THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1920 23 KELP WANTED MA1.1C DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ALASKAN ENGINEERING Railroad laborers for ALASKA. For U. S. GOVERNMENT RAILROAD "nder construction from Seward to Fair banks Alaska. EXTRA GANG and SECTION MEN Tor MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Wages Per day; board $1.00 day. Skilled men will be giv en opportuni ties In their line of work whenever poa- 0 Nation metn. attention. Station work in the Broad Pa will fee ready to let in the near future. Men accepting laborers 'Jobs at this time will have opportunity to secure sta tion work later. For palling dates and further Informa tion apply to Public Employment bu reau. 311 Pine St.. or ALASKAN BNG1NRING COMMISSION. Room 301 New Postofffce Unit., Portland, Oregon. Wa.NTKD A ihowtard writer and advertising- man; must be able to handle department atore advertising; state pre ious experience. G 28, Oregonian. 300 TO $500 A MONTH! Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may join the skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage; of the gas engineer ing courses offeied by the LEADINGS ALTO SCHOOL. OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL G R A DUATES THAN AN Y OTHE B SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That'a fair, ian't It? Write for- our $1 fcS-page catalogue. It s free. Ask for Book No. 5 OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. sVDCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. 18.2S7 YOUNG MEN bar. m the past 10 years, been assisted In finding positions through the Portland T. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This Is not an "agency,' nnit no ex i ra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally tur.. to the " Y" for men because w e appeal to the best type of men and boys. iir demand at present is fur greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to at a better position If you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to ronnult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ mcnt service for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting & job, or seeking a Career? Have you discovered where you fit In? Would you like to talk over vour problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will Lake a personal int erest in vou ? Thfi Y. M C. A. ad vlsorv a nd em- fdoyment dept. con assist you in choos "g. and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one o the sceretaria. Room 307. FOR CAMFORMA Lumber Mills. S eflgerrnen, 2 ratchet setters trout works, 4 carriage riders, up to date Mill Top Wages. "Wire or Write for Particulars Headquarters for Loggers & M ill Men, bTANDARD EMPLOYMENT CO.. . 927 and 929 Second St.. Sacramento. California. Largest Labor Office. If A RUE wholesale concern has several of fice positions open for live, energetic young men. 18 to 25 years of aae: ap plicants must bo high school graduates ana present a neat appearance, as well mn naving a goon moral cnaracter; ex cellent opportunities for advancement, development being either in a selling capacity or accounting work; minimum sa lary i mjo. A w 4 4.i, oregonian. LA BORERS wanted for out-of-town work ; good chance of advancement ; company stands good for board and room until payday; pays time and a half on ounaay worn ; iree Tare from Port land to job. Apply 210 Commonwealth bid g., between Ankeny and Burnside on Sixth st. PRINTER WANTED All around man with machine experience; steady job for first-class man; state ability and salary w'anted; must be able to come soon; good Washington town. Address AY 761, Ore ponlan. APPRENTICES WANTED. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN TRADE. Apply to Mr. Henderson, ma II room. uregonian. MARRIED man for salesman on retail tea and coffee route, in good town in Oregon; we furnish everything and pay salary, commission and bonus. Worker can make good; steady salary. Jewel Tea Co., inc., 21 Grand ave. South. COMPETENT Japanese or Chinese cook for family of two. Must understand serving and take charge of downstairs. Good wages if competent. Address Man ager, American Pacific Whaling Com pany. Bay City, Wash. WANTED At once, a first-class, exneri enced hardware salesman to fill a good position in our mechanic tools deDart- ment. State in first letter experience. age. reierences ana salary expected. Campbell Hardware Co., Seattle, Wash, EX-SERVICE men's Free Evening school is siarLing a new ciass in rauio teleg raphy. Register now. State aid to Ore gon service men. School 290 Grand ave N. Phone East 3S67. Down-town office 205 Beck bldg. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take ML Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Alder to ast -iutn, or phone East S06S. WANTED Paper hangers. $9; plumbers, steain fitters $10; electricians. 110: tin- ners. $10; brick layers. $'.) to $10: out ; of town, open shoo. Apply McDaniei. .04 spring aireei, sseaitie. W ANTED Pressman or printer; comne tent to handle Huber jobber on half-tone work. or could use all-round country printer; permanent place to right party HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU .HUW TO iJUSS THE JUb. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANI D first-Class all-around presser on Hoffman machine. Inquire at Pa cific Dyestuff and Chemical Co., 333 w orcester oiag. w a.n i n. u Bxpenencea saxophone player ior BuiiiiiJKi eiisasemenL at permanent beach ; young man preferred. BD 443, jrfponian. fcFbKit.(.LU man. gas engines and pumps, make himself generally useful arounu ramn; must nave references. Call 228 Alder st. WANT BOY 15 to 20 years old to poison and shoot squirrels on farm; will give good wages and good home. Call at 305 Yamhill. Inquire landlady. PAINTERS wanted, two first-class paint ers and paperhangers; married men pre ferred; write B. R- Streets, box 366 Helena. Mont. T BARBER Steady job; 2 Saturday men. S. ti. Howard, sec. Master HtLraerm' sociation. 110 4th st. WANTED Men who shave themselves to let the Owl barbers cut your hair- chil dren a specialty. 209 H 3d st. v WANTED Experienced pants operator 604 Goodnough bldg., corner 5ih and Yamhill sts. Phone Main 5147. WANTED One first-class sticker man and one first-class machine Irian for sash and doors; steady work. AV 764. Oregonian YOUNG man to sell men's and boys' cloth ing, one with experience preferred Levitt's Store. 4th and Wash. FIRST-CLASS cabinet makers for bank fixture work. The p. T. Ainge Co 2it h and Nicolai sts., Portland. WANTED Man to clip pile. bunch brooms, good wages, steady job. Apply Sunset Broom Works. X. 21st and York. WANTED Names men over 1Q wishing become mail carriers or postal clerks $100-135 month. AV 755. Oregonian. WANTED All around printer; jobTad and press work; steady job; good town- 8 hours. Address AV 759, Oregonian. ARK you satisfied with from $5 to $20 per day? Call 83ft Chamber of Corn m e rce bldg.. 4th and Stark. YOUNG, strong boy to learn pressing at 104 4th st. LEARN the vulcanizing business, write 15R K. Broadway. Cai WANTED LOOM FIXER, also DRAWER IN. Eureka Woolen Mills. Eureka. Cai. STRONG BOY. 19 or over. fordelivery service Portland Hotel, laundry dept. PRESSER AND BUSH ELM AN.City Clean - ai-a,- 179 Hlh &L, Astoria, Or. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Eakcrs, oven men, open shop; good wages, plentv work. Apply Mc Daniei, 84 Spring street Seattle. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 715 Wilcox Bldg., 0th and Washington. TIMEKEEPER Commissary clerk, out-of-town lumber camp; $100. room and board. CASHIER Railroad restaurant, out of town; man 25-30; $73.50. room and board. STBNO Ry., out of. town; $117.50; board free two weeks of every month. MAN, 21-30. with freight accounting experience in a railroad office; $110. ST E NO-J N V. CLERKS Lumber; for positions in Oregon, Montana. Idaho; $125-$150. TIMEKEEPER, who Is a good typb-t and office man; out of town; 90. room and board. AN EXPERIENCED skirt hand for ladies' a! t era t ton department. A pply employ ment bureau before 10:30. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. WE have a bpjendid opening for a f ir.t- c.ass tea and coffee route salesman. Must be man of experience In our line, who Is willing to work. None others need apply. Wo want a man w ith a good record and can show you the best proposition to be had in this line of business. Apply Ideal Tea Co., 711 Union ave. N. WA NT ED Help in general merchandise stre. A young man Hunut Ih or JO years of ace to make himself generally useful in a country store. A good place tur a reliable young man to learn the business. A permanent place. Come and see. us. Take train at 4t h st. depot. Bell &; Owens Co., Gaston, Or. WANTED Several young men, IS to -5. with high school education, to work in stock rooms, exceptionally good chances to learn a wholesale hardware business. Don't apply unless you want steady work and an opportunity for advancement. Apply district camp, Marshall-Wells Co. WANTED For Lew F. Cullins Dog and Pony show a few more performers, clowns, musicians for band, side" show hcIk; good amateurs considered. Call Rainier Hotel until Friday, after that write The Dalies. Or. AN experienced bookkeeper, one familiar with the automobile, shop and acces sory business, none other need apoU- state references and experience In first letter. AG 357, Oregonian. WANTED 500 boys, you ng men and men to take advantage of the privileges oi the Portland Y. M. C. A. gymnasium and swim mi ng tank. Summer special membership rate now on. A-sk for mem bership secretary. CLER K wanted for club in city, midd le- aged man would uit, who can operate typewriter nd do simple book keeping; state experience and give references. C 298. Oregon Ian. GOOD opening for real estate salesman. One of the leading firms in Portland want city salesman for city property, one for farms and acreage. BD 4 44, Ore gonian. W A NT ED A good, w ill ing country boy. 1; or 1 1 years old : one who can milk and be able to handle small milk route. Good wages, board and room. Phone Tabor 3 tiiiti. CITY salesman for retail tea and coffee route, we f urn ish every t h ing and pay salary, commission and bonus; bond re quired. Jewel Tea Co., Inc., 21 Grand ave. South. WANTED Ford mechanics; must be first- class, willing to leave (own. Write us fully giving references: good opportunity for advancement, Kirk-MeKera Motor Co.. Albany, Or. A M AN and w Ife, general housework and care or private residence in city; me-dium-sized family; good salary and very com lor table living quarters. Ans.. AK 405, Oregon ia n. BAKER wanted, single, in partnership. on account of age and sickness, very little money required. Danish preferred. Right off. llarrisburg Bakery, Harris burg, Or. WANTED Ex-service man with new truck, not over 2-ton capacity, wishes contract for hauling in city, all or part of time ; transfer body size 5x10, good top. H 25 1, Oregonian. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY For the right boy to learn brass flnis'her's trade ; references required. Oregon Brass Works. ' TWO young men, about 18 yrs. of age. for positions in ht. it. accounting ornee. Must have had at least 2 years' high school training. C 251, Oregonian. BRTCK MOULDERS. 2 or 3 experienced hand moulders for the season. Phone morning or e.enlng. East 1454. PANTS operator; must be first ciass; steady position at good wages. A pply Mr. Walker. Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison. WANTED High school graduate to learn banking business ; salary $55 per month to start ; good chance for advancement. BC 404. Oregonian. BOY or young man to work in garage and repair shop. A chance to learn the business and coin a little money too. N 2C1. Oregonian. STEA DY employment, good working con ditions. Apply Marshall street entrance between 13th and 14th. from 8 to 0 A. M. The Portland Cordage Co. OPERATORS thoroughly experienced on cloth hats and caps, best pay. union conditions; male preferred. Sunset, 130 Second St., San Francisco. MACHINIST Steady position for first-first-class alt round man; give age, mar ried or single, wages expected and phone number. B J51. Oregonian, WANTED First-class finishers and touch up men. Apply factory, E. 33d and Broadway. Pacific Phonograph Mfg. company. WANTED at once, good clean reliable man for janitor and orderly work in small h ospi t a 1. For particulars phone Oregon City 384. NON-UNION barber wanted, steidy ,iob, ?20 guaranteed. 205 Morrison at. Help Wanted Suleamen. A SALESMAN TO COVER ORE GON FOR AUTOMOBILE AC CESSORY, SALARY AND BO NUS WITH EXPENSES PAID. EXPERIENCE AND CAR PRE FERRED. AN OPPORTUNITY WITH A FUTURE FOR A MAN WILLING TO WORK AND LEARN. SEE3 MR. J. M. AR- NOLDY( MULTNOMAH HO TEL. SALESMEN New. high-grade book propo sition; only producers who wish to make permanent connections need apply. There is no limit as to earnings for the right party. City and road work, AK 4S3. Oregonian. IF YOU POSITIVELY KNOW that you could make $75 to $125 weekly would you consider it worth a small in vestment? If so. call and see us at 633 Washington st.. 10 A. M. to 1:30 P M SALESMAN with conveyance who has had experience selling to farmers; must be able to leave city; salary and expenses. Call 603. Oregonian bldg. LARGE corporation desires services of capable man oyer 25. as salesman: good compensation; permanent Income. 413 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Four salesmen and demon strators new chemical gas saver, gaso line 2c per gallon : quick, big money Call 226 Stark st. 10 A. M. 6 A ULbM a witn Kords preferred, hus- t lers. live-wire men needed. Call 62S nam. om. oinjt. rnone Main 819. YOUNG MAN wanted for collecting and ornce worn. i week to start ; give phone and reference. O 11. Oregonian. I WE WANT two walesmcn. rwn Slock Ex- diane bid if-, 3d ad Yamhill su. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. r A LARGE eastern company desires tti services of three honest, ambitious sales men to represent them in Portland and Oregon. This is a real opportunity and even if employed it would pay you to Investigate this;- large earnings and a real opportunity for advancement. A ply from 2 to 4 P. M., 110 Spalding . bJrig. . THE TROUBLE with most salesmen to day ii they are looking for salaries and no more. Are you In a position to open an office In Seattle on distribution lines of accessories, etc., and finance yourself? If so, we want you. But you must be able to handle aales force. A 259, Ore gon ian. SA I . F S M K X for auto bus line; top men wantsd; chance to work up to ragrs. office ; eo mm isstot basis ; protected ter ritory ; socialize one item at A time. Al.o one man willing: to Invest $300. A 260, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted In every locality In Ore gon for a fa t -selling auto accessory. Tou can clear $300 a month off of an in vestment of $4.50. Write for proposition. J. C. Ingle, stage agent, box 722 Lake view, Or. AGENTS at once, selling SOc per month hospital rickets. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BRIGHT women that we can teach hand sewing on men's overcoats; must be neat and quick. Apply at office of ML Hood Factory, 233 Couch St., corner lid. LADY stenographer and bookkeeper for mill Mmpauv; $75. room and board. Call SKINNER & WHITE. Bdwy. 3205. THB OLDS. WORTMAN ft KINO STORE requires the services or thorough I y ex perienced saleswomen for ribbons and laces. A pply superintendent, 0 :15 to 10:30 A. M. EXP FIR. I RNTHP short hour waitresses. Apply pmplovmcnt bureau before 10:30. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. DIN TNG ROOM girls and chambermaids. iood Samaritan hospital, -oil and Mar shall ats. WANTED Housekeeper for rooming house; one that will take half interest in place preferred ; only $ I fH)0 required. Your money will be protected. B 111, Orejron ia n. WA NT ED Neat -appearing young lad y to work at wria fountain in candy store; hours G to 12 P. M. Experience not nec essa ry. Don't phone. Rogers Candy store, cor. Broadway arid Yamhill st. CA PA RLE. efficient , experien-ced woman to fill position as housekeeper and social hostess at at tract i o mountain inn. T "so, OregoniaTi. OPERATORS on shirt?, also experienced -needle machine operators; steady work, good pay. Shriek &. Son Co., 311 Pine t. . roo m 4. WANTED G irl for general housework, family of three; small house, Irvington district. Phono East 2S03 or Mr. ilerrou, Hdwy. 3725. STENOGRAPHER - CLERK. salary $5 per monl h ; railroad purchasing depart ment. Stat e previous experience. L "6, Oregonian. WA NTKO Woman prosser: cood salary ; experience preferred. , Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., SDVj Fifth. Call bet.-S and 10 A. M. WANTED At once, capable cirl or woman to care for' 2-voar-oia child and 4-room apartment. No. To5 fa mielita Apart ments. 13th a-iid Jefferson. W A NT ED -M Iddle-aged woman, strong and cheerful, to have care of man. con valescent, and assist in light housework. Phone East 2S72. WANTED Chambermaid : one w tiling- to wash silverware and glasses for dinner. t3 12th st. The Norton. YOUNG girl in need of friendly assista-m-e wishes io assist with house-work where there are no children. Marshall 477. TEAfHKR wanted for summer mpn ths; pleasant, educational work ; salary $250 for vacation period. O 210, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and typist for garage of fice; state experience and salary ex pected. .1 21 7, Oregonian. WANTB D Experienced hemstitcher oper ator for ladies neckwear and silk under wear. MeCreery Mfg. Co., Royal bldg. WA NTKD Housekeeper; must be good cook and willing to spend summer at Seaside. Wages $f0. Phone 513-HH. EXPERIENCED hemstitcher wanted, 8 o'clock Friday morning. Apply 50'J Royal bldg. GIRL for housework in small family, good wages. Apply Fashion Cloak. & Suit Co., J4 wash., cor loth. WANT two waitresses for Sunday. 2 P. M to 7 P. M. Call Main 7716 or Japanese tea pavilion. Council Crest park. PLATEN PRESS feeders wanted at once Columbia Paper Box Co., E. 25th St.. and Holladay ave. WANTED -Girl to work in confectionery store; experience not necessary. Apply i .'ortn .id st., Portland. EXPERIENCED Traitress for soda foun tain and lunch counter; no Sunday work, AJ 403, Oregonian. ALTERATION HANDS. EXPERIENCED CHERRY'S. 391 WASHINGTON ST. APPLY S:30 A. M. CAPABLE woman for kitchen work and dish washing ra mountain hotel. T 2S1, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wants lad- dancing part ner; must know late steps. Address AV 752, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker or seam" stress. Apply the Cabinet Cleaners & Dyers. 424 Morrison st. WANTED Housekeeper, no objectloii To widow with small child. J. S., Box 161 Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Experienced pants onerator. 604 Goodnough bldg.. corner 5th ana Yamhill sts. Phone Main 5147. EXPERIENCED marker and distributer and girl for shirt worlc. U. S. Laundry Co., 180 Grand ave. GIRL wanted to work in bakery. 692 Washington. WA N T ED A kitchen helper. Shamrock Cafeteria, cor. 12th and Stark. EXPERIENCED candy glrfs wanted. Port lantl Chocolate Co., 245 Morrison st. WANTED Two girls, over 1 8 years of age, ior nursery wotk. call Bdwy. H5. WANTED Woman to do plain cooking. 2 WANTED Woman to do second work. Apply J c;. on. WANTED Chambermaid. Appl- Campbell Hill hotel. Gl RLS wanted, experienced or inexperl enced. 430 East Davis. LADY dishwasher, short hours, good nav 230 0th St., cor. Main. WANTED Waitress, restaurant, 109 Jer sey st.. St. Johns, Or. FI RST-CLASS. experienced Scandinavian chambermaid. Edison hotel. 206 Bdwy. WANTED Saleslady for candv dept from 6 to 10 P. M. Phone Marshall 2000. WAITRESS wanted. Apply the Cbisa Inn, 153 Broadway. TWO EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES CAT'S FIDDLE. 145 BROA D,W A Y. YOUNG LADIES to work in concessions Oaks Park. See Mrs. Steffens today. WANTED Woman to work In small hotel. Phone Woodlawn 4057. KODAK finisher, experienced ; no other need apply. 500 Manchester bldg. WANTED Elevator girl a t" Hotel Sew ard. Call between 2 and 4 P. M., Tuesday. FIRST-CLASS trimmer for out of town position. Apply Muller & Raas Co. HAIRDRESSER and maicure wanted 340 Alder. WANTED Experienced cashier Jor first class restaurant. . 10O 1st st. WANTED Woman for general kitchen work. Polly ann Cafeteria, WANTED Hair dresser; one who under stands marcelling. 404 Morrison st. COUNTER girl' wanted. Globe LuTich. 507 Washington st. Dairy WOMAN wanted, country hotel, good pay. Apply 147 3d et. WANTED Experienced body Ironer; good pay. Lane House laundry, 650 Wash. WANTED A dininK-room girl, 1731 Derby st. Phone Woodlawn 2015. CANDY girls wanted at 245Morrison. WAITRESS wanted. 09 Mornaoa au HELP WANT l fKMAlJi DO YOU WANT TO EARN GOOD SALARY? A ealarv that Is paid - white you learn trie business that increases frequently as you aln experience? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE-OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THii FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell yon the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating1 lor yourg women. Apply at Telephone Company, Room 601, 6th Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak. Sts. THE TACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CoMPAN Y. WANTED. TOUN lj W O M EN BETWKKN 18 AND 20 YEARS AS INSIDE OFFICE MESSENGERS. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR. W EST E R N V N IO N T E L KG It A PH CO.. 5111 FLOOR. WORCESTER BLDG 3D AND OAK. WANTED. YOUNG WO M A N B ET. IS AND 25. WITH TVl'KW RITER EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. APPLY CHIEF OPERATUR WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. FIFTH FLOOR WORCESTER BLDG.. THIRD AND OAK STS. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of thoroughly ex. ptrienced saleswomen for domestics and w hite goods. A pply superintendent's of fice. 9;15 to 10:30. A. M. TUE OLDS. WORTMAN KING STORE requires the services of experienced sales worn a n for the basement under- price store. Apply superintendent's of fice, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. , WANTED One. waitress, $ 6 0 per month and board first month; 70 per month a tld board wcond month and t here after. Work days per week and as late as 12 P. M. Good chance for pro motion to girls who apply themselves. - Apply Broad ay Hazel wood, 127 Broad -way, after 9 A. M. SEVERAL educated women with pleasing personality, in t erested in the wel fare of Oregon, to do ;i few hours special work each day; excellent salary; in re- nlying give telephone and residence num bers. A ij 44i, uregonian. WANTED Experienced waitress. $50 per month: also kitchen helper, elderly man at $40 per month and board, for com mercial hotel in southern Orecon. "Tour ist Inn.". Care Guerin Hotel. Paul Mueller. Mgr.. Myrtle Point, Ore. WANTED Competent woman for general housework in sin a II fa mily of adults: would consider one who could come every day and prepare dinner and come alt day Tuesday and Friday; good wages for good service. AO 4i. Oregonian. PRIVATE secretary. $125; lumber stenog rapher and bookkeeper, $ 1 25 : stenog rapher. $100; bookkeeper. $100; insurance stenographer. HHi ; tnciapnone opera ior, $90. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. APPLICATIONS will be received from von n tr women a ced 20 to 3ft for wood working factorv at St. Johns. Good pay a ud steady employment. AB 119, Ore gonian. WANTED Women to work - In kitchen must be thoroughly experienced ; steady position and good wage. Apply to iso h"inlan Restaurant. TWO hih-elass positions open for compe tent stenocraDh tr with wholesale gro eery house, Saturday afternoons off. Call Main 6344. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to Th Univktion Armv Rescue Home. May lair and Alexander ats. Phone Main 3450. DM car. WANTED 3 women for kitchen work steady positions to good workers; $60 per month and meals; 8-bour day. Ap ply chef. Hotel Benson. - WANTED Application will be taken for strawberry huller; work to begin about May 25; good wages, utn ana favis sis. W a d h am & K e it Br ob. STENOGRAPHER One familiar with some book work, such as time cards, etc.: state salary expected and references In first letter. AM 4ttf, uiegonian. STENOtJ R A PHER with knowledge o bookkeenine for manufacturing concern permanent position. G 251. Orego nlan. pa NTS nnprator: must be first class steadv position at good wages. Apply Mr. Walker, Brownsville woolen Mi I it, 3d and Morrison. WANTED Immediately, names of women over 16. wishing government positions, common education sufficient; $100 month up. AV 75. Oregonian. NIGHT COOK in a small lunch room must be experienced; good salary to right party; six days a week. G 24S Oresonian. WANTED Experienced operators on tents and awnings; also a ' f ew nexperncta. Apply Hirsch-Weia Mfg. Co., 205 Burn side st. WANTED YOUNG OIRI. NOT OVER 25. FOR BUTTON COVERING; EXPERI ENCED PREFERRED. EASTERN' NOV ELTY MFG. CO., 85 5TH ST. STENOGRAPHER, must have firat-clasa experience and references. A 251, Orego nian. YOUNG girl for general office work, some typing experience neces-sary ; salary $50 to b efiin. A p ply 104 5th st. EXPERIENCED ' hemstitching operator. Come ready for work. 018 Oregon Eilers bldgx WANTED Capable nurse for sanitarium. Te'phone Main 6101; call between 2 and 4 o'clock. 90S Selling bldg. DICTATING machine operators; good po sitions open. Apply 5C2 Oregon bidg., 5th ana uaK. BURROUGHS posting machine opera tor, wholesale house ; please give refer ences. H 2i3, Oregonian. WANTED 2 experienced dictaphone op erators; must be fast and accurate. Call Mr. Baker. Woodlawn 2S00. THOROUGHLY experienced dictaphone stenographer, lumber experience; no be ginners. 400 Title & Trust bldg. WORKING iv I A N with bunga 1 ow wants housekeeper; lady employed preferred. Woodlawn 1730 after 6:15. IDDLE-AGED couple, free unfurnished apaVtment for care of halls and furnace. Apply 304 Morgan bldg. EXPERIENCED help in all departments: best working conditions in city. Portland Hotel, laundry dept. WANTED At once, a cook for a sorority house. Address tJ59 Adams at.. Corvallis, Oregon. MUSIC lessons exchanged for assistance in housework, three mornings a week or sewing. AF 445. Oregonian. WANTED Girl to dip chocolates, wait on trade and help at fountain. Saxton'a, W allace, Idaho. . THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 905 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 31G. MILLINERY workers wantedl Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., 225 Be Bldg. "Broadway 4303. TEACHERS register Vct-mire Agency, free. Many calls, pokane, Wash. Wanted Oemetdics. GIRL for cooking and downstairs work; wages $65 and up. Call mornings, 489 E. 17th st. N. GIRL to assist with work and do plain cooking: pleasant room, modern con veniences; summer at beach. 57 flth st. WANTED 1 007 E. -n experienced second maid. Eurnside. Phone Tabor 1167, WANTED Maid for general housework. Call Mrs. Ttsoaie. .a&t ttf. ME LP WANTED FEMALE. War ted Domestic. COOK WANTED. BEST WAGES. Apply Mrs. S. Frank. 312 12th st. Phone Main 8260. References required. SECOND GIRL wanted; best wages: refer ences required. Apply Mrs. S. Frank. 312 12th sL Phone Main 6260. COMPETENT maid for ireneral housework, family four adults; tio washing; good wages. 722 Main st. Main 2689. GOOD, reliable girl to go to the country as cook for summer; on Columbia river, 7 miles from Vancouver; second girl kept. Best of wages. In town in w inter. H 2Qs. Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman to cook and do some housework in place where second niaid is kept ; must be good cook and willing to go to Seaside for the auin "er. Automatic 513-60. WANTED Neat girl for uneral house work; must understand pluln cooking, be willing to spend part of summer at Seaside. No washing. Good wagea. Ap ply mornings. 770 Marshall street. WANTED Experienced girl to care for j -t- months-old baby, good wages and home. Call Mr. wigei, at tue vVlnie house Cloak, 6t Suit Co., 342 Alder fit. Marshall 5920. WANTED Middle-aged lady tor general nouteworn, small iainiiy, good wages, permanc-nt home for right party, phone or. addrejui Mrs. J. W. Pember. Mon mouth. Or. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- wora, gooa mom, good wages, mod - ern con vemenTjcs. 4os ' North 3 2d St., w mametie Heights. Main 759. GIRL wanted for plain cooking and some nouaeworK, 4 in lamlly, no washing, good wages; Sundays off. Main 28t. 715 Flanders, cor. 22d. WOMAN for general housework: plain cooking, no washing. $.o per month, good room, cheerful Christian family. 3Q9 North 31st St. Telephone Main 2250, EXPERIENCED woman to do cook in it and general housework, one who is willing to go to Seaside July and August; wages 'o. Aiain WANTED Competent child's nurse for Hi tic girl 5 years In home a t Revere nation. Telephone mornings. Main 5654. WANTED Competent maid for general nouseworK. Apply 210 Chamber ol Com mcree bidg. WANTEDA woman to do general house work for elderly couple; no children, .en quire at 3531 East Sixth north., GIRL wanted to help with housework in ret incd home m Irvington; small fam ily, toast 4663. LAP. girl for cooking and downstairs work. Wages $60. Mar. S95. Portland l leign ts. COMPETENT girr for general housework. small iainiiy ; wages $0. Phone Mi 4 206. 4kj Montgomery drive. ANTED-i-Competcnt girl for cooking and downstairs w ork ; guud wages. Phone WAN1 ED Competent nurse to care for 2 children ; best wages. Bdwy 4366. S5 sort n I'Jtn street. W AN I experienced girl for down stairs w orK an u cooking; no laundry ; good jviain iiioi, 1 4 1 irving. i-r.rLiriN., r,i giri wanted for upstairs won, private lamny. Main 7243, Auto matic 519S. COOK for small institution; no objection r to woman with child. Call 712 Over- ion st. W ANTED Maid for general housework ana cooning; jju. uil East 4562. BhhT WA'tLS to experienced maid for second w orn , reierences. Alain 1317. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED PEOPLE FOR MOTION FIC , TURK WORK. ALL TYPES. CALL AT .ROOM 521, CHAMBER OF .MM t, rt 1 ..1 Hi. . BETWEEN 12 AND P. M. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. n n i .experienced opor:itrs on men's coats and pant ; good pay for a cheap line of work. Call b-avten 6 and x". bi. a. l . i x urana ave, room 112. 1j. Li'HU, MISS MATTINGLT'H Private Shorthand Typewriting School; Individual Instruc tion, Day and Night. 269 14ih. near Jef- iniiua. main 5J,. WANTED ror hotel near city, man and wue as nouse keeper and handy man Em'CATIONA L. MOLE R BARBER COLLEGE -wilt teach you the trade m S weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay wniie learnn.g. Positions secured. Ore goo ex-service men the course is tree to you. Write or call for particulars ana catalogue- -34 liurnside st. POST Tl O NS A SS U R E D EVERY G R AD L" A T K O F B E H N bl K - W A L K E R Business Co lege. Portland. Enroll any time, i eifcrapny, sioiiujj it p ny , banking bookkeeping, necretarial. Flue catalogue OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in o weeks; scalp and ta massage specialty; tools tree; positions guaratneea; pay wnu learning; tuition reduced this term. J3 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeeu nirf, stenosraphy. civil service, tec re tar- ial, special courses; expert teathrs. day anu nigii L nroti now. uawy. oUM. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's private scnooi ; inui vid ual instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 4 PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you w n He learning, give you set oi tool. free, position secured. ,;s N. 2d st. FRENCH teacher, lady, would like to companion or coach children durin, vacation. 4 1 62, Oregonian. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bidg. tree booaiet. ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. I rank iv. w ei ies. ex-a.-st. stat supt.. Mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276, Y at Kri-FISHER Teachers Aaencv Fr. registration. Main 6274. Broad w ay bldg FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4s35. Teaching positions, free registrutiun. TH E International Correspondence School can raise your salary. 205 3 Oak st. SITUATIONS WANTED M.VI.E. RELIABLE elderly gentleman, ciean, neat, active, wishes position, watchman, care taker, private place, gardener poultry.' etc. AM 4i5, Oregonian. ALL A ROUND TRUCK DRIVER WANTS POSITION ON HEAVY TRUCK. A, E. COOK. 304 FIFTH ST. MAIN 5148. PAINTING houses, stores, garages and tinting, best work, good material, very reasonable. Tabor 3051. GET your painting, calcimining. decorat ing and sign work done be:"ore the rush season. 1320 E. Glisan. Phone Tabor 260. TO RUN elevator or light janitor work, 6 o'clock to midnight. B 283, Ore go n ian. . FLOOR waxing, window washing, wood work, vacuum cleaning, general cleaning. Tabor 2200 evenings. COOK Man and wife would like cooking job in small sawmill or logging camp or farm. BJ 408. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work between 3 and 8 P. M. for room and board. Inquire of H 269. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur in private family ; wages very reasonable; best of reference. Broadway 727. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wishes sit uation; has reierences. Address S. Harry . 58 N 4th at. GOOD Japanese man wan ts any kind of work except kitchen work. A 205, Ore gonian. REGISTERED druggist open for relief work evenings and Sundays. AH 403, Oregonian. a JAPANESE wants position; p orter. L 2 2 9 . Oregonl an. janitor or A-l SHINGLING done by expert; work guaranteed. Wof diawn 5401. EX-SOLDIER waif's position. Jay or week, with Ford delivery. Tabor 8183. FOR painting, paperhanging and tinting call Woodlawn 3209 evenings or Sunday. LAWN and garden work wanted. East 239 from 8 A. M. to 12 M. James Franklin. GARDEN work and lawn mowing by day or hour. Phone 525-42. WANTED Stone mason work. Audrv? J. E. Wlnton. Lents, Portl a i; 4 I WANT work with my Overland delivery. A. Gordon, 427 E. Burnside st. CARPENTERS. Al ; work remodeling or new work; day or contract. Tabor 0040. MAN with good auto wants Job; anywhere. AL 443. Oregonian. rill go ALL kinds of team work and excavating done. H29 E. Yamhill st. Tabor 17O0 PAINTING, papering, tinting. Call Kiaher Tabor 9173. .X PERI ENCED win tio w clearer. Apply 6tt 6th iu utatra twaa 8, 11 A. M. only. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. NEWSPATER man, front and back office. wants temporary situation in live ottice. Will be at leisure couple of months, but do not want to remain idle that long. Can handle any work In country office, but am much better qualified for news and editorial department. I can fill the bi 11. Who wants me? Address AV 767, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE MAN, Swedish, over 20 years' experience mechanical trades, tool and gauge making, instrument repair ing ; all around .machinist, experimental work. A. A. ilallberg, room 615. Y. M. C. A. ORCHARD foreman wants position, mar ried, lifetime experience in horticulture; familiar w ith gas tractors, pumps and engines. F. W. Sabransky, general de 11 very. Portland. YOUNG man typist of 25 would like to connect with a real estate or insurance company ; must be permanent; good character; employed at present. C 250, Oreironian. WANTED, by . married man, position driv ing trucK or city delivery car; y and reliable; will consider out of town position. Phone Main 777X. &pts. 7 ud B. CARPENTER wants to ret in touch with iarmer wno is going to duiiq. west of references. Chris Schorner, gen. del., city, or see me at 191 11th at. FORD mechanic with eight years experi ence ana service course at Ford Motor Co., wants work with Ford dealer on per centage basis. AK 450, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, energetic automobile ac- essory salesman from the east desires traveling or local position: references. E 237. Oregonian. LAWN mower expert. 247 Grand ave.. near Main. Self-sharpening blades; mow ers calitid for and delivered Rea, Tabor 3b45. WINDOW cleaning, floor wax ing, paint anu wallpaper clean ing. also general cleaning in home or office, by reliable and efficient workers. Marshall 3325. YOUNG man, 2S. married, wants work. store, office and general experience: can drive a ny make car; prefer position with a future. B 110. Oregonian. WEST MAGUIRE. Painting, paper-hanging and t! a ting. Phone auto. 219-77. Kes. and shop, 3? East 39rh st. CONTRACTORS. For etore shelving, kitchen cabinets, screens, etc., by appointment. Call Co lumbia 945. FOR young coupie, piace on ranch, farm where both can work. H 2i;, Oregonian. CARPENTER work of all kinds, new and repair; estimates furnished. Wdln. bi'ia. Bookkeeper, Stenograph em. Office. YOUNG married man with lots of pep and knowledge of bookkeeping, stenography a'.id salesmanship wants job with factory or manufacturing concern with chance of ad-vancement. Will start at bottom and work at anything. At present em ployed. E 23S, Oregonian. BUS IN ESS M E NS CLEARING HOUSE. Main SliH'.-SlOT. 715 Wilcox Bldg. We can furnish bookkeepers, stenog raphers, accountants. invoice clerks and general office men experienced In lines. Prompt service. my T OUNG MAN. experienced, desires office work with chance lor advancement. Cai Tabor 8St. i MIDDLE-AGED gentleman would like posit ion to keep books and other of fice work. H 253, Oregon ian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. ATTRACTIVE, refined woman of mature ears, a good entertainer and manager, accustomed to handling help, would like position of hostess for mountainor beach inn. V 292. Orogonian. REFI N ED woman, past middlc-ag.e, de sires position in small family, assist light work, pleasant surroundings more than high wages, would leuve city, ref. P 222. Oregonian. S I T LI A T 1 ON wanted, cam p cooks. I ad y past ry head and two men. mountain or coast; state number in camp and -wage. M rs. I. Hoard man, 29 North Central, M ed f orr !? Or. ' I OUNG lady with 2 s years nurse's training aeidres position in physician's or den visa's office; references. M 272, On-gonlan. YOUNG woman cook, thoroughly experi enced, wishes position: for men on farm preferred: positively no woman boss. E 230, Oregonian. WOMAN with boy 8 yrs. wisnes position as housekeeper or place to take full charge where people are employed. Bdwy. 4309. LACE. St Mil M AND MA RISETfEcur tains done up like new. Will call. Last 85 IS. CHINESK girl wnuld like position as -wer. fancy work or any light work no domestic). phone o-lOSS. A GOoD, capable middle-aged . woman to manage iiout noia; gooa cook, goou rer erences. Sell wood 1476. LACE scrim. Marquisette curtains, drap eries, fancy clothes, nana launuereu, ex pens. East 6196. WOMEN want day work washing, clean ing. diBhwasher, anything. AJ 405, Ore goiiiau. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings wntio motner is away. K-jftreucCB. Woodlawn 1011. LADY wants houseclea n ing, other work, hours, day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 0305. TRAINED and practical care of the sick through the day and of children eve nings. Maranuii av. WORK by day. 50c nr., car fare. Hast 3418, Mrs. Harrison. LUNCHES and dinners prepared and served reasonable. East .J- or 1 abor b-SL WILL take good care of babies after noons or evenings. Call Main 9. WANTED To do laundry at home. East 7314. WOMAN wants work washing or Ironing by .day or hour. lanor io:. WOMAN wants work by the day. 8790. East LACK call. curtains done up Automatic 210-30. WIDOW, 33, wishes to take charge of apt, house. D 202, Oregonian. HoNEST reliable woman wants day work. Broadway 19, ti to . M ., apt. A. WOMAN wants work, 50 and 40 cents hour; car fare, lunch. Main 23o4: room LADY will take care of children by hour, day or night. Marshall 2288. MANAGER of apt. or rooming house, can give reference. AJ 404, Oregonian. GOO D cook wants position out of town ; prtifer small crew. 5115 64th st S. E. HOUSEWORK, sweeping and dusting; do mestic work by week. Main 7906. LADY wishes couple children to board and room. Sell. 629. DAY WORK. Tabor 1526. iiook keepers. Stenographers. Office. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, Main 6196-8197. 715 Wilcox Bldg. We can furnish bookkeepers, stenog raphers, typists and general office wom en, experienced in all lines. Prompt service. YOUNG LADY with extensive experience general office, banking bookkeeping, sec retarial duties and typist, desires experi ence as assistant bookkeeper in large, well-es-tabiished commercial firm prom ising future. D 272, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, beginner with experi ence in legal work desires position, small salary. B 2S1, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires posi tion, temporary or permanent. Sell. 563. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 2S17. DreMmakrrs. 20TH CENTURY Dressmaking School and helpers' shop wishes to announce to the ladies of Portland vheir short-hand course in cutting and fitting. We offer special rate to the first 12. 305 Dekum bldg.. 3d st. Phone Main 622. COATS, DRESSES. SUITS MADE AND REMODELED. Dressmaking Dept., Em porium Dye Wks.. 549 Morrison. Bdwy. 4259. PLAIN, fancy dressmaking, suits, coats, dresses, alterations. 390 Qlay. Mar shall 3619. DRESSES made for $5 up; remodeling; work guaranteed. Mar. 2459. Mary McDonald. HEMSTITCHING. 6c a yard. M. D alt on. room 201 Broadway-Yamhill bldg. PLAIN sewing. Broadway 3478, apt, 5. Nurse. CHILD'S nurse, thoroughly experienced; take entire care; references; best wages. A 262, OregonjaQw PRACTICAL NURSX, city references, de sires work In hosital or permanent po sition as child's nurae. Woodlawn 1 8. PRACTICAL nurse c--H give all or part tlr-e to caring for convalescents. B 2 K Oregonian. Housekeeper. MARRIED woman, graduate nurse, whose husband Is at of rice days, would take charge of home with one or two small children: mother' car and supervision; references given and required. Address P. O. Box 684. SITUATION wanted, general housework or work by day. Marshall 4280. InmeHtle. Tiflfi VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 4638. House-cleaning, floor-w axinst and all kind w ork, ia the home axid oXHce, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Doiuesttca. COOKING or bousekeepin g by middle aged woman. S. E. L. 141 N. lfith st. WANTED TO KENT. - House, WANTED. To rent, a modern 5 or 6-room house, unfurnished, by reliable and steady ten ants: can give good reference and would consider a lease. Main 1S71. WANTED To rent or lease, one or I wo years, suburban place. not over 40 minutes out, acre or more, six-room house; references furnished. Phone Tabor 76b3. WANTED by young couple with no chil dren, 3-room modern bungalow with ia ragc, on or before June 1 ; 6 months' rent in advance. AO 446. Oregonian. WANTED Strictly modern 7 or P-room unfurnished house in Irvmgton or Laurelhurst, wnl pay $75 to $100 per month; references. Call Main S221. WANTED To rent modern five-room fur nished house in good location about June 1st; will rent or lease; references ex changed. J 21S. Oregonian. WANTED Modern furnished house of five or six rooms, east side preferred, by re sponsible parties, on or before June 1 Tel. East 3790. FAMILY of 4 want to lease modern bun galow ; prefer Rose City park. Will guarantee best of care. Phone morn ings, 556-86. A 6-ROOM unfurnished house. conenient to school and car line; a vear's lease wanted; best of references. Wdln. 4953. WANTED 6-room modern unfurnished house, good location ; permanent tenant, four adults. Phone East 20i5. WANTED To rent 5. 6 or 7-room bunga low with or without garage. Call Main 5Q60: $5 commission. WANTED To rent, by familv three adults, houseboat for summer. Phone Main 06. except Sunday. W'ANTED To rent 4 to 6-room house, furnished or nnf urnlshed ; will lease. Phone Ka?t S92 or Mam 3555. WANTED To lease or rent, by family of four adults, seven or eisrht-room house in good district- Phone East tii7. WANTED to rent, 5 or 6-room modern bun galow, with garage : references. Ca II Main 23SO, afternoons. WANTED I.argc. vacant house or fiat; about no rooms; good location; rent rea sonable. G 250, oregonian. Rooms. WOMAN employed wants housekeeping room in quiet home, walking distance, west Bide; reierences. A lv 449, Orego nian. WANTED Housekeeping ? room , com D 2sl. oit.k i ien t ti ian. io Ainswortn school. Ronis Mlth Hoard. YOUNG lady office worker desires boa rd and room on farm, in lamily of adults, for several weeks' varni ion ; not more than 40 mile J from Portland. B 243, Oregonian. ROOM and board for refined, elderlv ladv in private family, must be reasonable, Woodstock district preferred. AV MO. Oregonian. YOUNG man dosi res room with boa rd on west side. Please give particulars. C 2 19, Oregon ian. Rtiinesft Place. A FIRST-CLASS mechanic wants to rent , Orcgo- or lease .'-pace in garasc. C 25: nian. W ANTED To lease a fi re proof warehouse, 2, 3 or 4 stories: trackage not necessary but desirable. AN 3S3. Oregonian. OFFICE desk space. Woodlaw n C.9S. FOR RENT. TWO very good clean rooms. Near Tayior. 20S 17th St.. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL ARTH LTR. 170 1UH st- Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk half block south. Clean, modern. respectable; transient. $1.30; with private bath. S2. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St., at Ka-t Sivth. The principal ea.-t side hotel; digni fied and rf fined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per wee k and up. ANSON I A HOT EI. 121 14th st.. at Washington. Ra tcs. $5 per wek up. $ 1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL BAKU, 112 N. 6TII ST.. 2 BLK'S. FROM DEPOT. $1 per day. $5 per week and up: hot and cold water, steam heat; tree phone and pains. HOTEL T A I T, 12th and Stark; pleasant, desirable, all outside rooms; telephone, eiuVatur; raiea $ 5 p r week and up. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Wash. Sts. Transient and permanent: single rooms or suites. ith and without baths : reasonable rates. ST. PAUL HOTKfr. 4th and Aider; t; phone, elevator, hot and cold water; up ; private bath, $2 up ; permanent, up ; pri ate bath, Jj9 up. ATTRACTIVELY furnished outside sunny rooms, near Mu'.tnomah club. 200 Nar tilla st. Phone Main 45. HOTEL LE ROY Right downtown. 901 Fifth street, bet ween Stark and Oh k, $ l day. week up; large, clean rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth. Rates $1 a day up. Weekly. 14 .50 uit. Sieam heat. r oe phone and baths. LARGE I ront room ; will gl breakfast it desired ; walking distance 374 Van couver ave. Phone East 2700. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 291. 271 Grand ave. EMPRESS hotel. c,orner 6th and Stark. $1 day up: rates weekly. Phones tacii room, free bath. BUSH MARK hotel. Washington at 17th; clean, modern and respectable; $3.5u per week up. 75c, $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jetierson. HARRISON hotel. Front and Harrison, outside rooms. $2.50 up; board if desired. FURNISHED room with private with bath Kathcrlne apts. Mar. 200.J. NICE clean room, country-like place, close in. -til 14th h, near Jei'fcrsim st. 5c AND Yamhill up, $3.50 week and up. Hal Furoisbed Room 4 in fnvate family. SUITE of two large front rooms, physi cian's residence; nicely furnished; suit able for 3 or 4 men; hot and coid water in room, fireplace, built-in clothes clos ets and drawers, all conveniences; close in. fr51 E. Yamhill st. East 790-. ROOM, private west side home, block oit Washington st.; large windows; fur nished artistically; $3u; gentleman. Main 26. 774 Everett st. DESIRABLE room, all conveniences; walk ing distance ; gentleman only. Main 8341 mo rnings. FURNISHED room, suitable for 1 or 2 people ; bath and phone" privileges ; very close to downtown district. 30a 11th st. STRICTLY modern sleeping room in pri vate residence; no children ; $9 month. 428 E. Harrison st. East 1902. NICELY furnished front room ; all con veniences; w alking distance. 367 E. 7th N. East 6H20. KlCELY furnished sleeping room, hot and cold water; across from city hall. 200 Fifth. FRONT room, beautiful location, refined home; walking distance, bath. Phone Marshall 3009. PRETTY nice room, private family, home like place. For particular man; reason able. 455 Market st. BEAUTIFUL large front rom : all smaller rooms, clean, homelike Broadway 4251. o two place ATTRACTIVE front sleeping room, suit able for 1 or 2 people, 4 per week. 168 18th st. N. ROOM for rent in private family ; break fast if desired. 066 Flanders, apartment 5. Broadway 37SO NO profiteering here; very d esirable out side room, modern, convenient, central. Marshall 349. NlOELY furnished rooms, close in ; busi ness men only need apply. H 254. Orego nian. NEWLY renovated housekeeping rooms and, sleeping rooms ; frt j neat, phone and hath. 175 X. 7th. MODERN furnished room, walking dis tant e. 129 E. 15th st. Phone E. 6S27. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, wood 21S9. FURNISHED room, west side. 0L Norm 21st st. Main 804. SINGLE bed room, modern home, garage near Irvington. East 7S60. ROOM with sleeping porch, meais if pired. 33 E. 16th. N. cor. Couch. Rooms With Board. THE MAR TH A W ASH INGTON. 3S0 10th st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. BEAUTIFULLY located home offers roomo and excellent home cooking. 143 N. 10th St. Broadway 4314. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; o per week. Aut. 21-974. J E. 7th st. ROOMS and board, $9 week, home cookilTg. Mississippi ave. to- Stantoa. 5b8 Detay. WO-ia. 3300,. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23I AND KOYT ST. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. - Two of the best-known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, witn or without bath $2 50 a day up: rates bv day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portlands downtown h tgh -class family hotel ; rooms en suite or sing.e. with or without board, for families and business men ana women. We give you all the conxUtrta mi a home. Reasonable rates. Rooms With Board In Private Family . SINGLE rooms and rooms for families: hot and co id water, beautiful porches and nice lawn; 1 large room, suitable ior family of 4; private bath, hot and. cold water. Also table board; chicken and cream d Inn era Wed. and Sun. Phone 1 day ahead. Call Bdwy. 5450 morninsa and evenings. LIGHT, pleasant room with board, strict y moiern home, for oung man willing to share room with rctined congenial yuunc man ; twin beds ; reasonable; clo. to 2 carliucs, wet side. Phone Marsha. I 27M. . ROOM and board in beautiful Mt, TaboP home; pleasant front room with tine view over city; home privileges; $33 per month; suitable for two young men or married couple employed ; garage it de sired. Tabor 1442. COMFORTABLE room with 3 largo win dows and ha t h ; scr e ood home cook -iiicr. also guragu: west side. Phone 42 13. t51 Savior. TWO furnished connecting rooms, suiiab for 2 or 3 persons, with good board, in pri ate modern home, nice res. dist ricu on car line. E. GQ14. 674 K Ankeny. TRAINED nurse will hoard babies m o n home, if 25 per niunlli; best references. 717 E. Mst st. Kobe City car to feist... ; blocks south. ROOMS in private family, suitable for om or two gentlemen ; break 1 ast it dcsirou. 3 E. 1 tUi M. N.; MontawMcar. FL'RNISHED rooms with c.r witli-out board. homo cooking, reasonable, too onsan. War 21st. " EXCLl'SIVE home offers om and boaru , 143 N. I9ta 8L good hoine-niade bread. Roa4 w ay 4314. F you want a plpasa'iit room and board in a ood location, in C. S- home, call Tabor 4 2 1 . ' LAIMK. eh-ta.-t for e a r-al hoi er fui trout roeiti ?n0 break -ut i0t"H n ; all the comforts of . too Clay. Main 222.V MEN t ard 711. ind room. ?S per week. WANTED t'hilire to board and care for. I a bor 7-.OS. ROOM AND KORl for 1 or 2 ladies; home pri ilege-s ; walking dist. E. 4 135. ROOM and ! P9 K. A nk arii for Ial ny. East J s or gentlemen. I u rn i --tied A part incut!. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier Franks store; good surroundings, slricllv mod ern. 2 and 3-room furui.-hed ants.; al outside with French doors and balcony. Permanent ami transient. K I N OS HI' R Y A P t. l V 1ST A AVE. Nice 3-rooin furnished ant. with 2 dis appearing beds and outside balcony, f (1 and up; also .small hjsi'iucr.t ant., will rent furnished or unfurnished : desirable for people employed, fail Main 3S3. HONxl l-i BR A K A PTS. 1 Inree room, kitchen, bath and sleep ing iiorch. m w v f urnisn i. witn or port w it (lOUt 1 1 a n cock piano si re Irvington district. 614 WILL sublet be an I it oily and completely furnished four-room apt . to re I ia bio couple. No children. References r auircd. Walking distance. Rent $97. 50. O 233, Oregon in n. RoSi; CITY PA RK A t tract 1 e 2 -room ant. in modern private home: every con- em WHt ere i phnnc. r included, carafe: two adults; ren tes ; 35. til 5 E. Otit ti st. N. THE KVKKETT. 614 EVERETT, bet. 2th & ELLA STS. Furnished I'-room a pis. with or w ith out .sleeping pore n. Uiilsiilf rouiiis; $.5-tO."i. J5K "TIFl LI .Y furnished 5-room apart ment. Possession 17th. Can be seen Fndav, Saturday and Sunday, apt. 31. 2im) K. 13tU st. MAY 15 vacant 3 and 2-rooms, completely furnished apis, with tn vate bath and phone. $15. Carloi's Apt.. 34 1 1 4lh st corner Market. Main 739. " lacrettV: a i ts. Completely luvnishcd 3-room apt. in first -class a pt. house, close in, $70. 229 11th si. Main N397. THE STAN FIELD. Modern 2-room apartments.' light, heat, dione and laundry facilities; $20 and 22. Main 7392. UKAl TIKI LI.Y furnished 3-room apt. just renoatd: steam heat, new dishes, cook- in uteiisiis and curtains. $50; close in. Ea.-t f-iue. Woodlaw n 4Q7 1 . BKATTIFILLY f urn i;--hod 4 -room an is., ju.-i r'iiovHi.-d ; sie.mi heat, new dishes, cooking uitnsLc arid curtain-'. $ JO : clp&e in. Fast side. Phone Woudlawn 4971. SINGLE -huu '-'keep in g room. furnished ; 1 iht. gas, phone free ; furnace heat. $ 1 2. 554 Kat Madison, corner 13th st. 4-STRY fireproof building, automatic ele vator. 4 rooiusb modern, light and airy. Buwv. 2071. VERY desirable modern 2-room apt., pri va to bath, spit nd id location, w est side. Phone 550-19. m jfrtl M OD EUN 0- room fiat; adults only; reft; enct-s r 'iuired. Bet. 10 and 2. 570 E. Salmon, cr. Ittru 'I j k TtA FI ELD M ode in 2 -room apis., liijht, heat, plione ami laundry facilities, $2Q a nd $22. 1 ain 7302. PEABmDY A PTS.. 19th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat ; reasonable. Broadw ay154d. CLEAN, comfortable 2 and 3-room apts.: reasona hie . a so single H. K. room. 11 Noith hih street. THE HOSANTA 3-room furnished apts., siiciiy modern; private bath and phone; reasonable- rent. 1 9 N. 23d st. TH E AIRLINE Two-room front nieiu. strictly modern, $37.50. 17th st. . apart 220 N. MODERN 3-room nicely furnished apts; steam heat and phone; rent $45. 624 M a rs hall. Bd w V. 33 1 . FIRST floor apartment. 3 nice large wc'l I urnishtd rooms ; adults ; J 4 5. 37 Hall st. 3-KUOM modern outside apartment, nice lv 1 11 r ins hod : si earn h iat and phone ; rent $15. 02 4 Marshall st. Hdwy. 3'L LEEDS APA UT. 2, 3 and 4-rooin apt-.; modern, fireproof; also sleeping rooms; walking distune e 2 IO 5 1 ar ket st. 3-ROO M flat, con nected with hot and cold water, free lights. 1 block from Alberta car C a . 1 1 00 o E a s t lsi 1 st. North. TH REE larjre. clean housekeeping rooms, new- furniture and carpets. 2o E. loth, corn cr Ash st. BE MTl FULLY-FURNISHED 3-room apt. in refined establishment, reasonable. 745 Hoy t. SUNNYS1DF- apts.. fine completely fur nished large 3-room apt., corner, ready few days. S. S. car. Tabor 3QQQ. ONE 2-room furnished and one 3-room unfurnished. King Albert aptsj TWO 2-room furnished apts., private bath. (h'.'j Glisan st. BUSH .MARK -Wash, at 17th. completely furnished 2-rm. apt., respectable, modern. 2 Rot 'MS first floor, single rooms, con " veTiimt and reasonable. 655 Flanders. -Rt OM furnished East 3593. apartment, desirable. CLEAN meiit. well furnished 3-room front apart $40. Main S105. 3-ROOM 22d -t. 1 p t. . newly t i n ted. Leonce apts. $15. 1S6 N. .CO APTS., E. Couch and Union ave.; 2-room apts. reasonable. FURNISH E D A PT. T WO JEFFERSON. "-ROOM, private bath, front suite; reason able. 631 Hoyt. Bdwy. 4046. LMON AVE. all complete. and KHlinsfcworttu concrete bide 4-ROOM furnished . modern apartment. Park and Taylor sts. Main 1901. bGAt!fcl and furniture moving. Phone Brcadway 4Ul. Alert Transfer. 389 SiarW. TOURNEY BLDG. Furnished 2-room ttpts. 207 li 2d st. S. APARTMENT TO SUBLET; DREN. Call Main 359. NO CHIL- SUBLET three-room furnished apt. Phone Marshall 19b 7 Friday. " Unfurnished Apartment. IONIAN COURT ISth and Couch; mod ern 3-room unfurnished; all outside sunny rooms; $40; adults. Phone Bdwy. 2761. ; UPSHUR APTS. 4 -room unfurnished ant.; gas range, hot and cold water; rent $2b. 4MP4 N. 26th. 3-ROOM unfurnished apt.; tree phone, pn vate bath. Q2 Glisan. VERY large 4-room aot.. unfurnished, at Irving Apts.. 2lst and Irving. . DOl G LAS COURT 2-room apartment ; immediate possession. Call Main 2720. UNFURNISHED 2,-room outfcidc ant. $S2.5. Call 2b4k Currpro Court apts.