statements will be rendered the following day. Advertlsemente are taken for The Pally Oregonian until 7--40 P. M. : for The Sunday Oregoniaa until P. M. Saturday. . KETW TODAY. IRYINGTON HOME $8250 Fine artistic, rooms in Ivory and ma hoaany; sun room, breakfast Tfm- French doora. rour uu . bath. arlass-incloBed Bleepinaj porch, hardwood floors, all In perfect condi tion. MeDOXELL, East 41". STORAGE SPACE Investigate wr Plant and Rate.. Why Aasume Expenalve Leases Under Preaent High CoatgT CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Dray wee and Steraxre, 2th and Oltaaaw Phono Bdwy. 47L QUICK SALE Sacrifice Price for Cash by Ownera. CHOICE VIEW LOTS, 80x100 Fine Bfelaxhnorhnod. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Address M. O. 1 34. Oreseaian.X10 Cham, of Cans. Bids. Alnln 303a, HEMSTITCHING AND PI.EATINO. T. & D. UKMSTITCHING Shop: superior work; prompt service., R. ttla. Oiegon Eilers bide.. -87 Washington t- HEM STrrCHlN5 , 8cenls "per yard, and piatting at 11th and Washington. r UN MOWERS SHARPENED. LAiVN mowers called for. sharpened and repaired; express service; carpenter Job bing. Tabor K427. FOH express, moving, general hauling at reasonable rates call Marshall 40t0. MlhlC TEACHERS. i-a. Carrot 1 Ltu.y, piano, vocal let-sons, prac tice piano, l nr. aay. mo. uuwy. .qj. MKSERY STOCK. WIS CARRY a full assortment of choice ii uu trees, oerry planus. w trees, sir rubs, roses, etc OK1.GU.N ISLRsUaV CO., ORKNCO, OR. OFTQM fcTKiSTs"ANi OPTICIANS. OUSSKS AT A SAtLN'i. 1 aoucil your patronage on the baitt ot cuuaoie btrvicc. 'I hou- 9 cnuus ol aLt.iitl customers. A trial will convince you. Char.e V . bood man. opi.onA:Vriat, .otf Mwrtiaoa. M.. I--. a-"- liiiiS SClKNTlKlCALisl' Ttai .fW ta witn modern iuatrumeau. Lita&es titled trum -.oO up. A. UL'KMi'i'Z, opiotuetriat. JO i-St st. liltOKGE HL'BltXsIISlN. tli veteran op tician, is 4tn expert eye litter ana nis cnarses sr. very reasonable; aalisiaction guaranteed. Z-V Mornon near -il. OKltNTAL Rll.3 BErAlaKU. ORIENTAL. KL'tid CLEANtilJ A.SO Ksl'AlKED. KAKAUOZIAN r'HIHiUliuN. TEN ItAllS Vkliil ATllsil 1SKOS. lot N. ZJiJ. I'UO.SE MAIN 5-Uo. PATENT ATTOKNEVS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. AH communi cations .tricliy confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook tree on request- MUNN Co.. patent attorneys. aa Frsuoinca office, ltobart bldg.. 5a2 Market St.; Chicaio oitice. rouui bio Tower bldg.; Waaamgton ol Iice. room hlo. ttii L; iew iorit oi- tice, woulwortn uiag. R. C. WRItiHT 22 years experience u. and foreign patents, out ueKUin omj. PAPEKIIANGING. PAPEKHANOINO. kalsoinining and in terior decorating, reasonable anu suuu work. A- Cook. Se.i. alSH. Jil alter 5:S0. - . PHYSICIANS. DR. R A. PHILLIPS. Broadway iliag.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, nver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, fema.e disorders, sKin affections, b.ood pressure, enlarged tonsils, motes, birth mariis. rUUBlNU bCPPLltS. PLLiMBINtJSUFPLlES AT WHOLESAL1S prices. Stark-Davis Co., las .m. m-. PKIN'TINU. PRINTING fs-, W. BALTE8 & COMPANT. and oak sts. M 76j. 511-Q5. PAINTING. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Ufl- lisk, lotn su it. nruKuwj P1ANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed. j. t Myers, aimu ommui. j.'c11"-" v- POLLTBV bLPPLIES. KVEKIIH1.NG needed and used by prac tical poultry Keepers. eaiaiusuo c,s Koutleuge iseed c Floral Co.. !. i-d sL, Portland. SCALP TREATMENT. KOM-I-DA. Scalp treatnfenta tor baldness. Medical bid. StlXNU-HANO STORES. LEVIN HAKDWAKE & FUKNITLRE CO. We buy and seil everything In the hardware and furniture line. phone Main UU72. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK bUKtAU, Ml l)kum Dldg. u. toreigu n TRANSFER AND STORAOK. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVINO-PACK'G-STORAOE-BAOOAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch tS41 Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. B4-6 Front St. ?TORAOS AND HAULING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OLK SfECULTI. Phones Main 44B, 544-6S. wv.r.n'TRANSKER CO.. 474 GUsan St.. corner 13th. Phone Broadway I::&1 or 116'J. "We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. PArniNB. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. loa PARK ST. Main SIVo. A lu.il. WOOD8AW. AUTOMATIC woodsaw; even length guar anteed. Phone East 5U40. MANUFACTURERS IIIUKS. WOOL AND CASCAR. BARK. KAHN BROTHERS, 183 Front at. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S6-S7-S9 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING &. FARRELL, 140 Front st. KOPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrnp. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W P. WI.l.F.R At CO . Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call an Deliver) Old Rngi and ll'ooles Clothfna;. We Make Beversible, liand-Vt ovea FLUFF RUGS BoOBS-Siae Flnff Rsgt, W ovea. 17.SO Rig Ragra Woven All Slaea. Clotbea Cleaning; and Dyeing Depta. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning til! Rugs, Steamed Cleaned. SI -50 WESTERN FLrFP nvti CO. Ml'slss AvcN, l'buu lisit C51 WK CALL FOR VOIR. OLD CAKPKIS, Rogra and Woolen Clot alas FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Rsg Km. Wsrts All Slaea Mall Orders. Send for Booklet, tarsets Cleaned. Laid and lief ttted. korthwest nri; CO. 1S8 Kast Sth St. Phone fciast S5S0. Irvington Ideal Home $21,000 200x100 Corner 10 rooms, large living room anJ din ing room in solid oak, library and sun room, 2 fireplaces first floor, li baths and bedroom n- McDonnell, iast Mortgage Loans tWft fmtt'rcst rmtrux Inatttllmeat rm It7we AC lelrtH. Buildtnte Iorbi made. Bia delay la elomlmm. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 1 17-210 Aortb western Bank Boildlajg. alarskall 4114. LIBERAL LOANS W! loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgage, contract, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. NEW TODAY. s4 i - & s k v.-.-'-.'-Y A- " 5 AMONG THE FI3S ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS This low, rambllnar htmgalow, built ot hollow tile, enormous living room with extra larire fireplace, Dutch, kitchen, two larsre porches, one of which is lare enough for two or three beds. The house has bath and toilet, concrete basement and splen did furnace. The ground consists ot Vs acre fronting on both upper and lower drives. Both the ground and the house are In a very poor condition, but the possibilities for improvement are unlimited, and the price. $4200. certainly should make thts art attract ive proposition, and we think that the house alone couid not be duplicated for this price. JloiO cash, balance -0 uiomnly. v it k n w. ;k.m n ro., 73 rhimhfr of (Ssunrrfe, & va V HOUSES and GARAGES Portable Garage Ne. 2-P. GARAGES Made In four-foot sections of carefully selected fir. Can ba erected in a very few hours. Shipped anywhere. Make one into a summer cottage. Write or Phone for Catalog. Elwood Wiles & Son Title and Trout Bids- f none Alain 7 C4.VMA A Snap 907 East Broadway, by appointment only. Modern six room corner home, full cement base ment, grood furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, den, sleeping porch, good attic ?,V.OO New Lslstlns Fine home in East Irvington. on 90x100 corner, all liens paid in full; very large living room. jrr.00 A large, modern bungalow type home, with extra bedroom or two on first floor, also extra toilet and lavatory. Mortgage foreclosure. Im- mediate Dot seat ion. lo. i2Z ia&t Z.ta bt. No. Onurr Ltenvlnir Bia: rlednclfon In Price 795 K. l&th st. N. New less than three years ago, and good; six rooms ana si. porch; lull lot, nice lawn, east front: larere livina: room. attractive dining room with French doors, fine bun parlor with hardwood lioors, rich old ivory xinisn tnrougn out; complete Dutch kitchen for Uuivlt Sale Now i.M00. R. T. STREET -;OOD HOJIKS KE.41TOR," East loth and Broadway. Usat SU4. Wheat Lands To Exchange We have a number of the best wheat ranches in the most productive section of Canada, Regina and Moose Jaw, Sask., districts to ex change for Oregon or Cali fornia fruit or income prop erty. What have you? C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth St., Portland, Oregon TTS'!P,.TfcTVr 75. WIC ' iSectionalS Krected in Portls-nd or BH1PPBO ANYWHERE, In sections ready to put t aether. Easy for one nan to erect in a day. Our cash prices, factory direct to you, no middle man, mean a GREAT 6AVINO. Bend for circular. Call at factory, b.e life-size sample. KKDIMAIIE BUILDING CO.. itIS fc. I ltli St.. 3 bike. S. Hawthorne, l'hone Kast SI 14. Portland. Oregon. NOB HILL HOME $6000 7-room residence on 50x100 lot, fireplace, furnace. Don't ! delay. This is a rare bar gain. G 25o, Oregonian Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE tOAXS Valted Stutetv Ramie Builtllas REAL ESTATR. ON THE OREGON CITY CAR LrNTI. N. 1. A beautiful modm eoburbaa home, plate glans windows. bras trim-mt-n. on 1 acre ground with bs.riu fruit and roses of all kinds; private Hier syitem all over the piace; tar mshed. jio, 2. 10 acres unimproved, near XBnts; cheap. IJo. o. A beautiful 5 acres, well Improved, good buildines. fruit, in Vancouver. Ko. 4. A modern brick apartment bouse on the wiFt sMe. all full and doln better than net. A snap; part trade and terms. JJo. 5. A beautiful 9-roomcd modern house, on East '-'1st street: corner, fur nace and built-ins; part casi. and terms. No. 6- $0000 equity In an improved S acrst, cioh in. for a buuaulow. or whitt have you? No. 7. Alfalfa farms fn central Oregon; bnth larKO and umall. CAMFBELU-PHKLAN LAND sV CATTLE CO.. ttJ CoucU BUI. s