10 THE MORNING OREGOMAX, SATURDAY, 31 AY 15, 1020 bM t rTAIJt. I or Sale Houtr. S075 CASH. $075 CASH. St75 CASH. FoRKCLOSl" TE. KUKKCLOSURE. $55M. -a . . hou 3075. 55tU VALUE FOR 3U75. Elegant homo, bungalow type, large living rm. with elaborate fireplace, din ing rin. with urtlstic beaming. Dutch kitchen; 1 large bed chamber on lower floor open staircase to 2d floor: 2 large bedrrns. and fine slpg. porch upstairs; every nook and corner clean and neat as new ; full concrete foundation, choice elect, fixtures, standard plumbing; lot 00x05. cor., -with hard-surface sewer and walks paid. In Waverleigh, close In on the car line, just about 12 m- riQc You'll certainly be surprised. Be the first to inspect. Auto at your service. Remember, only $.1073 $075 cash. (J. C. GOLUEXBKRO. G. C. GOLDENBEBO. Abingtoa bd. Mai" 480- "35 Yearn in Portland. NEW TODAY. Vine Irvington home at a sacri rifice. This home has 0 large rooms and id strictly modern. Has h. w. floors, furnace and other conveniences. Paved st. and in a very exclusive part of Irvington. Price onlv xOOOO on terms to re sponsible parties. For appointrnrnt nhnnt- .Mrs. L.UCIUS. X A Ut'i No agents. ALAJIEON PARK. A UK A L BUNGA LO W $T 5K. A HOME OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Lots of class and distinction. Here s a home vou will be proud to own, o rooms and den. We just can't nay ton much about thta place. All we can hope to do is to get you to inspect it iou, yourself, can be the judge, fee this to day. A. G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark Branch st.. near Third. Main ouir office, 50th and Sandy. H.WVTHO R N E PUNGALO W . 5 12 for a fine 5-rom with large full floored' attic, fine placo; built-in bookcases and buffet, furnace. fine Dutch kitchen, 3 wash trays and garage, on paved street, lot 45 feet; fruit, lawn and bearing fruit trees; terms on this. On K. 30th St. A $350O for a good 3-room. with lot uOxJOO On IS. 40th st. $1300 cash. 2000 for a 3-room on E. 3.th street, improved, lis block from Hawthorne car, $50 cash. Phone Alar. 829. F. L. BLANCHARD, 51tt-t!0 Railway Exchange $4500 FOR a fine 8-room residence on E. :0th; living, sitting, dining rooms, re ception hall, kitchen and sleeping porch for 2 beds on first floor; second floor has 4 fine largo bedrooms and bath fine basement with furnace on corner, 50x100. $1200 cash, balance terms. Phone Mar. 820. 1. L. BLAXCHARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER Between two carlines ride the lim iteds to 50th. Street improvements, all clear, 0 rooms, H. W. floors and wains coting, built-fnsr modern every way. in cluding A. B. plpcless furnace. Your last opportunity real estate man gets it. Price goes up with It. Sac owner, 237 E. 50th st; S. Tabor 4394. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR a 7-room house on a big corner lot, 75x100 feet? This fine home has fire place, furnace, new garage. The lot is unusually beautiful with fruit, roses and shrubbery. The price is $0:100. $1500 down. It's a mighty good buy. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN, 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 0550. $2750 BARGAIN $2750. rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, white enamel kitchen, full basement; near Mt. Tabor car; lot 50x100, corner. Only $2750; terms. See Mr. Farnsworth, with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAX," 5U-S-9 Lewis Bldg. Main 2081. WOC LD YOU PAY $ 10OO for a 2-story bungalow of 5 rooms and sleeping porch? It has a big living room, oak floors, fireplace, turnace. full cement basement, just 3 blocks to ROSE CITY PARK CAR. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN, 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 0550. i.vwivt; TOWN, will sell my completely furnished (piano included) 5-room house lor $3500. Garage, lot 75x85. near east side business section ; lot worth over $2000; furniture could not be duplicated for 11 400: house not strictly modern. but vcrv comfortable. No agents. Cail Woodlawn 0232. XK50 EACH. $400 TO $550 DOWX. 4 rooms, big; lots fruit, good well. 3 rooms, city convenience, close to mi-ion. 3 rooms, close to school : lot 100x100. KEMP & WALSH. Multnomah station. Mar. 3439. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 20S SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800, NEW BUNGALOW $800 CASH. Most attractive five-room bungalow, 71. C. d istrict. buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, basement, etc., only $3400, $800 cash, bal. as you please. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-33 Ry. Kxch. Main 5199 IRVINGTON. $6000 Six-room, 2-story house, modern throughout, hardwood floors, beautiful fine place : 3 bedrooms, white enamel finish; 50x100 corner lot, $20O0 required, balance on time. Phone, call Tabor 3089. MUST SELL. THIS IS SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GOOD SEE TH IS JUST COMPLETED. NO. 585 E. 27TH ST. N., NEAR KNOTT. DOORS OPEN FROM 2TO 5. SOLD BY OWNER. $05O BALANCE TERMS, will handle" 6 roum modern house on Sox 00 corner lot ; garage, fine chicken house, 9 fruit trees, berry bushes, roses and garden in and up. Located at 7003 43d ave. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car, get off at 70th St., walk 5 blocks north. $4000 IDEAL BUNGALOW $4000. 5 rms., modern, 50x tOO-f t., paved and paid, living room, 14x20, blk. to car in fine dist., $ law cash, bal. very easy terms. This is below value. Marshall 3332, Tabor 3000 eve. MODERN bungalow for sale at 122 E. 43d st., block and half off Sunny side carl inc. by owner. Fireplace, buffet, many bullt-Ins, cement basement, attic. 45x00 lot; S36O0. $1000 down, balance Tike rent. Call Tabor 8615. ROSE CITY bungalow, near school, on 57th St.. for sale by owner; 3 rooms and bath, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, basement and garage, also gas heater; small hen house and park. Price $4750; terms. Call Tabor 3477. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. ' Owner has of acre, on Powell Val ley road, west of 39th st.. cost $3000. will sell for $2000. small payment down to anyone wishing to build. Call at 404 Couch bldg. $1000 BUYS HOME. Good 5-room cottage, concrete base ment, paved street, gas, bath, plastered house; 10 mln. from center of city PACIFIC REALTY CO.. M. S47. 409 Spalding Bid g. $1500 CASH. 6-R. cottage. fulT "cement base., furnace. laundry traysv fruit, grapes, streets, sewers In and paid; price $3250. See J. F. McKenna. Belmont at Suth 13 years. Tabor 6493. IRVINGTON $7000. By owner, leaving cit, 7-room mod ern house, all hardwood floors, two fire places, sleeping porcn, garage; 759 We Idler. t.asioa. OWNER leaving city wishes to sell at tractive unusually well-built 1-story bungalow, close in; 7 rooms with sleep ing porch and garage. immediate pos session, terms. EastSl24. PORTLAND HEIGHTS! " Nice 3-room modem bungalow with fini attic and garage; lot 75x100. Price $5tioO; $3000 cash, balance mortgage BROOKE. Marshal! 4827. ALBERTA, PARTLY FURNISHED. $500." Owner, leaving, offering modern 5 room bungalow, full basement, attic; i block car, close in, very cosy. Marshall 1022. ROOMS. MODERN. FRANKLIN HIGH. NoTi-resident offers modern 0-room bur.acal-ow, 'firepluce, 3 blocks high school, on easy terms; $3000. Marshall lo2 J. BARGAIN IN PIEDMONT. 6-room house, fine garden, fruit trees, etc. Owner moving away. Will put price at bedrock. 1200 Commercial st. Wdln. 539H. FOR SALE By owner, partly modern 7 room house, lot 75xloo, with garage; "'plenty of large bearing fruit trees. SuJen did chance to keep cow and chic ice ns. Call owner, Woodlawn 2211. - NEAT 5-roym bungalow, cement basement, garage. . newly painted. Corner lot, close in. - $2550; terms. Thomson, care Rob erts Bros. ff WHY FAY RENT when "u can get a bargain like this hoMe una lot -.vlMi fp'i' id c itis? MM, terms. p ioit 7'.'6l. , KEAL ESTATE. Fur Sale House. IRVINGTON. 6-ROOM BL'NGALO V . $7500. Here, folks, is one of those real at tractive, downright modern, exceptionally well-built bungalows: the location Is Ideal. Vu will appreciate the little con veniences and refinements that you will find here. The rooms are all targe and especially cheerful. The living room and dining room are separated by French doors; this bungalow fs finished in old ivory and white throughout. Of course, there is a garage ; reasonable terms. See this today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2G Stark fit., near Third. Main 3002. Branch office. i0th and Sandy. ROSE CITY. OWNERS SACRIFICE. $2100. Four-room modern bungalow on lOOx 100 corner; newly painted and tinted Inside and out; electric and plumbing fixtures of the best ; basement; partly floored attic, large enough for one or two small rooms ; fireplace in living room : house nlone would cost, if built now. price asked for whole thing. Price is put low us owner must have money. Terms. $850 cash, balance $50 per month, including interest. House is located at 004 E. rt-Sth North, corner of Stanton. Two blocks from R. C. car. Owner will be on premises Saturday and Sunday afternoon, or phone Broadway 3013. MR. AND MRS. HOMESBEKER. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOK1NG FOR! NO. I One of those nice 5 -room bun galows, in fine condition, close to car. stores and school. Only $2850. NO. - 5-room bungalow, 22 lots, with fruit and flowers, close to car and stores. Only $2M00. NO. 3 t-roora cottage, full lot. with fruit and flowers, close to car and stores. Only $1750. I have many others from $1600 to $5000 on which I can quote, a home seeker reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama Bldg. OVERLOOK ADD'N. $750 CASH $50 MO. $4500 7-room, 2-stor3 large size rooms, a comfortable home, hot water heating plant, full cement base ment, brick fruit room. 50xl00-ft. lot: place is Well built and dubl constructed; 2 blocks to car; pos session In 10 das. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 2 OS. ALAMEDA PARK. NEW BUNGALOW A GEM. $6750. Here, folks, is one of those real good looking, super-modern bungalows, built along the new, modern lines; right up to the minute ; nothing better.; every thing that one could possibly ask for you will find here. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. $5200 TERMS $5200. POSITIVELY BEST BUY IX ROSE CITY PARK. Elegant home, artistically designed for comfort and beauty; exquisite interior finish, elaborate features of all kinds; built-ins, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, beautiful lot; and the location is superb; one of our rare opportunities; enlist our free auto service today and inspect this beauty; $2000 cash. G. C. GOLD EX BERG. G. C. GOLDEXBERG. Main 4SC3. Main 4803. Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland A REAL HOME $0000. Beautiful . corner residence in Rose City Park, old ivory enameled woodwork ami hardwood floors throughout; large living room, lovely dining room with French doors, Dutch kitchen with Pull man nook, 2 bedrooms and fine tile bathroom on first floor; 2 large bed rooms, sewing hall or den and bathroom on second floor, fine basement, furnace and gara ge; complete in every detail. Price $9000; let us show you. LUEDDBMJfXN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. $2500 Nice 6-room bungalow. 3 bedrooms, summer kitchen, garage; lot 78x115 feet corner; on hardsurface road, 6c carfare; lots of fruit and berries. Cash, $800, bal. "easy terms at 6 per cent. ALSO $2000 IR VI NGTOX. $ 2000 Fine 6-room house in Irvington; this is a snap and must be sold at once. Call at 305 Oak st. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. . 6 ACRES. $11,000. Highly developed tract, with good 6 room house, with fine bathroom, garage, barn, city water, gas and all modern conveniences, fruit trees, youna and strong; splendid for fruit, gardening and especially well adapted for chicken ranch ; between Franklin high and Reed college. On highway near 82d. Agents need not applv. RAY VAN LOON. OWNER. Main 075 or Tabor 734. 2 CHOICE R. C. PARK CORNER BUNGALOWS. Each 0 rms. Elegant, refined and wholly modern and perfect. One radi ator, hot-water heating plant and sun porch. Other dainty breakfast rin. and car garage. Each worth $8500. Will consider offer of $7500. Schaefer, Main 660 or Broadway 5107. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. FI V E LA RG E ROOMS, HA LL A ND BREAKFAST ROOM, large unfinished attic, full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, etc.; rooms beautifully papered, pain leu and tinted ; woodwork finished in ivory and mahogany, large garage, lawn leveled and seeded. Price only 5O0. Located on 24 th street, near Klickitat. See it today between 3 and 7, or for appointment call East 2060. BUNGALOWS NEW BUNGALOWS. Tli etc are classy and up to date. 5 rooms each. On hard surface street, block to car. All improvements In and paid. 1 am just finishing, better look up and have to suit. Location Glad stone and Greenwood aves., W. S. car. . Owner on ground Sunday 2 to 5. Tele phone East 1096. $4soo; terms. SEM MiOLONl A L " home consisting" "of 6 - rooms and sleeping porch. Near 35th and only 15 minutes 'ride on R. C. car. Strictly modern; now occupied by owner; will give immediate possession. Price reduced to $6250. Cash payment of $2500 required, balance terms. Can be seen by appointment only. Photo in office. HERMANN A J EE, 426 Lumbermen bldg., Bdwy. 288. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. Rose City Park, I built this for a home, but find I must leave Portland so must sell this week, 6 modern rooms, furnace, f 1 rep t ace. bookcases, oak floors, old ivory i'ji;ih, solid hdw.; worth $7300, wilt take $i05o if sold this week. See my agent at 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BRAND NEW HOMES BUILDER'S PRICE. Three houses, bungalows of most ar tistic designs; R. C. district; double con structed, modern. Just finished : prices $4600 to $4800, any terms in reason. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-33 Ry. Exch. Main 5199 DON'T BLAME THE LANDLORD. If you let this wonderful bargain pass by, 5-r. bung., 1 blk. to Iaurelhurst Park, on paved st., fruit, berries, going to Cal., will sell for $2900. $750 cash. $20 per mo. incld. 6 per cent interest on bal., les fur all cash. Marshall 3352 or Tabor 3090. $5000 One of Hawthorne's fine homes, in u lightly location; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, ninborate finish inside and out : 2H blks. south of Hawthorne car, the money. Mar. 3903. SELLWOOD 5 ROOMS, VACANT; $3250. Excellent condition; paved street; best location. See owner yourself. Sellwood 2706 after 5 P. M. ' Suburban Homes. 3 ACRES. 7-room house, electric lights, modern plumbing, dandy fireplace, good barn All kinds of fruit, well, windmill and large tank. Right on hard-surfaee road and carline. Must sell. Make me an offer. Owner Tabor 2250. l1 acreage, well located, near car line m xi sou up. Inquire 3d house north' Rls-ley station, on Oregon City car e, sign "Alder Brook." TIGARD ACRE. " 5-room nw house, fruit and berries garage, on highway, $3850, just what you are looking for, also vacant acres $3,,5 Prentiss. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg'. $860 TAKES IT. 4-room shingle bungalow, city con veniences on a rock road, close to school store and station; 64c carfare Phone Main 34:19, $3f BEAUTIFUL summering place on the u 1 it?. city: sivihH ga.rdt-n sreund; plenty of fruit. Oregonian. a 2; REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MILWAUKIE MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES. Enjoy life by living on a suburban home; fresh eggs, spring chickens, fruit, cream, milk, garden. All city con veniences, gas. water, electric lights, hard roads, good schools, best car ser vice. We have a few exceptionally good buys In modern bungalows with from 1 -to 10 acres. We are always glad to enow you Glomes worth while. We are not strangers in this locality. We know values. KLEEB & PARRY. Automobile Service. Phone 19. MiJwaukie, Or. MR. AXD MRS. HOMESEEKER, JUST LOOK! At these for nice suburban homes. 7 acres out on Division st. 2 acres in apples, cherries, strawberries and rasp berries. Bull Run water, on a hard-surface road;- only $4000. No. 2 6 acres. 5 acres in choice ap ples, 1 acre black loam, fine for onions, rhubarb or garden truck; nice 4-room cottage, barn and chicken house; for only $2750. I have marry others from $2500 to $1000 on which I can quote a home seeker very reasonable prices and terms. .1. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. NEAT ACRE HOME. E. 01 TH ST. Do vou want a neat acre home, right at the citv, with every kind of fruit and berry known to this climate? Here it is, and all for only $2400; neat 3-room house, large chicken house, storeroom, etc. It is one of those attractive, well kept places that you have to see to ap preciate. Will put In 3 80 chickens, and scores of small tools with the place. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 X. 0th st. Broadway 4381. AM COMPELLED to sell my new, mod ern 5-room bungalow on improved coun ty boulevard, 3 blocks from Multnomah station ; ground is about 8Vxl40 feet ; located on choice corner with garage and every convenience; will take $1000 down and good easy terms on the bal ance For particulars see my repre sentative at 401 Piatt bldg., 127 Park street. 6-ROOM house, barn, 1 .: acres; $1S00. Store building, 2 rooms above; barn. 1 acres; $1700. Cultivated, fruit, water. Also I, 2, 3-acre tracts, $250 up. Close to United Electric, school, highway; west side, near manufacturing district; plenty of work; ea?y terms. Owner. 450 E. 19th X. East 7688. SUBURBAN. Berry ranch of 4 fine acres, all in a high state of cultivation and a fine house and outbuildings, on hard-surface, close to car; $500 down, balance $20 per month. Tabor 4311. KENNEDY & WILCOX. FOR SALE A dainty 4-room bungalow with H -acre family orchard, all city conveniences, white enamel Dutch kitchen, the rest old ivory; about on block from Ryan Place station on Ore gon Electric. Come out and look it over. For sale by owner. I. P. Romalne, T HAVE a snlendid. modern five-room bungalow with 4 lots (on Pacific hlgh wav), located at Aumsville, Oregon, for sale at $2000. Will sell on Installments or would exchange (no agents). &ee me at room 320, Hoiel Oregon, today. ' ForSale Busbies Property. INCOME PROPERTY. Modern two-story brick and concrete buiidlng and 7-room house, east side, on corner lot M2xlOO. Building has 3 3-room and 2 -4-room apartments upstairs. 4 storerooms on ground floor, full con crete basement; house and apartments ram heated. Income $2o0 month, all rented. This propertv is clear of all Indebtedness and will pay a good re turn on the investment. This is a bar gain and will pay you to investigate. Terms. Phone owner, Sellwood 2372. FOR SALE A good business corner lot, E. Sixth and Burnside; also sooi corner, 17 E. Davis, sold on terms. Phone own er. East 2704. WHITE SALMON business block, $1800. This Is below assessed value. Income bearing. L 263, Oregonian. For Sale -Acreage. APR v. frm nnr th. Clackamas river. on Hard -surfaced street and car line, 11 miles from center of city ; 25 acres in cultivation: irood house, barn, hog and chicken house: beautiful view of Ml. Hood; land farther out sold for $500 per acre; $25,000 country homo being built near this. Price $350 per acre. TURNER & CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. BIG MONEY made In raising loganber ries. rasxberrie3. blackberries, strawber ries, eto. We are offering as fine berry land a there is in the state at $ioo for 20 acres: $250 cash, balnnce to sui vou. Only 2 mile from Columbia river highway. Here Is a chance for you to irt for vourseir and be independent. L. J. Lamb. 1026 Cham, of Com. bldg. $25 DOWN $12.50 MONTHLY. Price $673 for splendid level -i acre tract, ail sei OUl io DeariiiB uu "crs, all nruned and sprayed, all cultivated, We have several of these tracts, also ari-A ninr(.! act nut to red r as Dbe r ries, gooseberries and black raspberries, w hich mav be bought on the same terms. Fred W. German Co.. 732-Cham, of Com. " S25 DOWN $12.50 "MONTHLY. Ten acres of splendid fruit and berry land, nice and level, about 5 acres of which is nracticallv ready for the plow balance being in fir and oak timber, splendid creek across one corner. About 7 miles from Willamlna. Total price, $695. Photograph at office. FRED S GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Commerce A SACRIFICE ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 1 acre fine ground, 7-roomed house, fir-trin lierhts. eras and water. 40 frui trees, on paved road. 5 minutes from courthouse, beautiful view, at the sacn fice price, $7500, cash $3000, bal. easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. 2S ACRES. 16 miles from city, on rock rnaH niKt off hisrhwav: 2 acres in chard. 4 acres In second-growth timber, balance in cultivation; good 6-room house, new barn, beautiful trout stream bounds farm on south' side; price $7000. reasonable terms. TURNER &. CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE AT $4000. 3-room house, good barn, chicken house, big yard, fenced In. fruit house, 15 fruit trees, lots of berries and flow ers, wllh good garage; cash $1000, bal. easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 1 . 305 Oak St. J3500 ON EASY terms will buy 13 acres fine bottom land which has nearly all been in cultivation, with 3-room bunga low, mile from car in Clarke county, Wash. Soil excellent, partly beaverdam. Will make a valuable place. John Bain, owner, 307 Spalding bldg. ' . 1 ACRE, all In cultnvation, near Court ney station, on Oregon City electric; 3 room house and bath, chicken house and run; 12 fruit trees, 2 chestnut trees. This Is a splendid little country home and the price is only $2650. TURNER &CO..230 Chamber of Com. 3000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers oniy; eay terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. HAVE 15 acres of land three miles from Bandon. Oregon. This Is a splen did location for a home. Price $1500. Will sell on Installments, small amount down, or would exchange for other prop erty. See me today at room 52U, l-Lote) Oregon. . IO ACRES just outside city limits; fine house, barn, fruit. berries and grapes; fully equipped as small dairy and rent ed for $00O per year; will sell this at sacrifice, with or without equipment. Sherrlll. 40 First st. Bdwy. 14S8. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 5 acres in Sefton Garden Tracts. S miles east of Vancouver, Wash. Let us show you this property. WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO., 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR GOOD BUYS In farms and acreage,-, see Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. IDEAL BERRY FARMS. 20 acres rich berry land, all tillable; 2 miles off paved highway, fnce iioou; $50 cash, balance to suit. L. J. Lamb. 1026 C. of C. Bldg. Marshall 1583. MULTNOMAH district. -i acre. $550; Vs acre, $750. On highway, 2 blocks to Ore gon Electric station, 6c fare; water, gas. electricity. Easy terms. Owner. 450 E. 19th N. East JJ58S. EXTRAORDINARY Ideal 10 acres, 65 commercial orchard. beat soil,, good buildings, near Eugene; immediate sale, $4000; accept residence. 141 East 69th st. N. Tabor7055. 30 ACRES, 14 under cultivation; good buildings; on new Pacific highway and S P. electric; $20,000. Also 5-acre tracts. 4 miles city limits. R 128. Ore- gonlan. ; TIGARD. 1 4-5 acres, 2 blocks from station, faces O. E. tracks, partly cleared, creek at back: $1100. Call Tusant. Main 732. 2 ACRES, 4-room unfinished house, on 45th ave., 1 block west of Buckley ave.. 8 blocks to car. $2100. terms. Owner, Tabor 3333. ' 2 ACRES In Medford. improved with small orchard, berries, buildings, etc., $4000. W. R. Bullock, box 739, Medford, Or. 5i ACRES, partly cleared near Sylvan on Canyon roao; a gooa nay. jonn ain. 507 Spalding bidg. HALF ACRES More or less. 1 1st. near Hawthorne car. Owner, East S80O. 1 ACRE at P'-':iii Home with 3-room house; $000. 103 1st. room S. REAL ESTATE, For Sale Acreage. BUY DIRECT FROM THE OWNERS. We have hundreds of acres platted !n Small tracts if a-hlh anmn a rm u 11 cleared with buildings on, some partly 1 cleared and balance logged-off land. a lie son is unexcelled ana suitanie ior all kinds of fruit, berries, garden truck, chicken raising and grain. Good road to the tract, located 1 to 3 miles from three railroad towns. Liberal. Mu lino and Molalla, and 18 miles south of Oregon City. These tracts are sold at reasonable prices, and to actual set tlers we will allow liberal terms of payments. Paved highway, now under construction, goes by this tract and will be finished during next season. Worth your while to Investigate. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank -Bldg. GO TODAY. $4000. Almost 1-3 acre, right on paved boule vard, wonderful view of river and moun tain ; 12 choice fruit trees In bearing; berries, currants; 4 blks. to car. Com fortable 6-room cottage with bath, H basement. Tel. Woodlawn 3978. Ak for P. N. Lathrop. with SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 616 Abington bldg. (sign of the horseshoe). Homffltpsd Relinquishments. CAN locate you on a good homestead in the Portland land district; I am familiar with about 150 tracts from which you may make a selection ; the government offers special inducements to ex-service men and women ; come in for free information. ANDERSON. 632 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 3360, 3 RELINQUISHMENTS, county road, saw mill, running water, nave improve ments. 1 has 6.000.000 beautiful timber, others are burnt off lands, near McMinn ville, good neighbors, telephone, mail route. $900, $7O0, $200, cash. 301 Cor bett bldg. B0 ACRES on county road; nearly all burned off; good soil, easy Oared and put under plow; "good neighborhood, on mail route, telephone; If taken Quick $200 cash. ;;oi Corbet t bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale or trade, Z20 acres. Aaurcsa o X. -0th St., Salem. Or. FOR SALE Relinquishment 120 acres, log house, barn, o acres riearea. inquire 6214 26th ave. S. E. Arleta sta. -Farms, GOO D FA R M , ALL EQU IP PE D AND IN CROP. - Nearly level, well drained, no rock or gravel, 78 acres, 63 acres in crop, J 3 acres pasture, fenced and cross fenced, orchard and ber ries, good water from wells, fa:r buildings, good road, U mile school, 6 miles town, R. F. D.. telephone. 1 1 good cows. 1 bull, 4 horses, 5 hogs. 50 chickens, all farm tools and machinery, bar gain, $11,500 terms, cash, bal. 5 years at 7 per cent. If you want real farm look this up. ON PAVEMENT. 45 acres, 40 acres in crop, 5 acres pasture, running water, 6 room bungalow, large barn, chick en houses, machinery house, fenced and cross fenced, orchard and ber ries, R. F. D., telephone, 2 miles high school and grade school, dis trict auto hauls children to and from school, 2 mi les extra good town in Clarke county. Wash., 6 cows, 2 horses, 50 chickens, all farm tools, $12,000. terms. ATKINSON &- PORTER. 112 W. 0th St.. Vancouver, Wash. CAUGHT PROFITEERING ON LAND. When you read of merchants taking 50 per cent on their investment, you shud der. On ten acres of Yakima valley ir rigated land that cost them from $2o0 to $500 per acre manv farmers har vested a crop that brought from $1000 to $1300 per acre last year; prospects are better now than- lost year. Quit kicking. Get busy. Ten acres all in 10-year-old Wincsap apple trees with peach and pear fillers. The 1920 crop brought $5100. Government water, sight ly location, fenced hog tight. $5500. on terms. $1500 cash and l crop. Central Yakima Ranches. Co.. 512 Selling bldg., Portland. Or. ?JR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will jay you to see me before buyiing. I can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms: my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to ax: A. G. BENDER. HITTER. - LOWE & CO.. . 201-7 Board of Trade Building. FARMS FOR SALE. CANADIAN FARM LAND S La s t great block of Canadian Pacific Rail way company's reserve lands. Remark ably cheap, on long and easy terms. Landseekers excursion party leave Port land for Calgary. Alberta, on Saturday. May 22. Reduced railway rates. For particulars see Canadian Pacific Rail way company, 20$ Railway Exchange bldg.. L. P. Thornton, district repre sentative. SPEAK UP, PLEASE. I HAVE A 20 ACRK RANCH AND REAL HOME FOR YOU. Between Mosler and The Dalles. Good roads with school close by. Fins two-story house, barn, chicken house, fine well, piped to house; 12 acrei cleared to apples and small fruit; good place to double your money on. Full description mailed you by owner. R. 11 Cummings, 237 E. 50th st.. So. Portland. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 2:;- stores. 145 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; IOO acres choice bottom land, 23 acres young hops. 15 acres young prunes; fine stream water 6-R. house, barn, outbuildings. near school and good town. 40 miles Port land, good roads; price $100 per acre; favorable terms can be made. a R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1656 -h SL OWNER WILL SACRIFIFCE. Enuinned ranch. 160 acres, by lake tHoni home: about 60 acres cultivated; adioins free range; fenced; spring water under pressure; 6-room house, plenty out buildings; mostly in nay. garuen, pota toes planted, some fruit ; good road, riniu mail : 21 cattle, good team, ma chinery ; possession now; property clear. Only $7500, terms. J. yiu uenas-, jitiua, iqo. ivir tu-.i farms for sale. One has 160 acres and the other 520 acres. They join each other. The 16u acres is on. the Pacific highway near Cottage Grove, -Acrr Kanh farm has a et or build inr fruit, fenced, watered, timbered onri iro ucres In cultivation. Good soil Will sell on easy terms. Cash price $4 r-r. acre. See me today at room 529. Hotel Oregon. -- dtiivnTAv 1 "n: - 'tv T' in( 160 acres, well Improved, barn 0x4- feet, 4 years old; one house 7 rooms, one house S rooms; good fences; 1 13 acres in cultivation; crops all in ; one mile from R. R. station; plenty water nd good pasture. Price $20,000. For fur ther particulars write Miss Olga Tim merman. Banks. Or., Route 1. Phone 21 Gales Creek. r 40 ACRES, all In cultivation, good road, electric line, lOOO prune trees. A-l land, some beaverdam, running water. 6-room house. large barn, other bldgs., equipped with stock and machinery; crops in; all for $10,000, terms; will take house up to $3000; reason for selling, old age and sickness. Owner. 147 Broadway. Port land. Room 8. " $T0O" DOWN. $12.30 MONTHLY. Ill acres of logged-off land, well built 3-room bungalow, in Klickitat county. Wash. Ixg R. R. through place. volcanic ash soil, particularly adapted to fruit raising. Total price $1000. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. COLUMBIA BASIN. 10-acre farm; we want a buyer for this beautiful tract -of land, none better In the northwest; 40 acres in apricots, almonds and peaches, good well, barn, well fenced: nearly all io cultivation; wiil rent if you do not buy. B . S . COOK, 001 Stock Exchange bldg. "REAL BARGAIN FOR $3000. miles of Oregon City. 14 acres, 11 seeded; creek. be3t soil, buildings small, cows', horse, buggy and crop; $21041 'down. bil. 5 years. OWNER. 0 DUANE ST. Phone 15S-K. Oregon City. " BY OWNER. Qt nv 120: 20 clear, all fenced, good old builling. orchard, water, 3 miles to Woodland. Wasn., 10 siauon. uook this up and make me price. Call after 3 P M. Wood law n 1O08. - FOR SALE 30 acres,, partially improved clover, berries and orchard, lf-i mi. to station, graded school hiffhwuv: $H0 per acre. and Columbia some terms. H. v. Taber. Scappoose, Or. FOR SALE! 2500 acres Whitman county. Wash ' well-Improved, cropped and equipped; $250,000, $75,000 cash. Get full particulars. Golden West Realty, 441 Rookery, Spokane. 0 ACRES or good tillable soil, 14 miles from S. P. railroad and electric lines-: all fenced and cleared: would make liberal terms. AR 4O0. Oregonian. 80 ACRES. 13 apples, walnuts, prunes, cherries. 5 timber: house, barn, near sta tion, church and school; hour's ride: $8000. terms. 213-00 Automatic. CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soli. Farms ror sale, all sites UcFarland. 209 Failing bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 aero up; running water; good soli. H tillable; employment; asy terms. J. R- Sharpe, 83 3d st. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valle I farms. Pnul Rou,ler, Stockton. Cal. REAL ESTATE. For ale PUREBRED STOCK AXD DAIRY FARM. 320 acres. 81 to 100 acres in high state of cultivation, balance in pasture; all fenced and cross fenced, principally woven wire; living water in pasture, and the fcest pressure water 'system at buildings; a fine 8-room modern bungalow, with white porcelain plumbing, fireplace, furnace, full concrete basement; a large dairy barn, with . modern conveniences, also 6-room house for tenant, dairy, steam boiler, vats; double garage; house surrounded by na tural grove and a variety of shrub bery. Personal property consists of: 33 head of registered Hol stein cattle, fine team bf full- ' blood Percherons. 400 sheep and lambs, fine flock of chickens. 2 wagons, harnesses, manure spread er, plows, harrows, mower, rake, and all small tools necessary to rtin an up-to-date farm ; only 19 miles from Portland, 13 miles from ' Vancouver; 4 miles from railroad station ; ideal purebred stock proposition. Price $45.0O0; 1-3 cash, balance C per cent Interest, or will accept good city property as part payment and terms to suit on balance. THOMPSON. SWAN A- LEE. Third and Ms in Sta., Vancouver, Wash. RENT. SALE OR EXCHANGE. 320 acres, all rich, - practically level land, about 2O0 acres fine bottom land, about 200 seres under cultivation, 30 acres more very easily cleared, balance in woods pasture; watered by several fine springs, well and 2 trout streams. Good JO-rm. house with large fire place, stone dairy, dairy barn, silo, 4 Irg. hog houses, with steam cook er and vat, large granary and warehouse, chicken house and out buildings. Fine orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing, close to nchool. church and with all rural advantages at door, dully truck 'service,, 4 miles from R. R. and boat transportation, 12 miles out on fine auto road and in the heart of the famous Lackamas va lley. Price only $45,000. i cash. bal. to suit; will take part pay in good income property. Pictures and full information at office of THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wn. E AST EtvN OREGON STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. ALL NORTH SLOPE LAND. 1200 acres, 300 acres In grain with bumper crop In sight. Crop goes with ranch and ought to pay for half of pur chase price this year. With ranch goes 11 large draft horses (8 are mares, sev eral head of cattle, lot of chickens, 27 inch Russell thresher. two 3 U -Inch wagons, header beds, 12 ft. header and binder, hay rake, mower, fanning mill, horse cultivator, six-horse harrow. 12-ft. surface packer, S-ft. Superior drill. S1 ft. disk, hack, buggy, light .single and double harness. 7 set heavy harness; everything that is needed to do with on a farm of this size is there: all in first-class condition; good fences, fair buildings. 3H miles to railroad; abun dance of water from never falling springs; hot and cold water and bath In house, 20 acres pine timber, thousands of acres finest kind of outrange; flrst elass grain coll: If taken before July 1. $31.70 'per acre, T. . J. Seufert, 628 Henry bldg. "COLUMBIA RIVER VIEW PRUNE ORCHARD. 10 acres overlooking Columbia river. Portland and Vancouver. 8 acres bearing Italian prunes, large clean trees; 100 English walnuts bearing. some assorted fruit, 5-room house, good barn, chicken house and .park. fine spring, close to school. 1 mile from North Bank paved highway and railroad station. 2 miles good town, 11 H miles from Vancouver; fine home and money maker; big crop this year; price $5500, terms. THOMPSON. SWAN A- CO.. Third and Main Sts, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 200 aere-tarm: 26 acres barn and other outbuildings; water piped to house: on mail route and close to school: about hiinrirf-d acres of tree ouTsiae raimv. ?.V"Sr4., 13 milk cows. 1 bull. 3 heifers. 7 calves. 4 hogs. 18 hens, -team of good horses and a colt and all necessary farm Implements. U for p or it desired will sell Place without live stock, inquire 01 JOHN KILKELL. Woodland. Wash.. It. F. D. No. 1. - POLK COUNTY. acres, all tillable, with 54 acres In . Halnnc OH It Drusn . O nciie 5 acres bearing prunes; well taken care . mute, rock road. 3 miles from town and railroad. In a thickly -lYtl-d farming district; price $8250. s 13110 cash; terms on the balance FRED W. GERMAN 7;i2 Cham, of Com. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER ON E MILLION DOLLARS' worth OF HOMES sold Since January 1. -N2 . by FRANK L. McOUIRE LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST iits? Trv our L L. ef- fi,.i.nt method, of HOME SELLING. Our record: 860 Homes sold during 1919. 9 Homes sold in one day. March 9. no w nmpM uld In March. 434 Homes sold to date this year. Have you a home TO SELL? Its sold if LISTED WITH US. WE NEED IT TODAY: we personally hh-ih-ci photograph EVERY HOUSE listed. ALL 1 photographs are displayed in our large showroom which Is continually thronged "with -EARNEST HOMJ4 BUYERS. If you cannot come down, telephone and we'll gladly call. Our Service Is free. No charge except the standard -rate of " 5 in event of a SATISFACTORY SALE. 18 experienced salesmen with autos to work on the SALE OF YOUR HOME. SEE FRANK 1 McGLTRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg.. Main 1068. Open Evenings ana aunuas. WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW. We are selling more homes than ever, aie better equipped to haudle your prop erty than ever before. We will call, photo and appraise your home free. If listed at our appraisal price your home is as good as sold. We advertise ex tensively, havu seven salesmen with autos to show yon property. We have cash buyers waiting. Phone us. Do It n J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. blufc- Main 1094 and 0S3. AM EARNESTLY in need of modern places in any good district. Call Mr. Clearwater. J. L, HART MAN COM PANY. Main 208. WANTED Business building. Front or First streets, between Madison and Mor rison; I also want west side houses, nan Hiiti? wMt sidu oroDerty is my specialty. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Coraraerci building. - SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and very easy terms; we have sold over tioo homes in the last year. If you want action list with us Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED to buy from owner In Rich mond district. 5 or 0-room bungalow or cottage, with garage: place tor chickens and truit on place preferred. J. B. Lit tle, 01 S Prescott street. FROM 4 to 0-room bungalow, large lot, uou!4 consider acreage if near car, any district, give address and phone: from $2H0 up; no agents. J 08. Oregonia. WANT " small pi-jce of acreage on easy terms from owner, under $25C0. Will pay all cash this fall. Not particular as to district. AK 317. Oregonia n . PRIVATE party desires medium-size mod ern home; cun pay cash. Irvington or Laureihurst. No. agents. O 231, Ore gonian. WANTED To buy furnished house. 3 to 3 rooms; $50 down and $15 monthly pay ments at 6 per cent. J 250. Oregoniitn. WANTED To lease or buy small or me ilum modern home, with fireplace and attractive yard. Phone Sell. 2Q40. 100x100 BE T W E EN 3d and 12th. Gllsan and Davis streets. Give fuil descrip tion and price. H 272. Oregonian. HAVE the cash for a modern furnished home; please give price and location first letter. AK 810. Oregonian. FRANKLIN roadster as first payment on a 4 or 5-room house ; must be central locat ion. Phone Wdln. 1700. WANT home, not exceed $5000: will deed 1 ttO acres and pay difference in cash. P. O. Box HUH. I WANT ( district. l modern home in the Nob Hill Geo. M. Strong.- 777 Lovejoy st. 6 miles from Kaiama. "'' l"V 7i scat and 7 miles from Woodland and miles from railroad station and C olum Ma river ? There Is about 3.OOO.0OO feet ; ' v ' niTA and there are several WASTED REAL ESTATE. WE SELL CITY HOMES. FASTEST GROWING REAL ESTATE FIRM IN PORTLAND TODAY. We can sell your home quick. Our appraiser will call and inspect your home and advise as to Its value, also take a 5x7 photo, which is displayed in our large show room where hundreds of prospective buvers will view it. Eight live-wire salesmen who drive their own cars backed by thousands of dollars spent In advertising bring results. Phone for our appraiser to call today. CARE Y-S AVIDGB COMPANY. Successor to BIHR-CARBY CO. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main i48. Farms W anted. WANTED A good farm on good road and good buildings, 250 to 40O acres in cultivation, if you have such a farm at the, right price I can sell it now. 'V. C. BECKTELU llOO N. W. Bank Bldg. FARMS WANTED. We need more farms ; have many in quiries for good farms, large and small. In good districts. We can sell yours if your price is right. LUKDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Wanted to Rent Farms. W A N T E D To ren t at once, 30-6O cows. P. O. box No. or phone Mar. 32S4. dairv farm. 9, Hillsdale. FOR RENT FARMS. BEAUTIFUL 10 acres, fti orchard, near Eugene ; good buildings ; season's rent, $175. 141 East 69th st. N. Tabor 7055. TIMBER LANDS. MTLL AND OPERATORS WANTED. We have severs 1 tracts of high-class timber from & million to 73 million feet, running 80 per cent pine. If you are canable of operating a mi'.l and have the mi!l to operate, we can show you wonderful profits, as we will contract tho sale of the output before you siart to cut. All you have to do Is log and cut; we do the rest. In some instances we will do the logging if desired. Par ticulars. G. A. Saries, 733 Northwestern Bank. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 1GO acres with 6 to 7 tn ill ion feet of fir timber th:t will make excellent farm land wHfcn cleared; sawmill and outiit for sawing 25.0OO feet daiiy ; good set of buildings; ntoro timber land available. Let 11s show you this property. WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO 21 1 Railway Exchange B'.dg. TIMBER Nine million feet fir 3 miles from railroad, all on one quarter section; good small mill proposition. $2 per 1000. Inquire 800 Cham, of Coin. bldg. Main 250l. I HAVE two tracts of fine mill timber, one at Rose burg, one near Mill City ; 3 60-arre tracts. Address B. F. Knapp, R. S Waterloo, Iowa. SPLENDID mill location on 3 railroads, pond holding 2.0OO.OH feet logs. 14.000. OOO timber with mill site; plenty more to bo h ad. 1315 Wilbur st . Wdln. 3116. 3 MILLION timber, good mill site, plenty water ior mill ponu, one mile irom s. tr. Ry. ; more timber can be had. Address Banks, Or., Route No. 2, Box 89. 2,5007000 FEET timber and small mill. si mne from railroad. W oodla wn 3116. 1313 Wilbur st. WILL start right man in lumber manu facturing line. About $3000 needed. We furnish the rest. A 256. Oregonian. PARTY to cut hewn ties on contract: must be financially responsible. E 21j. Ore gonian. TO FX.niA.NGF REAL ESTATE. BENTON COUNTY FARM. 70 acres. 50 cultivated, bal. pasture: all fence! and cross-te need, mosi.y woven wi'e; 25 acres in crop, balance ready for spring crop : b- room modern house, good biirn 40x0O and ail outbuild ings; ai". block and equipment to handle good ranch; nice family orchard and all kinds, of berries; on good gravel road. 1 mile to It, It. town; price u500; mort gage $3000: balance cash; or would con sider 5-room house in Portlana up to $5000. . SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Railway Excnange Bidg. WE WANT CITY PROPERTY OK ACRE AGE in exchange for any oiu .f tliet-e - farms; all In the Willamette .ley. liH) acres, fully improved $ls.5O0 405 acres, going place 25.;oo 7 0O acres.. 5O0 acres tillable 5U.000 3t0 acres, great value 25,00 If you have city property and aspire to own low -priced Oregon farms, our list Is most convincing. SEE US FOR ACTION. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-33 K. Exch. Main 5110 WILL sell or exchange for Portland prop erly comfortable, substantial 12- room reMdence. university district. Seat tie, Waso.; corner lot. beautiful view, mod ern, every convenience; large utility basement, large living room, ilreplace, bookcases, dining room, den. kitchen. sleeving rooms, well arranged. i wner leaving town. Price less than cost t build; reasonable terms. Answer, BC 444 Oregonian. $T7oo EQUITY in 5-room modern bunga !mr (1 rpnlarp nrl furnace and PUlt l-ins, fuil cement basement, garage, chicken house and runs; lot loOxiuu; garden and fniti res: in exchange for grocery store: price $5000: muriuage $000. What have you? SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 321 Ry. Exch. Bldg.Phone Mar. :!. FOR EXCHANGE, trade in or sale: One of best building lots in Westmoreland. 50x100 all impr. in and paid, for small acreage or big lot; must be within rea sonable distance of city, school and car; light and water in or available: place with shack house preferred. L 283, Ore gonian. I HAVE 4-room bungalow, near 32d and E Alder, full cement basement, furnace. Dutch kitchen, bullt-ins. I purchased this house new 5 years ago. Need larger bungalow and will pay some difference. Phone Tabor 152. LINCOLN county farm, on Yaquiua bay; 127 acres, 00 acres of tideland ; will trade for Portland 5-room bungalow, Belmont and south, for part payment. Must have . some cash. Call Sellwood 1721. J $2200 GROCERY stock and fixtures, 4 modern living r-joms. s"iu hvi , inn for stores and 1 ivlng room, includint? garage. $28 per month. Will take vacant lot or small car up to f00. Tabor 3f.o. FIRST-CLASS restaurant, doing nice "busi ness, live-year iea-. xo iraue ior lHnn or other real estate of equal value. Own ers have other interests. Ajply Bishop Bros., 124 North 5th street. HAVE 20 acres of good productive soil in the Willamette valley that I would trade for a modern bungalow or close-in acre age; would be willing to assume. AR 45i. Oregonian: 4-ROOM house, price $950. half cash, or Ford In exchange. For description and photograph write L. B. Lewis. 1109 Che haiem st.. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE or will traae ror larra or city property, two sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000.00J feet. Address Hotel Osborn, Eugene, Or EXCH ANGE equity in 5-room furnished house. R C. P., for small late model car. Phone W. 5478. " WILL trade for home land In Montana and Idaho; part under Irrigation. Wood lawn 22b8. TO FACHAXtiE MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Good piano and $2t.O for 1017 Chevrolet car; looks good, runs good; some extras. Tabor 5705. fUK SALE.. Horses. Vehicle, Livestock. 20OO- LB. TEAM and harness, 3li farm wagon, plow and harrow, whole outtit $755; finished plowing and must sell. Atlas Wood Yard, 32 Front st. 5 YOUNG COWS for sale, from 4 to 7 yrs. old; Durham and Holstein; good milk ers. 4 gals, a day. 1&44 D wight St., University Pa rk . ON account of sickness will sell heavy tam, harness and gravel wagon. 5016 MJth st. S. E. Phone Sell. 2318. SPAN geldings, 1200 lbs., well broken ; heavy new harness. Cochran, near Stan ley sta.. O. W. P. Ask at store. SPAN black horses, 30u0 lbs., $225; good workers. Span horses 20OO lbs., single or double. Foot of Main st. TEAM bay horses, 270O lbs., O and 10 years old, with harness, cheap for cash. 3838 S2d st. S. E. ; PASTL'RAQE at Ladd's Canyon farm, close io; 00 business Sundays. Main 481l. . 5 YOUNG, gent'e family cows. Jerseys and, Jersev-Holstlns. $75 to $1oO.' 75J East Ash st. ; DEAD stocc removed quickly; cash pa:d for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukee 09-J for results. w v. ri:t and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 3i2 Couch bids- WILL- sacrifice my 7 dairy and family cows 4 Just fresh and 3 to freshen tn 2 weeks. 138 Fiorida st. Main 1310. 1250-POUND horse, good worker, will sei "cheap. Atlas Wood yard, 327 Front DEAD HORSES taken quick dead cows. Tabor 4203. rasu for DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawn 20. 4-YEAR OLD milch cow. price !K. 424:." 45th avenue E Woodstock car HORSES, wagons and harness for afe cheap. Apply 20 Grand ave. FOR RENT. Hore, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE 1 team, 3Q00 lbs., 9 and. 10 years old, true and sound ; 1 wagon, near I v new ; f irst-c-ass work harness ; one i4-lnch Oliver plow, nearly new; 1 set ton springs for wagon: forks, chains and ropes. Price $5o0 for all. J. J. Davles, route 2. box 191. Vancouver. Fourth house north of Minnehaha school on St. John's road. A CARLOAD of horses arrived Monday. May 10. Heavy-boned. blocky-built chunks. 1400 to 1800, from 4 to 8 years old. This is the best load of horses landed In Portland. All guaranteed to be as represented. Call and, see these horses before you buy. -H. Ham, corner 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 14 1-rooin apt. Price $1100. good income, expenses light. This is a bargain. Apply M rs. Roy Matlack. 1 1 4 W. 2Sth st.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 634. Any day except Sunday. $250 BUYS team of chunky Percheron mares, 4 ytAirs old. weighing 2400, har ness aAd good farm wagon. Have moved to city and have no use for team. Mrs. Logan, 229 (Jibbs. South Portland car. FOR SALE Lot 75x140. Mt. Tabor district, good location, pood view, good neighbor hood. In everv wav desirable. Cash, SI25: terms. $1500. Tabor 9216. WA XTED Beef cattle and veal. Tabor 7030 rianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. We have the BEST PRICES on used pianos. Shop around, then come and tee ours. You will be convinced. FULLY GUARANTEED. SMITH A. BARNES, like new . . . . .$300 BAILEY, mahogany case 245 SiN'GKR, mahogany case 250 350 250 250 EM ERSOX, walnut case DUNHAM mahogany case, a snap HOMER, plain oak esse biNGK l, used short time 2 10 VICTOR, oak case 325 IRVING, oak case 240 Terms given. Bonds accepted. SEIBERLIXG-LCCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 -4th St.. bet. Washington & Aldr. UNDERPRICED PIANOS Downstairs ftore. Factory rebuilt and used piano3. Upright pianos, $165, $235. $290 to $465: player-pianos. $395. $495, $535 to $i35; parlor organs, $25, $35, $43 to $65; pho nographs. $18, $25, $35 to $120. Terms. $10 to $23 cash. $3. $6 to $15 monthly. Sen wan Piano Co., 101 10th sL VOC ALIO N ORG A N S. Two-manual, base pedals. Just the ore an for church or moving pictures; make us an offer. SEIBERLIXG-LUC.43 MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th Si., bet. Washington & Aldei-. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out. $275 to $500 used upright pfano-s $?3 to $200; $500 to $1000 used player-pianoa $300 to $495. Pianos stored 75c monthly. Pianos bought knd cold for cash only. Corner 10th and Stark sts. FINE PIANOS. $173 UP. TERMS. Bush & Lane. 2 Kimballs. Kingsbury, Cable. Victor, Franklin, Thompson. Da vis & Halncs and others; save $100 to $200 from uptown stores, compare them. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester b!dg. PIANO EOT. VICTROLA. $200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best propo sition. Main 85S6. ' SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. VSED PIANOS at prices you CANNOT COMPARE. Try around, then see our bargains. SKIBKRLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 123-127 4th St.. bet. Washington &. Alder. PIANO SNAPS. For PIANO BARGAINS that are REAL BARGAINS see SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St.. bet. Washington & Alder FOR" SALE BYOWER BEAUTIFUL BURL WALNUT VP RIG HT KIMBALL PIANO. WONDERFUL TONE; BAR GAIN. TABOR 1672. WANT ALL KINDS OF PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 FIRST. MAIN 44!5. TABOR 670g. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. Seiber-liiiS-Lueas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main Jv.56. STEINWAY piano, almost like new. latest sty le case, sacrifice, leaving Oregon : save dealer's big profit. Call at 7l East 2th st., near Stark. WELLINGTON piano, almost new. at a fair price. 1120 Ogden ave. and 30th st. CONCERT GRAND, like new. $730. You may rent ic Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill. PIANO WANTED. ' Pay cash; get our price. Seiberiing-Lu-cas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main &5su. CASH for good tone piano. Call early or a f ter 3 P. M. Cash If bargain. Alar 57oo. WANTED Good tone piano: can be old; cH-sh for bargain. Main 304 before 3 P. M. NEW 175 Brunswick and 4.". records for sale or trade for Ford or Maxwell chas sis. East 5ol4. PAY cash for pianos, phonographs, and musical instruments. 254 street. records Market FOR KENT- Cabinet phonograph. with latt? records. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. WANTED ti buy. cash if bargain. phonograph; will pay Phone Main 5335. $0J. KIMBALL only $200. :tl2 Worcester bldg. easy tetms. WANTED The best piano .that $150 cash will buy. Sett. 1 300. $tot KINGSBURy piano, plain mahoganv, sell cheap, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. RENT a phonograph. Harold S. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill st. - IF vou arc looking for happiness, ou will find it at McDougall's Music store. VB'TROLA for sale cheap; 50I 21st N. - 40 selections. HA RDM AN piano, good condition; bar gain for cah ; leaving city. East 4189. W ELLINGTON piano for East S3S4. Laraen. WILL care for piano for use of best of care. Phone 211-75. Furniture for bale. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if goin s ?ast or to California : we can save yon money on our freight in our t h rough cars: flrcpioof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A: Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. FOUR-HOLE rook stove. $0: gas ramr, $ IO; Perfection 2 -burner oil stove, ; chairs. $1 up; dresser. $10; library table, $15; bed springs and mattress, $8; rugs. etc. 34 E. Washington. Fo K S A LE Substantial -heavy brass bed. -size, good as new. $45 : also - box mattress, hair top. $35, fine condition. good as new. Call 401 E. 24th sU S.. cor. Lincoln, mornings. HOUSEHOLD I'TRN ITURE Very high cla.-s. Can't teil it from new. Carpets. ruB and other articles too numerous to mention. Res. 532 East Burnsido. Pbone East 33W. FOR SALE Ivory bed. dresser, chiffonier, rot kins chair, deorated In roses; 2 bed wprlngs. iron bed. 6 chairs, lawn mower. 1185 Long ave. Phono Sell. 1757. FOR SALE China cabinet, oak chiffon ier large Reliable gas range. Ruud wa ter heater- kitchen table, iron wheelbar row: ail firt class. East 4189. A LI mv household goods for sale.- Mi- waukie. Or. : go to 4Wi nouse norin 01 32d and Harrison. SliMM) FOR 7 rooms, mahogany and 0. furniture. Including oian ; hous lor rent. 90 N. 10th. AX MINSTER RUG. 9x12, $18; sanitary couch. $14; center table, $14. 451 11th si., apt. D. j-OR SALE' Cheap, furniture in S-roorn house, whole lot or in pieces; no junk. :i2S 0th st. a m 77; SECOND-HAND furniture store, liv- int; apartments; any time. 28S N. 16th street SIX rooms of furniture for sale, house for rent upstairs, pay rent. 4S0 E. Wash, t- 3ROOM.S good furniture, or by the piece. 1 170 Ivon st. Richmond car to 30th sU RANGES anu connections water heaters moved free; 1 specialty. Tabor 23V7. CHICAGO wood range, lion. Tabor 8S24. first-class condi- HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. $25. 253 Everett, cor.3d. " Poultry. q x C WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS. $20 per hundred Buy your chicks in lav for winter layers, that pay. NORTHWEST POL'LTRY CO. S2d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. " " biITreductions. Mav nd June chicks. Leghorns. Keds Rocks; prompt deliveries. Write toda't . C. N. Ned ham. Salem. Oregon. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks, tancred, from Huganized stock, lsc apitce. Su:i ,l&v. May 10, Woodlawn 5147. 938 Halht ave. PUP, j-ALE Two-nionth-o'd W. Leghorn chicks. .Oe apiece Write Mrs. H. J. Cafif-w, Met2ger Or. FoK SALE O. A. C Whit- Leghorn chtclvs, $15 per 10. Deliveries Mav 18 and 25. Pacii'ic Hatchery. Tangent. Or. 11 .V1NG young hens, new rnmse and 20 of 0-it. wire fencing, all for $15. Call Wdln. 3. 01. TANCRED While Leghorn chicks, laying h-ns. hatching egs. "Incubator lots. Tabor 3822. LAYING Black Spanh-h hens. Tabor 020V. $1.: 5 each. FOR SALE. Poultry BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoanlzed stock only; March chicks. $14 por 100; April. May nd June chicks, $12.30 per 100; July chicks. $14. -OAK HILL HATCHERY. Petaluma. Cal. HATCHING eggs from White Leghorns, Tancred strain. Pens headed by pedi greed Tancred cocks from-250-egg hena and better, from original Tancrtd yards. $2 per setting during May. E. ,1. Melssner. 350 Marguerite ave- Tabor 396f. PETALUMA Will to Leghorns lead tho world in egg production: wo sell BAB V CHIX at $13.50 per 10O during May and June, safe arrival of full court strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th at.. Petaluma. Cal. Dogs, Rabbits. Bird. Fet Stock. - RABBITS. Flemish Giants. New Zealands;, also hutches. 435 Monroe. East 0435. SINGERS FOR SALE. CALL THE STUDIO. MAIN GOOD female canaries for sale. . Call Ea-st Uarhtner SAW MILL WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 13,0tio to 20,000 capacity; must l- first-class. Ow ners only. X. 239, Ore gonian. HOISTING engines for rent cr sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard M' ch. Co.. 65 1st st. TRI CK and t ractlon wood (-aw, machine, combine; trade for Ford or lot. P. O. Box luui. A 4-HORSE stover sawing machine, in good condition; cheap. Phone Tabor 8931. De LAVAL separator Xo. 120S Tibbett st. S. E. 1 0, used 6 mo Richmond car. WANTED 150 lo 175 fert No. conveyor chain. Main 503 S . riveted TILTING table, pot borer, complete aaw table frame. Pettigrcw, 1044 Union X. Launches nod Boat. OPENING new moorage, space for hou.-e-boats to let, sp:endid location; no shacks wanted. C 242. ore son ian. Ty p e w ri t n. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. Wc are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $.".0 com plete with carrying case; supplies for a . makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY, lio Sixth st. Main 225. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERV1C E. All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6:i97. Supplies. 2 63 Oh k st. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthlv payments Send for price iJst. The Wholesale Typc wrfter Co.. 321 Washington st. FOU REXT Underwood, Kerning ion tvpe writers. $:; 50 per month. Ernpi:? Tra n s f e r. Biwy, 153. REM INGTON NoT To" at a sacrifice. Broadway 3405. BC 447. Oregonian. UNDERWOOD NO. 5. 2-eolor ribbon and back space: bargain. Broadway 3405. VI SI BLE machines, year's guarantee. $20 The Rebui't Typewriter Co., 304 Oak st. ALL makes rent, rentxd and repaired. Ores Co.T 94 5th. Alain 3GC.S. on Ty pew Hter NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REMINGTON No. IO. guaranteed. Auto matlc 213-30. or write M 251. Oregonian. Office Furniture. WANTED One mahogany roll-top and flat-top desk or table; chairs to match. spot cash. Dealers dun't answer. Phone Ma in 764 Miscellaneous. PILING for sale. 750 pieces 110 it. lonK. or more. 20-ln. butt ; 42 pieces 00 11 . long, or more. 1 mile from Pacific highway. - 2 mMes from Jefferson, Or. A. W. Whitsell, Jefferson. Or., route No. 1. BE A UTIFUL rever.-doie do i man of heavy bl-Ack satin and tan wool duvetyn. v.orn (t limes; aleo a pair new brown oxfords, sire 5 double A. W 225, Oregonian. CONCESSION TENT. 10x8 ft., good a new, no holes or pat flics : $;i5 t a kes it. Wrtte N. A. Matz, 82$ s. Tower ave.. Centra I ia. Wash. $12.50 LADY'S long blue straight coat. ! ined with silk.- size 38 ; never worn. Tabor 933. LADY'S Howard "wsteh. 15 jewels. 14 karat ease. $37.50; 1 s - karat dta niond rinje. XS5. So E. HUh street North. 5O0 FT. new FT". lumber. No. 1 round-cd;-cnouga for garage. !M7 rustic. $30; Mai lory ave IN FA NT'S layette, never used : a bargain. Clot lies. 1 -y 1. size, good but outgrown; cheap. 971 Vancouver ave. DIAMOND. r kt." gent's, beautiful rin g. S15o: lady's 110-100 kt.. cheap. 312 Worcester hid ONE I-horse A. C. motor; three 12-inch A. C. exhaust fans: one Manning coal oil burner. Apply H7 N. 5th st. FOR SALE 1st 135 vols. Fed. Rp $i;;5. Se 206 Concord b:dg. J 260. Orego nia n. MUST sell at oii-je, imported Mandarin coal . very cheap I nquire at 1 -a dies' Dress Exchange. Pittock blk. FoR SALE 1 blue suit, bruwn coat, si. 36, baby cart and rocking horsv Phone Tabor 2872 between 9 A. M. and 0 ! M. FOR SALE cheap, several hundred pounds of flour siftings for chicken or hos feed. Phone East 4035. 555 E. Stark. BOX wood tor sa'e. 54.75 per load. Wood lawn 1539. Kirkham & Tuxler. 1120 Montana ave. MUSIC written to your words, satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Bdwy 2555 14S 13th strcetv 1 ROLL-TOP desk ami chair. 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top desk. 1 safe. Bushong & Co.. 01 Park st. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 24S Main st. Now and second-hand books, bought, sold anl exchanged. A 11 subjects. FRONT bar of soda fountain, 10 feet lonr, cheap. Brink's Pharmacy. 13lh Wash ington. FIRST-CLASS sed potatoes for sale. $4 and $0 per hundred. Phone Broudwav 310.;. call 124 North 5th st. I- IRST-CLASS fir qood for Howell, phone 30. R. R. Wash. sal". S. K. Vancouver, FOR SALE Pair high-topped, hob-nailed shoes, good as new. at a bargain. Hotel Lennox. CHICAGO wood rat tlon. Tabor 824. first-class condi- VACI.TM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley 'o. M. 4ito7. WANT tent , electric fa n. plat-. Main 4405; Tabor stove, gas OSTRICH feathers and millinery stock for sale. Cash or trade. P 130, Oregonian. OAK lumber and timber for sale, cheap. H08 Pittsburg, St. Johns. "OR SALE Good coal. Tabor 055f steel range, wood FOR SALE One terms or cash. Acorn East retread i78S. ao LOADS rotted horse manure. Tabor SODA fountain, sacrificed. $u. value SI 500. as good as new. 212 Sa mon. REBUILT typewriters. E. W. Pease & Co.. 1 1O Sixth st. ONE large Cutler desk, a bargain, if taken at once. Phone Main 11 03. DESKAD DING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR- BETT BLDG. MAR. 557. CEDA R POSTS for sa'e. J. W. Corbet t. Oregon. Route No. 1. Hudson, SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. I N. 1st st. UOR SALE One large and one small sofa. P 1 0, Oregonian. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses slightly worn. Main 95fi7. FINEST spray bath made, with receptor, 0- f t. bat htub. Broadway 4040. DIAMONDS wanted. to i kt. Pay cash if bargain. Main 304 before 5 P. M. 25 CASES RAISINS F. T. Ammonn, y;id and L st., Vancouver. W:ash. WOOD RANGE, for sale cheap. l'.so Vulcan gas Sellwood 1701. FINE Wilton rug. dining room set, hand -some bookcase. Broadway 3544 EOR SALE Cash register, safe, addins machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash. GRAY willow buggy for sale, re able. Call 2 E. Sth N. 2 OLD style barber chairs, cheap. Alder. QUARTER-KARAT diamond ring. cnt $ 7 5. 1 o r $5. Ma in 820. p 'iFlilOKRATOR "-n first-class condition. $;;.-. '203 E. 52d st. yon SALE White rotary sewing ma chine, price $30. 1508 E. Oak st. B VBV Bl'GGY, crib, nursery chair, rocker 'and high chair. 1224 E. Main st DANDY old bed for s;ile cheap., 970 Powe.: !t. Phone Sellwood 450. ONE nice b'.ack fox fur to sell quite rea 'sotiable. 83fc Haight ave. ICE REFRIGERATOR for family or sma:! store. In fine condiijon. 701Sav:er st. t-i-m d WTV rmi m olen n ers. Si or delivered any wnere. v urn. o-i;.. DIAMOND, large slate P. u- box tux.