20 TI1F MORXLt OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, 3LYY IP, 190 REAL KSTATK. For aie -Bfw-b Property. FOR SALE In Hermoa Park, Seaside, or., one 6-room house, one 4-room houtsc. one tent house, all furnished, on UMixlOO: pric-; $42i".0. hv.if cash. Houses now rented for reason for $400 and tnt house will earn $7i or buyer can live in it. Or will sell ail on .Vslon for :".W)0 for t2oOO cash, balance first mort Kase." due 2 venrs: or will sell oOxlOO with 4-room house and tent house fr 1LV. all cas-h. Apply on premises, b-0 Th.rd st. South. May i.i to "K-'i", or 4 02 Railway Exchange, Main 31(m. Portland. FOR SALE Latz cottage, furnished, Oearhart. Apply Sea.y - Dresner Co. fur ciaie Lois. at ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN. Choice lot facing two streets. KdxlVO; only lot in block on which two houses can be built. City iiena $S0O. Will soil for $-"00, ash or terms, buyer to assume lion. Location near 26 th. facing Mason and Duncklcy. Great bar gain. Must bo sold to settle estate. W1.VTHROP HAMMOND, 127 Sixth St. W HAVt; been instructed to close out tii" remaining unsold lots in a ucauium addition near the Peninsula park; thse ,ols arc now buinsr sold for $.V.o for the hf-sl corners, which is less than one-hajf fht-ir former price. You can pay cash, U monthly. Also have some jjoo.i unaM for $:, $';- cash, a minih. It. will pay you to investigate at oikc. JOHNSOX-DODSO.V CO.. .i.t N. W. Bank Bl'ig. Main r.TSi. LAL'n E L-H U R ST SACR1FI C E . If you intend to build in Laurelhurst, by all means se this beautiful 00x100. coiurnandiiiK unsurpawd view of park and city; just west of Floral avenue, on Burnside: see our sign on it. Only $ltUU, all free and clear. MaclNNKS Vfe PRATT. Main SMis. 4H1 Board of Trade Bldg. SACK it 'ICKD FOR JIloU. 2 Hdiotnins: lot?, ??. 1-3x110 eaeh. paved street; 2 blocks to car; fine local ity in University Park: purchaser to as sume street assessments: both tor $n,t0. Owner. yi;i Chamber oi Commerce.. Main GO 07. uir,UAMs av. con., sacrifice. Fine corner lot. ."ux 1 lin. paved street and all Ih as paid : must be fold ; ap praised at fum, will take 2."o. S. . tor. Williams avc. and Tillamook; fine for apartments or stores; 32 mm. walk from west sidr. ORL'SSI BKNNETT, SIS Board of Trade Blrig. Main 7L2. i-T A N early selection on one of t hose beaut if u I ooded homcsUes noar .Icl'fer jon hifih and Pen insula park ; no Wt ma 1 i-T than .".O.v t "O. some 100x1 . 1'rlcfS low us sr.tuy. rash. SIO monthly. JUHNSO.N DODSON CO.. ft.TT. N. W. Rji.K Bids. Matp "77. CLOSK-IX LARGE LOT. P7x2."n. hmihII house, chicken house, water into pre tn ip.'.i. gas in street, ahout 100 feet wst or "2d st.. about 6 blocks south of Bell station: ..oO, terms. Ander son, with John Ferguson. Main 8o21. $f0f ON K of the finest building lots in Rose Cit v Park ; all -If ared : lias been plow ed t t'-c ; practically level with fct. 1 block from the A lameda drive un K. 4ft th t.: hard -surface st. and sewer in. fall Tabor M7t. FOR SALE1 Lot 7."ixl40, Mt. Tahor district, good location, good view. Rood neighbor hood. In cverv way desirable. Cash. S.2.: terms, fl.'.OO. Ta bo r!2 16. EKAUTlKUh lot. SOxlOO, block 2.. lot 10. on 57th st.. Beau ni out; all street work done; sells at our own price. 26b2 orange avc.. Oakland, Ca.1. JiVMBBR of fine bids. lots. Clinton near 43d si.. Richmond riist.. $:tl each, each. owner. J. II. McMahun. 2U0li ku. 43d t. Tabor -5361. 1 or Sale Houses. AI.AMRDA PA R K DISTRICT Very modern 7-room colonial residence bHyond ci iltctsm : full HKx UK) t fir iter : offered for a limited time at $7."u0. Don't overlook this, as hout-e could not be rebuilt for $10,000. C. l.ciung A: Co., M0 Spalding bldg. Mam 7:iol. A KKA L'Tl I'll, u nd wr 1 1 -cons t rw ted Kofi City home. 6 rooms mid sleeping porch spacious reception hall, fireplace, tur n ace. bnokcas.-H. buffet, hardwood floors, luamd ctittngs. toe bedrooms arc large and light: this ta a corner with street improvements in: the lot is improved w n h beautiful shrubbery ; price 6SoO, $2000 cash, balance terms. .KUINSOX-HnUBOX CO.. Z?. X. W. Bank hldg. Main "7 ST. 1RVI NC.TOnI TOM E $ ;iino. Beautiful miMlern C-room hungalow, 2 keeping por lies, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full ee mont basetneni. fireplace, lawn, shade trees. 4 fruit trees in b ac U : g c tod ga -rage and runw.iv: improvements al! in ntl p.tid ; lot r.o loo ; 1 block to Broad wav car; fjmut down. balance your own terms. F. R. Jesse, o27 Corbet t bldg. Main "lit. $:t!00 ROSE CITY PARK $::too. J ust think of buying a 6-room home on 4 tth si. for $:'.!Hi(i on pay incuts? 3 rooms on lower and 2 and sleeping poien and bath on uppe r Moor; fireplace, full cement basement, paved street in and paid. If you can pay 10O DOWN, see thii quick. IIOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 22S I'll, of Com. Bldg. Main 6,".Q. 2-story. rooms. .'x1fl lot. plumbing all in : cement sidewalks, graded street, concrete foundation. 3 living ion ins and 3 bet I rooms. 2 blocks to car. $0OO cash, baiance easy pa ments. JOHN So N-DOPSON CO. . R"3 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 377. GOOD o-room cottage, east side, within easy walking distance; pa vd street: all improvements in and paid; r large cherry t reos a ml 3 prune t rec-. In back ; can be had for :..oo with ?.".oo down. The lot alone is wort h more in t h Is location. F, R. Jesse. o2i Corbclt bldg Main 7141. BCNi 1 A LOW HOME. $ 10OO. Bv owner, modern ."t- room luincaloW. with ei- ire. full husement. turnace. tire Place, built-ins. Dutch kitchen. TiOxloo lot. fruit trees, berries, beautiful ground. - blocks from Sell wood car. Ea.v terms. Call .Y.tO Clayborne ave; Se wood 1111. ALBERT A HOME. T'itiB i:.rmin home for sule. A -1 con struction : interior new lv finished tiiiuugnout: 2 blocks to school. -j bbi to carline : pa rden, somo fruit ; Dru e $:i."00. part cash, with liberal terms. 1066 E. 22d st. N. Albert acar. " 1 RVINGTON BARGA IN. Onl v 2 vears old. betw een Broad way lines:"ail oak l!ors. 2 nreplaros, 2 baths, enameled in old ivory; artistic paper; owner leaving city; chance for hrst -class hous. at verv moderate price. E. J. Mauls;, Marshall 1 ss;t or East .'.".l. 6-ROOM modern house on E.'.st 17th and Nehalem sis.; o:ie store with 5 rooms, modern on 13th. near Lexington, in Sellwood. These iwo places Can be bought al a sacrifice; must sell; ?25t0 ea-h. Sell. Ii;. No agents. 6- Hi HM thoroughly modern. It-vine ton d isirict f urtia. e. 6rev'aCc. hard w od floors, alt built-nis. near car and s-jhc-ol; 3750 Sl'0 cah. 1XTERSTXTE LAND CO., Main 5 42'.. 24 Stark St HAWTHORNE. j;750 Beamiful corner lot. 50x100; 5-room boose, with attic, in good condi tion; terms. B50 E 37lb st. Key next door. 0 tier, Mai hall t:;r. e enings. EST SIDE. 3-roo'ii house, business prop erty, on t;itbs St.. tT- t w een Front and Water stf. : this is a tiice home and an investment for on'.y S2256. very reason able terms John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. C- ROOM hi oder n bur si low : bar. f.oor.s. full lot. liTtprovt ments paid; in on 2th 5t. -. $:;-tnt. jtr.no cash. INT I : R S T A r E LAND CO.. Main 5 42J. 2I Stark St. w ..on close BXR'-iAIN 0er 2 acres at E. 33d and' A Ins worth avc.. 2 small bttrualow s: in come $30 month; some native trees: this Is a fine home for $4mio : terms. E. J Gc.scr. 417 Chamber of Commerce. JlOLLAD.W AVE. bargain. $3ooO A 3 room buncalow. also 3 attic rooms fin Khed: baih, buiit-ms; e.ec. and cas: lot 100x1 OO . fruit and garage. Owner; terms. 2100 Holladay au'.Tabor 9229. BEADTlFt'L Mt. Tabor city view 6-room house, near Hawthorne car. among fine homes", strictly modern; price $6000. on"r, Tabor 4296. 1'OU SALE cheap. 5-room house, pood lo cation : !ot 502nO; chicken house. 20 2-vr.-old fruit irees. cement basement. Ciish only. 32t"i l2rt st. S. E.. Lents. ' IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. 1; ndy tf-room bungalow for $5700. terms. R. W. C R Y. M a in 16 l-ROOM BUNGA LOW Nice neighborhood, near Laurc ! hurt-1 ; fine crrmr i t on pa ved st. ; :t!HM. Terms 55,00 cash. E. J. Getser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. ell -built, modern house, in fine condi tion. East i'.)2l. 1 OT S and li-room modern house: cement basement. bu.t-ins and a'.l plumbing : a'Q. 212-43. jl4,-,(i loOxSO lot. den: neat place. rooms, berries. gar Tabor 2213. KOSK CITT PARK Strlctlv . room modern home. SOxloO. modern. 7 ILast 4921. REAL ESTATE. for Sale -Houses. BUNGALOW FOR TWO. Built before the war. In Rose City Park ; this is a model California style bungalow. Artistic, compact and cozy you will find its living room, den, dinini; room, two bedrooms, bath and Dutch ki tchen with its breakfast nook. There are hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and a double garage. Price $0000; terms. See it today. STRONG & CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce. G. M. Strong Main 2j7 K. II. Strong. . 300 CASH, balance easy terms, buys a six-room house. 80x1 iM) ft. lot, abundance ot shrubbery; price, if sold today, $-300. $4O0 CASH, balance terms, buys a five-room bunga low, 50xl0u ft. lot. sewer, cement walk in and paid. 2 blocks from Irving ton car: price 27.V. Wee Mr. Christenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. NOTICE. For the convenience of our clients we will keep our large show room OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. OVER ONE THOUSAND PHOTO GRAPHS of homes for sale are on dis play. Every district, every tvpe of home. EASY TERMS. Hundreds of people are taking advantage of these delightful long evenings to look for that home. Come down this fvpnin? and upend a few pleasant, interesting hours. Our S automobiles at vour service. FRANK H . McUL'IRB, "Largest home seller on the Pacific coast. Ahington bide-. Main IOCS. Third, bet. Washington ami StarkJ FoR SA LE by owner, lovelv 7-room fur nished home. located on Broadway, close to 2 carlines ; house complete i'v fur nished, with all modern conveniences; Dutch kitchen, ail white enameled, good furnace and fireplace, gas and electric tiy in every room; 3 large bedrooms, with 2 large closets in each; all furnish ings, including electric mangle and elec tric washing machine and all laundry equipment in laundry room; has nice lawn. 4 fruit trees, lots of roses and shrubbery; Jot 5UxHu: terms to suit. Cail -' Alder st. west for particulars. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. That will make you a delightful hom Is offered for sale ut a very reasonable price. See these o pleasant rooms, all on one floor; ilandv fireplace, cement base ment and furnace: big front porch, fine view ; all Improvements in and paid, in a fine neigh bo r hood. Only S4SOO with 17t0 cash, balance mortgage at 6 per cent with optional payments, MacIXNES A- PRATT. Mnin 3;. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. SPECIAL IRVINGTON. 7 rooms, ivory finish and oak floors throughout: garage: JinisocJ last Oc-iobtr. Fine draperies a-id linoleum included. Tile bath wii h fcliower. Owner must give up for business reasons. $ looo cash. $!t monthly. East 31 IS for appoint ing n t. IRVINGTOX. STRICTLY MODERN. CORNER LOT. ENTRANCE MALL. LARGE LIVING ROOM, PINING ROOM, KITCHEN. Fl RrT FLOOR: FOUR BKDROo.MS AND BATH SECOND Pl.OK. J-'ULL-S 1 X 15 C ON" R E T E B A S E 1 E NT, J I O T W A T 15 R 1 1 E A T . it A R D W C OD FLOORS Til ROUGH OUT. G A RAGE. POSSES SION Bl JUNE J ST OR SOONER. l'OIX DEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN lno. RESIDENCE 27J-2U. J I7..0. NEW .".-ROOM BUNGALOW. The construction of this modern room bungalow cannot be excelled ; large living room J4x24; has fireplace, hook cases, b uif ft. hard wooil tloors. Dutch kiiflirii. excellent plumbing, lull cement basement and full attic; $1000 cash pay ment required. J. A. IJUBBELL. 105-9 Hawthorne ave.. Near 37 th st. Tabor SM2. The "Stucco" Office. BUNGALOW. SP.r.OO VALUE FOR 44.V. ft large rooms and sleeping porch, fur nac, fireplace, book cases. Dutch kitchen and other built-ins. largo bedrooms. lot 4." t-jxl 10. This bungalow i absolute ly double constructed throughout, lo cated in the Hawthorne district, close l cir. Only $1(I0U cash required; photo at omce. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON O . . 212 Railway Exchange bids. Main 67 ."t 2. REAL HOME. B E A UT IKl'li 'O R X E R LOT 1 0H 1 50 STRICTLY M ODER X RESIDENCE; FIRST FLOOR FINE FOR ENTER- TV1NING: SECOND FLOOR HAS FIVE BEDROOMS. TWO BATHS: THIRD FLOOR TWO MAIDS' ROOMS. LARGE mi l i RI ROOM AND BATH: HOL W A T E l t 1 1 E A T. L A RG E G A RAGE. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. PO 1 X D EXT E it, 2oS S ELL 1 NG B L DO, MAIN Mill. RESIDENCE 271-20. TWO-FLAT building. S rooms, furnace and fireplace caelt; tine location, eio- in, east side : good income. Bargain price and terms as owner is moving from the city. Also 6-room home East 3 tlh between Sunn side line and the park. Only 3000 ; terms. r. a. DAViDfox. - Kl Chamber of Commerce. I RVINGTON. ENTRANCE HALL. LA RGE LTV TNG ROOM, DINING ROOM. KIT' "H EN FIRST FLOOR: FOUR RKDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. BATH. SECOND FLOOR: LARGE ATT! FULL-SIZE CONCRETE B A S E M E N T. FU R N A C E, t;RAC.E. LOT 75x100: JOOoO. rolXlUiXTKU, 20.s SELLING BLDG. M A IN isou. KES PENCE 271-20. WTI.I.4V KTTE HGTS. BUXALOW. S rooms and skepiug porch, eit her ftiiViished or unfurnished, a perfect hem", modern in every respect, turniture the vo.-v be.-t. all anyone could wish : lot 32x1 10, Japanese bungalow type home. Mtiinlp sr.mm s. with choice truits. iti $ i 2. r.i o. f u i-n io iu d : very unusual and worth while. THONiSON. 620-62 1 Henry Bldg. $3:. .0. Fine 6-room home with fine built-in buffet. built-in kitchen. convertible Kiittiiif? univh. all newly finished, on Nixli0 lot. all kintis of fruit and shrub bery. 1 block to car. io ice tnis is buy it. JOTIXSON-DODSON CO., 63 3 N . W . Bank b ! d g . Main 37S7 SToort CLOSE-IX EAST STDE. WALKING nT- v.'i.- r.Ul i'OUNER UNION NO " M ULTNOM AH: STRICTLY MOD- t.- i. v- ni-wim-'vci.-. For R KKDROUM. HARDWOOD "FLOORS. BREAKFAST ROOM" GASCO FURNACE: GARAGE. 1'OINDEXTEU, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1MI0. KES1DEXCE 271-2). I RVINGTON HOME. BY OWNER. 7 rooms and large sleeping porch; cen tr;il entrance, living room Sx30. sun parlor in rear. 4 bedrooms and finished i.iic- hardwood floors. larKe basement. Fox furnace : on I th, near i nompson , will sell or trade for smaller home; price $6:i5t. no rtgt. nts. Etst 2436. BRAND NEW. dandy bungalow in a re stricted district; near goou riiumc. nice rooms and bath, breakfast nook, all built-ins: cement basement, side walks and streets all In and paid; an up-to-date home for only rt.Vh: terms If wanted. Main 7141 or Marshall 2003. and ak for Mr. Smock. SS00 WI LL HANDLE. 5-room bungalow. 5uxl00 lot. 3 livin? rooms. 2 bedrooms, up-to-date plumbing, la inidw trays, fireplace, concrete foun dation, double constructed cement side walks: 1 block to car; 3 years old, $5400. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 653 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. ' or,o R, C. PA RK ; almost new, partly furnished: bat It gas. electricity, large corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent: move right in: some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nice little home: good neighborhood, near school. Owner. Tabor 267S. A REAL HOME B A KG A IN $42 0. Modern 5-room bungalow with sleep ing porch. Good location. Near car. Extra good va tue. Will take a smaller houe tip to SSOoo. Lepr-ere, Main 519. O. H. SKOTHETM COMPANY, 332-33 R.v- Exch. ROSE CITY PARK. 8-reom modern house, nice built-ins. on 45th st., near Sandy blvd.: price $56O0. half cash. This is a real bargain. Sea it and be convinced. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. i:4 4th St. BEAUMONT Modern 6-room home, large livinig room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, white enameled, hardwood floors, fire place, built-ins. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch ; large clothes ciosets: lot 5x 100; loganberries. cherries and shrubbery. Call East 2604. 451 Weidler. O R E AT HA RG ATN. Bungalow, S rooms, very substantially built, stand any inspection ; art glisa. plate pl?ss. hardwood floors, masivt; stone fireplace, garttge, 5 D-d rooms, best location lrvingt m. lot 60x100. Itst life time. E;st 2i.5. Heruman. $2201 $300 DOWN and the balance like rewt: 7-room house with ful! viumbin, g;s an3 electricity; lot 50x100. House alone would costt $27oo to build today. Fie blocks to car line, nesr Laurel hurst. Vacant now. Apply 302 Pint- st. today. IRVINGTON. Just completed, 6-room classy bunga low, 5S6 K. 25th st. N, near Knott st. Oiwin tolM v from S -to A Ob-tip FOR SALE 4-room bungalow in Haw- I R SALE 4-room bungalow in Haw- tUorne district, $250. i'lioae Sell. 2774. KEAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOWS. READY FOR POSSESSION ALL STRICTLY MODERN. 3 rooma. breakfast nook, attic. J 420 to 6 rooms, breakfast nook, com- Piete: $bo0 to $6500; artirftic colonial and California bungalows: complete: on or near Alameda drive, $'j."iu0 to JSM10. liberal terms arranged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 20S. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Beautiful 6-room buse sold by owner, located on a fine 9Ux 100 corner lot, double construction, double plumbing, 3 ; naiis and a large bathroom with buiit-ln . linen closet and medicine chest, large living and dining room with fireplace, built-in bookcase, writing1 d?k. music cabinet, buffet, two seats. hardwood floors with inlaid squares: beautiful fix tures; built-in dressers and mirrors up stairs; full cement basement and wasn trays; Dutch kitchen with a cooler; 11 friut trees, raspberries, four rows of strawberries sidewalks and paved streets. Price So.lOfi cash. S60O0 on terms. Address: 10.S2 . 30 til st. N. (Alberta car.) A WONDERFUL F-UY. LAKO'i IKV1XOTON HOME. AT A SACRIFICE. -room home w itti 100x100 ground. "'oiMer Knott and 14th: hardwood floors. hot water heat an J all built-in featuies; plenty of shrubbery and roees. This place cost owner $6000 for ground. $4o to build; has been on the market at 512.3(10 up to tli:s time. We ate in a pojlti ii to make a very great cue In this property as owner has since moved .wry from Portland and has notified us to sell regardless of cost. METZOKR-PARKBR-FERGUSON CO.. 26'J Oak St Main 3r34. $50 DOWN $15 MONTHLY. For $1000 you can buy a splendid acre tract just east of the city limits; it has an exceptionally well -bull t build ing on it. built on the bungalow lines, and a splendid chicken house. We do not believe that the buildings alone could be duplicated for double the amount that is asked for the entire place A man handy with too's can double his money on this at very little expense. Fred W. Cierman Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST HOME. Owner has just vacated one of classi est 2 -story 6-room hous.es with sleep in g porch and garage at No. 1175 E. Davis st.. near E. 3!Rh sL Just repainted and decorated and in excellent condition; large rooms throughout, all cheerful and full of sunshine ; grounds are beautiful with fine lawn and lots of flowering vines and shrubbery. BUILT RIO HT and worth twice as much as some of the new houses valued at much more than prb-f asked for this place. Terms. Tabor 407. OUT-OF-TOWN owner instructs me to dis pose oi ner o-rom home on Willamette blvd. just across from Columbia univer sity at once as they have no lire for it. having left th city and gone into other business. Must sell this week. Price of $2400 on your own terms is away under the market. A fine oppor tunity lor anyone wishing to educate their children in Columbia university See ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. Phone Main 5425. A SURPRISE!! Delightful ft-room residence. $450 cash, price $4000. IO0M0O corner, lots of fruit, berries; grand porch. 3 sides of house; all in fine condition; new furnace, buflet. I'uicn ki tenon, tun br.sement. Do not ia.li to see tins, it s worth a great deal more than price asked and terms are very easy. blocks south of Woodlaw- Cikr at l.ith st. Call any tim. 605 ai" pnone vvoouiawn 5283. BUVGA LOW" HOM E $4750 " Nonresident owner will ell at much beiow present value a very classy nearly new --luivii uuoKaiow wiin large attic, at No. 556 E. 40ih st. N.. near Brazen. 1 arge rooms, unusually well built and in excellent condition, fireplace, full ce ment basement, all built-ins, lots of mom tor garage, tine neigh borhood : ea.- Torms to rigiit party. . DO NOT D1S- 1 t- tvn i a.n i. raiior 407. LAURELHURST HOMES we have some beauties. It will be to o.ir ninTfi lo can on us it you are in nit: inarKi. THE LAWRENCE CO . 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6013. A FINE HOME. i nice -rooms--, modern, sleonin nrrK full concrete basement. 50x100 lot: fruit ttnu r-nruua-. pan'u street, one block to car. ,3 blocks to J ef fertion hich school. c lorn inmic. iuuu. ltmig. THE LAWKBNCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ATTRACTIVE homesile. large grounds and nnuse ot i rooms; not large, but Idea for rooming and board, nine sleeptng rooms if desired, with other required apartments; lovely outlook and walking uiia.n-o n west siae ami carline a I. around. Would take small attractive home as part pay. Price 12,500. T 051, Oregonian. $6500. TWO II OUc KS F R T WO FA M I LIES l Ulifc I H KK. 6 rooms, full cement basements. wah trays, W. E. plumbing, corner 50x10h lot on wiiiiam ave.. in walking distance Uoubic parage, cement nrivewav. WELLER & RINEH ART. 212 Cham, oi Com. Main 4503. $3600. RICH MONO. S-rooin house, corner lot. fi.ixfi.i. on m r line, full cement basement, furnace, fire place, white enamol plumbing, painting and tintim? will make this house worth $5000; oniv $SO0 down. WELLER & R1NEHART. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4503. $ 2330 P ARK ROSE B U N G A LO W $ 2351 1. A fine, dandy bungalow of 5 rooms, cozy and well lighted. 50x60 lot. One half block to car. All clean and nearly new. Owner moving away, and the price is only $2350. $1250 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th st. Main 6S60. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $3500. Attractive 1 story 7-room bungalow on large lot with trees, phrubbery; No. 1321 Rodney ave.; FURNISHED; center entrance hall, 1 bedroom and toilet downstairs, 3 and bath upstairs; alley, paved st., near c?r; terms. DO NOT DISTURB TENANT. Tabor 407. OWNER OFFERS REAL BARGAIN IF TAKEN THIS WEEK. PRETTY BUN GALOW NEAR 34TH AND SANDY, ON NORTH SIDE. 3 BEDROOMS UP STAIRS, 2 WITH BATH AND TO I LET DOWNSTAIRS. MODERN, HARDWOOD 'FLOORS, built-in cases, bio CE MENT BASEMENT. ETC. MAIN 279. LEAVING TOWN, will sell my completely furnished ipiano included) 5-room houi-e for $350O. Garage, lot 75x85, near east side btrsiness section; lot worth over $2000: furniture cou'.d not be duplicated for $1400; house not strictly, modern, but very comfortable. No agents. Call Wood! awn 6232. $3700. IRVINGTON. Bungalow. 5 rooms, h. w. floors, fire place, furnace, cement basement, attic. Dutch kitchen. 33x 100 lot. fruit trees and rose bushes. 1 block to car; terms. WELLER & RINEH A RT. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4503. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 3 rooms and den. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, c floor, furnace. garage; 40x100 lot. Price $4000 $1000 cash, balance terms. C E.' ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2375. Evening Wdln. 3433. $150 CASH M630. 6 platered rooms, bath : elec. lights. cms: newly painted, 'papered : 50x100 lot: paved street, sewer, all paid. MA ear to Russell St.. 2 blocks east. 1 south. 502 Ross st.. side door unlocked. Owner, Tabor 54, forenoons. ' FOR SALE Bv owner. $2550 cash, four room bun gal 8 w and bath, all flniahed garden and chickens all go; 3 Jots' plenty of fruit trees. 1 block to Wood s:ock car Une. 6115 62d ave. and 56th st A SNAP. MODERN HOME IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT; RIGHT PRICE. TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY. NO AGENTS. TABOR 3356. tot. tAi-t- .-room nousc. iy owner, on East 3tn street, oeiween fine and Ank eny streets; price $1.o; must be sold to close an estate. rnone cast 5731. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Six-r. h. ; mod ern; fractional cor., $4300. Owner, Tabor 4515. FOR SALIi 8-room modern house, or can be used for 2 families. Dealing owner; no agents. Tabor 1053. $l2.-,o HOUSE, garden, 2 acres. BryanL M 3 M c FA. RLAND. 20S Failing BI d g. 5-ROOM house. 2 blocks from car: 16 lot euuioped for 300 chickens. Terms. Wdln. 1868. FOR SA 2650 Nice 5-room house on 46 E. 28th St.: $1600 cash. Phone Sell. 2907. carline. at bal. terms. FURX 1H F.D 7-room modern bungalow. - Call Tabor 7940. Terms. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4209 RODABAUGH. I FOR 8 VLB bv owner. 8-room house, close i- mrm U desired. East 1712. KEAL ESTATE. For Sle -House. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY-SAYLOGE COMPANY, 213 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7 500 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. Thfc public is invited to come to our ihowrooins or. the second floor of the J.'m ii 'u v KTrliun fo httilolnir n nrt inroet the hundreds of photos on display. A ' gallery crammed full of neatiy ar ranged 3x7 photographs of homes. Eight real estate salesmen with autos to show you property. A pleasure to show our homes. No obligation oq your part. NEW BUNGALOWS. JUST COMPLETED ROSE CITY PARK. $4300 to S5700 Select one of our new bungalows just being completed . in Rose City Park ail have hard wood floors, the latest buLt-ine; Dutch kitchen, strictly modern and up-to-date and very substan tially ouilt. Make an appointment to drive out today and inspect the m. They can be purchased on easy monthly payments. UNPARALLELED BLT IN KENIL WORTH. $4060 ;Here ia a large fine, well-built imposing looking 8-room. 2-story home with French doors, many buiit-in effects. beveled plate glass mirrors, bookcases, 4 bed rooms, including one bedroom and toilet up. lireplaca, built only one year, and just a stone's throw off the car. We have seen no greater bargain in months. 20H cash required. H A W T HOKXE BUNG ALO W . $4U75 Here is a splendid story and half bungalow on 37th st.: 3 bedrooms iiret fioor; X bed room up ; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floor, hardsurfaced street, garage, built oily a few jear: house complete ly repainted; in Al condition throughout. $2000 required. CI .f MS v.. i v $4000 Just a few minutes' walk across Broadway bridge is this 7 -room. 2-story, well-built home; 4 bed rooms, beat plumbing, full ce ment basement, paved street fine garage, quarter block off Broad way car. 1500 down ANOTHER CLOSE-IN. $4n00 A ery similar to the one above; 1 block off Mississippi car. This one has furnace; lo minutes' walk to Union depot. $1500 down. WA LKJN6 DISTANCE. $. ,ooo Two-story, strictly modern home. dose in. walking distance. This home is on a fine corner lot. Paved both ways. 8 rooms, 4 large light bedrooms. furnace, fireplace, oak floors, full cement basement, 3 blocks east of Broad way bridge. Easy walking dis tance, close to Broadway and Mis-siFfippI cars. Terms. no ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $o00 room modern bungalow, 50x100 lot catf. electricitv. modern plumbing; $7UO down. balance like rent. A LBERTA SACRIFICE. fLono Forced sale compels quick action here; o-room bungalow. living loom, dining room; Dutch kitch en, bath and toilet, cement base ment, fruit trees and shrubherv ana DerneK. Very attractive lofiiKc ..ihj oown. ANOTHER ALBERTA r-Muv o-rooms. 2-story, just a stone's throw off Alberta car on 32d st I nusually attractive built-in whte enamel Dutch kitchen, fur nace, ;s beorooms. hmo reuuired BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Succeeded bv .--ipKY-SAVIDGE COMPANY, mv o-vnlv111 Exchange bldg. OREX SLNDAYS AND EVEN1VCS PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 1 514 SWETLAND BLDG MARSHALL 3!8!. 1RVINCTOX. rt.oi'i 30 $7mm fr this fine R-room double constructed residence, modern in TZZW respect large front port he. re t eption hall, living room. 4 large airy sleeping rooms, closets and convenient cupboards. Close in on 23d at. near Broadway. Only $20oo required and balance on very reasonable terms. Call f. . ? i CC and we wi" be Rl to go . r , 'i-t"Rs with you about this beau in u I home. ir?' ?Glt" 6rooni- 2-lory modern home, in iirsl-class condition, cood furnace and tOUt, with good tfrmi PACIFIC AGENCY. INC o!4 S WET LA XI.) BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. NJFTY BUNGALOW. $5350. Follow every line of thi nd grap eery word of It. for here's one of Those real nifty, comfortable, homelike bunga lows where all Hie little details and con veniences are featured. You w ill p preciaie the big living room extending tne entire width of he house and the high quality of workmanship and ma tenal. Complete, even to the Gasco fur nace and instantaneous hot-water heat er. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE & CO.. -64 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3002 Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. $247 y VA CA NT V A CANT -$2475. i i Lrji :oKA I KI). FINEST CONDITION. Six rooms, full basement, good plumb ing, electric lights, rum, lot 5Oxl0O. cor ner, near car, some fruit. This is just the cutest little place you ever saw. newly painted outside and decorated inside and looks just like a new dollar. NO EX CUSE IN RENTING. We will show you this today, nmve in tomorrow. Very eay terms. Main 7!67. Mariela or Williams, 2Q Chamber of Commerce bldg $9o0 Let us show you this Immacu lately clean home, finished in white enamel with built-in buf fet, fireplace, 3 rooms and den down. 2 bedrooms and bath up. New carpets downstairs in cluded in price. Corner lot. Gar age. Term-. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. -01 Ry. Eich. bldg. Main 53 and 1094. $2250 YOUR OWN TERMS $2230 A SURE ENOUGH BARGAIN. o-room plastered double constructed uuue, smaii oasement, good plumbing electric lights, gas, lot 95xoo. with lot? of berries. Now. don't holler RENT PROFITEER when you can buy a place . . i . . .o Vl uui u w ii iprms. Mam 7007. iuaneis oi Williams, iio Chamber of TYPICAL COLONIAL DESlGN 6-ROOM LAURELHURST HOME. Not far from the park. Will be sold S2O0O less than can be duplicated for at present prices; all In old ivory and finest tapestry paper; extra large rooms; ii -arae; niove In any time; $l..oo ... MtiMuic. t ins piace is irss than a. .tiii nu. rnone oeTOre l A. M after 6 P. M. East 2086. YOUR OWN TERMS. $1950 VACANT VACANT $105O NR. PENINSULA LL'.V HKR CO utt.t Kicht-rooin hmmp nl nmh, ,i.. L' House in good condition, just painted and papered inside: nice lot iA-a i trees. This beats renting and your terms ' -vMi" '". -vmrieis or ii hams. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $o000 FOR a beautiful 8-room horn at Alt- Tabor: lot 50x135 ft., full cement iso.o.i'-ui, luruace. nrepiace. all rooms peueci vonouion: grand view of Mt. Hood; a fine place In all particulars and TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. SUNNYSIDE. o. 344 4Uuo for tlilB fine 6-room ..wi.ic ii r.aL in street near Tamhill i.ots ot roses, berries and fruit, half 1 1 iii zn r i in, near scnool SEE US FOR BUYING A HOME. pacific agency, inc 514 swetland bldg MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Nicely located, near FirlnH Has electricity. gas, good plumbing, full basnient. fine lot with shrubbery and 7- iT. rttim. r-rice t-iiiu. Terms. J Aijt.i.N rK CO., Stock Ex-h. fOR SALE West slope of Mount Tabor, new mouern j '--story Dungalow. 4 bed rooms and bath. Jiving room and dinln; room, kitchen and breakfast room. 156 e. i ayior. 151 owner leaving city. ..-room cottage; no basement: electric lights, gas. bath, "big tr iien K-ai'n'a : mi .x n"i. on t. Scot t carnne. siewari station. $2250 cash. i aoor iooj. o-kuom ounga.ow and sleeping porch lot 75x100 or 130x100. near MV car: very rc-d.nuna.Mi-: itr aim ierm: immeaiat possesgion. Call 1011 E." Irving st. FOR SALE by owner. 6-room nouee; ce ment basement, cement garage; plac in A-l condition; a bargain for $3560 Call 761 Albina ave. Ph. 317-70 after p M 6-ROOM modern house, barn and chicken house, on 10 lots: extra fine orchard ; at! for $4200; terms. Mr. Fisher, 248 Stark st. $16.50 A snap. 6-room, ceiled cottage modern except oatn; ivory enamel finish; improved St.; $250 down, $25 month, 7 oil 9 60th ave. S. E. FOR SALE -fl-room house, corner Idaho and Macadam. !outh Portland ; paved street, cement sidewalk ; $2000; terms. Phone Marshall 45tl. Home evenings! $1200 CASK. 3-room house, lot 40x125. A block Montaviila car line. 144 E. Slat st. N. -ROOM house, not modern; gas. fruit, flowers. 12J6 East 15th st. North; $650 cash, $750 terms. MODERN 7-room house: furnace, built ins. cement basement, etc.; $3550. Tabor 3712. HAVE fine property In eastern Oregon at $6O00 to trade for an apartment house or small sanatorium. AN 449, Oregonian. FURNISHED house to sell for oargaln. 3S8 Everett M. Proprietor home 6 P. M. U. E. Kaiddo. KEAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK, ft ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. OARAGE $5250. m Never before advertised. Folks, here Is one of mosj aai c.assi, ecepLion;y weil-built bungalows. There are so many downright good features and the bunga low is !o weil planned that we Just can't over-describe it. You wouid expect to pay at least $1000 more than the owner is asking. This beautiful bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, massive buf fet, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, furnace, garage, etc. Located on 45th st. AM j54.esments paid. We urge an immediate Inspection. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. Bianch Oi'fice, 30tU and Sandy. A REAL HOME. 2 SLEEPING ROOMS FIRST FLOOR. Oid Ivory enameled woodwork ard hardwood floors throughout ; large liv ing room with beautiful fireplace, buiit in bookcases, large plate glass windows, lovely dining room w ith French doorg and handsome built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, with Pullman nook, 2 bedroom and f'ne tile bathroom on first floor: 2 large bedrooms, sewing room or den and bath on second floor; fine cement basement, furnace and gara ee; complete in every detail, niftv and attractive. Your loss if you pass this up. Price SW00. Call Ll'EDDEMAXN COMPANY. tI3 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6367. iRVINGTON HOMES. Two corner homs, Ideal for party o means. 100x100 grounds; homes abou five years o!d ; hot-water heat, two baths, extra lavatories ; heart of dis trict. $19,000: other SIT.OOO. $7500 buys fine home, H. W. floors. double garage. REAL BEAUTY. $13,500 buys cor. home; hardwood rioors throughout, entire house is ivory; tripie mirrors, sunroom plate g-ass; large grounds, line (shrubbery. garage. McDONELL, EAST 419. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW $6300. See this now today. You would never expect to buy o fine a home a this one so intensely modern, so downricht Rood in every way and so ideally located for s-o little money. We just can't over- oescrioe tins beautiful bungaiow home. .ius. give us an opportunity to ttiow you ,un, jes, tnere is a garage. A. G TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3012. Branch office, 50th and Sandy, MOVE RIGHT IN. $21100 SUNN VSJDE HOME $21100. 5 rooms and floored attic, full base ment; full 50x100 lot with about 8 large fruit trees; paved sts. all in and paid, just 2 blks. from Laurelhurst Park and carline: clear of all incumbrances. $.Hr; cash takes possession, bal. to suit. see thi. today, it's going to go quick; Watch our Ads We eiet Results. C. A WARRINER. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THE PRETTIEST BUNGALOW LN ROSE CITY PARK. We want you to see this pretty home of 6 roomfe: It has bis fireplace that would be a credit to a $15,000 home, oak 11 nor a. French doors, den. 2 bedrooms and bath, hot-air heat. It Is loca ted in the best part of this district; the price is $55oo. with only $10(H) down. Phone for auto to show vou. I! OLDEN & R'OHLMAV, 22S Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. CHARMING ROSE CITY RUNG A LOW. 6 rooms, modern and complete in evrrv detai I : lots ot room ; hard w ood f ioors. all built-ins; fireplace: full cement base ment, fine furnace: garace ; lull lot : all improvements in and paid: $6250. and w orth it. Shown by appointment. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main .6313. .$ .-. mj o ASH $ 5O0 BALANCE TO SLIT. Good 7 -room house, full semi-cement basement, hard-surface street all in and paid; walking distance to S. P. car Mi op.. Price $2200. Pont fail to fee this If you are looking for something in the Brooklyn district. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $4MHi BUYS A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE with every convenience, on large tract of grouna, 70xloo feet on E. Taylor st. This is an exceptional buy and is sold only because I need the money to pay on a farm which I have just purchased. Will take SI5O0 down and give easy terms on the balance. For particulars call on my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. NEW BUNGALOWS. IN BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. $7230 6 rooms snd garage. $S50o 7 rooms and garage. $.5oO 7 rooms, sleeping porch, garage. $VM)0 6 rooms and garage. Call at E. 3Uth and Glisan st.. office J. A. McCarly. Tabor 3433. Eve. Tabor 5057. ROSE CITY. 5-room biinwalow and sleeping porrh, full attic, cement basement, artistic firv place, built-in bookca.es and buffet. Dutch kitchen, full lot. facing east, snd the best buy I know of in Rose Citv : $3100. $750 down, balance arrange to suit. See tins soon, it won t last long Phnn 31S-32. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plani and finance. Established ten years. We Olfer f EjJ UKl 1 Z , bbKVltl!., toATlS FACTION. L. R. BaiUy Co., Inc. 24 N. W. Bank bldg. NEA R KENTON $50 buys a 3-room house: $1200 buys a 4-room house, and $l'.t)0 buys a 7-room house; good buys. all or tnese; line value tor tne money. Will be glad to run you out in our machine, only 15 min. from town. For particulars cail at 404 Piatt bldg.. 12 Park st. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 208 SELLING BLDG;. P'iONE MAIN 1400. FOR SALE. BARGAIN. Buy direct front owner, save commls sion; nice 6-room house, lot 50xlU0: lots of fruit and roses; walking distance: located 847 East Salmon St.. between Sunnyside and Hawthorne carlines. Take car to 27th st. Furniture if de&Ired. 7250 A BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst bunga low, just compieteo, up 10 me minute in all detaiis. including garage, with an unobstructed front view of Laurelhurst Park. For sale by owner terms. In quire 1166 E. Ankeny, or phone 219-63, for appointment. FOR SALE Small house, good bath, fur nished ; big lot. 5oxl56; ten fruit trees and berries; about $100 worth lumber and tools go with ptace. A fine loca tion, all assessments paid. One block from Montaviila car. Price $1750; or 50x312 ft-. $25541. 73 E. 65th st. N. WONDERFUL BUY. Irvington" home, 6 rooms, up to dae. everything; only $5530. East 1347. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful home, built by ow-ner: 8 rooms and sleeping porch: hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, thoroughly modern : will sell $2500 under present cost. See owner. 620 East 10th North. Phone East 2073. $7500 LAURELHURST $7500. Dandy, fine 7 rooms and sleeping porch ; on corner lot; hardwood floors throughout. This is a eal bargain. $2000 cash will handle. J. A. McCarty, K, 39th and Glisan. Tabo 3433. Eva. Tabor 5057. IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazee, 75x100 corner B inth All hardwood floors. Kaa furnace plates windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures, waiipaper ana tiie oatn. very well buiit and for tale by owner. v ii nirRV bungalow for saie at 121 R 43d St., Dioca. u nan on aunnyeiae carline. by owner. Fireplace, buffet, many built-ins. cement basement, attic. 45x60 lot; $3600. $1000 down, balance like rent. Call Tabor S013. IRVINGTON IDEAL HOME, $21,000, 200x100 CORNER. 10 rooms, large living room and din ing room In solid oak, library and sun room. 2 fireplaces first floor. 2 baths and 6 bedrooms. McDonell. East 4ia. 411 EAST 17TH ST. N. 4-room house, cement basement, some plumbing; fine fruit trees and ahrubbery. Owner. East 7076, BY OWNER. FINE HOME. Rose City Park, corner lot. even rooms, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, built-ins. Tabor 4392. CHEAP home: hoiit.e and lot. 50x100. for $.00 cash Inquire at Lenta Jet. station agent.orTabor 5725; 6-ROOM modern home. Save commission by phoning Woodlawn 4U48. FOR SALE Irvington. 7-room bungalow. PhoneEat64 4ti. owner. IF YOU want to buy a house in any dis trict call Lundgreu at Sell. 16&&. - REAL EhTATB. For Sle HHe. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. t SEE FRANK L. MoOUIRB. Before vou buy, WEE our wonderful displav of 10UO PHOTOGRAPHS of HOM ES for SALE. Every district, EVERY KIND OF HOME, every PRICE. Every home personally Inspected and appraised. - THE McGCIRK SYSTEM guarantees you the UTMOST SATIS FACTION in HOME BUYING. If neces sary, we will help you make your down payment. 18 automobiles at j'our SERVICE. On..n K vui o f and Sun da vs. $4450 ONE OF ROSE CITY'S PRETTI EST bungalows invites your in spection. 5 rooms, artistic fire place and built-in bookcases; French doors. massive buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, floored attic. Close to car and school: E. j i ii Eireci. uur man - CITIES are priced from $2700 to $10,000. $315 6-room ATTRACTIVE MODERN HAWTHORNE, full front porch; paneled dining room with massive buffet; IDEAL DUTCH kitchen. 3 sunny bedrooms, full cement basement, laundry trays; East Lincoln. EASY TERMS. $3150 ONLY $5m down; $25 per month. THIS IS HAWTHORNE S bigsest bargain: unusually artistic 5-room bungalow; large front porch: MANY CLEVER BUILT-INS: full Dutch kitchen: East Sherman st. One out of 137 HAWTHORN E HOMES. READ THIS ONE! IT WON'T LAST! $ 2 2 ."0 A BARGAIN THAT DEFIES COMPETITION. Typical CALI FORNIA BUNGALOW; Just LIKE NEW; combination living and dining room: most convenient kit chen ; 2 sunny bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; ONLY $360 down: $20 per month. EASIER THAN RENT. Liens all paid. Commercial st.. ADJOIN ING JEFFERSON HIGH. $25S0 Here's a MONT A VILLA 5-roora ARTISTIC BUNGALOW; fireplace, bookcases.' paneled dining room; massive buffet; white Dutch kit chen; best white enamel plumbing, laundry trays, chicken house. East 73d. Among our looo homes, you'll find 7i REAL BARGAINS in Monta villa. $2975 HOME SEEKERS, look at this! A comuletelv furnished ALBERTA . home and A 5-PASSENGER ST U DEB A K E R CAR; pleasant airy rooms: white enamel plumbing : eleotrielty. Kas. 2 OARAGES: lot MIxlUU. THIS IS VALUE! Street liens paid. Glenn ave. ONE OF SO ALBERT AS. $4625- RIGHT IX THE HEART OF IRVINGTON is this 6-room very attractive typical bungalow : ar tistic fireplace In living room; many of the modern LARoR SAVERS. Best white enamel plumbing : electric! ity. gas, street liens paid; THIS IS VACANT. Hancock st. ONE OF OUR UN USUAL BUYS. Let us show you this. $3100 A REAL QUAINT DUTCH COLONIAL. 6 rooms, spacious living room, w-ith cheery fireplace; built-in bookcases, paneled dining room. IDEAL DUTCH KITCHEN: 3 bedrooms, sleepiniir porch: HARDWOOD FLOORS; best plumbing, pas, electricity; HOUSE LIKE NEW. A V A 1. U E THAT CANNOT be DUPLICATED.! $1905 THERE'S A NICK BLOSSOMY TARD WITH LOTS OF FRUIT coming soon. lOOx lOO. just $500 down; $2 per month anu one or th coziest cottages in MOUNT SCOTT. You just ought lo SEE t I t! On our walls are over M Mount Scott homes. MANY RE MAR K A BLR BARGAINS. If you're wan tine the BEST IX HOMES, the BEST IN PRICES and the BEST IN SERVICE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buv Your IDEAL Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068 Deal with an old RELTA BLE firm. T RVINGTON. 8-room colonial, center entrance, very modern, in very beat of condition, vj.o 0 rooms. Including den. best of con struction. located in the hart of Irving ton. east front. A wonderful buy at $85O0. BEAUMONT. S robm. very attractive. well ar ranged, old Ivory finish, modern to the letter; double garage, looxlOO corner $7500. HAWTHORNE. 6-room bungalow, many built-ins. fire place, full basement, beautiful lot with imp. paid ; $3750. C. M PKRR. A. McKENNA & CO., Main 45 COE 4th st. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 We ask you to compare this 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays; garag-: full lot, with homes that you have in spected at $55011. then the rest is up to vou. Terms. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5 S3 and 1004. $4000 LOOK HERE! UNION AVE. NEAR SHAVER. 50x1041. Lot Worth $1750. 7-room modern residence, furnace, ce ment basement, everything in finest shape: housA worth $."Ho0; now folks, when vou are offered such a grat value Tor $4000 and right on Portland's main artery, grab it : on'.y ftOOO rash. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. Main 4803. "33 Years in Portlan'd." $7(M0 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON tjomw. a BARGAIN ON TERMS. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and maid's room: strictly modern; line oasement, laundrv trays, furnace, fireplace, hard--n.nl "floors, bullt-ins. corner 53x100; garage. 2 blocks from ear; all city liens paid. This is priced very low for quick sale and possession can be had in very short time. Main 7167. Mariels or Williams, R20 Cham, of Commerce Bldg. SUBURBAN. One acre, dandy 5-room house, full basement, fireplace, sleeping porch, all kinds of fruit, chicken house. We say. a young farm In the city. You can have these for the small price pf $5000. only $1000 cash. See photo at our office. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514 SWETLAND BLDG. $2630 Here is your opportunity to buy a fine home of 4 rooms and ' bath down. 2 bedrooms up. Fur nace, full basement, wash trays, buffet. Dutch kitchen. Terms. J A WICK MAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1004 and 583. ROSE CTTY OWNER HAS TO LEAVE HERE. Look at 675 E. 64th st. N. 10O feet from Sandy, corner, then come into the office snd "buy this property; do not dis turb the tenants. J. ROBBINS. 301-302 Railway Exch. Main 7031. ' $33O0. HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow on paved street, a' Improvements In and paid; 37xlOO lot immediate possession. WELLER & RINEHART. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 4503. S P SHOP MEN TAKE NOTICE! Why na v- rent? 5-room house, not modern but will hake a good home. A good lot goes with this for a totM price of $1S00. Ask to see nnoto i-o. .1 . n. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514 SWETLAND BLDG. OWVKR GOING TO EUROPE. S rooms, modern, double garage, close to car; lianas aaa. ; cnoice location, chance to secur a ral buy. See -T. ROBBINS. 301-302 Railway Exch. Main 7031. $37O0 $650 CASH, ft rooms, modern, den. enam. plumb Irt g : 50x 1 00, garage, na ved ; 3 block s Irvington car. Main 4R03. G. C GOLDENBERG-- Abington Bldj. "35 Yrs. In Portland.' BUNGALOW BARGAIN. New. only 3 rooms, but a rent batr. S300 csh will handle this. Total $175tV No. 383. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-31f Swetland bldg. Mar. 30f0 OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA. R rooms, modem. Lndd's add., with large attic: best location in the ad dition; a real snap. EE .1. POBBIX. 301-302 Railway Exch. Main 7031. NORTH IRVINGTON. Strlctlv modern 7-room hoose. act quick if vou get this. fo $4800. cash. S nrta t "tir offie. PACIFIC- aof.NCY. TNC. . 514 SWETLAND BLDG. mst $2000 BUNGALOW for sale. Rose Citv Park. 6 rooms, on one floor: modern corner lot. 30v107. Nice rrounds. Price $4750; $3250 cash. Phone Tabor 51 54. $4ft-0 Ortme today to see. 430 E. Rth st. No. Just north of Broadway, In Ir-lne-ton; mortrn house with garage. It's in the location. $11 SO ROSE CITY PARK TERMS. 4-room piaetereri house, electricitv. gas. Dutrh kitchen, full lot lavlne city; im- mediate possession. Tabor 65j9. TROOM modern In Ro-e City park, full lot. nice vard -with fit: must be seen to bf appreciated : .Voo; some terms. Mr. Fisher, 248 Stark st. LAURELHURST Thoroughly modern 7 room house: attractivelv arranged inside; beautiful yard : absolute bargain for quick sale. ' East 8G12. -. REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON. BUNGALOW $7400. Located on 26th st., near Knott. W want yoj to see this distinctive 6-room bungalow. This was built by one of Portland's best builders. The quality of material and the character of workman ship speak for themseives. You will find here ever? conceivable built-in conven ience, every modern feature that you wouid naturally expect to find in an ex pensive home. The price is low for such a home as this. Let us show you. A.'g. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office. M)th and tsanay. $oo00 LAURELHURST $6500 CHOICE LOCATION. Buv like this are few. Here is a etricCy modern, exceptionally well buht semi-bungalow type home, right in tite heart of Laurelhurst: 6 nice large rooms, sleeping porch and music den, hardwood floors, all btiilt-in con vs.. firep.ace. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, full lot and garage, paved st. all in and paid ; about 2 b.ks. from Laurelhurst Park. Can be seen by ap pointment only. Reasonable terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B.dg. 4-room cottage, completely furnished, move in now ; near T ohy Bro- car snops; quarter-sawed o:ik bed daven port upholstered with Spanish leather, q.s. oak library table, chairs and rocker., new- Monarch maileab.e range, kitchen utensils, bed and dresser, garden tools and hose, etc.; garden p. anted and com ing up. fruit trees: a wonderiul litt.e home where you can pay rent to your self; $5o0 down, balance like rent; lesa for all cash. m WELLER & KINEHART. 212 Cham, of Com. Main 403. UNBELIEVABLE. An exceptionally weM-built and at tractive 5-room bungalow, with wonder ful ivy-covered. cobblestone fireplace, cobblestone porch support. hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet. bookca.es. full length mirror, beamed celling. built-in ironing board, wash trays in basement, lot 50x10(1, with won-dt-rtul view oi the snow-capped moun tains; total price $35oO; $S00 cash, bal ance monthly. Fred V . ucriuan Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $4000 SACRIFICE $4000 rnvii'i WTfc'.l.V VI'ttXISHED. This homo- is in the choice location of the sunnyside district, has t nice rooms, large den and bedroom on 1st floor and 2 bedrooms on 2d floor; full cement base ment, a complete list of good furniture, hard surface sts. in and paid, lot 50 it in width, plenty of room for garage, close to car, school and stores. Ow ner leaving city. Quick possession can be had, reasonable ; erms. C. A WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Beard of Trade B.dg. LAURELHURST HOME. . tat .lust n fine grand and most charming 6-room home in Laurelhurst. larse living and delightful sun parlor, den. cheerfu. dining. 3 nice bedrooms and open sleep ing porch. Oak po'ished floors, finished in oid ivorv and while. a!l the built-ins, fireplace, hot air heating plant, r.oxioo. all improvements In and 3 bioeks to car. Owners leaving for California and of fered 1'T $7000 $25oo cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st. Main 6'.fcfi PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VIEW HOME. Large, attractive, grand; really a mon beautiful 7-room lioinc. with maid's room; finest hardwood polished fioors: dining room lSv::0t mM artistic; de light fu! view porch, ext ra size Boy n ton tubular furnace, 7 bearing fruit trees, heaps of shrubbery and flowers. Just a charming home in a w on o erf ul setting ; $15,000. verv phsv terms THE FRED JACOBS CO. 104 Fifth st. Main 660. PRICK $2."O0 . TO THOSE ARTISTICALLY INCLINED. TO LOVERS OF NATURE AND VIEW, we present a beautijul log-cabin bunga low located on of an acrp of unexcelled land, miles of heavily wooded land on 3 sides. It million square leet of VIEW in FRONT YARD: land is clear, cultivated, fenced: has some fruit, nuts, flowers, etc.. and in all is a very picturesque place. 20 MINUTES LINNTON WAY J. i. GOLDEN BERG --ABINGTON BLDG. IRVINGTON HOME. Large living room. 1x2K. with den or music room, 11x12; fireplace in living, also in den; most cheerful dining: per qut and oak. polished floors, 5 delight ful bedrooms. 2 baths a nd toilets : on one of Irvirgton's finest .lOOxHK corners; garage, finest shrubbery. This is a ral home, and wonderful value. $13,000. Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main 6R60. - ROOM furnished bungalow in good lo cation ; will sell with or w ithout fur niture: built-in bookcases and buffet, concrete foundation: lare basement, six fruit trees, sewer and paved street, 'a block to Irvington car. Ask to se this: places like this are hard to get: price only $3400 $1150 rash, balance like rent. J o H N S O N -D O D S O N CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. A GRAND HOME. 11 fine large rooms, -modern, nn 7Sx 100 ground, close In East Ma;!i.mn. beautiful terraced lawn, lots of truit. one block to Hawthorne car; all im provements in and paid; owner must sell and has put the price 20i below the market value: $m)U0: terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.. Al? Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow in good lo cation will sell with or without furni ture, built-in bookcases and bufiet. con crete foundation, large basement, six fruit trees, sower and paved street. V; block to Irvington ear: ssk to see this. iik this are hard to get ; price only $3400. $1150 cash, balance rcnt' louvenv.nonsoN co.. like 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3 $"7."0 FOR a 7-room house at -im an Sherman sis.; nn i--a.- .... .. - . v.ut- iirfn.-ptl and all as sessments paid; house has brick founda tion good plumbing, gas and eiectritU., all rooms nicely papered; stghoy loca tion This is a splendid home and ver cheap at this price. TURNER Sc CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. ROSE CITY PARK. .v.,. i .ntonitH and most cheerful 5-room bungalow, finished in white, and a pin: all the built-ins, fire- u floors, furnace, large attic on 30x100 corner lot. all Improvements in and paia. 1 nis i ' 1 "a 1" t nrt nf Rose City Pa: below the hill, and only $3150. Don't fail to see tnis. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 FIfthSt. Main 0S00. VERY REASONABLE TERMS. WEST SIDE, BEAUTIFUL VIEW, .ii u,.n T.-.ir hnnsf with full bafe ment full 50x10" lot and a beaut itul river View, on hard-surface street. C.-ar of all incumbrance. Price $304)0, $ .00 cash, baiance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 8-ROOM BARGAIN. Built by owner 5 years ago. modern, very conveniently arranged; full cement basement, full lot; wonderful view; right on good carline and hard St.. Il.iOO. terms Immediate possession. 1 THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6013. " ' FOR SALE CHEAP. A rice 5-room house, full basement, nice bathroom; lot 50x100. 6 fruit trees; paved streets and sewers all paid for: big garase; 4 blocks from carline. 3 b.ocks from school. If -you want a good home cheap, don't miss this rfa'" price $2100. good terms. 80 lu. 11th st N. Phone Wood la wn 2641. CLOSE-I N BUNGALOW. 6-room bungalow with fireplace lo-.,t-i .est of 20 th st.. close to Haw thorne car: owner going east for $5800. Reasonable terras.' will sell Photo at CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railw ay Exchange b dg. Main 6 IRVINGTON PARK. a Handy 6-room home, w ith bedroom down, nice living, dining and kitchen ; right among the pines, dandy home for old couple; $2750 Dutch and a terms. bE THEFRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S6Q. 9 5 000. MT. TABOR SNAP. 7-room English cottage styl: extra f.rge lot, 50x135. highlv Improved; grand view of mountain and surrounding coun try" - blocks to car; talk about your bargains. Phone me at once, first come, firt (served. Evenings only. East 2QS6. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Modern ."-room bungalow with fire place, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, lot 50x00; well located and close to car; price $35AO : erv rea sonab! trms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 752. ROSE CIT v $r..-.wi. Six-room house: full basement: fur nae hdw. f!oor.: looks new; bearing fruit' A real home at $.i.tUO. Terms. Johnson. Main :.l!'!i. O H SKOTHKIM COMPANY. :w;j-:: Ry. Exch. BARGAIN By owner, new o-rooiu h"na4 low, E-Hraa-e, chicken house anil IOuxIOO Cc,t of ground. TS01 6l'd aieuut. REAL ESTATE, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Mi DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY. This dandy 4-room bungalow in a REAL bargain. All rooms tr targe and well arranged. Good bath. built-in feature. Fine -loset room and good attic. Im provements such as paving, sew ers and sidewalk in and Da id for. close in and good location. A dandy home for a small fam!U. I-ot 30xt5. Fine lava. Near car line. Main 530 W O N D E R F UT IRVINGTON . HOME. $11,.00 Without fear of contradiction. we will state that this is one of lrvington's finest residences lo cated in the very heart of this beautiful sub-division. It would be difficult indeed to overde soribe or overstate the Items in this home. It is very attractive, both outside and In. In style and dependability, the architecture is supreme. It has every modern convenience known in the better homes. The windows are Plate glass and weather stripped. There is a double garage, a billiard room with billiard table. The living room extends entire length of the house. Has a splendid f. replace in the center and a nice sun room at one end. A larce snd a ell arranged reception hall w ith attractive stairwav sep arates the dining room and liv ins room. Special a uarter-saw-ed oak panels in the, dinina room. There is a splendid kitchen and a line breakfast room. The second fioor has 3 bedrooms, splendid tile. bath and sleeping porch. The lront bedroom is very large, ha a splendid dressing room as well as fireplace. There are 2 maid rooms and large attic on the third floor. The entire property is in excellent condition tand could be occupied without 3 cents having to be tpent on it. A re cent death In the familv makes the sale imperative, hence the low price. MAGNIFICENT CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE. $SOOO This beautiful home faces the park and is splendidly located. It contains all the conveniences a modern up-to-date home is ex pected to have. There is a larre reception hall. splendid living room with unusually good fire place, beautiful dining room, den or library, kitchen with built in features and pass pantrv. Serecned-in back porch. There are 3 very large bedrooms, sleep ing porch and spicnd:d bath on the second floor. The attic is larce and floored. There is a magnificent front porch where the oncr practically lives during the cool summer evenings The property is located on a corner. 'Larger than the regular sixe lot and has a 14-ft. alley in the rear, owner has accepted a position In -California and must sell at once hence this low price. The, prop erty is tn pink of condilion. Main 530. McC RI LLTS-CLE A V ELANTJ CO.. 522 to 326 Henry Bids. MY $6500 HOME for $2750 CASH and $2050 mortgage at Tt which can run indefinitely. This is a Mrictlv modern 7-room. semi-colonial home, op R. C. car line and oniv 13 minutes ride. Owing to circumstances 1 am w II ling to make this reduction for Quick ssle. Cail owner at BROADWAY 2SS. No agents. SUNNY YSIDE HOME BARGAIN. j4-MiuThis homo was sold at this price prior to the war. 6 rooms, and bath with furnace, full ce ment basement, wash trays. I Unit -in buff-t; lot 43x100. Street improvements all in and paid. Garage. Terms. Why not call and inspect our photos of tne best bus In t he different districts. Seven autos at your service. J A. WICK MAN CO., 201 Ry. Exch, bldg. Main 583 and 1004. LAURELHURST S-ROOM. $70O S PEC1AL $7000. Has central hall, large living room, den, breakfast room, sleeping porch, all built-ins. cooler. 5oxloy. garage, elegant p'umhing. cement basement. FINE FLR X CF. FI REPLACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. This is cheap at $11,000; lib eral terms: owner not pressed for cash, but must sell. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington Bldg. ."35 Years in Portland. SACRIFICE! SACRIFICE! VACANT MOVE IN TODAY. Splendid 4-room house, located 1 -44 East 22d st. N. Rooms all lathed, plastered a nd tinted ; woodwork white enamel throughout; swell Dutch kitchen, ras and electric; front and rear porches; v-Merior has just been repainted; garage; just right for small family; worth $20. for quick sale, accept $1205, terms; dis count for all cash. I'hone Main o2o. A Iberta car. KST 12TH ST. NORTH. B EA UT I FUL 1 R VI NGTON 6500. VCANT VACANT SEW THIS! 7 "rooms, strictly modern ; tine base ment, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors; in the finest condition, just ncwlv painted and thoroughly dec orated; lot 3tixl o. Thia is a bargain and can be had on terms. Be sure and .drive out and see it today. Main 70t7. 'Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . TERMS TO SUIT. Owner will sell this good 6-room house on full-sized lot with some fruit trees. Place in good condition. Offers at price on old basis at bargain. $2730. $3O0 cash, balance 23 month and interest. Save l our rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bdlg. Marshall 4114. ROSE CITY'. FNTR NCE HALL. FINE LTV ING ROOM DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. 2 B ED ROOM S, BATH FIRST FLOUR 3 BEDROOMS SECOND. FLOOR; VLLL BUILT $6500; TERMS. v l'OlXDKXTKU, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE 2l-20. IRVINGTON HOME. V od em S roo m s and gara ge. 5-S E. nth st N.. between Brazee and Knott. New lv " painted, in splendid condition. J wm r transferred to Calitomia ; must sell at sacrifice price of $7000; husU cash See by .ippointment only. i.aan toil. , TWO-STORY. $STKICTLY MODERN. ' FINE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, Wl -TC H KITCHEN. THREE BED ROOMS .N1 7;lassed-ix SLEEPING PORCH. B LOCK CARLINE POIND ENTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE 271-20. bTnk"eRw1io does not need the money "has authorized us to dispose of sev eral medium priced h""" small first pav ments. If you have $.u you can purchase these excellent homes. u at unu rnxtPANT. :j:2-:t3 Ry. hxen. Bids. r,,i,,i, 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. h'ocks to Mount Scott car. near tv.d. Th"i is a nice little home: ha electricity. 3-plece buthroom net. full bmement. Improvement, Paid. caah. term, on balance ifrvv SM I TH-vv .niu..r.n w.. w . .- fi-ROOM modern house In Rooa concv tlor i. ni.-o location: comer lot cement double garage, cement basement. '" ory travs. good furnace, fireplace, built f,y buffet and bookcase.; 3 bedroom!.: 1 lilock to carline; on easy terra.. Main 714 1. Mr. Smork. -w-.n 4.-.n CASH. IRVINGTON PARK SNAP. Six-room modern. ."iOxlOO. 3 block, car. Hurry, this i. a .nap; mu.t sell. Main 'tS0;:' r, C. OOLDENBERG. AhinRton Bids. "--' Years in Portland. FORECI.OS1-RB MOTS .3 CASH. 7 RV m-N-O.. KIREPL.ACK. SU PCH.. NE T HOME. CLOSE IN. WORTH $i000. (J c liOLDENBBUG Abington Bids. .-. vr. Portland." Main 4SOi. CHE VP. BUT VKKY UUUU. Seven-room bungalow-style house; lo.Vkn new full basement and garage. KxPt"onai at JUVoO. 0OO ca.h. Nel- ffnHMSKOTHEi5f CO.. 332-P.3 Ry. Exch. ' . t oy.- -r niSTRICT. r.-room hunualow. lot -'0x100. . n abun dance ol fruit trees: 20O0. 10O0 cash, l.il 15 Per mo. and interest. b - BUY "ROM OWNER. EAST 3oi)5. ROSE CITT PARK, six-room modern bungalow type house. ..nth north of Sandy blvd. -run li a good buy; only IT.'.U required from responsible party, payments. Tabor 59. Easy monthly :-.non nrfiALOW. Located In Waverly, near car and s. hool, good plumbing, fireplace, in ex- i-.nt mnHltintl A. H BIRRELL CO.. j 7 ;,-. w. Ba:ik B.dg. Marshall 4114. IK YOU WANT a real nome. for th right price, come and ae our noma at Laurelhurst in. 0