MAY- 19, 1920 -ABE NOW SELECTED Triple Stamps This Week with cash purchases in all de partments of the store. Plan. to do your shopping here and reap the benefit of this saving. Triple Stamps This Week Three Trading Stamps instead of one, with every cash purchase amounting to 10c or more. Now is the time to supply your needs! The Standard Store of the Northwest Three Yet to Be Chosen by Methodist Conference. Olds, Wortman "& King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods "WET" PLANK DENOUNCED STAMP JUBILEE WEEK! Prediction Made That Prohibition Will Bo Major Factor In". Preventing Panic. THE MORNING OUEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, ISBi Sr TRADING DES MOINES. Ia May IS. Three men. were elected bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church on the sevepth genera! conference ballot taken at noon They are: Anton Bast. Copenhagen; Edgar Blake, Chi cago? and George H. Bickley, Phila delphia. A total of nine white bishops now hat e been elected and three more are to be chosen. 5-18 KeccaMT to Elect. Eight hundred and twenty-two bal lots were cast, making 548' necessary to elect. The vote was as follows: Anton Bast, 595; Edsar Blake, 5S1; George H. Bickley, 678. The three "high est candidates,, in addition to those elected, are as follows: F. T. Kcency, Syracuse, N. Y., 516; II. 1. Kmith, Uelroit, 503; Andrew Mead, Denver, 453. Dr. C. W. Burns ' of Minneapolis was elected a bishop on the fifth bal lot taken last evening, the result of "Which was announced today. At the observance of the anniver sary of the board of temperance, pro hibition and public morals tonight, Clarence True Wilson of Washington, D. C, said that if any political party shall put into its platform a wet plank, "it will find it a mighty slip pery board to run on, and its candi dates will fulfill that scripture which says 'the feet of the wicked stand in slippery places." " Prohibition Arsnmnt Presented. William H. Anderson, superintend ent of the New York Anti-Saloon league, made his argument in favor of prohibition on the fact that fi nancial conditions have been im proved thereby. He made the -prediction that prohibition will be the major factor in preventing a ruinous financial panic in the United States. PLATFORM DATA STUDIED KEPCBLICAX LEADERS SCRCTI JilZE PROPOSALS. All-Day Conference Is Held in Chi y eajjo in Preparation Tor Convention in June. WASHINGTON. May 18. Findings of the special committee of 171 prom inent republicans named in January to gather data for the party's na tional platform were brought today under the scrutiny of a conference of jrty leaders for revision and perfec tion before their presentation to the Chicago convention. The committee's suggestions, split up into 21 sub-committee reports on 21 possible campaign issues, were dis cussed exhaustively at an all-day ir.ecting attended by Will H. Hays, national chairman. All the sub-committee reports re lated to questions of domestic policy, the party's declarations on foreign affairs, including the treaty cf Ver sailles, being left to be worked out at later conferences. Some progress has been made, however, by an infor mal committee of republican senators. It was said that in the main the con clusions of tho special . committee were given approval, though some eliminations were made and further suggestions added. All the leaders declared, however, that decisions reached were in no sense binding and that other changes doubtless would te made when the convention met. The conference today constituted a newly-created executive committee of the committee of 171 and was made p of all the senators and representa tives holding membership in the full committee and of the chairmen of the 21 sub-committee. In addition sev al 'convention delegates who are to sit . on the platform committee attended. !8S Triple S. & H. Trading Stamps Will Be Given With Cash Purchases All Over the Store! HANDING BACK THE CASH With every cash purchase amounting to 10c or more you make at this store you will receive Triple Trading Stamps, representing a direct cash saving on the money you spend in other words, we hand you back a substantial discount. - Hundreds of Thoukands of . , - S. & H. Trading Stamps will be distributed to our customers this week in celebration of "Jubilee Week." We have set out to enroll 10,000 new stamp savers in this mighty movement to bring down living costs. Will you Jbe one of them? OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS ordering by mail, will receive Triple Stamps with cash purchases, the same as though shopping in person. Here is an opportunity to buy spring and summer needs and save considerable. Mail Orders filled by experienced shoppers and forwarded same day. 10 Days Allowed On All Purchases Sent C. O. D. Where customers of der goods sent C. O. D., 10 days will be allowed in which to return the cash sales checks for Trading Stamps. All other cash sales checks must be presented at the Stamp Booth on day purchase is made.- mil Hundreds of Unadvertised Specials on Display Throughout the Store I ill See Special Attraction in One of Our Display Windows on Morrison Street "3 FOR 1" Single Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts If Paid in Full On or Before Saturday, May 22d "3 FOR 1" "iii'iM WEARING APPAREL STOLEN Tlilevcs Showing Partiality for Suits, Caps and Shirts. "Wearing apparel formed the prin cipal loot taken by burglars Monday nigh and yesterday morning, accord ins to reports at the" police station. The Metropolitan Hat & Cap com pany. 31 XM Second street, reported that someone had entered their factory and taken 19 caps. A suit and a cap were stolen from the back porch of the home of Homer Shaver, 295 Kast Korty-eighth street. K. J. Shoassreen. 166 Florida street, reported the theft of a suit, a hat. 2 silk shirts and silverware from his ' residence. Kntrancc was gained by a rear window. The proprietor of a shop at !M North Fifth street reported that the man came up when the till was open and grabbed the money and ran. He did not know just how much was taken. ROAD BOND PLAN FAVORED Mrs. Alexander Thompson Writes Letter or Indorsement. Although she opposed the bond measures presented in the legislature in 1919, Mrs. Alexander Thompson, member of tho Oregon legislature and candidate for representative in congress from Oregon, has written the following indorsement of th 4 per cent bonding amendment meas ure: "If work on our state highways Is to be continued beyond the present year it is essential that the limit on assessable property of tho state, as now provided by law. be raised to 4 per cent. An affirmative rote on this road measure means a more rapid de velopment of all the resources of our great state. "MRS. ALKXANDKR THOMPSOX, Member Oregon Legislature member of the board, it was stated. The recall movement was originaiiy against him aa well as Mr. orj&u". Hollis W. Libby, assistant ftate highwav engineer for this district, K. A Mccuiiy, rea!iy i, t u9rtii TiVivsician. have con sented to allow their names to be used as candidates for director at the an nual election June zi, ai n ivn lie retail ' J - , voted on. These men. it is announced, will run on a platform in tavor 01 mo grade teachers of the city in their . ..hi, w Tt Kutherford. l-Uliliutcisj city superintendent of schools. Senior Class Nets $30 0. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON', Eugene. May 18. (Special.) The senior class 'of the university made approximately S300 net out of its presentation oi "The Man on the Box" Saturday night in the Eugene theater as a part of the junior week-end celebration, accord ing to the preliminary report of Jack Dundore of Portland, manager of the production. The total taken in was $S86. mo Wiley , B; Altera 1 'HIS NEWEST- BRUNSWICK-- RECALL TO BE. STARTED Jiugcuc Pnrent-Tcaclier Associa tions to Circulate Petitions. EL'GEXE, Or., Slay IS. (Special.) The petition for the recall of K. R. Bryson, member of the Kugene school board, will be circulated at once, ac cording to announcement of the Parent-Teacher associations of the city. No attempt will be made to recall 8. M. Calkins, the newly-appointed NAME "BAYER" ON : GENUINE ASPIRIN Get relief without fear as told 'in "Bayer package" Beauty is the dominant char- wick medel. Beauty of tone, of architecture, of detail, of work manship and beauty of finish, too. In all hV is. the most delightful phonograph ever shown at its jriceS150. . Em- m Rrunisuriclf features the Uft&ti&. win 5cli uslavs perfectly the records of aU artists and all makers; the new molded wood tone amplify ing chamber, bmit on the violin principle, and the new and more powerful moirH are present In this new model. ' We deMver it prepaid anywhere on most moderate pay ments. Sign and send this ad for particulars. The "Bayer Cross" is the signature of the true "Bayer Tablets of Aspir in." The name "Bayer" is only on genuine Aspirin prescribed by physi cians for over eighteen years. In every handy "Bayer" package are proper directions for Colds, Head ache, Toothache, Earache. Neuralgia, Kheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu ritis and for Pain generally. Tin boxes of 12 tablets, cost only a few cents. Druggists alsoi sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono nccucacidester of Salioylicacid. Adv. i - MORRISON ST. AT BROADWAY 1 PIANOS PLAYERS MUSIC MASON AND rLAniJN PIANOS (TALKING! j MACHINES) 1 RECORDS othui rroRci ian frahckco. oaklamd, ntuNa mm oikoo ah josc. MCRAMeirre. Lea ansclu It's VACUUM PACKED W.are also roasters of "CountryGub Coffee "YE PACK DEPENDABLE COFFEE in sanitary Oacuum cans not to improve its incomparable flavor but to insure its delivery to ou as fresh as wken it left our roasters. -. i YOU ARE ENTITLED TO GOOD COFFEE . DEPENDABLE ' - v COJ&Q " 1 Tastes Better, Goes Furtner" DWIGHT EDWARDS CO., PORTLAND, OR. 8 m GH 1 06.0