THE JIOKXIXG OPGJONIAX, FRIDAY, 3IAY 14, 1920 2 Y V REAL KSTATE. For 8jU e A c reag e. WELL EQUIPPED AND STOCKED. Nearly 5 acres, located right In town, just east of Orwham. Close to depot and school; ail under cultivation: one ere of bearing orchard, acre of ber ries, all In Tine shape. Balance of the place in garden and potatoes. Ail the crops are included ; 5-room house, barn, chicken-house, root cellar, woodshed. With this piace goes 1 horse, wagon and harness, cow, 4 hogs, 40 chickens, lota of rabbit, plow, harrow, cultivator, hay rake and small tools. A fine piece of land, well fertilized, well located, right at store. School-and other conveniences. $500 cash, easy terms on the balance at ft per cen t. Personally Inspected by Brooks, with John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg. A MO DEI 14-ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED RANCH AT TL A LATIN. Good 7-room white house; hot and cold water, bath, toilet, sink In kitchen, electric lights, red barn-, root house, wood house; fenced with woven wire, fence pu.-ts painted white; beautiful flowers on the lawn: 5 acres In potatoes. 1 acre good tamily orchard. 7 " acres vetch and oats. 2 acres timber and pas ture, splendid soil, lies stood ; 1-3 mile from Tualatin. 1 ti trains a day: on hard- urtaced road, only 13 miles from Port land ; price $t'((itnj. sc SAM HliU'EY at J. L. lUUTMAX CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bid a. HIGH-CLASS BERRY RANCH. 10 acres, mealed in" Marlon county. 3i mj le from good town. U mile from Pa cific high v. ay ; all of the ranch under a hich state of cultivation; 3 acres of loan and raspberries, some currant3 and gooseberries; large faniiy orchard; aood f.roorn bungalow; barn, 25x30; hog house and ciiicken house, mile to fine high school; oniy 1 V hours ride from Portia nd, paved road all the way. Per sonaliy inspected. Photo at office. John l-'erfeuon, Geriinger blug. POULTRY FARM 5 ACRKS. $500 CASH $20 I'Ell MONTH. 1 mi la to Clatskanie, 2 a acres In wheat, acre in potatoes, acre In cardtn and berries. Small bearing fam ily orchard, 3 poultry houses ; small house, Larn ItixlS; acre in timber for fuel. Just the soil and location for ber ries and poultry. Price only $1-00 with above terms. It is a good property at a low price. . MaclXNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade. Alain 3S68. RIGHT ON THE PAVEMENT 1 '.-i acres, on the base line road. Just east of city; nice shade trees, good sur round! ngr ; new small house, w it h city water and gas In and eiectiic lights can be had. 'i eiephone in the house a d other conveniences. The entire piace a'l fenced with woven wire. A nice sum mer place, close to the city. Price $lSO0. $xuo cash. And -erson, with John Fergu son, Ueriinger b.dg. SUBURBAN HOME. 5-room pi a stored bungaiow, with At re done in in ter urban car and paved highway. All kinds of fruit; pears, apples, prunes, cherries, currants, goose berries, loganberries, etc. A f.ue bar gain for some on1 with $ 1000. Price $2H50. Photo at office. CLEVELAND-!-! ENDERSON CO., 21? Railway Exchange Bldg. , Main 6752. TIG A RD BUY. 7 3-5 ACRES, all In cultivation, ex cept aoout 1 acre of fine wooded pas ture; lies fine; tome fruit trees and ber ries; good new 0-room buncalow with larfipi f ron t porch, new garage, ciiicken hou.-o. barn, etc.; ju.t one block off the Port land -Ne wberg highwav, about 12 miles from J'ortiand. Beaatitul loca tion. Price $T;t00. John E. Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce , bide. 11 ACRES, IS miles from Oregon City, alt under high state of cultivation; 5 a res young walnuts, family orchard of ail kinds of fruit and berries in full bearing. Good 7 -room plastered house, good barn, chicken house and hog uen. Right on main highway. This uiace is well worth your in vet tlgation. Will subdivide. Price $5300. John E. Howard 313 Chamber ofC.ommerce. SI-ACRE farm near the Clackamas river, on hard -surfaced street and cr line, 11 miles from center oi city; 25 acres in cult tvatiun ; good house, barn, hog and chicken bouse; beautiful view of H. Hood; land farther out sold ior $5u0 per acre; $-.",uny count ry home being built near this. Price $350 per acre. i'L CO., 230 Chamber of Coiumerce. BIO MONEY inado In raising loge.r ber ries, raspberrie.3. I lackbernefl. si rawbc r 'ries, etc. We are offering as fine berry land as there is in I he state at $1000 for 20 acres ; $250 cash, ha la new to fu It y ou. Only 2 miles from Columbia river Jughwuy. Here is a chance for you to start for vourseU i'liil be Independent. L. J. runb, 1120 Cham, of Co.n. bidg. 1 0ACR "EST" 1 -5 CASH, Balance $. id, payable $lu per month. Near R id uetieid. Wash., on good county road ; land lev el, tine toll, 2 acres cleared, balance easily cleared. Price and terms are right. See ui today, for Loxnorrow will be. too late. ESTSS fc MAG EE. t09 Chamber of Commerce. ?H5 DOWN $12 50 MONTHLY. Price $075 for splendid level Vi acre tract, all set out to bearing fruit trees, nil pruned and sprayed, all cultivated. We have several of these tracts, also I acre pieces set out to red raspberries, gooseberries and black raspberries, which may be bought on the same terms. Fred W. German Co.. 73- Cham, of Com. ' ?t down i i -J ho Monthly. Ti'u acres of splendid fruit and berry land, nice and level, about 5 acres of which is pt a otic-ally ready for the plow ; balance being in fir and oak timber, splendid creek across one corner. About 7 miles from Willamina. Tota.1 price, $093. Photograph at office. FRED S. liKll.MAN to., 7 32 Cham, of Commerce. S AOEtES. 10 miles from city, on rock ro;id. Just off highway ; 2 acres in or chard, 4 acres tn second-growth timber, balance in cultivation: good H-toa.ii tuuisp, new barn, beautiful trout st rtfTm bounds farm cm south side; price $700i, tollable terms. TURN EH A CO., 'SAM Clumber of Commerce. . HALF SECTION, $200 CASH. Only $4 per acre and easy terms. Worth 3 times the price asked. less than 50 miles from Portland. This is no Junk, but must be sold this week. See us at one?. E ST ES & M A G E K, 009 Chamber of Commerce. t3,iGO ON EASY terms will buy 13 acres fine bottom land which has nearly nil bpf n in nil ttva lion, with 3 -room bunga low, mile from car in Clarke county, AVash. Soil excellent, partly beaver dam. M ill make a valuable place. John Bain, otier. r07 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 20 acreb level land. 8 mll-s Vancouver, i. mile small town a nd elect rtc It. R. si a ( ton, school and church, 1 miie hi rrf -surface hishwsv; acres cleared, balance part ly and timber ; liam e to live out and work in Portland. Price. $2."oo, easy terms. Irvine. :;:K Hawthorne ave. LOGGED-OKF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your ovn terras. Prices $20 ta $U5 per acre LKUDDEM ANN CO.. fi!3 Chamber of Commerce. BASE LINE ROAD FACING THE PAVING. $0OO PER ACRE. A omit 5 blocks Craig ave. -Walking distance Mount Tabor car. Fine garden and berry soil, light brush, spring; 2 shacks. All or half of 15.7 acres. J. C Corbin Co., 305-0-7-8 Lewis bldg. 1 ACRE, all in cultnation, near Court ney station, on Oregon City eiectric; 5 rooin house and bath, chicken house and run; 12 fruit trees. 2 chestnut trees. Tit is is a splendid little country home and the price is only $2650. TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. 2 ACRES FRUIT $1700. " Two acres, all in bearing fruit; J4 acre raspherrif s. Located on good road near Lents Junction. Price $l70O, $5U0 cash, ba'ance easv. V LEV ELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. " bono ACRE'S in southwestern Washing for sale to settlers only; easy terms price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bond accepted at par. Write for map showing locMtion. term-, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY TaooiTia Bid g., Ta coma. Wash. 10 ACRES just outside city limits: fine house, barn, fruit, berries and grapes; fully equipped as small dairv and rent ed tor $000 per year; will eell this at sacrifice, with or without equipment Ni,rrill. .40 First st. Bdwy. 14H6. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 5 acres in Sf ton Garden Tracts, S m:lcs east of Vancouver. Wash. Lwt us show vow this property WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO 2J 1 Railway Exchange Hidg. FOR GOOD PUTS In farms' and acreage. see Air Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1713. 410 Henry Hldg. K ILLINGSWORTH AVENUE. 2 acres ail in cultivation, about 'A in irtrawberrie; nei ghbor cleared $6O0 last sum iiipr ; price i mm per a ere. HENRY W. GQPDARig43 Stark SL lri ACRES, near Tualatin, lieht-timh price $1500; teams $250 cash, remainder employment cutting wood near place ' E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Com. 5ij ACHES, partly cleared, near . Sylvan on Laiiynn ronu . a &uuu uuy, jonn ain 507 Spalding b:dg. H S LF ACRES Morn or less. 71st. near .Haw morn war. kjy, atr, .asi ttaou. heAl estate. MULTNOMAH district, S350; H acre, $750. On highway, 2 b.ock Ore gon Electric station, Gc fare; water, gas, electricity.- Easy terms. Owner, 4o0 K. ISth N. East 7GS3. FOR PALE 1tVJ-cre. Joseph, Wallowa county. Or, 5-room bouse, fireplace, bathroom; all fenced and all level; good spring, close to house, J. F. Wellraan. 3ol E. 57th st. North. Call mornings. EXTRAORDINARY Ideal 10 acres. Ghb commercial orchard. best soil. good bulk! ings. near Eturen ; immediate sale. $4'sj; accept residence. 141 East 6Jth st. N. Tabor 70..i. 30 ACRES. 14 under cultivation; good buildings ; on new Pacific highway and S. P. electric: $20.Ou Also S-acre tracts. 4 miles city limits. K 12S, Ore gonian. TIGARD. 1 4-5 acres. 2 blocks from station." faces O. E. tracks, partlv cleared, creek at back; SlluO. Call Tusant. Main 732. 2 ACRES, 4-room unfinished house, on 45th ave., 1 -block west of Buckley ave., 8 blocks to car. f 2100, terms. OwneT, Tabor 3333. 1 ACRE at Pleasant Home with 3-room house; $d00. 1U3 1st. room b. " For Sale Businew Property. FOR SALE A good business corner lot, E. Sixth and Burnsidc; also soil corner, 17 E. Davis, sold on terms. Phont own er, K a s t l' 7 o 4 . W'H ITE S A LMOM business block, $1800. This is below assessed value. Income bearing. L Oregonian. Homestead Relinquishments. I CAN locate you on a goo homestead In the Portland land district; 1 am familiar witli about 150 tracts from wi:ich you may make a selection ; the government offers special inducements to ex -service men and women; come in for free information. ANDERSON, 632 Railway Excnange Bldg. Main 5300. i RELINQUISHMENTS, county road, saw mill, running water, 'i have improve ments. 1 has 6,000.000 beautiful timber, others are burnt off lands, near McMinn vilie, good neighbors, telephone, mail route, 000, K00, $200, cash, 301 Cor bett bldg. 80 ACRES on- county road ; nearly all burned oft; .good soil, easy cleared and put under plow; good neighborhood, on mail route, telephone ; if taken quick $200 cash. 3ol Corbett blag. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale or trade, 320 acres. Address 6S0 N. 2oth st., Salem. Or. t or ale WHEAT. WHEAT. WHEAT. BUYERS OFFERING $2.50 PER BUSH. 800 ACRES IN WHEAT. ALL CROP TO BUYER. 1500 acres in this wheat ranch, 1480 acres In cultivation; extra good wheat soil, gentle north slope, all operated by tractor and combine, record running back 13 We have years, lowest yieid 20 bush, to acre. On a good road, five miles to railroad station and grain elevator. - Improve ments high class ; 7-room house, large barn, big house for tractor and com bine; sheds for machinery; drilled well, fine water, cannot be exhausted: 8 grain bins holding 100 hush, each at different parts of the ranch. Everything right up-to-date. Immediate possession if desired. Price only $40 per acre. Terms, $20,000 cash, balance long time. Fine stand, big rain last week; pros pects never looked brighter. As an irestmerit it is great, as a home it is a money-make. See it. Personally inspected. Pictures at office SEE THEM. MacINNES PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, . Or. DO YOU want a real country home? If so, we have one of 14 acred in the beautiful Tualatin valley, no better soil can be had in the state. This paee has 5 acres set to potatoes, 7 acres in oats and vetch, a fin a orchard, assorted ; some berries ; a real city home, electric lights, bath, hot and cold water, pressure water system ; fine barn, garage, root house and other buildings: shrubs and flowers and a fine view; price $0000. Let's go out and see this. Hesgard. With COE A. Mt KENNA & Ct.. 82 Fourth St. NEAR NEWRERG. 20 acres, located 4 miles north of New berg and close to Spring Brook station IV acres can be cul tivated. 10 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture and timber. Fences. Small crek across one corner of the place; acres In bearing prunes. School half miie. County road; 4-room house, barn and other buildings. This place is in crop, w-h ich purchaser will get a share of. Price 2."VfM). large cash payment. John Ferguson, Ueriinger bldg. n V MILES OF NKWBERC $i0 PER ACRE, 2.-.S ACRES. New rocked market road now building through the place. Nearly all tillable, best prune and wallnut land. Good stream, springs. About 50 acres In crop. A uo tit 1U0 acres Tine oaK tini oer, quan tity fir timber. Pay for this place from the wood. Water piped to the house. Reasonable terms. A .1. C Corbin Co. 303-6-7-8 Lewis bldg" W ASH INGTO N COUNTY FARM. 100 acres, well improved, barn 70x42 feet, 4 years oid; one house 7 rooms, one house 8 rooms; good fences; 3 li acres in cult i vat ion ; crops all in ; one mile from It. R. sta t ion ; plfnt y water and good pasture. Price $20,000. For fur ther particulars write Miss Olga Tim merman, Hanks, Or., Route 1. Phone 21 Gales Creek. , 85b-ACHE wheat ranch ; R. R. crossei place, also creek; 30O sown to summer fallow wheat, 30 to 40 acres under irri gation, small orchard, fair buildings, HJ head horses, full line . of machinery. Present crop should sell for $10,000 to $15,000. Price $32,500. W1H consider vallev farm or good city property to $20,000, L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. r STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 432 acres. 00 in crop, too more that can be put In crop, bala nee "slashed, burnod and seeded; will carry l."i0 heal steers. 35 miles from coast; all fenced; good Improvements; 5000 arrs of uot range on main road, river and railroad. Price $0 per acre: tTins to suit. Sec H. L. Sterling at Hof I W lllard. 60 ACRES. 40 tiniler cultivation. 30 miles nut on Oroi-on Electric, for sale or trade. AVould consider good place on highway or coast resort; must he suitable for business location. Let's hear what you have for sale or trade, no matter where It is. C. T. GATES. 227'- Washington SL COLUMBIA BASIN. 120-acre farm; we want a buyer for this beautiful tract of l.ind, none better In the northwest: 40 acres in apricots, almonds and peaches, good well, barn, well fenced; nearly all in cultivation; wiil rent If von do not buy. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. 15 MILES FROM PORTLAN D. 100 acres on paved high, and electric road. A 11 highly improved. Lots of good buildings, and G-room house. The entire place has perfect drainage and extreinelv fertile. Will sell at a bargain. J4JII N SON -DO DSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. 8SO-ACRE stock ranch. Crook county. Ore gon; Ml) unaer irnsiuon, wi with fine fencing, good buildings, lot of good farming machinery, great amount of out range. Consider good Portland property to $10,000 or $12,00O; a little cash, bal. long time at ti'e. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. 14 40 ACRES FOR STOCK. $3 PER ACRE, HALF CASH. Ml in one body; all good bunch grass .land : plenty of water year round; 60 acres in cultivation; fine sheep or stock range. Let us tell you about this. Mac I N N ES & P R A TT, 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. ACREAGE on your own terms. Also 80 acres, about 6 cleared; 3 sacks seed potatoes ; 2 houses furnished ; horse and buggy; tools; water at house; 4 mile from state road. 6 miles from Washou gal. Wash. Call 1073 E. 31 st st. N., Portland, or see Moody, Washougal, Wash. Terms. REAL BARGAIN FOR $3000. 3H miles of Oregon City. 14 acres;, 11 needed; creek, beat soil, buildings small. 3 cews. horse, buggy and crop; $2100 down, bii. o years. OWNEH, 600 DUANE ST. Phone 153-R. Oregon City. FOR SALE 250O acres Whitman county Wash.; .well-improved. cropped and equipped ; $2oO,OuO. $ .5,000 cash. Get tun particulars. women west Realty, 441 Rookery, Spokane. 11 ACRES. $75 DOWN. Close to elect ric car sta., store and school ; work near by : price $1100; $73 Gown . t jfttia time uii uaiaiire. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. ARE nl1 -looking for a farm in Willam ette v alley or Western Washington? If so. iook. over ur large lists. J3. M. I r i c e v- o.. --op wenry hf ui g. LOGGKD-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running wy termw. J. R. Sharpe. 83 Vb 3d sc. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin vaTlef tormi., Paul Boujier, Stockton. CaU REAL ESTATE. T3 ACRKS. Arrt Mack rich bottom soil, 55 aer ?a in cultl vat ion and in crop, balance of land in fine open pas ture and so me timber. Crops ar looking good. G-room house with a water system, hot and cold wa ter, bath. Wr.odshed, chicken house with yard, 3 horses, pigs, chickens, binder, mowr, rake, drill WHjon, 4 plo;vtt, roller. Close to station on car line to Fori land, 25 miles to Prtlf.nd on tjood load.' rn good locution. $14,000, part cash. A. C. KOWLANI), 8th and Main Sts.. Oretjoi City, Or. 7 MILES FROM CITY. 40 acres of sandy loam soil, located close to the Clackamas rive South of Portland, on a fine road; 3t acres under cultivation, ail can be cultivated; 3 acres of orchard, 1 acre of prunes; creak on the place; good buncalow of S rooms; full cement basement; barn. 30x40; chicken house, hog house; 5 acres in wheat, 8 acres in oats, 5 acres clover, 2 acres potatoes. With this piace tes 3 cows, 1 horse, 50 chickens, 2 hoes and 1 heifer. Will consider house In Portland up to $3500 and some cash. Give terms on the balance. This is a well located. cloe in farm. Nelson, with John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. CAUGHT PROFITEERING ON LAND. When you read of merchants taking 50 per cent on their investment, you atiud--der. On ten acres of Yakima valley ir rigated land that cost them from $2o0 to $500 per acre man v farmers har vested a crop that brought from SlUuo to $ 1300 per acre last year; prospects are better now than last year. Quit kicking. Get busy. Ten acres all in 10-y ear-old Wineaap apple trees with peach and pear f il lers. The 1H20 crop brought $51 oo. Government water, sight ly location, fenced hog tight. $5500. on terms. $1500 cash and crop. Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 012 Selling: bldg., Poptiand. Or. EAST OF GRESHAM. 120 acres, located on the main road be tween Gresham and Sandy. Over 100 acres can be cultivated; 32 acres under cultivation and in crops; balance in standing timber. One acre of bearfng orchard ; good fences ; several springs. This piace Is on the main road. Ex-' ceptionaiiy fine 7-room plastered house with bathroom; large barn, granary and other buildingi". Only 2 m ilea to elec tric station. The crop goes with the place. Price $117 per acre, small pay ment down. This is good, level land, well drained. Personally Inspected. Hio los at office. Anderson, with. JohnFer guson, Geriinger bldg. ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 31 acres, located right on the paved road, best of soil. Near Troutdale. All can be cultivated. 12 acres under culti vation, balance in timber and pasture. Well and spring. One acre orchard, 12 years old. Water piped to bungalow. Garage, barn and other buiidlngs. The bungalow on this piace Is 7 rooms, with large porches and is a very attractive place ; nearly new. Price $9000, with terms. Personally Inspected. Photo at office. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg. t CLOSE-IN DAIRY RANCH. 40 acres, located on a graveled road, 1 i miles from paved road; 5 miles from city iimi ts; good loam soil, rolling land ; 30 acres can be cultivated, 12 acres un der cultivation, 20 acres of pasture. Good creek that never goes dry. Wire fencing. Half miie t oeiectric station, hi mile to school. 6 acres in clover, balance in oats. Family orchard, ti-room house, barn 30x40 chicken-house. l'rice $4500. with 7 good cows, heller, horse, harness, wag on and dairy equipment. $2450 cash. Per sonally Inspected by Anderson, with John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before bavilng. 1 can save you money. Lhave seine 500 fine farms: my years of- experience are worth many dolla rs to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building. POULTRY FARM 5 ACJVEs! $500 CASH $20 PER MONTH. 1 mile to Clatskanie, 2 acres In wheat, ?4 aere in potatoes. acre in garden and berrle. Small bearing fam ily orchard, 3 poultry houses ; small house, ha rn 1 Gxl S ; ; acre in tilnber for fuel. Just the soil and location for ber ries and poultry. - Price only $1200 with above terms. It is a good property at a low price. MacTNNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade. Main SS6S. LOOKING FOR A FARM? The one you are looking for is listed in our oftice. Come in this morning and we will take you In our car to see It and arrange the details of the sale for you. This service is free to you for the asking. i McCRlLLTS-CLR AVELAND CO., 322-320 Henry Bldg. Portland, Or. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? A., all cultivated. 8 A. In full bearing Italian prunes and variety orhfr fruit. 1 A. strawberries, 3o Concord grapes; good 5-rm. house with attic, barn and ot ljcr outbid gs. ; rancx joins paved high way and electric sta t ion on corner of place; 12 mi. to Portland. The owner is going east and for quick sale i)l take $45oo with $2000 down. F. it. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Maiu 7141. 4S0-ACRH FARM. $27 PER ACRE. All til I able, pract icaMy level chocolate loam soil ; 2UO acres in cultivation ; 0 room semi -him ga lo w. large frame bam, granaries with capacity of 6000 bu., two excellent weils and wintimill; 7 & niiies f rom good little town on the C. P. R., in great wheat belt of Alberta; owner's heaitn forces sale. Write R. F. Chapman, care H. M. Johnston, Gen, Dei., Jackson, Mich. HOG RANCH on rented place for sale, with best of feed routes J n town; build ings and equipment enouerh to feed 400 hogs and one- 2-ton Standard truck in good condition. Also have chTcken ranch, buildings enough to handle 10 to laving hens with 550-egg incunator. brooder and some laying hens. Will eell same with hog ranch or separate. Se Fred Lee. Take MA Kenton 'car. wal k to foot of Argyle and Columbia blvd. CHICKEN AND BERRY RANCH. 5 acres, close to Tualatin, 2 acres ber ries, balance in crop ; f I no orchard, a very good p'axtercd house, good base ment, well and storage tank, gas en gin1: small barn, chicken house; on fine roads. mile from two car lines and fetation; price $450O. llesgard. With COE A. McKE.VNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. W I LLA M ETT E V A LLE Y FA R M. 232 acres. 145 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; Kwt acrs-choice bottom land, 25 acres young hops, 15 acres your s prunes; fine st ream water; 6-R. hou.-e, barn, outbuildings, ne.-j school and good town. 40 miles Port land, good roads; price $100 per acre; favorable terms can be made. R M. GATE W OOD & CO., 1 05 4th St OWNER WILL SACRIFIFCK. Equipped ranch. 1 00 acres, by lake: ideal home ; about 0o ' acres cultivated ; adjoins free range; fenced: spring water under pressure ; G-room house, plenty out buildings; mostly in hay. garden, pota toes planted, some fruit : good road, daily mail ; 21 cattle, good team, ma chinery ; possession now ; property ciea r. Only $7500, terms. J. Mu.Ienas, Mica, Ida. POLK COUNTY. fi acres, all tillable, with M acres Jn cultivation ; balance oak brush : 3 well: 5 acres bearing prunes; we'd taken care of; rural route, rock road, 3 M miles from town and ra ilroad. Jn a th ickly settled farming district; price $8250; $15f'0 cash; terms on the balance. FRED W. GERMAN. 732 Cham, of Com. 40 ACRES, all In cultivation, good road, electric line. 1000 prune trees. A-l land, some beaverda'Ti. running water, 6-room Niouse, large b.-n. other bldgs., equipped with stock and machinery; crops tn: all - for $10,000. terms; will take house up to $300(i; reason for selling, old age and sickness. Owner, 147 4 Broadway. Port land. Room 8. 1440 ACRES FOR STOCK. $3 PER ACRE, HALF CASH. AH in one body; all good bunch grass land; plenty of water year round. 00 acres in cultivation ; fine sheep or stock range. Let us tell you about this. MacINNES & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade B'dg., Portland. Or. $100 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY. Ill acres of logged-off land, well built 5-room bungalow. In Klickitat county. Wash. Log R. R. through place. volcanic ash soil, particularly ad in ted to fruit raising. Toral price $1800. Fred German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. 0 ACRES of good tillable soil. 1 14 miles from S. P. railrosd and electric lines; all fenced and cleared : would make liberal terms. A R 4ti0, Oregonian. 30 ACRES. 15 apples, walnuts, prunes, cherries. 5 timber; house, barn, near sta tion, church and school; hour's ride; $000. terms. 21 3-06 A u torn at 1c. CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, aU tise. McFarland. SOV Falling bid. KEAL ESTATE, for Sale -Farms CORN CLOVER CLOVER SEED G R A I N DA I R Y H OG S Are the leading products of this 80 acre farm, fully equipped, in the de lightful UMPQUA VALLEY. Only miles to a progressive town on the Southern JPaciric R. K. Of the 80 acres more than 60 ar in cultivation. It is all a sandy loam, soil; at present 16 acres are in clover. 10 acres in wheat, 10 acres in oats, 6 acres in oats and vetch, 5 acres in a young prune orchard, lo acres prepared for corn with selected seed, .5 acres for peas, beans 'and garden;" waUred by never-faiiirig springs and small creek. A new dwelling of 7 rooms, inhered for 1 oOO; new hip-roofed bam, cost over $2000; silo in barn; tenced Into four fields. hog-tight; running water at house. 0 With the place go cows, 2 fine teams, 3 brood sows, 22 pigs, wagon, full line of implements od tools. It is ready to step right onto. Fine rsnge for stock. This is an all-around farm In splen did cultivation, with big opportunities for loganberries, asparagus, onionA and celery. The clover seed from 1 acres netted over $30; 14 acres In corn av eraged 73 bushels to the acre. The L'mpqua valley has a long growing sea son and the corn does exceptionally well. This property, inclutkng stock and equipment, is very low priced at $9000. Terms, half cash. MacINNES & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Or. EASTERN OREGON STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. . ALL NORTH SLOPE" LAND. 1200 acres, 300 acres in grain with bumper crop tn sight. Crop goes with ranch and ought to pay for half of pur chase price this year. With ranch goes 11 large draft horses 8 are mares), sev eral head of cattle, lot of chickens, 27 inch Russell thresher, two 34 -inch wagons, header beds, 12 ft. header and binder, hay rake, mower, fanning mill, horse cultivator, six-horse harrow, 12-f t. surface packer, 8-1 1. Superior drill, 8 Vs -ft. disk, hack, buggy, light single and double harness, 7 set heavy harness; everything that is needed to do with on a farm of this size is there; all in first-class condition ; good fences, fair buildings, 3 miles to railroad; abun dance of water from never failing springs; hot andk cold water and bath In house, 20 acres pine timber, thousands of acres finest kind of outrange; first class grain soil; if taken before July 1. $31.70 per acre. T. J. Seufert, 28 Henry bldg. 44o-ACRE wheat and alfalfa farm in the Big; Bend country, Washington, on high way, 300 acrus in wheat, 40 in rye, 10 oats, 6 alfalfa, at least 40 acres can be seeded to alfalfa and Irrigated; plenty of water, good house, large new barn with concrete silo, fine root cellar, ice house, blacksmith shop, wagon, and machine sheds, summer kitchen, chicken houses and other outbuildings; spring water piped in yard ; all farm machinery, in cluding V-z interest in combine; tools too numerous to mention; So acres bot tom land fenced hog-tight, balance barbed-wire fence, 15 good young work horses, 8 cows, 7 head young stock. 1 fine bull, some sheep, a lot of hogs, . chickens, gestf; 5-passengr Maxwell auto; also 10X1 acres leased land ; Im provements on this place could not be put there for less than $15,000: see for yourself; the value can not be appre ciated without seeing ; the soil is rich and lies fine. Price with everything, $75 per acre ; terms; outlook fine for good crop. For more information see PEPER A RICHARDS. 508 Buchanan Bldg. THE CROP IS INCLUDED. 49 acres, located on good county road: half mile from school and church ; close to graveled road, and this place will soon be on the graveled road. 40 acres can be cultivated. 30 acres under culti vation and In crop; 15 acres of fir tim ber; creek ; well at the house; one acre in orchard; good fences; very fine soil, no gravel ; 7-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed. Located east of Ore gon City, or 5 miles west of Estacada or near Beaver creek, 'Willamette Va lley Southern Eiectric line. Price $3750. $1250 cash. Personally inspected. Brooks, with John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. S6 acres. Wash Co., 1 mile N. of Orenco, across from Ore. Nursery; mod ern up-to-date bungalow with" fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, sl-eping porch, carbide light system, 7oO-gal. tank with motor complete ; all f urnl turer 2 hoVses. 4 fine cows, about 2o0 R. I. Red chickens, turkeys, ducks; every Inch of latul in cult., 10 a. in - filberts and walnuts, cherry orchard, family orchard, all crops. A magnifi cent place for $22,500; terms. HENRY W. OOPDARD, 243 Stark St. $450 BUYS SO acres, 3 miles from Ska- inoKawa. tne lamous a airy country, lo acres rich bottom land, balance timber and stumps. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main 1743. 410 Hnry Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE SELL CTTY HOMES. FASTEST GROWING REAL ESTATE FIRM IN PORTLAND TODAY. We can sfll your home quick. Our appraiser will call and inspect your home and advise as to its value, also take a 5x7 photo, which is displayed In our large show room where hundreds of prospective buyers will view it. Eight li 9-wire salesmen who drive their own cars, backed by thousands of dollars spent in advertising bring results. Phone for our appraiser to call today. CARE Y-S AVI DG E COMPANY. Successor to BIHR-CAREY CO. 219 Railway Exchange Bids. Main 74S7. WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW. We are selling more homes than ter; are better equipped to handle your prop erty than ever before. We will call, photo and appraise your home tree. If listed at our appraisal price -your home is as good as sold. We ad vertlse ex tensively, have seven saieuen with autos to show yon property. W e have cash buyers waiting. Phone us. Do it now. J. A. WIC1CMAN CO., 204 Rj. Kxch. bid. Main lut4 and 3S3. THIS AD IS NOT TO GET LISTINGS. IF YOU HAVE A PLACE LIKE MY CLI ENTS WANT, PHONE OR MAIL FULL DESCRIPTION. WANT ONE HOUSE WITH AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS. ANOTHER WITH SIX OR MORE BED ROOM S. M UST BE STRICTLY MOD E RN AND WELL LOCATED. MY CLI ENTS MEAN BUSINESS AND WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IF SUITED. POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. M A 1 N 1 MJO. R ESI D EN C E 27 1 -410. UNFURNISHED house for couple wanted on T.-ent side; small but good home de manded. Call Wahony, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth st. Main 6S7L I A1 EARNESTLY In need of modern Places in any good d istrfct. Call M r. Clearwater. J. L. HART MAN COM PANY. Main 208. W A NTED Business build 1 n g. Front or First streets, bet een Madison and Mor rison; I also want west side bouses, han dling west side property Is my specialty. 'John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce building. SHA'SCS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and very eaay terjns; we have sold over 600 homes in the last year. If you want action list with us. Fred W. German Co:, 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED to buy from owner in Rich mond district,- or ti-room bungalow or cottage, with garage: place for chickens and fruit on place preferred. J. B. Llt tle. 618 Preseott street. " BUILD N O W. Unlimited demand for houses; now Is the time to' move your property. We build on easv terms. Call and see us 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. WANT small pi Jce of acreage on easy terms' from owner, undor $25CO. Will pay all cash this fill. Not particular as to district. A K 817, Oregonian. WANTED From owner, modern 5-room bungalow, attic, conveniences ; moderate price, close In, 'full information. A 257, Oregonian. IF YOU really want to sell your Rose City bungalow phone Bdwy. 20i. No agents need answer. WANTED To buy furnished house. 3 to 5 rooms; $50 down and $15 monthly pay ments at 6 per cent. J 256. Oregonian. WANTED Lot in Laurelhurst ' or Eust moreKnd. Will pay cash. Write C ?40, Oregoulau. WANTED To lease or buy small or me dium modern home, with fireplace and attractive yard. Phone Sell. 2049. iuOxToO BETWEEN 8d and 12th, Glisan and Davis streets. Give full descrip tion and price. H 272, Oregonian. WANT one to three-acre tract elo in near car line; good, house and buildings. Mar. 3471. HAVB the cash for a modern furnished home; please give price and location first letter. AK 319, " Oregonian. FRANKLIN roadster as first payment on a 4 or 5-room house; must be central location. Phone Wdln. 1700. WEST SIDE, strictly modern house, want like five bedrooms, pay to $15,000; pre fer near school. R 274.Oregonian. ' WANT around 7-room house, west side, around $6000. L 264 Orexoaian. WANTED REAL ESTATE- OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS' wortfOF HOMES sold Since January 1. 1120, by F R A N K L. McGUlRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Yon want results? Try our LT.VE. ef ficient method of HOME SELLING. Our record : 800 Homes sold during- 1019. 9 Homes sold, in one day. March 9. 112 Homes sold in March. 432 Homes sold to date this year. Have you a home TO SELL? It's old if LISTED WITH US. WE "NEED IT TODAY: We personally Inspect and photograph EVERY HOUSE listed. ALL photographs are displayed In our large showroom, which is continually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. If you cannot come down, telephone and we'll glad iy call. Our Service is free. No change except the standi rd rate of 5T in event of a SATISFACTORY SALE. 18 experienced salesmen with autos to work, on the SALE OF YOUR HOME. SEE FR A NK L. M cGUI R E, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10G&. Open Evenings and Sundays. WB HAVE BUYERS with cash for Laurelhurst and Irvlncrton 6 or 7-rm. modern homes up to $7500. Must be modern and well located. Sincerelv, Geo. T. Mooro Co., 10O7 Teon Bldg. I WANT a modern home in the Nob Hill district. Geo. M. Strong. 777 Lovejoy st. farms Wanted. WANTED A good farm on good road and good buildings. 25o to 40u acres in cultivation, if you have such a farm at the right price I can sH it now. W. C. BECKTELL 1100 N. W. Baiik B 1 dff. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED To rent at once, dairy farm, 30-0O cows. P. O. box No. 0, Hillsdale, or phone Mar. 324. FOR KENT FA R M 3. KENT. $150 SO acres, near Oregon Clt-r; buildings, orchard; also sell renter 500 cords wood ; hustler can make $2000. 141 East i'Jth st. N. Ta.bor 7055. CHOICE 15 acres, near Vancouver: ideal location; good buildings, road; seasons rent. $175. 141 E. OWth st. N. Tabor 7055. TIMBER LAA'DS. MILL AND OPERATORS WANTED. "W e have several tracts of high-class timber from 5 million to 75 million feet, running feu per cent pine. If you are capable of opwaun a mill and iTave the mill to operate, we can show you wonderful profits, as we yMll contract the sale of the output before you start to cut. All you have to do is log and cut; w-e do the rest. In some Instances we will do the logging if desired. Par ticulars. G. A. Saries. 733 Northwestern Bank. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 160 acres with ti to 7 million feet of flr timber that will make excellent farm land when cleared; sawmill and outni for sawing- 25,000 feet daiiy; good set of buildings; more timber land available, Let us show you this property. WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO- 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. 320 ACRKS TIVRFB In Yamhiil Co., on S. P. electric, half suue 1 rom sta. ana sidetrack; a good sawmill deal and good terms. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 320 ACRES TIMBER In Yamhill Co., on S. P. eiectric, hall mile from sta. and sidetrack; a good sawmill deal and good terms. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. TIMBER Nine million feet fir 3 miles from railroad, all on one quarter section good small mill proposition. $2 per moo Inquire S00 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main I HAVE two tracts of fine mill timber, one at Roseburg, one near .Mill City 1607acre tracts. Address B. F. Knapp. R. 8 Waterloo, Iowa. WILL start right man In lumber manu facturing line. About S300O needed. We furnish the rest. A 25, Oregonian. TO KX CHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. stock ranch in southern Oregon for about 5 to 7-room Portland bungalow or house. Two million feet timber In Hood River county. Or., covering part of I0O acres. Will trade for Portland 5-room cottage or bun galcw. 3 acres orchard land, finest soil. Benton county. Wash., mil7 from railroad station, near state highway and newly surveyed government irrigation ditch. Will trade for Improved acreage or small ranch near Portland or other good locality. Good 7-room bouse on Union ave. Owner forced to vacate be cause of sickness and mortgage of $25(o. Will sell or trade equity of $2500 and buyer assume mort gage o $2500. This la your chance. In Tacnma, Wash., a 4-room and attic bungalow, will trade for' Acreage near Portland. Near Molalla. Or.. 2ft acres, mostly all in crop, family orchard. 7-room house, barn, 3 horses. 2 cows, 13 pigs. Lirm Implements and machinery. Good roads and prosperous locality. Will Lade for store in good locality. I have other property for ex change. E. PI EPSON. 415 Chamber Commerce Bldg. Marshall 371G. 100 ACRES in Lincoln counts', on Big Elk creekc: 2U acres in cultivation; some creek bo i t.m, fine outrange; orchard, fair building, team, 5 Jerseys, and all machinery incl udni ; good fishing and hunting ; price $300. Will take half trade in improved acreage, or small house in good valley town. LUEDDEM ANN COaI PAN Y. U13 Chamber of Commerce. WILL sell or exchange for Portland prop erty comfortable, substantial' L'-room residence, university district. Seattle. Wash.; corner lot, beautiful view, mod ern, every convenience; largo utility basement, large living room, fireplace, bookcases, dining; room, den, kitchen, sleeping rooms, we i a rranged. Owner leaving town. Price lewn than cost to build: reasonable terms. Answer, liC 444, Ore g on i a n . , $4 10O EQUITY in 5-room modern bunga low ; fireplace and furnace and Dull t-ins, full cement basement, garage, chicken house and runs; lot 100x100; garden and f ru it tre-s ; to exchange for grocery store; price $5000; mortgage ' $000. What have you ? SEE BROWN BIDDLE. 324 Rv. Excb. Bidg. Phone Mar. 3331. I HAVE 4-room bungalow, near 32d and E. Alder, full cement basement, furnace. Dutch kitchen, b'uil t-ins. I purchased this house new years ago. Ned larger bungalow and will pay some difference. Phone Tabor S352. H A WT HORN E PROPER TV. Spmi-buFiiifSs. on Hawthorne, Im proved. Will consider other property to $5000. See Mr. Epton, J. ROBBI.NS. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 703-1. LINCOLN county farm, on Y'aquina bay ; 1 27 acres, (V0 acres of tide, and; will trade for 1 'or t land 5-room bungalow, Belmont and south, for part payment. Must have some cash. Call Sell wood 1721. EXCHANGE. Fine pine timber claim, clear of In cumbrance, $35O0. Will assume some. What have you ? See M r. Epton, J. BOBBINS. 8O1-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES. If you have property to trade bring in your list and we will try and get you what you want, B. M. Price & Co., . 2lH Henry bidg. FIRST-CLASS restaurant, doing nice busi ness, five-year lease, to trade for farm or other real estate of equal value. Own ers have ot her interests. Apply Bishop Bros., 124 North 5th street. HAVE 20 acres of good productive soil in the Willamette valiey that I would trade for a modern bungalow or close-in acre age; would be willing to aume. AR 450. Oregonian. f.jOOO 1011x100, 12 rooms, 1G fruit trees, chicken house, garden planted, all con veniences, partly furnished. sale on terms, trade tm- acreage. Tabor 2213. 4-ROOM house, price $930. half cash, or Ford in exchange. For dencription and photograph write L. B Lewis, 110i Che naiem st.. New berg. Or. FOR SAL& or will trade for farm or city property, two 14 sections ot timber land . in Lane county, containing over 7.000.000 feet. Address jlotel Osborn. Eugene, Or WANTED 2 worm-drive trucks from 1 to 2 tons capacity: have In exchange Im proved 60 acres near Eugene. Or.; Pacific 'highway. Box 42:Goshen. Or. ' LOT. value $1000. as part payment on small irrigated phice in central Oregon; must In al'aita and well watered; prefer on 42Q4 fd Ft. EXCHANGE equity In 5-rooni furnished house. It. C P . for small lal model cr. - Phons W. &74. TO EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE. BENTON COUNTY FARM. 70 acres. 30 cultivated, bal. pasture; all fenced and cross-fenced, moauy woven wire; 25 acres in crop, balance rrady for spring crop; 8- room modern house good barn 40xJ0 and ail outbuild ings; 'all stock and equipment to handle good ranch; nice family orchard and ad " kinds of berries; on goed gravel road, 1 mile to R. R. town: prlce$i5M; mort gage $:00O; balance cash : or would con sider 5-room hou in Portland up. to SEE BROWN A BIDDLE, 324 Railway Exchange Bids'. WILL trade for home land In Montana and Idaho; part under Irrigation, W oo Vi la wn 22t8. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANT E D G ood piano and $20O for 1917 Chevrolet car; looks good, runs good; some extras. Tabor 5705, run &A.1A Horses, Vehicle, Livestock. FROM the country 8 head of big heavy young work horses; all gentle and right off at the hard work; five wagons. 3 buggies, 4 sets of heavy double harness. 2 single harness, plow and harrow ; also 9 head of first-class cows, miiKing from 3 to 7 gal. per day, priced from $65 to 175. Call at tne Old Dairy Stable. s6 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. JUST ARRIVED AND SOLD. WITH GUARANTEE, a pair of brown horses weighing- 3250, 5 and 6 years old; sound and very styl ish gentle and true; also a very beau tiful buckskin bor. weighing 1650, 7 yars old ; will work smgte or douole; can be seen at 401 Syracuse st,, St. Johns. vol! ran see them at their work or on Sunday at Cochran barn, 401 Syaracuse St., St. Johns, 24 head of rood sound horse and mares, weighing from 14U0 to noo. lrom 4 to 8 years old, they are in good condition, some good logging, farm and orchard teams, must sell as my contract will soon be done. CARLOAD of horses arrived Monday, May 10; heavy-boued. blocky-built chunks, from 140 to 1800 pounds, from 4 to 8 years old. This is the best load of horses landed tru Portland : all guaranteed to be as represented. Call and see these horses before you buy. H. H.aru, cor. E. oth and Hawthorne. WELL-MATCHED team, weight 3100 lbs.. 7 and 8 yrs. old. A guaranteed good worker in every way. Good set of heavy harness, new S-inch farm wagon. 2tfth and Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. Call at the barn. $250 BUYS team ""of chunky Percheron mares, 4 years old, weighing 2400, har ness and good farm wagon. Have-moved to city and have do use for team. Mrs. Logan, 229 Gibbs, South Portland car. MUST BE SOLD. OWNER LEAVING. a nair nf farm or orchard chunks 5 years old, weifh 270O; gentle and true; very pretty. Call at once, Coch ran barn. St. Johns. FRESH Jersey cow, gives 4 gals, rich milk per day, and HOO-lb. mare. Will sell very cheap. Woodstock car to 34th St., 5 blks. south to 1070 Schiller st. 5-YEAR-OLD Durham, fresh one week, with ftice heifer calf; nice-looitlng cow; wilt guarantee 5 gal. of rich milk per day. Call at 806 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. LEFT 3 cows at Henry Smith's, Milwaukie, 1 block south S. P. depot; come and milk them and no reasonable offec re fused. Geo. Smith. Phone K0J. Milwaukie. ON account of sickness will sell heavy tam, harness and gravel wagon. 501 6 50th st. S. E. Phone Sell. 251S. SPAN geidings, 1200 lbs., well broken; heavy new harness. Cochran, near Stau ley sta., O. W. P. Ask at store. ' SPAN black horses, 3000 lbs., $225; good workers. Span horses 2000 lbs,, single or double. Foot of Main st. FOR SALE Good cows, just fresh. 4 to 5 gallons. 72S South 32d and Powell Valley road. PASTURAGE at Ladd's Canyon farm, clpse in; no business Sundays. Main 4S1H. 5 YOUNG, gentle family cows. Jerseys and. Jersey-Holsudns, $75 to $100. 751 East Ash st. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 0it-J for results. WE BUY and sell catt-e, sheep and goats. Camubeil-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bldg. WILL sacrifice my 7 dairy and family cows. 4 just fresh and 3 to freshen in 2 weeks. 138 Florida st. Main 1AU. 1250-POUND horse, good worker, will seli cheap. Atlas' Woodyard, 327 Front. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for d fad cows. Tabor 4203. DEAD horses, animals hauled awav. free. Portland Rendering Co., Woodian 20. 4-YEAR OLD milch cow. price $08! 4243 45th avenue S. E. Woodstock car. HORSES, wagons and harness for saa cheap. A pply 20 Grand ave. WANTED Beef cattle and veal. Tabor 7030 PlaJios. Organs and Musical Instruments. P IAN 6B A RG A I NSL We have the BEST PRICES on used pianos. Shop around, then come and see ours. You will be convinced, FULLY GUARANTEED. SMITH A BARNES, like new ?3fH B A I LEY, in a hogany case 2;5 SINGER, mahogany case 250 KilKHriOT, walnut case 350 DUNHAM mahogarry case, & snap.. 250 HOMEH, plain oak case 250 SINGER, used short time... 275 VI Cl tK, oak oase 325 IRVING, oak case 240 Terms given. Bonds accepted. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St., bet. Washington & Alder. UNDERPR1CKD PIANOS Downstairs store. Factory rebuilt and used piano. Upright pianos, $105. $235, $2U0 to $405; player-pianos, $303, $405. $35 to $ti35; parlor organs, $25, $35, $45 to $tto; pho nographs. $18, $23. $35 to $120. Terms, $10 to $25 cash. $3. $0 to $15 monthly, bchwan Piano Co., 101 10th sL V OC A L I O N ORGAN S. Two-manual, base pedals. Just the organ for church or moving- pictures; make us an offer. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St., bet. Washington & Aide. i EC U R I TV STORAGE CO. closing ou t $275 to $.100 used- upright pianos. $75 to 42jO; $ Sou to $1000 Uied player-pianos, $3;0 to $495. Pianos stored 75c monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash. only. Corner 10th and Stark sts. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best propo sition. Main S5tt SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th Ft. USED PIANOS at prices you CANNOT COMPARES. Try arouiiH. then see our bargains. SEIBKRLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St.. bet. W ash ington ft Alder. r PI A N O SN APS For PIANO BARGAINS that are REAL BARGAINS see SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St.. bet. Washington ft Alder. FOR SALE B Y O W N E R BEAUTIFUL BURL WALN UT UPRIGHT KIMBALL PIANO, WONDERFUL TONE; BAR GAIN. TABOR 1072. WANT ALL KINDS OF PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 12ft FIRST. MAIN 4405. TABOR 6708. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. Selber-ling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st. Main i53. STEINWAY piano, almost like new. latest style case, sacrifice, leaving Oregon; save dealer's big profit. Cail at 7l East 2Mb. st., near Stark. GENUINE BUSCri LANE PIANO CHEAP Almost brand new, with bench, Brok eraagc Co., 312 Worcester bidg. VICTOR piano, latest style. lal l case, with bench; sell cheap, terms, 312 Wor cester bldg. WELLINGTON piano, almost new. at a fair price. 1120 Ogden ave, and 36th st. S. E. CONCERT GRAND, like new. $730. Tou may rent It. Harold S. Gilbert. 364 YamhilL PIANO WANTED. Pav cash; get our price; Seiberling-Lu-eas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 8580. WANTED Good tone piano; can be old ca3h for bargain. Main 3Sb4 before 5 NEW $175 Brunswick and 45 records for sale or trade fur Ford or Maxwell chas sis. East 5314. PAY cash for pianos, phonographs, records and musical instruments. 254 Market street. $00. KIMBALL only $200, easy tenns. A I - w orcester mag. WANTED The best piano that $150 cash will buy. Sell. 150'J. $0(tO KINGSBURY piano, plain mahogany, sell cheap, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. orcester bldg. RENT a phonograph. Harold S. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill st. IF vou are looking for happiness, you will find it at McDougail's Music store. vTcTROLA for sale cheap; 40 selections. SOI 21st N. HA RDM AN piano, good condition; bar gain for cash; leaving city. East 41SJ. W ELLINGTON pinno for $250v Phone .Last &3b4 Larsen. FOB BEST. Furniture for Sale. DO YOTJ KNOW that we can give yon a good tise-4 steel range for $25 7 Several M choose from and all of them are guaranteed. Easv terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-190 First Street. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California ; we can save you money on vour freight in our through cars; fireploof storage. C. M. Olson Tra n s fer A St orag e C cw. 243 Pit ie st- WAXED OAK library table, dining table with leather-seated chairs, straight chair, three rockers, chl.d's rocker and faiKh chair; priced to sell quickly. UoS Schuyler street; East 7014. FOR SALE Substantial heavy brass bod. 3t-sixe, s;ood as new, $4" ; also -box mattress, hair top. fine condition, good as new. Call 406 E. 24th st. S.. cor. Lincoln, mornings. FOR SA LEt China cabinet, oak chiffon ier, large Reliable gas range, Ruud wa ter heater, kitchen table, iron wheelbar row; all first class. East 41S0. ALL my household goods for sale. Mil wauk ie. Or. ; go to 4tn house north of 32d and Harrison. $5 7 5 S ECOND-H AN D furniture store, liv ing aiM.rtm.ents; any tune. 2SS N. liith. street. SIX rooms of furniture for sale, house for rent upstairs, pay renL 4S0 E. uaii. at. RANGES and water hfalern moved free; connections a spccLiit y. Tabor 2307. HOUSEHOLD foods for sale cheap, at K'3 Fal Ltavid st. TWO Royal Wiiton ruga, fumed booU and library tabe. Tabor S2:il. Poultry. 2000 WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS May 15. IO.00O more for Alav and June, from the very Vest high-grade Hogan lzed. Tancred and O. A. C. strains: $20 Pr 10o. Brown Leghorns same price as nucr ;"! v. l lied and o. A. c. Ijarrod Rocks each weeit at -$30 per TOO. turner 1 rom ttus ad for vigorous, fast growing early-laying? chicks. Prompt biu;i m 1 nt. t ost x' id. J. 1-L McGuire, 78 Oregon st., Portland. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. U. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoganlzed stock only ; March chick-, L4 per 1 tio ; A pr i I, May and June chicks, $12. 50 per 100, July chicks. $1 4. OAK. HILL HATCHERY. Petaluma, CaT. HATCHING eggs from White Leghorns, ' Tancred strain. Pens headed by pedi greed Tancred cock.4 from 250-egg hens and better, from original Tancred yards $ 2 per set ting d ui ;n g Ma v. K. .f Mcissner. 350 Marguerite ave. Tabor S96it PETALUMA White Leghorns lead the world in egg production; we sell BABY CH1X at $13.50 per 100 during May and J une, sale arrival of full court, strong live chicks guaranteed.- The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 Gth St.. Petaluma. Cal. O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORN cfuCKsT $20 per hundred. Buy your chicks in May for win ter layers tha t pav. NORTHWEST POULT it Y C O. S2d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. BIG REDUCTIONS. May and June chicks. Leghorns. Reds, Rocks; prompt deliveries. "Write today. c. N. Need ham, Saiem, Oregon TANCRED White Leghorn chicks, laying nens. na tcumjf ttggs, incubator lots. Tabor 3S22. Dogs. RabbiU. Birds. Pet Stock. CHOICE Airedale puppies. up. Bush r arm, Lents. Or., bl . It. No. 3 Leuts. Automatic 4322. RABBITS. Flemish Giants. New Zealnnd3 also hutches. 433 Monroe. East 0435. 31tftcnluer AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. L S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, s&iety valves. coupling and automatic switches, every thine? tor the air line. Alit COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO., liroaawayojou. couco st, HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con Crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment, standard Mach. Co.. f3 1st st. A 4-HuRSE stover fawiuj good condition; cheap. M31. machine. Pliuiie Tabor WANTED 130 to 173 feet No. conveyor chain. Main 503. "iS riveted Launches autl Boats. FOR SALE Houseboat, modern 5 rooms and bath, excel lent con aitn.n. $ 1 150. in terms. Cail Main UJ7, evenings Seli v o v d 213. OPENING new moorage, space for house boats to let. splendid location; no shacks wanted. C 212. Oregonian. T pewrilers. RE BUILT typew Titers, all kinds for s.i le. rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors ot Corona porta hie, $50 com plete with carrying caae; supplies for ail makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 1 10 Sixth st. Main 225. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SEltY ICE. All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. KEPA I R ES TI M AT ES ON R EtjU EST. Buy, Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 0a!7. fcupplies. 203 1 Oak st. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters-. ALL MARKS, sold on monthly payments. SSend for price li.-t. The lio.esa.e T pe writer Co., 321 Washington st. R E M I N GTON NO. 10. at a sa cr i f ice. Broadway 34r. BC 447, Oregonian. UN DERWOOD NO. 5. 2 - c o i o r ribbon and back space ; bargain. Broadway 34t'5. VISIBLE nmchines. year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 3i4 Oak st. ALL makes rented and re pa i red. Oregon Typewriter Co., 1)4 5th. Main 3U0S. NEW. rebuilt, second -hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 147. REBUILT typewriters. E. W. Pea.-e ac Co., 1 10 Sixlh st. Office Furniture. W ANTE D O no mahogany roll-top a . i d flat-top des-k or table; chairs to match, spot cash. Dealers dpn't answer. Phone Mum 5704 - Miscellaneous. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 24H Main sr. New and second-hand books, bought, swd and exchansefi. All subjects. FRONT bar of soda fountain. lO feet long, cbean. Brink's Pharmacy, 13th Wasli in g i on. FIRST- "LASS seed potatoes for sale. $4 a nd $0 per hundred. Phone Broadway 3 Hi:'., call 124 North .1th st. USED API A R EL, secured from weni 1 1: y lad ies. reasonable price. 1 132 East ( ili san. Montavilla car to HOfh. Tabor 2S25. F I R ST-C LASS fir wood for sale. S . It. Howell, phone 30, IL 11. 2, Vancouver, Wash. STURG1S folding bahv buggy and go cart, bn b v bed, spiings and mattress. Tabor 3!7. M UST sell sapphire and pearl go!d pin, $3u ; was $o; crocheted bed spread, full size. $51". 4:!2S E. 01st aver VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. M. 4!u7. FOR SAL?; Good steel coal. Tabor !550. range, wood or FOR SALE "mu Acorn retread mold; terms or cash. East fiTsx. 30 LOA DS rotted horse manure. Tabor 2704. SODA fountain, sacrificed. $iJtl5. value $15oO. as good as r.ev, 242 Salmon. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners. 2i-hr. day, $1; delivered any w here. Wdin. 5n.vs. ONE targe Cutler desk, amrgain, if taken at once. ' Phone Main X105. BUR BANKS Rest potatoes; only few s acks left. 05 N. 10th St., ovenin g a. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 51 S COU BETT BLDG. MAR. 557. ABSOLUTELY new dress suit, size 37 or 38. Sf34 Foster road. 90,000 CAMELS for sale, $8 per M, less S per cent cash. East 8124. CEDAR POSTS for sale. J. W. ,Hudson, Corbett. Oregon. Route No. 1. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning, 1 N. 1st st. li"OR SALE One large and one small sofa, P lov. Oregonian. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses si iglitly worn. Main ..f7. FINEriT spray bath made, with receptor, Q-ft. bathtub. Broadway 4040. DIAMONDS wanted. to Vt. Pav cash ?f bargain. Main 304 before rt P. M. WOOD RANGE, for sale cheap. fciso Vulcan gas range. Sellwood 1701. FINE Wilton rug, dining room set, hand some bookcase. Broadway 3544. FoR , SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St., near Ash. A GRAY willow buggy for sale, reason able. Call 2 E. 8th N. 2 OLD style -barber chairs, cheap. 349 Alder. - QUARTER-KARAT diamond ring, cost ior jiain oo. poT A TO E S for sale, worth N. 170 East Kii; DIAMOND, large luie. F, O. box 2130, xTOn SALE, JU icel lsvnrous. CLASS Y CLOTHES. . READY TO WEAR. ALTERED BY AN EXPBRT, OUR SUITS ARE STRICTLY TAILORED, w e aieo have a few high, grade tailored suits uncalled for. LET TS SiKW YOU HOW TO SAVE P.EAL MONEY : j on yolk slit. H. 1. BLUM. ! 14 Tent a. n a r Morrison. . Main 27S9. A WEBER Pianola-piano with 62 late hu domical J-note music rolls. Who' H w ti1JS beautiful instrument, we,: I orth $IHV). complete with, nice bench fndrt covured by guarantee, all for oniy $o-0, easy payments? A 'so another t-nota maiioganv pianola-piano, fine condition. it:i 28 M note music roils and bench at only $3ud. Tms can be had lor lo0 cash, balance payments: wi.l send on approval. Cail Oregon Filers Musio House en trance 2i.4. Wash,;nua at., just below 5 tn st. A DANDY used Columbia grafono'.a. price v v i .-o oui now o. i nis, it new, would cost $s. Saie price includes S new $1 records. Sc this and two other less expensive but very god machines at Oregon Ei'ers Music House, phono graph uepartment, 3d iloor. 2S7H Wash Inyiun st., en trance- Just beiw 5th at. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just p'aced on sale direct to the puo.ic the of our salesmen that have returned from the road, con sisting of the latest models of rancoai5. mot orcoats and a'atntr coats in our wholesale ofiice. 720 .Morgan bldg. tTnited Rubber Co. A LATEST model, beautiful mahogany $ 1 - V ictrola model, cse shows some mar and wt-ar. bi.t tone beautiful a $75 cash or payments $10 per H: nn tn tak"a it. Call at once or te;e pjoii Main 1 123. Orer'm Eilers Mu sic Hons, entrance 27 i Washington at., just below F.itn st. SEWING MACHINES, ?0 late drop-ncads, Lk new. Rlngtrs, Whitts, Nationa., Rotary, Willamette. etc., $13 to $o5. A larga number of good machines from $a to $10- Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Singer store. Moo biag., IS3 4th at. Main 6.i33. AN elegant Chickcring upright for rent to w eli -to-do home, w it ere it will be well taken care of. Also a nice MehlLii upright can be had for only $0 a niontn rout. Ai-ply Oregon Eiiers . Musio Il'Hise, Etlcrs Music bldg.. entrance. 27 Washington st. Main 112X SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Mam 94L &WINU MACHINE EMPORIUM, 40 Third, near Taylor. HALL GAS FURNACES Ac FLOOR HEATERS. Inexpensive to Install; clean and heait hf ul to operate. phone Main 7005 fur free estimate or call ltii lark bt- just south of Morrison. . SAFEsI Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at riiit prices, bought soju and exchanged. X.OKKIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Phone Al ain 2045. DANDY modern Victrola with 24 selections of records. Closing out for $;i5. $5 dow a aid $. a month. Phonograph nvadquar ters, 3d fiour Oregon Liters Music House 2:7'j W asii ington 1 1. ONE il. p., D. C. motor, form A., volts 500. speed 1200; 1 Enterprise lard press, bored tube, S-qt., No. 35; 1 lard kettle; 1 computing scaie, weighing up to 40 lbs. Bargain. 430 Belmont st. sacrTficeT C-:ish register, showcases, refrigerators, scales, cheese cutters. Long's popcorn mHcluue. many other fixtures; come to day, 1 13 2. t ALL K IN IS of wa rped. craer.ed, weather beaten and old, icay roof a rejuvenated by our famous and instantaneous rubber bonding system, all work gua ran teed. Phone Automatic 52i-33; East 4i24. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40 a;., $!; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace coils, gas healers installed; ax pert plumbing. repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East S510. ELECTRIC I R 6 n a p p llTtnTeT doorbell s vacuuai cleaners repaired, fixtures re w i reu. We call and deliver. Wouillav. a 1 2 5 n , or cast 4045. KO Y A L electric cleaners for rent. $ 1 p-r day. delivered. Tne Electric Maid Shop. 13:: Tenth st. Broadway 4024. "Let the Electric Maid do your work." FOR SALE 1 painter's outfit, price $20. 1 Winchester rii.e, 44-4if ca.iber, niudel 1M2, repeater, price $13. W. J. Carter, Tisard. cr. LATEi?T styles full dress tuxtdo suits. silk hats for sale or rent at Bareli s coining store. 51 3d, Multnomah hotel. bid;. TWO roil-top desks, one mahogany, oni oak; chaiis to mat eh; bargain. 31 N. 5fh Broadway 273:j. Other office fur niture. SM A LL, large National registers, latest models, from a penny up. saf. and meat s.icer, coffee urn. ma-ble s.ab, gas ranne, 242 Sa.mon street. WOOD for sale, country block and slao, 10 to 30-iu. long, heavy. $i.50; medium, $t; also 4-ft. slab; east side on. y; prompt delivery. Phone Main 5o47 FLOOR cases, wall cases. refrigerator cj b'-s, ia i e. stn a . 1 Ice boxes, sea ies ; 3 piece mahogany set; otfu-; or private use ; very low prices. 242 salmon. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOO D A N l Ct L N T K Y S LA B ; A LSO CO AL. SPECIAL PRICE S O N SLAB. -4 IX CARLOAD LOTS. PiloNE K. 7"2d. NEW "SINGERS." J5 down. $3 monthly. Ex;.ei t swir ; marnti.e r-T:ii'inr. - MoRRISt'N STREET SINGER STORE, 32 Morrison. M a rshall 7lM . S A I" ES- Ne sv and svcor.d - h and ; some with burglar chests, at roa.sw::i Me prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1 '.Mid. 4 8 Fron t st. FOR SA LE I mahouany 1 4-0. front bn r with brass foot rail and 4x12 French plaie mirror. Portland Golf club. Maiu 3i:'e. BI LLI A I CI) and pocket billiard ta hies, showcases, wall cas;'s, fixtures; terms. W. .1. Qu'igley. 31 Hawthorn. Eftst 12:;. INFANT'S layette, never used; a bargain. Clothes. 4 yrs. siw. good but outgrow n ; cheap. 171 Yancmicr ave. KODA KS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 32, Wash ington st. NEW gas raniio and Singer electric ma chine. Leaving" city. 304 E. 40th, St. Tabor 3213. ON E 1 - horse A. C. motor ; three 12-inch. A. C. exhaust fans; one Mannins co.l oil burner. Apply 107 N. 5th sL FOR SALE 1st 135 vols. Fed. Rep.. $135. See 2wt Concord bidi;. J 20'J, OreKu- nian MUST sell at on e, I in ported Ma ndarln very cheap. 1 mi uil e at Ladies' Dress Exchange. Tittock blk. Fo it S A LE 1 blue stii t. brown coa t. size 3(i, baby cart and rocking horse. Phone Tabor 2S72 between 0 A. M. and 9 P. M. FOR SALE $tOO stock in reliable concern paying 7 per Cent interest. For particu lars call Broad way 4 1 b0, mornltiiis. FOR SALE cheap, several hundred pounds of flour sift i tigs for chiek-u or hoff feed. Phone East 4t33. 555 E. Stark. BOX wood for sale, $1.75 per load. Wood lawn ir3t. Klirkham & Tuxler, 1120 Montana ave. MUSIC written to your words, satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Bdwy 2553. 14.s i::th street. 7-CUP Universal elect ric percolator, nickie plated, ebony bandies and faucet, " new, $2i. Call E. S301. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk, 1 flat-top desk, 1 safo. Bushong" & Co.. 91 Park st. 500 COR DS best wood. $4 : 2 miles sill ing; lease farm If desired. 141 East G'.th, north. Tabor 7055. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. REO roadster, 101 S, fully equipped, good tires and 1 extra and rim. spotlight, mirror, power xpum p, mud chains, heater for winter use, new battery and curtains throughout, car has had btst of care. Phono 545-S9 after 5 P. M. 1920 OVERLAND Four Nearly new; must sell; sacrifice; terms. 47 .N. 9th st. Bdwy. 11S. OVERLAND 83. excellent mechanical ccm diti"ii. good tires and paint; a bargain at $50O ; will take light roadster as whole or part payment. Call after 6 P. M. at 57 Crarnpton st. Sell wood car. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock. right. No mlrrr presentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We reck all makes of cars and seli their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. lUli st. PARTY has a late Maxwell touring car; would like to trade in on larger car. Can be seen at Broadway garage, E. 24th and Broadway. Ask for Mr. Hof fer. 4-CYL. roadster with double ignition, high tension Bosch magneto, electric lights. 4 good tires and good running order; $175 cash. 737 W ilson st. 111 S FORD touring, shock absorbers, spot light, storage battery and Al condition; $475. Can be seen at Broadway garage, E. 24th and Broadway. FRANKLIN 1015 model, good condii ion, 4 good cord tires and an xtra; 1920 li cense; only $soo. C"jll evenings aft-r 0 o'clock gr Sunday al 605 i. 5Uh N. I