Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 19, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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This Home of Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes Is Also the
Appeal of Accused Attorney
Is Denied.
Home of Good Values
III TCf"-tl3" TC?1"- TG51 this week onlV III
li If iCd JL-yr At the Store Named Below
' mmmmammmm A 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent
" n i
.Appellant, However, TFill Be Per
mitted to Conduct Cases S'ow .
""ending Before Courts.
SJLLEM, Or., May .18. (Special.)
Lee Roy Keeley, Portland attorney,
was denied admission to practice law
in Oregon in an opinion written by
Justice A. S. Bennett and handed down
by- the Oregon supreme court here
today. In connection with the opinion,
however, it was ordered by the court
that Keeley should be allowed to con
tinue in the cases now pending: in the
courts of the state in which he ap
pears on record as art attorney.
"This privilege, of course," says the
-opinion, "is conditional upon his con
ducting such litigation with reason
able courtesy and respect toward the
courts and members of the bar with
whom he may come in contact in dis
posing of such cases."
Kely'a Rerord Investigated.
Keeley, according to the records of
the supreme court, arrived in Oregon
from California more than a year ago
and immediately thereafter made ap
plication to practice law in this state
upon a certificate of previous admis
sion to practice .issued in the state of
California. A temporary license to
practice was granted and the matter
was aftermard referred to the secre
tary of the Oregon Bar association
for investigation.
This investigation resulted In the
secretary filing objections to Keeley's
admission to practice in Oregon be
cause of alleged misconduct on the
part of the applicant. Three specific
allegations were preferred against.
Keeley. The charges later were heard
by the state board of examiners, with
the result that the first two objec
tions to. Mr. Keeley's admission were
dismissed for want of sufficient evi
With regard to the third allegation
the board, in part, said: "We feel
justified in submitting Mr. Keeley's
application without certificate and
transmit herewith transcript of the
testimony and exhibits offered at the
Caae Gwi Before Court.
On February 17. 1920, the matter
came up without argument before
the court upon the report of the bar
association, and the admission of the
applicant was denied. Keeley then
moved for a rehearing, at which ar
guments were presented upon each
tide. '
"The admission of an applicant to
practice law in Oregon is ultimately
and finally for this court and is a
matter of broad discretion," read the
opinion in part, "and we could no
doubt in a. proper case disregard or
suspend the rule and admit the appli
cant without the required recommen
dation. But it would have to be a
plain case before we would feel just
ified in doing so. We do not feel that
this is such a case.'
"The board of examiners is made
up of some of the most eminent and
reputable attorneys in the state. They
were chosen for that position on ac
count of their well-known fairness
and justness, and their peculiar fit
ness for the position. We do not
think, and there is no reason to think,
that any of them has the least preju
dice against or desire to injure the
Kiimlnrri Are Held Fair.
"One rrfember of the board, a very
eminent lawyer of the very best re
pute, was challenged by the applicant
on the ground of prejudice, and it
seems from the record that he volun
tarily withdrew and took no part in
the investigation. The report of these
examiners, which is admirable for its
fairness and temperate judicial tone,
was virtually against the admission
of the applicant, and we do not see
any reason for overruling their con
clusion. "It is perhaps due to the applicant
to say that we do not attach the ut
most importance to the charges of
moral and professional misconduct in
California. . . . They were more
in the nature of a slip, which any at
torney might make, and still intend
to be honorable and upright.
"As to the charges of social Im
morality at one time in the life of
the applicant, they occurred a num
ber of years ago, when the applicant
was a young man, and there is no evi
dence that his conduct in that regard
Ifas not since been good. .
atDre Held Intemperate.
"We think, however, that the appli
cant's general disposition, as disclosed
by his own evidence and his conduct
and expressions at the investigation,
fully justify the conclusion of the ex
aminers that they could not consist
ently recommend him for admission
to the bar. It is very evident that
his nature is a turbulent and intem
perate one."
Lumber Firm Incorporates.
SALEM, Or., May IS. (Special.)
T. T. Parker & Son Lumber company
Tiled articles of incorporation here to
day. The incorporators are T. T.
Parker, Gordon M. Parker and Stella
V. Parker, and the capital stock is
$50,000. Headquarters will be at Arlie.
Polk county. J. E. Adams, R. K.
Donough and Gus Gabrielson have in
corporated the Sanitary Strainer &
Novelty company, with a capital stock
of Jl 5.000. Headquarters will be in
Portland. The Silelz Valley Lumber
company has been incorporated by
George LaVson, A. H. Sanclstrom 'and
W. H. Marsters. The capital stock is
$25,000 and the headquarters will be
located at Siletz, Lincoln county.
"yOU know that the price of
anything is based on what
it costs to produce it.
You know the best materials
and highest grade labor cost
more than the. cheaper
You know also given the
best materials and best work,
the manufacturer who, can
produce a large quantity can
do it for less cost than the one
who produces a small quan
tity. These are simple, well-.known
business facts.
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes made
by the largest producer of clothing in
the world, made from best all - wool
fabrics, by highest class of skilled
tailors, do offer you more value for
every dollar you spend.
op-rtsht 1020, Bart Schaffner & Mux
You 11 Like This Spirit
Our aim in business is not to sell as much merchandise as pos
sible, but rather to make as many friends for this store as
possible. If we do that the selling will take care of itself.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Go.
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Fifth at Alder
Gasco Building
summerAvith uncle.
Lad Appears Happy, Dsplaying "o
Signs of Confinement on
Charge of Murder.
SALEM. Or.. May 18. (Special.)
Harold Howell, Bandon youth who
last Sunday was acquitted by a jury
in the Coos county courts on a charge
of murdering: Lillian Leuthold. was in
Salem today on his way to Monmouth,
where he will spend the summer on
his uncle's ranch. The lad appeared
happy during his stay here today, and
displayed no signs of his long- con
finement In jail. He would make no
comment regarding: the charges pre
ferred against him or his trials other
than he was happy to be free.
Oliver O. Howell, father of the boy,
spent more than an hour at the
statehouse conferring: with members
of the industrial accident commis
sion. Mr. Howell suffered the loss of
his left hand in a mill accident near
Bandon in March. 1319, and now re
ceives compensation at the rate of
332.50 a month.
The three trials of his boy left Mr.
Howell almost penniless, according
to his friends. ruring the last trial
charitably inclined citizens of the
state came to Mr. Howell's assistance.
at Rolla, N. D., and is being held
there pending the arrival of an offi
cer from Oregon, according to a tele
gram received by the prison officials
today. '
Guy was employed in the prison
garage and during the temporary
absence of the guards stole an auto
mobile belonging to P. M. Varney,
state parole officer, and made his
escape. Robert Grant, another con
vict, also escaped at the same time
and the stolen car was located " in
Portland on the following day.
Completion of Crook County Proj
ect "ow Held Assured.
SALEM. Or., May 18. (Special.)
Bonds in the sum of $100,000. voted by
the Ochoco irrigation district, were
certified today by the irrigation
securities commission. This makes a
total of $1,350,000 in bonds certified
for the development of this project.
xne ucnoco district contains ap
proximately 22,000 acres in Crook
county, and the bonds certified today
will complete development of the
project. A dam 125 feet in height al
ready has been completed and water
is being placed on the land.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nlan. Main 7070. Automatic 660-95.
sroKen-out. aggravated itchin-r
skin ix a condition demanding the
best soothing. healing. antisentic
treatment for its speedy correction.
This I'osiam supplies, working qirick
ly. readily, reliably: attacking stub
born troubles like eczema with a con
ccntratcd healing energy that soon
brings improvement. So little does so
mucn ana manes snort work of pim
ples, rashes, scalp-scale, clearing in
flamed complexions overnight.
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to Emergency Laboratories. 243
Went 47th St.. New "fork City.
Urge your skin to become" clearer
brighter, better by the daily use of
Pofclam Soap, medicated with Poslam.
Directors of Tiimalo Irrigation
District Want Increase.
SALEM, Or., May IS. (Special.)
Directors of the Tumalo irrigation
district in Deschutes county were here
today conferring with Percy Cupper,
state engineer, regarding plans for
obtaining more water for the project.
It is proposed to secure additional
supply of water from either the Crane
Prairie reservoir, the Benham talis
reservoir or the Waldo drainage dis
trict. Thi is a Carey act project, ac
cording to Mr. Cupper, and has been
under development for several years.
Although various plans for obtain
ing more water were discussed at the
conference no definite action will be
taken until the Crosby report deal
ing with the feasibility of the Ben
ham Falls reservoir site is received.
The district now includes approxi
mately 12,000 acrec, but will be ex
tended to take in more than 22.000
acres if sufficient water is made
V. C. Dillard. enginer for the Tal
ent 'irrigation district in Jackson
county, reported to Mr. Cupper late
today that water is being delivered
to a Iare part of that project. As
a result, he says, the fruit prospects
are better than for several seasons
and a bumper crop is expected. While
here Mr. Dillard discussed with Mr.
Cupper plans for financing the un
developed portion of the project.
Hatchery Improvements to Start.
ROSKBURG. Or.. May 18. (Spe
cial.) A. H. Berghduff, state fish and
game warden, and R. K. Clanton. fish
warden, today inspected the North
Umpqua hatchery preparatory to
starting improvements. Construction
wil be started in a couple of weeks,
but lack of funds will necessitate
only a partial completion of the
plans made for this hatchery. The
game and fteh wardens started north
af ter.looking after state interests on
Rogue river.
One Divorce Is Granted and Five
More Suits Fiied in Circuit
Court Yesterday.
An appointment with the wife from
whom he had been separated since
1915 cost Troy Coones his freedom, at
least temporarily. He asked her to
meet him Monday to sign a quit-claim
deed to some property and she met
him but with an officer and a war
rant for his arrest on -a non-support
charge. He was bound over to the
grand jury toy District Judge Hawkins
yesterday afternoon following a brief
Coones told the court that his wife
deserted him in 1915 to go to her par
ents at Berkeley and that he had sent
her money regularly from Seattle.
Mrs. Edna Coones insisted that the
desertion was the act of her husband
and that she had been left to care for
their two children as best she could.
Circuit Judge Stapleton yesterday
granted a divorce to Fannie J. Cor
nell from Rex Cornell. Divorce suits
filed in the circuit court yesterday
were: Ueorgettie against Andrew p
Condray; Amanda 12. against Charles
R. Chadwick; Edith M. against Henry
M. Gorton; John against Cleta Fosnot,
and George against Jessie M. C. Fran-zen.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Toll Bill Introduced.
WASHINGTON. May 18. Senator
Borah, republican, Idaho, today Intro
duced his bill to restore free toll
privileges to American coastwise
They Have FomndLthe Wayjo
1 Tee
All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities
Dental science has found a way to combat film on teeth. It has been tested
for years by able authorities in clinical and laboratory tests. Now leading
dentists everywhere advise its daily use.
The method is embodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. This week we
offer a 10-Day Tube to every home in this city, and we urge every home to
get it. Let it prove itself.
Film is What Discolors
You can feel en your teeth a slimy film
It is ever-present, ever-forming. It clings
to teeth, enters crevices and stays.
The tooth brush doesn't end it The
ordinary dentifrice cannot dissolve it So
it accumulates and may do a ceaseless
Most tooth troubles are now traced
to that film. And now it is known why
brushed teeth still discolor and decay.
The reason lies . in that clinging film
which the. old cleaning methods omit
Cause of Decay
That film is what discolors not the
teeth. It is the basis of tartar. It holds
food substance which ferments and forms
acid. It holds the acid in contact with
the teeth to cause decay.
Millions of germs breed in it They,
with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor
rhea. Thus the film is the teeth's chief
It Can Be Ended
Dental science has for years sought a
way to end that film, and the way has
now been found.
Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the di
gestant of albumin. The film is albumi
nous matter. The object of Pepsodent
is to dissolve it then to constantly com
bat it !
The way seems simple, but it is not.
Pepsin must be activated. The usual
method is an acid harmful to the teeth,
so pepsin long seemed impossible.
What has been found is a harmless
activating method. Now pepsin can be
applied twice daily and left between the
teeth. And millions of teeth are now
being cleaned as they never were before.
Watch the Effects
.We ask ysu to watch the effects. Pre
sent the cou,.n for a 10-Day Tube. Note
how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark
the absence of die slimy film. See how
teeth whiten as the fixed film disappears.
Compare this method with the old.
Read the facts about it Then decide for
yourself what is best; A
Tartar and Stain
are tased on film. This 10-Day Test
will show you that they are avoid
able. And so is tooth decay,
The NeW'Day Dentifrice
An efficient film combatant, based on pepsin, now endorsed for constant
home use by leading dentists everywhere.
Look in Ten Days
See how white the teeth are-How
they glisten. You can see that the
film is gone. You will know that
teeth can be kept forever whiter and
cleaner and safer.
The Store Named Below Will
Supply the Free Tube on This Coupon
FRANK NAU, Prescription Druggist, 6th and Alder.
THE OWL DRUG CO., Broadway and Washington.
WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., Alder St. at West Park
Present this coupon, with your name and address filled fl
in, to any store named. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of
Your Name.
Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon to The
BrCUUWt -"' iJallJ W-T WW. ..., ...bV
and the tube will be sent by maiL
urr Ron iH.n . roniana, ur.
Fugitive From Salem Is Reported
Arrested in Korth Dakota.
' SALEM, Or- May 18. (Special.)
Clarence Guy, alias Jack Price, who
escaped from the state penitentiary
bera on March 27. ia under arret-1
(The Daily News, May 7, says of
There are two kinds of thinkers
among labor men in America. Both
are honest. One despairs of parlia
mentary methods and sneers at the
ballot. He talks of direct action,
one big: union and the dictatorship
of the proletariat.
The other pins his faith to the democratic idea. He is as dissatis
fied as the other, but he believes he can gain his ends legally. Such
a man should have the good will of those of us who do not belong
to labor unions.
And such a man is C. M. Rynerson, editor of the "Labor Press"
and a candidate for state senator. That Rynerson seeks a seat in the
legislature is in itself proof that he believes in parliamentary methods
as against violence. Predatory interests do not like Rynerson, but
honest business men have no need to fear him. He has had business
training, yet he is in the ranks of the workers. He is level-headed,
alert and square. Paid Adv.
vessels usins the Panama canal. It
was referred to the interoceanic
canals committee without discussion.
The bill would repeal the law passed
'I Have Been
Ualna; loor Sulpberb Tablet More
or leaa for Many Yean and Have
Reromnridrd Them to Many,
Beeaaee I Thtnlc They
Should B la Every
Thus writes Mr. Win. Cameron, 1011
Ells Place. Denver, Colo., and we pub
lish this brief statement to prove the
never-ending value of Sulpherb Tab
ids in the treatment of such ailments
as chronic cbnstipation. impaired kid
ney action and consequent impure
blood manifested 1n many ways, such
as headaches, pimples, boils, rash,
hives, rheumatism, etc Neglected con
stipation undoubtedly brings on a
lone train of more serious ills and
the way to Ret relief Is to use Sul
pherb Tablets as a laxative, tonic
blood clearer.
They are made of extracts of herbs
and roots and contain sulphur and
cream of tartar, thus supplying: the
essentials for a regular and effective
treatment. Sold by druggists every
where at Oc per tube. Adv.
Glad Sister Escaped
"Physicians had rlven my ister up
to die; they wanted to operate for
gall stones, but she was too weak
and could only talk in whispers. I got
her a bottle of MayfB "Wonderful
Remedy and in 3 weeks she was able
to ret about and walked a mile to
church." It is a simple, harmless prep-
aration that removes the catarrhal
mucus from the intestinal tract and
allays the inflammation which causes
practically all' stomach, liver and In
testinal ailments. Including appendi
citis. One dose will convince or money
refunded. At all druggists. Adv.
at President Wilson's request in 1914
placing foreign and American vessels
on an equality in toll charges.
-Delicately soft and refined
Is the complexion aided by
Nadine Face Powder
This exquisite beantifter Im
parts an indefinable charm
a charm and loveliness
which endure throughout
the day end linger la the
Its coolneee If rsfrestdnc
and ft ceo not barm the ten
dersst skin.
Sold In Its areen box at
leedinc toilet counters or by
mail Wc
U. S. A
i memory
t Bmtt. -
Sold br Kt-nut-Ljon Ortia Co. f.Yorthei
I'arific Pharmacy. Perkins Hotel Phar
macy, Irving; ton Pharmacy) and Uet
toiiet counters.
Be Young In Body, Mind and
Looks Despite Your Years
How often you have
wished that you could
indulge in the strenu
ous exercise of out
door sports with the
vigor and enthusiasm
of youth! But the
end of the week finds
you all in you are
tired, listless and lack
the energy to go out for
a vigorous walk or a
round of the links or
any other exercise that re
quires much physical exer
tion. Many a man, even in
his middle forties, has a
vague feeling that he is
"getting old" and right
at a time when he should be
at his very best physically.
And he Ugro wing old , not
in the sense that the years
are pressing heavily upon
him but in the sense that
his vital forces are wasting
away faster than Nature re
places the worn out tissues.
Thousands yes millions of people fin
themselves in this condition early in life. And
there is no excuse for it. You can check that
tendency to grow old. You can carry your
youth with its joys and enthusiasm into your
70's and &0's. But you must give Nature all the
help you can. The best assistance you can find aaaist-
n jr
V tin, J
The Great General Tonic
LYKO i- wM ia eHBinl pach
msmm only, like e-tctur above.
Refuse ell eubeUtute.
For aale
ft enriches the blood rently stimulates heart, lirer an
jdnes to normal activity brins back your pep. punch
and mental viaTorchases away that tired, worn-oat feel
ioK end replaces it with a spirit of buoyancy.
LYKO is a distinctive preparation, scientifically cor
rect in its combination of medicinal insredients, and there's
nothing more in iirora tins, more strengthening or more re
building. Specially beneficial for invalids, convalescents
and run-down people of all coo-Jitions. Get a bottle front
year druggist today tomorrow you will feel better for it.
Lyko Medicine Co. kTJm
by mil drwtf lt, mlway In atoclt at Owl One Caw