THE MORNING OREGONIAX, SATURDAT. MAT 15, 1920 17 rt)B SALE. MlwTllanfom. CI.ASST CLOTHES. READY TO WEAR. ALTERED BY AN EXPERT. OUR SUITS ARB STRICTLY TAILORED. We also have a few high grade tailored suits uncalled for. LET US SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE REAL. MONEY 'OS YOl'R SUIT. H. L BLUM, 184 Tenth, near Morrison. Main 1:789- NOTICE TO THE PUBL.ll,. We have Just placed on sale 01""; the puollc the samples ot our salesmen that have returned from the road, con sisting of the latest models of raincoats, motorcoats and leather coats "i-,,.0"! wholesale office. 72tt Morgan blag, traitea KObber Co. SEWING MACHINES. Singers. zu iaiearop-neaui.. mmtts" whiles. National, notary, " " ,""J , etc.. $15 ts $35. A large number of good machines from 3 to 1C- Machines rent - d, $3 per month. Singer store. Moose bldg.. 193 4th tit. Main 6833. "SEWING machines, new and second-hand. , sold for lets; no agents employed; com 1 plete line of parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. Main faE WING MACHINE EMPORIUM. I &n Third, pear Taylor. , oas furnace"&Lfloor HEATERS Inexpensive to Install; ifan healthful to operate. Phone W for free estimate or call 167 i'ars. w Just south of MorrlBon. , . BUI your plant, from h grower V can save you money. Wo fin porcn and window boxes, tubs, vasos and hang , log baskets; wo also have all k'n1 ' tedding plants. John Knapp & bons. ims S. 1st st.. cor. Bancroft st. DRAG SAWS Diamond 'J. with or without magneto; one rebuilt Beaver, guurantced same as new. Terms. H. E. Johnson. 1140 Hawthorne aye. (east end of Hawthorne brldgejAut. 31WT. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hitnd, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 Second si Phone Main -Q4j. . ONE H. P.. D. C motor, form volts 500. speed 1200; 1 Enterprise lard P: bored tube. 8-qt.. No. 35;1 lard kettle. 1 computing scale, weighing up to 40 lbs. Bargain. 480 Belinunt St. Cash register, showcases, refrigerators, cales. cheese cutters. Longs popcorn machine, many other fixtures; come to day, 1 li -a. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked, weather beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by our famous and Instantaneous rubber bonding system, all work guaranteed. Phone Automatic 627-33; East 424. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal.. 17: 40 gal., $9; tested and guaranteed; stove ana furnace coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing. East bide Ti r.(ji t. onl AriuiViM t East 8516. SHINGLES STAR A blAK PER M, ANT QUANTITY. TAYLOR ST. DOCK. MAIN 8065. ELECTRIC IRON, appliances, doorbells vacuum cleaners repaired, fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawn Tr.n or KaKt 4045. EOYAL electric cleaners for rent, II per - day delivered. The Electric Maid Shop. n. . i ... tj .4 ... 1 u An T .t the JOO 1 t 1 1 I 1 1 BV. Lll U 11 -1 " "J .11..-. - Electric Maid do your work." FOR-SALE 1 painter's outfit, price $20. 1 Winchester rifle, 44-40 caliber, model 1892, repeater, price $15. V. J. Carter, Tigard. Or. LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, also B! IK nau tor sale ui rcnu l . . - clothing store. 51 3d, Multnomah hotel, bldg. TWO roll-top desks, one mahogany, one oak; chairs to match; bargain. 31 N. 6tli Broadway 2739. Other office fur niture. 6HALL, large National registers, latest models, from a penny up. Safe and meat silcer, coffee urn, marble slab, gas range. 242 Salmon street. . WOOD for sale, country block and slab, . 30 to 16-in. long; heavy. $6.50; medium, $6; also 4-ft. slab; east side only; prompt delivery. Phone Main 5347, 1 FLOOR cases, wall cases, refrigerator cases, large, small Iceboxes, scales; 3 pleca mahogany set; office or prlvats use; very low prices. 242 Salmon. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB; ALSO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 7020. JUNIOR washing machine, sewing ma - chine, wash boiler, fruit Jars, blsycle, 1 shotgun, Winchester rifle, coaster wagon. 500 Borthwick. HEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand: some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. " Broadwsy 1966. 48 Front st. FOR SALE 1 mahogany 14-ft. front bar with brass foot rail ami 4x12 French " plate mirror. Portland Golf club. Main 3i.iu. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. - "W. J. Quigley. 366 Hawthorne. East 123. ' KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandys. 32S Washington st. NEW gas range and Singer electric ma chine. Leaving city. du r.. ota st. . Tabor 3243. FOR KALE AUTOSIOBII.ES. 1918 STUTZ. 1918 STUTZ 16-valve touring, in first class shape. - It must go at a sacrifice. This is a bargain for some one who wants a real car; terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-356 Burnside St. BUY my Oakland touring ear. T must leave for the east. 1120 model, has been driven less than GOO miles. A re duction of cost, cash and terms wil'. be given. Call Mr. Stanley, Bdwy. 4184. 100 N. BROADWAY. CITY. DODGE touring. In excellent condition, good tires, wonderful bargain. $250 down, very easy terms. STATES AUTO SALES & TRUCK CO., 430 Burnside. 1919 MAXWELL roadster. It has been overhauled in our own shon and Is in Xirst-class condition. A bargain; terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-3SS Burnside St. TO PROSPECTIVE CAR BUYERS. LOOK THESE OVER WILL PAY YOU. im-u cnevroiet ronasrer. 1019 Maxwell touring. 11)18 Model 90 Overland. All above cars In excellent condition Having never passed fhe original own er's hands. For further particulars phone M liv '.- ti 1-. 1 uAKAiiu, eeu. yaw. 1920 CHEVROLET touring car: good con dition; ail gooa tires, lerma. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-35" Burnside St. MR. FISHERMAN. I HAVE A S-PAPS. OVERLAND. IN PPLENDID CONDITION. AND GOOD TIRES. A REAL BARGAIN AT $525 1918 OVERLAND 85-6 touring, in Al con UH1UU BUUU Ult( ICllliB. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-350 Burnside St. BUICk bug. Just built, new hnrfv painted throughout; Al mechanical con dltion. new rubber. Boson magneto else, trie lights and horn. An unllinr h.. galn if taken immediately. Call at 287 K. Morrison or phone East 222U. 1920 OVERLAND Four Nearlv . must sell: sacrifice: terms. 47 North W o I. 0IUKUM1JI 1 IB. 1U1S, A-l condition, good top and tires win pen mi ai a Bargain, ri. F. Kim ble. East 2806. 1UI9 VKLIE. has never been run off the pavem-nt. This car must be seen to be appreciate!. $14'i0. Union Depot Garage for. Broadway and Hoyt sts. ' 1916 CHEVROLET. In good condition, new ton. new tires, good buy: $ (on cash. In cluding running board boxes for cam lng. Call owner. Marshall 778. CHEVROLET at a barcaln. This car must sell. See owner. 829 4th aL FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CO., Used Car Department. 58-60 N. 23d st. Main 780. ITcre Is a splendid assortment of the better quality cars, which should com mand the attention of anyone going to purchase an automobile. You will find if well worth your while to look over our cars, as they are all in ex ceptionally fine condition, and Include some splendid bargains. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM. DODGE 1918 touring: 5 good tires, top,- curtains, tools and all complete; splendid condition; $950. . OVERLAND Model 00-T. 1919 model, first-class every way; $850. VELIE n-nass'."-touring, beautiful lit tle car; $1000. , CADILLAC 1912 model; new paint and good rubber; fine car; $600. MAXWELL,' 1917, splendid mechanical condition jtlros and all; $725. MAXWELL Roadster. 1918, fine con dition; $725. . - , SAXCV Touring, fi-pasa.. newly pamt SlJ: good rubber and mechanically Al; $600 STUDEBAKER 1917. In fine condi tion every way; $650. MITCHELL 1917. 7-passenger. a swell 6-cyllnder car; $1100. - .. OLDSMOBILE 1918,,-T-pass.. has five good tires, top. paint and everything complete. $1450. - ' ' - -. t . - FORD t-uck chassis, worm drive. 1918 model, first-rlass mechanically and. rub ber, -newly painted;a snap. $485. OAKLAND 1918 model, good top and rubber, just overhauled, a beautiful paint job:worth great deal more, $950. . LIBERAL TERM3 GIVEN .. - IF DESIRED. EACH CAR GUARANTEED. . AT OUR REMOVAL SALE. You Will Find 25 High-Grade Used Automobiles. .' t PRICES $250 VP. LIBERAL, TERMS GIVEN. WERE ARB A FEW WE OFFER FOR YOUR APPROVAL: 1918 BRISCOE, 2-pass., 4-cyl. 1920 CASE, T-pasa., 6-cyL 1919 MITCHELL, 6-pasa.. 6-cyL 1919 MITCHELL, 7-pass., 6-oyL .1918 MITCHELL. 6-pass.. 6cyl. 1918 STUDEBAKER, 2-pass., 4-cyL 1918 CHANDLER, 7-pass.. 6-cyL 1918 MITCHELL. 4-pass., 6-eyL 1918 OVERLAND. 6-pass., 4-cyL 1916 SAXON. 6-pass.. 6-cyL ' Many Others to Select From? USED" CAR DEPARTMENT. ' 1 I MITCHELL, LEWIS ST AVER CO., East First and East Morrison Sta. Phones: East 7272; Automatic 212-16. HERE'S A GOOD TRUCK FOR LOGGING. 6-TON REPUBLIC. NEARLY NEW. $3500. YOU CAN'T MISS ON THIS ONE. 3t&-ton G. M. C, 1919 model, $2600. GOOD FORD TOURING, in excellent shape, $450. Cash or terms. Broadway 1758. FAGEOL SALES AlViNCY. INC., 411 DAVIS. HAVE THE LATEST MODEL HUDSON SUPER SIX. 7-PASSENGER. PERFECT IN EVERY WAY, CORD TIRES. SPOT LIGHT AND BUMPER: HAS RUN LIT TLE OVER 2000 MILES. WILL STAND THE FULLEST INSPECTION - IN EVERY WAY. NEW ONES COST $3026 WITHOUT THIS EXTRA EQUIPMENT NEED MONEY IN MY BUSINESS AND WILL SELL FOR $2600 CASH. D 264, OREGON I AN. COUNTRY CLUB. One of those classy Overland Country clubs. See it today. THE USED-CAR EXCHANGE, 1 15th and Washington. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. S YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. -208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. NASH TOURING. You'll fall for this 1919 model. Some anappy motor. - See it at 16th and Washington. HUDSON sedan.'-7-passenger. m fine con dition, run only 13.000 miles, non-skid cord tires and one new spare cord non skid: sacrifice for $1900; can arrange terms ADDRESS' AE 461. Oregonlan. SEE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY for auto lops, seat covers, etc. Builder of Gould and Ollllg tops. , WASHINGTON ST. AT 21ST. 1916 FORD, tires and condffion good, shook aosorDers. storage oaitery, spotlight. Yale lock and other extras. $425 cash. Call Tabor 9144, evenings between 6 ana 1. 1919 BUICK. 7-nassenrer. 8 cord tlrH P9Tttgnt ana mirror. snuoDers and other exirts, car can oe seen at i'aiace Garage Co.. 12th and Stark sts.. from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 1920 FORD roadster with electric starter and lights, snocK absoroers; run less than sou miles: a little Detter than new: price $700. 'Simonton Motor Car Co.1 14th and Couch. Phone Bdwy. 121. FOUR-PASSENGER EAYNES. In perfect condition, factory guarantee, S cord tires and lots of other extras; car must be seen to be appreciated! (jait LarKin. uawy. ou .Burnside st 1919 OAKLAND SIX. $10'0. In best of condition, tires good as new with spare tire, 'spotlight, bumper. fnone Tapor opi. 000 .41st St. N. HAYNES LIGHT SIX. 6-PASSENGER. New paint, cord tires, factory guar antee, iiu. uan L,arKin. navy. 1614. bin .tsurnpiae. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock. - - right. no misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET 490. good running order must have money: $350' cash. Son w 16th st., Vancouver, Wash., Sat. P. M. or sunqay f. ia. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodea Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th st. 4-CYL. roadster with double ignition, hlarh tension Bosch magneto, electric lights. 4 good tires and good running order; $175 casn. 101 v usob St. FRANKLIN 1915 model, good condition, 4 good cord tires and an extra: 1920 li cense; only $800. Call evenings after o o ciqck or cunuay at wo E. 64th N. 1917 MODEL N big Hup, good paint and tires, just overnauiea; IMO license: $900 Simonton Motor Car Co., 14th and Couch fnone tsuwy. 121. 1019 NASH 5-pass., good paint, good tires, ursi-ciaw mecnanieany, Jtfo license price $1300. Simonton Motor Car Co 14lh and Couch. Phone Bdwy. 121. CHANDLER TOURING Late 1918. 6 over size cord tires, new naint. first-clan eon. dilion; can use light car. Terms on bal ance, orosowmy si. 1918 BUICK. good as new. cord tires; auuu wujr, iuvv. jitiw7. sub. evenings. rOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. ARE TOC EBADT FOR THE SHRINE CONVENTION 7 This year, as never before, offers the biggest opportunity for anyone wishing to get Into the "For Hire" car game. Hundreds of thousands of tourists will be in our midst soon. Why not pick out one of the following cars that have been used but not abused, having been in the hands of private owners hereto fore? Alls, guaranteed In perfect me chanical condition, and will make Ideal car fur. thn rent business. Prices from $550 to $2800. on easy terms. Two C0I8 Aero Eights. , Two King Sights.. One National 12. One Paige 8. ' Hudson Super-Six. Two Cole Eights. One Winton Six. One Willys-Knight. 6-cyL - In addition to the above, we have several exceptionally good buvs In light five-passenger cars, including Stude baker sedan. Premier chummy roadster. ' Come In and see these cars before buy ing .elsewhere. BROADWAY" USED CAR SALESROOM. Opp. New Postofflce. 128 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 89. BE FAIR TO THE CHILDREN By voting YES "on EDUCATION AX, BILL 314. GIVE TFH3 CHILDREN THE BEST IN SCHOOLS. We have the best in late model cars. 1919 NASH TOURING nothing better. . 1919 ESSEX TOURING If off like a soot. HUDSON SPEEDSTETR Some ear. I DM 1 OLDSMOBILE One of , those sixes DODGE TOURING Not many Dodges Qiierea lor B&ie. 5 OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB Just nuui uuuuieiu are looking lor. uAs.i,Anu pia una ot tnose cars witn over-neaa valves. MAXWELL A 1919 at about half the Pfice 01: a new car. Don't delay, as these 'nice days every body is buying. - THE USED CAR EXCHANGE - 15TH and WASHINGTON. drive Anyone of these rebuilt cars 3 days anb if not as rep. . RESENTED WE WILL REFUND YOUR 1919 Cadillac,"- 7-passenger. 1918 Cadillac, 7-passenger. 1917 Cadillac, 7-passenger. 1U20 Velie, 5-passenger. 1918 Velie, 6-passenger. 1919 Bulck 6, 6-passenger. 1918 Buick 6, 2-passenger. 1917 Nash, 2-passenger. The above cars are rebuilt; good tires, painted and look like new and ara cuf. anteed to be first-class. Phone Bdwy t.i:i . Cull r, (1 ' II, , . . . " SEE THIS CAR "if von r "-v.. light delivery. The car la ton em. 11 ...j piranu Business, ilave a 1920 Chev- I rolet, equipped with cord tires, snub- . ' ' - u.jr cprings, spotlight, eight-day clocks. Car driven only aooo miles In city. Al condition throughout. For sale by owner. Half cash, bal. terms. - deaJers need apply, a. snap. 297 E did st. near Hawthorne aVe. . Phone Tabor 659. Saturday after 1 P. Id. and all day Sunday. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. 1918 Motor In perfect condition, body . fipish excellent; has bumper and extra tire. Come and look at a real bargain: $UoO, with suitable terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder Sts. Broadway 240. IF YOU WANT a good car at a low price call Mr Stover, Bdwy. 4184. I have an - Oakland loiirinff . h r- u , ..-I . 1 . ... astound you. Will guarantee motor, aires, top and paint are fine. See It. Cash or terms. . 100 X. BROADWAY. CITT. CHEVROLII'COOPB AND SEDAN. Both of these cars are. In Al shape throughout. Bargains that will suit you. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR-CO. 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240. CADILLAC 8, In beautiful shape and cen- uiciou. new corn ures. new $125 panta sote top and new $125 re-enameling Job. reflnished Just as it came from the fac tory. Owner wants to turn same qulck-Jy-g0 We highly recommend this buy for BLOOM BROS. AUTO CO.. phone 692. 9 th and Pearl Sts. Eocene. Or. 1918 MASTER SIX .CHALMERS: 5 cord itrw. Mt us wr oargain price; terms. IL & L MOTOR CAR CO.. 853-366 Burnside St. DODGE. ' Don't be late If you want this Dodgs. It's at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, loti and Washington. 1919 CHEVROLET touring In A-l condi tion; d good tires; a real bargain. Oids- mooue to., nroaaway at couch. REO roadster. 1918, fully equipped, good ures ana extra ana rim, spotlignt, mirror, power pump, mud chains, heater for winter use, new battery and curtains luruusuuuL, car oas naa . nest ox c&re. x-none o-o-n alter o r. ai. APPERSON six-cylinder chummy roadster at a sacruice: motor In perfect cnndi tion, newly painted, four good cord tires, new top. If you are Interested in Duymg a real good car at a reasonabl price, phone C Ryan, Broadway 3308. FOR SALE 1919 Chevrolet. Al condition. ctimpiKu w 1 1. n 1 iniKin Deanngs in zront, chains, spotlight, good tires, including Bpare; front seat cut down for camping use; $700, Including 1920 license. Owner. main U30. ONE 1918 Oakland 8, 7-passenger, wouia seat u, make gooa stage car: In fine condition: all new tires: wind deflectors bumpers and lots of extras; $1150, with terms. Alain uo. FOR sale or exchange, runabout car, suit able for light delivery: box on bank . for 1 acre of land In Beausonicka Heights, Portland, Oregon. Address route o. oox tfl. Vancouver. Wash. 191S BUIOK 5-passenger touring car," with cord tires, new extras, newly Dainted. pantasote top, bumper and clock; good mecnaincai cuuuitionfe f uju. .telephone Main 7605. " NOTICE this bargain: $275 for a five passenger Flanders touring car; has the well-known E. M. F. motor. John O. Fehr. 1202 E. 23d st. N. Phone Wood lawn 693. DODGE. For sal by owner, price reasonable; Al condition. J. M. Tuttle, 8t7 Albiua ave. Woodlawn 6269. MUST SELL at once, at a bargain, one Paige six car. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Car can be seen at Couch St. Garage. 9th and Couch sts. 1917 CHEVROLET, new tires, license" guaranteed In first-class shape. The owner will sacrifice at $375. Cor. loth - and Gllsan. DODGE bargain. 1917 Dodge touring car In good condition. The prloe Is very attractive to anyone wishing a real bar gain. Phone the- owner. Tabor 7590. ONE 1917 little six Oakland for sale, flrst ' class condition. Oregon Taxi company, 261 12th st. 1 FORD' roadster, best of condition: 1920 license: $450. with terms. Main 206. rOK SALE AUTOMOBILES. A TIP TO YOU. TIMES HAVE CHANGED. . Yon can fuv a rond usAd automobile cheaper now than at the same time last I year, wnue new cars have been advanc ing n price all the time. Remember, our 'used cars are no( In I the used car store next to our store, but are in our own store at 615-617 Washington street. '191T Maxwell, S-passnger, small car. all In fine condition; has been overhauled and repainted; $oo0. . 1918 Maxwell; get a good car: we have gone all over It in our shop, then had it repainted; xoav. 1919 Maxwell, looks Just like new: we overhauled it, tnen naa it repuiui $800. 1917 Studebaker, all in fine condition. $725. 1918 Willys six. overhauled and re painted; 5 cord tires an in uu con dition: $950. 1917 Chalmers light six; Just think oi . . . ' . , n.,Ho,iled In ' our shop. then repainted; all in fine condition; $900. 1919 $1CI50. Liberty, In fine condition, . . , 1. . -I v IiaImaI With 11 tnaimexs iiii uv. original finish showing, the car like new, &11 in una vouumv . ' , 1 ftna llcrrit mill- Ity car that has been gone over and U in line met :uu " ited: a new top aoiu n looks like new, sb-ju. 1920 Oldsmoblle eight, Mk new, $2250. HUDSON SUPER-SIX BARGAINS. not a TTuripon suner-six that we over hauled in our shop, then we had It re nainteri; aiRo nut on a new top. We iii rlv vmi a renlacement of parts. If any. the same as a factory does on new automobiles. $1150. 1917 Hudson super-six, going through the shop now and will be put in first class condition and repainted; you can . . , 1 . 1 'li ul get ims aitie car ui fwvu. taiB nnAMi irnr.ff1x- Mk a new car. all In fine condition; overhauled and re painted; $1700. 1918 Hudson speedster, now being put the shoo, will be completely gone over, repainted and finished like new; siaoo. Remember, our nsed car bargains are not In the used car place next to our store, but are in our own store at 615- 617 Washington street. I BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. PORTLAND. 615-617 Washington St. NEW '19 ESSEX. Perfect mechanical condition: new tires', this car is worth $2000; can be bought for $1625, terms. 19 Studebaker roadster, guaranteea In perfect condition; a snap at $995. 17 Dodge, new top, cord Urea; will sacrifice lor iu. Haynes, In fine shape, $1500; would make gooa stage car. 4-pass. Templar, $2850. See these at the WRAY MOTOR CAR CO.. O N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. S247. 150 UNION AVE. 191S FORD TOURING, overhauled. .$ 850 191 FORD TOURING, toed shaoe. 450 1919 FORD TOURING, like new 625 1919 FORD TOURING, extras, dandy 625 15 FORD TOURINGS to pick from. STUDEBAKER 25 touring, dandy,. 2S0 1918 MAXWELL TOURING 675 1917 REO TOURING 650, 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING 630 1918 OAKLAND TOURING, over hauled ' 850 IOI T STtiDKBAHKR ROADSTER 575 1917 BUICK LIGHT 6 TOURING.. 1050 150 UNION AVU., CUtk tJLAlUIMX. NEW CARS ARE HIGH AND HARD TO GET. Buy Good Used Care and Enjoy This Fine Weather. See 0,1 r line of Oakland touring care. 1916-1917-1918-1919 and 1920s, all in great condition and are wonderful buys for Vit. mnnev tasked. We fret them on trade-ins and sell them for cost. We Invite your Inspection and will treat you right on terms ana prices. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY, Bdwy. 41BL auu jn. xsroaaway. 101a PAIGE. Llnwood model, new paint. almost new tires, new top; in perfect - m .nhanlrnl shaoe: run less than 10.000 miles; 1920 license. Simonton Motor Car Co.. 14th and Couch. Phone Bdwy. 121. ; BABY GRAND Chevrolet, first-class shape in every respect. This Is a dandy car for the price; $750 cash or terms. Si monton Motor car wo., 14tn and Couch. Phone pflwy. igi. FOR SALE. 1918 Overland. 85-4 model; two extra cord tires; snap If taken at once. Phone 10 f Vancouver. Wash. 7-PA8SfNOEB Apperson six; run 8500 mil,.- Im snlendld condition? .a. ., many extras: bargain at $1500 cash. Tel. , . . . .:i'J ,. . T lis . Jimii xv v. . . " .'J, vrrnonian. DODGE TOURING Late 1916: disc clutch, new tires, good nniu. jui. u.eiuouicu, price s00. Woodlawn 993. P 272. Oregonlan. CHEVROLET $450. first-class cnnriin terms if desired. Call owners. Marshall 2157, roam 19, or Marshall 3982, after 1 r. ai. Just ovgrhauled and in excellent con dition; cord tires. $1100. Call Larkln .1 J . 1UI1 TOO Urn.U. . 11. CADILLAC 7-passenger. like. new. cc pieteiy equippea, extra tires, $3250. A FORD, late model ;must raise cash; will sacrifice. 8311 Woodstock ave.. Mt Scott T .. V. 1 17fl " car. 1 (1 u u 1 . 1 1 , . 11S FORD roadster, very good conditio. will consider phonograph part payment. last p.iai. FOR SALE Ford roadster, with Bosch magneto; price $325. Owen, 25 N. Park street. BABY grand Chevrolet; S7th st. Tabor 7967. 429 E. FOR SALE Ford bug. new tires, extraa Call after r. m 4o Washington su FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. 1918 CHANDLER SEDAN. Flrst-clase mechanical condition. wire wheels, cord tires, renalnted. roomy, luxurious car $2000 1918' CHANDLER. 7-PASS. Wire wheels, good tire equipment. reDUMt ana perfect mechanical condition 1600 1918 C.HANDLER. 7-pass., rebuilt tnrougnont. good tire equipment. body reflnished 1550 1918 CHANDLER, 7-pass., first- ciass mechanical conuluon. cood tires 1500 1918 CHANDLER. 4-pass. roadFter. reount. new ton. cord tires with extra ' 1GO0 101T CHANDLER. 7-pass., good mncnamcai condition. newly painted, new top. good tires with extra , 1250 SPORT ROADSTER. ' !handler 2-pass.. special body road ster, wire wheels, cord tires, racy lines and fast performer 1050 1918 OLDSMOBILE 7-pass.. rood mecnanicai condition, gooa tires. 1100 1917 VELIE TOURING, repainted. overnauiea, gooa tires.......... J.UDU 1916 BUICK ROADSTER, rrood enn- uition throughout, good .tires.... 900 1916 CHALMERS 7-pass., good me-'' cnanicai conaition. cora tires. new top. newly painted 700 1017 SAXON TOU R TNG. overhauled " ana in gooa condition, good tires 700 1916 SAXON TOURING, good me- . caanicai conaition ............. 40 Open Sunday. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., a 16th and Alder and 605 Washington SU 100 PER CENT. You get 100 value In these: 1917 MAXWELL at $500. 490 CHEVROLET at $3S3. OAKLAND SIX at $750. THE USED-CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. 2 1919 CHEVROLETS 2 Just like new cars: we guarantee these I cars to De in first-class mechanical con aition. lernu. H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-356 Burnside St. 1918 FORD. 1918 Ford touring; fine buy In late model ord. lots of extras. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR 14th and Alder Sts. CAR CO., Broadway 240. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, pantasote ton ana plate glass windows. This is a real buy. Come in and see us. Terms. H. A M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-856 Burnside St. 1920 OLDSMOBILE EIGHT. CORD TIRES. 1920 LICENSE; THIS UAK Itur HIMI MILKS AND IS IX PERFECT CONDITION: SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON THIS CAR AND GIVE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. CALL TABUK 630. 1918 FORD touring. In fine mechanical shape: looks like new; a real bargain: terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. . 353-356 Burnside St. 1920 MAXWELL TOURING. IN FINE MECHANICAL PHAPE; 5 TIRES AND 12I LICENSE; WILL -GIVE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND TERMS IF DESIRED. CALL TABOR 630. 1919 OVERLAND 90 roadster In excellent condition. - Come in and see it. H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO., 353-356 Burnside St. 1919 CHEVROLET Fine condition: sell very cheap: some terms. 47 rtortn Utn SU -Broadway lis. DELIVERY car. $150 cash. . Reason partnershiD split up. Quick sale. Mr. Warner, 79 W. Park at Oak st. Bdwy. 3021. DETROIT. MICHIGAN, will be my address after May 20. Must sell my 1917 Ford touring at once, fnpiie wain. aoQ2. DODGE) touring car. perfect condition. S good tires, driven less than 10.000 miles on city streets: price $1050. cash or terms, fnone n.ast ojji. 191S DODGE touring car In good shape: price ss7o. a-an sunaay axternoon. 004 E. Taylor. HAVE 3 Fords and 1919 Maxwells, taken in on trade; easy terms. Phone East 8384. Larsen. 1919 FORD delivery. Al condition. Call Main 705Q. CADILLAC 7-passenger, excellent condi tion, fully equipped; ideal for rent serv ice. Price $32o0. Main 715. 4-PASS. Detroit Electric coups with rec tifier: In good condition: price reaaon- able. Apply Hotel Lenox. 3d and Main. REAL BARGAIN 1 Stoddard-Dayton. 4- cylinder. auto: will make fine truck or bug. 164 E. tn st.. cor. Belmont. BY OWNER Late model Ford, with ex tras, at a bargain, liui Cleveland ave. 'Phone wooaiawn aiiBH. LATE model Elgin six, 5 wire wheels and tires, extra gooa conaition; $950. Call after 2:3U r. M. Tabor 2120. OLDSMOBILE couoe. original tires with spare, all like new: discount 1-3. 6S8 E. 50th N. Tabor 6645. 1 FORD touring, late model, good condi tion, nearly new tires, extras; ior quick sale, $3.u casn. Aiain 200. FOR SALE Ford car. cheap for cash; demountable rims, senan top. good con dition " 11275 CAN YOU BEAT ITT Oldsmoblle. 8 cylinder, club roadster. like new, o cora tires, aenwooa cai. EXCHANGE or sell Mitchell roadster for htgn-graae . roeustex oniy. Automatic 213-00. 1 4-PAS6ENT5ER Hupmoblle. good tires. in fine mecnanicai conaition, ju, terms. Call Main aw. FOR SALE Ford car. touring, late model aula. X I H O 1 j. - w imu . A. Woodstock car. FOR SALE Dodge In Al condition In every respect. 11 soia tjeiore 3lon- day. Owner. 515 East Taylor, near 12th. FOR SALE Ford bug. $050. Cal. built body. Inquire 367 Weidler, bet. 6 and 7:30 P. M. s FOR SALE Hudson super six speedster; rirst-Class conaition. r or- turtner intor mation call Bdwy. 29. 1918 FORD, hy owner; good condition. good tires, la-o license; tn casn; eiu, easy terms. Woodlawn 1729. 1918 FORD In beat of mechanical condi tion, with some extras, for $475. 812 Water St.. after 5 P. M. DODGE roadster, 1918. good tires and paint: spotlight, bumper, $950. Wood lawn 2710. 1916 FORD, first-class condition, $273 ' Cor. 10th and Glisan. FIVE-PASSENGER Mitchell car In good condition, by owner. 90O. Tabor 3191. 1914 FORD, good running order. $225 cash. Cor. lUtn ana jhs. 1914 FORD, by owner; good running con dition; $233 cash, Woodlawn 1729. 1918 SAXON SIX, like new. $575, Cor. 10th and Gllsan. - FOR SALE 1916 Maxwell touring. $300 cash. Call Wdln. 4038. 1918 OAKLAND for sale, reasonable. Mala 1379. FORD SEDAN, new, sscriftce. and take touring in trade. 150- Unicfn ave. IFOR PALE Scrlpps-Booth 4-pass.; terms. perfect conaition. t-t tu, urtswuiaa, FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES. .ATTENTION, BARGAIN SEEKERS! HERE ARE OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYBODY. YOURS IS HERE: 1 PREMIER 7-PASS.. 1919 TOUR ING CAR, ELECTRIC GEAR SHIFT; 2 TOPS (SUMMER AND ' WINTER, 6 CORD TIRES. RUN ONLY A FEW THOUSAND MILES. 1 PREMIER 1919 LIMOUSINE IN !' 1j lil- 1J i KjrsUt X lun. 1 PAN-AMERICAN. B-PASS., 1919 A DEMONSTRATOR. $1900 1 FORD. 1-TON, 1918. WORM- DH1V TKUCK 1 FORD. 1-TON. 1919. WORM- DRIVE TRUCK "'u (THESE FORD TRUCKS ARE IN PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITION AND WORTH CON SIDERABLY MORE THAN THE PRICE ASKED.) 1 REPUBLIC 1 5 - TON. 1918 TRUCK; SOLID TIRES i3" 1 MAXWELL. 1-TON. 1919 TRUCK; L'i.i in n-ipi-il 1:10(1 1 COMMERCE, 1 - TON. 1919 TRUCK; PNEUMATIC TIRES... 850 SATISFACTORY TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED. 490 BURNSIDE ST. PHONE BDWY. 93. ASK FOR MR. COPE. (AFTER 6 O'CLOCK. AND ON SUN DAY. CALL, MAIN 5530. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motor overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Vnlves arnunri carbon removed..... 3 Magneto recharged 6 We hand-lao nistons. scrane bearings. etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only usee All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAG NETO Is weak. Have It KECHAKUfilJ by EXPERTS. LISTEN. Would you take your watch to a blacksmith to have it repaired? Of course you would not. Then why trust your automobile to inexperienced would be mechanics when you can have un excelled automobile repairing done here at low prices and guaranteed work. We guard against any misunderstanding. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled ............... 6 Valves ground, carbon removed...... S Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. whU-h insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St. Corner Jefferson. REAL BARGAIN In last year's Superslx Hudson, run less than 6000 miles; in perfect condition every way: guaranteed, $1800, terms: a new car like this would cost you over $3000 and none available at that. Manvllle. East 8695. 1919 STUDEBAKER light six. Just over hauled; in fine .shape: terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-356 Burnside St. IN Al MECHANICAL SHAPE: FIVE CORD TIRES: !I0 DAYS' SERVICE AND REPLACEMENTS. A REAL BAR GAIN IN AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE AUTOMOBILE. CALL MAIN 6756. 1914 FORD touring: new paint and new . top: looks fine; good buy. 'lerms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-356 Burnside St. 1919 STUDEBAKER six: S cord Ures; car Just like new. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder Sts. Broadway 240. OVERLAND $500. This la the car I advertised last week for $600. X am leaving the city and some one will get a bargain: 6-pass. touring, new paint, new tires with extra, new bumper; a classy car In fine me chanical condition. Mr. Koehler, 270 s Stark st. Main 1700. 1920 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. A NEARLY NEW FINE CAR. ON WHICH YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND TERMS IF DE SIRED. D 283. OREGON IAN. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BL'RKITT. AGENT. NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE 208 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800. X1 ,r IV .,1 L, 11 1 1111 ,,,IU1IU lumillK. . -t ... .,... 1 1- u 1 iM,.l,,ln r. ,.-.....! tires. 1VUUIU l-tfilsiuei a JHUW.-l I' 1.1 1 11 roadster in good condition ' as part 1918, 6-passenger touring In first-class shape, bumper, no-glare lens and 5 good tires: terms. Call Owner, Automatic 1918 CHEVROLET, splendid mechanically, good rubber, extras, new battery; used only on pavement; $650, terms. Tabor 2n. . FORD TOURING, run 6 mo.; 3 new tires, lots of extras? in fine shape: new too. $520. 131-12 at evenings, or Sunday A. M-, nroaaway OVERLAND 83. $525. with terms or $475 spot cash. Can be seen at White's garage. Sunday. Owner. Couch and Park streets. 1918 FORD bug. a beauty: new body snap; terms. 47 N. 9th st. Bdwy. lis. CHEVROLET touring car, excellent condi tion, spotlight, chains, two extra tires . and tire lock, cheap for quick sale. East 7421. DELIVERY CAR BARGAIN. 1918 Chevrolet, first-class condition, $550. .Including insurance; terms. Call Tabor. 3469. ' 1917 FORD touring car, bumper, shock absorbers, speedometer, first-class con dition: $450. easy terms. Call owner. Mar. 8486. FOR SALE By owner. 1919 light six tour, .lng car; 5 wire wheels and good tires: will consider good Ford In trade: must sell. Call Main 3663. DO YOU want to save $200 on a new Olds moblle. Call Mr, Little at Broadway 404. LATE 1917 Ford touring, owner needs caBh. Main 1946. 563 Jefferson. FOR SALE Fr-mklln S. 9B...A-1 condl tlon. fully equipped. 10'.0 E. ISth st. FORI. 1918. 1920 license, bsrgtln. $475, cash or terms. 1701 E. 7th st. S. FOR SALE cheap. 1918 worm drive Forr. ' truck. 420 Belmont. East 1575. 1918 HUPMOBILE In fine condition at. a bargain. Tabor 5681. MUST SELL 1918 Hupmoblle: first class throughout. Tabor 6478. FORD roadster, fine shape, good. Urea. Phone East 6387 evenings. . FOB SALE AUTOMOBIMTtV COLUMBIA AUTO SALES CO.. 343 Union Ave.. Near Broadway. Classy Ford bug: $175 will handle. Ford touring, new top: $175 will handle, 1HIS Maxwell tourlns; $175 will handle. KM 8 Chevrolet touring: I20 will handle. 1918 Chevrolet touring: '-'-.'.- will handle. 1!11! Chevrolet tourin-: 2M wri handle. 1917 Moon chummr: $."(H will handle. 1914 Studebaker 4; $1.V will handle. . 1917 Studebaker 4: $2."( will handle. Stutx roadster; $225 will handle. Late 1919 Nash: JOiKi will handle. PHONE EAST 56. USED "CHEVROLETS. We are the headquarters for these cars: our prices are reasonable : each -car is in good condition and terms that will suit you. TOURING CARS. ROADSTERS AN D DELIVERIES. FIELDS MOTOR ' CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder t-ts. Broadway 240. i OPEN SUNDAY. FORD BUG. 1916 FORD BUG This car is In fine mechanical shape; Just the thing for you . to have in the summer. This Is a bar gain for the right party. Terms. H..A M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-356 Burnside St. STUTZ lfi-vnlvj. 6-cass. touring car In per fect condition mechanically and splenaia appearance; has number of extra equip ments and has never been abused; hits been owned by one party only since purchased from us. This beautiful car can be bought for considerably less than lirst cost and is a bargain in every way. For full in:"ornialion see MR. McPHAIL, STUTZ AGENCY, AUTOREST MOTOR SALES CO. MAIN 3237. NO. 215 TENTH ST 1918 MAXWELL touring. In Al shape: the car is right and the price is right. Come and see us. Terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-356 Burnside St. Automobliee Wanted. WE PAY CASH FOR FORDS. FORDS IN ANY CONDITION. 150 UNION AVE., COR. BELMONT. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. S. W. Corner, 15th and Washington. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. GltANU AVE. AND EAST STARK. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists ior all makes of cars and can make that car mean money to you. 1 PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., 631 Alder St. Broadway 2411, CASH FOR YOUR FORD3. 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 1851 WANT late model high grade automobile, Will give good lot as part pament. ance spot cash. W. 11. Koss. lloo North' western tiank oiug. FOR SALE at a real sacrifice, improved 60 acres on the 1-acilic highway; would take good light car as pan payment. Box 42. uosnen. ur. $00 CASH for a snap in a good light car, late model, don't answer unless you need money and will sacrifice. AJ 402, Oregonlan. T wantt a liffhr auto and will irive a 1 140x50 ft. on the corner of 78th st. and 47th ave. and some cash. Call Tabor 8152. WE ARE in the market for used cars. Drive them In and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st. I NEED a light roadster; prefer Ford: will trade 191 f Maxwell warms car. ii Woodlawn 5391. FORD touring car for cash and 2 choice lots at Seaview. wash. inone uroau way 2440. FORD wanted, condition no object; must be very cheap lor casn. no Aieirose drive. " WANTED Light chummy or roadster; must be in good condition. AV 010. ure- gonlan. WILL trade one or more vacant lots for light automobile; no junk. Tabor 2151. CASH PAID FOR OLD OR WRECKED CARS. Lt 26i. UKr.uu.-iA.. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes terms if desireo. Used mo- '"easV'Side" MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand avenue. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. 1914 H ARLE Y-DAVIDSON and light de livery car, overhauled and enameled: tandem: Presto tank and light and speedometer $125. By owner. 1118 K. 2ilth N. 312 40th. HENDERSON motorcycle, electrically equipped dream tandem, looks and runs like new. 021 2d St.. after 6 P. M. NEW CYCLE with motor attachment, bar gain. Evening Repair Store, 340 N. 23d sU Broadway 3000. NlCEi big-Henderson motorcycle, tandem and" new tires; sell very cheap. Call 14oo Kerpy su HAVE Dayton motorcycle to sell. Call evenings atter . ... COR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLKi 1 It X u a. m--"v ... " A 1919 CLEVELAND model motorcycle; . .1.1. xiuln I:t7'.l. terms ri:asji,ii " 15 TWIN 3-espeed Harley, Prestolite, $125, 1. . 1 1 1, ..ot, ... Auto Tires and Acceosorlee. BARGAINS IN TIRES. 87x9. 87x4Vs. 3ix4H. 36x4. down to 28x3. 01a union ac. - FOR SALE AMBU electric trouble shoot er, complete; cheap. Wm. Cook, route A. box v-s, raruauu. FOR SALE Large Arthur rubber foot wear gas burner, $250. Parker's Tire Shop. Ontario. Or. Automobiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. TT : I T T ' T Till Tl'C 1' C 1 1 HV'U 1 . .... . 1-.'. New isi20 models, reasonable rates, 132 12th street, between Washington and Alder, broaaway pm, WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH THIRD AND G LI SAN STS. A 2629 BROADWAY -M-v. ALTHOF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HI RS WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. SO AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. '..vrni! U. IWM'T DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GAR A OK, Mar. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 130. 5PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, h :hwav. Broadway 8547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FOR SALE 2-ton truck with hauling Job. Am going to give someone a bargain. Mient tan- amni ",'" raw land if priced right. .,ood reason xor senilis. v.'.i." ' o"- .. - j a n ' . 1 1 , 1 111 m nve . After . I aim ,1 i.ii....... ' - ... 1 1 - ni,XT T-kT-AjTD aiAv.11. 1, ... . . i- v . 1 - Nearly new, in " "1 1 . . mid . . . n 1 1 . , rest ot tnis year; sickness reason for seillng. t,. a. oiiiiui. vi WILL trais 80 acres Clackamas county for 3V-ton autv uunk r,(lu riu 1 1 11 dump body atoist. axu. irego nlan. waVt hcLuline contract for motor truck lumber, ties or wood; will go any place; 1 good truck; am not. a Ba.esmaa. xx zvt Oregonlan. 3V.-TON Federal truck, all in excellent working condition, fitted with new 34 yard body and hoist. 361 Tillamook at. STOP! THINK! ONLY $2000 NEEDED to handle good yardage contract lasting all season. Phone Broadway 2162 at once. i STERLING as good a buy as you will find tn the city. Cash or terms. GARY COAST AGENCY. 7 Broadway. 1U.TON PANHARD, electrio lights, cab. 'with furniture body. Good tires. GARY CO VST AGENCY, Inc., 71 Broadway. 1-TON GARY, pneumatics in front. In good condition. Working every day. GARY COAST AGENCY. Inc., 71 Broadway. a, G M. C. TRUCK, in A-l condition. At a bargain. Cash or terms. GARY COAST AGENCY, Inc., 71 Broadway. W'ANTED Work for a new 3zx-ton truck. Address -lo salmon st. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. BIO TRUCK SALE. 8H-ton Federal, like new. 1-ton Federal. A-l shape. 2-ton Kissel, fine for 'ranch. lH-ton Federal, chain drive. 8-ton White, a good buy. mak.0nusRan"o'lr.,ln8 fr l' haulln': 1-ton G. M. c. UrlsV'true? Pneumatic 1-ton Wilcox. A-l shape; chea. 1-ton- Signal.' body, cord tires. I -ton Denby, good body truck tn jn mechanical condition. truck In fine .m ,TitKV? bo" Passenger eari We will make It worth vour hlio 17' 0,V. " want a good used truck or car " J "EASY TERMS. WILLIAM; I,.' HCGHSON CO. Broadway at Davis. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. FOR SALE Used, motor trucks. aU over hauled; best bargains In city. 1-ton Denby. $900. 1-ton Panhard, $730. 2-ton Denby, $1300. t-ton Nash. $1600. Will take touring car as part pay. ment or exchange. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF NORTHWEST. Tenth and Davis. Phone Broadway SS18. 2.TS.Itnn?-' STATES AUTO SALES TRUCK CO,. lor sale-'roI,nridna tru, k na business i -,r ale' road Is mostly paved. h! r be within about 3 mo. This 1, a nessd n-anvVan", We" "aWl.hed busi "SthanV J&rregon' hauung'corict1 "ndIn- d STATES AUTO SALES TRUCK CO 430 Burnside. FACTORY has in warehouse, Portland, rive all-steel two-wheel utility trailers htSf.fA'V'i0 lb2": especially adapted for behind Ford and Chevrolet cars. Regu lar price $143. Will sell at greatly re duced price. Address District Manage room 522. Santa Marina bids.. San Fran cisco, Cal. 2-TON Seldon truck In Al condition: a real bargain. STATES AUTO SALES 4 TRUCK CO.. 430 Burnside. PACKARD 4-ton truck with body and hoist. This truck is In perlect condi tion and goes to work next week lor summer Job; am leaving town, so will give .someone a real bamain. i 'I, East 7478. GASOLINE shortage for pleasure cars won t uotaer tne purchaser 01 my G. M C. 4-ton truck in perfect mechanicai condition at rare bargain with terms: have good reason for selling. Broadway 341 1. IF YOU ARE LOOKING Ior a good truck, see our two-ton iiarv. Fine condition. GARY COAST AGENCY. 71 Broadway. 4-TON truck for sale. In good running order. Al Hall, R. F. D. 1, 11. 275, city. OARAGES. GARAGE AND BUSINESS BLDGS. We have them e.nd the locations, both concrete and wooden. 'We can put you in any line of business from $5iM down up to $1000. Try us. TARJH 4811. KENNEDY & WILCOX. GARAGE. Concrete and will accommodate at least 40 cars on first floor; the bent lo cation in the city for the price. $2000 wiil let you move In. Tabor 4811. KENNEDY & WILCOX. SAVE garage rent. Get a "REDI MADE" garage, erected, ready to drive In; prices low. Phone East 6114. R EDI M ADE ; BUILDING CO., 815 East 11th. 2 b.ocks south of Hawthornet OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 4 General auto repairing and used cara TERMINAL GARAGE. 6th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 1586. AUTO REPAIRING. E. II . CHAMBERS. GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. MAXWELL SPECIALISTS. 53D AND DIVISION. SELL. :?755. WANTED M ISCEI.LANEOUS. $8.60 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PATS HIGHEST CASH PKIC3 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOAT. S SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3932. 245 ti BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $lu0 Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6529. UP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AMD OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d st. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. WE WANT used clothing for cash at the highest possible prices. See us if you want to sell: prefer suits, overcoats, single coats, trousers and fur coats. Goldbaum. the tailor, at 167 First St.. near Morrison. Phone Main 738. JL.'K WANTED JUNK. Spring housecleaning Is here. Dont forget we- pay the very best prices for rags, papers, all kinds ot tools, furni ture and old clothing. Call Main 734. WANT ALL KINDS OF USED TOOLS. TRUNK. SUITCASE. HANDBAG. BI CYCLE. SHOTGUN, RIFLE, SEWING MACHINE. NEWMAN. 12S FIRST ST. - MAIN 44IT. TABOR 679S. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount.- for diamonds. VINES' JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washington St.. cor. 3d. Main G649. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call, day or night. PEOPLE S SKCOND-HAN15 STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANT SHOWCASE. CASH REGISTER. DESKS, CHAIRS, TABLE. TYPE WRITER. ELECTRIC FAN. MAIN 4493. 128 FIRST ST. TABOR 6798. LAWN mowers sharpened or exchanged; general Job work and express service. Tabor 9427. 443 E. 3!llh SU , WANTED Slabwood and lir wood in car load lots. Van Dellen Lumber Co.. The Dalles. Or. WANTED Mission oak library table, rea sonable. Sellwood 31S4 or O 266, Ore gon ian. WE BUY SECOND-HAND clothing, ladles' and gentlemen's. We pay the best prices. Call Main 27ML 164 Tenth at. WANTED Will pay cash for second-hand safe: give size inside, address and phone. AO 364. Oregonlan. CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 698. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dis monds. Dan Marx & Co.. 2t-3 Wash. st. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Stn, FULL-BLOODED mastiff pup. Phone Tabor 2118. MAN to contract to haul 600 cords wood to Tualatin station. 500 Concord bldg. WANTRD Used adding machine Stand ard make. Call Main 83Q8. WANTED A small cash -register in good condition. Penny Arcade. 2i N. "d st. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers. 424 Morrison sc. near 11th.