16 THE 3IORMXG OIIEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAY 18. I9'0 REAL. ESTATB. For Sale -Houses. WONDERFUL - IRVINGTON HOME. 4. $11,500 Without fear of contradiction we will state that this is one of Irvingtons finest residences, looted in the very heart of this beautiful sub-division. U would be difficult indeed to overdescribe or overstate the items in this home. It is very attractive, both outside and in. in stjte and dependability, the archi tecture is wpretne. It has every modern convenience known in tne better homes. The windows are plate Class and weather stripped. There is a double garage, a billiard room with billiard table. The living room extends entire length of the house. Has a splendid fireplace in the cen ter and a nice sun room at one ena. A large and well arranged reception hatl with attractive stairway sepa rates the dining room and living room. Special quarter-sawed oak panejs in the dining room. There is a splendid kitchen and a nice break fart room. The second floor has a bedrooms, splendid tile bath ana sleeping porch. The front bedroom is very large, has a splendid dressing room as well as fireplace. There are 2 maids' rooms and large attic on the hird floor. The entire property i i excellent condition and couiu be occupied without 5 cents having to b spent on it. A recent death in the family makes the sale impera tive, hence the low price. MAIN 530. McCPJLUS-CLEIAVEbANP CO.. 322 to 320 HENRY BLDG. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. LARGK 6 ROOMS. SLEKHTNG PORCH AND OARAGE $7.V. Near KNOTT street on East 32th wc a- the best real home bargain you will find in the city; six large rooms and sleeping porch: full .",0x100 lot; fine parage, in this home you will find all the attractive features you are looking for at a price far below actual value: built right, just before the advent of V.i.h nst f..T malPrials Let US ShOW tou this real home bargain at only $7500; half cash; or if you have alt cash, make us an offer. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main P220. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, full lot. im provements paid; on carline; $3800, $1000 cash. Modern 5-room bungalow. 1 block to pavement, good location: owner leav ing ci v. I m mediate possession, $2.iS, 1000 cash, rent terms on balance. 3 -room. inoxlOO corner, Targe chicken house. garden, fruit and berries; near car; S2t5o, $450 cash. 1XTKIWTATE LAND PO., 248 Stark St. Main S42. READ THIS $2250 ADJOINING JKKFERSON HIGH. On Commercial street, just south of the high school, on a paved st. with all liens paid in full, is a typical California bungalow, just like new; combination living and dining room, convenient kitch en, 2 airy sleeping rooms, white enamel plumbing, elect, and gas; only $500 down and $20 per month less than rent. An unusual bargain. It defies competi tion. See FRANK L. McGCIRE, Abington Bldg. Main 1068 NO. 307. $l"nO down. bal. good terms, for this fine 11-room bungalow-type of house on K. Everett, near 31st ; a well arranged floor plan with many conveniences; full basement ; fireplace; laundry trays; gas and electricity; this place Is in good condition and 2 blocks from carline; near school : price $5250. See PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., Swetland Bldg. " ROSE CITY RUNG A LOW. $5250 T E R M S $5250. ADJ. TUB A LAM EDA ; ALL CONV STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE: WELL CON STRUCT RP. ARTISTIC; PRACTICALLY NEW: ATT1S HAS SPACE FOR TWO EXTRA ROOMS. MAIN 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON HDO. "35 Yra. in Portland." NO. .101 ABOUT $2000 DOWN. Strictly modern 7 -.room bungalow; easy terms on bal. of $4800; a well arranged floor plan; cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage; 1 A blks. of car line; excellent condition; good loca tion and a good buy. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg. A PROFIT OF $500, OR MORE s what you can make on this four-room cottage; lot 4fxl00. all street improve ments in and paid: corner, basement, semi-modern; just north of lrvington. $2050 takes it. for quick saLc; only $504) down. J . KUGEVE HEDGES. 171 W. PARK. BEAUMONT Modern 6-room home, large livinig room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, white enameled, hardwood floors, fire place, built-ins. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; large clothes closets; lot 50xl0; loganberries. cherries and shrubbery. Call East 2604. 4M Weidler. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4000 6-room bungalow, close to Sandy; large comfortable rooms, cosy fireplace, built ins, laundry trays, splendid condition. Price $4004). $1500 down and terms on balance. O. H. SKOTHEIM. CO., 332 Railway Exchange. GREAT BARGAIN. Bungalow. 8 rooms, very substantially built, stand any i inspection ; art glass, plate gl-tss. hardwood floors. masivc ton? fireplace. gar;ige, b-vd rooms, best location lrvingt n, lot 60x100, lt-st life time. East 27:.. Hf-rdnun. NO. 85 $5000 $2000 CASH or this new 5-room bungalow on 50x100 lot : bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitenem and many built-in cupboards; modern except furnace and fireplace. rAL lr I A 4.; KIS kY, J 61 4-20 Swetland Bldg. REAL SNAP ROSE CITY 575-E.-64-N. corner, 100 feet. Sandy Blvd. $4-500. terms. Look at property from outside. Do not disturb the ten ants. See J. ROB BINS. 301 -T.02 Railay Kxchangc. Main 7f:;i. HAWTHORNE MODLRX HOUSE. Six rooms, furnace, fireplace, hard wood fioors, hufiet, paved street, al! paid. Onlv $425(1 ; terms. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank B'.dg. f $S50 WEST SI DE 9-room Colo nial. A-t strictly modern; fine home, view. G. C. GOLDENBERG, A RINGTON BLDG. "t5 Yr. in Portland." Main 4S03. WEST SIDE, now vacant. 21 in and Wash ington, 0-room modern home, $1o.OOO; terms. Lot a!one worth more; may take clear homo or other proper! y for my equity. Hugh Smith, owner 5ul Carlton hotel ' $;it.00 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. TERMS. 7 rooms. 50xU'0 lot. Vox. furnace, wash trays. Dutch kitchen; 2 blocks Sandy. $700 cash. Call 304 Oak St. Broad way 200. " ROSE CITY PARK. Sl-room modern bungalow type house, west of K. 40th. north of Sandy blvd. Thin is a good buy: only $750 required from responsible party. Easy month! v payments. Tabor 50. 6-ROOM modern bu ngulow, Wa vorleigh Heights; fuil basement, furnace and all buiit-ins: full lot. garage. You cant build this house for prici.; asked, $:j2o0, $1000 cash. MOORE & ROBINSON. i!25 Lumber Ex. $T0O IRVINGTON 7 Tooms. furnace, fircplacr. 42x60; 2 blocks car; $000 cash Main 4S3. G. C. GOLDEN R ERG, ABINGTON BDO. '35 Yrs. in Portland." KOU SALE West slope of Mount Tabor new modern 1 -story bungalow. 4 bed rooms and bath, living room and dining room, kitchen and breakfast room. lOtJT E. Taylor. -ROOM house, full two stories, hardwood floors, good condition and fine garage: good location and close in. 440E. 7th st. N. Close to Broadway car. Phone owner. Broadway 1!07. OWNER leaig city wishes to sell at tractive unusually well-built 1-story bungalow, close In; 7 rooms with sleep ing porch and garage. Immediate pos session, terms. East St 24. SOMETHING CHOIO E ROSE CITY! 5-room modern: a real buy for $4700. terms. See .1. ROBBINS. SOI -"02 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. 0-ROOM modern house, barn and chicken house, on U lots : extra fine orchard : an lor i-:uu ; terms. Mr. Fisher, i:4S starK at. MAKE ME AN OFFER. Afar rranKiin mgn: modern 6-room bungalow. 100x85 ft. int.; fruit and ber ries. 3104 54th st. S. E. LAURELHURST Thoroughly modern T rooru. house: attractively arranged inside utlful yard ; absolute bargain for cick sale. East $612. -ROOM modern in Rose City park, full lot. nice yard with fruit; must be seen to be appreciated: $5000; some term Mr. Fisher, 248 Stark st. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. fireplace furnace, attic, cement basement, good lo cation ; price $4,V0: terms. John 1 Payne Co.. Main 0012. FOR SALE Furnished house, 3 lots. 14 fruit trees, chicken house, half block from street car. 5010 S3d st. Price $3Hm Call Tabor 0503. FURNISHED house to sell ror bargain 3N8 Everett st. Proprietor home 6PM H. E. Raiddo. IF YOU WANT a real home, for the right price, come nnd see our home at ibS Laurelhurst ave. BARGAIN By owner, new .Vruoin bunga low, garage, chu-ken house and lonio. feet of ground. 7f I 6M aw.uiv. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. . MAGNIFICENT CLOSE IN RESIDENCE. $8000 This beautiful home faces the pari and is splendidly located. It contains all the conveniences a mod ern, up-to-date home is expected to have. There is a large reception hall, splendid living room with unusually good fireplace, beautiful dining room, den or librarv. kitchen with built-in features and paas pantrv. Screened in back porch. There are 3 very large bedrooms, sleeping porch and splendid bath on the second floor. The attic is large and floored. There is a magnificent front porch where the owner practically lives during the cool summer evenings. The prop erty is located on a corner. Larger than the regular size lot and has a 14-ft. alley. Owner has accepted a position in California and must sell at once. The property is in pink, of condition. MAIN f30. McCRILLIS-CLEA VELAND CO.. 322 to 326 HENRY BLDG. HAWTHORNE FINE HOME. .oOO Fine 7-room large square house, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins: cement basement, cabinet kitchen, trass: 4 bed room, lot 5Oxl0O. east front: paved st. paid: on E. 33d, near Hawthorne, come terms. IJi"XT TABOR SWELL HOME. $jOOO Swell 9-room house, furnace. 4 irp,laees- - toilets: all built-ins: corner. 100x100. fine view ; $1500: city liens paid: on East 53rf and Morrison. 1 block to $ar:nooDUt $2000 cash; big snap; worth S'EL'' 9-ROOM RESIDENCE. 2 LOTS. $S5O0 Swell, strictly modern house. 5 bedrooms: nothing missing to make it up to date: lot 100x100; garage with 2 r.,1ms rintKrt'd: lots of nice fruit: on E. 3d and Clinton: easv terms if desired. , GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31 8-321 Board pf Trade. Main 7452. IRVINGTON. BUNGALOW 17100. Located on 26th st.. near Knott. We want, you to see this distinctive -room bungalow. This was built bv one of l ortland s best builders. The quality of material ann tne character of workman ship speak far themselves. You will find 'here every conceivable built-in conveni ence, every modern feature that you would naturally expect to find In an ex pensive home. The price is low for such a home as this. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. SPLENDID ROSE CITY PARK HOME. This handsome 2-story house has laree reception room, large living room with fireplace, dining room with artistic buf fet, glassed -in breakfast room and kitch en down, 3 bedrooms and glassed-in sleeping porch and bath on upper floor, floored . attic above; hardwood floors, h igh-grade furnace, fnl 1 cement base ment, garage with cement runwav; st. paving paid. At the price. $45300. it is a decided bargain: Owner asks ONLY $101)0 DOWN, and will give you im mediate possession. Don't procrastinate, see this todav. HOLD EN & KOHLMAX. 228 Cham, pf Com. Bldg. Alain Bo 7,0. HERE'S ANOTHER. UNIVERSITY PARK. S-rootn. I1--story bungalow with a ga rage, and the inclosed sleeping porch overlooks Columbia Park and all that that im plies. Some fruit trees, too. And the big clean concrete basement Is a revelation. The lot is OfixlOO feet on a corner. The house partly stone con struction, insuring permanency; $4500. COE A. McKENXA & CO., Branch Office. 708 Lombard St. Columbia 638. WANTED. SOUTH PORTLAND HOUSE OR BUNGALOW. We have buyer for 5 to 7-room house from College to Caruthers sts.. 3d to Broadway. Price $3500 to $4500. Also want other homes in all parts of city for listing: customers waiting. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO.. 269 Oak St. Main 3534. CHARMING ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern and complete in every detail: lots of room; hardwood floors, all built-ins: fireplace: full cement base ment, fine furnace: garage: full lot: all improvements in and paid: $6250. and worth it. Shown by appointment. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ROSE CITY. 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch, full attic, cement basement, artistic fire place, built-in bookcases and buffet, Dutch kitchen, full lot, facing east, and ' the best buy I know of In Rose City: $3100, $750 down, balance arrange to suit. See this soon, it won't last long-. Phone 318-32. LAURELHURST, $7700. LAURELHURST. Built by one of Portland's best build ers; a man with a conscience. He is giving you more for your dollar than vou could expect anywhere else, 6-rm. bungalow, ultra mod., near Park and car. You must see this home today. Call Marshall Go52; $42 54 9-ROOM, large basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, lot " 05x100; one of the best districts in Portland. This is sure a snap; $1000 cash, balance mortgage, 4 years, 7 per cent. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at ;;9th J:i years. We sell strictly at own er's price. Tabor 4i4y3. FOR SALE. BARGAIN. Buy direct from owner, save commis sion: nice 6-room house, lot 50xlOO: lots of fruit and roses: walking distance : located 847 East Salmon st.. between Sunnyside and Hawthorne carlines. Take car to 27th st. Furniture If desired. $7250 A BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst bunga low. just completed, up to .the minute in all details, including garage, with an unobstructed front view of Laurelhurst Park. For sale by owner terms. In quire 1100 E. Ankeny, on phone 219-65, i or appointment. FOR SALE by owner, mqdern home at 974 East Schuyler street: 3 bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch; 2 Jarge fir trees and shrubbery on grounds with 100 feet frontage on paved street: one block to school. Price $8500: preferably all cash. Phone Ea.-t 207. FOR SALE Small house, good bath, fur ,nijshed : big lot. 50x156; ten fruit trees and belies; about $100 worth lumber and tno.t go with place. A fine loca tion. :i" aj-esisments paid. One block from Monavilla car. Price $1 750; or 5(ix312 ft.. $2550. 75 E. H5th St. N. WONDERFUL BUY. lrvington home, V room?, up to date, everything ; only $5850. East IS 47. $1000 CASH. Secure this bargain, add a little to your rent money ana move in. u-room bun galow and garage, close to park and club grounds, extra large lot: price $250. Your opportunity. Mr. Delahunty. Main 1 7 CO. Eve., bust .:ut. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful home, built by owner: ft rooms and sleeping porch ; hardwood floors, buiit-tn conveniences, thoroughly modern: will sell $2500 under present cost. Set- owner. 02O East 10th North. Phone East 2073. $7. -.00 1- A U R ELH U RST $ 7o00. Dandy, fine 7 rooms and sleeping porch; on corner lot; hardwood floors throughout. This is a leal bargain. $200" cash will handle. J. A. McCarty, E. 3!th and Giisan. Tabo 343o. Eve Tabor :.0.7 MODERN 5 rooms, large sleeping porch, cement basement : furnished ready for occupant; 40x100 lot: one block from Rose City carline; $3500; $1500 cash. $30 per month. 'c interest; would cost the amount asked to build house now. 718 East 73d N. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. 3-room bungalow, fireplace, all built iny improvements in and paid. $1500 cash: 2l"t. For real buys, call HAWTHORNE REALTY, CO.. Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. LEAVING city toilet. light. , my home, 6 rooms, bath, gas, fruit. 2 lots, paved u-nik 10 cur. 1 mock to school : improve ments paid. $2230 terms. 6004 Put man ave. S. E.. cor. 06th st. Phone Tabor 021 S. ""IRVINGTON IDEAL HOME. $21,000. 200x100 CORNER. 10 rooms, large living room and din i.. nwtm in solid oak, library and sun room. 2 fireplaces first- floor. 2 baths and 6 bedrooms. McPonell, East 410. $2300 SOME BARGAIN $2300. $400 first payment. Terms on bal. 6 rms.. mod.. 1 blk to car. near grade and hirch schools; garage. lull lot. Mar shall i"2. Tabor 090. $"t700SOLD CHEAP CLOSING ESTATE. Delightful home. 6 rooms, sleeping porch ; full lot : street improvements all paid. Terms can be arranged. 'East 356. 6VROOM house, full basement, laundry trays, gas and electric: street Improve ments in and paid: a bargain. Sellwood PEAUMONT BUNGALOW. 5-rt-om. sleepiny porches. hardwood floors, all built-in, furnace: assessments paid; 7. Ownrr, Tabor f.;ts4. CHEAP home: house and lot. 50x100. for $0O0 cah Inquire at Lents Jet, station agent, or Tabor 5725. 0-ROOM modern home. Save commission by phoning Wvodlawn 4'J4h. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by ot CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. . allwa' Exeh. Bldg. Main 74S7. REAL SERVICE TO HOM ESEEKERS. could fill this . whole page with ads. descriptive of astonishingly pretty homes we have for sale. But what's the use? Following is a list of several that an Investigation will prove a real reve lation to you. A gallery with 500 photos of homes ror saje is open for your inspection ; 8 experienced real estate salesmen with autos will gladly show our homes, with out obligation. ...CHOICE ROSE CITY HOME. $o0 6-room bungalow, typical Califor nia type, all one floor, choice cor ner lot, very heart of Rose City Park, 44th and Hancock; unusual interior decorations, large massive recessed buffet, solid brass fit tinlgs. furnace, fireplace. oak; floors, street liens costing $1100 paid in full. Terms. LAURBLHURST BUNGALOW. $62o0 Semi-Colonial bungalow with un usual interior decorations, old ivory finish, living room, dining room and Dutch kitchen, all large spa cious rooms down with sleeping porch second floor; .furnace heat. ! fireplace, oak floors down stairs. This is $7500 value if it's a dollar, and you'll agree If you know values; built only only a few years. Terms. ..AURKLH1JRST BUNGALOW. $4000 The only thing wrong here is the price; it should be about $5000 for this well-built modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace and polished oak floors, full cement basement, paved street and sewer paid in full. Here is startling value. This home can't be built today for $4500, and Laurelhurst lots, with all street liens paid, are scarce at $1200. , Abundance of flowers. About $1750 down. .i;?M BUNGALOW VACANT. $3000-Move right into this cozy little 5-room bungalow, all retinted with an attractive white enamel Dutch kitchen. 2 light bedrooms, bath and toilet on Garfield street, one block west of Union avenue. Street liens paid in full; built onlv a year and a half: forced sale. Will ac cept $70O down. .0 "ERE IS GIGANTIC V ALU IS. $000 rf-room modern bungalow, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, toilet, basement, gas, electricity. This property is S oca ted In Alberta district. 2 blocks rrom car. Priced for immediate 41 ."ale: must be snM thin -iaL- l.tnn down, balance like rent, ..NOTHER ALBERTA SNAP. $3300 The owner has moved to his ranch. The entire 5 rooms in thie substantial, attractive bungalow have been retinted. Full cement basement, 50x100 lot, garage, ex ceptionally large rooms with plentv of closets: built only 5 years. $500 down. Immediate possession. SEE THIS SURE, $3i0 We both lose money if you don't avail yourself of the opportunity of seeing this sacrifice buy iYi Ken il worth, close in, large 2-storv home with fine lawn on a corner lot. paved street both ways, all street liens paid in full, 3 large t light bedrooms with bath and toilet 2d floor; fine yard and shrub bery, right on car. $5O0 down. Im mediate possession. W A V KKLV-RiniMONTT $29505- -room attractive buntralnu- near 41st st. and Gladstone ave. Tbi is very good and in A-l repairs. $050 down. t-yACANT MOV IN TODAY. $3-oO -room, 2-story bungalow type home in Waverly. 3 large, light bedrooms. full basement with wash trays, built only a few vears. .lust like new. Fruit and berries. $7;0 'down. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Succeeded by CAREY-SA VIDGE COMPANY 21ff Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7487. ROPB CITY PARK. ROOMS SLEEPING PORCH GARAGE. $5250. Never before advertised Folks, here is one of those real classy, exceptional) v well-built bungalows. There are so manv downright good features and the bunga low is so well planned that we just can't over-describe it. You would expect to pas' at least $1000 more than the owner is asking. This beautiful bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace. bookcases, massive buffet. Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, furnace, garage, etc. Located on 45th st. All assessments paid. We urge an immediate inspection. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Suburban Homes. MODERN BUNGALOW WITH ACRE, WORTH $5000 PRICE $;1850. Close to station at Garden Home we have the nicest little bungalow you ever stepped into: "four rooms and sleeping porch, acre of ground, all in cultivation; f ir jplace, gas heating radiators, Dutch kitchen, gara&e, fine bath with shower; niftisr than any apartment you ever lived in ; a positive sacrifice for only $o850 ; about half cash. For the best and most sitfhtly suburban homes around Portland, see the G. G. McCORMIC CO., 22 Washington 6t Main 8220. I WILL SELL MY MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. located on large tract of highly developed ground, with garage; only 3 blocks from Multnomah station; on improved county blvd.; on terms of $1000 down and monthly payments there after. Am compelled to leave this dis trict and do so with regret, but do not wish to rent my beautiful home. Pros pective buyers kindly consult my agent at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. MODERN BUNGALOW. Located 5 blocks from the station, on 100x100, in fruit and berries; 5-room at tractive bungalow, with best of plumb ing. Furnace, cement basement, chicken house and runways. Fruit trees in fine shape. Price $3200: $ 1000 cash. Per sonally inspected. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. $25 DOWN $12.50 MONTHLY. Price $675, for splendid level H-acre tract, all set out to bearing fruit trees, all pruned and sprayed, all cultivated. We have several of these tracts, also one acre pieces set out to red raspberries, gooseberries and black raspberries, which may be bought on the same terms. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. FIVE acres, located east of city limits 2 miles; 0 blocks from electric station: 36 fruit trees; no gravel or rock; ber ries, private water system : good 8-room house, fireplace, best of plumbing; hard finish; full cement basement: 2 large chicken houses. Price $5500: $3000 cash. Personally Inspected by Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. ONE MILE FROM CLATSKANIE. 7 acres, located on county road, good soil; 2 wells. 3; acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 5-room cottage, cow barn, chicken house; place well fenced. Price $1050. $700 cash. Ander son, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bids. FIVE acres at Canby, Or., mile from town, on tbe main east side Salem highway; 4 acres under cultivation; 1 acre in brush and small timber; 2 acres of loganberries. 1 acres strawberries; new 5-room house. This is exceptionally fine soil. Price $3000; $1500 cash. - Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldff. ON THE RIVER. A beautiful acre on the Willamette n-ver un moucrn o-room bungalow fireplace, sun parlor, finished in white A fine place for some one who enjoys fishing and canoeing. Price $3500; $650 CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675! MULTNOMAH station. 7 -room modern home. Immediate possession This home was built last year and is" modern - and up-to-date in every respect. Citv water, gas, electric lights, full cement basement and furnace. Will sell at $5500 on te rms. See O WN E R, 204 Henry bldg. A FINE LITTLE FARM. 10 acres, ail in cultivation, very best of soil, near Clackamas, schools and stores; crop looks fine, promises big yield: cosy bungalow, good barn. If sold before May 20 $4750. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. FOR SALE. MULTNOMAH STATION. S rooms, new. fine home, on hard-sur face, 2 blocks from depot, worth $6500 will take $5200 if sold today. Sunday : $000 cash will handle. See ARMSTRONG' Multnomah Station j FOR SALE 2ti-ac-a place, large poultry 1 iiuuoc. vao.c. nun. trees, o-room house, well, tank, gas engine, fine gar den soil. y mile r-ast Glen Echo Ore gon City car. j. D. McFarlane. telephone Oregon City 457-R. GILBERT STATION $3400. Two acres, all in cult., assorted or chard, raspberries and strawberries; 5 room bungalow, piped water, gas and elec. ; 1 acre with home, $2600. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St 6 ROOMS $2500. 100x100. fruit tres. cement basement, 7-eent fare: a fine place ror chickens. 50O Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. J!:.ft-XEAT. 3-r. house. r sere, Oswego lake, McFARLAND, 201 Failing Bldg. REA LEST ATE. Suburban Humes. BEAUTIFUL WOODED TRACTS. SUMMER HOME SITES. - IN PARKROSE. Why go a long distance away from tha city to select a camping or summer home site when these almost touch the city limits 7 miles from the center of town), they are ideal sites, lota, of trees, little garden spots, convenient to Sandy blvd. (Columbia highway) ; street car service and stores, beautiful scenery, ideal for boating, size of tracts about 2 acres, on very easy terms; come out and look these over at once. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN A SUM MER HOME ON ONE OF . THESE BEAUTIUL WOODED TRACTS. Price $550 to $600 per acre. 10 per cent cash, balance easy monthly payments. Park rose branch office on Sandy blvd. at end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY; 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. STONE HOUSE. Central hall, large living room, sunroom. dining room, breakfast room and kitchen. 4 bedrooms and 2 sleeping porches, fine berries, commercial orchard and family orchard, tennis courts, tea house at side of bubbling brook. 5 acres of ground, caretaker's house, mass of impoaaed and domestic shrub ' bery. For appointment, MRS. HARRY PRT"E PALMER." East 79745. A VERY ATTRACTIVE PLACE. ' 2 acres, located 1 block from the Red Electric station, sidewalk to place; 1 Vs blocks from paved road: good cheap train service. All under cultivation, best of soil, 14 bearing walnut trees, large orchard of apples, pears, cherries, etc.; 4 blocks to school; walk all the way; good double constructed bungalow, plastered; dining room, living room, kitchenette, bedroom; gas, city water; largo painted chicken house, room for 54 K chickens; (1100 cash and easy monthly payments. Personally Inspected. Andereon. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. MILWAUKEE MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES. Enlov life bv living on a suburban home;. fresh eggs, spring chickens, fruit. cream, milk, garden. All city con veniences, gas, water, electric lights, hard roads, good schools, best car ser vice. "We have a few exceptionally good hnvM In modem bimealows with from 1 to 10 acres. We are always glad to hnr vrtii homes worth while. We are not strangers in this locality. We know values. KIiKEB & PARRY. Automobile Service. Phone 10. Milwaukic. Or. CLOSE TO OSWEGO LAKE. ft tru 1nae4 rn a' xrnod road, all bearing fruit except V acre. 'All kinds of berries. The income from the fruit on this place last year was over $400. A ronrA with woven wire. Good 6-roor h'Aiu with nliimhins : fireplace; large barn, wagon shed, chicken hou?e. hog house, smoke house and other buildings, all in good condition. Close to the depot and school. Telephone. Price $5000: tlVMl cash. The fruit on the place will nav lo Dcr cent on the investment. Davis, with , JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH Consisting of 2 acres of highly developed ground, situate on intersection of 2 hard-surfaced roads; frmri n-rnnm house with basement: . fine bearing orchard and other small fruits and berries: 500 full-blooded Leghorn chickens, together with all equipment rv for nn uo-to-date chicken farm including incubators, brooders and complete system of houses for raising voune chickens. This is an excellent buy and a good money maker. vv ill ioUp ntKtn.ntial cash payment and give very easy terms on the balance. For par ticulars Call on my auwrnej bldg., 127 ParK st. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME AT OSWEGO LAKE. i T. p acrp. with 5-room bungalow. ment basement, fireplace. Dutch kitchen enameled ba-throom. good piumbing, lo An t-nnri mad. 5 blocks from Ca line Lots of fruit and berries; 3 good chicken houses; garage; woven wire chicken runs; a very attractive place, well located. Offered away below value $250 cash, balance on terms at 6 per cent interest. Personally Inspected. Photo at office, aiarsters. wim JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. RIVERSIDE $10,000 HOME. riri?ir.Rir.n THIS WEEK FOR $7000. Near Briarwood station: paved road to city 1 i acres fronting the Willamette: handsome 2-story bungalow with wide nnrrh commanding sweeping view of the river- big living room, fireplace, plav mnm. billiard room. 4 bedrooms, bath oil built-in, furnace heat, full base ment. fruit- shrubbery, private boa i i : ic vstii are a. ludee of river view values you will buy this: it's a rea bargain. Terms. ee n iou. uaris..- KOH LM AN. SR r-bam. of Com. Bldg. Main 0550. IN BEAVERTON, OR. na, a ore located close to depot. AH under cultivation; 20 bearing fruit trees 3 rows of strawberries across the acre raspberries, blackberries. .viooern oun calow of 4 large rooms, best of plumb ing. Plastered, gas. city water, electric lights On a good road, close to either Red or Oregon Electric depots. Price $2850, on terms. Personally inspected Marsters, with ,, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SACRIFICE. 0 acres sandv loam soil, every foot in cultivation, about IOO bearing fruit trees assorted),- best varieties; also smai. fruit- all in perfect condition. 6-room modern bungalow, plumbing, elect., gas, water etc.; a beautiful grove of native trees around house; hard-surfaced road to place, only few blocks to elect, sta.. school, church, etc. Owner leaving, car: give immediate possession. Price .. naif cash, bal. long time at 6. This is an ideal home place and worth more S. M.1 G ATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St. MONT A VI LI A ACRE. All under cultivation. 3 blocks from car Nearly all In fruit of every kind. The income from this fruit last year was over $40. City water, now putting in gas and electric lights; good 6-room lath and plastered house, full cement basement, story and half bungalow. Barn chicken fiouse and runways, good plumbing. No gravel or. rock on this place. Owner will take $1500 cash and give easv terms on the balance at 6 per cent Interest. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 1 HAVE a beautiful building site on ele vated property near Multnomah station, facing on improved street, with Bull Run water and sidewalk Installed and paid for. This place affords a view of the Coast Range mountains, the Cascade Range mountains, Willamette river and East Portland, as well as the west side hills and Council Crest. I have planned for years to make this my home but cir cumstances compel me to go. I need cash and will sell my property at about half its value. For particulars, call Marshall 6170: ask for Mrs. Thebaud, bet. 0 and 12 A. M., Monday and Wednesday. WELL IMPROVED ACRE. Located close to the car at 53d ave.; 6c fare; 30 fruit and nut trees, some ap pie trees, pears, prunes and apricots, all bearing: 4-roora bungalow, with full ce ment basement, furnace, best of plumb ing, electric lights, gas. garage, barn. Price $3600 on very small payment, down and monthly payments on balance. Per sonallv Inspected. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 31 ACRES. JOINING HILLSBORO. Over 1000 bearing fruit trees, finest soil: 10 and 15 acres of beaverdam: good Duiiamgs; city wmer ana eiectric itgnts; 5 minutes walk to electric station: 10 minutes to high and grade school; beau tiful ornamental trees, lawn, etc ; a large producer and wonderful country home; 2 springs of water. Owner mov ing away. Worth $25,000; cut co $18,000; easy terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th st. Main 6S6O. IN TIGARD. 4 and 29-100 acres, located one block from the pavement and three from the depot, all under cultivation; 100 logan berry plants, 150 raspberry: good fences; 5-room plastered house, garage, chicken house; close to grade and high school. Price $5500: $2300 cash. Nelson, wrth JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line. frnm 1SUO UO. inauire 3d house nnrt h of Risley station, on Oregon City car iine. sisa "Alder Brook," i.ie. Su bur ban Home. Si: BURBA X HOME SACRIFICED. The owner instructs us to cut the pi ice of this fine home SC0O0 In order to sell it before June 1. and he has legitimate reasons for sacrif icing it for $3000 less than the house could be built for today. Tiles-' figures h re based on the estimate of one of Portland's best architects. The loc ition is idea'. The bungalow was planned and built by a master. Every convenience of the "artistic mind and mechanical hnd has been woven into the arrangement of this superb heme. Tlit 2 acres of ground has been most beautifully laid out with drive, walks, shrubbery and flowers; 26 bearing- fruit tress of a great variety and berries of all kinds that cannot be. excellejd. One block off the highway and about 1 block from Lake wood station. We believe- this buy caunor be duplicated anywhere today. The price, $15.oH), Is far below the value, with about $5000 for the first payment; exceptionally good terms can be had on the balance; words cannot describe this place. If you will come to our effice we will go into details, show you fcome views and drive vou out to see this home. Co ne soon befor-? It is too late, PACIFIC AGENCY, Rooms 514-20, Swetland Bldg. RIGHT AT STATION. Nearly 5 acres, located on the Red Electric; 2 acres under cultivation, bal ance in timber; good neat 5-room house, barn, chicken house, some fruit trees. This is right on the line and at the sta tion; commuters' fare $5. JS0 for 52 rides; good car service. All of this place is fenced with heavy woven wire; an ideal chicken ranch or for rabbits. Price $30O0, $590 cash, or will make a liberal dis count for all cash. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. HUBER STATION $3000. 4 1-3 acres close to station; all In cult.. 3 acres in loganberries, tile-drained ; 4 room house, chick house, gaa and water; a beautiful spot and reasonable terms. Mam 831. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. lor Sale Huines Property. WHITE SA LMON business block, $1600. This is below assessed value. income bearing. L 205. Oregonian. For 8a le -Acreage. li ACRES st Newberg. ail in cultivation, lots of fruit and berries. 3-room modern house, electric lights, city water. A real home and a real bargain at $3400; good terms. H 1-3 seres, all in cultivation. 1 block from station, 18c carfare, good 4-room house, barn, etc. I acre bearing apples, berries; willconsider trade on good mod ern bungalow. For price and terms see Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 4lo Henry Bldg. 514 ACRES located 2 blocks from the electric station and just oir tne main paved highway. 1 7 4 miles from town. A II in cultivation, woven wire fences, spring; K full bearing trees. 1 y acres in strawberries, -5KK black caps; 00 logan berry plants and all kinds of berries for family use in full bearing. 4-room shack house, barn and. chicken house. Very finest of black loam soil. Price fV few davs only $2000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. KLAMATH FALLS. FOR SALE 320 ACRES ABOUT Vz MILK NORTH OF KLAMATH FALLS, NEAR THE RAILROAD AND MANU FACTURING DISTRICT: A GOOD PLATTING PROPOSITION IN THE NEAR i'UTtBE. THE CITY IS GROW ING FAST. C. PCH WERDTM ANN. OWNER. HILLSDALE P. O., OREGON. SNAP CLOSE IN. $170O 1 acre on the Oregon City car line near Evergreen station with a dandy four-room plasterea cottage witn gas, tf ncA well and numn at the back door. Work shop and good chicken house; all buildings being built of rustic and painted. Lots of natural trees and fl verv beautiful view. Easy terms. JOHN E.. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com BIG MONEY made in raising loganberries. rasnhernes hack berries. strawberries. etc. Wo are offering as fine berry land as there Is in the state at $1000 for 20 acres; $250 cash, balance to suit you. Onlv 2 miles rrom uoiumoia river nign way. Here is a chance for you to start rr vmirsftlf and be independent. L. J. LAMB, 1020 Chamber of Commerce bids. FASCINATING COUNTRY HOMESITE Five acres, beautifully located on road to Shattuek station, close to Beaverton hlirhwav nn the summit of a hill with fine view; nearly all in cultivation, nice grove of trees near corner, iuii-Dearing fruit trees, some berries. Price $oo00, Main 831. HENRY. W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. " LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soli, nn rnrU tiientv of water: work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre LEU DDE MANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ABOUT 10 acres. 5 under cultivation; H acre strawberries. 35 choice fruit trees, fine garden, flowers. 4-room shack, spring, 00-barrel cistern with filter, chicken houses; perfectly equipped ; 1 1 miles from city; price $2700; moo down. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 5OO0 ACRES in southwestern Washington tor sale to settlers only; eay terms, low price. $3 per acre and up. Liberty bond? accepted at par Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. AN ACRE oC fine garden ground all ready for cultivation, at Ryan station on au tomobile road. Fine building site. One of the best buys .In the district at $160. Your own terms. See OWNER, 204 Henry bldg. FOR GOOD BUYS In farms and acreage, see Mr. Kf hmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg WILL sell 10 acres for $50 per acre. $10O down and $13 per month for balance: hard surface road to Portland ; city water, telephone, electric lights. Inquire Lents Junction store or phone Tabor 61 OS. 10 ACRES at Sherwood. 16 miles from Portland; nearly half in 6-year-old bear ing prune trees; excellent soil and loca tion: $3200: our own terms. Columbia 6i)5 or addrefrs Earl Stevens. Linnton. Or. 30 ACRES. 14 under cultivation; good buildings; on new Pacific highway and S P. electric; $20,000. Aiso 5-acra tracts. 4 miles city limits. R 128, Ore gonian. FOR SALE 6 acres, all clear and level, half block from depol, Rochester, Wash., terms or cheap for cah. G. Dryman, 63 E. 2th st. East 4270. ACRES, improved, rich soil, running stream, Tualatin valley district; price $750; take liberty bonds face value. Owner, 04 Oak st. 61 ACRES choice wheat land in Union county. Oregon; also 14,20n acres grazing land. Call Main6S14. 513 Dekum bldg. GV- ACRES, partly cleared' near Sylvan on Canyon road: a good buy. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. 19 ACltES. 5 acres" cleared and fenced ; 1 mile rrom town; price $2100. Mr. Fisher, 248 Starkst. FOR SALE or lease. 18 acres, choice high way property; excellent catering place. Tabor 43U3. HALF ACRES More or., less, 71st. near 1 1 awthorne car. Owner, East SaOQ. 1 ACRE at Pleasant Home with 3-room house: $6V0. 163 1st. room 8. DESIRABLE acres, buildings. Tabor Homestead Relinquishments. h0 ACRES on county road; nearly all burned off ; good soil, easy cleared and put under plow; good neighborhood, on mail route, telephone: if taken quick $200 cash. . 301 Corbett blgj "Fruit and Nut Iands. 15-ACRE apple and pear Orchard, located 4 miles from Hood River: 12 acres bear ing: 6-room modern house, barn and other outbuildings: creek through place; will sell on easy terms. L. H. SMITH. Rt 4 Box 52. Hood River. Or. For bale farm. FOR RENT Choice 40-acre farm near Estacada. all cultivated. 24 in crop. Extra good buildings. Will snake you a good proposition. CRITTEN & COURAND. Hubbard. Oregon. MODERN 8-room furnished house t2 fire placet at Ocean Park. Wash., with 4 lots. Big bargain at $2000. Would take good auto up to $1500. bal. cash. See Clark at 404 Washington st. after 6:30 evenings, or room 30 at same place. FOR SALE 30 acres, partially Improved land. 8 acres under plow. 6 acres nice clover, berries and orchard. 1 mi. to station, graded school and Columbia highway; $S0 per acre, some terms. H. E. Taber. Scappoose, Or. - ' DO YOU WANT 9 ACRES and only pay $75 down, on S. P. E!ec ii main county road: nriee 135(1? $75 down: 5 years" time on balance.! DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade FOR SALE 225 acres, three miles from McMinnville at less than $10O per acre. limine barns, sheds, etc. Address owner. p. O. Box 157. McMinnville. Or. 140 ACRES, well improved, stock, crop and equipment, all for $15,000; six mlle from good Columbia river town. J. w. Chadsey.Cathiamet, Wash. CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $20o per acre; eas; terms; best soil- Farms ror sale, all e- VcKarland. 200 Failing bldg. i FREE KAilM LISTS, San Joaquin valle j farms- Pnul Rosier. Stockton. CaL REAL ESTATE- VERY CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 40 acres, located 10 miles from center of city. In Washington county. Oregon. All can be cultiavted. 30 acres under cultivation and in crop. Balance in pas ture. Ail fine soil, no rock or gravel. Well drained land. Young family or chard, beginning to bear. Well and creek. Good house. 4 rooms finished downstairs and room for 2 upstairs. Large barn. 32x50 on rock foundation. Brick, and con crete potato house. Chicken house. With this place goes 2 horses. 2 cows, brood sow. 3 heifers. 60 chickens, binder, mow er, hay rake, plows, harrows, cultiva tors. 2 sets of harness, wagon, nac.. crops and all the tools Only jo minuies - out. rnce uwv; uw c- JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. THREE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. 105 acres, located on a good graveled road and close to the paved Foster road, near Sycamore station. Dark clay loam soil. All can be cultivated: 65 acres under cultivation ; 40 acres in pasture : good fences; one creek on the .ulace: spring, small orchard: 4 mile to school: telephone and all rural conveniences; 5-room house, barn 40x6O and other buildings. Will sell all of this ranch or will sell half. Price $250 per acre on terms. This is only 30 minutes out from the center of Portland, paved road ail the way. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bide. CHOICE SACRAMENTO VALLEY LANDS, IN CALIFORNIA, FOR SALE. Tract of 100 acres fine river bottom land. 100 acres alreadv thoroughly cleared; fine hop land: adapted to hops, prunes. Bartlett pears, peaches, alfaita, corn, hogs, dairying, etc. ; can be irri gated if desired. Tract of S3 acres, situated close In to Marysville, Yuba county, Cal.; fine land, in best section of Yuba county; adapted to Thompson seedless vines, prunes, al falfa, etc. , Prices and terms reasonable. Deal directly with owner. Write to owner, P. O. box 21, Marys ville, Yuba county, California. 40 ACRES, located 4 miles from Beaver Creek and east of Oregon t ity. mue from graveled road. Beet of black loam j soil: 20 acres can be cultivated. 6 acres under cultivation and in crop. vloo.l ! garden, family orchard, --room ruiii. ceiled and papered house, barn, chicken-hou-e. spring and well. Place all fenced. Rural route. The land not under culti vation is standing timber. Price $2400; $1500 cash. This includes the furniture. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. IN TirE BEAUTIFUL SANTIAM COUNTRY. We have a splendid 290-acre dairy ranch. 7 miles from Lebanon, 250 acres are tillable, 140 acres in cultivation, bal ance in second growth fir and oak tim ber ; good rich loamy soil, splendid 7 room house with bath, barn 40x84. with 140-ton hay loft, good stanchions below. 2 silos, granary, milk house, woodbouse and strawshed, water piped to buildings, from, slarge spring. Price $23,000, $H5UO cash, unlimited time, on th- balance. This is the place that you. Mr. Stockman, have been looking for. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCK. RANCH. 10 acres, located 4 mtlcs couth west of Eddyville. Or.. 40 acres can be culti vated: 30 acres seeded to grass: 5 iD rings on this place; 3-room house, barn, chicken bouse and large woodshed : small orchard. Price $2ko. with 2 horses. 3 cows, harness, v. agon, plow, steel har row and furniture. 1 miles to school. $1100 cash. Personally inspected by JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a rea) farm at the right price. It will jay you to see me before buyjing. 1 can save you money, i have some 500 fine farms: ray years of experience are worth many dollars tc you and It coats you nothing. See or write to m- A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Bui. ding $4500. 30 ACRES FOR SALE OR TRADE. 16 a. cleared, fine barn, 2-room house, 20 miles from Portland on hard surface road. A snap. Will take $1150 cash or niin a h fii-Kt navment . balance Jtltkl ner vi.r tt Der cent. You can rent said Dlace and rent well ; make all payments and I interest. Hard surface road along entire place. This summer will increase value 1 to $00 OO I- KA..S tv 1-1 . til l. 1 KJr, Room 426, Northwestern Bank Bid. BEAUTIFULLY impros ed iarm of 1 10 acres, o-room bungalow with every con venience imagirfuble, greater portion of the farm cultivated and the very best of level bottom land, springs and streams of water; fruits for the family and right at the station on the red car line. Has commodious barns and other buildings, enough fuel for all purposes. Seldom an offer like this at less than $200 an acre. This is close in on west side. B. S. Cook. OOl Stock Exchange b!dg. OWNER WILL SACRIFIFCE. Equipped ranch. 160 acres, by lake; Ideal home; about 60 acres cultivated; adjoins free range; fenced; spring water under pressure; 6-rOom house, plenty out buildings: mostly in hay. garden, pota toes planted, some fruit ; good road, daily mall ; 21 cattle, good team, ma chinery; possession now: property clear. Only $7300, terms. J. Mullenax, Alica, Ida. POLK COUNTY. 66 acres, all tillable, with 54 acres in cultivation, balance oak brush, 3 wells. 5 acres bearing prunes; well taken care of; rural route, rock road, 3 i mi les f-om town and railroad. In a tnickly settled farmine- district; price $t250, $l5UO cash. terms on the balance. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $4 PER ACRE. At railroad station in Gilliam Co.: 520 acres unimproved prairie land; alongside of alfalfa ranches; owner had this land many years, but now past 70 years of age, cannot handle; might exchange for Portland property. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. $3500 BARGAIN. 19 2-3 acres, all in cultivation. 5 acrfs in prunes, 12 yrs. old; 7-room house, barn, granary and other outbuildings, all 'fenced. 6i miles from Vancouver; $1000 cash. bal. easy terms. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry Blg. HAVE you forgotten to come in and- see us about that 10-acre tract in the Yak ima valley that will make you inde pendent 7 Call or write for information.- free booklets, price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co., H. Ray Hover, 512 Selling bldg. Main 4!93. IOO-ACRE well equipped farm ; 50 a. in growing crops; good buildings; 25 miles from Portland, 2 miles from R. R. Sell with stock and implements. If you want something good and reasonable investi gate and deal with owner. See C. M. Anderson. 454 E. 7th at. N. O-ACRE ranch in Montana. Custer county. r sale or trade. 200 acres tillable. 0 miles from R, R. ; 100 acres fenced, 4-room house, barn and well. $1500 worth of- tools and horses; easy terms. For information call J. A. Foley. Phone Main 5251. OUT CLACKAMAS PAVEMENT. 22 acres, short distance beyond Baker's bridge, paved road most all the way. 4 room house, chicken house. 7 acres cul tivated, some fruit; $750 cash, balance $850; nitg. S years; move right on. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange Jjldg. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water; good soli, V tillable; employments Msy terma, J. R- Sharpe, 63" 3d sc. WANTED REAL' ESTATE. SELL NOW. -We make Quick sales because " we do not list more property than we can give our personal attention. If you want to sell immediately our appraiser will call. WELLER & Rl N EH ART. 212 Chain, of Com. Main 4503. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES VAN TED. Price must be right and very easy terms; we have sold over tO0 homes In the last year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. WE WANT to list 50 houses this week. If price is right will advertise extensively. A. W. ESTES COMPANY. 009 Chamber of Commerce. " WANT small pi ice of- acreage on taay terms irom owner, unuer ?,jv. win pay ail cash this fall. Not particular as to district. A K 317. Oregonian. 5Oxi0O INSIDE LOT facing east or north", near Broadway or lrvington car; must be bargain for cash. Week days, Broad way 525U, or R 521, Oregonian. WE NEED farm lands and acreage. Write us about your property. A. W. ESTES COMPANY. !MS Chamber of Commerce. Main 34bo. I W ANT bargain: improved farm, a'i - small suburban place. A. K, M ill. 2 Lumbermens bldg.. Portland, Or. STRANGER IN CITY, . TALK YOUR HOUSE NEEDS TO MRS. PERRY PHONE MAR. 3 68 4. NORTH PORTLAND Have ctient for modern homo for about $rtHiu. Phone at once. McCormic. Main S220. W ANTED Hose City bungalow; no agents need answer. Phone Broadway 200, Mr. King. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER ON-E MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH OF HOMES SOLD ! Since January 1. 1920, by ! FRANK L. McGUlRE. ! LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON I THE PACIFIC COAST. sou want results" Try our live, erti elent method of Home SELLING. Our Record : 8tU homes sold during 1011. 1 homes sold in one day. March 9. 440 homes sold to date this year. .ttave vou a nome to sen it s soin it listed WITH VS! WE NEED IT TO DAY! We PERSONALLY INSPECT AND PHOTOGRAPH every home listed. All photographs are displayed in our lrge showroom, which is continually thronged with EARNEST HOUSE BUY- ci .:. ir you cannot come down, teie- phone. and we'll gladly call. Our service IS free. No charge excep are excent the standard rate of 5 Der cent in event of a satisfac tory sale. Eighteen EXPERIENCED SALESMEN with autos to work on the sale of YOUR HOME. See FRANK I. McGUIRE. To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Open Evenings and Sundays. "VV'E SELL CITY HOMES. FASTEST GROWING REAL ESTATE FIRM IN PORTLAND TODAY. We can -ell your home Quick. Our appraiser will call and inspect your home and ad vie e as to its value, also take a 5x7 photo, which is displayed in our large show room where hundreds of prospective buyers will view it. Eight live-wire salesmen who drive- their own cars, backed bv thousands of dollars spent in advertising bring results. Phone for our appraiser to call today. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. Successor to BIKK -CA R EY CO. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7457. WE NEED YOU HOME NOW. We are selling more homes than ever; are better equipped to "handle your prop erty than ever before. We wil! call, photo and appraise your home free. If listed at our appraisal price your home Is as good as sold. We advertise ex tensively, have seven salesmen with autos to show you property. Wi have cash buyers waiting. Phons us. Do it now. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. 204 Rr. Exch, bldg. Main 1094 and 5 Si --. ui: i-.-KOOM BUNGALOW IN R. C. , PA R K. MuM be A-one in every particular, must have bt-en built several years atld worth the price, will pay from $6500 to $;.lnit for right place. Answer at once. Call Tabor 8436 evenings. THIS AD IS NOT TO GET LISTINGS. IF YOU HAVE A PLACE LIKE MY CLI ENTS WANT. PHONE OR MAIL FULL DESCRIPTION. WANT ONE HOUSE WITH AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS. ANOTHER WITH SIX OR MORE BED ROOMS MUST BE STRICTLY MOD ERN AND WELL LOCATED. MY CLI ENTS MEAN BUSINESS AND WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IF SUITED. . PO IN DEXTER, 20 SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1SO0. RESIDENCE 271-20. IN IRVINGTON, A LAMBDA, LAUREL HURST OR ROSE CITY, STRICTLY 10DEUN RESIDENCE WITH THREE OR FOUR BEDROOMS. PREFER BUN GALOW. BUT MY CLIENT WILL BUY TWO-STORY HOUSE IF SUITED AND WILL iO AS HIGH AS $!5.00O. POINDEXTER, 20H SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1MKI. RESIDENCE 271-20. WANTED By young couple (both em ployed) to buy small modern bungalow in Piedmont, or Kenton district; good monthly payment with small payment down. T 24S. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. I WANT A GOOD 100 ACRES. I wa nt to buy a good farm in tbe neighborhood of 104 acres; must be mostly cleared, lie well to farm, well improved, stocked and equipped, on good road and near school. Want ijuick pos session, as have family in unsatisfac tory quartern, and anxious to get out. 1 want a homelike place for a perma nent home. Not looking for a bargain, but want a good place for what it is reasonably worth. Please give good de scription, price and directions for reach ing the place. Address P. O. box 3329, Portland. Oregon. W ANT E D To buy a n im prove d Ta im, from to 5 acres. about $200, close to Vancouver or Gresham. Wdln. 56T2. 48 E. Simpson st. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Cotta garden poultry houses. Tabor 472. ; . r -- -; TIMBER USDS. 30.O0O.nu0 FT. of saw timber and piling within v miles of the center or tiie city, all of which can be brought out on county roads with trucks, which 1 will sell In 1 or 3 parcels on an acreage basis.- Have a good, reliable cruise and can give you full particulars. Call at my office, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park jsU 20 M MILL with complete equipment, good cheap timber now running; will take small home for part payment. Owner, T 047. Oregonian. WANTED Timber, wood or small mill proposition : must be close to R. R. and not over 25 miles from Portland. D 23U. Oregonian. BEST logging chance in the west: $10,000 will operate it. T 648, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MEDFORD PEAR ORCHARD. Fine block pf Medford pears. 116 acres, of which 02 acres are in best varieties of pears, all bearing: in fine condition, with prospects for good crop and big prices; splendidly located and irrigation under contract, assuring great future for this property. Price $50,000. -clear. Will trade lor Portland property. LUE DDE MAN COM PANT. 13 Chamber of Commerce. SO-ACRE farm Buildings, good spring near buildings, 50 acres arable, bai. fenced for pasture. Favorably located near North Bank railroad and boat landing on Columbia. Owner away and will sell on easy terms and might take auto or small tract near city. Price $2UOO. T 650, Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE a well-constructed 6-room house, full basement, built-ins., etc., and 1 acres of excellent soil, near S. P. elect. Price $1000; for modern 5-room bungalow, bal ani e cash. See Mr. Christenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. SO ACRES, irrigated, fine soil, and level, in sunny southern Idaho, to exchange for- stock of goods or suburban property. We hav-j farms, timber land and city property on our exchange list and we know our properties. B. M. Price &. Co., 200 Henry bldg. "Reliability." ONE r.j-ton trfcck with dump body and h vdraulic hoists; plenty of road work. This trqck will bring in $40 per day. All overhauled and in line shape. Will tnle for house and assume or trade for laud close to Portland. U2 utie &. Trust bidg. $"200 GROCERY stock ana fixtures. 4 modern living morns, good corner, rent for 2 stores and living room, including garage. $2S per month. Will take vacant lot or small car up to $MJ0. Tabor 300. HAVE good-bearing walnut orchard and Fome clear city property. Want to ex change lor stock ranch In value up to $;0,000. Will pay difference in cash. No agents. M 200. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS restaurant, doing nice busi ness, five-year lease, to trade for farm or other real estate of equal value. Own ers have other in teres f. Apply Bishop Bros., 124 North 5th street. GOING STOCK FARM. Valued by owner at $".0,000; will ex change for Portland property. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg.. FOR SALE or will trace ror iarm or city property, two 4 sections of timber land m Lane county, containing over 7.000.0utf teet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or FOR SALE OR TRADE Two beautiful lts in Berkley addition : close to car line. Very cheap or what have you? Address A. R. Eastman, Silverton. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE Very valuabls -copper mining claim. No stock. Will sacrifice for cash or what have you ? A. R. Eastman. Silverton. Or. WANTED Vacant lot or house equitv Have two lH-ton Federal trucks will trade one or both 702 Title & Trust bids- 5-ROOM summer home, valued at $800 at Klipsan Beach. Wash., to exchange for vacant lot or car. What have you"' Phone Wdln. .".Q5n. ' WILL trade for home land in Montana and Idaho; part under irrigation. Wood lawn 2288. iO E H.lViil-.- HV. l. ESTATE. WILL TAKE diamond as part pavment on 10 IS Chevrolet. V ttuti. Oregonian. rr - 4 fOK SALE. Hr-fc. V eh iden. Li vestock. (jNK l-quarl Togprenberg milk goat for sale. ,SOO. Phone Oak Groe 5-J. $Io BLS chunkily built bay mare: gen tle to worn. iayior-st. aocK. M 1 LCrl goats to pasture. L fl Ry Bridal Veil. Or. WANTED Beef cattle and veal. Tabo.! x rjUI ;u:io. 1 rent u FOR RENT. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. $lw BUYS GOOD TEAM of horses; weighr about 2650 to 2700 lbs; both fat- and b.ocky and sound, excepting & Iest b:t ?.-T sorc- 1S5 takes good honest .(H-lb. team, sound and all right, with good harms and farm wagon- Alo one extra work horse and heavy doubie harness very reasonable. Call rear of i1"1 Store, 265 Russell street. Take Williams ave. car, 2d and Alder streets to Williams avenue and Russell atrt: one block west. MARES AND HORSES JUST ARRIVED, t arioad of mares and horses, all well broke and ready for work; every a real low-down, blocky-built chunk, with lots of bone and quality; from - to 7 years old. weight 1400 to 170O iba.: sev eral weil-matched teams; all horses guaranteed as represented or money re funded. Sanitarv stables. 36 Union ave. South, cor. of Stevens. E, D. WUUatn on A Giass. East 8778. , TEAM of 5-year-old geldings. 2900 lbs. . iet of new harness, $375. Team of sor rel mares " and 7 years old, 260O lbs., $335. 6 blocky mares, 4 to 7 years, from 1400 to 160O lbs., heavy boned, blocky chunks. All horses sold guar anteed as represented. On 5-ver-o':d horse. 12O0 lbs., left bv Mr. Aldriile to be sold. $100. H. Harn, cor. E. 6th and. Hawthorne. FOR SALE Team brown Belgtan mares, height about S40O lbs. Team gray Per c heron mares, weight about 0200 lbs. Team bay Shire mares, weight about o40 lbs. 15 head ocLd horses and mares, weighing from llOO to 36O0 lbs. Several sets breeching harness and one 3i farm wagon. This stock grain fed and ready to work. Can be seen and tried to suit buer at stable, foot Taylor st. ( dock . TEAM of 5-year-old geldings. 900 lbs. Set of new harness, $375. Team of sor- 1 n iiir-t, a ana 1 years 01a, iusH $ 335. 6 b 1 ock y ma res. 4 to years. , from 1400 to 1600 lbs., heavy boned, blocky chunks. All horses sold, guar anteed as represented. One o-y ear-old horse. 12O0 lbs., left by Mr. Aldridge to be sold, $100. H. Harn, cor. E. 6th and Hawthorne, FOR SALE 1 team. 3000 lbs., O and 10 years old. true and sound ; 1 wagon, nearly new; first-class work harness; one 14-inch Oliver piow. nearly new; 1 set ton springs for wagon: forks, chains and ropes. Price $500 for all. J. J. Davies. route 2, box 101, Vancouver. Fourth house north of Minuchaha. school on St. John's road. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. A team of 5-year-old mares, sound and gentle; a good farm or orchard pair, weighing 2700. with lota of style and fat. Call at 415 Syracuse st., St. Johns. 10 SOWS, weighing 200 lbs. each, will far rvw within 30 days, for sale at market price by A!. E. Iee, on Lowe Bros. ranch. Buckley ave. south of Foster roclA . $25 BUY'S pair of nice ponies, weight 21rt lbs., G and 6 years old. Good workers, single, double and drive. Harness and nice farm wagon. 5624 K. 86th st. Ml. Scott car. TWO work teams - and harness; 2 bav. weight C4PO lbs.; 2 grays, weight 2600 lbs. ; can. be seen at work at 10S7 Fran cis ave. Woodstock car to E. 56th and Gladstone. Sellwood 1212. FOR SALfc: Cow, 4 years old. fresh three weeks, milking 6 gallons; come ee her milk at "K44 60th St., cor. 37th ave. S. E. Tabor SQKp. EXTRA fine Toggenberg doe. also 1 White Leghorn hens and one rooster; must be sold right away; leaving city. 92 B. find X o rt Yl. LOST mate, will sell gray Percberon horse, chunkily built, weight about 1oo lbs. Price $165. Marion Fuel Co.. Tay- lor-st. dock. FOR SALE :0 high-grade goats, heavy mohair bearers. Will discount price for immediate cah sale. J. H. McMenamij phone Main 306 or Tabor 1107. TEAM young bay mares. blockMy built. Z and 6 years old. weight about 26O0 lbs. Price $275, wood yard, foot Taylor st. (dock). IF you want good cows let me show 5 just fresh, good rich milkers, 2 to freshen In a week. Take Riverview car at 2d and Morrison. loS Florida st. 4-Y E A R-OLD roan Durha m cow, fresh 2 weeks; nice big calf; giving 5 gallons, test 6. Will sell cheap. 365 Union ae. South. PASTURAGE at Ladd's Canyon farm, close in; no business Sundays. Main 4810. FOR SALE Cow and 5-weeks-old calf; 10-weeks-old pigs. Phone Milwaukee 07. J. C. W. SchJid, Bell Station. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash, paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone M iiwaukie 00-J for results. ' FOUR young fresh jcows. 5-gal. Holstein 4-gal. Durham, 2 3 '--gal. Jerseys. Ail gentle. 72S East 32d. near Powell. "W E BUY and sell cattle, i-heep and goats. campoeii-rnejau auu qc iame lo., 302 Couch bldg. - CAPITOL STABLE, 281 Front street. Fine span, work horses and mares, 1500 to isoo lbs., cheap for cash. WANT good family cow in exchange for 2 Shetland ponies. Call Barnes old place. 40th and King st., Mllwaukie. Or. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co., Woodlawp 20. $75 WHOLE outfit, horse harness, 327 Front st. buggy and Pianos, Organs and Musical instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. We have the BEST PRICES in USED PIANOS. Shop around then see ours. You will be convjneed. Everyone has boen through our shop to make sure they are in the BEST OF CONDI TION. FULLY" GUARANTEED. WIi'K Like new. oak case $300 VICTOR Plain oak case $325 EM ERSON Walnut case -.$371 SINGER Plain mahogany case.. . .$250 1 RV1 NO Oak case $240 BAILEY Plain mahogany case. . . .$215 HOMER Plain oak case $2SO SINGER Like new, mahogany case. $273 TERMS GIVEN. SKI BERLI NG-LUCAS MUSIC ro., 125-127 4th St., Between Wash ington and Alder. UNDERPRICED PIANOS Downstairs store. Factory rebuilt and used piano. Upright pianos, $105. $25. $200 to $465; player-pianos, $315, $4k5, $535 to $035; parlor organs, $25. $35, $45 to $65; pho nographs. $18, $25. $35 to $120. -Terms, $10 to $25 cash $3. $6 to $15 monthly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th st. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out. $275 to $500 used upright pianos. $75 t $290; $800 to $1000 ued player-pianos, $3G0 to $495. Pianos stored 75e monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Corner 10th and Stark sts. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best propo sition. Main S586. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSJC CO., 125 4th st. FOR SALE OR TRADE New Paths cabinet phonograph with 25 latest records; will sacrifice for half price. Inquire for manager or- assistant. Hip podrome theater, 11 A. M. COM BINATION Regular piano and inside player. See it quick. Golden oak case, fine tone. 50 rolls, cabinet a nd stool. Cheap for cash to move it. 237 E, 50lh til. S. Tabor 4304. - 7 TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victroia and records; our proposition 'will please you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co.. 12 4th st- Main fc6. B R UN S WICK talking machine, $225 sise. fumed oak finish, perfect condition. $150. Will take liberty bonds at face value. Phone Tabor 4459. WANT ALL KINDS OF PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent' piano from private family; no children. T 520. Oregon ian. CONCERT GRAND, like new. $750. Toa may rent it- Harold. 3, Gilbert. 3a4 YamhilL PIANO WANTED. Par cash; get our price. Seiberling-Lu-cas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 858 ti. GENUINE Bush & Lane piano and bench, ve.-y latest.- positively cheap. i12 Wor cester blag: - " PLAYER piano wanted; pay all cash if bargain. Main 3S04 between 4 and 5. WANTED Piano a gain. ' Mar. 5700. once; cash No dealers. MY $1000 STE1NWAY piano, sacrifice for $'ti00; consider part trade. Tabor 3.12.. RENT a phonograph. Haroid S. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill st, IF you are looking for happiness, you will find it at McDou gall's Muic store. FOR SAL E U sed lerms If desired. piano, bargain $200; East 8527. PLAYER-PIANO with rolls, cheap. Kast 0OOS. 473 Pacific st. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE by owner, furniture r 7-room modern flat. splendid location ; price $750. Call Main 002. VELVET rug for sale. Call Tuea. or Wed. morning. S21 Hawthorne ave. Phon: Eat 301L ins of furniture for ae, nousa for rent upstairs, pay renu 4bu iu. Wash, il