THE MORXLXG OREGOMAX, WEDNESDAY. 3IAY 19, 1920 19 PRIM UW USED IN EIGHT ELECTIONS System Introduced in State Sixteen Years Ago. VOTERS LISTS ARE LARGER Candidacy by Payment of I'ilinf ice Instead, or Petition Xow Common Method. SALEM. Or.. May 18. (Special.) On Friday there will bo held in Ore con the eighth primary election since the enactment of the primary law at the general election on June 6. 1904, according to Sam A. Kozer, assistant secretary of state. The law was adopted by a vole of 58.205 to 16.354. Also it is the sixth primary election held under the restriction of the cor rupt practices act which was adopted by the voters of Oregon at tho gen eral erection held on June 1. 1908. At the first primary nominating lection the republican and demo cratic parties expressed their choice of a candidate for United States sen ator, although the requirement as to the election of United States senators by the people was not in effect. They also nominated candidates for repre eentatives in the two congressional districts of the state and for the vari ous state, district and county oflices. There were five candidates seeking the expression of the members of the republican party for United States senator in congress. many Candidates in Field. For representative in the first dis trict there were three candidates for the nomination in the second dis trict, four candidates: for governor, there were five candidates: for sec retary of state, four candidates for tho nomination; for state treasurer, six candidates: for supreme judge. one condidate; for attorney general. one candidate: for superintendent of public instruction, one candidate; for state printer, three candidates, and for labor commissioner, one candidate F'or the democratic nominations there were no competitors for .the various offices except In one or two instances. Also, at that time it was possible only to secure the placing of a candi- date's najjie on his official party bal lots by a petition of the members of his party, while under the existing M" laws a candidate has. in addition to the petition, the option of the pay ment of a filinsr fee. By reason of the considerable detail Involved In get tins sisnatureH to a candidate's peti tion, most of them secure the placing of their names upon their official party ballots now by the payment of. a filing fee. Preolnrts !lorf Than Double. For convenience in conducting the 1 elections, there were 833 pre cincts established in the various coun ties throughout the state, and for the J 920 elections the county courts have established 1701 precincts No regis tration figures are available for the 1 SI 6 elections, but prior to the pri mary election in April. 1908, there were 109.643 voters registered in the various political parties. At the cloe of the reparation books April 20, -1920, the registrations ag- creirated more than 325. 000. Since the primary law has been in effect, how- ever, woman suffrage has been grant ed in this state, which accounts in i measure for the considerable increase in the number of registered voters. GEARHART PROJECT ALIVE JIOT-ETj STOCKHOLDKKS HOLD MEETING FRIDAY. TO Korrct Expressed That Building Cannot Be Ready for Vse During This Season. The Gcarhart hotel project will be discussed Friday noon at a meeting 1 in the blue room of the Hotel Port land, when committee members and stockholders have been nvited to be present. Tho committee in charge, comprising J. C. Ainsworth, J. R. Howies and Julius L. Meier, report that organization work will be com pleted this week and actual construc tion started next month. "T"' paving plants are now laying hard surface on the lower Columbia River highway, and three others will soon be in operation," said Mr. Meier yesterday. "Should weather condi tions continue Tavorable, only a com paratively short section between Portland and Astoria will be unpaved July 1. making the trip om of com fort after that date. 'Hundreds are planning to motor to the sea this summer. I- am aston ished at the call for hotel accommoda tions at tho seashore for this year a nd believe a 500-room hotel could be kept filled from June 13 to the last of October, were it available. It is to be regretted that the Gearhart ho tel could not have been built for use this season. "Portland will benefit greatly from having a first-class place at Gearhart to send her visitors who will pass through the city both going and com ing, it will give an objective for a five-hour run from Portland, and we are already planning for winter en tertainmonts each weekend. "An effort is alwo to be made for conventions that meet before July 1 or after September 10, when several hundred could be successfully han died. The Gearhart auditorium, seat ing TOO, will be used for such gath erings. The committee reports prompt re sponse from the stockholders to the call to meet on Friday. More inter est is being shown each day as the necessity for such hotels becomes more apparent. Astoria is joining ac tively." RAY TP ANSWER TO JURY CAR WXLARED TAKEX WITH OUT OWNER'S CONSENT. Jojride Iicau lis in Smasliup Wiih Woman Injured Driver Lays Blunie to Brakes. Chester Ray. n employe of a srax ajre at Tenth and Everett streets, was held to answer to the grand jury in municipal court yesterday on a charge of having taken an automobile out for a Joy ride without the consent of the owner. His bail was placed at $600. Hay was arrested following an ac cident Sunday night in which he drove lha "borrowed" machine Into a car driven by Mrs. K. R. Tressler. 893 Tillamook street. Mrs. A. J. Moser, Thirteenth and Market street, who' was riding with Mri. Tressler, was in jured. Ray is said to hare been drivintr a car belonging to E. Glutsch, 363 Stark street, at the time of the accident. Mr. Glutsch, who kept his machine at the garage where Hay wu employed, said that he h:l refused the man permis sion to take out the car. Charges of reckless driving with de fective brakes also have been filed against Ray and will be beard in the municipal court Thursday. The speeding case against Deputy United States Attorney Flegel was put over for hearing in the municipal court Thursday. A. R. Skibbe paid two fines of $20 each on charges of speed ing. Both arrests were made by Mo torcycle Patrolman Scott. Skibbe was driving 38 miles an hour on Missis sippi avenue last Saturday at the time of one arrest and 30 miles' an hour on Williams avenue yesterday on the oc casion of the .second arrest. He plead ed guilty to speeding both times. S. Staci drew the heaviest single speeding fine of the day when he was fined $25. Other traffic fines were: R. S. Parker, speeding, $5; R. T. May. no lights. 5; C. H. Greely, speeding. 117.50; Henry Hoff, speed ing, 91.50; K. Rudarmel, speeding, $5; W. P. Yaw. speeding. 10; R. R. Smith, speeding, $10; G. O. Lewis. speeding, $10; J. Tuman. speeding. $17.50: A. 11. Roadermell, speeding, $5 L. A. Shorman, speeding. $5; C. K. Mc- Ginnis, violating the traffic ordinance. $31; Charles E. Curlln. speeding, $10; Walter Dewey, speeding, $5; D. Bayer, speeding, So. LEGION DRIVE GOES WELL Local Posts Expect Increase More Than 50 Per Cent. or Considerable interest is being mani fested throughout the state in the membership drive of the American Legion, which will be going full blast in Portland next week, according to reports reaching. Department - Adju tant E. J. Elvers at state headquar ters. Though no figures are as yet avail able on new members secured. Adju tant Eivers said yesterday that in dications were that local posts would see an increase of more than 50 per cent during this and next week. Though in some communities the drive Is being concentrated in this week, because of political activities many posts are planning to make their intensive campaign next week. The drive is a national movement, with the object of increasing the total enrollment in the 'American Legion to 2,500,000, or a gain of 1, 000,000. CHURCH SUIT DATE SET rial Involving Dn A. A. Morrison to Be Assigned Friday. Trial of the suit in which Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of the Trinity. Epis copal church, is accused of fraud in connection with a land deal by mem bers of the board of school trustees of the Episcopal diocese of Oregon, will open In the circuit court Friday. Presiding Circuit Judge McCourt will assign the case for hearing on that day. The minister is accused of schem ing to obtain a secret profit from the sale of a farm known as "The Oaks," on which he had an option, to the school board "at an outrageous and exorbitant price of $250 an acre." The suit was filed January 2, 1019. Blanket denial of wrong is made by Dr. Morrison, whose entire defense has not yet peen disclosed. EDUCATION RALLY IS HELD Dr. W. Ia. McElvcen Urges Passage or BilW at Salem Meeting, r SALEM. Or.. May 18. (Special.) Failure to approve the measures pro viding more money for the support of the higher educational institutions of the state at Friday's special elec tion would be nothing short of a calamity, rr. "William L. McElv.een, pastor of the First Congregational church of Portland, told a large crowd at the armory here tonight. "Education is the foundation upon which we must build the future of the nations" said Dr. McElveen. "while illiteracy is the most important fac tor in the promotion of bolshevism, radicalism and discontent. The rally was held under the direc tion of the alumni of the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural college. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAXD. Mar 18. Maximum tem perature. 7 decrees; minimum, 48 de grees. River rcadinir. 8 A. M. 10.. feet . Change in last 24 hours. 0.8 foot rise. -roiai rainratll (ft f. M. to , P. M.t. non; total rainfall since; September 1. lni. o0.!"t inches: normal rainfall since Sep tember 1, 41. RS Inches; deficiency of rain fall sine September 1, 10.4it inches. Sun rH.. 4::.3 A. M.; sunset, 7:::fl P. M. Total sunshine. 10 hours minutes; possible sunshine. 15 hours 4 minutes. Moonrise. 5:11 A. M. : moonset. 8:24 p. M. Barom eter (reduced to sea level), 5 p. M., ao.12 Inches. Relative humidity at 5 A. ML. S3 per cent: at noon, per cent; at 5 p. M., 5tf per cent. THE WEATHER. Wind STATIONS. Baker Boise Boston . . . . . Calvary Chicago Denver . . , I?3 Moines. Kureka . . . . . Ualveston 34) W 0.O0I. JNWICIourly .. 72 0.4H.I..IN Cloudy r.4! 78 O.oo; . . SW IPt. cloudy 40 4 0.0O lh W Cloudy M; 6S 0.04,1 S ?.4 70. 00!. .!K 50J 7S 0.00,22'XW 4S 54 0.(Ml!. .iN S 8J,0.04t..iS t lear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Rain Helena i 44! 3s O.OH;. ,SW .lunoaut ...I u4:S4 1.10 10 SB Kansas Cltyl 3 8- 0. 10-28 SW Los Angeles. SOO.OOi. ,'IW Clear Clear Marsntieia (V-'.O.On! . . INW Medford ... Minneapolis SMJ.iildlrt .VWiClear 7(1' 0 . no U;W Rain New Orleans! 7 SO O.OJi . JSB Clear New York. . . North Head. Fhoenlx ...I Pocatello Portland ... Itoseburs; . . . Sacramento St. Louis ... Salt Lake . . . i-'an Diea-o. . r,o enin.niMJ.s 4l 54 0.OO-!. ,V 2 lojid.noi. ,iW SO! S O.OKj. .ISW 4!l 7 0.Oll,lO'N 441 7S O.OOi. .Ix 0 0.OOI. . W Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear . Clear .'.SI 74'l.0ii l4 SB Cloudv 5S 72 0.00 . iSW !Pt. cloudy 4; 62 0.0.1: K It.Ioudy S. Francisco! B2 74 O.oo IS sw iCIear Seattle 4rt' r.rt O.OJ 18 N Cloudy S4l4;0.4ij. . INK JCIoudy Sitkat Spokane .... Tacoma Tatoosh Isd. v:dett . :i wi n tain 60 0.00 12 N Cloudv 4tii 4S, 0.0.1. .ISW 4S 0. 02! . . ISW rt fl.oo1 . . SE 74 O.Oo!. . S Cloudy Rain Cloudv Cloudy Cloudv Walla Walla ll 4S, Washington Winnipeg . 21 6rt 0.42 12 SE Yaltlma . . -I 441 70O.0t;..N Pt. cloudy iA. M. today. Ins day. P. M. report of preced- FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer. westerly winds. Oreson ana wasntnyton air and farmer, gentle westrr:y winds. AMrSErETS. CIRCLE Foarth aaaiuKton Alice Joyce IN "The Sporting Duchess" Also an Al St. John comedy. "Shi Ahoy." and the Pathe news. Open from vclocH In the morning until 4 o'clock of tiie following morning. AMCSEMETiTS. Nirhts Sun. ISc to 9 1 23 Mon.-Tnef. lie to $1.00. 4 Mat San-Moa-Tues-Wed -15e to "J 5c WILL M. CKESSY BLOSSOM BLANCHE D.tTNB SEELET Doral Symonds: Orvllle Stammi Jennie Midrtleton: Ie Mitt Voudc Co.: Kino Crams (exclusive) Topics of tho ly. WILL M. CRESSY Relation- experiences With A. E. F. This nhow will close with the mmtinee WedneeU. Jlaur 19. BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY BAKER 'lomitht. All Wfrk, Mtulii?e Hatnrdsvy M1K WAI.KKI) IN HI-It 81.KEI' oat of ber window, over the roofs into tiie wrung room. a iiaU m LmjW in taer hair. PANT AGES Mat. Daily, 8:80. -"THE LICK OF A TOTEM" With Harry t.irard and Agnr Cain Brown. THE J A PAN KMC REVl'E , With the New York Company. 6 OTHER BIO ACTS. 3 Performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 9. I IIKJIM TOMORROW KVK. H TICKETS NOW SELLING UtfTT T "" Br'dway at Taylor nEVlJ-dVj Phono Main 1 3 Venn.ncJONSORROW Special Price Mat., Sat. The Favorite Comedians K0LB and DILL In the Temperance Play with a "Kick." "WET AND DRY" Catchy Music. ' Girls. Fun. Evenings. $2, $1.50, $1, 75c. 50c Saturday Matinee: $1.50; $1, 50c CITY MAIL OROCRS REC'D NOW! H EI LI G NEXT WEEK Tlisr, l-'rl., bat. NIGHTS MAY 2T 20 Special Price Matinee Saturday A Xational Keceaskty n.tYJIOND K HIS BrGfiEST, FIMCST, BUST .tllSICAL REVIE "KITCHY K00 1919" 1 n K TKRTt IRR! IHOHIS OI' 40 l.DI too It 2U Kvm. Floor, J3.n; balcony, J2.S0. 2.00, $1.00; gallery, res., $1.00. Sat. Slat. Floor, $2.50 : - balcony, 2.uu, i.ou, i.uu; gallery res., Toe Address letters, checks, monev or ders to W. T. Panfrle. ADD 10 PER CENT WAR TAX TO PRICK TICKET. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEUY Matinee Oall.v at 2 Kveninjrs at 7 and 9 l.augh with MIKK AN1 IKE In THE ROYAL ODKSSA. FRIDAY IIIOKIS GIRLS' CONTEST CHAT NO. 51920 Patrons o'f THE OAKS are ad-( vised to prepare for some big surprises before the 1920 season is very far advanced. Here's just a little tip on one of the big things. The biggest, best and most beautiful musical comedy com pany ever brought to Portland is assembling here from the east, where its talented principles have just concluded a wonderful season. The park auditorium will be the home of this army of merry maids on and after May 29. The auditorium musical comedy is only one of a thousand attrac tions at THE OAKS. We'll tell you about more of them every day. Come out before 5 P. M. any day except Sundays and holi days and you may pass through the big gates free of charge. Carfare from First and Alder streets special cars every few minutes is only 6 cents. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Manager. Tonight and All Week Williams Ave. and Stanton St. w. o. w. Maytime Fair 2-BIG FREE ACTS-2 j Fun Galore. i Tonight Rose City Camp Night Come to the Mountain Top to DANCE lO-Piece Orchestra and IHoate Aval 1b the Bis; Pavilion, at Council Crest Park lion a CC Car. HiTGHGOC i J AMUSEMENTS. Ellison-White Lyceum Bureau Presents . WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT Lecturing on "The League of Nations Up-to-Date" Auditorium Thursday Evening, May 27 7o .$1.00 $1.50 War Tax Extra. Seat sale opens Meier & Frank's Monday, May 24. Mail orders accepted now. Address Ellison White Lyceum Bureau, Broadway Bldg. Add 10 war tax and enclose stamped envelope. Dancing TAUGHT All dances taught in S three-hour lenftm. Ladies S3, gentlemen to. at D Honey's beautiful academy, 23d and Washington. Begin nsrs clauses start Mon day and Thursday eve., advanced classes Tues day eve.. 8 to 11 :'Mi. Plenty of dsirabie partners and prac tice. No embarraesment- Learn from professional dancers in a real sebool. All latest steps taught. Open all summer. Phone Main Private lessons all hours. XOIIA1 TOMGIIT "SOMK BtBV." AsneM Bnrr. JohnnT Kane, in tlie scrraminaiy fanny mae.ivAl romniy. ' ui r. other splendid Btrrtlon, including 7.A-&V 1'ITTS. BKIOIIT SKlKs," another of Marcus Lnew's Ie l.ue t. ho vis. GLOBE Eleventh at Washington. Florence Reed "Wives Of Men" AVCTIOTf SALES. At WClfln'a Aiirffitn RnnM IB & Fornltur. 160-171 Second st. MEKT1XO NOTICES. - PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 3. . R. A. M. Stated convoca tion this (Wednesday) even- Ins, at 7:50 o'clock. Degrees. By order H.- P. L. L. BCOTT. Secretary. SUNNTSIOB CHAPTER. V. D. R. A. M. Called convoca tion tonight. 7:00 P. M.. at K. SIlUi and Hawthorne. Woik on M. M. T. M. and M. B. degrees. Visitors welcome. By order of E. H. P.- W. J. BRECKEL. Sec. PORTLAND LODGE.. NO. 33. A. P. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this W"ednesday eve., A :.10 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work in the V. C. decree. Vlsitine breth ren welcome. By order of TV, M. H. J. HOUGHTON, Sec. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. ItiO. A. F. AND A. M., E. 43th and Sandy blvd. Special com munication this Wednesday) evening. M. M. degree. Visit ing brethren welcome. Order RVSSELL H. STEPHENS. Sec WASHlXTOX LODGE NO. 48, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wednes day) eveninff at 5 o'clock, East 8th and Burntsfdc. M. M. dei?ree. Visitors welcome. Or- I dcr of W M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wednes davl . evenlnfr. 5 and 7 P. M. Pythian Temple. 3S8 Yamhill street. E. A. degree. lulling brethren welcome. L. v. JL.NKiMa, . At. SAMARITAN LODOE NO. " i ri o ! . Meets everv Wednesday evening- at 8 o-i-lock. Oddfellows temple, 22 Alder Bt. Third degree tontirht. Second nomination or olllcers. Vlbiting brothers always welcome. .1 C .i Ij 1. JU.b?, .-U. F. W. KROLL, N. G. , REGULAR MEETING this (Wednesday) eve ning at 8 o'clock. East uth and Alder sts. Third destree. Feed. Visiting I brothers cordially welcome. S. A. STARR, Sec. THKTt-E WILL BE A MEET1M OF th. iimnd Army Cemetery association on Wednesday. May 10. 1020. at 3 o'clock P M.. in room 525 county " court house for the purpose of filling the vacancy caused by the death of Comrade M. J Morse, and sucn otner Dusiness as may nmneHv before the meeting. A -tfull attendance is desired. By order of OF ISABELLA have (changed date of dance from Friday, May 21, to Thursday. May 20. Cathedral hall. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs, jaeger pros., i.i-o oi" FRIF.DLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and meoais. w aaiimgimi PIED. TWNLER In Hillsdale. Or., May IN a - i iioo i -1 1 ,i ..r- -lannier. iiru c., ..-a, a. lii-eaed is survived by a widow, Mrs. Margaret Tannler: a son. Casper Tann it- f Pennsylvania, and etgh daughters, Mrs. Margaret Leuthold r- Mrs Katie Welbel. fmn .,.i,,n'' Mrs. Elsie Weigent. New v-t. itr Anna B. Aplanalp. Portland , ; ' Kr.hlaoni. Hillsdale: Mrs. 1 u-rA,. Pennsylvania: Mrs. Afra Burn. Richfield. Wash., and Mrs. Freda n-.nni.- H uliidale: also a Drotner, jonn Tannler! Hillsdale. Remains are at the minors of the Skewes Lndertaklng Jnmnanv. corner 3d and Clay, funeral notice later. t.t't t trnia eltv. way J. atnerm Faul. ageo -.' J , - . V, st. Tne reinaiufl . aomery at ith. Notice of funeral here after. HAYS In this city. May it, -". jon Holman s funeral parlors, 3d and Salmon sts. -Nonce - MONTMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS B Fonrth St Opp. City Hall. e Br PS'BUAEISING GRANITE CO. fl? TMlWg atVpison streetJ OREGON HUMANE' SOCIETY Investigates alt cases of alleged cruelty to animals, ortices. room low courthouse. f none Aiain 010 i r o ni R A. M. to 5 P M. I The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. LogS lor sale, norse amouiance rnr ai.w or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, ana stray animais careu for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc,, picked uo tree oi coarse. 5 W.M FVXKBAL NOTICES. McGRATH In this city. May 17.s 1950, Edward McGrath. aired -S years, be loved brother of Charles. James and Henry .McfJrRth and Mn. Josephine Koberts of Omaha. Neb.;. Mrs. Kred W. German and Thomas McOrath and Mrs. Pat Mnnahan of Portland. Or., and Mrs. E. L. Sevisny. of Seattle. Wash. Friends invited to allend the funeral services t St. Mary's Cathedral. 10th and Davis sts.. at Hi A. M. today (Wednesday). May 19. 1020. Interment Nfu Calvary cemetery. Remains at Holmm't funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon srta. REEVES In this city. May 1. May Keeves, aged 3- years, Belovea wire oi Howard c. Reeves, mother of Willis, J., diaries H., Harry D.. all of Port land, and sister of Mrs. L. H. Wallace of .Portland. Remains will be forward ed Wednesday, Mav 19, at T:40 A. M., to Halsey. Or., where services will be held. Interment at Brownsville ceme tery. Arrangements in car. of Miller et Tracey. BEAGLES In this city. May IT. Ernest Alfred Beagles, aged 50 years, late of 60V- E. 10th st.. brother of Alberta Beagles of this city and Fred Beagles of Los Angeies. Cal.: hair-brother of Mrs. Ida M. Hlte of Rushville. Indiana. Funeral services will be held today (WAr,MHuv i mt l-:ln o'clock P. M. at Fin ley's. .Montgomery at 5lh. Friends Invited. Interment at Rtver View cem etery... TA' 1 W V T? T fhim elfv MaV 16. MrS Jennie A. Walker, beloved mother of Walker of Portland and Miss E. R. Gardner of Davenport, la. r unerai i.-es will be held from the church of the Good Shepherd. Vancouver and Graham aim. Thursday. May 20. at 10 A. M. Friends are Invited. Concluding; services at tho Portland Crematorium. . PA1C.E In this city. May 1. Jessie W. Pause, aged .- vears. beloved wife of L. H. Paige, mother of Carolyn T. Pais. this citv and Mrs. E. M. Ehrhardt of Lewtston. Idaho. Remains will be for warded Wednesday. May 1l. at i:10 P. M. to Minneapolis, Minn., where services and interment will take place. Arrange ments in care of Miller at Tracey. WATSON At the residence. 208 Cherry St.. May IS. George K. years. husband of Ida W atson and father of Hiixvey L. and Leonard yval son. both of this city. Funeral services will be held Wednesday. May 19. at i P M . at the rhapel of Miller Tracey. Interment at Mt- Scott Park cemetery. O'NEII. At the residenc. 10.B uiviaion St.. May 17, rrancia u e'. , vears. beloved husband of Rose u Nell and brother of Mrs. Mary Master of Toronto. Canada. Funeral services will be held Wednesday. May 19. J: JO P. J at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. In terment at Rose City cemetery. ARNOLD The funeral services of the late Nora Theresa Arnold win o ni dav May 'JO. at the Ascension church, loth and Morrison, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment at Roee Citv cemetery. Arrangement in care of Miller & Tracey. - . , i -1." v ,,!- itv Mav 15. jonn v . Green, aged yenrs. wevaor " ' nmH.-r of Ml. Tabor Lodge. No 4-. A F. and A. M. and past patron of Corin thian chapter. No. 54. O. L. S. An nouncement of funeral later by the Eric son Undertaking Co. STICKNEY At rertdence. '- 1,ln. years, husband of Mrs. Grace fatlcknev and brother of lira. C. E. Miller. Good Inii. Idaho. The remains will be for warded by McEntee & Ellcrs to Edroond, Kunaas. , Fl'NERAI. CABS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES ALTO UVbKX. jiAKgnAtiU IX'N" E HAL DIRECTORS., Dunning & McEntee . . , , residential U ?""V...... .t luih st.. west side. Telephone Broadway 430. automatic. M3-&8. Tbs funeral home of refinement and distinctive service. Vote We nave no branches nor any eel Dcclioaa whatever wilu any otntr undertaking lirm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON Funeral Dlrectora Third anil Salmon St! Main S07. Ldy A&sistanL MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, bttween 20lH and 21st streets, west side. Lady Assistant. Main 269L 878-85. J. P. FINLEY & SOIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home, l'ith and Everett sta. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatlo 21-.i. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone Euat 52. Perfect service, personal direction, frae use of Ilorai cnapei am UOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson Ross. Multnomah at East "th, Eat S4 Irvington district. P. L. LERCH E7. Eleventh and Clay. East 7 SI. T 1833. PDlPcnM twelfth and Morrison Sta. rjXcltOUl" Broadway A. D. KEN WORTH Y. CO. 5802-04 32d St., Lenta. Tabor 52o7. A. R. ZELLER CO. 092 Williams ave. East 10SS. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK, 1047 Belmont. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 41,i2. A -J-l. i-auy assisiaou FLORISTS. titg 328 MorrisonSt. " 'tf: . v Pnrtl ami Kntal Ma TO Vfrji&t-. . stores - Bet.BrdwytPark Mar.257 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. Wo special ise In funeral designs. 141Vi 6th. opposite Meier A Frank's. Main 7U1V JAPAN FLORIST 168-170 4th mt.. Flrehouie Market. All klnas of flowers. .Bedding and vegeta ble planus. Jpnneee sbrubbery, nursery stock, tubs, baiketa, tfar den seeds. Special sale. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., tiorista, ii&7 Morrison at. . Main 7709. Fina flowers and floral d aipns. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays $1.50 up. Bdwy. 2870. 4tSo Wash. TONtiKTH FLORAL CO.. 27 Washington St.. bet. 4th and Gth. Main A 1161 Rates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. -Lally and Sunda Per line One time 12c Two consecutive time 2-e Three consecutive time 3Ue Seven consecutive times 63c The following classifications excepted, the rate of which is c per line per dayt Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. o ad taken for lea, than two lines. Count aix words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person als' and "Situations Wanted") will ho taken over the telephone If the adver tiser la a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the followine day. AdvertlemenUi are taken for The IalW Orea-onian until 1:30 P. I.; for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 I. M. Saturday. KIW TODAT. Irvington Ideal Home 200x100 Corner 10 rooms, large living room and din ing room tn solid oak. library and sun room. 2 fireplaces first floor, 2 baths and bedrooms. McDonnell, East 419. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic 660-33. I Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Orejronian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems established maintained: Income tag service; refer ences Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Main T443. ALTERATIONS. LADIES tailoring. Perfect fitting! work guaranteed. I. Reubin. 408 Bush-Lane bid. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second ioiq. stiver aud platinum bought. MULTNOMAH Hotel Turkish baths, men; all day and all night. CARPET WEAVING. DllftC The kind that wear the best are IIUWw made from your wora-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven, all slsea. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mall orders solicited. 183 E. Rth st. Phone East 3580. B 12H0. FLUFF RUGS FROM CLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sites Mall orders prompt. . Send for Booklet. vxlz rugs steam or dry cleaned, fl.30. .. FLUFF RUG CO., 4-Ba Union av N. East 51. B 1473. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAO RUGS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL. ... PORTLAND RUG CO.. J;2 E. 17thst. Sell wood 3W. CAKPKT SWEEPERS REPAIRED, .LTTHORIZED Blssell cartel sweeper re pair acency; all parte lurnlahed. 653 .'inrrnon St. CKLLCLOIP BUTTONS, .THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANT. 37 Washington. Bdwy. 43. A 104. CEMENT CONTRACTOR. Vrffc.M EN T work of all kinds, garages and excavating; reasonable. Pbone Tabor CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW MeMahon. i6o Chiroprac . 4 nronga pronounce treatment oest. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny me only scientific chiropodist and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Oer- inger oiog.. e. w. cor. 2d and Alder. CHIROPODISTS. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun lone, foot arches made to order. !U 1 ""'nn oiqg.. oth and Wash. Main 10BI DR. B. LOUISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A. M to 7 P. M. 440 Morgan bldg. Main 41)08. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNET SWEEP. Furnace Smoke. IhrAiish refrl.t.ea needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3883. CIRCCLAR LETTERS. JM3 LETTER CO., Iil0-ll-12 Roya ting. Mar.hall SS22. Mul tigraphlng ""srapmng ana mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17041. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1000. COXT RACTO R8. FOR BRICK WORK, phone Jack Wempe. tile and concrete. Wood lawn 230. DANCING. MRS. BATH, lessons day 308 Dekum bldg. Private and evening. Main 1343. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Mil Dorothy Rasmusacn, 810 Ellers bldg. DENTISTRY'. IF YOU have dental w...rk to be done, have It done without pair, by the nerve-block-in method. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. E. H. PREHN, Majestic Theater B:dg., a-.l H Washington St. lQO AN D CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 4ir East 7th. East 1S4T and 21fl-B2 FI.ECTBICAF. REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold, KTCHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 627-37. 21S t First St. Main 871 H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO, 34 X. 1st.. Portland. Or. Rewinding- and electrical repair ing a specialty. ee us about new or uBcd motors. Bdwy, 1046. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land If you want bl crops: read about "G. M. Wonder" in our 1920 catalogue. Routledge Seed ft Floral co., i4u za st.. rortiana, or. KIEL. FOLEY FUEL wood. 4-foot, -Old-growth country slab- rnone .ast 2tt. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL. BI PPI.IES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-SS-S7-69 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.; Board of Trade BIQ8. HATS AND CAPS. THAN HA USER HAT CO.. 53-65 Front St. PAINTS. OILS ANP CLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. R AS MUSS EN A CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. PEPIWAnr, 1 :ional Er"Ctd In Portland or SHTPPEO ANTWHERE, In sections ready to put tjther. Easy for on roan to erect tn a flay. Our cash priest, factory 6lrct to you. no middle man, mean a GREAT SAVING. Send for circular. Call t factory. See lifAl2e sample. REOIMADE Bl ILOrVO CO.. sin kl nth (St S blka. 6. Hawthorn. X'bone Iast 6114. Fortland, Ores; on. Irvington Home Finest In Irvington. a perfect pic ture. With 14 acre ground, massed with flower beds. Imported Japanese and other shrubbery, everybody ad mires this model of beauty. Living, dining- and breakfast paneled In ma hogany, 4 bedrooms in ivory. Only J17.000: cheap at $20,000. No agents. Kast 1347. S18.SOO HOTEL FOR SALE t in nne of the best towns In .nuthern Oregon. Price Includes 3-story brick building, furnished com plete. Paying $750 per month. Call and see photo and get full particulars. I Kim, K .".... 034 Cnamber f Commerce. STORAGE SPACE Oar Plant nnd Ratsa Why Assume Expensive Leases Under rraaeni msu uisi - CLAY S.M0RSE, INC. 191 mm A GUmmm Pmow Bdwy, M7. Mortgage Loans de A. H- BIRRELL CO. X17-ZL9 Marthweatern Ranis li tall dim s HH.1. A HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. T. A D. HEMSTITCHING Shop; superior work; prompt service. R. 618. Oregon Kilers bldg.. ".'S7 Washington St. HEMSTITCHING. 8 cents per yard, and plaiting at HtB and Washington. MOVING. FOR express, moving, general hauling - reasonable rates call Marshall 4t)ty. MCflC TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano, l nr. oay, so mo. pu y. NCKSERY STOCK. WE riBHT a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry pianl. ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. ORBGON NLRSERT CO.. ORENCO, OR. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. r.i iar.8 ax A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the riasla oi capaoie Kr'". ' e .i. r ..tiufieit customers. A trial will convince you. Chanes W Good- m.n nnlnmeli-lst. VOt) MorriSOIl. M itvl- a'iKXTIFICALLV TEST "Tiic .d with modern inctrumenta. ' 4f-aa . -. f ; , t , ,1 frnm S2.50 up. A. E. HURW1TZ. optometrist. T2S lat St. GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op tician. IS an expert eye Hi"',""'',:": rhirr.i ara very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 2-tt Morrifon St., near id ORIENTAL RIGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL nWS CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH ATIYEH BROS. 1M N. 23D. PHONE MAIN EJUS. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice bas extenaeu over a period OI e years. ii-.i... .... - cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious free on request. MINN i CO., PJ" attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg.. S82 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Totver bldg.; Washington of fice, room 103. 62J F St.; New York o flue. Woo! worth bidg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 yei and foreign patents. irs' sxperience U. S. 001 Dekum bldg PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway Bidg. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, remaie disorders, skin affections, b.ood pressure, enlarged tonsil, moles, birth marks. PI.CMB1NG fctPPLlKS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOi.EjAl.B prices. Stark-Davis Co., 183 4th. M. !). PRINTING. PRINTING fstT nd Oak sts. M 7. oll-O"' PAINTING, PAINTING, paperhanging. John C ton llsk. 133 lttth st. N. Broadway ! PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. Myers. Blind School. Marshall aOW. POILTRY SCPI'I.IES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac- Routledge Seed oi Floral Co., l-o Portland. 2d St., t-CAl.P TREATMENT. ROM-I-DA. Scalp treatments for baldness. 4-5-2 Medical bldg. SEtOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE FCRNlTURc- CO. j i r nwft i i- . We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main W72. . TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BCKt.AU. o"i Dekum bldg. C. toreign i rauemn ' TRANSFER AND STORAtiE. NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 4-6 Front St. TRANSFER AND STORAtiE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH -rv, Krvir with a Reputation. MOVING-PACK'O-STO RAGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch KS'i Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREOON" TRANSFER CO., 474 Gilan Bt nt-noi- i:.t h Phone Broadway .'J81 o lltiO. We own nd opfrale two laricc class "A" warohoueen on terminal tracks. lowest Insurance ratos .n the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE . OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 24R Pine. PACKINO. VOVINR. STORAGU. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 3105. A 10.11. WOOI1SAW. AUTOMATIC woodsaw; even length guar anteed. Phone n-ast wmu. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AMI tASCAKA BAKK KAHN BROTHERS. 105 Front at. PLUMBING SU'PLIF.S AND THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-RS-X7-RH Front PRODUCE COMMISSION JIIKKCH ANTS. F.VERDING & FARREL.I-. 140 Front st ROPE AND BIM1KR THINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Nortlirup SASII. DOORS AND tiLASS. ' W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TO DAT. Send Us Your Old Carpets (W Call and Deliver) Old' Rugs and Woolen Clothlns;. V . .Make Reveralble, liand-Vvovea FLUFF RUGS Boom-Sixe Fluff Rms, Woven. aiTo Rat" Roars Woven All Slaea. Clothea Oleaalnc tad Dyelnsr Lepta. Mall Order. bead for Uuoklel. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x13 Roars. Steamed Cleaned. S1.S0 WESTERN Fa-TIKF" RUG CO. 54 Iniun Ave N. 4'kone Kast asia NOB HILL HOME for $7000 6 large rooms, fireplace, furnace. buffet, 3 bedrooms and den. This is a fine home in exclusive district on -west side. MRS. LUCIIS. Tabor 3089 for appointment. SIX-ROOiM BUNGALOW For Sale toy Owner Has bath, built-in effects, fireplace, furnace, full-size basement and ce ment sraraee. A very comfortable home. One and one-half block from Alberta cut line. Bargain at $4300. 13000 each, balance on time. Automatic 312-42 W CALX, FOR YOUR OLO CARflSTS. R a KB and Woolen Clothlns; FLUFF RUGS Ail Work Tvrned Out Promptly Rmm Knta W rem All Si cm Mall Order. Semd for Booklet. CaritcU Cleaned, lald and Befitted. AORTHWEST RIO CO. ItiH Hmmt fetta SC. Pkune JTEYV TODAY. -5 V": ' i - t 1 - Thee two houses are vacant: one on East 18th and Couch: the other at 7S1 East Broadway. Will either sell or rent. If you will purchase these you can fix the price: If you want to rent, we will fix the price. HARVEY WELLS & CO, 602 Gasco Bldg. ai ri 'r-r -- - - S2-i--it --- i,. - f- l MILLMADE "SEbTlQXAL . HOUSES Model No, 2-fi-T. v Priced from $200 to $500. Double constructed. Made in three sizes We will erect this house here In Portland or Bhip it any where F. O. B. earn, with com plete instructions and plana for erection. Write or Phone for Cntaloar. Elwood Wiles & Son S02 Title A. Trust Rullding. Phone Main 4724. House Model No. 500 (Ready Cut) on exhibition at 1601 Union Ave. N. tS rooms). See it today. 4 r - AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Thip low. ramb-lnsr bungalow, built of hollow tile, enormous living room with extra larjte fireplace, rutcri kitchen, two la,rite porches, on a of which is Uirjje enough for two or three beds. The house has bath and toilet, concrete basement and splen did furnace. The ground consists of acre frontinir on both upper and lower drives. Both the ground and the house are in a very poor condition. but the possibilities for improvement are unlimited, and the price, 4zuu, certainty should make this an attract ive proposition, and we ihtnK mat me house alone could not be duplicated for this price, JlbDO cash, $-0 monthly. FRED W. CERMAV CO.. TX Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE T have a fine, modrrn. up-to-date BiT rooin, with the reception, liviiifr and dinintr room in mahosany and ivory. Dutch kitchen with all built-ins and while maple floor: front bedroom across ths front with window seat and French window; south bedroom, lurpe and airy with French window; north bedroom with cross windows: all in white and larre closets. Three linen closets, built-in bookcases, load ed irlass buffet. French doors, fire place, furnace. 2 toilets and vestibule, litrtre basement, fine garaKC Nice lot facing east. Will Rive terms and only $7000. Phone Mar. S29. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 RAILWAY E!(Cai!IVE, WEST SIDE One S-story brick, 12 5 and 6-room apartments, and one 4-story frame adjoining with U S-room apartment3. 7tl,000.00 Income per month at normal rental. SKKMI.OO Located in heart of Rpartment-hous district. Terms. JOHXSON-DODSON CO, :M . W. 11a nk. Bids. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE! LOANS (sited States ""k Bnlldlnc BEAL C8TATB. ON THE OREGON CITY CAR LINE. No. 1 A beautiful, niodern suburban borne, plate glas windows, brai trirn ming, on IK acres groundw with bearlnjr fruit and rooes of all ktnd: private water system all over the place, fur nish ed. No. - Ten acres, unimproved, near Ients, cheap. ?Co 8 A beautiful fi aorea. well im proved, good building: . fruit, in Van couver. No. 4 A modern brirk apartment house on the wet side, all full and do ins better than 12 per cent net; a -map: part trade and term. No. 5 A beauttrul 9-room modern houae. on east 21 st at., corner, furnace and built-in, part rash and terms. No. V $5O0f equity in an Improved 3 acres, clove in. for s bungalow or what have, you ? No. 7 Alfalfa, farms In central Ore con both lare and small. CAMPBELL-PHELAN LAND A. CATTLE Co.. n3 Couch BldK. For Kale Flat nnd Apartment Property. I WEST SIDE Three 2-family flat bides.; I fine Income; modern ; consider ioma trade. Owner in itau a-tv om bu For Hale Reax-h Property. FCn fALE Or win rent or leas. tw choice lots B Out 40 feet, at TUlamoo beach, on board walk, connty road el railroad: near dance pavilion and boteL Address H Oregoolan. MODERN fi-room furnished house 2 f'.re p'accst at Ocean Park. Wash., with 4 lorf. BiT barga.D at S'JOOA. Would take rood auto up to $150. bal. cifh. See Clark at 404: V; Washington at. after evenins. pr ream U0 at same place. WaVeMnsWn H)USES ariiS I 1 - ft V ::. AV.-'-vJ(- t rJTl 109.0