!9 as; Greet Foirtflainidl: Humdireds of TlioMsainidls of Vi: THIS MOHKIKG 01iEtiONlAi, VliDNliSlA Y. MAY saroirs liens m&m Summer a Clean, and-Span s s s v x. City X--.. 1 tHere ever was a time for property own ers and citizens of this fair citv to do their part in proving to the whole nation the beauty that is Portland's, it is now. Yaiiv rll7ir callsforyoutoputyour.hes't Jl OUr tlViC fJllUtS foot forward in greeting and welcoming the city's guests. That is just plain, old-fashioned civic hospitality. i than iust pride and the spirit of hospitality tHat urge U,t it IS IHOr yOU t0 ant Economy of your property values is the '-Save the Surf ace and You Save All1' A new building, well-pamtea so that rain and sun and wind cannot enter the cracks between board and the pores of the wood, brick or con crete, STAYS new. An old building, to arouse the big interest in "get ting ready" that the summer's events and the preservation of property values call for, a special week has been appointed and named well gone over by experienced paint ers, is RE-newed. In both cases you ADD TO THE VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY WITH PAINT. And CLEAN-UP AND ID) if TIT MAY ft 17 to Week 3 By the end of Clean-Up and Paint-Up Week every ' home, garage, business building- or other structure in the city of Portland and environs should be wearing a bright smile of welcome for Portland's visitors, every piece of machinery and other equipment should be put in order and its life prolonged by paint; front yards and back gardens should be looking their best. All this necessary "getting ready" should be com pleted then, or at least it should be well under way. For there is but little time left, if our city is to be ready to welcome handsomely the incoming hosts of Shriners, T P. A., Kiwanis and Rose Festival revelers. " - Make Your Plans Now For convenience in outlining your paint needs, use the blank form at the right. Take it to your painter or your nearest paint store and get assist ance in estimating quantities needed, attractive color combinations, etc. To do this proves you a good citizen and a thrifty property owner. Associated Paint Dealers of Portland j YOUR I W 1 I--PAINT NEEDS- I I BUILDINGS, outside: it Roofs: sq. feet to cover. Color II 1 Walls: sq. feet to cover. Color. Tl Trim: windows doors. Color V . Porch and Steps: . . . .sq. feet to cover. Color ' Screens: sq. feet to cover. Color BUILDINGS, inside: Floors: .sq. feet to cover. Color Walls: '. sq. feet to cover. Color, Moulding and wainscoting: ... .linear ft. Color Window and Door frames: windows doors Color GARAGE OR OTHER OUTBUILDINGS: Color FURMTURE: Kind of finish Number of articles AUTOMOBILES and other vehicles: Color TOOLS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT: