THE MOHNIXC OITEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1920 JO r V rOW SALE AUTOMOBILES. KEMOVAL SALE OF USED CARS. BEST STOCK TV CITY TO SELECT FROM. PRICES CUT. Hpr Is your opportunity to irarchai high-grade, late model automobile at very low price and on liberal terms. We will move about the loth of this month to our new home now being erected, corner Broadway and Everett streets. All used that date. ear must be old before Here are a few of the many cars we have to offer. 2, 3, and 4-Fasseng;er Roadsters. 1918 BRISCOE. 2-PASS., 4-CYL. 1018 MITCHELL, 4-FASS.. 6-CYL. 1918 STUDEBAKER, 2-PASS.. 4-CTL. 1917 MITCHELL. 3-PASS., 6-CTL. PRICES (439 AND UP. Five-Passenger Touring: Cars. 1!1S OLD? M OR ILK. 5-PASS.. 6-CYL. 1918 MITCHELL. 5-PASS.. 6-CYL. 11." CASK. 5-PASS.. 4-CVL. 1HIS CHEVROLET. ."-PASS.. 4-CTL. 1 !1 7 MITCHELL. 5-PASS.. D-Cl'L. 11S ELGIN. 5-PASS.. 6-CYL. 1918 BRISCOE. 5-PASS.. 4-CVL. I'.llti SAXON, 5-PASS.. 6-CYL. 1915 MITCHELL. 5-PASS., 4-CTL. l'.tPJ MITCHELL. 5-PASS.. 6-CYL. 1912 MITCHELL. 0-PASS.. 6-CYL. PRICES $250 AND UP. Seven-Passenger Cars. 1920 CASE. 7-PASB.. fi-CYL. 1918 MITCHELL. 7-PASS.. 6-CYL 191S CHANDLER. 7-PASS.. 6-CYL. 1915 STUDEBAKER, 7-PASS.. 6-CTL. 1WI7 MITCHELL. 7-PASS.. 6-CYL. 1.919 MITCHELL, 7-PASS., 6-CYL. PRICES $350 AND UP. Then, are many others to select from, moat all cars overhauled and rcfiuishud In our own shop. Here Is your opportunity to buy that ear you have been fisurinff on and at ue ngnt price and on easy terms. WE HANDLE OUR OWN NOTES. ?0 BROKERAGE CHARGES. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 4. mTCIJELI,. LEWIS & STAVER CO.. ESTABLISHED SO TEARS. EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON STREETS. Phonejir East Automatic 2lJ 16. USED FORDS. Exclusively. We are Headquarters for USED FORDS. LARGEST STOCK of Td Fords in the northwest to select from. Including every model. PRICES are lower than you -will find elfaewhere condition of the car being considered. TERMS -within. eay reach may be ar ranged if you desire. IT COSTS YfU NOTHING to look over our Complete stock, anil the chances ere you will save a few dollars by so tioing. " UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand ave. and K. Stark st. v Open Sundays and Evenings. I WANT to sell my b'eautful 1018 Paipe 5-pasa. car. as I am going to leave town, .lust had it thoroughly overhauled and had it nsinted. There are .1 good tires, two of them only rin about Tno miles; the car runs and looks just like a new car; has not run 10,000 miles and lias Ven verv carefully driven. I know if tou trv this out once you will be pleased with it. Will not Fcrihe, but the price in right. No dealers. Phone Automatic .M 7-' 1. M rs. Hoy ii ton. 1020 OLDS MOBILE. EIGHT. 7-PASS RUN 100 MILES: A REAL TVXRGMN IN A NEARLY NEW. LAT ENT MODEL CAR. CASH OR TERMS. CALL EAST 3075. 1917 Bl'ICK riHdlpr, best In the city; good tires, extra lire and tube. Victoria side curtains, clock. spot light and bumper, pantasote lop; must sell at once; S' to cash buyer or would Rive sonic terms to responsible party. Plione Mr. Shronn. Kant 71'"". DODGE TOURING. LATE MODEL. This is a pood Dodge and has cord tires and this year's license, and will look and run to please you; come and trv it. low price of $'5n, with $250 down, balance easy. 505 Alder St.. Red Front Used Car Co. USED CARS. Best Assortment in Town. MYERS AUTO CO.. 398 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. BUICK light 6. 191S model. S-pass. car; i hrand-new tires, (rood paint and top. per feet mechanical condition; the right car and the right price. Simonton Motor Car Co.. 14th and Couch sts. 1I7 BUICK light 6 touring car; fine me 'chanical condition, pantasote top, good tires: this car must be disposed of at once, $900. Phone Frank Smith, Broad ' way 1130. PIBRCE-ARROW 36. 4-passenger sport body, dem. rims, electric starter. 4 new cord tires, just finished and painted; will consider trade on Ford car. M 270. Orcgonian. FOR QUICK sale will sacrifice my late 1918 Maxwell, in Al first-class con dition for $600. Phone Tabor 1664 or call a 5027 5Uth st. after 5 P. M. 3918 BABY GRAND Chevrolet. This car Is a bargain and will please the most critical buyer. For demonstration phone Marshall 2766 or Main 4028. Terms. .." 1919 DODGE. Good tires, extra tire and cover: spot light and other extras. In Al condition. " For sale by owner. Tabor 4204. 1919 OAKLAND touring car. looks like new; fine mecJianical condition; good tires: new extra tire and tube: must sell at once. $1050. Phone Broadway 1280. 1919 OAKLAND by owner; $1050, terms; flue rubber on this car; one new spare; dandy buy. Apply 273 Pine st., 10 to 4 P. M. . FOR SALE1 4-cylinder case car in good running shape: good tires, $250. See Hewitt, 90 N. Broadway. 3918 DODGE car in good condition; new '. battery, good tires, two spares. $950 - cash. J. J. Truel, Gresham, Or. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. TIMES HAVE CHANGED. TOU CAN BUT CHEAPER THAN LAST TEAR AT THIS TIME. IF TOU WAIT THE GOOD, WEATHER WILL CHANGE THINGS. 1917 Maxwell. 5-passenger. small car. all in fine condition, has been overhauled and repainted, $500. 1918 Maxwell: ret a good car; we have gone all over it in our shop then had it repainLed, $650. 1919 Maxwell, looks Just Tike new; we overhauled It then had It repainted, $800. 1917 Studebaker. all In fine condition, 725. 1018 Willys six. overhauled and re painted; 5 cord tires, all in fine con dition, $950. 1917 Chalmers light six. Just think of It. has been overhauled in our shop. then repainted. all In fine condition, 1!19 $1250. Liberty. In fine condition. 1919Chalmers light six. botspot. with original finish showing:. tho car like new. all in fine condition. $1450. 1916 Hudson light six, fine light qualits car that has been cone over and Is in fine mechanical condition, besides- has a new top and has been repainted; looks iiKe new, $suo. 1920 Oldsmobile eight, like new, $2260. HUDSON SUPER BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson super-six that we over hauled in our shop then we had it re painted, also put on a new top. We will Rive you a replacement of parts. If any. the same as a factory does on new automobiles. $llo0. 1917 Hudson super-six. going thmiich the shop now and will be put in first class condition and repainted; you can get tnis line car xor suoo. 191S Hudson super-six. like a new car. all in fine condition: overhauled and re painted. $1700. 1918 Hudson speedster, now being put tnrougn tne snop. win be completely gone over, repainted and finished like new. $1850. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. PORTLAND. - 615-617 Washington St. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on 1! new MAXWELL. WI11 take Ford. Dodge. Chevrolet or Maxwell as part payment on brand new 1920 Maxwell and give terms for balance. 'CALL ADAMS, TABOR 630. FORD TON TRUCK $450. In good shape. A wonderful value. See this. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. Belmont St.. Cor. Seventh. Phone E. 6057. THE BIG BRICK BUILDING." -PASSENGER Apperson six; run 8500 miles; rn BPlendld condition: good tires. ' many extras; bargain at $1500 cash. Tel. Main 1603 or write saj 348. Oregonlan. DODGE TOURING. , Late 1916; disc clutch, new tires, good finish: Just overhauled; price $700.1 Woodlawn 9!M. i oregonian. 1920 OLDSMOBILE 8. This car is like new. If you want a standard quality car at liberal discount and delivery now, phone Marshall 2766 or Main 4028. Bg USED CARS. Slock No misrepresentation COVEY MOTOR CAR Price right CO SPECIAL Need the money: pay $350 cash and assume balanae of $ISO and take my Chevrolet: first-class condition. Call I Broadway a-tso. air. Little. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, sxles. We,recK all makes of cars and sei: tneir pans ai mu wnce. uavia nodes Auto v recaing ueni.. iuo-1 IN. 11th st. WILL SELL contract for King 8 roadster on terms, ana aiscount; car nas never been out ot salesroom, r uo oregonian. 1918 FORD touring ear st a bargain: in fine condition. i-a Sacramento, near b2d ana banay oiva. CHEVROLET P lrst-ciass condition, terms if desirea. van owner, Marshall 2157. Room i. BUG FOR SALE. $185. W A Y. 331 E. BROAD- FOR SALE Studebaker 6 roadster. A-l condition. Sellwood 2414. 406 E. 11th st. 1U20 FORD touring in excellent shape, by . 1 L- I , 1 ownei, tci nig. - "ou n n y . FORD. 1919, fine condition. Rainier hotel, room 82. FOB 8 A LB ACTOMOBILBS. REAL. VALUES .AND . LOW PRICES. Are the main essentials In buying . A' USED CAR. Tou get both In any of the following CARS. 1910 BUICK TOURING. 1020 CHEVROLET. 1920 OVERLAND FOUR. 1920 FORD SPEEDSTER. 1919 DIXIE FLIER. 1919 CHEVROLET. 1919 DORT. 1919 SCRIPPS-BOOTH. 1918 STUTZ. 1 1918 ELGIN "CHUMMY. 1918 WILLTS SIX. 1918 MAXWELL. 1918 STUDEBAKER SIX. 1918 MODEL 90 OVERLAND. 1918 CHEVROLET BUG. 1918 FORD BUG. 1918 FORD TOURING. 1917 OAKLAND SIX. 1917 PORD TOURING. 1917 GRANT SIX ROADSTER. 1917 BUICK TRUCK, CORD TIRES. 1917 STUDEBAKER DELIVERY. MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM.. Every car that we sell has been put through our shop and tested out by our expert mechanics. You take no chances when you purchase a' car from us. We guarantee the condition of every car we sen. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES CO.. 45-47 North Ninth St.. Between Couch and Davis Streets. The Now Buiidins. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motor overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed. . .$20 . . 6 .. 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine P'ord parts only used. Ail work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAO NETO Is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. LISTEN. Would you take your watch to a blacksmith to have it repaired? Of course you would not. Then why trust your automobile to Inexperienced would be mechanics when you can have un excelled automobile repairing done here at low prices and guaranteed work. We guard against any misunderstanding. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled ' $o Rear axle overhauled J "e Valves ground, carbon removed 8 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. whu-h insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. Ail work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St. Corner Jefferson. WE HAVE FOR PALE THE FOLLOWING AU l O-VIOBILES: 1919 Dodge Bros. 1919 Studebaker. Hudson super-six. Will be sold at bargain prices. The i.rster neym Co., ill 6th St.. near Mor rison, CADILLAC FOUR-PASSENGER, 1914 model. In fine shape; electric start er, lights and cord tires; if sold this wees, tne price is only $05O and the terms $250 cash, per month. balance $40 P. II. DUNN. 1652 East lath St. Scllwood 1.193. REAL BARGAIN In last vear's Suoersix Hudson, run less than 6000 miles; in periect condition every way: guaranteed $18O0. terms; a new car like thlB would cost you over $3000 and none available at mat. Manvme. East 8695. FORD TOURTNG. LATE 1917. Just overhauled and is In perfect con anion. special price 3i. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. TRADE IT IN. Stop driving that old heap. Bring it over: we will take It In as first Davmen on one of our rebuilt or slightly used cars. Let b taiK it over. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. Belmont St. at Seventh. Phone E. 605.7. "THAT BIG BRICK BUILDING." FORDS FORDS PORPS. Tourings. Roadsters. Coupes. Sedans. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BI'RKITT. AGENT. NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE 208 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800. HUDSON. HUDSON. HUDSON, The car or good will, w hy not buv car. that will give you years of pleasan use? Will give you same replacements and service as factory gives pn new ca You are taking no chances. Price an terms to suit. Phone Marshall 2766 or Main 4U2. 2 .HUPMOBILES 2. 1917 M ODELS 1917. MTERS ALTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. Phone East 6563. Open Evenings. ' Open Sundays. $i.u tsiLoi sen, as 1 live east and am returning this week) buys, my 1918 Saxon six touring car. Just overhauled -com pletely, new paint and rubber and runs like new; terms to reliable party; in cludes license, and extra tire. Call room I umci. ONE 1917 little six Oakland for sale, first class condition. Oregon Taxi company. 261, 12th st. STUDEBAKER G, 191S; good condition; will sell at reasonable price. Call Mar. 4858. WILL sacrifice 1919 Grant roadster in A-i condition, account leaving city. Call Main 4697 after 5:30 P. M. Apartment No. 6. FORD bug. Just overhauled, new classy body, good tires, cheap for terms. Ter minal Garage. 5th and Hoyt. FORD touring car. at a bargain, must go at once, $350, terms or cash; in good condition. Call East 2075. 1912 CADILLAC, electric lights and start er. Your own price. Terminal Garage. 0th and Hoyt. FOR SALE 1917 Brisco touring car. in fine condition; price $500. Call Main 525 WHITE "30" roadster for sale cheap or consider 5-pass. car. Marshall 39o. 1919 DODGE, first-class shape. 13 Tenth st. See this at FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO SEE OUR LATE MODELS. Buiek light six head-valve" motors. one of those over- It's like Nuh six. a dream to drive this 1919 Have you ridden in an Essex? If not. you have missed something. Let us give you a ride In one. Oldsmobile light sixes. six one ot those dandy Just a peach Overland. to drive a dOmodel 1919 Maxwell touring, Al. 1919 Chevrolet roadster. These are just a few ot the high-class cars you wlil see at - THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, Fifteenth and Washington. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON USED CARS. All overhauled and ready to run. written guarantee with every car. 1919 Ford coupe, with extras $ 700 1918 Chevrolet touring, runs fine... fltin mis Overland touring. 90; new... 7T) 1917 Reo touring, cord tires 750 litis Cadillac, .cord tires i 1918 Chandler six. cord tires 1400 Newlv rebuilt bug, Bosch magneto.. 40O Stude'baker, 7-pass. ; 6 good tires... 500 Wlllvs-Knicht. Just overhauled 750 Overland, model SI 400 Several other good buys. Small payment down: long terms. Our New Location. CONTET'S rsED CAR CENTER. 511 Burnslde St., Bet. 14th and 15th. Phone Broadway 1424. FORCED TO VACATE. Make us a reasonable offer on these dependable cars: 1919 NASH. ONLY RUN 8OO0 MILES. 1H18 OVERLAND CHUMMY. 1918 SAXON-: HERE IS A SNAP. 1917 REO 4. A GOOD. RELIABLE CAR. 1914 CASE, ELEC. LIGHTS. STARTER. SIX GOOD TIRES. SPOTLIGHT, RUNS WINE; YOU CAN GET THIS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. We have good-running bug with fou brand-new cord tires, pay us lor in tires and vou can have the bug: tires. spotlights, 1920 license, new battery; all Is yours. 188 TENTH STREET. Across From Library. FORDS. TOURING AND ROADSTERS. '18 FORD.ROADSTER. This is the late 'IS model and thli roadster is like new. It will please you Runs and looks f tie and has snm extras on it: low price and take $15 down, Dalance easy. 18 FORD TOURING. This one has all the extras you . can get on one, demountable rims, oversize tires and tubes. 12-volt battery, self starter, gas saver, electric lights: this year's license: shock a.bsorbers and low price with $ J.n down, Dalance monthly take car in trade. FORD TOURING AT $385. With $150 down, balance easy will let you drive this fine r ord home: ha crown fenders and other laje extras runs fine, looks better; have a look, ro Alder st. Red Front Used Oar Co. Open Sunday. HERE Is a snap: Cadillac car, last mode but one. Cord tires, two extras; bumper run $12,000 miles: absolutely peri'ec condition. Try and buy a new one an you will see what a bargain this Is a $32o. East bouj. 6-PASSENGER Stuts touring car m pe lert condition mechanically and spienn appearance; has number of extra equi ments And has never been abused; has been owned by one party only since purchased from us. This beautiful car can be bought for considerably less than first cost and is a bargain in every way. For full information see MR. McPHAlL, AUTOREST MOTOR SALES CO. MAIN 3237. NO. 215 TENTH ST. , 1919 MAXWELL roadster, our own condition. It has been shop and is A bargain; overhauled In in first-class terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-356 Burnside St. LIGHT CARS. Bnlck light four the reliable. Overland 90; practically new. . Reo a dandy car. Studebaker four: priced to sell. Overland light four: a bargain. All modern, starters, etc. Guaranteed mech'anlca-lly. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., Belmont St. Cor. 7th. East 6057. That 'Big Brick Building. 21919 CHEVROLETS , Just aike new cars; we guarantee these cars to be in first-class mechanical con dition. Terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-56 Burnslde SL 1917 HUPMOBILE. In excellent condition, good to look at and runs better than most new cars; priced special, $950. ' Ml'ERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. 1918 FORD touring. In fine mechanical shape: looks line new; a real bargain. Terms. H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO., 353-56 Burnside St. 1912 PIERCE-ARROW touring In Al me chanical shape; good bug; terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO., 353-356 Burnside St. OVERLAND ROADSTER. This is the 4-C model and has fine tires and 2 extra, finish, upholstery and general condition of car is first-class; low price of $550 with $200 down, bal ance monthly; tale bonds or Ford in trade. 505 Alder St. Red Front Used Car Co. 1916 FORD body, good cushions, top and windshield, cneap; Muoson, i-passenger body, good top. windshield and fenders, cheap; Chevrolet delivery body, good top, sidecurtains, cheap. Terminal Garage, 6th and Hoyt sts. 5 FOR SALE. - 1918 Overland. 85-4 model; two extra cord tires: snap If taken at once. Phone 107 Vancouver, Wash. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, $90O; RUN 6000 MLES: LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW; MUST BE SOLD QUICK. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. EAST 6949. FRANKLIN 9B. 1919 MODEL: PRIVATE LY OWNED. DRIVEN 4900 MILES. GUARANTEED BEST CONDITION; $250 CASH. PHONE EAST 8746. $400 CASH, balance easy payments, for high-grade roadster: wire wheels, late model, perfect condition. Call 214 Hotel Arthur. HUDSON super sixain fine mechanical con dition; new top, new paint, good buy. Call owner, Main 1643, or 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. HUDSON SUPER-6, excellent condition, 6 cord tires. $1100. Call Main 1312. FOB BALK AUTOMOBILES. USED CHEVROLETS. We are the headquarters for these cars; our prices are reasonable:- each car Is In good condition and term that will suit you. TOURING CARS. ROADSTERS AND DELIVERIES. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Acents. 14th and Alder Sts. Broadway S40. OPEN SUNDAY. 1918 FORD. Kelsey body; one o f those big. roomy 5-passnger bodies; mechanically per fect: today $550. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1S8 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. 1918 Motor In perfect conditlfcn. body finish excellent; has bumper and e:;tra tire Come and look at a real bargain; $950. with suitable terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 340. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. Powerful motor, perfect in every way. Very special $575. MYERS AUTO CO.. 189 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. 5-TON WHITE. WITH DUMP BODY. WITH JOBS; GOOD LOCATION. STATE 3 AUTO WALES' TRUCK CO., 430 Burnslde. 1919 OVERLAND 90 road.iter In excellent condition. Come In and see It. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-350 Burnslde St. 1020 MXXWtETi, TOURING Brand new car: Just been run a few. miles around city; bargain: terms that will suit you. FlfciLDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th a7id Alder Sts. Broadway 340. 1918 OVERLAND 8S-6 touring: 1 condition; good buy; terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR' CO", 353-356 Burnslde St. . SURE IT CAN BE DONE. Selling used cars with a conscience. That's our business. No curbstonlng; no vacant-lot. fly-by-night shoe-string methods. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY, Belmont Street, Cor. 7th. "THE BIG BRICK BUILDING." HUPMOBILE In flrst-elaiss shape. This is a buy. Come in and see It. Terms. H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-35G Burnslde St. NEW CARS. 1 Paterson demonstrator. Bell four, popular car. Elgin, some bargain. ' AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., Belmont St., cor. 7th. Phone East 6057. That Big Brick Building. STUDEBAKER delivery; good buy at $350. MYERS AUTO CO., 183 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. ESSEX. ESSEX. ESSEX. This is the wondorful Hudson product that has made more records since being in the hands of the public than any car that has been on the market. Can make you a very attractive price on one like now, 1920 model. Terms. Phone Marshall 2766 or Main 4028. 1914 FORD touring; new paint and top; looks fine; good buy. Terms. H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO., LATE MODEL TOURING CAR. THIS IS A POPULAR BRAND AND CAR IS FIRST-CLASS EVERY WAY: W1IJ. I.OOK AND RUN TO PLEASE you: low price of $08.. with $1.S5 down. bal. easy; take Ford in trade. Come and try it at 505 Alder st. .Red Front Used Car Co. REPUBLIC LIGHT TRUCK. In fine condition. Runs like new. A Bargain. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. Belmont St., cor. 7th. Phono'East 6057. That Big Brick Building. SAXON SIX. This is the king of all light sixes and tms-one is In fine condition every wav. Has extra tire, tube and rim mounted and will look and run to please you. 1 have low price and will lake $250 down, balance easy. Take car in trade. 505 Alder street. Red rond Used Car Co. Automobiles Wanted. CHEVROLET wanted, not older than '18, for copper-wound base, quarter-sawed. green oak piano, like new: will pay cash for difference. Call evenings. 4912 42d ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Aanabelle Bta. - WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WK PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. S. W. Corner, 15th and Washington. CASH FOR CARS. I will buy and pay spot cash for late light model auto, touring or roadster. nring your cars to me and get the cash. f,05 Alder st., .Red Front Used Car Co. ritone aid-vi, WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY'. GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. SEE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY for auto tops, seat covers, etc Builders 01 tiouid and (jriing tops. WASHINGTON ST. AT 21ST. WANTED Packard. Pierce. Wlnton. Cole 8. or other good large car; will trade AiDerca nouse ana 101 lor it. 00x100. rentea. .. w. .aicuoipin, ZiO-12 Jef- lerson st. WE 'WANT cars. Customers on our lists for ail makes of cars and can make that car mean money 10 you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 631 Alder su Broadway 24 1L CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852 WANTED Light touring car. have 40 acres, clear land. In Lincoln county; will pay difference in .cash. Phone Broadway 244Q. WE ARE in the market for used cars. Drive them In and walk away w.ith the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st. WANTED Light chummy or roadster; must be in good condition. AV 815. Ore- gonian. 17 ACRES of land at Grants Pass to trade for Ford. Call after 6 P. M.. 29 East 8th St. N FOR SALE Used 12-volt storage bat tery. See Hewitt, 90 N. Broadway. WANTED At once, best automobile $2 cash will buy. R 270. Oregonian. CASH for Ford, roadster preferred, home after 5:30. 1721 Division st. WANTE1 cash. 1 Few T 272, old or wrecked oregonian. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. AH makes terms if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand avenue Excelsior, Henderson ' and Cleveland Agency. 1918 HENDERSON motorcycle, electrically equipped; dream tandem, speedometer, A. B. C. generator: cheap, with terms. Terminal Garage. 5th and Hoyt. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6239 Automobiles for Hire NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND HUDSON! LOWNSDALE OARAGE. BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. ALTHOF Ac BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L I SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1230. AlMOMOBItEa. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates, 132 12th street, between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 262S. BROADWAY 2629. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, h'rhway. Broadway 3547 FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. HERE'S . GOOD TRUCK LOGGING. 5-TON REPUBLIC. NEARLY NEW. $3500. YOU CAN'T MISS ON THIS ONE. 3 a -ton G. M, C. 1919 model, $2600. GOOD FORD TOURING. In excellent shape, $4-50. Cash or terms. Bdwy. 1758. FAGEOL SALES AGENCY. INC.. 411 DAVIS. I FOR SALE Deed vmotor trucks, all over hauled; best bargains in city. 1-ton Denby, $900. 1- ton Panhard, $750. 214-ton Denby, $1300. 2- ton Nash. $1600. Will take .touring car as part pay ment or exchange. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF NORTHWEST. Tenth and Davis. Phone Broadway 384S. NEW 2H-ton Indiana truck and business lor sale; road Is mostly paved, bal. will be within about 3 mo. This is a good line and well established busi ness, paying at present about $700 per month; can be increased, but owner can not run truck and farm too. S. B. Shopl, ieer isiana. Oregon. MACK-r-5-TOS DUMP. Nearly new: is working for the pnnntv balance ot tnis year. Owner must sell so can ouy Alack on another job. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORP., 10th and Davis Sts. MACK 5-HON DUMP. Nearly new. is working for the county rest ot this year; sickness reason for selling. L. A. Smith. Oregon Ci". ""! WILL trade SO acres Clackamas coimtT for S'.-ton auto truck equipped with dump body and hoist. AM 444. Orego nlan. WANTED 3-ton. 2d-hand logging trailer. -rice must ue reasonable. Call East 4724. after 6 P. M.. ask for Mr. Went worth. BARGAIN in G. M. C. truck, in ex cellent condiuon; tine tires. Broadway 30U6. OARAGES. SAVE garage rent. Get a "REDI MADE" garage, erected, ready to drive In: prices low. Phone East 5114. R EDI MADE BUILDING CO.. 315 East 11th. 2 biocks south of Hawthorne. GARAGE 50x 60 concrete bldg.. good loca tion, lathe, emery wheel, air compressor, power blower, welding outrit. rectifier, battery building equipment, finest bench toote; bargain. $3250. H 2S1. Oregonian. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars, TERMINAL GARAGE. 8th and lioyt Bdwy. 1586. FOR RENT Splendid show room and stor age for cars or trucks: good location; will be available June 1. Phone Bdwy. AUTO REPAIRING. E. H. CHAMBERS GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. MAXWELL SPECIALISTS. . 23D AND DIVISION. SELL. .'.7uo. WANTED M ISC KI.LANEOC S. - SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED Bx A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS, 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone lu the city. lor suns, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1220 or 253 Madison st. near 3d srt. Will call day or evening. ..r.0 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOAT. S SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3fl:;2. 24514 BURNSIDE BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY' ELSE. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $1(10 Reasonable prices LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6529. UP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. WE WANT used clothing for cash at' the nignest possible prices. t-ee us if you want to sen; preier suits, overcoats, single coats, trousers and fur co-its. uoMbaum. the tailor, at 167 First St., near Morrison. Phone Main 73H. HERE IT IS. BEN ADLER pays highest prices for n'cona-nana men s and ladles ciotntng. iaii up .hiain 3-01 and win be glad come and give you a price, or call 201 Third st. JU-"K WANTED JUNK. Spring housecleaning is here. Dont' forget we pay the very best prices for rngs. papers, all kinds of tools, furni ' ture and old clothing. Call Main 731 DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for aiamonus. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washington St., -cor. 3d. Main 6649. WE ARE IN DEMAND FOR CAST-OFF i'i.uthi.m;. My name is fine and I pay the finest prices tor doming lr you call Main 734, tin sure and can Alain 1.14 today. J UN K W A NT E D J UN K. Spring housecleaning is here. Don forget we pay the very best prices for rags, papers, an kinds of tools, furni ture and old clothing. call Main 734. $10 OFFERED for one seat downstairs for ttalli curct: must De between 6th and 12th row. center ot house. Phone 600. Oregon City. collect. BOY'S BICYCLE, must be good make an in good condition, except tires, wit coaster brake; state price and make. AK 494, oregonian. WANTED A diamond H to 1 karat for own use: am not a dealer. Will bu from private parties only. All answers strictly -onrianr,ai. 1. .'.i'j. oregonian WANTED Cattle to pusture. Have 500 atves of choice pasture. $1.50 per head per mo. Adnress r.u i-ran, i.ittell, wash WANTED 10 buy lady's diamond rine must be perfect and price low for cash AK 452. uregonian. WANTED Will pay cash for second-han safe; give sire inside, address and pbons. AO Co4. uregonian. PRICES wanted on good second-hand lino tvpe machines and cylinder presses. F. Collins. Sunnyslde. Wash. .v A X I 1-. I uream lanaem tor 11. 11. miiR be "in good condition and cheap; cash. IL 2M. rejEoriian. WANTED Diving suit complete; must be In good shape and tne price right fo cash. L 2S6, oregonian. lawn mowers sharpened or exchanged general Job work and express service. labor i-' --. g.. q. WE BUY SECOND-HAND clothing, ladies' and gentlemen's. We. pay the best prices, Call .Main .iw. 104 lentn st. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay yOU Casn. UrCK l.ycwiuri 01 wanted Todd check writer in good condition. AO 444. Oregoniaa. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, Morrison St.. near 11th. WANTED 3 Tucker alarm cash tills. Call Main 113. CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. 128 FIRST. M AIX 4495. TABOR 6798. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx A; Co.. 283 Wash, st. floor case, about 4 feet long. Tabor 8859. FOB BALI WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prics paid; will call, day or night. PEOPLE'S SKi-OND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want ybur used furniture, rugs. carpets. stoves and all household goods, and wiil Pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy. sell or trade. CALL MAIN 8072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE' CO., 221-223-225 Front SL MARSHALL S98L GEVURTZ FURNITURE! CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY: HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL S98L CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID HV AIVOXE IS THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 30. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICB FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASii FOR MK. OKJ1AXDV. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS, STOVES. ETC.. TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 477:1. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 20S First St. Main 7728. WE WANT your furniture, carpels. ru;s. boddinff, etc.. to furnish a 50-xoom apt Will pay more than dealers. Call us immediately aoa we win convince on the price we pay. Day, phone -Uain 73p; Mar. 34S4. HE St. Johns Furniture Co. will reopen for business April 10. we are in the market for all kinds of used household goods and will pay highest cash price, l'hone Col. 724. " CALL MAIN" SS7S. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S78 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges ar.d all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a house lull, end a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 26U3. Crown. WANT old mahotTHTiy furniture: old ma hogany sowing table, old mahojrany hall table, old mahogany buffet. L 2y5. Ore sotiiun. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or lt6 First st. REDUCED FREIGHT KATES to all points on household goods. Pacihc Coast For warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture. Will psvjt best prices. dtain 3UU4. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A show-card writer and ad vertising man; must be able to handle department store advertising; state pre vious experience. G 228, Oregonian. WEAVERS WANTED AT SANTIAM WOOLEN MILL. STAYTON. OREGON. Mill help are enabled to save a large proportion of their pay. as living conditions are exceptionally favorable for watc earners; good houses with ground sufficient for gardens an, I chicken raising,, are renting at $0 to $H per month. Address SANTIAM WOOLEN MILLS CO.. INC., 105 Union Avenue No., P ortland FOR CALIFORNIA Lumber Mills. - eogermen. 2 ratchet setters trout 1 carriage rulers, up to date. Mill Top Wages. Wire or Write for Particulars Headquarters' for I.OR-cers Xi Mill Men. . i- - 1 ' 1 ' r,.ni-iJui.ill',.r CO, 927 and 929 Second St., Sacramento. California. Largest Labor Office. WANTED. Printer-press feeder Printer, country office Pressman Stenographer Teacher, high and athletic Teachers, high Factory, learn trade Young men. learn trade... Register for positions PIONEER EM l'I. ) Y.VI UNT 14 North 2d St. .$.111 . 36 City up 1 suit . .$U $100 up $1 3 toiiav. COMPANY. LARGE wholesale concern has several of fice positions open for lie, energetic young men. 18 to 25 years of ate; ap plicants must be hish school gi-.iduntes and present a neat appearance, as well an having a good moral character; ex cellent opportunities for advancement, development being either in a selling capacity or accounting work ; minimum salary $125. AB 4l.'l, Or'gonian. TYPIST, mill, near Portland: steno. R. R. ; Fteno. lumber, near city: horsesrioer; electric welder; milling machine men; matcher man, sticker man, mill, in Port land: trnnsit man. KNIGHTS OF I'or.UMBT'S FREE EM PLOYMENT SERVICE. 2u5 Beck Bldg. Phone Broadway 1"67. WANTED At once, a first-class, experi enced hardware salesman to fill a good position in our mechanic tools' depart ment. State in first letter experience, age. references and salary expected. Campbell Hardware Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED At once foreman for auto body building; also good second man: het waives. Address Geo. W. Hoffman Co., 14IMJ Tenth Ave., Seattle. WANT energetic young man, 18 years old. for office position with established firm; prefer high school graduate. Give references. B 224, Oregonian. BOY or young man to work In garage and repair shop. A chance to learn the business and coin a little money too. N 201. Oregonian. WANTED At once, good finisher on auto painting; best wages. Address Geo. w. Hoffms-.n Co.. 1406 Tenth Ave.. Seattle. COMPOSITOR at once, steady Job ir sat isfactory; solid and 8 point, 50c. Times. Brownsville. Ore." BAKERS and helpers wanted; good pay. Call 71 Third st. DISHWASHER wanted. Liberty lunch. 126 5th St; PORTER and Shoe Co., 34 fjootblack wanted. Regal Wash. st. WANTED A good coatmaker at once. Wire Tony the Tailor. Corvallls. Or. WANTED Good ad and job printer, p.v Morning Astorian, Astoria. Or. Ap- BAHBKK wanted, steady job. $22 guar anteed, 65 per cent after $32. 2f.ti 1st st, EX PERIENCED washer wanted at Opera House laundry. 2d and Everett. BOY wanted. SI 4th ft Noiseless Typewriter Co., BARBER wanted, steady. $20 guaranteed. 234 First street. PAINTERS wanted: frisl-class 7 A. M. Mar. 3211. $8. HTJ.r WANT FT) SIALIC WANTED. Boys with wheets; Hiost be ever 1; alary $3 per day; can also use everl boys over 18 on night ehift. Apply mes senger supervisor. Western Union. Tele graph Co.. 84 and Oak. ARE you mechanioai.y Inclined? IT tu, you can earn $100 to 30 a month in the auto and tractor business We. can' teach you in a short lime. Practicai work on up-to-date equipment, expert instructors. ideal working conditions; southern California, especially Los An goies. offers exceptional opoortunlties; you can earn board ajid room while at tending sonooi. Write today for free catalogue. -NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. SIS South Figueroa, -Lost An- st-jes, ai. TTTE Meier Frank Company reouires the service of two experienced sales men for shoe department. Apjtlv Em ployment Bureau, sixth floor. Meier at Frank Co. . AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles. tractors, vuleemlzlng. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is su pervised by leading automobile and trac tor men of Portland, students do prac tical repair work. Free tuition t o ex service men. clip this so. Send It or call at office 410. Y. M. C. A. bulldtsg. THE MEIER FRANK COVTATY re quires the services of four boys for de livery. Apply employment bureau, slxxi floor. Meier 4i Frank Co. THREE energetic neat sing'.e men by large eastern firm as salesmen in crew, work ing rural territory by auto, must be will ing to work reasonable hours and leave city today, experience unnecessary, as travel with salcsmanager, expenses ad vanced weekly, reference required. t.e. W. A. Gray. Hotel Oregon, today, 9-12. YOUNG man for big cooperage plant: no cxp.; fare 6c. in the city: $5.34 paid w hilo learning. Houseman for camp on the beach. $75. room and board. Stenog rapher for camp on the ocean. $75 to $100. room and beard. Portland Labor Aitency. 11 N. 2d. APPRENTICES WANTED. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN TRADE. Apply to Mr. Henderson, mailroom, Oregonian. MARRIED man for salesman on retail tea and coffee route. In good town In Oregon: we furnish everything and pay salary, commission and bonus. Worker can make good; steady salary. Jewel Tea Co.. Inc.. 21 Grand ave. South. EX-SERV1PE MEN. better your position In life. The lvnlghts of Columbus r ree Evening school offers you IS subiects to choose from. Call any time, school, 20 Grand ave. N. Phone Eatt bi67. Down-town office. 205 Beck bldg. IF YOU are a man enjoying a fairly good position, but feci that you are capable of earning more ttian you are getting at present, answer this ad and we will give you a chance to better your con dition. N 260, Oregonian. BOY over IS at Union News stand, must be neat appearing, good manners and have references; a high school boy can have work 4 P. M, to midnight, until school term is out with steady work through, the summer. Call after 10 A. M. EX-SERVICE men's Free Evening school Is starting a new class m ranio teleg raphy. Register now. state aid to Ore gon service men. School -J00 Grand ave. N. l'hone East 3S67. vDown-town office, 205 Beck bldg. J BOYS FOR PCX FACTORY". Wanted 10 boys not under 16 years old for niTht work in box factory. liht work. gooJ wafTts. Apply Mullnomah. Lumber i Box Co.. foot of Bancrott st. WANTED Hxperienced clothing and fur nishing gools man. caparle of taking charge of department; v.tlley tewn near Portland. Address. giving experience and reference!, AV 757, Orcgonian. CITY salesman for retail tea and coffee route; we furnish everything and pay salary, commission and bonus; bond re quired. Jewel Tea Co., inc., 21 Grand ave. South. WANTED Ford mechanics: must be first- c',as.s, willing to leave town. Write us fully giving references: good opportunity for advancement. Kirk-McKcrn Motor Co., Albany, or. WANTED, STOCKMEN Young men who have had stockroom experience 10 Stan work immediately in the Metropolitan 5-50c stores. See Mr. Lee. 519 Henry bldg.. between 11 and 1 o'clock LARGE wholesale house wants a I've young man as ledger clerk. Only one with an eve to a future will be con sidered. Answer, stating salary expected and age. H 200. Oregonian. WANTED Bricklayers, Iron workers, in side wiremen, lathers, plasterers, paint ters. tinners, plumbers and hod carriers in Butte. Mont. Wanes $'.!. Address Associated Industries of Butte. STICKER hand wanted on detail work. Kantz Mfg. Co., 26th and Nicolal st. SrLENDID OPPORTUNITY For the riiiht boy to learn brass finisher's trade; references reuuircd. orcsou Brass Works. . SALESMEN who can finance themselves: excellent proposition; big returns; ex clusive territory. s;l!t Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th and Stark. " BRICK MOULDERS. 2 or 3 experienced hand moulders for the season. Fhonejl morning or evening. East 1!5. . FIRST-CLASS finisher for furniture fac tory one who understands air brusn preferred. Call at 441 E. Lombard St.. near Union ave. PANTR orverator: must be first cias; (steady position at Rnuu ,,,.-.-,. - Mr. Walker. Brownsville Nooien M Apply ills. ;:d and Morrison. COMPETENT bookkeeper, capable ot han dling both sales and general ledgers. Must be experienced and furnish satis factory references. B 235. Oregonian. BOYS with bicycles are making from $;: to x a dav for themselves. Bicycles furnishes, if necessary. 408. . 304 Pine. Bdwy. WANTED High school graduate to learn banking business; salary $55 per montti to start: good chance for advancement. BC 404. Oregon ian. MAN wanted, threading pipe and general work about factory. Pacific Tent A- Awn lng Co., 1 N. 1st St. . WANTED Young man for pitit dept. at our warehouse, cor. E. Oregon and Union ave . ask for Charlie. MEN WITH TEAMS. For logging: close in; contract 4 or 5 teams at once. E. 4916. YOUNG MAN for Saturdays, steady wort., from Julv IS to Aug. 15. Hardeman Hat stove. 344 Washington ft SAWY'KR for small mill, close in: cut "" ":. Otto, only $2 up: mill runs steady. I'o'rtlan d Labor A g c ncy. 1 1 N. Ld. WANTED An all-around boiler and ma rt) ne man lor ieyaii ""'7- w ai at 11 m'j. "v" - MEN and boys over 18 for work in bolt shopV Portland Bolt & Mfg. Co, 210 r,. 14t h st. . WANTED Men who shave themselves to let the Owl barbers cut your hair; chil dren a specialty. 209 '3 3d St. HOUSE MOVER wanted to figure on mov- Ing buildings. Call ' at Peninsula Lor. Co office, ft. of McKenna ave. WANTED Office boy. Must be over 16 years of age. Apply Lang & Co.. 1st and Ankeny WANTED Experienced pants operator. iitU Goodnough bldg., corner 5lh and Y amhill fts. Phone Main 5147. PLATEN press feeder wanted. steadv position. Jolly Ratelle Printers. 269 Wash. . PAINTERS wanted at 1315 Sandy bivd. Union preferred. NON-UNION barber wanted, steady Job, $jo guaranteed. 2"5 Morrison st ELEVATOR operator. N. W. Bank bids Inquire 01 starter. WANTED Night watch, lor local hospital. Tabor '-'Sft'J T.v anted 1 garage attendant. lactory Motor-Cnr Co.. 2 2d and Kearney. WANTED Man to work in greenhouses. Ca'.l 22d and E. Morrison. See V. Leitz. STRONG BOY, 19 or over, for delivery service r-ornan" j,,,, WANTED Partner In woodsaw; can run saw. Apply 420 Belmt one who mom. EXPERIENCED awning hanger wanted, "pacific Tent .S: Awning Co.. 1 N. 1st st. WANTED A Kill Hotei. houseman. Apply Campbell