Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 19, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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City ElI(or Main 7070. A !0!5a
Sunday Kdltor l.ln 7070. A BOSS
.Advertising department. .Main 7070. A 6095
buperintmdeoL ol Bide. ..Main 7O70. A &09i
HK1L1G (Broadway at Taylor Mme.
Ualil-Cun.1. Tonight.
ORPHKUM (Broaaway at Taylor) Vaude
ville. Tliis afternoon.
'BAKER (Broadway near Morrison)
Baker Slock company In "She Walked
In Her SJeep." Thia afternoon and to
ri iKhl.
LV1UU (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edy, "The Royal Odaima." Three shows
dally at a. 7 and 0.
'BIPPODKOMIi (Broadway at Tamrilll)-j-Vaudeville
and moving pictures, 2 to 5.
6:4i to 11 P. M. tiaturdays. Sundaya
' aud holiday contlnuoua 1:15 to 11 P. M.
. PANTAUES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily. 2:B0, 7 and
- COUNCIL. CREST Free" amusement park.
Take ,,CC" cars, Morrison or Washing
ton streets.
TUB OAKS Amusement park. Free ad
mission until P. M. except Sundaya
- and holidays. Take cars at. First and
On Sale at
Business Office, Oreconlan.
Court Shows Mark of Respect.
"A r-- deal of credit for the isplen-
- did progress made by the court of
domestic relations in, early organiza
tion work was due to the untiring
. service and executive ability of Mrs.
.adie Gardner," declared Judge. Jacob
Kanzler. in tribute to his late as-
fc-istant, yesterday. ' The court of do
mestic relations adjourned yesterday
morning as a mark of respect to Mrs.
Gardner during the funeral hours.
The services at the Holman chapel
were attended by all Mrs. Gardner's
co-workers at the courthouse.
Large Land Holdings are a blessing
'to a community in the hands of a man
like Governor Frank O. Lowdcn of
Illinois, . who uses his means and
wonderful business ability to develop
lands in Texas, where hegrows cattle;
In. Arkansas, where he drains swamps
' 'and grows cotton: on his model Illi
nois and Iowa farms, both operated on
a profit-sharing basis with young
farmers. This makes him a good
pros"pect for a tract of Oregon logged
off land. A business man, a states-
- man and a farmer. ' Lowilen will win.
Vote for him. Adv.
Improvement Association Meets.
Residents' of South Portland will be
interested in the meeting of the South
. Portland Improvement association in
Shattuck school tonight. A. Rosen
.stein will preside. District Attorney
Kvans will speak. Brief talks will be
. eriven by W. F. Woodward. C. H.
. Ityncrson, Miss Grace Johnson ot
Oregon Agricultural college and sev
eral others. Uuniway park will form
. the subject for a report on progress
. of affairs in the southern part of the
city. to Visit Portland. John
G. Lake, president of the Interna--"tional
Apostolic congress. who is
reputed to have healed thousands of
persons afflicted with diseases and
disorders, during hij five-year stay in
Spokane, will be in Portland Sunday.
It is planned to conduct meetings at
the auditorium Sunday afternoon, Sun
day, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day nights. Twenty ordained minis
ters are working under the direction
of Mr. Lake and five of them will
come for the Portland meetings.
Scarlet F"ever Fatal. The first
death of the year as a result of scar
let fever in Portland uts recorded in
1 the health bureau yesterday. Lillian
Marie Madigan, 4 years old, was the
jietim, dying at her home. "417 Ivy
street. Sunday. The death of the little
girl followed an illness of 23 days.
Two other members of the family
' suffered from scarlet fever, previous
to her illness. Health bureau records
"show that four deaths resulted from
scarlet fever in Portland during 1919.
Attention, Drivers of For-Hire
Cars! Cadillac. 7-pasaenger touring
car, 1917 model for Bale. Newly
painted battleship gray trimmed in
hiack. Six cord tires, license, wind
shield wings and bumper; top and
upholstery like new; motor is perfect
r and will stand most severe test, very
quiet. Cash or terms. Will consider
liwht car in trade such as Buick,
i .l'odge. Oakland or Ford. Phone Bdwy.
4 1S4. 100 N. Broadway. Adv.
Democrats. Stand- by President
WUaon and for a league of nations
iAat will prevent future wars and
make compulsory military training
unnecessary. President Wilson- says
no matter of expediency should be
considered; that the league of nations
t is the hope of the world and the honor
. of the nation i at stake. Vote for
Starkweather for senator and down
the treaty rippers. Adv.
Pairt Council to Meet. The board
members of the Oregon dairy coun
"' cil will meet in the office of the
- council today at 10 o'clock at 100S
Broadway building. A general mem
c bership meeting has been called for
1:30 in the peacock room of the Mult
nomah hotel. A plan to reorganize
. the council along lines similar to the
-national dairy ' council will be con-
Fifth Licttrb Tomorrow. Robbert
" Murray Pratt will deliver a lecture
J in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium tomor
row at 8 P. M. on the subject "The
Principle of Universal Relationship,"
being the fifth of a series of addresses
on "The Religion of Sensible Men."
Henry J. Kirkson, bass, will be the
soloist for the evening. The lecture
.' is free to the public.
., Speaker at Salvation Armt. A
- apecial public meeting will be held at
the Salvation Army hall, 1284 First
. , street, tonight at S o'clock, conducted
.-by Colonel Sydney Oauntletr, chief
.secretary, of the western states, from
..Chicago. Colonel Gauntlett is an
, ..officer of wide experience and is a
, fine speaker.
Azaleas Am m Bloom. Arale'as,
'-native shrub of southern Oregon, are
-in full bloom at Laurelhurst park and
are attracting much attention accord
ing to Park Superintendent Keyser
The azaleas are showy blooms and
: .the dtsp4ay at the park is well worth
seeing, according to Mr. Keyser.
Tr Tou are in the market for 1920
' Pldsmobilo "S," see Jack Herzlngcr
"' first. This car is new, equipped with
: eord tfares. spotlight, shook absorb
ers; price with extras. Ju'520; sell for
' 1 KCCiO; Urms if desired. East 6363
For Sat.-e. One Ingerooll Ttana
steam driven compresser; size 14xl& in-,
capacity about 380 cubic feet air per
minute. In first-class order. Apply
.j-to Pacific Iron Works, Kast 29th and
.' Clackamas St., Portland, Or. Adv.
, -. Wht the Milk Core? Hrcau
disease is so often due to disturtanc
of the mechanism of nutrition and the
milk cure corrects the trouble. The
, , Moore sanitarium. Kast 47, office, 90S
.' Selling bldg. Main 6101. Adv.
Seasidb Via Acto. Cars leava for
-.- Astoria, Seaside and way points at 10
A M. dally from 12S 6th street (near
Washington). For rates and reserva
tions telephone Mar. 43S1, Shepard'a
Auto Bus lines. Adv.
Oriental Rcos stored, rep'red, wash
cleaned. Cartesian Bros. Inc., oriental
rugs and carpets. Wash., near 10th
Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co,
rr- nine agents. 321 Hawthorne av. Gut
1188. Adv.
Vote for T. J. Lonegan for the leg
islature. No. 109. Adv.
Uom-I-Pa a positive hair grower.
42S-429 Medical Bldg. Adv.
" - Dr. Scorr returned; Selling bldr.
' Votb for T. J. Lonegan for the leg
islature, Ko. 109. Adv.
il engl-
ii Trl-t- I
Carveth Wells. English civi
neer and naturalist, will be in Port
land Saturday and will deliver one
of his Illustrated lectures on the
Malay Peninsula, before the Audubon
society at the central library audi
torium at 8 o'clock Saturday night.
Air. Wells is now on a Chautauqua
platform and is transferring from
Canada to an eastern circuit, but be
cause of the friendships made in Port
land a year ago he is making a spe
cial trip here to deliver this lecture
before the local bird lovers. Mr.
Wells spent more than six years in
the Malay Peninsula as an engineer
in the construction of a railroad for
the British government-
A Capable Countt Commissioner.
County Commissioner A. A. Muck has
devoted practically his entire time to
county business since taking office in
January, 1917. As a result, he is fully
informed on county affairs and well
equipped for a second term. In stand
ing for re-election, Commissioner
Muck has adopted as his slogan,
"Always on the Job," with the as
surance of continued good service.
Commissioner Muck is an advocate of
effective .development of the- budget
system, reduction of the cost of gov
ernment by the consolidation of con
flicting activities and the encourage
ment of home labor and products. His
ballot number is 138. Paid adv.
Women of Oregon, if you value your
suffrage right vote for the father of
equal suffrage in Oregon, B. FT Jones,
for secretary of state. Autoists of
Oregon, if you want the Roosevelt
highway and good roads throughout
the state vote for the father of the
Roosevelt highway measure, B. F.
Jones, for secretary of state. -Voters
of Oregon, because we know that he
is a live wire and the best booster
Oregon has ever had, -we, his friends
and neighbors, ask you to vote for B.
F. Jones for secretary of state. Signed
the B. F. Jones club of Newport, Or.
A Soldiers' Bonus will reduce
liberty bond values, say some con
gressmen, In trying to defeat the
bonus. Governor Frank O. Lowden,
by putting Illinois on a business
foundation reduced taxes in that state
33 per cent. With this business man
in charge at Washington, national af
fairs will also be administered in a
business way and a 33 per cent saving,
en the basis of last year's, appropria
tion, will mean $1,750,000,000" saved to
the nation, enough to pay the full
bonus the first year, with $250,000,000
to spare. Lowden will win. Vote for
him. Adv.
H. G. Durand Offered Position.
H. G.- Durand. former assistant post
master at Portland, has received what
is understood to be quite a flatter
ing offer from the income tax division
of the United States department of
internal revenue to become a special
investigator in that service. The
request has been, made by the depart
ment that he come to Washington for
a conference. Mr. Durand left Port
land last night for Washington,
though he said before he left that
he had made no decision as to the
offer. He expects to return to Port
land in a few weeks.
Librart to Trt . Wagon Routes.
A book wagon service is to be tried
on two. of the rural routes about Port
land by the Portland Library associa
tion. This plan has been successful
in the east. Every Tuesday and Thurs
day the wagon, which is equipped
with a small library , will have
scheduled times to call at the rural
school where the children will gather
to get their 'books. Schools which
will be visited thi summer are Gil
bert, Lents. Pleasant Valley, Capital
Hill, West Portland, Maple wood and
Three Grestiam Stores Robbed.
Burglars early yesterday morning
broke into three stores in Gresham.
Fountain pens, watches, jewelry, mor
phine and cocaine, totalling in value
about $300, were stolen from the drug
store of Patteaeaude & Dawsett, to
which the rear door was "jimmied
The Hessel Implement company lost
$1 in pennies which had been left
the till and an unknown quantity of
cigars and cigarettes were taken from
the poolroom of FTed Howard.
Plea Addressed to Women. A plea
for women of the country to broaden
their viewpoint was made by B. F.
Irvine, speaking yesterday noon be
fore the Woman's Ad club at the Ben
son hotel for the educational measures
which are to be voted upon, at the
election Friday. Albert Creitz of the
Rivoli symphony orchestra, accom
panied by Mischa Pelz. played Kreits-
ler's "Liebesfreud" and Beethoven's
"Minuet in G."
Negro Bound Over. Roy McPber
son, negro, could give no good ac
count of how he obtained the money
to purchase a new suit, a new pair of
shoes and other articles of weann
apparel when he appeared in muni
cipal court yesterday to answer to
the charge of the larceny of $110 fro'm
Pete Stoinoff and as a result he was
held to answer to the grand jury.
Illinois. Third greatest state in the
union, has a larger population than
that of Idaho. Washington". Oregon
and California combined. Governor
Frank- O. Lowden, reduced Illinois
taxes 33 per cent under war condi
tions. How about your taxes? We
need a man like this at the head of
our national affairs. Lowden will
win. Vote for Wm. Adv.
Montaville Flowers, noted speaker
and writer on national and interna
tional politics, will address women
voters in the .Chamber of Commerce
at 8 o'clock tonight on the subject
"American Women in. Politics." Mrs
Leander Martin will be chairman of
the meeting. Admission will be free,
Adv. -
Rasmussen Awarded $590. Dam
ages of $500 were awarded August
Itasmussen. minor, by a jury yester
day in the $10,000 suit brought against
James L. Berridge for injuries re
celved by the boy last fall when
struck by Berridge's automobile on
Belmont street.
J. P. Finlet & Son are artU! In pos
session of a few uncalled for calen
dars, the beautiful "Necia." which we
will givevto families who have not ye
received one. In this way your name
will be placed on our calendar book
for futurt years. Adv.
Two planes leaving Or.-Wash. &.
Idaho Apl. Co. -field for Eugene and
Roseburg Thursday morning, $
to Eugene. $75 to Roseburg. For
passenger bookings call Main 2796.
Votbrs Speak TJp on Friday.
Control public utilities or publle
utilities will control -you.
Defeat Relief Measures.
Elect Edward M. Cousin, public
service commissioner, X 67.- Adv
Ik Tou contemplate having new
teeth fitted see Dr. E. C. Rossman, the
plate specialist, and learn of the many
advantages possessed by a sclent
fically fitted denture. 307 Journal
bldg. Adv.
Democrats. Esther Pohl-Lovejoy
for congress: a woman who will hono
women and wlrbm women will delight
to honor. Adv.
Democrats. Esther Pohl-Lovejoy.
a product of Oregon, a graduate o
her institutions, whose achievement
have brought honor to her state. Adv.
Democrats. Esther Pohl-Lovejoy,
candidate for congress 3d congres
sional district. Her democracy ha
never been questioned. Adv.
Democrats. Esther Pohl - Lovejoy
at tire primaries. May 21. Ballot No. 41,
Dr. Frank M. Tatlor has moved to
rooms 312-314 Selling; bldg. Phone
Main 4249. Adv.
Vote for T. J. Lonegan for the leg
English Naturalst to Lecture.
lsiature. rvo. ios. Adv.
Group 1
Group 2
Come today!
See our big window displays.
: the goods and the prices.
Not a left-over in stock.
You know the Lion's reputation for giving the best cloth
ing values in town now let us prove that.
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland.
Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given
Spans1 to Be Decorated, Reservoirs
to Be Colored for Shrine.
All bridges over the Willamette
river controlled by the city will be
decorated and lighted with color ef
fects during 'the week of the Shrine,
according to announcement yesterday
by City Commissioner Mann. The
work of lighting the bridges will be
one by the Shrine general committee
wivh Robert Skeen in charge with
the city co-operating. Effort is also
being made to have all the lights in
the congested district in perfect shape
so that Portland will be the "best-
ighted" city in the west during the
convention period.
Commissioner Mann announced yes-
crday that as a special feature for
the Shrine week arrangements had
been made for colored sprays at the
Mount Tabor reservoirs. faeveral of
these sprays already are in operation.
and it is planned to continue the fea
ture throughout the summer. Colored
rays of lights thrown on the water
spouts issuing forth from the reser
voir produces-a beautiful effect.
Walla Walla to Be 'Represented.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 18.
(Special.) W. M. Kern, city superin
tendent of schools, left last night for
Olympia to attend the meeting of the
industrial commission which is dls
LAd a good hmltby lifm
LpArn a trade or get a
Get military training
Be with men from youi
own home State
Here arc your Home '
State Regimenta ot Ac
Regular Army
lt Infantry.
Now at I am D lwis. Wash. Infantrv.
Now at Camp Lewis. Wash.
57th Artillery, t'. A. C.
Now at (amn iVWif. Wah.
1."th Cavalry.
Now at t ort t. A. Roseell.
Hita Knetnrers Oftd.)
Now st Kl Pao. Texas.
-th Field ArtiHerr.
Now at Camp OnuU 111.
All new 1920 Suits.
cussing wages for women. Mr. Kern
v.-as appointed to represent the public
at the hearing.
At the Heilig at 8:15 Mme. Calli-
Curcl gives a return concert, direction
Steers & Coman. An entire change of
programme. Gallery and stage doors
open at 7 o'clock. Adv.
Mrs. Augusta Rces Dead.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 18.
(Special. Mrs. Augusta Rees, widow
of the late R. R Rees, andj a pioneer
of 1853 In Orujton. died' here at 8
o'clock last night after a long illness.
We thank our many friends for their
kindness r.unnir our recent bereave
ment in the loss of our daughter and
sister, Helen.
Xlliutratlnc; the growth and development ot
urefon rom id pioneers to me
present time.
704 COU1.KGE (JIRLS 700
The greatectt peetacle ever presented -on
tbe campus.
, Oreftnn Agricultural College,
(Saturday, May ti, 1 920.
Jnnior Week-Kud.)
Corvallis, Oregon. R o'clock.
V Two letters Tci"Qe
---s school that Speak 7 CT-W
Man seeks the Job
Army serves both
MORE than one hundred trades are being
taught in the schools of the new demo
cratic peace-time Army.
Thousands of men who have joined are fitting
themselves for bigger jobs, for earning more
money. Employers in every State, in almost
every line of business" are looking for men with
this training.
Don't Experiment
When Buying a
When you buy an article as often as every
month or every year, you can afford to ex
periment you can afford to try different
makes and different dealers. But you buy
your Piano for a lifetime you expect of it
good service for many years. Therefore it
does not pay to experiment or decide lightly.
You will have the greatest assurance of a sat-
isf actory selection by going to a reliable Piano
House which carries only dependable mer
chandise tell them frankly what you would
like to have and what you can afford to pay.
Your piano problem will then be easily solved.
You will secure value received for your ex
penditure and a Piano which will give life
time satisfaction and pleasure.
Dealers la Stelnway and Other Planoa, Pianolas and
Duo Art Pianos, Aeolian Player Planna, Player Kails,
Vlctrolas and Records, Musi Cabinets, etc.
Sherman play & Go,
Sixth and " Morrison Streets
(Opposite Postofflce.)
Seattle Tacoma Spokane.
Monday May 24
at the Masonic temple. West Park
Yamnilt. unoer ino
of Portland, a concert will be held, to
be followed by a dance and refresh
ments. REV. E. H. PENCE
will give a stirring address.
Admission SOc
Proceeds to be used for the purchase
of a hospital bed.
Job seeks the
Worcester Building-, Third and Oak Sts.
Portland, Oregon
We have a well-established candy
concern, manufacturing: their own
candies, modern machinery, good
location, who will sell all or an
interest in this firm. If you are
interested in getting into a busi
ness, see us
602 Gasco Bldg.
Radiantfire Series
After these young ladies had posed in the Gas Company's Radiant
fire Ffcrlor for the 5 pictures (published in Monday's and Tues
day's papers) they decided to illustrate this beautiful mantel and
popular Radiantfire together. You should visit the Radiantfire
Parlor and get an idea of how to make your room attractive with
one of these new mantels. They cost only $40 to $50 delivered.
H. L. Wallace
Equal and efficient ervice for
each and all" is the campaign slogan
of H. L. Wallace, candidate for the
republican nomination for constable.
Mr. Wallace has been a resident of
Portland for 15 years and has been
employed by the leading- banks as
solicitor, and has never held office.
He believes in the policy that a pub
lic office Is a public trust and that
an official Is honor bound to exercise
his office for the public pood.
(Paid Adv.)
Local truck company that can
make immediate delivery of
trucks, wants hijrh-grade sales
man, capable of earning $500
to $1000 per month; if the
shoe fits you and you can pro
duce, and sell a high-grade
truck, write; your letter will
be confidential. D 263, Ore-gonian.
v 3 .Jr. &
No. 6
OAS sIcokVcoS
Operators and miners will
meet soon to settle the in
crease in " miners' wages.
Therefore coal is
right now than it will be
again this year. The in
crease in the miners'
wages will naturally raise
the price of coal.
Right Now
is the time to order your
winter's supply of coal,
your most reliable fuel,
Save Money
Geary Street, fast of! Union Square
Famoas tor fees sanlee. cornier! and axceHtat
culune at raasoaabla prices.
Rates from S1.7S a Day
Breakfast 40c an 75c Lunch 60c: Sundays
76c. Dinner $1.26; Sunday U-60.
Municipal Car lint aired to doer.
Motor bus meata trains and steamers.
Estab. 20 Years in Portland
C. Gee Wc
Root and Herb Remedies
162 Vi First St Portland, Or.
1 mi r
Vote for T. J. Lonegan for the leg
lsiature. io. ivs. Adv.