24 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1920 FOB KEN T. Flats. 6-ROOM comer flat, cloee In. st lde. R. C. and M. V. car; some ftimiture for Bale cheap; have 3 rooms rwMi: line in- Mme, A -Ml. oru:omau. OOM flat, with large sleeping porch and bath, large lawn und. garden space, - berries and fruit. 1073 Division. Tabor - 5207. V N F i; RN I S H ED flat, 6 rooms, in Nobb Hill district. Call after 6 P. M. Rent $18. Phone Main 704. FLAT for rent; selling some furniture. ia.ll Saturuav morning or Monday eve- ing. 323'frsN. 23d st. t ROOMS, strictly modern, good location, 18th ant Alberta! $30. Call Gustaff, alain -J J 74. .FURNITURE 6-room flat for sale; nearly -new Hat for re nt. $30. 341 X. 23d 6-ROOM flat, $30; adults only. 306 K-u- "gcne st. , til' MODERN 5-room flat. 215 Cherry st. near vast end Bdwy. bridge. East 1415. DOLBLB flats, ti and 7 room?. HalK st. near S. P. shops. Bdwy. 5 157. Furnished Flat?. 4-RM. furnished flat, $30 a month; bath. sleeping porch and large basemeru. steel - - and gas range, electric light and phone; near- the oil plant on Linnton road. Will . ,4 r- urtii wbll f iiT-n i t u rfk nnri rent flat. Man can set work here year 1 around. Marshall 100S. - strictly- modern; adults only. Phone - Kftst S4t. A MODERN 6-room flat for rent; furniture for close in. Marshall 3350. vith attic room tale ; west side. FOR RENT l-room f urn its lied fiat, walk ing distance. Strictly modern. Adult only. Phone East 3300. 4-KOOM flat, 3-room apartment, furnished. ' Call from to 9 evening., Sunday all day. 821 Thurman. 6-ROOM furnished flat for rent, upstairs. 310 E .! t h st. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale; this is a bargain. See Jonea at 421 Burnslde. FURNISHED 4-room fiat. 2S Sandy. East 6402. . 3-ROOM complete furnished flat, 550 Mill st. Price $30. IHiose eepj ng Rooms. 2 OUTR1 DB housekeeping rooms, neatly furnished. $16 per month; gas and elec tric lights 222V- Crosby street, between Steel and Bdwy. Br'.dpe. Call today and tomorrow. East 8011. $15 A MONTH Suitable for 4: 2 clean furnished housekeeping room?: steam heat, laundrv. hot and cold water, yard. Phone East 6030. 406 Vancouver ave. CLEAN, well furnished front housekeeping room; electric range, also small iront Bleeping norch, for ntleman. $. a month. oOo Washington st. LARGE, nicely furnished front house , keeping room, free light and gas; 1 - block from down town. Price 7 per week. 373 Taylor at. STRICTLY clean, completely furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry: nf-nr ship yards; children welcome. 186 Sherman st. Mar. 30X3. Ci.EA m 2-room suite ; nice location, close in ; phone, bath, electric lights. 201 3 4 th st.. near Jefferson. nv v. oiM n ronm. furnished for H. K $11 .50: also two rooms, H. K., $17. 490 Clay st. LARGE, light, clean housekeeping room ; phone, bath and laundry privilege. 405 12th st. HOITSKKEEPINO rooms, single and suites, furnished or .unfurnished, modern, low figure. 163 v irst st. 3 H. K. ROOMS, living room. Dutch kitch en and sleeping porch. H 5 13th st.. cor. Flanders. Bdwy. 3068. n unv i; unH hnzncA delivered in dowu town district for 25c; auto service. Phone Main 295. a piARr.AlN 22 rooms, housekeeping; garages ; right down town ; clears $175. 32S Main. Marshall 3iftj. vrvn rent A S-room housekeeping apart ment; rents reasonable. 235 5th street. comer of Main. Phone Alain TRUNKS delivered In downtown district lor 25c. Autc Service, phone Bdway 2445- 1 FRONT room, nicely furnished, with kitchen. 06 N. 21st st. ONE or two large, clean furnished house keeping rooms. 3260th st. Main 5020, BaGGAGK and furnlturs moving; phono Broadway 401. Alert Trannfer. B9 btaric. 1 AND 2-room furnished, neat and clean. 1 1 15 AlMna, cor. KiUingaworu. $3, ALSO $4 week, furnished H. K. rooms. 2531-i Wash., cor. 3d. NICELY furnished ' housekeeping rooms. hot and cold water. 4MV V FOR RENT 2 and 3 housekeeping rooms. 404 Park st. BACHELOR'S housekeeping rooms; very cheap. 3S0 3d nt. THREE H. K. apts. for rent: $30 month. 170U 10th st. J5 11TH ST. Furnished housekeeping rooms and furnished rooms. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. 51. 50. Key at 328 rem out st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family, TWO-ROOM suites- close in. wept side; clean and airy: lovely lawn; reportable rent. Call after 7 P. M., 594 W. Everett. rnone uroaaway it. LA ROE. single, steam -heated housekeep ing room ; everything furnished; 5 per week; another $12 per niuiitn. -o Itin bia st. 2, 3 OR 5 housekeeping rooms, close ' to -car: 15 min. to 3d and Morrison. Phone - 524-34. OliKAV. well furnished housekeeping rooms. walking distance, rent reasonable, no children. 21 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; some furniture $32 month; nice for 2 people. See J. P. McKcnna, Belmont at 30th. MAN wants companion for com Portable housekeeping room. Call evenings, room o. 4.2 iamhiU. THREE well furnished housekeeping rooms 2 beds, suitable ior four. 314 Main. H. K. ROOMS, $2.50 and up; walking dia tance. East 5 7 'J 7. it LARGE, light front II . K. rooms. $3.75 week. 305 W 3d st. FOR RENT 2 furnished H. K. rooms, $10. 7710 00th ave. S. E. T WO furnished housekeeping rooms, euit ablo for couple. 202 11th st. 1 05 20TH. cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. X ICE-LY furnished f t out housekeeping rooms, close in. 430 am hill st. ROOM $10 a phone, hath. mo. ; gas, free electricity, 302 4th st. TToUfeCS;. IIIVTN-GTON. roonfat and sleeping porch. 2 baths, arranged for flat 2d floor; will lease for six months or sear; $350 cah in advance ,ix months' ront. Owner, Cobb. 263 Oak st reet. 8-ROOM cottace and garage for rent; gar den in, some fruit; furniture for sale cheap for cash : no j unk ; rent reason able; if not willing to buy furniture don't answer uu v. ..( i i.tn st. to. E., 1 bit. to riyht. Mount Scott car. FOR RENT A t Riverwood. west side. 5- room house, garage. 1 acre ground, fine orchard, full bearing, and Bull Run f water, gas and electricity ; fine bathing beach; $4d. Phone owner. East 1470. ,11'ST LIKE RENT. A 3-room bungalow, near carline, large lot, fruit and shrubbery : only $ 1 400. email payment cash and rest like reut. B. V. Price & Co., 20O Henry bldg. WHEN OU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0. A 874T. LOCAL and long-distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment. Green Ti an. Co.. 202 U; Aider at. Main 1261. 572-61. FOR RENT Nice 6-room house, walking distance; piano; no children; rent $15. Call from 9 to 12. 453 E. Everett so. 7-ROOM house. Just across Broadway bridge ; no children ; $25. Owner, Main 8-ROOM house, modern; newly tinted: block from Hawthorne car ou 33d. Tabor 12. MOVING Pfano. rurnltare and lot-s-dln-tance hauling a euecialty. O. A W. truck Service Co., 40 2d at. Phone Bdwy. 5121 FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, partly fur nished. Spac; tor car. Call Multnomah - hotel, A. B. Carpenter. SIX-ROOM house, $25 mouth. Call 3 to 5 530 Flanders st. 6-ROOM modern, $35 ; furnace, cement basement. 701 1st. cor. Meade. 3i!-oi. 5-ROOM house, 047 Belmont st., rent $27, Including water. Main 7618. 6-ROOM bungalow, Richmond district. $25, Sell wood 2010. Furnished houses. 10-ROOM house, completely furnished for four families; two bathrooms, furnace, , Tiieo corner lot 35x1 00. weft side, walk . - ing distance; price $6250. East 166H. 2 LA RGE rooms and bath, upper f la t, prtrtlv furnished. Inuuire 543 15. 17th st. "R. M." car. Rent $16; no chil d ren. 2-ROOM furnished house, yard, ket, near 16th st. 527 Mar- 7-ROOM house for rent, J 40 ; mahogany and oak furniture fur tfalu. 00 N. iOLh. FOR RENT. Funiwhed HiMuei, 7-ROOM strictly modern bungalow with all built-inM, partly furnished; garage: $55 per mo. Hawthorne Realtv Co 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. S-ROOM furnished house, suitable for two families. 767 Kelly st., $60; 1-year lease. Frank L. McGuire, Main 1068. Summer Resorts. GEARHART. very desirable, modern 8-room hou.e, sleeping porch and bath, completely fur nished; facing golf links. Rent for June, Julv and August. Open for in spection for next 10 days. A. H. Birrell Co., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar.- 4114. MacLEAN'S CAM P, O SWE G O LAKE. Cottages now being rented for the season; reached from Oswego station on 4th st. Red Electric line. MacLean, 514 Lewis bldg. Phones Main 4272 and Oswego 4;; l. LAKB GROVE. Oswego lake 3-room cot- iase ior rent; some rurniture ior sale. Inquire 401 Corbett bldg.. 10-12 A. M. NEAH-K AH-NIE MT. BEACH Complete ly furnished modern cottage; beautiful view; fireplace. Main 4057. FOR rent or sale two houses on 00x100 $2250. Main 5404. lot, ocean view; Stores. STORES FOR RENT. Largo store on Washington st. and three stores fronting Bufcn side st. in Hotel Carlton bldg., 14th and Washington. INQUIRE HOTEL CARLTON. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. Grocery stock and fixtures. 4 modern living rooms with bath, on good corner. Rent $28, including two scores and liv ing rooms. Good place for man and wife. Want an ofer. Must get away. Phone Tabor 360. SECOND floor of 40x100 frame building at obth st. and roster road; plastered walls, hardwood floor, clean and light; 2 toilets. $30 month. A. C. Curnow, Sellwood 2S42. FOR RENT. 30x50 store room, wonderful location; new building. Phone Bdwy. 41K4. SALESROOM for rent, 30x50, In new building; city a best location. Call Bdwy. 4194. LARGE storeroom, 52d and, Sandy Blvd., S17.oO pr month. Mar. 5. 25 STORE, west side, close in, 23xfl4 feet Tabor 1114. TWO STORES. 25 Bnd 27 N. Orand ave. Apply to F. A. Ballin. Fast 8G6O. Offices. OFFICES FOR RENT. Nicely finished, right outside offices with northern exposure in a modern and centrally located office building. Offices mav be rented furnished or ifnfurniahed. Rent Includes telephone, office service and waiting room. 70S WILCOX BUILDING. Sixth and Washington Sta. LA RGE. light down-town loft snace. ar month, or with stenographer, phone, etc.. $50 month. Secord & Stusser, 123i First st.. Portland. OFFICE for rent; furniture for sale; real fiitie omce; goou location. 13y2 Haw thorne ave. DANDY furnished office adjoining attor ney, snare stenographer and phone. 200 Stock Exchange. TO LET Office and window space, sround floor. 102 2d st- Broadway 1S7C. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GAR AG E S X A P. Best buy in city: stand fullest Inves tigation ; getting full value for money; $4000, some terras. Room 511 Railway Exchange. CONFECTIONERY for sale-, good stock mm ux cures, o living rooms, right be side moving picture show; poor health reason for selling: price $1650. C C. Cain. 6517 Foster road. CIGARS AND CO X FECT1 ONER Y Doing $4i day, cash trade: rent, $ month. Price $25t for fixtures and Invoice stock. Room 511 Railway Ex change. To buy or sell a business of ANY KIND ANYWHERE Set A. J. DeForest & Co., 820-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. WANTED A partner with $2500 cash to learn business ind half interest; a fcoing concern. No trifiers or agents. O 267, Ore Ionian. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT. $1000 cash will handle lunch counter doing $S5 business day; rent $45. Room 511 Railway Exchange. WANTED Partner in established busi ness: $3500 required: money secured at all times. This is an opportunity. A 263. Oregon tan. GOOD double store rfm. suitable for butcher or bakery shop; payroll district west side; good Inducement to live man. JOHNSON, 248 Stark St. AUTOMOBILE accessory store, downtown, established location, with vulcanizing plant. CHAS, RINGLFR & CO., 225 Henry bldg. WOOD AND COAL. A solid business for sale at invoice: established long time: net profits $60ool year. Koom -tin ucKutn nidg. HERE IT S. $250 Grocery, good location; 2 living rooms ; this is sure some buy ; must let po. See Morris. 423-22 Henry bldg. BARBER shop for sale; 2 white chairs, nicely furnished, with living rooms in rcir; must sell on account of health ; reasonable, price. 16!V 21st st. North. FOR SALE Reasonable If taken at once, light lunch and confectionery, well !o- cated, doing good business. 0t Lyon st.. Albany, Or. $1250 BUYS ONE OF THE BEST, cleanest .grocery and lunch rooms in the city; good place. - NORD, 200 Henry Bid. BAKERY, $sv. terms; doing better than $1000 a month retail: can also do whole sale. Brick oven. ..00-loaf capacity ; no ng-nts wanted. C 204, Oregonian. A CASH and carry grocery for sale at what it w ill act ually invoice ;. no blue sky; net profits $250 month; trial given. Room 401 Dekum bldg. AUTO repair shop for rent: finest location; plentv of work. Armature Electric Works, 540 AIder. Broadway 2 2 '.Hi. RESTAURANT doing $30 per day. will s-Il or rerit cheap. See proprietor. 104 ' Philadetph ia. or call Columbia 450. GA R .a GE and repair shop ; eel 1 gas, oils, tires, etc. ; 10-ca r storage ; profits $600 month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PICTURE theater for sale: splendid bar gain and opportunity ; building leased. Com-e to Liberty theater. Roseburg. Or. PARTY with Fome capital in established auto business: a good proposition for the right man. 202 McKay bldg. MOUNT TABOR meat market. 60 E. Stark Must be sold right away. Bargain, Cal. Tabor SS5I. RESTAUR A NT for sale, takes in from $75 to $100 per day, rent $45. Call 291 1st St. CLKAMN6 and pressing business on Broadway, $150. Gray, with Interstate Land Co.. 24N Stark St. FOR SALE Restaurant on Wash. st.. $600. Owner, linwy. tP4,.. room a u 6 - NICE dairy farm close in. Call evenings, Main t:m 1 , or 4 1 -i i oiiege ft. AlOe.. IM AkOT 6bixicVLL) 51'SFNESa OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY. - $1000 East Bide location; rent $20; 5 living rooms can be had upstairs; very neat place. ' CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH. Rent $15; good location; $300. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. Good transient street, corner location; one living room and bath; rent $35; re ceipts $ou to $loo per .day; $2750. POOL AND CONFECTIONERY. Suburban location. 3 tables, a full line of confectionery. Don't pass this up if you w&nt a business; $1500. DRY GOODS -AND FURNISHINGS. Good location; rent $30: this is an In voice proposition, about $500 in a41. If you want a good clear business, look this over. BAKERY AND GROCERIES. Was bin n-t on street location ; rent $40: receipts $40 and better per day; $1250 takts everything. GROCERY. Suburban location ; rent $10; one liv ing room; $1400 takes this. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Rent $20; 2 living rooms, corner loca tion, busy street; $1600. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Near big mill; 4 living rooms; rent $25; receipts $40 and up. This is a dandy Jocation. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. DON'T answer unless yea mean easi ness. An unusually Rood opportun ity for a wiae-awake fcardwaie man with around $50,000 to buy a good going business, hardware stuck and. ieaieaold tr.o real eiate in tu best location in the beat city ipr-s-ent and future) on the Pacific coast with a large territory tnOu-ta-y, partly dcveiopt J. Will bear the closest examination, Addret AV 652, ureonian. root, halls: A Swell Bliicft. nn-rrt.dntA fWtr- clearing $500 per month; invoice about $4ouo. A real pool hall, corner brick, up to u.Le, a ior iooi; $i0i0 will han die. vv e are able to put you In touch with several goou pool haiig outride oi Port laud, making money, and snaps; wiih KLLIABLE INVESTMENT CO, 305 Oak St. $350 10-ROOM transient house. $3 700 15-room boarding house. $000 12 rooms, part huusekeenin? $3500 $2ooo casn, 38 rooms, mostly housekeeping. $ltk0 14 housekeeping apartments. COOVER & HOIJiIAN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg., 3d and Washington. 1VU THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH Jii.rx win put you m immediate pui session of a paying newspaper in a live Luwn near me city t i win aiis, lUuno, - Qii lance, $ luoo, on time; prmter, eu.tor and Doy can run it; linoype. cylinder ana p.aien presses ; electric power ; cast receipts $45y to $501 every month. Ad dress A V 763. Oregon ian. $lOOO WILL HANDLE THIS 6ROCUKI' STOKE. WILL INVOICE ABOUT $2000. We are able to fhow you a cash-and- carry store, making money and will in voice about $2imi; pay $1000 down and we win wait lor balance RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3tC Oak St. MILK DISTRIBUTING PLANT. Pasteurizing and distributing milk plant and routes; modern equipped pay- in uustness; live town near Portland with about 2o,0oo population ; price $85o0. Further inf ormittion. address 326 Last 43d st. Plume Tabor 5a.ii; ai ter P. M.. Portland. HAVE opening for young man of good btanuing wno win invest $1000; tills in vestment will draw salary and fcood in terest and stand the fullest investigation must be willing to be away from Port land part ol the time. Answer, trivine age. phone number and re! erenctMS for appointment. c 244, Oregonlan. NEW 23-ton Indiana truck and busi ness lor sale; road is mostly paved, bal. wiiiiin htoui o mo. i nis is . good line and a well-established busi ness. Faying at present about $700 pe month. Can be increased, but owner can not run truck and' fu.rm too. S. iJ. Shopi, ueer xstana. cregon. START A CARNIVAL Merry-go-round complete ana ocean wave ; f irst-cia condition mechanically aud otherwise -newly painted; good buy. Both rid for $34100 cash. Come and see It, be twecn 24th and 25th on Thurman st. oee bnoemaKer, on grounds. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. Grocery stock and fixtures. 4 modern living rooms with bath, on good corner. item inciuuing two stores and liv ing rooms. Good place for man and wife. Want an offer. Must get away. Phone Tabor 360. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP, clearing $0O per week profit; $15 rent: can get ft years lease. We have several others that are bargains. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3Q5 Oak St. MUST sacrifice on account of poor health my t-tore in the heart of the Portland business district; Jong lease: fixtures, iTn-rchandice for less than half of its value. Dig ulre B 248, Oregonian. WOULD like to dispose of my phonograph business, established 4 years ; eootl busi ness: can be investigated; good district. Sell at invoice. H ave im .iunk. Write F. G.. general delivery. ' PortJ and. Or. HALF INTEREST in an established busi ness with good income. $2500 cash- re quired and must be a live young hustler. C 254, Oregonian. A REAL CASH GROCERY. Clean stock, good loca iioii, 3 living rooms, cheap rent, lease ; fixtures $450 ; stock at invoiee. about $1 500. B. M Price & Co., 2u Henry bids- WANTED Clean-cut young man and wife, not over 30 year?, with $3oou to invest in gilt-edge business as outside man; good future; must act quick. G 263, ore gonian. GAS AND OIL STATION. Located- on buy street. Sell gas. oils, tires and vulcanizing; clears $300 month. Room 401 D'-kum bldg. DANCE" HALL lease foV sate; dandy floor, well lorated. Some fixtures. 322 Fail- I ins bldg., 3d and Washington ids. RESTAURANT lor t-ale. Apply week days at 25 2d st. nar Madison. Or Sunday phone East T0i5 FOR SALS Variety store at invoiee. about $:;0oo; established ten yearn, $20 rent. F. Corl ss. SO KiHtiigsworth. ROTKL 1 5 rooms, all full, board ; rent $25. .Hotel ouyton, amas. v nan., price reasonable. 255, Oregonian. FOR SALE A good gonlg hotel in indus trial center; a real bargain if taken at once. Easy terms. Col. 652. CONFECTIONERY, cigar store; will Pac rlfiee for good reasons. Owner, Stark at Wcs t Park. W A NTKD Party to take established stale agency for automobile. G 240. Oregonian. I F Y3U want to get into business, See Nord, 200 Henry Bldg. THE OROCBRT for you. rent free; stock and fixtures. $S00. AE 402. Oregonian. rr CAM X" mm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. lOnO BUYS west side confectionery on 3d street. . $3500v buys west side confectionery. present owner has run this for eight years; come and see this; it is a good j one. ! OTtorEftY. 1 $H00 buys the best cash grocery in the city, close to good school, four good living rooms and bath, rent only $30. $2500. or will invoice good cash gro cery with six-room flat. $5500 buys country grocery. Including building and lot lOOxldO. good terms. MEAT VI A K k" V T $2200. enod WphI kwIo m.ot mirbat onH Invoice stock. I TIRR SHOP $3500. one of the best equipped tire shops, also agency for the Gates double mileage tires, or will exchange for cash trocerv. RESTAURANT. J $20n On account of sickness will sell my restaurant worth $400. $950 buys 12 stools and 6 tables, do ing a good business. N E W LISTING IN A G ROCERY. $40O buys cash grocery, no fixtures to buy; they all go with the rent; four liv ing rooms and a good lease for 20 months. See this at once. A PLEASURE to STIOW ANY OF THE A DOVE. AUTO AT YOUR aERV ICjJ. BROWN & BIDDLK, 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Marshall 3331. ONLY jewelry store in Wheeler county. located in county seat, with four other towns to d rSjw irora ; exceptional open ing for watchmaker and optician ; no competition In either line; will invoice about $30uO; must sell, as I have other business that will demand al! my time after July l. See Mr. Bium&u in Tele Phone LJdg. or cal; Main 874 after Q P. M. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE. A rare opportunity for a safe Invest ment w-ith good returns, along very con servative lines. Thorough investigation will convince you. If you do not moan business and also have the required amount of S50O in cash, do not answer. Employment with good salury if desired with the investment. AO S6, Oregonian. GO I NO EAST. Must sacrifice neatest "little suburban grocery in the city. Pleasant livimr-rooms in connection ; full lot. If you have $20i can get bargain. - See Mrs. AI baugh, J. KOBBINS. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 703T. $650 G A RAGE : nood location : nlentv work lor two live men; can use Ford ad part payment. $32S0: choice location raraee and fil ing station doing $1400 business per muain; muse sen., uray, witn INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark Street. MONEY MAKER. Garage for sale, best location In town of 10,000 people, 3-year lease; $1000 will r.anaie. Agency tor 2 cars il wanted. Call Wdln. 1284. f ARE JfOU THE MAN who can" qualify to acr as distributor ior nw and standard lines of auto ac cessories for state of Oregon 7 This in a real business proposition. If interested and able to handie, address or call room 14, wasnington hotel. CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Good east sid corner, cheap rent, very nttle competition. You can always do ousiness at this place: some terms if de- eiraa. i nis is not Junk but" a dandy store. ftione labor et. No agents. GAR A GE PAR T NE R WAN T E 17 An experienced ra.ra.ce mnn Wfnts reliable partner; have 10x 100 concrete 1 garage; a long lease. Soil gas. oils, tires, auto accessories, storage and auto repairing; profits $350 month for each partner. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. $10,000 WANTED MFG. PLANT. SAFE INVESTMENT. -BIG- RETURNS. Healthy, growing business, staple goods, arsires to increase woraing capital. CHAS. RIXGLEU & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE by owner. established vulcan izing business; will keep two men busv $750; some terms if desired. Don't answer unless you mean business as want to leave town and desire to close out as soon as possible. AH 4uS. Orefio nian. BIOGEST BARGAIN IN PORTiIaNdT" Grocery stock and fixtures - 4 modern living rooms with bath, on arood corner. Kent $28, including two stores and liv ing rooms. oou place ior man and wite. want an oiler. Must get away f none labor 3Wi. MERCHANDISE store, poetoffice In con nection, netting $6000 year; groceries, narawar and dry goods: 2-story but Id ing, newly painted: doing fine business filling station. On account of death in family . will sacrifice. jOO for all easy terms. Mr. M i IJcrship. Alder hotel CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Grocery, con feet Ion erv and light lunch : brick building, rent $30; lease can be hud; good stock and good bust nesrs; cash register and all goes for $6O0. NORD. 20 Henry Bldg. OWNER has reduced price for quick sale. Kestuarant running i.o per day lo- cated on Fourth street, near S. P. depot lease for 2 years. Owner going to Cali fornia, v or more Information call 404 Couch bldg. PARTNER IN COUNTRY GARAGE. Ow tier of bfg- money-making garage wants a goou man as partner; reier- enees given and required : prefer bust n ess man ; investment $50'k required Call 511 Railway Exchange. $4,-.pn GROCERY, good location, estab lished business; owner selling account health. CtlAS. kisglkk & CO., 225, Henry bldg. CONTRACT for state of Oregon and five of the best counties In Idaho, on a popu lar priced 4-ey Under car; one of the best showrooms in Portland, $75 month rent; 7ono cash will handle. No agents. AII4!0, Oregonian. GROCERY and feed store, doing good business; rent $15 per. with 3 living rooms, elee.t ric I ight and gas, water ; stiM'k, fixtures and scales for quick sale, $1050; terms. Mr. Millership, Aider hotel. M ain 5275. DOWNTOWN POOL ROOM, good soda founta in and cigar cases : 2-year lease, low rent. $1 5on cash will handle. COOVER & HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. FIRST-CLASS restaurant, doing nice busi ness, five-year lease, to trade for farm or other real estate of equal value. Own ers hav other in terest s. Apply Bishop Bros., 124 North 5th street. W A NTKD, with some business experience zto take half interest in a growing business; work very interesting; some enf-h will be required. Harper, 422-25 Henry bldg. " $2200 O ROCERY tock and fixtures. 4 modern living rooms, good corner, rent for 2 stores and living room, including garage, $28 per month. Will take vacant tot or small car up to $S00. Tabor 3tW. RESTAURANTS REAL SNAPS. If you want a restaurant- from $600 p, all in good locat Ions, pee us. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate busmesi get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1902 m 30-ROOM hotel, never listed before: mod ern, good furniture and fine location ; taking in $70 per mo.; $4000 handles this on". , NORD. 2O0 Henry Bldg. HANDY man with ?500 can buy half in terest in auto repair business vtth a mechanic. Room 401 Dekum bldg. POLLY AND HER PALS 75 K' .4 OPT DTTt. 7 raop Taunt maggik isvt foolixu pa bv BUSINESS OFl'OBTtMTlES. FOR SALE Gasoline service station on main business street of Hoquiam, city of 1O.0O0; rent $20 a month; will take about $3000 to handle. Traces or agents not considered. Address J. F. Murphy, Ho quiam, Wash. FIRST-CLASS restaurant for sale, doin good business; 3 years' lease; brand new furnace; saloon ba"r; $50 rent per month. Pays from $75 to $100 per day. Have 2 places and can handle only one so must sell. CallEatt 20. i5 Grand ave. STOCK tires apd accessories. $700 cash; worth more. Will sell vulcanizing equip ment, or you can rent, including heat, light, phone, water, etc.. Tor only $35 month. Good location. Season Just opening. B 241, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED. A reliable man with $'.too can buy in a well located garage with a good me chanic for a partner; want you to sell the gas. oils, tires and be generally useful. Calt room 401 Dekum bldg. BiittinesA Oiporfjnitle anted. WANTED Location for shingle mlU; give amount of timber, price per M, ac cessibility. Address W. A. Thompson, Milwaukie. Or. MAKING a trip from Portland to Detroit, licn., oy auto; going southern route, re turning northern route ; would consider advertising or other lines. East 5301 WANTED Lady with $lO0O to purchase rooming nouse; have had experience. 260. Oregonian. FOR RENT Hotel, ro rooms ; will lease Kenneth Robertson, for term of years. 413 Corbett. WANTED From owner, good confection ery or grocery, for cash. AL 498, Ore gonian. I AM In the market for a garage in small tow n. ti oO. uregonian. Storks and Bonds. FOR SALE 25 shares of American Lifeo- graph stock for $475. AV 612, Ore gonian. Hotels and Rooming tvou. APARTMENT HOUSE. The furnishings and furniture, mostly new, of good quality, with 2 -year lease, of an apartment house; nine apartments, located on west side, in iigh-class apart ment house district, catering to high class trade, close in. Price 52R50 cash. H. J. Driscoll. 1205 Wilcox bldg. Mam 6416, East 5S60. FOR SALE OR TRADE. PRICK $1350. Will trade my $S50 equity on furniture of 16 housekeeping rooms for lots or acre age, bal $4o per month ; rent $40 per mo.: house clear $so per mo.; can be made to clear 10O and own 3-room apts. free. Call after 3 P. M 320 4th st. By owner. HOTEL FOR SALE. SO-room hotel In thriving eastern Ore gon town on the state highway through Pendleton, La Grande. Bauer, Hunting ton and south Idaho points; owner sac rificing because of other affairs. The ground, buildings and complete equip ment for 50O0. H, J. Driessel, 120$ Wilcox bldg v DOWN TOWN. HOTEL. 34 rooms, modern, excellent furniture, net Income over $150 per-month, lease; $6000 ca.-h win handle COOVER & HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing liidg.. 3d and Washington Stir. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, tee F. RIKKOOX. WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 503-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 70- ROOM modern, fireproof apartment; good lease, net income $4o0. besides ept. for owner. This is the bnst bargain In Portland of this kind. Would consider bungalow iu exchange for part. See Mrs. Albaugh, J. ROB BINS. SOI -302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. FOR SALE Brick building and fixtures, part leased to drugstore, at $25 per month ; balance miiinery shop, for sa ie, with building: only millinery, good town 30 miles south of Portland. Char.es Anderson, Secretary Commercial club, . Dayton, Or. APARTMENT houses from 0 rooms to 50. If you want a real buy on the west side In walking distance with terms, see us and we can show you bargains from $lo0O up. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. SEE US. We have some good buys Jn note's, apartment and rooming houses; splendid income and good leases. See Mrs. Al baugh. J. BOBBINS, 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. PAYING HOTEL. 32-room hotel, brick building, steam heat. This place must go and price is not inflated. See Mrs. Albaugh, J. KOBBINS. 301-302 Railway -Exchange. Main 7031 b LKMTLRK 7 to 10 rooms, arranged to sublet; rooms enouich to make nuiri in come and have pleasant home with fine yara ior owner. mp Mrs. Albuagh, J. ROC BINS. 301-32 Railway Exch. Main 7931 BAKERY doing good business, retail trade only ; soda foun tain, t onf ectionery and 4 j i grit groceries in connect ion. Best rea son Tor selling. Will sdi in a lump or invoice. For further particulars call 776 Williams ave. 12 LIGHT H. K. ROOMS. GOOD FURNI TURE. Rent, $:y; $625 handles; this. Income. $124. NORD, 20O Henry Btdg. YOU R OWN APT. AND $400 CLEAR. Corner brick build ing, 55 rooms, mostly apt., rent $150, lease, $3500; terms. MRS. THOMSON. 020-21 Henry Bldg. 10-ROOM house, completely furnished for four tamllies. two bathrooms, furnaee, nice corner lot 35x1 00, west hide, walk ing dista rice, good Income; price $0250 Kadt 100K $650 WILL handle 12 rooms, all upts., rent $35; lease if desired: nice corner, all on one f ioor ; clears $S0 besides apt ; price $1100. MRS. THOMSON, 020-21 Henry Bldg. 2 ROOMS H. K.. $17 half "cash ;" leased at $40; would take auto in trade. This is a good buy. NORD. 200 Henry Bldg. 11 H. K. ROOMS, close in: c!an. modern: good furniture: an attract ve proposi tion ; nice living rooms. Barney J ohn son & Co.. 170 loth st. $1650 WITH trms; well furnished modern lO-room housekeeping; rent $45 with lease: net IncoirrV $115. Phone Main 2530 for appointment. ROOMING HOUSE. R rooms, rinse In. wps( Fid; fine ysrd. furniture good, rent $25; four rooms rented for $75. ' Best buy in city, $5O0. Phono Main 2stV. mELLH TN NEW LOO AT TON. Have a good list of room in houses that are good bus. Call at 260 Broadway. E. D. WelN. 24-ROO.f, shipard district, all housekeep ing, rent $23, income $to, net $1000, half cash. J. EUGENE HEDGER. 171 Wr. PARK. 20 H. K. ROOMS. dos in; alwas full; modern; a fair offer will be considered. Barney Johns-on & Co.. 170 10th- &t. MRS. M. E. LENT. Hotel and apartmcnt-hous broker. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. XA ROE cornw. 8 rooms, new oak furni ture. bras-3 beds, good carpels at bargain. 05 N. 16thsu Bdwy. 4465, evenings. SEE ME FOR BARGAINS. LIST WITH ME FOR QUICK RESULTS J. EUGENE HEDGER. 171 W. PA RK. 10-ROOM H. K. by 5 223 evenings. owner. Phone Main Cpyrtgb. 192Q, hy Wwcypr F twt St-ncm, Inc, Great cliff stkrkett. n flPp mljk BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSES. 4-room apartment house, close in, west si le; very low rent; good furniture; net income $400; price $3750; terms; bargain. 20-room H. K. house; fine location, good furniture, low rent; price $2100; jood terms; bargain. 13-room rooming house cl-oe to li brary; good furniture, low rent; price $13.'.o, terms. 5 -room flat, fine location; rent $2. .50; price $550. O. F. ANDERSON, Successor to Wells & Anderson, 163 West Park St. 0 JS50 8 H. K. rooms, extra well fur nished; good location; pome terms. $65o for quick sale. 10 H. K. rooms, clos in : rent $50: always full. s.-x-nii 4 rooms '2 stores below: close in. corner; rent $100; income $400; well furnished. $ lo.'.O 11 rooms, heart city; rent $-0. This 1h a good buy; have to leave city. MiiS Hoi man, with HARPER & MORRIS, 422-23 Henry Bldg FOR best bargains in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 034 Cham, of Com, bldg. SPECIAL NOTIC E5. Proposals Invite a. CALL FOR BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Notice isiereoy given that sealed pro posals will be received by the under signed until & o'clock P. M. on Monday, the 24th day of Ma, A. D., 1020. for the construction of certain improvements in the village of Cottonwood. Idaho county, state of Idaho, the quantities of such improvement;, consisting of approx imately : 5.5o0 lineal feet of rtrcet curb, 55.000 square feet of sidewalk. 24.7O0 bqiiar yards of macadam pave ment. 19,300 square yards of concrete or bltu liihic pavement. 2.0OO lineal teet of storm sewer. 5 catch basins. 400 cubic yarus of mass concrete. A n4 til vnrilu nf fMVkllnn. The work shall be done in accordance witii th nluim ami nei' I f ica t ion a. pro files and other data approved by the viliage council and now on file with the cierk of the village of Cottonwood and the Northwestern Engineering & ou -t r-nr-f iiirt nu-n rf thu 1'itV of Ie WIS ton. Idaho. Reference is hereby made for more specific Information concerning T li . nattirp t" th work. Bids shall be made upon the unit sys tem so that the uoard may let the said work, either in portion or as a whole to I h lowest resuonsihle bidder. A 11 bidders are required to bid separately on a basis of cash payment and on Kn cia na viutmr in bnuds of said 1 provement district No. 3 of the vil.ase of Cottonwood, which bonds wtil be ac cepted at par value. Each bid shall b nrnm na med bv a certified check in the amount of $5000 to be forfeited to the village of Cottonwood as due ana liquidated damages if the successful bidder shall fail to comply with his contract after acceptance thereof by the village. Tne board reserves the right to reject any nnd all bids. , All bids must be made on a bidders blank which will be supplied on applica tion to either the clerk of the board or the Northwestern Engineering & con struction company. Lewis-ton, Idaho, and placed in sealed envelope. plain ty marked on the outside : 'Bid for the construction of improvements in the vil lage of Cottonwood, Idaho." All checks shall be mare payable to the village of Cottonwooa. Given bv order of the board of village trustees of the village of Cottonwood. Idaho, this 3d day of May. A. D.. 1920. M. M. BELKNAP. Clerk of the village of Cottonwood, Idaho county. Idaho. Date of first publication. May P. 1920. MiHcrmneoiis. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. WHEREAS, it is hereby mutually agreed to dissolve the partnership now ex isting under the style and firm name of Wells & Anderson, real estate and room ing house' brokers. 163 West Park St.. Portland. Or., as all accounts have been paid and books closed. O. K. ANDERSON will conduct said business hereafter on his own account, E. D. Wells retiring. Dated this 12th day of May. A. D. 1020. Signcd O. F. ANDERSON. K. D. WELLS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of May, A. D. 1020. C1IAS. R- SCOTT. (Notarial SrI) Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expire Feb. 2, 1024. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Black folding rhe. k book on First National bank, containing deposit book with name of Mrs. Li Mav Clark and 5o in currency. Tabor 477. 0710 U2d Ft.' S. E. Reward. ' L 'T Oent's gold watch. Monday, AJ berta district. Return to Rex L. Walker. 720 Alberta st . Phone Woodlawa 1768. Receive reward. LOST A basket containing a bathing suit, towel, cap and a jersey sweater, on Johnson st., between 10th and 20th. Finder please call Marshall 335. LOST teeth replaced without pain by the nerve-blocking method. Dr. A. W. Keene. Dr. E. H. Prehn. Mn jestle Theater bldg. 351 Washington. FOUND Soldier's kit marked "James Lar son, Oregon." containing valuables. Found on California highway. Apply Red Cross, 623 Worcester bidg. LOST String of pearl bnds between Multnomah hotel and Market st.: valued as k-psxike from sou: reward. 530 Mar ket or Tel. Marshall 12!. LOST On Walker road, handbug contain ing check and monv; owner's name in side.; reward if returned to Mrs. E. E. B'-rst, Beaverton, Or... R. 2, box 39. LOST A gold watch with a pin attached, in business district. bet. Washington and M orrison bts. Reward. Leave at (regonian office. LoST Brown coat, between 14th and Mill and D. C. Burns: letter in pocket ad dresed E. O. Short. Please return or notify I. C. Burns. 20S 3d. Reward. LOST Purse containing money and pur chase charge !!. H. Rue. 555 Sumner . Lioerdl rew ard. Phone Wood lawn Wt2. . CALL WOODLAWN 3017 acain this eve. or later; will meet terms as 1 must have my grip. LOST Di-unon 1 and star setting from l:clyB ring. b?twee:i Bank.- and Seofield, May 7. Reward. T 2s;;. Oregonian. L 'ST Eyeglasses in vicinity of 6th and Wash Ington. Find er return to 310 W il cox bidg. and receive reward. LoST Large gray chiffon scarf, in or tiar liellic theater. Reward. Phone Mrs. George Parrhh. Marshall 6070. LOJST ca meo ring In Division 1 i home or La 11 re! hurst district. Phono Tabor JO'.H. t.. Ha Tv Reward. LOST Black su itca. bet w en 31th and Division and hast trh and llolladay. Re ward. Phone Automatic 311-01. Lost Bunch of keys, in or -nrar C. S. church. E. llolladay, Wednesday. Cail East 1710. Mrs. Hollls-ter. Reward. LOST A GOLD WACTI AND CHAIN REWARD FOR FIND ER. CALL MAIN 775 OR CARE OREGONIAN. For N D Man's o v e rc o r t. 43d st. Call East 170. and LOST Knight Tern p la r charm. Reward. Dr. J. L. Ilill. Mallory hotel. FO UN D Wednesday. .Main 5S13. gentleman's, watch. -prooch. sapphire and diamond set Reward. Tabor 4058. j LOST About 12 keys on ring. East 4S4 In evening. Reward. Brftitm rifhu ftwrtfj. utn i rr y- LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on the cars of the P. R., L.4 & P. Co.. May 12 : 2 purses, fountain pen. car tickets, bunch keys, 1 key. 3 pr. gloves, box, 7 packages, saw, axe. brae and bit, birdcage, baby carriage, umbrel la. suitcase 4 lunch boxes. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Aider sts. LOST Sume where between Portland and Vancouver, one journ:-l account book about 8x16x1: has blanket and wool batt account in same with various firms in the northwest. Liberal reward for re turn to John P. Wilbur, 735 E. 57th X. Tabor 1913. LOST Saturday, May 7, in down-town illstrint. on black book, pocket foMer memorandum book and three greenbacks and one note inclosed in inside pocket. Note Inclosed in separate envelope. Kind er please telephone Tabor 2O50 and re ceive reward. L7ST $0 in $20 bills, with huneh of kevs, wrapped in old nana Keren im . ne tween 1022 Vernon avenue and 54M Yam hill, on street or street car, Alberta or D. and M., by elderly working woman. Finder please call Wood lawn 42.2, re ceive reward. LOST Small brown fur with srreen lining on road to Chapman. Or., net ween the first and second bridges crossing the Scappoo.se creek after descending the long hilt. Reward. Phone Main fclSO or call 620 Henry bldg IF PARTY -who took purse from room in U. S. National Bank bldg. V ed. alter- noon will return jewelry a liberal reward will be paid and no questions aked. Re turn to ;43 Hawthorne ave. or phone Tabor 71 04. FOUND Between Vancouver and La Cen ter, one suitcase containing lady's cloth ing and nurse's equipment. owner may have same by pa ing for this ad and notifying the St. John Motor Co., Kelso, WaslL LOST Gold brooch, with blue enameled flower. Finder p lease phone Woodiawn 170; reward. LOST A muff in Columbia thcaur Sun day nigh t. Finder p'.euse cat I ltd wy. 521 or del. to IrtTO E. Main. Reward. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH TIIE MONKV. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A: MORTGAGE CO., 2oS SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts ou real e.-ta;e in a.-hiiiRion, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumhermeus bldg. Wi BUY first and second mortgages and eellers contracts. F. E. Bowmau & Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Liau on Real Kfdute. RESIDENCE LOANS. 64 per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period You may pay $10u or any mul tiple thereof account principal, semi annually and reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 00 per cent value house and lot at 6V to 7 per cent. You pay one half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you pay $lo monthly and interest. You have privilege of paying J 100 or any multiple thereof montiiiv. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five to ten-year period: 54 and 6 par cent. Same rcpavment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main b3uS. Suite 407 Vtoa Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, uc tor unprove-mc-n t purposes. The est and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment p. an. $32.26 per mouth tor ;i0 months, or $-1.2 per month for 60 months, or $15. 17 per month for 06 months pays a loan of $l0oo and interest. Loan o other auiouuLi in same pro portion. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE- SAVINGS At LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stariy St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO B KO KF RA' i K. LOWEST RA 1 ES. City or farm. Liberal repayment priv ileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPAN i 91 Third Street. Main 3067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce B.ug. M O RTG AG E LO A N S. Any amount, low rates, promptly doted. Attractive repay ing pri vilege, A. H. li IKUKlL CO.. 217 Morthwtbteru Lank li 1 d 3. Marsnali 4114. . A 4118. FA KM LOANS. Insurance com pany money to loan at lowest current rates on Wiilamet ie vai lev farms; no com miM-;oii ; 110 dclavs. DI VKKEAUX MoKTGAG E CoMPAN V, b7 Sixth S;., Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PRoPLKTV. 5':, PER CLN V, 6 PER CENT. 7 i'LU CLNT. L'.Nlu.N ABSTRACT CO., 84 TU ST., HENRY BLUG. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of Interest. OTTO & HAH K SON REALTY CO 413 Chambrr of Commerte LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our ovn money on real c&late. 1st and 2d mortgaKcs. contracts, live stock, notes, etc. F. E. Bov man & Co 210 Cham ber Com. 51 a 1 11 3U20. $l0O, $5o0. $100, $01. $10110, $12u0. $150U. $2000 and up, lowest rate j, tjutK action; pay oit $luO or more at any interest date Gordon Mortgage Co., 63 1 ' 'I: am ber of Commerce b.ug. Alain 13V0. MONKV TO LOAN. On improved eiiy property and also im proved farm property. t.'unent rates. W M. MacM ASTLJiS. 3:il U. S." National B.tnK Bidg. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city suburban and laims. Bunding loans a specialty. WILLIAM O. BECK, 215-216 K A 1 LI NG BLDG.. THIRD AND W ASHINGTON. BUILDING and moragage loans on im proved p;'i,p-rt y ; pro in pt service. low rates, l'acif ic Building Ae Loan Associa tion. 1333 Northwestern Bank Biug Main 20S. MORTGAGE. LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaing privileges; no ron. niis.sum or delay. THK OREGON MORTGAGE Co.. LTD SUU Piatt Bldg. Main 537 1. CIT V AN L FA R M L( ANS. No Delay. No Demy. No Ioliv. $1000, $1500. $2tHo. $:;uoi and l i1. We ! oh n our monvy on rea i ck t .it F. H. DESHON. d5 CHAM OF Ci.'M $500, $10o0 AND upward on improved rea estate; favorable term:: no iela ; r;o brokerage. John Bain. 5117 Spalding bldg J..tnt. $4O0. $.".fMj, $750, $10oi AND U P; 'To rate; vjuick action. Fred W. German Co. . 732 Cham, of Com. Main 611 5. PRlVATli party has $llou to loan on im proved Port !ji nJ propr-rty ; not too lar out. Cn.1! 2H5'-j Larrah"- ft. SEE OREGON InV. c MORTGAGE Co7. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 nnd 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co.. 40S Selling bldg. MONEY on farm and improved c'ty prop- erty. K. K.Baxter, 1203 Spalding bidg Money t I -oiin Chattel and Salaries. MONEY o loan on diamonds. Jewelry, leeai Yates. M art icies held a yea r: etah lished Dn Marx & Co.. 2S3 Wah GEO HARVEY Loans monev on house hold goods, legal rates. Tabor 3S06 HATHAWAY Loans on p atios and furni ture; lecal rates. 208 Washington bldg f 2752 7 0 FIN AN CIA I. Money to Loan (lmtleis and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BU31 NESS MEj TO PROTECT BORROWERS. LOANS MAD S3 ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, PIANOS, VIC TROLA3, LIBERTY BONDS AST FUR? NITURE, S04 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONET AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SKUYICEt OU CAN GET if TODAY. LOANS M AD & ON AUTOMOBILES. FL K-MTUKE. PIANOS, MCXiol.AS. RiiAL ESTATE, BuXDs, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or turnuure contracts, we will puy theiu up and advance you more moiw-y it needed. We muko a epecia-iy ol these loans, and leave, the security la your possession and you caa repay as la maH moitihiy payments. ALSO WE MA tvl SALARY LOANS to ba..ar;ed peop.tt, on titcir om a cote. Kates reaaonao.e. Private oflicca. A..1 business mc'.Iy conLdenaa.. Portland uja.n company L1CL.SED.) 30(1-307 Dekum btus. Marshall 32vSa. S. V. cor, ilui d and Wafahiuglon. ALAR V. LOANS. CHATTELS WE LoAN money on short notice to salaried or working men on their own uoies. Weekly, semi montmy or inoutluy payments. K:a transaction strictly" couiiueutiai. NO OK I'vi AGES. NO IN UORAER. AiiSOLL i'aLY 'NO SEC-Lli.1T 1'. We aio mail on iiouscioid lur future, pia&os, etc., without removal. CALL AND IN VLftiiUATK, Columbia discount co licensed. 21S FAILi.NO HLIX3. MONEY TO LOAN, on dianioiius, wauhta, jewetry and bonds; icai lutes; aU goods h id 1 JCult. VlNtS JEW ELK frTOiL, 114-110 iid st., cor. Wui'liiiigtoa. Mam 0O4U. Loams VVunteiL WANT $1500 at 7 pt-r cut for 3 yers on, 3 acres ai.d modern 5-room bungalow. alue $35t,o, 3--j miles from city limits. HITTER, LoWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. BAN K certificates of deposit for sale. They a re d uo Nov. 1 , and 1 need money now. Replies confidential. L 1 'J, Oregonian. $Jo0 WANTED, 7c. 4-room modern buo- gatow, line condition, near r ranklin. msh; just sold tor $i50. 3100 E. 54 Ui st. Titie injured. Tabor S5-t. W A NT to borrow $15Ul as first mortgue u houEts and lot. iu good aistrijt, txi 1 Per cent. No agents. AM 401, Oregonian. WANT LOANS ranging from 50u to $750 tin 5-room bungalow, j ust out of city limits. ou52d st. Phone Mam, tibti'J. WANT fa; D $7500 at 7 per cent, on west fcido income property. Johiisou 24S Stain si. reet. Main 5420. FROM private party loan of $500; good Ht-cunty. 11 20, Oregonian. SEE OREGON IN V. & JiuKTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4in ana Stsric PERSON AX. ACCOMPLISHED Af LAST. Painiebd pBUiisiry absolutely per formed ty U14 e-blocaing method, runout af ter-elftscUt ; let us prove it lo you. We matte X-ray examinations ot ttetu wnen necessary along wita om er opeiatlOila; we bpeiallu iu Xliat-Ciaas oeULuiLir at reuouuDle fee Dit. a. vv. ivNui, Dlt. tu. IX. Pivr-iiN. Majestic T neater Blug. 351 Waal DANDRUFF AND F A LL 1 N oTliA I rTls" T Alii oCAl.l' 6 CALL 1- ciH THE KKDE1 31-IjRiA.lK CERATE, J YAsLi. J Alt. $2.00 Get it at you uiu&sist or 600 Union Ae. St. jatnes Plac. 1'ortiaml, Or. Chicago, 111. IF VOL aru in th-c market for 1020 Oldu niobiie s;e juik litiv-liiKcr lii.st. '1 ti.a car is new equipped w ith cord tires, :ootllght. biiot a ausorbei: price wtti exuao, 5,)2U, t.eil ior --jU. tei uis 11 uciiiea. Warn. 13.o. ivl-'liS ai:a beiitietucu u au Ueinuud l e haca a.nd eitianivw bcrviee ii;o.runue Dr. lluUdiuu H n;Lli0 l'iiO CAiilALi LATHS, beieoiiiic hmaiabtt by lua.i.Mur or 111 a a keuae. JOo-ll Ui oaa a ay bidg. Main 5& LAl 11a team ban is aui uiadttubc, uu r euUliiaciil, t.puut-aaiy cicau , lut.11 lioor Hi ou.d .va biug. Mai sball 31S7. 1 raiaud uaie iu atuuUttuca, U r. Laui a ia LAliLS' aud getitleuiL n'a panauia, si raw, lei t auu Uvi er halt ciiaucU, u.uovu, u ed diiii reiie w eU ; Ducai aiu. net ail a vire li.tiiies. Lal'iauuu lctLcia. 3 Ai o i ilsou till eeL ' 1 GUARANTEE to cuic coins, bunions, in,;, nai.b, vvils and tnol'.a yt-uluLo; ula 1 11 en Lloli, I10 p j Hi. Uo iuiv.-a. t.o V e.-1 p 1 it. es in to w :i. Luimuil.iUoii ln-i. Ucic 1 2 y ears . arc ilea titled. 5o; L kum UiU A FT b;K May 10. 1020. 1 will Hot be r e -sponsible for any ui'. ia coutiactd by 1' raiiK. r Ulloil bo s a one nine uian iibvr of too lioil.tule luveLiiieuL CO.. 11. ii .a ticim A tit). 11 id. Tilti FU R SHOP. Expert reiuouciiig at a sa irg. Suuniier prices now in eilcct. 6O6 fc-wet.aud tjiutl., 5l aiid u asamgloi FluDv'ET 6z HANNciBUr. Kdin w ,y i iid lou ie ma t its, lin. t t toe a u u ina.i hair ijuuiis, liairu re.-.s s-i. alp tt ea LUieliL DR. J. W. LA TDORF, D. 1., 5o4 U.-Kuiii Oidt;.. iictvouj aim chronic dist:ai-e; NliiV MtlltuL'is. 1 10 4. A. M. Alain 1160. ririiirf tin:, ad lor n to e.xarn 1 i mu. SCA LI" treatment, taeial nia-st,a-, ei e liual Ut.ilinciil, ttvam ' bum and 111 as -afc.e. Line! liUlke, 304 Dekum biaS .iaiil 11 0U. $ 1 i.lETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton s, the Ciiiitoi'ODlS f and ARCH bl'iSl'., who dof&n t hurl )uu; .1 yrs. in-ro; exam. . irec o.ooe biag.. 1 Itn At i L . 2.-J4. Da i'li Sttaui Laths, cim opi aci te bod y inat-c-ttge auu v. oration. Dr. Martiarttt 1 iaj.i-. Main 1 1 O.j. 2.5 etlaud o.dtf. t'p-.a efcUJiioS. Ti aiiivdnu ; e a.sit tan 1. M ATi 1 1LDE ARNTOSEN, inedtc:il gymnast ra luale t'ruiii Noi vay. Steam bath, trt-i-en 1 11 ic in e im.it . .n5 Colum bia hid.;. Mulii 2s,;0. Ladies om. S1.1VKUS. A. 'r, -,od new 3 . vcii.1' addled Mud re, D. I. W. K Con.o or write fof nuin. hear froin ou; ot our t 1 Ik t: Lov . E., G.. -; aanie ,iiJrt.,F. AM LBA ING by aulo for San FrancLwo l'uib:ay, 51 ay IS, with Mde trip tiiroutii Vo.eniit: la:K; will talio 2 peopic. tail Main iioi. DR. ETHEL A. SAVKY treats corns and tngroviiig nail--; peaicurms and nuiii-i-ur.ns- i0 A. M. to s P. 51. O05 Ka.cta ilidt;- iarshali 3;;6. M KS. KuHliKT SN E DDLN (Anna fierg ) write your uusUaiid, Suldieia Home, taw te 1 1c, Cal. M Y CLA IMS are made good or it cistJ you nothing. 1 cure daudruft, Ktop tail ing liuir and grow hair oil bald heads. ;u t Macleaybidi;. J C I E N T 1 F 1 C BOD V. FACE AND SCAL1 .MASSAGE. SL'XHOMH KlOK, 42? A 1 0 R G A N 131 -DG. 5 1 A 1 Nl 000. iTiUOHT, healthy blu-eyed baby zir 3 wt-t-Ks old ior adoption. O; 202. Ore Kouian. 1 OKAOb'ATE nurs-e treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appoiotiucu t. Phoua M.tiu lo4 J. Ol t ice 3UM-C Third st. BOUi m..s:ge, violet ray. Id a. M. to r. 5l. dati. 45u Morgan bidg. M.iin 7 570. IILKS can be permanently eurcd without operations. Call or write Dr. Dtan. 234 .woiTiuu at. sLi.lMlUil ateain batu, vio.et ray; improve your system. Mrs. Hoinns. 426 Cta. Main bJ5:. 10 A. M. to & i i. buperf loue hair, moles, warts removed by 1 0 ueeules method ; triai f re. JosR- K.n-L- . 514 Hash & iotte jlUg. Main 65iS I'ATIENTS lo take cabinet baths win massage or huur.y nuising, trai.ica uu..e. 1 a bur a 12. M ASSAti baths for constipation, stom ach, kidney, rheumatism. Dr. Una Sort-u-tstui, 5ua I'aiiama bidtf. Drug less .jhy. 5Tl..i7ABblNO, Nat uropatliic ph .riaii A eute and c!i ronic" diseases treated. 20o tifriingi:r bldg. C WRITE to U. Address J 210, Ore gonian. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay o 1 See Viereok, collections. Dekum bitla KL'PTL RE CAN UK (TRKU without au ope: at ion. Free booklet. P. O. box 1 !." PRIMEDA BALM, formerly ?aiied Halm o F . s. S14 K.33 d . Se II. 2 213 m u r nj j. Al MASSAGES ;. 415 HC'HANAN BLL-G. MAIN 8306. KTilEL M' COY. chiropodist. 6op Biichainm Wash., bet. 4tU and 5lh. 5i. 57n. PILES CAN BE CURED without- opera tion. Free booklet. p. Q. imx 11Q5. CERT RUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair. 111:1 nieurina. face, sca'.p- 322 Flieduer bli g. VI oLI N I ST i!he8 to met pianist for mutual benefit. BD 352, Oregonian. CALL East S5S4 for beauty work in your liouie. r uiiati. Hair work a sptciaity.