Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 11, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Temporary Chairman Is to
Sound Party "Keynote."
Massacbusetts Senator Will Urge
Plank for Treaty Reservations,
Party Leaders Declare.
CHICAGO, May 10. Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, repub
lican senate leader and author of the
Lodge reservations to the league of
nations covenant, will sound the key
note of the presidential campaign at
the republican national convention at
Chicago, June 8.
The committee on arrangements to
day selected Senator Lodge as tem
porary chairman and voted to recom
mend to the convention some one else
to be chosen permanent chairman, to
relieve Mr. Lode of the strain of
directing the convention. Four years
ago Senator W. G. Harding of Ohio
filled both positions.
The committee's recommendation,
accoVding to several committeemen,
probably will pave' the way for se
lection of ex-Senator Albert J. Bev
eridge of Indiana as permanent chair
man. Borah la Not Mentioned.
' The name of Senator Borah, candi
date of the supporters - of Senator
Johnson for permanent chairman, was
not mentioned during the discussion,
according to Fred Upham. national
Chairman Will H. Hays of the na
tional committee reported on confer
ences held last week with senate
leaders at Washington, where Sen
ator Lodge's selection was urged by
Senators Knox. Brandegee and others.
Party leaders said the league of
nations fight undoubtedly would be
touched npon o,y Senator Lodge and
. that a plank indorsing the peace
treaty and the league covenant with
: the reservations voted by the repub
lican majority in congress would be
in the platform. '
Glesson to Act as Secretary.
L. B. Gleason, secretary of the last
two republican conventions, was
again chosen temporary secretary.
Six assistants, three men and three
women, also were named. They are
Mrs.. Guy Gannett of Maine, Miss
Jeanette A. Hyde of "Jtah. Mrs. Chloe
Adair Morgan of Kansas, R. J. Beamis
of Pennsylvania, Harry Giovanolli of
Kentucky and red Wilson of Mis
souri. Edward P. Thayer of Indiana, ser-geant-at-arms
ot the national com
mittee, was appointed temporary eer-.geant-at-arms.
Major-General James
A. Ryan of Chicago -was named chief
doorkeeper. His assistants will 11
be ex-service men. General Ryan
was General Pershing's chief of staff
on the Mexican expedition. Ushers
also will be overseas ex-soldiers, un
der the direction of Captain Knowl
ton Ames.
Seat Contest Hearing Waits.
The national executive committee
also met today in its regular monthly
session. It was decided to postpone
hearing of seat contests to May 31
at 9 A. M. . Chairman Hays reported
that the "situation showed euch Im
provement" that the original plan to
open the hearing May 25 was not
Wyoming Delegates Elected.
LANDER, Wi-o, May 10. Six dele
gates at large to the democratic na
tional convention were chosen by the
democratic state convention here to
day. The delegates are uninstructed.
livery mention of President Wilson's
name was greeted with tremendous
(Continued From First Page.)
execution until May 15, which was
granted by Judge Willis.
Court Compliments Officials.
The sentence was passed on the rec
ommendation of 'District Attorney
Thomas Lee Woolwine, who told the
court that conviction culd not have
been secured, a view in which the
judge said he concurred. He compli
mented the sheriff and district attor
ney on their conduct throughout the
entire case.
The defendant was so weak from
his self-inflicted wounds and from
his nervous tension that he was per
mitted to keep his seat throughout
the proceedings.
Four alienists, two named by the
court and two by the district attorney,
were heard. The court's experts ex
pressed the view that Watson was not
entirely normal mentally, but said he
thoroughly understood what he had
Done. xne otner alienists said they
believed he was practically normal.
Watson Is Flayed.
The evidence presented at the hear
ing by Deputy Sheriff Coutts brought
out me complete published list of
muraers laia to Watson and added an
eigntn, jvirs. Mane Austin, who was
said to -have been drowned in Lake
Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. According to
Coutts" evidence. Watson tld him he
had thrown Mrs. Austin's body into
ine iane wnn a large rock attached.
In passing sentence, Judge Willis
Your crimes as recorded in this
court are the most heinous in the an
nals of criminal Jurisprudence. The
reports made to me by physicians in
dicate you are physically and men
tally unsound and that you are mor
ally depraved.
Like the original "bluebeard.
James F. Watson took one wife too
She was Mrs. Kathryn Wotrjbacher,
- lormeriy or Tacoma, Wash... whom h
married last November in Seattle,
under the name of Walter Andrew.
He brought her here and they began
Housekeeping in Hollywood.
Shortly after their arrival Watson
told her he had to go away on busi
ness. sue said he .used what was
understood to be his favorite excuse
that he was an agent of the United
States government, operating asainst
Diamond smugglers.
.airs, wombacher s suspicions were
aroused by his second trip. Watson
had a black' hand grip she had fouad
herself unable to open. She told her
suspicions to a detective agency. The
dates of some of his absences from
home corresponded with those of'safe
robberies in and near Los Angeles
and she believed he was connected
with them.
The detectives asked assistance o
the sheriff's office and two officers
. watched Watson obtain, the black grip
from a. saleswoman at a candy
counter. They rode to Hollywood on
the same car with Watson and th
' grip and watched his house all
night. When he left they searched
the grip. In it they found bonds,
savings stamps, marriage licenses,
letters from women, scores, of tele
grams and storage house receipts,
and they arrested vv atson April 9.
Watson fought, but the officers
cera ho was a government agent and
said if taken to San Diego he could
show them his Credentials.
On the way Watson drew a penknife
and slashed his throat. He turned
! his coat collar uo and hid the wound
until San Diego was reached. He had
bled nearly to death. , H was taken
to a hospital and the next day, while
a patient there, again tried suicide by
slashing his wrists.
Letter Are Found.
The officers began sifting out the
documents found In his possession.
Lists of women, postal cards bearing
various feminine signatures, typewrit
ten letters signed by many women,
matriomonial "form" letters, checks,
women's clothes and wedding rings
were found In his possession.
Telegrams were sent to various
parts of the country and evidence
soon came In. In storage in. Los An-
LOS ANGELES. Cal , May 10.
The nine murders to which
the district attorney stated
Watson, or Jiolden, had con
fessed, were:
Nina Lee Deloney of Eureka,
Mont., married in San Francisco,
December 5, 1919; killed near
Long Beach, Cal., January 16,
1920. ...
Elizabeth Prior of' Wallace,
Idaho, married 'March 25, 1919,
at Coeur d'Alerie,' Ida.; killed
near Plum Station, Wash.
Alice M. Ludvigson of Seattle,
married at Port Townsend,
Wash., October 6, 1917; drowned
in the St. Joe river. Idaho.
Bertha A. Goodnich of Spo
kane, Wash., married at North
Takima, Wash., June 11. 1819;
drowned in Lake Washington. ..
Agnes Wilson of Calgary, Al- .
berta, Canada, married at Van
couver, September 20, 1918;
drowned in Lake Washington.
Beatrice Andre"Wartha of Cal
gary, married at Tacoma, Feb
ruary 10, 1919; drowned in
Lake Washington.
Eleanor Fraser of Calgary,
married in Seattle, 1919; thrown
into the Spokane, river, near
Marie . Austin of Calgary,
beaten with a rock and drowned
in Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Mrs. M. A. Watt, box 793,
Winnipeg, Canada; drowned in
Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
geles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Se
attle and Sacramento they found be
longings of missing women. Inquiries
came from relatives of missing
Finally, the night -of April 29, he
was said to have confessed to the
murders of "four of his wives." One
of them was Nina Lee Deloney, to
whose murder he later pleaded guilty
and whose body he revealed to the
authorities in Imperial county.
The following is a resume of the
bluebeard case since suspicion turned
toward Watson: '
April 9 Watson arrested at the re
quest of Mrs. Katherine Wombacher,
one of his score of wives, who be
lieved him unfaithful.
April 9 Taken to San Diego by
officers on suspicion of complicity in
various robberies.
April 10 Attempts suicide en route
to San Diego.
' April 11 Booked in southern city
as "Jimmie Wood."
April 12 to April 29 Investigation
of a national character instituted in
which the details of Watson's matri
monial ventures and the suspicion
that he was guilty of murder were
rought to light. Body of Mrs. Betty
Prior found.
April 29 Confessed the slaying of
four women to.1 District Attorney
April 30 Officers and county offi-
ials returned to Los Angeles after
fruitless search of the mountain
canyons an Imperial valley.
May 3 Taken to El Centro to di
rect search.
May 4 -Body of elain woman Is
May St Prisoner returned to Los
May 6 Indicted for first-degree
murder by the Los Angeles county
grand jury; pleads guilty.
May 7 Confesses slaying five other
May 10 Sentenced to life impris
Report of Suicide Recalled but Jio
Investigation Is Made.
SPOKANE, Wash., May 10. Police
here today said they had no record
of the finding of the body of a
woman in the Spokane river which
might be that of Eleanor Frazler,
whom Ben Holden, alias Watson, was
reported to have confessed at Los
Angeles today to having pushed into
the river here.
Chief of Police Evans of Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho, eaid over the long
distance telephone today that it had
been reported to him about two years
ago that a man whose name w
not learned had returned from Lake
Coeur d Alene with a story that a
woman companion had committed
suicide 6V jumping from a boat in
which they had been riding. No
official investigation was ever made.
it was declared.
Body of M. T. Xielsen Is Taken
From Lincoln Hotel Ashes.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 10. The
body of Martin T. Nielsen, 21, of Berk
eley, Cal., was found today by work
men engaged in razing the ruins of
the Lincoln hotel, destroyed by fire
on the morning of April 7. The find
ing f Nielsen s body brings the total
number of known dead as a result of
the fire to five.
A. J. Nielsen or San Francisco, a
brother of the dead man, Identified
the body with a bunch of keys.
signet ring and a railroad pass bear-
irtg the name Martin T-. Nielsen.
Nielsen was known to have left Port
land for Seattle on the night of April
6 and had not been heard from since.
R. At. II. green
stamps fr cash.
Main 353, 660-21
Holman Fuel Co.
Rheumatism's .Pains
Cannot Be Rubbed Away
The Disease Is Deep-seated and
Is Caused by Germs in the
Rheumatism is a sturdy foe, and it
never uses gentle methods with its
victims. If the disease was confined
to the surface there might be some
logic in expecting relief from ' its
clutches by rubbing with liniments
and lotions. But a disease that can
cause so much pain and suffering is
deep-seated, and has its source far
below the surface of the skin.
The only sensible treatment from
which you can expect results is a
'Pro:British Idiosyncrasies"
of Admiral Assailed.
Xavy's Record "Untouched" Is Re
ply 'to Charge of Department's
Delay Prolonging War.
WASHINGTON, Kay 10. Secretary
Daniels launched a vigorous counter
offensive against Rear-Admiral Sims
today when he appeared, before the
seriate investigating committee to an
swer charges made .. by the officer
against the navy department's con
duct of the war.
Sweeping criticism of Admiral Sims
occupied Mr. Daniels most of the day,
devoted to reading a carefully-prepared
statement. His attack came as
a preface to the Sims' charges of fail
ure and lack of co-operation and he
arraigned ' the admiral for "pro
British idiosyncrasies," violation, of
naval regulations and criticism of the
"self-sacrificing and successful ef
forts" of his fellow officers.
So far as he dealt today with Ad
miral Sims' charges that delay by
the department had prolonged the war
unnecessarily. Secretary Daniels de
clared the navy's war record stood
"untouched today and for all time
regardless of criticism."
' Charges Held Unfounded.
"As for the American navy's part
in, the great war," he said, "there are
no two opinions at home or abroad.'
"The most serious charges made by
Admiral Sims are without founda
tion and the others are unjustified.
Upon his assumption of what he calls
errors and a small foundation of facts
Admiral Sims has erected a towering
structure of exaggeration and mis
representation." The testimony of other officers, in
possession of first hand knowledge.
Secretary Daniels testified, "should be
accepted by all open-minded men as
an absolute refutation of virtually all
of Admiral Sims' charges." '
Sims, Secretary Daniels told the
committee,, did not measure up to ex
pectations in various ways, of which
he mentioned six, as follows:
"He lacked vision to see that a great
and new project to bar the submarines
from -their hunting grounds should be
promptly adopted and carried out, no
matter what the cost or how radical
'the departure from what ultra
prudent men regarded as impractic
able. British Views Held Accepted.
"He seemed to accept the views of
th British admiralty as superior to
anything that would come from
America, and urged those views even
when the navy department proposed
plans that proved more effective.
"In public speeches and other ways
he gave a maximum of credit to
British effort and minimized what his
country was doing.
"He coveted. Briiish decorations
And, seemed to place a higher value
on honors given abroad than on
honors that could be conferred by the
American government.
"He aspired to become a member
of the British admiralty and wrote
complalningly when ' the American
government declined to permit him
to accept such a tender by the king
of England.
'He claimed protection of merchant
shipping as the main operation ot
forces abroad, failing to appreciate
that the protection of transports car
rying troops to France was the para
mount naval duty until I felt im
pelled Jo cable him peremptorily that
such was our main mission."
Statements Called Reflections.
Secretary Daniels testified that had
he known that in October, 191S, Sims
had made statements reflecting upon
the contributions of the United States
army and navy to winning the war to
members of congress visiting abroad.
he never would have recommended
his promotion. 7
He had not then attacked the Irish
people," Secretary Daniels testified.
I thought then he had only defended
American sailors, a proper thing to
do 'Whan attacked unjustly by what
he termed a lawless element in Cork.
If I had known that he proposed
. . to tell the story of what the
navy 'had done overseas, to denounce
the Irish people as he did in his ar
tides in the World's Work, the per
mission would not nave been granted,
Navy Record Held Untouches.
Secretary Daniels said he had never
publicly or privately criticised Ad
miral Sims for lack of early vision.
Although the department had dis
approved of some of his recommenda
tions, said Secretary Daniels, "I mis
takenly Supposed . . . that he had
accepted and acquiesced, with more
or less grace, in the department's
. . . official actions, as a loval of
ficer accepts the decisions of his su
periors. . . ." The investigating
committee, secretary Daniels said
bad been wearied and the public
nauseated with "an abortive attempt
to rerret out tne mole hills of mis
takes and exaggerate them into
ine navy s recora in the war
stands untouched today and for all
time despite criticisms from within
and without, he said.
Cost lm Lives Contradicted.
Referring to the Sims charge that
delays of the navy department pro
longed the war four months and cost
500.000 lives, Mr. Daniels declared he
had talked with many British admir
als and not one would subscribe to the
Admiral Sims' statement that just
prior to sailing for London he received
the explicit admonition, "Don't let the
British pull the wool over your eves.
we would juntas soon fight them as
blood supply and kills the germs that
cause tne disease.
S. S. S. Is a wonderful bloorl rem
edy, and is the logical treatment for
nneumatlsm, because it promptly per
meates the entire bjood supply and
searches out and kills the disease
germs, xou can take S. S. S. with
tne assurance that you are not .expert
menung. tor this fine old remedy
has been in constant use for more
than fifty years, during which time
n nas oeen giving splendid results.
&o you owe it to yourself to tak
S S. S. without delay, and discard th
use of local treatments that can do
you no good.
Write our medical department fo
literature and full advice about you
own case. Address Chief Medical Ad.
viser, 168 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta,
tho Germans," received considerable
consideration from -the-secretary.
If the admiral considered the words
as an "explicit admonition," he vio
lated three sections of naval regula
tion In making them public, Mr. Dan
iels declared.
Admiral Sims' crlcicism that Ad
miral Benson, ex-chlef of naval aper
ations, was anti-British, was unlound-ed-and
unjust, the witness said.
Al Meadors and W. J. Jenkins
Iieave Penitentiary Wood Camp.
SALEM, Or., May 10. (Special.)
Al Meadors and W. J. Jenkins, who
had been employed at the peniten
tiary, wood camp for several months,
escaped from the bunkhouse there
late last night and - are thought to
be headed for. eastern Oregon, where
they are known to fc.3ve friends.
Meadors was first committed to the
penitentiary from Multnomah county
In 1914, following conviction on a
charge of robbery. He was paroled
in 1918.
Frank Wagner, an ex-convlct,
pleaded guilty to murdering a Chi
nese merchant In" Astoria recently
and exonerated Meadors, arrested
with him, from all blame. As a re
sult of this confession on the part
of Wagner, the officers revoked
Meadors' parole and he was returned
to the prison to serve out his unex
pired term. Wagner is now serving
a life term for the murder.
Penitentiary officials expressed
surprise at Meaders' escape, as he
only recently received intimation
from the parole board that his re
lease , was under consideration. Jen
kins was committed to the prison
from Union county last January.
Southern Oregon Association t
Convene at Roseburg.
ROSEBURO, Or., May 1. (Spe
ciaL) The 29th meeting of the South
ern Oregon Medical association will
be held at the Elks temple in this
city Tuesday. Dr. A. F. Sether of
this city is president of -the asso
ciation, while Dr. A. C. Seeleyvalso
of Roseburg, is acting secretary.
Dr. Sether will make the opening
address. Among other speakers will
be Dr. Frederick E. Deimer of Port
land, whose subject, . "Radiological
Interpretations," will be illustrated,
and Dr. George Houck of Roseburg.
The morning session will close with
a short talk by Dr. Pickel of Med
ford. Among other matters to be
considered at the meeting is that of a
new fee schedule.
Colorado to Harvest 8 61,000 Acres
of Winter Grain.
DENVER. Colo.. May 10. Only
about 861,000 acres of winter wheat
will be harvested in Colorado this
year, compared with 1,064,000 acres
ast year, according to estimates of
the Colorado co-operative crop re
porting service, announced today.
indications are that about 12 per
cent of the acreage planted last year,
or 117,000 acres, has been abandoned.
The acreage planted last fall was only
91 per cent of that planted the pre
ceding year.
The condition of winter wheat on
May 1 was estimated at 85 per cent
of normal, compared with 75 per cent
on April 1, and 100 per cent on May 1,
ast year.
I. - W. Hellman, Jr.. Successor to
Father, Dead ' After Long Ilness
Hellman, Jr., prominent San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles banker, died
here shortly before noon today after
a long illness. His father, Isaiah W
Hellman, banker of nation-wide rep
uation, died here recently.
At the time of his death Hellman
was president of the Wells-Fargo
Nevada National bank, succeeding his
father. He was elected to the post
while on his deathbed. He was also
vice-president of th Farmers' & Mer
chants' National bank of Los Angeles.
He was a member of the executive
committee of the national conference
of Jewish societies.
Want to Feel
a Take an NR Tonight
JUST TRY IT AND SEE new much better Ten fa! in the aternlitf. That "leur."
naaaaenv. una, ean i-uaw-wiiavs-uie-mauar
TROUBLE IS, your system is
clogged with a lot of impurities that your
t over-worked digestive and eliminative organs
can't get rid of. Pills, oil, salts, calomel and ordi
nary laxatives, cathartics and purges only force the
bowels and prod the liver.
Nature's Remedy (NR. Tablets) acts on
liver, bowels and even kidneys, not forcing, but ton
ing and strengthening these organs. The result is
prompt relief and real, lasting benefit. Make the test.
Nature's Remedy will act promptly, "thoroughly, yet
so mildly, so gently, that you will think
self has come to the rescue and is doing
And oh, what a relief!
You'll ba ursriseo' to
find kow siocb. belief you
leel 'brisbter,
If babitoallr ot stabboralr coa
slipated, tika ana NR. Tablet
acb Bigbt lor a week. Tbaa
you'll not bate ta take mediciae
every ety. Just aa eccaiii
KR Tablet alter that will
anfficieat to keep your trstei
ia coed cooaitioa bees
you. lecliac
and recommended, la your druggist
rmk arislIPmm.
I I b " J r J fc-a-
&S?&SS. Cet
Brunswick, Pathe,
Burnham and Stradivara
Talking Machines
Also several bargains ih Victor, Columbia and
Edison machines in large and small models.
Easy Terms
166 Tenth St., Near Morrison
Utah-Idaho Firm Said to Hold
Great Amount.
Bureau of Justice Takes Hand by
Issuing Complaint Charging
Company "With. Profiteering.
eral investigators have determined
that the Utah-Idaho Sugar company
with, headquarters here, by selling
sugar at 22.75 cents a pound whole-
Bale, to which price it was raised
May 1 from 13 cents, are realizing a
net profit of $14.15 a hundred-pound
sack. United States District Attorney
Isaac Blair Evans announced today,
A comDlaint charirinir the company
with profiteering was Issued Satur
day at the instance of Floyd T. JacK
son. chief of the local department of
justice bureau. Merrill L. lolbiey,
vice-presulent and assistant general
manager of the concern, was arrest
ed and released on $5000 bonds.
Mr. Jackson in his complaint al
leees that over 177.000 hundred
pound sacks of sugar are held by the
Hoover's Sussestion Is Declared
League Against Island.
WASHINGTON. May 10. Herbert
Hoover's suggestion that the United
States 6eek an agreement with the
allied nations that there be no inter
national bidding for Cuban sugar
would amount to "a league of nations
to work principally against Cuba.
Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, Cuban
minister to the United States, said
Asserting Mr. Hoover's proposal mat
sugar be rationed to manufacturers
was a domestic affair with whlcn ha
had no concern. Minister de Cespedes
"1 certainly feel I must protest In a
most friendly and Informal manner in
the name of the universal liberty ol
commerce, which was one of the great
thines the world war was tougnt ror,
against his proposal to reach by ne
gotiation an agreement witn a num
ber of powerful European govern
ments not to bid against eaxh other
for that specific commodity.-
"It would appear that Mr. Hoover
proposes in time of peace a war meas
ure against a friendly nation in fact
a league ot nations to wors princi
pally against Cuba, because, as the
result of the laws ot supply and ae
mand, she is justly and legitimately
getting now something around lsVti
cents per pound for the remnants of
her late sugar crop, to a great extent
still in the hands of the producers.
"It should not be forgotten that the
Cuban government and the Cuban
planters are on record as having twice
spontaneously offered to sell the pres
ent crop to the United States sugar
equalization board at 6.50 cents pe
pound, a price that later developments
have positively shown would have
been ruinous to her in the face of
daily sky-rocketing of the prices on
all the articles she is .obliged to buy,
principally from the United States,
to feed and clothe her pecl'le.
The effect of such an agreement,
the minister said, would be to dete
the efforts of Cuban planters to plan
every available acre to cane.
Five Robbers Loot Store Rooms o
Ex-Saloon Keeper.
KANSAS CITT, Mo., May 10. Five
robbers today held up the store room
of a former saloon keeper and drove
away with two truckloads of whisky
The liquor was valued at $20,000.
Just Right?
teaunf will aa gona voull teal fin a.
the stomach,
nature her
the work.
better every war.
j a a f a I I .-
iaa f
r S
. a V a la
Our Store Opens at 9 A. M.
Mail orders receire our
prompt and careful attention
the same day as received.
Few Wo tne it Ccitt A fford to Miss Th is Ph enoincixal Sale of 1000
Fashionable Corsets at $1.39
A Ridiculously Low Figure for High-Grade Corsets, as Every Woman
Well Knows and What Is of Equal Importance
All Sixes Are Here in Several of the Most Popular Styles
This low price quotation is made possible only because we were fortu
nate in purchasing a surplus stock of a well-known concern on a cash
basis and we turn this same big price concession over to you as a means,-
ftf winninff now cAro -f -r!n rl a -few nnln .nivof t-f ; n . 1 1 - . . V
show our appreciation to regular patrons.
Here Are the Offerings Let Them Speak for Themselves
Sport Elastic Top Models in Fancies and Brocades
Semi-Stout and Average Models in Heavy Coutils, Sterling
and Brocades
Light Boned Models for Growing Girls Styles With Very Low
Bust and Short Hips
Low Busted, Long Hip Models in Strong Coutils
Also, at the Same
R. & G.
All sizes 19 to 32 in the assortment,
restricted choice at only PAIR
At a Sensational Price Concession We Secured More Than
3000 Pairs ,of This Season's- Best Styles in
Ties, Pumps, Oxfords
Styles for. Particular Women Styles for All Occasions
This Great Sale Brings the'm to You at a Real Saving of Several Dollars
a Pair
, , ..
TSv Such Famous Makes As PC
jsL J. and T. Cousins,
ff S. Weil. K
Duttenhofer Sons, J
I Creighton-H alter, Etc. rzbz'
V y All Sizes All Widths fig J
USc Buy 2 or 3 Pairs J&fiiL
l5:5i "V JAME FASHION decrees' that Pumps, ts
Jsp Oxfords and jaunty Ribbon Ties wiH -S
la J be worn by women who "know" footwear Sb' I J
Ss. famous makes worth up to three times rT
fi the above price and shown in all fashion- ,
. able brack,' tan and brown leathers. They v
Ov. come with Goodyear welt turned and J
f McKay soles and with all style heels. J
sizes from IVi to 9, and widths from SP'' r,p
llbv 3k triple A to D not in each style, but all fSL lU.
ill J 5a re ound n many different styles. With- ."""" 1
i . out a doubt they are the most wonderful 735v
shoe values ever offered at $5.85. s'
eAl, '"pIITS is a special underprice purchase of V
more than 3000 pairs' of Seasonable
' Style footwear. Factory rejects at a I
i mere fraction of their real worth. Only a J
favored few merchants ever have the op-
I portunity to secure such purchases this
time we were favored and now our vtf
T. -bxV patrons are to profit accordingly. J f Jfm f
wonderful saving presented in this P5 iOJ""". I
assortment of new styles. Most women s J '
a will want to buy two or three pairs when l
they see for themselves what extraordi-
' nary values are offered at $5.S5. ! '
No Phone or C. O. D. Orders I
Taken at This Sale. N one Ex-
changed and No Refunds. V
iii ' !!!!
I. Now Opens Tf 3f. j
! at 9 A.M. ' sssmsau Saturdays
1 The Most in ValueThe Best in Quality 6 p- M l
, . )
"Th e Store That
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash"
Low Price We Will Close Out Several Broken Lines in
Merito and Empire Corsets
But not all sizes in each model.' You have un-
Our Store Closes 5:30 P. M.
Agents for the Butterick
Patterns and Delineator. All
styles and sizes now showing.
ubdued him. Watson told the oil;
j remedy that sues deep down into the