16 THE MORMXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1920 e AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction Houm It A. Furniture. 169-171 Second st. HEET1XO NOTICES. SPECIAL ATTRACTION. There will be a lively meet- Loyal Order of Moose, at Moose nail .tiiih Wednes day) eve,. May 12, when our Moose political as pirants will be Riven an opportunity to display their talents on fwjw to run the government Al 1 ?n em herg requested to attend. Visit Ingf Moose invlteVi. L. 1'. KXOWLTON, Secretary. OREGON rOMMANDERT, K. T. Stated conclave Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Consideration of new building site and in vestment therein. Cards, social and re freshments. Your attendance is requested and eipccted. C. F. WIEGAND. Recorder. PORTLAND CH APTER, NO. 3, 7t. A. M. Special convo cation by dispensation this ("Wednesday) evening at 7:30 to conslcer report of eommit- fm to investicate the matter of new Masonic temple. Order E. H. P. I,. I,. SCOTT. Secretary. "WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. IS, R. A. M. Regular con vocation this Wednesday evening. East Eighth and Rurnside sts.. at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors welcome. RUY QUACKENBUSH, Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this i Wednesday) morning at 9:30 for the purpose of conducting the funeral services of our late brother. Silas K. W Ulett. late member of i aur;l Lodge, No. 13. A. F. and A. M.. of Rosebud, Or. Services will be he-Id at J 'or t kind crematorium at 1 0:30. Members p'ea.so bring autos. Visiting breth ren welcome. c. t; MILLER, Sec. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2, A. V. AND A. Al. Special communication this (Wednes day) V. M. at 1 :4S sharp, to conduct the funeral services of Urother J. Kred Feebler. late a member of Laurel Lodfie, No. 1:1, Knseburc, Or. Interment Mt. ricott Park cemeterc. Full attendance desired. Visit ors invited. ricase brinsr autos. W. S. WEEKS, Sec. MOUNT TABOR LODGE, NO. 4J, A. K. AND A. M. Special communication this 'Wednesday) morning, at 11 o'clock. Pythian temple. 388 Yamhill street. M. M. deeree. Stated communication 7:'i0 P. M. M. M. oesree. lsitins uretnren welcome. L. V. JENKINS. W M. FRIENDSHIP, NO. 160. A. F. AND A. M. E. 42d and Sandv blvd. Special communi cation this (Wednesday) eve ning. Jr. c degree, o ciock. Visiting brethren welcome. Orer W. M. RUSSELL. H. STEPHENS, Sec. ALBERT PIKE) LODGE. NO. 162, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wednes day) evening, May 12. at i and S o'clock. F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. G. W. COOK, Sec. SELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 131. A. F. AND A. M. Special meeting this (Wednesday) M. degree. Visitors welcome. Refreshments. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER, Sec. GET READY for tho big pic nic given by tha Ma s t e r s' and Wardens and Past Masters' association at Forest Grove for the Masonic and Eastern Star home fund on Monday, May al. REGULAR MEETING yWtwT tflfltf- this (Wednesday) eve i& ning, at 8 o'clock. East .SfcJ Cth and Alder sts. Second HO. 17 dceree visiting brothers cordially welcome. A. A. .ut,b, S. STARR, Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2, 1. O. O. F., meets every Wednesday evening at 6 WJ o'clock. Odd Fellows temple. 22tt Alder St. Second degree tonight. Visiting brothers welcome. JESSE T. JONES, Sec. F. W. KROLL. N. G. EMBLEM Jewelry, Buttons, charm, plus, tew design. Jaeger Broa 6t& at. FRIBDLANDEH'S for lodgs emblem ClMM pins and medals. 10 V. aahlnctoa at. DIED. LAMBERT In this city. May 11, 1020, Alice Miller Lambert. Remains at Hol nian's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets. Noticft of funeral later. FU ERST, NOTICES. PETBRON At the family residence. Bor ing. Or., May 3. .Anna Sophia Petron. a.'tl J I years, mother of i. K. Peterson of liorintr, nd K. T. Peterson of thifl city. T)r-r cased is atao nurvived by six j?raiidchi Wlrn nnd six Rreat-Rra ndr hil clron. The funeral services will be held from the consmalf-n- rhnn"! of the V. S. Iin lining. Inc., 414 Ku.l Alder, today n edne.day). at Z V, M . r r.ends In - vitul. Interment in Multnomah Park tern .tery. BAMURliS In thi. city. May 11. 1!2n. le Samuels Mj;rd 41 yen ra. beloved son of lrs. Phrwrtp Samuels, brother of Misn Al tnnie Turner, M rs. Cora Brown and Clint Samuels of Port land. Ur. ; I 'lnra C.'pbart. of T.ittl l!rK, Ark., and Mrs. 1JI la Moler of Toledo. WmsIi. V'rir.nds invited to attond th- funoral services at Hnlmnn'n funeral parlors. Third and Salmon wtreeta. a t ::0 P. M. tomorrow, Thursday, May i:, l'.l0. Interment Itiv-er-i"W cemetery. HATCH At Hillsdalw. Dr.. May 9. l!20. Ina Match, aped -I years, beloved dau-ch-t-r of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hatch; sinter of !j. V. Iatch, Ittibert HMtch, Florence Hnd Ftuth Hatch of Hillsdale. Or.; and Cora Hatch of Vancouver. Wash. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at llnlman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 10:3rt A. M. today W"in"day. May 190. Interment Ki vervicw cemetery. PTANTOX-May in. at 107U Williams av.. lOdward O. Stanton, ajred 47 years. hijjYfd luisbnnl of Mrs. I ren .1. Stan ton, and fat her of Thelma and Kdwa rd Stanton. Fun-rn I servii-es will be h-Hd frnii Holy Itedeeme.r church, Williams a.v'. and 1'ortland blvd today. Wednes day. May 1. at lt A. M. Friends are invited. JntM-innt Kos City cemetery. KemaiTis at A. R. Zellar Co. parlors. tiRONT-KKWK Funeral service of the late Thomas ' i. ron lee we will be held Friday. May 14. at - o'clock P. M., Ht the First tlerman Br.ptist church. Fourth nmi Mill strtt. Friends invited. In terment at Ri vrvicw cemetory. J, p. Ft n ley Son. directors. The remains are at the family residence, 5."0 Fourth street south. IKISCH At Hillsdale, Or., May 0, 10i:n. FIurot losch, need years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Portland crematorium. 14th and R -lp streets, at 2 P. M. today, Wednesday, May 12, 1920. Remains at HoImaD'i funeral parlors, Third and Salmon sts. DOSCH In this city. May 11. 1920, Ca in ill e A. Dosch. a red 43 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Portland crematorium, 14th and Kybee streets, at 2 P. M. today. Vednp day. May 12. lH2f. Remains at Holman's lunerai fariura, i nira ana salmon sis. W I T-IjKTT Funeral services of the late m.a.c. v,. iiiwu win o nein this Wednefwlay morning at 1O:30 o'clock at the Portland crematorium. Fourteenth nnd Bybee streets. Friends invited J P. Finley & Son, directors. PEERLKFt Funeral serx-ices of the late J. Frederick Peebler will be held todav (Wednesday) at 2";t0 o'clock P. M at Finley's, Monttfomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. OK RAT, CARS. LTMOTSINK3 for funeral Bervice. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. Rates for Classified Advertisements The Oregonian. Daily and (Sunday fine time 12c Two consecutive time . 22 1'hree confteeuti-re times ... .3e bevfn Tonceutlve times fta The foUou ing clanttif icatlons excepted, tfae ntteof wbit-h ! c per line per days Mtuatiuot Wanted-Male. Situations Want-nO Female. No ad taken tor les than two lines. Count mix words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person alt" and "Situations wanted") will be taken orer the telephone it the adrer tfer is a subserlher to either phone. No prices will be quoted over tb phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for The Oalljr Ore-xonian until :yo 1. M.: for The Sunday Oreg-oniaa uutil 6 1'. M. Saturday Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOCXTAXT3. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor. accounting systems established maintained; income tax service; refer ences. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Main 744:;. A I.TEKAT ION'S. RK KITTING and making of ladies' gar ments: reasonable: work guaranteed. 1. Reubln. 408 Bush & Lane bldg. ASSAVKRM AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFK1CK. 142 Second .K'd.. silver and platinum bought. ALTO PAINTING. AUTO PAINTING. QUALITY. FINISH. STANDARD AUTO PAINTING CO.. EAST THIRD AND MADISON- STS. C A K PET WEAVING. RllfiQ The kind that wear the best are IIUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress l."nj Union ave. Rag. rugs woven, all nles. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1 S3 E. Sth st. Phones East 35S0. B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. '4-56 Union ave. N. East kiI6, B 1475. CARPKT CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITS' OR CALL. PORTLAND RUG CO.. 1 72 E. 17th st. Sellwood 3t22. CARPET SWEEPERS REPAIRED. AUTHORIZED Bissell carpet sweeper re pair agency; all parts furnished. 553 Morrison St. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HOriSON- COMPANY .187 Washington. Bdwy. 4:J4. A 1254. ;h ikopractok. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 1 0rc Chiroprac- ht. i nrongs pronounce treatment best- Cm RO-QIIST AKCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Fiorcllo De Veny, the only scientific chiropodist and arch specialists in the citv. Parlors 302 Ger linger bldg.. S. W. cor. I'd and Alder. CHIROPODISTS. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun ions, toot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. nth and Wash. Main 10S1. DR. B. LOUISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A. M to 7 P. M. 440 Morgan bldg. Main 4908. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers. needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3S8::. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal uiub. .yiarsnan ;z-. Alultlgraphing. mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. WM. WILLING. COLLECTIONS FOR LESS. GET my rates before turning over your business elsewhere. I will save you money, get your money and remit promptly. 702 E. 32d st. Sellwood 1159. NKTH CO.. Worsecter bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1H00 , CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, tile and concrete. Phone Jack Wempe. Woodlawn 6230. DANCING. BERKELEY Dancing Academy; privat( iKuMoiiB. uh). eve.: latest steps ana tazz shown. Classes Friday. 129 4th. Main 3318. Mrs. Summers. MRS. BAVH. 30S Dekum bldg. Private lesxons day and evening. Main 134."). BALLROOM- and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Filers bldg. DENTISTRY. IF YOU have dental work to be done, have It done without pain by the nerve-blocking method. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. E. H. PREHN. Majestic Theater Bldg., 351 Washington St. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 415 East 7th. East 1847 and 219-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phong 627-P.7. ?4S' First st. Main R71. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. R 1 X" lot .Tirllnrl I If T j- j w uiuuig Mini riei-incai repair- new or used motors. Bdwy. 104 5. A lt46. FKItTIM'AKK. I KKTI IjTXM your land if you want bK crops; read about "li. M. Wonder' in our 1ii0 catalogue. Routledjye Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d st., I'ortland, Or. WHOLESALERS AND KNtilNKKRiS' AMI Ml I.I. SIPPLIKS. THE M. t.. K LI N K CO.. S4 -SH-Si-SI) Front. ,K41N MKR HtM'S PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AM) CAPS. THANHAUSKR HAT "'O.. .V'l-5.1 Front at. PAINTS. Q11J ANU il.ASS. P. FULLER CO., Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN CO.. Second and TAYLOR. 1-TNF.RA1, rIRKCTORS. Dunning & McEntce H'NKKAI. UIBWTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at 12th Ht.. west side. Telephone Broadway 431). auloma tic 543-8. The funeral home of refinement and distinctive aerviee. Qtr We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN & SON Funeral TMrectors. Third aud Salmon Sts. Main SOT. Iady Asstant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect funeral Service for Kess. Inderendent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between iitth and l8t sireetH, west side. - Lady Assistant. Main J691. 5T8-35. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 10th and Kverett sts. Telepnone Broadway 133. Automatic 521-33. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Ald-v- Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross, Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvington district. PT T T7,T?-T,TT E. Eleventh and Clay. . -Li. HiiX-OXl East 781. T 1833. ERICSON T"eiaroaandla:ky0&on Sts- A. L. KENWORTHY & CO. 5S02-04 9'Jd st., I-ents. Tabor 5267. AR 7FI I FR Pfl 592 Williams ave. III Z.tLL.tn UUi East 1088 c 10gs BREEZE & SNOOKt'J b'- SK7SWBS IXDKRTAKIN'G COMPANY, 3d and Clay. M. 41T.2, A 2221. l.ady assistant. MON I'MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Fonrth St.. Opp. City Hall. u Bros. "b BLAESING GRANITE CO. j I LI THIRD AT MADISON STFfggT ' Phone your want ads to The Orego nian, Main 7070, Automatic 060-9i. MRSERr STOCK. WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornaraeutai trees. shrubs, roses, etc. OREGON NURSERY CO.. ORENCO. OR. MlIC TEACIIKBS. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, pra"c t'.ce piano, 1 nr. day, $j mo. Bdwy. r.i.. OPTO.MKTniSTS AM) OPTiriANS." GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basts of capable service. Thou sands or satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. diaries W. Good man, optometrist, 20y Morrison. M. 2124. o, BYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST. ed with modern instruments. Oiasseu fitted from $2.50 up, A. E. HURW1TZ. optometrist. 225 1st St. GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op tician, is an expert eye litter and his charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 116 Morrison st., near 2d. ORIENTAL RUGS woven, repaired, washed, cleaned and stored by nature's own modern plant. Broad way 3433. CARTOZ1AN BROS., Inc., importers of oriental rug". ORIENTAL RUGS. Native Expert in Repairing, washing, cleaning and stored. Al. E. DLSIHANIAN, Esiabiished 1914. Broadway 287Q. 4H5 Washington St. ORIENTAL RUGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUGS. CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH ATIYEH BROS. 151 N. 23D. I'HONE MAIN 5208. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. Ail communi cations trictly confidential: prompt, ef ficient, conscientious (service: handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg., 582 Market st.; Chicago office. room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington of fice, room 103, 625 F st.; New Vork of fice, Wooiworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. tiOl Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. 1R. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway Bldg., Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLl'MBING SI' I' 11.1 ES. PL U M B IN' G SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE Prices. Stark-Davis Co.. ISS 4ih. SP. 797. PRINTING. DDIUTIR10 F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. rnirtliriU 1st and Oak sts. M. 705, 511-65. PAINTING. PAINTING and kalsominlug: work g-jar-. anteed. Call Johnson. Marshall 3342. a fter 6 P. M. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con- lisk, 133 16th st. N.' Broadway 2945. PAINTING AND TINTING. PAINTING and tinting, first-clats work and good material. Phone automatic 316-59. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed J. F, Myers, Blind School. Marshall 5O60. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers: catalogue free. Routledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d st., Portland. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & Fl'RNlTL'KE Cu. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main yo"2. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BCRKAi:, iol Dekum bldtf. V. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSl'KR AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVING - PACK'G-STURAGE-BAUGAGE lUth and Kearnev. Branch OS1- Bdwy. PHONE BDWY, 3303 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 4-0 Front Street. STOKAtiE AM) II Al l.rNG. DISTRIBUTION OARS OL'R SPECIALTY. Phones Main 440, 544-BS. OREGON TRANSFER r67T4"4 UijEan St.. corner 13th. I'hone Broadway 1281 or 1J6D. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. T.owet inpiiraneo ra'es In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE- C. M. OI.SKN TRANSKBR CO., -JtK pine PACKING, MOVING. STOHAGB PBCL'RITV STORAGK & TRANSKEI1 CO., 10.1 I ARK ST. Main Sin.". A. 10.11. MANUFACTURERS II1IKS. WOOL Al t'AStARA BARK. KAH.X BROTHERS. !!.'. Front street. pi,i:mbing tsi pri.irS"AMrpirKi THE M. L. KLINE CO.. R -K6-S7-MI From. I'ROnilK COMMISSION MF.Rt HANTS. K V KR DIN' . FARRELL. 14" Front St. IUIPK ASH RIMlKR THINK. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrti p. SASH. nOORS AND lil.ASS. I W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. II.ORISTS. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We wpecial-1-r.e In funeral designs. 141 fith. opposite Meier - Frank's. Main 7215. Luhliner, Florist If'S Mnrrifin rnrt Innrl hnol V n 1 1 - e - Morrison. b-t. Brwy. & Hark. Mar. Wi. JAPAN' I-I.l")RIKT Iftc.iTu .k et., irehouse Market. All kinds of flowers.' BrddinK and vegeta ble plants. JananeKP shrtibberv, nursery Mtock, tubs, baskets, gar den weeds. Seoia I sale. MARTIN & FORSES CO. Florists. P..". WaahlnBton. Main 200. Flowera for all occaalons artistically arranfted. CLARKt BROS., florists. 2J5" Morrison st Main 7. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays $l.r0 up. Bd-y. 2.S70. 4fi3 Wash. TONSBTH FLORAL CO.. 2K7 Washington st.. bet. 4th and rth. Main 5102, A 11H1. NEW TOUAt. WB CALL FOR VOIR OLD CARPKTS, Rnga and Woolen Clothing; FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Ras Hons Wot en All Si sea Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets ( leaned. Laid and Refitted. tfORTHWICST HVti CO. ISM Eaiit Citb (. I'hone biaat ;i.V0. Mortgage Loans Loweat Interext rateas Installment re payment if desired. Buildlnic loans made. No delay In elosin. A. H. B1RRHLL GO. S17-21V .nb.vf.lrrn Hank Buildlnic. Marsfaall 4114. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage loans United states Hark Uuildlan NEW TOUAY. Suburban 5 - Acre Snap, $5500 EASY TERMS. On 91st st. north of Glisan, about 5 blocks; 3 blocks to 6-cent car line, Montayilla car; about two acres of all kinds of bearing fruit, about the same acreage in different kinds of berries, all fine loam soil, no rock, all in cultiva tion, small house and barn; this 15 not view property, but if you want the best of soil, where you can make a good living, if you wish, from the land, then here is a great bargain; easy terms. Phone today, East 894, and I will take you out and show you the place. Do it now. A SPLENDID HOME nil" The most costly and most beau tiful small home in Portland, now for sale at a barprain pricf, about Il'0,000 below replacement value. No. 774 Thompson St., corner 24th. Large mahogany living room, oak den or library; "20x32-foot library, dancing hall or billiard room in basement, with oak floors and fireplace: Ameri can Radiator vapor ' heating plant with gas for fuel: heating plant val ued at about $3000; couple of all-tile bathrooms; kitchen Is all tile: break fast room: one bedroom is double size with fireplace: hardwood floors throughout except sleeping porch. Most costly construction a home of rare beauty, charm and, value for you If you can biry the very best. By ap pointment only. Others at $22,000. f24.OO0. ?2o,000, $26,000, $27,300. $35,000. R. T. Street, tiood Homra Realtor. IRVINGT0N SNAP must be sold at once. Strictly modern 7-room house on Wasco street, very exclusive district, fine fireplace, eastern oak floors and everything up to date. $6000, terms. Phone Tabor 3089. iSectional F.reeted In PortlaTid or Stlll'PED ANYWHERE, in sections ready to put tpether. Kasy for one man to erect in a day. Our cash prices. factory direct to you. no middle man, mean a GREAT SAVING Send for circular. Call at factory. See Hre-sis'.e. sample. KKIIIMAIIK HI II. DING CO.. SI.1 K. lltli SI.. I blks. S. Ilanlliorne. I'hone F.aMt I14 I'ortland. Oregon. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Rtjki and Woolen C'lotblns;. We Mnke Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Mze I'lnf f Rugs, Woven, 17.50 Rik n tiara Woven All Slsea. Clothes Cleaninc nnd Dyefna Uepts. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x12 Rags, Steamed Cleaned. It 1 .50 WK8TKRS FLUFF RVG CO. 5-1 I nion Ave IV. i'hone Dast 6518 FOR RENT CHOICE BUSINESS PROPERTY Burnside at Fourteenth 11,000 SQUARE FEET Two Floors Immediate Possession K V MONTROSE RIXiiLER, mt Cotillion Hall. Ord-ered Sold Have received from European resi dents a power of attorney with In structions to dispose "of a high-class business property in exclusive dis trict for 17250. This property is easily worth about $13,000. Income per month $94.50. Inquire SIM Corbett Bids. 15TH STREET $12,000 50x100 Corner at Flanders St. Phone 218-29 STORAGE SPACE In-vellisat-e On r Plant and Hates, Why Abb u me Expensive Leuoes fja-dr Hrfesent High Costs'.' CLAY S. MORSE, INC. lira y aue and sIvrnKC. ISlb aad llik. fnone 1! il w . Ja;n. -r.rir . sis mm mmmm NEW TOUAY. EXCEPTIONAL BUY Practically New Mod ern Brick Apart . ments. Well - Located Corner Lot,. 60x100. Producing'Good Return on Investment. PRICE $55,000 TERMS Full Information Inside Property Dealers, .Twelfth Floor, Yeon Building-. KKAI. ESTATE. For Sale -Bench Property. FOR SALE or rent, furnished cottage and full lot. Gearhart Park, four bed rooms, kitchen and large living room two atoves. hot water tank, four double beds, three single beds, child's crib tables, chairs, large supply dishes and cooking utensils, sell at bargain, S1H00 terms if desired or rent for summer' I3. H W. Stone. V. M. C. A. Maili 8T00. T FOR SALE Or will rent or leare tw choice lots 50x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near daiice pavilion and hotel Address H 180. Oregon Ian. For Sale Flat and Apartment rropert ON BROAD WAT. $l'J.0U(l Walking distance from business cen ter, 4 family flat bldg.. a real snap. The building alone would cost a great deal more than we are asking for the entire propertv RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STORE BLDG. J4300. COMMERCIAL AND MORRIS STS. Rented for $80 per month. There are two stores and two apart ments above. RITTER. LOWE CO.. :01-:j-3-7 Board of Trade B'.dg. 2-FAMILY FLAT RIGHT CLOSE IN. ON 11TH ST.. NEAR MAIN. 13O00 cash down. bal. 3, years. Total price Sl'-'.r.Oo. One flat has 5 rooms, den and aleep ing porch. The other has 3 rooms. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-B-7 Board of Trade Bldg. INCOME PROPERTT. J16.00O. lOOxICO corner Thurman and 21st. There is a store hldg. with flat above and S cottages. This is an old-established business corner. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. For hale -Lou. $3.-0 PBH ACRE AND VP. NORTH PARKROSE ACRES. NEW ACREAGE TRACTS. VERY EAST TERMS. Special terms to prnple who make se lection before the plat is filed. MAKE TOUR SELECTION NOW. J. AND 3-ACRE TRACTS. The greater proportion of this prop erty is all cleared and ready for the plow. This is the propertv lvins north of Handr blvd. (COLUMBIA HWHWAVI in Parkroff. and is undoubtedly some of the rine.it garden land in the state. The land liar been overflowed with the. sprinR freshets for years, and is now bcinR diked and drained. It Is now cov ered with a ricli silt. The plat will be fllrd In a few davs. so be sure and be one of the early ones. Come out and see it. PARKROSE BIIAXI'H Ol'I'ICE ON SA Nl Y HI.V1. AT EN D OK PARK -UOtfK t'ARLIXB. OR CALL MAIN OFFICE. J L 1IARTMAN COMPANT. 7 Cham ber of Com. .Bids. Main U0S. I.AURKLHURST SACRIFICE. Beautiful 50x100. commanriinK ex pansive view of park and city; ro.t owner J7IM. Only J.1HOO for this Ideal homesite, all free and clear. Just west of Floral ave. on Burnside. See our "'Sn' MacINNKS PRATT. Main S0. 413 Board of Trade Bids. ALAMEDA 1'ARK. Improvements all In and paid. SO-foot front, by 1CX fret In lencth, this Is near the drive and in the choicest part. l.o"i cash. .1. L. HARTMAN COMI'AM, 7 Chamber of Commerce building- Main UOS. ROSE CITT PARK SNAP. 5Ox10. ft., northwest' corner of 5tli and Stanton. 1 block north of carllne,. east and south front, some fir trees, lot on Krade with Btreet: price onlv 70ll. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bide. Main iOS. SNAP. 511x100 ft.: paved sts. all paid. 3 blocks to IrvinKton car. - bloiftks to Broadwav ear: JOr.O; liberal terms. Ask for Mr. Clearwater. J. U HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids. Main -OS. BEAUTIKT'LLV wooded 130x100.' $1200; $12o cash. $12 monthly: only 18 minutes from Broadway and Washington, near the Jefferson high school and Penin sula Park, right in the path of the new harbor development: also a iVOxlOU. $00 cash, H monthly. Price roo. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. 1RVINCJTO.V. lOOxl'Vi. SNAP. Fine quarter block on northtast comer Fast 7th and Thompson; over $1200 city liens p:tid : no restrictions. Price s::7r.o, about $1000 cash, balance 5 years, 0 per cent. We want an offer. GRUSS1 A: BENNETT. 31S Board of Tra le bldg. Main 7452. CLOSE-IN lot cheap: If cars stop you can walk' vou know' who your neighbors are- can always sell: HA ear; easy terms: 1JOO. ,"12 Oerlinger bldg. IRVINGTON LOTS 100x100. N. W. cor ner of 18th and Frenont; price IJtiTjO. terms. Phone Tabor J694. FOR quick sale will sacrifice lot 12. block 5. Laurelhurs-t. for $loOO; improvements paid. Tabor 0100. IKV'INGTON bargain; fine location, cor. 11th and Siskiyou; clear $1400. Main 47S'J. BY owner, two lots 5n by 100. price $!'. OOO; location L"lh and Beach. Cal, at my "beauty parlors, :',tr Broadway bldg. S4,jO0 100x207 FT. on Trvlngton carline: fine apt. site. Zimmerman & White. 818 Cham.of Com. U ilixlOO. VIEW. uOth and Taylor; assej menia paid; f'JUO .each. Automatic 213-0ti REAL ESTATE. For Sale LARGKST HOME SELLERS ON THE PAC1KR COAST. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND HOMbS KOJt SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Y.our Home. n EPOCH MAKING event of REAL importance to HOME SEEKERS is our treat MAY SALE of HOME BAROAlN. Over 100 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMl-.S for sale Every TYPE of home, at every PRICE from every DISTRICT. Our ex tenslve llstinss afford you a BL.TTh.lt 1ND WIDER SELECTION than can be had anvwhere in the entire city. ',".n. dreda of. REMARKABLE BARGAINS, our modern, efficient system of AP PRAISING AND INSPECTING, and our COMPETENT LEGAL DEPARTMfc-N . insure vu the UTMOST SATISFAC TION in HOME BUYING IS Automobiles at Your SERVICE. open riveniuga auu $3230 IDEALLY BEAUTIFUL 1RV JNC.TON BUNGALOW. Popular Cali fornia tvpe with spacious front veran da: reception hall: living room with artistic fireplace; attractive dininn room with massive built-in buffet: SPLKN D1D DUTCH KITCHEN; :l bedrooms, lisht and airy; sleeping porch; furnace: laundry travs: lull lot with all liens paid HOUSE IS JUST LIKE NEW. E. 10th. This is but ONE out of oO 1RVINGTON homes we offer. t-JloO A REAL DUTCH COLONIAL HOME: very distinctive lines: at tractive living room with cheery fireplace; built-in bookcases; paneled dining room; IDEAL Dutch kitchen: sunny bedrooms and sleeping Dorch: HARDWOOD FLOORS: best while enamel p'.unibinu: fu'l lot: HOUSE LIKE NEW; WHERE CAN YOU DU PLICATE THIS VALUE? . $3500 ROSE CITY CAR. This i TRULY SPLENDID VALUE: o room practically 'new, attrac tive bungalow cottage; best white enamel plumbing ; electricity : pas; K Davis near 11th: WALKlN'i DISTANCE. We have hundreds of close-in homes at MODERATE TRICES. Here are a few OP PORTUNITIES where you can SAVE CARFARE and ENJOY A SPLENDID BRACING WALK. C -.no c .room romfortable home, ar ranged for two fRTnilifs; oOxlrtO near ICth; A BA KOA IN. S30o0 NORTH MT. TABOR HOME: a tvpical CALIFORNIA bunpalow tvpc : quaint rambltns lines; otrmi-litp rooms THIS IS AN UXUSUXli VALUE; you'll ay when you see it. Larse iront porch with massive columns; VKKY PRACTICAL K LOO R PLAN; many clever built-in s; titv: cas. Just think! ONLY XUOO down ; BALANCE LIKE ItlNT. K. Dav St. ' ftJ2.'il H"-rf !i a BARtJAlX! If you HAVE.VT the DOWN PAYMENT nf JR'MKJ, WK WILL Htl-f ')UL M A K K IT. This will soon he valuable business property ; sub- Ktxiitial. comfortable .(-room oun alo' cottase; full set of plumb- iuz. splendid corner not. jmxim, all street liens paid. The terms are just per month, and it would RENT KOR -MORE THAN THAT! If vou want a bargain, tfliE THIS TODAY. $j750 ONi-; OUT OF NINE HUNDRED. This is absolutely the BIOOKST. MOST EXCEPTIONAL HOME BCY fn our entire listings L'H ALLENOKS YOUR UNDI VIDED ATTENTIOaN" : spacious living room with cbeery fire XIace; artistic dininff room witii massive it-ioot ouni-in oum-i. HARD WOOD FIXJORS; FL?-L DUTCH KITCHEN; central hul with well -arranged linen closei s place for everything) ; - sunn brooms; WOODWORK OF EN TIRE HOUSE FINISHED IN WHITE ENAMEL: best plumb ing fixtures: FULL LOT; 2 bloiks to Mount Tabor car; TERMS. You couldn't BUILD THIS HOME TODAY FOR $3."00. $::io0 ATTENTION. Homeseekers. If YOU REALLY WANT to gft The VERY BEST VALUE FOR i'OUR MONEY, don't fail to see this. On a full let with all street !ins paid, is this 5-room. attractive modern bungalow; 2 airiest .bed rooms; best white enamel plumb ing: electricity, gas. full cement basement. OWNER WILL SELL FURNISHED for $:ir.O additional. Io you wish to look at this? We'll send si ear rlghl out. THIS WON'T LAST. SU.00 DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED Alber ' ta home; rooms large and airy; numerous buLH-ins; best white enwir.el p I u m b i n cr fixtures: SPLENDID FURNACE; laundry travs; full lot : close to car. A REAL ALBERTA HOME BAR :.IX. K. JHth st. WE HAVE r0 ALBERTA HOMES. $,100 HAWTHORNE'S TYPICAL B UNO A LO W R A Rt I A I N : la re front porch, fill 1 widt h of house ; M A N Y C LE V Fit BU1LT-INH: white en.-tmel plumbing; eleciri city, ffas. pRVPd street, all paid, only X.'tUtt down, $'." per month. E. Shcrm -i n nt. Th is is splend id va 1 ue. W E H A VE 1 'o HA W -THORN E HOMES. HOMELIKE little MOlT SCOTT. Areji't you just anting a nice quaint little home- w it Ik a beau tiful, h'.r.sfomy j:fii? This is one of th NKATEfc'T. most com fwrtable coitB-s in Mount Scott; lot 1 10 1in ,l S."tOH down hdlunri pr inouri so m1RI'. PHOTOORAPHS OK ,i r. SCOTT HOMES in our office. . If on are in th? murkr-t for h honir, it is t jour Hflviintniif to x-isit our SHOW ROOMS AND INSPECT our It A R OAINS We can SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. SEE FRANK L. McOFIRE To Buy Your Home. Abincton Bblg. M:ti 10ii. Successors to H. r. Mc'iuire. Established 1 ss-rt. "40 Years of Reliable ST iee." IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN ON THIS BEAUTIFUL MURRYMKA.D HOME. Facing wesA on East 25tli, Just south of Hawthorne, with fine view of citv. mont porch wit h center enl ranee to house: hall, large living room with large tile flrplar library, dining room, kitchen, small bedroom and toilet, all on first floor; beautiful built-in buftt in dining room: second floor has four bedrooms, tun of them connecting: sleep ing porch, den and fin-p tile bathroom. Third floor has two bedrooms and fin billiard room with f irepla c. Ku II ce ment basement with laundrv room, fruit and storeroom. Hot water heating plant. Hardwood floors first and second floors Interior finish in In ivorv enamel I'RICEI RIGHT AT $.tM0 SOME TERMS. M KT7, i E R- F A R K E R-KERGI 'SON 2i; Oak St. .ain BEA UTTFUL LA URELH U RST. bungalow of 7 pleasant rnnmn, all on one floor, finished in old Ivorv; everv mod ern feature. Hot water heat. Cement basement with cold routn. iarag w mi concrete floor and walls. Lot Is extra large, with choice shrubberv and fruit trees, in best part of Laurelhurst. near the park. An attractive, well-constructed home and worth more than price asked. $7500. Half Cash. MacINNES PRATT, Main 3S0S. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. $7000. " 7 rooms and gt ass-enclosed sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases-. pretty dining room with handsome buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen downstairs: three light, airy bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath upstairs; full cement basement, fur nace, garage; on 41st St.. near Alameda drive. A home full of quality and rich ness ; it is exactly nhntvou want. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main -867. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS., One of those delightful view homes I witn large iivmp; hiiu uining, most cneer- full bedrooms, maid's room In attic: oak polished floor down and the most de lightful birdseye maple floors up. has sleeping porch and most wonderfui view porch, overlooking river; a charming sun porch. fireplace and furnace; $LV,0"O.- terms. We would like to show you this home v THE P'RED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main oSfif. NEW BUNGALOW $3300. Five rooms, full basement and attic. Large rooms and nicely arranged. On paved street a few feet from good car service; $500 down. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Branch Office. 78 Lombard St." Columbia H3S. BETTER THAN RENT. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3500. TERMS 5 -rooms, fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen ; paved street .. I block to car: 7.""" cash. bal. $25 per month inc'ud ir g iftrest. Call 304 Oak St. Bdwy. 2fi. FOR SA LE S-rooni plastered house. $2000. 1275 E. Taylor. KKAI. ESTATE. TTor Sle Houin. BIHR-CAREY CO. Succeeded bv r" AREY-SA V1DOE COMPANY SAME FIR M S A M E M A N AC EM E NT SAME POLICY. Tastes differ as to wHat is the most artistic and practical in a home. Our large assortment offered will give you sufficient va nety to per mit a satisfactory choice. We could fill this whole page of ads descrip t i ve of astonishingly pretty homei we have for sale. HEART OF ROSE CITT. $o7o0 H-room California bungalow all on one floor on a corner lot . 44th and Hancock, just off Sandy blvd. Complete in every detail, elaborate interior deco rations. It will pay you to in vestigate this. $Jo00 down. COZT" LITTLE ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. So.ioO 4 rooms, spick and span bun galow, just like new. Interior i n mission finish, built-in buf fet, white enamel Dutch kitch en, breakfast nook, one light airy bedroom and additional folding bed. basement with laundry trays. Located on 73d st.. near Sandy. (1000 down. CLOSE IN" NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE, ?,O0O Fine 2-story modern home, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors downstairs, 4 large, airy bed rooms up with sleeping porch. Full cement basement, corner lot. paved street. Just three blocks from Broadway bridge. Substantially built home in A-l repair. Terms. VACANT TMM ROTATE POSSESSION. $3000 Wa Iking distance to .tcf ferson high school; 4-room bungalow. ' 2 bedrooms; onlj one year old. ref inished and in splendid shape. best white enamel plumbing, cement basement, hard-surfaced street and sewer both paid. Only $700 down. ALBERTA HOME. V $.V00 Large square 7-room home ; T0 x 1 0l cumer lot ; non-resident owner advises us to cur the price from $:tS00. Good plumb ing. One block to A lberta car. HERB IS A "WONDER FU L BARGAIN ALBERTA. $3300 Listen ! With only $r00 down. you can buy one of th1 choicest up-to-date modern 5-room bun galows with a large full floored attic. full Cftiient basement, quaint breakfast nook, garage with concrete runway. Tine yard, trees and shrubbery. This will go quick. Seeing is buying. ANOTHER ALBERTA SNAP. $3200 Her is an unusually ttractive "-story, o-room Alberta home, one-iia If block off A lberta ch r. No better bargain in the office. $S00 dow n. 1 H R EE EXCEPTIONAL MONT A VI LL A BUYS. $3200 Modern a t tra ti ve 5-room bun galow, with fireplace. Full ,0 xluO lot: trees, shrubbery and a fine yard, near car. $.'Ott down. $2300 Dandy 5-room bungalow with white enamel plumbing: several bearing fruit trees ; on- block to Montavillu. car. $rtt0 don n. $1000 4-room modern bungalow in Mont a villa district with a full cement - basement: SOilIOO lot; good plumbing ; $725 down. PLACE FOR COW AND CHICKENS. $1300 Good 5-room house, plastered and ret in ted throughout: gas and Bull Run water : 7.x I oo lot : 250 strawberry plants. 300 raspberry bushes; many fruit tr.-es and shrubs. Vacant im mediate possession : $tf0O down, onhtiice $15 per month. BIHR-CAREY CO. REAL ESTATE Succeeded bv CARE Y-SA VI DGE COM PAN V. Main 7487. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. LAST WINTER j whn dark palls settled in the citv sending wraith-like spirals slapping agalnHt your skin: when motor horn sounded in the thickening gloom and the other side of the street was shrouded in mystery of fog this little house on the hill stood out bravely in the snunshlne far removed from the valley's vicissi tudes. We confess being de troo by call ing vour a ttention to next winter but like a delectabie dream your summei will pass. And then! Ahem! "Were you peeking a lovely home on Portland 1 1 eights with a large living room and nine room and two bedrooms and kitchen and balcony on the m)in floor, and an inviting sleeping porch and two ot her bed chambers on the second ? We have it. High and dry (climatically) (hollered from rough blasts w hen win ter fends his t rum pot calls from the north, and with graceful dignity wait ing for your inspection. s::nn - MA HONEY. COE A McKENNA CO.. S2 Fourth st. Main 6S7L IRVINGTON HOMES. $25,000- Colon) a 1 o-x trir ; 1 O room.-, ; 1 0o b IOO corner. $2-1,000 0 room.t: torn, m $1 ;;,.rOn- 3 ronmn. $ 1 0,00ft 7 roonif . $!..OoO 9 rooms. The above hom-s r located In lrv incton's best residential section; mod ern in every pa rticular ; garages. Tbes-n places ea n be shown by appointment only. V. VA NDUYN. 515 Chamber Commerce. Main 1055. ROSE CITT PARK. Strictlv modern 5-room bungs low on cortiT lot; hardwood floors, built-ins. breakfast nook, ivory finish throughout: fireplace, A - B pipeless furnace. This pla'-e has been occupied by the owner onlv a short time and is being sacrificed for a quu'k sal-; eras range and waler heater are included In house. Let us show ou this. Price $5500. .1. L. 1IAUTMAN C tMPANY. 7 Cham, of Com. bid jr.- Main 20S. MT TABOR HOME FOR SALE. BY OWNER. On a fine corner lot with unsurpassed view of mountains: 7 pieasant rooms; living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom and lavatory on first floor: 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porh bn second fioor. hardwood floors, fireplac and furnace : an unusually pleasant home. Yes, there is a garage. Price $55iM. with $2.".0( cash. Northwest corner East Seventy-first and Stark. AM 3S6, Oregonian. IRVINGTON BEAUTY. From large reception hall you rnter through French doors to beautiful living room in art nouveau. "latest also French doors to dining and breaktast and sun room in Ivory, trimmed In ma hogany; Pullman kitchen, three bedrooms in white, glassed sleeping porch; $7o0 East 1347. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL. Just a most delightful and substan tially constructed S-room home. laving room is lx28 with large den. porch, oak polished floors. There are 5 exception ally charming bedrooms. 3 fireplaces, 2 baths and toilets. Hot air furnace. Lo cated on 1 0Oxl OO lot with large garage. All Improvements in and paid. Fine shrubbery and lovely flowers. $1500, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 68H0. FOR HOM ES in Hawthorne dis trict phone Ralph Ackley Land company. Main 7141 for appoint ment. We have been making a specialty of Hawthorne homes and have exceptional bargains in tha t district now. A gen ts with autos at your service any tim-a. SEE THIS SACRIFICE. A n except tonally well-built tl-room home; has goinl cement basemen I fc fur nace, gas. eiect rie ligh ts. tine plumbing, on full corner lot. near Broadway, o-i F.. 2d si., at a price that you cannot afford to let pats. Particulars at office. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshal 4114. OVKUTON STREET. Ner 25th t.. it-room house on lot 511x1 no in very best net gh tmrhooil ; pric. $-soon. HENRY W. GODDAKD, 243 Stark St. OWNER MUST SELI LEAVING CITY. LAPPS ADDITION. Close-f n home for sale in t his cxilu. bi e improved residence d is trie t. on coro ner lot facing East Rose F.trk, with 1 4 foot alley in rear; house built and occu pied by present owner, who tiosirea to seil quickly: eight rooms and . stiict'.y modern : all very best construetiou throughout; fine porch, shrubbery, flow er, etc. ; e eryt hing you want In a home: buy direct and pave coinmitsion. Priced at JtiOO for immediate sale, witii easy terms. Call 646 C press st. or pbuD Vlast 216. ROSE CITT PARK. TERMS. A non-resident owner has placed his new 5-room bungalow and garage, for immediate sale and has offered excep tionally easy terms to a responsible party. As to price, construction, location and latest modern features, this one con not be duplicated, so make an appoint ment early. J. i RTM AN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bias. Main L'OS. 7-RM. BUNGALOW on Z26 st.: exceptionally welt built by a lumberman: has fine fireplace, new pi pf less furnace. buffet, china closet. Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms, cement basement with laundry trays. 2 lavatories, corner lot. Owner is going to live on his farm and offers this fine bungalow for $4200. JIOOO. cash, monthly pa yments to b arranged. Don't miss seeing this place. Kalpb Acklcy, Main 7 141. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. Really a very fine English colonial on iiOx 1 OO lot on Laurel hurst a e. ; 1: rue iiving room, fireplace, nic sun pallor and den. most cheerful dining, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 3 very fmo bedrooms, open sleeping porch; bath and toilet up. all finished in ivory and white, oak floors, hot-air furnace, improvmicnts h'I in and paid; a homey home that you wii! like; owner moving to California and has instructed us to sell at $7000, J2uv't cash. Sec t his. F RED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main o-. TWO VERY CHOICE ROSE CITY PARK COR. BUNGALOWS. Each a fine corner and ti rms. one tlr. Both extraordinarily well built, and exquisitely modern in evcrv av line hot-water heat, radiators, den. etc. Other, dainty brkfst-rm.. carasc. etc. Ea ch worth $S5U0. Consider oi l cr 75nfl Phone Schao'rr. appointm't to .cc tncm. Broadway 5107 or Main tjtitl. GREGORY HEIGHTS. $3500 TERMS. 1 xs -story bungalow. 7 rooms and d-n, full cement basemen t. furnace. 5hx 1 ou oot lot. 3 cherry t recs. 1 block to Rose City car, $75o cash; balance straight monthiy payments. .1. I,. HARTMAN, COM PAN Y. 7 Chamber of Commerce , building. Main 2 ok. NEW I rv ins ton Colonial Home. S large reonis. ccn tral cn trance hall, extra large living room, dining room, sun room and corivenico t kitchen w ith pass pantry ; second floor, 4 large bed rooms, tiled bath with best of plumbing, hardwood floors throughout, 2 fireplaces; no expense has been to pa red to make this a most compicte and convenient home, owner's price $10,500, terms. Phone Tabor 5694. or Tabor 2124. tibv East 15th North. WONDERFUL HOME $450 DOWN. H large rooms, bath, 2 toilets, full basement, new furnace, grand porch ex tending around 3 sides of house; beauti ful Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, loox 1 no, lovely corner, abundance of th finest fruit you ever saw, and berriea; absolutely fine con d It ion. Take W. L. car to 15 1 h St.. 2 short blocks south. t05 Liberty. oh. yes, price (about ' cost today. $4500. Wdln. 52S3. $130 CASH 6 PLASTERED ROOMS. $1750. Close in. macadam paved street, sewer, everything paid. bath, basement, electric lights, gas. 5()xlOO lot (not level fine garden soil, newly painted and decorated. Take M. A. car to Russell, 2 blocks east. 1 block south to 5U2 Ross st. Vac an I. Owner Tabor S54, forenoons. DEAL WITH O W N E R. Williams ave., 6-room I -story ; full cement basement, stationary Witbh trays, ; bedrooms, garage, concrete driveway, all improvements in and paid; white enamel plumbing; on car -line. near . school and churches; city pia ground roniemp i a ifu one diock aa ; ",iikih distance! $3500. terms. East SIT I. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SOO t ' . A t tract i ve I -story 7-room Siv iss chaict with garago. located on 'J"-T choice lots on Talbot road near P.itton toad, having unobstructed view of city and mountains; 2 baths, billiard room, 4 bedrooms: a little p.itnt would make th:3 a very a rtist ic home, w oi l It much mortj than price asJed. Tabor iRV I NGTON 1 I OOO m A LF CASH Irvington re a 1 home, built 5 " yea rs '. . large living room. fireplace; library fireplace; beautiful dining ronm, perfect i kitchen: 4 bedrooms, 2 .baths, extra laun- dry. second floor, hardwood floorf" t n rougnottt : i me concrete garage. lie DoneJl. East 110. WEST SIDE. 5-room cottage in fine con dition, business proper! v on Gibbs. be-- twfn r ron t and Water sts.. ou will ha ve a good home and an in vest mem. hi can moe right in as house js -vacant; price f22."H, reasonable terms. John singer. 42i Chamber of Commerce bldg. BE A ITIITL 5- room bung a lo on E. .:7t h St.; living rnom extends across front of house . fireplace, I Mitch kitchen, ce ment ba sente fit. t m pro einents in a nri paid. $i:.oo lown. balance $2.' i-r month, including ti per cent inteiesi. Owner. Tabor -S327. IRVINGTON. 5-room bungalow ; furnace, fireplace. II. W. Honrs. F. C. basement. 35 lM lot: double const rue ted : 1 block to ea r. near (choot. Call K. 171 immediately, H.i the pric is only $37uu, $ 1000 down. Rinchart. East SITI. ffnOO BUYS $1200 equity in a nice 5-r.-nm collage: neat home; 2 rooms plastered, -1 canvas. 2 papred, cellar, porch, lawn, some garden room, nicu fir shade, i-iir ine on porch; ltoo, HKn tent; $ Hi per month; deal with owner; 5"os ili st. Sellwood 3 Mi". FOR SALE (3 -room, bath and toilet, ful. cement basement. -Hash tras, cement garage. 15 minutes walft from Broad wav brid ge ; hou.-e in A I eondit ion and i bargain at $3.M0, Call Ph. 317-7.1. 7C! Albina ave. after 6 P. M. or any time Thursday. 5-ROOM mod. cot la; . roping porcb, good basement, fruit, be rrieg ;ina ana this roses, one piock oi r-nnnysine car; thi is a cosy home; liberal terms, see J. ! McKenna. Belmont aL 3ith 13 yean Tabor 0493. ALBERTA BARGAIN. 5 rooms, nice bath, shrubbery, re painted, etc.: $2500 or best cash" offer; mortgage SMO; my equity S1O00; half cash, ba !. easy. ,J. W . McCo.pin, 210 2 1 1 Jefferson st. $.VM cash, balance easy, 5-room new lv decorated and pa in ted. owner needs t le money, hence low price for quick sale. Marshall 3352. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Good 7-room house; oak floors, mantel, fine plumbing and new furnace; lot 5(x loo. with grand view; t. paved; only $5000. terms. Call ownr. East 3225. 1IAWTH 6 R N E CLOS E I V -VACA N t7 $270u, nice 4-room bungalow, newly painted and tinted, cement basement and walks, paved street, 50xb0 lot. 1122 E. Grant, near 37th. $3O0 CASH, price $3000; 6-R.. lot 50x100; fruit and berries, street, sew. In and paid; this is a good buy. See J. P. Mc Kenna. Belmont at StHh 13 years, la bor 6493. MODERN 4-room well -furnished bunga low, E. 25th. near S. P. -shops; $2Too, $500 cash. bal. monthly. jw ncr. East 3225. 7 ROOMS, full 2-story house, large living room, fine large garage, good location and close in. East 7th and Tillamook. Terms to suit. Owner. Broad way 1 197. 4 - ROO M bungalow, E. 24th. near Glad stone; oak floors, fine plumbing; place like new; $250o. $500 cash. bal. month ly. Owner. East .".225. BIG 7-room house on cor.. 45x115 E 30th. near Holgale; $.;50n: w hi take good lot as lt payment, bal. month iv UW11PI . o - WEST SIDK snap, 7-room modern houe garage, on car line, bargain for $20' and terms. .lohn Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MY HOME in Irvington avid ail mv fgrnN ture tor sale at sacrit ice : corner 15th and HancocK. Phone East 2189. Sundav and evenings. . BROOKLYN shops. E. 35th. dandy 5,7m bungalow, 5(lxl(M; si. paved andiaid; $2Mio. $5no ca??h. bal. monthly. Owner, cast 3--"j FOR SA LE A modern tetu lnuo. .tix24. with fly a nd porch, easily muvni. 5oti Lcxinc'on ave.p y- phone Sell. 3355.