TILE MOUSING .OBEGONIAX.'T-THURSDAY. '31 AY. 20, 1020 ; CHANTERS JCEEPING BUSY Speakers and Singers Are Sched nled for Several Meetings. W. K. 'Woodward. Ir. E. H. Pence and W. J. Hofmann will be the four minute speakers taday at the Pro gressive Business Men's club lunch-eon-at the Benson hotel, when a score or more Al Kader temple chanters will singr. The latter include: A. K. Davidson. W. R. Boone. E. N. TTheeler. J. B. Keefer. W. K. Holt. H. T. Hutchinson. U. H. Henry. "W. S. KTein. A. L. Stone, O. H. Cramer. C. E. McCulloch, F. P. Miller. Claude T. Hollins. W. C. Adams. W. F. Stilr. R. K. Fulton. G. E. Hayner. Carroll Day. P. J. Onstad, A. Boyd Williams. W. R. Kayser. Charles Gray, W. S. Shanks, M. D. Stone. Walter C. Gill. Roscoe Bell. T. H. Williams. E. Dwight Bar ton, A. K. Houghton. E. N. Strong, John Deegan and H. L. Idjeman. The speakers and chanters will ap pear also this week before the City club and the Realty board, both' meet ing tomorrow, and before the Oregon Civic league on Saturday. Gfnitzen, a merchant of Klaehta, nas the reputation of being the great est bear hunter in Siberia. He is 65 years old and recently killed bis sev en ty-pe vent h bear. AMUSEMENTS. Chat No. 61920. "My, what a beautiful park?" That was the exclamation of a patron who has been coming to THE OAKS for several years. She had just noted the improve ments we have made at the big playground for the 1920 season. Portland is distinguished for scenic beauty and one of the city's most beautiful spots is THE OAKS. Nowhere in the nation is a park so ideally situ ated; none is so complete for the refined entertainment of so many people. We are next door to nature out here- and it is' the out-of-door ileasure that hale and hearty t il I W V dllU 1 1 1 I 1 1 - It is all available to you for the Alder streets if you come before 5 P. M. any day but Sundays, or holiday. Come today this is play day. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Tonight and All Week Williams Ave. and Stanton St w. o.w. Maytime Fair 2--BIG FREE ACTS--2 Fun Galore. Tonight Rose City Camp Night Dancing TAUGHT AU dances taught in 8 three-hour lessons. Ladies j, yentlemen 1 5, at De Honey's beautiful academy, 3d and W ah hi ii g ton. B e i n -Tiers' classes stnrt Mon day atid Thursday eve., advanced claasuji Tues day eve.. 8 to 11 :30. Plenty of desirable partners and prac tice, in o emnarrassnienu iearn from proCeslonai dancers in a real school. All latest steps taus;ht. Open all summer. Phone Main TtioO. Prtvais lessons all hours. MUSICAL COMEDY Matlnrr rniljr at I Lvenlngt at 7 and l.uuifh with MIKE AND IKK in THE ROYAL ODESSA. RIIA 1HUKIS C1I1.1..V CONTEST Hit the (.ood-Tlmf Trail! Join the IJancina Tonijtht. Happy Hill Blj? Iavllion. ; lawny Kloor, Trn 1'icce Orrhfslra, Monte Austin. Hop a C C Car. GLOBE Kir Tenth at "V aahlaff ton. Bert Lytell IN Lornhardi Ltd. Ellison-White Lyceum Bureau Presents WILLIAM HOWARD Lecturing: on , "The League of Nations Up-to-Date" Auditorium Thursday Evening, May 27 75? $1.00 $1,50 War Tax Extra. Seat sale opens Meier Frank's Monday, May 24. Mail orders accepted now. Address Ellison White Lyceum Bureau, Broadway Bldg:. Add 10 war tax and enclose stamped envelope. TAFT -AMCSEMENTS, ; i r j TICKETS NOW SELLING H Of URTT . Tf Brdwajr at Tayl. nillLHJ Fhone Main 1 3 ;ICMU TONIGHT, 8:15 Special Price Mat. Sat. The Favorite- Comedians KOLB DILL - .- I if the - " ..... Temperance Play with a "Klck. -wetand dryC CATCH V M17SIC. , GIRLS.. FCJf. Evenings. J2. ji.50, $1, 76c, 60c. Saturday Matinee: 11,50; JI. 60c BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY BAKER Xoniirht, All Wk, Mattnot Saturday Sl E WALKED IN HER SLEEP nut of her window, over the reofa into tlie wrontf room. Mir bad a bow la her hair. Pant ages Mat. Daily, 2 :S0. "THE LUCK OF A TOTEM" With Harry Glrsrd and Agnes Cain Bftwa, THE JAFAXE8E REVUE -With the New York Company. -. 6 OTHER BIG ACTS. 3 Performances dally.' Night curtain at . 1 and 0. . ; ' - - - Today Tonight THE KINGAID KILTIES THIS CHEAT SCOTCH MUSICAL ACT. WOMlERri'L DANCIVCi, AD PIPING. Mayo and Nevins Classy Little Revue. Grace Leonard Protean Actress. tlonroy & O'Donnell "The Parcel Postmen." A Kinzo . Coin Twlrler and Juggler. Brown and Wheeler "Poetry oi"Motion." ; AND The One Way Trail Featuring- Edythe Sterling POPULAR POPULAR PRICES PRICES 3 Nights Sun. 15e to fl .?5 Mon.-Tae 15c to Sl.OO. - 4 Mt fun. -M.n -lues.-Wrrt. lSe to 73c. HOMER B. MASOJi I HENRI SCOTT. and v I ianMHi HARI-I KRITC . I .. . Amvriran KtElF.H Bass-Bariton Kuiltnsfrr Thf Kowllast KEB NOHWOHTH Stwart ft Mercvrt Klnntmma: . . Tuples of the liny BETH BKRt jiOTE! I This Show Closrs -With th Matinee Wednesday, May 26. CIRCLE Foartfc at Waahlnarton Constance Talmadger in , -- ' "Experimental Marriage 9f Also a Larry Scmon comedy, "Passlnff the Buc'K.,, and the Ford Weekly. Open from a o'clock in the morning' until 4 o'clock of tne loJiowins; morning. TOO UTE TO CIA8SIFT. IOUNG woman, with year-aid baby rl, desires posiuoa asnouseKeeper ror gen M. S. car. MONCMEM8. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS W Fpitrfh Ht.. Opp. City Hall, 'en Bros. (?b LAPSING granite: CO. nrT H I R p AT WDISQN STWEgT MEETING NOTICES. B. F. O. ELKS. No. 142. R e g u 1 a -9 meettng this (Thursday) evening.) Elks temple. 8 o clock. " Visiting hrnlhitrt WAifninn M. K. SfAULDING. Secretary. BEXJULAR meetinr to morrow evening (Thurs day), 7 :30 o'clock. Baker halt. Killings worth and A lb in a ave. Third. desree. Visitors always welcome. GHO. C. OLSON. N. G.. - C. E. Wilson, Sec MINERVA LODGB NO. 19, 1. O. O. F. All mem bers are requested to meet at 2J6 Alder St.. Oddfellows temple, at 8 P. M. Business of importance and initiation. FRED Si EBENTHATj, N. O. FETR WIEDEMANN. Sec. ONEONTA TRIBE NO. 2. I. O. R. M. Regular council this evening at 8 o'clock st W, O. W. hall. East oth and" Bast iner vu-eets. Adoption tleeree. Uem ber hrfted to attend. Visitin? brothers weLt-dme. Look out for boxing smoker w L- B. SMITH, t. Of R. GOLPCK RULE ENCAMPMENT NO. I. kj. u. .. meets this (Thursd&vl evening- at 8 o'clock. East Sixth and. Alder streets. Koyai purple degree; refresh- mrnis. au patriarchs -weicomea S. A- STARR. A. I, MOLXTON, . 4 - ierfbe. C. F. THE MACCABEES. PORTIANl TENT NO. J. Kecular review ivtry . Thuridiv. 09 Alder etreeu All members urcd to bs prciaBuu i&iiauK: sir Knignts welcome. - GEQ 8 BAKER. R, K. W. O. W. Neichbore of Woodoraft Off! cers' - association win visit Astra circle j n until ay evenine;. tnis week, at Hetdouar ters buildi7is. . AH members of the order invttea. irggrramine and eats.- EMBLEM Jeaelry. buttons, charms, nln. nnw ursisua. . cgrr nroi., ioi-t Ola St. FRIKDLANDKR'8 Xor lodge emblems. etas pins ana me u is, uu vashin'toa u MEETING NOTICES. . WASHINGTON -CH A P TER NO. IS, R. A. M. Called con vocation this (Thursday) eve ning. East EiKhth and Burn Bide sts.. at 7:30 o'clock. M. B. M. d-icres. .visitors welcome. : By ordr E. H. P. ROT QUXCKSNBt'SH, Bee. ORKQON COMMANDERT fjffumption of .tat.d eon Clave. Short business mbwo. C. WiSUAND, .. Recorder. MT. TABOR LOOGK NO. 42 F. A. AND A. M. Boeeial communication thlsMTliars day) afternoon. 1:15 a'clock. Pythian temrple. S8S Yamhill tract - after which lodEe Will proceed to ''Portland Crematorium to con duct tbe funeral services of our late broth er. John W. Green, at 2 o'clock. Vlsltina brethren invited to attend. Members hav ing autos are requested tOj.1, tlem HARMONY LODGE, No. 12, A. F. and A. M. Special com munication today (Thursday) at 3:SO P. M.. for the purpose of condiirtinK the funeral of . i.t. "timihpr Tj. Barclay. MxTtihera are requested to attend. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M. DeLIN Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A- F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Thursday) evenlnir at 7:30 o'clock.- Labor in .the M. M. degree, visiting brethren al ways welcome. By order w. M. , FRED L. OLSON. Sec. ' WAVERLT LODGBJ. TJ. D.. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communications this (Thurs day) evening at 8 P. M.. Waverly ball. E.- 26th and Clinton. Vlsltlne brothers By order M. H. C. VERRINPER. Sec HAWTHORNS LODGE NO. '111. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) at 4:30 and 7:30 P. il. Work in the F. C. degree. ' Dinner at 8:30. Visiting- breth welcome. ren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Secretary. . KENTON LODGE NO. 145, A. F. AND A, M. Stated com munication today (Thursday), May 20, at 7 P. M. sharp. Work In M. M. degree. Vis iting brethren welcome. F. ROBINSON. Sec MEMBERS OF CORINTHI AN CHAPTER ars requested to attend funeral services of our late brother. Past Patron John Green, al the Portland Crematorium. Thuradav. 2 P.M. By order Worthy Matron. MYRA G LINES. GET , READY .for the bift- picnic slven by the Maxtera and Wardens' and Past Mast ers' association at Forest Grove for the Mason lo and Eastern Star home fund on Monday. May 31 . All mem bers of the fraternity and frlenda invited. MOU N T SCOTT CHAPTE R. iv o. 1 1 u, u. is. . siaiea com munication .this (.Thursday) evening. 4. un:n r rhwRU. Secretary. RTTCEMAV In this city, ilav 18. Cath erine U. Rlneman, aged toi yearsr momer of Mrs. Ella Hocker of Jopltn, Mo.; E. W and F. S. Rlneman and Mra. B. L. Stanford of this city. The. remains a:e at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth-- No tice, of funeral later. KtTRZ In this city -at his late residence, Charles KUra,- late oi tne wmmesen hotel, father of Charles Kurz Jr. of 2l4 Crosby street, i ne remains are at r in 'leys, Montgomery at. ma. poi funeral uereazter. McNEEL The remains of the I: McNeel will be forwarda May 20. at 9:30 A. M., to Ur where service and intermei place. Arrangements) in -fan & Tracey; GOULD May 19. 1920. - M unud. a ice h. vears. n m days; lata of 807 Jarrett atr at R. F. Byers' parlors. i avenue. Funeral announce: DOWNING In this city. M Downing, axed 3 years. later. Remains are at th parlors of Miller & Tracey HATS In this city. May 10, t. hava. uitea years. Hoi man's funeral parlors... Salmon streets. Notice of -fti IXNEBAI NOTICES."4 RRBEN' In this citv. Mar 18. 1030. Johfc W . Ureen, ase w years, past master oi ML Tabor lodee No. 42. A. F. and- A. M-; past patron of Corinthian chapter No. A. O. S. 8.; member of Al Kader tmple. Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles, of the Mystic Shrine, W. O. W. No. 77 and Portland Typographical union. Funeral services will be held today (Thursday), May 20, at 3 P. M.. from the Portland Crematorium, under the auspices of Mt Tabor lodge No. 42. A. F. and A. M. Friends invited. Funeral arrangements In care of Ericson Undertaking company. ROSSMAN In this city, at his late resi dence, -US H. OWtn Sl. r-. -tl, juuu.. William Rosaman, sged tt yeara hus band of Jane Rownan; father of Roy G. and B. Blaine Rosaman and Mrs, Mabe! Krows of Seattle,, Wash.; stepfather of Vera Shaddick and James Goods of this city: Mrs. Mildred Reese of Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs. Jennie Miller of Walla - Walla, Wash. Funeral services wui te he'd this rrnursaoyj morning st iu o'clock at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Incineration at the Portland crematorium. ARNOLD At Seattle, Wash.. May IT. Nora T. Arnold, aged 'JS years, beloved wife of Howard Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mre. C. J, Nelson, sister of 4rs. Jack Strudgeon, Mra Clarence Kasch, Miss Lucile. Harold and William Nel- - eon, all of this olty. Funeral cortege will leave the residence. 1W72 E. Salmon " st.. Thursday. May 20, at S:0 A. M.. 'thence to the Ascension church. Cast 7th and Morrison streets, where re auiem mass will be offered at 0 A. M.; r interment at Rose City cemetery. Ar rangements in cr of- Miller A. Tracey. STEWART May 18. Elisabeth Stewart, of Nova Scotia, aged 6 years, beloved aunt of William R. Jenkin.son of Astoria. Or Mrs. F. G. BUeg. Emily. Esther, Duncan and Alice 8tewart of Portland. Funeral services will be held from St. Philip Neri church. East Sixteenth and Hickory streets, today (Thursday. May 1G). at 9 A, M Interment Ml Calvary cemetery. DUFF In this city, at hia late residence. Kits Rant Kalmon street. May 18. James Duff, aged 77 years, husband of ElUa-J-- beth uuit. xainer oi iitmu w. uuu of this city, and Isabelle Duff of New York City. Funeral services 'will be held today (Thursday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M at Flnley'a, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. . lntermep at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. HOWLAND In this city. May 17, Elvtra Greene Howland. aged SO years, late of t h& Mann home, mother of Harry H. Howland of Oakland. Cel., and sister of Mrs. M. A. Holt of Fall River, Mass. Funeral services will be held Friday, May 21, at 2:30 o'clock at Finley's. Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. - In terment at River.View cemetery. WIGGINS At the residence, 241 H Clay street. May 15. 12U. ueorfce - wifrtTins. aged 66 years, beloved husband of Helen Wiggins- ana orotner or rrann Wiggins of Astoria, Or. Friends invited to attend th funeral services at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M. Saturday May 22, 1020. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. FIT55GJC RALD At Sandy. Or., May I. Mary rTisgeraia. agea e years. Deioved. a-Jfe of Hugh Fltxgeratd. Funeral serv ice!' will be held Friday, May 21. at St. MichaeVa church at Sandy. Or., where requiem mas will be offered at 10 A. M. Interment at Handy, Or. Ar rangements In care of Miller A Tracey. TANXLER The funeral services of the late Kasper Tanninr, aged 80 years, who died In Hillsdale. Or.. May 18. 1V20, will be held today. (Thursday), May 20. at P. M.. from the church at Hillsdale by Bertha station. Friends invited. Interment Greenwood cemetery. Direc tors. Skewea Undertaking company. BAER At Hoqutam. Wash., May 18. 1020, Kstner uaer, agea w years, beloved wife Oi J unua j-u Der, r nanai invuva to at- j tend the funeral services at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon 1 streets, at 10 A. M. today (Thursday), i May 20, 19-0. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. BARCLAY In this city.' May, IS, 192a Lawrence uarciay, agea w years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at " Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Sal mon streets, st 4 P. M. today (Thurs day). May 20, 1820. - Interment- Green wood cemetery. HOWLAND Funeral services of Mrs. El vtra Howland. widow of the late J. B. Howlaad, motfcer of Harry Howlsnd, will be held at Finley's chapel Friday, Mny 21, 1920, at 2:U0 4?. M. Friends Invited. MILLER The funeral services of the late .Henry Miller will be held todav (Thursday-. May 20. at 0 A. M., at the funeral parlors of A. D- Kenworthy eV Co., i82 r.hii4 02d st. a E.. In Lenta. Interment Multnomah cemetery. . KEWBY The remains of Baby Vewby. belovvd Infant child of Mr. and Mra x M. A. Newby. were interred Wednesdav, May 1. at Multnomah Park cemetery under direction of JaJUer V Tracey. al Vzon. sir k ' ' it lake I I Vr l J III . CRose m lotice ,e Intial b! fin?-a" I - f- rCKEMT- CARS. ; LIMOUSINES for funeral tervlra. ' JONBS AUTO . LIVERT. MARSHAL,!- 114. FCNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning &-McEntee "INERAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral horned Morrison at 1-th St., west side. Phone Broadway 430, Automatic M5-0&. Tbe Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note Wfl have no branches nor. any con nections whatever with any other . - undertaking. lrm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. -' Third and Salmon sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Punent Service for Less. " Independent- Funeral Directors. Washington Street, between 2uth, and -1st Streets, "West Side, - ' Lady Assistant. Main 2691., 578-85. J. P. FINLEY & SON - FUNERAL DIRECTOR8. Main 9. ' Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral Darlore with f I rri hHv.pv nf a home. 16ih .nd Everett ts. Teleohone Broadway 'ZZZ. Automatic 021-33. - F. S- DtJNNING, INC. 414 E. Alder. Phono East 52. Perfect service, nrnnnu f rlircciinn fVa use of floral chapel and auto equipment- DOWNING & McNEMAR Buccmor to Wilson & Ron, Multnomah at Kaat 7th. Kant 64. Irvlngton district. P. L. LERCH li.f 7?rth "t l?TJTPOf Twelfth and Morrison Stft. JCLilvlUoUIV Broadway S5a4. A. D. KENWORTHT & CO. E802-O4 93d St., Lenta Tabor 5267. AR 7CI I FR Pfl 592 Wiliams ave. i, lii X.CLLI.n WUi Eaat 1088. C 10R. BREEZE & SNOOK 11:.?!!?, BKEWES UNDERTA KITv 3 COMPANY. Sd and Clay. U. 4153. A 1 Jtay ssmslsnu KLORIST8. 328 MorrisonSt. i 11 it 12.a1 Ma, 7.t 'ZSSTi- 348 MorrisonSt.' -stores - ' ceT.Drawjirarit nai Charge Accounts aoncneo. Smith's Flower Shop Pit- I I - I 1 e " Portland's nrosresBlve florist. We froecial ize in funeral desiKns. 141 lh 6th. opposite Meier & rranK s. Alain .-io. JAPAX FLORIST 16S-170 -4th st. Firehouee Market. All kinds of flowers. Bedding and) vegeta ble plants, Japanese shrubbery, nursery stock, tubs, baskebe, gar den seeds. Special sale. , MARTIN & FORBES CO. . .. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 260. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. ' PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays 1.50 up. Bdwy. 2S70. 65 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 28T Washlnston St., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A. 1161. Rates for Classified Advertisements The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday . . - Per lino One time , 12c Two comecative times 22c Three cbnscative times. .......... .3(c Seven consecutive times...". 6 lie Tbe following clAsaif lent Ions excepted, the rate of which is Be per line pe,r day: Situations Wanted Male. Kit nation Wanted Female. No nd taken for Icrta than two lines. Count six words to tbe line. AdvertiHemenis (except "Person als' and "Situations Wanted) will he taken over the telephone If the adver tiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over thn phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for The Dally Oregonian until ?:SO P. M. : for The Sunday Oregonian until F. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. - Phone Main 378 from 8 A. t. to 5 P. M. The society has full ehargre of the city f ound at its home, 535 Columbia bou-evu-r- -Phone any time, WooUlawn 764. Xofca tor sale. Horse ambulance for sick, or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray - animals cared fop. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. plcKed ud free of charge. JiKW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets We. Call and Deliver) -Old Ros:. d Woolen Clotblnsr. W . Make Reversible. Hand-Wovea FLUFF RUGS - , BMm-Slu Fluff Rasa. Waves. RiK Riri W.wi All Sis... Clattie. Cleaning and Dyelnst Uenta. Mail Orders SCSI lor Booklet. -Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning (xia Roira. Steamed Cleaned. S1.50 WESTERN FLIFF RUG CO. 64 I plus Ave N. rk,e Kant 631 Irvington Ideal Home " $21,000 200x100 Corner 10 rooms, large living: room and din ins; room In solid oa-k, library and sun room, 2 fireplaces first floor, Z baths and 6 bedrooms. McDonnell, liast 419. $8950 MT. TABOR V Worth ELABORATE HOIHE, PRACTICALLY Jflne rooms. Urge ground. Tou'll like it. You 11 be lucky person to eecure It lor J8950. Main 405. G. r. C01.DKBERi; IMirtm Bltlsr. -3.1 Iran la Portlaad" IRVINGTON HOME . $8250 ' Pin. artistic, roomaln Ivory and ma hosranv: sun room, breakfast room, French .doors, four bedrooms, tile bath, glass-inclosed sleeping porch, hardwood, floors, all in perfect condi tion. . McDONELL, East 419. STORAGE SPACE Ia.Mllsrats Oar Plaat anil Rate. Why Assume Expensive Leases liaaw : CLAY S.M0RSE, INC. Dr.TsuK. mu4 Stance.' I St a sss Ullus. P.os. Atdwr. S47. Mortgage Loans Irsseat lat.i-eat rateat Installment rs 7Dtst. If dealrrd. Bntldlma loaa sade. No delay la closlnr- A. H: BIRRELL GO. tl7-21 HoilswnUrs Bssk BatlJIan. V . sl.rss.ll ; V , ft NEW TODAY. 4 hi - a- I e- ? 1 L . Thene two houses are vacant; one on Eai lStn ana Couch; the other at 7lil Kast Broadway. Will either sell or rent. If you will purchase these you can fix the price; if you want to rent, we will fix the price. HARVEY WELLS & CO., -- 602 Gasco lildg. sfciiOecnpnaij 6araiesj - Erectrd In Portls-nd ANT WHERE, In sect. .put t aether. Easy foi erect In a day. Our or SHirPED ions ready to for one man to. cash nrtces. factory direct to" you. no middle man, mean a GREAT SAVlNti. Send 'or circular. Call at factory. AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS - . This low. ramblinsr bungalow; built of holl6w tile, enormous living room with extra larpe fireplace, Tulpcn kitchen, two large porches, one of which 1b lars-e enough for two'.or three beds. The house has bath and toilet, concrete basement and splen did furnace. The ground consists of 4 acre frantlntr on both tinner and lower drives. Both tbe ground and the house are in a very poor condition, but the possibilities for improvement are unlimited, and the price, $4200. certainty should make this an. attract ive piop.jKiuoo, ana we ininK mat ine bouse alone could not be duplicated or this price, $lb50 cash, balance $20 monthly. -. FltED W. GERMAN CO, 72 Chitnlrfr of Commerce. NOB HILL HOME for $7000 6 large rooms, fireplace, furnace. buffet, Z bedrooms and den. This is a fine home in exclusive district on west aide. . ' ' MRS. LUCIliS. Tabor 3089 "for appointment. WIS CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETs, Ron and Woolen Clotblnc FLUFF RUGS 11 Work Turned Oat Promptly Rag Kng V oven AH Mm Mail Order. Send for Booklet. Carpet Cleaoea, Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO. ' IKS hlmmt 8th St. ft Pnone Kt V, - Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS - Called fctatea B.'li Bnlldlaa BEAL E3IAIK. ON THE OREGO.V CITY CAR LINE. Ka. . A ' beautiful modern suburban home, plate glass windows, brass trim- mrns, on 1 H acres grround witb bearing fruit and roses of all kinds; private watlr system all over the place: fur nished. - ' 7 . No. 2. 10 acres unimproved, near Lentat cheap. No. 3. A beautiful 5 acres, well improved, srood buildinKS, fruit, in Vancouver.. No. 4. A modern brick apartment house on the west side, all full and doing hotter than V'7o net. A snap; pact trade and terms. No. &. X beaitlful 9-roomed modern house, on East 21st street: corner, fur nace and built-ins; part cash . and ' terms. . No. C. $.".000 equity In an Improved 39 acres, close in, tur a bungalow, .or ' wnat have you? --. No. 7. .Alfalfa farm. In' pentral Oregon; both larise ard small. -CAMIBliLL,-PHEl-A.V UXD. A . I'ATTLK CO.. 30a Couch Bldg. ' l-'or bale -Flat and Apartment: Property. tZO.noo. - DOWNTOW N FLAT -V ON IttTH. NEAR MORRISON",. 50x100 lot and fine four family bldg. You don't need to worry about car serv ice . here. ,- . RTTTER LOWE & CO.. ' -201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. INCOME PROPERTY J15.000. - 4 -part y flat; modern. 5 large rooms, ath, fireplace, furnace, full cement 'basement and large balcony for-each iiac J-rOt is juuxiuti, cor. on JMtb tit.. ' 1 block from carl Ine; walking dis tance. Income will net IO per cant. Eat 2871. BROADWAY (FLAT $12,004.1 Y - Large roomy well-built. 4-famiJy -bldg., fine location, walking distance front center of otty. handy to school, car, etc This is a real good Investment. -R1TTRK LOW E A CO., , -- .201-3-5-7 Boa rd of .Trade bldg. rr 4 FAMILY FLAT ... $J5uO. " " Kast Burn side, near 28th. Reason able rental value $14n per month. RITTKR LOW E A CO.? 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade hldg.- Bf owner, close-in 12-room H. K. apart ment; netting. $IOO; Just .repapered and painted; low rent: rjionlng water la rooms: easily operated See this today after 10. $1250. terms. 3W Clay st. WEST BIDE Three 2 -fa tally flat ld7s! ; fine lo'-omt; niodnrn; consider J soma trade. Owner In flat, S49 6th st. . For feale Beaeh IVojerty. X WANT to buy a nice or 7-room cottage at KeaMde. Or. John D.. Wilcox, 414 Pit toe k -hock. t : TRADE or sell two lota, small house JCockaway beach- Columbia, 555.- man. mean a GREAT RAVlNd. Jl Send 'or circular. Call at factory." f, n See llfe-Ftze sample. Pj I RGD1MADK UtlLDINO CO.. 1 L SIS E. 11th St t blka. S. Hawthorne. J ft . Phono Kast 6114. Portland, Oregon. I SEAL ESTATE. Jar Bale Bcacn Propertj. FOR SAT.E Tn Hermosa" Park. Seasld.. Or., one.- ti-rnnm house, on. 4 - room whouse. one tent house, all furnished, on lOOxllX): price H2b0. halt cash. Houses "now rented tor season tor $400 and lent 'house will earn $75 or buyer cair-llve . in It. Or will sell all on SOxlOO tor $::roo. for cash, balance first mort- .... ... - .... M- will sell .Mix 1 1'Q wah' 4-room house' and tent house tar I 1750. alt cash. Apply on premise. 620 I Thlrst. South. May i to u, mciwin, or 404 Railway Exchange, . Portland. Main 3109. - FOR ALE Or will rent or leas, twe choice loU BOxHO feet, at Tlllamoslt beach, so beard walk, county roaa ase railroad; near aatoce pavuioa aaa mm aadress i tu. ureaoniaa. MODERN 8 -room furnished house (2 fire-J m a.at t i i. -. n . r k . wa?n.. wim . lpts. Bit: bargain at $i000. Would take w lutn im tn f l sou. bal. cash. bos Clerk at 404 Washlnitpr. st. after 6. .JO evenings, or room ow si c.v ASTORIA, Seaside. Ecola lots; Hit or X- chan ge. Ha mllton. Mam '27. J LOTS at DeJra; Beach. i0O. Call Tabot 7 4tW. ' For hetie Lota. PARKROSB ACRES. . TA0 TO &0 ; PER ACRK. Ain lvrner hnrlh nf SinflT D T V J. rcolumol hi?hway. Just outside city .most 'of the ,trct are cleared; some fcav timhor! ldaf location. In a rapidly growing, pronperoua action: low county I Max: no street improvement w This la m-rtmrlskff ill nnnnrt llfrt t T for 1H vestment. a thU land... a aellrip for about ..R..rA..rth Ka M-i.M nf KnutiT Parkro- .Branch office on Bandy bjvd. at end oi J Parkroae ernrlln. upn every day. J. I. KARTMAN COMPANY. 1 Cbmba Ol Com. Bide. Main. 08. WIfi PAT EXPF7NSES OF TRIP TO CKIRHART.RY.THIS-SEA. rhnic . KiiiiHinv intx at Oearhart are I . being -offered for sale at low cost and on easy payments. $100 to $auo. - I - down,- lo per month. If you buy a lot we refundthe cost or round trip. Mr. Harkson. now at Gearharu Gear hart home. $1300." - See 6-room house, ground 150x100: large I barn and woodshed. House in good con- - ULUOU. OTTO Ai HARKSON. 413 Chamber "ot Commerce. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE FOR THE FIRST TEN 1AJ'J SOLD IN" WALNUT PARK. Evervbodv knows, or should know. when build Ins: maierial comes down. but will advance. Why wait? Make your selection In beautiful Walnut Park . todav. Office closed Friday. This offer holds good until Tuesday evening. Prices are placed very low. First come, first served. You should call a twice on owner, - W. M. Killingsworth. Office. 1149 Union ave. N. : office hours. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Phono appoiuimer.ts. Wdln- 304 or . i . WAVRRl.KlliH HEIGHTS. 2 LOTS. Lota 18 and 19, block 11, on Franklin st.. bet. 29th and 31st: caved at. and alt citv liona ail paid; pric $IK.0. terms, or $1750 caah; alio lot 6. block 8. on Ken- u wort a ave., near ran k tin. ior .inj, ' terms, or $7O0 cash; every thine paid. xnese ar nargains. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318-321 -Board jpt Trad. Main 7452. " rptVtjttititt. "WTTSITOVP;R"'L."OiT. , 11 Commanding view of entire city. 50 bv 112 feet, ideal home ite. This prop erty is be-in sacrificed by tne owner at an extremelv low urice: Daved street. sidewalks, sewer and water all, clear I at terms. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO. ' 633 N. W. Bank bid. Main 378T. LAURELHURST BACRIFICE. If vrni Intend to build fn Laurelhurat. bv al) means see this beautiful 60x100. commanding unsurpassed view of park 1 and city: just west of Floral avenue, on cunrnat; seeour sisn on it- uniy j.ouv. an tree ana ciear. VaclNXES A PRATT. Main 3S68. 41 a Board of Trade Bids;. GKT an -arly selection on one of these beautiful wooded home sites near Jef ferson htRh and Peninsula park; no lot smaller than Mix 100, some SOOxlttO. Prices low as ru(i, sou cud. siu montniy. JOHN80N.DODSON CO.. 3S N. tV. Bank blds;. Main 878T. $000 ONE of the .finest build inr lota in Kose City far: all ciearea; has been . plowed twice; practleally level with t- 1 block from the Alameda drive on E. 40th St.: hard"-vurfaea at. and sewer In. call Ta Dor ii7o. FOR SAUE7 Lot 75x140. ML Tabor district. coca location, srooa view, rooa neifnoor- hood. In every way desirable. Cash, 11250; "terms. IM00. Tabor UHiq, BEAUTIFUL lot. 50xIO0, block 25. lot 10. . on 5ith st.. lieaumont: all street work ' done; sells at your own price. 2063 . Orange v .yaKl.aaa' J1- FOR SALE Good comer lot, northwest ) corner Sixtn. Last liurnside; also good corner lot. 17th and K. ' DavU; terms. Phone owner. Kast -1 04. NUMBER of fine bldg. lets, Clinton near 43d st.. Richmond dist.. 300 each. each.' Owner. J.- H. McMahon. S60o E. 43d st. Tabor&3oL near Lents school; sidewalks and graded I streets. Will sacrifice for J50. AR 405, Oregonian - For Savle Houses, BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR BUNGALOW, 1S750. This is one of the prettiest places we have to. offer. In a natural setting of fir trees on the eastern slope of Mt. Tabor, It commands a wonderful view of Mt. Hood and surrounding country. Modern and up-to-date throughout, large living room extending across whole width of house, dining room. Dutch kitchen breakfast nook . and 2 bedruom. down stairs, 1 large bedroom upstairs, hard wood ttoors, lreplace, ivory linlan, ce ment basement, furnace. This pjace was built by th. owner for a home and has been occupied by him for only few months. Terms. J. L.. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg., 4th and stark sis. Alain $7000 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME A BARGAI? TERMS. Six rooms sleeping porch and maid's om: strictly modern; fine basement. laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, buiit-lns. corner. R3xlO0: garage, 2 blocks from car; all city liens paid; this- is priced very low for quick asale and possession can be bad In very short lime. Main 77. Mariels or Wllliamrf. 620 Cham, of Commerce bldg. S5250 ONLY foO0 DOWN $5250. . Here is the niftiest 5-room bungalow you nave ever seen and a .mighty fine nnv at ttkim orice: finished in lvorv throughoat, fine oak floors, furnace, ar tistic .replace,. In 15x27; cement base ment; located In nice part of Rose City Park; shown by appointment. HOLDEN A KOHLMAN 22 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 550.. SNAP CLOSE IN. "2 blocks from LHurelhurst. 7-room house, in fine condition: living room with fireplace, dining room, bedroom and kitchen on lower floor; 3 bedrooms and bathreom on ?d floor; nice lawn and shrubOo"-. Has furnaee and laundry - tray sr S4ino. jtuuu down. Act quickly. See McClure at HcnmaucU (JO.. 300 1 tall- way Exchange Diog. FOR SALE Bf owner, 6-room house on Improved street Mooem piumoing, iire ninrA. cement basement, furnace, ara rage, bearing fruit and nut trees, berry b'ushea and shrubbery; on 100x100 with - alley. Price s-i.ou, reasonable terms. This place must be seen to be appre ciated. Call -870 Halghx av., or phone 313-37. - YOUR OWN TERMS. tlflWV-VACANT- VACANT $1950. 'NR. PENINSULA LUMBER CO. MILL. ' Kteht-room house, plumbing, gas. etc House In good condition, Just painted and nanered Inside: nice lot: several fruit trees. This beats renting and your terms are our. Main 7907. Mariels or Will, lams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4ROOM MODERN B.UNGALOW SUNNYSIDB NEAR 82D AND ALDER. Cosy 4, rooms, full cement basement, furnace; , butU-lns, Dutdi kitchen; aell for $a!00. Call Tabor 8152. "$5r,no WEST SIDE BARGAIN $5500. Willamette Hts., tt-r. modern, built by owner for home: leaving city; your chance to gat a close-In home on terms. CHAS. RINGLER A CQ.. 225 Henry Bldg. 734 E. BURN8IDE, NEAR E. 22D. Large room house with .bedrooms, in splendid condition throughout; lot 45x 10O. Price $40u0. East 2S71. . . S35O0 FURNISHED T-r. house, close in, 3rtt fan Raffael st.. frojcioo lot, 15 large fruit trees, paved sts.; term. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.; 223 Henry Bldy. . 1 TO CLOSE ESTATE. ' Will aell 5-room house, 09. E. SOth at.', near carlina. H. 6. straety $1800. at JR71. - . . - . WiiST SilDE, 8 rooms, ivery fJnifh, fur nace, fireplace; hardwood floors; lot 50x100; very convenient trm can be ar ranged. Owner. Main 4802. TO COLORED . FOLKS ONLY Ptr!otiy modern iwlil uuiikaiuw. nwinnrn. close in. very desirable neighborhood f aoapi fjovU, terms. Jk.tr t, ere go man. SEAL ESTATE. LOOK AT THIS. EOW RAMRI.INO CALIFORNIA . BUNUALOW ONLY SIS50. "Located in a beautiful rrove of fir -trees on 40xll'0-ft. lot, 2 block from Woodstock car. large cheerful r.vmg room with fireplace, dinina room. 1 bedroom and kitchenette; lata of berries ana shrubs, plenty oi room lor a lartre garden. This w;ll make a snus; little ome for a small family wl shin K to live farther out from town; I10O0 cash, bal ance io per montn. j. l.. uarima COMPANY, T Chamber of Com. Bld. MR. WORKING MAN. 11800. half cub. balance like rent, buys -room cottage ana ff&rajre wun uim lot. near Lnion ave. and Alberta st. I b) k. from car. A sac rif ie , by o w ner compel ted to leave city. S300 cash. at 6 ter cent Hayable like rent, buys rood 6 -room cottn e within 20 minuter' walking dlsUtap.ee. Owner! alcknesa lore Ins ake. IS 00 cash. SI 400 navable like rent, buys good fl-room house. I u. rice lot. abundance ot fruit; blka from car. My pleasure to show these or others Upon your request. K. PIERSON. 415 Chamber of Commerce bldff. Marshall 37 Id. HOME BUYERS ATTENTION. $3000 We want the opportunity to show yon this bungalow horn of a rooms and bath down, with attic for two or three additional rooms. Fireplace, but It-Ins, full cement basement, wash trays. Come in ' and see tbe photo of this and many other remarkably good buys. The values we have to offer and not expert salesmanship is . wh gets us the results. We have buys that were we to fully describe them you would not expect to find them as advertised, for instance the home above advertised is on paved street in and paid for. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exch. Main 10.H and 593. 'ONLT $7000. Here Is Something Good; Right on i-oveiy corner. Beautiful nlaee nn Enit Tavlnr - rlnnn in and handy to two ca.r lines; fine up-to-. date houses, freshly painted, on one of the uKjem iuus in town, u rouna. nave heavily-bearing fruit trees, grape vine, rose bushes and nice lawn. This is a fine home and a wonderful place for chil dren. The surroundine niL'hh(.rhnM l excellent. Let us take you to see for 515 Cham, of Com,. Main-1065. In Irvine-ton: 7 mnmR in ivnrv best locatioa.,must be soid; -'S00; cheap VAST 1347. 64 KAST 12TH ST. NORTH. BEATJTlKUId IRVINGTON 300 VACANT VACANT SEE THIS. 7 rooms, strictly modern : fine base ment. fUmaC lalindrv ( ru vb t ran 1 ... r-m hardwood floors; in the finest cundhloiu jut nuwiy pamtea ana thoroushly dec . orated; lot 50x100. This is a barxain and cap be haUon terms. Be sure and uiiyb out ana sen 11 innav. M:nn ivtii. Mariels or WilUama. H2M Chamber of commerce otug. $4T50. . $4730. KUKH CITY PARK rORNRU 6-room modern bunealow in the heart Of this exclusive district, lust been re finished Inside and out. hardwood floors, oen, all buiit-lns, furnace, fireplaee. ce ment basement; inspect this snap and be convinced. HOLDEN A KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. bldg- Main 60. JJSft 'OUR OWN TERMS A SURE ENOUGH BARGAIN. 8-room plastered double constructed house, small basement, cood plumbing:. electric lights, gas. lot DoxlOO. with lots or berries. iNow. don t holier Kfc.N PROF1TKBR when you can buy a place like tnis on your own terms. Mam Marieli or Williams. &20 Chamber of Commerce niag. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? we, design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plan and finance, rstaoasnea ten years. W offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc. 024 INv w. Jtfani. oiag. S6500. TWO HOUSES FOR TWO FAMILIES TOGETHER. a rooms, full cement basements, wash trays. W. E. plumbing, corner 50xlO0 lot on w litiafljs ave.. in walking distance. Jjouble garage, oement oriveway. WELLER A R1XEHAKT. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4503. CLOPE-IX HOMS BARGAIN. Must dispose of my ft-room home, mod m. with lurnace, an improvemen paid; half block south of Hose Cit car. No. 46 Last, lbih st. north.. See owner. PORT LA M HEIGHTS. SIX LARGE ROOMS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE. FIVE THOUSAND. TERMS. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, SLEEPING PORCH. TWENTY-EIGHT HUNDRED, TERMS. MAIN 5450 1125 GASCO BLDG. BRAND-NEW, dandy bungalow in re stricted district, near (food carl in a; o nice rooms and bath, breakfast nook; all built-ins; cement basement, sidewalks and streets all in and paid. This is an up-to-date horn for only K6500. Terms if wanted. Main 7141 or Marshtfll 2003. Ask for Mr. Smock. 32.-.0 ROSE CITY. A typical bungalow with all the mod ern features. A better home never was built for price. Terms. Owner now in Calif.; wife must sell. Main 4S03. G. C GOLDENBER.i Abington Bid;?. "S3 Yra. in Portland. I 2500 COZY 5-room cottage, commanding I wonderful view of the city, lot 50x100, abundance of fruft. flowers anu shrubbery. has . lull cement - basement and in excellent condi tion. Terms If desired. Marshall 3UD3. REAL SNAP OWNER GOES TO CALI FORNIA. -room modern, w ith furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, etc., for only S4750; terms. J. BOBBINS, 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 701. $2700 BUNGALOW $2700. 4 rooms and large attic, mod., blk. to or, near schools. This double-const., but it by present owner, wanting larger house: $500 cash will handle. Marshall -3352, Tabor 300 eve. 404 Couch bldg. J. B. ROCK CO. ROSS CITY DISTRICT Bungalow. 4 rooms, s.'4ftO ; tine condition, bath. elec. lights, gas; 60x100 lot. An awfully pretty little home, 2 blocks south Pandv. You'll be sorry if you are too late. S24r0: X500 cash. T22 K. 75th st. N. Tabor R704. THIS ONE BARGAIN LEFT. 7-room modern house in Beaumont, near car; all rooms large: 94500; $l.,oo cash. bal. easy; will selT with fK)xloo if desired. It is among $701,0 homes; a coat of paint, then the same price for this one. Marshall 3352. BEAUMONT Modern 6-room home, 1-rge livinig room, dining room. Dutch-kitchen, white -enameled, hardwood floors, fire place, buiit-lns,. 3 bedrooms) and sleeping porch; large clothes closets: lot 50x100; loganberries. cherries and shrubbery. ' Call East 2604. 45t Weidler. - ft(M)WNTR LEAVING CITY SftO. Furnished 5-room. attractive home. ' South Portland, on river bank. fine view of Oaks, ideal place to live and save money. CHAS. RINGLER, 225 Henry B I f g. 5-ROOM modern house on East 17th and Nehalem sts.; one store with fi rooms, modern, on 13th. neai Lexington, in Sellwood. These two place-s can be bought at a sacrifice: must sell; $20O0 each. Sell. 168S. No agents. $14.r.00 for $50. Mt. Tabor mansion, liko new. ' 8 rms.( nlrictly modern, large ground; view. Main 4803. ,. " . G C. GOLDENBER AHngton Bldg. "33 Yra. in Portland. WTBERG HEIGHTS. Beautiful corner, fot 90x100 with mod ern home, hot water heat, screened throughout front and back porches; also sleeping porch, ample grounds, well ar ranKed, garage: tti.M.O, terms, THOMSON. 620-21HENRY BLDG. JOOxlOO AND 2 houses, close in, east side, yielding good income onj price. Two-flat building, BOxlOO lot: close In. central east ldc; bargain price and terms. . I. G. DAVIDSON. Pl Cham, of Coin. IRVINGTON ri800 rooms, fireplace. tak floors, 65 E. J'th N. Seen by appointment- .Neuiiausen. Main 8073. BEAL C5TATB- Tor hale -Houses. BlHK-CAHEf COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY-SAVIUOB COM PANT. Main 747. 21 Railway Kxchanre Bldg. REAL, SERVICE TO HOME SKEKK. The public is invited to eome to our show rooms on the second floor of tit. Railway Exchange Bide.. Sd and Stark sts and Inspect the photo, of huUjdred. of homes for sale. A show room crowd, ed with real home bargains, ach dis trict represented and grouped separately. In a few momenta you can see th. photos of 50 Alberta homes, rt of Rom City Park's best buys, etc Eight sales men with autos will gladly show you these homes without obligation. . SPLENDID ROSE CITY BUT. ISOvu u-story all modem exclusive home with hardwood floors throughout downstairs. beam ceiling and panel walls In dining room, French doors, all built-in fea tures, furnace, fireplace. Interior In white enamel, paved streets. Gui It-edge value will arouse your enthusiasm. Make an appoint ment to see this home today sura. I10U0 down. ROSE PITY. Here is another good J -story T- , room all modem home on K.'Sth, t. Furnace rireplsLca, hardwood floors, s rooms, d.n and toilet nri noor. s ugnt airy bedrooms, bath and toilet second floor. Un usual value J"or the money ner.. Terms. CLASSY LITTLE ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 33o0 On 73d St.. a block south of Rose City car, is this quaint up-to-dal. little 4-room bungalow. Interior in mission style, large built-in buffet. One bed room with .ad ditional folding bed In living room, white enamel Dutch kitch en with breakfast nook. This home is In A-l shape Inside and Sow -noio corner loL ilooo xoiwv '"ARMING B PNG A LOW. ioVQO No finer location in Portland than the west slop, of Mt, Tabor. This strictly modern story and half 7 -room homo In like new. built only IS months. Interior In old ivory. You will find nothing to compare with It for ltK0 mor. ' n, th Price asked. Furnace, fireplace oak floors, all street liens paid in full. ilSoo down imvil'JSt balance Ilk. rent. EliHKU HAWTHORNB HOME. jo Completely furnished S-roora bun-i galow on a choice corner lot in the best residence portion of Hawthorne on ulenn ave. near JIawthorne ear. Furniture Is of the best and worth, conservatlve iy PmK,n.T5, 10O0. AttracUv. fireplace, built-in features, paved street paid. Immediate posses 4 TA'?,n-,.,,Jde"'rp1- cash. I3oi"2?M 7GAWW (VACANT). I3U0O Located on Oarfleld ave.. en. b och west of Union ave.: light. Si. dru0."mR- lar" "vlng room. dinty white enamel Dutch kltch. S?- retlnted throughout. best plumbing. Walking distance Sot-ferson- high. 700 down. ljno ALBEHTA SNAP. Suuu S-room bungalow on S5th st nuty and attractive. In good re pair; bath, toilet. cemeSl base ment, lruit trees, shrubherv --rl NEAR JXVLcnu , . . . . . . JoUU Here U a modern 6-room h,,n,.. '.w and stairway to Itrm . , ull cement basement, splendid hot lr paid in fu bearing" fruit 7?. 'vam.Mroei' ra"'. Oigantlo takes it "ney. tlUOO cash S"7zE5uLBV 1V SELLWOOD. ..oO Just a stone s throw off Mil fie on Ellis ave.. Is this 6- hih . i ",a "me Is In splen ti .t, repalr- very convenient, prac rae r';'inE'mnt; 60x100 lot; ga Cf' "I runway. ,iSou down. B1HR?.5K Payments. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY. ' CARRV.IsfS XX. " . 219 k 7487. AN IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 16000 takes the beat place that can be aJ Inlrvlngton for anywhere ne" this ETS? S-n,c5a".hffSS fh."0S uisr,' KV aa,d"',a'cdou.er'g.r.r,l"r:. ',? Thirs", be " ,,, w VANDU7N. 15 Cham, of Com. Main 1955. NOTICE ,m "L 'onvinleuc. of our clients w. opf-Svkm'I "1,ow room r.EVAM5NG3-AND SUNDAYS. GRaVh 1'WpUSANO PHOTO- M iwtoS" .,or "'" ur n dis play. Every dlslr ct. every tvoa of 5?opT; 7 HJndSff St KilahtfJJr io,n" .avn'-e of th.s ollghtful long evening, to look for mat iru.n.i . "own vnia evening a: oui- JRe.,PWa".',,t- interesting hou b K A. K I l r-r.i int. nd rs. xTice. Largest horn seller on the Pacific Ahlnrtrin Xl u . . ---.- -. . .nam luw, LITTLE CITV FIRM. a ie.r ,ls fr-"orfi bungalow 4 lota. Urge chicken housa oartitior - i . . . iC. j iigniea. rruit and ber-. h.i? ADundaJ. beamlful lawn, roses, shrubbery and flower; Lovely hedge hall. liv ng room, fireplace, dining room, built-in buffet, fine Dutch kitchen. rlse bedrooms, large floored atbio can be used for a sleeping porch. This, is a wonderful well equipped place for Marxian 3093 U yOUr OWX ,ruit- LIBER TY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE FOR THE FIMTTpJflOTS bOLD JN WALNUT PARK. wiSer ?Y, knows- or should know, when building material comes down, but will advance. Why wait? Make your selection in beautiful Walnut Park today. Office closed Friday. This offer ho.ds good until Tuesday evening. Prices are P.aced very low. First oome. first served. i ou should call at once on owner. W. M. Killingaworth. Office. 1149 Union ave N.: office hours. 10 A. M. to 4 Pbon appoiutments, Wdla. &304, o r t5 1 . MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. That will make you a delightful heme is offered for sale at a verv reasonable price, tfee these & pleasant rooms, all oa one floor: dandy fireplace, cement base ment and furnace; big front pqnh. fine view; all Improvements .In and paid, in a fine neighborhood. Only $4S00 with $1700 caah, balance mortgage at per cent with optional payments. MacINNES PRATT. Main S$o8. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. $2175 VACANT VACANT $1,475. NEWLY DECORATED. FINEST CONDTION. Six rooms, full basement, good plumb ing, electric lights, gas, lot 50x100. cor ner, near car, some fruit. This is just the cutest little place you ever saw, newly painted outnfde and decorated Instrie. and looks just like a new dollar. NOW R CUKE IN RENTING. We will show you this today, move In tomorrow. Very e-anv terms. Main 7J67. Mariels or Williams. S'-O Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAINS. $4SU0 Let us a how you this 6-room home in fine condition, finished fa white enamel. Fun ftOxlOO let. with st. imp. in and paid. Fruit. Owner leaving for the east very desirous of selling and will glv. exceptionally g4hd terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exch. Main 1U&4 and 583. WE HAVE been instructed to close out the remaining unsold lots in a beautiful addition near tbe Peninsula park; these lots are now being sold for $.V&0 for the best corners, which is less than one-half their former price; you can pay $." : cash. $11 monthly; also have some good ones for $300. $30 cash. $ a month. It s will pay you to investigate at once. JOUNSODODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. MODE KN . west-side home, large grounds, e'.fcKant rones and shrubs, natural trees, vrw of ciy, on ear IJn. ht water heat, fireplace, 4 sleeping rooms, 3 large porches, alt can be usd for sleeping porches. Price $14.oOO. Consider other good property to $7000 or $S000. Ne cash required. L. K. MOORE, 5f7 Board of Trade. - A BEAUTIFUL and well-constructed Rose . City home. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, spacious reception hall, fireplit.ee. fur nace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors, bpam ceilings; the bedrooms are large and light. Tt)ls la a corner with street improvements in. The lot Is improved with beautiful shrubbery. Price $6850. $2500 CH.ih, balance terms. JOHV'SON-DODSON CO.. 633 Nf. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. 3ao( ONLY IKWMl DOWN $3860. ROSE CITY PARK. . -Here Is a fine 6-room. 2-story house, located In the finest part of this ex clusive d-tstrict - below the hill, large living room. cov fireplace, nite buffet, cement basement, waah trays, sleeping porch; Investigate. HOLDEN A KOHLMAN. 22S Ch. of Com. bldg. -; Main 6550. iftVINGTON BUNGALOW You" ""haveVt ' seen it? G lovely rooms, s'eepfng porch, oak floors. Ivory finish, art papr, fire-' place, breakfast nook, garage: near ISrh and Siskiyou. Mrs.. Neuhauaen Main , $U78.