1!5 TITE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. MAY 12. 1020 KE.L KSTATK. For Sale Farm. sacrifice, bkrb is a r kai, money producer 35 acres joining h i llsboro. Over Hmmi bear in j? fruit trees, now in bloom; mostly commercial apples, bal ance cherries, pears, plums, prunes, wal nut, chestnuts; 14 acres beaverdam, veg etable nnl onion land; - fine springs, good well, large U-rom bouse, good barn, city water and electric lights; mail and groceries delivered to door; 5 min utes' alk to depot. IO minutes' walk to grade and high school. Here is your opportunity to . buy a real producer, a grand country home and in a small, clean neighborhood. Owner moving away, otters for only $ is, 000. terms. THB FRED A. JACOHS CO.. 104 5thSt. Main 030. CLOSE-IN DAIRY KANCH. 40 acres, located on a graveled road. 1 Hj miles from paved road. 5 miles from city limits. Good loam soil, rolling land, 30 acres can be cultivated; 12 acres un der cultivation; 20 acre of pasture; good creek that never gees dry; wire fencing; half mile to electric station H mile to Hchool ; 0 acres in clover, balance- in outs; f;i milv orchard ; 0-room house, bum 3tx40; chicken house. Price $4750. with 7 good eojvs, heifer, horse, harness, wagon and dairy equipment. Personally inspected by Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON", GERL1NGER BLDG. CF INTKHKSTriU IN A FRUIT RANCH 1XVBSTIGATB THIS. Here i one of the most beautifully located farms in Oregon, containing 50 A ., .-ill in high state of cultivation ; -5 A. in commercial apple orchard, trees 14 yrs. old and in first-class condition, also variety other fruit. This land is especially adapted to all kinds of fruit (anil berries and if interested in fruit ou should not fail to investigate this. Has good 8-rm. house with hot and cold water, large modern barn, windmill and water tank and many outbid ps. Place is well stocked and equipped and can be handled for JJ5O00 and owner will lake good Portland residence as part pay ment. K. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. C A U O HT PROFIT EE RING ON LANTX When you read of merchants taking 50 per cent on their investment, you shud der. On ton acres of Yakima valley ir rigated !and that cost them from $200 to J. "00 per acre manv farm its har vested a crop that brought from SH.no to $1 3Ht per a ere last year; prospects arc bet tor i.ow than last year. Quit kicking. Get busy. Ten acres all in 10-year-olc Winesap apple trees with peach and pear fillers. The 1020 crop brought $31 'JO. Government water, sfght lv location, fenced hog tight. $5500. on terms. $1500 cash and "fc crop. Central Yakima Ranches Co., 512 Selling bldg., Portland. Or. - 10S ACRF.S. located 5 miles from Gaston; 53 acres under cultivation ; 5." acres in pasture, with a few trees for wood: this place is all in crop; good buildings and new silo; spring water piped to house; large family orchard and 100 bearing fruit, trees; the crop and stock on this place is reasonably worth $2000; price, 7000, with 3 good horses, cow. chickens. 4 hogs, complete line of machinery and the crop. Personally inspected. Marat era, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLIXGER BLDG. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will, .pay you to see me before buyiing. I can save you money. I have some 300 fine farms: my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write lo me. A. G. BENDER. iilTTKR, LOWE & CO., 201-7 Board of Trade Building. EAST OF OREGON CITY. 50 acres, located 8 miles from the electric depot of Beaver Creek; 30 acres under a. high state of cultivation : 1 3 acres of timber : good soil, free lrom rock or gravel; good 7-rf-om frame house, barn, chicken house: half acre of fruit; good spring on the place; well at t he house. Price $3000, S550 cash. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 1 1 U A., ail cultivated. 8 A. in .full bearing Italian prunes and variety other fruit. 1 A. strawberries. 30 Concord grapes; good 5-rm. . house with attic, barn and other outbldgs. ; ranch .joins paved highway and electric station on corner of place; I- ml. to Portland. The owner is going east and for quick sa.le will take $45tm with (200(1 down. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. A REAL BARGAIN. FOR SALE P.Y OWNER. Stock or dairy ranch. 400 acres, 100 sewed to wheat, rye, alfalfa and oats, 110 that could be cultivated, bal. pas ture, JO, head horses, 1 Percheron sta I iion, 45 head cattle, 20 head milch cows, 1 new wagon 3 - inch, 1 bob sled, 1 hack, all farming imps., 1 cream sepa rator, running water year round through farm. 1 K and I 0-room house, 8 miles east of Union. Or. Cll or write V. W. Bennett. Union R. No. 1. $12,000. . 4S0-ACRE FARM. $27 PER ACRE. All tillable, practically level chocolate loam soil: -00 acres in cultivation: 0 room si mi-bungalow, large frame barn, granaries with capacity of GOO bu., two excellent wells and windmill ; 7 Vj miles "from good little town on the C. P. R-, in great wheat belt of A Iberta ; owner's health forces sale. Write R. F. Chapman, care H. M. Johnston, Gen, Del., Jackson, Mich. HOG RANCH on rented place for sale, with best of feed routes in town; build ings and equipment enough to feed 400 hogs and one li-ton Standard truck in good condition. Also have chicken ranch, buildings enough to handle 1000 laying hens with 350-egg incubator, brooder and some laying hens. Will sell same with hog ranch or separate. See Fred Lee. Take MA Kenton car. walk to toot of Argyle and Columbia blvd. OWNER WILL SACRIFIFCE. Eg ulppcd ranch. 1 00 acres, by lake ; ideal home : about t acres cultivated ; adjoins free range; fenced; spring water under pressure; 0-room house, plenty out buildings; mostly in hay, garden, pota toes planted, some fruit; good road, daily mail; -1 cattle, good team, ma chinery; possession now; property clear. Onlv $7500, terms. J. Mullcnax. Mica, Ida. FOR SALE by owner, 240 acres. In Wash ington county. 100 acres finest bottom land, in cultivation, buildings, insured for $10,000; Immediate possession; all ready for crop. Address AN 350, Orego nian. POLK COUNTY, fift acres, all tillable, with 34 acres in cultivation ; balance oak .brush ; 3 wells; 3 acres bearing prunes; well taken care of; rural route, rock road. 3 V- miles from town and railroad. In a. thickly settled farming district ; price $8250; $15' cash; terms on the balance. FRED W. GERMAN. 731! Cham, of Com. 40 ACRES, a'.l in cultivation, good road, electric line. 10O0 prune trees, A-l land, some beaverdam, running water. 0-room house, large barn, other bldgs.. equipped with steck and machinery: crops in; all for $10,000, terms; will take house up to $3000; reason for selling, old age and sjekness. Owner, 147 1 Broadway, Port land. Room 8. " $100 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY. 1 1 1 acres of logged -off land, well built 5-room bungalow. in Klickitat county. Wash. Log R. R, through place. volcanic ash soil, particularly adapted to fruit raising. Total price $1000. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. GOOD wheat ranch in good location; 8 miles from Dufur; 30 acres In wheat, 30 acres in summer fallow ; pood Im provements; plenty of water; all ma chinery, 1 good team and harness, and 1 good cow goes with place. Price $10,ooo. W. C. H ANNA, Dufur, Or. 30 ACRES near Dufur. Or.; 115 acres In - cultivation; o0 acres In crop; 7-room modern house ; good barn and outbuild ings; ail hog-tight fences; creek run ning through ranch ; 18 acres under ditch: good family orchard. Price $8500. For terms, write W . C . H A N N A . Dufur, Or. FOR SALE 32 acres, 25 in crop; on cream and mail route; living spring; money voted to hard surface road- 17 miles to Portland, 3 miles to Oregon City. Owner. D. T. Brown, route 1 box t5. Oregon City. NICE country home on creek. 6 miles above Dufur; 85 acres under ditch; good orchard: growing clover and alfalfa; about 50 head of sneep go with place For terms, write. W. C. H ANNA. Dufur. Or 175 DOWN ON 10 ACRES. On S. P. electric, close to sta.. store and school ; price $10110, $75 down. 6 vears' time on balance. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. o0 ACRES. 1 5 apples, walnuts, prunes, cherries. 5 timber: house, barn, near sta tion, church and school ; hour ride; SO00. terms. 21 3-00 Automatic. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, Dear Portland. $73 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soli. Farms tor sale, all size. McKarland. 200 Falling bld. 40 ACRES. 16 miles Portland, $8500. extra soil, orchard, berries, house, barn, water system, clover, timothy, garden. Main S672. McFarland. 203 Falling bldg. BEAUTIFUL mountain home. 1 0-room modern house. large windmill and barn, fruit and berries. Call Tabor itCi. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. WELL EQUIPPED STOCK I: A N C II , NEAR K S T AC A D A . 160 acres. 27 in croflfc a'l fenced and cross-fenced, splendid set of farm buildings, good orchard of all kinds of fruit, plenty of ber ries, large fiph pond well stocked with trout. 2 i miles to good school; at the edge of the lor es t reserve, which insures good slock ran:;1, good soil; included with th't- ;:aue are 3 horses, G cows. 1 i ejfer. 1 bull, 2 calves, J pigs, "j brood sows, - dozen chickens. 25 hives of bees, 1 wag on. 1 burjgy. 1 plow, 1 garden plow, 1 . . . livator. J hand culti vator, 1 drag saw, flouring mill, stump puller, harrow, interest in drill, furniture, about 3OO0 ft. of water pipe; there is a good fish pond on this property and is well stocked with mountain trout; if you don't want to raise stock, bees or fish, this is your chance. Don't delay. Price for everything, 5800; $3ooo cash, balance to suit. See S. E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacada, Oregon. CORRECTED FARM AD. For sale by owner, Willamette vallev farm in Linn co., of 12o acres, 2 creeks, family orchard, 0-room house, just re modeled, sink in kitchen, 2 large barns, outbuildings, carrying $25to insurance on hldgs.. plenty good pasture, good stand timber, 10O acres has been plowed, federal loan of $250 which speaks . K. for land, can't be beat for dairying stock j ana genera I farming, rmiK route. tei phone. school 1 mile, will sell everything on farm if desired account serious illness; will sell for $05O0 cash and purchaser t assume loan. 2 cows also go with the place, will not trade. R. E. MAXTOR, Scio, Or. 19 MILES PORTLAND. A BIG BARGAIN. '$11. (MM), $4 MOO easily Read and analyze it. !Oi acres. 40 acres in cultivation, fine deep loam "soil, 00 acres second growth timber and pasture, lots of water, five springs. SecOed to wheat, oats, vetch and clover; 2 acres of orchard. Good 5-room' hous 2 barns; crop, implement! and slock go tith the place ; binder, mower, lumb r wagon, etc. ; 2 head of horses, 4 cows. 10 sheep, 2 hogs and poultry. Eight miles south of Gresham, right at station on Portland-Estacada carline. KASER & RAINEY. 823-26 Gasco bldg. Main 7102. HERE IS A PLACE ON WHICH THE PRICE HAS NOT BEEN RAISED; SAME PRICE AS BEFORE THE WAR. 52 acres ; about 30 acres under culti vation ; is acres in good pasture and about 10 acres in second-growth fir ; a splendid young 2-acre farmily orchard. 5-room house, barn and some other out buildings; 22 miles sout h of Portland, in district w here land increased to $200 per acre : price $550O. half cash. If this place is not !-o!d within 30 days owner has notified us he will advance the price to $7000. S T K W ART & BU C K . 315 Nort h w est em Bank Building GREJSHA M SNAP. 40 acres of rich bottom land south east of Gresham ; 38 acres cultivated, living stream, fair buildings. good macadam road : will be -mile from hard surface within six months. The j only reason wny tnis place is ortereu tor $05oo is to close an estate so thai money can be divided between the heirs. You couldn't hire a man to clear land at this price. Home terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 0752. OWNER RETIRING. Must sell his excellent OO-acre farm which nets a SG500 cash yearly rental. 14 acres in prunes. Hi acres in black caps. 10 acre in grain and hay. balance good pasture and timber, abundance of run ning water and good spring, fair house, barn and other outbuildings, team of horses, plenty of farming equipment; mile t rom S. P. station. mile from highway; on good road. $50O rash, bal. terms 0 per cent. Price $ 15,000. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry tddtf. DO YOU want a real country home? If fo, we have one of 11 acres in the beautiful Tualatin valley, no better soil can be had In the state. This place has 5 acres set to potatoes, 7 acres in oats and vetch, a fine orchard, assorted: some bearies: a real city home, electric lights, baTh. hot a nd celd water, pressure water system ; fine barn, garage, root house and other buildings; shrubs and flowers and a fine view: price $0000. Let's go out and see this. Hesgard, With COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. A REAL FARM BARGAIN. 254 acres, all fine soil, JOO acres in crop. Kt acres more easily plowed. 25 acres fine saw timber, on main road. 3 miles from It. R. station; good 0-room house. , 4 barns, gra nary, hothouse, 5 horses and harness. 13 cows. 22 sheep, 20 goats. 23 hog.-j, 200 chickens ; all farm implements; $75 per acre; $10,000 cash, terms on bala nee at 5 per cent. For this and other good farm buys, see Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry bldg. 10O HIGHLY improved acres, directly on paved highway and electric line. 15 miles from Portland. All in the highest stat of cultivation with excellent buildings. 6-room home, large barn and warehouse. 3 large hopdryers and out buildings: running water. This Is one the finest farms in Washington county ana easily worth :;o per acre. W ill sell for $200. Ipi us show vou. .TOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank bldg". Main 377. POULTRY FARM 5 ACRES. $500 CASH $20 PER MONTH. 1 mile to Clatskanie, 2i acres in wheat, a4 acre in potatoes. U acre In garden and berries. Small hearing fam ily orchard. 3 poultry houses : small house, barn 1 ttxl 8 : acre in timber for fuel. Just the soil and location for ber ries and poultry. Price only $1200 with above terms. It is a good property at a low price. MacTNNES & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade. Main 38G8. LOOKING FOR A FARM? The one you are looking for is listed In our office. Come in this morning and we will take you in our car to sec it and arrange the details of the sale for you. This service is free to you for Ihe asking. McCRTLLIS-CLEAVELAND CO.. 322-320 Henry Bldg. Portland, Or. WHEAT. WHEAT. WHEAT LAND. 1 3G0O ACRES A SNAP. 2100 in wheat, looking fine; 800 in summerf allow done and 300 more to summerfallow : lt of crop goes wit h place. Do you know what -that means? That you may get from $3 to $5 per bushel for wheat before next year this time: good improvements; no stock or implements. Price $40 per acre, cash. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SOME CHICKEN RANCH. 10-aere chicken rapch, 7 acres In cul tivation, 1 Mf miles from Hillsboro, 4 mile from electric station; 8-room bun galow, 2 brooder houses heated with gas. chicken house and fine barn. 310 laying hens (.finest strain). 100O chicks, 2 fine cows, horse, hog and farming imple ment, crops in ; the price in only $7500, terms. EDWIN JACOBSON, 718 Spalding bldg. Main 3G42. IOO ACRES improved, will convince you; it's half price. MS Cham. Com. bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED I am in the market for room modern bun galow. Rose City dis trict preferred; must gfet located soon, prefer to buy of owner. A 200, Orego nian. WANTED Six or 7-room house In good district up to $4000. Buyer will make good payments. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. WANT from owner, about 5-room, prefer modern good home in Rose City, Irving ton or like district; state conditions and cash price, etc. T 278, Oregonian. WANTED or 7-room modern home to $0500, loM cash, good p'm'ts. ; owner preferred; give location. W 2;JS, Orego nian. HAVE J54 to pay down on house, balance $15 per month; near car and school, good district: give full particulars. L 231. Oregon ian. WANTED To buy frorn owner modern bungalow. any good district. about $3000. East 5770 or D 273. Oregonian. AM FORCED to move, wish to buy 5 or -room modern home in Rose City Park or Irvington. BF 444. Oregonian. WANTED 5 to I acres, near Tigard sta tion; give price per acre and location. In first answer. R 271. Oregonian. MUST you sell your house quickly? Quick action and the cash for bargain. 634 Chamber of Commerce. MUST have bungalow, cash or terms; no a sent need answer. Phone Mr. King Bdwy. 200. Do it now. WANTED New 5-room bungalow in Rnp City Park. Price not to exceed $4500. . E. J. GEISKR. 417 Chamber of Com. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS' Worth OF HOMES sold Since January 1, 1020, by FRANK L. McGLIKE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try our LIVE, ef ficient method of HOME SELLING. Our record: 800 Homes sold during 1010. 0 Homes sold in 1 dav, March 0. 112 Homes sold in March. 422 Homes sold to date this year. Have you a house TO SELL? It's sold if LISTED WITH US. WE NEED IT TOD A Y ! We personally inspect and photograph EVERY HOUSE listed. ALL photographs are displayed in our large showroom, which is continually thronged with EARNEST HOM E BUYERS. If you cannot come down, telephone and we'll gladly call. Our service is free. No charge except the standard rate ol f per cent in the event of a SATIS FACTORY SALE. IS experienced sales men with autos to work on the SALE OF YOUR HOME. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 100. Opn Evenings and Sundays. HOMES WANTED HOMES WAITED HOMES WANTED HUNDREDS SOLD THRU OUR OFFICE G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4803. "33 YRS. IN PORTLAND" RELIABLE SERVICE CLIENTS WAITING; MANY WITH CASH. LIST TODAY. WE ARE SELL ING THE HOUSES. WE EARNESTLY NEED YOURS NOW. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4803. -35 YRS. IN PORTLAND" WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW. We are selling more homes than ever; ate better equipped to handle your prop erty -than ever before. We will call. phorW and appraise your home free. If listed at our appraisal price your home is as good as sold. We advertise ex tensively, have seven salesmen with autos to show you property. We have cash buyers waiting. Phone us. Do it now. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldfif. Main 1004 and 383. WANTED. HOME IN 1RVINGTON. 70tM to 10,0011, not particular as to location, but must be modern; can pay half cash. Ask for Mr. Rogers. J. L. H A R T M A N COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 28. WANT INCOME PROPERTY. We have several clients with cash who want good income-bearing property as an investment. We have sold several flat buildings recently; have ethers wanting to buy. It is only a matter of iinding something that suits. R1TTER. LOWE &.CO., 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. UNFURNISHED house for couple wanted on west side; small but good -home de manded. Call Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. . Main 6871. I AM EARNESTLY in need of modern, places in any good district. Call Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HART MAN COM PANY. Main 208. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective our chasers wait ing w ho want homes rang ing from $;ooo to $0000 in good district- Phone, write or call. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. WANTED Business building. Front or First streets, between Madison and Mor rison; 1 also want west side houses, han dling west sld property is my specialty. John Singer, 42U Chamber of Commerce building. WANTED A home. G to 8 rooms, close in: must be in good repair.' with sleeping porch and garage; immediate possession; will pay cash or trade Portland Heights property or beach property. AC 330, Oregonian. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and very easy terms; we have sold over ttoo homes in the last year. If jou .want action list with us. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A listing on your house In Ken ton, Peninsula or Willamette. We have many clients inquiring for propert in these districts. Phone Main 5024. Ralph Harris company, 827 Chamber of Coin merce. I HAVE client with $500 to $000 down pay ment on four or five-room cottage, close in as possible. Good sized lot. Adults. Reliable. Submit wha t you have. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 171 W. Park. WANT to buy from owner good close-in house of about 12 or 15 rooms with nice grounds. Want good value and good location and. prefer west side. B 234, Oregonian. WE HAVE a customer who wtil pay up to $50O0 for a modern home with 5 or 0 rooms and a garage; must be good dis trict a nd not further out titan E. 50th st. Phone Marshall SUM. I W A NT a home ; prefer location be; ween Portland and Oregon City; will consider city bungalow, not over 0 rooms. De scribe fully; give price and terms'. BC 443. Oregon ian WANTED The best house that $5000 to $7000 can buy in Hawthorne or Ladd's addition. Phone Main . 5024 at once. Client waiting. Ralph Harris Co., 827 Chamber of Commerce. WA NT ED To buy furnished house. 3 to 5 rooms; $5) down and $15 monthly pay ments at ft per cent. J 250. Oregonian. Farm Wantd. FARM WANTED Have you land to sell? Why not sell to an Iowa buyer? Hun dreds of Iowans will buy land this year; many have purchased already. The best way to reach these Iowa buyers is through an advertisement in the "Farm Land" columns of their favorite papers. The Des Moines Repister and Evening Tribune. The Frank Land company. Cheyenne, Wyo.. says. "The results from the Des Moines Register and Tribune are not equalled by any other paper that we advertise in." The Stoutenburg Land company. Butt erf ield, M inn., sold three farms in a single day through a previous advertisements in our patters. - You, too, can sell your land by the same plan. Send us an advertisement describing your land in detail: the number of acres, its distance from town and rai Iroaif, what improvements it has, if any; the number of acres under culti vation. whether thre is good waier supply in fact, tell all the things about it that you would want to know if you were buy ing the land instead of selling it, and ask us to tell-you, without obligation on your part, how little it would cost to reach these Iowa buyers through an ad vertisement in our "Farm Land" col umns. Many buyers are looking around now. Write today. The ' Des Moines Register and Evening Tribune, Dept. 43, Des Mqines, Iowa. WE have a party with $2o0 cash to pay on equipped farm that will run from $ i0K) to $0000 ; near a carline: not too far from city. Can get immediate action. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED A good farm on good road and good buildings. 250 to 400 acres in cultivation, if you have such a farm at the right price I can sell it now. AV. C. BECKTELL. 110O N W. Bank Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. AV A NT to rent or buy one or more acres in or near Portland; fruit, berries, gar den; house of 7 or more rooms; near car line; prefer running water. B. A. Thorncis. Phone East 0500. FOB RENT FARM 9. FOR RENT 213 ACRES. ALWAYS SEE MR. BLAIR IF YOU WANT TO LEASE A RANCH. 213 acres, practically all cleared, or in open pasture. 25 acres in al falfa. 11 acres in oats. 10 acres in oats and vetch. 5 acres in barley, about 20 acres that are ready for corn. There is a large milking barn that will hold about 75 cows., 2 large silos, modern milk house. 8-room dwelling, water Dined to all buildings: rent on place $120 per month. Personal property for sale: 51 cows, of which 43 are now milking; 0 3-year-old heifers, will freshen this summer: 2 yearlings. 4 head 0 horses. 50 chickens. 2 hogs. 1 Ford tractor, practically new Ford truck, mower, rake, plow, harrows. 3 wagons, s tea hi boiler and wash trays, 2 gasoline engines, ensilage cutter and blow er, milk bottles, crates and cans, about 20) milk customers, all small tools. Price $15,000: $7500 cash, balance $ 1000 each 00 da vs. Prcsen t i ncome on place over M500 per month. This place is located about 1 !r miles west of city limits of Vancouver and will be on a paved road this summer. If ou are looking for a good dairy business and retail routes you cannot duplicate It. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third and Main Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT FARMS. RENT. $150 80 acre?, near Oregon Cltv: buiMinps, orchard : also sell renter 50 cords wood; hustler can make $2000. 141 East WUh st. N. Tabor 7o55. CHOICE 15 acrei. near Vancwver: Ideal loeation : good buildings. roaV; season's rent. $173. 141 E. G0h st. N. Tabor 7055. TIMBER LANDS. 150 ACRES of good timber In Douglas county, Oregon, to trade for modern house of 0 or 7 rooms ; will pay some cash in addition. Phone E. 7045. FOR SALE 1GO acres of timber land; 10 acres clear: "-mom house; running water. Owner, 301 Third st.. apt. 2. Phone 533-90. WANTED Bridge plank and timbers; al ways in the market. W. G. Davis, 50tf Lumbermens bldg.. Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE- IF INTERESTED IN A FRUIT RANCH INVESTIGATE THIS. Here is one of the most beautifully lo cated farms in Oregon containing SO A., all in high state of cultivation ; 25 A. in commercial apple orchard, trees 14 yrs. old and in first-class condition, also variety other fruit. This land is es pecially adapted to all kinds of fruit and berries and if -interested in fruit you should not fail to investigate this. Has good 8-rin. house with hot and cold wa ter, large modern barn, wind mi 11 and water tank and many outbldgs. Place is well stocked and equipped and can be handled for $3H0 and owner will take good Portland residence as part pay ment. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. BENTON COUNTY FARM. 70 acres, 50 cultivated, bal. pasture; AH fenced and cross-fenced, mostly woven wire; 25 acres in crop, balance ready for spring crop; 8- room modern house, good barn 40x00 and all outbuild ings; ai; stock and equipment to handle good ranch; nice family orchard and all kinds of berries ; on good gravel road, 1 mile to R. R. town: price $0500; mort gage $3000; balance cash or would con sider 5-room house in Portland up to $3000. SEE BROWN & RIDDLE. 324 Railway Exchange Bidg. $410o EQUITY in 5-room modern bunga low ; fireplace a nd furnace and buiit-ins, f uil cement basement, garage, chicken house and runs; lot lOOxtOO; garden and fruit trees; to exchange for grocery store ; price $5000: mortgage $000. What have vou? SEP; BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Phone Mar. B331. 40 A. NBA R Forest Grove to trade for a house and lot. Has 0-room house, barn and chicken house;: 2 A. bearing or chard; 11 A. in grain; 20 A. pasture; 10 A. good timber; good roads and thickly settled community; near town; price onlv $4000, easy terms or. trade. Main 7141. I HAVE 4-room bungalow, near 32d and E. Alder, full cement basement, furnace. Dutch kitchen, built-ins. I purchased this house new 5 years ago. Need larger bungalow and will pay some difference. Phone Tabor 8152. HAVE several good building lota to apply as first payment on a home. These lots are located in Jonesmore add., close to GIfsan st.; might pay some cash and as sume. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1038. 30 ACRES rich soil near Tualatin; 3 acres in cultivation ; some tine cord wood tim ber; price $4500; will take a small house or vacant lot for part payment. E. J. G E I S ER. 417 Chamber of Com. $5000 100x100. 12 rooms, 36 fruit trees, chicken house, garden planted, all con veniences, partly furnished. sale on terms, trade for acreage. Tabor 2213. WILL sell my farm, near Colton, Or., 80 acres; bargain, $7500, or trade for Port land residence. Inquire tS2 E. Taylor st., Portland. 320 ACRES near Prine ille.'all fenced; 4t under plow; shack; clear of incumbrance for Portland property (vacant lots ex ! eluded . See owner. 203 Gasco bldg. 3-STORY brick building on lt st. ; good j income, to trade for improved farm; all replies confidential. Geo. Johnson. 52 u Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM house, price S950. half cash, or Ford in exchange. For description and photograph write L. B. Lewis, 1100 Che haiem St., Newberg, Or. FOR SALE or will traae ror itrm or city property, two 4 sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000. 0jj leet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or WANTED 2 worm-drive trucks from 1 to 2 ton capacity ; have In exchange im proved Go acres near Eugene. Or.; Pacific highway. Box 42. Goshen Or. WILL trade for home land in Montana and Idaho; part under irrigation. Wood lawn 228S. roK SALE. Hornet. Vehicle, Livestock.. FROM the country 8 head of big heavy young work horses: all gentle and riyht iff at the hard work; fiw wagons, 3 buggies. 4 sets of heavy double harness. 2 single harness, plow and harrow; also O head of first-class cows. milKing from 3 to 7 gal. per day, priced from $05 to $173. Call at the Old Dairy Stable. m'.h; Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. JUST ARRIVED AND SOLD. WITH GUARANTEE, a pair of brown horses weighing 32.o. 5 and 6 years old; sound and very styl ish gentle and true; also a very beau: tiful buckskin horse, weighing lo.o, vears old; v ill work aingle or double: can be seen at 401 Syracuse st.. St. Johns. YOU can see them at their work or on Sunday at Cochran barn. 401 Syaracuse at.. St. Johns, 24 head of good sound horses and mares, weighing from 14O0 to 1700. from 4 to 8 years old. they are in good condition, some good logging farm and orchard teams, must sell as my contract will soon be dole- YOU can see them at their work or on Sunday at Cochran barn, 4H Syracuse Ft., Pt. JOnnS. lieao " e" horses and mares, weighing lrom 1400 to 1 t "V. j rom - i" o j roi o un- . i j in good condition; some good logging, farm and orchard teams; must sell as my contract will soon be done. CARLOADof horses arrived Monday. May U; heavy-bone. I. block y-built chunks. lrom i-i -jo to '""" vears old. This it the best load of horses landed iu Portland; all guaranteed to be ns represented. Call and see these horses before you buy. H. Harn, .cor. E. 6th :,nd Hawthorn e. b WELL-MATCHED team, weight 3lOO lbs., 7 and 8 yrs. old. A guaranteed good worker in every way. Good set of heavy harness, new 3 1. -Inch farm wagon. 2!th and Powell Vallev road. Woodstock ea r. fall at t lie oa rn. MUST SOLD. OWNER LEAVING. pair of farm or orchard chunks 5 'vears old. weigh 270o: gentle and true; verv pretty. Call at once. Coch ran baj'St. Johns. v5 HEAD horses and mares, mated teams, odd horses and 1 mare in foal, also 2 -food saddle horses and 1 driving mare, inust be sold immediately to nave feed expense. r 001 1 "i - Y k R-OLD Durham, fresh one week, with nice heifer calf: nice-looking cow; will guarantee 5 gal. of rich milk per dav Call at 800 Powell Valley road. W OOdStOCK eai . I EFT H cows at Henry Smith's. Milwaukie. ' 1 block south S. P. depot: come and milk them ami no reasonauie oner re fused. Geo. Smith. Phone 80 J, Milwaukie. FOR SALE At bargain, good young team, weighing about 3000. with harness and wagon. Call at Mrs. Walker's, SOS Front street, i a.n- " j . FOR SALE Fine 5-year-old black Jersey cow giving 4 gallons milk now : guar anteed 6 gallons when fresh; price $100 for ouick sale. Main 8170. FOR SALE Span of mares, big boned, blocky built. -weight 3SOO lbs., good shape for hard work, cheap for cash. Foot Taylor st. (dock). THREE span heavy horses, suitable for logging or heavy work of any kind, will -ell reasonable. Foot Taylor st. dock). DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and ctippied horses. Pbon Milwaukie 69-J far results. FOR SALE Good cows, just fresh. 4 to 5 gallons. 1-0 ooum n jrwweii rt&iiey road. . PASTURAGE at Ladd'e Canyon farm, close in; n business Sundays. Main 481 O. WE BUY and sell uattle. sheep and goats Campbell-Phelac Land &. Cattls Co. 30i Couch bldg. eo- SADDLE horse, 8 years old. and 'sound ; also good Baddle. cheap. 327 Front street. WILL sacrifice my 7 dairy and family cows. just fresh and 3 to freshen in 1 Florida at Mu In i-nn broke to ride or drive. J. O. Botkin,,Es- laCHUH, v . , DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows Ta bor 4208. 4-YEAR OLD milch cow, price $08.' 4243 45th avenue -S. E. Woodstock c a r. DEAD horses, animals hauled away fre. Portland Rendering Co., Woodlawn 20. PKKSH COWS FOR SALE. Kalk Bros, Sellwood 843. ! WAITED Beet cattle and veal. Tabor 703t roi; MLr 1'itt now. Organs and M usical I nsi rn men tn. PIANO BARGAINS. We have the BEST -PRICES on used pianos. Shop around, then come and see ours. Von will be convinced. FULLY GUARANTEED. SMITH & KARNES, like tleW $300 B A1LKY, mahofcuny case . . . 245 SINGER, mahogany case 25) EMERSON, walnut case ::50 DUNHAM, mahosany case, a snap.. 250 HOMER, plain oak case 250 SINGER, used short lime 275 VICTOR, oak case 325 IRVING, oak cuse - 240 Terms given. Bonds accepted. EI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. l-u-121 4ih St., bet. Washington & Alder. UNDERPRICED PIANOS Downstairs store. Factory rebuilt and- used pianoa. Lpright pianos, $103, $233. $200 to $465; player-pianos, $305. $405, $335 to $033; parlor organs, $25, $33, $43 to $05; pho nographs. $18, $25. $35 to $120. Terms. $10 to $23 cash. $3. $ to $15 monthly. Schwan Piano Co., 301 10th st. VOCALION ORGANS. Two-manual, base pedals. Just the organ for church or moving pictures; make us an offer. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 12-121 4th St.. bet. Washington & Aide. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out! $2i5 to $500 used upright pianos, $75 to s$2D0; $800 to $1000 used player-piano, $300 to $403. Pianos stored 75c monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Corner 10th and Stark sts. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best propo sition. Main 85S0 SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC ' CO., 123 4th st. USED PIANOS at prices you CANNOT COMPARE. Try around, then ie our bargains. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St.. bet. Washington & Alder. PIANO SNAPS. For PIANO BARGAINS that are REAL BARGAINS see SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St.. bet. Washington A Alder. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vitrola and records; our proposition will pjease you. Sei heritor-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st. Main 858. PIANO W,ANTEJ. Pay cash ; get our price. Selherhng - Lu vas Music Co.. 125 4th at. Main 8586. AM leaving city, will sell my piano: in first-clas fhapc: can be seen at 46 East GJd st. Price $250. WELLINGTON piano, almost new. at a fair price. 1120 Ogden ave. and 36th st. S. E. ALMOST new cabinet Grafonola, elegant finish, very reasonable. Call after 6 P. M. 14S E. 23d at. N.. apartment 40. CONCERT GRAND, like new, $75o! You may rent lu Harold S. Gilbert. 3b4 Yamhill. KENT A phonograph. 334 Yamhill st. Haroid- S. Gilbert. WANTED Sweet-toned piano. Call today, Mar; 5700. Cash if bargain. IF you are looking for happiness, you will find It at McDougall's Music store. Furniture for Sale. CLOSING out furniture, ranges, rugs. Most of the following prices are less than pres ent cost. All strictly new goods. $83 larpe walnut buffet. 3 mirrors .$40.51 2Sx40 oak library taOJe, worth $20. 14.JS5 $4 oak dining chair 2.08 Folding card or cam.) tables 2.23 $2 step-ladder stools 1.25 Hall settee and rack with mirror.. 17.50 $24 imitation mahogany library table tt.Ort $17 white enameled child's crib ... 11.05 Iron beds and mattresses ..$5.15 to 14.03 $75 Universal coal and wood range. 40.05 3 side oven Superior gas range . 40.05 Cedar chests $12.1 and lo.5 Oak telephone stand and chairs 7. OS Lady's oak writing desk 14. 5 $0 child's desk and chair 3.00 0x0 Deltox grass rug 0.05 8x10 Deltox grass rugs 13.05 Superior combination range 100. oo Oak and ivory dressers $17 to 54. 00 $3 2H-inch smoker's stand 1.W8 We are also reducing our haidware and paint stock. Se us lor many other bar gains. SUNN YS IDE HARDWARE CO., 085 Belmont- Tabor 2407. SPECIAL FOR TH U RSD V Y . M AY 1 3 tTT. AT OKI'S AUCTION HOUSE. 2 IO 2ND ST.i NEAR SALMON. A 10-ROOM HOUSE OF FURNITURE WILL HE SOLD.- THAT CONSISTS OF FOUR D R ESS K RS, W A S H STAN DS. H E DS, SPRINGS. MATTRESSES, CUA I RS. ROCKERS.. RUGS, LlXuLEUW. UED D 1 N G , COOK I N G " U T E XS1LS AND A LOT OF OTHER HOUSEHOLD GOODS. COME AND BUY IT AT YOUR O W N PRICE. H IG H EST H I DDE R 1KTS IT. SALE DAYS EVERY TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY F R O A 1 10 A M. TO 1 P. M. AT OKI'S AUC TION HOUSE. 2O0 SECOND ST. CHEAP FORCED TO VACATE. 1 combination wood, coal and gas range; 1 white enamed bedroom suite, springs and mattress; 1 Ivory tied, com plete; house ho id hangings : m iscellaneous i x u res. Sell wood 1 !H1 . SiX-ROOM modern flat for rent, $.15; fur I'iture for sale; everything good: 110 junk , corner, close in. west side ; bar gain for rush: leaving citv. I .MRS. THOMPSON. 020-21 Henry UU 1 g. 1 T -( if "t-e vour lurmture if goiu4 j east or to California; we can save yo ; money on your freight In our throat cam; fireproof stoi age. C. M. (Hu.i 1 ihKHler &- Storag- Co.. 24S Pine su. HOUSEHOLD furniture in excellent eon- Hiii..n - ' . 1 -7 r- ii r. Mvll t..l ... . rug, bed and h-prinns, 2 Morris chairs. $2K ; v ill also sen pieces separately. Phone Columbia St. PARTY leavinfTT'Ity will sell entire house" hold furniture; also practically new tent. Hawthorne car to 33d. two blocks south. 00O Stephens st.. between 1 1 and 4 today and tomorrow-. SPECIA L on rugs We have several rugs Ox 12 and smaller that must be sold at once. 31 N. 5th. nea r Burnside. Bdwy. 2730. Used office furniture. FI N E Wasco finished oak buffet, porcelain-lined .refrigerator. kitchen stove, table. Charter Oak heater, linoleum 0x0. Main 4403. FU RN PURK of 5-room fiat for sale ; flat for rent; three blocks from east end of Broadway bridge. 402 Rons st.. cor. Dion. . Phone Tabor 057s. WICKER table, lea cart and four chairs to match: Davenport, hall s.-a t and mir ror, two bedroom chairs. East 20S. GAS RANGE, library table, pillows, car pet wweeper, etc. 0S0 East 77th North, R C. car. ONE golden oak black leather lounge, $25; 1 oak dres-ser, $15; I mahogany rocker, $S. 405 East 47th st. N. NoB HILL district, furniture for sale rea sonable; 7 rooms, garage ; rent $35. U' 273. Oregonian. FOR SALE Good dining room set; large lea the r covered bed -davenport, chairs, rugs, etc. 405 E. 18th at. North. FOR SALE Chaise lounge, reed. very nice, $ 1 S : upholstered couch, $5. S5I East Yamhill st. RAPID roller letter copying machine, $15; oak typewriter chair, $10. Phone Main 5371. OA K chiffonier. $25; wall mirror 1 S40. JM7.5i: leather couch, $20. East 2200. GOOD bedroom furniture in white miamel. mahogany or walnut. G 271. Oregonian. STX rooms of furniture for ale. house for rent upstairs, pay rent. 4SO E. Wash. Ft. RANGES and water heaters moved fres, connections a specialty. Tabor 2307. DAVENPORT for sale or trade. 340 Jef ferson street. 8-PIECE dining room set, $125. Marshall 1253. Poultry. 2000 WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS May 15 ; 1OO0 more for May and June from the very best high-grade Hoiran izedf Tancred and O. A. C. strains: $20 per. Brown Legnorns. some fine R. 1. Red and O. A. C. Barred Rock per week at $30 per loo. Order from this ad for vigorous, fast growing. early laying chicks. Phompt shipment. Postpaid. J. R. Maguire. 7S7 Oregon St.. Portland. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks front S. C. White Leghorn hens, trie world's greatest lay era. Eggs from free-range Hoganized stock only; March chicks, $14 per 100; April, May md June chicks, $12.50 per 100: Julv chicks. $1 4. OAK HILL HATCHERY, Fetaluma, Cat. BABY ' CHICKS. 3000 a week; O. A. 0. and Tom Bar ron; get the best while Vie getting is good Eggs $L5o u. setting. XORTHWKSTs POULTRY CO. S2d et. and 74th av S. E. Tabor 3107. PETALUMA White Leghorns lead the world in egg production; we sell BABY CHIX at $13.50 per 100 during May and June, safe arrival of full count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 0th st.. Petaluma. Cal. HATCH ING eggs from White Leghorns, Tancred strain. Pens headed by pedi greed Tancred cocks from 250-egg hens and better, from original Tancred ya rds. $2 per setting up to May 12. E. J. Meissncr. 350 Marguerite ave. Tabor 3000 $ 1 sT5 o-P E it 100. White Leghorn baby ch icks, best stock ; prompt deliveries; few Reds and Rocks at 24c each. Mail " your order today. O. N. NVedham. Salem. Or. TANCRED White Leghorn chicks, laying hens, hatching egg, incubator lota. Tabor 3b22. FOR REXT. Poultry. O. A. C WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS. $20 per hundred. Buy your chicks In Mav for winter layers that pay. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO. 82d st. and 74th ave. S. E. "Tabor 3107 Do its. Rabbit. Bird. XVt Stovk. MUST sell my thoroughbred New Zealand and Flemish Giant does with young: fine New Zealand buck and sanitary hutches cheap for cash. East 5325. CHOICE Airedale puppies. 25 up. Bu-h Farm. Lents. Or.. 817. R. No. 3 Lents. Automatic 4322. RABBITS. Flemish Giants. New Zealands; also hutches. 435 Monroe. East 0-135. FOR SALE Male fox terrier puppy seven weeks old, $10. 804 K. !th st. North. Machiner AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety .valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO . Broadway 3300. 320 CouchiL IMPROVED Prouty country cylinder press for sale, hand Or power; just the thing for a country newspaper: good as new. Write M. D. Abbott, publisher Chronicle, Olympta. Wash. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, coa crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co., 55 1st st. ROCK-FACE concrete block machine, $50. . Wm. A. Morand. Boring. Or. launcher nud Boat. FOR SALE Houseboat, modern 0 rooms and bath, excellent condition. $115u. on terms. Cail Main 157, evenings Seli wood 2M3. WANTED To rent or with option ot pur chase, houseboat. Marsha 11 ,44::i. FOR SALE 17-foot Oldtown canoe; prac tically new. Cail Tabor il. Tj pewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. Wo are exciusi ve dia tnbutors of Corona portable. $5) com plete with carrying tae; supplies for all E- W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth st. Main 22h5. DOAN'E GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. Ali makes overhi'i!ed. Exoerr nechdnica REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy Sell, Rent ana Exchange. Main ti307. SupplUs. 2031 Oak ft GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale 'Ipe writer Co., 321 Washington s; REMINGTON typewriter, invisible writer, in perfect condition ; price $20, Main 5371. REMINGTON NO. 10. af a sacrifice Broadway 3405. BC 4 47. Oregoni; n. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 304 oak st. UNDERWOOD NO. 5. 2-coIor "ribbon and back space: bargain. Broad way 345. ALL makes rented and repalreu. Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 5th. Main 38. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. p. Co.. 231 Stark Main 1407. WANT Under wood t y pe writ e r. a n y c ond i tion. cash. AM 4u0. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Complete course United School Physical Culture books: charts and full instructions: new. Price 20. .1. F. House, 02!s Williuois ave. I'hinit Kant im;:. ELECTRIC IRON, appliances. doorbeHs vacuum cleaners repaired, fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Woodia wu 1250. or East 4M5. LATEST styles full dres tux -Uo suit. :so silk hats for sale or rent at Bareh sf clothing store. 51 3d. MuUuomah hotel. TWO roll -top desks, one mahogany, one oak; chairs to match; baruaui. 31 N. 5th Broadway 2730. Other office fur niture. EVERBEARING STRAWBERRY PLANTS The "Progressive wiil give vou full crop j this fall: $2 per 10. postpaid. P R. Johnson. Granser. Wash. SMALL, large National rtisti;rs. latest ' models, from a penny up. safe and meat siicer, range. 242 if fee urn, marble slab, gaa Salmon street. WOOl for sale, country block and slab. 1 IO to 10-in. long; heavy. $0.50: medium, j $0; also 4-ft. slab; east side only; prompt delivery. Phone Main 534". F LOOR cases. wat I cusvs. ref i i sera tor I cases, large, sma 11 iceboxes, scales : 3- j piece mahogany set; ot fi,ce or private, use; very low prices. 242 Salmon. t USF."d LU M RE R. 2 and 3-inch planking.! 7 1 to linear feet 4x0-inch. all in f i rst - , class condition. H. A. Mc'allum, Rai - j nier hotel. NEW SINGERS." $5 aown, $:t monthly Expert sewing machine repairing MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 3S2 Morrison Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burgtar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE 4k SUPPLY CO.. Broadway lOtiC. 4S Front Sr. IlKAKTI FULLY-ROC N L set messaWsaud papers of the president. 12 volumes. Si leather bound; tor sale eheap al . or .' set. Woodlawn 3031. PLAEOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COUNT RY SLAB: ALSO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLA RS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E 7Q2Q. 2 GENUINE new French plate mirrors. 42: 53 ach, with 4-inch bevel strips all over: bis sacrifice. Portland Cutlery Co.. Ml 0th st. PA N-iT ES in b! 00 rn. hard y p'.a n ts, large bloom, assorted colors ; ."( v do Ken POJ-1-pald. Mar. 1 1 1 S. Mrs. E. 1 tlu-1. R. F. D. 1 . Os we no. Or. GOODTta LI A N P R UN ES at 15c t n 1 0 -! b. lots an,d over. Sen mid. Route 1. Bea verton. FoR SALE 1st 135 vols. See 200 Concord bidg. Fed. Rep.. $135. .1 200. Otego- n ta n. LATH S for sale, retail and w ho legale, for local trade; nuality and service. Port land Lath Mfg. Co-. Tabor 1142. FOR SALE $100 stock in reliable coueern paying 7 per cent Interest. For particu la rs call Broad way 4 1 So. mornings. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged bougi:: Bentlev C. la.n 4!)7 FOR SALE No. 1 body fir wood in car load 1os. Apply A. PInkney, Cove jr cha rd. Or. MUSIC w ritten to your words, a t is fact ion gua rant eed or n o charge. Bd wy 2555. 14S 13th street. . ' K.ODA KS. We buy. well . rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 320 Washington st MUST sell sapphire and pearl iroh pin, S:tO; was 5Vl; crocheted bedspread, full si.e', S50- East 432S. Olstave. 1 RwLL-TOP tiesi: and chair, t T W desk. 1 flu t-top desk. 1 safe. Uusbns v Oo. . 01 p -.-! -t 50 CORDS best wood. $1: 2 ' miles sid iiiK; lease farm if desired. MI East 0!tth north. Tabor 7055. BEAUTIFUL- gray fiik pup! in suit, size 40 ; viorn once ; very much below cost. Phone Marshall 4305. JOHNSONS BOOK STORE. 24S Main s. New and second-hand books, bough;, sold and exchanged. All subjects. Fl RST-CLASS seed potatoes, for talc, $ 4 and ?j Pr hundred. Phone H road way 310;;, call 124 North 5th st. USED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price 1132 East Gli MontaviUa car to 30th. Tabor 2S25 HONEY. ' WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Qt.. 80c: 24c lb. in cans. East 1410. FIRST-CLASS fir wood for sale. s. R. Howell, phone 30, R. R. 2, V a iicou ver, SODA fountain. sacrificed. $d05, value $15l0, a.a good as new. 242 Salmon. BOXWOOD FOP. SALE, $1.75 PER LOAD WOODLAWN 1530. SUM M ER orders lor old-grow t h lire wood and country tie .-labs. East 7200. FOR rei.t. vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. day. $1: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 5088. ONE large Cutler desk, a bargain, ir taken at once. Phone Main 1105. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for dale. ' Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st at. FOR SALE One large and one small sfe p 100, Oregoitan. REBUILT typewriters. E. W. Pease & Co.. 1 10 Sixth st. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses gl ightiy worn. Main 0507. FCK ALb Cash 'register. sife. addin machin-i. showcase 43 1st st.. near sii DESK ADDING MACHINE, $15. 51SCOR BETT BLDG. MAR. 557. . ' GARDEN MANURE. TRUCK LOAD, $5.50. TABOR 2 704. WOOD for ale at the east end of Morrison bridge. Call East 1010. 3'Jl E. Morrison. FOR SALE White and Singer sewing ma chines. 7C3Vj Thui man. FOR SALE A root beer barrel at caud v More. AUsky Rldg.. 3d street. ONE wood and coal ra7ige. one refrigerator. C a 1 1 W c 1 n esd a y 441 Ot h a t . A BSOLLTELY new d ress suit, size 37 or :;s. 8034 Foster road. t0. oOO CAMELS for sale. $S per M. les S per cent cash. East M24. ROLL TOP desk and swivel for sale. 414 Chamber of Commerce bldg. rOR SALB. MVMcellaneou CLASS Y CLOTHES. READY TO WE A R. ALTER I. D BY AN EXPERT. OUR SUITS ARE STRICTLY TAILORED. We also have a few high grade tailored suits uncalled for. LET US SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE REAL MONEY ON YOUR SUIT. II. 1. BLUM. 161 Tenth, near Morrison. Main 2780. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just placed on sale direct to the puolic the swnpies of our salesmen that have returned from the road, con sisting of the latest models o raincoats, motorcoats and leather coats in our wholesale office. 720 Morgan bldg. United Rubber Co. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no r.gents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943. SEW.-NG MACHINE EMPORIUM, 110 Third, near Taylor. HALL . GAS FURNACES & FLOOR HEATERS. Inexpensive to install: clean and healthful to operate. Phone Main O0. for free estimate or call 167 Park st., just sout h of Morrison. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safe?, new and Eocond-hand, at right prices, bought sold- and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 Second St. Phone Main 204V HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gaL, $7; 40 gal., -; tested and guaranteed ; stove ana furnace coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing. rp.-tiring. East Side Welding t'hop. 203 Adams et! East S3 16. FOR SA LE SPECl A L The ONLY com plete file of ail the copies of "THE AMAROO N EWS. the official newspa per of Jhe American forces in Germany. L. P. Bell arts. Heuu. Or. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked, weather beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated bv our famous and instantaneous rubber bonding system, all work guaranteed -Phone Automatic 527-33; East 4024. BOK wood for sale. M.75 per load. Wood lawn 1330. Kirkham Tuxler, 1 120 Montana ave. FOR SALE ALTO.MOIIILKS. USED CARS. Ti:e fo!ovmg cars are in AI mechan ical condition : 1 I'.tJO Oakland. I I'M S-Willvs-Knight. 1 101S Maxwell. 1 1017 Oakland. 1 1017 Chevrolet. RED CAP MOTOR SALES Co.. 400 Stark St.. bet. 10th ;i nd 1 Itli Broadway 3VH1. DODGE tournijr. in excellent condition, good tires, wonderful bargain, $2oO down. ery easy terms. STATES AUTO SALE & TRUCK CO.. i:.Iti Burntiiti KLGINS. Sc.; ;,f the new Elgins in town. Then come over and buy one of our almost new o" rebuilt Elfins. Painted to suit our "fa tic v. Pick our own color. ALT M TIVE SALES CO.. Belmont St.. cor. 7th. Phone East 0037. That Uis Brick Building. L. 0 K O V E R L A N D TO till N G S 4 Js". With $15 down, balance long. e:sy U rms that, you can pay ; car is in fine shape: has seat covers and ne.w tires: one extra one ununited that has -,iever been run. 'orne ami look it over; take bonds or Ford in trade. 505 Aider st. Red Front Used Car Co. I HUDSON SIX $1135. i In fine shape. ondcrt ul car won d erf u! sl;ig car. this. "AUTOMOTIVE SALES Co.. He'.mont St.. cor. 7th. Phone East O That I tig Prick Building. WINTON SIX $275. 1 11 e.,M'd sha pe. New ti res all a round. Wonderful! powerful car. See this. A L'TOMi T1VK SALES CO., Itelmont St.. ror. 7Llt. Phone East Ou57. That Big Brick Building. BUH'-KS. Light Six Tourings. Late Models. MYERS AUTO CO.. Grand Av e. Open E en i tigs. D OWNER compelled t. i ispose of h igh-g rade P.tlO car in perfect mechanical condition; f uliy e-iU'PPcd ; has two tops, one cie-t-ed for winter use and a touring top for summer; a Ycl Imisain at half the cos; 4.1" i:2D model; ' part cash. balance monthly payments. Call Main 5530. 101S BU1CK light six. 5-passenger. in won derful condition, oniy run sooo mi.es: all pood tires, 2 new. a spa re tire, bumper, it Pot light, mirror, motoim-ter, special 1-nses. 5 1 325. fail owner, M a in 30?7. or Mr" Knox at Broadway 1 1 3. iV ER LA ND touring. l'.l 7. all new non skid tires, new battery, self-starter, re painted and overhauled; $55u. will dis count for all cash. UNI V E R S A L AUTO RE P A I R CO., 210-212 .1 f f e rs o ri. M in 7Q44. DODGES. MYERS AUTO CO.. S Grand Ave. Phone East O503. Open Evenings. Open Sundays. LOOK- over all the ads on used cars in "tnis paper and see if you can beat this. 1 -en iu erland 4. run 1 4 Ml miles : liberal i sconnt for use. as owner wants larger car for trip to California. Terms. Phone Marshal! 27tiO or Main 402S. -.-.CHEVROLET T O U R 1 N G 1 0 . 17. !. 10. 2. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1. Grand Ave. Open Evenings. DoDG E for sate. median ica 11 y perfect. new t ires, new bu ttery . $785, or will take In trade Ford runabout . coupe or sedan. Tabor 5350. 000 E. 40th N. after 4;30P. M. . OVERLAND 3. excellent mechanical con dition! cood t ires and paint ; a bargain at 5m : will take light roadster as whole or pari pavment. Cali after 0 P. M at 5 7 'rampton st. Sellwood a i FOKD RoDY HI 4. like new; also 14 in. windshield, hood etc. Sell ail or part cheap KORD SPECIALISTS. . UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 2 1 o - 2 1 2 .1 f f ei-sun. Mam .01 4 SACRIFICE sale of model: cord tires on Ford sedan, late rear wheels; good condition. Price $""- . . v. .lull NSON-DODSO CO ;:13 N. W. Hank Bldg. Ma DO I G E. late model. $700. all ready i'i'o li. eiise. owner transt erred New York, car at Union Del parage liot st cor. Broadw ay. 1117 HU1CK touring car in fine eondition. This car has the original finish. look,s like new and a brand new top; good tires, a bargain, terms. Phone East 1002. cTiTY U il.ET toiirin-i car. excellent condi tion spot light, chains, two extra tiros and'tire lo k. cheat for quick sale. East 72 1. J DU1CK LIGHT SIN This car is in dandy shape. Cord tires and c.tru; 11,0 or wi'.l take " Ford or small car in trade. Mr. Gore. Easts03. evenings. ; 101 s WILLYS t. touring car, in A-l con dition ; car just repainted, has 5 cord i ires anl is a mc oar Kit 111. ui Rive terms. I'ho ne Marshal I 1 6 1 .1. 1011 DODGE, newly overhauled, paint and upholstering jut like new. This ea r cannot be equaled for the price of $705. t;. E. 35th st.. off Hawthorne. 1'tlO .I.XWELL. 5 almoKt new tires, car in Al shape; cheap with terms. Ter minal !arage.5th and 1-"L 1FVoU want a good deal In a Ford see me, 20s E. 35th st.. off Hawthorne. I will traae or sen - mhc iei -na. STl'DEHAKER 1010. cord tires, lots of e. t ras A I shape, run 500 miles, for sale at a sacrifice. 240 0thst. DOlXiE 1018. excellent condition. good l ires, one pMra spotlight, bumper, etc. Call Tabor 2311 . BUI'K 1-ton truck. 5 Routt oversize tires, ready for work, cheap. Terminal Ga rage." 5th and Hoyt. 102' SUPER-SI X H udson speedster, good as n w; will sacrifice for cash. Call Mon day at 025 East 10th North. ONE OVERLAND OO roadster in good i'apc must seii at once; will give terms. Phone Broadway 43SV CHEVROLET car. good condition, license and some extras, :?45tt. 1501 Vera st. Tabor 57"5. Private party. RTo "MITCHELL O. ood lir.-s. good con dition; sell cheap, take smaller car iu t rn d e. Term i n al G a ra ge. 5t h a nd I toy t. HUPMORILE 1017, Ito al cord tires. gool p ; n n t. Bosch magneto. $775. Bdwy. 311. F R SAL E I after 1- ord bug. new t 4 P. M.. 405 Wash tires, extras. ini;t"Yi si. FoR SA LE Franklin S. 0 It.. A 1 cotnli Uon. fully equipped. lw E. ISth st. FOR SAT E AUTOMOfttrfWk. D. C. WARREN MOTOR OO., Used Car Department. 5S-G0 N. 2. id -st. Main 70. Here ig a Hpiendid assortment of the better quality cars, which should com mand the attention of any on goin to purchase an a utomobile. You wfil find it well w or til your while tt loolc over our cars, as they are all in ex ceptionally fine connition, and induce some spU-ndid bargains. HERE ARE A FETY OF THEM. DODGE 191S touring: 5 sood tires, top, curtains, toois and all complete; splendid condition; $050. OVERLAND Model 00-T, 1019 model, lirst-ciass every way; $50. VELTE 5-pass. touring, beautiful lit tie car; $1000. CADILLAC 1012 mode!; new paint and good rubber; fine car; $ttH. MAXWELL. 1017. uplendid mechanlca.1 condition, tires and all; $725. MAXWELL Roadster, 391S, fine con. di:ion; $725. SAXON Touring, ."-pass., newly "paint ed; good rubber and mecuanioailv Al ; $0o0 STI'DEB AKER 1 017, in fine condi tion every way; $050. MITCHELL 1017. 7-passenger. a wll G-eylinuer car; $1100. OLDSMOBILE 101S, 7-pass.. has five good tires, top. paint and everything complete. $145. FORD truck chassis, worm drive. 101S model, first-class mechanicailv a.nd rob ber, newly painted: a snap. $45. OAKLAND 101S model, good top :md runber, just overhauled, a beautiful paint job; wo.-th great deal more, $i.".0. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN IF DESIRED. EACH CAR GUARANTEED iJVi' l'XIOV AVE- BARGAINS. lOTH l ord tonring, snap, 125. 1015 Ford touring. Knap, $:i25. Foi:r late model Fords, some buy?, from S550 to $05i. Three Ford nurr. S425 to $75 Studebakrr touring. 2.".. iood shape S'"0 1017 Studeha'ver roadster, good cvnfli- tmn. $.75. Ti7 Buiik lijrht six tourinsr, S150 1 01 7 Reo lotiriiiir. prod cond., S.V.n. 111 Oakland touring, overh-iulcd ' f70 150 T'NIQN AVE.. COR. BELMONT. FORD BUG. 1016 FORD BUG This car i i:i fine mechanical share; Just the thing for you to- have in the summer. This Is a bargain for the right part v. Terms. ff H. &M. MOTOR CAR CO., o5-'i-50 Burnside St. CLEANING UP. A few left from our saie: Rambler, wonderful motor $2:t5 Studebaker. family car 25ti Win ton Six. some bus 275 Marmon bug. some babv 350 AND SEVERAL OTHERS. ALL IN FTXK MECHANICAL SHAPE. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., Belmont St.. Cor. 7th. Ea.-t 00,"7. That Big Brick Building. . 101S STi'TZ. 1!IS STUTZ !: valve touring: in firr- class- shape. Tt must go at a s-acrif iet-. This is a bargain for someone who wants a real car; terms. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. .'15i-;J50 Burn.side St. 421 BELMONT ST. BARGAIN. 1I1S Mitchell 0: a real buy. 101N,i"odge touring ear. 1017 Ford touriitK: lots of extras. 1017 Chevrolet touring ; dandy. 1 01 K Ford t ruck ; very cheap. 1010 Overland, model "oo; like new. Overland 75 B. dirt cheap. These cars are all ha trains and easy terms ; lihera! discount for cash 424 BELMONT ST. EAST 101. BUG. 1012 CASE BUG in Al condition: fine car for the price. A real bargain, sure. IL AL M. MOTOR CAR -o50 Burnside St $150 DISCOUNT ON Ford roadster. used onlv 3 months : never off the pavement; this is a rea: bargain and you will have to work last. Apply owner. 270 E. 20th it., near Haw thorne. F.n.S MAXWELL touring, in A-l shape: the car is risht and the price is right. Come and see us. Terms. H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-50 Burnside St. 10IS FORD BUG. Packard type body, iu excellent con dition, just what you are looking $475. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1 SS Grand Ave. Opeu Evenings. Ml' LSON O-40 touring : fine car ; it hac been gone over and is in good median -ica condition; 5 good tires; (terms. H. & M. MOTOR CAR Co.. 353-350 Burnside St. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OCR SKI1V13 WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE Co., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. 101 S CH EVROLET tf uring. pantasote top and plate Klass windows. This is a real luy. Come in and sec us. Terms. H. A- M. MOTOR CAR CO.. .j53-5tf Barnside St. 102H CHEVROLET touring car; good con dition; all good tiros. Terms. H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-50 Burnside St. CLEANING UP. We have a few old "wreck?' we wtl. sel cheap. Sure they will run. Come over and see what JH'O will do. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. Belmont St.. Cor. Seventh. Phone E. 6057. THE BIG BRICK BUILDING " 1010 STUDE BAKER light six. just o cr hauled : in fine sha pe ; terms. , H. & M. MOTOR CAR CO tl Burnside St. FORD ROADSTER L M'KS LI KV. NEW. - 1 M EC H A N 1 C A L CoN l I T IO N. N E W TIRES. Hi iSCH H I OH -TENSION M AG -NKTO. SHOCK ABSORBERS. ETC A BARGAIN. CALL O W N E R . Al To MAT1C 5 17-05. 532 WASH. ST. 1917 FORD touring, tip-top shape. hock absorbers. spotlight. quick detachable rims, license, extra tire, storage battery. A sacrifice for $ 425 cash. 208 E. 35th. off Hawthorne. . 101S OLDSMOBILE 0, touring car in finest of condition ; 5 good t ires ; car run on:y n few thousand miles; runs iikc a new one and looks the same; a bargain, terms. Phone Marshall 10.0. a pt. 42. 1010 OA K L A N D S I X $ 1 050. In best of condition, tirra good as new with spare tire, spotlight, bumper. Phone Tabor 50M. 505 E. 41st st. N. $4.-,0 CH EVROLET touring, in f irst-clas condition. A tlas Woody ard. 327 Front street. EXCHANGE or sdl Mitchell roadster for high-grade roadster only. Automatic 21 3-QO. C I ( A N D L E TT. 7-PaSfci kit. la t l iri s;" run poo miles : oversize cord t i res; perfect condition: terms. l-dwy. SO. ONE CHE'JiOLET ?27 One Stoddar- d Dayton. K I 7 Phone Eatst FoR SALE Ford car. touring, lute model ii15. Price $325. 424i 45til ave. B. Woodstock car.