T", TTIE MORNING OREG OXIAX, FRIDAY, MAY 14. t02f' K t5- DEBS IS NOMINATED BY SOCIALIST PARTY Ovation Following Choice Lasts 21 Minutes. en. ----- ikgi II 3 7 - I V LEADER TM FEDERAL JAIL Committee rt Ht to Seek Amnesty tor "Political Prisoners" Tbrooshout Country. WW TOKK. May 13. The national coavenUon or the socialist party to day acclaimed Eugene "V. Debs,, fed eral convict No. 2253 in the Atlanta, Ga., penitentiary, its candidate for the fifth time for president of the United States. A. 21-minute ovation followed Debs' formal nomination, as "the Lincoln of the Wabash." Seymour Stedman of Chicago, gen eral counsel of the party, was nomi nated for vice-president by unani mous vote on a second ballot. The first vote for him was 106 against 26 for Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hare of Kansas City, now serving a sentence in a Jefferson City, Mo., prison for violation of the espionage act. Revolatlorinry Idea ICoIds. la nominating Debs the socialist party of America signifies its deter mination "not to recede one inch from our revolutionary programme," Mor ris Hillquit of New York, leader of the "conservative" forces, declared. "Socialism in the United States has not changed and does not intend to change," he said. Another ovation greeted this dec laration. Tonight a special committee of five, headed by Hillquit, will leave for Washington, where tomorrow -it has an appointment with Attorney Cteneral Palmer to plead for amnesty for all "political prisoners" through out the country. Saturday the same committee has an, appointment with Secretary Tumulty at the White House to pre sent a memorial on amnesty for de livery to President Wilson. On Mon day. Secretary of War Baker is to re ceive the committee to hear a plea for amnesty for "conscientious objectors" imprisoned during the war for failure to obey the draft laws. Today the convention adopted the Hillquit platform virtually as sub mitted several days ago, voting by decisive majorities to wage the so cialist campaign this year along "con servative" political lines. Debs is now in the federal peni tentiary at Atlanta, Ga. He began serving a 10 years' sentence for viola tion of the war time espionage act April 13. 1919. He is 65 years of age and has been given the presidential nomination by his party four times previously. He was a democrat be fore he became a socialist. In the late '70s, he served two terms in the Indiana legislature from Terre Haute, his home town. He was once a candi date for congress from the fifth In diana district. In 1894, from May to November, he served a sentence in Jail for contempt of court in an Illi nois conspiracy case. His present imprisonment resulted from investigation, of a speech in Can ton, O., Jtjne 16, 1918. 1 J This Colossal Sale of Shirts Brings Men by the Hundreds! The Greatest Sale in the Town! The Most for Your Money! Shirts New in Fabric and Pattern at Genuinely Reduced Prices! Now's the Time, Men and Here's the Place! Regular $3. 50 Regular $5 and $4 Shirts and $6 Shirts $2.45 $3.85 Regular $7.50 and $8.50 Shirts $4.85 Madrases in Woven Colors Fancy Silk Stripe Madrases, Silk Mixtures and Fiber Silks. Every Shirt a Winner! Every One Fresh and Clean . BEN SELLING Leading Clothier Morrison at Fourth against Delphino are Alice McCroy, aged 14, and Rebecca and Vera Settle myer, aged 9 and 12 years, respectively. LABORER KILLS HIMSELF Body or Man Who Cut Throat Is Found by Searchers. ASTORIA, Or.. May 13. (Special.) John Backlund, a bucker, employed at the Brix Logging company's camp in the Grays River, Wash., district, committed suicide Tuesday by cut ting his throat, but his body was not found until last night. Backlund, who had been in ill health for several days, disappeared shortly after break fast Tuesday ana was supposed to have wandered away. About 100 men joined in the search and found the body last night. He is survived by a son, who is employed at the same camp. His widow and several children reside in the old country. Voong Girls Complainants. A. Delphino, an Italian vegetable peddler, was arrested at East Eighth and Taylor streets early last night by Motorcycle Patrolmen Abbott and Forkln. The complaining witnesses SMITH OUT UNDER BOND I. W. W. Attorney Accused of Mur der at Centrulia Released. CHEHALIS, Wash., May 13. (Spe cial.) Late today Elmer Smith, Cen tralia L W. W. attorney, was re leased from the Lewis county jail here on 15000 bail, where he was held on the charge of killing Arthur Mc Elfresh during the armistice day mas sacre of ex-service men November 11. William Guderyon and wife, who live north of Centralia, and A. F. Thomp son and wife of Hanaford valley, signed the bond. Judge Back of Clarke county ad mitted Smith to bail after the bond had been approved by Mrs. Cora Black, county clerk.- CANDIDATES EVADE ISSUE Few Reply to Inquiry Regarding Japanese Exclusion. HOOD RIVER, Or., May 13. (Spe cial.) After sending out 307 circu lar letters to candidates asking their sentiment on Japanese exclu sion and a law providing that no unnaturalized alien be permitted to holdl land, R. E. Scott, secretary of the Hood River Anti-Asiatic associa tion, says he has received 61 answers. "With one exception," says Mr. Scott, "the replies have been favor able to the programme of the asso ciation, which would not eliminate land ownership by Asiatics and other aliens, but would prevent the auto matic citizenship of children born of unnaturalized parents. Wallace Mc Camant, republican candidate for delegate-at-large to the national con vention, say6 he would not discrim inate against native-born Americans on account of their parentage and that they should not be refused citizenship." Pullman Professor Visits Aberdeen. ABERDEEN. Wash., May 13. (Spe cial.) Frank Kreager, head of the department of elementary science at the Washington state college at Pull man, will be chief speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Aber deen Kiwanis club. Mr. Kreager was to have addressed the Aberdeen high school students but was prevented be cause of the closing of the school on account of contagion. S. & H. green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co. Main 353, 560-21 Adv. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. Portland's Biggest Fea- j"lTrfx Marshall Neilan's first from his own studios. An ideal cast in a big story of God's Country that has thrilled millions. LAST TIMES TODAY , J , STARTING SATURDAY I 38 '(paramount MACK SEN NETT Qomedy "Let 'er Go m m y Pk fern fMA Sennett's Merry Senetters in their wildest . of woolly sessions and WILLIAM FARNUM THE ADVENTURER Six Reels of Romance and Adventure. Prologue De Luxe 10 People NOTICE! Women's Apparel Half Price Sale at Blank's Sample Shop 360, Morrison St., Corner Park YOUR LAST CHANCE . and the best laugh I Trr A V OF THE YEAR WILL 1 UUAY BE GCNE FOREVER! I H&S. Archdulu,?..JBahf JOHN DREW'S FAMOUS COMEDY STAGE HIT " I JAG K STRAW i COMING TDMnrrmv iimi iiinm ii mum him j PAUL ARMSTRONG'S WORLD-FAMOUS CROOK PLAY LAST TODAY ;1 yr?n f 5, ; - x ' ' s . : 8 ! 1 JOHN BARRYMORE IN Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The production that has set a new mark in motion pictures. CHILDREN NOT ADMITTED COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA ALWAYS 't Starts Tomorrow Mae Murray & David Powell in On With the Dance The fifth big Columbia spe cial is a story of high lights and high life in gay New York. Faster, faster they go! mo tirawi everyone admits that knox pro duces the sailor straw for style, quality and service $6 to no men's furnisher and hatter exclusive but not expensive 331 Washington street, near broadway A Powerful Microscope Will Show the Cause of Your Hair and Scalp Troubles -The roots of the hair muit be examined the exa5t cause of each particular trouble must be determined before the case can be intelligently treated. Prof. John H. Austin (OF CHICAGO ) 41 Tears a Bacteriologist, Hair ui Scalp Specialist Says that the usa of dandruff cures, hair tonics, mange cures, etc, without ths proper advice, is like taking medicine without knowing what you are trying to cure. Free Microscopic Examination of the Hair and Scalp. Find out what is causing that falling hair and dandruff. (Women need not take down their hair) Private Offices at the Owl Drug Co. Broadway and Washington Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian Main 7070 A 6095